HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-01-12, Page 6THE 1-i*U-RON EXPOSITOR. .•e•- Tb.e Little POCketi Clonintry Girl. The first time I saw hee-and I never - her but twice--therti was nothing ble but a slat sun -bonnet and a pair red angular elbows keeping time to a nitinotonotia chant: onners ant liderthy served the Lewd, Maery and Maltby seraed the Lawd, ' Nue and Marthy merved the Lawd, And I kin serve Him tew." This was followed by 11 vigorous nib- bling, the slat sun -bonnet flapping and lite elbows flying on a home-made, idekety pine wash-lacard-forshe wee rhing, standing on &bench, and lean - over so far into the hot, steaming elaterthat there was dangerdi her losing tier balance mid drowning. The sound of ifteirubbing and splashing and her own Yoke had prevented her hearing my approach, and she jumped like a frightened partridge and looked at me with a frightened stare when I address - ea her. “Don't be alarmed, little one," I said, "1 hove only lost my way, and stopped to ask you where the hotel is." She ring the water out of her lean, rad hands, pushed back her sun -bonnet and stepped off the bench. "Dew you, live at the tevern ?" she &liked, putting her broWn head over on ene shoulder like a bird, and looking at me with bright, inquisitive eyes. "Yes! What a shame to let such a eliild as you wash; you ought to be playing with dolls," I remarked, indig- zanily. She looked at roe covertly from under the lashes of her soft, shy eyes as if wondering if I would do her a harm, (new her small form up proudly and pointed to the mountain. "Keep right oil up; thei's yoh place; ge wba the- road turns, and yawll site tke tavern." t3he buried her head in the, tub and resumed her chanting: " Marry and Marthy served the LawcL" When I was half wily up- the moun- tain side 1 turned and saw her standing bereheaded in the sun, looking after lite, but she was gone like- a squirrel when she Haw me watching her. The next time I saw her was when. I WAS looking for & partioular species of beetle -I am fond of bugs and worms - and, being caught in a storm, sought shelter in the first cabin, which was kers I She did not open the door until I had knocked and pounded a number eif times, • "An' it's yew," was her laconic greet- ing, ae she swung the old boards that served for a door and reluctantly admit- ted me. There was a fire on a stone hearth; there was a very old man asleep in a chair, and a great brindled cat, with green eyes, arched itself at his side. The room was a clean, bright, warm place, that was- more picturesque than any- thing I had seen in the dreary piece called the Pocketcountry, which lies between Kentucky and Virginia, and where fate had oast me for a few lonely weeks. I looked every moment for some woman to make her appearance; yet it would be hard to tell where she wtsuld come from, unless she had been the loft- above. There was s curtain bring across a small division of the eabm, but it concealed nothing. "Do you keep house here alone?" I asked. "With feyther and grartfeyther," said the ehild, " an -an -Keedeie. " "Oh, your brother ?" She nodded her answer; rest on the bench and dried myself in the firelight; the old man roused himself and looked warioxisly at me with red, ferret -like eyes, that had no lashes to their weak Me the little girl whispered to him aid' he went to sleep again. "How old are you. V 1 asked, when we had talked a little, and she was not sii'much afraid of me. "What do you think?" she asked, in her quaint way. I looked at her small childieh figure, and guessed, "101" She laughed a little and shook her small head. remarked the sharp curvad chin and ventured "15 ?" "Try agen." She threw back her sun -burned hair and koked full into mine with her brightfrestless eyes. ! "Seventeen ?"-for I caught the 'glitcHase of e woman's nature in their clear depths. "Yoh all out." She sighed as she spoke. "I believe you are 50," I -said sharply, there was such a change in each move - Anent of the little woman. 't "Time i0," she replied in her child- ish voice. I think if she had said 1001 would mot have been surprised, she was so weirdly quaint and old. As we were slitting silent, she watching every motion I made, there was a greet clattering at the door, and she flew, with that swift motion of hers, to open it. There was aloud, angry voice, which she at onoe answered in her soft tones, and then a MASA stumbled into the room, and with- out notieing me threw hirneelf on the low little bed and snored instantly -an ugly, unkempt drunken man, shabbily garbed and forbidding -looking. "Ittefeyther," she sighed,11018tooken son, it's the mountin agoo he's got, an' it takes holt rite sharp, so's he cannot do a stroke of work. Poh feyther." "And the old man?" I queried, poiet- ing to the slumbering figure in the sheik, "Gran'feyther. He's a qomfort toh IISS mostly; he hasn't the ago yoh see." "Da you take care of 01080'J -these dreadful people I had nearly said, but eheckedmyself-"your father and grand- father."' "Yes, an' Kedsiei I Wait till yoh see Xedsie I" The first happy look I had. seen came into her eyes. She was -listening-a step was at the door, which. openedeind a young, fresh -looking man came softly in. He was rather neatly dressed, but tate look at his long, smooth chin and open inouth told the stoey-he was witless. But the girl's face heightened into a emu smile; she reached ou tiptoe to kiaa the pale, flabby cheek of her broth- er, and she opened the folded fingers of one nerveless hand to see what he had there -it was a little field mouse, the life crushed out by the tension of the long fiugers that had imprisoned it. "Yoh killed it, Kedsie," said the girl, sadly. "Look yeah how its eyes wimple; ante tortilla in 'ern." The foolish by laughed; then he drew &-pretty green lizard from his pocket and held it with his thumb and finger, its long, narrow green head rine &elating like a snake ; he made a mind 1 that resembled the chattering (4 a monkey, and it was evident that he knew no power of speech. "It's wuth money," said the girl, look- ing at it oritioelly. "You can clieker fob it it the tavern." , The sun mune out and I rose to go; the est followed me to the door; the old gran'feyther rose feebly and tottered out to look at the weather: the drunken man snored; the little child -woman leaned against her foolish brother in the doorway, and patted one soft leaden hand which she:, held in hers; I was never one to say-, a graceful or petty thing when I sheuld, and I blurtedi out abruptly to the girl: ' "Do you help them all ?" , She drew herself up on tiptoe ' and looked up lovingly into the foolish, im- becile face. "Na." she said in a loving voice, "tha help me l" 1 ' I didthe next worst thing 1 opuld have done -took ont &silver half -dollar; fortunately I saw that the little menu- tain waeherwoman was- a prineelis in disguise, and I asked humbly: ' "May I buy the hzard ?" I took the reptile home with mp in a piece of broken °up ; I have the ibit of delf yet to remind me of the little r un- selfish tieing whose history, knowt in all the Pocket country, is the saddest I ever heard. The last I ever saw of her she stood in the rough doorway, regard- ing with a look of rapt devotion, her imbecile brother, while the old ' man leaned on his hickory staff beside her, and the oat purred trustingly at her feet, and in the room back of her a hnrror as of death awaited her. So small, so trusting, unconscious of any labor of love to commend her to the notice of angels, I saw her as in a dream, that small stature growing to heavenly heights - "A daughter of the gods, divinely tall Ana most divinely fair." —Detroit Free Frees. • Quack Doctoring of Farm Stock, A correspondent of the Ohio Farmer very truly observes: "Half the people -in tide world con- sider therciselvee fully capable of n•e- scribing for every ill that the flesh of beast is_ heir to; and just in proportion to the littleness of their knowledge of other subjects their own estimation of their abilities as 'boss and cove doctors' rises. Men who have no more idea of what anatomy is than a mule has of revealed religion, and who would imag- ine physiology some new -fangled remedy for 'hoes colic', see certain that by sur- veying a sick animal with one eye clos- ed they can locate Re disease without a single failure. i "These people kill inore anitnids than they cure. It is simply awful to serious- ly considered some of the doses they force down the throats of helpless brutes. If the patient were perfectly beelthy to start with, in half the oases the treat- ment would cause death in twenty-four hours. It is a wonder that people will allow such disgesting medicines to be administered. They assuredly 'can not fail to perceive that such con rations must work more therm thaI good. When a domestic animal takps Sick they seem to bid adieu to sense ,-and intelligence, and place their wheie trust in some quack -the more ignorant the better. They do not know anything about the brute economy, have no idea what organs are affected or how they are affected, nor have they the remotest inkling of the proper remedy. Half are .willing and honeet enough to admit - their ignorance, but the other half hide their ignorance by the assumptiou of superior and transcendent wisdom. The first half, instead of availing themselves of the services of some good veterieary surgeon, call on the se ond half to pre- scribe for their animal . The. (gamic - tions administered are ppalling. Strong sirup of tobacco, lye byl the quart, car- bolic acid, turpentine b the pint, etc., are given to horses for tho colic. Their bellies are rubbed with a chestnut rail ; a peck of salt is placedn the animal's f rump and dissolved w'th l cold water. The animal.is trotted back and forth over a twenty -acre field While it lies on its side its belly is kneaded with a number ten boot. If it dies, as it is very apt to do, the doctor is not to blame, for colic is hard to cure. f it gets well the doctor gets great credit, for he has ef- fected a wonderful care. The &retie administered for colic in horses are equalled or exceeded br the mixtures given for other disea es or to other beasts. All manner of, nimals are bled and blistered and expo ed to number- less barbarities. "There is very little excuse for this, because in almost ever case ree compe- tent doctor of voterinay medicine can be had. If the intellig nt treatmeet of sick brutes were an int ossibility, turn- ing them over to the tender mercies of ignorant quacks could be winked at. But in this age of intelligence, when veterinary medicine is a well developed science, and practised by men who re- flect honor upon their calling, people who will persist in employing egotistical asses to prescribe for beutes deserve to sustain those frequent losses of animals that follow such treatrtient, and in ad- dition public censure for their parsi- Monions cruelty. 5 "This often prooeede from unmitigat- ed stinginess. The well qualified doc- tor would probably charge something for his services, and raOier than pay it some mortals will cause their brutes to suffer untold misery and run the risk of their dying. But oftener, I think, it arises from unfounded doubts of the value and efficacy of the science of veterinary medicine. They do not be- lieve that professional 'horse doctors" really know anything; they believe they are quacks and hn bugs. To tell people that they are mitaken will not convince them. The trouble is, that in this as in religion th9y must test it themselves. They an not know whether or not there s anything in veterinary practice till they have em- ployed a competent ph sician. If they would do so they wo ld probably be convinced that such mei are not profes- sional humbugs." • Latest News Notes. Mr. J. G. Moylan Inspector of Penitentiaries, goes to 4ingston shortly to superintend the elder -gement of the cells in the Kingston i cells are to be enlarged present size. -Mrs. John Dign township, second cone Wednesday of _diphthe fifth death in the f SAMS camas since No that date a child of stitution. 1Tho to double their n, of London ssion, died on is, making the mily from the ember 27. On two years December 8th . another okild died agsd seven, Deoember Nth two children died aged three and ,thirteen. The father is now in the City Hespitid reef:treeing' from the same disease, but too ill to attend the funeral of his late wife. -Rey.' • A. Matthews, Presbyterian minister, of Trenton, who was lately compelled to resign his charge owing te increased mental weakness, on Tuesday disappeared. He bad become violently insane and attempted to put his wife's eyes out with a red hot poker. -David Niool, Cataraqui, is prepar- ing an assortment of farm implement' and tools for the Chinese Mining and Engineering Company of Kat Pung, by whom Mr. Arthur Nicol is employed. The goods will be sent via England. Arthur Nicol is at Kai Pung, a section of the country hitherto unentered by foreigners. - About 3 p. m. on Wednesday a fire broke out in the gas works at Listowel, owned by W. 0: and J. C. Hay, totally destroying them. The fire caught from a light in the works and an escape of gas from the purifier. Loss about $6,000 ; insured in the Quebec for $2,500. -His Eminency the Governor- General and her Royal Highness the Princess Louise will probably leave Santa Barbara towards the end of this week and travel slowle eastward. His Excelleney will arrive in Ottawa about the end of the month in order to open Parliament. The movements of her Royal Higheess are not yet decided upon. - A petition was presented praying for the commutation of the death sen- tence passed on O'Rourke for the murder of the Mahers in the county of Haltombut the government has declined to interfere with the course of justice, and the condemned man will be hanged on Friday. -The Northern Light is continuing to make rapid passages between Pictou, Nova Scotia and Georgetown, the time occupied between the two ports being generally about four hours. On the 29 th December she encountered a belt of ice about two miles wide, but her voyage Was not delayed. SLe is carry- ing a considerable quantity of freight. -For the benefit of those whom this information may concern, wit would call the attention of trustees of Rurae Scheele to the requirements of the school law, that they shall before the 15th day of January in each yeargive notice in writing to the clerk a ths township in which their richool ie situated, of the names and post offic addresses of the several trustees then in office, and the teachers then employed by them. --Great men have friends sod •ad- mirers the world -over. An old French: man went into the office of the Toronto World on Monday, having noticed in the windowthe announcement that Gambetta had breathed his last, The veteran was far advanced in years, and wore a black cloak of antiquated make. "Poor Gambetta," he sobbed, "I'm so sorry to hear he's dead. I've heard him speak many and many etime. Ile was a greatenan," The old man stood in contemplation and wept, the tears moistening his face. HOTEL CARDS. OPd3a. TECUMSEH HOUSE, Brusitele.-Having par - 'L chased this property, (lately occupied by Mr. John Campbelln I have refitted the house in every respect. The bar is well stocked, and an attentive hostler at the stable. F. FREY, Pro- prietor. Brussels, Dec. 5, 1882. 784:24 DENNIE HOUSE, (Lute Foster's Hotel.) • SEAFORTHI ONT., DENNIE BROS., 1PROPRIETORS. QINGE assuming the management of this Howe ws have completely renovated and refurnish- ed it throughout with neW furniture in tbe best style, which enables uo to give first-class accom- modation to the public. The best brends of , Liquors and Cigars at till Bar. An attentive Hostler always in ateen ance at the Stables. Particular attention given to the farming com- munity. arCharges moderate. CHRISTMAS -AND-- NEW YEAR'S GOODS. C.A..1_11.J _A= Weir's Novelty Store, OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL. The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Toys in town: Also Christmas Cards, Bibles and Albums. Novelties in China Goods, Vases, Toilet Sets, Dolls, china Cups and Mugs. Fine Purses and Wallets, Fancy Boxes, Satchels and Willow Baskets, Berlin Wools and Fine Yarns, Wool Canvasses, Motto Frames, Violins, Concertinas, Mouth Organs, Pipes, Combs and Brushes, Mirrors, Fine and Cheap Note Papers, •etc., School Supplies, Ladies' Jet Jewelry. We can and will sell cheap. ; MISS SHANNON, _MANAGER. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Paid up Capital, - $6,000,000. Best, 1,400,000. • President, Hon. Wm. McMaster, SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest a allowed on the most favorable terms. 1 Drafts on all the principal towns sod cities in Canada, on Great Britaba, and on tne United States, beught and sold. Ofilite-First door South of the Cemmercdal Hotel. 869 A. H. IRELAND, Manager, LEGAL. 1I0 0. gm, Boilibar, du. Private money la Oicamor"14213.86naraillimiaudiall"WoateliSkrookillik.".Godoriolt61111"1-. 774 aABROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid. tors, &o., Goderich, Outario.-,J. T. Garro. Wm . Prondfoot. 688 CAXERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Goderloh, Ont. M. 0 . Cameron, Q C., Philip Bolt, M, G. Cam- eron. 808 TT • W.O. MEYER, Barrister and Attorney at 1-4'• Law, Solicitor in Chancery. Oommiesioner for taking affidavits in the Province of Manitoba. Solioitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham. Private funds to loan at 64 to 61 per coat. 688 MANNING & SCOTT, Barristera, Solicitors, J-ve6- Conveyancers, &o. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Offioe, Beaver Blook, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. Marwiteo, JA3(38 Boon. 781 MEYER & DICKINSON, Barristers, ite., Kent's 3J-2- Block, Winghani Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Commissioners for taking affida- vits in Manitoba. Private funds to loan at 6 per cent. Lucknow.office every Wednesday. H. W. C. hiSYSa. E. L. DIORINIION. 738 LOFTUS E. DANCEY, T ATE with-Cameroa, Holt 4 Cameron, Goderich, -ad Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &o. Money to loan, Reflected; Old Oftioe; Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 NTOTICE of Diseolution of Partnership. -.-The -all Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned hap this day been dissolved by mu- tual consent. The business 42 the late firm will be oarried on by MIL Homasseao, to whom all debts one to the firm will he payab'e, and who will pay and discharge all debts due and owing by the firm. Dated at Seaforth, the 21st day of De- cember, 1882, 8. G. MoCAUGHEY ; F. HOLME- KED. Witness, ANDREW CALDER. F. HOLI1RESTED, reAtRRISTER, &e. Law Office -Scott's Block, -"I Main Street, Seaforth. B.G. MCCAUGHEY, QGLICITOR, &o. Law. Office -Scott's Block, 'al Main Street, Seaforth. 785 SUFFOLK PIG. -The undersigned will keep for service on the east half of lot 27, conces- sion 10, McKillop, a Thoroughbred Suffolk Boar, from imported stook on both sides. Terms. -$1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. ROBERT TORRANCE. 78f3x4 10aERKSHIRE BOAR. -The tindereigned has -d' still his well-known Thoroughbred Berkshire wbioh he will keep for service during the present Beeson on lot 7, concession 8, Tucker - smith. This pig was purehesed from the Moment. Snell, of Edmonton; is from imported stock on both sides, and has proved himeelf one of the best stack producers in Ontario. W. S. MUNDELL. 788 BERKSHIRE BOAR. -The undersigned will keep during the present season, on lot 31, couces don 9, Mellillop, a mile and a quarter west of Winthrop, a THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR. Terms, -1-$1, payable at tie° time of ser- vice with the priyllege of rettinaing if necessary. PETER DODDS; 788x12 A SUFFOLK pIG.-The undersigned will keep -a"' during the present season, at his place in Hill's Green., a Thoroughbred Suffolk Boar. Ho is friern 'the celabrated herd of Mr. Leslie, of Toronto. and is a splendid animal. -TERMS-$1 per sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. CHARLES TROYER. 781 TeaERKSIIIRE PIG. -The undersigned will keep Ja' for the improvement of stock this seaeon, on Lot 29, Concession 8, Hibbert, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Pig. Tinues.-$1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. WM. EBERHARDT. 781 TO PIG BREEDERS -The undersigned will i -I- keep luring he season at his hotel, Kippen Road, Tuckersm th, five miles south of Seaforth, a Thoroughbre Berkshire Boar. TER1(8.--$1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. W.M. KYLE. 781x12 -peERKSHIRES THE BREED. -The under- ' signed will keep during the present season on Lot 25, Concession 5, McKillop, a Thorough- bred Berkshiie Pig. TERMS. -$1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. WM. HABK1RK. 781 TWO thoroughbred Berkshire boars for service at Rodgerville as usnal. Terms ---One dol- lar, at the time of service, with the privilegb of . returning if necessary. An easy appliance for loading end unloading sows. JOHN P. MAR- SHALL, Rodgerville. 781 A NOTHER GOOD PIG. -The undersigned will 4--"' keep during the present season at his F otel In Brueefield, a thoroughbred Berkrhire Boar. This animal was purohased from the celebrated breeders Messrs, J. G. Snell & Bros., of Edmon- ton, midis one of the beet pigs ever brought into the county. His sire, "Royal Carlysle," as well as tne sire of hie dam "Sir Dorchester Cardiff," and his grand sire, "Lord Liverpool," were first pike winners at the Royal Shows in England, also at the Provincial Fairs in Canada. TERMS. - 81 per sow, payable at the time of eei vice'with the privilege of returning if necessary. R. J. TURNER, Brumfield. 779 London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTE- Express. Mail. A. M. P.M. . London, depert.. ...... ...... 7 20 4 00 Exeter 8 86 5 16 Hensall 8 50 5 80 Iiippen 0- 8 55 6 35 Bracefield 9-05 6 45 Clinton 9 80 6 I() Blyth 10 00 6 39 Wingham, arrive .10 35 7 10 GOING BOOTH- Mail. Express. ,. A. M. P.M. Wingham, depart " 10 2 40 Blyth 745 3i3 Clinton 820 850 Brucefield. , • 885 405 Klippen 846 413 Heesall 8 50 4 18 Exeter 9-05 4 30. , London, arrive 10 10 5 35 Grand Trunk Railway& Trairs leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: Gone° WEST- Eize.ronaa. Express ..e2:27 P. M. Express 8-42 P. M. Mixed Train......8;25 A. M. Mixed Train. ..... .5:40 P. M. GOING EAST-- SEAFORTH. Express ..........6:254 M. Exprees Train.....1:28 P. M. Mixed Train......4:85 P. M. Mixed Train... .10:30 A. M. CLINTON.. 2:95 I', M. 9:00 P. M. 9:3s A. M. 6:15 P. M, CLINTON. :6:10 A. M. 1:05 P. M. 8:50 P. M. 9.354. M. Toronto, Grey and Bruce. GOING EAST- Teegvrater Wroxeter Gorrie Fordwich • 5 57 Harriston 6 16 Orangeville 8 08 Toronto .10 85 A. M. 5 15 5 42 5 47 Clonto WEST - P. M. 3 10 8 44 3 60 4 02 4 25 6 60 9 25 A. M. P.M. Toronto 7 85 4 85 Orangeville - 10 10 7 20 Harrieton 12 55 9 15 Fordwich. , ;,., 1 22 9 33 Gorlie 1 34 9 43 Wroxeter , 1 41 9 48 Teeswater 2 26 10 15 R. Ti. 13RETT„ BEAPORTH, Wholesale and RetailDeoler in LEATHER sad SHOE FINDINGS of Every Desceiption. None but the Very Beat Stock kept. Toren modarate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by ma or otherwhre promptlyfIlled‘ , N. BRETT — I DUNCAN & .DUNCAN. Don't forget that at our Grocery Department WE ARE SELLING CHEAP (QUALITY CONSIDERED} TEA, SUGARS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS. In Sct all goods in department are Hold at the very smallest advance on cost. The Highest CASH Price paid in trade for any quantity of A 1 butter in rolls from one t�three pounds each. UNOAN & DUNCAN, Seaforth. CHEAP GROCERIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS T M. IViORRISON'S, SEAFORTH. New Ca ants, Valenti& Raisins, London Layers, Sultanna Raisin, Seedless Raisins, Ora go, Citron s.nd Lemoh Peek cheap. Extra value,in Teas, Sugars, Coffees and obaccos. A large stock of Canned Goods, consisting of Peaches, Tomatoes, C rn, Salmon, Lobsters, Mackerel, itc., at reduced prices. Spices, Extract, Sa Ceti, Pickles and Syrup cheap. In the CROCKERY and GLASS- WARE DE ARTMENT I have on hand a large stock, and I am offering special induchments for the Christmas and New Year's trade: Glass Sets, Fancy Jugs and Pitqhers Motto Cutts and Saucers, Motto Mugs, Colored Tea Sets, White Stone Sets, aid China Tea Sets in great variety, at rock bottom prices,. Lamps and LaMp Gods of all kinds. In the FLOUR and FEED DEPARTMENT I have constan ly on hand the best Family Flour, Shorts, Bran, &c., at mill prima. Cornmeal, Latmeal, Pot Barley, Buckwheat Flour, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &o. Farm Produ e taken in exchange for goods. Don't forget the place, opposite Market Street, east side Main Street, Seaforth. M. MORRISON. JAMES DREWE, -DEALER IN - IRON, STEEL AND CARRIAGE ARD1WARE. HUBS, SPOKES AND BENT STUFF. LUMB R AND WOOD YARD. NEW GOODS AT CLOSE PRICES. Cress -Cut Saws, all the best makes. Axes -Warranted Axes our specialty. CovnChains-very low prices. Guns -Scores of every make and description to choose from. American Coal Oil and Canadian Coal Oil, Stoves, New Improved Tubular Lanterns, A No. 1 Reilroad Lanterns At the "Padlock," Brussels. J. MCLOUGHLIN 15 NOW SHOWING A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, WOOLS, YARNS, &C. The Millinery Department will be open on and after SATURDAY NEXT, with all the novelties of the season. GROCERIES FRESH, GOOD AND CHEAP. A cordial invitation extended to all to come and zee. Close prime for Cash, Butter and Eggs. J. McLOUGHLIN, Whitney's Block, Seaforth. REMOVAL. Seaforth Musical Instrument Emporium. SCOTT BROTHERS Beg to announce that they have removed to more commodious premises, one door north of the Post Office, where they will be found with a large and well - selected stock of DUNHAM PIANOS, which are so well known and higbly Spoken of by all musicians. EXCELSIOR ORGANS. -These Organs have re- ceived th 'e highest rewards wherever shown, and have also received a diploma at tie Industrial Fair just closed at Toronto. We also keep in stock other Pianos Organs, and all kinds of small instrtiments, sh4et musio and instruction l$obks. Agents wanted. SCOTT BROTHERS; Seaforth. JANTJASY 12,iftt THE liEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AMY, A.LONZO STEONG IS AGENT for nevem] First -Class Stool, Its and Life Insurance Companies, and is pram, d to take risks on the most favorable toms. Mito Agent for several of the best Lora cloth's. Also Agent for the Sale and Purchase 01 and Village Property. • Number of First-Clast improved Fafrms for Sale. 50,000 to Loan at Six per cesi nearest. A ent for the sale of Ocean. Steamship Memo: OFFICE - Over M. Morrison's Store,Ifina reet, Beaforth. sa MONEY TO LOAN. HE Corporation of Morris will loan 16,00,t farm property, first mortgage, at 7 per seat. terest, payable annually. Borrowers to ler e pens s. Fur fu.ther particulars apply sa ORGE FORSTI'll, Reeve, Brussels P. 0. 7ag LEX. STEWART,' ACCOUNTANT. RADESMEN'S ard alechereics' Books enlitea up and adjusted. Accountmade ,out 6A oderate terms. Apply at THE EXPOSITOI Oace. 7E4 IMPORTANT NOTICES. OTEL IN SEAFORTH F 1 SALE. -That well-known botel in Seaforth, Bowden's oto, will be sold on reasonable terms. The b.tel is commodions and well fitted upend/41120w d ging a large and profitable bu-iness There is s .dendid stablieg in connection. Satiate/too ✓ asons given for selling. Apply on the ptemitlee o to Seaforth P. 0. ZORN BO WDEN, Pro- .,.. t o b p S _ WTI . OLT FOR SALE. -For sale, a srlentlid entire colt, &red by 4.01d Clear Grit," and corning o. He is peefecilv sound end Is one of the beet the many value: le anitrale lett by this We- ated she. Apply to Constance P0, or te the prietor on the Town tine between Hullettand cleillop, where the colt can be seen. Zan* THERLAND. 78714tf IRST PRIZE LEICESTER RAM. -The us 1 dersigni d is prepared to take in a limited Member of e"es for 8, rvice Charge, SI per ewe. S NIVEL SMILLIE, Lot 11, Conoession 2, relt.S., T ckersmith. 777 i C n - a of Any to MoTAVISH, NSURANCE BUSINEqE4 -For sale, the ix- terest and good good will of a well established nveyancing, Real Estate and insurance buei- as in the County of Huron. For particulass dims box 3, EXPOSITOR IMO()) Seaforth. 778 -.— STRAY HEIFER -Strayed from the prernisei of the nnder-igned, Mill Road, Tuokerinnith, out the 1st of cct ben a two yes.r old red heiler small size, a bole is punched in the left ear. person giving such informatioa as will lead her recovery will be suitably rewarded,. ?writs Brtoafield. 785-4 CAU of townshtp self, m payments and re TION. -The ;allelic are hereby cautioned against paying ay money due to the eateie the late John al eDonald in his life -time, of the of I:libber:, to any person except my- as no t the person is authorized to collect nies dna the *aid estate, aud receipts kiven for by other parties will not be recognized will be valueless. 0 laRISTINA McDONALD, eot of the lete John McDonald. 786-4 _ ME D I CAL . UT 7 dence, A 0.8. MACE. ,NALD, M.D., C. M., Physielan. • Surgeon, Aecouchenr, &c. Office ant resi. that lately occupied by Dr. Hutchison barn. 761' d eat G, SCOTT, M. D. &c, Physichin,Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office andresi- nee south aide of Goderich Streetesecoad door of Presbyterian Church. 842' . - Tir 0 • L. VERCOE, M. D., O. M.. Physician, Bar- ' * goon' etc ,Coronei for the County of Huron. a oe andResidence, on Jarvis street north, ectly opposite SeaforthPublie School. 1 A North e It M. HANOVER, Id. D, C. M.. Gradnate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and ootichenr, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Remittance, side Goderich Street, first _Brick House at of the Methodiet Church. 496 - ts G WM. GUNN, BRUCEF1ELD, B., Toronto University; M. D. C.• M., Tic- • toria University; M. R. C. P. and S., Ou- io ; L. R. C. P, a den ; L. 11.0. So Eden: actuate of Soho Hospital, London, England, for eases of women. 774 GRADITATE la Bi f; b - -- - M. 3E3TIGGI-Ii\T". , URGEON DENTIST. of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Canada. Office in the rooms ely occupied by H. Derbyshire, Whitney's k. 411 operations carefully performed and satis- tion guaranteed. Charges Moderate. 1 . 8. ---Teeth extrateard withoutoain the UM. .111E deneee.,- . ;!ierre„,t.".1 6: t g • cl. • TT DERBYSHIRE, Dentist, has 1-• purchased the business of Mr McCulloch, and removed to Switzer's Block, Mitchell, where will always be found teeth extracted with use -of c loroform, ether and nitrous oxide . Gold fillings a specialty. Partiee from a ance will be allowed their train expenses, 732 :)1\,TTYIS'I'R.;Y- ______ .WATEON DENTinar Feculty Gold Medalist and College Gold Medalist R. C. D. S. Tlegento many years' experience he is able te make all operations in Dentistry suitable and lasting. Preserving teeth a Specialty. Chloroform, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas given. tar Charges Moderate. 9U1 Office in Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. _ 4. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., STRATFORD, WILL be at his office. cannra B LO CK, S A FO oppo- site the Commercial Hotel, en WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of each week. Nitrate Oxide Gas ministered in the extraction of teeth. This gas h been administered by Dr. Cartwrrght eine° 1: ; with -perfect suceeas, he having been one of 1 tie first to introd-uce it into this province. Pa- ti :uta having teeth extrdcted may inhale the gas a d have eight or ten teeth extracted_ in a min - u or a minute and a. half, without disagreeable ectsfrorn it. Parties desiring new teeth pleas* c: 1 on Wednesdays. Pal ticular attention paid he regulation of children's teeth. Teeth la- se from one to a full set 730-52 HIS new Com ?say, formed for -thew:aped. of Jove etiog Freech Capital in Canada, is now steeled to advance money on the most favorable me on good landed securities. Al P. HATES, ent for County nf Huron, Seaforth. 696 S. CAMPPELL,Provinoial Land Surveyed, • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mailpronned y ttended to. D. B. CAMPBELL, Itchfl etee - The ancient lard has. rent 42„000 to lir. relieving the dig-6ms —gohn Wesley, adhlemett "What is h "say lord, humility, a matits thinking the self." -A well -cooked b eaore towards preservi family than seven mot even though they may a08.-"elaitiraaten&ofgilt Anphoto the lheads of two weal an the bodies of two b sold them, has been alt—Inagnes. Lmbering is to ed on Lake Winnipeg firm will cut -60,000 ileroge °ntlenL Tr onLakee al million feet of lumber the lake next season. --Thirteen years ag died and left valnab Kingston, which was coeds divided among ehildren. One sou W believed to be dead, b attempt is made to di a claimant writes f forbids proceeding'. family denounces the _impostor, and an hat Tichborne is likely to —Old Mayor Ansel founder of the great fearel on account 0 One day some high from Berlin called n he was busy indit letter. The banker r tor to have a 1:0.011Ien —"pray take a chili minutes, the official, got up from his seat you eeem not to be Freiherr Von N. pri-s Majesty." "Ah. I another chair," repli went on with his w finishedthe letter. —Count for his parsimony wealth. Among ot Wise administration, lights to be put onA o'clock, and hill:weir out of this curfew d evening he thought gleam cf light raider the servants' room. this room in a state' and. found one of th by the light of a can seene RS you may gu servant contrived to be had bought the money, when the m tone and -said 4'0h Then perhaps you'd let me Bit and rea —A woman's pow measured by her po ever she rimy wish will best manage woman's grand soc please. And let m done. A woman ea be appearance, he het' figure. She C8 - studying the art of not hard-: to any of. speak with finer at She can please the her own—so far, at a good I istener,and will. She can pl ladies' wit, of whicl that* She CaII pi amiability. Beau one feature of true -eA visit to Pape an extraordinary e side, and extendi33 dimly -lighted, ate room, are low Vett smokers recline, th by -smell wooden are in groups of fr In the centre of ea containing a pipes. One of the number prepares the pipe, smokedby the oth in these groups ar respectable con hardened women, men, actors and carousers and Chi ef the room Ps.pe wizened Chinama fallrweighe ands :shells the 25 and opium as it is call The fumes from t with a thick, blai hides the scene of cation and debits Evening Post. EPPS' Gr thoro,steful iighknolid ei which govern th tionplieAriel niu, ft rt ihtei A?. i selected -cocoa, M our breakfast tab flavored beverage many heavy doe judiciouti nee of s a constitution up until strong e tendency to dise tie resladice ready to a is a weak pot many a fatal sha well fortified w properly Ueuris viee 'Gazette. ing water or packets and tins labelled-44.Tame. pathic Chemiste makers of Epps afternoonlust_7 TJac Elemaeia n An derived fr the grand natur _and the mote When the oircu rishd itt consee and imperfect a which should function flag% fble and &so, becomes impur velopment of i its contamin cLrt asNze esrions hi evils is Northr Disoovery an eradicates imp fertilizes it by assimilation.