HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-01-12, Page 4� �, ­ .- . ; 11, , ­�, — , — ­ , � ." ­ � ­­ , - , � , , I � —­--­---­­-----­ :�--=-------- - ­3-97T—­'�-,�,;- -2 i 1'�­.Iy I 1.1;5------ - -Z � I ­ . � , , � . . . WPF i -1 � . - � I I ,f -w— : . -,-------.- -0 � ; I - - � � - - - ! I � I I 2 - . --- . i r - .� i . I . . : . ­ . - I - . . . - � � . � 1. -- � v-. - . -�� �00"- I'll- - � I—— -­ -� -=08019" - I , , , -- - I - , ­ I - I ,- � ; -�:J- -. - -. . . � -.:&t.'. 3 , . - —1-73RIN 1 Wftwr— 7 - . . I I . . . f. - -- -- ­­ -­ I - - : i � . L - . - -7 . - . . 1. I I . ! � I 11 . t � I I i � � ; . I . : . I I . i . , �. I r I I . I I - I . - I . . I � i � . � -, NEW ADVERTISEMIONTS. that thero,can be no dif loulty in as - i . . . sembling ,� large and intle ifigout convon . i . . � IWThe Agwe betwoen the parentlikegis aftm � each line, denotes the page of the paper on which tiola of either party. Neither can the,n I I ! $haizadvartimementwillbefound. �- be any doubt in reasonable minas; o . . I . � I An Interesting Event—T. Kidd. (5) the expediency And propriety of holdinj � . I I Medical Hall—C. Duncan. (5) such mee . tin . go. To belittl � e them isr, V I � War'Dealared—A. G. Ault. (5) ' I .�,61 � Clearing We—Dundan & Duncan. (5) fact to belittle be country whose w -- Cha-Incery Sale of 9, Valuable Farm. (5) fare we should all have at heart. . I Orand'Carnival. (5) - These sentiments will be hoikrtil I y �eic � � 1 i I Is— ­ In. Rob4tson & Co. (1) � , PAW dorsedby every right 'thinking xnax 11 scountgale—E.McFaul, (1) . , IN I I . Oubt but "uy partiza . 'Watches . R. Coun ter. (5) ' There is n 3- d I .. I I .1 1 �chool Books—C. W. Pap8C. (5) journals on both sides of politics, go ' - . !Agents Wanted—Wm. Campbell. (�) great deal to . o far in abusing politict ��� �- Somethina New—H. Bloom. (6) � ' 1, I Tenders Wauted . G. Sprost, (5) - � opponents. While it is -.impossible the � — ' . . � I Farm for Sale --Alex. Ross. (5) all can think alike, it is equally prop( � - � � t Notice—C. F. Wagner & Co. (6) i � that -the' opinions and utterances, ( I t � . I Notice—P. Adamson. (5) % � public men, should be criticiBed . an � $affock Pig—Ggo. P I - 1:` i � Buff olk Boar—Alex.lCreason(5)(5) controverted, but tYs can 'and, sh6u) - 7 -- 11. -oople's Restaurant --,-H. Deagon. (8) be done i a a manner tb a �t will not I i� '�' I P . � I.., - 4 - . I - .--' Because 1� - . � -�� personally offensive to a4y I I . I t -4 - � it � I I I . from " on the pubb - I 'i I - LAW * public man differs ; - I I ;i, . I . I ��X T " -. . 11 ;.' - a QrX P J0 0 1 f 0 r* questions of the day, tba:t is -no reaso - 1, ! itria , I 11�1�4 � � �, .. � i- z . * . . 1.1's, I 'whywe should stigma6ze'hina as � i�'­ ' �- ­ . . ­ - � i ------ - 4-'' rogue, a dri,inkard or a loafer, when % d I . 1. ,-i- ; I � ­ - 4 L �:: SEAFORTH *FRIDAY, Jan. 12,1883 know pe ectly well that the reverse i I ­ 11 - � � . ? � I -but j ast,however, to sa I ­- the case.� It is � � �' L - . � .. — � ­� L ' j- . 1. .- - 7 & ; Retorm Convention. that the attack made by the Mail upo I , - I �1� I * leform, Conventioi I I - I -­ - - 11 � , -1 T ".. A Convention of the Reformers of the delegates at the I � I - ­ ��[ ' . , i � was ibfinitely more offensive and ur I - , South Huron, as constituted for tLe . - , . . . i LF truthful than anything that has eVE I Local Legislature, has been called to . ii q I - i�� meet at Heneall on Saturday, the 2ft-h been s&id. in the Globe concerning it L ,� Tj L . polititical opponents, and, .we are4l& It i ir, t inst�, at 11 ololock* We hope the mu-ni- 1 1 - '- 1�'L i 'that ths paper is now asLam-ed of it IVN cipal chairmen throughout the Riding � . I A - . I , �4 n �, = :t - co duct- although thus far it lacks th �., , Will have meetings called at once. The I � -11i QOUL ag i �. �M� I - r e to retract and apologiz6 for it I ; U I . , ,i� main business of the Convention will be I -11 " ­, Scandalous utterances,but attemptli t � I ; 1Z I the so�le(Aion of a Candidate to contest I . 'k . . . . . I justify them on the groubd i I � . I q that th I - ney at the forthcoming elec- , I the,constitue �1 41 . 1 .1.113 , I tion, and it is, therefore desirable that Globe acted as disgracefully towQ,rd , - � 1. 1. , . � � q, , I '. the deledates'at the late conservativ ­ n c M i , i'T i , lly represented 4 V - every mu i ipality be fu conventi�n. . . .-L. so that the choice of the Convent -ion " C? � . I " -; � . , ifl� ' may be sure of tbbbearty aIndunanimous h Great Convention. ' i , ;t - , - T" � 7-1 % if i support. of &H sectior,s. It is almost It is universally admitted tbat' th �� ­ �­ '"L, L 4 - 11 - . , - I I "I w I certain that the general election will Reftirm 'Convention held in Toiont . I J, . I'- - - - �, - ­ -7 I take place within a month or six weeks last week was, in point 6f numberi !.-- !-. � I - I . � , I 'I 1, I 61LOBe of . ; , - e reprt 14 � - after the thp.present parlia- I - I .�, i 4 unanimity of sentiment, and th - � . ! ; , 1 14�., mentsiry session, go that the contest � ­,­ sentativel character of the menwb 13 �; L�- i, � � N� , a L .- � - will be short and sharp,,and there is no I cowRpsed it, a brilliant Success. Eve T"- 11� I ,- " i ii�� 10 time to lose'if our Reform friends in- the Conservative papers DOW 'admit thiE ':c -. �, I., I ' - ,- I ' , I -'4 tend to meet their opponents with & I waS ;� :�­ I t �-ealled at the instince of th i1, .;I.. i . I- �j 1: � united front and in good fighting order, provinci�lliPriemier, and the hearty an li V�J t 11 I. as, they h&VeL &'IWSYB done hitherto in 11 I!, 'i I enthusia a manner in which his invi " k� !p,. this constituency. Thq basis of repre- tat -- I I n` --A ion w4s responded to must have th � I T- ;M4 sentation at the, convention has beren JT -o , effect. of kreatly encouraging him in hi � tp ' I 0, It - ' . R k . i fixed at four delegates for each polling course of -well doing. - It is safe to Ba � , . 1; 1�� lau-b-division. Shoulder �arms, gentle- that nc vern meat �as ever held powp, , I . � 41 �;-� _ "171 - , - it , men oJ South Huron, and keep them Ir i, , ' in Canada fdr So long a time that so lei 11 I �! I's � L . I J � � well burnished and in good firing order charges of maladministration have bee- " 11, I , I ; - until. the, last vote is. polled in support t � � - . brou,ght vLgainst, as that of which - MI I I . . I I - , �. -tion, as M I , � 1; �' Qf progressive, economioahegisla owat ;� has - the honor of bein f I --- I I L �1. I Well as in defence of the rights and ter- - L . ;: ,� , I . leader. It is encouraging, therefore, t � ­ 1, I . ' ur Province. � . �: � ritory of yo L ' .5 - � i have such a demonstration that: hi I I : i I � . .- - , I �, efforts Are being appreciated by th I � I The Extension of the Franchise. i Z � L �, �, I I - people, a � s that which wa's affor'ded bin !- L i % 1. at at the re'�L , � 1 - We are glad to notice th , , last week.r' It was no more feeling� c 1i f I 119, J cent Reform Convention the delegates Be - n, t I � � � . ntime t or curiosity that brQiigb , - ��, I . � I Rave their unanimous assent to a erlucb a vast c6ncourse of peoph V - I : togeth " - I - - , F, � tion in favor of widening the electoral The Convention was 0 h � . I omposed olf It . : - I - .1. 1� 1franchise. It is every way 11`1161Y that beat alid most substantial men of Itb % -. - . L I ! I the Ontario Government if sustained at Province � . , � and a majority of ' them r I epr( I � the forthcoming election, w - ill give heed sentli,tivei, men in their respectivej ,die - : I � -his resolution and will adopt meas- trict& . . -1 to t . � I . - bat so many such men- ah'onld : - 11 * I ', ares, to give effo�t to the sentiments of of their own option, abandon ' bei � t �� I 11 the party on tb-is matter. What di-rec- ordinary! i 7 s .. occupations for days, and a , 'i " . I . - I I ion, or how far, this legislation will go, their ow& expense trfitrel many miles i . I - - . � � . I , � I I . � is impossible now to predict. -All response i to the invitation of their �Olit� I : � . � � - axtiea, however,are pretty much agreed, Cal .chief, is the strongest possible ev. . i� I " --- , t a - : � I I ould. be dence t at they are in earnest an I I I i � . b ;I_ . sated to the sons of mechanics and � I mean busiuess,—that the have th - . 11 I y I �' . .1 ! usiness, men that hsve, very properly fullest confidence in the integrity an' I . . ' .1 I � I a . - and with the most satisfactory results, administrative ability of that Chief, au ! .. . . !: � I , . . � . een. acceled to the sous of farmers. that they intend to support him e;t'tb � . I I , I has been-beld by some thp.t the In- polls. , � . � : . - 1, .. It there -are any who, before th � . �. T - I � - come Franchise Act obviates the neces- I � 11 . I I Convention, had a lingering doubt of tb � 1 � . ; I Bity for this amendmqnt. This, how- success I the Mowat , ;. 1� . ,of Government v I I i I I ever, is not the case, The Income the next general election, that doul I � - . I I 11. Franchise Act, no, doubt,. rp"has a con- Should ni6wj be removed. If every in&- , i I . I siderable class. of most intelligent and who attnd ll . � I thoroughly competent men who would his duty during the coming few monthi I be deprived of the right to vote at elec- ss we Are sure all will, the Success ( . . I - I . . tions- were'it not for it. But there is the Government is more than ass�re(' ; . ;. . - stfll's very lairge class of young, men It will. also be* seen that these repri I — Who are thoroughly competent to ex- sentativ� men gave no uncertain soun , ' I I . ,press, an intelligent Opinion -at tbO P0118 on the various questions which are I no, I � . . I . 1 and who have a direct interest in the agitating the public mind. They' ai . I , - ' . . I I state who are no&reachea by that Act, . determined that in so far as 'they ca � � i I - : - � I- . and who, have not the necessary direct .exercisel an influence, the territ6rii . I . � . � property q�ualffication to entitle them rights .of their Province Shall not S'Uffei . : i ; to- vote. Many business men and - tba-t the right of Self-government - a . i 911 � - mochaniC3 have sons who devote their anteed by the constitution must not I . . - . I . . � . wh6le energies to the business of their denied this province in accordance wit .1 I fathers,, who haxe no fixed income, but the' whims . or selfish interests of tj r � - r -- . - I who have as gre&t an interest in the. central power, and that. no retrograc' �. , ' " i, . �: father's business as have the sons of a' steps in moral or social, reform will I .i 1� ' I I " farmer iii, the farm. These a -X6 the tolerate J , I . They have -also put on recoi . . L � i a men who should be reached, and who their & proval amd appreciation of tl � 1. - ld he encouraged to take am interest great benefits which have been confern , " shou - �: I I ,� � - � - In 'public aff aira by giving. them an op- - upon all cLasses in the Province by t) I I ,. I . portunity to cast their ballots in favor of wise &Ad progressive legislation whi( I I i I . �. . the candidates of their choice. We have has emanated from our- Local L6gisl � , I 1. I . ­ ; I long. advocated this, and we are 'glad ture, us establishing beyond cavil i i " that the mass of Reformers h�ave now ability �nd uBefalnes's. In every res � pe . � . . i. - , . . I P ,, come: to. recognize the utility, justice the gathering was one of which eve: . I �' I and wisdom of the movement, and we- Refor er has jqat o&-n8e to -feel prou , ! , - � . � . � -hope. that before, another year passes and we are sure it will be productive I . , � - ' , � - I 1, around the law' will be so widened as to 'the most bdueficial results. �The gist � I I � permit. th6Be belonging to this :class to the resolutions passed will --be fou d a I u I I �. " - ' I : i exercise their doubted rights. .,- forth in our Toronto le,tter. il � . I 11� D I MENNEEMN I �. - I r � 7- r ----..:._ I I �- t . : . �� I - I OUR TORONTO IAEjTTF,R. Tim followin, remairks from the : m� 3 . � I . ; reterboro Review, a Conservative - . (From Our Own Corre8pondent.) I t7 paper, axe pertit ent and to the point:. I J� TORONTO, January 9th, 1893, � � "Last year there was & convention of ' The people of Toron , to have had son I . Conservative delegates in Toronto� and exPerience-'in Conventions. We ha, � - the Globe derided and abused both hadConventions of all sorts, social, moil � speakers and listeners. Now th6je is 9, sanitary, economical, typographics ; Reform Convention in the same city, stenographic, medical, church, Sun& � school,licensed victuallers, some of the I i i6eans small affairs, yet they a . � and in its tukn the'Mail employs insult. by no � � ing language to describe it, and the a6t- aft no . overshadowed and made of 1 � I . accouii� by the . - . . tendant& upon it'L For our part we GRE�T LIBERAL coNvzNnox OF 1883. � I .-I have no intention of imitating it in a L I - � M, course which we must hold deserving The last remaiaingdelegate8towhi, I i only of condemnation either have S� . r,Cely yet disappeared from V . i in - friend City. er body expected that t) I y I Or opponent. In a country such . as Idberals of the Province would be wt � I , . � - i C&n&a8,, Whore the great mass of th, represented, but -no one who remembE people, notL only take a grest interest in ed the ,Couservativo gathering I - polities but also have their share in the Sha-fteBbury Hall last September loo . . t',, - I ed for an invasion such as that 'of la � c0iiaubti)i Our Publ' :0 lIffailOt is obvious week. � The official statement is th I � : . I I . - ; - - -�" I I � .. , � -- ---- F� . , - � . - - I . � 1-w- 2f . - - .­.. - I- - - � i -. - � � - -i I.- - - . - - - -1 � -1 I i . . . : I ­ A_: I � ­ . - I I - I - - I 1 Z . I - . - I , I i I : . I . I I . . - I � � . I . � 1- -� i . , . I � I - , i, - . i . - I � i . I . � � ,- I., � . I . - - - ; ,. ­ ­ - i : . � - : . . - � � . I I ; � I . I.1, - - �� . I . � I I I � I � . � � - I ! I ­;.�..�. 1__L,___; .-� —,--- I—_ ,--- � L - - I � � - ­­ . I .�—� � - --- �, � .11� -- ! i - -—TT I I I � - � - - - � I 11 , --,�, m � .. - - . -----`�-1-----­ - . - , I �­. I I ­ - - ­ �­ - I . - I ; I . �� , i-%- �- � ` - -- - � . -1 ' L L 7 ' ­ �� I - I . -- I! V � , , , LL '� L - �", .� �1-`� �'. : � L ; - I . . � I I - L I i � I I - ­ I- ' ' ­ � 1 - .� " � .1 I 1. � , 4 1 . ' L . . - . I . . 1� I � L � � � I I � , I �1� -1 �11 - . ; - , . I - I L I ­ -­ . I I I I � . '"� � . " � - . L . , - . I ,,, 7 W "N' ­-- ­ . , I L- ; . I L , 1. . -1 - i � I i . � -1 4 - * I I , � . 1. I I . . . . . I . . f I i , I � � . I - 7 . � I . � . .4 - . I I I I - . ­ I I L . li . � I " L . . : L - . I . I � i i I . - ! I ! i . I . � , . ] I i , . . - I * ; , ; . � L f I � . . � - . . , . I . . , I . I I I I .L . . � , � - L- 1 4 I- I i I - � . . I .- i ; � I . % I . � I I : ; I I . - . I I - � ' L:. I i . I I I I JAxuARY 1.2, 1883. �,i I . . 4 . I , I I : . ; . HURON X -X 0,51TOR, L . I .�� --; I . � - 11"OARY 121, � - � tTHE . . , � ­ - � J . L -- -- ­­ 00111011110011 010111111011101�11- - . - Z- . . . . � - - . -- � � -- I .L .. . . . . - LL ��� . . . I q . d three daughers at home, qitfes, was thought t being provided for tht V i pr amme . M. I L . . . there were not less than 6,000 properly be easy work of a few minute to reduce two Sons KII . tadwous HaIll. the tors' and the snug Sum of - ' I � � in the Tei�perauee US There to ashes the books and docum uts whose and two BOUR absent in Winnipeg For 8 ,, the remier's seat. -$16 securga I I qualilled delegates in attendance. .. Id throw into ittet con. six months previous to the murder TRZ P2124CIZes! NNOYANONS. for ��e school. 'Thom. Gibson, Esq.,X. , , "'. sadr,esses, iiere delivere . � is no building in thercity capable of so- destruction woa U I ered P. P., occupied the chair. - . I rAzh by _ L� I u - . *" everand 4entlemen . , comodating such a number, and Shaftes- f nsion the title to thousands of sores of Frederick Mann ba,d been employed as Some of the * cide el-Whichrend —On Saturday 'Sot While & YoUn L �' . Methodist! Chu ' . . . general* servant. He was always well the life of the Princes at Rideau Hall ,;, - -� r _ bury Hall ivbere it was intended to land. I , . R. Luxton, of Exr,Ur wag A-ubum - Mr. Sabine A ESTIM,ATZD EXPINDITUR13 70,13 1883. treated, and apparently well behaved. irksome, are thus sOm what irreverent- son of Mr. I -L- - . -1 I - . L � I � hold the Convention was found utterly l i ly described: ,,The Princess was obliged in the act of jumping off a load Of oats, . lion, of Colborne -, Mr. . . -The estimates for the year� L 1883 were Two days previous to t on I I 'inadequate to.the needs of the occasion. placed before the House to day by Mr. , *members of the Cook family received to take part in pu4lio b&lls and diu- up : which he had been riding, his fo4 -- =a Mr. Hilligra,of Aii The pavilion in the HorticuhurvA Gar- I inglo with people neither alippe'd, and the little fellow feH 'be. . ,ceeds about 470. L Treasurer Wood,� who makes his budget invitations to a New Year's party at' a ners, and to In . � - dens whi-eh admits a larger audience � . I ' or � the beat Death the sleigh which passed over bin —,While a Son of Mr . - D, &Dy other public building in To- speech to -morrow. The total amount neighbor's house, and Mann appeared the most accomplis0ed n 1- - I - to MeetL the ' of .�, ,,, 9e,enes enacted le ting itin a, frightful manner. - . � I Of ChiRelhUnto aged 1 Itha � as behaved. Some 1 h expenditure of the greatly � disappointed because he W I e c ip ronto was secured, bui even .this w 6 &liked the invitation. The at Rideau Hall towar osiug houra tfAu'utniversary sermons will be ae. ��- was engaged , oboppi, AS I . not sufficient.. .Consequently recourse coming twelve months is 02,559,288 ge not included in mitted on the morn. of some "grand balls" , have become his- livered in the Gorrie Presbyterift _ , , , f ather's farm, a limb f i in against 02,485 684 voted last year. it murdei�s were com was also had to Shaftesbury Hall aga I I . I e f urnighed by the Church an. . SunUy, Jan. 21, �V,t 10.80 - himon the head infl , I I where a very large "overflow" meeting will thus be snen that there is a slight ing of t e 2nd inst., and from the evi. toric. The champagn L the figures for 1882, whio4 deuce ton at the inquest it' appears Canadian Government is never of the &-m,, and at 7.30 p.m. On tho X-oudgy -- � swap woundsome 9 in was held the -first evouing. Both places excess over - E' ma Cook was first,outraged and best qualitV, and th� Princess would evening following, Rev. Mr. Burtc,n, 6f L .The force .of the Iblom were crowded to thentmost extent. It � will in all probability be Somewhat in. that in . ted often be led dowd to I dinner by some Toronto, will lecture ou�­God`a WoncW. insensible,, and the fat] � , was a matter of common comment— creased by the Supplementary estimates' . then strangled. Mrs. Cook, attrac � 1 With him was�compelllo' notwithstanding the vulgir abuse of the There -is an increase in the &Mau , nts to the Scene by her daughter's cries, was half -fuddled old ex-Goveruor, GoverW- Writing in the H-eavene, - � - 6 d � Coi�vervative'drgan of this city Lthat m, asked for Civil Government, Public knocked down and then choked to or Chief justice, whose conversation ,The members of Willis' Church - . procure a 91, igh 1101 - . I . — i ways would not be of the most enter- Oho'ir,Cliniton,one:eveninglafjtvreek,st.th# - TAU" . Inan� � I - gent Institutions Maintenande,Iin migration, death.' Mr. Cook was attacked in the 'al L " more respectable or more intelli s gxpenditure,Public Build. barn and his head smasbed. to pieces. taining description. In March, 1881, close of practice, presented their leader, , . - —The auilual Ineeti, looking body of men has never visited Mi8c6118,neOu a serious accident Mr T. Jackson, Jr.. with a hsmd;;��e Chee se Conip"any, How " iugB, Public Works and Colonization The murderer then entered the house the Princess met with. � Toronto at one time. As a2 to -be ex- n her way from Rideau Hall to album as &�i token of their eeteem, for, I xel*-osh's 1 hotel, Goi . .1 T I pected the farming element preponder- Roads, while there are decreases in and attacked the two sons, George and while a ' I I i those asked for Legislation, Administra. Willie, Who were sleeping tog.�ther. attend a reception in the Son ate Cham- him personally, and as their leader 1ma - I . . of JL"t weel�. Messrs. atea, though!there wits a fair Sprinkling . . _ Con as her health wall suffl- instructor. I - - urn ion of Justice and Education. Tbe- George recelved the first blows 6f the ber, and as s � L I I . I'll .. .. and Robt. M , . of mechanicsiimerchauts and professional � ' n a 0 departed for Bag- -�-The friends of ThomAs AnguB, in L Direc�,,Ois f0i. the ,com w delegates increased cost of Public Institutions axe, and his cries awoke Willie and the cie tly restored h I inst "' was men. There were even a fa . ' ed in time to aid land, remaining for more than a year. conpection with the Primitive Motho. ; F. H in a al of a darker e, representdng -consider- maintenance is accounted for by the ad.'L two sisters, who arriv L, I I I tionat. number of patients in the Willie in his struggles with the mur- While bete her only pleasure seemed to diet church, Cranbrook, called on bim �e Company. To able bodies a t eir race in the county di - .for th — duri . 1l,sylupos, etc., to be provided derer. After v. desperate encounter be in avoiding society as much as- POs- on �Vew-Year's day and presented bim I adto cheese sold of Essex. he afternoon of the first 'various cossional boating with several loads of wood and bags of - I . -T,.,e average � I ' III de off, but not before Willie sible, a,nd having 0 . � 3'".61 ,. day was devoted to the appointment of for this year, �nd that in miscellaneous Mann Iii n oken of their appreciation of far a I of ,cheese v committees, and the expenditure by the fact that a ,aneral Cook received such injuries that it is excursions with some of the 11 ce me " oats' as a t . rund the necessary 9 doubtful � ecaurecover; Georgedied *bomprising her suite. That her health his,services as leader of the chair. - a-Ver4go prme� this se making -of abort . speeches 'by leading election will be held during the present — . . 4' Neax. The amount asked tqnder the within alu hour after he was attacked, is not very good is admitted, but few : Mr. Alex. Saunders, of Goderich, . ,was -�l 19i , 'eta. members of the party. In the evening ' s the real met with an accident on NewYeseg. tront, per don,for n1i . I an address Wag presented to Mr. mowat, heading "indemnity to members" is and the two sisters are Btiffering severe- believe that feeble health i , . tacking 'his I � -1 , . � � . . -d from 655,000 to $48,000. This ly. so of her determination to spend the day, from a vicious clog at � -19 2 1 - ib�o -C t � . I and his speech in repl � y was followed by decrease Four pergous were therefore killed cau ' � ""�-� . utly,meaps that the sessional &I- OUtrigbt, �nd two others may die. Mann winter in Bermuda. horse. He was driving up to poll Me I � addresses fro Mr. Blake and Mr. Mac. appare 9s ambition. is far I I i . . member is to bo reducaci fled acros� the Ottawa, but was cap- Lady Macdonald vote , , and the horse being frightened, he , . 'Of: 4. 7a, . kenzie. On'Thursday We platform of lowance per - Having driven the wao thrown out of the cutter and h#A - - Notes I the 11 the Liberal pp,rty in the Province was ffom 0600 to 5500. '- The in crease in the tured ne�r Lachate, and after some from - satisfied. -, I I ged-y i . . . t of the field, she aspires to his,foot badly sprained. . . , fully defined In a series of sixteen reBolu - appropriation for immigration purposes equivocat ons acknowledged the crime. -Princess ou ideau Hall herself, . - i I Rsoov.-m ear to $39,950 this, He brought back to L' be -come mistress of R ;-On Saturday afternoon as a - young I - -7 I - . Cons, the determination to maintain is from $28,600 last y 7as of Prescott -and with that end in view bas, through ma�i named Walpool, in the emploV of � I W i 000 of the additional amount being original,; the Chef .Lien ation in favor I Mi'a -and Fauai4 and uphold Provincial rights, being the K . - Structure. to.still further assist- in defraying the County, where his preliminary her agents, started an agit Mr, H Shaffer of Kippen, Was cutting � whom vere -Seriousb b&Bis and ma�-inatay . of the before Jud t to the sausage meat with a machine, he e was no- mistsking tho, attitude of expenses Of * arriage from - Quebec of trial is being hold e Daniel. of her husband's appoiutmen murderer are 11kvlY U` . c M 9 I I , Ther 0 - A young man named Randall was cap- Governor-generaiship." caught the end of his second finger on A la-kp BF.1 the Convention in this point. Eved female domestic servants, etc. An ap . ion was the right hand in the m chine, taking stated. in M-Ou � . speaker who,Spoke strongly in favor of propriation of 05,000 is made- for the tured in his company, but the latter is Whether the writer's intent a � _ It is � a- ' litigation of constitutional questions. believed to be innoceut. The tragedy, merely to create a sensation, or to off tb e firAt joint. . . � preserving t the Province her territory � . - themurd-erer of the ' ' . and righV61! Self-government was loudly The increase in the estimated expendi- which is Perhaps one of the most revolt- avenge himself for Some real or suppos- —The'Kethodists of BlyWhsda very ­­ to poisona&OtUeS f -a I : -e will doubtless tempt the Op � ing in thei histur of Canada, has caused ed personal wrong, is difficult to Say,but successful tea meeting on New Yeses -�- where he lived as Ser - position' d . tui y cheered, and 'those who spoke the most, . � i . he has certainly succeeded in creating a nig�t. The entertainment netted the ,- I el with the I into an attabli upon the financial policy a terriblelsensation in the neighborhood - - - houf . � Aqu,arr a on�gly received the loudest cheers. 'doome sum of $85. A large famby -- -pi tr OOOD SPEECHES WERE THE RULE of the Government, which will be Some. There is] perhaps not a more law-abid- tremendous furore in f ashionable circles han - -poison in. the coffee . . � - - ­ - � - wbat;of 9, � novelty in the House now, as ing community in the Dominion than here. ,,Society" is shaken to its found&- cake which was auctioned off, was � . .1 by the bousehold. B at the' Convention, and though Mr. I Prescott 'county, and - the excitement fion. The whole story is regarded as a putebased by Mr. C. Hamilton far four 7 - immea.iltely, and tob B I like spoke �-Ioquently and well, as he for the last two sessions no motions fabrication, orat least. &-gross exa,gger- dollars. - I or he wt,uld t , . -�� theei-tv . ' &Iways does, and Mr. Mackenzie with a whatever have been made from the there is.intense. Mann appearB to be a � - � - It �. . . ! TRE WINN, . eakers left towards the reduction of hardened'ereature, and apparently re- ation, but it is undouttedly true that I The following is a statement of the ­ . irg'a great deal of his old-time vigor, the BP ' � the announcement that Her Ro� &I vo�es polled for the respectiOzandi. ' , ,-�- - John W, and Frdd palm must ubdoubt6dly be awarded to the expenditure. This Session, however, gards his situation with the utmost I '� indiffeience. His conviction, sentence Highness was to remain away for th6 dates in the township of ey at the " I the murdered man I . . , Mr. Mowat Ifor 'his splendid address is thelust opportunity they will have of � r?-- '­ - alf . I . .- . and exe4cution are looked upon as more entire Season, caused deep disappoint- las� election: Deputy Reev —Hyslop, . . I ,olated home on Wednesday evening. It was ebarao- posing as economists before going to the ' , . . 311 ; Slemmon, 227; Second Do . 1. - their The brothei . . mattsr Of course. menthere. . I PrAty West. - tenzed by Scarcely a trace of that besi� Country, and I shall be surp�ised if I . . MISCELLINEOUS. . . Reove—Oliver, 357 ; Turnbull, 65 * .­.. �� .; obriations are . DAL IN HIGH LIM . V � ,live business men.. 0, tation III mauner which soilnetimes resolutions to reduce appr . $CAN . 'Co6noillois—Bryans. 258; Ennis,,135; . - tra,etor, .sud is no -i � mars the effect of Mr. Mowat's utter- not made by the dozen. %, G. � I Parliament is to open on the . Sth of . � . The gossip -mongers of Ottawa are it is believed, Feiguson,145; Millne,334;MaDone-1-1,145.- : 1, Knappin Hotel, recen . &n.ces; it was straightforward, concise ­­�� . 11 ! . . February. . The session, 1 .. —Wm. Underwood, of Salem, 0 . I I A, runs a general -bto � . eg-on, I - _ juistnow;gnjoylng a choice pie�e of wilf be neither le,ugtLy nor important. r .. .: Is -though -comprehensive, and formed & DOINGS AT -T11111 CA-PITAL. scandal, *hich has been brought to An 'immense amount of private legisla formefly of Grey township, is on a -visit . i SOME FAMILT noble defence of Ontario and Ontario's . light thr6ugh a letter published lately I to his friends in that locality. T-hi4 is V` - - � Ruggle's Wright C� . ;np rights. Mf. Mowat was the".'central (Prom Our Special Correspondert.) in I tion will be introduced, but the occur. ' famiiy was %I Mau of , the Mew York Times and reproduced ' b -a first visit aince he went to thewest -1 figure of the Convention and hisi speech . rence of the Ontario electious'in the' � I OTTAWA, January 8,1863. 21 years ago. Ile likes -thee ,age having- been borX waB one that -'became him. well. It is � in thf Fiae Press here'. The Writer,. middle of the session, will detract P3 ountrT - His W*je. who was a needless to Bay that he was cheered to INFALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. (J. H.) who spenis to hq,ve Some grudge against greatly ftom. political interest in Domin- well. Mr. Underwood is greatly pleased :­ I - I with the improvement in Grey town. -- - yearsof age, and wal . . 11 ' In my labt, latter I made mention of a Lad Macdonald, and who has un. ion affairs. I . 11 the echo. A Dumber of capital five y ship. He returns in a few weeks to - : I -ate John Waddel, doubteRv access to the " inner circle " I I minute and three minute speeches promised addition tothe grant of last at Ridead Hall asserts that the cause ,A special session of the Supreme Orogon. . . Ont. The old geuth were made by We movers and Second. Session in aid of the -railway and traffic I L I Court ;vill be held - on Thurlday- next of the. Princess Louise's absence from . M William Young, the voter S ero of. the resolutions and among others . for the delivery of judgments.' ..V r. An , sfter Ruggle Wright .. bridge licross Red river atWest Lynne. Canada is' her dislike to Lady Macdon- fficient Reeve of the township of ' -,� - Of the Ottawa Val � those b,Z . r. Ross, M.P. P., -West , I - 1 Th' I tt . charged, ther f The success of the Reform Conven- Colborne, polled a larger vote at the ,- .hom-estead is situate I L using incideDt occurred J1 ald. o a or I s 0 ore, tion in Toronto has greatly ' couraged Hur�n ndgmr. Gibson, M. P. P., East A most am -n 1. with d iv�Dg Her Royal Highness out on last election than he ever di4 before, of the Long Sault I ' ' - Huron were I iioticeaMe, these gentle- connection with this matter. ' In orcTor I the Liberals of this' district, and the ' i I 8 o hc .country, and ruining the pros- thus showing that his popularity is on Chute d:e Bloudleau , men respectively moving and Seconding to secure the support of the voter of f t -brilliant season as well as a prospects are that several seats, now the increase. He has represented - Cal- . east of the viUage -Of I - pecki (if A ' the resolution dealing with the bound- Emerson and West Lynne for Mr. Nor. profita le I winter for Ottawa merebauts. held by ConservativeB, will bp wrested bo e for many years and our wont - imWediutelT OPPOsi - u�esti:on. Th6re were - from them in March. The Grits were I ' i at he may continue in I � - 11 � tile �Garillon C ary award q qday's Government,' Sir Ch'arles Tup- cabme I aud others. It is f urther stated ,, w7h for him is.'th ' I e C - - I ONE OR TWO I)R1MATIC INCIDENTS hived" in June. They will Soon begin � ha* =upied the at ti e result of the general elections I that position for another quarter of ,a t . . I � � - � dnring' the course of the Convention. per promised the people of the last th I . to 11swarm." I . 'tury at least. I- :83 years. Mr. R. N) , One of tl�,eBe wam� when" the name of named town an additional subsidy of in Jun 3 last was extremely disappoint- The exodus question appears to have con - the Huron Road - I . , to Eler Royal Highness, who hoped —Mrs. Evans of lzz�l =ainager on the 0 Mr. George Brown, Jr., son of the late $20:000, W&kiDg 450,000 in all -in aid of Ingi been final]) settled. The American re- I that 6 r John Macdonald's Government near Clinton, recently refused the river Rouge for i I Senitok, was,proposed as that of one of their bridge, and- to satisfy them that . . Porto have been shown to be about car- � - - i ight be ,defeated and Lady Macdon- for a four year aid heav-y . I � yeaxB fbr the lumba the 8ecretarlei. Immediately the vast the promise would be carried out, Sent In L rect, and they prove that the exodus in 0400 . I I I ros., who hA I ald's lomination over society circles draught mare. Mr. John Sbipley wag i i� i1ton B - i audience wa$� shouting to see the son the following telegram to Mayor Ten- three years under the present Govern- - � wkesbury, wh4 , . thus b. -ought to an end. also offered $500 for a span of three year . at US � I I . and beir of the great leader, and per- naut : I . I ment, has been nearly double what it old colts, and the same gentl-iman pur- - - Hamilton, prin�cipai emptorily refused to trausact any - l - OTTA*TA, Dec. 12,1882. DRI,GIN OP THE DIFFICULTY. was in five years of Reform rule. chased a three vear old from Mr. Snell, - resides. After lesv further business until -he appeared be- Thomas Tewiant, I ThelcauBes which led to the alleged Coal districts on the Bow, Belly, � I bhe firrd, - he enterei ' fore them. And when, in response to '..Af ayor West Lynne: I Souris and Saskatchewan Rivers, have of jExoter, for $235. The price of horse . - 1- I . , I unpleasantness between Her Royal fle�h still keeps Stiff. I ,hi*self, a -ad havin! their calls, a slight, well -favored boy of . Conuoil have agreed to pat $20,000 additional I been withdrawn from sale or Settle- . petency, coutled-ed: in estimates, as promised W my letter. Highn eSB and Lady Macdonald are thus As Rev. Mr. Pritchard,of Manches- � - . fourteen Stepped on to the platform and . . I - - ment. . I— perforni the M86ind,3rof big life I I acknowledged his reception with a how,- [Signed.] 0HARLEs TurrICR. stated, "The Marquis of Lorne and the . . te�, .wag going to I � tion he was * the cbeers that rang through the pavil- This tolegram was read at a p . ublio Princess Louise arrived in Canada in marriage ceremony at the wedding eveut tha . ion were deafening. Indeed, -it was meeting, but the people had evidentl I Huron Not6s. of 1 Miss Brown. his horse took ' : of the saa ­ � " Y 1878. Sir John A. Macdonald had then ' ' I -,e bon . � � The members of St. Stephen's fright and ran ran away, throwing him .- olation intD tL - sbundantly evident throughout the pro. heard something of Sir Charles Tupper just bfien returned to power by an over. cousi, � t3ted of four ceedings of,� the Conveutio : n that the and his eccentricities, and concluding whelm* ing majori4y. He and his friends Chutchi in Gorrie, are taking Steps to and biswife out of. the cutter. Mrs. i - . , males, in all seven ] that be was not a George Washington, purchase a bell -for-their churpb.- Pritchard escaped unhurt. Mr. Pritch. � - name and services of the departed : had blen for five long years in opposi- . 'V�z. ' r4 . got his leg injured. and the shafts of � �- est was J�Mma, N . Ina'" . instructed Mayor Tennant to telegraph —The anniversary service of Cavan a ., States u were in no danger of being tion , a, I nd were disposed to exercise their Presbyteria . n Ch&&h, Exeter, will be the cutter were damaged. I � -. - the first Victiln �O forgotten. Any allusion to himself or Hon. J. H. Pope, Minister of Agricul- nowlyl�gained power to the utmost de- ' .'Mr T. W. ACoo l held on the 18th and 19th ofFebruary. L -One (lay last week while a thirteen . : .. , * to the part which be played'in the his- ture, enquiring as to the Aruth of the. gree. !Sir John's Governr6ent is one of ' I - . -of Winnipeg's was lit —Elevea sleigb-loads, containing the year old son of Mr.' Pen -hale, of the . tory of his pitrty and countr was,sure Statement. Contained in, Sir Charles' almos purely personal rule. His will.. I yesTs of,age�� R� � � members and friends -,of tbe:Fordwich township of Stephoen, was playing in a � I . to be greeted .;with cheers, and it was telegram. Mayor Tennant obeyed in- is lawiin all party councils as well as at Sabbath Scjiobl, visited Gorrie on New b&lk!.n belonging to his uncle, MT. Wm. � . next younger. 86 plain thai-.rospect ond admiration for structions, and soon received a r6ply the Ei-ecutive Board. He accepts for 11 trag-eay who, in . om. r. ope in wo wor s, . Year's day. P hbale of the tbird concession, he fell - - ' the , . his charae'ter and Service is, if the "Yes, his 0 fleagues usually -men of pliable " reuche:1 the delegates - -t-9 the Convep ion fairly certainly." The people of West Lypn8 nature-, who are never great Btiokl.Org —The 80 acre farm on the Bayfield from the loft, and aligb,ting upon the .- sued, w � � ' concessioni . Goderich Townebi' ,occupied fl or below, fractured a bone in his ­ - hinds of the Tnurd, -reDreBbIlt the body of Liberal feeling, must now plice their trust in the , 11in- for matters of principle, and these he p . - which She was v The Minister tho,lt by Mr. Balderson, has been purchased rij�htthigh. Medical aid wks- summon. - . . . ., fast passing! into veneration. Another fallibility of tho,Pope." rules f Bolutely. He feels that wi . ed I and the broken bone set. The . Fauuie, the D--xt 1� incident waSthe reception liccorded to of Agriculture seems to admit that his "I by him at V1,800. I boy - � year& William i ' I . . . him 14 s party could not exist an hour, —Mr. Donal:1 MoLaughlin, township is oing as we - as can be expected. - . 26 - the Bonof the.lato John Sanofield Mae. colleague's promise required corroboro- and ti at his followers are under greater collector, of Grey, took in the sum of � Thefollow - � is. 24 ytars of al,M4 . donald, who appeared before the Con- tion', else why did he send a! reply. It obligmiona to him than he is to 'them. - 0 � . ing is a statement of the -- � to have Sustaiued ' I will doubtless be remarked that matters Lady Wacdonald, who has been Tuck's Hotel, Cran- , � vention to secoild the reBolut �on respect- - ' . cruelly' $2,015 for taxes af v ites polled by each of the candidates L thigh from the'axe ing the eidension of the franchise. Mr. have diti - ng brook, on Friday, December 22nd. in Brusseis for muni-cipal. honors: For I I - . � come to & Dice con 1011 In descri,)ed as "a large masculine-looki, . � - L i- ing. Fre&erick, th t Canada, ,when the word of a pro- wo' I ,;with a wart on her cheek," —Mr. .John MoDermot of the second R46ve—McCracken, 119; Rogers; 117. , age an( map . i -- k, � Macdonald was welcomed very heartily t . � Tincillors —Wynn,- 189; Young, 1561; - : � 2,4 years of k indeed aud ihe-speech which he made minent miDister of the Crown is deem- partalkeB largely of her husband's !eel-, concession of Howick, had his pocke - . ,firm of Diet, Coo , I �- he is no' , �win ed unworthy of belief unless substan- in d ambitious.. and seeks to rule in rifled of over two hundred dollars while Barker, 136; Drewo, 119; Gerry, 25; 11 I 1 3 - I - gs aki I . showed that t unlikely to I a politics. . returning fram. Manitoba a couple ' Watson, 22; Town, .20; 'Garlick, -.. eral busin�e s at Ve his Way tO7 Oolitical recognition, apart tiated by a more reliable colleague. All societ . of per, 14. T 17 ; � -. psicaffic R!Wway, 'i . � as Sir John does i from Elie fact that he is his father's son. the correspondence in reference to the Whe4 the Princess was installed as weeks ago. Coo he five last named issued .,- . Brandon� - Geor The Conve � tion Was in every respect a matter has bf-en published in the Inter- mistross of 'Rideau Hall, it soon —The Board of Directors of the announcements stating that they were I--, "I 'Of the Ianaily gra national, the Government organ at 'beca � e evident that Lady Mac. Howick Mutual * Fire Insurande com. not candidates. . . � 11 . � - � - - � nd succe B, and it will be Surprising 14 1 1 -. I of lige, and . if its effect is not felt when the ballots Emerson. donal Was anxious to - man- pany met in Gorrie ou � Saurd'ay the I —Mr. M. McKenzie, of Lochalsh, in, � - iurprised in � were t1le towDBhip of Asbfield, has moved - ' - I I een. f ' come to be -cast in the next plections. ' - THE BRIDGE MATTER. aae " her. She sought to monoliolize 30th ult., nineteen applica�ions ' 11 red while a8le, . I � 0 . Lucknow with the iritention of , . : I THE LEGISLATURE From, that correspondence it appears more than an ordinary 4hare of the acc3pted covering risks limounting to ­ only returned ash , � re-asBeibbled on Thursday, the 4t �22 300. 1 'lit ming a citizen, and starting busi- .. - �- I-- couipl I -1 0 ­ h that thE Pacific Syndicate have Secured Princ'3ss' attention, Kind endeavored to I I . 0� co � - --e-ting his �tot in thru ohn P. ness in that place. Mr. R. B. Ross oc. - - .. C�al CO11L,ge,,Mont inat., but up to date of Writing had not 'quite a bonanza. They will obta A her personality into everything —A suit has been begun by J I - --4 got materi�lly beyond routine work, and subsidi4s aggregating $215,000—$105,000 connected with Rideau Hall affairs. It Forsyth against Miss ElizaJ4neftarl?�, L es the house vacated �y Mr. Me- 7.�..:--. .ea as beiug an #' . . . . Vepnizie, and Mr. Wm. Matheson-, - �­ I Do evening Sessions have vet been held, from 'Emerson, $60,000 from West � is even stated that She went So far as to both of Brussels, for breach of promise . 'Of �- He intended start - . . I On Friday. the Government m6asures Lynne,- and $50,000 from Dominion advis the Princess in the matter of of niarriage. This is a novel, change in West Elgin, the purchaser of Mr. ROW � I ­ : Mauitob.s., to join: - . respecting street railways and the light- GovernmeDt. While the entire cost of selecting her personal friends. Her the old routine. farm, has arrived with his family and -. .. � view of starting 7 .1 ing and heating of towns were read a constru-.ting the traffic bridge and - 17 Royal Highness, although reputed to be —Mr. James Graham, of Godericli. taken POSS613sion. - - ' some part Of Mai . � second tima,, -The object -of the former miles of surface railway, will not exceed of a most amiable temperamaht, is pos. township, delivered four Vnusually, —While Mr. Edward Currell, of Port � .. --1 - rd . West. TV e mur -- � - � is to provid � means by which. a corpora. $143,000. Moreover the Syndicate will sessed of all the Guelph dignity, wid large 12 foot logs at Clinton last week, 'bert, was -returning from Gdderich on � . . � - � I.Xe is said to be 6 1 . . Wednesday evening, his sleigh was ran I - tion or a company may obtain power to own both bridge and railway when promptly resented what she thought to, from one tree, the butt log measuring f: about his persoll , . I into by the Lucksow stage, driven by , -- - I li- ly i construct a street railway without being built. They will also have the privilege be an; unwarrauted interference with 952 feet. 1 � -, , Zooms per. ict V3 . . Mr. James Mit1liu. One of Mr. Cur. , .- - under the neceBsity of obtaining a spe- of acquiring, under terms of their prin- the al l fairs of royalty, even coming, as it —A short time ago, a three year old , I n - . �': , . the terrible crit cial charter for -the purpose. The latter cipal contract, all the valuable lands did, from a Prime Minister's wife, and child of Goo. Kirky'p, 4th concession to 1's horses was badly cut, a d John , � iiaitted. I . � . ' le who was riding -with him I ,� --� - ; � I gives cities', towns and villageo power to through which the branch will. pass. gave ady Macdonald to understand of Morris, fell into a vessel of boiling. S0311 , receiv- ' - . �­ -- I � � M 0 - ! I .�� . provide gas 'or other means of lighting Besides, this it has been discovered that that there was a limit to her forbear- ir&W u@ed for scalding pigs and was e4 some painf al injuries, from.- which he i - r Ocaaz . 0- - - ��-, -I- Am-othe� . I � ; or heating' � - th" the limits of their th ance. 1 Lady Macdonald, however, Was badly scalded. is� likel�y, however, to shortly. I � WI In e Pacific Company intended to build . - - - I . I ' ' - : I Advic-es , m own municipalities. On Monday a� dis. the' road anyway, and their reluctance not td be so easily beaten upon her own —At the Trinity Church festival re- i —Wbile driving through Blyth the I �, Iro. . . 1, . . , i � emsion aroA6 out Of a motion xnade by was merely feigned in.order to extort groun' , and o all public occasions took cently held in Blytb, a motto quilt con- other day, Mr. Ramsay and W'Ife, of - � ­. - I 8,,give the f,)110.1 ­ . � , . I .Mr. Meredith respecting moneys paid subsidies from the municipalities. The care to appear more- prominently if pos- taining 700 names, was sold to Mrs. Wawano-sh met with an accident which . I - . -cernig the terril� . I � . . in connec an with new Parliament road will connect Emerson and West sible t � ban the kincem herself. Having Hamilton for 123. It shoult be a warm might have proved more Serious than — the Ocean- fitetLlng ; " it , � -�­ I - - I buildings. T -4e disbussion, confined as Lynne with the Souris and Turtle plenty of patronage at her disposaj, She one with so many names on it. did. The horse whicbMr. RamBayw" -1 -1 The steamer Kirt - � vith the City of it was to-Mini8ters and leading members Mountain'regions, and -must prove pro- easily kept on hand a retinue of admit" oting match was hold in Kip- driving became unmanageable, , I -.' . —A sho L and � - . , ­. 1, : here, Vin rel.)Ortfi of the Opposition, brought out pretty fitable as a commercial enterprise. The ero ar d flattererB. Shq was destined, pen on New Year's day, when a large .B�rang out of the shafts of the cutter. . x � t , plainly the gingerly feeling with which people of Emerson and West � Lynne howe er, soon to receive a severe snub- number of turkeys, wero shot for. Fortunately he he'd the lines until with I - -�- - ,curred. at ttie, �es * " - � The City of Brusi both parties are disposed to regard this have therefore been badly sold. They bing One evening when her Royal Messrs. A. Bell and Geo.H'nt were the tte help of a friend the horse was re.- . - -, - I - I - 11 ­ - I immediateiv. Y i . , -3 question. The Government's position will be (?bliged to issue bonds to the ex. Hig4ess was "at home" Lady. Wac. leading shots. hitched, and he no doubt proceeded on two pggseng�ers w - I � � - i - is that, having authority from the tent of �165,000, to pay the subsidies to douald peared on the scene with her, —John A., son of A. C. - Hawkins, I I I ap of W� a way rejoicing. I I - I . I : � tile city of BrV Legislature to erect buildings costing the Syndicate for a road which would usuallbevy of personal friends. There- the village of Port .Albert' was acci- ! —Last Monday, whi16 coasting on the - I . I 0 1 1 . - I vicinity a the n, not more than hAlf a million of dollars, have been built by private enterprise, were I not many others present, but dentally kicked in the face on Christ- Harbor bill at Godericli, with a num- ' I I sixo1clock on �c- they are p"pared to proceed with the but for the disallowance policy of the - amon� these was 9, pretty French C - -mas day, ,While leading a horse to water b4 of friends, Miss Frances McLean, - - � - - . . - � �ana I ­ .- fog was so deuae construction of such, but are unable to Federal Hibistry, and which the Syndi- than l,ady, the wife of a Senator. To on his uncle's farm near Ripley. d�ughter of Mr. William McLean, met -1 . I I '. I - ,eanot to atti-Im V I " obtain plans which, while suitable, cate would have Leeii forced to build' this I dy the Princess Louise was par- —'About 700 tickets were sold for the Zth a serious mishap. The Sleigh ran -.-1. t.. remain under sw i . - . - would not frivolve the expenditur'a of a for their own convenience and profit ticul ly attentive. Entering into. con- Fisk Jubilee concert in Goderich last I to the -side-walk and she was throW11 ,careful look-ol ". ­ � . A much la�fder sum. Mr. Meredip h has had no subsidies boon granted. By the versa don with her in FrencL, She soon -week. The 1a;rge Sum of $305 was taken violently against a telegraph pole,-cnt- � I I - - ,and fe,eond auj;. i - I no policy in the matter at all, d siring grant of $50,000, the Federal authorities grew luite interested, for the Senator's in at the door, of wbich 61�81.80 cents ti�ng her hela'd and face very severely. - a.,, ' 0 - " . - the bridge, " t that it should be 11 left to the people," believe they have purchased the silence wife, )esides being young and comely, goes to the singers, $80 80 cents to Mr. 'Her injuries at one time threatened . I I i � oat. 'The bells � but, urged �upon the Government to of the people of Southern Manitoba on was well educated, and had travelled in Race, the agent, and 440.40'Qents to the serious consequences, but she is now, re., � I * � adopt Ome I pqor6 decided line of iction, the disallowance question, but the re- Eur , e, Neithei- Lady Maocdonald nor' Methodist church. covering. - � � the fog -horns fM 5 B , 06 . � OF . � � I . game time the B! I - apparently -with the idea and intention mainder of the Province has yet to be any Of her friends understood awora of —The - Methodist Sabbath School en- . I —Some time ago the residence of Mr.' - "`-� I � EXtrS6 lWk Out i � � I of Bhaping-his own course and tbat of ' heard from. French, and it is easy to imagine how tertainment st Fordwich, on New ' etor Sinclair, Jr., of the 14th conces. . - �- I every part �of the . the Opposition therewith, that in any THE LITTLE RIDEAU TRAGEDY. . hurnifiated they felt as the conversation Years evening was well patronized, there s on of G'rey, caught fire from the Stove- �� . � . I - I =as had a reass event -it might be I I &gin the' G�vern - No'doubt the majority of your readers procepded; finEdly, they took their de. being.�19 added to the Sabbath S-,hool pipe, and made considerable heiAway - . � - I , . . I wagere. Bud . � art , - � - . ment." In the meantime, - ah Mr. have read of the horrible murder of the p hgh dudgeon. The ,,coal. fund-. Thescholars enjoyed &sleigh before being. noticed. By the able - V I I EW31 approachin,v, - I a � t I u�o 1" e I . - I . Z . 11 Fraser said, strangers,are a ioss to Cook family at Little Rideaii,by a young neS13" betw on her ladyship and the ride to Gorrie during the day. a 3sistance of the neigh bore and having a 1. -, . St-emner only a' . - - � . know whether the chief building lof the EngliBbman named Frederick Mann, Princlbss had therefore culminated in an —At the annual school meeting held c ilm. day in their favor it was got , . � J . - � I uncter -. ` ,moving. ulic, ­ ry or a poor- - A -, � Province is a penitentiai who was employed as a farm servant. open upture, and the former, was pos- at Cranbrook, in the township of Grey. control, not before the roof nd other I � �- ioomea -out in _- house, and e invaluable docum, mts of Little Rideau is& sinall farming Settle- sessed of sufficieDt power to make mat. on Wednesday of last week, Mr. Alex. ppirts of the, house'were bad-fy damaged,' � - ­ ly, &U , I ­ e . ' McNair was appointed trustee for 1883, �­ d before �- the various epartments are expo 3ed to ment on the Ontario side -of, the Ottawa ters ften exceedingly unpleasant for n,bcessitating the removal of the family -- � . to &,Vert it, : � . . � danger an- destruction. 1, ai a not River, about midway betWeen this city the Pt-ticess. Thus matters continued in the - for several days until rep ir d. - i-1 . . place of the retiring one, Valen � I a 6 . I - V 7 . 1, . , going at all beyond the facts whe-- I say and Montreal. It is in the township of durin the winter and Summer of 1879. tine FoBtef. . -- � �' �t AL. T'&'- � - i , -.* 1 —The tea meeting under thdauspio" Z- 4 was seen to be - � . . I that 'the rp'cords in the Crown Lands Hawkesbury,Presoott County,is the most Disa eable gossip regarding the rela- —The Sabbath school entertainment of the Orange Young Brittons, Man. 11, - , . I I L I - et . - I 11 4 1. . the Kirby Hfi I , � d 1--� � 6 e anatefr�oml a , �. I n J lull t 1� � hu f, g1l 4 � t Lb � I 1 ��c OA � b#r s , I I �. Ill � %- . - , - - X - t I t�,­J, I , . , re . - , 7 bow,of the MY f Department are without any protection pastern township in the Province. The tions ween the Marquis and Princess., at Lakelet on Christmas was a pleasant cheater, on the evening of Januairy lot, --- . L � - I L I from injur whatever, and that it would Cook f amily consisted of father,mother, whic I soon pervaded all the Canadian . and profitable occasion, a right, jolly I v�as a great &Ucoess, Tea waa served, L '.1 I , . y I I . �L I � . I . I ; . - ,-' I I .� . � . . -1 . � . I � .1 , . I- -1 � . I � I - . � I � I- . ,., 11 I i � - -4 . . /,- 4 . . -1, . I L . . 4 . . . I . I . III I L . - ;tArl. I