HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-01-12, Page 3Saaca e—bese make. LAR LAID SKATE a8, ST: KET CUTLERY, easonalel o hard le SEAPORT HOF DOK. C N sure contraction and tion an bad feet and lig than any mag in -r of the latest style SLEIGHS: bing clone neat and: -ong. FOR SATISFACTION Wilson, CR 3NBROOK.. AND SHINGLES: AT— FsSTON {•'S ( rt1 cf Blyth, Corner 8E(}n frawanosh. L tone • has, completely with the- latest iffi- machi-nery,. and is pre- dere on the shorteat, best of satisfaction t Flooring, Dressing on Rand. -sem. d Benches No. 1 and rhes: No, 4 at lowest good Pine. Lath a1- LIVINGSTONE. O' STORE.. TO in announoing to - forth and surrounding ave opened out a: OR STORE, Choicest Brands of s, selected and bought. e leading Wholesale. anuiore RT WINE: eland. AND GRAPE WINE Francs@. ala Sacrament wine warranted pure. . FItILLANO GIL w from Scotland. S' PORTER arke from Ireland`.. AMBER ALE Superior'Whiskies or & Sone Windsor. ell,, J'utes Robin c n€lies. specially aeietted for a*- a,smily use. Also, several which we hope will Biwa r customers. two doors south of Bob' - Thee of e'er*. aeoVemelo•ence. is pwas a, ghlo— OS sr.ifflallaterlexaninsi as MOM. 1res1E.ylsLs,!ssSiete is MMM ffse*Mao Motleys. s.sii.in ray sash. Sesta. ss es y limb different dews, L*sir ] 011tO was: tills ween Sae Tome your gild hotel they skein To hand *heir Mamma As eta its ib ei thatre thdeQ resat' e Ste Andrti► s helm1? . A# satin' they are ran* sus sleek, WO vita sod land. Il YO spa short sdviee wall tot's Yell so gang wrap G' turnips- you mann get a lads, Sieve raw or botesd. new mind salads, Sasaesab'bage, knit tart' oft she blade, Worms are, rife. The gnawlin' ohepa might mak' a raid On the Sects life. Sit bags 0' legal, that'll do, esrratt just what wad feed a goo, Twat basis as lona as ever grew, Some ealery guide Seats like that ling whits stmt be slum, It soots their Maid. Aini try your hand at parriaah satin', Oaiaeal in bei1in' witar obtain' -WV' eVfak (loon to the botterd slain', Seeta like that do -e. If that_ oar ere t an' nndertakin, Just mak' them brost. i eheep'sbfg bag ye mann get that, Gain oatt an'some elean pig fat, Curren's, per, an' a issue sant, Let nsnuout-irsag us. Then boil it err a muckie pot,. A: nl1 Scotch begets.. Mese: the Tortalre mill get your oatmeal, Bake oatme,i settles, Scots lice them weal, itek'them as herd as ony steal. In lards smai= Ts wash them door, a wee drop regi, Gelid vesqubeughe Bad, *arefa' wi' the whisklinaores, ler fear the, hap get rather glorious, And deeve you wi' roma Auld Scotch shores, Just: vie them soft. If the Lorne House folk hear them up- Mieht ea' them daft. trosraoss. TA/CZ NOTION. the pruner. l" Bo*tol, $ nes, ea the Via.� k. "Then x plead;and the filer took his ease and balmily. --AU old 1 Wedge wbo mass nOto ieus .for self.dssial, was one day este& why he was so ►th . r' I do not knot', ;said the miser ;'gi have tried various eeaeans for getting fetter, but without meows." rr Have you tried victual ?" inquired friend. ---An Eneliehman sent church fair 1 the oonntry bought a "berme and trap" be disposedl of as they which would be int down committee, v�'a appointed station and receive the ho ole with all honortl. They the proper time, and had- a clothes- horse and rgOuse-trap to esbort back to word to a at he had or them, to Nought fib, y train. A `1 goto the and veli aenebled at the ohnroh. f —Profound thought by a man : In the life of kin critical : peri, ds. The first his 20th year, when he speets his upper lip to see coming out., _-And the his 40th, When he ;anxio the top of his head to see ooming out. A little boy, whose parents are always movi house to another, was ask day Sobool Teacher :-" Israelites move out of E cause they emuld not pay reckon," was the reply. "How do yon contrive self ?" "Amuse ?" said t ing : "do on know I he hold worir to do ?" "Y answer. "h see yon have i it is never 'done 1 conoln have some other way of time." Finest boy—" Yon owe liokn', sn yer wants t Seoond boy (tigbtening looking veiny bold)—"Yes. "Well, now's yer ohanc goes across the way." (weakening deoidedly)— be jus' the same if I licks row 7" First boy (Don "What's the matter with yer have nuthin' to eat f. fast ?" Second boy (gla tnnity to explain)—"Yee to eat, but twa'nt no re —The latest bit of Sor concerning a couple of " routhy neigh- bors" who met the other: morning in Mose Street, Paisley. After the usual "Hoo's a' wi' ye ?" Sandy proffered to stand Davie a . dram. when the gill had been � sed Sands discovered tl middle-aged there orb two is towards nxionsly in the hair is nd is toward sly inepeofe his hair is If they fend fent jest grab their throat, Tell them its fitfor one Soot, • It they want better don't kick them hard, But lay the blame to St. Andrew's cDoa. Lutes on the Death of William Peck, of Stanley. Ouoe more the icy baud of death Ilse aortae wit hin ear door, And taken our loved brother home To treed that Heavenly shore. Dear William' gone, yes, he le gone, His. sin and sufferings o'er To sit{ the Seviour's ding love, On thet bright, happy shore. Our brother sleeps, be is not dead, He with the a gels stands; A crown of glory on his head, A harp wituin hiehande. His lovely face we'll see no more, While here on ea' th we roam ; But there's a nobler, happier clime, Where we with him may reign. A darling babe he's left behind, And a oompaniou dear ; To them he never can return, For Jordan's stream he's ero®sod, Dear father monrue and mother weeps, Oh, les, they weep in vein ; But they must look to him above, Who daeth all things well. One dear brother he has left, Who feels so lonely here ; But there's a time. a pleas im of rest, Where he may His sister he has left behind, Here in this world of pain; We h ape our prayers may never cease, That we mwy meet in heaven again. Then let us who are left behind, Love and obey the Lord ;_ Then we shall metre reward: dear, And gain our j - Farewell, dear brother, ferewel', For we shall meet no more ; Till we are rised with Christ to dwell, Oa Canaan'a peaceful shore. Mabel. L'I klBaloftle.M. Rebel in spotless bfled, o, dead, Her soul is tieing, but her Aid though it wet the loving parents pain,. What was their fees is to her boundless gain. her fond parents in rho Saviour's She was for ens short year to blessed, Set now ale nestles safely breast : co H* now be calls away, wive bar to them, ea sto Obedient to His all+ she be But though her life was short on earth below. Her spirit now is whining with a heavenly g ; Asti: to the parents 'tis the only it alio h not one g y- impecunious g from one d by the Son- hy did the pt?" "Be• their rent, I soloneue this gest? Y migkt as well be iiia lipid - and foot." . ." Tee," replied bite woman. "Sat if you should stick your Dime in the ground, and M. your �g at to it, end turn the kettle bottom ski* up and the eh�iok en under ib, Then yon might wickedly ies me in spite of my resistanee." '� "Success to thy ingenuity, 0 woman 1 said the rejoioing man to himself. '1 I should never kaaveithought of this er 11 ,similar expedient." When ke Dame to the ravine he 'tack his osane in tthe ground and tied' the goat to it, and gave the chicken to th woman, saying : ' "Hold it while C out some grans for the goat." And then—so rens the legend—low- ering the ket le from his shoulders, he put the fowl ander it, and wickedly kissed the wom , as she was afraid -he would. . MUSE. your- () other start - o my house- s," was the to do ; but es e yon must passing your i11 Jackson a lick Lim ?" his fists and First boy— . ! Yonder he Second boy "Wouldn't it d him to•anor- temptnously)— yer ? Didn't �r your break - of en oppor- , I, had suthin' 'tai meal." tole hnmonr is SWININ M IM 10 of, Jarvis tired bid, • door te'Ihe Presbyterian eh Ont. AB diseases of nouns, sitttl of the eemSoatad ani ars, re at the infirmary or elsewhere e notice. Charges moderate. J $veterinary Surgeon, P. 8.-k Veterinary Medioines.kept co loyal Mise* asi! •beep gr any the shortest W. BUMS, e stook of Hy on hand. "Yon Dream Too . Big." One day Sir W.Johnson, the Indian agent in the Mohawk Country, ander the Colonial government, was unpack- ing some clothing brought from Eng- land. Hendrick, a famous Indian chief, was present, and took a strong y for an embroidered coat. Be dared not ask for it, but text day he told Johnson a dream. "Last night," said he, "me dream yon say 'Hendrick, you've been a good friend, and now I reward you,' and yon gave me the gold coat." The white man pondered a moment, then: said : "You are right, the coat is yours." Not long afterwards Johnson told Hendrick be had been dreaming. " And what did my white brother dream ?" "That you took me by the hand and said, 'Sir William,:yon have been my friend, and I will show my love for you. I will give you all the land on the Great Fiver and Canada Creek.' " ..The Indian was amazed, for the tract was nearly 100,000 aures in extent, and very choice land. But he was not to • and $Wally be outdone in generosity replied "My pale brother ; the land is yours ; bnt," he added, after a long pauEe, '' Sir Wiliam, we won't dream any. more ; yon dream too big for me." The old chief's title was confirmed by the Britiah Government, and the land was long known as the Royal Grant.— Christian Weekly. Unfortunately, ot and discus - at he had not the�''saxpence" he fancied' he had when be left home. ; so he bo Davie, and with it paid Davie,with rather a U 0 0 0. owed one from for the drink. sad heart, was about to,' depart, when Sandy exclaimed, "Ob, but Davie. were . rarely_ no' gaun to pairt iwithont Navin' your ane 1" —"Fire 1 fire ! help 1" screamed a lady from the drawing -room Immediately the pari cook, followed by tiro country* and one police the room, where they tress of the hoose qui the sofa. "There, th said ; "I only wanted folowei's were on the —A joke, altogethe lost for want of tenni church in a village, a The minister, after th ed theibanna of a ma, loving i and interestin that portion of the words "if yon know ar came yin, the ministe any peevious knowled straight at a young g at the, foot of the p', that lee was personall immediately_rose up, of the congregation, "Oh, no, not the al sir." —In a certain town con who had two fifteen years of age re to the barn one da , he heard I some chattering in the ha mow, and listen- ing, detected enol expressions as "I That her bright y has pass," "Down she pea," Make it (lad give the parents etrength to bear their loss, spades," d0.> Bight y divining that his this lees. cross • boys, in company wi h some neighbors, is abomination, a tired intea good-sized +o l the mow, one "What's trunips?" nnwvered, as he laid cudgel, "Clubs' is y'a deal." to the kitchen. nr-maid and the efenders of the an, rushed into found the mie- tly reclining on t will do," she see how many remises." ® CHR AGAIN TO THE FRONT. LU MSDEN & WILSON rn Z2 . We have this year by far the largest assortment of Fancy Goods, .Gift Books and Toys we have ever shown, and we can, with :all confidence, solicit a' con- tinuance f than give the gh ag000de so e bestowed right rioe. It would�befeeling uselessor cer- tain that a ca ns to try to enumerate the many useful and beautiful articles we have now on exhibition ; however, we would call -special attention to the followinglines, last, we claim to!have in the greatest variet , in the moat beautiful goods, but not least, at the lowest prices : - Dolls, Bibles, Work B, Eboni.zed Boxes, Testaments, : ' Work Ba es, Crumb Trays and Brash, Prayer Books, - Japan g Desks, Toys, Hymn Books, C Japanese. Goode, Violins, Pocket Books, Pinar Cards, Mouth Organs, Picture Books, Pearl Gard Cases, Children's Dishes, Gift Books. Shell Qropds� CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS. It is. a pleasure to show our goods, whether you buy or not. Come and see them. , L1MSDE�d• & WILSON, Scott's Block. PA ST, FTHE JEWELLER1 Begs to and cos aaunonnoe that he has a fall ipiste stock -of XMAS AND HOLIDAY GOODS, —FOR -- And will for the neat two months give • TS. special 1isc®�nta off his TMA NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Watches, 0 z 03 rn m 2 v 0` CD co c 7- I trj�MM Z fn C? - m .41 , r P. o bi a o d rom 2O m r my�r. D m ,„ Ul too good et) be , occurred in a ew months ago. service, pnblish- riage between a g couple, and at form where the iy just cense, (to," r, whether ,frena e or not, looked ntleman directly ulpit. Thinking y ;alluded to, he amid the laughter and exclaimed, ightest objection, lived a good dea- onB, thirteen and pectively. Going; Employment for Children. Anna Holyoke Howard says :—Noth- ing is more injurious, not ' to say. ruin- ous, than a constant system of repres- sion with children. "Don't do this 1" "Yon roust not go there 1" "You cannot have that !" eto. It is chilling to the youthful enthusiasm, cramping and dwarfing to all his faculties. Children who daily and hourly listen to such in- junctions, who are checked in all. their efforts and aspirations after what seems to them as glorious and worthy as seem to us our higher aims, feel like exclaim- ing in despair. - What may we do 7" and if we do not open to ,there ways of pleasant employment, we are guilty of exercising towards them real cruelty. Active children are generally healthy and intelligent. The disposition to in- cessant. movement, noise, . mischief, or frolic, which is often so trying -to weary mothers, is only the expenditure of a superabundant nervous force in the child, which, if rightly directed, may, in time, make him a powerful agent for good in the world. But what is to be done ? We must have peace', and quiet in the evening or we shall be unfitted for the duties of the morrow. Keep them happily em- ployed for a little while and then send them to bed early, and so take your rest and asleep.. Some place t Three call I The weight end suffering of . s y ' For though their little Mabel ne'er on earth did keg' a'of Christ our God In heaven she singe the song . and ging. Gaieties., Dr. Newman Smyth's opening ser- mon in New Haven was from the text, "Arise ; let ns go hence." A bright newspaper man neit morning gave the text as, " Amen ; let us go home." —" I'think I shall have to ask your escort this evening," said a sisstert. to Do big brother. "Well, I guess. you suppose I'm going. to let folks know I can't go with any girl but my sister ? I'll stay at home first." —A._ Sooteh parson said recently, somewhat sarcastically, of. a toper, that he "'put au enemy in his mouth to steal away his 'brains,' -but that the enemy, after a thorough and protracted search, returned without anything," --There are three things that the wisdom. of the most learned man can- not determine—which way a singed oat will jump, how a petit jury will give its verdict, and what kind of a man a clever woman will take a fancy to. —Slag is a dangerous language. Recently when a handsome young wile went_to a hardware store to get one of those wooden contrivances to mash potatoes with, . and said : "I want a masher," every man from the boss to the office boy started. to wait on her. • were .a `engaged in game of cards, he se cudgel, unci quietly Just as he stepped n of the hopefuls asked The old gentleman about him with the trumps, and its dad —A funny joke, a stable as the truth • occurred at a promi Jersey. .1t seems t had been very indus new church book co the service in gnesti before dismissing said : "All ye wb baptize will please Sabbath." The d way, was a little de selling the books, pastor was referri' up and shouted: "All you who haven't, can get as Many as yon want by calling on me, at 75 cents ach." —As a Newrort �eleraym CD �' 0 0 O mm rn c5 ca > c Z Fr; m o i `J m ®. c,,, r r tTi Z Cn = Z ry © cn o � p It d all the more pal - an be vouched for, ent .church in New at a worthy deacon Holes in selling a ting 75 cents. At n the minister just the congregation, have children to r present them next aeon, wbo, by the, f, having an eye on nd supposing the g to them, jumped recreation after they are six bliss in action, some in ease. lemur() and contentment these. Children certainly place their bliss in action, arid we who enjoy rest after labor must be patient with- them. I know a mother wbo always has a ,little play or story -telling or reading with her children the hour before bed- time. Op Sunday she and their father each devote part of the day in walking with -them, or in books suited to their entertainment and improvement. I need hardly say they are among the most in- telligent' ` and promising children of nay acquaintance. Give the children something pleasant to do or think about, a block hoose to build, a puzzle to put together, paper to cut, bubbles to blow, a stick to whit- tle, a picture to paint, or to look at, a top to sr, dough to make into cakes to bake or themsel'v'es, a little broom to sweep tips door steps, a wheelbarrow and ea little shovel to dig sand, anything to keep them busy and happy, for a busy child is a happy child, a healthy child, and if you have rightly managed his employments, a good child. Let us not repress any God-given fac- ulties ; but endeavour t4 turn them into such good'and healthful channels as will enable them to do best service for God and humanity. It is not a waste of time for parents to stop their work long enough to pet a child„ to tellhim a story oil play a rollicking game.::When parents: take time from Worldly thoughts and plans to cultivate a sym- pathetiO friendship with their. children and eaoh.other, they are doing a good ndsowingseed that will spring bring forth abundant fruit that ply repay the effort, time, pa - or self-sacrifice involved. —0e the 19th December there died in the 'House of Industry, Kingston, John hompson, aged 91. He served in the oyal navy, was at the 'embark• ation hof the British army after the battle of Coruna in 1809, served under Capt. Hardy, with Lord Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar. His father was killed at Trafalgar iri.1806. Mr. Thomas W. Race, week marrying tw fashionable young people he came to he clause in the ser- vice where the bri e promises "tolove, honor and obey.' She was eilent. There was an a kward pause. The clergyman asked the question. No answer. The °ler yman said it called for an answer. B t it was not until the bridegroom n dged her with his eat of emphasis that eI will." She had at she never would oame to bringing the had to thin.k better —"Prisoner _at the bar, ' said the s elbow and a good judge, "is there anything you wou, wish to say -before sentence is passed upon you V The prisoner looked wist fully towards the door, and remarked :that he would like to say " G-ood even- ing," if it would be agreeable to the —On ctpening the will of a gentlema,n who had expended e. handson3e fortene, among other articles contained the following: "If I had died possessed of a theusand pounds I would have left it to my dear friend, Mr. Timothy Taylor, but aa 1 have not sixpence he must accept the will for the deed. —The custom of appointing young Itewyers to defend pauper orineinads received a ti back -set" the other day in an American district court. His Honor had appointed two young le.weers to defend an experienced horse -thief. After inspecting his counsel for some • time in silence, the prisoner rose ia bis place aud addressed the Bench : " Air them to defend me ?" "Yes air," said His Honor. "Both of 'ern ?" inquired rashly declared t say it, but when it affair to a fall sto of it. A man was wa and a woman alon finally united iu the point of juncti they walked on to carrying a large ir in one hand he he chicken, and in he was leading a dark ravine. Sai " I am afraid ravine vrith you; you might overpo force." Said the man : overpower and ki have this great back, a cane i chicken in the Supposition. ing along one road another. The roads o one, and reaching n at the same time, ether. The man was n kettle on his back; d. the legs of a live he other a cane ; and oat. They neared a the woman : to go through the t is a lonely place, and er me and kiss me by "How can I posaibly you by force when I iron kettle- on my one hand, a live other, and am leading 0 m z 0 ESTRAY V STRAY STEER.— St -1--4 cession 2, Tuckersmit October, a year old steer red neck and stag horns. formatio that will lead t suitably rewarded. MRS Kippen P. 0. STRAY COW.—Ctune -A-1 undersigned, lot 4, o about the end of October, may have thef same by pt ing expenses. JOHN P. 0. SSE' PIG .—The nnd -A-4 'big the present seas 6, Hibbert, a horoughb —$1, payable at the the privilege of returning if work, up and will a V STRAY SHEEP —Ca 2--4 the undersigned, lo Killop, about the let of The owner can have the erty and paying charg SON. STRAY SHEEP.—C "" the uedersigned, I Tuckersmith, on the 18 ewe and two Iambs, .1 same on proving prop ROBERT Mo&RTHUR, Editor and proprietor of the Mitchell Recorder, writes that he had, a 'preju- diceagainst patent medicines, but being indnced to try Burdock Blood Bitters for bilionsness that occasioned such violent headache end distrese as to often disable him frem work. The medicine gave im relief, and he new speaks of it in t e most favorable terms. 774,65, 2w. L--1- the To-wnship ef Brine has been instru Yule. to sell by Public 1883 at 1 o'clock P. Ai TOCK. D. 0. ROSE Silver Electro -.Plate, Holton and Flat Tram Re ember, these GOO& Will be sold .so re onable, that every one should take a vantage of this opportunity. 0. ▪ PAPST, atchmaker and Jeweller, Sign of the Big Clock. erem TH Wishes His Many Friends and Customers in Town and Country AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. ed from lot 18, ogle. , about the middle of f greyish color, with ny person giving in - his recovery will be JOHN WORKMAN, 786x4 rto the premises of the ncession 12, McKillop, a caw. The owner vine property and pay- IEGLER, Beechwood 786x4 rsigned will keep dur- n on lot 22, concession d Essex Boar. Terms. of service with the necessary. THOMAS 78614 ne into the premises of 29, concession 10, Mo- eptember, a ewe sheep. same by proving prop- . THOM&S FENDER - Be --All repairing done on the ses, and satisfaction guaranteed. SEAFORTH GROCERY —AND— Pork Packaig House. HUGH ROBB Beg to remind his friends and. the publ o that he is just in receipt of a very; nice stock of ROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, Of the neatest and latest designs. Also Groperies always fresh and good. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS GIFTS. me -into the premises of of November, a white e owner can have the rey slid paying charges. Sr., Hensall P. 0. 787x4 & VALUABLE FARM in ted by Mrs. Ales:ander nction at the Commer- eaturday • January 27, that sple did farm, situ - A large stook of new goods just opened at the Seaforth Boot Store specially adapted for Christmas presents, suoh as Ladies' Fine Kid Slippers, Ladies' Fine Sid Boots, Ladies' Chamois Lined Skating Boots, Ladies' Wool Lined qlippers, Ladies' Felt Overshoes, Ladies' Wool Limed Overshoes, Gents' Fine Fur Caps, Gents' Embroidered .Slippers, Gents' Carpet Slippers, Gents' Wool Lined Overshoes, Gents' Frog Proof Felt Boots, Children's Fine Kid Boots, . Children's Fancy Felt Boots, Children's Warm Overshoe9, ated on the 10th Cone ssion, Tuckeremithz being Lot 2, arid containing I 0 acres, 76 of which are cleared and in a good it ate of cultivation, and all underetained. The alance is well timbered with hardwood. Ther are 18 acres of fall wheat and 30 acres fall plowe There is a stone house, sor d frame barn with stabling underneath, and other good out-buildin , al -a three good wells and a young orchard. Is within 8 miles of Sea - forth, on the Grand runk Railway, and' five from Hensall, on the reat Western. Schools and Churches conveni nt. The property eriil positively be sold with ut reserve. Terms.—Ten per cent. of the purch e money will be kequired on the day of sale ; th balance with the excep- tion of 42,800 within 3 daye thereafter, an# the remainder to be secur by mortg • ge at 7i per r and fuller paxticulars Good. Advice. If, 'our readers will accept proffered advibe, they will always keep a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil at band for use in emergencies. such as burns, scalds, wounds, lameness, croup, chilblains, rhenn3atism, and all variety of aches, paine, and inflammations, it will ever be famed reliable. 774,65,2w. cent. interest Furt may be obtained from the owner on the premises or from the Auctio ear. J. P. BRINE, Auc- tioneer. 786-6 CARD 0 Children's Fine Kid Slippers. The Seaforth Grocery has become noted for the excellence and cheapness of its Teas, Better value mow than ever. fter Extracted honey alwa,ys on lilt.. Robb has now his Pbrk Packing Es ablishment in full blast. Cutting an Sausage on hand as usnal. ASH FOR PORK.—The highest C sh Price paid for Pork, and live hogs bo ght. member the Seaforth Grocery, St k's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. These goods are both suitable and useful, and will be sold very cheap during t e holiday season. Special bargains in Molls' Fine Far Caps. GENTLEME : Please accept my many thanks for the very liberal pat- ronage you have extended to me during the past five years in Seaforth as hair dresser, and I beg leave to -ask for a continuance of t e same. I have my premises fitted p with the new patent adjustable chair , which for comfort nd convenienc are second to none. With a cordial levitation to all, I am, your obedient se ant, JOHN C CONSTABLE, Practical Hair Dresser, Cady's Block Opposite Com ercial Hotel, Main Street, Seafort N. B.—Bow Alley in oonnection. GEORGE GOOD SEAFORTH Boor STORE. WHITNEY BLOCK. E SE AFO.RTH STOVE AND TIN EMPO.RIUM STILL TAKES THE LEAD. 8 NOW fulL All the nevrest styles fitted with* the latest improvements for baking, economy fuel &c. Over 4thirty different patterns W c oose from at pricte that cannot be undersold - .EW STORE, NEW GOODS,NEW pR10ES E. J. HILL Begs to announc,e to residents of Stanley and Tuokersmith Townships, that h has oPened out in Bracefield a fine stack of N this department we have the largest variety ever off red en Seaforth, both in -Parlor : eaters and Parlor Cooks. Our FaXt11 Parlbr, 'arlor Cook, New Aurora double heater Ace. cati- .0e be equalled for beauty and 'usefulness. Our Ittle Giant double heater is a wonder. Two or ore rooms can be herded with this stove, which ekes less fuel than any other stove -made. Call, see and be convinced. TN this line "The Royal" takes the lead where- -A- eveteshown. It gives more beat with less coal than any other stove, and is no sooner seen than appreciated. Twelve different style. to choose from. A complete stock of doves always van hand. Just reoeived a large variety of lamps, lamp goods, lanterns, &c., good material and newest Best qualities of coal olls, Canadian and Ameri- can, and in cutlery and nickel goods we have an extensi e and varied assortment of both English and American manufacture. All orders for jobbing work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. A can reepi ctfully solicited. Come and see en DRY GOODS CROWIES, CROCKERY MID CLASSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS; CAPS, ETC., And hopes that by honeet and. upright dealing, by close application to businese, and the study of the wants of the people, to merit a fair shoes of public, patron- age. Our stook is now about complete, and we show some fine lines. and won14 drew your attention to our DRESS GOODS—very pretty ; our BLUE BLACK CASHMERE—lovely goods ; our BLACK and COLORED VELVETEENS— juat too too ; our HATS and CAPS—new and webby e our GENTS' and, LADIES' INDERWEAR—grand value ; our FLANNELS, BLANKETS, TWEEDS, COTTONS, pronounced by our customers to be just the thing, with prices right. During the next two weeks we will give special bargains to pue- chasers of large parcels. Call and take a look through our stook end get an- quainted ; always good natured. We consider it a plesaure to show goods. E. J. HILL, Brucefield. WHITNEY BROS. 5000 WELL -FATTED TrOli which the Subscriber will pay the higheot -I: market pace in cash. ne Turkeys must be delivered alive. Also wanted by the suhaeriber, a limited van. tity of dressed CEESE, DUCKS AND CHICKENS. Thetis require to he well fatted, Meely dressedand drawn., and should not be fed anything for di hours previous te boing Sesicrrth,Nov. 14th, 1.882. 2,000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE, SuiRtaailblerfoer Board, Wire, or Mrs -WA Imes. ,One mile and a quarter west of Winthrop, ALSO RAIL TIMBER By the Acre or by the Thousand. r wirosame7CeirsiMIWC:coure- 1.1