HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-01-12, Page 1"-t
• 825,"
• plaoe .j�I
int Livi
sr; Geo. B
P. Boe, D
L Henrys
Y, JANUAliY: 12 1883.
B t the
.1 -AL
Regina, the Queen Cit of t e
Mr. W. C. Hamilton, f rmerly
Goderich, writing from Regi a to the
Signal'un er date of Dece ber 2 st,
gives the following interes ing pai
culare co cerning that e bryo city:
Regina is about 370 miles West of Wins
nipeg, on the main line of tie Canada,-
Pacific R and will be tbe half-
way city between the gate ay of the
Northwest and the Rooky
and the ne great rival o
along th
the ore
way, the
offering for the balanee of this month
Off all purchases: in,
main line of t
Railway. The city " is
tion of three powerful
the Canada P cilia Bail-
uke of Mauchest r's Syndi-
cate, and the Dominion qovernmetit,
whose faith is pledged.to bl,}Iding it up.
Three M'as ago there as no sign
of a town, and nothing met tbe eye of
the traveller but boundless prairie,to-
day we have a thriving city of between
eady there
ildings, and
day. The
oannct be
firms here
tly expected.
ion of ,000
hant's ink
anch, - and
1 building
occupied in
bank is 'also
perial Bank
Times, under
wholes Flood
e Canada
Dishes, Break..
Card Receivers,
Baekets, Card
lets Epergnes.
, Starlets. peewee
.oe Pitchers, In.
Studs, Knits
r„ Dessert, Frait.
Lakia Rings -25 -
Dailies, Sardine.
-itar Salt Stands,
eased, Tea, Egg;
ttrd. Sugar an&
CuPas Knife,
rect Boxes, Vases,
Jokers, Children's.
a Coraplete.
the largest Stook
• brought to the -
I that they may
t all, I shall, for
e a discount of
ace and hunting
• lelgin, open lam
"gold and silver;
ned hunting case,
srabier. open fam
Id and silver; S. it
ease, silver; G.
few Russet and
locks, from 15 -
Lay clocks.
; one day "weights,
—finished in solid
day timepieeese
[Gobi Guards and
, Gents' Roai Plate
Ladies' and Gents'
ierta; Ladies' and
Gold, Sliver and
and Bright Gold'
and Gilt Sets;
. Necklets:, Braoe-
1 Riuga, and Plain
[40 ta MO; Scarf
MT Buttons, Shirt
Vetch Keys, Silver
or and Steel Spee.
tits, Goggles, Gold
and Alberts, Steel
reed Combs, Viet..
and Bill Books. -
e in raeerschaum,
Ices. French Clay -
ea Tobacco Poached
mall ware.
M be sold OA
warranted as re -
an: basiness from
Dot be undersold.
rang good bargaine.
1,000 an
are abou
more ar
only tro
fast eno
that we .ill have a popula,
in a year's lime. The Mer
have opened their
the Beek ' Montre
is up and will be
a week's time. A private
about sterting, and the I
is to foil
the abl
1,200 souls. Al
20 substantielb
beiog put up ever
ble is that lumbe
by the five large
gh. It is confide
to make room for Spring Goods.
ef -Watches, Cloake -
i, and warranted to
ears' praatical
d'd stand, or.posita
p Cash Furniture
eading Jeweller.
iaken at my store
you by Ifies Nettie
rieb IWO each, or
le can be seen
_Largest, Be8t and Cheapest A
sortraent of
—AND --
Ever shown in the county.
w. The Regina
managerreut of N
Davin, will make its appearance with
the New Year. Mr. Davin's building is
already up and the machiuery is eapect-
ed ever
wee nephew% o the original -members of
the Inman 'Company.
—A span o
five years old,
owned by R
were stolen f
Year's day,
=At the C
Mr. Mathews
old steers for
oughly convi
than wheat.
—A. G. E
iron -grey mares, four and
with cutter said robes,
bort Gilbert, of ' Odessa,
m that place pn New
ristraas fair in Clifford
n sold three two year:.
$33 per head, and. is thor-
ced that cattle pay better
Osborne, of Andeedon,
Essex conntte left for England e few
days ago t
twelve thous
ed back in a,
— The Ho
London, and
tertained his
at an oyster
day evening.
— A 8011 of
maa mornin ,
with the loa
breaking it i
—The Gr
a new passe
The buildin
red brick dr
cured help and found the
be a boy's head, the rest
under water having gon
ice,. The lad was pretty
a few minutes longer wou
ed him,
—Mr. Robert Minter,
heim township, celehrat
wedding on New Year'
friends and relatives ed
and. spent a happy e
were some very valuabl
sented to Mrs. H., who
and happy as she did
All enjoyed themselves,
a very pleasant one.
—Michael Coughlin,
old pensioner, while su
attaok of delirium tre
to kill a Mrs. Brownl
to lend hina money
spree. The cries of the
assistance, not, howeve
soon, as the old man
hack her with a knife.
-locked up.
—Mr. Isaac Samm
wealthiest agriculturist
of Elgin, while in St. T
day, "hooked" a cane"
ing to Mr. Boggs, an
afflicted with rheumati
ing cane was found in
and he Wa8 taken befor
the Peace and given si
nate and the Regina Sq13, a
newspaper, will ma ke ite; first
appear lice by the middle of jaouazy.
The Methodist and Presb, terian 13odies
have erected churches. The Church of
England services are being held in a
building rented in the meantime until
the congregation can eredt a soitable
baildin . The Baptiets and B.oman
Catholtes also intend building at once.
This is also the head rmiartere tf the
est Mounted Felice, and at
there ere 100 af the fore° sta.
under command of Col. Irving,
receive a legacy of pome
nd dollars. Ile is expect -
out five weeks.
. John Carling, M.P., of
Peatmaster Geperal, en -
past and present employees
upper at the brewery -Fri-
Major aisle. and Inspectqr Steele. The
force i ' to be increased to 250 streng in
the spring. The barrack are stetioned
about mile and a ba.lf f
a visit to the head quarte
of interest ; and the disci
veils among the corps is e
om town, and
s will: prove
pline that pre-
recellent. You
to her that
will lie doubt be surprised
this rceashroom city luta a telephoue
systerci, but such is the caise. We have
a telephone communication between
the Canada Pacific Railroad statipn,
Policia Court, Government House, bar-
racks, the Banks and a number of pri-
vate armee. Several lend compenies
have their offices I here. The
Ontario and. Qu' Appellee the Qu' Ap-
pelle and Long Lake, and the Qu' Ap-
pelle Colonizatioa Companies, and their
lanclaare being rapidly disposed' of. We
are in the centre of the fertile belt, the
soil of which cannot be surpaesed on
ad been per -
end of the
this of itself
f between 300
and 400 Men, and with heir families a
population of 1,000 saalsi 'The railway
workshops are to be placed here and
will give employment to a large number
of skilled laborers. I A4 branch lines
mulling to the G-reat Peace River Dis-
trict on the north, and the Wood Moan-
tadh istriot on the South, will have
thei juncpion here, as he Canada Pa-
cific Railway has been pledged to build
them from this point ; and, already a
charter hes been applied for Ito run a
line from Regina to Pd ce Albert. The
busipess-transacted at the Regina Sta-
tion and yard, would surprise many
who are accustomed to a rush in large
miles of siding
—Mr. J.
making the
tricycle, in
journey in 6
—The N
building a
their trade
treal. Sh-
and will ea
besides frei
—The fe
agitatieg f
the cOntinent. Regina
manently made the
railway division, and
means the enaploynient
A SpeciaAty.
Mr. Duncan Munroe, of
bile eleighriding, Christ -
fell off the sled and it
on, passed over his leg
two places.
nd Trunk is about to erect
iger station at Strathroy.
is to be a white brick with
ming, and two storeys in
oodie, jr., is credited with
dietance across the bay at
hich is over a mile, on a
ve Minutes, and the return
x minutes.
tional `Steamship Line is
-ew monster of the deep for
•etween Liverpool and Mon•
will be 6,500 tons burden,
ry about 1,000 passengers
ale teachers in Toronto are
r equality with the men in
city lock up.
—The safe in R. H.
Lumen, was burglari
night. The burglars g
through the front doo
lock. The office next
ed a scene of debri
deeds, mortgages an
documents being scat
office in confusion.
the matter of salary, seeing that • they 1 behind them a quanti
must have the same qualifications. It —The Dominion re
is remarkable° and very unjust, that six December show an i
men draw half as muchsalary as twenty- corresponding month .
four ladies.793, and an increase
—A large flock of wild 'geese flying months of the fiscal
southWard -alighted in some trees near $2,188 637 compared
Gordouville, in the county' of Welling- spending period of t
ton, on Sunday week. Many -of the The rterencte for th
birds which were very much exhausted
were captured by the residents of the
—Five Members of the family of Mr.
John Dignan, of London township, in-
oludiug his wif.e, succumbed to diptheria
within a little over a month. The un-.
fortunate man was himself laid up m
the city hospital at London, of the same
disease, but is recovering.
r..W' Give us a call when in town, and
save money.
Sign of the Circular Saw,
citiele. There ar,e two
down, and these are con
par e ; another mile isle
spring. To give en
rush, I may menti�i t
this point weekly
poilids along the lin
conae thrpugh to Re
chants of the city al
which gives eniploy
bernf hands. We
hotels, and a joint
beep formed with a
to put up a moneter
directors, expect to
mottle' time. Th
delightful, and the
have -been enjoying
casioned, western
—Dr. G-eorge Dawson, of the Geologi-
cal Survey of Canada, has returned
from a trip to Europe, and after careful
inspection- expresses himself satisfied
that the soft coal of the Northwest is.
superior to what he saw in Germany
and Boneinia.
—Mr. Glod Reahme; of Jeanette's
Creek, delivered 4,420 muskrat skins,
and 153 racoon and other fare, a few
days ago to a firm in Chatham. This
young man (Mr. Reaume) is quite a
successful trapper, and 300 of the musk-
rats were -of laiskiwn trapping.
—Captain Horner. of Princeton has
returued from West Lynne, baying dis-
posed of aAl his horses, but will carry an
ugly scar on his forehead through life,
from the effects of a horse kick, which
caused him to retire to Ids bed for a
week during his sojourn in the far west.
tinnally full of
be added in the
example of the
at 600, cars pass
or, the front and
, 40 cars a week
hie for the mer-
ne; the handling of
ent to alarge num-
have seven good
toele corapany has
capital of $25,000
hotel, which the
e ompleted in two
imate is really
Mitt few' days we
almy weather, oc-
en say, by the Chi-
nook winds from th am& !coast. I
spent last winter in Winnipeg, and find
the climate here m
congenial. The
quality and plenty
Outario and Lower
not comfortabiy pl
living on mortgage
to a country like t
yeers be independ
rap.ch richer, the
and labor ranch les
de more mild and
oil is of excellent
f it, and farmers in
Provinces who are
ced, if ipstead of
farms, WOuld come
is, they would in 5
lite as the, soil is
yield ranch greater
—All the test wells that have been
put down, both on the Mousseau and
adjoining farms, Belle River, have pro-
duced great quantities of gas. One of
them has burued constantly for three
weeks with a column of flame four feet
high and a foot in diameter.
—Mrs. 0o,an elderly lady living
on the Hamilton Road, near London,
who had the misfortune last week to
get her leg broken by a boy, a dog and
a hand-eleigh, is recovering slowly, and
her friends will be pleased to hear that
there is aProspeot that she will soon be
about again.
—Mr. Michael Lowes, of Omemee re-
turned lately from Menitobe, bringing
with him a curiosity in the ehape of a
set of elk horns of the following extra-
ordinary aimensionet :-4 feet 6 inches
long -circumference, 10 feet 2 inches -be-
tween the horns itt the roots 9 inches—
from tip to top 6 feet. Each horn car-
ried seven branclees.
dark object to
him being
through the
adly chilled,
dhave finish -
f North Blen-
d his wooden
night. The
re all invited
ening. There
presents pre-
ooked as gay
ve years ago.
he party being
f Toronto, ark
ering from aa
ens, attempted
, who refused
o• continue hie
woman brought
, a moment too
as preparing to
Coughlin was
in her adnes. They went into the wait-
ing room, but immediately the' husband
hunted r• the baggage -master and .re-
ley awe
to.do it
sick an
been 80
sufferer tied died during his absence.
The father gayethis name as A. D. Bell,.
and stated that his home had formerly
been M Milton, but his present residenoe
Wati Grand' Rap ds, Michigan.
—Mrs. Bach er, of Bayham, in the
county lof Elgin, is the oldest female
ounty She is 84 years
, one of the
in the county
omits the other
or fun" belong•
old gentleman
m. The miss-
ammy's sleigh,
the Justice pf
months in tliie
im to change his Credit Val -
for a Clanada Southern, and came such as to excite " attention, she
uickly, ias his child was very called a police officer, and through her °Mai
he wanted to go back to the influence the women were induced to who
room. When the husband re- quietly enter a cab, laid were iramedi- capt
o where his child lay there had ately drrien to the Agnes street station, the
ange fot the worse,and the little and their relatives notified. When othe
they arrived a medical man was sum- had
moned, and the ladies were examined. —
The physician decide& that the lour Rem
patients should be removedtin the Asy- the
lum at once, and about 8 o'clock they even
were conveyed to the Asylum under a reali
strong escort of police, and accompanied out
by their friends. The daughters, it ap- was
pears, had nursed their mother for the thir
past year and a half, during which time List
she had been of unsound mind, and Sea
this has been assigned as the cause of
the sudden loss of reason by the young
women. -
—A s'ad history is that of an inmate
of a cell in a Quebec police station a few
nights ago. The prisoner's name is Laud
Kavanagh, and he is the only son of polling sub -divisions, and the boundary
the celebrated General (Iiticknovt) of e ch thereby being changed without
Kavanagh. The prisoner -stands cliarg- not ce, makes the voting of Monday
od with robbery, the offence alleged January 1st ielegal, and a neweelection
against him being the theft of an over-
coat and a pair otgloves from the Fin-
lay Asylum. Kavanagh has been some
time in that city, and was in similar
trouble Stvo or three weeks ago being
charged with the theft of an overcoat,
dee., from the Marine Hospital, where
he was for some time a patieut.- That
affair was settled, however, and. the
ooat returned. Kavanagh is evidently
a highly educated individual, and quotes
Horace and V:rgil by the chapter: He
claims Lord Napier of Magdala as his
godfathert and says that he was on the
staff of that distinguished officer in the
Abyssinian campaign. He sold his
commission for a trifle, and his friends
then purchased for him a coffee planta-
tion in Ceylon. This was also sold by
Kavanagh for an inconsiderate trifle.
Soon after he came out'. to Quebec, be
joined "A" Battery, but was soon sent
to the hospitel disabled for active duty
by the breaking out of old wounds upou
his legs. The Secret of Kavanagh's
terrible fall is of course the wine cup.
, .
street, about four o'clock, they all sud-
denly began to display signs of insanity.
They had a lady companion with them,
and when the conduct of the ladies be-
IsicL AN BROS., P-ablishers.
1;1. 0 a Year, in Advance.
into t
for a
resident m the
of age, and is a
ing at present
quilt, hile he
from t
rid was
made er appe
Woods. She
her wardrobe
pocket -hanker(
ben the battl
other becident
Mr. T lson, th
board4d with
ing the town which now bears his name.
Mrs. Buchner now lives with her son
John. They have an excellent farm,
and the venerable lady is enjoying every
comfort in the evening of her life.
—O'Rourke condemned to die for the
murder of Patrick Maher; aged 80, and
his daughter, aged 30, was executed. at
Milton on Friday morning last. The
crime for which O'Rourke was executed
was an atrocious one. He left the em-
ploy �f a farmer named Pat Maher, in
the township,of Nelson, about 13 miles
fromillanailton, on the morning of Fri-
day, Jan. 19, 1882. He returned in the
even -'ng about nine o'clock, and enter-
ing t e isolated. • log house killed Pat
Mah r's aged and helpless father and
sister, the fatal instrument in both
cases being an axe. No motive could
be aesigned for the terrible deed but
that he was drunk. He confessed his
crime, and after a full trial was found
b a jury in March last and sen-
d by Justice Cameron to be hanged
rune 9th. Upon application, the
rney-General issued on fiat respiting
risoner.till the 5th inst,in order that
ts raised by his conneel might be
ed at Osigoode Hall, these being un-
essfully, however. O'Rourke had a
O'Neil's bank at
ed last Fridey
ined admittance
by forcing the
orning present
and °end:align,
other valuable
ered aronnd. the
he burglars left
y of tools.
•enue returns for
crease over the
of 1881 of $111, -
upon the first six
year of 1882-3 of
with the corre-
e previous year.
current year is
estimated, if the preeent rate of taxa-
tion is maintained, t
last year by two milli
—Dr. Robert Mill
Miller, of Galt, who
tion of medical attetu
of the Northwest
stationed at McLeod
leave of absence i
visit to his family an
His leave of ease
February, but very
received a telegram
to his post, an epide
ly broken out among
about the fort.
—The expenditri
Paoific Railway up t
placed at $25,000,00
taken up with the b
line and branches,
Perth, workshops
rolling stock on the
hundred and forty
graded, and this, in
about $12 000 a
, II
Telephone coin
established betw
Goldie, of
his flouring mill so
500 barrels per da
—The Assistant
Toronto, has recei
new 'copper coin f
total value being
—The postoffic
Essex Comity, wa
night of t50 wort
cash and other ar
—J. Inman, arr
lately in Toronto, on a charge of drunk-
enness, was found dead in the cotrider
of the police headquarters next mom -
i g. Deceased, who had owe been in
g od ciicumstamtes, was addicted to
drink daring the early years Of his life.
He was engaged ii. the New York offices
a the 4namks TAO ot Oteataahirs,
unication has been
en Hamilton and
Gaelph, has enlarged
that he can turn out
of 24 houre.
Receiver -General at
ed eighty boxes of
✓ circulation. Their
8,000. ,
at Maidstone Cross,
robbed on Sunday
of postage stamps, $2
sted late one night
—W. G. Powell, Esq., of fthe Paris
Star, met with an accident al few days
ago. In passing down his back stairs,
the lower part of his pants °Aught on a
stick, and he fell to the flgor, striking
his left arm against a piece of wood
which caused a fracture of that member.
It was re -set without delay, and is now
doing Well. -
—One day lately, while ore of Squire
Hickson's boys, a little east! of Credit-
ville, went .out hanting in the large
swamp north of the Governor's road,
with a blood hotted, he came upon ai
large wild cat which at once attaeikedi
him, but the blooa hound sprang upon
the wild cat and with the by succeeded
in killing it. The hound was badly
used up. -
—The Marquis of Lorne has written
to General Sherman, at Washington,
asking if it would be safe for his wife to
winter in . Charleston. It seems the
Princess has changed her mind about
Bermuda, an d. prefers Charleston.
General Sherman replied that in his
opinion there was no Beier or more
pltaaant place in the United States for
the Princess than Charleston.
—The eateneive firm of Messrs. Rath-
bun, in Kingston, have effected a con- This Act is consr
tract to furnish the Canada Southern and, assuming
railway with from 120,000 to 200,000 Majesty's domin
8,982,177 square
deceased wife's
over an extent o
of British territ
over 2,183.124
positively illegal
—When the
ed in St..Thom
5 o'clock last
alighted from
youPg couple, t
exceed that of
n dollars.
r, son of Judge
as held the posi-
ant of the portion
Mounted Police
arrived home on
Nofernber, on a
friends in Galt.
cle extended into
unexpectedly he
allingbim at once
ic baying sudden -
the Indians round
of the Canada
the end of 1882 is
. This has been
ilding of the main
he car shops at
t Hochelaga, and
oad to -day. Seven
iles of road west
luding bridges, cost
ile. Amsterdam
livelY as a cricket, be.
ard at work on a patch
brain is as active as
uchner eame to this
e Niagara -district in
the first woman who
ranee in the North Pine
walked from Hamilton,
being carried in her
hief. The lady remelt -
of Lundy's Lane and
of the war of 1812 13.
founder of Tilsonburg,
er while he was found-
bankers, through their agents in New
York, are the partie
up two-thirds of the
recently amounting
—A. Toronto law_
in Winnipeg for
recently returned fr
In no city al there
business air. But
naede by work, not
climate is cold. tl
people are health
under. Judge 'Du
Montreal for years. says he finds Win-
s with him better
old home. People
emsel yes properly,
t well, and so doing
ate and get fat.
said to have taken
new iseue of stock
o some $50,000.000.
er who has resided
°me time, and who
m that city, says:
uch a bustle and
money has to be
iy speculation.' The
e winter longbut
eel happy there .
uc who lived in
nipeg weather agre
than -that of his
have to clothe t
avoid stimulants,
they enjoy the oli
—A most heartr
ourred near Buckh
third son of Mr.
of the neighboring
ing rabbits. Youn
against a tree just
nard, took his axe
After a while h
Taking hold of it by the muzzle, he
drew it towards him, and caught one of
the gun cocks on t
passed through
He was caught in
panion, gasped twice, hut never spot°,
and dropped dead. He was a young
man of fine pronai
—The case of
Wentworth Day
up at the Wentw
She appeared in
, three parties, who call them-
sleampers, effected an entrance
e schoolhouse, where there had.
eft a sufficient supply of eatables
social, and stole two of the
est cakes. One of the paatiee,
as standing guard,. was chased,
red, • and frightened. into telling
names. In the meantime the
escaped to their slaanty, and
second tea with whiskey Zto.
r. T. H. Race, of the Mitchell
rder, completed his contract with
isk Jubilee Singers on Tuesday
ng 2nd inst, at Listowel, having
ed considerably less than $1,000
f the speculetion. The best house
in St. Mary's, next came Goderich,
Mitchell, fourth Clinton, fifth
Wel; and the poorest by far
The municipal elections of the 1st
inst in Stretford are pronounced illegal
by t
at t
e town solicitor, who has decided
in consequence of the failure of
late council to give proper notice
e time of dividing the wards into
wife and child who live in Kingston.
--dIn a ladies' college not far from
Harailton, a few weeks since, the
solutlars and teachers were assembled
fororning prayer. The reading and
.sin ing were over, and all were resum-
ing their seats, when one of the young
ladles. of a very short and thick sta-
tur, , missing her chair seated herself
wit a " thud " on the floor. Nobody
smiled. All were too decorous for that.
Thefallen one, embarrassed into a.mo-
meatary loss of common sense, retain-
ed her lowly seat, opened her -prayer
book, and appeared to be earnestly en-
gaged in examining ite contents. This
wae almost too much for her com-
panions, and a smile began to struggle
on many a fair countenance, when the
rector rose and commenced reading the
firet morning lesson. She read. from
the fifth chapter of A1:008, as follows:
"he virgin of Israel has fallen; she
shall no more rise; she is forsaken upon
he land; there is none to raise her
. up." This was too' much ; the voice of
the rector trembled as she looked up
and saw the fallen virgin; the scholars
turned red in their faces, and the exer-
riding accident co-
rn last week.* The
m. Clark, with some
ovs, went out shoot -
Clark stood his gun
elled by Mr. May-
nd began to chop.
- went for his gnu.
O bark. The charge
he heart and lungs.
he arms of a cora..
vaWoods for shooting
t Jerseyville, came
rth assizes last week.
ourt with a child in
her arms and ano ber by her side, both
of which she says belong to Day. On
the witness stand Day said that he bad
very intimate rel tions with Eva about
five years ago, which continued for
some time. He oes not know whether
be is the father o the children brought
by Miss Woods tp court. He did not -
a OM
thle c
want any more t
neither did be w
laid against her.
only twenty min
verdict of Rep:Litt
—The Go-vern
has been informe
o do with the girl,
ant any information
The jury was out
tes, and rettirned a
r General of Canada
by despatch from the
Secretary of Sta e that the Queen will
not be advised to' exercise her power of
disallowance in r spect of the Act legal-
izing marriage w th a deceased wife's'
sister recently passed in the Dominion.
quently now in force,
he total area of Her
ons to be as estimated,
miles. marriage with a
Eder is ahsolntely legal
6,678292 square miles
Dry, , couditionally legal
square miles, and still
ver only 120,761 square
ly fr
r ob
r th
f Ily
ere brought to a hasty close.
few days ago, as a farmer named
ecord, and his son, were turning
er in Tilsonburg at a rapid rate
tter stewed around with such
ce as to throw both of them out.
e Younger Mr. •Secord was not much
ur d, but his father was shockingly
rt, he having alighted on his head on
ard road. He was carried into
e h tel insensible, and a doctor sum-
oned to look into his injuries. He
und the frontal bone of the skull bad-
with the rest of the buildings. The
pri,ce paid was $6000.
That a human being ehould starve
death in Stratford.and during Christ -
week too, is a crying shame, yet
Perth Items.•
Perth county Sunday school con-
vention meets in Listowel on the two
last days of January.
The teameeting in the Bible Christian
Charch, Mitohell, on New Year's night
was a grand. success the proceeds
amounted to $150.
—In consequence of the Listowel gas
works beiug destroyed by fire, all pieces
of business are being lit with coal oil
lamps again • the streets are dark.
- Rev. Mr. Mitchell has returned from
the far west. He occupied his old pulpit
in Knox Church on sabbath morning
31st ult and was greeted by a large
--Miss M. P. Barbour, of St.
Marys, has been engaged as teacher
in the seventh department of the
Mitchell Pablio School, at a salary of
6200 per annum.
-a-A. little boy seven years of age,
named Willie Hay, attending the A.mul-
ree school, never missed a day from
school during 1d82. Every day, through
cold and heat, rain or storm, the bright
face of the little lad was present.
Out of the twelve members of the
new town council, of Mitchell 5 are
English, 2 Scotch, 5 Irish. 5 are mem-
bers of the Church of England, 4 Presby-
terians, 2 Metlaodists, and 1 Bible Chris-
tian. Politically,8 are Torys, and 4 Grits.
—Mr. Alex. Brown, of Downie,
shipped a fine lot of cattle from the
Stratford station a few days ago. Five
of them were from the farm of Mr. T.
Ballantyne, M. P. P., Downie, and
were very superior animals. One of
them turned the scale at 1,690 lbe and.
the others were not far behind.
'Mr. Robert Jones purchased a valu-
able span of mares east of Toronto a
couple of weeks ago, They were detain-
ed on the Gland Trunk an unnecessary
• length of time, and were sobadly used up
that after being delivered at the Mitchell
Station one of them died the same
night: •
—Mr. James Trow, who has filled
the office of Warden in the county of
Perth for the past 21 years has been
presented with a handsome gold watch
and chain. The presentation was
made by a nnuaber of Mr. Trow's friends
as a token of the esteern in which he is
held in his county.
—The induction of the Rev. E.W.
Penton, of Bradford, into the charge of
St. Andrew's church, Stratford, took
place on Tuesday afternoon of last
week. The services were conducted by
Rev. Messrs. Hendersma, Pothering,
ham, Kay and MoPhersqn.
The Banner thinks Listowel, for ittl
population has mare tall men and boyS
128.11 any other town in the province
IAA a specimen of some of the
boys it quotes Master Henry Davidsotd
on of Samuel Davidson, Esq., who ie
just 17 years of age, weighs 184 pour -Ala
and measures 6 feet. 41 inches in height,
—Mr. W. J. Fear, of Mitchell, spent
New Year at his home in Baud
eels, and on returning found his two
valuable canaries both dead in the cage,
where they had plenty of food, water
and fresh air, and it was not cold enongt
to freeze geraniums in the windovnt.
The query is how came they both tti
take the same notion at the same time.
The birds were worth at least $15. ;
—Mr. John Inglis has bought Mr.
Geo. Sangster's farm, on the 7th *con-
cession, of Ekes for $6,000. The farm
one of the best in the township, contains
100 acres, of which 80 are cleared. Me.
Sangster has purchased the Cunning-
ham farm, near Moleswortb, containing
200 acres, for $9,500. This farm lies en
the west of Mr. Geo. Brown's farm (ilt
the townline.
—On the evening of the Presbyterian.
tea meeting, at Monkton after tea had
been served and all had adjourned to the
e -
railway ties. The sa,nee firm have also
recently received orders for a large
number of doors for Squth Africa and
Kingstou, Jamaica. Including thee
eugaged in logging operations, tnere
must be at present 1,600 men on the
pay roll.
—One morning last week in Galt, a
man passing over Main street bridge
saw some dark object on the ice in the
middle of the river, at the same time
he thought he heard. a cry. He pro-
redit Valley train arriv;
s from the East about
hursday night, thire
the passenger coach a
LO wife carrying a baby
t be held.
Min John Inglis, of the 6th. con -
ion, of Blenheim, has purchased.
of the hest farms in the township
lma . consists of 100 acres, 90
hich are cleared and under a splendid
e oficultivation. There is a large
k barn 90x47, with stone ba.sement
ev, and a large shed in front /or
w. The dwelling house corresponds
Hush a thing has happened. The un-
fortunate man, named Samuel Lett -
ore, lived alone eolith of the track,
d being entirely without means of
sn port, and helpless, lay dodu to die
ne. Word was sent to the relief
mmittee of his condition by some
ighbors who accidentally discovered it,
d a basket of necessaries was sent,
it the old man died shortly afterwards.
—Mr. James Jackson, died somewhat
s ddenly on Tuesday morning 2nd
i st. He bad been staying with his
s(bn Robert on the . old homestead, ire
ullarton, since the death of his son
Thomas which occurred a few weeks
a o. Monday afternoon he reoorded
Is vote at the Bethel schoolhouse in
18 accustomed health, but while
t king his tea the same evening some -
t ing lodged in his throat and caused
is death during the night. The cofifin,
e handsomest ever furnished by a
Itched undertaker, was made of met -
1, with heavy glass top and sides.
he plate was handsomely engraved.
The cost was $100.
—Ou Friday, 29th -ult.,. Mr. John
uir, an old and highly respected. resi-
ent of the township of Downie, pamed
way to his rest. He was a native of
Peebles -shire, Scotland, and came to
Canada, settling at Galt in 1837, the
year of the Canadian rebellion, and was
Palled out and drilled with the militia.
ae married in 1838, anel moved with -
his family in October, 1842, into Dow-
nie, being one of the first settlers in
these parts, and had to undergo all the
hardships of pioneer life, but by indus-
try and frugality he and his partner in
life, like many others, made a comfort-
able home for themselves and. their
family. He leaves a widow, two sons,
five daughters and a number of grand-
children to mouru his loss.
—John Wiles, son of Mr. John Wiles,
of Fullerton, was driving a spirited,
horse from St-ffarys the other day and
came near losing his life and his horse
at the crossing near MoIntyre',s. He
did not observe the traiu coming until
he was within a few feet of the track,
and his horse seems to have been as
unconscious of its approach as himself.
The frightened animal started. up the
track alongside the train at a terrible -
pace and it was with difficulty that
the driver could prevent him from
colliding with the passing coaches. One
of the cars struck him in the side of the ,
head and etunned him for a time, and
ha a few moments the train went past
and all danger was over. Mr. Wiles
turned his horse round, and made his
way to the road, and went on his way
rejoicing, being happily 'delivered from
what might have been a terrible
°tared, and a piece of consider-
ize pressing upon the brain. Tbe
was as insensible as a log, and re-
el in- that condition for three
. The compression of the brain
sitated the introduction of a silver
to lift the bone away. This
r delicate operation was success-.
erformed by the doctor, and the
an came around all right, and is now
oing finely. The practice of turning
corners at break -neck speed with light
outt rs is quite a common one, but it
ie ht ghly da4erous, as the occurrence
just related has amply proved.
It is reported from Biddulph that
One of the Maher boys, a cousin of Car -
toile and who was eupposed to be impli-
oated in the Biddulph tragedy, has be.
&mee deranged in his mind. The malady
is 4aid to have first manifested itself
about Christmas, and to have become
4o a arming since that time as occasion-
Oy to require the efforts of several
ons to restrain the young mantevio- •
e. The most prominent feature in ,
ection witla his mental aberration
stated to be an incessant desire to see
Mr. Hutchinsen, Comity Crown Attor-
ney, and some go so far as to believe
tha;Ian early interview might result in t
im ortant revelations with respect to
the tragedy, which up to the present
time has remained shrouded he mystery.
iIt has since been ascertained that the
!young man is demented, and raves
continually about the tragedy. He was
i arrested during the excitement, bat
:although a relative of Carroll, was
:allowed out on his own bail. Further
Ideyelopments may be looked. for if the
neighbors choose to tell what they over.
liather4ere daughters became suddenly and.
.-Friday afternoent a woman and her
simultaneously insane while walking on
the street in Toronto. They left their
home in the Western part -Of the city
to go shopping, a.n.d when on Yonge
—James Smith, teamster, employed
by the Kewatin Mining Company, lost
his way during the night on the Lake of
the Wood, unhitched his horses, and
was unable to keep up, his feet being
clogged with ice, water having over-
flowed the main ice. The horses made
their way to camp, and the neighbors
roused the miners, who formed search-
ing parties. A party directed by Hugh
Brown, two mouths out from Scotland,
discovered Smith and. carried him to
camp. He will recover.
—The other day a laborer on the
Canada Pacific Railway east was engag-
ed in drawing a can of nitro-glycerine
over some tressle work, near Perrywood
Lake, on a hand sled. On the way,
happening to look back, he observed the
can sliding over the edge of the sleigh,
and, having a tolerably good idea of
what was going to happen, he dropped
the rope and made a dash for other
parts. He had only taken a couple of
steps when the can dropped between
the tressle work and struck the ground,
with the usual result. The tressle was
blown to rags, and the sleigh went
twenty feet into the air, but by some
miraculous chance the man escaped
without a scratch. The event so upset
the poor man that he gathered up his
little -sled and went back for two more
cans of the festive explosive, which he
transported to the place where they
were needed. He had a similar racket
about a week previously, and is begin-
ning to enjoy that kind of thing.