The Huron Expositor, 1883-01-05, Page 5eenensaa,..„_e
heed by en
se train, tog
ill be pleased
his &ea, assist*
her, he has so ten
of his removal to
eking wait s
shed last !dab
pleased to ie
ieieced no bad re.
wed, ant, on
the atonal Sala
# tree entertaina
Bible Christian
n Friday ("Vent%
ar surpassed any
ameats given eit
vening an.a roads
enreh was soon
and a pleasant
I present. E.
it. case with the
ieflte and pleasure
t particularly in -
the Christmas
and richly laden.
ied presents for
large member 4)
many of whichhandseme, As
sicai part of the
good, and 'was
ried out by the
r highly credit -
le Re. .E. X.
las present and
ting addresa on
iendship. The
er and chafrman •
himself as newel- •
it placeiand by
toroua remarks,
tingre pleasure.
w Year's Day
tie the village.
observed as a
no sports, no
nsemeently Iitia
ane those who
allesday to at-
rentioui he'd at
Ur. Alex. Mc..
tuehanan, hoth.
el and saw 'Ogg
market in lerge
rhos. Agnew of
sea a colt which
t tat of January,
lot be surpassed
following are
ts. Girth,5 feet
Ieg, I foot II
foot 2 inches;
; of hind leg, 1
1. inches; beset: ---'
This cat heed
iceedingly well
fair to become
titer bred in the
riday evening,
esiclence of Mr.
cession of Bast
of pupils and
met their late
ey, who is leav-
)01 for the part
elf1 and a. very
net. 13 cit before
dr, htelta,y was-
rprise by being
!hiileile with au
iandsorne gold
&the respeet in
alto heiteet
rigenerally, who
as _
at' as mem
;et management
d has censider-
rah Mr. McKay
the present, it
with his pres-
ohl eying that
• wifl be (emits
Judging from
farewell. supper
of rra
a honor of Mr.
School Section
= prior to hie
abt011. About
number ot the
titt detta to le
things, of
au had heel),
V i was called to
he, a neat little
7. Tint for a
aed by render-
aheloret swan
th Mr.. Mr- Melhay
i the rise and
L system, and
portant part
L training the
1• )deKayti re.
tended. The
t Trade,' wait
°f Mr. John
lyitig, stated
ed to publie
excused_ from
e „bat cries of
timidity, and
hug incidents
bit notice in
he. A coraic
hmares Cola -
Mr. Albert
:cable mirth.
ikson and C
le If amaah's
it had to the
teeeified the
reapense to
Coad, Jr., of
eresent, took
rolia.ntis posi-
of teatimes a
ht all parties
he merchant
mg from Mr.
al receive&
pular toast,
etutIf Mr. T.
leouglit that
rated as we
The fact of
eur ccillegea
sed that we
not in favor
Loh ght that
the weal or
woman as
our hornee,
es, and the
e Reid's ex -
s we would
:Lain single.
resolved th
JANUARY 5, fI.883.
watch( him cloudy. M
were followed by the
Pig Doe from.Mee
Zebu Coed, which waa
dered considering th
men had pr
which is all th
Itehrs remarks
ng "The mines
re J. B., R. and
very welldren-
t these gentle -
nous practice,
reqeire to
bring out their dormant /vocal
powers; a it was the parts wire very
we'll sustained. The toasts "The
Pioneers," was received with rOunds of
eipplause. As Mr. R. Coed, Sr., was
the oldest settler present he replied in
well chosen language. He recoanted
many of the hardships with which the
pioneer bad to contend, recited some
thrilling adventures in connection with
his early deer hunting.. The chairman
turned this speech to good.(account, and
complimeuted Mr. Coed on being such
&successful hupter, making a. pun on
the word "deer.' Mr. T. A. Reid then
gave an excellent recitationinoharacter
entitled "The Maiden Speech." Last
but, not least came "The Host and
Hostess." Mr. - Roche made a brief
response, and said he was pleased to
see the company enjoying theuiselves so
well. A motion of regret for Mr. Mc -
Kay's departure from the section was
then unanimously passed to which Mr.
McKay replied in becoming terms,
thanking the company foe the honor
conferred on him. After a vote of
thauas to the ehairman, who, so ably
filled his position, and the singing of
the Naeional Antlitin, the company dis-
persed to their homes. Mr. McIiity
enters Goderich High School as a stu-
dentofter the holidays.
Huron Notes. e
—Of 38 candidates who wrote at the
recent exarronatioia for admission to
Goderich High School only 21. passed.
—Mrs. John A. Murray, who was so
badly injured in the Hensalltrailway
acoident, is improving, and has a fair
prospect of recovery.
—Mr. D. McCormick, an old and
esteemed resident of Brussels, ietends
removing to the Northwest to try his
fortune in that lend of promise.
—Rev. R. ,Hicks, assietant rector of
St. George's chtirele, G-oderich, has re-
ceived a call to Winnipeg, and, we.
understand, has accepted it.
—Mr. John .Efodgees, ctf Clinton, who
las been prostrated for several naonths,
and at oae time was !given up by his
physician is eradually reeovering.
—Mr. Wal-Zon Dodswoeth, of the 16th
concession of Goclerichtownship, has
sold his farm, consitting of 40 acres, to
Mr. E, Chesser, for the BUM of 152,000.
it. -Mr. Chas. Grant, of Clinton, who
ment is more sad from ltgte fact that
two of the family, young omen in the
prime of life, died from the effect() of
measles during the summtr.
—The Christmas offertory at Trinity
Church, Mitehell, for the clergyman,
amounted to $30 and at Dublin $4. The
latter congregation also sent in a load
of oats and. many other good thing.
—Two happy couples were boued in
matrimonial bonds on Chrietmas Morn-
ing in Trinity Church, Mitchell, by one
and the same ceremorty. Rev. 'Mr.
Edmondit wet the officiating clergyran.
—Mr. W. Bothyrellewho had ciarge
of the D wnie butter and cheese fa tory
for the 1
1883 by
The con
force an
paseed the intermediate examination
velier stiCcessfully last summer, has been
engaged to teach in e seleool near Luck -
now. Salary $310.
—Mr. J. Joslin, of Clinton, and for-
merly of Verne, but who has spent the
past summer 'in the Northwest, has
been requested to stand as local mem-
ber in the Conservative interest, for the
constituency of Vercion„ in the North-
—At a meeting of Loyal Orange
Lodge No. 793, Blyth, the following
officers were elected: Master, W. Mason;
Deputy Master, J. W. Lishman; Secre-
tary, J. Nethery ; Finahcial Secretary,
• R, *Henderson • Treasurer, G. Fells;
Chaplain, J.
tee Man, T
—With th
Miss Mary
arrison ; First Commit -
B. Rainey.
close of the present year
Heine- retired from her
position as teacher in the Gorrie public
8012001, after giving very acceptable ser-
vice for the past two years, and has
accepted a similar positionin connec-
tion. with Ford wich school. Miss Seine's
eiuccessor in Gorrie will be Miss Anuie
Hough, who has recently passed a very
creditable examination.
—The little village of Benneiller
toasts the possession- of one of the
heaviest men in the county, in the per-
son of of Mr. jonathem Miller, who turns
the scale at only 290 lbe. Although so
large he is said to be one of the most
nimble of men, and there are very few
who cam beat hira cm a short foot race.
In additien to this, he is as good natured.
as he is heavy.
—Miss Lizzie Pyke, who has for a
long time been a. sufferer from that
dread disease, consgroption, died at her
parents' horoe, near Gorrie, on Thurs-
day morning of last week. This young
lady has, by her patient, Chriatian
graces, drawn the earnest friendship and
love of all to herself, and during the
latter portion of her illness gave won-
derful evidence of the dying grace
vouchsafed. a true I christian.
—An old and respected resident of
Goderich township died on Thursday,
December 21st, in the person of Sarah,
relict of the late Baptiste Whitely, of
the 6th concession, aged 63 years. She
had been gredaally failing during the
past year. She leeves a family of six
children, R. J. Whitely, of Luoknow,
Thoraas Whitely, of Goderich, John
Whitely, of Watfdrd, and W. E. White-.
ly, who lives on the old homestead,
being the sons, wed Mrs. Hall Rutledge
and Mrs. Thos. Tichbourne of Goderich -
township, her dataghters. She was an
exenaplary wife aml mother.
—The tehristneas entertainrcient in
connection with the Methodist Sabbath
School at Gorrie, was a gratifying suo-
OeBB. just after dinner fifteen double
sleighs, carrying ever 200 of the scholars
and their friends, started for Fordwieh,
headed by the Gorrie band.. Arriving
there about 2:45, they were welooneed
to the Canada Methodist church, aod
after warming themselves and listen'.
ing to a short programme of songs and
dialogues, the party again embarked
arriving home a little before dark. In
the evening the church was well filled
to witness the recitations; dialogues,
and singing which had been prepared
by the school and which proved to be a
rare treat from beginning to end.
sheep a
day, kil
same fa
9th oon
Bon, Ne
some si
ed feral
the oo
have s
lage of
er cont
the lat
Mr. W
but no
at Bra
- was a
• t.
at two seasons, is engage for
he directors of Spring, Creek
est Zorrit. e
Principal Cavan, of Torionto,
d the services hi Knox church,
on Sabbath 24th December.
rogations were large and the
gentleman spoke with unusual
roof of Mr. j mes Buenet's
ble at Poole, 1e41 in the other
iug one fine ew and injuram
there, also the r of of M. C.
's driving shel shared -the
e, damaging some of ,his imple•
:W weeks aeo, 1rs, J. Stacey,
ieasion, Fuilarto , lost her third
1, a promising 1 d, from intim-
Mrs.Stacey's husband died only
teen months ag . The bereav-
ies have the de p sympathy of
munity in their ieavy affliction.
srs. Thomas anL1 George Farrell
Id their farms a joiping the •vil-
oole, in Moroi gton. the form-
ining 90 acres for $5,900, and
er containing 75 acres for $3,900,
n all: The purehaser is Mr. P.
, of Wellesley.
nk Abbott, ag d 19, a son of
Abbott, former y of Mitchell,
Manitoba, died
of sno
in eve
No on
has p
for br.
Mr. B
$550 f
ing th
the c
of Oak Cret k,
don on the 214t ult., from the
of a severe hold which had
time past. He
ng man. •
k on Wednesday
• of last week, hi Listowel, the
Wing rink fell from the weight-
. The buildin was erected two
go, and was con idered first-olass
y respect, but isnow a 'total loss.
was in at the ti
. R. A. Btown, f West Nissouri,
•released the 1ay filly Minnie
from Mr, Jos. Stafford, of St.
It is his intention to use her
eding .purposes. The price paid
250. The Arg
own on his pure
o ▪ Michigan ho
see in Mitchell
in securing sixt
they paid $2.67
d him for gone°
aid, steady yo
out eleven o'clo
their employ.He is about five fi eet six
inches high, rather slight, with fair
complexion. He left with a coati wear-
ing plain grey pants and leather moc-
casins. Great sympathy is felt for the
is greatly excited over the tragedy and
there is but one feeling of sympathy for
the bereaved family. If the murderer
should faU into the hands of the far-
mers it will go hard with him.
The Murderer has since been arrested
and lodged in gaol to await his trial
BELL—At Nottle.Branch, Lapeer County, Miehi-
gan, on thei 16th ult., the wife of Mr. Wm.
Rell, Jr, of a daughter.
SPEIRS—In Morrison Tuesdey, the 19th ult.,
the wife of Mr. Allan Spe-rs of a son.
,COLLINS—In Exeter on the 22nd alt., the wife
of Mr. W. Collins, of a deughter.
MeNEISH—Al Molt sworth on the 25th ult., thek
wife, of Mr.' eames McNeish, of a daugh-
GLEN—In Ribbed on the 29th ult., the wile of
Mr. Thos. Glen of a on.
s . congratulates
ase of so fine an
se buyers making
week ago, sac -
en animals, for
.50. They of-
r. Joseph Jackiion, of Fullerton,
✓ a span of mares, their weight
,825 pounds, but the offer was
number of gen lemen represent -
congregation ef the Methodist
'tine o'clock on
ited'on the Rev.-
pected pastor of
urch, and, without fuss or care -
handed him $1
t. Well done.
r. Wm. Gardine
h in St Marys,
mas morning, w
Hannon, the re
- Marriages. .
SCOTT—TOUGHAN— At the residence of the
- blade's father on the 251h ult., by. Rev. Et:
Berry, Mr. gohn Scott,of Molesworth, to Miss
Catherine T.onehao, eldest daughter of Mr.
Archd. Teughan, of alma.
ANGST—MIT HELL—By the Rev. IL Berry, on
the 16 h ult.. at the reeidence of the bride's
father, Mr. Solomon Anget, of Trowbridge'to
aura, daughter of Mr.W m. A. Mitchell, of
Grey. -
UTTLE—DEBUS—.t Zurich, on the 27th ult.,
by Rev. H. Diellamm, Mr. %a m. Uttle, of
Elmira, -to Miss ' Cabman() • Debns, of
Zudeth. -
NEWTON—RIVERS— AA Gorrie en the 28th.
ult., by Rev. Mr. B °Ugh, Mr. George A. New-
ton, school teacher, Butte% to aiiss Olive
Rivers, of Grey. daughter of Mr. S. Elvers:
alciLEAN—BituWN— At, the residi nce of the
fether in Fast Wawanoth, on the 26t1i
ult., by Rev. J. Pritchard, Mr. Hugh Stuert
McLean, Principal of Lucknow Public School,
to Miss A.neie Lona& Brown.
ANDERSaN—RANN—At- altop on the 28th
ult.. by: Rev. A. hicNaughton, Mr. John
Anderematallise Carodne Bann, all of Grey
tow iship. •
NICHOL—al opUTCHEON—In Morris on the 20th
ult., by Rev S. Joees, Mr. Robt. Nichol, to
_ - Miss Mery. Jane McCutoheon, both of
LEATH—NELSON—In Morris on the 27th ult.,
. by Rev. SeJones, Mr. David Leath, to Miss
Isabella Nelson, both of Morris.
ktesmios.— 'JOHNSTON — At St. Stephen's
Church, Goderich, on the 20th alt., by Rev.
Mr Matthews, Mr. Rola. A. McElroy, of Mo -
Killen, to Miss Mary Ann Johnston, of Goder-
BALFOIJR—McGILL—In lasborne at the resi-
- dents° of I the bride's father, by Rev. Mr.
Fletcher, 1,1r. Janie Balfour, of • Hibbert, to
Miss Isabelle McGill, of Usborne.
LEIGH—HAPKNEY—tn Usborne on the 27th
nit , at the retadence of the bride's father, by
Rev. O. Fletcher, Sir. W. H. Leigh, to Miss
Jenbie, deughter of Alex. Hackney, Esq all
of Usborne.
McPlIERSt N—GRAHAlle-At, the reside nce of
the bride's father en the 2nd inst , by the
Rev. PeScott, Mr. Min. Melterson,of Logan,
to Ann, eldest daughter of A. Grrhain,
DIAMOND—REINHABDTeakt the rsidence of
the bride's fattier, Wbitechurea, by Rev,
Joseph Philip of Belgrave, Mr. Wm. Ditanomt,
of Hallett, to Mae Martha V. Reiuhaidt. "
as a Christmas
, Sr., an old and
high' respected res dent of Hibbert
Township, was some t me ago etricken
down by inflarnmatioxi., and after some
f intense suffe mg, died. Mr.
ner leaves a widow, comfortably
ed for, to mourn his death. The
ed was a brother of Mr. R. Gar -
for many yeart reeve of nib-
he Honey Grove cheese factory in
Mornington, gives a creditable account
of th season's business. At a late
meet ng it was shewro that
ther had been 1,308,066 lbs, milk re-
ceive , rn&nufactured into 124,958 lbs.
ohee e, taking .10 46400 Ilet. milk to
mak season ; sold at
to 12 cents, fetch -
3 ht, the' patrons
•of 9 22 100 cente
all expenses. Mr.
salesman, Was re-
ing yew.
—Fort, -
We have this year by far the largest assortment of Fancy Goods, Gift Books
and Toys we have ever shown, and we can, with all confidence, solicit a con-
tinuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us in the past, feeling cer-
tain that we can give the right goods at the right price. It would be useless for
us to try to enumerate the many useful and beautiful articles we have now on
erhibitton ; however, we would call special attention to the following lines, which
we claim to have indhe greatest variety, in the most beautiful goods, and last,
bub not least, at the lo -west prices:
Work Boxes,
Writing Desks,
Japanese Goods,
Cigar Cases,
Pearl Card Cases,
Shell Goods,
ing t
a lb cheese fo
ranging from 1
e sum of $13.8
ing an average
b. after payin
. Chalmers, the
inted for the co
A 1 errible Tragedy.--Fpur Per-
sons Murdered.
A fearful tragedy was enacted Tues-
wit, re he killed hine with an axe, liter-
ati chopping his head to pieces. Them
en ering the house, I he proceeded' up-
sta rs to the room obcupied by George,
was asleep, striking
wo fearful wounds
he axe, from which
died: Then rush -
m he •struck him
icting a dangerous
'though disabled,
The nOise alarm-
e.ggie and Fannie
assistance. In the
ed Maggie secured
erer then seized a
nniewith it, wound -
the head. He then
stairs. The two
met stairs met him
armed with a pok-
e at them with it.
They defended themselves and closed a
10 0
orning btweer 5 and 8 at the
e of Ruggles W. Cooke, e, very re-
table and well -t -do farmer living
Little Rideau i4 East Hawkesbury
eastermost tonship of Ontario)
ell county, the farmer, his wife
two of their children (a son and
hter) being murdered, seed nother
o injured that his recovery is doubt -
The murderer has the hired man,
It is a pleasure to show
RABB—In Fella:ton on the 24th ult., Mr. Alex,
Rabb, agial 70 year, 10 months and 17
CAM PBET L --an Fullerton on the 21st ult.,
Peter Campbtlayoungest son of Mr. Duncap
Campbell, aged 8 t ears, 2 months and 17
PYKE—In Goirie on the 28th ult., Lizzie, eldest
daughter of Mr, Edward Pie, aged 23
WRAY—In Gorrie on the 15th ult., James Albert,
IL /ant son of Mr. Robert Wray, aged three
moat hs.
ANDERSON ---:In Mitchell on the 301h alt., Mag-
gie, infant daughter of Mr. David Anderson,
aged 2 moat ha and 12 days
CLARICE—On the 30Ih u.t , at Woodstoek,Berthe
Grace, beloved wife of W. G. Clarke, aged 23
yeare, 3 months and 27 days, eldest daughter
of Mr. Paltridge, of Galt, ang fol]rerly of
he murderer first attacked the eld-
aughter, Emutui, in the upstairs
eroom adjoining Ithe house, streng-
her with a rope. Mrs Cooke evi-
tly having come to her daughter's
stance, was nextl strangled, in the
e way. He iiext attacked Mr.
ke, who had gonp to the barnyard,
Local Notices,
• HoRSES Fon SALE. ---Two General
Purpose and two driving horses for sale at a
bargain. also one mare in f al. Scow BROTHER'S
Musical Instrument Emporium. 786-3
WINES AND leneuoRfe of' the finest
brands for medicinal purposes at L. THORNE'S
Family Liquor Store. 776
L. THORNE has been appointed Agent
for the Fairfield Plains Vineyard, which is noted
for the Nal wines in Canada. 776
Ebonized Boxes,
Crumb Trap and Brush,
Mouth Organs,
ChilcIren's Dishes,
our goods, whether you buy or not. Come and see
Prayer Books,
Hymn Books,
Pocket Books,
Picture Books,
LUMSDEN & WILSON, Scott's Block.
VSTRA.Y SHEEP.— ame into the prem(ses of
-I-:j the undersigned, ot 29, concession 10, Mee
Killop; about the lst o September, a ewe sheep..
The owner can have the same by proving prop-
erty and paying charges. THOMAS HENDER-
SON. 787x4
' in
Perth It ems.
—Miss jogai e hi emeron, of Mel anothon,
is engaged as teacher at Poole, for this
year, at a salary of $350.
—Rev. 3. X. Hislop, of Avotatonewho
has been confuted to his room for some
time, is able to be about again.
—A book and. fancy store in Mitchell
took in over the counter on Saturday
before Chrietmae the handsome sum of
—The family of Mr. pancau Camp-
bell, of the 7th concession, Fullerton,
has suffered. severely from bereaveinent
within the last few months. Peter, the
youngest son, was attending the Fuller-
ton village schoel in -good health up to
the middle of December, when he VMS
taken ill, and on the 21st he succumbed
to inflammation. On Saturday the 23rd,
hitt renaains were followed to the Pres by -
taxi= cemetery, Mitchell, by sorrowing
zelatives and friends. This -bereave-
fourthame, who
and inflicting
he temple with
shortly afterwar
into Willie's roc
u the thigh, in
rued. Willie,
ppled with him.
his sisters M
ught them to hi
uggle which ens
e axe. The mur
p and struck F
her severely on
d down the bac
Is going by the f
the dining roo
when he struc
IF YOU Waut five year old Rye Whisr
key, calf at KILLORAN'S liquor store, Seaferth.
If you want five year old Malt WhIskey; manu-
factured tam barley grain, call aA KILLORWS
liquor store, Seaforth. 783
Gaocearesearall and inspect D Manro & Co's
cheap teas. Teas for the mansion.: Teas for the
palace, and teas for the million. Also a well
assorted stock of Wines and Liquors. Note the
address: House of All Nations. D.IMusito & Co„
Seaforth. 1784
RECEIVED at D, D. Rose'st---- New Teas,
which for quality and price I claimi can't be beat,
and if you doubt it a triai will convince the
most skeptical that it is so. Also, New Currants,
Valentia Raisins, Table Rais ns, 'Figs, Prunes,
Carded Peels, Extracts, Canned Tomatoes, Cone
Peas Peaches, Pears, Apples, jams and Jellies,
and 'Canned Meats; also a, fine assortmeat of
pure candies, all of which will be sold at my
usual low prices 783
WeLsoN de YOUNG have- a large and
well assented stock of ehoice family groceries,
provisions, crockery and glassware. Parties re-
quiring anything in either line can depeed en
getting it from them at the lowest price and of
the best quality. All goods guarantetd to be as
repre ented, and to give satisfaction. if not, they
can be returned. The hiehest price paid for
butter, eggs, and all 'kinds of farm and dairy
produce Cal and examine stock and jettlae for
yourselves. 781 ,
-a-STRAY SHEEP.--rame into the premises of
—'the th dersigned, lot 6, concession 1, L.R.S.,
Tualtersmith, on the 18th of November, a white
ewe and twolambs he owner can have the
same on proving property and paying chargee.
ROBERT McARTHUR, Sr., Hensall P. 0. 787x4
Well-known hot] in Seaferth, Bowden'a
Hotel, will' be sold tan reesonable terms. The
hotel is commodious and well fitted up and is now
doing i large and profitable btt-iness. There is
splendil Ambling conntction. Satisfactory
reasons given for selling. Apply on the premises
or to Seaforth P.. 0 JOHN BOWDEN, Pro-
prietor. 787
°LT YOB SALE:I-For sire, a st.donflid entire
colt, sired by "Old Clear Gat," and conning
two. Ile is perfectly sound and la one of the best
of the many valualile animate left IV this cele-
brated' sire. Apply tit Constance P. O., or tn the
proprietor on the Ton Line between Buffett, and
whet'e the 'colt can bo seen. JAMES
NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meet-
1-` ing of the above Company will ba held at the
Town Hall, Zurich, on eiondey, January 8th,
A. D. 18e3, at the hur of 10 oalock A. M. All
moraines are request d to attend, as there will be
a large amount of bueiness of an important
chant cter. The Directors ;will present their annu-
al report of the traneactioes of the Compana for
the year t naing on °ember elst, 1882, together
with a full end uneevist d statf went of theaffairs,
exhibiting leceipts alnd expendttures, rosette and
liabilitiea. As it wi I be uecessary to elect Di -
mit ore ferl.S.83, it s therefore hoped that all
interested will site d. la. GEIGER Eq.,
President ; HENRY EILBER, Manager.- 785x3
d ot on him. Ma gie ran to the front
here ehe haile
rnoned assist
hioli the murder
t( cross the river,
o the pt. Philip s
d an Pacific railway'. Nothing further
p to this time Into been heard of him.,
he house presented a most ghastly
seeetacle. The bodies of the four vic-
tims, Mr. Ruggles -W. ,Cooke, Mrs,
°eke, Emma and George being laid
• tit in it. The flOors, wails and doors
re 'bespattered with blOod. Willie's
ounds are so serious as to afford. but
ight hopes of his
young Englishll
(melon, has beer.
• a passer by who
nce, upon hearing
r fled and was seen
oing in the direction
ation of the Cana
SEA.FORTH,Ijan. 4, 1883.
$0 82 to 0 88
0 85 to 092
0 34 to 0 85
0 65 to 068
0 40 to 0 50
0 19 to 0 20
0 19 to 021)
0 22 to 0 22
2 50 to 261)
8 00 to 9 00
6 50 to 7 50
0 60 to 1 20
0 18 to 0 20
0 30 to 101 023055
7 75 to 8 25
Fall Wheat per bnithel
Spring. Wheat per bushel..
Oats per bushel
Peas per bushel
Barley per bushel
Butter, No. 1, loose
Butter, tab. ,
Flour, per tee lbs
Hides, per 100 lbs.. .....
Sheepskins each
Salt (retail) per barrel
Salt (wholesale) per aarrel
Potatoes, per bushel (new) I
Dressed Hogs
an lately out from
but three months in
main -A.3 Seaforth.
A MEETING of the shareholders and those
wishii g to beteme sharehd.ders, and patrons
of Winthrop Cheese Factory will be held- in the
cheese facteey on Thursday, the ilth of January,
at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electiug
Directors for next tear and to tee about running
the factory next season. JOHN C.IIORRIeoN,
Secretary. 786-2
THE Corporation aif Morris will loan $6,000 on
farm property, first mortgage, at 7 per cent.
interest, payable a inually. Borrowers to pay
expens s. For anther particulars apply to
GEORGE FORSYTH, Reeve, Brussels P. U. 7e6
Chopping .Axes—best make.
TRADESMEN'S and Mechanics' Books -written
up and adjusted. Accounts made out on
moderate terme. Apply at TELE EXPOS' FOR
Office. 785
THE Annual me
the purpose of tie
the transaction o
the Commercial
terested in the So
to attend. GO
CLINTON, Jan. 4, 1883.
Fall Wheat pea bashel ' $ 0 84 to 0 87
Spring Wheat per bushel 1 0 85 to 0 87
Oats, per %bushel. , 0 35 to 0.36
Barley per bushel.,. 0 45 to 0 55
Peas per bushel 0 64 to 0 65
Batter0 20 to 0 21
Eggs •-..a•I 021 to 022
Hay per ten 8 00 to 9 00
Potatoes, per 'mallet 0 35 to 0 37.
Wool. i. 0 25 to 0 27
Hides, per 100 Des 7 00 to '8 00
Dressed Hogs
i1 7 50 to 8 00
And a full line of seasonable hardware
ting of the membeis of the
ranch Agricultural Society for
ting Officers and Directors and
other business, will be held at
otel, Seaforth, on Willi Klet1.
h, at 2 o'clock p. m. All in-
iety are pari icularly requested
DON McADAM, Secretary;
AEL, President. 786-2
-sr cry Division
this eause bearit
Septdmber, A. D
the •approbatiou
Mester of this C
Auctioneer, at 1
concession of th
County of Perth at the hour of one o'clock in
the al ernoon, oi the Fourth day of January,1883,
the following lards and premises in two parcels,
namely : Palm'
Twelfth concessi
in the County
more or leas Ti
gravel roads, at
'Village tif Exte,
a own oi Mitche
story a.nd a half
addition, a ha
45 by 26, and
acres of the far
From this date until the end of December, we have determined to dispose of
our large assortment of merehandise at greatly reduced prices for CASH. Our
stock comprises the largest assortment of
Held by any House in town, and Cash buyers will find it to their advantage to
now fully assortedeand prices will be
purchase from us. Every department is
fotmd low.
TEAS—Th Blacks, Green and japan.' Priees range from 25 cents to 75- mute
.A man whoean cure contraction and
give better satisfaction on bad feet and
-general horseshoeing than any man in
Huron. Also maker of the latest style
per pound.
SUGARS—Refined and Raw—splendid value.
COFFEES—Green, Roasted and GeoundNote the fact thatwe roast and.
grind our own Coffee on the pre iees.
SinCES--.-Whole and Ground. No idiilterated ground. Spices kept in steak.
A large assortment quality A No. I.
CANNEDtarines, UstIoTeik!
Pears, Pine Apples, Apricots, Nee -
and prices as low as last year, not-
withstanding the high price of green fruit this season.
All kinds of jobbing done neat and
R. Wilson,
786-12 " CRANBROOK.
-In re Harris, Campbell vs.
t to the order for sale made m
g date the Twenty-fifth day of
1482, there will be sold with
of Janies Shanley, Esquire,
urt, at London, by James Oke,
t number Twelve, in the Twelfth
Townehip of Hibbert, in the
LIVEHPOOL, Jan. 3.—Sering wheat,
088 10d; red. winter, 8s lld to 00s
Od ; white, 09s Od ; club, 09s 4d,
oats, 5s 06d; barley, 5816d ; pets, 7B
6d; pork, 83s Od; ebeesc, 60s. Od.
Townie°, Jan. 4.--Fal4 wheat, $0.90
to $0.92; spring, $0.90 to 50.95; oats, 400
to 41c; peas, 670 to 71e ;I barley, 48c to
710 • hay, per ton, $11.100 to 51550;
butter, 18c to 26o; pOatttoes per bag,
60e to 65c; eggs, per dz., 26c to 28c.;
$8,30 ; wool, per pound, 8o to 20e.
dressed hogs, per 100 $8,20 to
o. 1—Lot No Twelve, am the
n of the Township of Hibbett,
f Perth, .conteining 100 acres,
iis property -is situate on good
dista ce of ten miles from the
r and twelve miles from the
1, at d on it are elected a new
brick house with brick kitchen
e barn 56 by 34, a frame shed
ther outbuildings. About 90
are cleared and under cultiva-
tion, and is w1311 watered by an everflownig
spring. Soilehlay loam. Parcel No. 2—Part of
lot No. 12, in tl e Broken front concession, of the
rth nxford, in the County of Ox-
ri lot No. 23, on the north-west
treet, Town of Inge: soli. accord -
said lot by W. G. Wonham,
ly registered. This property. has
small frame cottage. The above
will be offered for sale subjeet to
g on each of said parcels, fixed
ster. The purchaser is to pay
of ten per cent on the purchase
me of sale and the balance of
noney without interest within one
month thereaf er. In all other respects- the
terms and con itions of sale will be the standing
conditions of t ie Chancery Division of the High
Court of Justi e For further particulars apply
to Messrs Str et & Becher, London; Cronyn
Beth, Landon; Woods, Fisher la McPherson,
Steaffoid ; Jo n Hoskin, Q. C., Toronto, or to
J MAN, EY Master at London. H. W. RAUL,
VenOor's Soli
DI:tted this
Townihip of Na
fold, know
side o Cornizz
ingate a plan o
1'. L S., and d
erected on it a
named propera
a reserved bidd
by the said al
down a deposit
motley at the t
said pun base
CURRANTS—In barrels and coatis, the best value in the market. No
inferior goods—all fresh and goOd.
RAISINS —Our Extra Selected Valentias• are the best imported, and only
Three Miles North of Blyth, Corner
Fifth, Concession, Wawanosh.
tor, Exeter, Ontatio.
1th day el Dec., 1,x2., 784 3
kept by us—" doe% you forget i ." Layer Raisins for the table, good to
choice. come and see them. Put up in single layers and quarter boxes
—nice for family use.
IMPORTED. Shelled Almonds, Malaga
LEMON, Orange and Citron Peel
Grapes, Eleine Figs, S. S. A'hnond1i, Walnuts, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Ito.
Mr. E. Livingstone has completely
fitted tip his mill with the latest im-
proved saw mill machinery, and is pre-
pared to fill all orders on the shortest
notice, and the best of satisfaction
Pine Blocking, Flooring, Dressing
Always on Band.
Flour and Feed Abv ys 022 Hand as Usual.
Tea tSets in China from Five Doll s to Twenty 'Dollars.,
Tea Sets im Granite, Plain and P inted.
Dinner Sets—Good Assortment— rices Low.
Chamber Sets—White and Printed --Stock Large.
Toilet Sets—Cheap and. • Good.
Maiolica Ware in endless variety—see them.
Fancy Goods for Holidc.iy, Wedding and Birthday Presents—must 60
seen—toa varied to- entinnerate,
Three. Thousand Bunches No. I and
five hundred hunches No. 2, at lowest
cash price. Also good Pine Lath al-
wayslon hand.
Oar stook in thie line is simply immense. Come and look at it. We
cordially invite inspectioa. We guarantee our goods to be aa we represent
them, or no sale. ,We deliver goods free of charge. We deliver goods
promptly. We are to be found under the clock in, Cardno's Block.
Main Street, eaforth.