HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-12-22, Page 7ACEggy. 0 N t Sipa, nut 4 la prem. la team*. ft Loan Se. lase of Far* st-Ckss Sae. Per eclat alip Molds. &tore, Mafia 644 fM---Tha un in a limited a Si. per ewe. Dion taaa.8 777 ta- le,: the ina ellestablished alumnae bast_ Particulars 4.-ortat. Tat and Thalia a *Within far; [ SI,00a yearly ials given, for 783.x4 41 he receiaed an 1, 1883, ana !dere willber several parts B apply te the • BlYth PO 783x3. !-1--For sale, t oldt and one draught, per 1s about ten irn to be sok! oricession 10, a 7840 nd drawn by de payable So rt. of $200, and ▪ are hereby egotiating that )een stopped. t GORDON. 783x4 For Sate.- oacupied by . two acres of veiling house naalso a good situated two ucI WOUld Aired. farmer te undersign - MRS. Jong 784x4. ,entbe empire - - a the nude, - he Surrogate be appointed of Sane Woir m Bleck, and er the ageatf anlate the, Townatdp UT..)1/. MAR- • aleCaughey rth, Decomber „ 783-S ;clitors. of Sken trdey, in the who dial on a are required t s end ted, Seaforth, all particulars - (if any held ar the tapirs- krator will pro- eatate among -refereuce only � have notiee. liable for any Z whose, claim t, the time of ober and, 1832. Solicitora for 7834 • Mir Physician Office and nod - )r. Hutchison, 781 - n,Sargeon and Office andreai- econd door ass ayan. Sur. anty (if Huron. street north, fallout. Graduate of a,Surgeoniand said Residenee, Brie k House 496 iPt. C. M., Via - p. and 8.„ On- t.. C. 8, Eden: Englancit aoa 774 ge of Dental n the rooms Whitney'a d and Batas - rate, thestt nails , Dentist, ASS- busines,s of removed to Italie/I, where xtra.eted with hitraus oxide artiet from, a expenses. 732 nd College D. S. he is able te teary suitable -1i pecialty. de Gas given. • -VI ieet. Seaforth,. 'I•at Da altit Ace, CADETS FO oppo- ial Hotel, on THURSDAY 'rate Oxide Gas eeth. This gas rte.:mu sine° ag- been one of irovince. Pa - inhale the gas 'ed in a min - it disagreeable w teeth phone atention paid Teeth WI, MIAS = DEcnorit' 22, 1882. goameeemsemisaummeen NeWti DAMS. 'Wendell Phillips' has recently pre- soaked the Boston public library with over 1,300 volumeis of books and nearly 14000 tamphlets. -T work of draining Russian insoshes, actively carried on for Bev- ies,' years past, has resulted in sialaiming more than 1,700,000 acres, of which 330,000 are Crown lauds. -Mr. Lewis Wallbridge, Q. C., of Ddileville, formerly speaker of the Legis- lative Assexnbly of Canada, has been offered and has accepted the position of Chief Justice of Manitoba. -Last Sunday week Fletcher Wilcox, pastor of the Christian Church, Chicago, preached a. sermon denying the immor- tality of the soul, and claiming that eternal life was to be the reward of vir- tue, The Church dismissed Wilcox. -The Seine is so flooded that water lose reached the heart of Paris. Drains in law quarters are unable to find an outlets_ and the water has risen to a level with the roads. The Notre Dame quarter is swarming with rats; driven out of the sewers, and the people are suffering from their depredations. - --Mrs. Labouchere confirms the re- port ef a quarrel between herself and jrs Langtry, in regard to the associa- tions of the latter, and says that Mrs. Langtry has received a despatch from her husband, ordering her to corn home at once. -A beiler used in driving a hay presser exploded on the farm of Thomas MoCarthy, near Ingersoll, killing a man named Morton and injuring Joseph Keene, so that he died in a few hours. Two other men were also severely in - kited. The cause of the explosion was low water in the boiler. is estimated that three and a half ears of butter, aggregatieg about thirty-five tons, are disposed of in Win- nipeg every week. Most of it comes from Ontario, and costs about 22 cents per pound, laid down. This would re- present a trade of about $15,100 each week in this conarnodity alone. It is proposed by the Department of Agrioulture to invite all the veterin- ary surgeons practising in the Province to attend a. convention in Winnipeg, at an early date, to discuss the prevalence of glanders in their respective districts, and devise means of effectually stamp - fres out the disease. -Traffic across the Detroit Riverhas been suddenly stopped by the freezing in of the two railway ferry boats. One of them became fixed in the middle of the river on Sunday night last week with the Detroit and Antherstburg train aboaads A few of the passengers reached the American shore by walking on the ice. -The recent French acquisition of territory on the Congo and the proposal to add thereto by purchase of the adjoining district from Portugal, has given rise to great apprehensions in mercantile circles in Liverpool, and an effort is being made to bring to the notice of the Government the danger threatening British trade on this part of the African coast. -Professor Nicholson, of Queen's College, Kingston, is making efforts towarda establishing a Gaelic chair in the University with which he is con- nected. The amount required for establishing it upon a proper founda- tion is about 635,000, and already contributions, one of them amounting to 51,000 have been received towards this object. -The Portage la Prairie Tribune says The Canada Pacific Railway Company gives 50 cents extra per day to section mans for working on Sundays. Stich bare faced desecration of the Sabbath shouldbe stopned at once, as it certainly will have a tendency to sully the good irame of the Province. The Councils in whose mtinicipalities the work is being done, should enforce the observance of the Sabbath within their territonal borders. -s-The scarcity of lumber this season has retarded building operations in Prince Albert to a large extent. The difficulty is soon to be overcome. Messrs. Moore and Macdowelf have erected a new steam saw mill of in- ereased capacity. The machinery will include two large circular saws, shingle machine, lathe machine, and complete set of planers and moulders. This mill will be capable of turning out 4,000,000 or 5,000,000 feet of lumber in the season. -Owing•to the boldness of train rob- bers, and the nunaher of suspicions characters infesting the country in the northern part of Texas, all passenger and express trains , on the Texas & - Pacifier road will carry a strong force of State Rangers as a g-aard between Fort Worth and El Casa. Other roads will pursue the same course. One of the men who attacked the train on the Gulf, Colorado and Sante Fe road, mor- tally wounded in the fight, died the other day near Cleburne, and. was secretly buried by his comrades, -Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, the well known artist in water colors, died at San Remo, Italy, on the 8th inst., aged 65. Mrs. Merray weir born in London, and was the daughter of the late Thos. Heappy, court painter to George IV., an artist of renown. Mrs. Murray inherit- ed the talent of her father, and. early manifested the wonderful faculty which subsequently gave her fame. In 1845 she was naarried to Henry John Murray, then Britiah Consul, at Tangler. Mr. Murray subsequently served as British Constil at Portland, Maine, where, dur- ing &residence from 1860 to 1875 Mrs. Murray made many friends. • Some of Captain. Stewart's Stories. While seated on the deck, enjoying the evening breeze, we were entertained by Captain Stewart with anecdotes of his experience. The hurricane deck of the Arundel is ornamented with an In- dian female figure, which once excited the wit of a young lady passenger; who inquired of the captain if "that were his wife." "He replied,'"yes," and to her expressed doubt of his good taste, said -it suited him, exactly. "In What way," was the next query, and her rout was • complete when she heard it was cause the figure was a silent woman." On one occasion when lying at East Saginaw there drove down to the dock - a ricketty schooner topped wagon, drawn by a yoke of small oxen. It was packed with household wards, and a coop of chickens swung under the box. A. venerable couple were the owners, and the woman. as "boss," accosted the captain with the infornaation that "they had come that way seventy miles, were going to Tawas and wanted to go on that boat. She was informed the boat was crowded, and. the wagen would anaretealtealWatellatelnelet THE HUIION PO&1TOR. t hik:ie to be unpached and taken :to plebes. "No 1" she said, it must go as It was. "Bat, my dear woman," said the captain, "it is impossible." Don't dear me, you pup," screamed the virago. Finally, on her assuming all risk of damage, the attempt was made to drive on, and resited in the top being broken, the chicken coop smashed and the fowls killed or liberated; while the nsatron kept time to their frightened squawks by oaths as blue as a trooper'. A basket of kittens shemsa moving was a source of trouble when unpacking the wagon, (which of course was finally done), and she presented them to the porter, and he with the superstition of a sailor, threw them overboard, to her intense indignation. Epps's Cocoa. - Grateful . and Comforting.-‘tBy s thorough knowledge of the natural I me which govern the operations of. diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save .ns many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the jndicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built Up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack ' whereverthere is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished. frame." -Civil Ser- vice thzette. Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold only in- paokets and. -tins ( pound and ppund,) labelled -"James Epps & Co., 11 pmceo- pathio Chemists, London, Eng." -Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use, 736-52 Do not take pills or powders contain- ing calomel, for at this time of the year the results may be serious. If you re- quire a dose of physic take Dr. Car- son's Stomach and Constipation Bitters; it acts gently On the bowels, purifies the blood, -improves the circulation, stimulates the liver and kidneys, and speedily cureisbiliousness,headache,dys- pepsia,indigeetion.Search the drug stores from one end of Canada to the other, and you cannot fmd a remedy equal to it. Try it and use it in your. families. Sold everywhere in large bottles at 50 cents. There are many foolish things done in this world; and one of the most foolish (and we may add wicked) things is to neglect 9. cough or cold. Now we know that Coughs, colds, bronchitis, catarrh, and. all chest, throat and lung troubles, if neglected, are sure to end in consumption and death. They may be easily cured by using as. directed Dr. Canon's PalmonaryCough Drops, there is no remedy equal to it. It never fairs. Sold. everywhere in large bottles at 50 cents. Pectoria ! Pectoria! Pectoria The great and true remedy for coughs,colds, bronchitis, catarrh and consumption. Have you tried 17ectoria It is sold in twenty five cent bottles. It never fails. If you cannot procure it from your dealer enclose $1 to Smith & McGlashen, Toronto, and we we will send you free by express 5 bottles. It may save your life. o uses, serious maladies surely follow. A highly accredited remedy for these (+Vila is Northaip & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic cure, which eradicates inapurities of the blood and f4rtilizes it by promoting digestion and similation. •Moreover, this fine alter - sive and stomachio exerte a specifie tion upon the liver,healtirfnlly stimu- ting that organ to a performance of its s retive duty when inaotive,and expel - ng bile from the blood. It likewise possesses diuretic anddepurent proper - t es of a high order, rendering the kid- neys active and healthy, and expelling from the eystem the acrid elements -which produce rheumatic pain. Price 11.1. Sample bottle, ten cents. Ask for Northrop 86. Lyman's Vegetable Dis- very and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrap- er bears a fae-Sintilie of theii signature. old by all medicine dealers. 750-52-b 1 • Answrar this Question Why do so Many people we see around us seem to krefer to suffer and be made miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coping up of the food, yellow akin, when for 75 cts; we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed -to cure them. Sold by Lums- den & WilsCn. 780-26. A Vexed Clergyman. Even the patience of Job would be- ome exhausted were he 9. preacher and ndeavoring to interest his audience Idle they were keeping up an inces- sant coughing, making it impossible for im to be heard. Yet, how very easy an all this be avoided by simply using r. King's New Discovery for Consump- *on, Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given away at C. Duncan's Drug Store. 783.52. , :Woman's True Friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This none can deny, especially when i.saistance is rendered when one is sore - y afflicted with disease, more partiou- arly those complaints and weaknesses o common to. our - female population, very woman should know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend., and will positively ,restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail. A 3ing1e trial always proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste, and only Costs fifty cents a bottle. Sold by C. uncan. 783.52. olloway's Ointment and Pills. Diseases of the Bowels. -A remedy, ‘it7 hich has been -tested and proved in a thousand different ways, capable of ieradicating Voisonous taints from ulcers and healing them np, merits a trial of its capacity for extracting the internal corruptions from the bowels. On rub- bing Holloway's Ointment repeatedly on the abdomen, a rash appears, and as it thickens the alvine irritability sub- sides. Acting as a derivative this unguent. draws to the surfacesreletsses the tender intestines from all acrid matters, and prevents inflammation, dysentry and piles, for which blistering was the old-fashioned, though success- ful treatment, now from its painfulness fallen into disuse, the discovery of this Ointment having proclaimed a remedy - possessing equally derivative, yet per- fectly painlese powers. -Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvellous cure for catarrh, diph- theria, can4er mouth and headache. With each ibottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful: treatment Of these complaints without! extra charge. Price 50 cents.- Sold byl Lumsden & 'Wilson. 780-26. • Shiloh' s Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most suc- cessful -Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst casesPf Cough, Croup, and Bron- chitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of Consumption is without parallel in the history of nledicine.1 Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which np other medieine Can stand. If you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try iti Price 10 eta., 50 eta. and $1.00. If you Lunge are sore, Chest, or Back lame use Shiloh'e Porous Plaster. Sold, b Lumsden & Wilson. '180 26. • An Agony Oyer. Walking, the source of so much misery to really, becomee, after nail Patina's's l?ainless Corn Extractor, service of much pleasure. Corns are small in size, but their inaportance i not to be jeidged by their size, as an one fond of a tramp can testify. Tr Put -man's extractor, for corns. N discomfort, -no caustic application, i,ne blood letting, and yet splendidly effiea- cions. Sold everywhere. 772-52-x. BARGAINS! -AT- • BARGAINS 1 WILLIAM CAMPBELL & CO.'S POPULAR DRY GOODS.HOUSE. We have just received another large consignment of goods, making our stock complete in every department, and at prices that cannot be surpassed in the Dominion. IDI1MSS CA-CDOIDS- . A large and well selected stock of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods in all the leading shades; Black and Colored Cashmeres in endless variety, at the ,lowest possible prices. CLOTHS AND 0LOAKINGS. A choice selection, in wall the xiewejit designs, at popular pricee. • 3:)01137E11:3 In Wool:Goods of every description. An immense stock of Ladies' Fancy Wool Squares, Clouds and Promenade Scarfs; ladies' and children's Wool Hoods; Mittens,"etc. Ladies' Underwear, Gentlemen's Underwear, Misses' Underwear, Boys' Underwear, at prices that defy competition. Canadian Plain Greys, White Scarlet and Fancy Check 'Flannels; also full range of all the leading shades in Fine French Twills. Canadian,Blankets at rook bottom prices. Our Hosiery and Haberdashery Department will be found complete in every respect. Large assortment of Fur Goods. Gentlemen's Fur Caps in every style and price. Ladies', Misses and Children's Fur Sets, Caps, etc., in great variety, at unapproachable prices. CLOTHING ,DEPARTMENT. Our Clothing Department is something simply immense. We are showing the largest and cheapest stook of Ready-made Clothing ever offered to the Sea - forth trade, from the cheapest Tweed to the finest Broadcloth. Stacks of Men's and Boys' Overeoats that must be cleared out this fall, having bought largely in this line we secured some very rare bargains, which we are determined to give our customers the full benefit.of. An inspection of this department will con- vince the closest buyer that readymades were lever before offered at such low prices. We cordially invite all to call and satisfy themselves. No trouble to show godds. CustoMers will find our new man, MR. ELMER PARKER,.genial, polite and obliging with all. Remember the place, No. 3_Campbell's Block, opposite Royal Hotel. • Most Worm Medicines Are so unpleasant that mothers are obliged to force them down the throats of the innocents. This unpleasant task is obviated by using Dr. Smith's Great German worm Remedy. Twenty-five mute Of all druggists and medicine dealers. An Admonition. To neglect a cough or cold is but tie invite consumption that destroyer 41 the human race. hagyard's Pector 1 Balsam will cure the cough and allay all irritation of the bronchial tabes and lungs, and'effectually remedy all pul- monary complaints, such as asthma, broiaehitis, whooping, cough,&c. 765. 52.2w 1 - Davy & Clark, • Druggists, Renfrew, date June 3r1, write, "BIrdock Blood Bitters, though comparatively a new preparation, has, taken the lead in this locality as a blieed purifier, our sales of it being 'equal to that of all other medicines used for 'that purse during the past year. 77 65.2w • All our Druggists Now heartily endorse the amazing BR ea cess of Mack's Magnetic Medicine, and recommend it for both sexes in all mires of sexual weakness. See advertisement in another column. Guarantees of cures issued by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 788. 52.2w. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhetim, fever sores, tetter'chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re- funded. Price 25 cents per box. ror Sale by C. Duncan. 778.52 A simple herb found on the sunny plains of a southern clime has, under the skiltal manipulation of Dr. Van Buren,oproved one of the greatest bless- ings ever sent to suffering humanity. Dr. Van Buren's Kidney cure is ac- knowledged all the, world over as the only perfect remedy for kidney troubles. your druggist has it. 770.52.8.778 Proclaim it far and *wide that Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cnre not only im- mediately relieves all kidney diseases, butwhatis more important -to the un- fortunate sufferer, will ultimately cure him effectually. -770.52.8.778. A beautiful head of hair.- There is nothing more pleasing in the external appearance of women er men than a beautiful head of hair, and it is possible for every person to possess it by using the long and well known Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 500 per bottle. 770.52.8.778. Beautiful hair is one- of the most striking and pleasing of characteristics, and can easily be obtained by the use of the Cingairase Hair Renewer. Sold at 50o per bottle. 770.52.8.778. Tb_e Elements of Bone, Bra and Muscle, Are derived from the blood, which is the grand natural source of vital ener and the motor of the bddily organs. When the circulation become § impover- rished in oonsequence of weak digestipn and imperfect itssimulation a the foed, which should enrich it, every . bodily function flags, and the system grosvs feeble and disordered. When the blclod becomeeimpure, either from the de- velopment of inherited. seeds of disease, its contamination by bile or other Wm. Campbell & Co. - T 11M 0 Li P Farmers before buying your reaper and mower oil ask for and procure a sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teed to give good satisfaction.. 753-52 Now that the reaping and. mowing season is coming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best reaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the u • County of' Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders least the Ea. POBITOR Office will be promptlyattendedto. C! B. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. a-1 • Sales of all descriptions promptly at- tended in any part of the county on reasonable terms. Orders left at the office of the Miaow EX.PosiTou, or addressed to Brussels, will receive protapt attention. A DELGATTY, Licensed Anctionetr for the -a-al• County of Huron. Sales of all descriptions promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- drefis Walton P. O. or Lot 14, Concession 14, Moillillop. 774 MONEY. 1882. PLOWS! PLOWS!' HEAT YOUR HOUSES THOROUGHLY -AT THE - HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH. I have, on hand a large assortment of PLOWS fitted with hardened, steel boards, which for quality of steel and hardness, of temper, cannot be surpass- ed in Canada. Conae and see our It is a real gem, and for quality and price cannot be beat. We give special attention to PLOW POINTS, using. only hard, strong iron, and warrant them to wear with any plow point made. We also make GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS AND LAND ROLLERS. Special attention given to all repair work. Reapers and Mowers repaired with neatness and despatch, and at lowest living profits. I have also made arrangements with i. D. Sawyer & Co., of Hamilton, to keep a full line of re- pairs for all machines sold by them. Good Reliable Agents Wanted. THOMAS HENDRY, Seaforth. cos Received and ,bpened up the Con.ents of 30 Cases of Old Country Goocils. I INSPECTION INVITED. .T.A.MIEE SColl", $2•••0••11- C. DUNCAN DiSpensing Chemist, I ; - ,---DEALER IN- . 1, _ 1 1 PURE DRUGS AND 91401GALS, DYE STUFFS & PATENT MEDICINES,, • , , In4ites sptecial attention to his stook of , ! 1 . : I DRUGS, SUI1:?1ES AND FANCY GOOD., 1 • , - 1 A complete stock of Raiser and Razor Strops, -Pipes and Pipe Fixtures, Purses , and Pocket Books, Clothes, Hair and Tooth Brushes; Combs in every descrip- MONEY TO LO,A.N-I am prepared to lend money at lowest rates of interest, payable yearly. Principal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. 726 i SPECIAL NoTICE. tion and price. A LARGE & WELL -ASSORTED STOOK OF PERFUMERY , Also, a large stock of all kinds of Horse and Cattle Medicines ketis always in stock at OUNCAN'S, SUCCESSOR TO E. HICKSON & CO. GjIlA"i" BARGAINS IN DRY G000 MILLINERY & MANTLES -AT-. 1-10PHM.A,IsT mize,s7 CHEAP CASH STORE. Stock Comp1et0 in Every Line., Call and • Inspect tie Goods and Prices. A LL Parties indebted to Robert Willis, the People's Shoemaker, Seaforth, either by note or bock account, are hereby notified that if the indebtedness is not liquidated by the 1st of January, 1883, the results will not be pleasant. CA 11JIDNO'S ROBERT WILLIS. 784-3 BLOCS. .1 _ uyejAi '2A:us 0 0 ti "SIOAOITS d000S 0 CD taS CD 111 I 9 luEnO AuV SION OF THE AL.L. STAMPED1AND *BY 'USING THE CHALLENGE HEATER1 Y or RANANT HOME STOVES.' They have the best known improve- ments for saving fuel and labor of any similar stoves in this naarket. CALL AND SEE THEM AT JOHN KIDD'S, MAIN ST- SEAFORTIL atirtarri Th.e Royal Hotel, (LATE CARMICHAEL'S) SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. JAMES WEIR -ptEGs to inform his old friends and the travel- -a" ling public that having purchased this new • and commodious hotel building, he has thorough- ly ra-furnished and re -fitted it from top to bot - tont, and it is now one of the moat comfortab)e and convenient hotels in the county. By stilat attention to the wants of hie customers he hopes to Merit a share of public patronage. The rootpe are all well furnished and well heated. The bar will be kept supplied with the best, and an at - tentative and trust worthy bostler will always be in attendance. Good sample rooms for Commer- cial Travellers. Remember the "Royal Hotel," corner of Main and Goderich Streets, Seaforth. 733 rirBELL'S MILLS, KIPPEN.-ui JAMES WEIR, Proprietor JOHN MeNEVIN, Proprietor of these well blown and popular mills, has now got everything in first-class working otder, and is prepared to turn Out an article of wunhity. crli cannot be ex- ceFlAle0byiLanYy mill LO URthe co HOFFMAN BROTHERS, Seaforth. • - No. 6 WAREHOUSE RISTING DONE WHILE THE PARTY WAITS FOR IT. SEAFORTH. r WOULD intimate te the farmers of Tuckx- Mit.II, McKillop and the surrounding counft that my elevator is now completed arhareby I op unlbad grain with as much ease as any house in the trade. By strict attention to business I hope not only to retain but to inereasetb.a large patro*- age ahich has been accorded to me under I adVantageons circumstances during the p sixteen years, in which I have been tontinuouT _ _ in the grain business. Flour exchanged for wheat. Chopping of every description promptly attended to. Flour and Bran always on Hand, and sold at the lowest market prices. Remember the poptilar mills. JOHN MoNEVIN, Kippen. SEAF011.771 INSURANCE AGENCY WM. N. WATSON, General Fire, Marine, Iriife and Ac, cident Insurance Agent, Convey- ancer, Appraiser, Etc, JAMES BEATTIE, SEAFORTH. SECURE THE SHADOW. MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. ommomommol.O.M.M. ONLY FIRST-CLASS, prompt payi of risks eft& kinds of pro Marine insurance. Insurances effected on farm property in the "Gore District," of Galt,establish- over 43 years, at from .62a to 1 per cent., cash, for three years. Cheaper than any mutual com- pany in existence. The following companies represented, viz.: London & Lancashire, England; Northern, England; Scottish Imperial, Scotland British America, Toronto; Royal Canadian, Mon- treal ; Gore District, Galt; Canadian Fire & 'Marine, Hamilton; Alliance, Hamilton; Toronto Life, (Life), Toronto; Travellers, Life and Acci- dent, Hartford, Conn. Agent for the Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company, Toronto. Money loaned at 6 per cent. on Teal estate. Agent for the State -Line Steamship Conapany, sailing between' New York and Glaagow. Firat Cabin, $60 to 75;$Second Cabin 840; Steerage, $26. Return tickets issued good for 12 months, W. N. WATSON, Main Street, Seaforth. Office, Camp- bell's Block, opposite the Mansion Hotel. ANDHEW OALDEF?, THE PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHER, begs to state that he has returned home from Da- kota. and is convinced that "There's no places like home," and he intends to remain at home, arai a ill henceforth give his entire personal at- tention, to his business: His fatalities for doing good well are unexcelled, and he can guarantee satisfaction. Come one, COMO all, and bring ydar relations and friends, and secnre tba shadow ere the substance fades. I eau aecofm- modate you all, and can send you on your way rOoicing. just try me and prove me. Charge Moderate. Remember the place--Soott's Block. Main Street, Seaforth. 762 ANDREW CALDER. ig companies represented . All kinds ted at lowest current rates on all erty. Special attention devoted to SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, ,114SII, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY rflEaubgcriberbeg81eave to thankthia numeron 1 customers -for the liberal -patronage extendedto him gitice commencing busiaeas in Seaforthainal ta sta kat he may be favored witia * continuance cf thesaxne. ial , Partiesintending to build would do well to give him a eall,as he will continue to keep on hand III large Steck of allkinds ef Dry Pine Lumber, Sashes, Doors, Binds and Mouldings, Shingles, -Ltth, &c. Hef else onfiden t of gtvingsatiafaction t °those w3io niayfavourh1m -with theirpatronagentsnone but fist-claesworketen a re araployed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. OHRYSTAL &BLACK, 13 .11 ciao h avi that in a A atte , Al mol PRACTICAL ILER MAKERS. Subscribers have bought the Tools and oiler Business lately carried on by the God - Foundry and Matoafacturing Company, and .g had an experience of over eight years ix shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade its branches. y work entrusted to ns will receive prompt tion. First-class -work guaranteed. kinds of Boilers made and repaired, ilee e Staeas and Sheet Iron Work, &c., at rea- sonable rates. Naw Salt Pans made and old ones repaired en the hortest notion, and at prices that defy nom- peti CHRYSTAL Ifils ACK, 783 Box 103, Goderiels. Fo R E3E S' LIVERY -AND- SALE STABLE -Sy ' 1 MAIN-ShoT,.s b., SouEghAtTaFd0.RdoTRHBE.8 AI RTIIUR • FORBES, the old established LIT- -La- ertanan, keeps the best and most stylish riga and the beet driving horses in the busineas. 1 sseat and Nobby Caters, handsome and corn- AR HuBla ( . toat68a9R ale obes, and fast and ffili horses always "Alaavey.hand some family sleigh fa tcmoor two h,io 1 ipar a Etoeyosm Ed. a na rd 'Willson's Agricultural Warerooms, eaforth. MBER THE PLACE - 0 te O. 0 ivniingght calls piornptly sate d to. EYE, EAR AND THROAT 1 , DR. CEORCE.S. •RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. B„, Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eyeand Ear In- firmary, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to the Institutions for the Blind. Brantford, and for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, Ont. Late °W- eal Assistant Royal Loudon Ophthalmic Hog; tea, Moorffelas, and Central Throat and Hospital. 317 .CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. May be oonstilted at the 'ALBION HOTEL, STB,ATFORD„ On the Last rgA.TuRDAir I at EACU '708HIONTII. • = 17