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The Huron Expositor, 1882-12-15, Page 7
--A �� NC . 1* stoat, t la pia -forme, Loam' St+- kae of S, t -C tae. pear cent hi.V, Tl#1 _ Store, Via& -.-.--. Z11-H.fA ==--•-•_ l3eetiaer $0. d dries ry 1st, 1888.1 Ethel. 7$3X4 L Section Res.: 0 certificate;. fMSTRING ?BIz4. _____ _ _For Sahoof an Dui. 1M., Appo +drrr iter 7812+ .male teach class cert- r. Duties to, Applicatiom be received Vr .18th. IM scrieffPoet: 81-4 Grsiig gmed w r clook on Me, L teacher tor • tie¢ to com A11 applias t& to appear on the ukwvt TRAQr'ATr �8Z N HS. Flarpn' r ler watch, �y A Liverpool, ►ndsome y +ovHNTER's 7'$I -g' — <-The un !a a limited $I per ewe. cion 2, 1,.1L&, 7 We, the in- DIlestablisbed ourance bus tr par.iculam (forth. 779 and Tool& ,-. i Within five- tl,cio0 yearly aria given: for • 783x4 11 End, drawn by de payable to a of $'' Dk and We hereby egotiating thea beam stopped. 783zt ectors of tkt tl -fie, held: st on Friday, 3llas om' 12 o'clock r the oMcea of tors for ' 8w),_ ,smithy Decam 783-2- X,, Ph3•sldan Office and res- fir. eta,€chicon, . 7K �n,sur;jon ana Ofilt.e audred- ,t, second door 3" hysici4n, sur- unty id r3nrork. street, lzbrth' lioal� r Gradante of rr, Surg,F un,and alter Rcei,ieneai Briek Hol"" - _ WK L95 D C. lyr>, Vic- Xl and S . Q> C. S:, Edens. vy Enemad, for 771 T 1 - t : T 11 ST. lege of Rental m the rooms e,, ii"hitnWs . ed and satis- erate. •ithats g ;rSint Dentist, liar- . a business. of remed tQ itchell4Pere - , vFh extracted with. nitrons oxide- artie- from a. expenses. 7-2. LTi aT, -rid College: D. S. - e he L3 able to tiatry- suitable a Specialty. ids Gas giYon- rte. ;` treet,' Seaforth. L. 0. S, ,fiice 'C�i} WS I`iiat`4'H, oppo- cial Hotel, on d THL 1kSDA-Y trate, Oxide Gkm Meth. This gay wrlight surra g beau one of praviace. inhale the gns: ted in a min- ut eeania ow teplease id attention l ;Tnoou G { I . f .• , - I — _ -i.: - o ' - rt _ ...e. ..e.e... _ ,.... .. - .� _. .'!.. _.._.._ _ -.1:::..' _.>_. ...- _ - g---r—®.vim..` x,— _ k'- , I--. - -- fi4 .. -. ,_ - c - - - a � _ - - _ - ._ - - _. _ . i k i I ' -, M f - . pQ e1E th8 braatih, paiur tlro»gh fire ftotli+>tis of the diplestire 'olfan>i`; ' T'.e'rs i HEi�T YOUR i10U0Es Ti1flR0U0H#. n qq e p m3>'teor, _ r►ei g 30ii_ pounds, the . gilt aide And shoulder blade, dy�l. they augment the appetite, strengthen - SARGAI N S G2ARGAI N S I at Mount may, . orth E3amllna, the l l?Ba »>ind. QOnetipatlon„ The31+i► and the afimnaoh, eorreot billioltsness, sad ' ' l . t°► . BY USING THE - Q nem day, p owy off! all° that is • oozioue- from the - ' * ---*-AT faAN K � N'� H O U � E. ether oonoomltmis of liver com hint = :The Dake of Edinburgh, is to be mP1I a bj the use. of sjate>rn. Hollatw►►p'i Pine" ire composed SEA FO RT�'1. t promoted to the rank of vice•ad. ra d+C ALLENGE HEATED P P yngn a vegetable Die-' o! rare tl"-me, nnmi=ed with baser /� A /��� B ,iok4. (*very au �_ Dyspe tic Cube,`*1110 , is matter.,d on that o9oouat ars pe• L L !'� 1111 A I�f l I'" SEL & o• S OFFICE --In. to emi8as former- • -Col. Thomas C. l a>rknees,. a noted leo sn 6111 "' ofe9i'ofuls,� eryelpelas, -culiarly *well adiapted for the young, i Bunf: o HICKORY or .=sdaer iu the war of the Rebellion, is salt .rheum,,_ul9M, osnQers, `,hargonrs, delicate snd aged. As, this peerless - -- ly occupied by ha f Com- , • ieffiale weaJgnew, jattln ion and 1>itn Via- medicine has gained lame in the. past, U �� coerce, and zcru$Prr the Commercial - .--The ruins 4f the palace of .the Tail- go. It tonek the of imaoh rouses 'the ' so will it �reserve 1t • in the future b PO � U LAR �� I .GO ., at Parisi were said by auction a y Motel, -Main Street. R GIANT KNE TOVE liver, and after eying them, causes' its renov4tinq;and-invigorating qualities _ the bowels there to I COUHT f days ago, the sale realiking 82,000 N S _ , beoQlo4e r alar, and its iiioa► t for dole hwrm. *We. $19-,Pr0f61Wonai',A%%u6tiiou ha�t�een T Pr S OTES AND BILLS,D ED. - I ,alnue Remmingtt;n:, president of accorded to it 'sold'itii cliunls to public Fortunes for Farmers and We have just; received another large consignment of goods, making our stock English end ForAt' EXChenge ,f Remmiugton Rifle and Agricultural 00afldenoe are justified by ample evi- Mechanics. ca»lplete in every department, and gat priced - that cannot be earpassed in'the B Pumhaeled and Sold . They have the best known improve Company, died lately of ,paeumunis, deuce• Prioe,� 41.00. _, sample .bottle, Thonl ands of dollars can be saved by Dominion, � � menta for saving fuel and labor of any years of age. 10 Ceuta. , Ask for Northrop dt Lyman s Hain rb r judgment in talon Hare . ---I^- • FARMERS SALE NOTES Y eta g p pe ] dg g i similar stoves in this market. >---Zt is oiilculated that ember:xe- bre Discovery ana I)yspeptio of the health of yourself and family. ]�f i rots and robberies, private, and of. Cure. The wrappeir bears a far—simile you are iliails,have sallow oomplezion, rjR,T �-OCiIJ�_ Pnrchaeed at Beasone>iL"Sutra: iloial in Russia. during the year amount of their signature. Sold in Seaforth poor appetite; law and ' depressed i ln•■eT Lent oa C•listersl Securities ------ to,tt00,OQ€l mublea. by Lumsden Wilson. 750 b2a spirits,. and' enerall debilitated do i , :Three successive frosts in Feng, p g y A large.and well selected stock of Plain and p'auoy Dress Goods in all the not dela► a moment, but go at -once and leading shades Black and Colored ashmeres in endless variety, at the lowest Drafts Issued, payable at pa> at all , ,sola, Florida, has rendered it saf® far 0h; What a Clough. 1 roodrs a bottle o! those wonderful a g � Branches of the Bank of Con4aeree. CALL AND REE THEM AT 1. possible prices. . _ Zle'llazt, to return who have fled from W1Il yon heed the warning, i • The �ieatric,Bitters;' which never fail t° 111iTEBE9T Allowed on D(ep•.rc. , f w fever. ii signal perhaps of the sure approach of cure, and that for the trifling sum of JOHN KEDD S, .f�1N ST The building department find that that most terrible disease Consumption, 50 cents: -T bone. .Sold by C. Dun- .Money to Loan on Mortgaged. only two out of eighteen t:aeatres in Ask yourself if you can . afford !or the can. 783.52J1 CL..QTI"'IS AND CL�AKI NGS: New York are built in a000rdance with sage of 50:oeuts to run- tha risk and do fi . SI1�A1�'0 R7'$ regulations. nothing for it. We know from, ex- BuckIve ti's Arnica. Salve. m �t 1"1-&-y � si, .-ileneral Daniel Tyler died at New perienoe that Shloh's. Gore will pareA choice selection, in all the newest designs, at popular prices. • The best . in the world for cute, _ cvnager -and Proprietor. • The Royal Hotel 5 York on the 30th of November. He I your cough. It never fails. This' ea- brnites, sore ,ulcers, Balt rheum, fever ! • _ l _ j • wsm second in command at the Battle plains why more than., million bo tles + (LATE CARMICHAEL Sj . sores, tetter,ichaped hands, chilblains, . of Ball Run. . Were sold the past. year. It relieves corns, and all elfin eruptions, and poli- � � - -A native demonstration ,tri honor of Droop and whooping cough at anus. Lively curse piles. It is guaranteed to D E CIS T2�'. $.,,:�.R�•1fi�iv � y =• ", SEAFORTH, ONTARIOr Arabi took place Monday, in the street Mothers do not be without it. For- give perfect satisfaction or money re- - A n 1�,' where the massacre commenced last lame back, side or chest use Shiloh s fended. Prise 25 Dente per hoz. Feer C ;+�a - + ' June. borons Plaster. Sold by . Lumsden & Sale by'C. Duncan. 778,52 Ti, WooT'Goods of every description.` An immense stock o! Ladies Fancy Wool r„� i JAMES 1i/�R ladies' and children's Wool Hoods, ---Hoary C. Murphy, president of the �ilso 780.26. Squares, Clouds and Promenade Scarfs ; B>✓Gs to inform his old friends and the travel- - New York and -Brooklyn Bridge Com- - Mittens, eto. Ladies' Underwear, GFentlemen's Underwear, Misses' Underwear, p ling public that having purchased this new . x died of pneumonia Friday morn 48pepSia arid, Liver COm- A simple herbfonud on the sunny Bays'' Underwear, at prices that defy competition,. Canadian Plain Greys, andcommodious hotel building, he hasthorough- , a ed 72. He leaves a quarter of a laint. plains of a southern clime has, ander 'white Scarlet and Fancy Check "Flannels ; also full range of all the leading C/ - � _ ly ife-furnlsbed and re-flttod it from top to fir- • g g the- skilful manipulation of Dr. Van tom, and it is now one of the most comfortabbp MR(ien dollars. Is it worth tithe small rlee of 75 p shades in Fine French Twills. Canadian Blankets at rock bottom prices. ,Our . , O •--Tae murrici a1 .bank of Sko in p Buren, proved one of the greatest blear Hosier and Haberdasher Department will be found complete in eve respect. and conn to t e wars in the county. he utiles g y y p p every p O attention to the want- of his cirstorrrel� he hopql P P cents to free yourself of ovary symptom in sever sent to sufferfn hnmanit pprovince of R azar, in Rnae ,failed far of these distressing complaints, o g 8 y' Large assortment of Far Goode. Gentlemen s Fur Caps is every style and to merit a share of public patronage. The. raining(the whole g p P , if YOU Dr. Van Buren's Kidney pure is so- rice. Ladies' Misses • and Children's Fur Sets, Caps, etc., in great variety, at � y,' are all well furnished and well heated. The bir over 212,000,000, think so call at our st.,re and et a p will be kept supplied with the best, and an all•• g knowledged all the world over as the -- town and I�nndreds of fatmles alae bottle of Shiloh'fi Vitalizer, every bottle only perfect remedy for kidney troubles. nnapprpaehable prices. A r tentative :and trust worthy hostler will always be where. has a, Printed aarantee on it use ac- � in attendance. Good sample rooms for Commer- P g , e our dru 1st has it. 770.52,8:778 3, cial Travellers. _.A Cairo despatch save that Arabi cordis l , and i# it does you no good it druggist .I Q Rememberthe `Royal Hotel," corner of Main rasha,will o to Ma►1ta tam oraril g y y 8 Proctaini it far and wide that .Dr. 'ia g P y• will cost you nothing. Sold by Lums- Van Baron's ]Kidney Care not only imand Goderich Streets, Seaforth. The Khedive has urgod his i.nsta.nt de- den & Wilson. 780.26diseases-, C LOT H I N G DEPARTMENT. e d � m � ?� 'mediately relieves all kidney - � JAMES WEZ'•1R, Proprietor, par ure> Baker Pasha has been con- $rmei in the -chief Command of the , but what is more important to the un• >✓ _ _ _ �. Shiloh Catalxh Remedy. , fortunate sufferer, will ultimately care Oar Clothing Department is something simply immense. We are showing 31 nave Egyptian gendarmerie. the largest and cheapest stook of- Ready-made Clothing ever offered to the ,Sea- • We -have a speedy and positive sure him effectually. --770.52.8.778. � �' •- W, Gilbert, cashier of the Lake forth trade, from the cheapest Tweed to the finest Broadcloth. Stacks of kens � Z 0• N o• 6 �,l�l',� REIIO .SSE for Catarrh, diphtheria, Canker mouth A beautiful head of hair.- There is Shore andIicTaigan Southern Railway and headache, in Shiloh's Catarrh nothing mo a pleasing in the external and Boys' Overcoatr'that meet be cleared out this fall, having bought largely e at Eiaet Buffalo, has disappeared, and this line we secured some very fare bargains, which we are determined to gl Remedy. A nasal injector free with appearance of women or men than & with him 1130,000 of the company's 'each bottle. Uae it if you desire health beailtifal head of hair and it is osaible our customers the full benefit of. An inspection of this department will con- " o EAFO'j$`T�"1. ftw ,%nds- He was. speculating in grain y P vinoe the closest buyer that readymades were � never • before offaied _ at suo)i low ., and used the mono tokee a his mar- and sweat breath. Pride 50 Dents. Bold for.every person to possess it by using rices. We cordially invite all' to call and satisfy themselves. No trouble to Z Z . ' ` 'ria, It is probable he leas ,ken refuge by Lumsaen & Wilson. 780.26. the long and well known Cingalese P y Co. Hair Restorer. Sold at 50c per bottle. show goods. rn Cauada.P . Customers will find our new man, MR. ELMER PARKER, genial, polite ' .0 --Tike other night a celebrated gam Every Heart $novveth its Own 770.52,8.778. f Sorrow. Beautiful hair is one of the moat and obliging with all, WOULD intillop to the farmers of conutie• bling den in Chicago was raided, and. Remember the place, No. 3_Campbell's Block, opposite Royal Hotel. 0 � " t smith, lis for is and the sarrotwhere count about eight five enterprising anti This statement appears to contain striking and pleasing of characteristics, i �. that my ele►ator is now completed whereby I oaf " 'y p g Y a g much troth. In some asses, however, and can easilybe obtained b the use (� unload grain with an much as any honBe 1v gentleman, comprising rising clerks, mech n y aril bell & Co. °-1 the traoe. By strict attention. to business i Kopp P of the Cingalese Hair .Renewer. Sold Wm. 1. > y g p les and professional gamblers were ar= it is the -heart of a nasty little corn, no only to retain to incnssethelar a atroTa•- rested and about $8,000 worth of gam- which, though small, is capable of much at 504 per bottle. 770.52.8.778. ' ago which has been accorded to me under i ►.". p advAntageous circumstsnees during the ' feeling. .'his form of heart ache is ver E � r sixteen years, in wbfeh I have been centinuoe blini truck was seized. g- y Farmers before buying our res er - 1.m in she grain business. • _-The tobacco manufacturers of common, and cats be remedied. Put b y P T ia � ar o � � ID IT Z = - ►� � man's Painless Cora Extractor Ives and mower oil, sk for and procure aN Cincinnati have decided to discontinue g „ O r� tlzetnanufaa*tire and unload stocks, in p@ace to the throbbing corn. pont sample) of ai er Machine Oil. It is - ,-� � 0 Ve JAMES EEATTI E, warranted not o nam and is guaran- -- , ^ 1A anticipation of the'taz being. taken off forget that. Sold by druggists, every- b � ►'i {� - that product. Ma,iny hundred. hands where. N. C. Polson & Co., proprie• to to;: give go d satisfaction. 763-52 Z i` r a � V tV I , SEAFORTH. . 1 be thrown out of employment. tors, Kingston. 762-52-i Now: shat 't a reaping and moving ,� tD t. 4season is comi g• on, farmers should Farmers who have iso( sold will be „ C . �' " An Admonition remember the that Kaiser Machine ,_,,K CURE THE S ADOWS ,v losers. �'! h (► �' Oil is the best roc er and mower oil � `s P _.._ to from t0 _ rete r� A statement of the p To neglect a cough or cold ie bat to in the markgt.E For sale by all dealers. Z Z H 'moi y Mrs. Langtry's four weeks' performance invite eousumpticn, that destroyer of 4t -t � , ti t.... 0 � - _-7. ; .fit ' 'fir � - . tf� > inI►Iew York, has been made public. the human reae. Haggard s P®doral �_ y^< �...- _r �w�"' -->: The receipts of th:: firat night, including Balsam will cure the cough and allay the rem.um obtained b he auction all irritation of the bronchial tabes and AU TIONEERI;.OID�E1N CADr p FAL L. 188 ?,n N . . . P sale of the boxes were $6,5.74, mak- lungs, and effectually remedy all pdI• p, RIItiE icenoed Auctioneer for the ° �= ' ing the receipt@ for -the 'week $18.765.2`5. monaryComplaiuts, each ass asthma, J. Col my of uron. Sales attended in all i I � 0 I �HL�' PEOPLE'S PHOnrutd PHE I begs o- The receipts for t4a second week were bronchitis, whooping, cough, &o. 765. : parte of the Con ty. All orders lett at the Ex- .Q state that he has returned home cram Do- le 567.8H the third -week $12,632 ; b2,2w vosrxoa: Office wi 1 be promptlyatteudea to. '—j �i kota• surf is convinced that "There's no p?a� Ne Home," and be intends to Tremain at btome, . andthe fourth -week $14,938.50, making - ; a- d will henceforth give his entire personal at- • B h dt Dav3r & Clark B COOPER Brussels County Auotioneer. 1W O 0 � . tention to Ms business: His favilitles for dainty' s total ref $61,8()3 "' The 10L CUL , (� , , Season realized $86,753. . Druggists, Renfrew,. date Tune 3rd, . Sales .of Al descriptions promptly at- �''' , 0 � ggod work aro Come lied, and he Can g:d bring es. ' g tended in anvpar of the county on reasonable ReceAred and Opened up the Contents of eetfsiaction. Come one, Dome all, and briar • : The Archbishop of Canterbury write, "'B rdock Blood Bitters, though terms. Orders ze t at the office oc thn Hvaort ¢� _ ?rcinr relations and friends, and secure the 'anietla arentl without comparatively w&ew prepi►ration; hue E�oelxo$, or ad reseed to B_-as�e1�, will receive j shadow ore the enbatance fades. I eau aocoza- pushed away q y, .pp y prompt attention, T� anffericrg.i:n the presence of his family on taken the lead in this looalityss a blood i Q Cases o old Country Goods. " Vd � D mate you all, and can send a me, yCher j' orfier,,on; sales of it bein equal to cfl rf- rejoicing> Jest try ma and prove ure> Ohargee Ilea 2rkd> He remained in a semi un- p g q DEL(#ATTY; Licensed An�tioner:r for the CD P -F' r 00 moderate_ Remember this place-9cott'A Bloat consoisus, state until 11 p. m., when he that of all other medicines used for Crunty oil $anon. Sales of all descriptions � C Mtein street,seaforth, spoke his last wards : `'It is coming l It that purpose during the pot year. 774. pprompt) attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- - ._ - , is Coming !" He was then seized with 65,2 1► d>=ess 'alton P.IO. or, Lot 14, Conoession 14, W M 762 �NDR `'� C I+DE I a eh spasm and did not speak again, McHilio . 774 101 S E C`li T 1©111 INVITED. ce Q p Do not take pills or powders; contain- I P '�' A . SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, althon�;h it is believed he was partly inn caramel, for at this time of the year ( MONEY. S1Sy, DQOR AN' BLIND fACYOSY - cotiscioug.'to the end. The Dean of the results may be serious. If you re- A er on behalf of the Queen, ON Y TO LOAN -I am prepared to lend I. - eT A. M _ � � O N- � STA- �' � �' T � - pr � Westm> net Q , Haire a dose of physic take Dr. Car- �� p - . offered burial for the Archbishops re- , oriey At lowest rates of interest, payable I � CO �SEenbseriberbegsleavetothankhisunmearm `ns %n Westminster Abbe • sons Stomach and Constipation Bitters - yearly. Principal at the end of term. Private 4 mat y it sots gently on the= bowels, pIIrlfie Funds.. JAB. H. B2!,NSON. 72(3 Q caetometsfor the liberalpstnanage extended I h0uninoe aommenoing business in Seaforth,au l -$aturday,2ndinst.,on hakeMichigan, the blood, improves the circulation G.' DU C�i.Ni I�lSpellaing Chemist, a schooner irked u the bar a Laak of Use a ache may be lavarocl with s coxtinnaaaa p P g y, stimulates the liver and kidneys, an I, ndon, Huron axed Bruce. j of the same. ten miles down the lake in a disabled speedily c�ures,biliousnew,headache,dys i� Z P.itis.intendingtobuild woniddoWel Ito gin aotNe osxti--- Ezprr. Mail. his a sallies he will continue to 'keep on hand a condition. The captain of the Lucky pepeia,ind.igestion.gearch the drug store A. P. M. � IaL7ge stock ofallkinds of states that the steam barge R. G. from one: end of Canada to the other, London, depart ..........:... 7 20 4 00 - DEALER IN— 1?ry Pine Lumber, Saghes, Moor,$,, Peters was towing the Lneky, when and you cannot find a r8medy equal t Ezot • • •.............•.... 8 86 5 16 : ; - '>' BEII S Mlll KIPPER -mOu i s 60 530 � 991ELL'S S, . � Blinds and Zd •rigs, ''hinglea,9 suddenly the Peters caught. fire 40 it. Try it and use it in your families. Rippe ......... .... $ 56 b 85 . � k Lath, �C. =Roc off ?Ailwaukee, and before aid. Sold everywhere in large bottles at 5 Bra eld............... .......9 06 5 45 T MEDICINES - cents. PURE.DRUGS AND CHEMI ALS, DYE STAFFS &PATEN , could be rendered Bank sten $ret with Oiinto ... ............... 9 80 6 10 HefeelaeonAdeat of g`ringsatisfaettontotbo* a e and eleven Others Oom- Blyth ............410 00 6 s9 JOHN McNElfl�"rt, wlBomaylavoarhimwiththeirpatronagn,nenopk • • but first-claspworlimensreem loved. . . captain, m t Wing am, arrive..............10 35 7 10 - : ' � p prising. flee Drew. The - Lncky tried to There are many foolish things don (}olio- Dura•- Mail. Express. - Invites special attention to his stock of Particulars, ution paid to CustomPlaniap assist them, but the wind was high and in this world, and one of the '>rr08 Proprietor t these well mown andpopuworkills, The foolish and we ms add' wicked thing A• M P� has naw got everything in first clays ti►orking 2Q[ JOHN H. BROADFOOT. toe, barga became unmar;nageable. ( y ) win em, depart ........ . ..... 7 l0 �+► ' �' U N D R SAND FAN+DV GOODS. order, and is prepared to turn out an article x Peters was. u nearly new vessel, valued is to neglect-& -cough or cold. Now -w) Blyth ................. 7 45 3 13 DRUGS, FAMILY an Fw06�R which canna( be ex- -`- st 2,000,owned by L., Sands,Manistee, know that Coughs, colds, bronehitif, , Clinton..........: ; ; .... _ 8 20 3 50 - celled by any mill in t e country. C H RYST AL 1. BLACK, i catarrh, and all chert, throat and In Bruc, eld• • • • > . • • • • 8 35 4 05 I ' sari ranks first-class. Rippe .................... til'lman an employee troubles, if neglected, are rare to ends Hens 11 .....:....:....> ....:: s 60 ie A complete stock of Razor surf R zor Strops, Pipes and Pipe Fixtures, Parsee) Gi;1sTaNr� DONE WHILE THE Pass pRAOTI€,''AL -Mr. C. W. S ,WAITS FOR IT. in the tool department of .Wanner lti consumption and death. They may b Ezete ......................... 9 05 4 30 , ese%1 oared b nein as directed D . London, arrive; ........ I ....'..lo l0 b $5 BOILER M A KE R }� and Poakot Books, Clothes, Hair nd Tooth Brushes ; Combs in every descrip, Co.'s factory, Hamilton, was severely y y B Flour exchanged for wheat. Chopping of every ed in the furs on Saturday, and had C'ar on's'PulmonaryCough Props, then description promptly attended to. Flour and barn is no remedy equal to it. It.1never feed . rand Trunk R>stilWap� tion and price. Bran always on Hand, and sold at, the lowest a. narrow escape from losing his eyes. Train leave sesforth and Clinton stations as market rices. ltenwinber the popular mills. HE 6ablsosiness htel bought :the Tools ani 1 and Sold everywhere in lame 'bo'ttles at 5 p i'Op BoilerBnsineaa lately carried on' by til®�Ciod- He was hardening a piece of etas retire. - follows • erich goundry and f anufacturimg Company, said of too much crash on it. The result. - . 4otpe> EST, -s'1s, FORTE. CLINTON. I� p_ WELL ASSORTED STOOK QF PERFUMERY JOHN MaNEVIN, gippen. hlavir ghad an ezpe )once of over eight genre is - g P I in r e..........2:27 P. M. 2:45 P. M. A LARGE �c -__ - -- ___- that shop, ore now prepared to carry on the trams 11 L that when he pieced it in the vitriol,, p®ctona 1 Pectoria 1 Pectoria 1 The p .g_4$ p X. 9:00 P. M. in all its branches. there was a. loud explosion, and the y g , M�xe sTrain.• .. • s:k5 A. M. 9:35 A. M. Also, a large stock of all kinds of Horse and Cattle Medicines ke t Any work enErneted to ns will receive prompt P great and arae reined for Cou hs,cold "" � g - _ p 1sE�i.�o�T.K - potash and vitriol flew up into Mr. bronchitis,, catarrh and consumptio Mize Tis' .......5:40P. M. 6:15 P. M. attention, Flrst-olass work guaranteed. Stillman's face. Fortunately he closed Have .you tried Pectoria t. It is (3olxo: seT-• 6;aarosTa. CLINTON. ATI kinds of Boilers made and repaixed, also es and Wane of the vitriol 'entered sold in �twent five Dent bottles. t Expr ss ..........6:25A M. 6:10 A.M. always in t3tpCk at A C N w v l nnoie Btaate and sheet Iron Work, 8cc., at rte► his eyes, , so y , EipAss.Train.....1.28 P. M. 1:05 P. M. INSURANCE AGENCY I so New n►tes. ' them. His eyelids, however, were never fails. 1f you Cannot procure t Mize Train......4:3 P. M. 3:60 P. M. r New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired rn- bnrst and tris corners of his eyes severe from your de- ar enclose ill Smit . Hire Train... A- M. 9:35 A.M. I 0. DUN CANS � the ti shortest * notice, and at prices that defy-eona- ly burned, and the upper part of his & ]taGlaVshen, Toronto, and we we, wi 1 petition. facet was badly scarred. rend on free by ezpress 5 bottler. it T ionto, Grey and Bruce. QHRYBT;L & BLACK - . SUCCESSOR 1.0 E. I�IC Sv1y `0. �iildl. N. WATSON, 783 Boz 1,03, Goderiei+a. may save your life. aonrp AST— A. 16 s o p Epps's Cocoa. � Tees ,ter .................. 6 1 i � G R B E S, LIVERY. Wroz ter. 42 3 4,:4 ental Fire, Marine, Lid .and Ao. - Grateful and Comforting. -`'`By �► Most'Worm Medicines �� . .............:. b 47 3 60 horou li kncre�ledge of the natural l .ws Atoe sb nnpleesant that mothers are Ford��ppiah::.., 5 57 4 02 client Insurance agent, %'onvy —AHS--- = g Harris ton............. 6 16 4 25 [Once arse , 1. which {govern the operations of diges obliged to force them down the throats Oran eville...... .. • • •' .. •...18 ss 9 25 GREAT ' BAR A I N S IN 2. � r, Appr r, Ate. S A L E S T A. ,B L E � 31 tion and, nutrition, and by a careful ap- of the innocents. This unpleasant task Toro to ............... >� plication of the fine properties of wyll' is obviated by using Dr. Smith's Great-cionvG NB,T-- A. P M. ��,� A1� r SEAFORTH. selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided German worm, Remedy. Twenty-five Toro evto il) ........>........... 7 se 4 35 1V1 T. FO 1"1• with a d o all druggists an Oran stone::.•._.:::•',,, .i� b� 9 $p MAIN -ST., SEAFOf�TH. OUT breakfast delicately cents # e 15-' .,abler d medicine fla�rored beverage, which may save ae dealers. , . Ford�vioh......... ...........: 1 M 9 33 DRY . O.ODS, M I LLI N ERY & MANTLES - d.€>ctt rs' bills. It is bar .the, • i (}once...... ,, 134 948 �BTHIIB FORMS, the d establ ahedlir- f _ many heavy AU 011r Drllgj>iiAtB Wroxeter >.> .............141 948 ieepetbebesiandmoststylfnh ilea . 2 26 10 15 eryman, [ juelictous use Of such articles of deet that j Tees Ater ................... � ONLY. FIRST-CLASS and the best driving horses in the business, a constitution (nay be gradually built Now heartily endorse the amazing ono- `� Neat and 1rTobby cattery, handsome and Com - u until Stionl; enough to >r east every Daae of Mack's Magnetic Medicine, and >lortable 1> ebee, sad fast and aai horeoa eklwajt p I T H E AT prompt paying companies represented. All kinds On band, tetzdeticy to disease. Sundreds of sub- recommend .it for both sexes in all oases. ii of risks egected at lowest current rates on all A very}ia>,�i'some family sleigh for one or two tle maladies are floating around us of sexual weakness. See advertisement f kinds of property. Special attention devoted to horses.. - attack wherever there ' in another oolumn. Guarantees of cures ' CAN)MAN BANK OF COMMERC , Marineinsurancae. Insw•aneeseffedted on farm Day and nightoallspromptlyatisndedto. ready to - ,� " Hood driving horses bought and sold. is a weak point. TvVe may escape - issued by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. 788. - property in the Gore Di�rtarict, of (1alt,estsblish- , REMEMBER THE PTA0Z -Opposite O. 0 p 1 ;over 43 years, at from .82} to 1 per cent., cash, , Willson's•Agrioultaral Wareroome, Seaforth. . many a fatal shaft by keeping, ourselves : 52.2w. - : for three years. Cheaper than any mutual com- ARTHUR FO RBF.S. well fortified with pure blood and a EAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Q F �„� �,> �' R► T R► ��- Pay in existence. The followir► companies. ens Free of Cost. represented, viz.: London & Lancashire, England; r properly nourished frame." -Civil. Ser- _ EYE,� � ` 1 THROAT ixazette, Made simply with boil- All pQrsons wishing to test the merits Northern, England ; Scottish imperial, Scotland k.: Sold girl in of a great remedy -One that will poli - British America„ Toronto;Royal can.da F lion- hIg' water or mil y - ���(1nO,p� treat - Gore District Galt • Canadian Fire Qf and tins pound and paund,) tively cpreoonsumption, coughs, colds, Pay` tip Capital, - - 1,4u4D,O4i� CI �EAtP CASA S? -ORE. Marine Hamilton; District, Hamilton; Toronto t R. CFORCE S. RYERS-ON packets (J P BeAM- 13behed--"James GPPs & CO., homax)- asthma, bronchitis, or any affection of - i Life, Hartford, Toronto ;Travellers, Life and nada London, En ."-Also the throat and lungs, are requested to - dent, Hertford, Conn. Agent for the Canada L. R.oi P>,L.id.G S. E ,Laetnrer ass the Eye patfijo: i;hemiat$, Two , g`"— f Permanent Loan and savings Company, Toroz}ta. 's Chocolate Essence for call at Duncan's Drug Store and get : a ; money loaned at 6 per cent. on real estate, tit Ear •rid Throat, Trinity Mediae) College, Far In- Town makers of Epps Age to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear Zn- trial bottle of Dr. King's- New Discovery .ruts>ent Hon. Wm. Mc.l� aster. for the Staid Line steamship Company, Balling many oommltmg 0c� and Anrist to 'the if icZnoou use. 73:5-52 � between New York and Glasgow. Pint Cabins, - -- for consumption, free of cost, - which + , �� St�ek C:omplet6 in - Every Line. Call- and $60 to $7.5 ; second Cabin $4(I ; �3teerage X28• l Tlistitntionsior the Blind- Brantford, and for Yellow as a Guinea. will show you what a regular doll¢ ANC.. Return tickets issued good for 12 months W. N. the Deaf and Dumb, BQlleville, Drat. late Cliff:- sized bottle will do. 783.52.1 j r SEAFORTH BR waTsoN, Maur Street, Seaforth, Ofiioe, Camp- Q Aesi�nt Royal London Ophthalmia Soepi= On in a case of lin-' - odsnd Prices. bell's Black, opposite the Mansion Hmtel. tel, lioorfields, anti Central Throat seed rtsa The ooplexi Inspect• the Go - cheoked liver complaint, culminating The seaforth Branch of this Bank o�tinaee to - : Hospital. $Ofloway's Pulls. receive deposits, on which interest s r0iowed on �— 3!7 CHURCH STREET, TOM — in jatunc ce, is literally " a; yellow as a i a R ID. gu nes." It has this appearance be Changes of temperature and weather rheum ra s favorable principal fk wus and Cities in May be consulted at the enables the frequently upset persons who are mot}( ad t on Great Britain, and on tf ie united , p. CAMPPELL, Provincial Land Surceyat tALB10N H0TF,L, STRA.TFORD1 tiaAite the bf1®, wlllGh Gana , cause era to sot, is directed from its pro- cautious. of their health, and most par- statel, bought and sold. ' D. and Civil Engineer. Orders by mailpromp1 . g ly attendsri to. On the ILaet aATa1r Et)fi.#�' fa LT �� per course into the blood, In connec. tioular in, their diets. These cor- On e --First door ;south of the comnaerdal ��® MAN B�,OTRERS' Serdl'Oi'�rh. D. S. C�i:t FB LL, Ztibdl . 31d'1'NTU- tion with this symptom there is nausea reotivs, puri#ging and gentle aperientde0- Im 1 A. H. IRELAND, Mawr. CBLO K.5I I - Coating of ther tongae, sick headache, pills, are the best remedy for &11 de#�c- . I .. - . . 1� . . 4 .1 � . i I . - : . _. - _ • __ i i I i I . . I i . I . - I .;., i�.. i . . . - I- . I I.� ... 1. . . I � . i . 1. - - I 1 I I . I .: I . . I a - I i I -1__,_,___.-,. - . . ` . � I . I - - li 1--_____-_..... 1-1 -1 _111-1 _ ____ - -, __ -1 ___ . -_ - ___________.___f_�___j - -_- -_ - - -______ . - -