HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-12-15, Page 5r het:int:1'w
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;coet of $20.
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ki make the
7 The abut -
field stone,
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It ia
ed to 85 feet,
built twice
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btYm means
posed to the
e Used When
stoue abut -
tare for the
;ttod &peel&
natee cau be
the- Jannery
:&r, Dec. 6.
t appointed
metal busi-
was referred
,kitig wagon,
eiee CLAIMS.
aecOuded by
:aunt of its
St paaties to
evicieuce re
age of Area
eing held by
• Inearance
en and Clerk
artianaent at
old the At '
t et ranee Coin-
0 administer
man:tine wit-
wer to samt
ttendance of
{mon tender -
t& as are paid
ta make ont
ipality for it*
• Appropria-
until Thurs-
tame, ma. 7.
a it was re-
Gibsen, Bac-
he grant et
up, be paid
Seconded by
_wardea and
-petition the
r,pass an act
lesion, with
lwaya doing
after do Mud -
So arrange
ght and meet
oclace a. rea-
en capital
current_ 61 --
to settle all
als or corn-
y companies
HSin favor
t.d also to SO
-lye all pos-
e public.
1 .potamittos
Vee reported
jureebe paid
°ache& of the
or improve-
ense having
lips of Grey
motiou by
ant ail bridge,
e committee,
lof by that
()henna_ see -
r. Tedford,
bola and
I to keep a
rider an se -
rEared of the
d by whom
iedy, secianded
d that Mt.
paid the sum
the building
yth bridge.
ed to notify
•t the Comity
share of the
the bridge on
Howick ana
proeeed with
t.gtori is ready.
oncled by Mr,.
road comrois-
II the timber
rtially builtat
' heat bidders.
DitormitER 15, If482.
_ sesesearsarmaa,--7.
ea, in the opinion of this Council, stone
btitmeuta shouM be built in their
when the bridge is rebtailt. - Re -
to the Road and Bridge, Commit-
lifter passing 116410 ezoofints, the
aeuncil adjourned.
After routine proceedings, t
fat reports were read and ado
The Pittance Committee reported
recommending that the stun of 20*$
voted Rev. Mr. Waggoner, for damages
by his huge*, caused by accident while
aroieingi Crediton bridge ; thatthe claim
fit Neil McDonald, for $70 for damagea
elotained while ordesing Mud Creek
beelgei be not paid; a large number of
aoceents Of various kinds *ere &WO
filecanniended to be paid. .
The Road and -Bridge Committee re-
ported as follows: Report of Mr. Gib-
son, road commissioner: Recommend
that the report be adopted, anti that in
▪ suoh a large grant to th,e.Efowick
boundary; the Council do aot hold,
themselves responsible for any further
eost in the matter- of the quaguaire ;
lhat the bridge at Bluevale be rebuilt
trith an iron bridge, with stone abut.
ments, with a roadway sixteen feet wide,
and that plena and speoificatione be:pre.
eared, and tenders advertised for, to be
a before the Column at the meeting
Jaurtary next. Report of Mr. Mason,
road commissioner: Recommend that
the report be adopted, aaid tlia,t
&ridge be rebuilt of iron, viith stone
abutments, and roadway fourteen feet
wide, the Commissioners to have plans
ssed speoifications, prepared and adver-
tise for teaders, to be laid before the
Council in Jannary next; that the
!Bridge in Wingharn Prairie be rebuilt
with a bridge ten feet wide, ol cedar, if
poesible to get it, the work, including
the filliug up, to be completed as soon
**possible. Report of Mr. Girvin, road
commissioner: Recorcuriend that the re-
port be adopted, told that Me. Hyslop's
claim for extras be referred. to the Fi-
nance Committee. Report of Mr.
Hardy, road cornmissiouer i)lhat the
report be adopted, and the ridges be
built, as recommended, and ,plaus and
epecifica.tious prepared, and tenders
tenter e.
e follow -
tied ;
Galled for, to be laid before t
at its eex t meeting; the roil
sixteenfeet wide on the Credi
and fourteen on the Wooclb
Mr. Hays' motion to sell tirab
e Council
way to be
on bridge,
m bridge.
r in abut -
anent& at Grieve's brielge -' that the tim-
ber be advertised end sold to the high- .
stit bidder by an auotioueer. Your Com-
mittee would further recommend that,
' in advertieing tor tender» to buitcl iron
htidgea, separate tenders be talen for
the stene.work and iron; atid also to
aah ten lees for wooden supetstructures
at the eame time: We woad 'acorn
mend that the -Read Commissioners
have a meeting, and divide the county
into four divisious, with -the lia.me of the
_ contratseiouer appointed' for each divi
sion, to be publisbed in the minutes,
and that. the Reeves corcunanicete with
the Road Commissioner in hi owu divi-
sion when it is necessary to o so._ .
sca000 comareexet
The Sehool COmunittee reported as
follows: That with reference
mho of the County Coun
County of Peel, we recororn
be adopted, anu the followire
That in ell cases of appeals
to the vottestelist, thatthe said party
,a pealing shall pay a deposit with the
to the inr-
til of the
nd tbat it
be added:
in relation
C erk of the Municipality in
appeal is maie, and that
and °Jerk petition the Local
regarding the eitnle.
Memorial frotia County
spoofing the Real Property
Aot We recommend tbse it be adopted.
which stash
e Warden
Df Peel,
Regarding- the memorial from the
County Council of elle Cont ty of Peel,
respecting incorporated valattes : We
reoommend tbat the prayer Of °the peti-
tion be granted. 1
Memorial from Council Of Peel, re-
specting the duty on line l woo): We
recommend that no action be taken in
the matter. 'GEORGE BUCHANAN,
• C h airms.n.
The Township ;Domicil of Morris still
persisting in neglecting to dc their share
in keeping tbe northern grayel road, be-
tween Blyth and Winghamt in a proper
state of reveir, it was
Moved; by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. I
Elliott, and cerried, that this Council
take steps, at as early a date as possible,
to enforce the resolution paged by this
Council, in compliance witlithe petition
of the ratepayers of Morris and East
Wawanosh at the December meeting of
the Council in 1881.
Moved by Mr. litokillanotecondad by
Mr. Hanuah, and carried, that the
Warden and Clerk be autherized to pe-
tition the Local Legislature to so amend
the Liquor License Act as to give each
Licenee Iuspector and. Camtnissioner
the power to deprive any hotel keeper
of his license, in whoee house or prem-
ises any parson may receive intoxioatieg
liquors after any relative or guardian ot
such person may have served buch hotel -
keeper with a written notioe forbiddin
the giving of -liquor to any such person.
°lathe sum of $11, W12i011 has net yet
paid, but I believe he hu a noun -
r olaim against the eounty. Thi is sum
*th thus received for the timber arid
ton will amount to the sum of 1417.72,
hit% will reduce the net oost the
ridge to $14,658.28, including t irty-
ine feet of peimanent-road by shorten -
ng the bridge, and; alsol the parapet
ails and additional fencing ordered at
ast meeting of the + Council,whio
a!•,,Ifsfi;v4f....ff -"`
nicipalities, and a Bill to provide public
parks where deeired by the ratepayers
concerned and their municipal repro.
Among the other meastirei witioh are
to be submitted for your consideration
are: A Bill to, supply defects in the
election laws; a Bill relating to the law
of ins ranee; a Bill for the ipspection
of steam boilers; a Bill respecting pri-
ylums for the insane, and a Bill
cost vete a
together the sum of $816.94. 1 for simplifying the practice of convey -
After authorizing the paying ef-tbe aiming and the law of property. I ,
tatutory grants to the County Model
choola the Council adjourned. • 1 -
SAywisDAYLDeatmeor a. en-
The first order of real businiEus on
Manley morning was the readiag and
easing of the following report of the
The Jail and Court House Committee,
of which Mr. James Hennings is Chair-
man, riPorted having visited the jail,
and found everything thereabou cor-
ect. There are now seven mprisners,
itix males and one female. They ro oin-
end that the prisoners Thomas Smith
e furnished with a pair of boot*, and
argent Ainaley with clothing to the
mount of $5, before being liberated ;, a
ew other articles required by the jailer
were also recommended.
Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by
Dr. Buchanan, that the following
ldivisions are appointed. for the Road
!Commissioners, viz: 1st. Mr. Hardy to
superintend the bridges in Stephen,
!Hay, Tuckersmith, Stanley, Usborne,
and the villages in his district ; 2nd.
Mr. Girvin the bridges in Ashfield, East
and West Wawanosh, Colborne, and
the Manchester, Benmiller and Mait-
land bridges; 3rd. Mr. t Mason the
bridges in Hallett, Maintop, Goderich
Township, with Balls', Clinton, Bel -
grave, Bayfield and Blyth bridges; 4th.
Mr. Gibson, thebridges in Howick,
Grey, Turnberry, Morris, Wingbane,
Prairie and Zetland bridges. Each
Commissioner to have charge_ of the
county betindary bridges opposite their
respective district.
The Council adjourned sine die.
The Ontario Legislature.
The last session of the present Par
Bement opened at Toronto on Wednes-
day 'last. The House was crowded, a
large number of ladies being presenti
In the evening a distinguished company
were entertained to dinner at the
, Government House. The following itt
the Speech from the Throne:
I With much pleasure I welcome you
once more to the Capital of the Province
and to your important and responsible
duties as Provincial representatives of
the people, I congratulate -you on flit
prosperity which during the preset,-
year the Province has eujoyed, arising
in part from the abundant harvest with
which it hes pleased Providen4e.to blese
the labors of a thrifty and iugustrious
people,. The progress of a.grictilture ite
the Province during the past 12 years is
extremely gratifying. Importaot stir
-vices have been rendered to his grea
industry by the work of the, Agricul
tiaral College and the Experiment&
Farm; by -the investigation add repor
of the Agricultural Commission, and by
the other measures which have from
time to time been adopted for this pur-
pose by the Legislature.
On the present occasion I_ desire to -
congratulate you, especially on the
important advantages which already
have been seoared' by the Bureau of
Industry established in your last see-
sion. The statitioal and other informa-
tion relating to the agricultural interests
of the Province collected by the Bureau,
strikingly exhibits the magnitude and
importance of these material resources.
In the preduction of cereals especially,
it is now ascertained that Ontario bolds
a foremost place when compared with
the meat favored regions of this matt:
nent. A system which, besides its
other objects, provides for annually
publishing carefully gathered statistics
of the farm, the forest and the factory,
is a valuable agency for exhibiting tbe
growth and capabilities of the Province.
It cannot fail to prove of essential re-
source in attracting immigration and
wealth from other lands.
Mr. Adernsou, the Gloria presente
the following report, accompauied by
detailed statement of the cost of tbe
new ironl.)ricige across the jMaitland a
Goderich, whieh was received bv th
Council. The report proceeds a
follows: 1 bee also to state that in con.
junctiou with°Mr. Girvin we sold tbeole
timber of the bridge by amnion in forty
seven separate parcels for the sarn 0
1212.92. I had previousty a few load
hauled to the jail for kindling Wood
We offered the olci iron at the sam
time, but withdrew it froi sale as th
highest bid we get was $10 per ton
Subsequently Mr. Partly,a bridge con
tractor iu -Middlesex, offered me - 1
(tents per lb. for it which I acCepted
but I never heard of him afterwards.
then wrote the tfanagers of the Rollin
and Forging Iron Mills in Hatanilton
enquiring if they pu.rchesed old iron
describiug the ' iron, and what pric
they would pay for it. The Rolling Mill
Company offered 913 per on for it fro
on board the cars iu Goderich, and th
Forgipg Company $20 per ton delivere
free of °Large in Haled ton, which
found, open makingeflIL1irY as to freight
uponit to Haanilton, was n advance clf
155.34 after paying fteight,over the offer
. After cori-
1882, w
these '
the P
reports of the. several depart.
of the public service, for thee ear
ill be laid before you. A.mengst
ill be the first annual report of
rovincial Board of HeaitL. I
congratulate you upon the advan ages
which have already attended the (Area -
tion and appointment of this Beard,
and from its operations during the .4, ear,
I venture to hope that the Board is
destined to prove an efficient duvest-
ment in prothoting the health, :comfort
and well-being of the people.
The report of the license department
will show the operation of the Jimmie
1a4s during the year. I am glad to
observe a determination on the part of
our people.to resist all attempts to relax
the laws for restricting the traffic in
intoxicating liquors.
The public &ea( milts of receipts.- and
expenditures in 1882 will be laid before
you. The estimate* for 1883 will be
presented for your approval, and will be
found to beframed with every regard
for economy consistent with the effi-
oiency of the public service.
On Tuesday, December 19,at 12
o'clock noon, on Lot 12, Concession 17,
Farm Stock and Implements.
St'' Archibald Duncansun, Pro-
rs ; A. Delgatty, Auctioneer,
I notice with pleasure that during the
present Year there has been a marked
increase over last year in the number of
immigrants who have become mime -
Dent settlers in our Province.
I have much gratification in stating
that the lumber trade, which always
constitutes an important factor in the
general welfare and prosperity of the
Province, has, alike as a. source of Pro
vinoial revenue and of profitable hi-
dustry, beep in a satisfactory conditien
during the year. The year's receipts
from timber and Crown lands sales will
probably ereeed a million of dollars. ,
I regret that the Federal authorities
continue to'dispute the title of the Pro-
vince to its northerly and westerly por-
tions, notwithstanding the unanimous
award of arbitrator, whieh was made
and published more than four years
ago. Some correspondence bas taken
place on the subject with the' Federal
Government, and will be laid before
you. The reports of the Provincial
officers on the condition of the disputed
territory and on the ,local oceurrences
of the year will also -be submitted for
your information.
I commend to your earnest attention
the questioh of the territorial integrity
of the Province. You are already aware
that the Act which was deemed neces-
sary for protecting the public interest in
rivers, streams and creeks, has again
been disallowed by the Federal Govern-
ment. The recent decision of the
Supreme Ceart of -Canada as to'the pres-
ent state of the law renders some legis-
lation indispensible in the interest as
well of the public as of lumbermen and
all others whose business requires that
they ithould have l the use of our rivers
and streams. The subject 'demands
your renewed attention, both in non-
nection with the disallowance Of the two
Aots heretofore passed, and as involving
the legislative autonomy of the Pro-
, vino°.
The Revised Acts, respecting muni-
cipal institutions and respecting jurors
and juries, having from time tis time re,-
ceived important additions and improve-
ments, -Bills consolidating the various
Acts on these subjects will be submitted
for your approval. Bills also for con-
solidating the Public and High &Mot
Laws will be laid before you.
In pursuance of the policy of passing .
general laws, whenever practicable, for
matters which otherwise would have to
be provided for by private Acts, there
• will be submitted for your consideration
a Bill for the construction of street rail-
waye in cities and towns; a Bill to fa-
cilitate the erection of gasworks by mu -
' Wi
for the
for the
tral Gr
wee e,
Local Notices.
ES AND LIQUORS of the fin est
for medicinal purposes at L. TnoRsE's
Liquor Store. 776
HORNE has been appointed Agent
Fairfield Plains Vineyard, which is noted
best wines in Canada. 776
IrTRY, POULTRY. — The highest
aid for any quantity of good clean tu, keys,
ucks and chi kens, delivered at the Cen-
eery. ,LAIDLAW ct FAIRLEY 782
and best selected stock of tea wareedinner
hamber Nye, e, aud glasswere in the eounty.
w aFA1a18y. 7b2
ou want five year old Rye Whitt -
11 at KILLORAWB liquor stOre, Seaforth.
want five year old Malt Whiskey, menu -
d from barley grain, call at KILLORAN'S
store, Seaforth, 783
RoLIDAFB.--Mesters. Scott Broth.
Seaforth, the celebrated Musical Instru-
ealere will give their usual holiday discount
ustrunients and goods purchased from
r.m now until the first of the new year.
the time to buy and save money 782-3
•If you
erse of
on all
Now i
abundance at the Central Grocery. Ordinary
Valen ia reisins, extra selected Valencia raisies
in qu.,
rter and half boxes, layer minas, black
raisins, finest Dehesa raisins in boxes and
r boxes, finest Vega raisins, currants, finest
, &c., lemon, orange add citron peels.
& FAiRLEY 782
are stall pushing their busine,ss. Fat mers ould
do well to give thern a call and encourage ome
trade, as they keep first -cities workmen a do
repairs for ell kinds of Agricultural Implentents.
Gr .in crushers re -cut and •atisfaction guaranteed.
All kinds of tbeir celebrated plow points kept in
stock. 780
RECEIVED at D. D. Rose's—New Teas,
which for quality and price I claim can't be beat,
and if you doubt it a trial will convince the
most skeptical that it is so. Aleo New Currants,
Valenti& Raisins, Table Raisins, Fige, Prunes,
Carded Peels, Extracts, Canned Tomatoes, Cor 1,
Peas, Peaches, Pears, Apples, Jams and Jellies,
and Canned Mots; also a fine assortmeat of
pure candies, all of which will be sold at my
usual low prices. 783
Is now receiving very lerge consignments of all kinds of goods new and fresh, and
will be sold very cheap. A call is solicited from all to examine his stock before
urcha,sing elsewhere. Heieels eonfident that both prices and quality of his
inamense stook will suit all. His stock consists of TEAS in Black, Green, .Japan
aid Tea Dust; Sugars of all kinds, Currents, extra selected Valentia Raisins,
London Layer Raisins, New Figs, Dates, Prunes, Lemon, Orange and Citron
Peels; Canned Apples, Pears, Corn, Tomatoes, Peaches, Salmon, Mackerel, Lob-
sters, Sardines, Roney, Jellies, Pickles, Sauces, Pickles by the quart, Cranberries,
Almonds, Filberts, Breztl and Shell Nuts; Cheese and Bologna; Crockery of all
kinds, Tea Sets in Chins., Colored and White Stoneware, a nice assortment of
Lampe 'and Glassware, Lamp Trimmings, Flour, Shorts, Bran, Cornmeal; Oat-
meal, Oats, Peas, Beans, Barley, Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Apples, Onions,
Turnips, Salt, Coal Oil, Lake Herrings, Salt Water Herrings, Codfish, Syrups,
Vinegars. " Oatmeal exchanged for oats. Alt goods delivered. free of charge.
Cash for Butter, Eggs and Poultry.
of the Rolling Compan
salting with tale Warden and Mr. Gir-
vin I accepted this offer, being $273.8
The money for the timber, and iron w
paidto the' Treasurer shortly after the
sales, ale Sands has informed me that
he said a few bars of iron. to Mr. Platt
WiLsoN & YOUNG have a large and
well asso, ted stock of choice Wally groceries,
provisions, crockery and glassware. Parties re-
quiring anything in either line can depeud on
getti, g it from them at the lowest price and of
the best quality. All goods guaranteed to bees
repre ented, and to give satisfaction. if not, they
can be teturned. The highest price paid for
butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm and dairy
produce Ca 1 and examine stock and judge for
yourselvee. 781
hogs in light su.pply and demand, oue
or two loads of choice briuging $6,30 to NEW LIQUOR STORE.
$6.35., The prospects are
SEAFORTH, Dec. 14, 1882.
80 85 to 090
0 85 to 092
0 134 to 085
0 65 to 0 68
0 45 to 05Q
0 17 to 0 18
0 17 to 0 19
0 20 to 0 21
2 50 to ' 2 70
8 00 to 900
6 50 to 7 60
O 50 to 120
O 18 to 0 20
1 25
1 00
0 35 to 0 40
7 25 to 7 60
Fall Wheat per -butthel
Spring Wheat per bushel
Oats per bushel
Peas per bueliel
Barley per buehel
Butter, No. 1, loose
Bauer, tub.. ..
Eggs .
Flour, per 100 lbe
Hides, per 100 lbs
Sheepekine each
Salt (retail) per barrel
Salt (wholesale) per barrel
Pote.toee, per bushel (new)
DreSsed Hoge
Fall Wheat per bushel
Spring Wheat per bushel
Oats, per bushel
DBAWN—In Rioter, on tbe fitith ult., the wife of
Mr. elan Brawn, of a
BRIE It S—Ie Exeter n the 4th inst., the wife of
Mr. A Shiers of a 6011
HARG won the 81 d inst., the
' wife of Mr. V, illiam Hargan of a daugh-
11.JEE—In MeKillnp on the 8rd inst., the wife of
Mr. Jatues Let of a sou.
- Deaths.
PEC—In Stanley on tlae,9tea inst., Wm. Peek,
aged 28 years. r
CUTH.L. L— nir anti on the 29th ult., Mr.
John Cuthill, eged e years and 10 months.
. . Marriages.
ROWATT—DARRAH—At Varna . on the 13th
inst., by the Bev. M. Dauby, Mr. Robert
liowatt, of dtanley, tu Miss &mall Darrah,of
STOCIE-eldoNAUGH l' —At the residence of the
bride's father, Lapid Ci y, Manitoba, on the
29th ult., by the itev. J. Ceumbell Tibb, Mr.
- George L. Si de, to Margaret Ada, eleest
dang ter of Mr. David Mcelanght,_Esq , for-
m rly of Seafortu.
SHINE—OAKLEY — At the residence of the
bride's mother, on the 13th hat., by the Rev.
etr. McNaughton, Mr. Simnel T. Shine to
Janet, secend daughter of Mrs. G. Oakley,
all of Grey,. , ;
MORRISON—McDONALD---In McKillop at I the
resideuce of the bid's mo her on the 13th
inst., by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr Joseph Mote
rison.to Mimi Jane MeDunaid, both of Mc-
Killep. _
-FLU ItSCIHULTZ—NNYLDE— On t he 4th tet, at
the reeidei ce of the bride's father, by Rev.
R H. Starr, Ernest- F,urschultz, to Annie,
, Daaghter of Mr. tienry Wylde, et Kincar-
dine. - f
HACK _TT—HENRY—On the 27th alt„ at . the
re-idence of the blid.'s father, by the Nev.
Robert Leask, St Helene, Jeseph Heck tt,
Asefield, to Eliza, Jane. deughter of Thomas
Henn, Eq , West Wewatiosu.
COOK—UNDERWooD— n Wedeeeday the 6th
nit , by-,Itt v. 3 R. Immo, Mr Wrn Cook, of
Lekelet, to Mise Mary M. Underw000d, of
HUNT— i UCAS—In Seaforth on the 4th „ti
3:e retedeece of the bride's futherey letv Mr.
Milk Miss earah Ann Lueas. to Mr. . 3.
Hunt, both oi Sem! rth,
CIXtiToN, Dee. 14, 1882..
$ 0 .84 to
0 87 to
0 B5 to
0 45 to
0 64 to
0 20 to
0 21 to
8 00 to
0 82 to
0 23 to
7(10 to
7 26 to
Barley per bushel
Peas per bushel
Hay per ton.,
Potatoes, per buahel
Rides, per 100 Ms
Dressed Hoge,
O 87
0 88
0 80
O 56
0 65
0 21
0 22
9 00
0 85
8 13Q
LIVERFoOL, Dec. 13,—Spring wheat,
08s 10d; red winter, 8s Ild to 00s
Od ; white, 09s Od ; club, 09s 51,
oats, 5s 06d; barley, 5s 6d; peas, 79
9d; pork, 940 Od ; cheese, 62s Od.
TORONTO, Dec. 13 —Fail wheat, 90.90
to '90.91; spring, $0.92 to $1.00; oats, 41c
to 42c; peas, 73c to 75o; barley, 450 tt
72o; hay, per ton, $11.00 to 915.00';
butter, 18c to 260; potatoes per bag,
75o to 80c; eggs, per doz.'25c to 28ca
dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., $7.25 to
$7.75 ; wool, per pound, 18o to 20o.
We take pleasure in announcing to
the ripple of Seaforth and surrounding
vicinity, that we have opened out a
Comprising the Choicest Brands of
Wines and Liquors, selected and bought
from one of the leading Wholesale
Houses in the Dominion.
TO CONTRACTORS.—Tenders will be reo ived
1. by the undereigned until January 1, 1893, for'
the erection ole Brick ouee. 1 eudere will be
taken for the whole work or for the several parts
separately. For further perticulare apply to the
nudersigned. ANDREW W. SLOAN, Bly th P
From England.
From France.
Madeira and Marsala Sacramental Wine
From Spain—warranted pure.
Mountain Dew from Scotland.
A—IL one working horse, four years old, and one
mare three years 0 d, both heavy draught, per-
fectly souud and go d to.work Also aboui ten
tons of good timothy hat in the barn to be sold
ley the lump. Apply on lot 30, concession 10,
licKillop. MRS JOHN CUTHILL. 7843E4
-FSTRAY LAMBS.—Came into lot 5, concession
-11-4 10 Tuckersmith, about the 1st of November,
two spring lambs. The owner can have the same
on proving pr perty mei paying charges. Also
strayed from the same lot about the Dit of June,
a black ewe and her I wo lambs, one of which was
black The ewe had a slit on the under side of
the iight ear. the finder will be suitab,y re-
warded on applying to the undersigned. DUN -
CAN McKle NON. 784x4
Bottled by Burke from Ireland.
Old Rye, Malt & Superior Whiskies
From H. Walker & Son, Windsor.
Hennesy, _Martell, Jules Robin
11 OUSE AND LOT in McKillop For Sale
For sale, the property lately occupied by
the late John t here are two soles of
land on 'which is aa comfortable dwelling house
and stable with oeher outbuildings, also a good
orchard and plenty of water, is situated two
miles from the town of Seafortb,, and would be
a most desirable location tor a retired fa mer
and %ill be sod ceeap. Apply to the unde, s go -
ed or to Wintheop Post Office. MeS J HN
CUT ti.ILL, McKillop. 784x4
GUAlipIA.NSHIP NOTICE.—After the expira-
tion of twenty days from date the under-
signed will apply to the Judge of tbe Surrogate
Celia of the County of iinion, to' be appointed
Guardiaia to the estate and pei sons of ,bna Weir
Black, gnee Ellen Black, William Black, and
Marion Ridena Bleck, infeete, under -the age of
twent yeo»e peeve and childien of thest° William
Black, deceased, in his life time, of the Township
of MeKillop, in the Conn,y of Hur in. MAR-
GARET El. 13LA.CK, their mother, by McCaughey
& Holmested her Solicitors. Seaforth, Deeember
7, 1882.. _ 788-8
All those.liquors are opecielly selected for me-
dicioal purposes and family use. Also, several
other kinds of liquors, which we hope will give
every satisfaction to our customers.
Remember the place, two doora south of Rob-
ertson's Circular Saw.
The Jubilee Singers,
I oommencse this season by showing one
of the most complete stocks of
Dress Goods, Millinery,, Mantles, Furs and
Wool Gods
Ever laid down in Seaforth. I claim no House is in a better position either to
buy or sell goods, and I am determined not to be undersold. To parties who
have not yet visited my shop, I would say that my system of doing business is—
Mark my goods down to the lowest living ',rat, and then give 5 per cent. disc-sow:it
for CASH. Remember, I do not put 25 per centon for the purpose of taking it
off.' This I cannot and will not do, but during the holiday season on large pur-
chases such as -Wedding and Mourning orders, or any other large purchase,1
mean to do better than my usual disoonnt.
—1 --
In this department several new lines are just to hand. See my Colored
All -Wool Dress Goods, 25o a yard my Pinhead Checks, all wool, in leading
tailors ; my new makes French Cast:mores in all colors ,• lively shades in all -wool
Victoria Cloths—the very latest things for spitings. Black Goods—all the new
makes in Crapes and Crape Cloths, Serges, Cashmeres, etc. Mourning ordent
completed on the shortest notice and in the latest and best styles; satisfaction
In Colored Silks I continue to offer great bargains in new and desirable
goods.' See my lines Colored Silks at 11 a yard,-lesh price—compare width and
quality ;"Black Silks and Satins, lovely goods in plains and brocaded suitable
for dresses; Colored Velveteens, the leading nateria1 this season for fashionable
dresses—I show an extra fine line in lovel shades, price 90c, for which other
houses will ask you 11.20 or 11.25 a yard; I invite comparison.
Desirable goods, immense stock; I handle nothing but reliable goods bought
from the best Canadian manufacturers. See my prime mink—note prices. See
my $17 Mink Sets, worth 925, see roy Blaek, Astrachan' sets $6, worth 17.50.
Children's Furs, Far Caps mid Fur Trimmingselarge assortment; beautiful
Black Far Trimmings, one half yard width for lengthening mantles.
Will make their second appearance in
EeLECUTORWNOTICE.—The creditors of Sken
Blair, of the Township of Stanle,,, in the
County of Huron, earner, deceesed, who di d
or about the 16th day of July, i 882, are required
on or before the 2ed day uf January, 1883, u send
to Messrs. ettedelighey & Holmeeted, eeaforth,
Solieitora to the administratora. full particulars
of their chime and ot the aeourity (if au y h -id
by them; and take noticeettrat after the expira-
tion of the daid time, the edministrator will pi o-
eeed to distribute the sweets of the &tat , among
the parties entitled thereto, having reference rally
1.0 the claims of which he F; hall then have nt We.
And th p administrator veil uot be liable for auy
part of the assets to any creditor of whose claim
he shall n t have received notice at the lime of
se& distribntion. Seeforth, December 2nd, 18-2.
Me0A.UGHEY & 110LAESTED, Solicitols tor
Administretor. 788-4
Live Stock Markets. -
Morienzee, Deo. 13.—The best beef
sold for 4-io to 5c, second class 4o to 4 -to,
and third class from 2ac to He_ per lb.
live weight. Sheep sold from $4 to $a,
and lambs from $2.50 to $4.50.
BUFFelee Dec. 13.—Cattle—Included
in the offerings were a fevt extra oxen
that brought $6.25, and two pair ef
feisty Christmas steers that brought
96.85; light to middliug steers brought
$4.75 to $5.30; good -shippers, $5.50 to
95.75; choice steers, $5 90 to $6, and
mixed butchers, $3.50 to $4. Sheep aad
lambs demand fairly active, and better
for all grades, but prices are not quota-
bly higher. Salts of sheep ranged froM
14.25 te.$4.75-schoice, $4.85 to 95; com-
mon, $3.75 to 94; Western lambs, 94.00
to 95.50; °suede lambs, $5.50 to $6.
Hogs—Demand fair; supply was'in
excess of it; market declined 100 to 15o
per cwt. Sales of Yorkers, good to
choice, $5,90 to $6, mostly 96; light
Yorkers, $5.85 to 55.90; good butchers'
and mediums, 16.10 to 96.20. Heavy
ALL Parties indebted to -Robert Willis, the
People's ehoernaker, Seafoithe either by
note er book account, a e hereb: notified that if
the indebtednees is not liquidated by the let of
January, 1688, the t esults will not be ple sant.
- DECEMBER 27th, 1882,
In behalf of the Methodist and Pres-
byterian Sabbath Schools.
Fpr sale at the principal stores:
—OF --
No need to advertise Mantles, as every one knows mine is THE
MANTLE HOUSE. Sev ral new lines have arrived this week. Choice
assortment of Beaver and Ills r Cloakings in the newest shades and patterns.
r make a specialty of first-class millinery, for which I have a large assort-
ment of the fashionable materials on hand. I -also make a specialty of first-clasa
millinery to order, and I have no hesitation in saying that it is quite equal to any
in the cities, and at prices fully ONE -HAL -P LESS. Particular attention paid
to Wedding and Mourning orders. The balance of my low-priced millinery I
will clear out at greatly reduced prices.
Immense piles of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits and Overcoats in English,
Scotch and Comedian goods, all' reliable, and at prices that our opponente'cannot
comPete with. This is a splendid chance te get a cheap, reliable article.
.A. eery Division.—In re Bailie, Campbell s.
Harris.—Purauant to the order for sale made in
this cause bearing date the Twenty-fifth day Of
September, A D. 1482, there will be sold with
the approbation of James Shanley, Esquire,
Master of thie Court, at London, by Jellies 0 e,
Auctioneer, at let number Twelve, in the Twelf le
concession of the Township of Hibbert. in tie
County of Perth, at the hour of one o'clock n
the al erno in, on the Fourth day of January,1 3,
the following lands and premises in two parce s,
namely": Pa oel No. 1—Lot No Twelve, in the
Twelfth concession of the Township of Hibbe t,
in the County of Perth, conteining 100 acres,
more or less This property is situate on go d
gravel roads, at a dista ce of ten miles from the
Village . 1 Exeter and twelve miles from the
i own of Mitchell, a, d on it are elected a new
story and a half brick house with brick kitchen
addition, a tram t barn 56 by 34, a frame shed
1 45 by 26, and other outbuildings. About 90
acres of the farm are cleared and under cultivse
tion, and is well water, d by an everfiowing
spring Soil, clay loam. Parcel No. 2—Part of
lot No. 12, in the Broken front concession, of the
Township of North i Word, in the County of tric-
ked, end known as lot No. 23, on the north-west
side of Conlin Street, Town of Inge.soll, accord-
ing to a plan of said lot by W. G. Wonham,
P. L S., and duly registered. This property has
ereeted on it, a small frame cottage. The above
named property will be offered for sale subject to
&reserved bidding on each of said parcels, fixed
by the timid Master. The purchaser is to pay
down a deiposit of ten per cent on the purchase
time of sale and the balance of
money at th
Boots and Shoes fully assor*ted,l'iLarge stock of 'Overshoes, Rubbers, ete,
Groceries fresh, pure and cheap. L New Teas, new Sugars, new Coffees, Currantr
Raisins, etc.; compare values, tote prices. See my nine pound coffee for 11.
One carload of Lake Huron Herrings. Ask my price ---I guarantee every barrel.
Comparison invited. No trouble to show clods.
said pur base money without intereet within one
month thereafter. In all other respects the
terms and conditions of wile will be the standing
eleECUMSEH _HOUSE, Brussels.—Heving put- eonditious of the Chancery Division of tbe High
e classed this eleeerte, ('etely oecapied by Mr. Court of Justice. For further particulars apply
John 0,-mpbele) I have refitted " the house in to Messrs. Street t Becher, London; Crouyn &
every respect Thu bar is wed stocked, and an Beth London; Woods, Fisher & McPherson,
attentive howler at the stebles. F. FREY Pro- Stratfoid ; John Hoskin, Q. C., Toronto, or to
prietor. Brussels, Dec. 5,1882. 781,24 J.-SHAN EY, Master at London. H. W. HALL,
doie • Solicitor, Exete Onta, ice
Corner Main and Market Streets, Seaforth.
ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE Dated this llth dee, of bec , 1882. - 784 3
WILL re -open after Christmas Holiditys, Jan.
" 4th, 18e3'
' a few more resident pupils can
then be receiv d. Buildings and furnishi gs the
finest in the Domi ion. Staff of instructors (13)
full and thoroughly qualified. Tnree year courses,.
in Musip and Fine Arts hree Departm Lts in
Literary Work: 1 RWPARATORY, Ackimmle & E
LROLATS with three years' = ou se, (i chiding the
Interandiat,, Junior alid Senior Matrieulation)
to graduation.
COMMEeCIAL COLLEGE thoroughly equip-
ped with eour-es in Phonography and Tele-
graphy Yearly Rate, including Bonn!, Room
_Light, Leundreeand Tuitien in Literary'Subjects;
Music an Drawiog, 9190 in W.vatioe. Termina.
rates, in ding the sone, except Music and
Drawirur; from $38 to 945 per terni of 10 weeks.
For Circulars addries PRINCIPAL AUSTIN,
Ste Thomas, Ontario. 784-3
0 CaLy••••
(Late Foster's liotel,)
Wishes His Many Friends and Customers in Town and
Country -
At_ mmizzaRiar cainzisfrizclus
aeINCE aseuming themanagement of this Home
ws have comp etely tenovated and refurnish-
ed it throughout with new furniture in the best
style, which enables us to giVO first-class accom-
modation to the ublic. The best brands of
Liquors and Cigars at tee Bar. An attentive
Hostler always in at endance at the Stables.
Particular attention given to the fanning com-
Of Charge. moderate.
A large stook of new goods just open
adapted for Christmas presents, such as
4.at the Seaforth Boot Store specially
Ladies' Fine Kid Slippers,
Ladies' Fine Kid Boots,
Ladies' Chonnois Lined Skating Boots,.
Ladies' Wool Lined Slippers,
Ladies' Felt Oershees
Ladies' W a Lned Overshods,
Gents' Fins Fur Caps,
Gents' Embroidered Slippets,
Gents' Carpet Slippers,
Gents' ool Lined Overshoes,
Gents' Frost Proof Felt Boott,
Chil&ren's Fine La Boots,
Chil.diren's Fancy Fe
Children's Wa
en's Fine Ilia Slippers.
Thesegoods are both suitable and ilisefal, and will be sold very oheapiltuing
the holidsy season. Special bargains in Mena' File Par Caps.