HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-12-15, Page 4I
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I I . - . � . I .1 - prwt1cd way of making it safe, Without burst bridge, on the county bonu -
- - . � I � _ . S. ve for . B91161i.,, W6 ,�did h that o6tvad from all qu"ri. Many parts da"
NEW A'DVERTISEIMNTS. adirectiwinfiveor-six others. It b and .concludes - as follows:. 11 We h the . dl* . Of the country are iusoo,esible by reason a stroU iron trues, constructed on the between Huron and Perth; was flu - ishA
� . said. by Ithose most intimately -seqnsi 46 deposited 'with, the i4ttor' Of Jhe should be '-vee4ve this aPpoill atMout, tho W" - noilple an obtained in the I r about the middle of November - I
- nt. I � " , of drifts, and perpoul have been found a"" p owe laot to
� - I - , - - - d, out of respect i the sati '
IWThio 4guo be'-woen the Vsreuthe*tm stt*r we WiA forteit present incumbent woul I on the highways frozen, to death. �- The chord,6 the now iron. bridg6'._- We UuAn afaction, of the Ivepector of
aodk_Nn*, 46notes the page of the paper on whiiih 11 ed withl him, that both in bits -business ,,,World 'S25, *hich . . . ii. Mously - came to the - oonolusion. that Perth and myself. The abutments Sa .,
� -
Owadvertleeinent will be found. and pri re a one haNas civil, - kind " to the St. Georgeig Society if we do I for the,position If for no -h�gher obne*ld* I weatber.on' the Continent has been ui if-
. . I I now leaf and mani. -precedented . ly bad everywhere. such� a iruss could not be property or �4o built with good stone taken from ths .
Christmas Goo&—T.-Xidd. (0 1, not show up a fact in nature or oration, turn over a - . -
and 4ou rtsous to all who i I him, � I I - I BLIZZARD u DAxoTA.—Great suffering cheapli exocu$ed in a aountryshop as Hibbert quarry, well laid and grouW �
P, 0�roacbec . itio -a to reform, tout we I with the best hydraulic ,cemant. .
' '
Marry Chn'stnias—D. D. Rose. (5) � aud.lew who did.not know him as Sir 11 science that is opposed to any Chris- feet a dfiposi from blizzards is reported uesor Adler In an establishment where iiuoh work - i T11411 .
Now Year�s Goods—G. Good. (5), M_ for "I tian Bibl' o regret to learn 1110111 unimpesobable, - f7rice for this partof the work to .
Mbbilee. Siugors ) . Hugh I Wan would have taken hi e you may name.,,- Hithert anaKendelson settlements, in Grand was being done,*every day, and without' 43. �eift ..
, — I � � r. authority that hie subsequent conduct Forks County, wherb,Russiau refugees- taking time to ask the Warden to call - There is a nest but strong iroi �
, Ladies! College Ancipal Austin. (5 anch imaii when chance threw them the Doctor has not noticad the ove a perstr , attire pla
� I 1) , � & jigs not been of & chr�racter to justify are- living. Many families suffered in- the Committee iogether, as tha�t would a .1 ced on thern, which is .
Speoia Notice—R. Willi& (5) in con act with him. The following tures and obullitions of, this assmi tiou, � d Bellinger, 'have involved coptaiderable aelay,-we 34 feet in, length over sX,with a sit .#
. I � I . ten
Card—F. Prey. (5) � - I . - I � - � . . -any such hope. - We need not say tbat tensely., ana a was, name I at.Mr. Hardy and . This was finished by &be
I I . palrbiclilars concerning his social hie, aud it isnot likely he will do so on the . I W40 u4dertook to remove bis wife and decided th I Hami . Itorli Bridge Cromparly-for thesaft
For Sale—Mrs. J. Cathil 1. (5) . � 000K . I 1 lion, and it is to be hoped it is no pleasure for us to have to make - child to me comfortable quarters, dis- should go to liamilton. and ask the
Betray Lamba—D. McKinnon. ) . , which I We glean from an exchange, will Pr-Osent . . . . re ,riving at his Bridge Company there to undertake the' -of 1396, including fl;.oring and ail tim_ -
Horses for Sale-��Mra. J----.... Gathi , (5) b . e rea with int6r'est; ; he will not, as were he to do so he these remarks, and that it would be covered to his horror, on ar I .
IT . . . .. ' lirect. bars for roadway. The approu-hog of
Chancery Sale of Farm—H.W.Hall. (5) . ould give to the association the no.' much more couveni,ol to our feelings- destination, that the woman and child work. 1 I &ccordiDgly Went there L the old bridge were low and narro,*,
� In social life be was much esteemed, w - � . had both frpxwl to dontli. being desirous of losing no time, and, we I
Cardw-:�Deunie Brothers, (5) Joyed the family cimle to oriety its in mlwrs so much desire, and unty. on after talking over the matter 'with the had th � raised and widened to t1wir
but -en, a ireater t could we congratulate the Co .
. ,. - - - I
- I --- I e%
I Cheap roceries—D. Monroe & Co.* (8) degree than he did the social board. His ot tbe'a'polutment, but we deem it 'our . n able f1411 widt of roadway on now brid*, .
Toy,&-- isil Shannou. (8) � whether he catabfishqi�l his point or n p , Qcomaty Clouncil. Manager—Mr. Hardy had not bee the cost being $79. The tatal
: fam I were his deligbti and the death - . ict duty . to enter tbi8L protest, on the I . to . go Just then—I left instructions to - � cost of
iin _______ of Lwly Allan was a crashing blow to they Would b a satiefied, as they won I The December session of the County proceed with the work as -rapidly as this bridge being $1,218, the county Of -
___�' ___ ; � )16hed their ob ect. Al- grounds stated - and we do not shrink Council opqned at Goderich on Tuesday possible, &sit was of the ntmost im 'ort- Perth p�ying one-half. Tbe wood.
- Z.0 0 him. In the course of bia life, both at have scec.m- I li ! � P
� - or. Raven icraig Mansion and at, his -sum. *t O there is much from the performanop of that duty no last week. The Warden delivered the &nee to have it done quickly. Since approach at the east end of Mud creek
a d not think . - .
"Wxv 00 it . , ' bridge on the county boundary betwesk
Pit r of U xv mer re aidence at Lake Memphromugog, to be gained ,-'or the cause of 0hr-istian, matter how- unpleasant it mtLy be. That custom ary address, in' which he referred than 1: have received two comm'unica- Jul
. — hewai the host of mm -n -'v diz,tiagui8iied � � per- to the business which would probably tions from the -Compa-ay, which I at Huron and Middlesex gave way in v
. — - ity by miuist3rs tbrowinu out, su-ohch&l I our remarks are amply justified, no � ' Mv jm- last. ', I let the ' .tract of making si
visitor i to Canada. His, Ao-yal HighueS8 . P3 � , . come before the Council. In referrin'g once arded to the Clerk. .- - �
. .
REAFORTH, FRIDAY, Dec. 15, 1882. Pfince Arthur, Lord .Lorue and the lengeo, tbare is no doubt but this one � lion who unilerLiltandl the correct State to the new iron bridge which had been pression is that unless the truss very earthen one and graveling the same at a .
. . _ - . �
� - . * " ho made erected over the Maitland river at d:ge, you cost, f aiddlmx .
, I
- : Prince is Louise, Earl'and Countess of' could be Substantiated if properly of aNirs will deny, and those w tus. r6ffly strengthens the bri ' of 075, the Couaty o
The' Oonventio,n�. Dufferin, and other's were among thom. . 0 Goderiob, be stated that the contract will have to build a new one witbi-n the p%yi.og hz�lf - I had a new floor laici o -
. judged although �Wa do not profess to the appointment, as well as be wb . 4 I
We hope our hiends are taking the' Poesealsed of a fund of kmiwlege of the I , I I � Lsible for had been satisfactorily completed, and .�eax. �The bridge was at once closed Exeter bridge, ,whieb cost $90. This
world and its contents, he was a very -be sufficiently venied in either theology accepted it,. are solely Merl] that the cost of tLo bridge amounted to for pu�lic travel, without doubt a very bridge is quite safefor threeorfoar !
necessary steps to have the required , unpleaiiailt feelings they may coca- $15,000 The [contractors had allowed yearsyet. Isloo,hadanew
agreeab,le conversationalist, and a very o)! science to say that it could from per. any , great disadvantage to that part of the 11 -,or placed _
number of delegates appointed to at- instril tive one. His family, who have soual knowledge. But,- it is surprising Fhon. .' � Hur . bn has been similarly cursed the sum of 1400 for damages for -delays. county. " , . on the E limville bridge. at a to,it of #*.
tend the Reform Corivention at Toronto- been iri mourning for.their mother, were . for yelvi, and the rqtirement of Judge , H43 also urged upon the Council the 7. 1 am plessed to state that the In cOMPanY with the Intipector fo;f .-
� ) to baire gone into I society this winter why -theme bersof.thii�Seculiir.Soci,oty - - . desirability of taking in hand the eree- seemingly insatiable bogbole on the Perth .1 have -examiued - Woodhea
on the 3rd and 4th of January. Severs. again, and in Sir Hugh'q last days he io ind others who proLs4 to think as they Sqnier aff9rded an excellent opportuni- tion of tL Conaty Poor House. �_hich spans Fish creek, on _tU
. � I Howick and Carrick -bonndary is now bridge, %�',
township chairman in the comity . institute a ne�v order of things, PETITIoNs AIRW MEMORIALS.
1111"'ve believed to have been makir-g prepai a- do are so SUIAOUS to ake converts to by to , I - flilished, axLd appears to be a soikand. boundary between Umborne and Blau.
already, we are aware, called mee iugs tions � �, and all must regret that that. opportu- A petition. was read from the County firm piece of work. - There is a good shard. It consists of one span 46 feet I
. for their enjoyment �Of the Season. I ,ht i I .
11 To go' ack a fewy their peculiar yiews. It they aro rig , No hope Couucil of Ontario, requesting the 00�1 .
. f9r%hispnrpose. We believe that ejeryL P ea I irs, it may be said, . d if as they teach -tiie_ future fate of nity has not been availed of. 1 rokilway, 16 feet wide, with a cedar in length. It is sagged down i.n the. I
i L
' t 8 r-Hugb was 'arried ou the 13th an ; . -1 I operation of this Council in pecitioning fence on both sides to keep anib2als on Centre about 16 inches, and 8()Me of the
municipr0ity in the county has a !local that 8 ent to tbe,Junior Judge. to discontinue the grants L ti b r r m h dec y'd th t
- atilds, daughter man is utter extinction and there is no the appointni .. the Legislature , ce m a a � e so no a '. a
� of September, 1844, to 9 . I 11 the road because I believe if thp.y on, we
. organizati6n, and it would be well for of Mr.john Smith, dry goods merebitnt, existence , beyond this , wor.d, what ship will be more in acdordance with to the Agricultural apd Arts Aia%oci.a, got off into the mire'at the si&s they had a ,,bent put unda.- to tnAke th'a
thoso local chairmen who bave 11�t 41- of Mo�treal. Thirteen children i propri'ty. tion. Referred to the Finance Commit- -Vould be lost. The place, has at t aiong bridge s4fe for pub lie travel. Thesbut-
� I —'line better -off will tha'y be -t"u those ,who .
I . � ? 1111111111111111111111 .tee. I f a m- ments are built. with I&r.96 fitill skme,
ready done to, to have meeiin c'siled daugh.�ers and four soniii—bleased the , - __ -1 - partaken t)f the nature o ystery, .
98 � . I �Llexander, the eldest, wam mar. believe the contrary doctrine ? In any Memorials were read from the County and appipar to be good enough to carry
union . I . WE ask -our readers to carefully per- and, therefore, I am licit prepared to
at once and delegates appointed. � We i Council of . OW superstructure, the cost lor -
ried to Miss Eva Travers. of Brockville, event thoo-who believe in the - Bible use an I d analyze the minutes of the last . Peel, requesting the co-iopers- guarantee that it will be everlasting. an ir ,
hope that every Municipality in -old he in of this Council in petitioning the The cost to the, county is $955 31. ' whith t]:
� I -Ontar o; Elizabeth, the eldest d-tughter, - and * accept its teachings aLid t tion )e County of Perth bas offered -
Huron will be: fully reprbsented ati the was I iarried to Dr. Gribbon; of H.M. accordance with those teach i Ugs, .will meetiogi of the County Council, which Ontario Legislature and House of Com- Mr. Mason ted as follows: Since tobear�alf- The new bridgieshouiabe
- m . - If after doing 8 s , repor I had some SMSH
Convention.. � 25th I egiment of Foot; Jane, the second - we publish in thi.-i issue. mons on the following matter : I t the June meetiuO I have inspected the built in early spring. I
I . . at least be the safe side. They can � i
� -6r, marne .. mpel .
i a position to I Itate daugh d Dr. Milburn, of the Bo,any sensible Man can conscientiously That the law be amended to co Beumi'ller and Ball's bridges. with tile repairs ,done on the Crediton bridge. I
We are nQw ir , P not be any 1A orse'off than the members Ilantg under the Voters' List Act to - ound TIiis bridge is no longer safe. it is 150
. I . 13th Hussars ; Brenda, the third daugh - . say that the work which.baa been per- aPPe sasistaince of Mr. Girvin. We I I
. �
that, delegates to the Convention will be ter, in rried Mr. Alfred White, of Que of the'Secular association, and they will be liAble for all costs in every appeal .
� ' both of them getting the worge-of wear, . feet long, but can be shortened to 85 feet. I
conveyed to Toronte and back agid U for bee - forme�, and the tiubjects considered by they fail to sustain ; 2d. To exempt all a (*
. nd Plioche was married to the have the ch nce 6f being vastly better. . especially the latter,Which ought to be The ceatre span has b en built twl
one farer. This -is very reasonable, and Hon. Mr. Boswell, a wealthy English , that body are A sufficient importauco to lines dividing lands in rural districts rebuilt Dext summer, as most of the in 14 years wii,h very much the sgtng
� I .� gentle off in - the rid, while they will more ' of the Real Proper- timbers are very Much decayed. and tlie kind of timber, which is by Do meam I
the matter of expense should not dater inan. Lady Allan and Mrs. An- . ' engros� the attention of � forty- four able from bbe operations . I durable,when coustautly exposed to
I drew *llan (her sister) have both died fully enjoy the pleasurei, of thi's life. days, then we will ties Act; 34. To amend,the law so as done, as well as the upper the � I
ex- I - bodie.1 men for five ges, piers are weather, &rid should not be usedwhen
any one from attending. It is alsoi withi4l the last twelve months, the for- Even looking at the matter in this low I . to give power to incorporated villa structure. I hELd some new braces put . i
. '
peoW that all delegates will attena the mer at Rave-necraig, and the latter in . I -9dmit !that we mutit be mistaken in our wheu desired, to reunite with the ad % f the more d,urable emu be had at rea-ionable -: I
I ' . sense, therefore,we Cannot see anything . , in and boiler plate put on one o I
� � municipalities; 4th. To amend l
Convention fully -prepared to r t on France. The remaining chillreu of Mr. I . view tPaCcounty Councils have out- joinin I nneit, priees. I would recomm,And stoue &but. .
ep ii I . to be gained by the people by accepting 9 . will be levied piers. AS requested by the CO I mouts and iron suparstru. wre for t- � I I
� John mith all married peomineub citi- lived t-b,eir usefulness. There was a the tariff so that a duty Mr Hardy and I inspected the Dubllu ot. L,8
the state of the party in their resPT, tive - zens, lamely, Mr. Jackson Raeif Mr. s,theistical acbitrgs. Besides th�is, we - � on flue wools imported in -to Canada, brid'ge between McKillop and Logan, new bri4e, and that plans and speeifi. . .
t I I time when the buainpas of the County n :
municipalities.. This latter is A .1 very Davidi Bellhouse, Mr. J. D. Crawford,, -think no ersod will dispute. that � I Referred to the School Committee. and found that a shorter bridge would. tioDs be' procured so &8 estimates can be .
I I . .
' -
important matter, and should bei sit- and 4r. Hartla--fid McDougall, These t. Counc4l was of' real importanoe, and ROAD COMMISSIONERS. REPORTS. . I laid before the Council at the Janu ' I
, society won d riot� be in nearly so good i do, to be kept up by by the adjoining Ary I
I i
tended to by delegates. f nniong have resulted in lar e families, ' when ,councillo�s eIrDed their -money Mr. Gibson reported as follows municipalities. I had a new dooring session. i . .
- . ; . 9 � a State, and life in that way would .1 �' 1.�Thei new bridge on the Seaforth n 11 .
� thus iocreaSiDLY wonderfullv the number 1. � s ,&,k# 11 : v�rlt- Olaf time has gona by I laid on the Grievi3s` bridge, and should L. HARDY, COMMiSSioner. � .
__ .1 __ __ - -,. � 77!� 1 � 1 C6 tf J I - I I . gravel road, known as orsyth's bridge, 7 i �
a of Sir. Hugh% relatives. Of his -sons, not be so eil' oyable, even by law abidlog . new brid' be built the sawe plank I WEDNESDAT, Dw j,
Sir B:ugh A119a Dead�l * � We arp of the opinion that four or five ge .
� : . ommercial pursuits. . wits completed. according to contract for 6
two have followed c and -peace- oving pediple were the re- . would do. I also had the Bannockburn The council met at the appointed .
The news which reached this oo'4ntrY ---enteri g the offic I e of the firm �of H & � .1 . V ordinar men, the Woxdeu's Committee $275, a little under the estimate. I I
. � Z D . strainte imp Fed by ChriBtiauity entire- i y . It's bridge floored with. two inch hemlock, hour, w4an tlie following general buvi.,-
on Saturday last A the audd d Ith in A. Allan. None of them have - become - for instance, could transac , t all the bnai_ a substantial work, entirely of cedar, as I could not get any other kind at ness wa�� disposed of .- I I
- . � . an' 'e�'s re- PrOfesiaiQnal men. Sir Hugh -was, as ly removed. So that under any eircum and was shortened from 40 feet to Dear- � .
Edinbur Alla w Dees that was done at the cant sitting that season of the year; it ,will last as -
gh of Sir Hugh s u., � L by May be easily imagined, well-known stances we Eave'everkthiDu to loee.and - . re ly 20 feet. I bad the approaches fided long as the present bridge, as it is a A letter from Mr. Wagner, claiming
oeived with surprise and regret among his Scottish Cau%dian fellow " oUthe Council in one day, and not' over- a little higher than the bridge, in ex- M damag �s for. breaking his conveyance
4 L , nothing to gain b becorning con�erts to very poor structure. I hi, d 80 feet of the 6
y - O -i th - dh . eferred
C'suadianagenerally. The desease was citizens. He wm Pr9sidc,nt of the St. work themselves either, and do it ju6t peotatio ikt it would settle down,but Clinton bridge covered with three in tbrangli & defective bridge, was r
L on & visit, to his native land, and i had Andiew's Society, and filled that office the views ofl the geou I tt r &,cie ty, ! the the filling baing pretty much field atone
I I I I as well and as satisfactorily as . i rook efrb, and had, the Same tightened, to th;&!�inance Committee. .
. '
I . all preparations made for his retur' to in the�Mdntieal Curling Club, in which I . — I it may not settle down low enough, in light Also � a letterz from Mr. McDonald,
� s, forty-four men did in five dayB. Ahe cost being $85. 1 had some �
for many -years he 7vas an active mem- IF we are to cre,dit current report I � which caRe it way be necessary to take repairs done to the Londeaboro bridge; claiming damages for breaking wagon, -
Canada by the steamship "Sarmatfan," _ I . — . , r . .
i , ber. T -he Tandem. Club will also - miss the "Jerovy Lily," or Mrs. Langtry, the . I a little off the top to keep the wate the piers are good, but the upper part &c., at gud Creek. .
AA .New� of wie W c,ek. . - F
but it was de2xeed otherwise. . er a him f �Orn among As members. In the oeliabrated �nglieh actregs and beafh'py frem running on to'the bridge.. an another year. ADJ�HTXENT OF INSURANCE CLA1110.
� � I . - I L I DIED.—WE9� F. Blakenev, inventor of will not last more th . - _ r. McMillan, secouded by I
few days illness: he died. -on Saiturday chure he took a I#ading a part. St 2. A. bent has-been put in under the The Blyth bridge is complAted; the Moved by Al
i who created such a furore on her ar- the vulrbiue water whbel,-died Saturday
morning. He bad been indisposedIfOr a Andrew's Presbvteria-n Church of Soot- I � . bridge on the boundary between' Grey -stone work is very.strong, and is eaps- Mr. Halunah, that on ace6unt of �its
land n Mqntre�l, counted him as one rival in New York recently, has got right, -Rt Dav�un, 01110. I d Howick, st a cost of 814. If it ble of carrying an iron bridge if requir- being diffloult at times to get Pwrties
week previously, but it was thought by f ' i I - . DEATkx OF - �NTnoliy TuOLLOPE.—An. an ' io
- I
o. her pillars -of great strength. He took into indifferant reputo wi�h the Ameri . tbouy'Trollope, the great novelist, died stays it will support the bridge for a ed. The contract price .was $1,580, come forward and gi,re evidence re.
-1. .. hisfriendaliewas recovering, and Do a leading part wl�h the Rev. .Gavill can people morequickly than most at L!)ndon, owthe 6th inst. year or two. which seems a high price, but it will be specting the origin or cause of ftrog
-1 dsingor was% anticipated until within a Lang n resisting the union and in test- pe6pte elp cted, considering, the fu6s A P�RQT1TABpx Dia. —A cheat of ald 3. The floor of the Bluevale bridge the cheapest in the end. I also had to when tuvet,tigations are being held by
fe-w-hours: of his demise. Hoart di ease ing thi i right of thePresbyteri&n Church . I t Frank. was covered with two inch hemlock build &,breakwater of 46 feet of cedar �8 the mu'riagers- of Matnal Fire Insurance �
in Ct nada, in c96nection with the they made over her'at first. On the Freijc� gold has been dug up a;
44he im=iate .0 * . . . i I � . lin, Peqiuusy1vaDim, worth 427,000. plank, laid oil top of the old plank feet high, at a'cout of $44, This could Compa�'.nies, that the Warden, a -ad Clerk ,
I hur h of Bootlandi to admi-nister the - -occasion of her first appearance on the At the Same time I had a contract i'm only have been avoided by cutting a be 0 petition, Parliament at
I � . Iii authorized t ' .
cause of his death. He was 72 �.years fandsiof the TemporaltiesB6&rd. He Stage in the' American metropolis, LLOYD'S PRECAUTIONS.—Lloyd's agency to pi��.. in, five now stringers in thq ditch, which would cost four times the the coming session to aM
of age, but was robust, vigorous I and cheariully performed all his duties in she has ordered al I steamers for New York aboo --span at the north 'end, but as the amount. In respect to the WiDgharn respecting Mutual Fire Inguranceopm-, I
- I I
. active, and to all appearance seamed Conn" I ation with the Church, and as 61ectirifi'ed the Male portion of her to pasp Cape Rtice at a'distauce of at water in the river at thefirat examine�- bridg6s, the Centre one on the prairie is PE . 6nies, ; that managers holding investi. �
� '
I . I I sisted at ,one of their socials, rather fashionable audience, and.-- creat . ed ex- least 1-00 miles. .was higher than it was shortly done, -and can be -shortened to about ten gations may have power to administer
gbod for many years to Come. He Was � ' GA�BLXN(i Housxs * ix Cliicmio.—Al- tion� � . -
0 County Of A.' r, more than a year ago, by delivering a treme jealo sy in. the breasts of. the though raids on gambliug lbouses of the after, some more serious defects were feet; the present oue is about 80 feet. oaths or affirmations and examine wit.
. disco4ered before the stringers find of late years there is -not much nesees, and also to have power to Sum.
born at Saltcoats,. in th y lectu,r�, in which he pictured Montreal gentler Once by ,her great, personal better; class continue in Cbicago, there I � L �
Be -land, on the 29th of Septe � ber, ha)f al century ago, and many other en- I . W, -8 notified mons and compel the attendance -of �
ot M . ere put in. I concluded with. water going that way. I 1wa ;
L ebarms, bu 1 unfortunately, as subse'- is no qeasation in the vice, and newdena tneolies toLgi
la -10, aud waa the second son of the terprigillg Men. . . 4 & I the c6neurrence of the deputy reeve concerning the Manchester bridge, and wi I ve evidence, upon tender. '
r I quent events proved - her acting was are r7,lacing tbuse closed. -
i . the -
I . . .. I of M6rris and the reeve of Turnberry" went immediately and folind iug the Same amount of fees as are paid
I I . 1
late, Captain Alexander Allan. � His I NSE SUFF,ERING.—Tbursday, last �
fat -her was long and fa vorably k I Down i upon what authority not equal to her beauty. She took the week,' two vessels came into Chicago that it would only be useless expe�ndi- chords on the south side given way. under the Divisioa Courts Act. �
I . ture to go on with that contract, and I 'had the bridge closed at once until B 0�11NDARY LINE APPROPRIATION,
as a% highly popular and successful ship- I we are not prepared to say, that Mr. C. leading part in one of Shakespeare's harbor 9cmpletely,covered with ice— - ' �
. I I � I 3t therefore put on what repairs we con- the rest of the Commissioners could The �C lerk was instructed to make out .
I S. Wood, the present Provincial Trees. celebrated playa, and disappointe,i most the orews nearly perished, hands, fe( , , eluded coul'd not be done without, so as meet. - a debenture to each municipality for hi .
I .
master, trading between the Clyde and urer, does not intend wto again seek a of the greatItheatre critics, much to the and ea,rs being frozen. ' I - f - - --
I . it is Mr. Girvin reported as follows: 9 ppropris-
Montreal. At the age of fourteen. be ' DEEP SNo*—Tbere has been a snow- to make it ' safe for this season, &a share ' the Boundary Line A "
. satisfaction, no; doubt, of her fair . imperative to have a now bridge there 1. as instructed by the council at its tion for the current year.
was apprenticed .to a ship- building firm seat in the Local Legislature. In conse- storm, at Tawas, Michigan, for thirty- I �
I I quen e of this deterInination his portfolio rivals. .Subs�quently, it seems, her as early next season as practicable. June meeting, I had a new bridge built The. Council adju'urned until Thurs.
� in Greenock, where he acquired �aome - I Six hours. The snow is Deady three � . I I
. The ibutmerita are both undermined, on the Lake Shore Road, Ashfield. The day. 1 ",
in the Ministry will become vaca.ut, and' devortment has not been so correct' as - feet on -the level. Tawas Bay is covered . THURSDAY, D'
knowledge of the management of ships, L With ice. . as v�elll as rotten near the Surface of � span was increased to 21i feet, and ! � ft. 7.
. and the &ode of keeping their accounts, there will be room for some other good is becoming in so.important a person _ FA.iPURE OF TIM COFFEE Citop.—A pe- the vkter. - The present bridge consists raised to .six. feet. The cost vwLs After routine proceedingA it was re- .
I We notice that the name .of Mr. Age. She not only disagreed with her culiai funguk' has carried ruin into the of tw6 spani—one of which is about 70 1175., . solve&on motion of Mr. Gibson, soc-
anit developed a stroug likiug for that man. , I theatre msuager,but caused such offense c,,ffae . � feet, and the other about 25 feet ; but * 2. The bridge at Kingsbridge was � re- onded �by Mr. Cook, that the grant d
' A. M � Ross, M. P. P.� for West Huron, . plantations of Ceylon, the Fiji � .
kiiid of business. After he had t been "I . I . in erecting a now bridge, it it is decided built at a cost of $130, and repairing the $200 0 the Wroxoter look -up, be paid -
.: her traveling companion and atten- Islands, and Java, and dismay into the '
with this firm for a few years, at the ia� frequently mentioned as the probable to 0 . . to have it iron, a span of something less approachescoat W, . over to that municipality. �
I � Mrs. abouchere, a to [P �
� � I future Provincial Treasurer. If Mr. dant, a create -a bo,,o a of their owners. than 80 feet would be sufficient to carry - B. The drift -wood at Benmiller was . RAILWAY RkTzs.
suggestion of his father, he decided, upon � LiRIEL SUIT.—James Malloy of Edg- .
I .
I 11 I serioui3ruplure in their relations.. She off the water-- The floor of the present removed, and the bolts tightened where Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by
00ming to Canaaa. Aocordingly on the Ross accept the position no 'better . field, South Carolina, as Utained a bridge is about Ill feet above the , sur- the require it and the floor repaired at -Mr. ]*,cMillau, that the warden. and
12th of April, 1826, he lef b Scotland qualified person could be got. But had.too ma: iy friends and hangers-on in verdict of $20,000 again-st James Gor- y .
- . . the green room to suit the manager,and don Bennett fo face of low water,*nd it would be an im.- a cost of $20. clerk ![be authorized to petition the
_I alleged libel. The de- I
- mad arrived RD Montreal on Sunday, the unless he will do it for the honor of the . fendt'Lilt will move for a new trial. . proveMaDt .to raise the floor about 21 or 4. The floor of the bridge over the 18 Dominiou Legislature to pass an act
Illat of May, 1826. He hero obtafted a thing we do not think he will be a can- *Mrs. Labouchere found it necessary to EDUCATIONAL GRANT.—The House three feet.owing to a very steep descent mile river" was renewed, at a cost of creating a Railway Commission, with .
I - � �
� . � remonatrat a with -her ladyshik upon � I from the North'side. The repairs and, 669.12. . poweri to compel all railways doin
situation as clerk with a dry goods firm, didato. In,,& pecuniary point of View I . Committee on Educ&tion, at Washing- 1%, -,
it Ironld not be any advantage, as the the4riendships she had f6imed. among L�ton, agreed to a Bill granting 510 000 - making a crossing for teamseciat 590.25. 5. The 9 mile. river 'bridge on the business, or who may hereafter do busi.
'th whom he remained about � hree ! - '. ', The fill at the sonth end, of the bridge Lucknow road has be I en repaired at a ness io the Dominion, to so &rran �
w,I i t : the' Us f New York. Tbih gave 000 a year, for five years, for educationa, p "I 11
years, when h6 resolved to again I visit emob I inients he noTv derives from ihe , 'swells . bas been corlipleted,at a cost of 0373-75. cost of $22. their traffic charges for freight and pm-
various positions be occupies, w . Aal offe ce, and each lady to'k her purposes' senger' carriage, as will produce a to&.
hi&nativeland, but, first took an ex-- . � t hich he mortal offe Q RENTS. IN SCOTU&ND.—Rents in Boot. The stringers made forthe Short span 6. As suggested in my report at the �
, tended tour through Canada and the would have to gi,�e up, did he accept own way. 'The pretty actress went to land Still continue to fall, A large farm on the north end are still on band. June meeting, I had iron plates to pro - sonab�e rate of interest on capital
I I . ' I . toot the piers of Help's bridge made investO, after paying all current ex-
- *6 Boston to fulfil an engagement -there, in Berwickshire was recently ielet at 4. My attention was called to the
Unifted States. He remained in Scotw the reasurership, Amount to a good I I ' . a bridge between Upper and Lower Wing. and put on, which will protect th-m. pensei i. Also with power to settle all I
�, .1 de � 1, ore than hi� ,salary a8aCabinet , and abeVa a already got into trouble in 83,000, after having for many 5ear
land about a year, when he again re- I ' commanded 04,650. This is a reduction ham. I ad vertised for tenders to put from the ice in future, the cost being dispuies between individuals or com.
I Mril i ter, whiletho' expenses attending that city from tbe*same cause, and her � . . . on a now floor tind straighten up the 62,359 1 parlies,and requiring railway compawas
turned to, Montreal, ana procu�red 9, r4 I of about 35 per cent. .
I hir �resent mocU' of living are, we conduct has set the tongues of the No ,REroRm.—Sagasta, Premier of truises on the top. I had the whole 7. The approaches to the bridge at to abolish a]I discriminations in favor
situation in thehouse of James Miller I I . � . is Port Albert were repaired, and a land of individuals or places, and j1a .�
' should judge, very'much smaller than fashionable gossips a-waggiDg once more. Spaia, in a debate on the proposed work done for 0100. This bridge * . so to se
. & Co,,, then engaged in building and i . I I I The blandishments of the American Modification of the Constitution, do. built on bents planked up the sides; it slide removed, at a cost of $49.04 ; and arrange their traitis as to give all pos.
theywould be4n that ' cisiti,on. But, . . the floor was all laid with new plank, sible *�oommodmtion to the public
SSE g ships, as, commission mer- I . � jp clared that he wouldnever accept the has three spans, altogethiir 179 feet _
should Mr.- Ross see'fit to make the swells seem too much for her, and if JiL
chants. This was congenial ,employ- I T I I priuciplesof liberty of pub aworshipand long on the floor. The stringers are costing 680.60. All these bridges are —Go motion the above resolution
I pecuDiary sacrific?, all who know him there is aMr. LwDgtry, as we believe unimersal suff'rag,9. apparently sound, but rather light, and now in good condition, -a�nd -should be was r4ferred to a special committee
I -
mout for him,and be devoted his whole I I considerably sagged in tbo c * afe for a few years. consisting of Messrs. Gibson, McMillan,
I - wou' 14 rejoice �t hi.0--promotion. there is, he'llad better -cross the "big WATCHING RuSSIA.—Tbe German press entre of the 0 8. Ther Reeve of Colb6rne called my Straciban, Kelly, Hardy, Hutchinson,
energiea to the bUSiDe8S. He rem ined � i . . pond,". an take his fair, but evidently are watching wibb!a auspicious ey�e Rail. span, but the trusses on top are con-
. ; � . I � -
a clerk there till the end of the year o oia's feverish haste in constructing rail- sider.ably decayed, and some of them at attention to Ball's bndge, which an, ex- and Rogers. The committee repa"
TEmILE is an orphiza,tion in Toronto ,frail spouse, in charge as quickly as mination I- found in a very unsafe recoramending,the resolution,.
1,o35, when changes *taking place in the ' � � I ways on the German and Austrian fron- thefoot require to be wedged up on the all �
calle4l the I'Secular Society." -Thif- state. Th-ecordsareso muclidecayed I
establishment,he was admitted a partner - . . � possible. Bylier indiscreet conduct, she tiers. The rapid increase of Russials inside, so as to bring them into a' per- I COUNTY REPAIRS.
soci4y is composed of what are com- baa'destroyed her usefulness on this' armaments is viewt-d with Marra. pendicular position. The whole bridge that I believe the bridge is not now safe A resolution by Mr. S-Or"han,second- ..
with Mr. Millar and Mr. Edmon stone , me not to be very satisfac. for public travel. ed byMr. Oliver, that Mr. Jury be paid
. . monly termed Free Thinkers, or Infi- aide of the Atlantic at any rate. . NOT READY TO'BE 11 LAID OUT." * State appears to -3r the iron bridge $26 fo : r, repairs to the approach�a of the
Who bad been.loDg connected wit i the I - I - - 9. All the details f " .
dels, and its members are trying hard i ___ ____ Senator O'Baggau, of' Saudusky, Ohio, tory, but may hang out for a year or which were not laid before the ou ryu Bridge, and other improve -
house., The firm then was Millar, Ed. � ' WE omit;ed to mention last week that apparently died on Monday. Whil6 the , two, at the longest.
I t' ' 0 h
— - Mr. to wilifte their� organization into notorie. ; supposed corpse was being laid out, �' 5. The Wroxeter, Jamestown and, in June, will now be laid before you, as ment �, one haff of t e expense having
I monotone, &Co. The death v! � Mr. Isaac F. Toms, formerly . junior. O'Haggan arose � - been borne bythe townships of- Grey
__ . ty. As the Rev. Dr. Wild is': a popular . and commenced to Brussels bridges have been tightened the work is completed except the paint
Millar in 1838, caused another el singe, ' ' up at a cost of 5124. I regret to say that ing of the extra boaxd which you order- - and 1�lma, *an n *
preacher and has become a somewh�t Judge of tb is county, had been appoint- speak. His death, however, is 'hourly ' . I
and on the Ist May, 1849, Mr. EdMo � n_ t 5 . . � ed. the party who did the work.reported to *ed put on, and this can be done next Mr Oriffin forrepairs to'Kintail bridge,
. no e4 man, they sqem. to have taken to ed to the position of Judge rendered expeot that the bridge at Brussels is not a summer when the wood is dried out. I were ieferred to the finance committee' ,
' � .
ntone and Mr. Allan commenced a now paying him special attention with the' vac�ant by the retirement�of Mr, W. R. A GxNERous Gim.—The Crown Prince me - ery by
. . and Princess of Prussia have given all good one, and not likely to ,stand v am - pleased, tq state thatin this bridge andultimstely approved of that
� *
. partnership, That connection still ex" evidept view of bringing themselves Squier. We ar6very sorry we cannot the. money subscribed as a national long, as the different parts and pieces we have a woik that will be a credit to committee. 4
. - I the county, and a safe passage I u. oft
. jets, though- other dhouges have baken . e bridge for On'& motion of Xrr. Buohana -
into ;more prom'ilient notice than the approve ol this appointment. It is, present on the occasion of their silver. had not been well fitted when tb � �
i , - generations to come. ondea by Mr. Strachan, Mr. Tedford,
place in the partnership since' then. mer4s of their society would otherwise 'Certainly a very strange proceeding'on wedding, to relieve the sufferers by the was built. The fence on the south ap_ , I .
I I inundations, which are increasing in ex- proach .of the Jamestown bridge has Mr, Hardy reported as follows: I beg the keepeir of the comity tools and im-_
, '
This was the commencement of his secuie. They have challenged several tbe.� part of the Government to force the to' submit a statement of work done was instructed to keep a
. . i I tent. been erected under the ov,)r,3ight of the P'em
long and successful career. He was a statementsmade by thisgentleman in retirement, of one man because of a LONDON FOG.—Last Friday, in Lon�' R7ee've of Grey and the Deputy Reeve of under my supervision, since the last stoek� , so he can render au se-
- I
man of grep,t business ability an I re. I I fortunate infirmity . 50. meeting of the Council: The bridge on count-tothe council as required 4 the I �
IL , . his s�rmons, and on each of these their certain . ut and to d.on, the fog was so deDBe that traffic ini Morris, at a cost to the county of 019 I n & ondiiion of these tools and by whom
. markable shrewdness and foresig cau'd . � the Streets, on the river and railways' alled to visit the Manciles.. the boundary 'between Stephe nd c
point -as his successor another simi- . . I I
secretary has addressed to the Doctor 9-p Hay has been re -built at a cost of $248, used.'r . ��
almost every enterprise he undertook I ! was much impeded, and in some casel3l' ter bridge on Nov. 15th last, and found . . I -_
an open letter through t�e columns of lar�y affli ted. &side from this, no suspen-ded. Five persons were drowned' the whole Board of Commissioners pres. including approaches; on examining On � a Motion by. Mr. Hardy, swondel
seemed to prove suiaces8ful. He was I one the Toronto World. In one of his ser. possible objection could -be madetO by breaking through th6 ice while skat- I ent. � I regret to say that, this very im. the foundation for abutments I found by Mi. Cook, it Was agreed that Mr.
� I
of those men of whom it is f reqx Lently mon$_lkst Sabbiih! Dr. Wild is reported Judge Tom s, but surely this should be ing- Temperature 7 0 degrees below portant bridge, second only to the mag- that the water had wombed out the Kellv, Reeve of Rlytb, be paid the sum
said that everything he touched t''. ned � I freezing poiut. 1. nificent one near this town, is very earth to � a depth of three or four feet, Of $16 for su'peibitending the building
� to h4ve said: "I will give 025 to the suf4cient t . :) dtoqualify him for such a I TERRIBLE SNOWSTORM IN ENGLAND.— much decayed in some places; that the and the bottom very soft and spongy. I of the masonry work of Blyth bridge.
. :
into money, It is Deedless to -say that ti Bt.i George's Society if any man in position. I ilk said i defence of the Travel everywhere has been obstructed lower chord on the south side is broken, had piles driven to ensure a solid i BOUNDARY BRIDOZ. __
Im was immensely wealthy, aud,w as in t, ; I foundation for the new structure. All cted to not -4
T6ronto will give me a fact that is appointment that he is "all right" when by the great Snowstorm. In Wales, a train and has parted at one place nearly 2J,.
� . .
the floffiest extent a self-made Iman- 01 settled upon b science that is not. in on the Bench, but this is a very lame was lost, and was sought for by bodies inches, anid ibows unmistakable signs the timber used in the building is cedar the clerk of Wellington.tliat the County
. % . � . Y , . of the beat quality, and should last for of Hi iron has provided its share of the
Beeidesbeing principal proprietor and 41 the Bible, or if he will give me a fact ex-duse. Iflamanis "reeling drunk" Of men on horseback. Finally, the top of yi6ldiDg nnder the very severe atrain �
I . . i $I an, of it was discovered protruding through consequent upon so long a span afid 12 or 14 yews. The small bridge on mont y required to build the bridge on
&ief manager of the extenaiveandimag- 1, in � nature that' is' opposed by the one day, it is impossible he can be -
I � I a snowdrift Sixteen feet deep. The im- such a heavy load of timber. After con- the boundary between Usborne an,i the boundary line between Howick an&
. -
nificent line of oceau, steamers ,�'hidh 11 Bi ." The Be-pretary of the Becu, lsr'� rig. t 11 -for u8iness the next. Besides, prisoned passengers snffered from hun. siderable examination and discussion— Hibbert'has been re -built also., the con Mint?, al d i prepared to proceed -with
. I _
beare'his Dame, he was interested in Boei�ty takes up this statement and'in leaving out of consideration the pernici- ger and cold, in unheated c a, for with the assistance of the Reeve of Col- tract price being $179, the townebip of the, rkas Zen as Wellingt�n is read
I . �r . g.
namy other -enterprims,shipping, 101anu- a a ibe eighteen hours.. It took a day and a borne, who produced a letter frotif the Hibbert to pay half the cost. This M ved by Mr. Hays, seconded by
- ewhat insolent letter, addressed le, such proceedings on I � � 'N
� i half to aig out -the train. The passen- Clerk stating that the Warden would bridge and the first mealtioned are con- an sh, that Mr. Mason, road conil�
haturing and monetary. At the time as his former ones to Dr. Wild, proceeds i pax � of a J4dge b�as the effect of lower. i � - I
gere suffered fearfully, but it is thought Sanction whatever the Commissioners Biderably shorter than the old ones, and 'on r, be instructed to sell the timber .,
4d his death he was preaident of eigh to Jay dowli the'co0ditions upon which J lug the d nity of the position and they will all recover. Accounts of death agreed upou—we, with considerable Will, in future, come under the jarisdie. or ab 'tmeuts,whioh are partially builtat
L - �
Asen, extensive business companlool AIR I hip a orcietv will &CCeDt the ehiillengA I deaw Lve resDee't all should have from cold and exposure are being re. hesitation, decided that there was no I tion of the local municipalities. Chisel- Grie o's bridge
- , , , ,, to the highest bidders
� .
� .,
� . � __ ,.-.. .. , . - _�- _.� .,�� . - -
�' , - .
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- I . ; I
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- . I - I
- r. . OF-09MBEF. .
W, __
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! .
I, as, in the opinion of
F �, - - wktmelrits abould.
a - pb"s when the bri,,
. ". ,
- I - M' d t
� � J * * the Road a
- - low. I
� passing W
. IL After n_
. � . .&�Moii %djoUrne& L
� :
1. . After routine proc
I -
� . W ing1teports Were res
- T%e Finance 0
. � I
- I roobinmending that,
LV&nte(I Rev. Mr. Wa
� to . a buggy., camaec
- -
-1 � �Wo . Credit,= bri.
� I ad ail McDonald, -J
, L
.- #WtXined Whil,e 40D
. - �, �oriAge, be not 'Paid �
L - � *mounts of varioui
- � rocomme,nded to he �
I ]The Road and wBr
L - por�tea as follows:
. "n, road Le'OMMIS-sl
'�'L *at the L L Ort Le's
Anyin sue 9, large 4
1 L I . : ary�' the, Cou
_ �O "_ -es responti L
I thgmselv
*Ds�,t in the matter
- 4 L i -he bridge ,at,
ljhs�t 1.
I 1 with an '�ron bridg
� ments, with a road w
I _1031A that plulit and -18
., I
area and tendels -
hi ' �
eibre� the Cow
- . i
Fin anuary next. I
I . . .
L rosa COMMISSI`oner�
. - lop
- th� riport be ac
1. a .
� bri .ge be rebuilt �
4 .sbiltments. and - roi
. .- Viae, the Cammissi
: ,
- . au'a specifications I
. j�. fe
- 0 _V tenders, to" �
. I C0411cil in Janual
I . I - Widge in Winghs'11
w .. -with a bridge _ten fe
- - I "sible to get itr, .
- I tho filling up, to bf
. as � R-e-porl
Possible. -
I . Gommuisioner: Ree.
� - poit be -adopted, u -p
- I
jUim, for extras be
� na�ce Committee.
� : Haray, road Comil
� � report be adopted� �
� .
� built, as recommel
. � specificationE prep
, called for, to be )ail
I - . at its n,ext Meeting
� sixteen feet wide on
s&d. fourteen on � 0
'Mr. Hays, motion t��
. . ments at Griev98 b
- - ber be advertitied I
� I sat bidder by an aui
I . mitteew4oUjil ft_�tll
- L I
. . ' in adirertisin.,
'I- . - tor 1
- .
� bridg,
� ,eiii, zePar"G tA
-the stvuework an<
11 ask -ten J,ers for wo(
. . . at the, same tiMe.
I m.end th a,t the 13
1 .
� � have a meeting, ta
� ,
�, into fourdivisions, I
I commissiourr app(
� . -- Niel
F . Won, to be pul i
I aiia'ths,t th,e 11,eeve
L -
� the Road columissi
; Sion when it is nec,
r __ . .-
!, Joax ,mb -)
: - I
�� - . SCHOOL -c-
E �
� . The Schuol. COU
r �
� - Tb at witb
�_ follows.
i � - Culfir Of tl7e COU]
� ,
� C-oulity of Peel, AVE
; .
� I beadopteJ, and th�
L That in all casers (
�_ __
� to the votet _S` list,:
I appealing �Khsll pa
I ,
L Clark -of the Munic
I appeal is ma3e, A
i I 1
and Cierk petition I
1�_ regaxdiog -the Saw
Memorial from.
- . spectinIg flip Real,
� Act: We recomme
. .
� Regarding the
- County Council -Of�
. �
- respecting incorpc
, reaomlnend -that tli
� tion be 'granted. 5
Memorial from 1
. speeting ,the duty!
� recommend that n
the matter. GE�
. � I
. 1 The Township C'
. � .
.... � mg In. De
I . keeping the nbil
I I ween Blyth and �
. siste of'revair, it V
I Moved by Mr. X
I � I
1911iott, and owult
. A take steps, at as at
- ,t6ouforce the Y*,s(
I � - Council, in compli.
11: . . ,Of the ratepa,YetE
. .
I - Wgwanosh at 01,61
- t1lie 0onucil in 18�
. � . WEN Ll
- � .
. - ! Moved by Mr.
mr. Hannah. v.r
. Walrden -and Cler.
4 -T ,
: titiou the Local L
. I
� . i the Liquor Licen�
I i ticense, Inspect(.
� , I
- 1 the p,ower t" del
. I
� � -6f big license. in i
� �
4 ises any ptirsou m
- � . � liquors ufter any
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