HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-12-15, Page 3Emma::Ili, 18
r i an y Goode
f Wedding ani
and won}
tending p
tine it. I note,
tees; one hurt-
er -toe from 25
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lluoloide sad;
Ink Stands,
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Toilet Sots
Maga, .
;one Figures,,
&nsie Boxes,
lllatoh Safes,
ee Brackets,
nese Trays,
.bber Dolls,
jhina -Dolls,
E lower Pots, •
in ClasaGiolree
oyer Books,
Hymn Books,
r Toy Boob,
ftard, Works,
to in Cloth,
Pod Bindings ;
Tia,; Tuck
ry Com-
[ FROM 10c UP
greater part
to foreign mar-
about one-third
ea more and get
other plate in
1I41#*aa ieaT'ILr .
Zest tib
if >,st a test ft et nisstsase t ends rnby ' 3ip un-
NW they .alae re gutter, .shatter,
11thlia*a1 meat n ght i
Whiletheeteks that overespstter
AU thole/movie hear theirs:114We
an* softd mild delight
tba tintisorabn&it on that Eanasae39glarever
From �theels,.girlr, girls, girls,
earls, &1st -girls,
*mute wild, essrielous, saaey, jaunty girls.
Seethe. Darting of the Tris
Radiant girls l
oto t'he lover's softeteed .brain wiltily whirls
Through sthemeatee of the ball,
Up and d wn tha stately hell 1
Slew w he skips to and fro
And peepiree: i
lfgeld that we eotald}teellla firer• Biot all we know
Oluta which the false one burls
Kash slaw wl lm $e w it the
fsa a chow it swirls
'low it tub i t
Settee fair that, thy were churls
Than fall victims to the girls •,
Ta the prattle and the rattle
Of the girls, sirU, ger er
Of the girls, girls, girls, girlieGirls, giris,girls-
To the sacking and -heart racking of the: girls
that is the difference 'between a
= crowded house when a proceiaion is
planing and the ocanpants of a dentist's
waigingroom In the first instance
there is a face in every pane ; in the
latter there is a pain in every face. - .
A. New York paper, describing a
boat race, alludes to " the flashing of
bait thousand eyes, and the pundits of
twice as many fair hands." What a lot
of one -eyed women there must have
Keen at that race!
-The builder of a. church, in a lion --
don suburb, reoently, on returning
thanks for the toast to his health, which
hadbeen proposed, remarked with much
eandor, " I fancy I am more fitted for
the .scaffold than for` public speaking."
Au . honest Hibernian, in recom-
mending a cow, said she world give
sulk year after year without having
eaves. "' Because," said he, it runs
in thebreed, for she came of a cow that
never bad a calf."
-A young -man about town was asked
which he eonsidereed moat attractive in
the fair sex -face or figure. He replied
in the following epigram
;nett 'lout, " Though fair her features be,
Is isher figure pleases me,,,
", Whad may her figure be ? " I cried,
•' One hundred thousand' " he replied.
-A wager was laid on the Yankee
peculiarity of answering one question
by asking another. To decide the let,
a down -easter was interrogated. I
wantyou," said the better," to give me
.a straightforward answer to a plain
question." " I kin du it, mister," said
the Yankee. " Then, why is it that
New Englanders always answer a clues -
tion by asking one in return ? " Dn
they ? " was Jonathan's reply.
Sir," said a fierce lawyer, " do
you, on your solemn oath, swear. that
this is not your handwriting? " ', I
reckon not," was the cool reply:. " Does
it resemble your writing ?" "Yes, air,
I think it don't." " Do you swear that
it don't resemble your writing?'" " Well,
I do." " You take your solemn oath
that this. writing does not resemble
yours in a single letter ? " "Y -e • es, sir."
!" Now, how'do yon know ?" ""'Cause I
can't write,"
=There is a tory that the Duke of
Argyll and the Dake of Sutherland were
oucotraveling together by railway when
a commercial traveler entered the oar -
nage. The new comer took his share
in general conversation, till one of the
peers got out at an intermediate station.
The commercial traveler then asked his
oompanion if he knew who the ", party "
was, and, on being enlightened, ex-
claimed, "° Dear me! Was that really
the Duke of ? Just think of his
talking in that affable way to a couple
of little cads like Son and me !
The 9th 'verse of the 8th chapter of.
Bather is the 'ugist :verse: -Tbw
verse of .the 11* ch g�f Jobuni a be
Shortest. In the I07th Psalm :four
versos are -alike, the 6thi 15th, , 2lat and
filet: - Each verse of the ,186th Psalm,
ends alike. ` Nti namcs orwords with
more than six ilyllahles are found in the
bible; The 37th chapter of Isaiah and
the 19th ohspter of II Kings' are alike.
The word girl coons but once in the
bible, and that an the' 3rd verse and
8rd Chapter of Joel. There are found
in both books : of the. bible 8,586,483
letters, 773,693 words, 81,373 verses,
1,180 chapters and.66`booke r The 25th
chapter of the Ants of the Apostles is
the meat chapter to read. The most
beautiful chapter in the bible is the
22nd Psalm: . The four most inspiring
promisee are John, 14th chapter and
2nd 'verse ; John, 6th chapter. and 37th
verge ; St. Matthew, filth-- chapter anti.
28th ; and the 37th Pashto 4th verse.
The 1st verse of the 60th chapter of
Isaiah is the one for the new converts.
All who flatter themselves With vain
boaetings of thefr perfections should
learn the 6th chapter lot Matthew. Ali
humanity should learn the 6th chapter
of St. Luke, from the 20th verse to its.
schools. o, reetdring children to learn off
b Grote, Thrline, .and versa by vie;
of the Soieiptures, *she -Meaning of Which
neither they nor their teachari even
.perhaps would' understand. He held
that there was too mach teaching and
too muoh preaching in modern times.
One !sermon a day was enough for any
minister to prepare properly, or any
congregation to listen to and be properly
benefited thereby. • There was too much
oramming of texts and theoretic re-
ligion. The present mode of worship
did not originate in the early Christian
church, but was inaugurated in days
when puritanic zeas swayed all hearts
and oonaoienbeerling and the un-
willing alike. There is a possibility of
the most eager believer being overfed
with religious truth. There is too much
maohineryin the modern worship. It
is too cumbrous, too lengthy, and too
formal, In• public serviioe,, for instance;
every one,' during a discourse, should be
allowed, and even encouraged, to get up
and clues ion the speaker on any points
which ight require elucidating. In
short, public service should be a confer -
.ring tog ther on scriptural truths for
Us Boys. .
" Now, boys, when I ask you a ques-
tion, you mustn't be afraid to speak
right out and answer fine. When you
look around and see all the fine houses,
farms, and cattle, do you ever think
who owns there all now ? Your fathers
awn them all, do they not T "
Yes, sir," shouted a hundred voices.
Well, where will your fathers be in
twenty years from now ? "
n Dead," shouted the boys.
" That's right. And who will own all
this property then ?"
"'Us -boys ! " _shouted the urchins.
" Right. Now tell me -did yon ever
in going along' the street notice the
dr�lnkards lounging • around the saloon
doors` waiting for some one to treat
them? "
" Yes, `air ; lots of them."
Well, where will they be in twenty
years from now ? "
" Dead i " exclaimed the boys.
" And who will be the drnnkards
-filerjesint Davy, being concerned in
ce.ase which he wanted to postpone
for a few days, asked Lord Mansfield
when he would bring it on. On Fri-
day next," said his Lordship. " Will
you please to consider, my Lord, that
Friday next is Good Friday ? " " I
don't eare for that ; the better day the
better deed." '‘ Weil, my Lord," says
Davy, " you will, of CORTE'S, do as you
please e but if you do sit on that day. I
believe you'll be the first judge who did
business ozi a Good Friday since Fontius
Pilate's tiro_e." His Lordship took the
hint, and did not sit.
-" What will your wife wear at the
ball, Governor " said the millinery
man of a society " paper to one of our
ex -Governors recently, at a fashiona.ble
watering -place. "My wife is not goiug
to the ball, sir." " Impossible, Gov-
ernor. I have telegraphed her Darn° to
ray paper as aoaong the guests. Now
(appeelingly), _what would your wife
wear if she were going ? " Sir," re-
plied the Governor, iu his auaterest
manner as he turned on his heel,
" since you have sent my _wife to the
ball, drawl her yourself.' And, sure
enough, there was an elaborate " toilet "
&Bullied next morning.
-A fat Mail, from New York, engaged
a levier berth in a Pullman oar. and af
ter he had retired he raised the curtain
of hie -window and gloated in the cool
moonlight and the fresh, pure air that
came in at the partiedly opened case
ment. He was a great stickler for
thorough ventilation, and the thought
that he was getting a glorious draft of
heaven's pure air -made him happy.
Finally, bathed in the mignificent
moonlight, he sank to sleep. Iet- the
morning he awoke to find that the win-
dow was double, and that only one of
them was open. Aside from the man
who got up in the dark and kicked kur
panes of glass out of a bookcase in order
to oet more air, and went to bed happy,
dbo not know of a sadder case of mis-
placed oonfidence.
' IIs boys," shouted the unwashed
yonngsters.-Chicago' Inter -Ocean.
Wisdom of the Ancients.
Catullns : Nothing, is sillier than a
Silly laugh.
Horace : Control your passion or it
will control you.
Hieron : Therodent man does not
put his hand in the fire.
Syrtis : He confers a doable kindness
on a poor man if he gives quickly.
Seneca : There is n6 benefit so small
that a good man will not magnify it.
Plautus : Do you never look at . your-
self when you abuse another person.
Nenaa : No government is safe unless
protected by the good will of the people.
Columella : The most importantpart
of every business is to know what -ought
to be done. •
Livy : Envy is blind, and knows uoth-
ing except how to depreoiate the excel-
lence of others.
A Delicate but Broad Hint.
The following is,a copy, slightly con-
deneed,of a`circular issued by Mr. R. H.
Moore, an A zperican, printer, who not
only appears to understand his business
thoroughly, but the art of wheedling
the dollars from the pockets of slow-
. ,
Why a
A sole
tion to tl
the reps ted ,fatal and distressing ,acci-
dents resulting from the explosions of
lamps $]
stand a1
great mi
trying t
fire to
Kerosene Lamp Bursts.
itifio gentleman, whose atten-
e subject has been elicited by
ed with kerosene oil, gives the
explanation. It should be
read by all.,
s well as bolls, need to ander-
tit kerosene explosions. ` A
ny fatal accidents happen from
pour a little kerosene on the
peke it kindle better, also by
oil into a lamp while it is
Most persons suppose that it
is the kerosene itself which explodes,
and that if they are very careful to keep
the oil 'twill from being touched by the
fire or .ght there will be no danger.
But it s not so. If a. can or lamp is
left about half. fall of kerosene oil, the
oil will dry up -that is, evaporate -a
little, and will form, by mingling with
the air in the upper part, a very explo-
sive gas. Yon can not see this gas any
more than you} can see air. But if it is
disturbed ordriven out, and a blaze
reaohes it, there will be a terrible ex-
"losion, although the blaze did not
touch the oil: There are several other
liquids used in houses and workshops
which will prPdune an explosive vapor
in this way : !Benzine is one ; burning
fluid is another, and naptha, alcohol,
ether, ohloroiorm, may do the same
In a New York workshop, lately, there
waft a caa of benzine, or gasoline, stand-
ing on the floor. A boy, sixteen years
old, lighted ek cigarette, and threw the
burning neatgh on the floor close to the
can. He didl not dream there was any
danger, because the liquid -was corked
up in the oan. But there was a great
explosion, and he was badly hurt. This
seems very mysterious. The probability
is that the can had been standing there
a good while, and aegood deal pf the va-
por had forined, some of which had
leaked out around the stopper, and was
91 ihrobesuid,Ooderich Streete. next
of the domeetiqiited animals, su7airfully treated
notice. Charges .stiodersto. _all. Wt ELD741,t
Veterinary Sinn -eon P -huge 'Wick SI
Vetetinery Medicines kept constantlyon hand.
' SHIM C3081V9
paying about§ to his own :-
Metropolitian Block, 205,Maine St.,
Moline, Illinois.
My Des* Sra.e--I want to aak you a
plain question. Suppose you were as
poor se Job's turkey, and had invested
$15,000 to $16,000 in an enterprise
you degired to make an exclusively
cash business. Suppose you had trust -
your work out all ever the country
ntil your heeds were played out ; sup-
ose you had claims coming against yon
in the hands of business men, who had
accommodated you in good feith and
needei their ruoney ; suppose you had
some vide in you, and naeant to be
to see a man whom you owed, when
you hadn't the legal tender in your
trousers to pay his just and lawful de-
mands, worse than you would to see an
Injuu or the Devil ; and. suppose
those whom . you had accommodated
inane into town and left without even
paying a part, WHAT WOULD YOU
DO ? Would you let your debts go,
And amile, and smile, and smile,
And be a villain all the while.'
or would you sue every mother's sou of
them that didn't peg you, if it were the
laet busineee you ever transacted ? If
you wereoan honest man you would do
the letter. and that's just what I'll be
oompelled to do, and WILL DO.
don't want money to look at ; I don't
want auy to salt down (I never could
make it keep) ; but ont of two thousand
trusted out, I humbly want a few hun-
dred, and I'llleave it, or an execution
It is a small amount to you, but it
means hundreds of dollars to me. I will
be found at my officeneady to inform you
of the amouut of your indebtedness,and
to square up. Get my receipt for _your
amount, and my soul, as Well /AS yours,
wi 11 rejoice. I love you myself, as a
mother loveth her first born, but I love
to pay my debts better thau I love any
man, woman or Oil& on the face of
the earth, and I propose to do it if I
have to make costs for every matt in
Rook Island. county. Now let's have
the SPONDUL1X, and see how sweetly and
prettily I can smile on you.
Yours earnestly, ,
-In Paper and Printing Trades journal.
[This l'Moore" has a, number of
sympathizers who enjoy other names,
hafted very much with him at pre -
Strange Facts Gained by a
Study of the G-ood Book..
The learned Prince of Granada, heir
to the Spanish thione, imprisoned by
circler of the drown for fear be should
aspire to the throne,was kept in eotitary
confineinent in the old prison at the
Palace of Sculls, Madrid. After 33
years in this living tomb, death came
to his release, and the follovving re-
markable researches taken from the
bible, and marked with an old nail on
the wall of his -cell, told how the brain
sought empleyment through the weary
In the bible the word Lord is found
1,85a times ; the word Jehovah, 6,855
times, end the word reverend butonce,
and that in the 9th verse of the Illtly
Psalm. The 8th verse of the 118th
Psalm is the middle verse of the bible.
Reform in Piviue Worship.
In his morning discourse, at Knox
church, Toronto, on Sonday, 2nd inst.,
Rev. Dr. Parsons spoke from .a passage
in the eighth chapter of Nehemiah,
bearing on religious instruction. as con-
itected with.public worship. The rev-
erend doctor alluded strongly to- the ig-
norance which nowadays prevails in all
grades of society with respect to the
Bible and its standard truths. He cited
the case of persons who could even tee
peat the Holy Writ verbatim, and who
were in the darkest ignorance of some
of the main prineiples of religion as lai4
down in it. He bondemned the prae-
tice so prevalent in modem Sulitlity
0 CI X>m g ' wm—i >:
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Bete tolan bounce that he has a full
and complete stock oz
Wei have importe as season the largest' assortment cif Colored and
Black Silks ever offered in this -section. Silk goods being -consider-
ably lower, we vtere induced to buy larger than usual, and will give
to customers a.bargain Silke er Satins never before offered.
DUNCAN dt DUiCAN are acknowledged to take the lead in all
Fashionable Dress Goodie frona the very lowest to the finest goods
in the trade. We have the cheapest without exception. All Wool
Cashmeres and French Twills.
. Onr Mantles are all of direct itnportation from the makers; The
goods can be relied on kr qua ity, as well as being the latest -style,
and at the lOwest possible pri es.
VSTItAi STEER. --Came into the premises of
-u4 the undersigned, lot 81, oonoession 9, Me-
Hillop, about the And of November, a 2 year old
black and white steer. The owner can have the
Same on proving property and paying charges.
PATER DODDS. - 783%4
STRAY BULL.: -Strayed from lot 10, con-
oessiqn 2, L. R. El., Tuokeremith, about the
id of October, a sluing bull calf, of red oolor
eny information thet will lead to the recovery of
this animal will be anitably rewardel. PATRICK
FORD; Hensall 'P. 0. 78314
S me one has his Reward.
"A an says : "Money, after all, is
the t ing that manages this world, and
ting "shed editor in New York say,
asi s t with him in the study of an
artist have been living for fame
long nough now I am going to make
money." 'Tat, tut, tut,' says the artist,
calling him by name, 'you don't mean
what you say.' 'Yon see if I don't
mean what I say,' said the editor I re-
membered it. I knew what it meant.
He has got his money, but. lost his re-
putation, and I fear that he has lost his
soul, if etude a thing there was."
Last pays of Sellator
The Late Senator -Hill, of Georgia,
when his distressing disease forbade
speech, wrote his thoughts on a letter -
pad that lay at his side, --thoughts very
trnstful, childlike and tender. He il-
lustretes the truth of the prophetic
word': "Thou wilt keep him in perfect
peace whoee mind is stayed on Thee."
In his will he left this precious record :
"I now give and bequeath to my wife
and Ohildren that which some of them
mow postmen and which I assure them
in full view of death, is far richer than
gold, and more to be desired than all
human honors. God is a living God,
and Christ came into the world to save
sinners. I beg them to have faith i
Jesue, for by this faith Latina_ zan they
be saved."
• In this line we have the largest Stock ever offered to the public in
Seaforth, and at prima fax below anything that has been previously
bought. We offer Mantle and Ulster Cloths from 75o per yard to $6
STRAY HEIFER,- Strayed from the premises
! -4 of the undonigned, lot 84, ooneeasion 12, Mc-
tral• lop, on or about the lst of June, a year old
eifer, white with red neck and ears, and a horn
roke off. Any one giving information that will
lead to her recovery will be suitably reviarded.
JOHN BERRY, Leadbmy P. 0. . 783z4
'-U*STRAY SHEEP. --Came into the premises of
Killopi on or about the 16th of Novenibet, TWO
RAM. LAMBS The owner can have the same
by proving property and paying charges. THOS.
VSTRAY STEER. -Came into the premises of
-1-14 the undersigned, lot 11, conceesion 18, Stea-
1 ley, about the lst pf October, a yearling steer,
!black aud white. The owner can have the same
.by proving property and -paying. charges W21.
A. Chard.,
Of SItorling, in a receot letter, states
that'he met with au accident some
time ago, by which one of his knees
was keverely injured. A few applies -
UT; of Hagyard's Yellow Oil -afforded
im ediate and complete relief. 774,
best medicine to keeiebn hand for
, couglis, asthma, bronchitis and
onary troubles generally, is Hag-
s Pectoral Baleara. It will not
consupaption, but it will cure those
b717ecso6672Wconditions leading there-
And w* 1 for the next two months give
special soounts off his
Silver Electro -Plate,
Kellen and ,Flat Ware.
Remember, these Goods will toe sold
so reasonable, that every one should
take advantage of this opportunity.
Watchmaker and Jeweller,
Sign of the Big Clock.
Customers ought to see thip dime of Shawls and the prices, to be-
lieve that goods are so cheap, bought underithe best of °intim-
steams, s.nd offered at a low profit.
A beautiful line in Wool Sttnares-sll sizes ; Clouds, Ties, Scarfs
Mufflers, the best and cheapest in the trade.
We ire offering the finest geode in this line. Italian Cloths, Black
Lustros, lifeltons, Felts, Wool in plea and shaded goods -the new-
est patterns -cheap.
We have this season the best Lower Canada Mink, also South See
and French Seal, Otter, Lamb, Black and Grey, with- all the latest
styles and quality of Caps for ladies' and children'.
''L` STRAY CALF. -Came into the premises of
--v-i tbe undersign( tl, about the 1st of Novem-
ber a red 'spling cell. The owner may have the
Remo by ?loving property end paying expenees.
JAMES NICHOL, Lot 20, Concession 8, Me-
killop. 78814
V STRA1Y CATTLE. -Strayed from the prem-
-" ises of the undersigned; lot 24, con -cession 9,
Morris, en or shoat tho let of NI ay, two yearling
heifers and one yearling steer. The steer is spot-
ted lightl red and white, and the heifers are gray.
Any person •giving sucsh information as Will lead -
to their recovery will be suitably rewarded.
d 78314
±:a the undersigned, lot 35, Concession 1, Me -
Knipp, about the etal of October, two yearlings,
one heifer, red and white, and one steer, red.
The owner can have the same on proving property
and paying charges. RALPH THOMPSON. 781x4
V STRAY HEIFER.- Strayed from Lot 10, Cott-
-1:4 cession 7, Stanley, about the lst of July, a
light rea yearling heifer. There are a few scat.
ten d white hairs .among tiie red. Any persen
giving Erich information as will lead to the re-
covery of the aboye animal will be suitably re-
warded- JOHN TURNER, Jr., Varna. • 781x4
-a-:a the' undersigned, Lot 31, Concession it, Me-
Killop, ebout the 1st of October, a spring calf-
' red and 'white. The ovnior can have the same on
proving property and paying charges. JOHN
VSTRLY SHEEP. -Strayed from the premises
-1-..a of Ilenry Holtz, Blake, about the let of No-,
Hsooniagil:n.g sneh information as will lead to their
recovery will be suitably rewarded. _HENRY
VSTRaY STEEF..--Came into the premises of
2.:.' the undersigned, Lot 20, Concession 2, H.R.
S., Tuckersmith, about the middle of November,
a two year old red and white steer. The earner
can heve the same on proving property and pay-
ing charges. SAMUEL CARNOCHAN dr. '782x4
-fi• strictly CATI'LE.-Strayed from the prem.
-I-"' tees of the undersigned, near Varna, lour
one year old cattle, two heifers and two steers.
One of the heifers was white, and the other red,
viith a few white hairs on the faoe. The deers
were red and white, and one WAS a little liner
than the other. - They 'were all marked with a
round hole in the right ear. Any person giving
such informatao as will lead to the recovery of
„or to the un igned, will be suitably rewarded.
rr HIS neer 'Copps -ay, fornted for thepttrpese of
-1.- ineeeting Frftch ()spited in Canada, is nOw
prepited to advance money on the most _favorable
terms on good landed seenritiee. M I'. HAYES,
We have the largeet and btst stook of Staple Dry Goods the
trade, and at prices lower tban the lowest. Having the facilities
and the purchasing power to buy goods in the best markets, we can
and do offer iniuoements tO customers seldom, if ever, offered by
any other House. Come and examine goods and eon:Li:are prisms.
N. relishing done on the
tremises, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Begs to announce to residents of Stanleir and Tuckersmith Townships, that he
has opened out in Br4cefield a fine stook 4.
Pork Packing House.
Begs to remind his friends and the
public that, he is ilia in receipt of a
very tice stock of
And,hopes that by honest and upright dealing, by close application to businees,
and the study of the wants of the people, to merit a fair share ef public patron-
age. !Our stook is now about complete, and we ehow some fine lines. and would
draw your attention to our DRESS GOODS -very pretty ; our. BLUE BLACK
CASHMERE --lovely goods.; our BLACK and COLORED VELVETEENS -
just too too ; our HATS and CAPS -new and nobby ; our GENTS' and
TWEEDS, COTTONS, pronounced by our customers to be just the thing, with
prices right. During the next two weeks we will give spooled bargains to pur-
chasers of large parcels. Call and tali° a look -through our stook and get ac-
quainted ; always good natured. We consider it a pleasure to dhow goods.
*E. J. HILL, Brucefield.
Of the. deatetit and latest designee Also
Groc4nes s.lways fresh and -good.
The Seaforth Grocery him become
noted for the excellence and . cheapness
of its Teas. Better value now than
ever., e5e- Extracted honey always on
Mr. Robb has now his Pork Packing
-Establishment in full* blast. Cuttiug
and Sausage on hand as usual. •
C.A.SH FOR POBIL-The 'highest
Cash Price paid for Pork, and live hogs
Remember the Seaforth Grocery,
Stark's Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
TS NOW full. All the newest styles fitted with
--a the latest improvements for baking, etionouty,
of keel &c. Over thirty different patteres to
choose from at priee* that cannot be undersold.
Crows -Cut Saws, all the best makes. Axes -Warranted *Axes our specialty.
Co Chains -very low prices. Guns-Soores of every meke and description to
oh from. American Cool Oil and Canadian Coal Oil, Stoves, New Improved
At the al Padlock," Brussels.
TN that department we beve the largest misty
ever off red in Seaforth, both in Parlor •
Heatere and Parlor Cooks. Our Perm Parlioe
Parlor Cook, New Aurora double heater &e. can-
not he equalled for beauty and usertilnece. Our
Little Giant double heater is a wonder. Two or
more rooms ean be heated with this stove, which
takes lees fuel than any other atove mede. Call,
see and be convinced.
this line "The Royal" takes the lead where -
ever shown. It givee znore hest with Ism
coal than any other stove, and fano sooner ellen
than - appreciated. Twelve different stYlee to
on d.
J received a large variety of lamps, hiam
, lanterns, &e., good -material and pewee,
Best qualities *1 coal oils, Callaalail and Anted -
Can, and in cutlery and nickel goods we haves*
extensi e and varied assortment of both Emelt&
and 'American nasnufacture.
All orders for jobbing work premptly attended.
to and satisfaction guaranteed.
and pave money.
rift whish t1;.e Snbeeriher will pay the highest
.1: -market ptioe in mein The Turkeys -meet be
are wanted by the subscriber, a limited OM*
tit of dressed
Thews require to well fatted, nicely ilreseraland
drawn, and should not be tea seething foe 24
hburs previous to bring killed.
fiestorth, Nov. 14th, 1882.
2,000 OE1:AR POSTS
Suitable for BOS-zeld Wire, or Straight
Rail Fences. One tails and a
quarter west of Winthrop.
By the Acre or by the Thouseld.
W. 0.00171111.00I
MOWN OMR and Trearofor- Osies-Norite.
-4- east °enter of Market Hone& Oilice hews-