HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-12-08, Page 7N G
teek, Phi
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883-. Apply
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eer 16th1, 1882.
nicrite Peet
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- CP' 782-3f
lereigned will
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West to cola-
- All appliese
lets to appear
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latelsome y re -
AM —The un
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e. Si per ewe.
salon 2, L. R.S.,
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sale, the in-
nsurance bust-
ror. particulars.
Daforth. 778
Sauble Line
rembor, ablack
of " johnnie."'
Jay information
eniut ei will
and pataotis of
d be held in
Dec; 14, at 1
vinding up the
cting Directors
it year's work.
MT. N. R.--
. on saturday,
Office and resie
- ---
laraSurgeon and
. Office and resi-
Net, seeond door
Physician, Sur -
Minty of Haron.
• street north,
Graduete tot
a and Reeidenee,
et Brick ROBS&
Da C. V., Vie -
and S., One ;
IL G. E., Eden: I
On,. England, for
r4IT 1 ST.
Ogee of Dental
-tn the rooms 1
hire, Whitney's
rned ad sat's-
iwithotet mai* i
reE, Dentist, haa
the bueiness of
ad removed to
.afitchell, where
I nitroue oxide
-Pea-tie-I from a.
in expenses. 732-
-7-Nil ST,
and College
D. S.
nee he ie able to
lentistry suitable
h a Specialty.
hide Gas given.
rate. "Vii
Street, Seafortla
Ft -office. CADETS
EAFoRTH,, oppo-
ercial Haste on
5itr4e Oxide Gees
et teeth. This- gas
Cartweght sineo
eying been one ot
S province. Pa -
ay inhale the gas -
ranted in a min' -
thout disagreeable
e new teeth piesee
er attention paid
,teth. Teeth in -
730 -52.
News Ite s.
j Mw dart1g�thie ee broke into
OM Oa aril of St. De s, near Neje,
rand stole a quantity of gbld and .silver
*aloe,' including preoIo&1s relics and
- *owns of historical value, The articles
sitolen from the cathedral of *St. Denis
merevalued at 100.000 frame
—Mr. Geinmell, Secretary of the
Souris and Rocky Mountain Railway,
has been negotiating with the Mayor
sad other leading citizens of Portage la
_Prairie in regard to making that town
e eastern terminus of the line. It is
announced that Portage la Prairie will
sive a bonua of $100,000 if the idea is
heother day a lady giving the
same of Mrs„ Rice arrived at Detroit
teom Chicago, and was hunting about
the oily hall, looking up the history of
amen who married her in1' Toledo in
September, got possegsion of $1,100;
wa then skipped. According to har.
story he had a wife living in Detroit at
• the. time he married her. She was
100king up the record of his first mar-
.thige and the where abouts of his first
wife, and intended to .follow him as
long as she had the means and strength
•to trevel. For nine weeks she had been
huntiug in different cities, but without
The lady Was acting as her
-elm detective in the matter.
a -A distinguished merchant in Lon-
don -said to Dr, Edwards " It is about
thirty years since I came to London ;
aka every man through alit, whole range
wha came down to his store,. or suffered
hia eounting room to be opened on the,
Sabbath, has lost his property.- There
Uwe need of breaking the Sabbath, and
no benefit from it. We have not had a
Teasel leave the harbor on the Sebba,th
tor more than twenty years. It is alto-
gether better to get the ra off on a week
no than On the Sabbath," It is better
even for this world. And so with all
ninde of secular business. Men may
seem to gain for a time by the profana-
tion of the Sabbath; but it does not end
well. Their disappointment, even here,
often conlee suddenly.
—On the arrival of the mail train
about five o'clock at Cardross Dumbertonshire, the village let‘er bags are
taken from the %Wien (10 the post office
by a very handsome collie. The dog
punctually reaches the station about five
minutes before the train arrives, and.
when the bags are thrown from the van
takes them in his month and. sets off
without delay to deliver them. Few
would dare to obstruct him in his duty,
and his deity movements afford much
interest to the railway traveller and
visitors, while the reeidents are proud
of their officia/. -
The: town of Zanesville, Ohio, is
excited over the discovery _that Owen
Turner, a jet blaok negro, aud Melinda
Roberta (white) were recently married
by Bean, a colored clergyraan. The
party who obtained the license swore
both partiee were colored. The girl
comes of a respeCtabie family. Bain
and the married party hane absconded.
—The superintendent of the Ameri
431tel Life Saving Service reports that
during the last fiscal year 287 disasters
to vessels occurred within the field of
station. operations. Them were 268
persoils a -board, of whom 225 were
saved; The value of the vessels and
cargoes was 4,758,O00;$of this $3,099,-
000 were saved. •
—All church -goers may profitably
pray this prayer offered by a South Sea
Islander just as the meeting wen break-
ing up: ".0 God, we are about to go to
our respective homes. Let not the words -
we have heard be like the fine clothes
we wear, soon. to be taken off and folded
up in a, box till another Sabbath COMBS
round. Rather let thy truth be like the
tattoo on our bodies, ineffaceable till
—When he had called the meeting to
order, Brother Gardner arose and said:
"Geri:e'en, if it Wasn't for de wheels on
a wa,gia de wagin wouldn't move.
When de wheels am on, dee whet ?"
" Grease 1" solemnly exclaimed •an old
man. n K'rect 1" whispered. the, presi-
dent, softly, rubbing his hands to-
gether. "Wo hez de wagua an' de
wheels. We will now pass de hat aroun'
for de grease."
—On December 6th, of this year,
the astronomers had their interest
worked up to the highest point of ex-
citement. • The transit of Venus, or het
apparent passage across the face of the
sun, affords astronomers the beat means
of determining the sun's distance from
the eath, and on this depends the
measure of distanceefrom each other of
moat of the visible bodies in the heavens.
The transit of Venus is sufficiently rare
to give a special interest to each (=a-
lien, that previous calculations may be,
olteeked and new ones made. Che last
transit was in 1874, and the next. after
the present year will not be until June
-2004. Therefore, very extensive pre-
• parationa have been made for the
observation e this year, and the interest
in the United States and Canada is
heightened by the fact that these
a re: La ere the best situated for
For the Gift Season.
Take thought in your giving, that the
gift may be not only a remembrance
but welcome for its own sake. We
question whether the' wife of the man
who- brought home thirty two yards of
cotton to be made into shirts for him-
self as his Christmas offering, was filled
with either love or gratitude to him,
and, indeed, what occasion had she for
either emotion a The "luxury of giv-
ing" lies not in parting with that which
costs us nothiug, but a trial of self-
denial add e zest to the sensation.
hi& makes her conspicuous, she can
stage to always look well dressed on
elf wha0 another, who buys anything
hick $rikes her fancy, will'spend to
pnrl$ose. We have seen a hand-
s me cashmere wrap, trimmed with
1 e an passemmiterie, worn over a
lien dress, and a white hat with a
ronal of ostrich plumes topping a
f dedbcver- cloak with cotton velvet
' h
c -Ilar. etter a plain cloth jacket, a
s mple f t hat with velvet band, than
t ese nice things, unless the toilette
1141 be complete and harmonious. •
Elppa'S Cocoa
t °rough knowledge of the natural 1 Av
hich govern the operations of diges-
*on and1nutrition, and by a careful ap-
lication of the fine properties Of well
Grateful and Comforting.—"By
elected 'cocoa,Mr. Epps has provided
,Our breakfast tables- with a delicately
flevored beverage, which may save -"Us
neatly heavy doctors' bills. It is by the
judicioui use of such artkdes of diet that
constitution may be gradually built
up until ,strong etiough to iesist every
t ndency to disease. Hundreds of sub -
to maladies are floating, around us
✓ ady to attack wherever there
i a ,weak point. We may escape
, Many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves
*ell fottified with pure blood and a
properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser -
v co Gazette. Made simply with boil -
i g water or milk. Sold only in
kets and tins ( pound and pound,)
belled—"James Epps & Co. Boman -
p tine Chemists, London, ing."7—Also
Makers ,of Eppg's Chocolate Essence for
afternoon use. 736-52
• Dressing .Well.
Some one hae said that to dress well,
one must have either pleety of money
or plenty of time; money to buy quan-
tities of things; time to think and plan
how best to make much of little. Cer-
tain it is that the woman of limited
RIOSTIS must consider well what other
articles are to be worn with her intend-
ed purchase, whether it be bonnet,
dress and mantle. To this end the
mind should be made up before "going
shopping," as to the charazter of the
purehasethe price to be paid, and the
relation it will bear to other articles of
dress. Thee the blandishments of the
smooth tongued salesman do not lead
to innestments sorrowed over next day.
If one who must dress on limited means
tau make elo her mind to dress in one
or two dark and becoming colors. and.
freshen -and change' them by bright rib
bona and dainty laces, never indulging
in showy bonnets, which look well only
With hadeate& dresses, and perhaps
ought never to be worn except at operas
or receptions, or any other garment
Pain and Suffering
Is the common lot of all. Our earliest
days give manifest proof of this, and we
are never long permitted to forget it. If
corns should in your ease be the thorn
in the flesh, go at once and buy a bottle
of Putman' s Painless Corn Extractor,
a d be surprised at the rapidity, the
f eedom front pain and the success
hich marks ' its work. Sold every -
here. N. C. Poison & Co., proprietors,
ingston. 762-52d
olloway's Ointment and Pills. -
Notable Facts.—Intense heat aug-
eats the annoyances of skin disease
d encourages the development of
febrile disorders; therefore they should,
as they can be, removed by these deter-
gent and purifying preparations. In
stomach complaints, liver affection,
pains and spasms of the bowels, Hello-
ay's unguent well rubbed over the
ajffeated part immediately gives the
greatest ease, prevents congestion and
i flammation, checks the threatening
iarrhcea, and averts incipient cholera.
he poorer inhabitants of large cities
vf'ill find these! remedies to be their best
friend when any pestilence rages, or
when from unknown causes eruptions,
boils, absceeetee or ulcerations point out
the presenee of taints or impurities
within the system., and °all for instant
end effective curative medieines.
We strongly recommend you to use
Dr. Smith's German Worm Remedy,
I1Vormerino, a pleasant, safe, reliable
nd prompt remedy for the removal of
sltomaeb. and seat, or pin worms from
clhuld or adult, •It is easy to take, never
f ils, absolutely harmless, and requires
o after physic!. Sold by J. S. Roberts,
eaforth, Ont, 754-52.
Mack's Magnetic Medicine
Is an unfailing food for the brain and
nerves, and by its rejuvenating -effect
cn these organs never fails to cure ner-
Vous exhaustion and all weaknesses of
the generative organs. See advertise-
ment in another column. Guarantees
of cure iseued by J. S. Roberts, Sea-
ferth. 780.52,2w.
How It Works.
Malarial digeases, so prevalent in the pring and fall, such as ague, chill
ver, billions lever, &c., depends upon
n inactive state of the liver, bowels,
ekin, kidneys, eto., for did these out-
lets of morbid poisonous matter, free
the system properly, no sickness would
result. Bardock Blood Bitters efz
feetnally regulates these organs and
eorrects the absorbent and secretary
gystern as well. 774.65.2w
& Llan's Vegetable Discovery and
Dyepe tie Cure, a medicine which only
requires regularity and persistence in
its use to cure dyepepsia and the many
ills that arise, from it. No deleterious
mineral ingredient is contained in it,
and though its action is thorough in
oases (4 eoativeness, it never produces
gripingpains in the abdominal region,
or weakens the bowels like a violent pur-
gative.' It , invigorates the , system
through the medium of the , increased
digestive aad assimilative activity
wbieh it promotes, and is also a most
eilleie t remedy for kidney ceniplaints,
scroful us and, all diseases otithe blood,
female weakness, &o., &ce Price, $1.
Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Nor-
throp te Lymen's Vegetable Discovery
and Dyspeptic Cure. The Wrapper
bears a fac-simile of their siknature.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth.
' 1 75052-o
The experience of thonsands has
shown that the stomach, liter and
bowels may he kept in a, perfectly
healthy condition — the attacks of
disease* warded off, and a vigorous
state of health maintained by the nse
of Dr. Carsonls Stomach and Constipa-
tion Bitters. ! Are yon tronbl d with
Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Bill'ousness
or Conetipatien ? If you are; ry this
remed' and be cured. For sal by all
drug,gis s in large bottles at 150e
The ridden changes in outCanadian . r 1 1
climate are certainly condneive toi
lung, throat and chest affectioas, but by
the prompt use of the proper remedy,
there iii, no reason why consumption
should he so prevalent. Dr. Carson's
Pulp:toiary Cough Drops never failto
cure co hs, Colds, bronchitis, asthma,
pain or oppression of the chest, and all
pulmopary affectionii. It loosens the
phlegm, and beaks up the cough. Sold
everywhere in large bottles at 50
That is caueed by colds, inflammation
f the membrane of the ear, and ear.
che, is often cured by Hagyard's Io -w Oil, the mat external and internal
emed.y for all pain,soreness and iriilam-
tn rheumatism, Nuns, scalds,
frost bites, BOlte throat, croup, contract -
d muscles, etc. Never be without it.
74.65.2w '
Answer this Question P,
'Vhy do so many people we see around
s seem to prefer tq suffer and. be made
miserable by indigestion, constipation,
dizziness, lose of appetite, coming up of
he food, yellow skin, when for 75 cts.
e will • sell them Shilohti Vitalizer,
naranteed to cure them. Sold by Lums-
en & Wilson. 780-26.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
A marvellous cure for catarrh, diph-
theria, canker month and headache.
With each bottle there is an ingenious
tonal injector for the more successful
imatment of these complaints without
extra charge. Price 50 cents. Sold by
Lurnsden & Wilson. 780-26.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
This is beyend question the mostime-
essful Congli Medicine we have ever
sold, a few doses invariably cure the
worst eases of Cough, Cronp, and Bron -
Otitis, while its wonderful success in
the dare of Consumption is without a,
parallel in the history of medicine.
Since its first discovery it hes been sold
on a guarantee, a test which no other
medicine can stand. If you have a
Cough we earnestly ask yon to try it. •
Price 10 cts., 50 ate and n1.00. If your '
Lungs are sore, Chest, or Back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by
Lumsden da Wilson. ' 78026.
A Prolific Source of Disease.
A trifling indiscretion in diet may lay
the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia,
and there is no fact in medical science
more positively ascertained or more au.-
thoritatively asserted than that dyspep-
sia is the parent of a host of bodily ills,
not the least of which is contamination
of the blood and the maladies of which
that is the direct consequence. Their
original cause is, however, thoroughly
eradicated from the system by Northrop
• Ther is no better cough medicine im
the woltid than the preparation known
as "Pe toria." It promptly cures all
throat, jiung, and chest affection." Its
good e ea can be felt after the first
dose. It soothes,wariats and penetrates
the bronchial tubes, affording im-
mediate relief and a speedy cure. Have
you got a cough or cold, then try it?
For eale everYwhere, price 25 cents.
• A siteple herb foiled on the sunny_
plains of a southern oltme has, under
the skilful menipulation of Dr. Van
Buren, ,roved one of the greatest bless-
ings ever sent to suffering humanity.
Dr. Van Burep's Kidney cure is ac-
knowledged all the world over as the
onlyeperfect remedy for kidney troubles.
your drtiggifst has it. 770.52.8.778
Proclaim it far and wide that Dr.
Van B ren's Kidney Cure not only im-
Media ly relieves all kidney diseases,
but wh t is more important to ,the un -
fortune, e sufferer, will ultimately cure
him eff ctually.-770.52.8.778.
• A be utifulitlead of hair.— There is
nothin more pleasing in the °external
appear nee of women or men' than a
beantif lhead of hair, and it is possible
for eve y persen to possess it by using
the lo g and well known Cingalese
Hair R storer. Sold at 50e per bottle.
770.52. 778.
Beau iful heir is one of the most
strikin and -pleasing of cheracteristics,
and ea easily be obtained by 'the use
of the ingalese Hair Renewer. Sold
at 500 er bottle. 770.52.8.7784
Farmers before buying your reaper
and mower oil ask for and procure a
sample of "Keiser" Machine Oil. It is
warranted not to gum, and is guaran-
teed to !give' geed satisfaction. 753-52
Now 'that: the reaping and mowing
season is Coming on, farmers should
remember that that "Kaiser" Machine
Oil is the best reaper and mower oil
in the market. For sale by all dealers.
MONEY TO 'T_DAN—I am prepared to lend
meney at lowest rates of interest, payable
yearly. Principal at the end of, term. Private
Funds. IAS.' H. BENSON. 726
ASUF OLK PIG.—The endersigned will keep
• - duri g the present season, at his place ' in
Hill's Green, a Thoroughbred Snffolk B-ar He
is froni the celebrated herd of rar Leslie, of
Toronto.i and is a splendid animal TERMS—$1
per sow, payable at the time of service, with the
privilege of returning if necessary. CHARLES
TROYER • 781 •
pERKSEEIgE PIG.—The undersigned will keep
for the improvement of stock this sea -on, on
Lot 29, Cionceseign 8, Hlbbert, a Thoreughbred
Berkshire Pig. TEEMS —$1.. payable at the time
of serviee, with tee privilege of returning if
necessary. WM. EBERHARDT. 7131
rr0 PIG BREEDERS —The undefiigned will
keep ,;uring the season at his hotel, Kippen
Road, -1'tickersmith, five miles south of Seaforth,
a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar Teems.—$1,
payable at the time of service, with the privilege
of returning if necessary. Wel. KYLE. 781x12
signtd will keep during the preSent season
on Lot 21, Concession 5, McKillop, a, Thorough-
bred Berkshi e Pig. TERE5.—$1, payable et the
tem of eervice, with the privilege of retyping
if necessary. WM. HABK1RK. • t 781
TWO t Oroughbred Berkshire boars for Etervice
at Bodgervilie as usnal. 'I erms —One dol-
lar, at t e time of service, with the privnege of
returnin if necessary. An easy app1iane for
loading nd unheeding sows. JOHN P. IMAR-
SHALL, Rodgerville. • 781
The teeth become pure white,
And give intense delight;
The breath is purified
When " TELBERRY " is tried.
Your ystern for work. ZOPESA,
the new Dyspepsia and , Liver
Remedy, attends strictly to
business in correcting the
Stomach, Liver and Kidneys.
Sample bottles, 10 cents ;
large bottles, 75 cents.
London, Huron and Bruce.
Some Norma-- Express. Mail._
• A.M. P.M.
London, depirt.. 7 20 400
Ex eer
Illringhern, arrive
o•OING 8037TH—
886 516
850 580
. *L55 535
905 545
. 980 610.
1000 689
• 10 35 „ 710
Wingliana, depart 7 10
Clinton. , ...... f . , • • • • • • • • • • to'
Brae fiehl 835
Kippen.. ,845
He usall., 8 50
Exeter 9 05
London, earive. , . 10 10
P. M. -
3 13
4 05
4 13
4 18
4 30
5 35
Grand Trunk Railway& •
Trains leave Seetorth and Clinton stations as
Goma WEST—
Express, , .2:27 P. M.
Expretes 8:1e P. M.
e Mixed Train.... ;8:5 /.14.
• I
Mixed Train.5:40 P. M.
Express 6:25/. M.
• Express Train...!,1:28 P. M.
Mixed p P. M.
Mixed Proem.. .10:30 A. M.
2:45 P.M.
9:00 P. M.
9:35 A.. M.
6:15 P. M.
6:10 A. M.
1:05 P. M.
3:60 P. Me
9.85 A. M.
Toronto, Claw and Bruce.
011•01Ne EAST—
11j0TI E.—The subscriber would, respettfully
•J- inf rm the public that he has twq very
superior boars for seviee this season. One
thoroug bred Chester White and the other im-
proved erialire. Both winners of first prizes
-at Olin n fell show, • 1882. Terms, $1, cash.
Lot 26, st Concession, Stanley, London Road. -
JOHN 4TA4BUEY. • • 782x3 •
HIRE BOAR —The u derSigned will
p for service during the present season
at his,farm, on the Huron R ad, 24 miles east of-
Seafort ' a thoroughbred Berkshirebar. Terms,
$1, with the privilege of returning i , necessary,
and payable at the time of serviee. ;MICHAEL
A NOTTIER GOOD PIG.—The ondersigned will
-tes• keep daring the present season at his l'otel
in Bractfield, a thoroughbred Berkehire Boar.
This ten mal was purchased from the celebrated
breedori, lidesre. J. G. Snell & Bros {, of Edrnon-
ton, an is one of the best pigs ever brought into
the eou ty. His sire, "Royal Carlyle,' as well
as the Hire of his dam, "Sir Dorclaester Cardiff,"
and his grand sire, "Lord Liverpool," were first
plize winners at the Royal Shows in England,
also at the Provincial Fairs in Canada. Tames.—
$1 per sow, payeble at the time of Set vice, with .
the priVilege of - returning if nee-essery. R. J.
TURNER, Orneefield. • i 770
A, M. P.M..
F 515 810
, 542 344
'Gorrie. a. 547 850
Ford vr oh 5 57 4 02
Harriet on - 6 16 4 25
Orangeville 8 08 6 50
Toronro .10 35 9' 25
1... M. P.M.
• Toronto • 7 85 4 85
Orangeville 10 10 7 20
Harrieton • .............12 55 9 15
Fordwieh 1 22 9 33
Gor: ie i , 1 84 9 43
\e-roxetee 1 41 9 48
Teeswater2 25 • 10 15
OFFICE—In the premises former-
ly ocottpiecl by the Baal. of Com-
merce, and under the Commercial
Rotel, Alevin Street.
gnglish and Foreign Exchange
Purchased, and. Sold..
Perchased at Reasonable Rates.
plioney Lent on Collateral Securities
Drafts Issued,- payable at par at all
Branches of the Bank of Commerce.
piNTEREST Allowed on Deposita
Money to Loan on Mortgages.
1\lf, A."2-
Mainager and Proprietor.
THE miner' berbegs leave to thank his numeron
enstom ere for the liberal patronage extended to
him since commencing bualiaess in Seaforth,and
trusts kat he may be 1 avored with a oontinuancle
of tile same. '
Parties lntending to build wonld do well to give
him a °allots he will continue to keep on hand •
large stock of ellkinds ef
'Dry Pine Limber, Sashes, Doors,
Blinds cond Mouldings, Shingles,
Lath, &c. ,
Hefeelseonfident of evingsatisfactiontothoee
who may favour him wilth their patroiaage,at none
but first-claesworkinen R reemployed.
! Particulat attention peid to Custom Planlut
Mack's Magnetic Medicine
• We have just received another large consignment of goods, making onr stock
complete in every department, and at rims that cannot be surpassed in the
3:Dxss soot's_
• A large and well selected stock of
leading shades; Black and Colored Cash
possible prices. • -
lain and Fancy Dress Goods in all the
ores in endless variety, at Pe lowest
A choice selection, in all the newest (f esigns, at popular prices.
•• ID pcipmr) AFta-All\TS
In Wool Goods of every description. A
Squares, Clouds and Promenade Scarfs
Mittens, etc. Ladies' Underwear, Gentl
Boys' Underwear, at prices that defy
White Scarlet and Fancy Check' Flann
shades in Fine French Twills. • Canadian
Hosiery and Haberdashery DePartanent
Large assortment of Fur Goods. Gent
price. Ladies', Misses and Children's liter Sets, Caps, etc., in great variety, at
unapproachable prices.
immense stock of Ladies' Fancy Wool
ladies' and children's Wool Hoods,
mann) Underwear, Misses' Underwear,
mpetition. Canadian Plain Greys,
Is; also full range of all the leading
Blankets at rock bottom prices. Our
11 be found complete in every respect.
emen's Fur Caps in every style and
A Cure Guaranteed.
Is a sure prompt and effectual remedy for Ner-
vommess‘n all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of
Brain Power Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats,
S permatorrliouta, Seminal Weakness ,Leu corrhaea,
Barrenness, and Generak Loss of Power It lee -
pairs nervous watte, rejuvenerates the jaded in-
tellect, strengthens the enfeebled brein, end re-
stores surprising 'tone and 'vigor to the exhaust-
ed generative organs in either sex • With
each order for TWELVE packages, accorepanied
with $5. we will send our written guarantee to
refund the money if the treatment (hies not
effect a ciare. It is the cheapest and best medi-
cine in the, market. Full partieulars in our
pamphlet, which we desire to mail fi ee to any
address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold
by Druggists at 60 cents per box, or 12 boXes for
$5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of
money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC
MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold by all Drug;
gets. Guarantees issued by J. S. ROBERTS, Sea -
forth. . 781-52
a A. 17t ID
DEl. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyoa
• tend Civil Engineer. Orders by mailprompt
ly attended to. '
P. S. CAMPBELL, editahell
Our Clothing Department is somethi g simply immense. We are showing
the largest and cheapest stock df Ready.i4ade Clothing ever -offered to the Sea -
forth trade, from the cheapest Tweed to tree finest Broadcloth. Stacks of Menni
and Boys' Overcoats that must be eleareci but this fall, having bought largely in
this line we secured some very rare berg ins, which we are determined to give
our customers the full benefit of. An inspection of this department will con-
vince the closest buyer that readymades vere never before offered at suoh- low
prices. We cordially invite all to call biid satiety themselves. No trouble to
show goods.
Customers will find our new man, MR. ELMER PARKER, genial, polite
and obliging with all.
Remember the place, No. CampbeL's Block, opposite Royal Hotel.
m. Campbell Sr CO.
Trode Mark Registered. r
Y casual obeervatien, eve find all land specula-
tors have a cleai head, and web% the ape ahd
do s of property, thus reeking large fortunes.
Bdt the whole secret is,they keep the system. In a
a cabby condition by the nee of THE PRIDE
O THE VALLEY MEDICINE. • We can safely
that hundreds come to us for the peat lung
blood purifier before going West. Read th'e
fo owing statement. We could give thousands
of the same kind if it were necessary. "1 certify
th,t I was. troubled with eaten& in the hea
galbering of phlegm in the throat, choking an
eotaghing at night for years, so I eonld not sloop;
often troubled with dell, lifeless feelings, pains 131
th Chest and back. After' giving hundreds Of
thlilars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried
th PRIDE OF TELE VALLEY, and ISM now Ablate
dq my work after seven year's sickness." Wt.
5snies NI eNeil, 202 eimeoe Street, London, Ont.
T. e above statement of my 'wife's is correet.
Tt4mes McNeil. For ssle by all druggists is
S afortle 745-62
LL, 1882.
Received and OPeneci • up the contents:o
30 Cases of Old CountryGoods.
A 1\IL1 :E SO INT, S .A.P 0 IR,
It cures Spaying,
Splint, Curbs, Ring
Bones and all simi-
lar blemishes, and
removes the. bunch
without blistering.
For man it now
known to be one of
/the best, if not the
best, liniment ever
• discovered.
We feel positive that ever
will oply use good common s
and persevere in bad eases o
man ea
nse in e,p
-long sta.
have perfect successin every ease if be
diag. Read below the experience of
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880.
Dr. B. J. Kendall. & Co.—Gents: I had a very valuable Hambletonian colt
which I prized very highly; he had a large bone spavin on one joint, and a
smaller one on the other, which- Made b1im very lame; I had him under the
charge of two veterinary surgeons, whicJ failed to cure him. I was one day
read* the advertisement of Kendall's Savin Cure in the Chicago Express. I
determined at once.to try it, and got our 1 druggists here to send for it; they or-
dered three bottles; I took them all, an4 thought I would give it a thorough
trial; I used it according to directions, Wad by the fourth day the colt ceased to
be lame, and the lumps had entirely disappeared. I used but one bottle, and the
colt's limbs are as free from lumps end tie smooth as any horse in -the State. He
is entirely cured. The cure was so rem*kable that I let two of my neighbors
have the remaining two bottlee, who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T.
, pNEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881.
Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall & Co., of Euosburg Falls, Vermont,
made a contract with the publishers of tie Press tin- a half column advertise-
mentfor one year setting forth the m its of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the
sometime we secured from the firm a na.ntity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's
Treatise ion the Horse and his ,Diseases, hich we are giving to advance paying
subscribers to the Press as a premium. 1
About the time the advertisement first appeared in tbis paper Mr. P. G. Scher-
merborn, who resides near Colliers had 4 spavined horse. Reread the advertise-
ment and concluded to test the efficady of the remedy, although his friends
laughed at his credulity. He !bought a *We of Kendall's Spavin Cure and com-
menced ueing it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and he informed
us this week that it effected such a complete cure that an expert horseman, who
examined the animal recently could find no trace of the spavin or the place where
it had been located. Mr. Sc ererhorn . has since secured a copy of Kendall's
Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly and would be
loth to part with it at any pri e; provided he could not obtain anothet copy. So
much foradvertisingreliable ticles.
Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its e ects, mild in its actions as it does not
blister, yet it is penetrating and powerfu1 to reach any deep seated pain or to re-
move' any bony growth or any, other enl rgement if used for several days, such as
spaying, splints, curbs, callow:4, sprains,; welling, any lameness and all enlarge -
merits of the joints or limbs, Or rheum tism in man and for any purpose for
which a liniment is used for Man or bear. It is now known to be the best lini,
merit for man ever used, actittg mild an yet certain in its effects. It is used full
streegth with perfect safety at all Beasons of the year.
Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its
vittues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge,
for beast as well as man.
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for
you, or it will be sent to any !address on reeeipt of price by the proprietors.
748 52 ' DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Falls, Vermont.
• -
'arm pac Ea anoa
giddy treoptourtr isaa
Ilii '` o . 1. V "'I' d
twioprietor of these well inown and popelar mills,
now got everything in first-class working
der, and is prepared to turn out 13.11 article a
AMILY FLOUR which cannot be ex-
iled by any mill in the country.
lour exchanged for wheat. Chepping of every
escription promptly attended to. Flour and
ran always on Band, and sold at the lowest
rket prices. Remember the popular mills.
Composed largely of powdered Mies Orilsin-
las% 1stlieBESTaadCHEAPE0Tlub
r, theworld—the BEST because 1d
ot gum, but forms a highly polished sur
ce over the axle, resduoing friction
ighteningthe draft ; the CHEAPEST be -
use it costs NO MORE than inferior
rands, and one box wtil do the work of
o of any other make. AnSerers as well
or Harvesters, Mill Gearing, Threshing Ma-
0Orn-Ptanters, garrittges, Buggies,
, as for Wagons. CUARANTEED to
ntalntiO Petroleum. Soldby all dealers,
Our Pocket Cyctopodfa cif Things Vorth
K71.0111ing ensiled free.
220 RudaonSt., New York.
Cleveland, 0. and ChloagOe
SAPRU „EL ROCERS & CO. Toronto,Ont*
ROY A ents for the DOM131.1011.