HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-12-08, Page 5- " ­­­ - I �, . . . - : . - . � I -1t. ­­­ � a : . I .... . �1� � �, . -- - I � � I ­ � � �. I I - NM � .. . I � . 81 188 . � - R I — . . I . . . 7 � � "I'll _.. .- .. .Z. . . i : - T14E HURON EXPOSITOR& � 4 . 5 no 1_x ­ - I - � . . ..., . .- . . I . L_ft�ftft - __ �__ - M ____ __ : � F - - - .,I I . . . —_ - � ­ , I i I � : p . - I � 1. � . I � � =� , - Huron Notes.,. Will, hold over.. Good to choice steers IMPORTANT NOTICES. 1=v. ID.&'73189 Mr. S. 0. Hermy, of Exeter * abip. sold at $5.20 to 5,501 the latter averag. . : , ' . I . . I ' - & ou a _­ - . . ped k4W� potmda of turkays Wui ing 1 350 11 ile fair tA) pretty good. . � is; T e __ "mu. -it I - - .gem ing 1,350 ]be., w S&M-Blacksmith's Shop and Too h -Pe ple's Auctioneer for Pertkand. - ­ 10 Usuitoba, FOR * . 4A Wfj_ I - I . ' f 1,1 to 1,250 lbs. went at, Ition within five I . . Imt week. of 1, _� _Mr. Abraham- Ai6om., of Auburn, ah1pr t Steers at 14. to milev; dolugab ' ' ' I . I Huron, - . - the pr � . , 14.6 to $5.15, and ligh usipt of a ,000 yearly I , $at ac,of -0- I obbing alone ; y reEj given for I I I . . . Is AGAIN TO THE FRONT TO HOLD THE HIGH PRICES IM CN'ECKB,: I : - . of " . � bs*wld- ibis ,village property to Mr. $4.40. Stock�ri staidy; 83.25 to $4 8111ing. Apply at FansiToa Office. 78SX4 WML sell for Mr. E. Sibbons, Huron Ros,4 . . - . __- , jobs Smith, for the sum of $550. for light yearlings to good lotg. __ - - ­ ­—, Hullett, Tuesday, D&3.12th—Stock- : I L 6M.. ism � . � I � als si X im S I - For Mr. Alexander flaelvWo' RusseldaIi,'Pullir- t I . . k befox* . ,�_The West Ridivg Agricultm,sl So. Milch cows s.teady,audve in f r. OT LO T.—Lost, a Note of hand, draw, by ton, Thuri day, 14th—Steck,'Imp1emsnts,,kAoots � - - �, 1 014Y intend holding a -fat cattle Show demand at 17.50 to $8 sit 18 ure. . � I . -r Gordoii or bearer, for the sum bQauceof - �o � quality. , " Mrs. John McIntosh, and mad bI to . S& "erich on the Wednesday before Sheep and Lambs — 6suadian, lambs- Pete 0?=, :nd r,,== I Charles Tuffin, Staft, . Hibbert, , Fri- .& - G_ . _& -a 1. rr I S. mma- dated at Bracefield. The public are hereby ­ 15th--Stoek and Implements. Ver that - - ,. � (3briotmes. - . are selliu&sbout ten Ceuta higher than cautioned against purchasing or negottatingthe Nylor Mr. David Hodgeon, lot 9, ooncewdou 4, - . . 11 . - �A large number of turkeys and last week. The supply numbered,fully said note, as payment of it has been ped , bert, o m the- . 19th-Stoqk and Implements. . . , PH sto * b rs now ieceiving very large consignments of all kinds of goods new and fresh, and i k 611-slaged' gee wiu be shot for at Sersudretes- 70can,moiatof'whioh had held over. ' TER GORDS N* . TFor Mr. Frank Cisrling, lot 14, concession 2, . Brucefield, December 2, 1882. 788xt 011illop, on Thursday, 21st -Stook and Imple will be sold very cheap. A call is solicited from all -to exanjine his stock before . urtis has _� Iftotel , Belgrave,,.on Christmas Day, Wequote: Yorkers, good to choice . - I 1 7W1 piirchasingelsewhere. He feels 3onfident that both prices and quality of his . . to. - . 1 " - )t lot 2 40mmeucing at 1 p. m. sharp. 86.10 to 86.25,, most. sales at 46.20 1 TRACTORS. -Tenders will be received . . n,. � E -0, . i To CON � I . stock will Suit all. His stoc k, Gree _�kn -! immense k consists of TEAS in Blac —Mr. Samuel Hicks, of . Centralia, light Yorkers an a, mixed, $5.80 t ,I by the undeftigned until December - 20, for , vaptain pig 0 , P �,- 6&s& ho sold a splendid team of heavy 86; good butddhe a and medium weightsi the erection of it Brick House. Tendert will be HRYSTAL & BLACKY and Tea Dust ; Sugars of . aJ1 kinds, Currants, extra selected Valentia, WASins, � taken for the -whole worko'r for the sev alparts ; i London Layer Raisins, New Figs, Dates, Prunes, Lemon, Orange and Citron " � t. $6.30toK56; �good -heavy 86.50 tot a apply to the Vurchase4 . " bi-dodmaren to Mr.-JohnMi $6.60. Kark I I separately. For further particular I PRACTIC.&L Peels - Canned Apples, Pearv, Corn, Tomatoes, Peaches, Sainion, kickerel, Lob - S.. west 50 Michigan, for 8450. - " et closed dull. A, number! undersigned. ANDREW W. SLOAN, Blyth P.O. ; ' . I I I ly, I ; I 788x2 . sters,. Sardines, Honey, Jellies, Pickles,� Sauces, Pickles by the quart, Cranberries, ibbert, for I 78alg�horf. Robert Little, former of of loads Wdl bold over again. - .8, � 10, I L OULER MAKtRS- Almonds, Filberts, Brazil and Shell Nits; Cheese and Bologna; Crockery of all - � . L - IBMage- is& candidate for the Local _ . i NOTICE. -A meeting of the Electors of the . I kinds, Tea Sets in China, Colored and � White Stoneware, a nice assortment Of 'Oncession : L Legislature in Manitoba. He is ran- - I ,Aoel�l Notices. . I _L I Township of Tuckeromith wi11 be held at ' . I - ,, : ,I school House 'go. 8, Egmon(lviUe, on Friday, the THE Subscribers have bought the Toole and Lamps and �Glasswsre, Lamp Trimmings, Flour, Shorts, Bran, Cornmeal, Oat ,. Samuel ning on, the Conservative ticket. GiRL - WANTE b�. - W&nt�d', &: 900al 22nd day of December, at -the hour- of 12 o'clock ,L 13oiler Business lately carried on by the God- meal,.Oats, Peas, Beans, Barley. Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Apples, Onions, h , for the I L _.��The bridge at Manchestei is still general Servant, in a small family. Apply to, noon, to nominate candidates for the offices of erich Fou4dr . y and, M anufacturing Company, and Tumips, Salt, Coal Oil, Lake Herrings, Salt Water Herrings, Codfish, Pyrupst � bargain. -, � L in an, impassable state, and partier, de. A.G. AuLT, Sea6rth. 782 ! Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Coftoillors for !883. haviiig had au'exp�rlonoe of over eight year. in .. _ . � . t I bat shop,`ara'now prepared to carry on the trade Vinegars. Oatmeal exchanged for oats. All 'goods delivered free of charge. g to use. it, have to ford the river., BZR'EDWARD CASH, Sesforth, Will pn. I WM. McOONNPLL, Clerk. Tuckeramith, Decem- . )gan,� also - am Z. be- 5 1882, * I 788-2 all its *nches. Cash for Butter, Eggeand Poultry. - I G . This, is not very pleasant this 'time of chase a lot of Dressed Lambs, Mutton' - I - TAny work entrusted to us will receive prompt W!3haft" - ! . � I ; -A. G. AU.LT. h I . g ttention. i . I I . the year� and Beef. -Apply at once.. 70- fte"lass work guaranteed. I 'ken & Son, of St. , ' UARI)IANSHIP NOTICE.-A.fter the expirs, All kind of Boilers made and repaired, also 7 . 2. 1 : � . �_Messm. Wm. Aj : G - i , - a farm Of . ' POULTRY, POULTRY. - The highest, tion of twenty days from date the under- Smoke St ka and .8heet iron Work, &d.', at rea- � - I , L . - L I : . t for t& , Marys, have leased the store in Fan- price paid for any qu'antity of lean turkeys,j signed will apply to,the Judge of the Surrogate i enable re . : , . I - - - . , I e - gonla . Block, Exeteri lately vacat d by geese, , qood c BLUron, I __ � � � . ; . I a I Purchase, , 'L e duckf and chi -,kens, delivered at the Con- Court of the County of to be appointed New Sal Pans made and old ones repaind on - ; . � e Wo � � &Orft- au � jtr, Keeler, and intend Carrying on a tral Grocery. LAID1,AW & FAIRLF,y.- 782 Guardian to 6fie estate Rnd persons of Jan ir the shorteot notice, and at prices that defy com- i . . I I . � . . mercantile business therein: GO TO THE "CiNTRAL GRo(iF,Ry � Black,: Agnes Ellen Black, William Black, and lot etition. i . - - I I I ,a � I I I id, withia . generulL ' for the, Marion Ridens Black, -infants, under the age of . 04RYSTAL & BL,&0X . E . I -Th rly daughter of Mr: Beuja- largest and best selected stock of tea ware dinner * I . aad. - � e on . * t*eurpone ycars, and children of the late WiWam 7183 : Box 103, Godekeh. � . . . f ­ - - ware, 1,hamber wa, 6� and glassware -in the clounty.' Black, deceased, in his life time, of' the Township i . 7 - _ I : the, third min Xervvin,. who, lives in the township LAYDLAW a FA=zr, 782 � � . . I � I . 7 - of McKillop, hi th4 Coun,y of 7Hnron.; MAR- . � about two, . of Elowlick, about two miles east of Tim HoLm I GAR10T S. BLA.031, their mother, by Mobaughey NEW LIQUOR STOREN I � � L ' --- I Fordwich, died of typhoid fever on ra, of Seafortb, AYO.-Messrs. Scott Broth. & Holmested her Solicitors. Seaforth, December I I . . ' go of tht - Tuesday morning e the! celebrated Musical Iustru- 7,1882. 788-8 1 . � of - last week. She ment dealers wiR give their usual holiday discounI . Oh� - The, - � - . ' I We t4ke.pleaBure in announ6ing to . LAIDLAW & F A I R L E Y Is . — �1 84 goo& �_ *&8 19 years of age. . on all instruments and goods purchased fro . . — � � I -The Board of Directors of the How; them from now until the first Of the uew year. the pao�le of Seaforth and Surrounding I � I I I � lliw I . - jok Farmers! Nutusd Fire Insuranci Now is the time to buy and save money 7824 . I - vicinity, that we have opened -out a - � - . , . I - i I � - � aession, of � CHRISTMAS AND XMW YF,AR's Frui�t in , I - . I � I �, was sold I Compamy, met in ,Gorrie on Saturday,- I 11 . . t -_ . ,I abundanse -at the Central Grocery. Ordinary I . * I NEW LIQUOR STORE - I 7 - I . I . � I . Noveraber 24th.' �-:-Forty one applicer,- Valencia rnisins, extra selected Valencia raisins .. I I . ( . orrance,of . . I i - . 8PECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I I , ___ �,300- Al- itions, covering risks amounting t�) in quart4er and hall boxes, 1%yer imiatus, black I ComprisiDg the Choicest 'Brands of . i I , ( . - line, Wal- $53,300,1 were accepted. basket raisins, finest Dehesa raisins in boxes.and . . . Wi I nes aud Liqpors, selected and bought I ,� racob Auk- -The Gorrie Enterprise is informed 'quarter box", finest Vega raisius, currants, finest _ . ­., - � I I , � � . - from ope of 'the leading Wholesale 2 1 Vt,�tizza, &c.' lemon, orange a,ud -citron peels. . . I --- . 7 , - � � - - that Mr. John Walke-i, who left Howick LAwLAw & V�iRLRY. 782 . . . f a the Dominion. , . ! I . I - Houses . for Manitoba in 18-71, died at Salisbury � . RKSHIRE BOAR. -The ruiders w i I racFariand To T.aH FARmERs.-Foster & S012E BE' k I - I-- From tlds date until the end of 1�1 ecember, we have Aetermined to dispose of , eep during the present season, on lot 9, � I - - -from the � on November the,15th, at the advauced are still pashing their business. Farmers woulc concession 7, Tuckeramith, his wellwknown Berk- PLD uRT WINE � I . . age of 87 years. He was- the father of do well to give them ' 7 ' i ied before . a call and encourage homi shire Boar.' This is one of, thb best animal,, in Fr our large as r ent of merchandise x m England. - 4 greatlyreauceaprices for CASH. Our , I � tid, J, P�14, � ]Irs. James MeWade, of Gorrie. trade, as tho�y keep first-class workmen and d( the township and leave, the ver.y beat stock. I * f * repairs for 4 kifids of Agricultural Implements, Tems,-81, payable at the time of service with I / �� coats fore - I , -Mr. Wm. valistone, has Hold his Or dn crushers re -cut and �iatisfactioii guaranteed stock comprises the largest assortmeni of . , � . I the privilege of ret-urning if necessary. GEORGE DRY $HERR AND CRAPE WINE i . I . rry Ohe�ft � � farm on the 4th Concession eastern di- All -kiridg of. their celebrated plow points kept I'd STRONG. . I 7t8 4 .I - . . . . ' - . — - I - being saitii. , V1111011, Colborne, to Mr. Richard Wal. ; � . . I stock. 780 1 1 FrDm France. . . � -RIES, OROOK RYAND GLASS � terajorthesamof $3,200. The farm WILSON&YOUNGbave a large an ERKSnIELF, BOAR. -The under4igned has , WARE 'I %& matter � wellassorted stock of choice familyzro I B Btillhis well-known Thoroughbred Berkshire d N' was Sacramental Wine GROOE I , � consists of 100 acres, 70 cleared, the ceries Iffadeira an fm . I I . . Ja Court of . - provisions, crockery and glassware. Parties, rej Pig,*which he will keep for service during the I . ted pure. .. 1 . . - . I From Sp I-wamn . roand that balance beingi well timbered, but there quiring anything Am either line can depend ol present Heaso t), on lot 7, concession 8, Tucker- I I lael&by an� House in town, and Cash buyers will find it to their advantage to � . - getting ' r � � aiust him. I" no, buildings On it. it from them at the lowest price and of smith This pig was purch4Bcd from the Messrs. . . I . . *+--, ; t" - - I -Mr. Robert Holmes, of the Clinton the best quality. I goods guarantewd to be 'Snell, of Edmonton; As from imported stock on D. K. AND qINK'S HOLLAND CINN �urcl�aso from us. Every department. is now fully assorted, and prim will be . , f repre-ented, and to give satisfaction, if not, the both sides. and has proved hiniiielf one of the - � . . I lm'Dago� Now E,-rv., who is himself an &CcOm- can be . best st,ick producers in Ontario. W. 8 . I . I I � I tit, Tueff- . . � returned. The hi --hest price paid for * ' ount , . � Cameron plished hie-yclist,hsa been.. appointed butter, eggs. and 91. kinds of farm and dair� I MUNDELL. . . I � . 783 M , ain Dew from Scotland. 1 W. � � . I . I I . I - . ; found 10 - agent for a large ndanuf actu'riug firm. of produce Call andexamine stock aud judge for ­ -_ . I - , 1 37 quaahe& yourselves. 781 ' .Q,UFFOLK FIG. -The undersigned will keep on 1 I � — , . . � G . � . Ily Watchea . - . these machines, an(r can supply all Who i � - I k-1 lot.21,concessinn2,L. R. S., Tuckerstuith, ' .YI I .11 I L I L. : may, desire to practise this new mode of I � - __reughbr�d Suffolk Boar. This animal was Bottild by Burke from Irdl&nd. . th- at neigh- . I - � � . . i . I recently purchased ' from the well known breedera, I . . I(3_1:Z0(�__E31,_Z3[MS. � -1 i I . ile satj13f1S0- . I locomotion. . . Pirths. i A. Franks& Son, and,lo from importe4 stockon I . ! - i . L PEPPER -in Trickoramith on the 12tb Nov., th k L ! In 130, -On Tuesday Of last week, Mr. Geo. both aides. Terms, -$I, payable at the tirne of GAIRLIN911S AMBER.AILE � Way Irwin, of. Purt Albert, turned twelv I e service with the privilege of returning if nec(sop-ry. I I , victed who - I wife of -Mr. R. J'. Pepper of,& d:tughten . - TE AS -In Blacks, Green and Jap�n- Prices range from 25, cents to 75 cents . � dozen, �. wim . 6, a factory, and -four horse SbLoes io ni][16 WILLTAMNSS-in Clinton t,n the 29th ulb,, the GEORGE PLEWES. , &�-4 Old Rye, LVJ1,t '& Superior" Whiskies i , � � I wife of Mr. . ams, M. D., of i - . � I Lobd againA hours and fifty minutes, This is con- I . From H. N�alker & Son, Winds6r. � - I I son. SHIRE PIG FOR SERVICE. -The . r per pound. . El- evidently sidered by the disciples of Ta -ba Cain CA.LLANDER-In 61inton on the 29th ult., th4 BERK I � � I . -nudeisigned wM keep during the present I -_ to, be pretty lively manipulating of wif -i of Mr. A. Cl�dlander of a son. . oesnon, on lot 28, coi cession 9, near Winthrop, a Hennfsy, .Martell- Jules Robin -Refined and Raw-sp [enaia value. . � � GLRDNER-In'Cliatou on the 8ith ult.,the wife Thuroughbred Berkshire Pig. rermat-SI, pay- � � . 9 . SU?ARS . , !r h&nm,er siad tongs. . . . of X� A Gard:II,erof a son. . able at Lhe time of seivice with the pri%,ilege of I I �randies, . I �9., I I -Mr. Wm. Garvie, Of the 8th Con- . � #__ returning U -necessary. JAS. McD.OWELL. 783-4 . i — � . � .. aeggion of M,,rris, retUrno* d from Mani- ; ____ . . __ ­ . Ali those liquoo are speofiffly selected for me- COFFEES-Greou, Roasted an Ground. "Note the fact that we roast and . - likens, and tOb& I&st week. Ile has taken u land ' X)eaths. � . L ERKSHIRE.- BOAR. -The vndernigned will - everafs - . . mipecr, and P I . B keep during the present season, on lot 31. dicirial p'jarposeii �nd family use. Also, a "" ijL Southern Msmit(,ba, and intends' re- DIGGL's-At Brac4ridge, Muirkoks, on the 23r . other kinds of ii ors, which we hope will give grind our own Coffee on tlie remises. couoeg ion 9, McKillop, a mile and a qntirter west I � . I his, offteal " I ul.t., Jane, w id; w of the late Captain Freder every satplaction �0 our customers. I . nov,ug thither in the spring with his 0 of.Winthrop, a THOROUGHBRED Bi-RKSHIELF, I : I G -f Gavern�. ick WiUi&m Di�glejforruerly of fie r Maije,ty' Remember the place,,two doorki south of Rob- � � &L-&,jy, He, is greatly pleased With the b2nd lieg='*en� of Foot), in her sixtiet BOAR. Termi,­S1, payable at the time of oor­ ertson's Clirbular 8 %w. I I To adulterated ground Spices kbpt in jBtock. I SPICES -Whole and Ground. (a the trip .. ,I country. , � year. � a . vica with the privilege of returning if nemssa,y. I A .; I . . . - I . L . n L PETER DODDS. 783x12 . , � . 36 hGum. . - n i kme on the 28th insk,, Re - . W. KILLOR*AN. � -Next year the townsbip of Aubfield XERSLAKE I U bo I . - � I 1. . I . ! - -A large sasortment-quality A No. 1. aftipeg .�_Oity, r becoa, wife of flent Kerslake, aged 64 years I . L L � will be entitled to a second Deputy . I - . - - � EXTRACTS I and 16 days. . L I i itamps- this . I � t I � I . L . thir4 itL the ' I Reeve, and it is Said t.lj&t Mr. A. C. 11LIDLAW-In Mo rriA on the 26th u1c., Georgi , I � PICKLES, SAUCES, JELLIES, &I., &c. I - - ndidate for the posi- Marshall, only iou'aud eldest child. of Mr CHEAP GROGENES fOR JHE' HOLIDAYS dou Toron- Hawkins is & C9. Andrew Laidlai r, of Morris. , � I I I I - I - At the PP esent rate of going the . . - I . . i . I � �ad-,. In, the . tion. I I � 1! I pea hes, Pears,. Pine Apples, Apricots, Nee- Yip,.g h9sas, .Couu,ty Council will soon be as j3umer- . Iliarriages. : I I CAPVN�D FRUIT—Iu OUR V, body as- the Dominion Parlis- . I . � : I . - � taipeg issuelt I I . .� AT MORRISqN'S, SEAFORTH.' . Stock unns large, and prices as low as last year, not- MOUL , MoCULLY-CUNNINGHAM-&tjGrafWn,D . N I � ! tarlues, &C usl1ji, , I ders, ais- the I , � i I . � . . -At a recent meeting of the Clinton on the 16th alt.,by Rev, J. Walton Mr. Jame . I - Areal, Hal. . g re- McCully, formeily of tanley, to Mis Eliza- —1 : wit[listanding the high price of green fruit this season. , High SChool Board, tLe fO1lOwiu P� 8 . — - - . I - � upils � beth Cunuing"in, Jormerly of Car 1. . -- ; � � - I I solution Was Passed : ,That the P Flaw, Lauslik County, Out., all row of Graf . . : . . I -h gola &ad - .. in the lower forms . shall be charged for , ton, Dakota. 1 . i isins, Seedless I I 1��eea struck- . New Currants, Valenti& Raisins, London L�yers, Sultanna Ra the: first aod Second terms, 02 each 1aOG:KRS0N-VcE.tRO4-At the residence of the - I I t CURRANTS—In barrels and cases, the best value . in the market. No . . I . .the, Selkirk . brid8's father in gorria, on the 29bb ult., b' . r I ; . . � 9 d 890 to . term, and $3 for the third term, and the Rev. W. 13�irkgj Mr. Thomas Itogerson, W Raisins, Orange, Citron and Lemon Peel cheap' Extra value in Teas, Sugars, . . Wye - ermediste and'upper _ . I . inferior g9ods-­al1 fresh and grood. . . � pupils in the int , 03 Miss Matilda MaEl.r.jy, ali of Morris. I . � . I � I - . ' -School, shall remaid as at present , CLARKE-WHITE-On the 23rd ult.,_ �y Rev. Coffees and Tobaccos. A large stook of j Canned Goods, consisting of PeacheB' - . I Riversider, t ; � , I for the first and second, and 14 for he A. Mef&an, Mr; John Glarke, of Auburn, to - I . I RAISINS -Our Extra Selected I alentiaf; are the best imported, � and only nd, froum Ire- I ' d torm. Mize Anpie White of Donaybrook. � Tomatoes, Corn, Salmon, Lobsters, MaTkerel, 40., at reduced prices. I I , -thu Spices, i to property . PATTERSON-PL1y, rzER-on the 28th ult., b . . ! . . I I ke t by us-" don't you forget it.?' Layer Raisins for the table, good to Bev. A. MoLe", Mr. Alexander Patterson. . : �1 le&ve, for - - ; � . . East Wawanoofi,to Miss-C&tharina Flffltz 1p - - I qp Hr!,- MARKETS. t - . �im the: pro- �f Extracts, Sauces, Pickles and Syrup cbe� . In fhe CROCKERY . and GLASS- , __ . - : � I � I Put up in single layers and quarter boxes � I of Hullett. '. � e. Come and see them I I . ; . - . ch I � . MeCAUGHEY--BOYLE-Iu, the Roman Cathc- WARE DEPARTMENT I have on han� a hirge stock and I am offering special -1 � I � SF � 7, 1882. 1 . 1. ,a kno,wu ait WURTH, Dea . . - I . I 1 87 to 092- lie Church, Blyth, on the 27th Ult., by Re,v. . i � � 11 I . . � -nice for family use. i with fearful T&UW-h t'erbushel-,� ....... $0 Father O'Connor, Mr. John Mo0aughey, (if ' ' I 1, � � 71 t per bushel ........ 0 85 to 095 e 'ents for the Christmas and New yesals, trade. Glass Sets, Fancy Jugs � ; i'at Uorria,� : - -ffpring� he Hullett, tp Misd Martha Boyle of Wiwfg- induc m . i . I 'Several Oats per bEel ........ � ....... 0 35 to 086 nosh. . � I �jojj, Orange and Citron Peel MORTED. Shelled Almonds, M&*a, �ba. Pa" per bu-mel.­ ............ 0 68 to 0 67 CHISLOM-ORR-At St. Peter's Church, (Me I and Pitcher's �. Motto�, Cups and Saucers,; Motto'Mugs, Colored Tea Seth, LE " . I d from the Bafley per bu,hel .............. 0 45 to 0 55, r- . I ' . .. White . . � - . talk, by Rej. Father Graham Mr. A Chi ilom', , . : I I s ......... 1) 17 to 018 . I : I Butte, _. I . 1, But .,: ... : I.... 0 17 bu� 019- of Goderich Township to Miss Sarah Orr, o f Stone Sets, i (I China Tea Sets in great variet , at rook bottom price&. Lamps . Grapes, Eleme Figs, S. S. Almonds, Walnutsv Filberts, Br&zu Nutst,dko-- 1111 a con- I . t,ery tab.. . � ..... . 0 21 Wavanosh. - : I an � V . I . I 0--ly Eggs .. .. .............. ... ..... 0 20 to L I I � i � I I f afta Railway * Inour,. per 100 lbs .............. 2 50 to 270 RLY-AMITH501%-On the 5th ult, at the regi- ! . I . . � .... 8 - ' Goods of all kinds. In the F�O_UR �nd FEED DEPARTMENT I i * . - 00 to 9 00 dance of the �ride's brother ia-�Aw, Mr. J. and Lamp . � . - I I I � , , . diatnet, has '. t . Intyre, Huourt, by the R6v_W. Craig, . I I Hay'xew ...... ­ - - ... me . W. I I I I per MI lbs .. .... . - . ! . . 7- 1 Bides, ,acres, firE4 50 to 120 R. H. Sly, to Susannah Frances, younge0t orts Bran, &c., at, mill prices. I - ; Sheepskin ac I have constantly on hand the best Family Flour, Shc , �, 0 18 to 020 daughter of Mr. W. Smithson, Clinton. ; 4f . . � . I I . vl,hite� Maine, Wool � ... � ....... .. w ............ 26 � � I I ! . . I 1. I ihels peracra. sait (,retai -) per bsrrql ............. I LETSON`-SPZ0k--On the 1st inst., at the resi- ' I . Salt (w b I 00 dence of the bride's mother, Clinton, by the Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Pot Barley, Buckwheat Flour, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &a . I . -holest6le) per srral ...... . . . � . - -fourth% acra 0 35 to 0 40 i � � Potatoes, per bushv1(new) ...... Rev, J..T. Rieej k! r JnmesiLetson, of Goder- I 3P_-Pv0-V'18101*+TE3- -- � arly Bosa. ress . .. ; ....... 7.00 . to 7 50 tab, to Miss Angeliva Speck, of Clinton. . ; A I opposite � � , : - . . . I . i vilini eg win � I I Farm Produce taken in exchange for oods. 1j)on't forget the, place, - I I I f ; I - : I -P � I ; . . ; � 7 1 . ir by-L&w to . I � �F .� " — eet, east side Main Street, 86aforth. I I CLrNTew, Dec. 7,18M. ESTfiAT STOCK. : Market Str' Mt improve- ... . I I . i . I I I ,� I . Yall,Whcat per 'bushel .......... S 0 85 to 0 88 . . I I. I � F19*r and Feed -A I Vays- on Hand as Usual'. . �th inst� Spying Wheat per bushel ........ o 87 to 088 - STRAY STEER. -Came into the premises of ! . I . . I I I o A to t) N E the* undersigned, lot 81, concession 9, Xb- M. MOURRISON.' . � I � �masl HUM&, Oats, per bushel .......... � ..... I . . t I . 0 45 to 0 55 X,fflop, about the 2*2nd of November, a 2 year old . � _1 I Osed 3W buit- Barjay,per b-ishd� .... .......... � . � � : I � Pena, per bushel ................ 0 62 to 065 black and white steer - The owner eau have the . i i I I . . leven bushels : Butter .., - � ...... ............ * , 0 8 to 0 20 same on proving property and paying ch�rges. . � � � , . I . - I ! ��. This. yield 0 21 to 022 PETER DODDS. ! 783x4 1 f I . I I - - 4 Ugs. � ...... .............. ­* � . � � � � ton .................... , � ,,o�. CHRISTMAS -AND � D., rid. and, the, 7 00 to 800 : � I I . . I i � � � 4 Ray W 0 32 to STRAY BULL,' -Strayed from lot 10, P - I t . . I ! Potgt�oca, per buiJ1181 ........... * � I ..................... ............ " I . 4- lba to tho 085 E � I . I I lirLt'le, jZ.55' � wool ........................... 0 23 to 0 27 cession 2, L. R. S., Tuokersmith, about the I I this season bv sbowing'one of *e M04 COMPlet6 stocks of Drees - I . � Hldesj per 100 lba ...... 7 W to 8 00 lat of October, a spring bull calf, of red color , I commence . - . t OKERY. Of * d Wool G000�s ever �aid down in Seaforth. I . V . Goods - Millinery, antles, Fars an � i 'Dmoed Hogs ........ .. ...... _ - I � I ,:*­** 7 00 to 7 50 Any information that will lead to the recovery' M 0 R J" tlao,w Bolling . this animal win be suitably rewarded. PATli1QK ' 9 otter position either to buy or sell goods, and I am Jeter- � I .__Io-- claim no house is in 9, b ! � I I - 1 78ft4 � . � ' P i per buls . FORD, Hensall P.1-0. . i 0 'have UOt yet visited m shop, I � - . . I Lrvi&R,PooL, Dec.' 6­ftring wheat, 7 . . ., miued not to be undersold. , To parti�s wh � y ! - I , STRAX 119IFER.- Stra) ed from the p - m . � Plum Greek, - I 06s, 10a ; red winter, &3 Ild to 000 - I remiges would say that my system of doing business is ,Mark ' y goods down to the low- in China fir6M Five Dolkws to Twenty D0114118. 7 1 E of the undersigned, lot 84, couceBei=12, Me- p ofit and theD.give five per (iont. discount for' cash. Rem4mber I do Tea Sets rued to. the. , � club, 099 5d, about the Ist, of ,T.une, a year old est living I I , .1 , � A by , Od,; white, 09s Od;� - Killop, on or p " I le 9f takiliO it 'off. This I cannot and will t - - . . oats, 5s 06.1 ; barley, 58 6d 4 pesos 78 heifer, white with red rieck and ears, and a. horn not put 25 por cent. on for the pUrpos � 9 .. . ' ' - y one giving inforTantion that Will. luring the holiday season oq large urebaues such as Wedding and - Tea Sets in Granite, Plain and Printed. [ '; &�he'llaus_ . 'qd; pork, 95BL 6.1" cheese, 6N 6d. broke off - An I will be suitably rewarded- . not do, but c -P I - . a � nean, while � � I . lead to her recovery d 788x4i Mourning �rders, or any other large purchase, Lmean r to, do better than my usual * w . JOHN BERRY, Los bu,y P. O_ - I discount. .Dress Goods, unsurpassed, c1leap an4 in g�eat variety. In this de - 1 � rty, became D,o. 6- -Fall wheat, 50-90 I I ... � I - I � i r SeU—Good Amrtment4Prices Lm. ­ per . ished in I TORONTO. '05; oats, 41C if partment SPWTal new lines are just to li�nd. S�e my colored all wool dress goods Dinne I I .1 to $0,92; spring, $1.00 to $1 E STRAY SHEEP. -Came into) the premisesio - ool, in leadiag colors; my new makes . I - . . I � to 42G-,. peas'l 73c ar:1ey, 45c to the. undersigned, lot 16, eonoes-don 14, me- 25c a yaroll -, � my pinhead -checks, all w � , sa,ved : in. . to 75c ; b* ! Pi�ted—Slock Large. . I o to $15-00 - 'killop, ouor about the 15th of November,TWO' wo6l Victoria Clotho -the . (,)a, $14.00 , French Csitimeres in all co)ors ; lively i hades in all C"er Set8_ White and L 0, � I . , � 72c ; h-ity, Pew t RAM LA.MB;j. The owner can have the same for suitings; Black Goods- '11 the now makes in Crapes and I I i Vinaipeg, and Is per bag, -charges. TE10S. very latest things � � i % butter, 17c to, 26c ; P()tt,tO,e by proving propert$ and paying M ' ' orders completed on the short- � I I I ' � � - _rl . L I f Dia-tarm, (Led - . ill, , per doz., 26c to 20c.; ]FORBES. 783x4 Cr&pe Cloths, Sergas Cashmeres, etc. I I I ; 800 to 85cli 6998 I uus2atliptactio4 guiLranteed. Silks, Satins Toilet Sets—Cheap and Good. te St, 16heff 1 7777 dres&ed -hogs, per 100 lbs., - g7.25 to - __ - eat notice and in the latest and befit styles; I . . . � ! I . I ESTRAX STEER. -Came into the premises of . a � velvet -In Colored- Silks I continae to off�r greaV bargains in new and de- i .. - . . wag only - - nol 1 6 at- . d cash price . . I . le; ; .$7,.7,5, ; . wool, per pound, 18c to 200. the undersigned, lot 11, concession IS Stan Birable gqo.. S. , see MY lines colored 'ilks '61 a r - compare jf4�01jca Ware in endlem varwty-866 them. - tion of the e �Ist of Octobers a yearling 'steers in plains and �rucaded, ! I . I . . . � I I i - . ley, about th The owner can have the same Width and uality ; Black Silks and Satins, lovely.g.100F, i i � �Z d-isease pro- � I ew af tbLe British black and white. - eading material this Reason for � I ' � and � Weekly Revi by proving prOperty and PaYing charges WK- suitable for dresses; Colored Velveteeiis, the I i . ' I . I �i C-1raan, Trade. CAUNIE. � . . 7EP ;_ fashiont%bI4 4resse&-I Show an *extra !fine lin� -in 10'vely she�d6s, pri . ce 90c? for a�cy Goode for floli&sy, Te�lding and Birajoy Presont8---mu8t be 11 e Express, in a review ­ I L bor bouseB will ask you $1. 20 oj� 81.26 � yard ;, I invite compar-isoa. Furs F � Elsa- 7he, Mark Lan STRAY CALF.-­CAm0 into the premises ;iof which ot , . . . � . � . I . [e g rai u tradd Of the Past week, says E of Novem- and Fur 9 . ; � bandle nothing but re- I I r, are . of th I the u,ndersign�d, about the Ist IningB desirable goods, immense stock i � , I ta. 11 . the English wlieat trade'bas been dull, L,er a red spring calf. The owner may have �116 liable 902boought from the best Canadian- malinfacturers. See my prime mink i seen—too varied to e�uwrate, . . �-,tjon to tho. I .1 f -'e my black Astrachan Sets , . ! � - � � quartem in - and rather weakert owing to the ap- same by provij&g property and paying expenses. I note prices. See my $17 mink sets, worth 62� ; Be . � i - r . JAMES NICHOL, Lot 20, Concession 6, -Mo- � ;s, far caps and fur tri gs, large assortment ; . � ,- the pnrpo�v - I proach, of bbe holidays. FloliT has been Killop. � 786x4 66,worth 7.50; children'sfu 11wi 'a I f � � indulgi�-,ug . very dull, For barley there has been I —1 beautiful lack fur'trimraings, one half �ar� dthTfLornlengtbelaing mantles. i _ . ! � in I . I � . : � - d ls to 28. -P. STRAY CATTLE. -Strayed from the nable and good value in wool gOOds7- - Mantles I No need- � � ,_stiing, amuse- less it has recede . prero. Everything fresh, fashio . . .1 . 7 - ted I . j Foreigil blLeaSituffs have been- depress- -ALA Ages of the undersigned, lot 24, corroiession 9, to v advertise mantles,. at; everyone knows mine is thei Mantle House� Several . has,-sppom , &TorTis, on or about the lot of Way, twoyearling I � ica . � ed, Flour i'i in rattier liberal supply. heifers d one ye&r.ing steer. The steer is spot- new lines have arrived this week; choice amor�ment of beaver and ulster Cloak- I I - ht red and white, and the heifers ,a in the newest shades and patterns. Millinery Department -I make a � I . I .GharacWr � . . Of oat�i there is a smaller supply, and ted lig an . . are gray, iDg . faah- � � . I ary .. g such information as will lead )f first class millinery, for which I hav*e a large. assortment -of the . i- - pnees are rattier firmer- Fourteen Any person givini be suitably rewarded. specialty ( a Tnillm"ary to GLA C%' SWARE. _ ,�, . wheat carg)es are due during k- to their reooverY Will I ionable m�teriala on hand. I 11180 In"O S sp,poialty of first,cla a R ,; . the wee DAVID MOORN. 1 783z � I % - he, hoapitilitT .. The trade forward is very inactive. The ____ ; — ll- order, and'I have no hesitation in saying that it is quite equal to any in the .. I . I � hainent a,Ghlir- I -half less. partic-ular 4ttention paid to wedding I ­ Wea oj�, E,ilgligh wheat for the past . Men cities and , at prices fully lone i �M. eat f 10T1997 EXECUTORS'. NOTICE. -The creditors of ng. orders. The balance of - m� low priced millinery I will clear out i . - -j-,anchont, --- . week have been 54- 46 quarters at 410 Blair, of the Township of StanleY, in the and �aouru.i a Clothing -Immense piles of mlih,st Our slook in this line is simply immense. Come and look at it. W( ai me ( � rters at 44s 11d county of Huron, fdrmort deceased,, who died on at greatl reducel prices. Readymad : - . 5d, acahist 47,138 qua I y anadian goods, all . i . � in winuipegi 0 . J&St year. -or about the 16th ,sy of July, i882, are required youths' and boys'ouits and. overcoats in E13glish, 9cotph and C � - - � in the correspondiag Wee k Of on or before the 2, Ad day of Janaary, 1883, to a (md . nnot compete with. This is a splen- cordially invite inspection.- We ouarantee our goods to be as we repressal j to, her, &a 4 _#11 Moosighey & Holmested, Sedorthv relilkl5le, S d at prices that our opponents ca . � � �_ : . to Messrs. 1. I ts &nd Shoe& f ally assorted; large I . por- � Solicitors to $hem dininist,rators, full p Boo ' , 1 ' osteem, lk _ Stock MaxkOts- artioul,gs did chance to get a cheap, reliable article. w - li � free of charge. We deliver goo(I auted 1>7 Mr., . I -live of their claivis and 01 the security (if any) le d ock of ov 6 e,� teas, ne th�m, or no sale., We de ver goods a erslioes, rubbers, etc.; grooeri a fresh. pure p6nd cheap ; n , I . , - , re will ba & I I M_O_X'1'a:SAL,L Dec. 5. -The d a nd takp notices that after ihe eip bt� xs, neyv c ffeeB currants, raisitka, etre.; compare values, note Prices., See my . , I L � : e best beef tion of the said time, the administrator will pro- suga 01, I ! with the, ftsmla . qualibY, th L )ffee for 01. one Carload of Lake Huron herrings; ask my price- prt�mpt]y. Wj an to be found 'under the &ock in Cardno's 33100ka - fair for prime 40 to esed to distaibute the "sets Of the 198tate Among nine P0111[1�1, 00 . uble to show goods. - - I L selling e ry barrel. Cornparison invited, No tro � I � &t 5jo to 5f.3 ; becond class, reto, haying reference Only I � , the parties entitled the I guarantoe Ve I L . : � � - i noties. ? I NNOW . 5a; su'l tkiird, 210 to 3jo per lb. live jo the claims of which he sh&U then have . t I � I � � I I t i 00 I * ton d, � Q F 610011, 16 �_' � L %__.__;__q;_;:1-�—_-M_2 !_ - � q 4 , 31 1 1 1 1 1 � . strator will not be liable for � ny . L I DLAW & FAIRIKI; 7 from le.50 to - And the a4inini' . � � Mr. W. uttle . Weig-ht. Sbeep broagbt . - any creditor of whose 6 . . - E at in fifteen - � part of the assets to �M. . THOMAS KIDD) . . . �e a'mb time of I _. . I . 18, and I a from 32.50 to 14-10. he &an net hive received notice at the I �d91 2. 1 . � . f Mr. James � Calves sold as high as 012. 1 such diatzibation. S"forth9 December 2nd, � " � . � I Main Street, Seaforth. �_. MOCAUGHEY a HOLNESTED, SoliaftOlrlorr ! C,Oruer Main and Market Streets, seafoitb� k �. � siou of Has". BwyAw. Dec. 5. -The inarket ruled 1710i I ; 7 rator. 4 1 1 f . I . L ; I . - � horsa-pawsr- dull and draW, and a number of loads -1 Adw-WA � ! . I I � � I ; � . � I I L i I � Do We PAPST, ! . L . I , . 11 .- I . I I __� .'� i � . I . : . � � I : . I r - I I I � � . . . p 0 LIDAY PRESENT& . . . � . a . � : i NOTIOE.0 i i . I have now my stock of Fancy Go� L i . � � ir� Christmas,;New Year, Wodding aucl t I . - dkthday Presents complete, aud, would ; I . - . - sk the attention of all intending pur- 1 I I �0.sera to call and examine it. I note I I i - elow a few of the leading lines : , � . I . I . . I A ' . LADIET OOMPANIONS . I ; u Plush and Leather Cases �- one huu- j l,ped Styles, ranging in prioe from 25 � ,6ts to 017 each. I . L I -ODOLR CASES - I - - L I I I . h Plush and Leather -295 styles. . L � . � L,ADIES' HAND BAGS - � I I t . : .4 Plush, Leather, CelluolOide and ' Cinsel. I - L Z I � Z L i Z I . . - I W1 k � � -iting Desks � . � Work Boxes, I i 0 I I Jewel Cases, I FDrtfohos, ; � I I Gilt Goods, L .1 Olive Wood Goods, Glass Ink Stands, . Bronze Ink Stands, . Z . � I Cigar Cases, L � ; Cigarette risses, _s Bill Bi6oks, �- . . Toilet Seto, : Vases, Figures, 7 � M-ugs, . . Saove and Handkerchief Sets, - 'Rocket Companions) . . Pearl Card Cases, , Leather Card CaseB, , Paper Weights, I . Pocket Books, I Ladies' Satchels, I Necessaries, . Concertinas, Accordeous, . I I Bisque Figures, . Idusic Boxes, 4 Harmonleselv I - Wax D01!5, L - Bisque Doll ITeaas, . Solid Brass Goodst � Velvet Frames, Smokers' sets . Cigar Stands, I L Tobacco Boxes, I I Cups and Saucers, ; . - � i I Japanese Match Safes, , �; I � Japanese Brackets)- � Japanese Traysi, .. . � . rlubber Dolls, i I . " Ong L � . Chins D I I L photo AlbumB-large variety, . : jspajaese Card Receivers- ; Japanese Flower Pot% f chins and Glass Flower Pets, - , . : Flowers& Birds in Glass Globes f I q Gold -Pena, � . L Pen Cases, : And Pencils, I . Slipper Patterns, 4 I I � � Bibles, i - - Prayer Bookso I Hymn Books$ . I Toy Books, . Annuals, Idiscelisneous and stanamrd Works, I Large . Assortment Posts in C10011v Leather sudWood Bindings ; I Juveniles, wall Pocket Patterns, . Ottoman Patterns, .- Bracket Patterns, - I I i . . . - . � .. � C)1-11:Zj[SrTM_&S;_ � . I I I . . And Birthday Cards - . ; . 4 � From the Following Pnblisherfl: i � �. Prang &Co, Baphadt. TW -4 ,& � � Son., Ard8tic Statwnery,com- . � ; pany, Kildesheiww� aM , I Faulkner, and ten - 11 I others. I . - . ; , I . , r � � I RES ALF OF FORMER YEARS,. - 1L I : ; I : . I $ILKIFRINCED CARDS FROM 10G UP � . 1� I . I . 1. . .� TOYS IN ENDLESS VABILE'ff. .. t I � I .! � i . I . Having imported the greater part of - iny stoek direct from the foreign WAr- kets, ][ will sell them at aboatOne'third i less than former Priam. L I , Remejober, you can see more and 906 I 11 more for your money at L � I . 0,- W. PAPSTS . - I Booksterethfin st SAY Other p1we iu the oolauty. . � i I ;1 : L� I M il ,� j; A: �31 1 1 � ., �., , � , � ," f -I : - : - � � I � . e I - , , , . w . I . - 11 :1 .-- � � ��: - i., , -1 - - -1 i . . I ; . - � I I ;� ; ie I -1 7 1 . t, �� f ,= , 19 1. ­ _; v� ;j �. ..� 11 , , i i � . . I I j - - I - I ,� i - I , *1 � - - . I I . - 't� , � - , � � i -� . � . 1 I - L � , - . I , I � , - . . ; � " . , 1 1 - I . � � � I I I I - � : � - I I I ; I � I . � . � . � 1 � , : . , . I � , I i , : i ; - ­ . ; Ir_________­ - ­�____ - __11.111 —-7 -1--1— � �­-­7­:­­ - I--- � I - I _ , ._______,__ I _­ I _ ­­­ _­ -1 1-11 I ­ - — — __ �_; _­­ F-11 -1 -IM ­­­­� ­ I -­ � . . ,­ - � ­ - ­ �_ � _? - - .� . ---I-- __ __ _._____ �; .- , I . . . - . .: , . ; ;, '-' , , - _�� , _� . � , - *_ I - I . - . I I I � I I - , - ­, � . i � � � T17 . .- . A��� I ; 1, �� - - I ,I . . . . . . . . I I . � . . . . . . . � . t t I - " ­­­ - I �, . . . - : . - . � I -1t. ­­­ � a : . I .... . �1� � �, . -- - I � � I ­ � � �. I I - NM � .. . I � . 81 188 . � - R I — . . I . . . 7 � � "I'll _.. .- .. .Z. . . i : - T14E HURON EXPOSITOR& � 4 . 5 no 1_x ­ - I - � . . ..., . .- . . I . L_ft�ftft - __ �__ - M ____ __ : � F - - - .,I I . . . —_ - � ­ , I i I � : p . - I � 1. � . I � � =� , - Huron Notes.,. Will, hold over.. Good to choice steers IMPORTANT NOTICES. 1=v. ID.&'73189 Mr. S. 0. Hermy, of Exeter * abip. sold at $5.20 to 5,501 the latter averag. . : , ' . I . . I ' - & ou a _­ - . . ped k4W� potmda of turkays Wui ing 1 350 11 ile fair tA) pretty good. . � is; T e __ "mu. -it I - - .gem ing 1,350 ]be., w S&M-Blacksmith's Shop and Too h -Pe ple's Auctioneer for Pertkand. - ­ 10 Usuitoba, FOR * . 4A Wfj_ I - I . ' f 1,1 to 1,250 lbs. went at, Ition within five I . . Imt week. of 1, _� _Mr. Abraham- Ai6om., of Auburn, ah1pr t Steers at 14. to milev; dolugab ' ' ' I . I Huron, - . - the pr � . , 14.6 to $5.15, and ligh usipt of a ,000 yearly I , $at ac,of -0- I obbing alone ; y reEj given for I I I . . . Is AGAIN TO THE FRONT TO HOLD THE HIGH PRICES IM CN'ECKB,: I : - . of " . � bs*wld- ibis ,village property to Mr. $4.40. Stock�ri staidy; 83.25 to $4 8111ing. Apply at FansiToa Office. 78SX4 WML sell for Mr. E. Sibbons, Huron Ros,4 . . - . __- , jobs Smith, for the sum of $550. for light yearlings to good lotg. __ - - ­ ­—, Hullett, Tuesday, D&3.12th—Stock- : I L 6M.. ism � . � I � als si X im S I - For Mr. Alexander flaelvWo' RusseldaIi,'Pullir- t I . . k befox* . ,�_The West Ridivg Agricultm,sl So. Milch cows s.teady,audve in f r. OT LO T.—Lost, a Note of hand, draw, by ton, Thuri day, 14th—Steck,'Imp1emsnts,,kAoots � - - �, 1 014Y intend holding a -fat cattle Show demand at 17.50 to $8 sit 18 ure. . � I . -r Gordoii or bearer, for the sum bQauceof - �o � quality. , " Mrs. John McIntosh, and mad bI to . S& "erich on the Wednesday before Sheep and Lambs — 6suadian, lambs- Pete 0?=, :nd r,,== I Charles Tuffin, Staft, . Hibbert, , Fri- .& - G_ . _& -a 1. rr I S. mma- dated at Bracefield. The public are hereby ­ 15th--Stoek and Implements. Ver that - - ,. � (3briotmes. - . are selliu&sbout ten Ceuta higher than cautioned against purchasing or negottatingthe Nylor Mr. David Hodgeon, lot 9, ooncewdou 4, - . . 11 . - �A large number of turkeys and last week. The supply numbered,fully said note, as payment of it has been ped , bert, o m the- . 19th-Stoqk and Implements. . . , PH sto * b rs now ieceiving very large consignments of all kinds of goods new and fresh, and i k 611-slaged' gee wiu be shot for at Sersudretes- 70can,moiatof'whioh had held over. ' TER GORDS N* . TFor Mr. Frank Cisrling, lot 14, concession 2, . Brucefield, December 2, 1882. 788xt 011illop, on Thursday, 21st -Stook and Imple will be sold very cheap. A call is solicited from all -to exanjine his stock before . urtis has _� Iftotel , Belgrave,,.on Christmas Day, Wequote: Yorkers, good to choice . - I 1 7W1 piirchasingelsewhere. He feels 3onfident that both prices and quality of his . . to. - . 1 " - )t lot 2 40mmeucing at 1 p. m. sharp. 86.10 to 86.25,, most. sales at 46.20 1 TRACTORS. -Tenders will be received . . n,. � E -0, . i To CON � I . stock will Suit all. His stoc k, Gree _�kn -! immense k consists of TEAS in Blac —Mr. Samuel Hicks, of . Centralia, light Yorkers an a, mixed, $5.80 t ,I by the undeftigned until December - 20, for , vaptain pig 0 , P �,- 6&s& ho sold a splendid team of heavy 86; good butddhe a and medium weightsi the erection of it Brick House. Tendert will be HRYSTAL & BLACKY and Tea Dust ; Sugars of . aJ1 kinds, Currants, extra selected Valentia, WASins, � taken for the -whole worko'r for the sev alparts ; i London Layer Raisins, New Figs, Dates, Prunes, Lemon, Orange and Citron " � t. $6.30toK56; �good -heavy 86.50 tot a apply to the Vurchase4 . " bi-dodmaren to Mr.-JohnMi $6.60. Kark I I separately. For further particular I PRACTIC.&L Peels - Canned Apples, Pearv, Corn, Tomatoes, Peaches, Sainion, kickerel, Lob - S.. west 50 Michigan, for 8450. - " et closed dull. A, number! undersigned. ANDREW W. SLOAN, Blyth P.O. ; ' . I I I ly, I ; I 788x2 . sters,. Sardines, Honey, Jellies, Pickles,� Sauces, Pickles by the quart, Cranberries, ibbert, for I 78alg�horf. Robert Little, former of of loads Wdl bold over again. - .8, � 10, I L OULER MAKtRS- Almonds, Filberts, Brazil and Shell Nits; Cheese and Bologna; Crockery of all - � . L - IBMage- is& candidate for the Local _ . i NOTICE. -A meeting of the Electors of the . I kinds, Tea Sets in China, Colored and � White Stoneware, a nice assortment Of 'Oncession : L Legislature in Manitoba. He is ran- - I ,Aoel�l Notices. . I _L I Township of Tuckeromith wi11 be held at ' . I - ,, : ,I school House 'go. 8, Egmon(lviUe, on Friday, the THE Subscribers have bought the Toole and Lamps and �Glasswsre, Lamp Trimmings, Flour, Shorts, Bran, Cornmeal, Oat ,. Samuel ning on, the Conservative ticket. GiRL - WANTE b�. - W&nt�d', &: 900al 22nd day of December, at -the hour- of 12 o'clock ,L 13oiler Business lately carried on by the God- meal,.Oats, Peas, Beans, Barley. Buckwheat Flour, Potatoes, Apples, Onions, h , for the I L _.��The bridge at Manchestei is still general Servant, in a small family. Apply to, noon, to nominate candidates for the offices of erich Fou4dr . y and, M anufacturing Company, and Tumips, Salt, Coal Oil, Lake Herrings, Salt Water Herrings, Codfish, Pyrupst � bargain. -, � L in an, impassable state, and partier, de. A.G. AuLT, Sea6rth. 782 ! Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Coftoillors for !883. haviiig had au'exp�rlonoe of over eight year. in .. _ . � . t I bat shop,`ara'now prepared to carry on the trade Vinegars. Oatmeal exchanged for oats. All 'goods delivered free of charge. g to use. it, have to ford the river., BZR'EDWARD CASH, Sesforth, Will pn. I WM. McOONNPLL, Clerk. Tuckeramith, Decem- . )gan,� also - am Z. be- 5 1882, * I 788-2 all its *nches. Cash for Butter, Eggeand Poultry. - I G . This, is not very pleasant this 'time of chase a lot of Dressed Lambs, Mutton' - I - TAny work entrusted to us will receive prompt W!3haft" - ! . � I ; -A. G. AU.LT. h I . g ttention. i . I I . the year� and Beef. -Apply at once.. 70- fte"lass work guaranteed. I 'ken & Son, of St. , ' UARI)IANSHIP NOTICE.-A.fter the expirs, All kind of Boilers made and repaired, also 7 . 2. 1 : � . �_Messm. Wm. Aj : G - i , - a farm Of . ' POULTRY, POULTRY. - The highest, tion of twenty days from date the under- Smoke St ka and .8heet iron Work, &d.', at rea- � - I , L . - L I : . t for t& , Marys, have leased the store in Fan- price paid for any qu'antity of lean turkeys,j signed will apply to,the Judge of the Surrogate i enable re . : , . I - - - . , I e - gonla . Block, Exeteri lately vacat d by geese, , qood c BLUron, I __ � � � . ; . I a I Purchase, , 'L e duckf and chi -,kens, delivered at the Con- Court of the County of to be appointed New Sal Pans made and old ones repaind on - ; . � e Wo � � &Orft- au � jtr, Keeler, and intend Carrying on a tral Grocery. LAID1,AW & FAIRLF,y.- 782 Guardian to 6fie estate Rnd persons of Jan ir the shorteot notice, and at prices that defy com- i . . I I . � . . mercantile business therein: GO TO THE "CiNTRAL GRo(iF,Ry � Black,: Agnes Ellen Black, William Black, and lot etition. i . - - I I I ,a � I I I id, withia . generulL ' for the, Marion Ridens Black, -infants, under the age of . 04RYSTAL & BL,&0X . E . I -Th rly daughter of Mr: Beuja- largest and best selected stock of tea ware dinner * I . aad. - � e on . * t*eurpone ycars, and children of the late WiWam 7183 : Box 103, Godekeh. � . . . f ­ - - ware, 1,hamber wa, 6� and glassware -in the clounty.' Black, deceased, in his life time, of' the Township i . 7 - _ I : the, third min Xervvin,. who, lives in the township LAYDLAW a FA=zr, 782 � � . . I � I . 7 - of McKillop, hi th4 Coun,y of 7Hnron.; MAR- . � about two, . of Elowlick, about two miles east of Tim HoLm I GAR10T S. BLA.031, their mother, by Mobaughey NEW LIQUOR STOREN I � � L ' --- I Fordwich, died of typhoid fever on ra, of Seafortb, AYO.-Messrs. Scott Broth. & Holmested her Solicitors. Seaforth, December I I . . ' go of tht - Tuesday morning e the! celebrated Musical Iustru- 7,1882. 788-8 1 . � of - last week. She ment dealers wiR give their usual holiday discounI . Oh� - The, - � - . ' I We t4ke.pleaBure in announ6ing to . LAIDLAW & F A I R L E Y Is . — �1 84 goo& �_ *&8 19 years of age. . on all instruments and goods purchased fro . . — � � I -The Board of Directors of the How; them from now until the first Of the uew year. the pao�le of Seaforth and Surrounding I � I I I � lliw I . - jok Farmers! Nutusd Fire Insuranci Now is the time to buy and save money 7824 . I - vicinity, that we have opened -out a - � - . , . I - i I � - � aession, of � CHRISTMAS AND XMW YF,AR's Frui�t in , I - . I � I �, was sold I Compamy, met in ,Gorrie on Saturday,- I 11 . . t -_ . ,I abundanse -at the Central Grocery. Ordinary I . * I NEW LIQUOR STORE - I 7 - I . I . � I . Noveraber 24th.' �-:-Forty one applicer,- Valencia rnisins, extra selected Valencia raisins .. I I . ( . orrance,of . . I i - . 8PECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I I , ___ �,300- Al- itions, covering risks amounting t�) in quart4er and hall boxes, 1%yer imiatus, black I ComprisiDg the Choicest 'Brands of . i I , ( . - line, Wal- $53,300,1 were accepted. basket raisins, finest Dehesa raisins in boxes.and . . . Wi I nes aud Liqpors, selected and bought I ,� racob Auk- -The Gorrie Enterprise is informed 'quarter box", finest Vega raisius, currants, finest _ . ­., - � I I , � � . - from ope of 'the leading Wholesale 2 1 Vt,�tizza, &c.' lemon, orange a,ud -citron peels. . . I --- . 7 , - � � - - that Mr. John Walke-i, who left Howick LAwLAw & V�iRLRY. 782 . . . f a the Dominion. , . ! I . I - Houses . for Manitoba in 18-71, died at Salisbury � . RKSHIRE BOAR. -The ruiders w i I racFariand To T.aH FARmERs.-Foster & S012E BE' k I - I-- From tlds date until the end of 1�1 ecember, we have Aetermined to dispose of , eep during the present season, on lot 9, � I - - -from the � on November the,15th, at the advauced are still pashing their business. Farmers woulc concession 7, Tuckeramith, his wellwknown Berk- PLD uRT WINE � I . . age of 87 years. He was- the father of do well to give them ' 7 ' i ied before . a call and encourage homi shire Boar.' This is one of, thb best animal,, in Fr our large as r ent of merchandise x m England. - 4 greatlyreauceaprices for CASH. Our , I � tid, J, P�14, � ]Irs. James MeWade, of Gorrie. trade, as tho�y keep first-class workmen and d( the township and leave, the ver.y beat stock. I * f * repairs for 4 kifids of Agricultural Implements, Tems,-81, payable at the time of service with I / �� coats fore - I , -Mr. Wm. valistone, has Hold his Or dn crushers re -cut and �iatisfactioii guaranteed stock comprises the largest assortmeni of . , � . I the privilege of ret-urning if necessary. GEORGE DRY $HERR AND CRAPE WINE i . I . rry Ohe�ft � � farm on the 4th Concession eastern di- All -kiridg of. their celebrated plow points kept I'd STRONG. . I 7t8 4 .I - . . . . ' - . — - I - being saitii. , V1111011, Colborne, to Mr. Richard Wal. ; � . . I stock. 780 1 1 FrDm France. . . � -RIES, OROOK RYAND GLASS � terajorthesamof $3,200. The farm WILSON&YOUNGbave a large an ERKSnIELF, BOAR. -The under4igned has , WARE 'I %& matter � wellassorted stock of choice familyzro I B Btillhis well-known Thoroughbred Berkshire d N' was Sacramental Wine GROOE I , � consists of 100 acres, 70 cleared, the ceries Iffadeira an fm . I I . . Ja Court of . - provisions, crockery and glassware. Parties, rej Pig,*which he will keep for service during the I . ted pure. .. 1 . . - . I From Sp I-wamn . roand that balance beingi well timbered, but there quiring anything Am either line can depend ol present Heaso t), on lot 7, concession 8, Tucker- I I lael&by an� House in town, and Cash buyers will find it to their advantage to � . - getting ' r � � aiust him. I" no, buildings On it. it from them at the lowest price and of smith This pig was purch4Bcd from the Messrs. . . I . . *+--, ; t" - - I -Mr. Robert Holmes, of the Clinton the best quality. I goods guarantewd to be 'Snell, of Edmonton; As from imported stock on D. K. AND qINK'S HOLLAND CINN �urcl�aso from us. Every department. is now fully assorted, and prim will be . , f repre-ented, and to give satisfaction, if not, the both sides. and has proved hiniiielf one of the - � . . I lm'Dago� Now E,-rv., who is himself an &CcOm- can be . best st,ick producers in Ontario. W. 8 . I . I I � I tit, Tueff- . . � returned. The hi --hest price paid for * ' ount , . � Cameron plished hie-yclist,hsa been.. appointed butter, eggs. and 91. kinds of farm and dair� I MUNDELL. . . I � . 783 M , ain Dew from Scotland. 1 W. � � . I . I I . I - . ; found 10 - agent for a large ndanuf actu'riug firm. of produce Call andexamine stock aud judge for ­ -_ . I - , 1 37 quaahe& yourselves. 781 ' .Q,UFFOLK FIG. -The undersigned will keep on 1 I � — , . . � G . � . Ily Watchea . - . these machines, an(r can supply all Who i � - I k-1 lot.21,concessinn2,L. R. S., Tuckerstuith, ' .YI I .11 I L I L. : may, desire to practise this new mode of I � - __reughbr�d Suffolk Boar. This animal was Bottild by Burke from Irdl&nd. . th- at neigh- . I - � � . . i . I recently purchased ' from the well known breedera, I . . I(3_1:Z0(�__E31,_Z3[MS. � -1 i I . ile satj13f1S0- . I locomotion. . . Pirths. i A. Franks& Son, and,lo from importe4 stockon I . ! - i . L PEPPER -in Trickoramith on the 12tb Nov., th k L ! In 130, -On Tuesday Of last week, Mr. Geo. both aides. Terms, -$I, payable at the tirne of GAIRLIN911S AMBER.AILE � Way Irwin, of. Purt Albert, turned twelv I e service with the privilege of returning if nec(sop-ry. I I , victed who - I wife of -Mr. R. J'. Pepper of,& d:tughten . - TE AS -In Blacks, Green and Jap�n- Prices range from 25, cents to 75 cents . � dozen, �. wim . 6, a factory, and -four horse SbLoes io ni][16 WILLTAMNSS-in Clinton t,n the 29th ulb,, the GEORGE PLEWES. , &�-4 Old Rye, LVJ1,t '& Superior" Whiskies i , � � I wife of Mr. . ams, M. D., of i - . � I Lobd againA hours and fifty minutes, This is con- I . From H. N�alker & Son, Winds6r. � - I I son. SHIRE PIG FOR SERVICE. -The . r per pound. . El- evidently sidered by the disciples of Ta -ba Cain CA.LLANDER-In 61inton on the 29th ult., th4 BERK I � � I . -nudeisigned wM keep during the present I -_ to, be pretty lively manipulating of wif -i of Mr. A. Cl�dlander of a son. . oesnon, on lot 28, coi cession 9, near Winthrop, a Hennfsy, .Martell- Jules Robin -Refined and Raw-sp [enaia value. . � � GLRDNER-In'Cliatou on the 8ith ult.,the wife Thuroughbred Berkshire Pig. rermat-SI, pay- � � . 9 . SU?ARS . , !r h&nm,er siad tongs. . . . of X� A Gard:II,erof a son. . able at Lhe time of seivice with the pri%,ilege of I I �randies, . I �9., I I -Mr. Wm. Garvie, Of the 8th Con- . � #__ returning U -necessary. JAS. McD.OWELL. 783-4 . i — � . � .. aeggion of M,,rris, retUrno* d from Mani- ; ____ . . __ ­ . Ali those liquoo are speofiffly selected for me- COFFEES-Greou, Roasted an Ground. "Note the fact that we roast and . - likens, and tOb& I&st week. Ile has taken u land ' X)eaths. � . L ERKSHIRE.- BOAR. -The vndernigned will - everafs - . . mipecr, and P I . B keep during the present season, on lot 31. dicirial p'jarposeii �nd family use. Also, a "" ijL Southern Msmit(,ba, and intends' re- DIGGL's-At Brac4ridge, Muirkoks, on the 23r . other kinds of ii ors, which we hope will give grind our own Coffee on tlie remises. couoeg ion 9, McKillop, a mile and a qntirter west I � . I his, offteal " I ul.t., Jane, w id; w of the late Captain Freder every satplaction �0 our customers. I . nov,ug thither in the spring with his 0 of.Winthrop, a THOROUGHBRED Bi-RKSHIELF, I : I G -f Gavern�. ick WiUi&m Di�glejforruerly of fie r Maije,ty' Remember the place,,two doorki south of Rob- � � &L-&,jy, He, is greatly pleased With the b2nd lieg='*en� of Foot), in her sixtiet BOAR. Termi,­S1, payable at the time of oor­ ertson's Clirbular 8 %w. I I To adulterated ground Spices kbpt in jBtock. I SPICES -Whole and Ground. (a the trip .. ,I country. , � year. � a . vica with the privilege of returning if nemssa,y. I A .; I . . . - I . L . n L PETER DODDS. 783x12 . , � . 36 hGum. . - n i kme on the 28th insk,, Re - . W. KILLOR*AN. � -Next year the townsbip of Aubfield XERSLAKE I U bo I . - � I 1. . I . ! - -A large sasortment-quality A No. 1. aftipeg .�_Oity, r becoa, wife of flent Kerslake, aged 64 years I . L L � will be entitled to a second Deputy . I - . - - � EXTRACTS I and 16 days. . L I i itamps- this . I � t I � I . L . thir4 itL the ' I Reeve, and it is Said t.lj&t Mr. A. C. 11LIDLAW-In Mo rriA on the 26th u1c., Georgi , I � PICKLES, SAUCES, JELLIES, &I., &c. I - - ndidate for the posi- Marshall, only iou'aud eldest child. of Mr CHEAP GROGENES fOR JHE' HOLIDAYS dou Toron- Hawkins is & C9. Andrew Laidlai r, of Morris. , � I I I I - I - At the PP esent rate of going the . . - I . . i . I � �ad-,. In, the . tion. I I � 1! I pea hes, Pears,. Pine Apples, Apricots, Nee- Yip,.g h9sas, .Couu,ty Council will soon be as j3umer- . Iliarriages. : I I CAPVN�D FRUIT—Iu OUR V, body as- the Dominion Parlis- . I . � : I . - � taipeg issuelt I I . .� AT MORRISqN'S, SEAFORTH.' . Stock unns large, and prices as low as last year, not- MOUL , MoCULLY-CUNNINGHAM-&tjGrafWn,D . N I � ! tarlues, &C usl1ji, , I ders, ais- the I , � i I . � . . -At a recent meeting of the Clinton on the 16th alt.,by Rev, J. Walton Mr. Jame . I - Areal, Hal. . g re- McCully, formeily of tanley, to Mis Eliza- —1 : wit[listanding the high price of green fruit this season. , High SChool Board, tLe fO1lOwiu P� 8 . — - - . I - � upils � beth Cunuing"in, Jormerly of Car 1. . -- ; � � - I I solution Was Passed : ,That the P Flaw, Lauslik County, Out., all row of Graf . . : . . I -h gola &ad - .. in the lower forms . shall be charged for , ton, Dakota. 1 . i isins, Seedless I I 1��eea struck- . New Currants, Valenti& Raisins, London L�yers, Sultanna Ra the: first aod Second terms, 02 each 1aOG:KRS0N-VcE.tRO4-At the residence of the - I I t CURRANTS—In barrels and cases, the best value . in the market. No . . I . .the, Selkirk . brid8's father in gorria, on the 29bb ult., b' . r I ; . . � 9 d 890 to . term, and $3 for the third term, and the Rev. W. 13�irkgj Mr. Thomas Itogerson, W Raisins, Orange, Citron and Lemon Peel cheap' Extra value in Teas, Sugars, . . Wye - ermediste and'upper _ . I . inferior g9ods-­al1 fresh and grood. . . � pupils in the int , 03 Miss Matilda MaEl.r.jy, ali of Morris. I . � . I � I - . ' -School, shall remaid as at present , CLARKE-WHITE-On the 23rd ult.,_ �y Rev. Coffees and Tobaccos. A large stook of j Canned Goods, consisting of PeacheB' - . I Riversider, t ; � , I for the first and second, and 14 for he A. Mef&an, Mr; John Glarke, of Auburn, to - I . I RAISINS -Our Extra Selected I alentiaf; are the best imported, � and only nd, froum Ire- I ' d torm. Mize Anpie White of Donaybrook. � Tomatoes, Corn, Salmon, Lobsters, MaTkerel, 40., at reduced prices. I I , -thu Spices, i to property . PATTERSON-PL1y, rzER-on the 28th ult., b . . ! . . I I ke t by us-" don't you forget it.?' Layer Raisins for the table, good to Bev. A. MoLe", Mr. Alexander Patterson. . : �1 le&ve, for - - ; � . . East Wawanoofi,to Miss-C&tharina Flffltz 1p - - I qp Hr!,- MARKETS. t - . �im the: pro- �f Extracts, Sauces, Pickles and Syrup cbe� . In fhe CROCKERY . and GLASS- , __ . - : � I � I Put up in single layers and quarter boxes � I of Hullett. '. � e. Come and see them I I . ; . - . ch I � . MeCAUGHEY--BOYLE-Iu, the Roman Cathc- WARE DEPARTMENT I have on han� a hirge stock and I am offering special -1 � I � SF � 7, 1882. 1 . 1. ,a kno,wu ait WURTH, Dea . . - I . I 1 87 to 092- lie Church, Blyth, on the 27th Ult., by Re,v. . i � � 11 I . . � -nice for family use. i with fearful T&UW-h t'erbushel-,� ....... $0 Father O'Connor, Mr. John Mo0aughey, (if ' ' I 1, � � 71 t per bushel ........ 0 85 to 095 e 'ents for the Christmas and New yesals, trade. Glass Sets, Fancy Jugs � ; i'at Uorria,� : - -ffpring� he Hullett, tp Misd Martha Boyle of Wiwfg- induc m . i . I 'Several Oats per bEel ........ � ....... 0 35 to 086 nosh. . � I �jojj, Orange and Citron Peel MORTED. Shelled Almonds, M&*a, �ba. Pa" per bu-mel.­ ............ 0 68 to 0 67 CHISLOM-ORR-At St. Peter's Church, (Me I and Pitcher's �. Motto�, Cups and Saucers,; Motto'Mugs, Colored Tea Seth, LE " . I d from the Bafley per bu,hel .............. 0 45 to 0 55, r- . I ' . .. White . . � - . talk, by Rej. Father Graham Mr. A Chi ilom', , . : I I s ......... 1) 17 to 018 . I : I Butte, _. I . 1, But .,: ... : I.... 0 17 bu� 019- of Goderich Township to Miss Sarah Orr, o f Stone Sets, i (I China Tea Sets in great variet , at rook bottom price&. Lamps . Grapes, Eleme Figs, S. S. Almonds, Walnutsv Filberts, Br&zu Nutst,dko-- 1111 a con- I . t,ery tab.. . � ..... . 0 21 Wavanosh. - : I an � V . I . I 0--ly Eggs .. .. .............. ... ..... 0 20 to L I I � i � I I f afta Railway * Inour,. per 100 lbs .............. 2 50 to 270 RLY-AMITH501%-On the 5th ult, at the regi- ! . I . . � .... 8 - ' Goods of all kinds. In the F�O_UR �nd FEED DEPARTMENT I i * . - 00 to 9 00 dance of the �ride's brother ia-�Aw, Mr. J. and Lamp . � . - I I I � , , . diatnet, has '. t . Intyre, Huourt, by the R6v_W. Craig, . I I Hay'xew ...... ­ - - ... me . W. I I I I per MI lbs .. .... . - . ! . . 7- 1 Bides, ,acres, firE4 50 to 120 R. H. Sly, to Susannah Frances, younge0t orts Bran, &c., at, mill prices. I - ; Sheepskin ac I have constantly on hand the best Family Flour, Shc , �, 0 18 to 020 daughter of Mr. W. Smithson, Clinton. ; 4f . . � . I I . vl,hite� Maine, Wool � ... � ....... .. w ............ 26 � � I I ! . . I 1. I ihels peracra. sait (,retai -) per bsrrql ............. I LETSON`-SPZ0k--On the 1st inst., at the resi- ' I . Salt (w b I 00 dence of the bride's mother, Clinton, by the Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Pot Barley, Buckwheat Flour, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &a . I . -holest6le) per srral ...... . . . � . - -fourth% acra 0 35 to 0 40 i � � Potatoes, per bushv1(new) ...... Rev, J..T. Rieej k! r JnmesiLetson, of Goder- I 3P_-Pv0-V'18101*+TE3- -- � arly Bosa. ress . .. ; ....... 7.00 . to 7 50 tab, to Miss Angeliva Speck, of Clinton. . ; A I opposite � � , : - . . . I . i vilini eg win � I I Farm Produce taken in exchange for oods. 1j)on't forget the, place, - I I I f ; I - : I -P � I ; . . ; � 7 1 . ir by-L&w to . I � �F .� " — eet, east side Main Street, 86aforth. I I CLrNTew, Dec. 7,18M. ESTfiAT STOCK. : Market Str' Mt improve- ... . I I . i . I I I ,� I . Yall,Whcat per 'bushel .......... S 0 85 to 0 88 . . I I. I � F19*r and Feed -A I Vays- on Hand as Usual'. . �th inst� Spying Wheat per bushel ........ o 87 to 088 - STRAY STEER. -Came into the premises of ! . I . . I I I o A to t) N E the* undersigned, lot 81, concession 9, Xb- M. MOURRISON.' . � I � �masl HUM&, Oats, per bushel .......... � ..... I . . t I . 0 45 to 0 55 X,fflop, about the 2*2nd of November, a 2 year old . � _1 I Osed 3W buit- Barjay,per b-ishd� .... .......... � . � � : I � Pena, per bushel ................ 0 62 to 065 black and white steer - The owner eau have the . i i I I . . leven bushels : Butter .., - � ...... ............ * , 0 8 to 0 20 same on proving property and paying ch�rges. . � � � , . I . - I ! ��. This. yield 0 21 to 022 PETER DODDS. ! 783x4 1 f I . I I - - 4 Ugs. � ...... .............. ­* � . � � � � ton .................... , � ,,o�. CHRISTMAS -AND � D., rid. and, the, 7 00 to 800 : � I I . . I i � � � 4 Ray W 0 32 to STRAY BULL,' -Strayed from lot 10, P - I t . . I ! Potgt�oca, per buiJ1181 ........... * � I ..................... ............ " I . 4- lba to tho 085 E � I . I I lirLt'le, jZ.55' � wool ........................... 0 23 to 0 27 cession 2, L. R. S., Tuokersmith, about the I I this season bv sbowing'one of *e M04 COMPlet6 stocks of Drees - I . � Hldesj per 100 lba ...... 7 W to 8 00 lat of October, a spring bull calf, of red color , I commence . - . t OKERY. Of * d Wool G000�s ever �aid down in Seaforth. I . V . Goods - Millinery, antles, Fars an � i 'Dmoed Hogs ........ .. ...... _ - I � I ,:*­** 7 00 to 7 50 Any information that will lead to the recovery' M 0 R J" tlao,w Bolling . this animal win be suitably rewarded. PATli1QK ' 9 otter position either to buy or sell goods, and I am Jeter- � I .__Io-- claim no house is in 9, b ! � I I - 1 78ft4 � . � ' P i per buls . FORD, Hensall P.1-0. . i 0 'have UOt yet visited m shop, I � - . . I Lrvi&R,PooL, Dec.' 6­ftring wheat, 7 . . ., miued not to be undersold. , To parti�s wh � y ! - I , STRAX 119IFER.- Stra) ed from the p - m . � Plum Greek, - I 06s, 10a ; red winter, &3 Ild to 000 - I remiges would say that my system of doing business is ,Mark ' y goods down to the low- in China fir6M Five Dolkws to Twenty D0114118. 7 1 E of the undersigned, lot 84, couceBei=12, Me- p ofit and theD.give five per (iont. discount for' cash. Rem4mber I do Tea Sets rued to. the. , � club, 099 5d, about the Ist, of ,T.une, a year old est living I I , .1 , � A by , Od,; white, 09s Od;� - Killop, on or p " I le 9f takiliO it 'off. This I cannot and will t - - . . oats, 5s 06.1 ; barley, 58 6d 4 pesos 78 heifer, white with red rieck and ears, and a. horn not put 25 por cent. on for the pUrpos � 9 .. . ' ' - y one giving inforTantion that Will. luring the holiday season oq large urebaues such as Wedding and - Tea Sets in Granite, Plain and Printed. [ '; &�he'llaus_ . 'qd; pork, 95BL 6.1" cheese, 6N 6d. broke off - An I will be suitably rewarded- . not do, but c -P I - . a � nean, while � � I . lead to her recovery d 788x4i Mourning �rders, or any other large purchase, Lmean r to, do better than my usual * w . JOHN BERRY, Los bu,y P. O_ - I discount. .Dress Goods, unsurpassed, c1leap an4 in g�eat variety. In this de - 1 � rty, became D,o. 6- -Fall wheat, 50-90 I I ... � I - I � i r SeU—Good Amrtment4Prices Lm. ­ per . ished in I TORONTO. '05; oats, 41C if partment SPWTal new lines are just to li�nd. S�e my colored all wool dress goods Dinne I I .1 to $0,92; spring, $1.00 to $1 E STRAY SHEEP. -Came into) the premisesio - ool, in leadiag colors; my new makes . I - . . I � to 42G-,. peas'l 73c ar:1ey, 45c to the. undersigned, lot 16, eonoes-don 14, me- 25c a yaroll -, � my pinhead -checks, all w � , sa,ved : in. . to 75c ; b* ! Pi�ted—Slock Large. . I o to $15-00 - 'killop, ouor about the 15th of November,TWO' wo6l Victoria Clotho -the . (,)a, $14.00 , French Csitimeres in all co)ors ; lively i hades in all C"er Set8_ White and L 0, � I . , � 72c ; h-ity, Pew t RAM LA.MB;j. The owner can have the same for suitings; Black Goods- '11 the now makes in Crapes and I I i Vinaipeg, and Is per bag, -charges. TE10S. very latest things � � i % butter, 17c to, 26c ; P()tt,tO,e by proving propert$ and paying M ' ' orders completed on the short- � I I I ' � � - _rl . L I f Dia-tarm, (Led - . ill, , per doz., 26c to 20c.; ]FORBES. 783x4 Cr&pe Cloths, Sergas Cashmeres, etc. I I I ; 800 to 85cli 6998 I uus2atliptactio4 guiLranteed. Silks, Satins Toilet Sets—Cheap and Good. te St, 16heff 1 7777 dres&ed -hogs, per 100 lbs., - g7.25 to - __ - eat notice and in the latest and befit styles; I . . . � ! I . I ESTRAX STEER. -Came into the premises of . a � velvet -In Colored- Silks I continae to off�r greaV bargains in new and de- i .. - . . wag only - - nol 1 6 at- . d cash price . . I . le; ; .$7,.7,5, ; . wool, per pound, 18c to 200. the undersigned, lot 11, concession IS Stan Birable gqo.. S. , see MY lines colored 'ilks '61 a r - compare jf4�01jca Ware in endlem varwty-866 them. - tion of the e �Ist of Octobers a yearling 'steers in plains and �rucaded, ! I . I . . . � I I i - . ley, about th The owner can have the same Width and uality ; Black Silks and Satins, lovely.g.100F, i i � �Z d-isease pro- � I ew af tbLe British black and white. - eading material this Reason for � I ' � and � Weekly Revi by proving prOperty and PaYing charges WK- suitable for dresses; Colored Velveteeiis, the I i . ' I . I �i C-1raan, Trade. CAUNIE. � . . 7EP ;_ fashiont%bI4 4resse&-I Show an *extra !fine lin� -in 10'vely she�d6s, pri . ce 90c? for a�cy Goode for floli&sy, Te�lding and Birajoy Presont8---mu8t be 11 e Express, in a review ­ I L bor bouseB will ask you $1. 20 oj� 81.26 � yard ;, I invite compar-isoa. Furs F � Elsa- 7he, Mark Lan STRAY CALF.-­CAm0 into the premises ;iof which ot , . . . � . � . I . [e g rai u tradd Of the Past week, says E of Novem- and Fur 9 . ; � bandle nothing but re- I I r, are . of th I the u,ndersign�d, about the Ist IningB desirable goods, immense stock i � , I ta. 11 . the English wlieat trade'bas been dull, L,er a red spring calf. The owner may have �116 liable 902boought from the best Canadian- malinfacturers. See my prime mink i seen—too varied to e�uwrate, . . �-,tjon to tho. I .1 f -'e my black Astrachan Sets , . ! � - � � quartem in - and rather weakert owing to the ap- same by provij&g property and paying expenses. I note prices. See my $17 mink sets, worth 62� ; Be . � i - r . JAMES NICHOL, Lot 20, Concession 6, -Mo- � ;s, far caps and fur tri gs, large assortment ; . � ,- the pnrpo�v - I proach, of bbe holidays. FloliT has been Killop. � 786x4 66,worth 7.50; children'sfu 11wi 'a I f � � indulgi�-,ug . very dull, For barley there has been I —1 beautiful lack fur'trimraings, one half �ar� dthTfLornlengtbelaing mantles. i _ . ! � in I . I � . : � - d ls to 28. -P. STRAY CATTLE. -Strayed from the nable and good value in wool gOOds7- - Mantles I No need- � � ,_stiing, amuse- less it has recede . prero. Everything fresh, fashio . . .1 . 7 - ted I . j Foreigil blLeaSituffs have been- depress- -ALA Ages of the undersigned, lot 24, corroiession 9, to v advertise mantles,. at; everyone knows mine is thei Mantle House� Several . has,-sppom , &TorTis, on or about the lot of Way, twoyearling I � ica . � ed, Flour i'i in rattier liberal supply. heifers d one ye&r.ing steer. The steer is spot- new lines have arrived this week; choice amor�ment of beaver and ulster Cloak- I I - ht red and white, and the heifers ,a in the newest shades and patterns. Millinery Department -I make a � I . I .GharacWr � . . Of oat�i there is a smaller supply, and ted lig an . . are gray, iDg . faah- � � . I ary .. g such information as will lead )f first class millinery, for which I hav*e a large. assortment -of the . i- - pnees are rattier firmer- Fourteen Any person givini be suitably rewarded. specialty ( a Tnillm"ary to GLA C%' SWARE. _ ,�, . wheat carg)es are due during k- to their reooverY Will I ionable m�teriala on hand. I 11180 In"O S sp,poialty of first,cla a R ,; . the wee DAVID MOORN. 1 783z � I % - he, hoapitilitT .. The trade forward is very inactive. The ____ ; — ll- order, and'I have no hesitation in saying that it is quite equal to any in the .. I . I � hainent a,Ghlir- I -half less. partic-ular 4ttention paid to wedding I ­ Wea oj�, E,ilgligh wheat for the past . Men cities and , at prices fully lone i �M. eat f 10T1997 EXECUTORS'. NOTICE. -The creditors of ng. orders. The balance of - m� low priced millinery I will clear out i . - -j-,anchont, --- . week have been 54- 46 quarters at 410 Blair, of the Township of StanleY, in the and �aouru.i a Clothing -Immense piles of mlih,st Our slook in this line is simply immense. Come and look at it. W( ai me ( � rters at 44s 11d county of Huron, fdrmort deceased,, who died on at greatl reducel prices. Readymad : - . 5d, acahist 47,138 qua I y anadian goods, all . i . � in winuipegi 0 . J&St year. -or about the 16th ,sy of July, i882, are required youths' and boys'ouits and. overcoats in E13glish, 9cotph and C � - - � in the correspondiag Wee k Of on or before the 2, Ad day of Janaary, 1883, to a (md . nnot compete with. This is a splen- cordially invite inspection.- We ouarantee our goods to be as we repressal j to, her, &a 4 _#11 Moosighey & Holmested, Sedorthv relilkl5le, S d at prices that our opponents ca . � � �_ : . to Messrs. 1. I ts &nd Shoe& f ally assorted; large I . por- � Solicitors to $hem dininist,rators, full p Boo ' , 1 ' osteem, lk _ Stock MaxkOts- artioul,gs did chance to get a cheap, reliable article. w - li � free of charge. We deliver goo(I auted 1>7 Mr., . I -live of their claivis and 01 the security (if any) le d ock of ov 6 e,� teas, ne th�m, or no sale., We de ver goods a erslioes, rubbers, etc.; grooeri a fresh. pure p6nd cheap ; n , I . , - , re will ba & I I M_O_X'1'a:SAL,L Dec. 5. -The d a nd takp notices that after ihe eip bt� xs, neyv c ffeeB currants, raisitka, etre.; compare values, note Prices., See my . , I L � : e best beef tion of the said time, the administrator will pro- suga 01, I ! with the, ftsmla . qualibY, th L )ffee for 01. one Carload of Lake Huron herrings; ask my price- prt�mpt]y. Wj an to be found 'under the &ock in Cardno's 33100ka - fair for prime 40 to esed to distaibute the "sets Of the 198tate Among nine P0111[1�1, 00 . uble to show goods. - - I L selling e ry barrel. Cornparison invited, No tro � I � &t 5jo to 5f.3 ; becond class, reto, haying reference Only I � , the parties entitled the I guarantoe Ve I L . : � � - i noties. ? I NNOW . 5a; su'l tkiird, 210 to 3jo per lb. live jo the claims of which he sh&U then have . t I � I � � I I t i 00 I * ton d, � Q F 610011, 16 �_' � L %__.__;__q;_;:1-�—_-M_2 !_ - � q 4 , 31 1 1 1 1 1 � . strator will not be liable for � ny . L I DLAW & FAIRIKI; 7 from le.50 to - And the a4inini' . � � Mr. W. uttle . Weig-ht. Sbeep broagbt . - any creditor of whose 6 . . - E at in fifteen - � part of the assets to �M. . THOMAS KIDD) . . . �e a'mb time of I _. . I . 18, and I a from 32.50 to 14-10. he &an net hive received notice at the I �d91 2. 1 . � . f Mr. James � Calves sold as high as 012. 1 such diatzibation. S"forth9 December 2nd, � " � . � I Main Street, Seaforth. �_. MOCAUGHEY a HOLNESTED, SoliaftOlrlorr ! C,Oruer Main and Market Streets, seafoitb� k �. � siou of Has". BwyAw. Dec. 5. -The inarket ruled 1710i I ; 7 rator. 4 1 1 f . I . L ; I . - � horsa-pawsr- dull and draW, and a number of loads -1 Adw-WA � ! . I I � � I ; � . � I I L i I � Do We PAPST, ! . L . I , . 11 .- I . I I __� .'� i � . I . : . � � I : . I r - I I I � � . . . p 0 LIDAY PRESENT& . . . � . a . � : i NOTIOE.0 i i . I have now my stock of Fancy Go� L i . � � ir� Christmas,;New Year, Wodding aucl t I . - dkthday Presents complete, aud, would ; I . - . - sk the attention of all intending pur- 1 I I �0.sera to call and examine it. I note I I i - elow a few of the leading lines : , � . I . I . . I A ' . LADIET OOMPANIONS . I ; u Plush and Leather Cases �- one huu- j l,ped Styles, ranging in prioe from 25 � ,6ts to 017 each. I . L I -ODOLR CASES - I - - L I I I . h Plush and Leather -295 styles. . L � . � L,ADIES' HAND BAGS - � I I t . : .4 Plush, Leather, CelluolOide and ' Cinsel. I - L Z I � Z L i Z I . . - I W1 k � � -iting Desks � . � Work Boxes, I i 0 I I Jewel Cases, I FDrtfohos, ; � I I Gilt Goods, L .1 Olive Wood Goods, Glass Ink Stands, . Bronze Ink Stands, . Z . � I Cigar Cases, L � ; Cigarette risses, _s Bill Bi6oks, �- . . Toilet Seto, : Vases, Figures, 7 � M-ugs, . . Saove and Handkerchief Sets, - 'Rocket Companions) . . Pearl Card Cases, , Leather Card CaseB, , Paper Weights, I . Pocket Books, I Ladies' Satchels, I Necessaries, . Concertinas, Accordeous, . I I Bisque Figures, . Idusic Boxes, 4 Harmonleselv I - Wax D01!5, L - Bisque Doll ITeaas, . Solid Brass Goodst � Velvet Frames, Smokers' sets . Cigar Stands, I L Tobacco Boxes, I I Cups and Saucers, ; . - � i I Japanese Match Safes, , �; I � Japanese Brackets)- � Japanese Traysi, .. . � . rlubber Dolls, i I . " Ong L � . Chins D I I L photo AlbumB-large variety, . : jspajaese Card Receivers- ; Japanese Flower Pot% f chins and Glass Flower Pets, - , . : Flowers& Birds in Glass Globes f I q Gold -Pena, � . L Pen Cases, : And Pencils, I . Slipper Patterns, 4 I I � � Bibles, i - - Prayer Bookso I Hymn Books$ . I Toy Books, . Annuals, Idiscelisneous and stanamrd Works, I Large . Assortment Posts in C10011v Leather sudWood Bindings ; I Juveniles, wall Pocket Patterns, . Ottoman Patterns, .- Bracket Patterns, - I I i . . . - . � .. � C)1-11:Zj[SrTM_&S;_ � . I I I . . And Birthday Cards - . ; . 4 � From the Following Pnblisherfl: i � �. Prang &Co, Baphadt. TW -4 ,& � � Son., Ard8tic Statwnery,com- . � ; pany, Kildesheiww� aM , I Faulkner, and ten - 11 I others. I . - . ; , I . , r � � I RES ALF OF FORMER YEARS,. - 1L I : ; I : . I $ILKIFRINCED CARDS FROM 10G UP � . 1� I . I . 1. . .� TOYS IN ENDLESS VABILE'ff. .. t I � I .! � i . I . Having imported the greater part of - iny stoek direct from the foreign WAr- kets, ][ will sell them at aboatOne'third i less than former Priam. L I , Remejober, you can see more and 906 I 11 more for your money at L � I . 0,- W. PAPSTS . - I Booksterethfin st SAY Other p1we iu the oolauty. . � i I ;1 : L� I M il ,� j; A: �31 1 1 � ., �., , � , � ," f -I : - : - � � I � . e I - , , , . w . I . - 11 :1 .-- � � ��: - i., , -1 - - -1 i . . I ; . - � I I ;� ; ie I -1 7 1 . t, �� f ,= , 19 1. ­ _; v� ;j �. ..� 11 , , i i � . . I I j - - I - I ,� i - I , *1 � - - . I I . - 't� , � - , � � i -� . � . 1 I - L � , - . I , I � , - . . ; � " . , 1 1 - I . � � � I I I I - � : � - I I I ; I � I . � . � . � 1 � , : . , . I � , I i , : i ; - ­ . ; . . . . . I - � � - I � � . . � I � � � . I I � .. I -1 - . I . . ­ . I - I I -----L--.-,,-�---"---,�".---�'. � 11 ....... I..--�l',�---,-".-.-"..--.-,--,---;-,--�-- - —,----.--�---��--.--.",---�-�—.-.------------ . — - __ ___ --i-_ : � , i , - . � ­_­­­ � - . ____ - - ­­ __ � ­­­ ­ - - � - ____ __ � __ __ - - — - — - __ I j