HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-12-08, Page 1. - I I
- I I � - - er the Niagara,Kiver, & . I
I ;� I I . — . . I � I p&t�d that . the drain. An inquest was held on si,�n bridge ov
� - on . � :
, , It is antici' ile south of the old Bus- - T
, ' T the Gevernm arter of a m �
� � . I FaxlU Life in Da'kota. . them at bnod in as good a position as � � ent. . i d the men 7
1 ; wood is so sedree. It is also a traction ommunlestion will bel made Friday afternoon. It is Ss,i ;
__ � E. -MCFAUL . and telegraph c pdrilsion bridge. The new bridge is to :
. . The follo ' 4h wotk, am in. -This I what led me here, � and T*hwood had a general Spree on Thursday, that �
. wing letter was written by' eingine, and when it gets throt , .., ' . �
I � I ishes on that point are acoom-i with Fort Qu'Appplle been ay, for traffic September Ist, 1883.' 1 �
YEAWS - I Mr. James 'Thomson, formerly t9wn starts off for the next place without the my w . - umboldt aud-Ed- beingpay-day, which May have b(i rea ada and Am- I
, � I ,r . But. do not say 1, Will no� Statpli en route to 11 ! 1 - Right:of -v�ay on the Can 11
,. � w,iu OfferDuring the Month of Deeemb%, clerk of Gc@ericb, to frieutis in that aid of hones. But it is better to put plishe& i the cause at the tragedy. �
I return to Gode ioh wben I got a large monton next month. egican sides and ampie yard room has r�
__ I �owu, and will be found very- interest- one team on iu order to steer the '� possibl er , roy) -The safe in the banking office Of b6en secured and a depot located. Wi_ .
. . wa- , farm under cultivation. I m& ' -Rev Fath' Feron, of'Stratb ,;
; - chine, although a man Can do So, as it �1 , five towiashi 8, John Shaw & Co., of, Wardsville, Was . aae with the -
I SPECIAL BARGAINS' Ing: , I steers as easy as a wagon.. Our work rent it and live elsewhere, and, at preaJ. has within his. pariah C lose connection will be In '.�
. PRAYTON, Pembina Co., i). T., I . ide, Caraa4, ;Ek id blown open Friday night last week.
I would W&rwjck, Adela I X w. York Central for freight aud
� . November 20th, 1882. 1 for the next two months will ent I do not know of any placd A Watford and Entrance was effected by picking the o .
I - beldro�wing . �,viugge a route thus
; I - - y wife is and Met-balfe., also '
-IN- � . You ask me to let you know how Il our grain to market at St. Thoi�aas, and prefer to old Goderich. M the town of Strathroy. The num'ber of lock of the back door. The burglars p issengers and a continuou. I -
. e r 'M pain 1
%5 E N � - rt 83, have got on in my farming operations" quit an enthiiisiast over this i countryll a. Mr. be secured from Chicago to- New York �
, I
. � getting up *wood. ' We are,1 twelve She iikeR it and thinks we hav� bettered families under his oharge is 165 � n7i - got only $1.25 for their n and New I 1�.
. in this- west rn country during the ii L der the Canada Souther .
� - - ' P'St� miles from St. Thomas. I cani d" mber of com- Shaw having heard. of the Glencoe, uP I 11
� i �
ta . N rau AN SEASSOIDNABLE GOODS, year, and aE the other friends who camel gef back easily in one day. 0'. a;ire our condition very greatly. �he only ber of persons, 891 ; - nu i burglars, ibbought Wardsvill-6 might le York,Central alliance. . 4 .
I C" -1 � munioants, 622. P . i �I the Congregational Church, ;
� . I having beautiful weather. As _ , on their way. and to
. out with M(p have, no doubt, manyvilio J write wishes she was a younger w6man, so ok out about $3,500 n
�� . . . � i . � that She could do a greater 9mount of -Mr. Peter Marshall, of Nortl� Dam- ' jondon, las Sabbath evening the I
, are enquiring after - them, I purpose, asi it is as! soft and wild -a's -a spr�irig day. in bills wh for the day I
I . . It is well when that side of the fries, was recently presented by the en closing up -Rev. H 6
I . 1-1 ' work. place than a p stor , D. Runt % selected as
: . far as -I can, to give you an idea of h0w�, It now Ukes nearly all the tim6 of one his Bible Class with' hand- and placed them in a safer .
, F-1 . In fact all th� women members of 06 ' Mothers -in.
M i . . t 6 tli' e of his discourse'
� . � they have eacceeded. We commence4 of us to attend to the feeding, watering house feels so. � :)f slippers. burglar-proof Safe. I ern I
I millinery, . of our party are quite satisfied, with the Some easy chair and pair i ck n, of Amherst- I aw and Daughters -in -Law," using as La. -
I- seeding on �he 29th-'bf:April, and finish -1 and cleaning of the stock, whic4 con- rshall el t an d -Mr. Joe. McCra . e . cord of the interview be-
� * I ba:nge in their circumst has been an earn 13 -
)�rl U M . ed the 2iid Of June; the late'seeding sists of five horses, 1 yoke of oxen, 3 c zealous Sabbath School teacUer , for burg, ig making preparations to go , Reis the re �,
7 __ - . Mantles., L . I � lot George Acheson is one of our lkrgest and business pretty exten- t een Naomi and her two daughters -in- I
5 L - was in fiorno- wet pla6es. The grain cows, I bull, 2 calves, 2 pigs and, years, and well merits t a re- into the timber . I
t . I of foWl.L , Paul most Successful fsrmers.. He has so- many: 1hi sively in Arkansas. He has purchased , W, Ruth and Orpah, �ds described in
, �
� . :
� Herb has gone to St. - .1
I Dress Goods, . came up beautifully, when on the 21s�' cured good men in the persods of Mr. cognition of his services. . the book of Ruth. L
867',) ky of May. a ant w storm came ana out for the 'winter., James and his family' as. A. Han 1 10,000 acres of timbered land in Clay t e first chapter of
I L L I . � 11 - son;' pastor
- - . it down V "I are in St. Thomas. Re has a B. Warmer and Wilkins, they wi The Rev. Oh ethodist 01 hurch, county, in tha�t state, for 50 cents per I the,OpeUiDg Of his sermon he alluded
. .
. I
- ery much. However, it re I good _.
� ry 1: " -had of the Wesleyan M 5,000 acres to the tendency of the age to recognize I
� - X Iwo, oic. cultivate 400 acres next year. - He yotisting for 1 . � L
is nq, �
. . covered. Then we had a long spell 01 Place, an& �11 the work he,. can do, so a good crop this year. -JAMES THo-mBoN. Ottawa, is .obliged to give tip LhiS pulpit acre, and i ' un through this IESS and less the direct infl,nence &,ad -
SITER 11. drouth,- and the crops seemed to withOt George, and I witn Oscar are lef 6 to rtale duties for some mouths. He! spent more. Two n"'vers f L .
. I '
I I - . away ; mine never recovered. 1 can+ the�farm. 'OBcar,althonglionlylenyeare L '! ij Eng- property, afthe junction of which he 4ontrol of God. Coming to the Subject .
. 11
7 . L %If not accoufl,� for this on any other ground of age, has ran the oxen this �fall, and ' Cana,da- -1 three months of the summer I d, will build a saw mill, The main roper he held up as an exumple to . . I .,
- . . . . scovered land anci was considerably ben'-3fitte navig )ople in, similar Telatiolis at the present I .
L M I LLINER T A silver mine. has been di ed to seek reI4 stion. branch is Fable to this point, and . . .
, t N than tha.t 1 have unfortunately a g?o y .. but is again obh-*g :( disinterested � :
� . - _4 plowed about an acre a da� . John X .J � I
I ime the self � .
I I � . deal of -alkali in my soil. I pa,id a visit Halcrow 4bout the same ago hag plow -'I in Bar-rie Township. I he will be able to reach the markets of -sacrificing, . - i
� I ,
� . :
� �
I I -veyors I
. Will be found the Newest- and most to Messrs. �Ialcrow, 'Wilson and Pharis' ed all se&Bion with oxen, and !averaged -There is now telephone connection He will leave for California shortly. I the world by water. t�uthful, devoted and Sympathetic con- :
IEWELLER. - . . -A party of engineers and's that characterized Naomi, Ruth - :
� � 1 4" �Mr. McGinnis, Of asbip duct I �
. with theiro,.an atharn 9�nd'Detroil the tow]
. - - aLd compa�ed mine . his acre per day. So you see tow soon betw, een Ch ' 113 takino
7 1 at Office Depart[ne-t will are now engaged at Port Nels the Jud Orpab. He deplored the gilt-edged : .
� I ,itylish Goods, from the Cheapest to found they had every prospoet of a. good children can be usef al in this � country. -The Po nc' misrapre. ,
I . . ds. 801111dilIgs and determiningi whe of . Dawn, was mulcted to
� ' ' edu. shortly introduce two cent postal car ig butter in �alsehood the deceit and i i
� or3p,* Ast e season advapeed I gave But it is. at the expence, of their nd, closes. J?reiim- amo-int of 83 for sellh � � .
7 . . I the harbor'opens a � -h ;
7 � t res, v�.ibbin one He jentation'so iarlict6r_
- the� Beat, at 'up hopea, Of, having more than a cation. Still we will soon bav6 Schools: -Afarm of 100 ae Oil Springs under false pretense. 01 13tin of business, - i
. sold at in4y surveys are -being maae,f &44 it 4 life at the preAeut .
- � . a M_
- I
t � - crop, and t1io result proyed I w &a coi - e into townships, mileof St..Thomas, receutl� . u eceeaed in victimizing, quite- 9. nu . I�Igocial and public �
__ We are now organ'lz d . stated that by Aug at, 1883, � the ,in
L . : .
�, PLATE. . ist the remarkably high figure of $100 per Is I iop,s Mr. Evoy, who .
I � ailway be .
- had to got .im,pl(- having our own officers. Winnipeg and Hu r,, until he ran ac _ �ay. I
I rect. However, we They cons . dson Bay velopment "Of i
- I � 7 I
- I RARE BARGAIN& a acre. � ght a roll which he represented as 1 -The history of the do I
. merits to, cut it just as much as thong I 1 of three- an pervisors (or councillors), e of, 300 boul
. will be located for a distano I � ,7 I
. I I weighing 61 .1 I i
Ishes, kreakw - it was a good one. Well, we got it all nlerk, treasurer, assessor, tw6 justices -Ambrose Kroetsch, of teeswate� I lbs. Becoming suspicious, 6heese In &'king in Canada is an instruct- -
- " Iles. . for there May
. � do' overseer o roads, a county of Bruce, has been appointed an in i � 3iehed his and found it only I've aDd;suggestive one, I I
id Receivers, . wn and "stooked," and got thO. of tbe-peace, an f inspector of licenses for the license dio- -The Mr. McLsren, who haa given Mr. Evoy wo - I er directions in which a similar i
. Mr. I ivinity chair in weighed 5 pounds. He made restitution be oth � I
askets. Caxd threshing wacbine, and, threshed froba pound keeper, and two constables $50,000 to endow a d . erative System ;
. Epergues, In M antles thestook. I had 1,040.busbela by mill j. Hal - . f the. supervigors� trict of South Bruce. e others of his victims, but Mr. �pplication of the coop � I
ex � crow is,. one o stions in the Knox College, is one of the geotle!men to th It among falm,t�rs may be made to great i
7 -The lumbering oper .1 !
I I i
ianda, Flo,wer measuremqntnotqnit� 10 bu.81�als to for our1o*nship, and I am clerk. anc who formed the second syndicate whom Evoy pushed the matter with the resu .
� I I . I � �dvaijta,ge. Long ago th4e were a few
' '
. 0 1 1 " A I
: . � �
� Pitabera, In- the acre of ivheat. I had also 550' one of t just -ice's of the . pea a.' R. R rear of Frontellac district . are of enor- John, and big echoes sneered at, and above stated. .
� The itook will be found complete, iu . I - ng naparatively n akers in . I
� . . . I ig a total of 1,560. ' ( a for mous magnitude this Beagon� and the Sir of a aari oo oted cheese m
Rands, Knife, - bushels of 6ats, makir I Tbon ob is one of the supervisor I denounced as men of insufficient 10api- -A highway robbery - .
- . ' rgast. for years. 13 - the country, among them Mr. Hiram .
)essert, Fruit., different style3, and of the best ma- bushels of grain -just ab,uut half �I his �o'wriohip and James Tiedale is cut promises to be the la bf small credit, and &B mere trick- character took place ]a t Friday even - L - I
I ;
- � -arm in Dereham, . -, i
� . I
. � ing, a % I
in, Rirlga-25� I I should have had. However, those who justice of the peace. Mr. R.- Twoodie , -Michael O'Rouae, convicted Of the ts", L few miles from Ottawa. A Ger- Rannie, who, on his f
w I Coun- sters, &c. e making forty years ago
,rdine, - : terials, at I irn- was.olected probate judge by a very large murder of the,Mahers in Halton dlar, from Montreal, named - began. chees I
I ��
. i
hes,, Sa J - profess to 4now say my land wil ! - to be hanged at -Mr. Archibald McLeish, of tbo� Sth man pe , ;' , and so ext(:nd-ed his �
be the editorof the ty, has been sentenced � Maurice Mahr, was attacked by two ,with five cows . i
C, Salt. Stands, prove each'year, and ultimately ; majority Mr. R."IT. Young, ssion, West Williams-, has i just - �L v �
N - - --- conce I . �
d electe r � �
, i
5rt . -is bar, Northern Expreae was d registe Milton on the Sth Jannary. nd b �loft, men, ORO Of them striking him on the ,business and reputation -as to firlallY U&S � .. :
best land. So mote it be, but it , ttle shed a , his farm.
;- - ,� Tea, 1499, ' . erected a large ca i' be milk of the wixty cows On 1
- . Ling him till'he : � I
I I =day, in Montreal, Revt �
- . cided Bargains. -Last Sal 't . ��, r
Sugar . .De on a beginner. I have this summ6r by over -200 majority. And or article, but ;
L -and I � . ; of deeds Dr. Potts, Methodist minister, was 235 feet long, and will winter u ards head, and the other chot His cheese was & SnPerl - .
P Cups- Knife . 64 broke " 90 acres additional, which now after being in the country nearly * . e. He has alreidy a became insensible. They then rifled his �, I g with this _� ;
I - ' S , I .
— . ye I inion of it is this:-, . thrown from his carriage and seriously of 60headof cattl ; In .1 I
I �
. . , Xming �
Boxes, Vases, . will eve me ovei 200 for next ar, 1 � two vears, my Op frame barn of 100 feet in length. i. His valise, taking three gold andfour silver ffered in reputation alon ;
: am Borry I Of . but not fatally injured. - watches, three dozeia of gold rings, two ill -cured, shipper sw& i
. i I . �i I
Ts,. ehildrents also to Bay that the price 1 Thai as far as farming is concerned it u herd of thoroughbred and grade q'bittle 1= . ority Of - - �
I The Ontario Poultry Associatio )d " rings, and a num- i made by the great In ai ._� :
orm,plete. � ellirig from 60c is ju - - the finest in North Mi4dle. dozen of ,IbricklE �7 �
. wheat is very low; it is 8 . at the place for a, -young in - is perhaps other jew- 1-armers. CaniLdis,11 cheese in thOSO . I
I I - will bold their next exhibition in Toron � I her of goldplsteaebains and :4 ;
I to 80c. It requires to be dry, hard and for one who is up in years the work is . I 11 I �
I i � ' , '13 coul I ibly enter the Brit- .; .
,� �
I . to, in Febrnary, commencind on the 7�h SOIL. : lot pose
I I . clean -an order to get top prices.' SO too much. The season is abort, and r. -The oatmeal Mille known as the elry. theitotsl value of which amounts 1. as dif- �. 1
I the leading makes of and Concluding On the 15th. I . . . sh market and 3alo at home w �; !
u 8 5 � 1.2 i �
Will be found all 0 you see even could we sell all our wheat although there is really . no heavy ! -cult, for �auadians were not cheese I ;
: I . � er ; I I
. - A man named Olmstead, a farm6r 11 Spring Creek Mills," in Zorra, abo t to 4 0.
L - . otally -Ou tlip night of the 30th Novemb �,
- - il we would X:Iot have a great return for Straining. work Such as has to� be gone tovMship, near Ottawa, died- two miles- from Embro, were t d John McNeil's tailor I' aters to any great extent, nor are they . i
, .
. ; I goods, in the Newesi Shades, among you morn. burglars entere i I A
11� I ' &I farm,� still luesday , i
our labor. But I will require to k tbrough with on a bush med by fire oil Wec - e d ta take his 1
� flour� hand consu to day. Mr.-Rannie use ._1 .
. '
� which can be had about 350 bnahols for seed and indst be at it early and late, land every the other day from having big ing of. last week, together with a stable. shop at Glencoe, by prying open the t, __1 J
� largest: stock, . __ ribly lacerated.by a tbreshing ma;- ned the safe by �Icheese to London, but sometimes had � ;
. � J
� � - We had a very fair crop of potatoes, day in or er to got it all Abrough ' A -valuable horse was burnt to death. frontdoor. Tbeyope 11 owe again, as half a dozen �� i
rought, to the have chine. + Suth breaking the lock, and tooka gold watch 1to take it h ,.-. I
I �
h&tL they May I . and they Were beautiful ones. Regard- people b�:e e are so ambitious! to -Mr. J�mes Dalziel, of dhesterfield, The proprietor was Mr. Hugh M. � - nd chaiu valued at $175. , They -also I cheeses almost glutted the. market for a "I . !
I I �. I
dl� I shall-, for GE NUINE BARGAINS inig our f ri�iid Halcrow, be had about large far. stbat the work to be -got aporter. of heavy land. He will be a heavy loser. There a � � �
I I week. r
*91, !I
� 100 acres in, and he -would have had throu is enormous. Just think, one the well known in as only �1,000 insurance on it, ' took five coats valued at $60 and 6vo I � i
18 81, IMSCO-U'Rtof . r . I 1 . i �_ I
I _�,
. . � a draught hores, has secured paintings ,of w of tweed worth $20. They then J� -T-uesday afternoon Of -last week ,.. I
— . about 1,80P bushels of grain, but he was man will work 100 acres, with perhap i , Mr. Edward Need- pieces ? � 1; �
I - . -A few days ago -of M. T. Barclay i I � !
manufacturers? . her of his fine animals and is the drug store I & well dressed and ititolligent looking - I I
unfortunate enough to have five Stacks a little help during seeding and harvest, a num I . bam, a well-to-do farmer of .London entered :r .
I � I -
. i�
I having them framed. i woman, accompan: 1!
� . burned, each 'of which contained 100 and so in proportion to the help ifi tl�,e I �
: JLI\T .:F'U1E?jS nnOUDced that a dog show Township, met with a fatal accident in by breaking the door and blew open the � ied by a bright little - I I �
I their -,-It is a . A- in which they found 615 in silver. 11boy, called upon Police Magistrate ;--, ;
bushels. Ithis is a severe loss to him, family will thby go on enlarging anner. Workme were Safe, :4 I.:
. d -on the 26th, 27th and 28t,h a very curious m ' a complete wreck. They IMOms, of BrautfordL, and made en- z �
. 4 - acreage. Landis rising fairly in value. will be hel god. on the top of a large building The safe is . I :
� : and he has the sympathy of a;111 the ttawa. Preminnis ePga r - Imed , quiries for one Charles Smith, who she �
; will be found. a OOMpletO stock Of neighborsi It was eaused by a prairie Farms' are now worth from 11000 to of March next at 0 ng erected. He 09 us, left their tools, ,which were cla zlrii
. � , re,blacks ith,of that said was herhusband, and who, -she 9.
HES_ W_ � - So I to th e-, value of 42,ouo will 'be offered :,in be was havi by Hugh McInty In � - ,�
� with to location. . ent inside, and was lookin up, ud a - �
. Ladies' Caps, Boas, Muffs, Sets, Capes, fire which came sweeping along 03000. according who is Strop . . w 9 . iving at a place called �
: , . g prizes. � I had heard, was li 'W
; and huml,in . - ereat velocity, and although Mr. Hal the workmen was village. -
I .9 � I � I ,would say to a young man Andrews day the 30th of Nov. board, which one of I , evenink last AJae "Brick e . i .
. crow had a fire break around, yet: it do not b.6 af raid to coing. To commer- -St. -At 6 o,clock on Friday
sigin, open face ; ith great en- band�ing, fell, the end striking him on ' I in New York, I
� kc., all offered at celebrated w Henry Anderson, &Grand Trunk ' r�
eliaber, Was 4-i
d and silver; . lea,pedthO slight barrier and 6augbt -ci&I men'with & fair capital this coup- ohead, with fatal results. . week � said he had left her , .
� . .
. d
� � . � � thuoissm in all the cities and in many the for . freight conductor, met a terrible death where be followed the trade of butcher, . . z I
; case, I q, which soon were enveloped try presents a better field than it dops ifted i by a . - �
I hunting- � the stach -Quebec, was again vii '
- . The new towns starti�g of the towns and.-villagea throughout t at Petersburg, & small station near Ber- '-some 19 moutba ago. - At the time he - I
bier, Open fam l in flames. He has done a'good Buin- to the farmer. conflagration on he 30th ult, which � .
I .
- immense Bargains. . rigine attached considerable money, I
. � -eat induge- the Dominion. lin. He stepped on the e : left he had
� , -a up in all directions offer' 91.
� and silver ; ff. % .rk. He has broke 125 acri, hool teach- deStro ed a valuable block of baSiDegg
. mer'B wa y �Squaudered, and he . �
I t -The city., of KiDgStOR Be � i
I .
e --wBil-vor; G.. this year, so that be will have about 230 merits, and a very 'large trade is being cost- and dwelling houses, but was f rtun to the train to deliver to the driver his b -at it was soon -
I -
I y - . . � d of the increased d his wrote her asking for money last April. ��z �
� W Russel and . acres ready for crop next year. Mr. B. done in the staple articles. Mercbau'ts , ers, on the, groun, . increase of ately unaccompanied by loss �f life' orders, and in Stepping Off misse 1 i
I � .
. _
. Wilson has done well. He had 65 acres Y�s a rule are all making money NO. of living, havp asked for an ne of the fiercest of the footing and fell underneath the wheels. She sent him 525, Since -when he hvA T,�
I salaries, but they are, not likely , to be The fire was o ; I ,
! NOTICEN rain, could be stopped twen. not- written her, and she had come all
. t I r �-� .
under cultivation, and has of whoo, , e credit is given, and when y which have occurred in the de- Before the t ' _
. 'it'l gratified in this respbet. i man, f a ty five cars had passed over him. His , ICIie way flom Now York to find him. � �. ..
� . oats and barley about 1,300. buShelB. Very a chattel mortgage is asked on . offers a London foundry votea city, owing to the ignitin$ 0 3, pieces. He leaves & � ent the chief for him, _. . -
I , given Oro -Aylmer � The magistrate a ' . .
� a are New and Season- -oken abont 40 acres this year, your h es or oxen for the amount, ai�d iirs large quantity of coal oil and otlI4 ex- body was cut t, I t
All the abov , otorious .
He has b; term bf ye . 'I wife and four children at Stratford, at this 7n : ; I
fixin a loan of $6,000 for a in and he was found I .
" 3`1 K 8'. want -which will give him over 100 for nex-t that must be given before you can have t !
- and 'Other advantages plosive substances. �4:
1 1
. merchant Js Safe. without'interest - ,� :
I -
I ablegoods, justwhat the people . -A painful accident occurr which town his remains were interred. place in the position of chief clerk and � : .
I . year. This he has accomplished pria- the goods. So the . ed last -1 I
llocks, from 65 I - e- to induce them to locate in that place eased had been on the road nine confidential adviser.' The nieeting � ! ,
. vyith his own bands, -ba.v- To the capitalist a good opening pr imple. Sunday near Linwood, in the doupty of Dee I . . . , �
, .
I -Casb, ciPallY . manufacture agricultural between the two in the Pdlice Magis- . � i
r Spring clocka-. . hose who have the - duriDg I Rey4js itself. First mortgages can be and . Waterloo, by which a sou of Andrew years. i
I I I y a hired man I .1 I
I I - lug had � oril ailwsy have trate's was highly dramatic. .
weights, � It is few men Who badon-fairms at 9 and 10 per cent. merits. , -The trunk lines of r be I , upbraidirigs, I �.. I .
I I with, will find this an- extra this season. . a his wife, immi- Cuni3ingbam, aged 13, lo4 his life. the I . J .
'In . prov1Dg np , _( . ed an import Embraces, tears, so . � .
fin in solid to buy could i I 'one season accomplish � as People are consta,utly i and 3eorge Kelsey an lo,d was riding on a bond Bleigh,� clown issu ant order of interest to 1 i 1
I �7.
n, - . ed at Montreal -on Sa. mely, that, the allow- I Strings etc., � - I
lay timepieces, . . ernment for their 14' d grouts, who arriv I ravellers, no, ' handkerchiefs, bonnet I . 7 .
. . ortu�nity to Secure UNSURPASSED much as tbis. He is much ellcoura - paying the gov , and the sleigh ran 9gainst 911 t 4 I Char- I
- .9 L 1,
I I Opp � I I ( e from the West 'of England, -an incline SniMal ggage shall not exceed were all mixed up, and finally ;�,
Od M ich&V turday,ar &nee of free ba I
� L ed andbehasreasonto be. AL. Cox b rrowiD themon8Yt the heels of a colt ; the kicked, �
I I � L 080. , 150 pounds * - lie" consented, if his wife would find 17�.
1 1 ile the stock is fresh 7 wb'ch io da are required, nd lin have twelve children, all born in Six for each full ticket, and 75 ..
BARGAINS wh h es in oats from I eg of a li kin striking the boy on the head and frac. ill
. ad about 22 acr ev bad diplets twice � : Iri
- I . � i - a t years. Mrs. Kels . never recovered pounds on each half ticket, on the first him work in Buffalo, to 90 and be a i�
. he got 700 bnsbels. Under all the eir- I the town i find ready' employme .t entioned. turing the sknll. He I I � 1:
� I trains between -com- man agaim She has gone on her
I and fully assorted. cumBtances this is a very good crop. J- good wa� ea. The -cost of living is'muph and twins twice in! the time in . d died in & fdw'haurs. and second class it . �` �
- M %,** . - - A military hero'bas just died in the �olasciousnesg, an � - : � .
ELF1 Ir . . the r3a,me as with yon. Wood can .!be - I ce, of the � let con- Mon points reached by the trunk limefil- errand, but it is doubtful if be wilful- :.,
� . Pharis has not. vet threshed, but big , �p of Pittab ugstou ', -Mr. James Fier I I
- on towrshi urg, near Ki I ! .
. I -wheat will go at least 20 busbeh; to the had the , Red River at from ted in,.1810, fought cession Brooke, had two large 1-mrrill, No charge shall be made for less than f ul his part of the eagagemeLt. ; �
'old Guards and . �who enlic- r the agreed weight. For '
. �
r I E.. McFAUL. 02.50 1 to John Bell, -A correspondent of the Gait Re- ��
- acre. He had the fineat crop of.,pota- $2.60 to 03 & cord, flour di&. lie and their contents destroyed by.fire on 25 pounds Ove w, ga '..
ien& Roal Plate . - t. .. i I in- Waterloo and iia I� . - webk No example: For baggage eigbed up to port6r gi - a his experience of makin :
. I ", I toes I, ever Saw, numerous and large. $3 per hundred ; cotton goods re In Spair, ve -1 �
I � I -wing the railway �
Rolies.' and GentEwe I � a splendid crop; cheap;,woolens are somewhat deaTer had been a pensioner Since �841', and .Thursday morning last 4 nds no charge shall be made,
I I mom ber of the family bad been Dw the 174 pou � short cut home by follo 1 �.
Xts ; Ladies" and I SltAFORTH. R. R. Thompson had died at the age of 92. ; rid n' clue but over that amount a charge of 15 track.. He says: -Last Thursday -af- : 1;
- via They bad about than in Ontario; sugar, 9 to 11 Pon do morning, R 0 �Is
so also had F. Da * . ienger agent of the buildings that ,_ �
Silver and - � I � _WM. Edgar, pasi per 100 pounds of price of the �
ola, I The - hind � in I fresh b�ef, 12c to 1 0; has been found to lead to the, - cause of per cent., ternop-n, I had oczaSion to go to Blair I I
.. for the dollar;
�. d Bright Gold- . I .- 35 bushels to the acre. A spice bacon, 2 ; Western Division of the Grand Trunk de. This - order took on business, and did not get through -11
. this location has produced surprislilig Y mesa por , c; ro, ( - d i- I
:11d- Gilt SetS1 I . was presented wit1I a diamond the fire. The loss will exce4d $2,000, ticket will.- be ma, .
� SES NEW GOODS t They have slao or- until too late to take the evening Gran -,
, EIGHT CA zgs, 30c. Farming i - Railway, ast, week. The n buildings, grain. bay �nd im. effect Nov. 15th. -
- . �Z largecrops. George Buttery, Who ca; e butter, 40c : eE ight of I 0 migran f .
Necklets, Brace . I- . ; seeder,$05; riDg. on Fridayn . t tickets Trunk train homes I therefore �Llo
� -
. - . I 1, from Strathroy with us, from 85 acres plementi cost as follows: . was made by, the outside plements. �1,000 is covered by insur- dered no third class or e had to
Rings, and P15in I presentation I i to be accepted on, their lines from the �
; self -binder walk' and made the beat time I could L2
6- to !�5a.; Scarf I Just. Received at had 3,300 bushels of grain. His oats mower, 1from $85 to. $95 the line. - &nce. . i both cast after Dec6mber let. . . 'I avy gale Mowing. When 11 F.
. went over 100 bu8bels to the acre, r, 0320; a discount on those ticket agents of a6dam�Lachapelle, -Two disasters on the lakes, . against the be IL �
' - � �
� yui�-ttoris, Shirt, - and bairvestT er -cent. for -Last Saturday, M ---:A few days ago a Vou-ng mau in I got to thQ Credit Val'OV track, I I.
1 1 1 Charles Parker, also from Strathroy, prices of! ten or twelve p tended by extensive loss of lifO, were 15ennis Barron I ' 1 11
. I street, and at ed .1 e north part Of
E . a,b6ut of Montreal, took ill on tb� thought (as I live in th i,
i, I OVELTY There is at present _ 'In one Amberstburg, D am � I i
I . WEIR'S N and one of our party, bad wheat which cash. acres of land opened for- wag delivered of a child on the Sidewalk.- - recorded Monday morning lastL duck.huntirig up thie river., Not the towil) what a great short out it - Zi
- . , . 0 ve � iwoman, who case the schooner Folge� went ,ashore went L
� � went nearly 40 bushels ta the a re, and ele ' n Million 613 expected two men p
. Turtle Mountpin The infant was handed to 9, Sixty miles from returning as soon ould be if I could oni
�� in the �, Mon Point 11 y cross the bridge
. his oats were so heavy that they could aottlemont I '1 not been off Sal inst ad of goiDg down to the town. I
I - -AND- An eor- walked off with it, and 11as � I . went in,search of ,him and at 8: 30 P. w . "O
Iftot be cut with the binder. Mr. James and De-Vil's lake districts. Kingston, and all hands, eight in num 'him near th
I . � , about -.maus - is expected %kp seen since. , the m. foub'd hesitated to try it at first, but my desire
I I , pmigration .
�'RtES. � Tisdale had also a splendid crop moith old �_bijld of Mr. ber, perished. In the other instance stuck in the mud, near I �
- n , ara, - to reach home got the better of my pru,-
� - . . occupy- those lands. . It -A- Sixteen . �,
- ancy . Store, 25 bushels to the acre. He has got on set- in. to . laebie. fell a victim American steam liarg6 Peter caught fire River can '�
, Goods I Bible to get a I. Hannah, of Cam ug and -nearly f amishgd- He was dence iit last, and I?;
. I
�tch Keys, Sifver F splenrl idly t!onsideriDg' the adversecir- is nowialmost impos, I 'ay last Week. Being in the middle of Lake Michigan � duri his boat ()use and a doctor N!
. L Z - . . I country. to the flames Ono J torm and went down with taken.tp the nearest h I crept cautiously al-ang till I got to the
� and steel Speo � ournstauops he b" had to contend wiih. claim in� any other part of the left alone in the house its clothing Thursday's a � n stripped and -1
ts-; G�)gglesyl Gold- I wo of his daughters since, com- But railroads axe heading for those f eleven. sent for who had bir iron p&rt, and then tried to step boldly
i He lost t ' and before aid arrived was, her entire crew o iVictoria rubbed him till be was out of danger. It fairly took
. HOTELS out. But Such a wind I I
pa Albert% StOO1. . OPPOSITE NMI ing out. -They were c�t off by a slow lands, and will be there in tim6 to give caught fire, I it died in a few -The Colonist, published at, I � . arron, Etates that during the r I
. Mr. - 19 my bretLth away before I got twenty 1�i
- .- He had the full symp From par- so badly, burnt that ii
,-and Gombs,ViO- . fever I athy, of the Settlers accommodation. British Columbia, pnblisbes the mar -1 be fainted in his boat, and yards o - . d as I got towards �,
. hours. i vice -regal ijervants. it afternoon 11 my way, -an � ,
L, and BM, 13048-., - . the whole community. Mrs. Tisdale is ties who have been in those districts., I - a%rk, he had .
�. I hah-M,, in china Goods, Vases and Toilet Setgj a d is -of excellent qual -Phijip Christie, an old tramp, who, nage:o,f two - at , Christ when he 6ame to, after the centre of the bridge � �
. � Says T I
in meerse I as learn that the 1 n Z.
. . Novelties I se Goods, Jet bearing up under her loss -as well 'will be 6riginally hailed froun Caledonia, is do- oy bells were ru n g beeu blown ashore, and got out of the down on my hands and knees and crawl . -,
B& Frenall 0&y- . . Toys of all Inuds, J4pRme I of ten wonder what wheat a y. Church Cf-thedral on Thursday - morn- he . . 9i
, at iow prices, can be expected. The loss of horses or ity. . "
I El Br"ets and Br000hes, Dolls . I � 11 this I vast country in- ing thirty days at Berlin for vagran boat but the water being very low along as best I could. I was in this po- ,
K Tobacco, Po Photograph and 4 worth when a found $260 in gold, ing, when Thomas Henry Rolfe, the I
Hand Bags, ' grain is bad enough, but to lose t Ose 1 3 jail officials soon four -d himself fast in the soft mud, siti() I
� Pocket Books, - 1. 1 clad Th4 I .It
a - .' ' James Bal ..
5 a1l ware, 'Ir &Utograph Alb=0, cheap and fine Note Papers, �iDg Manitoba and the Northwest is Governor General's valet, and Miss , n when a louder roar than usual " f
r we love i� ninch worse I ,nd bills stowed awa� in different - to extricate himself. ki a of caused me to look round, and �!
- oks, :,
; at very low prices School Bo am almost - in- silver: & ss Louise's lady's and was unable n ..
� I t - Envelopes in lots I of potatoes. � He cultivation. I . g, which were.ragged Viellard, the Prince he, would have v the night i-
. . Snpq�lies, Mouth has a -large crop � under ' I �
se ins, Vitlin hear, � � it will be So cheap as not ,parts of big clothin been found airly riz when -
- * Itool Supplies, Viol maid, joined hands and were made one Had be not . . my hair f I sav j t
d, on I &sour p. . He clined to think I ��,
1- will, be soldt On OTgans,� &a. We cau and will oell cheap, rented -land and had a good.cro . I � ud filthy. - � . isbea before morningi . - rswled 11.�
� - ad. roo- , to pay the cost of raising. No One who & child flesh. In the morning, amid � -, shower per train coining rOuDd. the curve. I 0 � �
w.arranted . - ealize the -11-be shocking spectae . - other clay a yoring maii to the edge Iq
L expenics are low. Can and tiee has opened a furniture store in ! the ,16 of a - The , of the timbers, a
��a bu, . f rOM . . a not'�Been the country can r , of rice and old shoes, the bappy pair onsisting of a cord and I
9 I . � till the train I
� al-aesg rising_�Jo�vn of St - Thomas. � EEO will do ha , d, and eight years of age helplessly drunk was brought a load , c there as best I could i
: . y looking for a vast extent of grain bearing lan . i
(at be uEkderiw1d- ALEX. WEIR . well. �, We are anxiousl ; i the streets of London left for ,,.England, home, and. beauty.,, a quarte�, of good. hard. wood, into n kept crawling on till I i
�. . Una. - . So much can and will be cultivated in presented upon before the -The 'other night. four boys, of whom passed, and the i
ang 900a bargl_ rkhiii- ro,ilw!�y �n. the west side of the R,ed I " ay. When - point Edward arid disposed Of it to & \reached the east side, and a more thank-
. - Seaforth and Pa r,t is only 16 years al age, left ,
. . I the nexP ten years that it Must produce th ' the olde 4 i
r S the road further west can't he depraved youth cOn- on his way to the ;
� - Riveri, a . � . grain market. police Court t her. resident for $q.25. f ul man than I- was never touched soli& �
I- , MISS SHANNON, Manager. carry the grain away that is coming in, a mark�d off ect on the ce fessed to, having used whiskey on previ. levis for Chicago, to find tb6ir fat .he was offered $3.25 for land. I wouldrilt go through the game, .1
. . � I
� I --- . � i
I _ r person 1;Iere has great confiden P Their history is a sad one. Their mother buyer's house
! ____ can't do it this year I do -', not Ever3 - I - Oke up to the mn ;
- and,if it' i ' it, 8,nd then w �. I
_______ . future of the Northwest ; - even one occasions- I was forced by the authorities to leave m� again for all the Money in Galt, find to �
RtNG -next. This in the ) says: Last' was the figure big e I g fh1w � .
I . ' know what will be done - - The Amherstburg Bob( ' fact that that ' anybody that thinks of croBsin � ,
. CARD OF THANKS. Levis for keeping a house of bad repute.
� - has be'eja an excellent -season for� break- the Suicidal policy of governments can him to t I
�f Watches, CIOCkff --------- � . ; but may binder its rapid Thursday evening, Mrs. Andrews, Out to St. Joseph, where 4he same ployer had told ske, and he bridge -at night, in a gale, I 84Y-410111," �.
� q.
� cousiderable rain fell after Uy, not pieiyeat, buy. � �
� -1 , my t has been . -told of the w fate &waited her, an . 4 11
and warranted to, '. . GENTLEMEN': P100680 accept ing, as _' I done. progress. I have often been ife of the Rev. Alfred Andrews, of She w d then to River Du expressed his intention of letting -
al, &I.- and & very large amoun I American ,.affairs by Kinco,rdine, lectured in the Presby- o er No. two have it if NO. one did no
years' pr&ctic Ili thanks for the very liberal pat- I- shoulcl 'Say on an average people have managoment of church, on the subjbct of tein- Loup. The father hearing of it wrote t hat figure. But the man -,Some time ago a little son of Mr. i -
. - - -
_. : any, a )acre'for next ye . ax. We icings, and needy politicians had to be terian O aus�ices of the- the Chief of pQiice to send the children come up to t , Roach, on the Iltb concession, Elms, r,
. ronage you. ha-vo extended to me during doubled their acrE , ler that a ndan may get perance, under th who had already purchased it was not �
I a . . . have hso a very pleasant summer,and bought'in Oro W6men's Christian, Temperance Union. to him. :, Iasi .. week a so easi,ly disoose(l of, for he applied was amusing himself hammering a large ri
ld stand. OPPO - � in Seatorth as hair n or heara � ' ke his eye.. i -A
� the past five years I on the 86h of his rights, but I have not see of, fine timber, numbering -On Thnrsday evening i . e e 8 1; ri !
I 4 fall. The season closec forthwith to br. McLarenfer a wfirrau� stone, h f it omething t a!
i Z
i , ... � Za - ' 9-1
T Cash FU - � I ned the of one instance of the kind, On the '. -A piece U M _-.1
� dresser, and I beg leave- to ask for a � -lying on the 11th concession, frightful catastrophe took place near ,,� As it did.not seem to pal hi' much at .1. *
November, a heavy frost stiffe 1, 400 ttees, gains� the driver for selling his WOO4, i
. ed for Cottam, twenty miles from Windsor. a. injury could be -
I . . 1
: I � 8 of the Same. I have - coutraxy the land'laws are'-fTam near Mill Creek, wall I . ��,l
; continuanc MY ground up so that plowing became im I of North Dumfries, who bave been con- whieh�so frightened the man that, be the time, and as no was PLoad .
, . f the: poor and .J Some twentv men n -
� lie equal protection o . isKribs, the wood at $2.25. Thils seen, little ttentio to it. I.,
, It closed last year 'on the f "' �
. ent possible, have & days the pain 11
- oil up. with the new Pat sold by tender n lot him Be of & few - ; �
4 premises fitt - We have rich, ijd they are faitbfnlly administer- the successful tenderer , structing a drain through that �sectio load of wood he is After the lap � ,�
I . ; ;
I for I of HeBpeler, was � ;
. I , comfort qt -h of the same month. -
adjustab which ta 'plow ed. his r as offered occupied an old shanty near by for a will be the cheapest .1 his mother ,.;
le chairs, 'h�erybona fide settler gets . I become so intense. that I
U.NTERt . . cond to none.' about forty acres- of stubble . d wherever he can find an unoccupied at 5�,500. Taking the numbe �5 per sleeping -room. On the evening in. ques- likely to get ,thi'3 winter. Hsmfltou, who discov-, 1i
I . and convenience are Be in the spring; we had to return so Ian erage of 06.', tween the Canada took him to Dr. 11
. 1 �
� al invitation to all, I am, sonal feelings regard- this would be an av tion the shanty took fire from R� defec- -Tho difficn1ty he . eentre of the Ti
4 . With a cordi much help at threshing that it hindered lot. As to my per . R&ilroa.d; ered & ece of steel in the ,�
. . -_ � . I ' d dry, Southern aud Grand.Trank . % immediately taken tO �_i
. Teweller- I I would rather tree. � an toills eyebsl He was :
Ueading J - � ed. Thzeshirilg if; iDg living in this country, Alfred, tive stovepipe, and being old I to the exorbitant fi A I V,
� ient servant, us from getting finish W,
- our obedi my- house I liveinG,oderigh were it possible, for _* Hon. Mr. Rysu and Mr. ind. operat- V
— Z- y lively. From I any social advan- Brown, representing BritiAh capitalists, burnt to ashes in such a short time that relative e latter over the the eye iUfLrm1,-y, Toronto, �
. - es 066r� see fourlsteam threshors, there are & I ask the Govern- three of the inmates were unable to charged by th
, . I #est m d Ini Fort -ed u2on byDr,R0Ove-Wh02U86*ded N
I I = 11 . I een to Otta �ej�stioual Bridge between - tiny partiole, but it
I work, and that joy here. !An hawo of land to the escape, and were burnt to a Cris . The I :t:
I I L yod ca,unot en: uffalo, and the suspension in extracting 'the _tj
JOHN: � :'
1'y stora . CONSTAB E and one horsepower A.t et a tages - at I �ave ment to make a 7611 and B - and it is not likely - ;
baken at 11 � I , . ?a ack. althon o not consider th from the Saskatolie- names of the Tictims are Robe Barr, Erie -
- by, -miss NOW* - .r Dresser, Cady's Block, great amount of grain is yet in tht h I d ed, railway A , who bridgt at Niagars, Falls, h" reglultod had done its �work . 1;
1 -YO -n Practical . riot- derive any very decided advantage by propos Churchill, on Hud- Mike Connor and John Gil. , ' the boy will rewver the use of his -
- j�2,0 eachl of ! If the threshers got through y . Fort � Canada Southern closing ft c0u- � .
. I �
,rich , in � � Opposite Commercial Hotel, Main a it is as much as the wi 1 do. comill .to this country, my children wan District to rstood, that their have been in the neighborhood but a in the of a new auspeU- eight. :
jl,e can. be seen ma � n Bay. It is unde . jug comethereto, work irset for the'ereotion . . - -
. - - Sealorth. uses a a f ifuel, "ve. They wh L!1ave 130 d by short time, hav . .
I Street, - The steamer I had uses a propositions were favorably reeelve I
� - Tl�'&t p*eb ( i -
: - is qaite ,& consideration *here good valuable claims. . .
, 1, � i :
� On. which I I - � 11 . 1; . .
I 1% j%_130wiing A_Iley in oonnecti . i � .1 , . I I
� � . ! I - I
. i . - .
! -_ - � - �
I - . � . - It I I - I � , .
: - . I . I . - __ �
7 - � I � .. I . . . I i I
. . a � i �
! � I ; �14
I . � . ,. ! � ,� 7 � .
- : I . i
. - . � . ; - � I I ! - - . - - . , - �_ � - , �_ � � - - _ �
-1 I � � . . � . I - � � i -
I I I . t11 I . I . . . I . - I , , .
I � i
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tr w , - �,
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I � � , . . -V
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. .
� . .1
1. . �
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I � I � .
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__ i _ - � = - � - I- - _ I- . _______ - . ______. _ ,- -, I - - ____,-__1 - __ , , - -, .---------, i '_ _ __- - _-_-_ ____ _-"-- __ __ I--,--.- - ------I - - - ____1 __
- _ _ - - - __ --,---.------ - -�.�----�,���--"�--------�l-.,-�,�-,,---.--�--.--,.------,--.--.- - I--..----- - _ ____ ________, ______ - " _,-1- .--,- __ . .__ - ---------,--