HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-12-01, Page 5� ,� A 1882. L that tile - - 11 w%9 States . *"r". � t _ , L ", 'he &am - - L-na. ftfu*ul I, , fourteon ; al alectiong or tiha first . i any spepiva scotlana in is, altogether rould go 011; - vere allowed L act, the, net I isa of repre- . L met, with the Gatin- xder eireurn. j I a th severest tal - careless, . is death. H�, hunting for . L� L trap which ater,00ntrary � I � . � - I I � with ta-tal . L itati6n, con- " , feredith, Q L R, Plulmly'#_ - I 1i conference ad at Ottawa Uticail situs- __ e last, named- �. depUtUtiOU I ,.� chalra, but . - I ha and Mr. I � their luck re befoia re - L er. I �bft ou'Wed- [aim the, city, on of the Re- . ,thorizes, the . pected person . . � reen sia hour I L I �efore, suariBle. Em v. reward of I �. x information P and convio.- � the. - ,turyman L I - � - mise, cA Pardon I I rmer. I rt on Taesday . I faffOr" Of the: A case of Me- �e decisiol�� of : I aw. The sAb- I 4iou was that � - n, were in the -ble, and could I for the. par - Z f ,% and timber 4 the spring, . Pt�, a�na - that � � �Iesa improve- � . ; saw logs and - 1. L down, if the � &e us& of slich tion should at - L Kfi;Laraii. L . � .Les. li� � � i " �arrie, who 1 -has. I , �ffdling witin a. - _I at the, home . I near Millbank I I g, on S,,tt day , .Ur .. � re brought to :� evening train I Y, a, large num- - I I riends; Of the � ,1 the funeral.L . report of the . � Caiiada getho- ,,ather the fol- - =� I hlao I ulairs, regar, �,' A : Na. on roll e I this year, 357. 1 1 � � sdh(yl&rs, 217;, I I L - 4�-Total" 247� 1 1 . I ' girls,, 1.1,13-1; a"R.,100. -Total, I or each Sanday I a sorry to learn . . L obliging agent : L is tendered hilt iame, has been I I ainy. His term � �ecember., The � not yet Made I I � � will, remo-va hilt I �. will then pro - 6 he holds con- , - . !a, the workmen rreight sheds StL L a caz they came I red men. Ghief !- a arrested them � on the, railway. 4d had shipped ised poultry to . , v.a% misaingg,, and mers- know some- � � �i Goderich, and - ff. Gibbons, died L ,ear of his age. . I �rsm ith, London, - - aver f anada. ifty I : God'erie-h. He 7 1 his life % m8m- (Zarch. He leaves v. three sonar and I �.e latter being i ! Rin -ham. Mr- i I t> I � I a f his death was A �": , I * .-r in Goderich. i , I'll � L I I I I I . last, while Mr. I , , , 5 9 - Winghem - � Cyl _ _L , _f 1 4 I � - - L went to, their 11 . Im ! an-asind chickens, ; i 7carried them- Off - I , i I : rned, he was told , :1 I � . i : a. yo,ung girl who i I - . ; i � hen -house and i � . . . I I � . mmedi&tely went : . I I . ad succeeded in � � �e fowl in it in. a zhis Bta,ble;. NO wea are has Yet � - � I � r. son Of Mr. An.. :� a, who has, f o,r I � jgtant teadhor in i ' �LGhoal, having re- . to, assume the � �IrangeVillaAdVer- I . ua ta his dePmr- :,with 0. highly % � mentary addresE, 7 mu t. . , �Ig, aa aaccessfal a � � �he has, been 8k � � : � -1 haive no .he wil : � � Orangevill# is- I'- �.aa a larger and L � Z. ju, and Will, no- . �Llthough he will ainesa & good devJ � we,,,ring than his - ,t is if he, goes, in � B, as we are sure L - V � I reek as Mr. JOh11 � z� of Ashfield 'f WAS' know .with a load i par a,. if, - - �061 of nail - hen he W-8-9 some On lookiu9srOund ' � � . . � - I I I i :� - I—— .. - 1- _. – __ 1, i� - I I L - . D-EcitmnPmt -J,L 1882., ' L — L ____._1-___ I . � - . � . �_____, , I . ! . I � 1411! � I . . I . I . � ____ 1. io_�'.41�;";�­­­g�­-_.i � . . i ; I % � I . I wi"ii"&i"W�'i;6� . . . I : � I . . I . . . - � � � . - � i I ; I i . , . . . . . 9 I I r - I I - ,ne' jRR7"jLvLVU %,Z&fttt UJAO ky%PVC LIM I � ! � . C)OL:Hy. _­ - V . 'Zi " I 1i - _ OL K)Urer' Wag a Sort of a slarprfse jP&rty. Itis Zealan d wl�,ich is 6d better. , 'TWI= 'MnWr f ENTHAL 1 04 H &U-41. vk+m ^;: +1, -.1 - There A n- A I'M 171 i 1, 6111A 00­1�-!' %7 A& a were 108C: He immediately set out for a P&r[011ioneri called upon hi 'in a body, , ate up 'everything there in, . 11 slow Y. � Cargoes an) quiet. There h form house to get a bag to hold his as I t house mud left him pre + OF nt I e 5 6 I nails, and, to his great surprise, . he found an his - return that; his horses, amount of silty cents.11-H idaysbu H cf, Standard4 I , I I h wagon, lumber -and. nails had,disappear. , . , I harige'd, foreign being lower. Sales of I , ed. Heat once set out for home think-: ---------- �__ A young man who until tr. it � I ,ee las I a I : I 3 i , ing th m. On ,his arrival there he met with' r4entiv had lived at the residence of his. fa6e n n Brown of a daughter. another disappointment. Finding t -bat; L AugustalMaine, married a feN' weeks * , o a . they had not returned be retraced his and leased apartments in a I nother pirt 4he 0 OKA$­'In towhahip,9, range 10, west Mani- I F L - steps and when he had gone about a mile. he found them in a barnyard all! i oftbecity. The other evening aft)r completing big d ' my's work, he left � tj L e ' f, . i I but the nails, &portion of which he I . i ,office, went up the street, bought I ll Boston paper and then climbed the, 4 ig 11 i b never got. � i -On Wednesday afternoon of 1"t: . to his father's hopse. Enteri . ng ns --- . I - Marriages. . c -week Mr. A. Hummasou's team broke i 1 from the mill at Gorrie, famil. iar precincts le, marched to the wash room, made his toilet and th n E .q away grist and ran furiously into the driving shed at presented himself at the table. The Bruadipot,-of Kansas, 1.0 M ies Helea Ronald, , siscer of "Mr. .T. D. Ronald, of Brussels, . ' Carapbell's hotel, where they ran into family h . oper tions e , yedhimwith %- McRitaiMr. VVm. R.rbottle, of Portage la XrL John MeLSUghlin's buggy and ,sm�ahed it considerably. The tongue, I amazement, and* at last -the mother- softly inquired - ' RMSTRONG—HUNT—At the residence of the I of the wagon was broken in the 'met a I e ; � th"'M F son have you procured a divp us Y vp early in 0 W CHLUCI the residence of the ' and'HoLaughlirils, horse knocked d - ow"? your wedded career A pale flush suffused the ' I an'S OU0g m Xllxab�tij, daughter ot My, Wm.. Wing, ail of B , but fortunately notlinjUred. _. � I I -Mr. H. Fowell, who has. been en- � y face, w . I bich rapidly deepened into cE r- , _. gaged as colleater for Mr. Jas. Pickard,;! dinal. Then be- gasped: "I forgot i about being ji ]w Of Exeter, during the paA four years, is Winnipeg, married." Leaving t table amid a roar of I ogbter, the a IM about removing to Manitoba, where he, has obtained a lucrati . Ve po" you Man hurried. out mid walkeo hastil . Y. a tion in an agricultural implement estab- home, where big young wife wAs irupa�, ­--- -­­ -_ FARM To RENT.—Wanted to rent for five, lishment. Mr. Fowell, during big stay tiently awaiting his coming. ' . I L in Exeter, has formed a large circle of �- - - I I . acquaintances, who deeply regret his : Tjocal Notices. k I - "e arture. i � . WINES. AND LiQuORS of the finest I MENNNNNNAEEN�§ brands for4gedicinal purpcses at L. TijoRNK's 8 W- estern v. Bastern Civilization. I- FamilyLiquor Store. 776 * � . . , . From Hsrper's Essy Char. I CARLING% AMBER ALF, and porter . La 's India XXX �,00d I -bat The -American who sits in a street pale ale and stout In and bottle at L. TIJORNM's Liquor Store. 77 leading to the recovery of this animal will be - omnibus or railroad car and 4"s a, . L. THoRNF. has been appointed'..A;e two year old cattle, two heifers and two steers. t young woman whose waist is pi ched ly for the Fairfield Plains Vineyard, w hich is noted B to a, point that makes her breathing for tho best %vines in Canada. 776 or to the ndersigned, will be,suimbly rewarded. mere panting and PUM-Ug, and wtiose To THE: FARmERS.-Foster A Sons I . _ . I NO TICES. . — feet are, squeezed into shoes with a high - are still pushing their business. Faitners do well to give t rage ome . on Thurs d, the 7th December, at 1 o'clock p.m., h1eal in the middle of the Bolef which trade, as thc-y keelp first-class workmen an I do p compels her to stump and hobble, asi repairs for all kinds of Agric?ttural implen er, to. she; tries' to, walk, should be very wary] I Grain crushers re -cut and,;atisfaction guarai teed. PATIMSON Secretary; RoBBRT CARLISLE and ALEX. ii�Awm,Trustees, Hensall?. 0. 792-3f of praising the superiority of Earopeaul All kinds of their celebrated plow points k-ept gtock. 7 80 the Walton Cheese Factory will be held. in in and American civifiz%tion to that of thei: WILSON i* YOUNG have a large &lid r, East. The grade, of civilization which! well usoited stock of� oboice family Lyro lies, superior oars for so Tice, th 4, season. One thoroughl red Chester White andl the --other im- squeezes % waist into deformity is not' provisions, crockery and glassware. Parties Lot 26 ' is joHN STA.NB1jRy- ! - 782x3 I — e - in that respect. at leastj superior to that, which squeezes & loot into deformity" quiiinganythingin either line can''depeadon ttingit from them at the lowest price and Lee best jLt Seaforth, I thoroughbred Berkshire boar. Terms, L of * It is in both instances a, barbarous con- quality. All goods guaranteed to -b( i repre -ented, and to give satisfaction, it not, ti as I ,ey - ception. &like of beauty and of the f uIlic- can be returned. The highest price pal� butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm and 'da r xy tion, of woman. The squeezed waist - and produce Call and examine stock and judge. 'or the- squeezed foot equally assume that yourselves. 781 . ,,, . � . - distortion of the human frame may be , . OAK If A 7,I Glothing House - th, 01' Pis ce, A beautiful., and that helpless idleness is 11 , to buy Fur gapsin a1l qualities and-ityl is, - - theL highest sphere Of WGMaU. Tweeds in lRuglish, Scotch an ana Mtn, 1. But the im-'erfe6tion of our Western, p Cants'F`iu�hings in all the late noval- I . . . civilin,tiju sbows itself in more serious a large assortment ties' a Coll9;:maPnrd'%ge just * received, Ulndor- of 0 forms involving women. The promis- . clothing 1u!Scotch and Canadian, (sizqs,) of Me- I otious herding n. and women pris- Boyle, yout'hal, S. Men's,Men's &,O.S,Xe4's, OrierS 111 jg6ilS, the Opposition to refornia- � - . v maL d . Rea-dymad Clothing In Boys'and MeTi's . tories and. peniteutiaries exclusively for , Suits and a large assortment of O . women, and in general the failure to c9ats in al;'sizes, which will be sold. at provide, as 9, matter of course, women attendmuta and women nursea, for al�, very much reduced prices. Orde ed Clothing alspecialty. - AU orders . 911 -, I � . d patien. women. prisoners an" ts, is a sigi - , , auteed, DFNCAN & DUNCAN.- 779. i . . . . . � - nal-illastration of a low toile of civilizm-, - : 01000 r tion. The moat revolting instances of during the Auction Sales. this abuse was the discovery On Tuesday, December 5th, 18. at sum, mer that the patients in a woman's 10 o*.clock A. M. on -Lot No. 22 , on- . i Q ins&.ne, hospital in Now Orleans were cession 131, Hay, Farm Stock', i [to - bathed. by male attendants. ments and Household Furuiture.T1 Ln - It should not need such outrages to draw Boupet, proprietor; E. 'Bosspn- . apprise us of the worth of the general berry, auc�ioneer. � d � principle that humanity and decency On Friday, December 8, at 12 ol ' clock require that in all public institutions noon, on Lot 12, ConceBsiou 17, r Y, women should. be employ6d,in the care a it & Farm Stock and Implements. ; of women., A wise proposition during- ' Archibald Duncanson, Proprietors�; A. the yeax to provide women at the police Delgatty, A,uctione6r. I ,stations for the examination of women 01000000001100MON I- . ed to becomelaw. T31F, MARKBTS- It is haird, upon the merits of the propos- � ! . I al,to uaderstand why. Women who are i SEAFORTH, Noy. 30, 1882. arreated maybe criminals, ordrunkards, Fall. Wheat Rer bushel .......... $0 87 to 4 92 . or vagabonds, or insane, or witless', or _ Spring Whe%t per bushel ........ 0 85 to Q 95 slak. But whatever the reason of the oa.ts per bushel .......... �.;­ - - - - 0 36 to 086 Peas per bu,4hel ............... ! 67 � . arreat, there can be no good reason Barley per bushel ............. : �.O 45 to 55 whatever, in a truly civilized .colju� =unity, that a woman taken undev Butter, No. 1, loose ....... � ..... 0 JL7 to 0 18 Butter, tnb .. ............. �-. .. - 0 17 to, 019 , 1 such. circumstances should be ab&nl- . Eggs.. .. .... ­ ... Flour, per -jopo- .1 -b -S. ... - ... - - - - ­, - - 2 50 to. . 2 70 doned to personal search and examina. iE[ay,new .... 4 i ............ 8 00 to' 9 00 ­ tion by the kind of men to whom that business is-usua,11y allotted. The sures� , 0 Hides, per 100 lbs .. .... ::::: Sheepskins each ............ 6 ... 0 50 t I 1 20 to' 0 20 sign of the civiliz&tion-of any com-MUD'ity 1 wool ................. I ... l...... 0 18 Bait (retail) per barrel ............ I 25 isitatreatment of womela,'and. the pro'- of our civilization is shown by the Bait (wholesale) per barrel ...... Potatoes, per busbiel(new)..... * . 0 35 U I 00 -0 40 greaB: constant amelioration of that condition. Dressed Hogs ........ ..... — ­. _. I i But the unreasonable and even revolt- 'CrANTON, Nov. 80, 1882. ing circumstances of much of the public 1 ran Wheat per bushel .......... $ 0 87 to 090 ant of them may wisely modify tra&tmp Spring Wheat per bushel ........ . 0 88 to 0 90 , - ecstasies over our vast superiority. - Oats, per,bushel ................ 0 84 t,q 0 85 . .1 Barley per bushel ........ I ........ The squeezed waists and other tokens Pead per bushel ................ 0 62 , 0 65 of the kind show. that our civilization Butter ......................... 0 18 to! 0 20 0 21 has not yet outgrown the colaception,of Eggs ............... �., _ *, , * _ t6 22 � I th moat Meretricious. epochs, that wom- 0 Hey Per ton ......... I � ........... 7 00 to 00 POfttrOeV, per bushel ............. 0 32 to 0 85 - and is � an exists for the delight of man, - wool ........................... 0 W to 0 25 meant to be a kind of decorated &ppen- Hides, per 100 its ......... _ ... 7 00 'to 8 00 - f6tten. dage of his life, while the men Dressed Elog$ .................. 7 00 to 8 00 I - daritB and men nurses of woman Pris, oners and patients show -&most unciv- LIVIMRPQOL, Nov. 28.—Spnng wheat, ilized diarecrard of the just AlustiuCtS Of 0 08a 10LI ; red winter, 8a 10d to 00s 098 6do sex. We are far from asserting. th at in this (1d; white, 09s 0d; club, I oats, 5s 06d; barlqy, 5s 6d; peas, 713 ,, therefore the position of women country is to be likened to their position , - 10d ; pork, 097B 6dj; . cheese, 60s 6d. I . in China, where the contempt of men denied them souls, Or to that among - 4 ToRon!iO, )v. ". ' '6 — —Fall wheat, 50.90 - savage tribes, where they &,,a treated as to 00.93; apr�ing, . ill 00 to $1.04; oats � 410 I beasts of burden. But because we are riot wallowing in the Slough of Despond, to 420; peas, 60o t 740 ; hay, per touill, ' � 72o ; barley, 550 to $13 00 to 016.050; it does not follow that we are sitting in The traveller who butter, 18c to 23c; potatoes per bag, 75c to 80c; eggs, per doz., 25c to 28c.; - the House Beautif al. has climbed to the mer A glace at Cha- dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., $7.00 to . nio,uni, and sees the valley wide out- $7-70 ; wool,, per pound, -18c to 200.. 1 � , . . str�eteh�ad fax below him) sees also fox above him tho awful .un lit dome of � t —0 Iii-ve Stock Markets. 44 Sovran Blanc-" ' Whafever point we MONTREAL, Nov. 28.—There was it I m&y. have reached. there is still a higher lively demand for home consumption, � point to gain. Nowhere in the world. prices were fe to c higher Ter lb. are women so truly respected as here, Prime beef sold at to 51c; second , nowhere oug,Lt they to be more happy class, 4ic to 5c ; and ean cattle at 2jc than in this country. But this is no rea- to 3o per lb. livemeight. The best gon that the New Orleans outrage should sheep brought $7.50 to 08.50 ; Iambs, be possible, while the same good ,sense t $2.50 to $4 50, and hogs $7.25 o 07-50 . L � and love of iustice which have removed per 100 lbs. � . so many barriers to fair play for women, EAST BUFFALO, Nov. 28.—Cattle—I Should press on more cheerfully than Fresh arrivals light and demand fair. i _. ev,er to remove those that remain. Prices were shaded still furt4et,,and ip L . . OF some cases all of 10c. off. A nu I mber of � . I — —!!! t 1-1 Fortune in Men Hath Some. - choice steers taken at 65.65 to 05.75 ; -yght fair shippers, $4.60 to $5, Stockers - Small Difference Made. . . � . . in good supply And lower, especially, _ , U dressed iman with 4 Who is this well , i . 3nt mt; light ones, Some Of Which Wo 'L theseml skin Overcoats bat and gloves.? 33.10. Other grades unchanged - , � I lie carries a gold�headed cane.' and is Sheep and lambs —Demand: light; all followed by a. bull -dog in a scarlet not sold. : Fair to, good Western sheep - blanket T Do you know him -?7' were quoted at 43.85 to 04.25 ; choice It Gh, yes; that is Sluggerj_ the pugil- to extra, $4.40 to 15 ; �Westem lambs, � ht. Fine man. H -%rd hitter. Very 44.60 to $5 . 25; Canadas, $5.40 to 85.60. [ popular. Always surrounded by a Hogs—Market dull. and lower. Sales- I crowd of adminugfriendB, as you see - Yorkers 9 - $6.10 to $6.20 for good to him. He is very well off ; WaS given a . choice-; light Yorkers in very ligbt de - I benafit the other night that netted him . mand, at $5-90 to 86. 00 ; good Medium ' 1 85002) weighta, 46.30 to $6.50; gd,pd heavy, - Indeed; he is very fortunate." 56.55 to 56.76; one load of Vary extra, " Oh, yes, & vary fortunate fellow ; . 5.50 to 05.75. �, f 6.85 ; - pigs, $ 1 r3ulis high in his profession, YOU see. if: " I - � i - -1 Who is that white -headed, weary' I � Weekly 1�eview of the British looking old man close behind the pugil- I . Graan Trade- ist and hill friends? Poor mans he LoNPoN, Nov. 27,—The Maxlli Lane seems, thinly clad for this Wintry 11 myn ?17 xnress in a revie w .of the British E . U I as beenf,-nO a I dvancein any oll6r do- riptiou of foreign, breadstuffaj which . 11 slow Y. � Cargoes an) quiet. There ;Ave been" eight arrivals 4 d five ges. - W. 1 - California aivanced d. -The forward trade has b een in- i lactive'. prices remaining steady. lourha �Ieen in restricted demand, d sale are more or less labored. ;is oreign - unimproved, and arrivals om Anjerics are heavy. Barley has . npiovelA. Samples are scarce, Valvep riptoved at some provincial exch anges, ' t fore�gn is - quiet. Oats are un-, harige'd, foreign being lower. Sales of I nf �lish ,%ht�at during the week, 52,159 , na *terg 40s lld' against 52,491 , I ua�o rs;,t f5s 4d at the correo ponding tr. it � I ,ee las I a I : I I ; i I li . . . . . I , I Births. I - 041 AEL-�_-Iu Hullett owthe 17th nit., the e ol Mr. Thoo. McZtehsel, of a, son. . ROWN-In Seaforth on the , the wife Brown of a daughter. I 1e4NMNr-'WI',mieafortb on the 18th ult , the wife of Mr ;ao. McGinn of a daughter. OALLUM—In East Wawanosh, on the 21st ,nit., the wife of Mr. .jamiDs- McCallum of a �on. � * . . I OL&RS—In �&Ft Wswanosh, 20th on the ult,,, - wife 61 Mr. George Solws of a son. 4he 0 OKA$­'In towhahip,9, range 10, west Mani- . )be, On the 18th Sept., the wire of Un ') mael Longman, formerly of Hullett, of a �&% I L L � cc OMB In Blyth on the 25th ult., the wife Mr. X. B. McCoomb of a uon, H�f IRRITT—In B13 th on the 27th nit., the wife I ' lies. Sherribt, of a son. . HE42N—In AX'Mr.. I Clinton on the 25th ult.-, the wile of Mr. F. Maophersun of a Son. I , I . : e ; *_ i i I Deaths. j . I 116DIE—In Walton on the 22nd Nay., Mabel, . daugh.er of Mr. Chao. Brodie, aged 1 year and 8 mon�hs. i I I . I i i --- . I - Marriages. . 0STER—LYONS-1tHillside,Dundag, on the 29bh inst., by the Rev. Jas., Graham, Mr. Hurace Fuster, of Clinton, to Miss Sarah, youngest daughter of Edward Lyons, Esq., of I Mudap. , � 11 , HOADFOOT—RONA,LD—At Chatham on the :_ 23rdiwt.,by Rev. Mr. Walker, Mr. John Bruadipot,-of Kansas, 1.0 M ies Helea Ronald, , siscer of "Mr. .T. D. Ronald, of Brussels, ont. .,�� i ARBOTT PATTEESOZ�—Iu Grey on the 13thuit., at the residence of ' the bride'h ,father 'Mr.. George Patterson, by Rev. D. B. McRitaiMr. VVm. R.rbottle, of Portage la �Prarril, to Miss Mary Patterson,, of ,Grey. . . I RMSTRONG—HUNT—At the residence of the I bride's -father, on Wednes0ay, the 15th ult.,by Rev- & J. Robinsoa, Mr. Irving Armstrong . to Miss L. Huut, daughter of hir. E. Hunt', . . all of �.xeter. I . CHLUCI the residence of the ' ,�TF�R—WING—At brideV tether on the 26th nit., by Bev* H ' Dierlamm, Mr. David Sehluchter to bliss Xllxab�tij, daughter ot My, Wm.. Wing, ail of . I Hari I - � PAUST_LOEWEGUT-1nZur*choii the 25th ' nit., b I Bev H. Dierltimm, Mr. Adam Yan8b to Mis; Paulina. Loewegat, both of Hay. - _: RE�L __ , — ESTATE. . FOR SALE. - I - . . FARM FOR .SALE.—For sale, th� south lial ,_9f Lot 18, Cbncession,,9, Stanley, containfug ;0 ae'res, about 40 of which� are cleared, the bal- knee well timbered v6 ith miple. Therb are 6 Lares undeT fall whpat. There is a log house and rood frame barn, also a 3 oung o chard and a , never faili�- sprin,J of water. Is within a mile a theBayfield tioad, and couvenient tu�tnarkets, churches, - chools, &e- For juriber pa, ticulars apply to tl e undersigned on the same. Concession or to Varna P.O. DAVID POLLb( JK 782 ­--- -­­ -_ FARM To RENT.—Wanted to rent for five, years,' Lot 11, doncession 7, Stanley, a farm containing I 00 acres, about 80 (-f which are clear- ed and in a state of good cultivation. There are ten acres under fall whem. The buildings and , fence are o d, and there is a good orchard. It is wilin t�,,)O' miles of the village of Varna, and ig convenien to markets. The f,%Il'plowing is all , d?ue and 17 acres are seeded to grass. P,issesBion given at a y time, Apply on'the premises or to the propli; ter, Varna P. 0. R. TURNER. 782x4 . - - - I . — IESTRAY STOCK. - - I . . 1� STRAY S rEER.--0tune into the premises of . L:J thaiundersigned, Lot 20, 0 oncession 2, H.R. 8 " , Tuck6rSmith, P;bout the middle of November, a two year'old red and wbite steer. The owner can hmve the same on proving property and pay- ing chargeo. SAMUEL C&,RNOCHA-N Jr. 782x4 — . STRAYED . HEIFER.—Strayed froin the prem- ioes of the undersigomed, 2nd Concession, H. R. S , uckersmith, in the month of Octobtr last, a red eifer, 24 months old, well-bred and with fiPe beid and borns. Any information leading to the recovery of this animal will be suitably rewarded. G E.' CRESSWELL. 782 � : ESTRAX CATTLE.—Strayed from the prem - ises of the undersigned, near Varna, four two year old cattle, two heifers and two steers. One of the heifers was white, and the other red, with a few wbite hairs on the face. The stpers. were red d white and one was a little larger a a ' than the o her. Rey were all -marked with a roun( hol in the right ear. A - ny person giving I � . such info ation as will lead to the recovery of these ani a , Is at TuE EXPOSITOR office, Seaforth, or to the ndersigned, will be,suimbly rewarded. SAMUEL �IARRIS, Varna. - 782x4 — . I . _ . I NO TICES. . — — . AMEE�1NG of the patrons of Winth-rop cheese Factory wiLl be held in the Factory - ' I . on Thurs d, the 7th December, at 1 o'clock p.m., _1�y, sharp, to � ceive their checks and a statement of the seaso' s work A meeting of the sharehold- � ers and intending sbareholdenj will be held im- mediately after, to make arrangements for next season. Every one interested invited. JOHN C. iioRRISCN, See etary. . , 782-1 — �TANT � D. _' Two female feachers, h � olding V% _� ertifleate's, to act as assistants thi class c r�, in School ection No, 10, Hay, for 1883. Appli- . , catioDs, w. th testimonials, will be received until I Decemberll5th by the undersigned. ROBERT PATIMSON Secretary; RoBBRT CARLISLE and ALEX. ii�Awm,Trustees, Hensall?. 0. 792-3f — WALTO�q CHEESE F&CTORY.—The annual meqting.of the shareholders and patrons of the Walton Cheese Factory will be held. in Beirne's E all on Thurgtiny Dec. 14, at I o'clock p. m.:.for the purpose of winding up the business 0! the pa,st season, el6eting Directors and "ki arrarg,ements for neybft year's work. . — By ()R�'�' -'THE PURESID NT. N.. B. OF . _� October milk maney will be read � on &iturday ' Decemberig. 782-2 - . NOTIC . E.—The subscriber wo ld respectfully informthe public that hel has two very superior oars for so Tice, th 4, season. One thoroughl red Chester White andl the --other im- , proved Be-kshire. Both winnerg Of fir" prizes atClinton-fall Show, 1882. Tdrms, $1, cash. b Concession� Stanley) I London Road, Lot 26 ' is joHN STA.NB1jRy- ! - 782x3 I — � ___________________________t__ . I I I IRE BOAR.—The ujAersigned will BERkKeN season 4 ep, for service during the I present his farm, onthe Huron Road,f2i miles east ol jLt Seaforth, I thoroughbred Berkshire boar. Terms, L $1, with t � e privilege of returning it necessary, . nova and payable at the time of serviiice. MICHAEL HEFFERNAN. T 782x4 I . - . � I . :FV1=t1%1T1fr Is- . , . i J. S.. PORTER 'SE.#FORTHI . I ! � . ! , - ; 1_ am 4teMined to 1 Cj'ar Out mb I Bnt�re Stock of FU ture regard, I "If . i ` pf V08t. � "8 � THOS]IN WANT, it will pZy tbLem to &seer c I aes before purchao g elsewhere. tsin pri 0 give, a L 1 13 discount to those I paying caB , SO juarried conpl �s- pecially%_09 newly T .&.ill selling oft highly 11 3dshad chairs foi . weather. Do You -0- un- grain trade during the paslo wee , Skyo a - � tonlo Sgring Bea, the "Oh, yes; that is old-Faithful,11 Co . Lopelessly late'. wheat $2.60. 1 sl8okeepRnOwl rned man, they "Progress with h beat Sno cheapest in the morket; werranted I L . t.ryL clergyman. Very lea low under the Most pedectl noiselem - � . say. Been a preacher of the gospel all sowing ifj -vary a . There is no W ma divect,ly Opposite M. R. Oounter'o - at. He had a favorable circumstances . = , gsrnmo�h.jeweir,y Store, Main street, Sestorth, his life but poor as a r . imiDrovenient in supplies, and dry . I 6st Side. � benefit,'. too, the other night." scarce. Trade is dull Be' . skins, fare apd, tallow. No ruples'are still cash des, .- ' 11 Oh, indeed I Did it net him sa d. Foreign con- truck ortj2e'. Cash for everyt Ug. ?11 . ^ud rates are unchange pt New 025 . ju V h, POBTEIR, much )& it tinues jQdisappoint sellers, exce r 'lid I I . � "I don't think it c - YOU M , . � . . I 11 . � � li I . : I , , � I I I 11 . I I i n I- - �� I . I I . W 1. - ! I �� . . I I I � I � . I . I � I I I I I . I . I I . . � . - I.- . I . J - I j . . � i I - � ;� � i . i - . 7 - . I I I 'LUMSDENI & WILSON, � . - . I I �! A tl i I ­ � �; i � '; 1 :,- I :� � , . I - 1_ . " , ! � ___�� OR-, - � . � � - : . 1; � . - i� ! . i" - �11 � ,, - �� I il I � i �, :1 I . .1, i 11 I � i� i . � � : -%HRISTMAS & NE*V YEAR PRESENTS.' j , � . - LAI D LAW a . : � 7� � I ! I . � ' - ; 11F A I R L E Y X .., . . � � �, i , I I . . � . . - . � . I I I . I : - � . . . � ' � � I . . � . � �� i We have this year by far the larges assortment of r-ancy Goodrf, Gift Books DUNCAN'S, .,. I , � . i I . i " il ad Toys we have ever showD, and wel can, vpith all co"dence, solicit a con- . . nuance of the patronage. go liberally bestoWed upon -us in the past, feeling car. . — - �z. I 4 t i I . 1 1 i 4�. : I 6in that ' give the right goods at the right price. It would be weless for , (MR I ticles have n*w Z�Utulmerate beautilul . � . 4 � � I -,� I - �, ­ -, � a to try . the many asef al and ar we on - ihibition; however, we would call special attention to the following liuow� which ,e claim to have, in the greatest, vamiety, in the - . � SPECIAL .f I � 11 ,� 2 r 1 ; h I I � z � . . - , , I T. I at not least, at the lowest prices : . . I I I. I -38ell. � . � L� - lIi I i i � I � � - � - , , Bibles, Jbums DoA# I , , -ze . Tiestamants, Vork Bo es. Ebo -, d Boxes, . , . ' � . � - � . I w i -I �_ � I . v 11 . [ . �� 1, I z I , j . - , � ; I '' Vfititlg Desks, I ­ ru!b T rays and RruBh, ,Yrsyer Books,, 0 I I I I ;� 0 r � � - ; : , � I - 11 � I I apanese Goods, I Toyo, I H3mnwBooks, ligar Cases, � Violins, !� Pocket Books, I I I . -_ . I - ! 7" I ?, ; I j . I � ! I � I I earl Card Cases, ' Mouth, Oigans, Picture Books, 'hell Goods, Children's Dishes, Gift Books.- - 11 1 . I - C ! il 7 1 t� A 11, f! i � � - - t - I � I . .1 I I I i - QH'RISTMAS AND INEW YEAR OARDS. � i I . I s datl��t f DeJe From. thi il the end o �, � �, ­ i mber, we have dbterniine& tb dispose of ni, I � .� ; I . ii � I . � � I It is- a pleasure to show oar goods, lwhether you buy or not. Come, anLa' see- 1. . . i owr large vA -isortment of merchandise at �4 I ii i . I greatly reduced prices for C ASH. Our A . _; � I - � . i i I . i � liem. I . � I � . , i J I . I . . . - - . stftk compi ises the largest assortment 7� . . i 17 . % : � "I : , - � ; T - I � " . I i LUMSDEN & WILSON, ScoWs'B1o@ki'. . - I I 1� - - I � I - , ­ I �, 11 � ; - -10 I ; GROCERIES, OROOK�IRY -1 1. .�, j � j� - I ­ . .. _� ­ I �c i t, i � �_� i i, ; �t i � 1 , I V� . o i AND GLASSWARE 1! ! � j-, i �� 1! � ;, - 1- " i I " . - I . t , � .. . . . I i ; . . C DIUNCAM, Dlis'spensing Chemist,, � . � ; � � ! I � 1, I I � . I I I! - � ; � � � I I t . � I -DEALER IN- - � : . !i � c� I i . I i� . i� . ]� r� I I . _� I i 'I I . �, i 1! i. fl r ! - . I ; I I � i Held-'b�y anytHougt 3 in town, ana Chah bh . i , yers will find it to their aavautage to - i �_ i �, - , 1 � � ' )URE ORNS AND CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFSA PATENT MEDICINES, . purchase from -as. Every department I ; . � � , � now fully assorted, and prices- wfll be I. i i . �­� i i � r- . , I - ! � . I -, i �.� i ! ;. . I . . i .1 Invites special attention to his Aock of 1 � . I � f bun&, row, . I I I . I - 1� . I I I i . . � i ; t-1 21 : I t I , ,7 c i ! i I i � . � i . - DRUGS, SUNDRIES AN,D FANOY GOODS9 . . . - . � � � . , , � ,i � � _:� � I ; i �� r �_l ! I . . -1 . - � , , . . - i T� . � I - � completo stock of Razor and R6,zor Strops, Pipes and Pipe Fixtures, Purses - . � . . � - T ; I � . 1, r V; i � i. . � __ �' t I : . I . . 6nd Pocket Books, Clothes, Hair and .Tooth Brushes; Combs in every descrip- . I I - � CK -a 0 al . � ;.-. � I -,- ; 14. 31 TZIE El S - 11 ; I T ion and i __1 . price. . . . r I . " wN m: I li . i ­ . : i . I r �.� � . �.-�. � I � - - I Ok LARGE & WELL -ASSORTED STOCK OF PERFUMERY t . - �--Ih, Blacks, Green .and Japan TEAS . I- i � I , � I � �_ : i, 11 �,r i - Pricea nage from 25 ceuts to 75 cents- -1 ! �, ! � 1. ' r i r 11 e: I i I Also, a large stock of all kinds of Horse and CLMle Medicines kept * : . per pound. 11 -­ �­ .� � * N_c .I. . 1 k1ways,in stock at ! . . . . r I . ll ! I SUGARS -Refined and Raw-sple4�did . i , value. � .��'�4' .�_� - . � ' . :!- 11 � . I ,It � �. I 11.11 C. DUNCAN'S, . COFFIEJES-Green, Roasted and 6.".ound, . It XM%-th&fact that -we roast and �, . - 24 I I . . !; J� I �411 . I S UCCRSSOR TO E. HICK861V & CO. - grind, our own Coffee on t e pre, ' I -38ell. � . � - mI I . I . - # I . .. . : i I . SPICES -Whole and Ground. Noladbiterated 1i � I pounil Spices kej)t in stock. - t I i - I . I '. EXTRACTS—A, large assortment�q,jaahty ' L-No*.L - - � t , ,; � r! .Zl; .. ! ; ­ . . I . I I . I - I I ' G R I . I 0 C ER I E S.� I; . 11 . ' PICKLES-, SA-'U,CES, JELLIES, &c., kc- � I - �1 I � �3 ; 1i ��, .4 � � ii . I I1i ;i .. I I - .1 - � . � . I . _' CANNED FRUIT -In Peacb' , P&.tra-, - Pin&. Alpplm Apria ots, Neo- pp . 11 i�, �.�; 1, - - . . , . . . . I es, &a. Stock unusually 14�rge, tarin !; - I- I I and prioes,La-libw as last, year, not--- I I I I - N Lj 11 . . . . . � - � . withatauding the high price of green il I I - . frait, this,seavom. ii - �4 T1 ., � FRESH -ARRI-VALS THIS W__ EEKS - il . I � � I J .1 �i� . . GURRANTS-la barrels and cailes,the-best valbe-in the me-rket. No � I � tl i.A I � I�Y ­ , _; . inferior goods -all fresh and go( . d. , � I ill 0 . - NE W TEAS � .. - . . 0-1- A. 11 XT -1 � -1 -41 4.1,_ 1, -4- �,��_4,�A &"A ^-^I,v " wN m: I li � I Kj0Lj*jjV,0 —%jur.rixura C U 2 ar� `&1.1; . V . S D : ­ : I - ,Z . - ­ � I � I . I ! :�! "' ept by us--, I don't you forget i(" Layer Raisins for the tal Ae, good to i A - k :1 r . i NEW SUGABS2 I I ,�. f � . * ,. !j I U . . �, I i 1, . . ., - lut upin, single- layers, and qv tarter boxes , ` , . : choice. Come and see them. � R I . i �z" ; - 1. 1% -_ . I - NEW I 1 3 . � RAISINS., 4 . I 1-1 . - . -nice for family,use. :., �i . :i . . . z_ . 1. � - 1� I I � l�' �� i 11 : , � - � I . and Citron Pe , POIRTED. Shelled Almoi.ids. Malaga, - NEW CURRANTS. .. LEMON, Orange k . p ­ � ,�_l C �, � � - � Gftpes, Eleme Figs, S. S. Al nda,-W`alnuL,a,_FiLbert%, Bil .zil Nuts, &C- ;_ i � t - i Nine Pounds Best Brazillian Coffie-le for $1. ; 11 Z i F1 �, - . . . - I , . ,; . ;� I il I ii . - � — I � t I THOMAS KIDD, I � - � � . - i 1i . I i I I 0 I . . ' Corner Main and Market Streets. . i 1� I � ii � - I I - I I i. ; 4 - � � . . . :P_1:Z0._V a3:016T, E5- ! _.Wffil., - . - i . I � i . I - - - . ­ I � - � ! - . I ; i ` - � 11 . r. . � NEWSTORE NEW GOODS9 NEW PRICES - - Hand as Usual- � V . . � Frour and Feed A w4y&­ on i .1 I � . I � - I i . I 11 I . I - . I ; I . I :1 i � - . I � I � - ! . i. . .! fl, � I �, I I I � T � � . E, J. H I L L I � i . - � - � . � . I a I . I i . . * - I i . I I Begs to announce to residents of Stanley and Tackenmith Townships, th&t -he � � - 1 3 1 I � in Bracefield a fine stock of I ORO GKE RY . . ! � . has opened out % i - . i : - i � � . ; i i : � I . . I � DRY,C000% GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, BOOTS, AND Tea,. &M im Ckina fmm Five Dollcws. to Twenty - Dollars. I i . - � - � � . . . � - �1 . � , . . i I I . SHOES, HATS, CAPS9 ETC., . I Tm. Sets i* Granite , Plain awot P2��2aed. . - � .1 . � � L j � I I � I :)pes that by honest and upright dealing, by close application to business, . And h( . D inner 3#ir&-Good, Assortumat-Prices Low. merit a fair share" of public patron- � j � and the study of the wants 6f the people, to . � ,t . ; age. Our stock is now about complete, and we show - some flue lines. and would . draw vour attention to our DRXSS GOODS -very pretty; our BLUA - BLACK 6!hwnber &ts--F('hite and Frint#-Stock Large. , , i CASHMERE -lovely goods; our BL CK and COLORED VELYWATEN Ej- I ; I . . I just too too; our HATS and CAIVS-n6w and. nobby; our GENTS' and I LADIES' UNDERWEAR -grand, value; our FLANNELS, BLANRETS, ToiZet Sia—Misap and Good. �: . ;� % 1 . TWEEDS, COTTONS, pronounced by our customers to be just the thing, with - . , , . ive special bargains to pur-, Miaj-olica War e in endl"8 vari4ty­'See , prices right. During the next two weeks we will g . I tA&n. ' Cal chasers of large paxcels, 1 and take a look through our stock and get se. . � "., I . � L quainted ; always gOod'natit,red. We consider it a. pleasure to show goods. . L I � � . f 8 6 I . of. �g u t h . Fancy Gooels Holiday, Weddi' an�d Birthday Fre8sn18--7r_, I E. J. HILL, Brucofield.. i . i - � . � I I I - I � , - zeen-too varied to " ate, - . � 6'0 � . � � - I i 0", A ! %A^INS IN . , � ? I - GREAT BAR . � 7 I . I . __ - � � . I I' . I . . DRY GOODS,. MILUNERY & MANTLES . GLAS I i - WA R E x . 1 —.4 T_ P, :J . I . I - � I_j'.0:F:F M.& IT. :B 1R.0 0!lc IT Im TUS 11 ur stock in this line is simply . . . . . cordially. invite inspection. We gul � 0 7 w . . . i - 7 them, or no sale. We deliver g I - ­ r . - 1. � . � . � - — � i I L _. .. promptly. We axe to belound und . I . . I � . . . S+-X-Nek Complete in Every Line. Call and . L,%�, I � .. . I ­ I LAI I I . Inspect the Goods and Prices. T L . . I + , . � � . . . . ' . C.ALSON0118 I . I � 0LOCK. j . HOFFMAN BROTHERS, Seaforth, I . . -_ I . - uneuse. Come and look at it. We ntee our goods to be as we represent I Is free of charge. We deliver goods the clock in Cardno'o Block. LAW & FAIRLEY,' I � L Main . -Street, Seaforth* . - I � 1�1 � . - L � �