HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-11-17, Page 8I
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- i I . � -1 : ! . Novmmm 17, 1882. �. -
* I i . I � V � : . . I - � -
� . I . THE HURON EXPIU61LUA I __ - I - S�_
i - -_ —_ . -
I I - I -
8 __ - _____ I , � --- __ ! -udli to of miobief.— Manchester congregation, complained �' I
- mwwnw� __ — � . . � McCrea, from the Bruce mines, is buy- needlegg to say, all did ample justice. for their me, a so �
, his friends. Before Every one says that the village should that the Session of Mancheaterhad I
dance of Mrs. Smith, mother-in-law Of prehensions among ing p some horse's to take back with About tbiA'time a number of ladies and � a Bidewalk, but no one seems taken no action upon certain charges
OV* the deceased.:. The funeral took pl%ca leaving, however, they made him a sub- 0 gentlemen' commenced. arriviag, and in have .
rtuvoll tXY00it � no . stantial present in the shape Of a purge him.i:-Mrs. Bagabey has moved int have sufficient - "Band" to take 7hich,had been preferred against them .-
, on Sunday afternoon, and was 0 -of I I iw
i * containing 0300, thus testifying the as- her �ew hoxise, which is very neat anoi! a short time the comfortable residence to and Carry it and that they bad thus been de N;i -
the largest we� have seen in Seaforth. F his of ' I I mine host " presented # most lively hold of the - matter . I
- — team in which he was hold -by the peo. coulvleuient.—C. G. Bell is offering I ins tbrou . Why is this? of an opportunity of cleariDo them -
f! in the proces- and, airimated appearance. I The viol , . gh �
There were fi t carriages I The session was i i 'r'
MATTERS. W � ple of Irishtown. The reverend gentle- saw �aill and property for F,ale. This is selves., nstructed to -
_ - .
DISTRIOT ___ sion besides �n immense number on on Wednesday a good chance for a man with means if were set gomg, and the 11 light fantas. Varna. investigate the Charges without delay I - ,
- 3 years man ldf6 for Colorado tic,, was Mdulged in until the 11 wee
foot. The aeqeased was about 2 ri t mill, it being I 1� 0 Wo I -
I +A gria Mu and to report the result to the Pres.
-1 1hA wants to start a
- I - last, atownion plaioehe will-rew L - 'A" MZMAL.—jur. Gann w e CL %JU .1
PUBIIISHERs, NOTICE. Of I . . reatly requir village is bytery! at its next meeting. Dr. Ure
age. He had been employed by Mr Bms bouiM." All present spenit a very �
. I ; Bud was '06 he regains his former health, which, we g, I . ad here. Our pleasant ovening, and, we dare ,asy, Hotel, Varna, every Tuesday and Fri-
. .
. � Broadfout forov'�r 12 yearl , ill be of a parimallent pro�pering,and the farrAera want to got ' I and t,�ree members of the Goderich .. �
quirieB steady, industrious and reliable young trust, before long, w earer home, where th none of t am would be a bit. sorry if a dsoy, at 2 o'clock. See card.
-amber of all . - theiF griating n ey . I h ut took place oftener if they ! - - Session were afterwards appointed to
squirre I I I
in response to a n man. He had been married only about nature. I � - sell �heir-produoe and do their trading. . assist; the Manchester Session in th&
I .
we may state that we will this year, Bix months, and his young widow -will I would all have a. similar ending. The I Clinton. . .
. Wi-ughaxa. —Our merchants are selling piles Of . . investigation.
most sincere sympathy of. h, ., [yRoX yiM NEW ZRA.]
sU in her great bereavement. . Bumirs.—The frien L "c,w 6 and was admired by all,
saformerly, supply subscribers to meet with tile ' He had do and relatives of winter goods since the cold snap set in. ch was of the most excellent A Memorial from Mr. John Jackson
TEM ExposiToR. with the Globe, Fire Bri- old comet -The farmers lin -this vicinity have,!' maeson io" Yum SoLD.-M.Mr. James Stevens of was presented, asking inforMatioUre.
" .
11 Wit. been a member of the Seaforth . the dea,d:interrbd in the ery _. had by the Messrs. Chesney the baseline, has sold his farm of 070 spect-hag an alleged union of the Sea- .
iontret - new one lost!aeveral valuable horses. A veter- I I Wit$ furai� I �
Western Advertiser, M gaae and took 'part in the several tourna. axe fast removing them to the . I . ; � on the vi,clin, and the Misses Chesney apres in Colborne, being lot 1, 4th con- sious ,
ness, Canada Presbyterian, and merits at which the Brigade Eo signally before the 1Bt bf December, when the inai4y surgeon is wanted sooner' to allay and Miss Brown on the melodeon. cession, and part of lot 5, to John Mug- of Manchester and Smith's Hill, - �
, inflammation. A,.good man would do : - by acti of Presbytery some years ago. A.
a ncil will take the matter in I . I f $4,600. 1
Farmer's Advocate, at current rates distinguished themselves, and as Town Cou -rem . ining. 11 here. Also an experienced, � fdkd, of Mariposa, for the sum 0 the Records
. ,
we i I carefu�l examination of
mark of respect 'to their late oomraae hand and remove those still a t I Orrey. . T. is is the same gentleman that has
. i � ill disclo�ed the fact the though such a -
of subscription. . ade turned out -an account of the cold weather, the M. D1. - - . I I ! in Goder- I
: - -_ i meet- bought Mr� Hy. Young's farm
We will also give th6 remainder of this ther members of the brig 0 . � COUNC4 Domois.--At the last union1had been suggested, ic had ne er
I __ in 8, body to the funeral and marched in railway company - have concluded t Rullett. ing of the. Grey council it was moved by iq& township. One of the farms he will been 'consummated. ThePresbyt . ery, .
subscribers to THE procession to the cemetery, where they -wait,luntil spring to finish the now � father of slop, seconded by Walter ,Work himself, the other will be worked : _�
year into new � VERY Low. -Mr. Cumings, John H� , however, was unauimoua in the opinion .
. ExposiToR who pay in advance. agBisted in the laat sad ritej3. I bridge, which is partly built, -Quite a thelblesars. Cum'ings'of this township,. his son. I
i - - was noticeable in the vocal Oliver, that Archibald Duncanson be by that Mr. Pritchard, the minister of the
� - L - change Bat, the point of death, old age bek-3g I paid $4.5 for digging nine rods of ditch 1 CHANGED H,&NDs.-The Huron Record two congregations, bad all along acted
- - . a GnocER-YDEFART- LocAL BRiF,FB7.—The first Bnow of the organs of Mr. J. A. Newton, who is- lie i ' again changed hands, Messrs. . I der the conviction
DuwcAx & DuxcAN' leader of the Methodist choir, on San. ,his chief weakness. on the ro* d at lot 12 and 13, concession has in good faith, &-ad un
e special season fell on Monday last, but it didn't I Miss Clarai ,Iaokaby & Havill having sold out to -
you ought to have ay it was due to the Bo�;F, BROKICN,— While 17 - Ca ried. Christopher Raynard B
x"T.—Don% fail to observe that we giv I that the two Sessions had been actually
ralu -Mr.! Josiah Watson has Bold day last. Some 81 . . n a cal L
- a in Teas and Coffees. Stbay 1011 g. — I I . Ta0blyn was swinging her arms care- ,seented a bill of �2 damages -to his Mr. N. M. Buch er, late of th lo iteol; It was also agreed to confirm
-one trial of our 70 cent tea for 60 cents, import- his residence o' Main street, oouth of, 'fact that on that morning he became lesqly last week, she wrenc�hed her. L uggy 0 used by the horse breaking 4aff of the Hamilton Times, who takes un I
,ed; also 76L Cent tea for 65 cents, imported, and L 4 ;earn, for the the happy parent of a 11 bourricing baby . h � ession this week. We believe it is the. proceedings of these Sessions while
better value in the railway, to *r. ZeDas B Colla bone and broke it. She will! ,throu� he bridge at lots 15 and' 26, poss I der the impression that the
be convinced that there. is no _ I . t acting un
As green coffe -Mr. John Killoran boy.,, -The funeral sermon of the late I . � I .1 I
the market. Eight poun e for tt- surn of $600'cash. - . 8 preached be, I 1 d up for six or eight weeks� concession 8. ' Moved by Mr. Will. the intention of Mr. Havill to go to 1 union,lbad taken p.ace. �
pust re - Mrs. George McKibbon wa I - i e.has obtained a good I I
-extra. quali - has leaBed the -!store in Stark's block, thercby. Milne, seconded �y E. Bryans that tl1Q Chicago, where b.
,reived a lartre consignment of currants and - by the -Rev. G. N. Cornish, in the 1J -ENGIGED.—Mr. Thos. Murticb, of! -Carried. Richard Spar, situation, and Mr. Blackaby goes to Thol Presbytery theu adjourned to
We keep on h9aid at A, !%gain
� formerly occupi�d- by Mr. W. S. Robeit I I I bill Le paid . ' the third Tuesday in .
xamns, of the Rrst quality. lion, and inteud� op i out therein' a Methodist Episcopal church, on,Sunday H leroad Ottawa, where he will likely secure a meet I i i Jauu-
4L11 times a stock of pails brooms, brushes of all ening . , has -been re-engaged as, lirig spy lied for gra-veling on sic I ondville.
�s, and lamp Our genial morninglast.-Mr E. Rockey 'left on 01 eaville . Civil Service. ary, t Egm -
. - 'her for School Seotio ill-!, between otg 25 and 26, concession 14. L F
kin-Lq, wash boards, lam chimneys, wholesale liqUbr store.- - n No. 2, H 'ituation in the
_&c,� We invite inspection. No trouble to show Saturday last for Manitoba. -He in- teap I CLISTB.—On Thursday our towns- I
friend, Mr.: S. �Hicks, returned home let'. near Clinton, for 1883. He is we�', I
goods. The highest price paid for butter, eggs tends retarniug in a few weeks. I Moved Ily Wrn Milne, seconded by E. Bicy exhibi. I Hensall.
� I
and Tallow. DuN� 80-1 . from the Northwest on Friday. last. - lik' and apparently gives good satis� P people were treated to quite an -
� eA,j & DuNcAN. 7 .L — - - 0 Bryaus, that & Bum of 650 be granted
EIGHT CABEB, new goods just received He intends going back again in the � .- faction-, scholars rapidly progresgin� -Carrie(IL. In the matter of Govern- tion in the number of bicyclists who —1). -On the evening of the 1-2th
Store, qp- ing. icks, Mr. Baird and Mr. I Hibbert. . u11( g. 1 ment drain, concession 16, all the rate ' ited this place. There w
at Weir's Novelty and Fancy Goods apirl Mir R ger his trainin V�81 inst., at the house of her brother-in-law,
ties ma goods, ' ' six from Godericb, and . �
posite weies Hotel. Novel in Chi CAmeron have all taen up lots adjoi,n- A G000D S&L]�.-The auction sale. of �*NOTHXR GoOD BuLL.�Mr. Henry ' I . , om. London, Mr. William Arbuckle, London Road,
payers in-tereated were present at the f�
,�Iases and toilet sets, toys of all kinds Japanese I I
. . near EIensall, Jane Struthers, aced 61
- ) f,ng each other, and have succeeded in MeBors. Connelly on the 6th concession Ta0or has purchased another thorough -I meeting.- A vote was taken as 19 t$vo, from Wingbarn, and as they rode C
goods, let bracelets and brooch.es, doas at low , ge-tting good ol ima.-The Town Hall of Hibbert, on Tuesday last, ;was a br4di,bull calf, 8 months old, from Mr.� uncil should go on and - years She was a native of the parish
prices, pocRet books, hand bags, photograph and whether the co I �iong the streets it was quite a novel
. ost appreciative audi- splendid success, Cows averaged 640 ght. On the return of the Goderich.
autograph albums. Cheap and fine note papers, was filled by a rs brought I $61 per h Ketchen, of Stanley, paying outt ido drains, on� on lot 23, con- el ' home, Mr. McLean broke of ME arns, near Glasgow, Scotland. ,She
en,vellopea in lots at very low prices, school books, f last week, - each ; yearling atee Jo ar of $100 cash. wo Joi u
ence on Thursday evening o th for the sum cessi n 1 , and one between lots 15 and wheelsme came to this country, along with Mr.
school. supplies, violins, violin supplies, mouth . pair ;s, two year old heifer brought $40; T � 0 c so - of'his machine directly in
VTgans, &c. We can and will sell cheap as our on the occasion of the lecture delivered b one is said to be a very fine 16,00n ion 16. Vote was carried the handle Arbuckle and wife, some 40 yearB ago,
Call'and see. ALxx. W11R, . Mr. Hill is entitled one span of 'yearling co#s sold for anigal, arid will, no doubt, effect a il to go Oil two while descending one of the bills, and has made her home with them ever
I �
expenses are low. miss sHANN--os, k[anager. �by Rev. Mr. Hill. Z for big efforts I in 4,265 ; a spring colt . for $80,and another i, unanimously re.questing cound . i I
Seeforth and Parkhill. to the highest � mi4terial improvement, not only on the with d na. Moved by Johil and during a keen race from Taylor's since! Miss Struthers was a quiet, un.
, redi ' n. .1 . g calves a , ere the Old hotel stood, 'Mr. � -
To Tim FARmEus.-Foater & Sons behalf of all wpi-thy objects, and whe spring colt at $58. The Eprin stob of Mr. Taylor, but _ upon . that Of Hislop',i�econ'daeld by Edward Bryans, corner to wh - with assuming, Christian person, and was ...
are still pashing their business. Farmers would ever he can �erid' a helping hand- his averaged 030 per pair, and other ani- hiq I eighborg as well. Cox was thrown from his wheel uch esteemed by all who bad the
#o well to give them a call and encourage home I that Mr., Featherstone, Civil Engineev, . ning a severe sprain verY m
1. services are 's.livays at the disposal'of mals and articles were sold at propor-
-class workmen and do a sale T xEs.-Mr. Thos, Neilans, the vet- be emplqyod by the council to prepare fearful force, Bustai privilege of being intimately acquainted
trade, as they keep first the public. 0111 this occasion over $20 tionately good prices. The *hol ' ateB and assesaments to his left wrist. � with �jher. She had been long in delicaie .
repaira for all kinds of Agricultural Implements. erari!l tax Collector, has finished his an-�L plans, estim
- I - ' 1�� .
faction rar.anteed were realilze4, wbich, will be expended realized $1,400. The sale was conduct - � of said drainage, and lay . the CONDZNBATIONs�--The sum healtl owing to lung disease, which W.
t, ept � itabl - whole-souled Irish. nupl rounds. InBtead of using* the old , the wor -The tima,�
All kinds of their celebrated plow po . I for charitabl , urposes.-There is like- ad by that genial, wn as"ahank'A same bdore the council by .next meet- cleared at the military concert. I ly carried her off. Her end was
Aock., " 780 Dr. f aghloued conveyance kno I therland, of St. Thomas,
ly to be a very arge attendance, at man, Mr. Thomas King, Of DubliD, and . I I 71 our collector this year brought ing - arried. Moved by Walter Rev. D. G. Su peac .
. Wild's lectnie gn Tuesday evening, and 9 better auctioneer has never' qonducted m4ro � Oliver, speonded by Win. Milne, th4t will preach in the Methodist church � a. Last Thursd ay week, Thanks.
: . modern veri. -
! into'requisition the more I
: P1WgEtiTATI02X.-_ A few evenings ago, r par- a sale in Hibbert. This is saying a 1 casion of the P
! -pient it -would, oonBequently., be wise fo ir ! - tdbip horse and sulky,and be pronounc- the Ree4e and Treasurer be authorized next Sabbath on the oc R" day, passed over very quietly in .
rid going to secure the good deal, but it is the truth' I � - Sabbath School annivereary.-Mr. W. g�vin .
Miss, Houghton was made the re6i ties who into . - - ro-� of McIntosh & McTaggart?s the %ill&ge. The day was generally ob. .
I .
I of a very handsome present from the tickets and . locate their Seats -before- I - .. as it' a decided improvement, as he got to bor n . , of Clinton, has purchased
- . . I with the work much more ex. bank, B * usaels, the sum of $500 to J. Paisley serveid as a holiday. There was no ser -
choir and congregation of St. Thomas hand. -Mr. JaIries Watson' -is at present 4 - -wm. T to '� the 80 acre farm on the i Bayfield con- . bes.-Messrs. G. & J.
. . Jamesto ugly, and with greater ease thaA meet the current expenses of the wa vice in our eburc
Church. The choir presented her with here on -a visit,, He intends returning ! SCHOOL ATTENDANCIS.-Tbe total num. .. A number of accounts cession, Godericb. township, near Mid- Petty' of the Yorkshire Packing Ho'Use,
J jewel case, and the =ly. He completed the townshi ship- C arried. 'I
, . in 'eleven d *�, for town , ship works were ordered- to be dletonIB Corners, and at present occa- ing away several -
a handsome silver to the North�w6st in a few weeks. He I : ebool I . have lately been shippj�
'Congregation with a purge contai i . . or of names on the Jamestowil S ays, but he complains tha I . -
0 "'ng a likes the coutiat *-The-Red Min pro- oll for the past month was 31, and the he d4d not 5 paid. W, hen the council adjourned to pied by Mr. Balderson. - A horse carloads of fine lambs. -We notice Mr.
liberal sum of money. Miss Houghton party in this: t wn is to be. sold by aue - I � . -got nearly so much ri;ioney a � . eve of
has been organist in St. Thomas Church : erage.abtendance was 22. in former years,many of thebeSt farmer 3 fileet at,lthe call of the Reeve. beloDgi�g to Mr. W. Graham. re T.J. ilson � a erecting a lime -house near
tion at the Mmercial Hotel, on Frs.vER.- Scarlet and typhoid fevers r grain yet . _* anley,l, broke away while tied to a post to an I on the west side of the railway
� not �aviDg sold any, of thei I I ade a dash
� ,
� for some years, and has given her ser- Thursday ne�t�* the 23rd iiast.-Mr. _ . i; town I n Saturday, and In I
are prevalent -in this locality ndw', and had no surpltig Change to give him. Morris. i%l ;10 tracl. We understand he intends rout.
� yioea� not only cheerfully and gratu- . . . d before it had . . I
� John Lee returned homq from Winni- up stree�, but was stoppP
i al deaths in the vicinity of Wrox- L ing i, i, when finished, to Mr. Cornish, of
itously, but has filled the position in a ui i. ( When he left ev r I . pp,ATH.-After a lingering illness Mr.. COUNCIL Doms.-At the last meeting . much damage. -Mr. -John I
� , peg on T as, ay last . . . or are a ready announced. Messrs, id 6ph Howsori, of the 12th cilice of the' Morris Council the following e Usb n .--The Rev. Mr. Campbell, mis.
mariner satisfactory to all. These pres- - 113 � Cf�,eagent, delivered an interesting
nition of on'Saturday, it was snowing Geo. and Rob � �ed pe 'away on agio ' accountp were ordered to be paid, viz: I Viggintbn, of the! Bayfield road Gooier- sion Min L �._ .
that city t. Moffat, of the fIound ary, acef ully Build ) , 4 1 colt
: entations were made in recogi and blowing in genuine Northwest style. P ' n t a - ich towl�'ship, sold a two y6ar olc lectr re, Is . ion L
I have members of their families laid up D - hi Edwar�,Boaman,for ditch on centTe . at Friday evening, on
these serviceBL, on the eve of the young -Mr. R. L. Sliarp has Bold his hand- to�ceased had been i6 reside't of ewart, �
. . -
4 � -here L with fever. I 1. . to nship for about 25 years, alad was sideline, $36; J. Forrest, for ditch. the othler day to Mr. W. St' WorK and Schemes, An St. PauPs
� ]ady,g departure for Wingham, w . I oad, Stanley, for the sum of
. 1: I . me Fearnall $lit drivin mare to Mr. London � 6
I so . 9 ., . SALE. -A very, successful auction sale mpmber of the municipal council, fO $14.50;1 R. Souch, ditch, $3.60; James Churi� h. The attenda0ce was not as
she in -tends giving musical -instruction, C. E. Howiti, anager of the Bank, -of. . -ve 170. 1 large! as In -A little stir
1� . as held on the farm of Mr. I Oliver, 11, ; ight be desir-'ea.
_', L � He was of a 311*'grant to Morris plowing mato � . !
an(.1 has also received the positionof or Hamilton at queliph, for a liberal price. se�aral of thesel, . Russo � i . .
� rear Bluevale, Stock went unusually ge , h I ; was �created in the village, a few days
gaxiist in the Episcopal Church of that inial temperament, and enjoyed th $10; D, Farquharson, gravel, 811.40;- � I Tuckersmith.
This mare to04 seven first prizes at the . I I
town. . _�igh, and consi4erable was realized. cobfidence'and esteem of all ho *kne Goaman & Dodds, lumber, 417.39'; D 6 DEATia.-The- news of the lago, Y the'riinaWay of Mr. James Cox.
� III . recent fall sl�o�ws, and was generally ad- . or had any dealings with him He wa Tbos. Hill, gravel, $4; Win. Findlater, SUD E� wort 4's ponies. It appears his son, Ar.
TBILL.-A very interesting foot mitted to bp Jone of the handsomest . Kinburn. . � a ivery useful and active man 1 when i lumberl I And work, $1.85; J. Golley, sudden 4na unexpected death of Mrs. thur as drawing a jag of straw, and in
� Foo in this section,, of the . Herbert brich, of the 4th concession, on turn- a little too short caused theload
ba -11 match between the scholars of the d4ving beasts, I LOCAL Bum Fs.-MiBs Sparks, who for the possessiou of health, an4 will b gravel, 3.50; Win. Martin, gravel, re- � . . d by all who I
country. -A' .iot of cheese from ,the . . . I ueBday,', last, was receive
I .
. CRaton and Sealorth High Schools was 00me time past has been teaching music greatly missed in the township. H pairing! culvert, $9.20; J. Kelly, work ; epeat to a �iwpg off, frightening the ponies so .
r1&Ye,4 on the grounds of the latter on Kinbarn f act6ry was shipped from- this in this vicinit , returned Ihowe last leaves a wife and six childre � to mour . el Love,,fenCiDg eard of A with feelings of the de mue i tb at they got away and ran madly
station on. Wednesday. -There we I y . on sideline, $25; Samu I egret. he was only 28 years of age, I .
Saturday last. It was mutually agreed 'a idence of her effi- bi.6 death, three sons and thr ,a daug - . II at Clark's bridoel 025; 1 ; dowx. Queen street. When near Mr. .
� fifty carriages5n the funeral procession 7eek. No better ev: I and fi ing hil 0 wag a universal favorite in the liarly
that the match should be continued fof of the late J . � as Holland, on Sand . a oieiioy as a teacher could be given than te�ys. W - X. Cott, repairing bridge on 8th 11 . all Cox,ovorth's hotel, his hostler, fami-
I I eighborliood where she had resided
one, hour and a half, and that when half I y ille fact that -her class of . p� MUNICIPAL.- It has been repor kno,v�n -as " Dave," attempted to stop
last. -The -ine action of the burning 'of , . - , pils kept "' i t6d concesi .on line, 010; H. Gosman, gravel, her life. I She leaves a husband and
I IV increasing frond the time she fir 0 a . - so doing was 'unfortunately .
tha time hiul expired the clubs should the Blyth P, a . iDg Mill, on Monda g A cam around for Bom'time that U McMil- $6.50 ; Oeo. Forsvth, insurance on toN�n ibree Bmall children, the youngest of them. and in
uds. The fall time was occu- *' io this part up to the prbs�nt. That la�p would not again accept 0 reeve- I . knocked down by the horses and consid.
change e i & hall, 5 � cents; Win. ,Clark, expenses Of .
pied, and neither aide got a- game, and evening last, - � a plainly visible in 96a-. I . I I k . a indulged, appeal court, $17.72; Jag. Newcom e,� �vhich is only about ten days old, be- erably cut and bruised about the h,ead.
nce combined ,w#hl ability 8 'p, aud a good deal of tal I � aides 9, large circle of relatives and
forth. -Mr, Thomas Govenlock has . . 11 Dave " says himself that, althougt he
-so the. match was declara&a draw. The a leads to success was well exe�llplified in i as to who will be his 1 anoceasor. serving,1notices for appeal court, $20; -J. .
play was very even, but the C,linto� sold 102 steeri this f all, all of which b dance at Xinburn S�rlie have expressed the dot rminati6n Me , friends to'p. mourn her loss. The remains has been in several battles, he never re.
fattod hims' , and for which h' her case. 'The atten � Mcnii,�ey, work on boundary line, $10 7 . were int4rred -in Turner's cemetery on .
team seemed to be if anything the . I I - colved as rough .usage as he aid from
ublic ,school. . averagps ft�011t BiXty' td bring Mr. Humphrey S iell again, j. 8 -culvert on B Line, 412; R.
Calved an a,yei -age of $80 each. He has P . h4el er, pChursda�, and the funeral was an
strongest, aud they came ver pupils at present; the fall reciuits are i4tO harness. he, having served the ,:11 ra,volip . these little scamps of ponies, but he
y near 'I @ and 70 - ready for sale. . . I � Miller, , g on B Line, 040; Misses -large one, testifying well the I .
drig, the ball through the goal of yet betweeil appear- t6wnship f afthfully for so ni� , 1, Exford cha4�Y, $10; Mrs. Raven, bnusuall� has 1 nearlv recovered from his in.
Joing just beginning to put in the4r' py years
IL)utt a large scale.- I _ - . ,I I I I
no be ' _. oharit . $10. Messrs. Kelly a,nd G?B- I
eir opponents several times,'aud This is 1iDgS On -0 h 8 maker, MT. Murray, Mr. respect in which the deceased was he d juries,. and is able to resume duty.
th Another fo�tball match has been ar- ance. ur c sl�io�ld he be willing to accept. y , by all. � L
. -
Aloubt would have done so but for the Dged to take place on the High leaves for home EVIrtly, having shipped J9bu Mapon,the present worthy depnty- man th n appeared in behalf of the cor- . . -We are pleased to learn that MT.
-ra r 1 a candi I - Rob , ort Fulton, of this plase, who bag
expert playing of the goal-keel,mr. The School grou ds to -morrow, Saturday, I the last lot of his cheese ?In Wednes- reeve, will also most lik4ly be poratiki of Blyth for settlement'of - . . Wroxeter.
.- L I I
a commencingatbalf-past2 .m' This . I I P1 . .1 V � . 4 very poorly for several weeks, is
. I 0 bag
match throughout was cond oted with, day. . d' a. The conteAbetween these two Land � mprovement Fund; the matter
p - N. I MA.Rim�&.-Fall wheat, 83 to 87o ;
theL best of feeling and in themost the High School vOuld be a warm one, because both are �being . sousse.d it was agreed that the . somewhat recovering. We hope -soon .
. I
pleasant ma.aner, and at As conclusion' match will.be'between BIffis -Greeia, - . *all known all over the township,. and paid in proportion; to spring wheat, 90i'to 95c; barley, 50 to to s6e him on our streets again.
team and &'t�am picked from the town, village f Blyt 8 i
the Seaforth boys entertained their . WEATHER. -OU Monday we had a h'ave many friends among its residents. . � 60c; peas, 65c; pats, 34, to 35c ; pot& -
and compoqe(" .of bankers, school teach. their a ame as received by ' � 0 . I
I -
I or . I toes, BOO.:
Clinton antagonists at a complimentary � -Winter lik6l t b ere is not likely to be any oth a amounted to about : I Houey is Brussels.
, ers, clerks, on the High slight fall of Bnow. . . I h. . the to. nship, which RAIN 1 UYINq.- . I
. upon us dir Lnoerael I
supper at the Queen's Hotel. ectly. Farmera in g ange in the c nomi- I
- s. --Messrs. D. Mouro & Co. 9 640. loved by J. R. Miller, sei3ondec .
)retty'well p ots all c -i I -1 making ii chango in his line of business,
- repared for A.' Ro . n.ation of some one to fill the, -vacancy by 11.' osmaD, that an order be.granted . .-A horse belonging to Mr. .,
have purcb:'as d from Mr. Frank Smith I . I - rom buying of orses he is going into R. �- aidlaw and in charge of his man,
AN OUTSIDE O,PiNioN.-A Canadian the entire pr,, : erty in this town, form- up and a fair Bhare of fall plowibg done. PP,Uqed by the death,of Mr. Howson. to th lorporation of Blyth for the said f I .
� I I .-Z grain buying, b ing rented, Sanderson 1� t
b Ion in to the estate of Messrs. I w . . 1 '640, being _
who kas been a resident of the United erly beloDgiD Fall wheat has a slig4t. top, but Ne ' Era. BUM � settlement in full of ran way from him 21 miles sou h of
State& for several years, writes to us as 1 ; , : 0 - eived.-Carried. The & Gibson."s store ouse for that purpose.
Killora.n & yan, together with the fresh. L I i - the a unt ree PRnsENTATiox,-A social under- the Bra sels. The horse ran home aud .
followa: To -morrow is election day. I stock and g1go will of the business. The TEACHERS-EN01GED.-In response to : Usborne. Cofijlc then adjourned to meet again . was not much the worse, but the buggy
do not intend to vote. I never voted * the advertisement in THE Ex -POSIT � Mr. Thomas Russell, onth 11th day of December next. ,auspices of the ethodist Church was was! badly broken.
�. . new firm inte' d Opening Out on Tuesday . : iday evell- �
� ; in the Towp Hall an Fr
but twice in my life,Ouce in Canada for a teacher, the trustees of No. 7 � I held
next, and wi, 1, no doubt, not only suc- . t the Thames Road, had a good I - - TIHE ScAums.-The fees of the public
arld- once here Stanley b . ing of last weeki There was the 'usual .
. .
. ,two years ago. That, ceed in retaiiiing the trade that former. ave received 14 ;applications. reeding mare -which died of I 13lyth � - t4a and music, vocal and Wei . I scales for 12 months, were sold
� . __ ramme of we
1, .don,t look as if I was much of a poli- ly went to 14is old estarblisbed house, Out of the lot they have goilected Mr. � teart disease last' week. - Last .1 I * prog I I wby 'Were I
tician. L . of McKillop. Mr. . P 'Ts. -Mr. Wm. Clegg was in town .instrumeutal, but the most intereatirig 'uction on Saturday last, and
I can't see much difference be . Thomas Lockhart, - 7eek Mr. Leonard Hunter, who I kno ked down to Mr. John Tait for
I - but in d,rawipg Considerable additional. I Lockhart comps very highly recom- I 0 11 �o Inl� Sday last. -Lots of grain coming feature of the e.yellillg was the presen-
tween, the parties - in this country, am- We- have ple'asure in Welcoming. the ; � ' , noted for his good horse ifteall, Bold a I d 611 , being seven dollars in excess of -
. ' 1.
zopt in the party traditions. There is new comera our livelv arid prosperous mended, -and has the veryb0st Of testi- wo year old filly, sired by Old Clear to towl , and good prices being paid. - tation of a handsome gold -watch an the. ast year.
vertainly no great principle, or question town.-W� a request' to state that MODials. We hope he will prove a - WAI TED.-Tbere is something that chain to Dr. B awn, by the members �
, ad . , ' rit, to Mr. D. Campbell, of Ailsa, Craig, � -e stands absolutely in need of, (if -th -church choir, as a token of their MARKETS. -Fall wheat, red - winter,
at issue on which the parties divide. . . success .as a teacher, both for himself our vii -1 ag a I
all Oddfellb' a both in town and coun- r $200. This is the same animal that '' - ': to 90c; white wheat, 85c to 88
. 12 years . and the section. -We understand that �0 26 literAry society. I am sure that were regard for him nd gratitude for tb& 88c� 0;
It was about the same 10 or . . T,
try, are cordi Ily invited. -to an oyster . took the first prize in its class at the Bed very a vices he reriaereol for spring wheat, 90c to 92c: peas, 65c to
ago in Carlada,but there are questions snpper, to bg given in . I the trustees of School Seqtioi4 No. 3, , a lit' e tact and enterprise exerci. fficieut se 1 I rley, 45c to
.the lodge'r6om of ,econt county show at Exeter. �
such I' venture could be successfully ac- so many years i a leader of the choir. 66c7; oats, 32o to 33c ; ba
snough now dividing the 4iberals and ity loc esday evepitig Hay, near this place, have engaged Mr. -I'l-RAIS SOLD. -Mr. S. C�mpbell has I . - 52c � ; potatoes, 30c to 35c; turnips, 120 �
1 comp, returik-a �
CongervaMvea. In several of the West- Fideh Ige, on Wedn Delgatty, a young teacher ; a F3.O*n of Mr t " ,abed. There is any amount'Of Dr. Brawn mao� a in, - very suit �
next at 8 Yclock. Let there be a big I , Bold his farm on the So�ith Thames to 15c; Butter, 16c to 18c; eggs, 21c;
-orn States they have passed a prohibi- ' - Delgatty, of the Brownson' Line, Stan. talent! going to waste that might be able reply, and seemed much affected
turn out.- an� of our musically in- 1�oad to Mr. Robert Pringle' for the Bum . I � I of . their hay, 37 to 58; flour, $5.
, ! � -
-'eve, A works I ; utilized to great advantage. by the unexpec, ed testimony .
tory liquor law, and, I beh clined cit,iz�nB went, to Clinton, on ley, for the ensuing year. ; I I f �3,550. The farm contains 50 acres. . ngs for bith. There is to be a BrBLE SOCIETY. -Tbe-annuat meeting
I ' i _. I - . A" ULT. -Mr. R. J. I .
well and is of great advantage, socially- - Thursday.1'Pverl'ing of last week, to at- I � I r. Campbell bag purchased the farm , . .
I, and morally. Tha,t question has not, tend the Mi�itary concert in that town. Walton. 9. ' Iii ade. the -well, not happy -recipient social held by t�e English Church next of the British and Foreign Bible So-,�
- of Mr. Robert Sommers, on the North ,
. . 1. ' of a f ul mauling, on Mon- week, which w� hope will be as success- ciety, 7ill be held in Knox Church on
yet. been brought up in our State, but if;' ' ' � .
I - be glad to I Mrs. Caldi, all, of Hamilton, was 'the BRI,girs.-Migs Bella Madigan and Thames Road, for the sum of 89,000. day 11 �st, by three well-known, but* not ful as was this one. Tuesday next, and will be addressed by
it ever should be, I would 1 1 principal �p6t raction, an they, all pro. her sister, Mrs. Bruce, left �_ere last T,his farm contains. 100 acres. This ; �
give a week or more if I could help in . - bighl, respected, roughs. His face if; I the, local clergymen. A union choir,
nounce her good. We understand an week foi Nervana, Michigan. -Occasion- 'may. seem a pretty good 1pri�e, but it is . I.
the least degree to pass a prohibitory effort - is beir g made to procure bar* Bar- ally a straggling nimrod r!nay be Been I ne of the very best farms �n the town- pr fu' ely illustrated with cuts. The 1[uron Presbytery. composed of the choir members of the
law. I am at least enough. of a patriot I ' Io . ruoffi�i is are to be dealt with as they de- I different churches, will furnish the
vices at' a 'p'oacert here in aid of the Me- of game, hip, and considering the irr�provementa , The Prosbytery of Haron met in
wandering - about in quest � mu8ic,.
t6, forega any little pleasure or gratifica. chanics Ips Aute. -It is said that con- -countenance lexpTeBsive of U cheap enough. There is a splendid serve i I
tiou I may Obtain from , an occasional - wearing a build. FA�"�",M SOLD. -Messrs. Gray, Young& WillisChurch,Clinton, on Tuesday,14th LocALiTjHs.-The steam fire engine
- siderable do fusion is now occasioned at disappointment and follovfed i by a dog brick residence and othlerr. ,�au ' to inSt.L and with the exception of a '
drink of beer for the sake of the beriefit t ngs to corres 0 rm Sparing have sold the Rourke farm ' 7
Clinton Staion by passengers ge4i ing or two of humble aspect.,04e day last i pond. ly amers in- I short interval st noon, continued in ju�t completed for Brandon, Manitoba,
I be to so many others. , i , Mr. John Fraser, for the sum. of $3,900, �
prohibition woulc on the wrong trains, on acdount of the week an accident happeno�d, vy,hile put- -tends going to Manitoba, andif the left for there on Wednesday last. -Mr.
I have no doubt that before ten year , n. and they reserve the timber on 29 acres, bession till 6 p. iri. The meeting was Will. Vanstone has sold the hotel pr '
o a trains foil! b)th the Great Western and ting Phe roof -on Mr. Marrp,y'a 'new brick 1countr suits him will probpbly take up . T d with devotional exercises, con- 0 -
prohibitory liquor law will be voted on , I y fland tber This $arm is situated on the 9th conces' OPene - party known as. the Tecumseh House,
Grand Tru k heading the game way, house, which might have provpd serious. �a large tract 6 a land go into A Morris, and contains 100 apres' ducted by the Moderator, the Rev. A.
in Ontario, and, I have little doubt, and there'.. bE ing no finger- board to desig. It a . .1 sion p. P 1�&nd at present occupied by Mr. I.
ppears that a piece of timber had farming on an extensive scalQ. Mr. I
- .
,carried. The Globe, a few weeks ago, i A fallen and str4ok the scaffolding, which 'Sommers intends disposing of his farm It isj!! an excellent place, but theroi are Stewart- - 71 - �
- n:ate the ide3tination of the trains. � � i a minutes of last regular meeting, I Campbell, to F. Prey, late of the Can
had % straight Out prohibition editorial, . arried I no'buildings. on it. They purchase'd it Th ' tral Hotel. The price paid was $5,000.
lady, bo , d for Seaforth, was c gave way and!; precipitateO . two men a � stock and personal effects by auction on � . a I �
i: -per. - It U _1 last "linter from Mr. Rourke for 63i,80a. nd of three special meetings, were read
the R at I ever Baw in that pa some dil�tahce towards London, the distance' of about fourteeii feet on the -Tuesday next, the 21stin6t, - I - t of these Mr. Campbell gives up possession -on 5
day, t! . v � I I - men ; . I xs.-The plaDiDg Mill owned bT and confirmed, At the fire
that question were left to the women, other i.e mistake being disco'ered hard ground �elow. One. of1the - F . the 15th Fabrua`ry next. -Mr. J. N. :
it would carry almost everywhere. i; I Mr.: ). Kaercher, together with all hi special rneetiu�s held at Kippen, on Oct.
when tht eDnductor came around for will not his work for 11 � , a graduade of Knechtel, of Brussels, intend,g having
'shed A ' ti � ab a to regumT I I I 1.
Their influence has accomph 30me I , McKillop. � tools ,and maebinery, was destroy by 3rd, ML S. A. lCarriere -
tickets.�,Wb are requested to state that I In ..� he profegqional ditchek, � i . tr all extensive auction sale of thorough
great deal in this country, and - would, � . fire on Monday eveUlDg last. Th the Moil eal Presbyterian College, was
an Emer ' ney meeting of Britannia Ma- "Billy," I hiia been spending a jovial ' . CouNciL Dolxds.-At the lastmeeting i. ang examined andlicensed to preach. At brQd and grade stock on the Both of
. no d-oubt, be equally efficacious in Can- sonic Lojgpe called for Monday evening time(' h' , mind)! for the last I of McKillop Council the following ac. building was insured in the Huro the second, hpld at Kippen, on Oct. N�vember.-Tho town authorities aTe
I wn .
ad& if exercised, as it certainly will be, � - In "' counts were ordered to be paid: For Mid( lesex Fire Insurance Company o� now having the town bell rung four .
- -1 next, hasl� 0 ing to unforeseen circum- eight Or, ten d by gettipg on a 11 long grav I Lon(on for $1,200. This is anothe7 17tb, a call from the Grand Bend, was
, Ststices, postponed until the fol- diank " � If h were a powerful man he el, $13.12' to Francis Case; $2.16 times a - day. -Two Italian boys were
when the question becomes an import bee� * l$3w "I . i I riere. The Pres- in I town On Wednesday last with two
ant issue between parties. n cr . n . ; to Win. Evans; $12.72 to Pr. Co'eman, exa . ple of the necessity for imm ented to Mr. Car
lowing T Ersday eveni g. -Mrs. S. E. might bd' a dain , � all a�fibioas; bytery having sustained the call, Mr.
. , gerous 6. r - �.
. - AB'opening a class,in this I r � .� and $5 to James Dysart ire 'rotection, advocated b, nents tame bears.-Tbere is a great scarcity
Cowan in e - I - I . - The clerk was f
I ; . . - a who i"have the interests of the 4illage a�i Carriere accepted it, and arrangeX
FATAL AcciDENT.-A. terrible accident town, on )nday evening next; for the � i . instructed to notify the different partie I � lue- of water in many wells in tow.u.-The .
. I ,f were made for his ordination and ino I
: .
ISCOUTred in Broadfoot's planing will in instructiq, A ornamental peumangihiv.- 'Belgrave' intereatedin the award of'�tbe Fence- heart. Monday
- � h - tion. At the third, held at Grand Bend, fir�,t snow of the season fall on
. . !
Z this town on Saturday afternoon last - She has 11 itih�her many beautiful speol- BRIEFA.- The shooti g match last viewers, between the Con cit' and the. I Ethel, - on Oct. 31at, Mr. Carriere was ordained InOrning last.
. about four O'clock, by which a young meuB of P.4r own execution, and as an Thursday w 8 well a tenoed. Palt following parties, viz : Job 4 Keboe, Dr. . � Lo t CALITIES.-Mr. Lasham, whp has and inducted. - i�_IUE PROTECTION.- The deputation
vilan named James Holland, son of Mr. instructor �s highly recommended by Brown won several good ,tiar�ey�. i He Colem44 Patrick Walsh, and Win. been at death's door for some time is B� The examination of the Statistical fr.6m the town of Perth, County of I
r p pils. She has completed very is a crack phot. - `1!4e� services on O'Roufte, respecting a d#ch or water I elayed � Brussels last I
Thomas Holland, lost his life. It seems forme � L rk, that
. . 'la improved that hopes Returns for the past year, was d visited
ung miam, who was engaged ran sue ,parse t That mac', are now an,, ,na
the yo cr - 0eg8f1d courses in Stratford and other Thanksgiving day in Trinipv church c, , hrough, their prop,ortieB. � 11 the next regular meeting, in order Titiursday, for the purpose of examining I
' w most were but poorly attended. . � 'Rev. Mr. if tertained for his recovery. -Our puphi i ti -and seeing tested one of q
ning one of the circular. saws in tile towns, ere she, has given the the award is not compl,ied with the ii�.w ig the Ronald - :
mill, stood upon -the saw bench , f or the ample a tl�'faction. She has already Campbell will preach 04 P, � iiO forthwith tradesman, Mr. D. W. Milve, is to allow the Financial Committee to
puday the Counci a a act I . I it . 1. -
. T . - , Tor6nto buying goods for his winter prepare a suitable report, to be pro- Speam Fire Engines, were J. W. Pink,
purpose of lacing a belt which had come the proupise of quite a large number of 19th inst., 121 Trinity Cb�rch, Services After issuing a number of debentures "
I I I clot4 .-ad in oij� sented in connection with the examina- C777 airman of the Fire Committee; Wju- , �
looae. One end of the belt wag around pupils hiDre, and any persons desiring to commence at half p he Cou arned to �ieet at Craw- . iug.-Aniucident occuri .
l .. Dune Mt 110 o'clock t ncil adjo ' -o, Nyhi ' tion. 1 �3, itlerf Councillor, and Walter Deder-
.an c school some time a- 04 �_
, the shaft, and it is supposed it got'fast fQrther-inforination can procure it on a. m. -Mr. VIM. I ilierchant, is ford's Hotel, Doblin-, when notified by PUN, �, .
. , -i Perth Bolt Factory
I . � , , D I w4� A. remit from tho5 General Assembly i a i, foreman of t& '
. in some way and application' at the residence of Mr. D. - selling off big stock at COIB,t ashe is re- the Re ve. � i shog, abe a warning to childre g the method of. appointing � aey stated that they had only two
ra dly revolving pulley, in wblich posi Hogan, "ere the lady is staying.�We tiring from blis I 13QUI .L HU*T.-A n�mber of the wish't1laoir ears pierced. A daughter of respectin .
- pi ineBs. Th 'b is to SQUI RF I . IiiI :
. .. ;
Mr. �11 ilne had her ears pierced !by'. Standing Committees, was discussed hand an gines in their town, which is &
'tion he was dashed around by the sha,ft regret to 14&rn that Mrs. Michael rent and there is a good 91�pa�Aoupnit f r Nimro of Mcl�djlop instituted a squir- .;
I . y or , a - Annet, -use, and with one slight place of over
*ith lightning speed, and with every ley, of ' town, met with a rather Fle a thasmith or a harness ms,��r; both are rel h T 'ursday la t, Thanks. school fellow in the common In . clause by cla . 3,000 inhabitants. They
n is' ' viz.,with needle an,] thread, 'd I' 'eption its recommendations were h�d passed a by-law for the purchase Of
. revolution of th-i t ali velon axp .isteamer but as the council was di -
a pulley his body was vere a 'dent, on Thursday evening o wanted, as t4ere are none' p the vil- giving; ay. Th a contest was between B:!
e( it., -Me i d consiequence bad to have several approved of. �� i
4MV.8hed through between it and the last we �3 . It seems that while in th lage. ssr4. Taylor & Hple have sold the olq and young men, or'married an . ided to bold a Sabbath v�.ded as to what stea should
I ' 11 : I ; I bv a an*- It wall doe mer they
. ceiling above, the concussion being go act of going down into the cellar her over 7,000 doOn eggs this 3e�sou,realiz-: Bingle. I The former were captained by Pa4ul operations performai � .
. . , ,
. . geoh in order to save her ear Howpil School Convention at Egmoudville, p'archaae, hence the purpose of the
great -as to raise the joists every time. foot slippe4 and she was precipitate . iDg 01,l40;09!for'them._,AA on of Mr. Mr. Thomas E. Baysi and the latter by i ly � I
i 7th, 1883, and a pro- corn
ad to bed Mr. Wlin. Graham. she , lis now recovering. - Halldwe'6n on January 11 mittee's visit. They expressad
) �
. �,
, r
am - �
I act �11
tan i I
I ' "
eib 4
;�) 0 ; av
t � 1,
dd �T,
9b i �
" F
t V. I ��
0 9
h .
The machinery was stopped as soon as with t'violouce to the grounii, cut. Matthew Brandon, is con ni After a hard clay's � - __i�selv
. r a . i '
possible and the -men in the shop rushed ting agn,J �ruising herself very �adly. with a swollen knee, injur 'by a fall huntinig, the sportsmen g4hered in the pas�ed off very quietly in our villagol, gramme for the Convention was -pre- t4e , es very well satisfied with the
to his assistance, but the vital spark Althoug at one time the injuries war . while wrestling.- Chas. "I awilton is evening at the residence - of Mr. Wria. b t' bout two miles from here a part pared. test that they had seen the engine put
. L � The Com to, and on Tuesday last a message waO
a ,
. L
had fled. The body was badly mangled considered dangerous, we are glad to buying grain il in Blyth 4p �� Belgrave,� Storey4 when, after coun�ing up the oi h odlums succeeded in blocking 2i mittee appointed to audit the �
I . so. I . -the
� and it was with considerable diffiaulty learn th �' she is now recovering.' a found that rosifor several hundred yards, so as fb Treasurer's books, reported that the received by Mr. Ronald, EiayiDg that,
*t �Our ..and pays goo4 prices and I � ��ves honest� proceeds of the chase, it w� a it almost imp - a urebas
that it was removed from the abaft and readers ill be pained te hear of the re. weight. Wei.bave the stea�,iest marliet! the young men were victorious by 1,450 11193� sasable. Such par- , counts had been correctly Bud carefully council of Perth had ecided to p 0
1 7 . . , . I . , and that there was a balance o I
mullev where it had become entan led rn—Inf-13- 'Fat-11-Pberidan of - nat dov�n to a maa sono should be niade to undexatan I kept f K -A engine from him, and asking hiw- to
T 11 4,11 &of-.—,. Tvrftl�^I� M Viinnnn 11O.Q nin+u A Ch 111- ,; I -
L It, . . . I , '�_ .- W . I 1� k, . � hem as 800II
I that their lack of brains will not lie ro- 1 021.19 on hand.
An inquest. was deemed unnecesiary. town, th gh ill -health, hiBi con4i;ion returned, the Bame old sixpence. � He I ficent repast prepared for Alle occasion 4ave one completed for t I
The remains were taken to the resi. being s#rcohn as to cause the grave�t &I - I intends working here this:W'i4ter.—John I by Mrs. Storey, and to which, it b gsr4ed ir- a court as a sufficient tl,xcusle MeBers. Jackson and Remighan, of �a possible. . 7
. . � I �
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i(40ntle Cloths, L
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Tkeeds, I
Pannelsl �
- - Black Cas7tlo;
Dress G,04
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see, ou'r Wi-,weVs 't '
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the money.
Good BT,own Hollall
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.nd 12ic per Yar,[�
LwTa ,odue f n TabIt
1),er YM -d. 1. .
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All W-001 FlanneI
very dveap- I
Dress f7oods, Shg-wi
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. I
-Millinery at prit
I -
__ The"who give uS
ourPrices right FO
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will receive t'hr
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syste. I - L
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Melties in Chin s- iGioo
1T,oys -of all kbads$
Br&Wets ;and Broochts,
Pocket Booko, Hand J�
� Autb2raph A.1butris, cher-11
E elopew, in lots at very ��
Be , 001 Supplies, violin8i
olons, ac. We can au�
exrent!,(sarie low. Call:q
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