HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-11-17, Page 64e • Butter Making. coveting equally tight will answer. Set Canada has not done much to The the jar. near the fire for three days, shaking it three times a day. 're save move the reproach that while her time it is usual to simmer the viuegar chew ranks as among the beat in the world, the bulk of her butter, at gently. with the spices, which la best , all of -thported, is among the done in an enameled saucepan. *vents at ex worst. Not tbat we cannot and do not make good butter. The Brockville 00st of a Trip to Europe. district, the Eastern Townships, and Mr. Fulton, of the Baltimore Ameri- creameries in some parte of Western oan, spent 70 days in a trip to and in Canada, turn out butter which it is Europe and baok, accompanied by four hard. to surpass. Yet the fact remains persons, and he gives this proBaio in thatfrom negligence, ignorance-, lack of formation, which may be of value. We proper appliances, or from all these started on the 7th day of July, and combined, there are millions of pounds reached Baltimore on our rettette on the of butter made in the Dominion which 15th of Septembete havieg been precise, is unpalatable at home, unsalable ly 70 days absent. 'Of this period we abroad, except. as "grease." and yet were 23 days on the ocean -three dayS which might Just as well be a first- longer than we expected -leaving _47 class article, commanding a fax higher days for the tour, which was spent as price, and so increasing the wealth of follows : In Liverpool one day, London the country. It is probably true that five days, Paris 10 days, Geneva four the proportion of really gat . -edged but days, Berne one day, Interlaken three ter is small, and hence its extremely days, Lucerne two days, Lake Con - high prices: If the bulk of the pro- stance three days, Falls of Rhine one duct can be raised in quality, by a little day, Strasburg testa days, Mayence one care, the average price of choice butter day, down the Rhine one day, Cologne. can be brought more easily within the two days, Brussels three days, Antwerp reach of the masses. three days. The entire cost of this tour An address delivered before the from Baltimore and back for a party of Toronto Board of Trade and invited nve, three of whom were ladies, was guests, on Wednesday last, by Mr. $1,888.20, being for each of the party Lynch, of Danville, Quebec, gave some $377 or about $5.40 per day. This was facts about the trade, and some stig- for all manner of travelling expenses, gestions about the process of butter including those of sight-seeing, carriage making, which are deserving of 'con- hire, operas, theatres, concerts, fees, etc. sideration. Bad butter, said Mr. We travelled first-class in the oars Lynch, proceeds more often from the everywhere, except in Germany, and careless or improper treatment of milk stopped at the best hotels, in no way than from any other cause. Too rapid stinting expenses. We were desirous of churning, which destroyed the grain, was another common cause of bad but- ter, or butter -that became grease and would not keep. He instanoed the well known Kamouraska butter, so named from a county in Quebec; where small cows of 9. peculiar French breed ars used, and. the butter is delicious when new, but rapidly becomes bad through defects in making. A third circumstance dwelt upon as hindering our improvement in the dairy, was lack of proper appliances. In the counties of Riehmond, Compton and Stanstead, said the speaker, were some of the beat butter makers in the Province of Que- bec. And these maskers were con- tinually on the look -out for the best and newest dairy machinery, which they found a great aid. to quality. In answer to questions aeked by smile members of the Board, 'Mr. Lynch ap- peared to imply 'the% good 'butter makers were "born, not made," and that the farmers of the township were a sort of hereditary dairymen. At any rate not being able longer to do well in grain raising as Ontario farmers, they have gone the more extensively into dairying and have large and very complete es- tablishments, beth creameries and prie vate dairies. It is not, however, a very simple mat- ter for Canadians to obtain the requisite utensils or machines for stiocessful dairying. An instance in point is a dairy near Hamilton, recently visited, which possessed a complete set of ap- rhea:teen everything of the best, but no two- procured at the Rama place or at the same time • showing that the pro- prietor had to find out gradually where to get his machinery, and then write to the various parts of the States and rinada to obtain it bit by bit. The state of things which this illustrates, contrasta in a marked way with the numerous and convenient depota, for egricuitural implements in every town. en to get the strongest plow, the best seed drills, the cheapest reapers and mowers is easily learned and, the articles readily got. To be enabled to arrange for the inaunfaoture and supply to creameries and to fernaers of dairying utensils of a ricientific kind, was one object of Mr. Lynch's address. He professes to know what is requisite, and to have secur- =ed the right sort of appliances. There can only be one opin- ion as to the importance of the movement. The Ontario Government has, we understand, signified approval of these improved utensils, and a desire to see them introduced generally into the Province. It remains for some enterprising capitalists to examine into the suggeation of a fact:sou. in Toronto, by establishing which they may per. ,c haps establish a successful indastry,a,nd do a lasting good to the country. asoer SUM -and aining exactly for what such a er trip could ,be • oecomplished, he accounts were kept strictly. THE HURON tliPt.)sirort eeeennassessamassesistrasts NOVEMBER 17, 1882. , ' 1 W. MoLau hlin Secretary-treasnrer ; Messrs. Hoa - Guy Fawkes' Day. Nevember 5th is an occasion still celebrated more or less in commemora- tion of the discovery of the Gun Powder Plot-- a scheme to blow up -the Parlia- ment Houses in Old London on the night of the 5th of November, 1605; in the reign of James I. The plot Oiligieat- ed among a few ruined and exasperated men, who banded themselves together to overthrow James' Government which had exercised great severity tteards them, not merely by religions intoler- ance, but in confiscating their property. A house and garden, contiguous to the Parliament Buildings, were hired by the conspirators. By dint of great labor during many nights a tnine was con- struoted., and the cellar wall, of stone, nine feet thick, below the Parliament Buildings, pierced. Thirty-six barrels of powder, along with other destructive misailes, designed to send the English legislators- skyward, were secreted in the cellar. Guy Fawkes, a daring Spanish soldier of fortune, was liked to Strike the fatal match, but a myeterious letter from ono. of the conspirators to a friend in Parliament, warn- ing bim not to take his seat that day, was the means of revealing the scheme. Fawkes and several of his associates were arrested and died in the tower. Latest News Notes. Domestic Receipts. Beetroot Pickles -Simmer the root till about one third cooked, from one and a half to two and a half hours; take out and peel, and cut in thin slices. Place in again, and pour on sufficient cold spiced vinegar, to cover them. Chloride of lime, when used as a dis- infectant about the rooms of a house, should be dissolved in water -- one pound to three gallons of water. Sprinkle on -the floor or bed clothes, as it will not color. Infected clothing should be dipped in it. Pickled Onions. -Let the onions lie in strong salt water for two weeks, take oat and peel; put in a fresh batch of salt and water for two weeks longer; then wash clean and, let lie in freah water over night. Next day drain them well, put in a jar and pour over the lot spiced vinegar. White vinegar gives them the nicest color. A Useful Lotion. -Alder leaves steep- ed in hot water and applied warm, will speedily reduce or prevent swelling, eo- easioned by outs, brnisee or wounds of any kind. Chocolate biscuits, -Mix some choco- late powder, with white of eggs and powdered loaf sugar, into paste. Mould this into biscuits and bake them at a gentle heat on a sheet of white ins, 'Ludwig, White, . Mc- Gregor, and Miss 'Shannon, of Mitchell, executive cdmmittee. Two of the Mitohell lady teachers, Miss Shannon and Miss Maio:Ann each gave a read- ing before the assembled pedagogues for whioh they received considerable credit. -A rather laughable scene took place one day last week in the vicinity of Musselburgh. As a prominent citi- zen of Stratford was driving along the road betwe7Musselburgh snd Poole be espied a it n entering a culvert in front of him. -Thinking to have a fine trophy to take to town with -him, he descended frpm his rig and started to block upone end of the culvert, having in the mean time sent to Poole for help. A gentlemanpassing seeing the long legs of a Wan sticking out of one end of the culvert, end thinking he was un- able to extrieate himself, dismounted to assist him. A crowd eoon • gathered, and one would have thonght it was a genuine bear hunt, instead of a poor half-grown fex. After an exciting time the fox was nuttily shot. 'While the obief actor in the chase was viewing his prize, it wee suddenly snatched away by the owner, who arrived on the scene, it being a tame fox which had been a few rods'from home. The discomfiture of the whole party may be imagined. -On Tuesday morning of last week, a little daughter of John Berg, of North Eastbope, was sent on an errand by her mother, As she did not retnrn as soon expected, it was eupposed he had gone to the men in- the field. However, when the Men returned at 'noon with- out the little girl, fears were entertain- ed that she had gone to the bush near by to pick beechnuts, and could not find her way back. A search was insti- tuted after dinner, but the child was nowhere to be found. Night came on and still not the least trace of the led one was perceptible. Search was kept up during the night with the same re- sult. The next morning the footprints of the &lid were 'noticed in the dust oil the road leading towards Hampstead. After following them some dis- tance Mr. Berg was informed that a cbild had been seen the previous day runningalong the road in a. northerly direction. He followed until late in the afternoon, inquiring as he went along, till -he came to a place call- ed Bethlehem, about 24 miles from hip home, where he forma his daughter, after searching nearly two days and one night. As supposed, she had gone totthe bush and, taken the wrong di - tion fot home, and after coming to the road being confused she turned north instead of south, travelling the almost incredible distance mentioned before dark, when she was taken fn by a far-. mer in that vicinity. The farmer tried to find out ber name, but she could not give her surname. She was none • the worse for her long tramp. The town council of Nelson adver- tises for tenders foa the construction of 150 Yards of sidewalk and four street crossings. Also for bridging the creek. -Mr. Win. Montgomery near Nel- son, lost his stable and all his grain stacks, -by a prairie fire a couple of weeks ago. -The first steam locomotive reach- ed Pembina Mountain on Thursday, Oct. 26th. -Mr. Wm. Dempster, en Ingersoll, sold last Monday to 1Mr. Esdaile, of Montreal, a span of fine carriage chest- nut mares for $1,000. -C. Crosby was robbed of $150 in daylight in a Winnipeg hotel last week. Fortunately he discovered his loss and gave the alarm, and the thief was secured before getting off the premi- se& -A weekly mail service has been established between Clear Watei and Wankopa, Manitoba. This gives through mail conection between offices in the vicinity of Turtle Mounteitt and Emerson. -Business of every description pays well in Winnipeg, says the Cortmercial if properly attended to, but a bar and a billiard Hall on a prominent tborough- fare is evidently a small gold mine to its proprietor. We are informed n the naost reliable authority that pronainent institution Of thia class Main street, cleared over $10, net profits during the past , th months. -This is the way they do it in Min- nesota: A young man starts for a dr've of twenty miles with his sweethe through an uninhabited tract in Min sota. At a point about midway of tho lonely route the pair had a bitter guar, rel. The fellow unhitched the horse, mounted it and rode away, leaving the girl alone in the wagon. where she re- mained. all night, and next day walked home. -One night lately the office of the American Express Com- pany at Winnipeg, was entered and the safe brown open, and $11,500.prinoipally money. from Ontario, stolen. The police refuse to Five any information, but it is believed the burglars are over the border. During the daytime the clerks iu the banks have all been strongly armed, and a watch is kept over visitors. -Coal locations have been found along the banks of the Souris River. Excellent coal fields are found on the Canada Pacific Railway, near Medicine Hut on the Saskatchewan. There are some tracts of wood near Qu'Appnele, but none of any great extent; west of Qu'Appelle there is hardly any timber he excitement in regard. to the disallowance of railways in complience with the Dominion Government's agree- ment with the Syndicate, continues- in all parte of the Province of Manitoba. The Winnipeg Sun says: "There i no need of despairing wails,frantio ges ion - nations or pusillanimous acquiescence. Let us take a common sense course, relegate party to temporary oblivion, join -hearts and hands in a calrn,united, vigorous and determincid process against thetwrong that has been done, aria -we shall succeed. We can make Sir John and bis cabinet abandon thefr present line of policy if we a.ct thus. They will not hold out against the clearly ex- pressed will of the people, who act as one man in the matter." -At the late county Teachers' Con- vention held in Stratford, the follotving office bearers were appointed: Mr. Geo. Moir, of St. Marys, president; Iiss Walker, Stratford, vice-president ; Mr. paper. -To Cure a Carbuncle or Felon. -- Lime and soft soap put in a thimble_ and placed on a carbuncle, will speedily draw it to a successful - issue. It is better thanlancing and will effectually cure it. Sweet Potato Custard. - Boil two common -sized potatoes; mash fine with one tablespoonful of butter ; put in half a cup of sugar, half a cup of sweet milk, mix well; break in three eggs and stir thoroughly; make a good pastry crust, and pour in • enough for two pies. Spiced -Vinegar for Pickles. -The fol- lowing is an old and good receipt: Bruise in a mortar two ounces of black pepper, one ounce of ginger, one half ounce of allspice, and one ounce .of salt. If a hotter pickle is desired, add half a drachm of cayenne, or a few capsicums. Put these in a stone jar, with a quart of vinegar, and cover with a bladder wetted with the pickle, and over this a _piece of leather. Of course any way of on ne on 00 ee rt, 0 - LEGAL. 11Cla C. HAYS, Solicitor, tato, Omen -Corner of -La's Square and West Street, Goderioh. 774 Mrs. B M. Gifford, of Port Rowan, was for many years a sufferer with Liver Complaint, and a serious compli- cation of diseases. In a recent letter she Bays that she has only taken two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, and has nearly recovered her health, and authorizes us to use her name in adver- tising to suffering humanity. 774.65 2.w, a ARROW & PROIJDFOOT, Barristers, fa les tors, &o.,Goderieh, Ontario. -J. T. Ga Wm •Prondfoot. CAMERON. HOLT t CAMERON, Barri Solicitors in Chancery, cto.. Goderials/ M. 0 . Cameron, Q O., Philip Holt, M. G. oron. 11o1- rrow : Better than Gold. A good name, good bealth, e good companion and a bottle of Hagyard'a Yellow Oil, are among the requisites for human happiness. Yellow *Oil cures rheumatism, sprains, lameness, bruises, burns, frost bites, orotip, sore throat, and all pain and inflammation. 774. 65.2w. HW. C . 'MEYER, Barrieter and Attorn • Law, Solicitor in Chancery. Commis for taking affidavits in the Provinoe of Mani Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wing Private funds to loan at 61 to 61 per cent. PLOWS! PLOWS 1 -AT THE- ' HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH. y at oner oba . am • 8 m BYER & DICKINSON, Barristers, &c., Block, Wingham. Solicitors for the of Hamilton. Commissioners for taking vits in Manitobs. Private funds to loan at cent. Lucknow office every Wednesday. 0. MEYER. E. L. DIOKLNSON, ent's ank ffida- per w. 38 JAMES H. BENSON. LAW' Chancery and Conveyancing. Mon Loan at lowest rates of Interest, and oh low. Farms for Sale. Money invested for p individuals upon firat-olaas mortgage se without oharge te them. Office, Seaforth, Will be at Bengali, next door to Reynold' every Wednesday. y to rgee iyate arity Ont. otel, 739 MCCAUGHEY & HOLMES ED LAW, CHANOEl3Y, IND CONVEYANC 1%14 OFFICE, Soott'a Block, Main Street, Seal rth • • QOLICITORS 'ler the Consolidated B nk o " Calends and the Canadian Bank of Com ere In Seaforth. Fat-mai:id Town and Village Property •ough and sold. Money (private funds)loaned on mortga e se ourities, at reasonable rates of intermit. C• rge moderate. Money invested for private persons up.n th best mortgage seourities, without any exp newt the lender. S, G. MoCAUGHEY, M. A. F, HOLME TE NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCE ESTABLISHED 1874. tiot eaievEs AND CURES Spinal Com lain -ay Getteral and N ei vous Debility, Itheu atis Gout, Nervousnesa, Liver, Kidney, Lung, hro t, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia Bro chit , Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, e rah s Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indig stio Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will e safe against imposition; for they will. do eh ir work well and are cheap at any price. e. NORMAN, 4 Queen St East, T ron o. E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Seaforth. 7532-2 I have on hand a large assortment of PLOWS fitted with hardened. steel boards, which for quality of steel and hardness of temper, canoot be surpass- ed in Canada. Come and see our GATG- I:" Tte 0 "NAT - It is a real gem, and for quality and price cannot be beat. We give speciel attention to PLOW POINTS, using only hard, strong iron, and warrant them to wear with any plow poiut made. We also make GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS AND LAND ROLLERS. Special attention given to all repair work. Reapers and Mowers repaired with neatness and despatch, and at loweet living profits. I have also made arrangeinents with L. D. Sawyer & Co., of Hamilten, to keep a full line of re- pairs for 'all machines i3old by them. Good Reliable Agents Wanted. THOMAS HENDRY, Seaforth. e "NIL DESPERANDUM.' TRADE MARK. 1-: Befora Taking er T rpnE GREAT ENGLISH RE EDY 1 r Nen- vo us De bility and all Nervous Affectra, in - m eluding Speratorrhes, Seminal weakn s, e t., result* of Self-abuse, indiscretion, to., is Gree•Y 93 SPECIFIC MEDICINE. This ir he only reedy which has ever been known 10 er- mane tip cure Palpitation and other a eoti ns of the iaart, Consumption in its eariieij eta es, Rusbl g 01 blood to the bead, wind Jin he stoma h, indigestion, Loss of aleroory, Want of energ Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, in is - position to labor on account of weakn, s, ni- versal Lassitaide, Pain in the back, dim ese of vision, Premature old age, eet. Full pa thin are in our pamphlet, which we iend seeurel seelled on receipt of a three cent stamp. The Speoitic is now Fold by all Druggists at $1 per ankege, or 6 for $5, or will be sent free by riaIi on receipt of Money, by addressing 89-52 THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., TeroUto. TRADE MAR COLD FEET. - There is nothing dm unoomfortablee and doctors universally agree that nothing can be more injurious to health than • The Latest .Nlews. I Just received at the SEAPORTH TEA 'STORE, A fresh stock of all kinds of Teas, Japan, Bleck, Gunpowder, Young Hy - son and Tea Dust. All teas warranted or no sale. Also ,New Cnrrants, NeW Raisin, New Figs. A large stock of all 1 • grades of Sugars, Syrups, Salt, Coal Peas, pats, Flour, Shorts, Bran, Or - meal, and a large stock of all kinds of deli tea sets in China, colored and white • i stoneware, all of the best quality. These goods will be sold at the lowest possible 1 prices. A call is solicited. Come opo, etfme all, and get the wbrth of your ' money. Oatmeal exchanged for oats. A. GI AULT, SUccessor to 4u1t McClean. 00 met .;,•4" Ref• aj.i...aa asease, BAYLi &Mal B re L 0 of Crown & A C1111111t6F 1111111S ch COLD OR DAMP FEET. IZOIE3MIZT1 THE PEOPLE'S SHOEMAKER, OF SEAFORTH, Is fully prepared to protect his customers and, the public generally against these dangers if they will but entrust the coverinn of their pedal extremities to him. He has one of the LARGEST AND BEST STOCKS of Boots and Shoes ever offered in Seaforth, and that is saying a good deal, but a call at his store, on the corner of Main and Market Streets, will verify the truthfulness of this statement. He has them good and substantial for gentlemen; neat and elegant for ladies, and oh the beauties for the children. Call and see them. Quality and price equalled by few and surpassed by none. ORDERED WORK promptly attended to, and a good, fit and entire satisfac- tion guaranteed. Repairing', as usual. Remember the spot- WILLIS Comer of Main and Market Strntsts, Seaforth. o Envos•Nio.m• D. D. ROSE, GROCER f NEXT :DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE,SEAFORTH, In returning thank e to his numerous Customers for the -very liberal share of patronage bestowed upon him during the past, and being determined to keep up the reputation he has acquired for fair dealing and giviag the best value, would say that he has received another supply of those fine Teas at 50o, 60c and 65e per pound, which gave such good satisfaction, both in, quality and price, and would invite all those who have not already bought any of those Teas to give me a trial, and compare them with teas bought at any other house:at from 5o to 10c perlpound more. My stook of Teas in Blacks, Greens and Japans, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Pure Spices, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes, &c., is at all times complete, and my extensive business, together with light expenses, enables me to place my prices at a much lower figure than the same goods are sold at by others. NO BOGUS DISCOUNTS. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. D. D. ROSE. ES II None &ermine without the above Tr de Ifirk, More Durable anii better suite- tO thiq Oliniate than any imported, oods. 1 lIeld in stock by all arst-elaes Ha dwareniee and Dealeas in Carriage Supp 'es. MANUFACTURED BY BAYLIS" MANUF'IN R. N. BRET BRAIPORTH, Wholeeale and RetailDealer in LFAiPElR an SHOE FINDINGS of Every Desoilptim. NOUS but the Very Best Stook ke t. 1 Terme moderate: A Trial Solicited. All ord re ly or tethered ee promptly filled. • 491 R. N. BR ,TT SEAFORTH HORSE INFI Pr. tiORNER of Jarvis and Goderich reet . next N-1 door to the Presbyterian Churc , Seaforth, On. All diseases of Horses, cattle, s eep.,1 or any of the domesticated animals,esuccessf lly reated at he infirmary or elsewhere on t e hortest notice. Charges moderate. JAS. W. ELDER, Veterinary Surgeon. P. S. -A 1e soek of e TeterinaryMedicines kept constantly on iand. WM. ELLIO TOWN CLERK and Treasurer. 0 -a- east corner of Market House. 0 12 till 4 p. m. ' North- ce ours - 747 e RECEIVED AT M. MORRISON'S, A Large Stock of Fresh New Season TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASS- WARE, GENERAL CROCERIp AND SPICES, All of which I am offering at reduced prices, Also FLOUR, FEED and PROVISIONS at bottom prices. Goods delivered free. Re- member the place, Strong's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. M. MORRISON. 7".A.M1.1MnSI BANKING _HOUSE, SEAFORTH. OFFICE -In the premises former. ‘- • ly occupied by the Ban/. of C om. merce and unzler the Commercial H otel; .Main Street. NOTES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED. English and Foreign Exchange Purchased and Sold. OARMERS'SALE NOTES Purchased at Reasonable Rates. intoney Lent on Collateral Securities Drafts Issued, payable at par at all Branches of the Bank of Commerce, INTEREST Allowed on Deposits Money to Loan on Mortgages. M. 1): E3&y Manager MS - Manager amd Proprietor. NEW BOOK, STATIONERY & VARIETY SURE, FALL CIRCULAR. g..m•••••••••••.101......0•11. 1" WOULD announce to the people of Seaforth and vicinity that I. have opened a Rowell Si tore in Caltip bell's Block, oi poeite Weir's Hotel, and being a former resident of Seaforth, wood respectfully ask a share of their trade. Thestoek oonsiats of seJaool and other books, sohoul sup- pliee, stationery, fancy g000s, Berlin wools, tele end novelties of ail kiuds, sheet music, all new and well assorted. As we buy largely and in the best markets we are able to sell very low. AL.EXA.N_LEI? WEIR, Seaforth and Parkhill. MISS SHANNON, Manager. THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND MERCY, ALONZO STICONG IS AGENT for several First -Class Stook, Ffr and Life Insurance Companies, and Le paean d to take risks on the moat favorable terms. Alec. Agent for several of the beat Loan So• oieties. Also Agent for the Sale aad Purchase of Yens and Village Property. A Number of First -Class improved Farms for Sale. $50,000 to Loan at Six per cent In wrest. Agent for the sale of Ocean Steamship Tickets OFFICE - Over M. Morrison's Store, Mehl Street, Seaforth. JOHN MCINTYRE) SEAFORTH, BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER AND DEALER, In issuing his Annual Fall Circular, begs to return his thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to him for so many years in the past, and he has much pleasure in stating that he is now to the front as usual with one of the best, cheapest, and most complete assortments of Boots and Shoes ever offered, in this county, from the best and moat reliable makers, such as John MoPhersoe & Co. and John Garrett & Co., of Hamilton; Cooper & Smith, W. B. Hamilton, ann. J. D. King & Co., of Toronto; Richard Smarden and James McCready & Co., al. Montreal. He is also making a special inducement to Cash buyers, which he trusts all will avail themselves of. "Thrive and Prosper," and do away with the old and pernicious syete-m of credit. Remember, "A penny saved is a penny gained." The following .Price List will show the difference between cash and credit: Men's kip boots, No. 1, Toronto make, $3.25 cash or $3.50 credit; men's kip boots, No. 1, Montreal make, $2.75 cash $3.50 credit; men's kip boots No. 1, make extra, $3 cash $3.25 credit; men's English kip boots, extra clump, hanij. made, 54 cash $4.25 credit ;men's rock island, hand -made, $3.25 cash $3.5 credit; men's kip boots, Matreal make, No. 2, $2.25 cash $2.50 credit; menja coarse boots, Montreal make, No. 1, $2.60 cash 02.85 credit; men's coarse boo John McPherson's best, $3.25 cash $3.50 credit; men's seamless boots, long I extra, $3.75cash $4 credit e men's kip boots, treble sole, 18 inch leg, $3.15 c $4.40 credit; men's calf boots, Toronto and London make, $4.25 cash $4.50 credit; boy's best Toronto and Hamilton make. $2.25 to $2,65-15.3 per pair off: boy a best Montreal make, $2 to $2.25-15c per pair off; cheap and job lines fro $1.50 to $1.75 • youths' boots, best makes, $1.75 to $1.90-10c per pair off; oh and job lines from 01 to 51.50; women's calf boots, best, $2.00 cash $2.15 oredi women's kip boots, high cut, $1.25 cash $1.35 credit; women's buff boots, high ou $1.25 cash 51.35 credit; women's buff boots, seamless backs, $1.50 cash $1. credit; women's kip split, leather lined, $1.15 cash $1.25 credit; women's boots, sewed, No. 1, $1.70 cash $1.85 credit; women's pebble boots, sewed, N 1, $1.60 cash $1.75 credit; women's pebble button boots, No. 1, 51.75 cash 51. credit: women's pebble cheap lines, $1.15 cash 01.25 credit; mimes' buff boo L. L. No. 1, 01.40 to $1.60-10c per pair off; misses' buff boots, seamless back 01.25 to $1.40-10o per pair off; misses' kip boots, bigh cut, $1.25 to $1.60-1 per pair off; cheap and job lines, n1 to 51.15; child% calf, buff and pebble co per toes, from 6 to 10, vein cheap; also a lot of children's boots from 50c to $ Also, all summer goods at cost. In, ladies' fine goods the assortment will complete in a few days, embracing all the newest styles and novelties "second none." Custom work and repairing as usual. In nonclusion, I have to that I will carry out what I say, that my goods are from the manufacture mentioned, and not shoddy goods for to sell cheap, except those marked as oh lines, and I hope by giving my whole attention to the boot and shoe bus' and to it alone, to merit the same liberal patronage as in the past. Do not get the old and popular etand, opposite Thomas Kidd's block, Blain 13 Seaforth. MEDICAL, T G. SCOTT, tr. D. ac, Physician,Sargeon and u • Actionchenr, Seaforth, Ont. Office audreale d ewe Borah aide of Goderich Street, secona door ' east of Presbyterian °heroin 842 • T.1" L. VERCOE, M. D., 0. M.. Physician, Sur- -LI- • geon' eto.,Coroner for the County of Hartle. 0 a oe andReeidence, on Jarvis street north, elireetly opposite Seaforth Public School. WM. HANOVER, M.D.,(). M. Graduate 01 McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Aoconcheur, Sertforth,Ont. Office andResidence, North side Goderieh Street, first Brick House east of the Methodiet Church. 494 WM. GUNN, BRUCEFIELD, AK B., Toronto University; M.D. C. M., Vie - 15 -1-• toria University ; M. li. C. P. and S.. On' trio; L. R. C. P, Eden; L. R. C. S., Eden: Graduate of Soho Hospital, London, England, for diseases of women. 774 _TVS. 13170-0-ILT; S URGEON DENTIST. a RADUATE of the Royal College of Dental a -a Surgeons, Canada. Office in the room lately occupied by H. Derbyshire, Whitney's Block. All operation a carefully performed and satis- faction guaranteed. Charges Moderate. N. B. -Teeth extracied without ;:taist by the um... It ti- -14 DERBYSHIRE, Dentist, hts -a a • purchased the business of Mr. McCulloch, and removed to awitzer's Block, Mitchell, where he will always be found eeth extracted with the use of c .loroform, ether and nitrous oxide gas. Gold fillings a specialty. Partiee from distance will be allowea tneir train expenses. 7.9.2 3-31\7-1-11-ESrTIWY. D. WATSON, DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medalist and College Goid Medalist R. C. D. S. r_r JOHN McINTYRE. AV ING many years' experience he is Ale to make all operations in Dentistry suitable and lasting. Preserving teeth a Specialty! Chloroform, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas given. Irir Charges Moderate. 9E1 Office in Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. O. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., S TR A TIO RD, w ILL be at bis office, CAMS S 8 A FO RTH, oppo- site the Commercial Hotel, On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of each week. Nitrate Oxide Gat administered in the extraction of teeth. Thistao has been admitustered by Dr. Cartwright since 1888 with erfect suceess he having been one of the first to introduce it into this proviuce. PIP tients having teeth extrected may inhale the gra and have eight or ten teeth extracted in a mit ute or a minute and a half, without disareabw effects from it. Parties desiring new teet please call on Wednesdays. Pm ticular attention p to the regulation of children's teeth. Teeth in- sertcdfrom one to a full set. 730-52 SEAFORTH MILLS. WE are pleased to intimate that since intro- " clueing the rolls and hi2h grinding system in our mills here , our flour leas given great satis- faction throughout our entire local retail fiat farmers' exchange trade, and we &she to thank our customers for their liberal patronage, "whit of late has m erially increased. We are well arranged to manufacture first-class flourfront the present new crop, and hope to merit a colftia' uance of past patronage. Our flour also tidal well amor,g our outside shipping trade cusiontefla and we are able to sell at good prices. Wieirth these advantages we hope to be able to rat eeefIvau prices for wain. and shall endeavor with °Mara_ to make Setuorth the farmers' grain market. ral would advise them to carefully learn Seriarat prima this season b. fore selling elsewhere. FloUre mill feed, fine barrel and land salt constantly as hand at business prices. Also a quantity alive althea for land purposes. A. W. OGILVIE & CO* T O. KEMP, Manager. Tri ItTOVEMBER -______4.------- News I :fJ : 6 laws of Co , in s,ge of men tin and 1 of girls under - ennreofreey llanato 1 storGD7 e.' *_, rig got a- - it ill put 1sSaPwci htHaefILhtliaibi seek: the niayor requested -would play with th * It: ei :11. - -ni e floft Ar s(:eet -ol leame -::P 1 Da cc wYe a sg Vngland for causing child by denying it • =alt. Investigatio that the mother had ,10,rly on cern starch, 'tnilk, ignorant of th . 'unable to supply th went to yonug chil - cirinA.743tea:cyeosrtkhepawp . 1::terynittewiat.ii Prince evaihilyontilsahetywidse,:onEnuege -outing the Roman -C his fOriaaer Skin eaotutsteries and p tocneitheveetatothe ywiltil he Green, wbose relea, MirdaalesieGnaSeriteete:110.0rES:118::rbdi 1 nem° cee_lte is fi woaafs:ttlai:ateahol Err i al iingelearitlati nt t stringer to a certftlfl Verenont, that rare rainaorrie indwdenouinpg;ewi9111: Mr. and. Mrs. JOBiti an probably in all made erbrivisws.T itht: completion of tbeit we . respectively ninetvel yeaxs, but they le] ana aetive. Th.ev e in which they began dieplay with pri.1 eancers and two aniong their origins; 4 --An eccentric I iaatsti KArgtu,tins k,Iowpaa,i1 olsarro d.,daugthetsetra,uti whon ail named George Mal ezora ithositaaathatoznitt Stiain to carry out i, -will for which the 1 siety-eight tbonsan of :failure receive n colored guardien, is l aMount and the cu who gets $100,000a ofj 7___eiwteilsrynoai, itaieiiandTuti is actively puiltitt in A henniethaenay meet, t, credit of several mi that the colony , lishecl. Just now i ing war on piral town or two. Tbn stage, When thn may have to try cot ' for Li Rung Ch mood, and there an who foresee the inn Empire -will be I Russians aclvaneirn the French e.dvare and when a foreigt dynasty of Tsing. -Regarding the the throne tli(ro,rvietnthybovswe oe Go 0 et; ite,i l ipil ino n'tthdhee'ci:N ber of surveyors' been receivedfrom Department of Do expected that fully be rougbly survey ing something lilie lanoodies:3,anwa, nab-divboti ies itsisioi_ have extended to ma been sub division Albert and Edmoi division surveys v Canada Pa.eific Ri m20mileswestiieswestoofcf i Miovue.nrtains, near it by the c De Jrt: ca-rapAaitng:isntgnoiv i campaign now , noubtenly prove novel, as the feat Will young lady r nese taking the 1 Candidacy of G nese belongs to tl that name in Nei near relative of 'HaverhilL She educated in Bost black eyes, and , tractive in the et help to ewell the !ter into au el :against him. nil in Braintree al the week, and 1 .hersreelfsstiongothlifilki imp . having their 'fathers support] 13utler.-Bo-,ten wa---;AsniamEnaraoguth the 4th ult.. by v:ittoahorse,i°nofCruel runl t -33Ur UnneCeSta i EMplitertyerra. ceTs,hae eol 11 amed_ After Di nit was ets.ted fo when the anim , winning post t turspur,es lilaid i tassid: 1 aastiraa, anal<),hf:alliol.el rTimheinSotettyprdei smothered wi aretatpenalty,nasei,eextiRi9. said mit dtr !tee ' had been a joc believed the h said the cas and lined the -The Gene