HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-11-17, Page 5� t 1882 - - . - . I � - I hEL ft 00va be- . . . wo"a to � Es, . M& . =W-WIUM I , aultridaTV IdN.L a � - - 1. carrwk Q I � . I ' ,01t of tbe, AW6 r" V � . . I 9 vow i& I t on the - - joi oar in takin it drop 0* ;- 22a . "Yer,", madi second porum , Ikme in omtset vinkling one of .... . � - .� - I I vuhrou � ip;. on. Fjjd%r1V � T104 &99d 74- 1 �� of the, gourg, Of, �r in Go&14Z � . , . , � Settled aboilt , .. tead *and ]me I I � 182&,- but was 0ou *ftef� De� t intermission . nx his pr%perk a y �mt five j; .54- years. � � , .77e, member - . Z late yean - � - y , � � ,h. By, � - . Rdlated a- W` .- , lia son�, Robeld � ' Itead. and �' . . 861 . rhom V -ft mw .� t - I f - . I . I - 'f I � MI* � t MR. I 4 �ard� haa beel'i I 1111ing liquor on . t , &itChell pubR6 �eeajriereased, . � I - I ' *'ullart , . ,on, hra ,I � is old, ftin hi& - I for 11 5G. 1 . * Of Stratford i m acrewof tho ; cemet"y pur­� ; . I - - wu egtabliabed , � ,w in hablast.- pbell aire the I I - I rth has add his �ina. Elintk,-to, a- nship of PAQ2, . � . - r(?thers, U Lis. wages to hands 5mes, the sum I 3sident of Dub- , t teacher in the, onday of lut 11-Y respected. ling haa beon f the, school at 3i of Mr. Hislop, � . mi -11 ha% again . en Hawke has, ; arr, of Gadshillt 1. P'. P., of Liff- I treatm.ent at �ii.-7 Wa . .�re Iff 1111- ��t`i , � dan has been : on account of esensted with a ae,y before leav- Drder says Mr. a one inspector L to do his duty, i. the inspector i me vicious dogs, ihee'D belonging Sf. Marys, in - A which died. !led -him and I i i,of the second purchaa,ed, from ph, lot 17, pay - .00. There are �1 . %red- land, the �, ash and cedar ,�ed mt- Monktou Pit week, result - ruction of Hug�, tore, containing a -*welling house. have originated � . - I as ThGra-pson, a " � Pst Zorra, was ' over"Ir om 4ng y h i n1g !A and h .;ea a, family. � ,,of Go-wrie, wag ..... '18i horse, and - � . �Miug down the ' - 4,oft, Missed his ce, of ton, lbeit, � �of his head and *1 , sposed persons I 1�� 9 Gn H-SUGW- - . 9 a, 11u: .. �� of I ' a vnudows, of I � .ownle�, And. out ­ �: -e school house mile from the- , " I . 'Society.ha,d 67 � I . � , the. question of I - - . a decided that I be extended to � ,meeting MW tr&ct, on the I - which created - I At. . . � Murphy estate I - I � pan oat as well - - - - - 9v certain that - . aciaa left, cau, be - . estate has not. I I � � . , - are four lots M . . ; � � . for $6, V and . 'Y* Of the rae8t �rd- Inng Mitehell �, . 5 In the minis - r IZI - - I- rThegco din r t 'a h � -- I wiped out the - ,not the first time I I , d is the rigght . � � . young men in . . the streots, 032 . - � ,and, destroyed no to peaceible " � - � before &JuatiO& � ed 0 and costs � ssm and should . elling mis5hiev- . I I - .. ghter of Mr. �, I 11 I 1, was on -her I I WW ran at anti . i hor�ns and was r. DaviA AIH'U!9�� : . tudent, 1�00�119 - 3 . 1 ed forward Aud, - I -- - I I - ---- ­ -- � ­ --- , .,.-- - -, , ­­­ . ­­­ - - - - - - - - I—- ------1r-?- � —­ -- — 1 . ,--,- ! . - - . � I ! � L 01 C6 , . L ; , I I 1 7 � Pi - - - - - . I . . . �­ . --- - I- . . I i . � - - . . - - . . ­ . I . : I I I I . . ! � . . . I I . . . . ­ t i i . I I I . .� � I � � I : . I 1. - . I -. . I . . . .1 . . . � � I ! I . I : I I ­ ., - � . I i - ; . ���,---,�,, , � . i -, ­ -- . . - ;_ L � I . I . I : - , � - - , , - � ­11�1� , �' . i��-*� I I . 1.4�% - ! -..-- .... I - ­ - � I --,-,-- 4w�--4�­ . ,�'. - - �A� '.-,. -- . - L � . I � . � 0- ­ L- - , . — - — — - , - — — — � — — - , — � - - - — - - , — — - - .� - , - I . - I - I - . I I I . . - . 1. . - . : , . I I . - - - , t � � L ' L � . :1.11 - . L � 7 - 7­1­-�� � !-il,- � F- - ft- ­ --"-�ft -- , , - �- �­ I I I � . - J- � - . I - ! - . . - I ­ I - � . . . .. . ; ;. - � -1 . - , .. , I I I . L - . . . L � . , I . . � � I � . . :1 � I � 1- —- . I : - I . , � . I I -- L . I I . . . . L �, I - � . . - ,I . I I I .1 . I . . . I � I � - L I . . . I . : L . I I . I L . L . . . . . I . I -11 I � � ; � . � .-- I- I . . � . . I L . . . . . � . I I I - I I . . . � � - I - . . L . I . . I I I �. 2 1 . - . � � ! , . I . ; L L I I - . - I I : I , � L � I I I I � . - ­ . I � . - . : L L � . . . . . - . . - - - 5 . - r 11 I I � :.XVVr,bPF,P. 17, 188 �� L I p L . . . I -1 : 24," . � � L . 1. I I a* . ', I . . - . -1 � I I -­ � . -, - - . L- . � I 1 . HE N EXPOSITOR . � --- L � . I I � . 4 .. - - - I I .- I . ­ � . I - --- - — - , . . - - i i - ��11 L . � I � - ' . ­ - � - I . � . . " I - W out of her dangerous set. ]Mop. Measughey & * I . � I I I . , ovea bi . � . � . Holmested, Ven. �ers, of 950 to 1,100 pounds, 14.45 to $5.00. . . DUNCAN & UNCAN:8 " I.- 1100 � imaes this gsllaut remixe more dor's 8011citors; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer; JL A M E S 113 EW E I I . . I . L *W -1 . I Sheep and - lambs -Firm and a shade - i I � 'L . - I - . ­ -On Tuesday, Nov.,21, 1xv a,00106k ! More active ; about all offering abld. � - . I -- - - 11 .. I I I tg the fiot that Mr. AH'ing- , I ; . - I . % � I - - - I i I I � - - . , I - Ijo& only one umt having lost the noon, precisely, on Lot 1, Concession 2,, j:Westem Sheep, fair to -good, ! � - 11 L . I ,� I - - . , - . - . - - . iranged . I - . - - �- IOU ments, Irom 14.00 to 1 .70; extra exporters, � . I . .bj-,142�0i( t0liiMs"thsesafarm, Stanley, FarmnStook and Imple i 4 1 - -1 - I . . . - '--- - I * sv* - . the property of t6 late Skehe - Blair.,, Of .90 to 18.25-; Canada lambs, $5.65 to � ' -DEALE IN- . . , .- . - RL - J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. , 11 lw : � . I - . . - 0.1ok, vi . Rastrier, of Rostock, I � .- Mr. ' - .06.75. Hogs. -r -Supply light. .The,mar- i , I :! - I L - . .. tly boug4t, the- sawmillsaidlOO On Tuesday, Nov, 21, at 11 00 . .. I . . 0-00 � look ,ket advanced 10d. on all grades, and a ! . I I ; I �­ I . I I f 'isna "oining it, lately bei6ug,� A. M.. Sbarp, on Lot 5, Conoessidn 10, Iailr cle"An",of'the yards was made. I I . . MONTREAL� HOUS =�j . SEAFORTHs - , I � - F . I , I - . the, firm of Kastner & Litt, for Bay, Farm - Stock 'and Implements. I Yorkers, good to choice, brought $6.80 1 1 � - , . ; � I 1-1 � & I:;,, - W JAL 1: �V,.: E 2 -Krien, Proprietor; E. B $6.40 to 06.70; 61-3::83Lj:F 4ft 1 :D I L 11 . ,,L Air -john L. Rastner,of Be- John . ; I * -1.8-A- . ­ .ills, bought the sawmillb6louging berry, Auctioneer. . . 7 ood butchers and, medium 'weights, � . �k I . - - . � . I . , � I Is - - : C � I . .� I I . .. � ttajohu RmWer for *375. He -On Thiirsday, Nov. 80, on lot'9,-10on. j .95 to 17.15,; and good t-9 extra heavy, � . . . . I - .. � 1-4—'M- L to_ remove it to Lion's Head, i n- cession 8, Tuokersmith, Farm Stock � 17.20 to $87-80; pigs were L ilegoodae- � 11 , . ­ - . � - I I Mn&S� of Brace. L I � 4 I L I . ; V - � % L JAW61 - Implements and Household Furniture' imatia at '16.00 to -16.30; a w choice � . . . - . . . � . 0A RIAGE HARDWARE. . a I - 7 �- Proprietor; J. P. Brine, � bringing 06.40.. 1 1 . - - A Shokespe&ft correspondent gives David Payne, . IRPIN STEELAND I . SILKS— i , � � I I 1� ; � L I . to returns for one week in the birth Auctioneer . . i I I . . . I . . ­ . mmmmj� . - - - . I I � - The baby boom is - . . � . ; . : . � 11 � . I- I . I *"& 10, follows ' L . i . I I j �. 1! I . . � �: Hate neighbor, I ' � 1: ..- I I I . - - 410R'L � I : LIST OF . . ,�! � I � LS&Wog US* 'In the imme( -A dreadful calam ; I 0 - L a this season tl e largest assortment of Color6d and . � -&A Mr. John Hitzroth was presented ity happened last ; : ! We have impol� . ' . � : I 00 YARD. Black , - �ri . tk two daughters in one day recently. Wednesday night in the family of Mr. ; . . I � HUBS, SPOKES AND BENT STUFF. LUMBER AND WO I Silks ever offered in this section. Silk -goods being consider - I I I � "I ; abjyL lowerf we were induced to buy larger tham usual, and will give IL . Wm. Trimble, '4n old resident Of , ' � � . � . . I i ! stomers a bargain in Silks Or Satins never before offered. . LLLL *. lVtbber"n the` Villags" has had the Set ns, in thi County of Durham. it , � - , whilat Mr. . i . to ou . - - I jbMtoompli.ne][it, paid him, . :CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR$$ - . I I - I gift Was improved by appears that the family -were suffering � - I - I I I I - jobjl.&. Crerar's I I � i I . . . � I _ L slightly from volds and before reti L I . L . . I - iring ; I * i � �iBjting one of each sel. I . f � � " I � t � � . . - for the night_ Mrs' Trimble prepared � - - . .. . I . I i ; -SS GOODS , ,A, i ,ti,he late, cattle fair in Listowel -AND- , .NEW GOODS AT OLOSE. PRIOES. DRE L . - .UiWeen three and- four hundred head some herb tea, from which Mr. Tri I . ! � . � ; � L I I i � , . . L : -- I , . I - and his two daughters (Maggie m.b.1de �� - * . . I j . � � j�Wedhsnds,prinotpally young cattle, I . I . ! I i I 11 � L - - . I i . I 4j from 3 to aj cents. Amongst the Ida) partook rather freely and thent - - I . DUNCAN & DUNCAN are aoi mowieagea to take the ieaA in an , - i � . I - li ; � I I s present were M. Whelihan, St. were soon prostrated. Medical aid VEDDING PRESE)NITS I Fashionable Dress Goods, from be, very lowest to the finest goods - i . . . I , . ithe che Lpest without exception. All Wool buy,c was summoned as soon as possible, and i I I L . in the trade. 7 �L. .L - John MoDonild, St. Thomas; I I L , ,e have _-- . : I I I �. every effort used to counteract wliat 1 1 � I .1 . . L Cashmeres and French T -wins. . . I - map_ m . - . i � . . . � I . 7 � I .jrobn Seottt Molesworth ; Ross & Suth- was- at once pronounced to be poison in 1 11 ; I � . . . � ­ I Wood Axes our specialty., I .1 .I- I I adoma, stock; L.7 Morris, Hamil- the system. All three suffered extreme. I To be Founaat the , � .Cross -Cut Saws,- all the best makes. Axes -warranted � , . . .. - - ­ ion; and j. Brown, Hamilton. Nearly ly . . � . I , I -C�w C a -of every make and description to MANTLES— - . L I . I ; Maggie died the following morning. : I � . � hain. i7 -very low prices. Gung-Scores I . - 11 .one-third of the cattle were unsold. . . choose from. American. Coal Oil and C adiau coal oil, Stoves, New Improved . � i A.. 1 4� t .. . _Mr. jabez . S�epheus, of Mitchell-, Mr. Trimble has also succumbed.. He . . . , ; - 'oats about 60 years of age. Maggie, th I i - tpo�tation'froni the makers. Th� - e S �,AFO RTH Tubular Lanterns, A No. 1 Railroad 4ant)rns I I . I i � I Our Mantles aTe all of direct in, I . VW-preseuted with a Purse of $3" by deceased d ghter, is about 20' -,and Ida, . , I . I : � . �, ­ � members of the Canada Methodist au . r I . . goods can berelied on for quality, ell as being the latest style, the who will probably recover, is about 18.- � . I . -- and at the lowest possible prioeE . lf�w . I - - -� I .&Uroh in that town, in honor of his Among the herbs -from which the: tea - 9; I � � I � � . \-1_1 I ... �� - with, the church and . . Jewelry . Emporium, At the ,11 Padlock " 13russels., . � log c4nnection i ); - . . I I x . I was Made is supposed to be the deadly i ! .- - . . I . � �, i . VgU%ble. services, in every good scheme nightshade. I � . I , I MANTLE CLOTHS— , j ,� 001:11nected therewith. Mr, Stephens I i -1 - I �f � . I � . . (Established Janus* 14,1867,)'Iby � I . . ! I 1. , 7 dwife Ste leaving.Mitchell I I t 'age I . . : 17 � E .*nd hit - . . I - - I � I . iah the intention Of going to Iowa. I . Biiths- � I - � � t L.U-MSDEN - & WILSON- In this line we have the largest stock ever offered to the public in , 11 - where they hope to spend the remainder LAWRENCE -In Morris on.Satu.tday the K R. - COUNTER, I to . . i seaforth, and at prices far below anything that has been previously - , lith of their days with their dauighter Mrs inat., the wife of Mri-Claarles W. Lawrence - - . 0 1 . . I I . .nd ter Cloths from 75c perys,rd to 46 01 a son. - . I t bought. We offerMantle r I - ' � ) . . . I � . I � . I �111 � * _Dr. Hornibrook PEPPER -in Moxillop on the fpth ult., the Vife . ; � - _ , -- � I , -- of Mr. Wm- Papper of a Bon. � PRAOTICAL I � i -- ' / I . Arenowreceivin,NewStookin � � 3 1 ne Usborne ploWing atCh. HOLMES-In Clinton on the l6th Inat., the wife I -- . I - HAWLS � � . - M of Mr. -Robt. Holmes of the Ne,W Bra, ot a � . I I - S i . � � The ' . I . annual plowing match under the son. . I - I � : - THOMPBON-In Clinton an the 130 Inst., the_ WATCHMAKER- AND JEW I LLER. 1 � . , , - If I I . - - to be . , I � - supices of the Usborne Plowing Aaso- , - � . : a was held of Mr. . wife of Mr. James Thompsoni : of a son. I , - , - : P OGRAPH ALBUMSy BIRTHDAY B00KSj Customers ought to see this ran Shawls amd the prices, - - I . �Cihtio` I � ot the farm .. — -, . . 0 1 : I , lieve that goods are SO ChelL I ; underl the best of eircum- . I . David MWer, on the Thame8 Road, a : maxmages.- � -- . — . I � I . . I . stances, and offered at a low rdfit. - I I � I ; I � .fnfle east of Francistown on Friday last. � ? . I 1. . SCRAP B00KSj &C.y . t . � , � ! . . Theweather was as pleasant 813 could CARTER-HETHERINGTON-At ti te parsonage L : .1 T . I � , - . i '�. � Dungannon, -on Nov. lstj'by Rev. -J. Caswell, IN ELECTRO -SILVER PLATE. I a . � f , � - I I . firy I FANCY WOLLENS— � - L � :,; � be` afmired and there was's large crowd Mr. J. W. Carter to Mlis M 11 therinkton, i . . -. of specia��- Plowmen, however, were both of Colborne. - r , � I , I j . THEFINEST EVER SHOWNI'N SEAFORTH. . . � i � x not so largely 'represented as in former CGWAX�MILLER- At the residence of the I Biscuit Jars, Butter Dishes, Break- � . . � i I � �� - . � . bride'o father on the 8th inst., -by Rev. Dr. , � - I ----- Yews, but thia falling off may easily be Ure, Mr. H L M. Cowan, of the Exeter Reffilec- fast Castors, Call Bells, Card Receivers, i -I- . . A beautiful lipe in Wool Squares -all Sizes ; Clouds, Ties, Scairfs, . ...... I . - - - L I'll . . 4000untedfor. Plowmen arecharyof risk- tor, to MaWe Miller, only daughter of Gavin I Celery Stands, Cake Baskets, Card 1 .­ li- Muffiers, the b,est and cheapes� In the trade. . �;; , . lw . tations and StrailaingL their Struthers, Esq, Goderich. . I I - I � i mg'their repu - . I Cases, Cups .and Goblets,i Epergues, I � . I -�, , I i I'll FARMEl?,­REDMOND­In Lincobi, NebraskA, I ­ r - . i ­,-� I -here they i 41 - -1111, I lfu�iscjes w know, despite- their ; 'Dinner Castbre, Fruit Stands, Flowar � . r - . on the 26th. alt I by Rev. M.. Kennedy, Mr. I I . SKIRTS � i ­ ,- - best, efforts, it is impossible to do good John Farmer, of Exeter, to Miss 1,abous x. ; Stands, Hotel Ware, Ice Pitchers, In- i:' . I I I . � . - I , . ' �.. � q I . -work. On this- occasion the field seloct- Redmond, miew of Mr. J, W. MeCaniff, Snpt.' dividual Castors, Jewel Stands, Knife . I . NEW's OCK IN - . I ' ' Chicago, Burlington and Missouri Rail-- . - . A of the 0 . r the finest goodal in this line. Italian Cloths, Black . ed was an that could be desired, but I Rests, Knives in Dinner, De4sert, Fruit, , I � We are offenng - the� land was terribly dry -and stiff, and THOWNPSON-HERAI � �D­kt the Manse, Prince: Butter and Fish. Napkini Rings -25 ;' . . . . Lustree, Meltons, Felts, Wool in plain and, ,shaded goods -the new- . , I � i - r Sardine P I � . . - - beides being very hard work for both ,AAhur's Landing, on the Oth inst., by -the !, patterns. - Preserve Dishes, eat - atterna-cheap. - bicide's father, Minnie, second BIBLES, PRAYER BOONCLS AND HYMN BOOKS -- - I � I - men and beasts it was impossible to - daughter of i Boxes, Spoon Holders, Star �alt Stands, i I � I . - . zaake, nice work. However, those who Rev, Jas. Hersi] d, to Mr. Alex. W. Tbompson, � S 6 Lin Dinner, De - Tea, Egg, . � . . I I - of & - Bros., of: . Compete de Winn eg and Prince Arthur's Landing. � -sugar, Salt and MU-1tasse . FURS AND FUR TRIMMINGS— serve cred-it for the the firm of A. W. Thomipson - poon L ,rd. , Sugar and. . . . i . Zid . j 1? I - . For all denominatioE 8, and at all prices. . . - excellent work they made under such � . 0 — . Cream Dessert Sets, Syrup1lups, Knife . � . I . . � I � � I . - I � - i Rests, Tureens, Tobacco Boxes, Vases, . We have this season the best Lower Canada Mink, also South Be& ���. Unfaxorable-circituistances. The follow. - Deaths. I - ' I 0 ing is & list of the successful COMPeti- Cla-URCH-In Chelsia, Ottawa County, Province: Wine Castors, Nut Crackers, Children's ! i and French S:al, Otter, Lamb, Black and Grey, with all the latest I i i ity I 1� tort and the plow used by each: . nebec, on the 141 inst, f Gardiner - Church, � Sets in Cases, 'Tea Sets Cor�plete. .1, styles and quah of Caps for ladies' and children. . , tq., aged 84 years, father 9f Mrs. H.: . --- I A I � EXTR& CrAss.=oPen t& afl.-3 en- I I I � 1 I ok irl Ju enile Books - i . � � Ckmeron,pf. Kippen. . I . . . �, . I .- New s6 Books of all kinds, , Works on Travel and ad . . , I -itat, Paul Bua, Hibbert, Monroe _ CRICH-In Tuckeramith, on the 14th Inst., Bias � I I. venture, Historical'and SeiQntific Works 'BiographieF; of Eminent Men. Poetical STAPLE DRY GOODS— �: tries. �� 7 - 4 Hoganplow ; 2d, D. McEwen, Stan- Townsend, wife of Mi. Herbert Crich, aged, I . I I � ., � � I I W,orks in beautiful bindings, an iinmena4 � assortment of books suitable for Sun- I . - � "I - -. ley., Monroe &� H.()gan plow; 3d, James 28 year,j. I . ( � . . I . - HOLL," D -In Seaforth on the 11th iubt., Jamfilli' NOTIOEN . day School. and day .school prizes, Sun ay School Libraries, &c. New stock in � I t Hog3%.n " i : . I urseB, Wallets. Pocket Books, Hand BE ge, Japanese Goods an& Fancy Goods in Wo have the largest and best stook of Staple Dry Goods in the - . X0F&rj&ne, Stanley, Monroe t Holland, aged 23 years. - . - . . � ' - plow. - I MoKIBBON-In'Wingham on the 4th -inst., That the above is the 1%rgest stock. � ,t - y. Our stock will be very Is his year in Fancy Goods for the - trade, and at prices lower than the lowest. Having the facilities - FMST CLASS Mrx.-CoDfined to the a- Ann, wife,of Mr. Oeorge McRibbon, aged of Electro -Plate ever bro� lit to the" rea variet r they must sell. Don't forget, we and. the purch A3, We Can �. - . � 46 ys: are. . ! 9 f olidays,, and our prices will be so low ttatt . ing power to buy goods in the beat market by � - .township. -3 entries. lat. Robert Row- ()L`yNE­In Howick on Thursday, the 2ud inst., Town of Seaforth, and thaj they may'. Eean what, we say -we will have the ch aapest goods in town. and do offer i - Jucements to customers seldom, if ever, offered � I , .Onffe, Yeandall. plow -.. Id, A. Allison, michael Cjyne, aged 80 years. i . be within the'reach of all,II sball, for- �, any other House. Come and examine goods and compexe Price% - . . a . I . - a I -- I . � Monroe & Hogan plow; 3d, Thomas SHIELL-Inz-V wunosh On NOT. 3rd, John the next two months, give � discount of" s . o . Shiell, agdd 53 years. I i LUMSDEN & WILSON. * I Heywood, MoDermid plow. ' t�rers'� -' . i I I IfELps-in -Winnipeg on Nov. lat, -Hexe'kiah 20 per cent. off the manufac i I * . - . � I i - I q I E;.-Iat � I I ,SEco.,q1D CLASS ATEN.-2 ontrie I Help?, #ged� 191 years and,8 months. price'list.' i I i � - I . i . I DU . N . - ,john Hunter, Monroe & Hogan Plow; FARQU.HARS ON -In Wingham, on the 7th inst., . I � I . , ; I i - . , ' -2d,, A H-odgert, Elliott plow. . Thomas Charles, son of Mrs., Wm. Farquhar- — - I - V11 i i - I � FMST CLAss Boya.-I entry. -John son, aged 4years and. 8 mouth". . . - I — . - PAPST, ---7— - . . SILLS -In Toronto on the 11th inst., John, In- I Hogan plow. jant son of Mr. J.D.Sills,late of Seaforthlaged ' WATOHESS STRAY RAM.--ffirayed from the �rem iEK s of � - Kydd, Monroe & ' . 1W E theund6raigned on the- 4th of November, a : BARPAINS I BARGAINS I Robert'Roweliffe was awardi3d the I year and 6 months. . � I large Leicester ram abont 4 years old, with S pleie� L , . ' ' HOWSON -In Rullett on. the 12th inst., Tooeph - Waltham, open. face * a#d I at W , i . I I special prize for making the best . I hunting ff his front foot. Any information th THE ,JEWELLER$ \ I . - `Igil lead to his r000very, will be suitably rewarded. z, t - Howson, aged 50 years" case, gold and silver; h n, open face 0 . �� "t crown 12 &Mon - Stanley on the 6th inst., Ann,elnest - _ � � - g the towLs I hip Plow I— GALPIN-In f Henry Galpin. aged 7 yews &ad and hunting case, gold and silver; ANDREW JOHNSTON, Zurich P. 0. 780xl Begs to announce that he , : � men. dangbte I ­ has a fall I � ' - montV . Charpie I � The following gentlemen -acted as 10 V.- a, be- r, open face and hunting case, to the premises of 1 and 6omplete stock of —AT— . STEWART-At the Nfle, 5th inst., cynthi gold i and silver ; Clombie open face ESTRAI c&LVES.-Came in . and ad6pt� the undersigned Lot 25, Concession 5, Mo- I I T, . - ,Judges,: Wni. Bell, Tuckersmith; JOB. loved wife of ChristOPhOr Stewart' silver; -S. Hillop, about the lat f three yearling I � . I . , . - Lawtou, Grainton, and Robt. Gardiner, - ed -daughter of Rev. L. 0. Rice, aged and hunting case, gold an I 10 Octoberj i . ' .. I . I . . F. Jawt, hunting case, ilver; G. calves, one heifer, one bull, and one steer. The . L I ' ­ - ibbert. - 23 years. I Ca some on provii(ig property XMAS AND HOLIDAY 6OODS - . I Hi � . I . - I Raymond. Also a few assel and ,,owner n hs;v6 the I I . I . --- I ' Xg 7804 � I . CAMPBELL & .00-1S , and paying cbs' es. HUGH GRIEVE. WILLIAM . I I � An Agricultural Society is in course ' . Chronograph Watches. 1 i I I - . . . , THE 11ARIKETS. - , - i " : - And will for the next two months give L of formation at Edmonton, Northwest .1 � STRAY CaVZS---Came into the premises of - .11 i . I I Verrit - I .1 . — i I 1E the undersigned. 8rd Concession, Tue er- special discounts off his ,- ory- L I SEAFORTH, L NOT. 1§, 1882. 1 Fmith, about the lat of October, four fit8ei calves, . . . .2000 - . P � 0 92 . ' two red sud,two dark brindled. The owner can . R DRY GOODS HOUSE. - I Fall Wheat 'er bushel .......... $0 87 to IN OLOOKS. I Watches, - POPULA . - ljocal Notices. r bushel ....... have the same -by proving property _ and paying - I I I - � WMS, AND LiQuom of the finest Spring'Wheat pe ;.: 0 84 to 085 : I barges. GEORGE SPROAT. � 780 . 11 . Oats per bushel...-. :::::: *:: ... 0 63 to 0 67 Eight Day Spring Clocks, from 45 ! ' . - 1- Clocb, I � I � ��. kands for medicinal burPOses at - L� THORlix's peas &,r bushel .... . o 4r> to o 56 ards; one day spring I k ' Y,An estray sheej�cama into the prom FamilyLiquor Store. 776 Barley �er bushel .............. and upw coo 13' IE 13TRA . . L 'Butter, No. 1, loose ............ 0 17 to 0 17 from $3 and upwards; one'day weights, :, iaeB of .the und4reigned about j the Ist of Jewellery, WANTED. -A smarts intelligent boy, Bntt',er, Itub .. .................. 0 17 toij 018 . from 04 and upwards -finished in solid : November- The owner can have the same on . . I . age, from li to m, as apprentice to the general F . 2 1 21 -ing ,ggs .. .. ..................... o 1 to 0 - proving property and pay expenses. JOBN � business. -- Appli -to TITOMAS KOD, 00mer of ....... 2 50 to 2 70 veneer walnut ; one day timepieces, i 13laORT,i,otB,Conce8iiiun8,Tuokeramith- 780-4 ' -3 Silver .fflectro-Platey li , I .. ----- - I I - Main and Markeb Streets, St3aforth. 779" Hay,new ........ � ........... . 8 06 to 900 01.25, and upwards. i -- sure of the sub- . - � ived another large consignment of goods, making our stock -A Gambler's Epi- Hides,'per 100 lba .. ....... :::. r. 00 to 800 � - . .QTR-A'YtD.-Came into the entsio We have just rece ces that cannot be surpaased in the SPECIAL NOV". � . Hollon and Flat Ware. complete in every department, and at pri . ed wit and punster H Sheepifdno each ................ G 75 -to I 50 . kJ Beriber, on the 14th inot, a,dark brown mare, . taph.-The calebrat —, ..,..O 0 20 toi'O 21 - I I about 8 years old; had on a bridle and blanket. . . I I 1 t stroUing with a friend through a suburban Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - i Dominion. . . ., .... whils i The owner is requested to prove property, pay � churchyard, cal1ed,attention to a grave, the stone Salt (r6taii)-per barrel ............ 1 00 i expenses and take her away. � nor inseription on it. Salt (wholeasle) per barrel ...... IN JEWELRY. JOHN POLLON, . : T ofwhichbad no name !per bushel (nevi) ...... 0 80 to 030 .1 . � Fwrquhir P. 0. 780-3 . . � 14q%is91t said H� "is the grave of the no- POW088i ; I . nards and :1 I- -- Remem � � torioug gambler and' card sharper, M. R ; i Ladies' and Ge�uts' Gold! G — her, these Goods will be; sold . ' -. . - . d Gent � ' Roal Plate so reasonable, that every one should . � .. ­ � Ton observe that there is no name xecorded on the CLMON, NOT. IQ, 1882., Alberts; Ladies' an $ ­ tombstone but I think I could Bugg, at an &PPro- 'at per bushel .......... 6 0 85'to' 0 88 ts, :P0-[T1-jr-r3E?j-Y-. take 'dvantage of this opportunity, ­­ I Fail who Guards and Alberts; Ladie6' and Gen . a :DIRCESS CA -001)15. . I � I ould you, suggest ?" in- Spring Wheat per bushel ......... 0 88 to 090 Gilt Guards and Alberts -'I Ladies' and � ' . jeAte epit.ph." "What V - - .quired his frien& ,,womug for the last truml?," oats, per bushel ................ 0 32 to 0 88 9 " Is I WANTED11 � . I - I � Lockets in Gold I Silv r* and ' . . - wasthereply. Li-quorTeais use& by millions Barley per bushel ....... v ........ - ) I I - ' , I of Her Majority", suj)j�-cts throughout the world. Peas per * :.. 0 62 to 0 65 %Ilanttell; Colored Gold and'Bright Gold , 5000 WELL -FATTED 0. L. PAPST, � I - - . R. D. Ross; Grocer, Agent, Seatorth. 774 0 16 to -0 17 ets; Roal Plate and - Gilt Sets; '! - . A large sud well 86lected stock of plain andFaticy Dress Goods in all the � Butter ....... j� ................. 8 I Watchmaker and Jeweller, is in endlesova: ety,at the loweot � WIL13ON' & yoUNG invite the public to E ................. I 0 e ri I . ispiayof crockery and glass- ,gg ......... . ... 0 20 to 8 22 Biooches, Bar, Rings, Neeklets, Brace- � ' TURKEYS! leading shades; Black- and Colored Cashmer -tall. and see their d Hay per ton. . . 7.00 to 00 I . � I the largest aasortment of potatoes, per .b. u -s -h --el-.-.-::: ..::::.. 0 32 to 0 85 lets, Gem Rings, Seal Rifigs, and Plain ' - . . sible prices. I Wae�. They aho,A :a, ware, Terracotta . M 01.50 to 050; Scarf I 3riber will pay . Sign of the Big Clotk. Pos I . raotto cups and mugs, MSjOlic wool ........................... 0 20 to 021 Gold Rings, fro I 'FOR which the,pubs( the highest - � ware, vases toilet sets, &-c-, that can be found Hldea, per 100 lbs .............. 7 00 to '13 00 Pins, Baby Ping, Cuff Bqtto'ns, Shirt � mariet price in cash. The Turkeys must be � � I'll . outside Of the cities. 1[n Ek few days we expect a - ---------- 11 - Collar Studs. I I I . delivered &liye. I ­ ' . I Studs, i I 11ab wanted by the subscribe � I I . I . r, a, limited quan- . � . er sets, breakfast and WiRPOOL, Nov. 15. -Spring wheat, . I i� .. � 0 cons�l mew t di= anythipg we have ever L � .. 1:Lts w % 'Ill ofurp . , - . I i tity of dressed . . ; . - -- shown for style and price. As we import direct 08s lod ; ,red winter, 8s 9d to 00s . : N. B. -All repairing done on the . :1 to �, ffer the above goods at such Od - white, 09s Od ; club, 09s� 5d, i : CEESE, DUCKS AND -CHICKEN& . . nd satisfaction guaranteed. OLOTHS AND OLOAKINGS8 - . z .. .- � cali we will 0 uever.heard of before. come I 5B 6d; peas, 7s I . � Iremis , esj a . pneeg as Seaforth oats, 5o 06d; barley, IN, SUNDRIE%5o � . . . � one, come all. WiLSON & Youxa 776, I � lod ; pork, 102a Od; cheese, 59s 6d. , � These require to be well fatted, nicely dresBedanO . -- — i .. � OAK HALL mothing House is the place -Gold an� Silver. Watch Keys, Silver drawn, and should not be led. anything for 24 ------ A choice selection, in all the newest designs, at popular Plicell- - . hours previou.s to boing killed. . - s ajjd styles, N I - Silver an Steel Spec- ' . . i - I � . . to: buy- Fur Capsin all qualitle TORO'TO, Nov. 16. -Fall wheat, 80-90 Thimbles, 'Gold . � . . .. . . Tweeds JIL English. Scotch and CanacUan, to 00.93;,spri.ng, $1.00 to $1.05; Ms, 42c 'tacles to"suit Z sights ; oggles, Gold - . . D. D. WILSON. — � . � . Coate Ftruishings in a,U the iatest novel- -9 o WANTED. -An assistant teacher, male or f&- . - as, 75c to 76c , barley 6 9 Silk Guaxds and berts, Steel � 8 af . , I ties compriaing a iarge assortment Of to 43c; pe . I 00 to Pen , . shes and Combsj'Vio- . a orth, Nov. 14th, 18M . male, for School Section No 7, Grey. Du- � . � $12 00 to '17-50; Chains, Hair Bru - &� and ties just received, Under- 78c ; hay, Pei ton, � 12 00 to , nia and Bill ' ties to commence on the ist January, 1883. 'T S , er�bag, lin Strings, Portmoi Books. ,A.1RCA-A,I1 laothing in Scotch &Ad Clana�jasi (alses,) butter, 190 to 25o ; potatoes 0 1 CAMLING'S Au=a ALIM -and porter, La Applications st:itmg salary received up to the 1:):s a 3::I --):23D :B ., . - ..� ) I -stock of ,Pipes in ears haum, ' 1889- ' JACOB KRAUTER, . � I . . I . - I Rays% youths', a. Men!sMen's & o.s.Men's- 75c to 800;1 eggs, per doz., 24cito'25c.; Larg'a . m 0 -, batt's India pale ale and XX stout in wood 20th November, 77&4 i � a, aind Men'Si kes. Ffencll- Clay : '�- - i -- . - A - Readymade Clothing in Boy -dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., $0.00 to Brier and other �ma - , and bottle at L. THORNIK's Liquor Store. 776 secretary, Granbrook. . - - � - . s of Over- - , Pipe Mounts, all�'4dnds Tobacco Poucheq ' L. THoiaNF, appointed Agen . !. ent $8.75 ; wool, per pound, 18c to 2 0.1 . ; ,,hm been Sulta aud a large a sortin � . I I . rVEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, for School stock of Ladies' Fancy Wool 4' . . : are- � 7 d, which is n ' male or female teach- as of every at %de - Ses,rfs ; ladies' and children's Wool Hoods, - 00&tg in aU sizes, *h1ch will be, sold at p i and a host of other small w i , for the Fairfield Plains Yineyar -IL Section No. 9, Grey, a In Wool Goo* )scription. Am in2mense Ordered . i � ! 1 for the best wines in Canada. 776 - Squares, Clouds and Promen 81 . . . - I "Very much reduced prices. - 'Cheese -Markets. �, I - 1� . ; &� - —­ er, holding third class certificate. Applications :k1s Underwear, Misse Underwear, . �, t - � I , Mothing a speCia,lty'. An orders guar,* - I L All the above goods will. be sold o � -- stating salary required and giving qualifications Mittens, etc.- 'Ladies' Underweart - Geutl6mel ition. , Canadian riain Gr �.. . . . . . � CAN & DUNCAN. 779 INGERSOLL, NOV. 14.-FOUrte n faocto- . I nit, and warr�nted as re; � will'be received by the undersigned until Novem- Boys, Underwear, at prices that defy compet _eys. atteed. DUN owume CTION- SALES. ; also full ramge of all the leading I their. . �. I T I AU I ber 15th. ALEx. mcKA7Y, Moncrieff P. O. 778 L i ries offered 7,350 boxes of chee:e, * few SIDGBB from � - white sca,let and Fancy Check,Flannels .... ­ ___ __ -, _ ­::-- I ( Octo. presentedi as 1, mean btL I - . to at rook bottom prices. Our .... I ng September, but principal i I i d', � . adian Blanke i ion SLaj.eS. bei this out. I shall not b underso 1 O.REDIT PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of thordugb - %des in Fine French Twills. ,Can � I Z. I Auct . ber and balance of season make. Faq- I P I and grade stock and reAl estate. -Mi. TEACHF,R, NVANTED.-A School Tewher for Sh complete in every respects ' 11 . On Thursday Nov. 30, at 1 o'clock 7 jely ,4Dn getting good bargains. , %-/ bred i School Section No. 1, in the Township of Hosiery and Haberdashery Department will be found � arm, torymen Were holding for 126., with YOU Ms. , 11 . I . ; I' c R. opoper has received instructiauo from Mr. Hullett, county of Huron, for the Year 1883, Large assortment of Fur Goods. Gentjen�'enls Fur Ca,pg in every style -and . J�hn N ' aprietor's f -1 � al, of Brussels, to Bell by Publi s, etc., in great vanety, at P. M.'a , I � . I . I Knechti class certificate. le ; ' C . � -' ' e . � : I I at i 1 : MI; win : . I ! I A i:,O, h18i682t&,r,Mt1']B O'clock p, m., or ' y with est, oni unappro BrusselB. Th VZtb . sharp, th , - ' � soheible prices. haxp, at the Pr jo. offered and refused; no sales. � ,A�; price. Ladies', Moses and Children's Fui Sets, C&P -oroughbred and Gra 11,,� rdasels, on Thursday, N ho�ding a 8eeon - tel, Next Tuesday will be our last market . "'t 'tatin' W V til November : � I ch I u ViZ,L: Two thoroug 'I " i'0 l � r,�� . - Stock andRealEstate, J.N.Kne 6 obeese un- - * . I . le ..yed b� t ,e ,�nd , coustance . - u , son, andth stock of REPAIRI�Cx 'n viLl able property, " ,. .,.r ! 1. � 11 Proprietor; C. R. Coopers Auctioneer. this 6626 1 - ! I '01'ow' g calf, 1 thoroughbod heifer co b. ,..N ,� L.. S Y, I � I torym'en's hands in �hi� sec I ' I bred cows in e8, . 778xa . 11 11 20 at J' o'clock P. sold in fac . - two' I P. 0. . - L On'Monday, Nov. , tion does not exceed 10,000 to 15,000 In all the branches of WOICheS, Clocks ,� 2 t1wroughbred heifer calv L X., in the Village of Zurich- Village I ; !! an&, warranted to thoro�g=b bull 1 year and 9 molths old, (n o undersigned win i � . boxes. ­ I I - � ;and Jewelry as usual, � finer in the aounty;) I thoroughbred bull tea TEACHER WANTED.-Th6 . 11 I -L Property Stock and Household Furni, . - — . I , - - 23 yearal ex- i ao 6 grade cows in calf, 2 mares tv o . recAve applications up till ten o'clock on the OLOTHING DEPARTMENT. . .. � I - igive sat' tion I I i months old, all roe, I 9th of December, IM, for a female teacher for I - I ture. Jacob Happel, Proprietor ; E - Live Stock Marketq. L . ce* the trade. : i and three years old, I aged mare, i aged ho Morris. Duties to coin- . L : 6SL Were a" perien . . . � breeding sowp 7 young Pigs, 5 well-bred owes, I 0 -school Section No. 1, I � - Bossenberry, Auctioneer. - � ewe lambs, Iffi8. All opplica- . . ­ On Tharsday Nov., 23, on. Lot 20, MONTRE,&L, Nov. 14.-Pric and 2 ram lambs. The above stook melice on the lat of Jsnuary� I 9 easy as last week, and the demand, not Remeniber the old stand, opposite ill be sold without reserve, as the proprietor a I tion,o,to in writing. and applicants to APPO�r � . - We exe showing I I ' 're ,aj� ' he above lya - It our Clothing Department is sometbiVig simply immense L South Boundary Towuship of Hay, at . being brisk, from the large stocks laid J. E;. potter's Cheap Cash Furniture 1 owver-otooked. Terms.-TwelVe montha7 credit on School No. 1, Morns, On t . sea- , I . , Farm Stock and . I . , i ived joint�notes, or a discount of 8 per ceDt. -date to sign agreements. ROBERT TRAQUA the largest andeheapest stock -of ReSdy-ma,de Clothing ever Offered to the X . � i I ., apprc ,loth. Stacks of Men,% . 10 o'clock A. M..- -h, Proprie- in last -week, equalled the suppl�. First- Store. I , � I I -Also at the same secretary, Blyth P, 0. 7 the finest Broade I . V � 1 for forth trade, from the cheapest Tweed to . Lnplem.ents.. Philip Haue I 1 7 ! caWL REAL ESTATE. . I put this fall, having bought largely 2n . � I class beef sold at 4j to 4jo- ;. secollii- � . 1 � time and place the following valuable Real Estat,3: - — d Boyie Overco4te that must be eleare( ed -to give , � ; j 28, Concession 9, Township --letet .4 -_ tor; El. Bossenberry, Auctioneer. I i . North half of lo' Very rare bargains, whix3h we are ( '113SM - clags, 3j to 4c., and lean stock from 2j REAL ESTATE FOR Slil. an I � � I On Monday. Nov. 20, on Lot 27, Con- to 3o. per po eight. . Morris, 1008,ores, 80 acres cleared; S18010t 9 — this Hue we secured some' of. An inspection of this department Will 0011- . o'clock noon, , Sheep m. 1 R. COUNTERy . concessioul:3,Townsbipof Grey, 100 acres, 30 1-Wj of Lot 10,COU- our customers the Ifull benefit before 46ffer6d at suchlow - - .Cession 10, Xv,iKillop, at 12 � arce and poor, selling from . I : ! acreo�dewred; also lot 2, Concession 11, Grey, 1)Q -VARM FOR SALE,South . at-reaodymaojes were never - were very ,so ,- . ist buyer th � Farm Stock and Implements. John I ! I . The above farms are i al 1: oession9,morrb,100&cm;70&mgelesr4 vinoe the clost to call mad satisfy themselves. No trouble to - P. Brine, 04 to 05, Lambs of best quality brought i ,O � "res, 65 acres ale". tic a. mostly seeded down; the balance about equal prices. We cordially invite an I Torrance, Proprietor; J. $3.50 to #4.50, and inferior from � The Leading Jeweller. i well jitnated and in a good state of cultiva ; . 7193 - parW of black ash anit hardwo0d. A never failin show goods. - � . from _ . I � � Also village lots, numbers 170,171, 178, 179, 1 spring creek rUng through the back of the lot. CuStomws win fma our new man) MR. ELMER PARKER, genial,pdlitO - I - - - Auctioneer. 12.50 to S3.00. The few calves offered . . I . : and 181, James Street, Brussels; 186, 1K, VO . . On Tuesday, Nov. 21 , at 11 o'clock ine quality, but priqes asked I — i 189, Maple Street, and lot 204, Princess Street, j Twelve acres of fall wheat sown, Frame house and obliging with all. I Hotel. I . ' I I I . A.M., on Lot 1,6, North Thames Road, were 6f f I � i . of an sere each. Terms of- Real EBtAte will be 86x24, stone 061lar 24 feet square ; bam 156"29 -pIwo, No. 3 Campbelro Block, opposite ROYSI - . -- � eDtB and were beyond,what butchers would givel orable, and made known on the day of with stone stabling underneath, both imearly new ; Remember the - 11 Usborne, Farm Stock, Implem 1 . rders takell at my Store very fxv . . failing spring near . . � Somers, and no sales were recorded. I I N a. Bv---O ,ale. 1. N -011TEL, Proprietor; 0 PUMP in woodshed; n6ver ..,KNF . beginning to bear. , lWusehold Furniture. Robert V. 14.-Higheat for portraits in crayon.by Miss Nettie scloorgR, Auctioneer. The regular barn yard, and young orchard ... "- . EAST BuFFAL0, NO 20 each, or as one mile and three quarters from Blyth Railway :1. , Proprietor - Archd. Bishop, Auctioneer. . fair cattle 05.75 Seegmill0r, of Goderich, 0 Irsir for the sale of stock win be held at ell & CO. I � I - received for were Apply to ROBERT TBIQUAIR, on the w. � . Carni3b �e � prices NOV. I 10 ,station. �- M X- . , I I at 3 o'clock pers, 1 steers two for P5. 'sample C�n bel seen in ontheaboVe dMej ThU"d6y9 NOV* V 0-2 preulf"s or Blyth F. 0. 780 - �, On, Tuesday, Nov. 28, to $5.90, light to good ship � . I I o'slosk a. m. - . . --- � � P. M., at the Commercial kotel, sea- S5.00 to #5.60� and good butch- I the window. . ! L - . . . . .... . 11. Me- bringing i �, - . . - . lorth, Fairm, Lot 34, Concession I � c I . � : . I i I . i , : . .1 � .. - � -- � : -4 . . . - . . I . i I I . . i . . ., I - I � : . I I . I I � . I � I � , . . Ili I I I ,NO I ,�e of bough � 1i I � � ! L . � L I * I � I - . . - . . . - . I . � -�� -I . I - . I � i � . I I . . � . , . . � I . I . . : I � . . - . . I . I I . . - . I � i� I � i I : .1 I . I - -� . i � I I r I � . -1 . I . . I � . . . - � —� - I L I - I . . , I � I * � . . . . � I � * . . � � . I . I . . * I - . .4 L I I - � I - - . - - I I ,L . I . . I . ­ . I . . ; i-------.�.--.----------��---�.---"–L--,--._'-------�------- -- .. ­ ­.- . I I . - I - . - . ­ . I 1-1 - ­ ­­. ­­­­ ­­ '­­­ ... ... ­ ---'-' ­­ ­­ "" "-�'-"---'L'--'--.--'-'--'--'-- ---I--- — ­­�­­ ­­--------.---