HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-11-17, Page 4Z F - . % - j, - - � ,_ .. - ,_ : -1 A .1,; - . - Z � �.- I � ; � t� � i �� -� _ � . ;. T� 1. ;, L_� , I : � I � --III I �iI I r ,.,�L - , ��. a � . . t .j I L . , -1 � . , - I z � - � � : - Z. -1 I I , �. I - , � i�.! 1 .4 1� .1; A i� � , L , ii, � - i � I! .- i i . i, 1', .! I . t .: , - 41'. r�� ti ; � 1.2 . -_ 4 i I , � .� i 4 � : I � _� z I . � � I . �-i� : . : I - - - � : it I - * I . 4- 1 � I 11 A � , I — -1 � �2 � ; 4 . ; � - I ; , I i J - �t I - . �: t I ­ � r I I it I , . � . � , I - , : , III , . ,o: - a , e � , , I , , 4 , i . i [�� - k , - � � I . , � - i C- I � � tw Z 4 i " - - , - t" It , . . ; , I R q � 1� , V, i i I -- , I � , . ­ � ill ,11 , - I .1 , - . - , �U " � , � , , , I � ��,.� � . � , �.. ii I i I �1. k. � , " I I., , .- k T , I - , � , 4 11 I I �,,t ! I., , ,�_ t, ,� , I - - , , , i, t i f. -_ Z J' � �1, , . , I . �, f - "', � � . I L la ? 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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . Or- The figure between the parentheeis Afte eseb line, denotes the page of the. paper on vh1el the,advartisement wfa be found. Hardware—James Drewe. (5) Jewellery—C. L. Papist. (5) � Estr&y Ram—A. Johnson. (5) St. Calves—Hugh Grieve. (5) -A I, - —George Sproat. (5) 9.6 Sheep—John Short. (5) - Farm for Sale—R. Traquair. (5) - Poultry Wauted—D. D. Wilson (5) Estray Mare—John Pollan. (5) Credit Sale—J. N. Knechtel. (5) � L Gtooeries—Duncan & Duncan. (8) To the Farmers—Foster & Sons. (8) _ L New.Goods—Alex. Weir..(8) __ - - __ 11M , � 1Z sultrou tulffolftor Q� r �_ - %, - — - I SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Nov. 17,188 - , ' Protection to the Eastern Provinces. - The principal excuse urged in favc of establishing and perpetuating th railway monop6,ly in the Northwest i , � that the Eastern: Provinces may be pro: tected. It is urged that if the moriopol to, tbeL Pacific Syndicate is not mair - tained, American railways will tap th , Northwest and will draw from tha country trade which, under existing oft curristances., must nedeasarily com through Canadian channels. By prE venting this it is urged that the Easter Provinces are advantaged and ben( ' fitted. It is admitted,. however, tbs even in this way, the advantage whic' I accrues tOL the Eastern Provinces wi', be gained at the expense of the gres Northwest. Now, do the Easter Provinces require or desire this s 11 I called protection, or vv -11. rut- be to thei interest&? We do not believe it. Wh is it that the Syndicate are so anxion toLkeep all competitors out c,f this vaF field? Simply becanse by Bo doing the . . � will be en&-bled,to exact hiolier traffi rates, from those who use their roao] These - profits will not go into tb pockets of the people of the Easter Provinces, but 'into the treasury of tb I Syndicate. In . stead, therefore, of tb monopoly bein � a "protection 11 or a O., adv-&nitsige to the Eastern Provinces i . will be a posit�ve injury, because it wi retard the developrient of the resource of tbe-Northweat cquntry and interfer . with the proper a.n4 natural avenues ( . : transit, between thi� country and thal � The, Mi era rapidly the Northwest. is d( veloped, and the easier and freer ,R , c � an gain access to It, the better it wi . be for us. If by railway competitio between the Eastern. Province I P and tb I Northwest we can get more and bettE railwa,y accommodation and at a cheal er rate, surely it will be to our, advar f tage to. have that, competition. Tb better the facilities for shipping good and produce thither, and the cheapoe the rates for carriage, the more busineE I we can do with them. The businsE mea &,rid farmers of the Eastern Pr( ' � vinces are not afraid. to compete witl . T their American neighbors for the Nortl west trade, so long as they have equE facilities for reaching the point of cor sum.ption, and it is no complimeE to. them to say that their Amer ,.can competitors must be shut on But it is, impossible to shut them oui The people of Manitoba and the Noktl west will deal with the, Americans whe . I they find it to be their interest to d - Ro, whether the railway monopoly i continued. or not. Recog-Lizing tbi fact, the Syndicate are already prepai - I rig to make connections with America railways. They have one oonnectin link with the St. Paul, Minneapolis an � . Manitoba Railway, in operation a,- En erBon ; they have another farther up tb river, and a third is spoken of, so thE the people of the Northwest will be a forded ample opportunitieB for tradih] � with the Americans. If they wish i send their wheat. to Minneapolis instes of to Montreal, there will be nothing I hinder their doing so ; and if they wig 1 to purchase their goods in St. Paul 11 stead of in Toronto, they will be equ%E -free to do go. In fact, the Americai will have the advantage over us, b, cause they will have competibion,'ari . consequently cheaper rates to the Cam dian bord: where%s the people of t1 � � Eastern Pi-�avinces wi. ill be bound up I . I I the one zoad, and will have to pay Buc . rates as that -road may see fit to oharg . There might be some plausibility in tI ' - 11 protection ( to the Eastern rrovm,ceE � excuse if the Syndicate were prohibit.( from making American connections, bi under existing arrangements the " pr toction " is all against those for who, it is. said to be &Bignfid.. In fact, t] monopoly is Bimply a fraud and an ir position -upon the people both of t] I Northwest and the Eastern Provinof - and is a device to put mone� into t] pockets of a few favored individuals the, expense of the many. - It affords i � I protection whatever to the E asta Frovincea., but is, on the contrary, . . direct injury to them, as it places thei ' � as, we have shown, at a divadvanta when competing with the business mi and manufacturers of the Weste States. The "_protection," therefoi which the. monopoly affords is to f � Syndicate, and not to the Eastern Pi vinces. I I I MR, JusTre'R HxNRY having refus, the application to ,have the appei from, Judge Cameron's decision * the North York &rid West Huron elf tiolft cans, heard during the prese . . W. . I ­-, ­­­ . .: . I � . L - . � I I . I . I I I JENNRC__j�,L� L . I . I � - I I I I L I I I . . . - � .1 I . . i : - " . . � I � - � � I . .. -_ I - L . - I I i ! I — � - - "'. � . - . : , . � I . I . I - - . I - ., I I I 4 - . � I � � . . . ; 'i - . i . . . ; � I L � I - I . 4._ - - . � I .� � � I " - . I i I L - . . . y i � - I - . -L ­ - A � . . I I 1, 1. . I L - . - I . '. - I . I , _ � " . � I � . , L I I . I � : I I . . . . I . II.L. . I . � . . . � . �1� I - Q � I . i I . -1 .� . I I I . � - I - Novm=.-17, JSL82 J - 1 - . L T14E HURON EXPOSITOR11111, . - __ I - "I I . - I .i lv� - � . - I . I __ . � - - I _. I I 4 � . -_ . i � ; died before assistance could be I � . __ ; . smoke, an - 1 . - I . d had brute . . . I L . ctly cousi red as a move, in the political o nuedabsence is causing consider- ed re iftiOn to to soothe her rendered it. � I a ag term of tho� Sup�eme Court, the matter regretted by any who are not dire 11 anxiety on the part It their parents. got up in the night _ - I must lay'over u4il Februairy, and the or'peouniarily affedtod, by the� chauge. game, that tl;iat course, followed up as - mind with a whiff. The match fell -A painful accident oosurred to one � it was,l,by the Smith-O'Donohus mani- an it is the subject of much converse, ill rul I ingots and ignited her dress. of the employees in Brooks' saw. in q d- T�e leaders of the Republican paity The direction in from he r f the t vM members recently elected- will hol . festo, has been -a blander of .the most tio, about Strathroy. ownship of Stephen, on Friday jut. . : � I By went is unknown further She ra,n soreatuing into a ward 000nlri- , . their seats during the intervening ses. have become so notoriously corrupt, maladroit kind. At least four Roman wh ch thi firm old womela, It appears that Mr. Wm, Carrick had I . . . - esed their first night ed by a number of in _. . . . I sion of Poirliamo�nt. It is more than an ; d their rule so distasteful -to� all right- Catho io prelates have denounced the ths, that they pa . flames of her burning -clothes been repairing some portion of the ni . - I . ; I . attao I of the Mail upon the heads of away from home in East Williams, and and the L . 016- � . t we will thinking peopld, that while the, change were seen in Ailes Craig and Parkhill . came near cS1181119 another Halifax holo- chinery, and when everything was in I � probable that. t1lis is the I&s � i a I . it their church, SiA.d have, some in direct the next day. An Ailm Craig livery osust. She rusbe4 back to her own seadineWi', a log was rolled on the ftr for hear of the Wes �, Huron Protest. And is surprise it is a welcome 0-00. terms and some by implication, upheld . herself in her -bed- the purpose of sawing it. in taking off L i . Pt a rig which has not yet room am d envelop A we daresay that none are more glad also shows that even in the United and-Aefended the course of the Govern- mail sent 01, 1A was burned to a the first alAb, a portion of it dropped off, : � I . is returned, and for which he holds clothes, where F` e 49 t I -doing, ment in the matter, and thrown their be i hen Mr- �Gillies, Made i than the petitiD 2ors to be let, down so . States retribution follows wrong weight and-influenoe into the scale in the runaway boys to blame. It is oinder. i w . ail sa 'a I I . I t h e a Z M�"' ' . 1111111M -_ I a grasp at the ,end of I . a notwit4stauditig the immense parents of the boys I portion , �, nice and easy. I . 1. the Liberal candidates. Wla. I of the �Blsbl his fingers came in contact nd. that r, favor 6f at. nee Bess to say the I - . I . 101M . infl I uence's which's long period i c ever 0ay be one's opinion as to the an3iouely'desire their return, and any I B:Uron Noteff. � with the saw, and in a twinkling one of I - . I i�j i r, . ation by telegraph or otherwise Mr. fi. - Aanitoba - Con. enabled the aomiva�t Pa ty to build up morality or immorality of th ,Brandon,.of Morris, lately them Was severed. � I I I - I I Wit NoTum that the T n on in� their defence and for their protection, there ' can be no doubt that the whole ad ressed to the Dispatch Offloe, sold a home to Mr. Sharp, of Seaforth, —There died at his residence, Huron aervatives are commencing to weake �- � . discussion tended to strengthen the Str roy, Ontario, will be tbllukfullY for 0226. � I _' � the disallows; . nee question. At lint they: even these have -not been oufficiently � 1 6 . ed by their parents. —it is stated that 9, new saw -mill if, Roma, Goderich Township, on Friasy, I � Reform party, and the task of appor- r8c 111111111111111 to be e oted in the village of Gorrie, at Nov. 3rd, Mr. John Taylor, aged' 74 were indignant and wild, and seemed to powerful to withstand the attacks of tioniDk the proper share of blame in , � . r. Wiles and another� gentle- years. � Deceased was one of the sons of - I vie with their Reform opponents in their the outraged electorate. - - the matter may safely be left to the News of the 'W eek. once b M � probably the fint settler in Goderich � - , 11111111111111111011111111 -ft organs themselves. It istheir particular man .1 i Township. R4 father settled about denunciation of the high-handed and un- i — - 1�1'ORTIIWEST STORMS.—Heavy storms —k . , Julia Eadie, of Wingham, has "Take a psalm and bring hither th'e--timbrel) the "funeral." . are reported from Minnesota and Da- � where deceased's homestead and late jnst conduct of the Dominion Govern. pleasant harps with the psaltery. Blow, up the ' There is considerable agitation been se-ected, out of several applicants, residence was, in the year 18281 but wag . I �mpetlin the now moon, in the time � appointed kot on Monday and Tuesday. to toact k in school, section No. 7, . . ment in disallowing the railway bills tr I among financial men and others over of the . Morris, killed by a falling tree, soon after. Do. on� our solm6n feast day._Ps&1ms,-.'L�XX1. 2-8. 1:11ED.—COI. Richard Arnold, . � - and closing them in under the broad ,, . I . certain alleged irregularities in -connec- nited States Army, died suddenly in place of Miss Gilpin, resignedr � ceased' except for a short intermission, I Met us suppose that Bible, study was tiou. with U J Mr, Geo. A. Cooper, of Gbiderich * . � q one or two of our banks, par- at Governor's Island, on the 8th — in Goderich, has resided on his property heel of the Syndi ate monopoly. With. compulsory iL 'the schools, aiid that Towns ip, grew from one ie;�d two io . ticularly.the Federal and Dominion. - on the' Huron Road, about -five ruilow in the last few days, however, we n6tice these verses formed part of , the lesson Accusations - are made that the lia- ins . 3pain pumpk us ttat weighed '120 pounds' from Goderich, for about 54 'years. He " * - a de I cide � d chan � fo I the day. I -How should tb6 -teacher bilitie! of the dire' - oyAL BIRTEI.—The Queen of I One of hem took first prize at t e Bay- In -ge in the tone of the Con. . 0 . otors of these b�Lnka has been siifely delivered of a asughter h was at one tit 0- an active member of I erpretthem. Webaveno1oubt,for tothe'fbanks themselves, are groiater "L field show. servative Press of the Province. They � I . - � Tb child will be baptized and named the Methodist b-ody. Of late years he I i stance,that- our oBteemed-frifind Mr. tb an ; the law- I � —While Mrs. N. White, of Exeter, . - , . .ie � 'allows. � This means has not moved about much. By indug. are getting new light'and now ideas by :arren Rook, Q. -C., would bold that that the men compooirig the manage- IBa 1. was des 3euding the steps in the I lansion try and thrift, he accumaisted, a fair � they do not justify the use of! instru- SwummiNG.—Minna Wookey, 9 years . degrees. They now talk about. compen. ' ment of these institutions have borrow- min- Hotel$ i that Village, on Tneso� ,sy last, competence. He leaves one son, Robert sation for the rights of.w.hich-they baye mental music in -the worship of God ; ed more from the funds thereof than Old, swam 501 yards 2 feet, in 13 1 she accidentally slipped and broke her who resides on the homestead, and * ' while it is 'eqnally positive - that -our they have a right to. It is also said utes 41 seconds, at Clifton, Bristol,Eng- arm. I I Bey - L es e , - i land, on Oct. 25th. - 11 .-Mr I eral dangliters, most qf whom &to mar. been deprived,.and think, tfist if'tbe It emed -friend - Mr. James 'G.illean that these banks are in the habit of I T. B. Carling, of Ixe has tied and provided for.1 - . Dominion Government w"Id give the �;uld regard it 'as a dirmt I I t. I jeomPREIRENSIBLE.—Ever.y 24 hours c . . Qu If loaning. money on bank stocks, a� a Germ in canary bird, which, si e last __ � mu:�� a . tail, 0. 1,140 trains rush past the signal tower I I - " .�, ion . Province control of its own lands, as the use of instrumen If the practice also prohibited by law. One 'of t4e Pennsylvania Railroad, on Fil- April, I as raised.no fewer than I wenty- Perth Items. � . . teacher should adopt Mr. Rook i view, ' one young canaries, and is at preseut . I sop for depriving it of railway klompeti- � . of the banks mentioned has contrived a 1. anshard, hag been � '� - . her i street, Philadelphia, a record -that I John Mooze, of B1 * r. Gillean�11�would have just cause for very ingenious -method of evading the on sitting u three eggs. tion, they could still live and be happy. can be equalled by no other point wool ' fined $20, and oost for selling liquor on . !mplaint that the sokools for which he spirit, w1ailo complying with �he letter . —Mr, Service. of the Brussels en This is �nst.about what eveqbodyex- WaBtaxed were imparting instruction the globe. factory, has take_ -n Mr. Howe in I part- Sunday. � - pected. I The Manitoba Conservatives of, which he could not -approve' I of the law. Debarred from lending TURNING TEME M015.—An attempt to nership with him. The latter is a prac- —The salaries of the Mitchell public . I and it directly upon these stocks, a corpora- . ii n as - are of the same ilk as their brethren in , would be fully as UDjUSt to tax -yr. tiO4 has been formed whc�e obifif stop Lor ^ d Waterford's hounds from tical man, and for several years as had school teachers have 9.11 bee i ore ed I Rock for the promulgation of opinions hunting at Curraghmore, Irelaudo on ' I offiqers are identical with those' of the , the mat agement of a large woolen estab- $25 for the coming year. Ontario. When Sir John pinches and which be its himself eDgaged. inbombat- I I Sat arday, was frustrated by the hunts- lishmer t in Hespel�r. I —Capt, Francis, of Fullarton, hag , squeezes theta, they will squeal and ing. Either Mr. Rock or Mr. 1. Gille&n bs,4, which borrows I ' argely frbm the me , who dispersed the mob with their - —Mr. Stepbew' Brown, of .tiowick, sold a colt, five months old, fror4 his � I I lat�er, and which in turn is prepared to . � . . might justly siy he sent bis qbild to advance mon . whips. : bought from A. Parks, of Marylorough, well known brood mare, for $150. 1 squirim until they become acousto�mosd a ey to all-comen upon the TELLow FEvER.�Advices from As- _ - I _ � ebool to learn, reading, writing and seen . last we k, a very fine heifer, at fancy The Roman Catholics of Stratford . . � - to the pain, when they will meekly sub- ' tbmetic.—London Advertise I r. , rity of the stock which the bank pinwaill contain the Inews that the price. Mr. Brown is one of the enter- have purchased seventeen acresof the I . ari itself dare not ' . I I -touch. Verily it is a ' mit to the infliction, and will evenikiss .�- I I Cauml Company's hospitals at that prising farmers -of Howick, and is de- old 101awston farm for cemetery pur- . . .The above, although ver plausibly tough� problem, which the lastute i . -and cairess the ba,hd that amites them i I . y financial meii of Toronto cannot i3olve. - city and Panama are crowded with the voting iis time and capital to the im- poses. - . ' � put, is no valid argument whatever. Bic �, several patients suffering from m nt of stock. . WLen Sir John refused to ratify the On- � . , It is to be observed tb,at tbeBe irregu- �, prove 'Thomas Moore, of Grey, and in —A gymnasium has been established . - . . There are plenty of passages in the * yellow fever. Mitchell and is now in full blast. . tario, Boundary Award,Mr. Mer6d1th . 1. � larities do not nece0arily affect #the . ]y[lmsH,RIC CuR.E.. � A patient in Louis- hi — r daughters were upset into the Messr4. Fraaer ok Campbell are the . . B ble which are quite susceptible of in- standing of a bank. as iD the firoit case - I and his followers in. the Ontario is- :'!l . ; a 1 . Kentucky, while mesmerized, , s t�w( sy evening, near Brus- managers. . I Leg' t villeg � 'it.h. I at Saturd i . efligent explanation, and that too in all pbe borrowing directors may be per- 9 . ; ha a tumor remo I laturb were very indignant, and voted I I and —Mr. Albert Hemsworth has soll. his . way which need be­­0'ffen8ive'tO,no onel fectly solvent and quite able to repay; and face without pain. The operation sels, to ether with horse, harness I I for some strong resolutions condemning � I . And in the second ban'k stbekB may be, buggy, y the horse shying. The only farm, lot 38, on the 5th line Elms, toa I i I . an d it would be a very. unwise I teacher and . doubtless are, as good security as waF -difficult. The patient is doing damag done was a broken' slaft and gentleman from the township of reelf - , � . the action of their chief, but so soon as I wel 1. for W000. , I indeed who would select such 8, Passage many other commodities upon which oke. : I . that chief put on the political screws I I . FAXIC IN A CHuRcir.— At 8 o'clock . 0" sp e of IE � russel —The MesBr�. Hess Brotbers,� 6f Lis. as the above. Because there �,re- pas- bank4ladvance m4pey freely. It is very - . Mr , F. C. Rogers, Reev 8, I and gave them the first twitch, Mr. i . , mass in the Si. Lawrence Roman Catho � � evident, however,'that it would be un- . in an address to his constituen a, says: towel, pay out weekly in wages to hands � ss� es in the Bible which cauno� be ex. , . York, on Sunday I Meredith and his followeTs wilted; they 9 . I e hands of directors lie Church, Now .e . I vviap to place in th' morning, a portion of the ceiling fall 11 It is ray intention to enter the deld lor emplov d in their wareho-ases, the sum i ' pounded satisfactorily to all, that is no . another year, no matter who m y come of from $1,100 to 51,150. � turned ri-ght-about- face, and now unite : : I an ualimited .power of lending the - . reason wbypassages which are. suseeP- bauk's MODey to themselves, and those with a loud crash,. producing a panic out. I make this atatement so that —Mr. Flynn, an. -old resident of Dub. . L I in saying that the action which they tible of expositio4 in a way wb.i(;h can who remember� the history of the city among the congregation. No person there insy be no unefirtain s I re- lin, and for many years a teacher in the i � I Beriously hurt. village school, died on Monday of last formerly so strongly condemned is right, AiVe offence to no* one, should, -be left of Glasgow bank failure, are aware Tr[F. TuRp.—The Derby will be run spectinj it." . 0 He was universally respected. and that 11 the ola man " is theonly tf ue i that it was brought about largely by —Tbe.G r*e Enterprise says: A Got- week. - - aside, or the book condemned 'as UnAt nex b year on the 23rd of May; Ascot - � I the immense sums which had been ad- rie man is"Walild to have recently made —Mr. Philip E. Harding ha's been ' friend Ontario has, and thafthe Bonn fo I r use in the public schools. There is - valqoed to directors. It is also clear meeting will commence on the 5th of 08, 11 for insurance, when the engaged as principal of theschool. at dary Award, *hich in their haste they , i I - June, and Goodwood on the 31st of appl' 'iO Fullarton village in place of Mr. Hislop, . ** agent ai ked him, " What are the means plenty of reading of thJ[s latter class in tha:lt the IODdiDg of money on bank had pronouLed- just and equitable,is . I July. The race for the two thousand . � stocks would tend to encourage specula- . in your village for extinguishing 1 L a fire? " who goes 6 Cromarty. . the Bible, Bo that even were, its use . � . gui eas will take place on the 26th of i . I I e Milverton flour mill has again - . : . . I . made compulsory in the way, desired . Ap il. � changed hands. Mr. Ben Hawke has now illegal and -unconstitutional. As it tion iLt tbis class.of securities, a thing ,,Well,! I said the applicant, "it rains —Th i , J , alw& s to be deprecated. It is said sometilnes." was with Meredith and his followers in y � MINING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. — In —Mi. James Davis, for maIly years sold to the Messrs. Peffer, of GadshiR, . there would be no need to pick:out ex- that in coDseque " ce of these irregulari- . . . I . . 11 1� * tl�e tow 'the Bum of $6,200. Ontario, so will it be with Norquay and I � the Cassair mining region, British botel-keeper at Farquahar, in u- for ceptional passages such as the above. tieq railway companies on the other I 1 Usbornei au - . h* followers inManitoba. In the me ! -1 Col2mbia, the past season, 330 men —D� D. Hay, , Esq., M. P. P., of Lis- � is an. ' sido�of the line have issued instructions ship I d who remdyed'to 4 . ' Iithe above is-1he strongest argument were employed. The amount taken Dakota, last spring, with his family, is towel, is under medical treatment at time, the disallowance question fur- � I I to their officials not to receive the bills * I - l I A that can be urged against the Bible out ranged from 1150,000 to $175,000. . of e,�,ertaiu Can�adian Banks. I now around his old stamping ground on BattWl Creek, Michigan. We we - - I nishes an excellent and somewhat ex . b6ingread.by. and- explained: to our Little excitement is yet shown over The outlook for next ' fully equals that a visit. He returns to Dakota in a few pleased to learn that his health is im- citing theme for the Oppositionists to � . . municipal honorajor next year. of t 3e present year. weeks. I proving. children in the Public Schools, the I Two I HE JI@RsF,-r LrLy FAILING IN SnAxE:s- I : � —Rev. Father Sheridan has been appeal to the people with at the forth i , ' the mayoralty, Aid. —W( learn that, owing to the con- I � I sooner the law I is amended and the cai4didates for j?mmE%— Mrs. Langtry performed in tinned - removed from Irishtown on account of coming local elections. But that will � . Bo0well and Ald. Clarke, had "conflict- . illness of Rev Mr. Hamilton practice made compulsory thebetter. Sh kespeare's drama, "As You Like * be about all it will amount to. So long � I " ing claims," and as both these gentle- (who As again been confined 'to his ill beaq1th. 7 He was presented with & [ � I � men are Conservis.tives, it was evident 01' taking the part of Rosalind,before 11 bed), R�v. Mr. Voaden, who was to -have well f il led purse of money before Ieav- . � as Sir John rules supreme at Ottawal :In. viF.w of the great row'that bas � cul mred and refined audience, in Wal- concluded his labors on the Londesboro ing. ' � . I I .1 th It in the int4rest of the party it lack's Theatre, New York, Saturday . just so long will the people of Manitoba re�cently been raised about It Marmion," wo�ld not do forboth to go to the polls. . Circuit, last Sunday, has consented to —The Mitchell Recorder says Mr. . . . ! . . evE Ding. Her appearance proved a sorA remain until Christmas. i Crooks can claim to have one inspector . have to endure the yoke of railway mo.- the following order whic!h Jiias been A ingly an influential deputation diar6ppointment. ; I - ! . W= —Mr. Anthony Taylor, blacksmith, of at leaE it who is not afraid to do his duty, nopoly. He is irrevocably committed tO. isBued from the Educational' Depart. I . upon the latter and induced RANcis GLonom SIIAw. — Franc's Elimville, who has been working in and ibat is Mr. Coppin, the inspector . I � . hiqa to withdraw, notwithstanding the George Shaw, the well known philan- Strath-, ,-oy, during tl�ie past year! has re- f it. If tbey,want to get rid of that, they ment will be of interest : 111a the sub- fact that he. has frequently ex ressed,, v �or'South Perth. . � I must direct their shell at Sir John and I, . -1 . p thropiBt, one of the earliest and most turned to his old istand again. Mr. —A few nights ago some vicious dogs I I ,Ject of Bugliah Literature, prescribed his, intention of running at all hazards. prominent contributors to, and ardent I . � 1. - attacked a fine flock of sheep belonging I not at Norquay, although to decapitate I,' EX-Ald. Withiow has also taken the Richar I Horn, who occupied thie prem � — , 'by the Order in Council of;the 31st field as a candidate for, the mayoralty. workers in the New Tork Underground iaes d a .-ing Mr. Taylor's absence, has- re - to Mk. P. Wheliban, of Sti Marys . . , in- . the latter would, no do-abt, assist them "*March last, Goldsmith's I Traveller' I Railroad,by which slaves were forward- moved to Hills Green. [ jurin�j seventeen,three of which died. . I He i4i a Ref�rmer, has for a number of 6 ' � to root out the former. We axe afraid, I I or I Marinion' may be used� by any years occu ,ied a seaf at the city corin- ed from the -'South into Canada, —Mr. Jas. Jackson, Of Hull6tt, had The oW,ner of the dog killed him and however, that there are yet too many I, pu il in the'"13igh Schools - oil! and is President of the Industrial died at West Brighton a few days the mi afortune to lose a valua�le horse paid i�o damages. . Is i p . .. oix candir I �bition Association. ago. I � last Week. The animal was stabled at —Mr. John Hamilton, of the second ' - genuine Tories in Manitoba to permit.of date at the departmental &mi]a&_ E�h' LAwLEss CRown.— Officer Crowe, . ince�sion. Elm&, has purchased from , I � 0 . ev. Mr. Rainsford is a popular night, pparently in a ,healthy c6ndition, co I the accomplishment of so desirable a 11 tiona in July next,. as the 'rent 0 clo�, on Sunday attempted - to disperse. a but up an going to the stable oi� the fol- Mr. D. Guthrie, of Guelph, lot 179� pay - result. . : gyman. He is greatly liked by his crowd Qf ltalia'us in Brooklyn. 11 guardian may select." Thiol'is surely co#gregation here,—tbat of St. James He w" lowing morning Mr. Jackson fohnid the ing f�r the same 32,000. There are ' , set upon by them and out with a razor ims) dead. The horse was jalued at about -fifteen acres.of cleared land, the I 'liberal enough to s -nit, all parties, and Cathedral — who Btrongly supported an I IT sErms that tricks, are sometimes i him for the rectonhip recently vacant, in a terrible manner. The officer ho rest i.0 principally black ash and cedar . I . above all our Congervativg' friends . one of his assailants in the side. Other . . perpetrated in connection with the a . and now he has- again. received a call pol comen arrivi g a number of I'U-ali,,, —Jo n Tackaberry. empi y e- swamps. - hould. be doubly pleased. They are from St. George's, Now York ter Mb- -4,'wan, at the SaItford as;. I works, —A. serious fire occurred at M-onktoit i I this time n newspaper trade as well as with others, ' were arrested. A loaded revolver was in Goolerich, -while shoveling salt, on on Wednesday night last week, result. sontinually ha�rping about the Centraliz- with the promise of a salary of $8,000 a foa ad on one and a razor as the following explanation from the - I - - . . " Frida last, accidentally fell irto a pan ing in the complete destruction of Hug. ing. tendenci6s of the Loea� Gov6rn- year, He has not yet signified whether ancther. , leld's store, containing Toronto World which is absolutely so. � he will accept the offer, but his people of so ling brine. He was plu oked out gins'hotel, Merrif Onrat L , I . ment, and here the power -is placed aB here are very unwilling that he should E MA,I;L-PDX ON A TRAIN. — The New by some fellow -workmen almo instan- the p st office, and his dwelling houee. I e in every particular, clearly - he, people gOL Yo,,k Express on the Erie Railroad, directly under the control of . t I regret to learn that Rev. D. J. . taneou sly, but was severely soal ed,nev- he reissupposed to haveoriginated , I � shows; The Mail recently repudiated ' I PSE Bing east on the 9th iust., was held ortheless, and died on Tuesa , having in th store. as it well can be. It is to loe toped we Macdonnell, of St. Andrews, who is now . the News; said it was neither kith nor ci , I i - atE,1mira till physicians could vacclu- lingered in great suffering. — I man named Angus Thompson, a � have now hear ,the last of "Marmion." in't.he Old Country for the benefit of dy safe , . I kin of its. The News has likewise re- I , . . I I his.health, has not materially improv. ate all the passengers not alrea, —NV hile engaged in paintin , at-- Mr. well-to-do farmer of West Zorra, w" pudiated. the Mail. At any rate -this,regulatiou seems to ed. � , - from contact *ith small -pox. A pas- Young's new house in Blyth, one day kille by the accidental overturning of I . . : They have even have satisfied the Mail, as for the past Hon. Mr. Crooks, acting for the At- songer -afflicted ' with symptoms ,of� recently, Malcolm Campbell had the his agon when returning home from I reached the stage of calling one. another . I ' small -pox, was taken from the train at misfortune to fall off the Is, r, a in- Stra ord on Saturday night. His "It, two or three d lent On torney-General, has brought an action H nelloville. , Ou �Ibis. . ays it has been, si ail - . y . names. r The situation is ab . ' ' i il against the Grand *- Trunk R way r tance of 20 feet, when he was severell hors a stood still all night and held the I . - . the subject. I �, ; . MZZ iroR STOcE: GAMI)LING. — A bruise 1. He was on a ladder painting wago6 on him. He leaTes a family.. John Riordan owns both, though Chris- - , Company to compel the latte� to remove I . I I cui ious feature of the craze for specula- over the bay -window when the ladder —Mr.Roger Metherall,of Go wrie, w W - i ! the tracks, sheds, etc., from the public I topher Bunting is also in the two com- ' tiny, fostered by the recent. oil dis- gave way, precipitating him to the the other day feeding his horse, .and OUR TORONTO LETTER. bi%hway on Simcoe and John Streets, . . B . �. a on while) in the act of coming down the - Mr. R i J - f oi eries in the Pennsylvania district, i grou 1!4. paniea. iordan affects the News; _, I n part of the Esplanade,, which c ' i . - - Christopher is managing director of the (From Our -Own Corre8pondemt-) have long been a nuisance and .. an ob- th( hold which the speculative fever _AJ few days ago, while a Is, , named ladd4r from the stable loft, missed hia - . ' the fair sex, who Howey, who lives a short dist ce S'Puth footing and fell a distance of ten feet, Mail. Mr. Bunting in the Mail says lie . I ; structiou to traffic, as well as a stand. _ . I . . The bye -elections are over, a d there iDg dan . ger to the lives and limbs of or(wd.the gallery of the Exchange at of Exeter, was in the act of s &rating alighting on the side of his head and . . - , - has nothing ta do with Mr. Riordan in . i Til uaville,eagerly watching the fluctua- . I I - has not been on, the whole �that re- pedestrians. It is to be hoped in the an old revolver the spring ped, and receiving severe bruises. the News,; Mr. Riordan in the News ' I tio is of the market, and gambling with striking a ball, with which thio i weapon —Some maliciously disposed persons . action in behalf of the Conservative interest of the public that Mr. Crooks " - Bays he is quite independent of Mr. - . � i . will succeed. . . G. more or less success in margins. was loaded at the time, di-ov � it with gratified their ev,il passions on Hallow- - . party which was so confidently looked for ' . WHAT Dom IT MF,Aw.—Warlike pre- such force as to bury ib i i young e'en i night h breaking a number of Bunting in the Mail; and to himself he ' . . I- ToRoXT0, 17th Nov., 1892. � . and predicted. 1 For some T ason or parations of an alarming character con- Howey'shands. The ball was extracted panes of glass out of the windows of - � says, -I own them both, what's the � . Zio ' ? a, � � other it does not seem to havq been a tinue to be'made by Ruseia, the precise by Dr. Lutz. It will be some t e e ore , church, 9th line Downie, and out . . odds?" The spectacle thus presented I A DECISION recently given by a Prince meaning of which it is not easy to the lad will have the tise of hi hand, � of the windows of the schoolhouse . , . P a truly� edifying one: Mr. Bunting good season for that sort of a relaction,as E dward Island Judge in a Dominion dpline. .The construction of -nine ves- —Mrs. Milligan, -of the 17t conces I - situated one quarter of a mile from the the election in Muskoka' only a,ve the co I . and the t*o representative Senators. � ntested Election Case is eminently B018 of war for service in the Black and sion of Howicki vouches for vbat fol- church. : : . finishing touch'to th( 4(ork car- - Baltic Seas, and the strengthening of lows: She hod a ga:nder so ini an't upon — . � , b,Pt. Marys Literary Society had it riding the Catholic donkey'in the Mail; . � - just and will give universal satisfaction , ,.e la . I ried out in the other constituencies. - . s political results. It the forts at Cronstadt, are among the maternal (sic) careB that he ILUI Oyed the de ,ast, week on the question of the worthy pa -pe L rmaker auiy Imonnted � irreBpe latast developments of the move., hens whether laying or incubw �ing. To wor en's -rights. It was decided that on the Protestant back in the News; - seven seats out of eight is ,a, pretty sdems that the deputy returning officer * MEDt. bumor him, she gave him th -ee eggs. the franchise should be extended to ' and e people, of Canada run-, clean Bweep, 6d the result is all . that had neglected to initial some of the bal. Hs DisposAL or AnAm.—Mr. Glad- Two goalings rewarded his pabernal in- wo I en. At the same meeting Miss - ning full tilt atone another. 'But they could have been desired by th friends lots, and that in the cobut these had sto ae stated in the House of Commona stinct. He led them to the ush, and Doh nage read an extract . on the are bothpirinted in the same office, of goqd government, and rath(i r better,I been thrown out. The judge, however, tht other day, that Arabi would not be on returning to the barnyard he could woman's rights question which ere" � . on fancy, than was expected by ac me. i But executed without the conserit of the ' hardly be coaxed to accept eleei nosynary a,gr aat deal of merriment. the same presses, from the same -type, I tooik the view that they should be BrtishGovernment. TheGovernment aid. . —It is said that the "' Murphy�, esta-to � notwithstanding the fact that'rhere are recor andi Lord Dufferin were considering the —Mr. Laughlin MoNeil,'of the 14th in I;ogan is not Noing to pa;u out as wen and one bank account makes up any -de- . i ded, and this has the effect of . . - no elections on, things are by I means establishment of institutions in which concession of Grey, at the recent cattle as mpected, and it is now certain that ficiehey in eiither. - I : giving Mr. Brechen, the Conservative . I quiet in politics, which Aome I . r held at Brussels, dispose no portion of the legacies left can be , � . � . I . the Egyptians would be represented,, fail Be of thir. - ' I P ople are candidate, the -seat. The neglect of an and which would have control over the teen head of steers for the n t Bum of paila. Some of the real estate has not, - - inclined to consider, even .ore ' thaL I THE State elections which took place - officTial should not be allowed to deprive adminiBtration of the expenditure. $914,60. Some few weeks a , he sold yet been Bold. There are four lots .in � 0, base ball Oi lacrosse, ou naiional, a voter of his francbi' It is time to COLLIBION.- IN THE ENGLIS31 CHANNEL. another herd, for which heg� received Eln is, which can be had for $6, 87 and last week in the neigbboring Republi ' I i I Be. I � game. One- of the principal amuse- � h a tbis point authoritatively decided, —The 'Hamburg -American steamship $800, and has during this season realized 615 per acre r spec Ive . have resulted disastrously to the Re- � liv . -4At a business meeting of the ments in the ranks of the Conservati�e .. '. WoBtpha,lia, collided with an unknown over $2,000 for cattle, alone. Mi. McNeil I - publicau party, who. have , retained the I I Bind we hope it will never again be dis- steamer off the west coast of Eng .� tive of the I I Land'o the Heather," Me4hodist official board - Mitchell I . party just now'is the attem tb ac- ' land Is 8, ns . . 1. � Ila reins of power for nearly a quaxter of a ; puted. Although the ballot ,o stem is Monday morning, and was severely and understands stock-raising,in all its late�y, a deficiency of $55 in th in I � - y e inis. i count for their late defeat. tey are .. v - teri %I support app g L century. The great States of New � ' not so very intricate or difficult to damaged. By skilful management Bhe aried departments. . I eared. The recordin unable.to appreciate the fact that ' they I . reached Portsmouth safely with her —At the last meeting of the ard, Mr. 1. Hord, put his hand York and -FeuriBylvania have gone I- understand, "electorB very - frequently I � ie� iL ...... are of necessity playing a losing game, passengers. A boat containing an of - of the Howick Mutual Fir n n his pocket and wiped out the Democratic by large majorities, and ma,ke mistakes, and in this way inad- any, 35 applications were'a,ceepted, 0gl: 1 monster, and it is not the fir'sttime, ' ' - and must continue to do so, so long as ficer and men, which was lowered to COmP i . even Massachusetts, which for the maintaiii their present attitude in vOrtently destroy their own votes. In look after the other steamer, is - missing covering risks arkounting to $50,285. he ', ias done it. Mr. Hord is the right ' ­ y � . ' . . nearly a ge ation-bas gone Repribli- an, Bupposed to be lost. Two losses were reported, naidered kin of a steward to -have. . ner ,1 . provincial matters. The people Would addition to thig it is too bad to have I . Qan, has thig.timeelected the Democrat be foolish indeed who would -deliberate- other votes destroved by the careless or . TTE]UTED. ASSASSINATION IN DUBLIN. and ordered to be paid; th t of Wm. - -A band'of lads and young men in . I � ' )f ly vote away. their own territory, I and . I I . __ — daring attempt was made to as- Finlay, of the 14th concession, on his Dublin, who paraded the streetil on ' - nominee � for Governor. Other states ( criminal acts of �-stupid or-fraudnlent sinate Sudge Lawson upon the street barn and contents, amounting tq 5903.- Ha', lowe'en -oyed . . the right to manage their own affai night and destr �-_ minor importance have followed in the , vs officers. in �Dublin on Saturday night, by a car- 80; and John Gillespie, of E laws- I . ry prope � as they choose,. and the recent' bye- returning rty belonging to peaceable `111\� same wake, and the indications. are - I - I - - nosh, bam and contents, &mounting to citi ens, were arraigned before A"Tustice . . elections have Bhown that at least pelater who gave an assumed name. His � that the total overthrow of the Repubh- seven out of eight constituencies in this _�Quite an excitement has arisen in suspicions actions were noticed by' the 0381. 0 the Peace and fined $5 &-rid costs I Province are decidedly of this opinion. the town of Strathroy over the Budden police guard accompanying the judge, . —A valuable horse, belonging to Mr. This is a good lesson and should can P � ete, and. that c�-- a 9 artv will- her - compl A. Doupe, of Usborne, near Kirkton, eh!LL I - But this reason is noi satisfactory to . departure from that place of three young and he was knocked down and arrested, T t,,Ood effect in quelling misohiev- the next Congress will be largely Demo. some friends und some organs of the lads named Frank Cruickshanks, a revolver being found in his hand. The while pasturing in a field belonging to O" rio Ing. � � oratic, and unless the present temper Opposition. A few of the latter are in- Charlie Dingman an4 Fred Kinder, aged affair is believed to have originated ir- a week, we t, to the +While a little daughter of 3ft� of the people materially changes clined to lay part of the blaule for in the vicinity of 15 and 16. They left secret society. oreek for a drink. The animal ventured Philip Scown, of Stratford, was on llier between this and 1884, a Demoo- rat will the utter route of the party :upon the without wa;rning on Thursday, the 2nd A horrible ac. too- far into the water, and while en- wa I , to school a vicious cow ran at and � I course punned by the Mail in the much Nov., taking with- them, as was after. ci ent'happened at the Erie, Pa., Poor deavoring to free itself from the miry lif d the child on its horns and was be elected for President. Although the discussed I'Maxmiun" question. Per- wards learned, two guns and three re- H use Thursday night, resulting in the place into which it had fallen its foot ab ut to toss it when Mr. David Alling-� .� . , I 1 la 1 * 11 4 81 , r I 0 6 �;, E6 �er Ji It ;� ,,ri` - �t! UU I 0 "I I 0 at, ' I 63t, � a a �ip�l I Im i b mr r I d1d ti -i �Ice sg H j: bee& a in a poke llu� result of the American elections may baps there may be some"truth in their vol,vers. It was thought they went incineration of M gie eron, a b ind me out ugled which it - ha i , a Model School student, 4801116 � I prove a surprise to many, it will not be complaints, for there can he � no doubt, away on a hunting frolic, but their long in ate. The woman had been allow. -was wearing at the time, and the poor I th little one's peril, rashed forward aud, � . ­ . . . . I I I . 'n � � � ! . � I i I - - I . i I � . . . I . . . I - I I - I � . ; . . � ; � � I ' I I , I ­ � .. V1- . , -_ - I �I I � - . , ,W �obea her out 0 , r-, si. M2,ak" this g F_ � "t , [, ra wi ,vorthy is the h t . - I Ar has only one ar I -_ 9:* � I . � *014 by S11 S�-Oident I' ; � ro S&. I I . le yea , . _ �, 00.11 � L. R! k _1&r. David I' - bought th4 1i recently .- 11 . of 19,nd. adjoinit V e. s6orOB I . I so the firm of 1E, ,� � ­ - I - - � I - � I - $3, 6W. Mr. John 1� � ilIe bought the I . � - . brIn9v I � : tio.6e late John X "-I - it I I t -1 in 'ends to remove I I -.00.0ounty of Bruce- . __ , A Shakespeare 0 I the 1 returns for Dn4 . I - NA i as follows --- Th, I . vinoug Us. - 14 -the it. . � - 2,00a -mr, Johii Hit= ,with ivvo daughters i � I Igir.. Webber, in the N . � -ment Pa .,W6 compli - . - . � 1 J70-b'n A. Creraes, gif I I � Ong one of each a' - -get �_ I ,At -the late cattill bet�veen three-smd I � ,jhaiaged hands, prine � , ,O,t frora 3 to 31 ce I - . - bUY01s, present were iwys; John McDa, , I jol�ri Scott, X-01$gwo .� ;jland Woodstock;, I _' rolliW]a, 1� �. . -toy, - �.�.4 J. IB . . ouo;third of the cattl � _.!_T&r. Jabez Step . ; . . W.S$ presented with It - the'jnerribers of the , ohz(rch in that to� - iong connection _WJ . . - vsi�%ble BerviCeS In 4 1 � ,cou)a,ected therewitl .and h1_13 aged wife ar with the intention i . where tbey hoPe to a ,of *eir days with U, : � j)r.1 nornibrook� i , I - ��_ ' TThie U)3borne I I I The, annual plowil aus . pices of the Ust .cia��ol'� was held on I . . 1. mil�-east,of Francist I I- Tho weather was as, � r be aesiredl and theri ; I - Of Opecliators* I . uot� so largely repre.E � yea�rsl but this fallin �Jkeoountea for.. plow-ri ingotheir reputations museles where they is iml best efforts, it i i . lwolrk. On this ocos; 6a..;was ail that, ne the land was tern-bl, biAdes being Very I m I -and beasts ,i . =& nice V-017,11, 1. - .aiii ,compete desel -ex,delleiat work they7 unfavorable circllmr, � . ling. is a list Of the I I toi-oand the. plow ul P,XTR.k CLASS.—() tri i s lFt Paul B� -an �Iow ; 2d, - & ;�_�S_ . . ley, M on -roe & H,-,gE ItXarlanei, Stanley Plow. tim-ST, CL ---Bs- X -H -to,i�nship.-3 entriet . �ciiffe, Yeandall pl, Heywood, MeDarwi .8-Eco_m) 101ass U jobn Hunter, Monr , -2d4 A Hoagert, Bib- V1,111ST C,LAss Bo Ky�da, Monroe & Hi A,obert'Roweliffe q special prize for -it crowrim, among 1 1 1 . mon. The following 1 7 .Judges . Wm. Beffil I - Lawton, Granti Hibbert. , . ; � ___ � . I , An Agricultural A' of formation at Ed -Terri-tory. I . I 111111� � . . lJocal 1 Wi IN, E B A DO L I, Q i I bra -ads for medic'mal Iyul � Famfly Liquor St—ore. 7:0 - WANTm.—A smi age, from 14 to 16, ts &I I b4iness. -"Apply to T usin and WaTlet strftts � . - S-R.EcI_:kL 'NOTICH. , taO.—Tbe celebrated v. 1, wilst 15trolling,with a f i . ehiirchyard, vabled atter of wbich had no nami: . - .44This "I said H—, 44 :1 I I tor'10Z8 ga.:rnbler iLnd a I . I � yo . m observe that th,�Te 11 - . tombstone, but I think, I . 13Aste epitaph." "WbA � _. " quiredlAa friend. "W,, was the -reply. Iii-quor of .1atr majesty's sul+ 0 V. D� Ross, Gxoeer, AV, , WIJBON& YO'UNU a cah mud -see their -disph v�xe. They 'show th I . motto cups and imup) vmr-e, -vases. toilet sets ' � outr.ide of tb7e citles. 11 . Urge consignment of 4 Isliown for style and Pill . _Vir cmh wevill ofter ' . pkl�es as Seidorth nel otio, 'come all. NVILS01 � . ! OAK HALL Cloth, I tobuyFurCapsin. 7,!Weeds in, Englishi I Venbe Furnishings Ues, comprising a CoUaxs and ties . I � clotbing in Scotch - Boys!, Youth W, S. - � Aeadymade Clot � I ' I - I flidta and a large' r . - coats tu all sizes, _Jd -,"wer—y .nIne.bh T,�e I . � . # Clothing a sp I � . � - � I . aZteed. DUNCAN. A-uOti On Thursday, . R. M., sh-axp, at I Bmssels. Thor, - Stock and Real E rroprietor; C.. I . , On Monday, 'N X.4) in the Vilh :Property, Stock � . * ture. Jacob H, . � I Bossenberry, Aul. . � On Thursday,. 'South Boundary, � I . �. 10 o'clock A. .: ... I ImPlements. P � �� tor; B. Bossenbi . 11 On Monday, I . - - .1aession 10, MeK, - � -.-. eirm Stock au �� Tom -nee, Prop I I i � Aimetioneer. I � � On Tuesday, I � A. X., on Lot V , 7isborne, Farm, I ..... . 11ousehold Furr I"I'll ...... ��� . I. I I, ... tor ; Axic . : _� I I � n Tuesday, " - I I � I P. X., et t I he C, i . i foxth. Farm, Lo : I