HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-11-03, Page 71882. mummessesemme MiReS7 40USE Th mises former. Bank of Coss, he Commercial MSC -OWED, fl Bachange 4 Sold, N.E NOTES aisle Rates. erat Securities t pair at an of Commerce.. ola- 19gtitositar Mortgagee,: 8- 'roprietor. )0K REP' STORE. people of Seaforth 'a °yelled a Branch posiee WeIr'ff Hotels of Seaforth.'woul Ar trade. The stock books, school sup. Berlin wools, tope ieet nattaice all new Y largely and in the eil very low. -WEIR and Parkhiii. Manager. .ftRTH AND. ACEKCY.'' Tit 0 N et -Class Stock, PLes lies, and is• previa. favorable terms. the best Loan So. d Purchase of Fern "irst-Citiga for Sa1e. t4ir per ceast Steamahip Tiekete. rigon's Stere,Main 815 itt-TMelan$urgeon and eOnt. Officeandreal- k Street,second door 842 Ide Physician Sure the County of alum. jarvia street north, ablie Sehoole 1. M., Graduate of iyeician, Surgeon seed Mee and Resident" ee t, first Brielt Hones tin 496 RUCERELD, ; M- D. G. M., Vie- , RLP. and_ S., On - L. B. G. S., Eden: London, Regland, for 7'74 FGETIST; ,ENTiST. ral College of Dente filce in the rooma trbyshire; Whitney erfoneaed and satis- -.5 Moderate. *fed without oaf* SHIRE, Dentist, has ed the buginess of and removed to ck,. Mitchell, where eeth extracted with aud nitrous oxide ty. Parties frora a r trait' expenses.. 132 ENTISTI ist a,ncl College C. D. S. erience he is able to n Dentietry suitabie teeth -a Specialty. LL s Oxide Gee given. derat& crtA1 ain Street, Seaforthe T, La D. S. t his office, CADErs ,sEAF0-am, oppo- rnmercial Hotel, on .A.Y and THUBSTYIT - Nitrate Oxide Gas, ion a teeth. This gas Dr. Cartwright since te having been one of this province. Pa- d may inhale tb.er gag extracted in a min- withoue disagreeable irinx new teeth please ieuee attention paid We. teeth. Teeth m - 7 3O -5 ate that sinoe intro - .h grinding system has given great setts- -dire local retail and I we &sit e to thank 'feral patronage, whiat eased. We are well std.:lass fieur from the e merit a contins Our flour also take! )ing- trade custortierge good prices. With be able to pay good endeavor with otheri gr mitt niarket, Wo efully learn Seafortk ng elsewhere. Flours xid kfalt constantly ou e a quantity of lite GIL V ite & 711 OVEMBER 3 1882 A -Perth Items. irsggsg Heal & Pridham shiiped Mitchell, last Week, four c loads *tie and two of sheep. The great sale of the estate of the • &dal Murphy of Logan, is adver- tise to be held on Tuesday, 31st I inst. e -arra Crocker of: St. Maryse has toe engaged as instructer of the ;28th Wiest band, at a salad of 3300 per --The Williams homestead r sience alitohet1 was sold a few days ago to lee. Francis Goforth, of Mono ton for ...efffr. George Roy, of Mitch 14 was aufortunste as to step off the , side - one dark night lately, °ensiling a fracture of the collar bone. . .—The recent removal of u lifazworthy, leaves Fullerton fllage, erttiteat a shoemaker. This is at good opening for a lively son of St. ----The other morning Mr. Al 'gander Waged, blacksmith of Russeld lei step - upon e rusty nail which we t dean ea his foot making e. ve y ugly wound. —Si. Marys Cnrling • Club h s been orpnized for the season: P eeident, Mr. Wm. Andrews; Vioe-Presi eat, Mr. Samuel Sperling ; Seoretary-T feasurer, Mr. Geo. Moir. —Mr. David Durham, of ftchell, his a curiosity in his garden in the shape of a plum tree cove ed with blossoms. A rareSight in th month of October. —A few days ago, a young of Mr. George Ridclel, of Mo bad the misfortune to lose all gats of his right hand in a where he Was engaged edging 1 —The managers of the Pre church Sabbath school at have just replenished their lib an interesting lot of new and 13°(MLI n Wm. Fink, saddler at took first prize for single har all competitors at Mitchell, Stratford, Berlin, Milverton, e. at the Guelph exhibition. —A football match was p Saturday afternoon between t giate Institute club and a te the County Model school, After playing an hoar and match was declared a draw. —Mr. A. G. McMillen a left St. Marys a few days ag Francisco, California. Mr. health has been failing for s and his medical advisers fe results if he remained anoth in Canada. —Mr. George Cassels, fo Stratford, now of Portage where he has establiehed an bakery and confectionery b now in Stratford purchasing of fruit, and other supplies, intends taking to the North t 11 —Messrs. Pierce Collison Scott, of Listowel, sold and s other day 117 hogs to Mr. of the village of Hepworth. an, son nington, the lin- t min mber. hyterian vonton, ary with valuable heifer bronght 335. pair small two year old steers 370.60, yearlings 318 to IMO, waves 38:75 to 39.50, sheep116 per pair, one sprinft lamb sold for 321. —On Monday afternoon last week an old man about 70 years. of age, named McMillan, went into a beaver meadiow near Stratford to out a birch stick& splint broom. He did not return, an large party of men and boys went search othim. It was not until Sun that any trace of him was found, t the body in an advanced state of composition -was discovered. Hehad dently been taken ill, and being to return home had died 'where he w found. —Ellice has lately been deprived cif a valued citizen by death, in the person of Mr. Peter Durst. The deceased was one of the first settlers in the town- ship. He was born in the kingdone of Bavaria, !Germany: He came to Can- ada in 1836 and settled at first in the townshi0 Of Wilmot. In 1844 he ntar- ried Barbara Kastner, a sister of the late Joh u Kastner, who survives him. He left fifteen living children to mourn his departure. —During the fair at Fullerton, a man in the crowd Was struck by one of the horses of a team. The front feet of the animal passed over the man's bedy, whereupon the driver, seeing the posi- tion the man was in, jerked the team up so abruptly as tonause the horse to again bring his front feet back over the body of the man. Strange to say a bruise on the face was all that resulted from what might have proved serious, or even fatal. La 111 ay en Le - 31e as illbank, eles over amburg, d second eyed on ft Celle - in from tratford. hall the d family, for San illan's me time red fatal r winter merle' of a Prairie extensive emess, is anti ties "doh he West. nd John ill pped the Murphy, The pro- -Deeds of the sale emotinted to $1,900. Oa Saturday, also, Mr. Jan Scott, shipped 170 lambs to Mr. J. Hamilton. -I-A young man in Elro.a.ve ing a threshing the other da going to work he took off his hung it on a peg in the ba went to get it again a value I was missing from the the po no trace of it has since been —A few days ago Mr. Wm. was removing his steam engi farm of Mr. John Towle, nee As they were passing out of t the road, the whistle was1 means blown, and, the horse frightened, ran into the dito the engine considerably. —On Tuesday the 1.0t Buchanan, of Atwood, was the digging of a well on the Wm. Blair, and while stand windlass wilicia was saddeial the man in the well, he was the arm with the iron enough violence to break it elbow and wrist. —At the Northern Fair • ton Mr. R. R. Hey, of Listo fourth time this season c first prize -for the best roads the ground. Mr. James took first for the best oar having taken also some thr prizes for the same animal during the past few weeks. —Mr. Alex. Macfarlane, the 6th concession of Nort in attempting to alight fro the other day fell and, seve his hip. Fears are enter the occurrence may result f to Mr. Macfarlane's grea four score and ten. —On Monday, last week, Mr. Jacob Brunner, ex warden of t Perth, took his departure near the Rocky Mountains, secured a, valuable timber Brunner was accompanied &Reid and Mr. A. Dow, t Brandon and the latter Leod. —The damages allowed riggs, of s attend - Before est and when be e watch ket and und. rrostrong from the Rintore. LO gate' to by some becoming ,ismashing knee, Mr. helping at arm of Mr. nig near the Started by 'struck on Elndle with tureen the t Walker - 1, for the "led off the r horse on Lowry also age horse, e or four ttfairs beld esiding on Easthope, his wagon ely injured anted that tally owing age --over • - • ese- THE HIM •N EXPOSITOR. not be without it for anythin. I have induced scores of people to t it, and when taken according to ireotions I have never knowh it tofail. I call the Bitters the "Doctor." R has certainly been my family doctor ever knee I first used it, and will eontinue to be as long as it acts the Swale as hitherto. I strongly advise all my frienas and the public, generally, who suffer from any affections of the Stomach, bowels,. liver or blood, snob as dyspepsia, in- digestion, liverl complaint, head- ache, dizziness, costivenees, impuri- tireei-of the blood, rheumatism, neural- gia, etc, to buy a bottle of the "Doctor," and I ain certain that no one will regret having done so. I do not think thereis any medicine in he whole orld equal to Dr. Carson's tomacle ftflsi Constipa- tion Bitters." ( igned.).. es. Wayne Sold in large bo ties at 50 cents by all druggists. Yellow as a Guin.es. The complexiOn, in a pase of un- checked liver complaint,' in jaundice, is literally "ai guinea." • It has this ap cause the bile, which bowels to act, is directed per course into the blood. tion with this symptom th coating of the tongue, si Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting.t--"By thorough knowledge of the naturell .Wft which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which natty save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet' that a constitution may be geadually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sula tle maladies are floating " around tia ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may mate. many a fatal shaft by keeping cueselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice itazette. Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold enly: in packets and tins pound and pound,) labelled—"James Epps & Co. oraceo- patine Chemists, London, Go., makers of Epps's Chocolate Eseence for afternoon use. 736-52 fo Mr. °Ernie, of Listowel, sustained from a de co amounted. to $140, and the Connection with the snit $366, or a total for the to 3506. This sum would town for some years, and b every man, woman and chil besides county of for Calgary, here he has limit. Mr. by Mr. Jos LO former for or Fort Mc - y the court for injuries ve sidewalk, expenses in mounted to n to pay of idewalk the o a benefit to in the town culminating yellow as a arence be- nables the m its pro - In connec- re is nausea k headache, impurity of the breath, p ins ithrongh ti) the right side and should r blede, dys- pepsia anel_ constipation. Thine and it other con-eemitants of liver o mplaint are complately removed y t e use of Northrop '& Lyman's V geta le Dis- covery and Dyspeptic Cure, Which is also an eradicant of scrofula, erysipelas, salt rheum, ulcers, canofts, humours, female weakness, jaundice and lumba- go. • It tones the Stomach, rouses the liver, and after relieving I them, causes the bowels thereafter to beeome regular. High professional sanotien has been accorded to it; and its claims to public confidence are justified by ample evi- dence: Price, a1.00. S1,mple bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Northrep & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery an Dyspeptic Cure. ,The wrapper bear e a fac simile of their sigtuttare. Sold in Seaforth by Lnmsden & Wilson,. 750,52a In the Present month of October Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitterstehould be taken to' purify the blood and fortify the system against the severe changes of our Canadian winter. It improves the Circulation and cures dyspepsia, billioneness and. sick headache. In lane bottles at 50 cents. Sold by all druggist. . • After. teeny years of patient invetti- gation, Dr. Van Buren, of Germany, nually succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure that would permanently relieve all eases of Kidney Disease. Be sure and ask your druggist for Dr. Ven Buren's Kidney Cure. 770.52.1 Delays are dangerous, particularly in Kidney Diseases, so take at, once Dr. Van Buren'e Kidney Care, and -obtain relief from all your sufferiegs. Your druggist keeps it. 770.52.1 Samson lost his strength with his hair. Thousands of men and women loose their beauty with theirs, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time by using the famous Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at SO cents per bottle. 770.52.1. Cingalese, A name well known in connection with the Hair Renewer, which'restores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per bottle. 770.52.1. Faxraers before buyipg your reaper and mower 01 ask for and procure a sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted ntot to gum and is guaran- teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52 Now that I the reapiise and mowing season is cOming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best reaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 sudorific's, sal a discount in Pills and Oin public estime them in bene er. 77452-1 dynes, &o„ are sadly at hel,market. Holloway's ment fill their places- in ion, atta more than fill dal effect. —The. Invite eaberry. The elegan little plated screw top on "Teaberry" akes it the chespest,most perfect and. moat Recherche of all toilet exquisites. Get a 5 cent sample. 751. 11=MMINM•11.1.1•011=.1..i MONEY. MONEY TO OAN—I sm prepared to lend money at lowest rates of intereet, payable yearly. Princip at the end of term. Private Finnic JAS. II. BENSON. 726 Never Give Up. If you are suffering with low and de- pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak consti- tution, headache, or any diseese , of a billions nature, by all means procure a bottle of Elected) Bitters. Yoe will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow ; yon will be inspired with new life ; strength and activity will return, pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. pod at 50 cents a bottle by E. Hiokson & Co. 772-62-5 Millions Given Away. Millions of bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Conghs and Colds, have been given away as trial bottles of the large size. This enor- mous outlay would be disastrous to the proprietors were it not for the rare merits possessed by this wonderful medicine. Call at E. Hickson & Co.'s Drug Stdie, and get a trial bottle free, and try for yourself. It never fails to cure. 772-52-5 • —The St. Marys Collegi te Thetitute Literary Society has been a ain awaken ed by the literary spirit of some of the pupils. The officers for the coming term are as follows: Presi ent, Mr. C. O'Donnell ; Vice President-, Miss Jack- son; Secretary, tar. Norrie ; Treasurer, Miss A. Knox; Councillors, Miss C. . Freeman lifillyard, Miss Lynch, and Mr. Gill. —A, grand shootiug ma On Thursday, the, 12th Ms concession, between Elm and resulted in $ victory 1 boys of 3,000 counts. captains were Mr. Joh Elma, and Mr. Denman f r Gray. After the match a. bountiful sup er was served by Mrs. J. Little, after which the young people engaged in clanging and other itmusements. —At the auction sa. Mulcahy and Murphy, H days ago, stook went u A two year old heife down at 340, and two spri Bold at 388.50 and $6 while a yeerling brought 0.01.50. There e farm of Mr. line between ne mare 3209, two year old I AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the ti • County of Heron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. AU orders left at the Ea- POSITOR Office will be promptlyattendedto. R. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. A-1 • Sales of all deectiptions promptly at- tended in any parthf the county on reasonable terms. Orders left at the office of the HUNAN zposITOR, or addreeied to Brussels, will receive prompt attentiOn. A DELGATTY, Litensed Auntioneer for the ."-• County of Huron. Sales„of all descriptions omptly attended to on reaso.table terms. Ad- dress Walton P. O. or Lot 14, Concession 1 MaKillop. Teel itatOrS vs. Substittitors. Good points are worth remembering, for the reason that they assist us in avoiding many discomforts, and protect as against the cupidity of overreaching people. When you learn from 'friends that Putnam's Corn Extractor is safe, prompt and effectual, don'ttellovi drug- gists to palm off a worthless and per- haps poisonens substitute. His object is quite patent. He wishes to make a few cents difference between a good ar- ticle and a cheap imitation or elibstitute. Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sold. every- where. 762.52.n came off . on the 12th and Grey, the Elma he respective Moore,' for 774 THE RED MILL. THE Mill Is the Town of Seaforth knoWn as -I- the Bed Mill, will be sold cheap and on easy terms, as the proprietor has got the Manitoba Lever. here is in connection -With the Mill a large grain storehouse. The mill has recently been thoroughly overhauled and repaired, and is now in first-class. working order, and capable of doing a large and profitable gristing and flouring business. Apply to the proprietor, Wm. Soevrea, or to A. STRONG, Sekforth. 744 London, Huron and Bruce. ii. P.M. 4 00 5 16 530 586 645 6 10 6 89 cil. 10 Mail. Eximess. Gouge Nona's— Holloway's Pills. Though good health is pre fereble to la i gli honor, hew regardless people 'often are of the former—how covetous of the lat- ter! Many suffer their strength tedrain away ere maturity is reached, through ignorance of - the facility afforded by these incomparable Pills of checking the first untoward symptoms of derange - meet, and reinstating order withoutin- terfering in the least with their pleasure or pursuits. To the young especially it is important to maintain the highest digestive efficiency, without which the gro wth is stunted, the muscles become lax, the frame feeble, and the mind slothful. The removal of indigestion by these Pills is so easy that none save the most thoughtless would permit it to sap the springs of life. 774-52 e of Messrs. bbert, a few enormously. was knocked. ng colts were respectively, was aiso a good. sale on t Itiehard Carpenter, tow McKillop and Logan. cows from 436 to 410 "The early bird catches the -worm." Dr. Smith's Great German Worm Reme- dy removes worms. Sold by J. S. Roberts, Agent, Seaforth. 754-52-2w. Biliousness. A furred tongue, bad. taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, variable appe- tite, alternate diarrho3a and costiveness, faintness, weariness, yellow cast of eyes and countenance, indicates serious bili- ary trouble. Jaundice is a dangerous diseaee, it is an overflow of bad bile in the circulation, any of these synaptoms should be remedied without delay, and. Buedook Blood Bitters is the remedy upon which you may surely rely. 774- 65-2w. The Wild Strawberry plant possesses rare virtue as a cleaneingcooling, astringent, antiseptic, and healing rned:icine, and when combined with other valuable vegetable extraots, as in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry, it is an unfailing remedy in all BoWe1 complaints. 774-65-2w. London, depart Exeter Hansel' Kippen Brue,efield • • Express. A.M. .... 7 20 8 86 •••• .... 850 8 65 9 05 930 10 00 Clinton'. Myth Wingham, arrive Gonna SOUTH— Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best ealve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever &wee, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed co. give perfect satisfaction, or money r funded. Price 25 cents per box. For ale by E. Hickson & Co. 772-52 The tet of perfect Health. . ▪ 35 Wingham, depart Blyth Clinton Brno:tailed Kippen Hensall Exeter London, arrive A. M. 710 46 820 8 35 845 8 60 9 05 10 10 P. M. 240 3 13 8 50 4 05 4 13 4 18 4 30 5 35 GI- 0 TAD M 1NT FALL, 1882. Received and Opened up the Contents of Grand Trunk Railixrayi Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: GOING WEST— SaAroaTra Express 2.27 P. M. Express 8.42,1). M. "Mixed Train......8:25 LM. Mixed Train.......5:40 P. M. GOING EAST— SDATFORTH. Express ....... 5:25A M. Express Train.....1:28 P. M. Mixed Train .4:85 P. M. Mixed .10:30 A. M. DISBAGES OVERMATCHED BY MEDICINE, Sir Ashy Cooper said that no man ought to know that he had a stomach. Unfortunat tremes of It considerabl they have ly, however, the two ex- xury and privation teach a o portion of mankind that tomachs, and very trouble- some ones too. The diggers after gold in our gulches, the alluvial of our rivers and our dry plains, euffer much from diseases of this organ, and of the :liver mad , bowels. At present, howeeer, there is much less fear of these com- plaints than formerly. All intelligent miners are aware that they can be readily combated and cured by the timely administration of Holloway's celebrated Pills. One of the leading forms ip which disease of the stonaach and bowels exhibits itself in the biter- ior—aad we may add in the cities' too is a debilitating dilarrhoea. Noth- ing that has ever beet tried either in CLINTON. 2:45 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 9:35 A. M. 6:16 P. M. CLINTON. 6:10 A.. M. 1:05 P.M. 3:50 P. M. 9.35 A. el, , Toronto, Grey and Bruce. A. M. P.M. 8 10 8 44 8 60 4 02 4 25 6 60 9 25 GoING 6 15 6 42 5 47 6 6'7 - 616 808 10 85 dysentery or diaerhoe has uniformly succ those maladies except It is stated that all caees ip which they .were *administered 'at the Ballarat Diggings, they did. not fail in one. The ordinary medical treatment of. diarrhcea appeaes to be wholly uselesii , in this climate. Probably it is so in any climate. Be this as it may, it is beyond cavil that the Pills arrest the complaint as certainly and almost as quickly as the breaks of a rail car arrest the re- volution of its wheels. There are no ifs or buts about the matter; the cure is a foregone conclusion, Imagine what a godsend such a medicine must be to the digger. Possessed of it he feels as if endowed with another arm. The • very feat that his chest or knapsack contains such a potent counterballast to disease, keeps up his animal spirits and rend.ers him less Isusceptible of un- healthy influences. Miners bound to the more uthealthy diggings usually provide themselves With an extra supply of both the Pills and the Ointment, as they can always dispose of what they do not want at an enormous profit. It is said, and probably with truth, that the large im- portations of these medicines have seriously interfered with the profits of the drug merchants. Calomel arid jal- ap, and all the purgatives, alteratives, in this country eded ine curing Holloway's Pills. Teeewater Wroxeter Grorrie FordwIeh Harristoe Orangeville Toronto GOTNG WEST— oronto Orangeville Harriston Fordwich Gordo Wroxeter Teeswater A. M. 785 10 10 12 65 1 22 184 1 41 2 25 P. M. 4 35 720 9 15 988 9 43 948 10 15 30 Cases of Old Country Goods. • INSPECTION INVITED. E. ,T IPsaiNT, AT THE "PADLOCK," BRUSSELS. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. l. 514 :011. " • r4N BAYLIS' Stadail Braill IMMENSE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. 7 FORBES' LIVERY —AND— SALE STABLES, MA1N-ST0 SEAFORTH. A RTHUR FORBES, the old establiehed Liv- eryman, keeps the best and most stylish rigs and the best driving horses in the basiness. Neat and Nobby Cutters, handsome and com- fortable Robes, and fast and sat horses always hand. A. very tan.some family sleigh for one or two horses. DaY and night calls promptly attended to. Good driving horses bought and sold. REMEMBER THE PLACE — Opposite 0.0' Willson's Agricultural Waretooms, Seaforth, 689 ARTHUR FORBES. PLATFORM S0ALES-500, 1,000; 1,200, 1,500 pounds, at low price. BARB WIRE FENCING—Best in the market—four point barb and two point barb. NAILS—Another car los,d-10 tons—direct from the factory. WINDOW GLASS—English Smithwick—clearer, tougher, and worth 15 to 20 per oent. more than the German glass, usually sold by dealers at abont thr same price. - OUR SPECIALTIES—Cutlery and Guns. JAMES DREWE, Brussels. ENTRANCE EXeMINATION FOR THE SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL tr-HE Entrance Examination for admission of Candidates to the Seaforth High School will be held in the Public School building, Seaforth, on Wednesday and Thursday, December 20th e.nd 21st. Intending candidates should send their names to the undersigned not later than November 15th. J. C. HARSTONE, Head Master Seaforth High School. 776 C') re LI I of Clown Anchor URRIEE IIRRISHES ! None Gamine without the glove Trade Mark. More Durable and better suitea to thio Climate than any imported goods. Held in stock by all first-class laardwaremee and Dealers in Carriage Supplies. MANUFACTURED BY BAYLIS' MANUPING SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASE, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subscriberbegs leave to thank his numeroe ousthmere for the liberal patronage extended tc himsince commencing baldness in Seaforthetne trusts kat he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Partiesintending to build wonld dowel) to givs him a allets he will continue to keep on heed • large stook of slIkinds et Dry. Pine Lumber, 'Sashes, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings, "Shingles, Lath, &e. Hefeelsoonfideet of evingsatiefactiontothose who may favour him with their pstronage,asnone but first-claesworkmese a re employed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. • A Reliable Witness. r. Whyte, late proprietor of the Mansion Saloon, King Street, Toronto, writes as follows about Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation : "I have used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters for nearly two years, and I believe it to be the best medicine in the world. I would. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! 1 It 'onree Spavins, SpliUts, Curbs, Ring Bones and all simi- lar blemishes, and removes the bunch without blistering. IClack's Magnetic. Medicine NgitvE AND BRAIN FOOD ‘BEFoRE) TRADE" MARK. ( A F T ER. ) A Cure Guaranteed. FOR OLD AND YOUNG, MALE AND FENrALE. , Is a sure. prompt and effectual remedy for Ner- vousness in all its sta.ges, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, S perm atorrhocea, Seminal Weakness,Leucorrhaea, Barrenness, and General Loss of Power. It ree pairs nervous waste, rejnvenerates the jaded in- tellect, strengthens ;- the enfeebled brein, and re; stores surprising tone said vigor to the exhaust- ed generative organs in either sex. Vi" With each order for TWELVE packages, accompanied with $5, we will send our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a care. It is the cheapest and best medi- cine in the market. Full particulars in our pamphlet,which we desire to mail free to any address: Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 50 cents per box or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by J., 5. ROBERTS, and all druggists elsewhere. 733-50 WM. ELLIOTT, • TOWN CLERK and Treasurer. Office—North- 1- east corner of Market House. Office bouts - 2:30 till 7 p. m. 747 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE For man it is now known to be one of the best, if not the best, liniment ev r discovered. • ea -at. „fete.-- --e------- We feel positive that every rn.an can have perfect success in every case if he will only use good common sense in applying ICENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, end persevere in bad case § of long standing. Read below the experience Of 'Others : FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. - YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Dr. B. j. Kendall & Co.—Gents: I had a very valuable Hambletonian colt which I prized very highly; he had a large bone spavin on one joint, and a entailer one on the other, which made him very lame; I had him nnder the charge of two veterinary surgeons, which failed. to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I I determined at once to try it, and goirour druggists here to send for it; they r- dered three bottles; I took them all, and thought I would give it a thorou h trial; I used it according to directions, and by the fourth day the colt ceased ta be lame, and the lumps had entirely 'disappeared. I used but one bottle, and te colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the State. lie is entirely cnred. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighb rs haviethe remaining two bottles, who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. 2R Nosmattou •T\rA KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE I ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. B. j. Kendall dc Co., of Enosbarg Falls, Vermoot, made a contract with the publishers of the Press for a half column adverti$e- merit for one 'year setting forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At te same time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kende, Po Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying subscribers to the Press as a premii3m. About the time the advertisement first appeared in this paper Mr. P. G. Sch r- 'merhorn, who resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. Reread the adverti e- ment and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although his frief ds laughed at his credulity. He bought a -bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and 00 • menced using it on the horse in aceordance with the directions, and he hafor fa ed us this week that it effected such 4 complete cure that an expert horseman, so* examined the animal recently could. find no trace of the spavin or the place wh re it had been located. Mr. Schermf3rhorn has _since secured a copy of Kenda l's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly and would be loth to part with it at any prioe, provided he could not obtain another copy. So much for advertising reliable articles. KENDALL'S, SPAVIN CURE! Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it does ot blister, yet it is penetrating and poWerful to reach any deep seated pain or to re- move any bony growth or any other enlargement if used for several days, suc as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and. all enla ge- ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is need for man or beast. It is now known to 'be the best 1 M. - merit for man ever used, acting mild and. yet certain in its effects. It is used. ull strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives poeitive proof ofl its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to mar knowle e, for beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get iil for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. 748 52 DR B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Falls, Vermon Trade Mark Registered., ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEC lICY casual observation, we find all land specs:tie- -I" tors have a clear head, and watch the -ups ahd downs of property, thus making large fortune& But the whole Recret is, they keep the system in a a healthy condition by the nee of THE PRIDE OF THE -VALLEY MEDICINE. We can safely gay that hundreds come to us for the great lung and blood purifier before going West. Read the, following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if it were necessary. "1 certify that I was troubled with catarrh in the head gathering of phlegm in the throat., choldng and coughing at night for year's, so I could,not sleep; often troubled with dtill, lifeless feelings, pains in the chest and back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving np all hopes, I tried the Prima OF THE VALLEY, and am now able to do my work after seven year's gireknees." Mrs. • James McNeil, 202 Simeoe Street, London, Ont. The above stateraent of my wife's is eorrect. James McNeil. For sale by all druggists in BeafortJa.- 745-52 NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIAN ES ESTABLISHED 1874. RELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Comp aints, General and Nei vous Debility, Rhe tism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, T oat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia, Browhitis, Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Brains, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Cokls, Indig stion. Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you I be sale agatnst imposition for they will d their work well and are cheap at any price. A. gORMAN, 4 Queen St East, TOronto. E. HICKSON dt Co , Agents, Seaforth. 1753-52 0 -0 0 0 td CD CP )-1 ea - C) CD CD MOO °C13.1.03d8N I C1NV 0 tat 0. 111 O 0 1A18OdiVid 0 rn a D3 rn Cn Q. Composed largely Of powdered Mies or Isin- glass, is the B EST andCHEAPESTrabric c,ng r, in the world—the BEST because it *does not gum, but forms a highly polished our - face over the axle, reducing friction and lightening the draft ; the CH EA P EST be- Cauee It costs NO MORE than Inferior brands, and one box will do the work of itwo of any other make. MISWerS as well itor IlarveSters, M111 Gearing, Threshing chines, Cora -Planters, Carriages, Buggies, ete., as for Wagons. GUARANTEED to cxo nteing notain Nraa0nPedettri7elee.um. Sold by all dealers. f- OOur Pocket Cyclopedia of I'llinge Worth MICA MANUFACTURING CO. 228 HudsonSt., New York. Cleveland, 0, and Chicago, Ili. SAMUEL ROCERS & CO, Toronto,Ont. Sor- Agents for the D01111111011. R. N. BRETT, SEAPORTS, Wholesale and Reteithesler l LEATIIMR and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Beet Stock kept. Terme moderate. A TrialSolicited. All orders by Ins11 or otherwise promptly filled. 400 13. N. BRETT LE CREDIT FONGIER THIS r ew Company, fonated 1 or the purpose Of investing French Capital ist Canada, is now prepared to advance money on the motet favorable terms on good landed securities. M P. HATES, Agent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 699 g a a week in your own town. Terms and #,5 '11" -fl" outfit free. Address H. HAIL= it Co., Portland, Maine. 748x52 $72 A. WEEK. $12 a day at home easily made Costly outfit free. Address Teen & Aagesta, Maine. 748x62.