HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-11-03, Page 4.1 a --- -,-. ­- -,-- �-----'----,.---�l----,�--�.--�-,� r ­-­----- � I . I , . I - . , " ,. -.1, : . I . . . . . . I I � � 1 I wi . . . �. - I ; . I . � I . � . I - I . 1 - , * 1 4 ' . 11 I � � . THE HURON -Expusi rOR. . I I I ,, i 1 � �� . . . � �� . - 0-- - I- . : - � � I 11 - i . will do.so in this.- The,- people wi�l in this ooun�otfon we may also remark b94gage � and- two passenger cars went be more becoming on the part of his NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , . down. Nobody'seriously 14,,drt. critics to. adopt a more respectful* tons. I - have their choice. if they wish p, that several 9f -the Conserv�tive papers THE Jziaszy LILY.—Mrs. Langtry, the If he was mistaken in his views, he was I � I . 1WTh6 figme between the parentkeds o4ter ; . . � e&ob fte, denotes the page of the paper on wb�i,,h stringent liquor law rigidly enforced, me busily abusing the Mowat Govern- celebrated Jersey beautyj arrived in honestly. mistaken, and his views were I the advertisement will be fonnd. I ment because of this slip of justice. But -New York last week, and is about to bi=. Nothing is to be gained in the Christmas Goods—M. R, Counter. (8 they can have it by retaining in powjr just where the room for this abuse comes commence a season on the Stage. di on of great problems by displays Front Proof Boots- Geo. Good. (6) the man who have given them t �e I Tbere *as 'great enthusiasm on her of -flippancy. WM, HOUSTON. . Bargains --Wm. Campbell & Co. (4) Crooke Act ; if on the other hand they in we fail to nee. It is quite true that rival ; boxes for her first performance i New Stock—Lumsden &- Wilson (5 wish an almost unrestricted traffic, l;t the law was framed by Mr. Mow'st, and ssorld at auction brought $4160 to $520. A Voice from Sebewaino, . . . n � Clear Evidence --Duncan & Duncan. 1(5) them vote to put in the place of these pas6ed at- the instance of his Govern- Seats sold at $4 50 to 017,50 each. I Michigan. . - Pork—Hugh Robb. (5) men those who have promised to accede ment, but if the solicitors engaged in ,- ,STARTLING Discovtra OF FORGERIES.— MR. EiDrrou,--I hope you will be Teacher Wamted—Alex. McKay. (1) . ' these election Buits, by mistake or other. Detectives have discovered an organized kind enough to admit 06 few items from � Teacher Wanted—John Fowler. (l)- ' to the demands of the Licensed Via. . . Jourt in gang of forgers in Chicago, with accom, Sebewaing, Michigan, into the columns I Estray Calves.—Wm. Donglas. (5) � tuallers. The issue' is a very plain , wise, improperly address -the 4 plioea* at St. Paul, Detroi ' t,'and other of your valuable paper. It is now about . . I Farm For, Sale ky Tender. (5) one. which the ores are to be tried, and Mr. places. Two arreSts have b�en made. a year and a half ago tbab I was sitting Farm For Sale—W. E. Caldwe1j, ,(5) .. . .. — . Justice Cambron wishes to L indulge his All the men are young, I d t of at the reading table in one of our lead - Sheep For Sole—Michael Heffer'nan. (5) A Warning. ' -1.3 them occupy responBible,po:tiong. On' Ing' hotels. and as I was looking round ' we WOUA%a . L a * this - I Kuction Sale—Wm,. Logan, (5) - At the recent assizes hel n . penchant.for hair splitting, is the so� of a leading merchant. the room my eye fell on a paper where Notice --W. McConnell& J. Hannah. ( I like 11 some feller " to rise and explain - ' FREE tm LiTERATURE.—E. H. Hey- .. I could onfy see the heading 11 Hurou.11 county Mr. J. L. Sturdy was found. - ' Dr. Dun-oan's Accounts—J. P. Brine. (81 , - why the Government of Mr._ Mowat wood 'an, apostle of .free love, was or- Supposing it might be a new paper from Dog. Lost—Wm. Campbell. (8) guilty of purjury and false voting. The ' reSted t�e other day in Princeton, N. - . � should be held responsible for all this* ' our Hu'ron County, I picked it up and Business For Sale— ExposiiToR Office. (5) full partioulax8 bf the case will be found I I J., for mailing a psokage of But, we suppose, "any port in a storm.'. � . - �ontraband found it was the Seaforth Expositor. . printed 'matter and. held toll,000 bail Finding many items which interested - - ­­ ­ - ­­ in another ooluinn. Suffice it to Bay I And it is considered by some pe6ple that which b i was unable to procure. Hey- me I at W"'Jtrjon (tX1J,00*tJ0 L P L I once sub9cribed, and the Ex. V14, 1 4 here that Mr. 9turdy's offence was com. tway must find fault with Mi. Mowat wood foe. a similar offence in 1877, was . i I I positor has since been a welcome friend (77 . mitted in o6unection with his .11ding oenteucZ to two years, but vra8 pardon-, every week when it comes. Ito editorials . just now, and, as cause for fault h . . � I . f . voting at the recent slection in is not easily got, they conclude that any- ed by Pr6sident Hayes before the ex- are sensible, its locals are, sploy, SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Nov. 8,,18.82. West Huron. He took the oath (?f piration O� f his sentence. I and its politics are sound. So we will . - . . . t— thing is better than nothing, and conse. PERILS OF THE SEA.—TheBritish ship giv� the readers a little ideaof Sebe- - � . residence, ther�by testifying that e .. ; - i quently place on him the blame that Oberon arrived at Ban Francisco on the waing, Michigan. SebewaiLg is the . I , I I I w - �- I. � -two days from Australia- name of the'river that flows through The Licensed Vie-tuallers - as a resident of the riding, and voting - should rest upon other shoulders. 26th ult., sixty - . . .1 the Crooks Act. . I as such, when in reality he was not a On the pagsage from Englabd to Syd- the townsbip, and the village of Sebe- : I I I -- I ney She experienced heavy w9ather, and waing �s located on the north and south It will be seen by reference to ari6t'6 r resident, and had no right to vot THE pringipal- objection raised to the several tremendous seas were shipped. sides of the river and has a population column, that the Licensed ) - e7s,". This of course' was a most flagrM I . I -1 Crooks Lice U6'ing Act, by those who op- The belnismais had to be �lashed to the of about 1,000 inhabitants. There are or at least a portion of . them, are 1�,ot offence, and one which might -have an�- I wheel,'and when relie�ed had almost four general stores, three h 0-tels, three I. . satisfied witbC the Crooks Act. It� *ill jected him to the Severest punishmenL pose, it, is that the power of grantOg perished from cold. Capt. Epal and was . 1� . saloons and restaurants, three carriage : licenses has beexi taken from the mu"ni- swept oVerboard and drowi�ed. The ' also be seen. that one of their pridoijal. Fortunately for him, however, thle I I - and wagon shops, two meat markets, I .- . cipal councils and vested in the vessel narrowly escaped foundering. two shoe Shops, one planing mill, one - faults with that law is the clause �r6- judge, at the urkent solicitation of the * . � � acity � I : Government.. The TorontoWail is one . Stave mill, one large elevator—c%p I quiring them to close their bote]84 and Crown Prosecutor, took a most lenient . 'VVb at the Late -Senator Brown 75,000 ;bushels, two grist mills, two far- . saloons at seven -o'clock- on Saturday view of the offeno6, and inflicted the of the leaders in denouncing the Act on Thought:of the Senate. niture stores and five churebes. There . night. It will be further seen that .a lightest possible punishment. This, these grounds, -and in demanding a Mr. Wi ! lliam Houston, who for Several is a daily ateamboat between this place ' I , change. The Mail, however, thought wa' one of the principal political and Bay City, and a daily boat to Tawas I - . deputation has waited upon Sir John under the circumstances, was quite differently K� one time. Before it was writers ou' the Globe newspaper, and an and north�rn ports. The Saginaw, ' Macdonald, and- that his aid and inter- proper, but at the same time the warn- considered n0ce8gary.to condemn and intimate p6rsoual f riend of the late Hon. Tuscola and Huron Railway runs two vention have been sought in their be- ing afforded, should be none the less George. Brown, writes to the Toronto trains daily between this place and East oppose the,i Crooks Act, So &B to Wbrid, as follows: . Sautnaw, couriectiug at Reese with the half, and that Sir John has promiEed heeded. It is too frequently the case I M . - . I justify the 'threat of - the � Dominion I have noticed lately Some discussion Detroit and Bay City Railway, and at them Such assistance as, they req;al 8 that in the heat of an election campaign , I � - East Saginaw with the Flint and Pere In ' � -- y � I Thia appeal was made to Sir -Joh n many ire far . too apt to be indifferent Premier that the act was unconatita. Of a Dot ver seemly kind over the al Marquette Railway. The township of I � leged �OpihiODB of the Me Hon. George ther str�ngth of his utterance&, last Fain. - to the course of their conduct, ' 19r. tional and *call be disallowed, and lit c , . I Brown respecting the legislative cham. Sebewaing is an old settled one' Alt . the same time find some canse for fault i that mer, at Yorkville and elsewhere, to t be , Sturdy is said to be a thoroughly honor!- . � her, of which he was a distinguished though, some People � effect that the Ontario Legislature do able and reliable man as a rule, and in against the Mowat.. Government, this 1nember, Owing to the positiouIoccu. gooli crops canwit be raised in the back. , not possess the power to regulate th-e .any ordir-ary business transaction no very consistent journal thought the pied for several years on the Globe staff I woods of Michigan, I mm� say I have . - act just the thing the country required, I had ample opportunity to become in- tseen f armers raising wheat four succes- --- liquor traffic; that the Liquor Law is doubt w!ould be so, find in, a court of . . titnately �cquaiiiterl with'tbe late Sena. sive years off the sapae field, And yield . . I � . . I . unconstitutional, and that he would just'ice or -at any other time, would n and warmly endorsed the very provisions tar's opinlions upon many points in prac. an average of 25 bushels to the acre the have it disallowed, and take 'to hims 31f I . n,1 it now condem6us. In its. issue of the tical,pol i tics, and as I have not seen his fourth year, -and I have seen corn morw,Ahink of making a false oath. a . . . ` n v',(3ws on the Senate question fairly planted in one field for nine years in � I . or- his Government tbet regulation of committing the crime of perjury than 6th Januari, 1876, the Mail in a brought �ut iu the diSCUSSiOD, I would succei3sion, and the last crop turned out this, traffic. Although we do Dot no , be would of committing theft. But, on article on tl�e ("rooks Act, says: ",It like, with your permispion, to indicate 100 bushels to the acre. The ground is �a - . I 6, ' . precisely his position as he frequently not I rollit) but very rich. More about and never did, believe tbi t Sir John h as'�� this occasi6u, he evidexit)y daliberatel was a step in the right direction when 9 the. power to car! ; . t� "the issue of licenses was taken from described it to me. M ichiga,n SOOD. MARTIN LINK. - ry out his threat, even swore to -what he must have known In thel first place, Mr. Brown was I - I -had he the will, yet it is well worth ' P 11 the municipalities. * * 0 A� great � . b,e false. This, however, is not so S4 � wholly and strongly of the opinion that The Syndicate's Upper Lake while, considering the position he tfl pat I point to gain is to wholly dissociate the one legislktiv� chamber is sufficient in I . Line. ' I on this matter, because, if we aroles much due to his disregard for his ' "granting of licenses from the financial any Self .governing country.. The posi- . to as to the loose and indifferent mant . The' Pacific Syndicate have appointed , credit the statementR which he ,,, B id in which election oaths are usually ad. "advantages which local, treasuries do- tio,n of i the United States be regarded as Mri-Heury Beatty, late of tha Sarnia L . I , rive from MUltipl *. . exception,al, because there the Senate line, manager of a line of steamers that to have made to the Licensed Yictus,l- ministered as well as taken. - Too many ' YIDg drinking bas other than mere legislativo powers. they Will put on the rcoutb between Al. lerB' deputation, there is little d oubt but are apt to think that in politics every- ,"houseo.P It is very evident that con* He Byrn ithized with those who would , - . ­ L Pa - goma Mills and Prince Arthur's Land - he will mike the attempt, and that the thing is fair, ud they will resort to i sistency is not one of the virtues of .the like to see thaHouse of 1,6rda abolished iug, to! form the connection between a � � . . legisl�tive chamberin GreatBritain, the Thutider Bay and Nipi8sing Sections report of his utterances is correct,. tric ery and dishonesty to gain a point chief organ, 6. pecially when it bope's to as a axe instified in cone I u d1ug—from t ie at -an election, 'which, in connectiz make capital against a political op I ana he was at Confederation opposed to of the. Cauada Pacific Railway,- pending qo,'* the creation of a secon' d chamber for the tlif3 couLatruction of tile Section north of fact that it is several days since tie with the ordinary business of life woul - ent by. swallowing its own words and D in - inion. He was in the habit Of tak- Lake Superior, so that by the openi I - I .ug Statement was made in the Globe, arid aliaost ma,ke'them shudder to think of. professions. ; . . I 'in� Some credit to himself for Securing of tbe tieasou of 1884 the'Canadian Pa- - - - t I 11 - 4 a ona-chumber syawm for Ontario, and cific Raftway Company may be ready t6 it has not yet been demed or even I- In this way the case tried at Goderich I I I have.ne,ver heard that be was assam- trauspoit emigrants and freight by their. ' THE electiin in -Muskoka to fill -the . - luded to in, the Mail. Had the State- Should have the'effect of making the- � . . � ­ - - i iDg too much when he made this claim. own line through Canadian territory meat been unfounded or incorrect, tie � vacancy in t e Local ibegislature cathed Of course, persistent opposition to people who take an active part in � . 4 i I 01 from ti4pwater to the foot of the Rocky latter named joumal would only have elections more careful -in future. We by the retire �ment of Mf.'Miller, took Senate at Confederation 'would have Mountains. � I . been absurd, and no man was ever more - been toe, ready to refute it. Well, 1. ace on Tur,sday, and resulted in -the . The vessels of the new line are to be if have an excellent election law and if I P1 ready to �bandon an impracticable POs1- built .n.ext season, probably on the Clyde, John. has promised, when ,he gets cc a- its provisions we' Ire4 t�, Mr. Bettes, the.Reform candi- � � re strictly adh., � I Lion in politics than Mr. Brown. In- according to plans furnished by Mr. L . I iquor trade in Ontario, to 'and infractions of it as promptly puniBh- � the BeattY, and under his supervision ; and trerl of the li . . date by a lFge majority. This gives deed,* this 'Was one of the beat of appoint a commission of his own for thO ed as in the pres t instance, our a th -Gov n , I their - construction is expected to' mark en Ole _ 6 er ent Seven Supporters out mamy admirable features of his charac- . . 11�1 tqr. ' : . of nine vaca4oies. . a new era in lake navigation. They are issuing of licenses and to assimilate t'% e tions would be a deal more free from L Havin ' assented- to,'the creation of a to bp of steel, swift enough to make the . i . ' I . - Ontario law tOL that now in force in the '-corruption, and our legislators too, . t political necessity—a, condil � I n � : i Senate a% a run of 366 miles, from Algoma Mills to Province of Quebec. Now, the Queb oc 'would be more honest than they ar�. NeWs of the 'W eek. tio 8ine quanon of the union of the Ero- Prince Arthur's Landing, in twenty four law permits of the sale of liquors, ff I vs now. Mr. Cam I eron is certainly en., MARING A � CHANox.—Rev. Dr. Scud. vinces— he Ieh -hound in honor to make hours,'and powerful enough to face any I I - mistake not, at all hours, and on I titled to credit for his efforts to check der has resigned his pastorate in Brook- no attempt to distnrb an arrangement gale which may blow on the lakes.. In ' to which Lbe had been a consenting construction they will closely resemble days, Sunday as well as Saturday; at this species ' . � lyn to go to Chicago. . - I of election corruption, which, ) MAND.—The floods along party, though no one would have bedn ocean steamers, the bulwarks of - the I FL(. ODS IN EN( more glad than he to see the Senate . any rate,, we are Sure that there is no has been too commonly ,�.ractised I the the Thames hu.ve done a great amount vesselsforming the railings of the cabin n','ht 1, i- � I abo restriction to the Saturday niplit bu past, and his promptitude will �lbear of damage. Windsor was inundated lislied, with the consent of Quebec deck Bitting low in the water, with two 4? . I . and the . maritime Provinces. He felt I % I - ess and in other wa. . I �or perhaps three masts, and without the . n. , I . ya it is very m.u(h good and wholeoome fruit in the' future. THANKSGIVIN G DAY. —Pres i den t Art b ur and Said that, until the people of those f . . I . � high pilot -house and texas of the usual less Stringent than the Ontario law.. 1. m If candidates generally were ito ploo has designated Thursday. Nov. 30, as Provin�(,eg ceased to regard its existence I . I � the NatioDal Tbanks6iving Day. ilake pattern. They will be constructed . I P view of this statement, it will be w .� R more closely after violations of the law, . CATTI;EFFY-ER IN KA`N' SAS. --Texas fever as necessary to their own security under iespecially with reference to passenger I . 4 Saved no little expelisp has been discovered among forty loads Hsi- traffic, but each will have capacity for for the people of Ontario to con 1 r they would be' oir federal system, it would be impo i , I if they are willing to lose tLe a ig� it of cattle from Kansas city lately arrived blre for, him to join in any agitation for about I 000 tons of freight, on a draught , and trouble a,t elections. And it.would I at Chicago . it� abolition. If -my memory serves me of thirl�en feet. The intention is to -- control they have gained over this * cqr n also be well for ellor,tora to look alosel� DyockAsEl).--�-Major Archibald George rectly, he made this very explanatio eonstruct them so that they will run traffic, after years of battling and atrug* after candidateB. A few examples 6� Astor Constable, died at Brooklyn on at ' a banquet given in the spring of 1879 like Atlantic steamers, by time table, i to the Ron. Mr. Mowat by Vie Liberal g1iiig ? If they are, and if they wish both sides Similar to - that referred to, the 26th ult.,. aged 61. His- father first members of the Ontario Leoislative As- regardless of the -weather, and a boat to encouraga instead of disoourage the I � published. Sir Walter Soott'B novels at . in will be, despatched each way per day, - . would have a splendid effect in ke� ' . Be bly. At all events, I have frequently making a daily line east and west be. advancement of temperance, all they Vrig Edinburgh. , heard him take this position in private tween Algoma Mills and'Prince Ar- . our excellent. elective system pure, � and A FORTUNE IN A TrLuNx.—Fifty thou- � . . require to do is to permit Sir John and ridding it of the many abuses which it sand dollars were found in an old trunk conversation. - thar's Landing. , the Licensed Victuallers to have their is to be feared are still too COM'- be . longing to Margaree Parker, a half The charge. of 11 Toryisin " has been � . way. If, on the other hand, they wisl� Mon. . � . . Starved pauper, at Cincinnati, on TueS7 frequentl� urged, against Mr. Brown on The Licensed Victuallers and . . I - da . � � account of his supposed desire to per. the Crooke Act. . g -1 . 'y , to retain the ground. tbey.-have Ained? --- � -. DIED.—Professor X. A. Willard died p6tuate the Senate, as well as his openly I ' . avowed preference for a nominated &B A deputation from the Ontario Li. and desire to keep this pernicious traffio - 11 THE Vulgar' Grit Combination in suddenly of nenialgia of the -heart at � distinguished from an elective chamber. censed ViotpallerBI Association waited with -in reason able control, and while it - Toronto." This is how the Toronto Little Falls.. N. IT,, on' Wednesday i upon Sir John Macdonald, at Ottawa, doe& exist limit the evils resulting fro - morning. He -was a voluminous writer What I have just said will Bbow how Mail, the acknowledged organ of the . little ground there is for the first- of a few days ago, in reference to alleged on agricultural topics. . it as much as.possible, they will need, great Conservative party of Ontario, � A"MISGUIDED Y01UTH.—Lewia Lvon, these allegations. Some men, under defects, in the Ontario license law. . to look closely after the men whom they alluides to the Ontario Government. PrPaident of the Thitd Avenue Railroad thecircuroBtances, would havepublished !They urged that Sir John Should use I an hpolog� for th� seeming contradiction his persorfal influence and that of his . 'gand to Parliament to make their laws,, We have no fancy for instituting corn. Company, of Now Y�rk, was twice fired between 'principles and pra.efice, but it Ministry to have the Act altered so that -. or rather they will need to . be caref ul parisona between the Manners and . at Friday by his nephew, who then blew is obvious that Mr. Brown could hardly hotel arid E &loon keepers might be en-, * not to Send men who . out his own braina.,` . have done this without what he deemed abled to keep, their places of business will unmake the Morals . of any: of our public men, but CAUGHT SMiJGGLING.—CUStOms officers . lawswenow have. The clause .requir- we are tempted to say that in the mat- at Laredo seized four thousand decks of a bre&ch Of honor only less, flagrant than open until eleven o'clock on Saturday in hotels to close at7 o'clock on Satur-- ter ' I . � te ' I hich were being his takill' part in an agitation for tile nights,, instead of being obliged to close A of refinement or morality the Pro Mexican Mon cards, W 9 * rg - abolition bf the Scriate, and he was too at seven, as at present. The gentlemen Bmugglbd to Galveston-, where they corn- . day night, is one Of the very beat in the Mier of Ontario will compare favorably 11 31 chivalroiA6 to do anything that appeared composing the deputation also venti- ' . . . � ma d 00 a pack. I dishonoralble merely to shield himself I ated other ,gkievanceB under which they I la.w. The only pity is that it is not witb- the Prime Minister of the Domin- AN . ImmoRAL RASCAL.—J. Wallace ' . ' I more rigidly enforced. To do aw%y ion. Indeed; if the latter is not Badly Mix, a rich corn -canner of Conestoga, from the pripleasantriess of being mis- claim to be suffering, in oonsequence of I . underbto6d. . the stringellCieB of the Crooks Act. Sir * New York, has fled to South America, I With it would be a retrograde Step, maligned by those who k ow him best . John is said to have expressed his deap . � n .0 'th one -of his fact ry girls, The se6ond ground on which be has , I 0 ; I which would be fraught with the most it would not be saying much for either w leaving been charged with 11 Toryism " mayor sympathy with the licensed victuallers, I evil reaults. - We are incline I d. to V. ae the refinement or moral character of liabilities to the amount of - $25,000. may not �e sufficient, but, at all events, and promised to use every possible STARVATION IN IRELAND. —Three bun- his POSiti6D was both intelligent and in. means to bring about the changes sug- opinion that the people of Ontario are Mr. Mowat.if he did.' not stand im-' dred people on Lory Island are without telligible. I He preferred a nominated to gested. How be proposes to influence � . I decidedly more in, favor of tightening measurablv �bove big great antagonf8t food, and other portions of the popula- an elected Senate, because of the danger the Provincial Government remains to and increasing the restrictions on the in both these're-B�eets, sotbat it does tion of Western Ireland are threatened that mig6t possibly arise from a dead-- be Been. It is asserted that, in fulfil with- Starvation. lock betw�en two ohambers, each claim- ment of biq bre-election promised, Sir tr,iffic, than t4ey tire disposed to 110 not very wellbecome the Mail to taunt D- HE OUTH.—A ing that it expresses the popular will. John will attempt at the coming session � - away with them. If ibis is the case it any of its opponents wi I th vu.1garity. In terrific storm prevailed in- the western -Since he �id not regard the Senate as a of Parliament to obtain control of the is well that Sir John has. permitted I is fact, if the writer in the Mail were as part of North Carolina Saturday morn. necessary: part of our legislative ma- Ontario License Law by federal legisla. designs to be known this early. To be refined as he would evidently li ing. The lightning destroyed many chinery, 4 was surely reasonable that tion. I- ' � , ke others I Iditional information as � forewarned is to be forearmed. He hail to think him, lie would have better barns and killed two women. .he should prefer to see it -a nonentity To obtain ac IMMENSE STRUCTURB.�A'twelve-story rather thl 14 n active and aggressi tothe re'alobject and result of the in. shown, us what he will. do if he has the manners. than td use such a tannt and building has'just been completed in St. a , I I . I body. H� would rather have had no terview above alluded to, which took power. If he has not the power -to ta a more especially in a direction where it Louis for -the Belcher sugar refinery. 1' .. . I Senate at�� all, but not being able to get place between Sir John A. Macdonald 'to his own Government the regulation has no application. - The work required eighteen months, his wiah,! he was quite consistent' in and the deputation sent from the To,. - -- ;-- and over six millioes brick were need. wanting �o see the present body m tde ronto bianob. of the Licensed Victual - of the liquor traffic, the people of On. I . . STA.Gim ROBBERY IN LEADVILLE.—Satur- as uninfifiential. and unimportant as lers' Association, on the umendment of . taxio have yet the matter in their ON n MR. JUSTICE, CAMERON has cast out. an- d a I . . " . y night a stage in the suburbs of possible. " -- - the Ontario License Act, a Globe re- . hands. This license question will be other batch of election petitions because Leadville, Colorado, was stopped by two It maylibe said that this attitude was porter waited on Several members of � . , � . � one of the leading issues in the a p. they were entered in'the " High Court masked men, who.robbed the- passen- quite ine n%i8tent with his becoming a the deputation on Tuesday, Mr. A. G. ' -,- I . proaching local eltetions. The p 0- of Justice, Queen's, Bench Division." gers of valuables arriounting to $2,000. member of a body which he regarded as Hodge� Secretaxy of the Association, . I -- . The robbersescape& unnecessary, and was anxious to keep who Zted as spokesman on the occa. � ple kno-w-what the policy of the On- One that was entered in 11 The Queen's TRYING To RouBE THE SCOTCH.—' inactive 1 st it might be6omm rnisobiev- sion, was first seen. He s4ated that it : tario Government is on this qnestic n. Bench Diviiaion, High Court of Jnatice," Davitt, speaking at,' Aberdeen, urged ons. On biB point I have only to Bay v!aB in view of Sir John's recent expres- That Government is not only de . His Lordship, said was admissible, Scotch farmers -to demand 'a reduction that whatever hopes he may have en- sions on the license question at York- , . �, mined to keep from retrog'radiDg, but whereupon the Sarnia Canadian I very of rents. They should claim the right tertained lof the - Senate furnishing even ville, and his intimation that he would is willing to take a step farther, arid properly remarks: " When the draw- to have an independent tribunal to arbi- a partial efence of its own existence on repealthe Act, that they deemed it &d- raske the law still more, "stringent so ing of Such fine distinction trate between them and landlords. the groun 0 � u I I Y, e ceased, loDg e- visable to lay their grievances before I as we . GENERAL WOLsELEY RETUANRD.—Sir fore his death- to cherish them. That, him. After enumerating their griev- soon as the poople manifest a disposi. see in the above�­involves heavy,peou. Garnet- Wolseley has returned to Eng. sooner or .ater, he would, bad be lived, ances, among which that of being com- I la,nd. He landed - at' Dover on Satur. have corn � out in favor of a reform of pelled to close their saloons at 7 o'clock tiOUtGoarryitout. The policy of their niary loss to litigants, and p mits the ' I I . day afternoon on his return from Egypt. the Conat tution I fully,believe, but he on Saturday evening, was mentioned, I qpponents has been declared to be �e-a guilty to enjoy the fruits of Mir frauds He was enthusiastically reqeived by a would cer -ainly have preferred the abo- Sir John requested them to call a meet - I - d I 190sening of the bands and less stringent unpunished, non-professionlal ple will large crow . - - t lition of ��e Senate to what is callea ing, frame a memorial of their griev- measures : for therein no doubt that be disposed to wish that theriwas less TRAIN WREcKEns.—A train on the 11 bringing, it into harmony with public ance8, and state what amendments they � I � 13 Mr. Meredith will carry out the polio tweedledum and tweedledee Wt Detroit, Urand Itaven. Milwaukee opinion, by making A elective. WO111U HIM, an(I Ue WOULU Dring r'ne case . , Y. aPped 13P- Road � was ditched by train wreckers, n dealing with before his Cabinet, and endeavor to have Propounded, by Sir.Tobn. He has fOl. in the silk gowns that - encircle the dig. who 'removed the rails down a grade, departed Statesmen of the position and matters arranged to. their satisfaction. p Owed his lead in other matters and he nitaries of our highest courts of justice. " 'where the bank is thirty feet'high. The calinre of the late Mr. Brown, it would A Conserve.tive licensed victualler, ; . , I . � I - . I : . � . . I i � I . ! � I -- . � . . � � � . � I I I . � . . . � � . I . . . . . ; " - .. ��f , . .. . ­ - -- 9 � I 14 , i-` - r �- i �, 91 � . - ; ;� � .�;i��- . , -R - ::� . � ;i # 1- I I - : 11 � : ­ 1.1", : ­ � - � i I A, Z � = � I I � ''I � �- Z I - - F . � �t I � - I . I ; 1- kl� -J - 1: I � ; .17 I:i � . ­ � x , .. � i 1, �, 4 t, 1 ­ : I "I � ��� , i.�, -1; I i �. il 1. . ; . ... i 71 � - I #44. � � - - . � - � . 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I . P, . . . � � i I I : I ! � I - . .4 : % ,.. ­ L., I - . . L . ­ L I I . . � . - � . I . � - - � , I . . . - � I . L I - � . �, . . � I - - - I L - . - I., - - I I - . L I I I .-,..--. - -- - . . _ , ­ _ _ ._. � � _L ­ - - I - - - - - - . - - . . ­ � - ­ , ', - - - I I I , � - , L � - I I I ; . . � . . i . . . - - - - . , ­' ­ L - - - -­ I - - - I - .- � - . . . . . . . . L' - - - ­ ' - : -- - . . � "' - . . - , - ,- - - ­ L - ,- - - ­ I I . I - - . - - , . ­ I - . � - : � I � I . � ; I i I � - iprence, wal . . who wos present at the con L nelt ,riterviewed. Hey after endorsinj the Statements made by Xr.'Hodge en. logized Sir John for the caTeful attea, tion ith which he went over and dis wl imnased, every feature of their grievances The books of the Ontario Trades' Be, nevolei'atAsgociatiou were produced, sn� showed that there was a total member al�ip of 1,300. It was pointed'out thal at a very low average each member cat influerice five votes, and this numbei coupled with their own votes would giv4 the handsome number of 7,800. SirJobi intimated that it would be necessary V appoint a new Board of Commissioner for Ontario, and virtually promised tha, the license law would be the same ai that of the Province of Quebec, whial allows saloon -keepers to keep thei: places open till midnight every Satur day. : . . With his proverbial cunning, Sir �Johi Macdonald extracted a promise that th, result of the interview should be kep . strictly private, as the least whisper o the proceedings would give the temper &nce p ; pople of Ontario ab handle whiol they might use to his discomfiture an( the great advantage of the Reforn party. ' In conclusion be asked them b I can 9, meeting of the Association & once, frame their memorial, and placi it in hi's hands as soon as Tossible, si I that hb -could have it fully digested witl his Cabinet before the meeting of Pir li&mept, at which- he promised the ne-v License Bill should be the first intro duesd and passed. A meeting of the Toronto Branch o the Licensed Victuallers has been calle(' I W for. next Friday evening at which i report,of the deputation - will be sub mitte4, and the proposed action on thi matter taken. . ­�, I i - ; - � - . L Huron Notes. q I . For , the past seven months ai average of 4,000 postal cards a mont) .has been disposed of at" the Clintoi post office. . � —Mr. E. Gaunt, Deputy -Reeve o West Wawanosh, last week bought i bull calf six months old from Messrs. R Buell & Son, for 8200. � * —The Grey township plowing matol is to be held to day on,the farm of My John McInto3h, lot 12, concession 7 Grey. ' . . —The members of , the W ' inghan Canada Methodist congregation curl making arrangements for a publi, dinner on ThaukBgiving Day. —The long talked about contract fo filling ' the approaches to the Gorri, brid ge' has been let to Mr. Thos. Rolpl for the sum of 069. nn, an old pioneei _ Michael Rayma — � of the township of Grey, has moved t( Cranbrook, where he intends apend-inf, th6 remainder of his days. . —Mr. Henry Beadle, of Auburn, ha sold his iDtereat in the imported stal lion "Luck" to Mr. Lawson Moore, o Goderich Township, for six hundre( I I dollars. I —Mr. John Upahall, late of Clintoi L ' , " and Kinburn, has opened out w-, veter . I inary surgeon's office in Blyth,- aiid wil li�af ,ter practise his profession in tha town. , I . _While several Sportsmen fron "Exeter were hunting at Grand Ben( last week, they succeeded in Shooting i CormoraDt, a very rare bird in this par of the country. --Mr. Joseph Hunt has purchase(' the farm of Mr. John Stinson, south o Gorris '. The farm contains 50 acres . and was bought for four thousaw dollars. —Eh Symonds, of Goderich, who hai . lately been working in Coleman's sav mill, Seaforth - bad one of his finger cat off on Weariesday of last week,whil taking heading from the Saw. —The Morris Flowing Society wil bold their match on the farm of Jobi Wheeler, lot 10, concession 5, on No vember 7th. Competition open to all Liberal pri zes wil I be given. —Mr. Robert Knechtel, who is nov attending the Model School, at .God erich, has been erigaged to teach in No 9, Morris, for 1883. His �predecessoi Mr.Jobu McLeod, goes to Ann ' Arbo.T Michigan, to Study medicin . . . :' —While engaged in buil ing a gang. way at the saw mill of Gre , Young � � Sparling in Blyth last w k ' Mr. N Halliday fell a distance of 3 feet,whei he received injuries whic I ill i preven I . him from working for so timA. , —Mr. R. Campbell , of t e 12th con . ecession of Ashl-field, whild assisting a a threshing on the farm of Mr. E ,McLean, on Tuesday last week, fel from a scaffold v ,,ud broke Jour of hi ribs. I —On Saturday of last week, as MI � Archibald McDonald, of the 12th cor cession of Aslifield, was driving out o, the Goderich gravel road, some persa stole from his wagon a parcel containin $4 worth of goods. . —Mrs. James Auld,of EsstWawanosl has this Season disposed of 800 doze eggs, and has realized therefor ovE Iff $100 in cash, besides using a considei able number in her,own family. Sb keeps between Sixty �nd sevent fowls. —The blacksmith shop formerly o( cupied by Archie Robertson in Ethe was- sold to James Lynn, of Jamestowi with the 4welling house . adjoining They brought 3650. Mr. Robertso intends opening a, carriage shop i LiBtowel. —The bankrupt stock of J. J. Baile & Co., Brussels, consisting of di goods, was sold last week to U. I Gould, of Norwood, at 39ic on tb dollar. The* stock had never bee opened out at Brussels, and was boxe up and.,Bent. to Norwood. —On Mr. T. C. Pritchard"s farn abon b. ten minutes walk from th ' e villag of Holmeaville, stands a rock -elm trf sound and vigorous, that measures � feet -in circumference up above an projection of roots, and to the eye I perfectly round and straight and aboi 70 feet to the first limb. —Mr.. James'Gallagher, of 'Colborn, near Leeburn, has Bold his farm of H acres to Mr. Bell,of Ashfield, for $6,06 Mr. S. Ivy, of the 7th concession of it same township, has Sold his farm 4 100 acres to Mr. Joseph Tewsley. M Ivy has gone to Dakota to look oi another home. —The Fordwich Loyal Orange Lodg intends to celebrate the anniversary 4 Guy Fawkes day this year in their vi lage, on November 6. A large n umb( of Orangemen and Young Britains ai expected to be present. The orator 4 the day will be Rev. James Q burn. * I —The following notice appeared i the Exeter Times of last week:—, -Le her home, Bayfield, on the 18th inst., woman aged 38 years, of unsoian %, i . � . � � - -1. � q : - I -­ ; r � � � . I . NoirBMBER 3, 1882, I i - mind. She, had on a dark are" fta . black jacket, she wore & veil. Any in. .. formation ais to her whereabouts will be tbanliful'y received by her brother, Robtl� J. Re! d, Bayfield. —A, portion of the properly Owned bly the North,�—erfoin Chemical Company I at Goderiefi, was burned early 14t Sunday mo�nirig. The derrick, ,01100 I wood1tanksand coal,together with 9, isli; � stock of saft in & storshouse,were S 11 I Nved. � The loss, apart from the stoppage of .. . business, is fairly covered by Ins"Moe in the North British. Canis of fire prL. I � _ known. . � I =As Miss Radcliffie, teacher in An. --- * � burnt was returning from EL -Helens where' she was visiting her parents, the - horses got frightened -at a cow on the road iand- upset the buggy over -an ern. bankment. Portunately the yourig . lady escaped without injury, but her brot�er, who was driving, had his i ankle sprained. The carriage wXg . brokion to pieces. I —The owners of the Blyth agricul. tural grounds and ball, are making a good Aing out of their property. The . directors have this year divided ' . I among the shareholders a surplus equilling 20 per centon'the capital stock, besides :. �� retaiiiing a liberal amount for repsars . i and iquiprovlements'. The Agricultuml I Society Should purchase the property from the company'tbat ow 'sit. . 14. —Mr. 1�iohard'Lee% �on of Ift-I, Andr . ew Le�s. of Morris, and at pre,ient teaching inNorwood, has purchased C, , -the plant and good will of the Dufferin Ad- � . verti"r, published at Orangev Me. Mr. I . Leestakes possession at the close of i . this year, and we have no doubt b,�tt he will push tte business to the satisfac. - tion of the Reform party, of which the A:dvettiserls the Organ, and the good I of his ownpiocket. We wish hiM obtin. darit:'succegs in the field of journalism. . —Jkr. W� D. Bright, who has bee,, - cutter in I the tailoring establish- ment in -& store of Messrs. Samw.ell & Pickard, Of Exeter, during the past eigbtlears: purposes leaving for Wal.; � I . . kertob shoi 1 tly, where he intends going iuto� busine4s for himself. The breth. , ren of Leb�non ForestLodge, presented Mr. Brigb t 1 with a Past' Master's Jewell as a parting trophy of respect, he having been zaaster' of the lodge for the past : : . year., I —Upon the occasion of thC recent ' ' marriage of Miss Tana Hutchinson, claughter of Al. Hutchinson, Esq., of the Harbor Mills, Goderich, ,the em. plo . yoes of the mill pi�esented the bride� with a silver tea service. The - - ,gift,�vas accompanied by ,the following 3 notp -.i—, ,P) Ake accept this as a token of respe : ct and esteem on the part of the - I employees of the Harbor Mills, on the a in h ppy occasion of your marriage, i which they wish you much.joy. 11 —The Clinton New Era of last week says "—Information was received here last week by Mrs. Buggy, that her son George,a y6uth of about 17 years of age', bad died in Winnipeg, of typhoid fever. He Went out there last -spring. His rerna!ins are on the way home. Iufor- I formation hRs also been received here - of th 10 death, from the some cause, of - the eldest daughter of W. Cook, but- � cher.� It is r6ported that a number of � � ClintOnians are down with the disease, - I I but We hope the report ma'y turn out I unfounded. ' —In th,e case of the Queen vs. John 11 I Sturdy, in the West Huron -per4 I jury � case tried at Goderiob�, the following , � I juryinen were objected, to: By the ; . Crown, Wm. Tichbourne, James Pol— . i . lock, '1H. Raine, R. Quads and M. Pol.' - lock;': by tLe defence -James Tiffin, A. 1/1 Granger, J. Atkitison, M. Wade and 9 - John Cummon, The following jury was . k \ then �aworn in: — Charles Redmond, Abraham Deering, James Chesney, Jai. Keane, Win. Baker, Michael Johnston, John A. Fortune, Wm. Armour, James Beatty, Alex. Robertson, John Cann )Lnd Jis. Ford. I — Mr. Robert McGee has bought the black,Bmith shop and lot owned by Mr. James Ferguson. of Auburn, for 4425. Mr. Ferguson intn Western States. Mr. Thos. Nicholson has also purchased an acre of laud from Mr. Duncan McSbannock, for which he paid 0 - 400. This -';-property is -8ituated I oppooite Mt. Rawkin's Store, � &,rid Mr. Nich�)Ison intends moving his hotel building onto it in the spring. Mr. j. . P. - Btown, carriage maker, has also purchased the property of Mr. A Dey, on Main Street, for $950. He intends -' carryiDg on the blacksmith business in connection with his carriage busi- ness. I —00e night last week as Mr. Wm. Evans, Jr., of McKillop, vms proceeding home' from Mr. Patrick Burk's, &crow the fields of Mr. John Hughes, he was f arionsly attacked by �& bull belonging to the latter. The enraged animal closed rapidly on the pursued man., and with . one dash of his horns tore his clothi,ng badly. With great presence of miu.4 Mr. ,Evans grasped the trunk of a I ----- mapl I e tree standing near the place, and I succeeded in ascending to a consider- able � height, thus baffling a aeocind obar4e of tke bovine. He remained in the tree until his cries brought assis-- tance, when the enraged, animal was driven off, and Mr. Evans got home none the worse for his adventure. I . —A large wedding party from Ash- I field, numbering seven or eight rigs, passed through Lucknow one day last week. In the evening after the matri- monial knot was tied, the patty, retired to WesVa Hotel, where they intended to celebrate the feast by a dance. All 4 went merry aft &Marriage bell until about 8 o'clock, when a dispute awme . among the male portion of the party as to who should dance with a&h and such 9, girl. They finally came to blows, howpver, and the village ,constable ap- i pearing on the scene marched three of the company off to the cooler, One of the three was afterwardsliberated. the I other two being confin6d all night. The two, Joseph McAdanig and John Mb- Ginnis, werebrought before the Reeve the following morning, when a flie of $6 including costs, was imposed on each, I —'Considerable excitement WIS crea�ed in the village of Lucknow on - Tueoday of last week, over- the rumor thata, mare belongingto the Rev. D. Cam z bron, had been Stolen from his stables at an early hour that morning. ' On Monday� evening Mr. Cameron drove to a tes-meeting at Fordyce, and did not Arrive home until late in the night, I when the,inare was put into the stable as usual. On going to the bam OR Tuesday morning, however, the rever-! end gentleman was surprised to firtil the animal missing, and on a olo,36r iu- spection it was leaxned that a bearskiU robe � and a bridle were also take's - away. MT. Cameron at onea placeA . - . - -- - - � .1 I - - i ! � i . i . ! . 1 V - , - � � -- 20TEMBER I i, -- �;_-�� I ­. j*, jnstWr in the I I - �-� *hen the electric . :_1 - 1460 orllmtionj and . 4 -tko tow,ris and i -1 , giving a dewr I , Xessengers v ;,- .- � rip in search ,of d - 1, of tbeluiSSiOg an%E . � � - j6una- until about '-� ij�vieaaay night. w,b � � I . Ift- Caineron7s M1 ' - . 1. 13,* 1 , gk ],Oise in th43 . . . . I,. Ut to lifeethl I �­ 99W 0 " - -1 � I � the Inure standing'' - . ,�ith & bridle con 6n ter back. NVbo, *� I *,hst,objeot he hai � 1 06*8y, as yet remal . , f 1 ��The Aigoma E' I , .-, deorge Blackwood . - . 1, oxi, board the f 1; - late storm. we . tves ' . I sogr his arril - � r 3(aTio, suffering . , . I � ; - � -; of the lunl4s. . 't, I . J�nd attendanef! - '7... tiol, -and fa-mily, hi - . I - -1 0 7d returns to - - --- -b,7�t. � . - � - � � — � � .i� .. -Typhoid few - . � I - .-I . prevalent among e I : , -Tbe,Argus -6* - ,� . � - . a St. -Marys boy, I kB � th � Jhe ran 01 � - -. fome months pas I - I josult on,the soli, � . hisnativetown. � ,. I ! - I I The iexecutor.4 -- . . -,� . - - I i�sstner, of Selarb I I . I Ireat. half of lot 19 I I . � Mr- Thpoba; � I ;J50. The fa-ru � ,616sr-ed,ig good ba , . ��Or,�se on it. � �. -A few days� . - I . ; VrOman I of mite � , - ,psil of boiling � . building be sliPPe I - e ,ontents of the � . 9 his body. 0 ' ' b':YIY Scalded. . 1 1 -The last sem ; �Iistow,el, -of the A . *as I-argely- att�e Jewer than eip,bt`6 , � - id. Nearly%ew I - I , ,, PSI-IySeptemberai ` offered, for Bal -i � boxes disposed 1 - . - . 'Writs. I � ; � . - . I -Th�otb,qr we I ing to Mr. Danie . - 1. ,VullaTtouj di-oppc . I I - Mediately, The -, . s �0 � onditi,on, and ha I fields Previous t,07 likiely eaused by 't � - v,essel. This is t) . . ,X-eo has lost auril . I � -- � � : , -The people. ol I . Londoia, axe still � . . I -organ question. I . � . I I . � "I : -The manag,el � I iluding the C04� for tb.e expendit, decided to make A I � . � raise, a permanel � 1200,0W. j � . : -An action b Thomas to rW Credit Valley I . Violating an Agr � �n ti'me they� acce] ' amount na-med. � i I 1 -Lumbering C be active in th4 Parties from the, -- �backwoods ,of 9 � � . , � 'lands a,na saw I i ; : �operation-s. H -ex -. `suddeu jumpof I ­ . -Complaints ! ­ I - Iraul. & Manitoba I - - thave 'now ^ direq � Ars,vellers'sampl,l' . . over the road a -a' � itent by express. . Way in United S1 refuses to accept', . -­ ! I Auct� . On. Wednesdbl 4*lock P, -M., On XeRillop,Farrn .1 Samuel Scarlett, riEon, proprittoll! suetioneer. On Fri -day, 17 ceszion I -Z, tow 'Stock, Implerrit � Furniture. E, 11 40hu B. Geigqr, f . ; On Tuesday,". I . � 6'olook, P� M., 10 I i 13, XcKillop, Fa ! - - ments. Wm. ; 'Alex. Dalgetty,, 1 " . OnTuesday, 3 .37, Conc�?�--sjil � to,clock$ A. M.,], . plements. Nobli .T. P. Brine, AUM I . GnSaturday, I - XA � P. M., at the ic, . forth, Teas and -J. P. Brine, Aue On Tuesday, ' P. M., on Lot 2t Fam Stock and Xalbfleiscb, P -r4 lbe.rry Auctionee . , ; I I I ; I On Tuesday, I - i 'Couzession 13 , . bury,at 12 " , 1� . i , () Ic 4nd Implements , � : - ,prietor; J. P. B 1 On Moulday"_'b, I I lConcesalon 1"St at 12 .61clOck nn t1a. ., , . lwplemeu� . N, i J. P. Briiie, An. .1 ,on -Monday, - . . Conceosiou 2, Farm stock an � , I i lRussell, Froprit I ti-oneer. � I i 'On Tuesilay, . 1 cing at . . i noon, t, -.n. t 11 ?,Hibbiert, S perl I �� " anaJoseph C(im i i King, AuctiOnex � . � i I . . 1 W I .11 VASOX-JOTINST � i Vinghami, by. v . I George blason, Only Aau ,liter ( 1 :of wtsion, all< I ; 91WF.N--GARDI'1� � ReT. W, Bbu,i I i AGeo GrR4-n, I � rge Miss J. Gardin i VG0PEF.­C1iU1iiC I I Elton, MYra-unit,T) t. � W. R,�bt. CC I Chureinilof G . , WELLS -GI "I)BLI llotel, Li,-towe A. Oooper, Ur - . I migs'earoline 4 of Ehn% , ZALD1F0RD--8C0-- - - - bri-delal.ther,, � I- - James vriteb," I � leAt. to ixiss J. I noxh. Z . . ... I � I � _; I M14