HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-11-03, Page 3i
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IBM THO -- � �- ��� . I I � ! I I .
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: lt�V�Q�i . � I -WWah Should, He �aa Ty. to do to hold our ground, for the enemy give is flang Into his face, like a bons to I I
I ; I kjVWy6Rthft,j T"d, to his Unel* 1tw ry: had brought up -several gans, and wexe a dog, the donor is not benefited by the I 17111-,RwirrTff --R:B- i MONTREAL HOUSE41 Change of Business. . . ..
. ,
IIXG TEM i " y noda up my mind to ; . . . � e
� � � � : Itrama I giving it to no prett hot. I gift, and the receiver is *not, and cer- I I .
I . � . y I
I . I iowt decide If It in hoder '. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. � .
- � I I .11 on r Luore f01011is fefter.�' - Su denly, between two guts of tainly should not, be grateful. It is in- J . 4 : �
. . I
I I I -." : I . � I
: . I
� . I
ra%-E. - HEAT � OW111.4 -briapth us JOY end , rrow; smoke, one of our wounded, lying out sulting.". . . ! ! . �
� � I �
; . lEw 1=0 on the open plain, was own to wave -1 I I I determined to Clear Out my ,
I . %kgW& to.&I and we weep to -mo V ; . . am
I y A I
I � � . An ,rn&, there'll always be stecru$ wes Ow his hand feebly, its if for help. At - I � A.11 Neighbors. � I SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. - ' �
WR y or . two W* umnually yoked log4 ther r, I w7ja B4tire Stock of Furniture regard-
� � VMN . one of our Lieutenants, who had bee 64Mr. ,Xones,", began Smith, the other le 1 of Cost. I . - .
- I _ 88 % l
*Iran hmtg the am," said Fred v ith emotim, harder than any one else on - Gentl I . # i
� 0 '* momingas they met 9,t the comer to ' ' — ;
11.1 ars, my heart's dev)tlon; r
�*, �7 Wei . . �". THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to asoar. a � I
20ohibas no money I man Bob,' and his chance was a po r wait for the car, ly neces- J- Wu pricesbefore purchasing elsewhere. I DU.NCAN AM UNCAN , �
WAN, , and Uncle E Wry, , IB it positive] . � . . I I
cad be folly for us to &sir& ill . e L give 4 large discount to theme paying cash, so- _: .
I � � . 11 i
SME STOV t ;;a jos kn0V'tw01 . one, foi it seemed certain death to _ sary that your son must -play tb 1160- . I I
: ..- j,-W,U—j don't --know," said the other turning - and reach him through sue peoial�y to newly married couples. . � . . II&VING purchased from Nopper 'Bros. thetr 1
. . . . . . . . . . . the youth, 11 Since the 113re Is h' a pelt of cordeon until midnight for six nights a I am still selling six highly finished chairs for -1 .
- -V gow toward . I interest in the foundry, v -e will still continue :
� - � -------- - - - - - - - - - .. I --. _ shot, while if a . bullet didn't finia. week?" "Not at all, Mr. -Smith," was $2. I; also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed,the I to keep on hand at the old stand, Main Street, . .
. tiruing, him -
�. r � �
. . . - . 1`10 j word! of counsel to give you, w is, , the scorching sun was prettv sure the prompt reply. "Not any more best �.nd cheapest in the market; warranted Sesforth, a lull assortment of � �
; nd work for riches-" to do 'it. . . . perfectly notseleas. - Beg leave to call the attention of buyers to their immense stock Of Staple and - . �
310ty for level a . I I necessary than it is for your danghter Bt. R. Counter's . - I .
I beat known - . . All -at once a man was own stapph g Wareroomis dizectly opposite a - I .- !
Improve. . I , INt ()Two, yon see," said the anx OUR Freddy, and her bean to sit' on the front steps Marninoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seeforth, � G4ng 1�11=8, Land Rollers, ,Scuf- I
tuel and labor of ga � Out from the sheltering thicket, ar d Oide. �� I Fancy Dry Goods, the beat and cheapest in the market. I .
g,Usg. & uicelittle houarkeeping fund oar %dy, seven ni�hts per week and keep us Fast . .
ffiia market, y g With SL . 625' . JOHN S. PORTER. . I I �
- i contribution .e , . . :
I I . AjIA will keei, 61033 in that man was 11 Gentleman 1�ob.'� H awake untK one o'clock in the morning. 11 ! ... .. I , 1 1 flers,--Cutting Boxes, &c,, i I
. I - I
� . - dear from the straits Ot "tit On. never looked to the right or left, bi it "My daughter, air, has a perfect right . i I
� TO o! I .
. ! . . I .
L I Taft money ia-scarce, and the Is ai Ingo went straight to where his p6rsecut r to have- a beau,111 "And my son, air, E .
7- ! I I I ton. yon, unciu, it's, not plain saili g ; , . I 1 4
� I - Audio bear Vp under Time's chan am d chances was lying - helpless, and Wed to rai e 17 . An1d all cith* Implements in our line. We have I ��
# , _ I it,) has a legal right to play his accordeon I � .1 . $be irrangements with Thomson &' Wil- -
` : Iii say if sexy our cizeumstances.' I � . him - At 'first the French banged 5w Y "Gentlemen," began Mr. Thomas, as he l
; 7 ; -
�SE,E- TIIF - . i 111LMH, of Stiatford, to keep a full line of repairs
'm a rr I I . at him like fury, but when they sa � -III don't want to offend you, ! -
jjgto ill with a frown, mid Uncle Harry, came up, - 1 machines sold by them. 11 ;
� . -p! stop. love is the girl to: marry I what he was doing, several office: DR. GEORCE S. RYERSON RECEIVED THIS WEEK ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF OLD COUNTRY '� a' .
� 44T'h�Led thit YOU I '8 for we are an neighbors; but it you, Mr. ! I . . I
. .
she'll not, thiak it'eme [ called out,-, Ne firez pas, wee enfants I - I - � -
I Jones, would clean out your alley, and � 1: � - L ��
I TO, live for &,while on water-grUel. . Uj_ L* R, 0, P., Is. R. 0. S. E., Lecturer ou the Eye ! : I � -14
�*Sv MAW ST. - Ana " Bhe!# true' e Don't fire my boys,') and raised the# vou, Mr. Smith, would noison vour n nnn a nions- -
� I - oufnthetimeoftr�,! M I ;
� . -- � SWU gun- i O&PS to nim in salute. Bob. lifted the � nar ana ,I:Uro%Tjl icrinity ketucai conege, orou- � I 9 . .
. i
. I . � la-whigpornaught of her self -de atal; � sanoe of a dog, I believe I would gain - ! . I-AKMLhb
I �2 4 I . w wounded man gently in his, to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Bar in .. I ; . I
T iff. . A cheeflully take -the needed stit 3hes- - arms, ay �d five pounds of flesh per week." "Rello, firmaTy, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to the . ! ! . .
� . AM I
. I - IM manies for love, and.not for ri 3hess sh elding � him with his own boa 711 Thomas I" Wuted Brown, fro the Institutions for the Blind, BrantfoA, and fox � I WL are making a first-class TAnd Roller, equal ;o .
. I . br I I ines ; ax � - I I . I
Royal London Ophthalmic Hospi-
1071, ;, iDon,t think, for a moment, Fred, Itis �tter . rear platform of the car for as, A4sistsut . th� beat in the market,whish will be sold cheap.
ap Opt,Tff .,� T� bind the beart with a golden fetter;� I suoh a cheer as went up then I uev Dr which they had waite&, "I've been tpl, Moorflelds, and Central Throat and Bar I . it will pay'l you"to examine them before buying
I - � - woo many do it, yet many rue it, heard before or since." . Mewhere.
. I 71 - is . wanting to. see you for' a week past. 110OPital- I Iffs � e services of MR. E. SAUN-
, - Ala� Love is a tearful witness to it 1: - . And, aid that horrid Lieutenant : .. ving eoureil th
� - There ign,t & chance for pleasant w6athi r die, uncle?" - Your old horse stands and -stamps all D�RS, la�p of Toronto, who has held leading
. I Vbm two we Unequally yoled togethei ; 3111, CHURCH STREET, JORONTO. �, WE ARE SHOWING IN NEW I � Itions some of the beat establishments in
I E - AG-Erqo� . , 11 Luckily not," answered the Colonel, night long and none of U's car, get a wink � ... " ,
� solarn your back when money bewitchqu : eep. Just for a change and to be ! May be consulted at the tM3 count, , and to thoroughly experienced, we
L � � . ;;hl begre, axed to do all kinds of vepa Of
I g[say fox joys and not for riche,4. � laughing, "for I'm the of "I i 11 I hin�
I I I bo� . � ;�',
. - - sorry to say neigh ly, suppose you knock him on . . � . T. so g machines, Reapers, Mowers and all
- Josephine Pollard.. 'b:)rrid Lieutenant' was no other than ricult implements. Special attention given
: I
- : - '� I L
i I I � � the head with an axe."—Guelph Mer. A IBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, DrO88 Goodi, .
l I I - Vp 7) � . � L , . . - "
� I m. 7sell, . I to: Eng 'I Mill Work. Repairing of all kinds
L . .. . : I I and
lr- WaSOR Be �of I I cury.; . I
I The crooked Cour 1 Love.- 10h, uncle I were yo On the ]Last MAT1JUDAY in EAC1111 pipmptlya d neatly done, and sathfaction guar-
- � u ever so. naugh by � . G (
I I I . 0 . 11][ONTH. � 708 1 auteed. G ve us a triaL
I , , orrom the 84. Thomas Times.1 as that?" lisped a voice in tones of I Ca8hmerw, �
. � . I I . .
-aiine, maid � Blackberries in Newsi-Tersey. - . � . I , F
L � -4fe and.A - FIveL years &ggq� en fair, whose &I iaz6ment. I . � .
� - . -C- 4 � , I i. I I T. F STERA SON, Proprietors.
I - L
.. Wag �t � [jit '11 "But -what became of I Gentlem Vineland is the headquarters of black- ! AUCTION SALES. -
,. A-grenty Convey, hoine _ le vi age iu Oxford � Velvets, .L I E. S.&tNI)ERS Fore,man.-
. I I Etc., it 9 armol 6 awaited an important Bob T 11 asked an impatient boy. L berry raising in New Jersey. The his- i - I - I
L y coun y . " He's L . ! * I I . - —
: I now my respected brother -in- tory of the place is -a follows: One or I
I . letter from h i absent over� Days .
� a OTION SALE of Farm -Stock and Imple- . I
I . Wed wearfl�., The sighing laes law and your papa," said the Colonel - two Philadelphians, we .believe, bought . A�1,a�ents. - Mr. Samuel Scarlett and Mr. Plush", �YPT I THE SEAT OF WAR.
. -
- SEAFG H - %untea the oat office, but the post- eic ,hanging a sly7 look with a . Thompson Morrison have instructed me to sell by L
r, , I fine -lock' the tract of land on which the town I
. - RT A I Was kr S. , I -other side of the roo no now stands, and began to sell it ont in Public Agotion, on lot 23, Concession 9. McWllop, I -
� I t 1 1 face �. ways bore. thaf look of ink man on the -
: I I 14 1 1 .
. I U .V. on Wednesday, November 8, 18821 at 1 o'clock , Brocades,
��` � les rePresmted, A-11 1CM&
'n *e,"t' Current rates on all
peci&l &ttentzon devoted, to
nsurarices effected on i"
IL Dii4rict," of Gait
�_j _( - . ,,establish-
6 -&2j to I Per cent,, cish
per than aoy mntu OL
� .
_1 al com�
�- The follo.wing companies,
doa& Lancashire,,, E09-ludi.
Scottish Imperial Se6tland
I �y
olltO�; Roval Canadian lij)a-
, Galt - -Cara&an, W
,� & ,
Niame' Hamiltoa;,. Toronto
� Ttav�flers Life and Acd.
�- � -
I,,� AgZt jo
I- - r the CanQ& '
n.-wntigsCom any, Toroute.
x cent. on reS estate. Agent
teamship Comp& -T, saiRut
nd Gla:sg-ow FirstL C4b*
L .
Vabin. $40-; Steerage, V&
I grood for 12 months. V. W.
t, Seaforth. Office Oamp�
�. the Mansion Hotel,` -
yal Hotel-,
. �
7 .
� I
. �
7 -
�oldfriends and the travel -
- ha
� � ipt- purchased this new
A vtuldin,!, he lisathoreugh.
.-fittedit fromt0l), to bot-'
. -
pe of the most comfortable,
i-, in the crjnnty� By strid
% ofbis customers he hopes
mblio patronage- T1,eroonit
I and well heated. . 'Mei bar
I with the best� and an &t -L
vorthy hostler will always biff,
d sample rooms for Commer-
ovul Hotel "comer of Main
I p
�,, Seaforth. 73.3
Ms WETER, Prop-ri-etork
-- -- - ---.----- -
IT H- -E
: .
I ,000,000.
. - - W ji,400,0000,
�on. Wm-. Mc-alatterl,
ach of this, Ban'k continues M
I � which interest S., IiJla'wed On
Arms. .,
prinoipaltow-na and dtfesill
;Britaiii, and on We MAW
ir South ot the Comilierdsl
IL.- H.e IRELAND,, Manager-
I ---------------�
I .
te to the farmerg. of Tucker-
R and thei aurroundiDg cOuntrY
q DoW COMplated- whereby I =
a much easa as any house in .
,� attention to� business,. I hops
it to tDoreasethe large PaU011'
, accorded to, me under 180
(nistarices: daxing the P"t
Cich I h&ve baen, &0ntintt6U*
.�- BEATTIEs * �
kFO-RTH. I -
I .
� . * -----------�
I -
— I
� W OALD-ER-i -
Las ret'arnbd ljom&.fr.om Ilk
need that - "Theres 310 Place' '
, intend& to. remain at homk
h give his entire persOuglat'
DC89- A�is fs,cihtieef, for do",
��-eljed, and lie can guarxnW
ae one, come &-U F mud bri14-
id Wends and geourO the
I ova-
batauce fades. I eau W
2d can send you oil Your *sy
F me and prove me. Charges
iber theplace ScOtV9 210a'
�axd, Wire, or Straight
F one, mile and 5
F, eat of Winthrop.
(,,, b,y the ThouPX1'-
� W;� G. GOW, n061
Lupwating, q elpuue Common. W buose ;10 au ben .uswning to the stor5 w th low, and by extensive advertising ana ', sharp, the following valuable property, Tiz.: I . I .
03 . - ' . I i . p. m;
whom e� 'I I ected thincs te'vp�r come. a quiet smile.' 11 And now that you ve some colossal lying, to be explicit, soon Farm' Stock.—Ten cows supposed to beAn calf to .
. ftm n " I . I
hought that hor heart h (I your tale, go and say good -night, !or succeeded in attracting a considerable a thdrougbbred bull, 4 steers coming three years � Velveteens,
. . I
�, The. maiden it 8 I . I Pro, Mellis to -the Front'
wonld break,,for she realizedl at last high time for b .by.,,— r - oldo: 8 steers coming two, 5 heifere coming three, I .
'thlesgi The scene y ung Folks. . y LHarpe.r's population. The new settlers geDer, S ,al�ee, I bull calf seven months old, with pedi- I .
that her lover was fad- . I ally wentthere under the representation gree,! best in the:township ; 14 well-bred ewes, 8 1 Silks, z . I
-, I shffts.� - it is October, 1882. 1 In Fit. I - . . - that it was a* veritable garden spot, and ewe lambs, 1 shearling Leicester Tam, from the I . - I . . R ad to Slay Me En.eray. -
Thomas dwells the same lady,i but she � I . Huffy People. , hundreds of thdm. came near starving flock,1 of Penhade, of Exeter; 1 span of horses, I I . . y
. is now a happy wife with two ihildren. spam� of three year old Miles, I two year old filly, Satins, - I I
.. to death before [they could get away. driver, broke to harness; 2 colts rising three �
One of . the oddest things to witne 3s, !
She has forgot -ten the faitbles: one of. TLey in�ested all their money in the old, and about ..60 hens. Also the above I I p I
0 if not the most disagreeable to encoun- !
yet, :
. '
� . her days of woe. She, therefore, is sur- "lot" and had notbing to purchase is . containing 100 acres to rent for three yearl. : � I
. ter, is the faculty some people b ve ':or . Implements.—One lumberwagon, I double buggy, J10ires"
meant provi Raising enough to oat 1 p,fr kneebob-a eighs, I pair bench bob- PLOWS! PLOWS 1
I prised- when from the town of 44 youth taking offence where no offence is sions with. � sleighs, I I t .
. . �
)mes a letter bearing, as a snpersorip- ! i ,
I CQ 0 was utterly out of tiie question, for the 1 cutter, I reaper, 1 mower, I sulky hay 'rake, I
I getting 1, huffy," as the phrase goes, han'w
� 0 ,4, J iron cultivator, I landroiler, Cloakings, I
� tion, her maiden name, not that derived land was certainly thepoorest we ever 88t 6011 . F,ILIS again .to the IZOLt ,with a large
� � t . a without—making I g in oruBher,l horse -power, 2 fanning mills
. from her husband. An acco ' et eyes upon,�we having visited the I T. M`�
- MP&Dylug therdselves and ever body else uncom- 8 chni is, cradles, scytheo, 4o. The above will . Fto of Plows and 4"g Plows for the bene-
- note from her husband explaini that in y a place once, which wag quite enough. pool Avely be sold, as Mr. Scarlett has lost all his I . U18teri"s) At of his many custorner%. All those In need of
. . fortable, for nothing deeper than a m feed and Thompson'Morr!Bon is, such a Protec- allied P'� ows, Thistle Flows, Sod Flows, 0eneral
. tearing. away Rome of, the - boar'ds of a or more than a, fancy. Huffy eople re What has been done oflate years in the is:determined to go to', Dakota, and Will Purpose ],Iows, Plows of all shapoc, and 4 prices
�, . p e ,__ .
I letter-ome the missive was fou�d. The to be met with of all ages and ever - way of increasing the fertility of the soil t'014st h I f th4 noxt election. I . . tp suit th times. A frill stock of Gang j Flows
: y a- not oven wait. the result o . If antlin, Harrows on hand. Plow essihige lot
elavelope -is poatraarked IL6 1877.`3 The tion, neip4er years nor condition bri 9- we do not know, and even now Wo see Terms.—A.11 sums under $10, dash; over that . abd Iron
� lady spanks the baby to keepj it quiet - - it stated that nothing can be grown on amount 12 moutho'credit will be given - on fur- Costuaw, I the Matec y No. 18, Oliver's Chillod Plow-, Tees-
' I Ing necessary wisdom and unsuspic.10118- nishing approved notes. A discount of 9 cents on � ; ,water Pl�wo -blustro Plow, Prancistown Flaw,
While she eagerly devours the -----.-. ' the latid-but-sweet potatoes and black- I I Bell & Son's Plow. and Seegmiller Plow. - 064-
. f ness ; but we are bound to say that , ihe . the dollar will be allowed' for cash on credit -
,'Heaven. I I it is from John I " who larger proportion will generally be fot nd berries. That they grow blackberries amoiltnts. J. C. MORRISON, Auctioneer. 777-2 . , Uuters � . ings for a Litha above mentioned plows in stock
r . r by the -wholesale is a faA. People of 1) RepairinE of all kinds done with neatness and
p,opowEl in glowing words, �and: begs fo among women, and chiefly among th)se � I . I . I despatch. A large �stock of gate and barn .hinges
I i . ou hand. Bores shoeing sod repairing dom in
- - I
s, kind reply. The lady's husbamd. also who are of an uncertain social positim, all kinds, black and white, and of nearly � . 0) n > .
: jujoys the letter, and :out of curiosity � every nationality, are engaged in the : Shawls, � - first-class style. Small profits and quick raturns
I � ( . I . or who are unhappy in their ,circum- - . -4 jo my motto. Give me a trial. Remember tbat
unicates with the reltitives of � the business. Crates that are numbered , �t - lamboundtodobusiness. A call Bolicited from
conim . stances, not to speak of their,tempi �rB. b� - the thousands are shipped daily . 0 0 . . . .
. I former lover. It is, lewrns& thai't be is a HuffinesB, which seems to be a self- I � z (::) - > . $kirts, I 41L Loo k out lor the sign.
- from this tract of land during the black- [- U7 . I L
bappy, London grocer, with a wife and � � . i
�, . . asodrtion in what' may be called ,he �. � I . M M � �
I ; I berry season. There are several shi - W - - � THOMAS 'MELLIS, Kippen.
I three Bons. — � I negati*e form, and which the possesmrs .3g stations, and. at Lon alone it is I I co I Corsets aud .killinery Goods - I -- - -- I
I I I I thereof classify as a high spirit of s6i �si- P11 e n r
� A Brave Man. ' . mentioLed that the daily shipments � .�
� . C! 0 1 .
� i tivenem, according as they are passian- have been this season over fif by thousand � Z. � . I WIHITNEY BLOCK.,
" So YOU Want Me to tell YOU a story � > I I
� ate or sullen, is in reality the prod act i I M H 10
. jilbout a brave man, little people,"said of self -distrust. The person who quarts. As soon as the harvest is end- � . -
Colonel G,r&y'1ock,. as his balf dozen I ed, the laborers begin to cut away the � . * ELEGANT AND RELIABLE GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES41
I . � - s lf respect, and nothiDg to fear, wh) is I . I I THE SEAPORLTH STOYE AND
' �
I liepliews'and nieces, tired with their , old wood, which is vigorously done. 0 � W 0 � .
dL o; an assured social status and ha )py M � �
sftemoon's play, gelthere around his Throughout the year pruning iBfrequent- � R �� -n �
. ppvate condition, is never apt to t Lke ' I - I I � T�,N EMPORIUM STILL
arm chair by the fire. ,, Well, I'vb seen ly resorted to, iLnd those who succeed 2.1 � .
Ilenty Of offense. � . . ; .0 f ::� 00 I
them in my I g the blackberry then cb arge .1 � .
: , but the in gropin I . � .
I Many and great are the dangerB of in- I M Go M �AKES THE LEAD. .
- . ever knew as i a young those who fail with neglect to prune 0) ; I - I
bravest man I t1ma0y with huffy people; and you are : �> 0 � 0) I � �
Ensign in our regiment, I 0- I we used . enough. The blackberry borer is a great I I
in Bo; 7 nd right aiire to flounder into the bog with ft em I 5 < , �> --i
L - --
to call 11 Gentleman Bo o- � while innocently thinking y6u are w k- peat, and the way that it is treated is to ."! M -� 0. > The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Gloves, !
Well he deserved the name,, t ugh not . � j- out back the stock up which it is boring. 0 ! CD X M > THE COOK STOVE DEPARTMENT I
' � . I -
ing on a smooth and - firm road. "'"'i? ' i ).-S a
as he meant it I . Owing to the mildness of the winters, I )-" > I
dangers of jesiiDg are, above all, great. no winter protection is needed. The X ! tV r 9 g. IS NO'V r full. All the newest styles fitted with '
Soldiering is a very differ nt thing It may be laid down as an absolute r Ile, I 0 --j n , M rn i-iosiery and Small Wares.
now from what it -was in J young which has no exception anywhere, that crop is regarded as the most profit6ble I M the I itext improvements for baking, economy
I that can be.raised on any soil in the i - rn , of fuel -4c. Over thirty different patters s to I
days, and men have learned-;wbat it's 0 huffy person can bear a joke good. I . . I cc q cl) 0 . 0hoose f�om at prices that cannot be -undersold.
� . State. I I C ;P.-.-
. &.pity they did not learn sooDer-that b umoredly, or� take it as it is meant. If )�l � - " I �4 cl) > M I .
a. man may make none the worse officer you a:ttempt the very simplest form of (A � . I . I
' ' .Company Manners. . X � � X-Ocz . I
� for being a, gentleman and a Christian. chaffing, you will soon find.out yDTIr It mudt be admitte& that the opm. ' P 5a W ll'd -U
Henry Havelock taught us that pretty mistake; and not unfrequently the har- . ssunied by some very 0: . r+ I 't -0 * 0 AN IMMEN-SE STOCK OF RIBBONS, ISILK TIES, 00L- PkRLOR- STOVES]
fairly, but in the rough old tdbaeB it was r iony of a wh6le evening has been is- pany-manner8 a . CD �� r > > : '
� worthy people with the beat intentions, Cm * " 11- I I I X tbls� department we bave the largest variety
- S. very different thing. Then the harder tarbed because a thin-skinned, huffy . ).� > . � d in Seaforth both in Parlor
are little short of maddening to their -1 )-a- z �� I
An English officer drank,, and t�e louder jerson has taken a pleasant jest as a X1 C V, ffi -4 i-1 everl offere
he. swore, and the moie he bujUed. his I erson,-,l affront, and either blazed friends. What is to be done with a 1z 0 .5 �� 0 M z LARS AND OUFFS . Heatei� land Parlor Cooks. 8ur Firm Parlor, .
- -, . i-3 M � Parlor Cbok, New Aurora double beater &c. can -
en, and the Xeadier he was, 0 fight a o gloomed. sullenly, according to hi or hostess who, though she may be the > : I not be e4ualled for beauty and usefulness. Our
m , most comfortable motherly soul in ex- jo I (D. rn �* - j :� . . Little Glaut double heater is a wonder. l7wo or
I Ter individual disposition. I I �
duel or to join in any low f4olio, the istencq in everyday life, trandorma her- - , M- �0- more rooms can be heated with this stove, which
land I'm !, - . takesle' fuel than any oth*r stove made. Call,
I .
i better his comrades liked him,' - If into an intolerable bore in -societ�, . A) z ��i r 3: C) CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPESTa as .
afraid we were much, the aan�e as the I Be . I - . � see and ibe convinced.
I I The cheapest Things. 3: - �
I rest. I . . I - by her endeavors to talk only of, such , I P, I --I � I
. Mr. R. S. Bnrdette, be Of the Ha k subjects as she imagines iintereating tc) O� . C) P0 * rn 01 /
I So you may famey what wo thought . .
eye, gives the following advice a nor guests, without any consideration as M 0 0 M - ,- � . -
when a man like Is Gentlemian I�ob " . to C-) :r C0 > > . � VE
plys quiet y . � �
came among us, who was alwl - I whether she understands them or 1 0 0,1 M t -j Z These Goods axe imported direct, and can be depended on for quality and � COAL STO DEPARTMENT I
. ; .
I '
- and sober and orderly, and, 1 stead of - My oon, when you hear a rumn gryw,l. no. A person of tbiB kind. will talk of 1 )0-4 - > ..I, �> to a r- price. , - INthis!1me "The Royal"takeg the leadwhere-
like the r - t of us, ing and Becdding because Moody gets art to an artist, literature to am author, I I over'shown. Itgives more heat with less
brawling and rioting I -( 0 -0 I .
0 Q2()o a week for, preaching Christiaulity, fo ' n, countries to. a traveller with I ).W. i . coal than any other stove, and is no sooner seen
spent all of his time over ary cientit H reig I ;> I
. i � 0 . t C , X I ! . . than appreciated. Twelve different styles to
will perceive that he'never wor es the md�t sublime indifference, and will :9 0 1 . .
books that we know nothing allout, and you (D -q . t-4 t74 M i . . choose from. A completestock of - stoves always
. � ngersoll gets $200 a feel recompensed for the tedium of the �
0 3ible� eve�y morn- (), -q I on hand. . I
- read &chapter of th I I $:L 0 .Cl �0- >, > IDU'NCAN & DU N -CAN. �
How we did Ilaugh at night for preaching atheism. You will task by the conviction that she has %,%--' � 0 , * Just redeived a large variety of lamps, lamp
ing and evening. I �� W 1 ,L,U �
I j I .
him, and make . mock of him, t . be sure I -1 (bserve that the man who is unutt 3ra. done her duty -an amelioration of her , ; �t -1 0 lllllll,l, � ., � . goods, lanterns, &c., good material and newest
. W . - til � 1" -
u . Murphy i 16ts misery which by no means extends to 1 � 0 . . I Patte . . .
e I ly shocked bee& Be Mr. F o . . t - P - , Best ualitles of coal oils, Canadian and Amen -
Bat the provoking thing wa that b are good hos )Ai 0 E: r- . ..
one bi , and he 5 150 a wbek for temperance work, se 3ma her victim. , Then there pi- I ).- M ! . -
I . - I in cutlery 9xid nickel goods we have an
to min -a it � - I M z 0 . I . rmn, an
- never seemed ' who embitter every mouth- Xd 0 w > I �xtensiy e and varied assortment 6f both English
� I I
I was so. good natured, and so ready to do- ta think it is all. right when the ' sr- table people 4 . cn f- C0 X r � and American manufacture.
. at I eper takes in twice as allowed by their guests with Im � . - f � I
i I
� any one a good tam whenheco'n1l3b .e much nioney in ful aw M �� F3 r -f- rn 1W --i . ! . I . All or, lers for jobbing work promptly attended
. it certainly ought to have i made us a single day, The laborer is wortliy of apologies that their fare is not more i I I
� ! ! (D M �-q to and satisfaction guaranteed. .
V better prepared, while 0! " A call respeetfull� Come and see us
Ives; but didq't.more's his hire, my boy, and he -is just as. wor- costly, or � is
aahamed of ourse : (j) I 0 0 . I - ,,r soheited.
I . i tby of it in the pulpit as be is upon the at the same time they profess to' feel ; N � OAK - HALL OLOTHING HOUSE. end savi i money.
. ,
i I . .
11 I the pity. Ftump. Is the man who is honestly try- injured that more of it is not eaten than : - 0 F . - .
� � . �. I
I But before long something 4id tbake * . I I WHITNEY BROS.
� us mha-raed of ourselves and tb *s- was it. i g -to save your soul worth l4pss than the a -merely human digestion can as- di W z I ;� C- I I .- �-
itian who is only trying bis level best to similate: Almost wor8e -than these ! I
Oar Colonel was in, a, great hurry one I I � C: . I
. . i . I � -" -
tigress? Isn't Moo4y doin - as are the old f aBhioned entertain&s,whose . : ,9�F`11LL'S. MILLS KIPPEN.
il- go to Co C$) 1 - i I
day to find out the whereaboui s of a v . I M, 0 - 0 �
� good work as Ingersoll? Isn't Joh , B. s.company mannerall consist in never a I ! .
,q laga that wasn't marked on his map, I � � � � .
13 could help when, 10 ch the friend of huma ity laying down for a moment the burden Z 0 �t -q j . I .
I .1 ough as mu i %A . 11
and none of u ; N - . I
. I and behold I forward stopped 6 Gentle- and society as the bar -tender? Do you of entertainment, who apoligize if for 1 M -1 1. . � JOHN MCNEVINs
� ap of his want to get all the good in the world for a single moment you are not talking, or ! I n 0 . .
� man Boby' with a neat 1i I z - . I
. � photographs, or in I . I . Propriel or of these well known7and fopular miaWi
I the v ry 110thing, so that you may be able to pay eating or looking at . i � g in first -c ass wvr'king
O.Wn drawing, and there was e - , ' , �> : has no sr,ytliin
I "ODjOyiDg your- . - X got ey
. I place, just where it should be. The 16 high price for the bad? Ttemem ber, some visible manner I I I �q > DU order, d is prZpared to turn out an artiele of .
m colonel looked at it, and then t -as and my boy, the good things in the w rld Belf." All this brings us to the point I 0 H � FAK LY FLOUR which cannot be ex -
I �
1. -1 ya the'cheapest.' Spiing w iter that ignorance is the ebief cause of ill- . z � I
- said gril6aly, ,, It's not olten, geatle,meh, are alwa eeding ; and we can scarcely look for j . -q t-1 10 I � ,celled 4 any mW in the country.
� rest officer of a rf giva ent is costs lose than corn whiskey; a box of br - I j � C13 M Ill � I
that the young . . ut in the much censured a � . I - GRISTING DoNz WRILE T11713 R&RTY
go theL smartest.; let. this be a lesson 4igars will buy two or three Biblei i - a an improveme i . . � - L
. &I . I - 1 2 1 WAITS FOIL IT.
I I lion of old brandy costs more th n a mannert, of modern 'society, while _, I .
. .21 . � : .
to YOU � 0813 is so little studied in domestic � . I
. made laarrel of flour ; a,l full hand' at P ker politen I - ,L so stock of Tweeds in Scotch, English anaCanadian,'at the very ,
. .
. - You may be sure this reproof ften costs a 'ma . n . more -in twenty life. When custom ceasea to allow the Have an irnmen 'Flour v,.changed for wheat. Chop�,Aiigofevery
I us t:he more unmerciful in talking CLOCKS) I I ity, am iok [retu L Ldescript ion promptly attended to. Flour and
. i . I 1 � lowest possible prices consistent with quah, all profits sua,qui ma Brain al, vays on Hand, and sold at the lowest
against poor Bob.; and perhaps we lininutes than his church subscription careless rudeness which marks the �
. ing more than amounts to in three years; a State olec- behavior of brother to sister, the tota !L market prices. Remember the PoPular mills -
might haive done sorneth e tion poBtB more than a revival of re. absence of ceremony between husband I - �
talk but for a th.Ing that happened on I CLOCKS � being the motto. Leave your orders early for & new suit ; perfect fit and satis- ; . .
� ,, - child � . JOHN McNEVIN, Rippen.
night at mess. 'Our junior Ca,ptain, a ligion ; you can -13leep in c4urch &very and, wif a, and of respect between ; - . I I .� �
. I I ---
I Sunday morniDg for nothing, if you are and parent, we may hope to find, with �' . ;-
� rougb,, ballying kind of fellow, waq mean enough to dead -beat your lodaiDg the elevation of our daily standard, a i faction guaranteed. .
goia.cr to, " pty a glaBs Of 'Nine over - I M ! CLOCKS. . U M.
. r7 em, 11BIgn grasped in that way, but a nap in a Ivullmail car quicker preception in disoerning, and a . i - . . ,EGG EMPORI
I I -
. BoVs head, wheii the E i I - osts you $2 every time fifty cents for more readiness in forestalling . I I - I : . .
. I , , .
his wrist, a,nd, overturned thewine upon c ; f�r the I ttle the wishes of those whom we desire to � I I I � I . , ",
. I
H,nd the. wrist was black the circus, and a penny - I 1. .
. � - .
I him instead, � I � I . HE Subscriber herebythankil him numerous
I and blue from that squeeze for many a ones to put in the missionary box; 01 please. I -- T ou gtomers (merchants and others) for th-,,l r
. . . maps . I I U; the paid 7 yeus, 1114 .
. -
. day after. , or the theatre, and a pair of old trous- . e -open. r1A T, THE JEWELLER, . liberal patronage duri .
I About . a month after tbis, ne of our rs, frayed at the end, baggy as to the -Tbe third anniversary of th i . , hopes Dy strict integrity and tiose attention to
I ing of Knox church, St. Marys, was i - � . t their confidenze and trade In
nee, and utterly bursted as to tbe I
zuen, who used to have iftts. of madness I � I D . bnoinei is to meri ail., enlarged his. Prem -
9.n old - ound �� oine, for the.,Michigan sufferers; the celebrated on Sanday and Monday ' 15th -Five Clocks of last � . I . ; the future. Having gre
every now and then from _ -W I� offering Seventy lie isnow.prepared to pay
alot) -with a ancing 111dY who tries to wear the skirt and 16th insts. The meetiDgs were I ; ises during the winters
in the heaa,came flying . I � . �
.. f heraress under her arms and the successful in every respect, Rev. Mr. I American � . H PRICE
big knife in his hand, slashing at every- � - pastor of this church. Y�ar's. designii--all genuine ITHE HIGHEST GAS
&ist around her knees, and hicks her Wilsola is . - I
thing Within h S me cried to a -- I . I . f Good Fresh Eggs, delivered
s&id q ietly, dipper clear over the orchestra chairs Clocks --for the next Thirty Days. � For an, qnsutitY 0 1
r%,,, , 5ickness, for any oy's, ! at the , ,gg Emporium -
shoot him, but . 'A wery night, gets 0600 9, week, and the AP a remedy for Bes, All who '11&ve on hand an immense stock of OVERCOATS for Fall and Winter. B �
. . i
. man's hf e i,3 #70rth More IL-1 I an that; a year; the irritation of the stomach and bowels, -V�illbe sold at coat figures. ! . 11 MA
. MoMjMt he had 3itv missionary gets 8600 . . � EN STREET, SEAFORTE1.
let me try. And in a 0 the first day, for canker of the stomach and moutb, i I �
-1� knife�hs nd, and orse-race scoops in $2,00 age, and for all 40 in want of a Clock should not mips and Youths, overoostis. Men7s Fine Worded, lisp, Beaver, Melton and i � 0 good dry
,allow's ! 13 and bemorrh� . cribet, 25 tons o -
seized the was trid. the church fair lasts a week, worhs for pile L � . 1 Wanted by the Rubs
tripped hi - go cleverly th;,�t he . plaints, Dr. Fow- , i
we could call jou-i; and L lWenty-five or thirty of the best women varietieEv of bowel coin his chance. Come and see them. Diagonal Overcoats. Coarse and Fine Overcoats. Sack, Frock, Ulster OVER- : clo'",hest straw. D. D. WILSON
40;�n befomre I 6 up and n Ainerica nearly to death, and comes ler,s Wild Strawberry is nature's true t i � I : . . . i
. ' i -
then some of the men clli� . - T f Fine Waterproof i
. I ut $40 in debt. Why, my bov, if you specific. 774-65-2w. � COATS in Tweed, Beaver and Serge. Afull "Wrtmeut 0 :
. I secured him, . . ' i VitNSALL OIDER MILL.
nd yoursalf sneeriDg or scoffing I C. L. PAPST3 I I
. Of counte we could, say nothng . while you hear of a W..�H. Crooker, Druggist, of Water- --
I - k after thaj; but all ecaukle once in a. - Overcoats from $4 to 818 each, direct importation, the bed goods ill -the trade- ERNARD THOMSON wisheg to inform his
"inst Bob's P.UCL . clown, under date o� June 1Bt, writes I . B comtomers and the public generally thatOn
t reacher getting a liviDg, or even a lux- I - I . is season he
, � account of the seat
this was a trifle to What W"S' cOm'ng- xtmot of Wild - Tity of apples th
A few days later came One of a great- rions salat3r, or, E6 temperance worker that -Dr. Fowlar's E, ATOHMAKER,JEWELLER . . . very other day until
out in the dark and lotrawl)arry cannot be surpassed, when W - vAll only run his Cider Mill e
War, sud we were so alking moneyp go on TUESDAY THURSDAY
eat bate)LejaL of the ( vh era my eel ashamed of Yourself, and if you aU other remedies fail then it comes to ! I I further notice, v!7� : I ha,v-e -made
and SATURDAY of - each week.
, .
� bowk pressed on the left ove kicking a m6an inan, the rescue, and I find the sales large . I A,YD. ENGRA URI . .more 1�nproyements,fbia year and guamntee go"
. In't a IE31 on't feel- ab - I I
i I
- '
h 1
3r n
7' �
regiment was( that at last tiere w a increasing." Wild Strawberry ' I satiqfs�otiou. Charge* as usuRl. BEIMAUD
to fall back. We Kick Yourself. Precious little does re. an . . a I T]jog8ow. � r, I
� �
liething for it but me 191011 and ebarity cost the - old world, posWvely cares 9,11 B.owel eomplaiuts. SIGN OF THE BIG CLOGX C4th %..#?% ! .
forra (
el again under Cover 'of so it does 774-66-2w. I - - DUNOAN & DUNnAN, SEAFORTH, i
thioketal, but even there we li�d eliough my boy, and when the money . I � � i I I - � - - � I - �
. . I
I � I ;
I : � . -
; - I . � 1.
I. - .1 . . I -1 � � I I �
�---- -4 - �
. -
- Z-— -- �� -w- - I