HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-11-03, Page 17, 1882. It, and during iell the respect teighbors alone, munity, and all dog hinaself and ng leaset of lite that they talky ired life in their [lowing teachers i the respective 6f Tuokersmitle at the salaries Mr. Hackney_ tt, $ MO; Noe 3' '50; No. 4, Miss 0. 6, Miss Gil. Foreat. $2.75; and assistant, go. 9, Mr. Her. McGill, $450; $340. Many a ta welcome the 1ers to the pro. thetrustees of ongratuiated on ees as a teacher Is in the town. h Cade sold t, for ma, last vs Cottle, a the. ep worried by Thos. Nott hats la, for a term ear. et week *seara.. iartiog heifer to oanoah, for the pleased to learn , of Lon deshoro,, eitig able to be do any work.. Brown lost a roe pasturing in than two weeks nimal wait diss rail fence, and, was unable to lie ead when found„ Er o Geo. Nowton o teach in No. 6- n has been re- . 5. This is hut and shows how r. W. Sloan, has et year in No. 7 to record the Carbort, of the ori Saturs of a couple of ailed on to re - Er. Harry Bell, 'father'e. real- , on Tuesday. ma 'Winnipeg a r, Buffering from eh time lie has T.—The farmers [lave had quite a ring 94 re -survey 'arta moving of a result.. Some rods in width. tell and e row of rchard. It will of nearly two- oces, and several fencing.—New the- Tr oubled 3. • al of last week Jennie Rumball, mile from Pike I wreck. Capt. turned from. the porta the VOEISf31 had a, terrible et was dark, a - • the vessel wast rumher and hard laded on a, large .;tt. broke through embiu, and fling - :the captain) and The stove was Petrie, injuring vessel pounded a water which through into the the rigging, and by the mate, lid with difficuls 'son. rid it seemed aft sh from the cold e wreck. The but was patched the party, 'seven the lee of the L ie shore. The righ, and it was Quid not live in ek withhim ted in the stern, liquid upon the effeet was won - hes as they ad - Ives as if they overwhelm the ed crew. but aft y subsided and orstie apheaval, on the troubled se of the boathi tried the oastirag d waves before, e degree of sue- caeiou he broke by merely fast - with oil to the ther well known is testimony to- uring troubled trance upon the ,Ire lass will fall. Oeptein Dancey.- ef the Georgitue to three vesseis. y eers ago Ere lost the Lily Dancey, rnisell. All three Ity miles of one _ -hIrs. Petrie has her injury and ccideut occurred rn railway near o 14th inst., by lamed P. O'Cons o of St. Marrs, .15 that as he was rem the baggage ent by meaos of baggage car he of the overhead at death. Ills he same railroad leaves a wife in St. Marys. • - FIFTEENTH YEA It. NUMBER, 7;78 1 sgAFortmy FRIDAY, iNOVEMBER U, 1882. MCLEAN BROS., Publishers. tr,f1.50 a Year, in Advance. ER MCFAU IS now offering Special Inducements —TO -- CASH BUYE IN VIE FOLLOWING RS New Fall Goods. Xwatle cloths, Ulster Cloths, Tweeds, Flannels, Black Cashmeres, Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Plushes, Sash &c, ibbons, &c. See our Winceys at 5c, 8c, 10c and 1.24e, the best in the tel de for the money. Good Brown _Rolland at yard. Splendid Canton Flannels (tad 12-ic per yard. Extra value in Table Linen per yard. All Wool Flannels and yery cheap. Huron. Fall Assizes. The Fall - Assizes for the County f 'Huron_ opened at Goderich on *on a of last week, and. continued throighb.s t the week. His Lordship Mr. Uust1i e Wilson 'presided, and Mr. ho a Hodgins, Q. C., acted as Crown Cola sel. Thee were seven oases on tie ow docket and two on the crimina oala der. The following is a 8Um14ar the oases tried and the dispositio of them ; C.taaers vs. REETE.—This was n. action to recover possessiono lot of land in the town of G der c . Verdict for Plaintiff. Coma vs. Snotows.—Aotion fo se tion. During the first day of t4iis a e the young girl who was seduced eonjie so exhausted and ill that h rc 9 it - examination had to be postpon d tail the follc.wing dity. On the sec , d ti y the case was again resumeddend t e jury returned -a verdict for ainti fixing the damages at $500. BLACK VS. SHEDDAN.—This as a other action for damages for se aoti n. The person seduced was a 27- mix, ld woman. The jury gave a ver 'ct or plaintiff with S100 damages. Thomas Smith was place in tie dock and pleaded guilty to th chi ge of utteriug a forged note of 1 knowilug it to have been forged. Wm. Bone was placed in the charged with stealing and destroyiig hive of bees belonging to James Heo a farmer residing in Tuckers I The jury gave a. verdict of no gu 1 and the prisoner was discharge wit] Call tion. Oc per at 10c at 20c Tweeds r Dress Goads, Shawls, Man les and Millinery at prices to su't eaery- iody. Those who give us a call will find our Prices right FOR CAH, and will receive the full benefit of 1the Cita En 0 'ANTED.—For School Section No. 11, East 'T Wawano&h, a teilclar holding 2nd or 8rd eiass certificate. AppliJations rectived up to Noveraoer 20th Addre s'enclosing reel -owes, ieetimonials, &o., THO,uAS AGNEV, Marnoeh P.0 777x4 WANTED.—Aschool teacher for S No 5, in the Tow ship of Mo of Huron, for theyear 18813 Appli hool Section '8, County tions with testimonials to be lodged with the iindersig, ed, Beigrave P. O., Morris. WM. JOHNSON. 776-4 TEACHER WANTED. — Wanted! tor School " Section No. 2, Township of Greir, County of Karon a seeood close male teacher, tlor the year I 'Applications stating salary will be received by ANDREW TURNBULL, Walton P. 0., till 6th November, len -775 TEACHER WANTED...Wanted, Section No. 6, McKillop, a m holding a second cliss certificate. commence January 1st, 1883. A salary desired, and giving gush testimonials, to the undersigned. KOSS, Wiuth op. TEACHER WANTR,D.—The und " receive applications up till ten llth of November, 1882, for a fe for School Section No 1, Morris. D 'mice on the st of January, 1883. liens to be in wri ing and applic personally at School No. 1, Morris tate to sign agreements. ROBERT Secretary, Blyth P. 0. for School ale t ocher, Duties to ply stating cations and FIND -LAY 775 rsigned will 'clock on the ale teacher ties to com- All applies. ts to appear n the bove PAQUA IR, 776 WANTED.—A male teacher, to commence I duties on lat January next, for School Sec- tion No, 7, Township of Stanley- Applications in applicant's own hand writing, stating salary, &a., arid enclosing testina Male wia he received on and tip to the let day of November, ,188d, bv the undersigned. Address Hills Green P. 0. EITtiR LOVE Sr., Secretary; JAS. FORREST, or WM. 775-3 PARSONS, Trust :es. WANTED.—An assistant teacher, male fol r le- ' 7 male, for School Section No I, Grey. Du- ties to commence ;on the lst January, 1883. Applications et Ling salary received up to the teth November 1882. JACOB KitaUTER, Secretary, Cranbrook. 776-4 TEACHER WANTED. — Wanted • Section No. 9, Grey, a male or eT, holding third class certificate. Stating galaxy required and giving W111 be received by the undersigned her 15th, ALEX. McK Monerie TEACHER WANTED.—A School School Section No. 1, in the Ifullett, csunty of Huron, for th heiding a second or third class cert Iglei!tions stating salary with testi, received by the undersigned until November 18th. JOHN FOWLER, Seeretait, Constance P. 0. 778x3 THE QUEEN VB. JOHN L. SURLY This case elicited a great deal f int est, inasmuch as it arises out of thel general tee_ctions. The defendan barged with committing perjury taking his oath before the Return Officer. The facts as they appear ter the evidence, are as follows: John Sturdy had been residing in the tow Goderitsh until some time about thell of January last, when it is said he there and went to Wingharn to Ikeep Royal Hotel, in that piaoe. Bus na was put on the voters' list fpr leo* district No. 1 of the town of Qodei On the 20th June the defend nt, i said, came from Wingham to 4od in -order to cast his vote, whe the agents for M. C. Cameron r that he should. be sworn to t that he was stresident of the s toral distriot. Both the agen a Cameron swear that the defen the oath in question. James Ad the Deputy Returning Officer, i evidence stated that when the oat been about half read over to defe Mr. Saunders, one of Mr. CS,DI agents, interrupted him and desir see that the proper form was b4ting to the defendant. The Retur4ing tier says he stopped reading said p his finger upon the point at VFW had arrived and showed it to the a that after satisfying him it wail th root form he continued the r adi tie the oath. The Returning Offie r ty not swear a word or a sentence wals left out at the time of the interrup by the, agent. On cross-examinati said he had been acting as Retu Officer for about fourteen years always endeavored to do his duty believed he had done it in the p case ; that he believed that the oath was put to the defendant. evidence also showed that M. 5 was warned before voting that be sworn, and to be careful as he swore. The jury retired. at at 7 o'clock there being no Big agreeing, His Lordship adjon nine, at which time the jury c and requested the evidence to The reporter read the evidenc of two or three witnesses, w retired, and did not return n saying that one of their num not agree, and could not give an stantial reason for not doing so. Lordship said he did not wish to them, but he did not think it reasonable that a juror should 8 olid not convict, but would off rea,sen. whatever. He said lie _ allow them ten minutes longer in 7 to talk it over; he did not wish tosf them toea conclusion, if the juror tained anything like &reasonable .At the end of the ten minutes th returned with a verdict of gall y, r strong recommendation to mercy. the bringing up of the case of unla voting against Sturdy the pre withdrew his plea of not guilty, pleaded guilty to the indiotrnetnt. tence in both cases was deferr d. Arch. Robertson was p1aoeI in dock on two charges of forger, in la hag a Dominion $1 bill to a 5 bil pasting a five over the one. Hje pie.; ed in the first case to passing olIf m ney, knowing it to have been forged. I he second case, he pleaded not giltoo but the jury found him guilty of paten g it off knowing it to have been forged. en - tepee reserved. for School emale teach - Applications ual Meat ions ntil Novem- P. O. 778 Teacher for own -hip of year 1883, ificate. Ap- nials will be U'AltM FOR SALE—Farm in Tuckersmith for • sale—For sale, Lot 2, ConcessiOn 10, Huron Road Survey, Tackersmith, containing 100 acres, of which are cleared and in a good state of c.altivation, and all underdrained. The balance is well timbered with hardwot d There are 18 ucras °flail wheat and 30 acres fall plowed. There la done house, good frame barn with stabling uhderneath and other good out -buildings. Three within eight mk Railway, Bat Western. ent. Will be P. 0., or on 733 L'004 wells and a young orchard. I miles of Seaforth on the Grand Tr '.nd five from Henson on the Gr Schools and Churches quite eonven sold cheap. Apply to Chiselhurst tlae Volatiles. Mas. A. Yew:. equ id 0 ant 1 1 : 9, h. 9, a r- te is in ng 02 L. of th eft be ral h. is oh of ed eot ec- II I e to 5.1 of ed . me be h. in heuj til On the da of the election, he went to the pollie of the ele presented turning 0 was a vot the last na place for subdivision No. 2, oral district of Ashfield, and certificate, given by the Re icerfor the county, that he r entitled to oust his vote in ed polling plats' . By virtue of an appointment as agent , r scrutineer for Mr. Porter, one of the candidates, his vote was Ojected to, and he was sworn I before cast1ng his ballot. He remained at the polling place for about half an hour, when he was called' away to at. a patient. He retch. ed about 12 o'clock, .a#1 remained at the polling place a• short timeowhen he departed, and, so far as the evidende shows, did not retor . He is now harged with nnlawfuli ing assets appearing' on the revised oters' list as such, it isl wily that qualification which entitles him to vote, in . fact, that he having changed his qualification as a voter si de the last revisi ia of the list is franchise. The second a that he was bound to -re - be polling place during the day, actiog as an agent, otherwise it was not fulfilling the intention of the Act in granting that privilege to agents, and that! if such were net the ease an abase of t e power would.be the result'. His Lord hip Chief Justice Wilson's opinion eri the different points is of cop- siderable i portal:ices :As to the chang- ing in the ment, Hie that, aith his prope rangeme the deed nt ; be dr - of uld net ion be ing nd nd Ot ole he rdy uld hat eir ntil ut, id. fell hey .30, • ulh His roe nite he no uld kit ress ter- ulat. 'tiry th a On ful ner and en, oting, on the gr und that be- d as owner, ad his name he lost ground main at t 11 1 sells at lose than he could have gotj three years ago. —In the ca.se of the " A the jury found a verdict of ia disaster," manslaugh- dismissed the service by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, for his connection with the robbery of Mrs. Woods, one of the victims of the Asia disaster. ter against some persons meknown. —Recent disasters in the Georgian ---A Christian lady, of Montreal, who Bay having led to the discovery of a married a man of the Hebrew faith, has number of dangerous reefs not upon the formally renounced her former faith and Admiralty charts, it has been suggested joined the synagogue. ,that a new and thorough survey be —Arrangements have been made to made in order to prevent future dis- repair the Rideau Canal at various asters if possible. points during the winter season. Ten- —Thomas Turner, an old and re- ders for materials have ben called for. .spected citizen of Thorold, While on duty real, a horse by the nose entered the ents sewed —The other day, Mon suddenly grasped its owne and bit it off. The carte hospital and had the fra on again. —Two brothers, name Paupette, from the country en route , o Manitoba, with $1,200, to settle there, got cleared out of the whole in a Montreal faro den. —The Customs Surveyor at Toronto has Seized 76 machines, the property of the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Company, of that city, for under -value - tion. —The Government hay decided to I pardon Mss Wright, wbo as convicted financial embarrassment, took to drink- ! of mansl ughter at the last Cobourg ing, then suicide. He was only 24 years ! assizes, aid have ordered her to be re- of age. leased fro jail. - —The Canadian Sabbath School Con- -Hon ohn MoMurrich of Toronto, vention was held at Brampton on has been eriously ill, but has taken a Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of chatige fo the better. Good hopes are last week, the sessions were well at - now ,entee ained for his ultimate re- tended. The subjects were interesting, practical and ably treated. Professor turn of Hon Mr. Mousseau, Sherwin led the music. Quebec, for Jacques Cartier, • —It is feared that, owing to the late protested against on the period at which the Dominion Govern- ersonal bribery and bribery rent resolved upon sending a Canadian exhibit to the International Fisheries ndians, named Williams and Exlaibition, the Dominion will be but poorly represented as compared with the United States. —A quantity of butter, amounting to some three thousand pounds, has been seized near Valleyfield, Que., by the Clifit0M8 authorities, as the attempt was being made to get it across the frontier free of duty. The butter is valued at about $600. —Last Saturday night at a saloon in Winnipeg, Allan McKay, a young man was gabbed in the left side and hip by one Quigley, the result of a sadden quarrel. Quigley was formerly a resi- dent of Biddnlph Township. He has not been arrested. —Thihowner of a pretty little villa in the suburbs of Montreal was agreeably surprised to find, on his return from, a short trip, that his residence had been painted. It seems that a gang of Work- men had been engaged to paint a shril- ler house in the neighborhood and went to work at the wrong house. • —The Thunder Bay Lumber Com- pany, who own the pine on the Indian reserve in the township of Neebing, intend to cut this winter 2.000 000 feet of logs, to be sawed by a mill they will have in operation by June next. This is the pioneer manufacturing industry of Prince Arthur's Landing. as night watchman in the Thorold woolen and knitting manufactory, on —The bones of an unknown man Wednesday evening, was caught- in a were found in the mins of the barn of length' of shafting and instantly killed. Mr. Malcolm Campbell, of Dunwich, —A miraculous cure is claimed to which WEI,B burned recently. A short have taken place at La Bonne Ste. pipe was also found, and it is supposed Anne, Quebec, on Monday, the fortunate that the man was a tramp who took party being Mrs. Charles Shanby, of lodgings in the barn, and in smoking, Peterboro', who had been so crippled set the barn on fire. A strange dog for years that she could only move with remains at Mr. Campbell's house, and the laid of crutches. refuses to be driven off, which is sup- -John J. Welsh, stockbroker of posed to have belonged to the unknown Toronto, committed suicide by taking man. laudanum on Monday. He had to —A little child, son of D. B. Camp - postpone his marriage on account of bell, of Parkhill, nearly lost its life oo'' Sunday week, by being stung with bees. The little fellow bad been playing among the hives and had somehow made the bees frantic. When rescued every exposed part was literally covered with insects, and he had become uncon- scious from the pain. A doctor was called and succeeded in alleviating his sufferings, but if the little fellow had not received prompt attention they would certainly have killed him. —On Thursdats afternoon, last week, -Mrs. Titus, a young married lady from l3lenbeim, was on a visit to her father's residence, at McGillivray, when the fa- mily bad occasioo to go to Clandeboye, and left Mrs. Titth; with her young baby in charge of the house. Upon their re turn they found the baby sleeping quietly in bed and the young mother lying dead on the bedroom floor. The doctor pro- nounced it heart disease, and considered an inquest unnecessary. —The managers of the Toronto Zoo are bringing out the celebrated Profes- sor Wraa-to give exhibitions with the " Oestberg Fire Defying Dress." Where - ever these enbibitions have been given in this country or in Europesthe at- tendance of from 20,000 to 50,000 people shows how mach interest has been felt in them. The London (Eng.) .Review says of it: "The dress is in use by the fire departments of London, Stockhelm, Vienna, St. Petersburg and Berlin. Its practicability has been thoroughly tested in the largest cities of Europe, a-nd where it is in use is performing wonders in the bands of the firemen in saving life and property." —Archie McLeod stopped off in De- troit while on his way from Colorado to his home at Cape Breton, N.S. He strolled around the city during the day, and about 7 p.m. was accosted by a middle aged man, who made some en- quiry about the trains. A conversation followed, in which McLeod told himewho he was and. where he was going. The man said he also lived in Cape Breton, and was much pleated at meetieg a fel- low -countryman. They were soon joined by another man, who was acquainted with lifeLeod'e friend, who unfolded the familiar details of the venerable "freight- thority in that respect to anyone there- fore, as Duncan was not hired 'by the Board, the Board was not liable. —Mr. William Holt, senior member of the firm of Holt, Son & Co., private banker. of Barrie, was found drowned, on Saturday morning, in Kempenfelt Bay, about eight o'clock. It has been his practice for years to take a bath every morning, until the ice forms. As he was fully dressed when discovered, and only three feet from the shore, in two feet of water, it is assumed that he fell in a fit of some kind. ualification sinee the assese-h covery. Lordship was Of the opinion —The r ugh the defendant had bold Premier o ty, yet the fact that the ix- has been to lease it was made prior to ground of being given, no time having by agents elapsed tween the two, that he wes still enti ed to vote. He said: Take, for insta.o Bon. SO ther at t the fathe fore the fee to his on or dies intestate, and his son is I er at -law, does the son, who is tenant or years, lose hie right to vete becaus h has since a.cquired a higher chase o evise, or by reason of his hey - estate he land by reason of the pur- ing beoo le heir-at-law to his father? think, un uestionably not. It would be a very h' rd thing if it were. That is but a. ci` umstance, to Show that the mere chat ge of estate is not the poict upon wiii h the question can be deter- mined et 11. His Lordshm said he gave il • • • • • the ter- , by THE QUEEN VS. JOHN S. TENNA. T.— This was an action for alleged unlajwfal voting at the late general election. The facts of the case, as they appear 4�m the evidence, are shortly as follo :— Mr. Tennant is a medical practiti oer, residing in the village of Luoknew. He was owner of certain property in Wa- wanosh at the date of the lett re sion of the voters' list before the oleo in, and on the voters' list his ham ap- peared as owner. After the revi ion, the defendant sold the property, b t on the evening of the day before givin the deed he made arrangements with the purchaser for a lease of the pro rty, under which he continued to eccup the premises, and does to the preeent ime. The property was in subdivision o. 3 of the electoral district of West awa- nosh. Before the day of electio , the defendant was warned against v ting, andt-hat if he did so be would get him- self into trouble, as he would be rose- outed for forgery and unlauld tiog, because, having sold the prope , he no longer could exercise the frau hise. e, the case of a father apd ose a son is tenant to his fa - time of the assessment, and after the assessment and be - of voting, makes a deed in this ppini.toi off -hand, andlwithout hay - 1 ing ti siderat to thin as tot °lent t na the dut e e o gore the mater much °on- o but he felt strongly inclined e was right The other point, e efendant remaining a suffi- at the polling place to fulfil of agent, was 1 ft to the jury, MoDonal; of Glengarry, ere in (Ma- li who vita_ ned a verdict in favor of the wa the ether day. The are aged re- defendari . The other ea e.against the spebtively 105 and 106 ears,and are 1. same per, on, for perjury gonnected with both hale and hearty. l the same affair, was withdrawn. —At 'he Welland County Assizes, last THE Q zee vs. Wm. HoOenesoro—The ed .his Lord - prisoner as convicted lof attempted rape upo an elderly ady, and. sent to the peott ntiary for five years. SIANTENOES ERONO.ONCED. ThOMEB Smith was sentenced to six month in the oommon gaol, with hard labor, 'orgery ; and Archibald Robert- son to o e year in the Central Prison, for palm be , suqh. mOved I f 4, on h e two counts o diary and —Two a be, , na pd Ranzeer, were arrested at St. homits on Friday, for robbing Geo. Murdock of $15, on Thursdaynight of last week. P. Dolan, of Manotick, while plow- ing ftn. Mr. Dickinson, found a can con- taining a' large sum of money, about $1,030. It is supposed to be the property of as rich 'miser. chariots Tupper eptimates that this' seagen there' will he aesurplus of 2,000,000 bushels of grain for exporta- tion to Eitrope, and that next year this quantity will be quadrupled. -TOnelifirm in St. Thomas, sold during the present season upwards of $1.000 worth of fruit jars. This will give son e idea of the imniense quantity of fruit Pnt up by private families. Themembers of the of Education have voted in the Chairman, and as sign, but. that gentleman to eccedeto their wishes. —et ve arable couple, ingston Board o confidence ed him to re - not disposed r. and Mrs. week, t 6 Sheriff presen ship, Juatice Patterson tonaary pair of white glov no 'priso era in the jail. —Mr. #11an threatens the Montreal cotint of isparaging statements regard - Witness with an action for libel, on ac- ing the tteatinent Of steertige passengers. ou the Sardinian. —A nomber of sheep }were shot by some uoknown person n the farm of MT. Wo0cla 4th cones's& n of London townshipone night las week. The nton cruelty ith. ectable citizen g apples, fell his house, and few hours M- eath. -rt; of age, eery- ce in Dorches- ter, N.I3 penitentiary for highway rob- g bogue moneys knowing it to The Crown. pounsel then sentence upon Jo L. Stur- dr unlawfut Voting. In s. ssiug His Lordship Mr. Bodging s ate that Wet nn, having obtained, a convic- e not anxious that a heavy ould. be enforc d•egainst the ; and he hoped _ he strong re- ation for mercy milde by the a d not be overlookied by His in passing judgmbut. The been brought sol that others int actions would be taught that' ould not be falaely taken with' . Mr. Cameron!, the member- prosecat tion, Vi:(3 pe n BAY pri Bondi-, Comm a jury w Lords ip case h d future el the oath impair ty elect, had also requested the Crown counsel' th urge -upon Hi 3 Lordship th hope that clemency would be exercise in the peete, now that the law had been vindicatell. His Lordship, after ad- dressing !the prisoner n the conse- quences f bis offence, a.nd showing hi that a se ted, Aid recomm been Ma. e to him, to ir tenee, and accordingly seritenced him t three dats' imPrisoutuept and $50 fin on each ount, the imprisonment to b concurre t. After the reading of th present ent of the Grand Jury, and th 1 roli closing it dress of His Lordship to th Grand nd Petty Juries, the Cour Closed. number of cases have bee traverse to the next Court. e • . Canada. ions offence he that he was w ndation for m beet commit lling, after th rcy that had ict a light gen Bellev tory in —Dorz issued. —The Gill nuiv is $400,9 —The Provino 808.8013. —The Ottawa ed on If —The tute are 9n additions to their library. —A Lein days ago, a carload of oyster* the first of the season, was forwarded bec to Wiunipeg. amount which it is likely to ntreal for the Canada Paoifip shout 8700,000. —There were four persons charge with s lling adulterated milk at th police c for $19, deuce' of the late Thomas Reynolds. —Daring the preseut season a farmer residing not many miles from Londop sold the wheat and wool he had grown and cipped during the past three sea- sons. He had been hoarding it up in anticipation of better prices, and now lle has the only dynamite faci anada. inion $4 bills have been re estimated cost of the new Mo rsity to be erected in Montreal 0. Imet root sugar factories in th of Quebec are doing well thi Canada Atlantic Railway front o Montreal was formally open!. uday. Owen sound Mechanics' Instil- rrangiug to expeiad about $1,00011 from Qu —The cost Mo depot urt, Toronto, on Thursday. ohn McDonald has purchise 0 Ernscliff, formerly the resi- ith the ens, s, there being perpetr should —Th tiers of . such w 6 severely dealt other, dayea, res of Hamillton, while picki from a tree in the rear of received injuries which terwardo resulted in his .—Charles Perry, 18 ye ing a setten years' sente lady, watr shot and inst nay killed, a few &lye ago, while end cape. ! , --Seventeen special M sion trains left Ottawa The total number of 3,500, and carloads of fre re avoring to ea - nitoba excur- Inc° March 1. assengsrs was ght 350. This resents an expendit re of about $1 0 0001 for transportatien alone. e-Vennor, predicts it wet, dreary, sloppy November, and snow with cold and stony weather for December, but hel mimed the mark widely for October, and matt possibly come no nearer it for the two,Coming months.' e -Mr. !Richard Holmes, is a farmer, 98 years of age, living near Fraukville, Kitley township, who has been distin- guishiq' himself by planting, hoeing, cuttingnd husking a field of corn this season. ,1 l t At an auction Bale one hundred acres of bush land in the township of MOore.Lembton county, Were bought by B. F. VenTuyl, and 50 i acres by Win. Gardner, Gardner paid. $19.50, and VanTuy1 $18 75 per acre. —Father Flannery, ef St. Thomas, brought a. bog oak pipeout from Ire- land haa Mr. Hugh Dely, of the Can- ada Southern Railway. It is a "gim" of a pipe, l'and is embelli bed with the shamropk, thistle and' r se. --itoloert Gallaher' has sold the south-weet half of lot 20, concession 5, Garafeaxa, to Richard McLelland, of Garafraxa, for $3.400. It is 100 aeres of good land, about 88 acres being , cleared -__11 0 faimed that $40,000 worth of fat 0 e were sent from the settle - 8.0 menta i.n the Lake St. Jan Valley by steamer, to Quebec, during the past sea- son, either -fur local consumption or ex- port Vo 'i-imauriadpeere. . :—It is that Mr. Pentland, of Coburg, but more recently in the office of Mr. Walsh, land commissioner at Winpipeg, has been appointed Gov- ernment land agent et-Birtle, Manitoba, in theplace of Mr. Belch, resigned. - —Owing to a misplaced switch on the a -rand Trunk Railway. near Morrisburg, an _engine and some baggage cars were) th. own from the track, on Friday -, night. he pessengers were pretty well shaken ,up, but none seriously injured. —It is probable that the Indian light- house keeper at Lonely Island will be , —In order to secure direct telegraphic communication between Ontario and Ma.nitoba, the Great Northwestern Telegraph Company intend to submit to its shareholders, at their next meet- ing, the proposal for laying a submarine cable in Lake Superior under the char- ter of the Company. --On Wednesday night last week the barns of Philetus Bruner, of Gos- field, were totally destroyed. by fire, to- gether with their contents, consisting of this year's crap, farm implements, etc. The total loss is $6,000 ; insurance, $2,000. How the fire orginated is not known. —Some time ago, Hugh McCluskey, of Kingston, got a tooth pulled, and shortly afterwards hie -gums began to swell. He took no notice of the swell- ing, thinking that it would disappear in time. Instead of getting better, proud flesh has grown on his gums to such an extent that it protruded out of his mouth. He has entered the hospital. —Mr. Jas. Broadfoot, of Tara, has a field of fall wheat almost totally de- stroyed by wire worms, and many others besides him complain of damage done to their crops. Mr. Walker claims that he has discovered a cure for the little pests. Hero it is :—After plowing harrow the land well, then BOW the grain. On this soatter salt, and roll without harrowing- - Two Scotchmen from Lochaber, itt East Williams, came to Ailsa Craig on Saturday, and got "vera fou." While in that interesting condition they lost a considerable amount of money, but did not discover their loss until they had returned home. An honest young lad found the money, and returned it to the losers on Monday morning. —The Galt Reporter says :—Whether it is the result of the fusion or not, cer- tain it is, that since the Grand Trmak obtained possession of the Great Wes- tern, trains have been run over the line every Sabbath. Several passed through Galt the last two Sabbaths.— The Credit -Valley is also a sinner in this respect, and not only runs trains, but on Sunday last bad men at work getting out gravel at Barrie's cut for the Blair road. This is too bad. —A postal card, with the following printed message, has beim sent to the police authorities of Canada: "Arrest, for murder, John Monaghan, about 35 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, light complexion and hair, small light Or sandy Moustache, bluish gray eyes; generally wears dark mixed suit and low black Derby hat. Communications to be addressed to Samuel J. Givin, Chief of Police, Philadelphia." —A case of considerable interest to teachers came before Judge Sinclair, at Hamilton, last week. Mr. Duncan stied for a proportionate part of his salary as a High School teacher during the sum- mer vacation. He was engaged by Mr. Dickson, Collegiate Institute master, to fill the place of a man who was ill, from March to the midsummer vacation. The Judge gave decision in favor of the de- fendant, on the ground that the law says the Board of Education must hire the teachers, and Olin not deputate its an- closed, but not before all the gang, ex- cept the actual thief, had escaped, one of them taking the plunder, which had been passed over to him. After a strug- gle, the thief was secured and taken to th station house at Windsor, where he e his name as Fred. Conroy, of De - it. He has been bound over, with- ou tail. for trial on three charges—lar- ceny from the person, carrying concealed weapons, and robbing the train. Fred. Conroy, as he calls himself, is a rough - looking mau of about 35, with curly black hair and heavy moustache. LOn the occasion of the marriage of the Rev. Evans Davis, of London South to Miss Greenwood, of St. Catharines,a few days ago, the hollowing were among the presents received by the bride: Silver and gold tea service, very elegant in design, and embracing some twenty pieces; a silver water pitcher two eases of pearl -handled knives and forks, hand- some silver fruit and flower stand, solid silver pudding dish, silver coffee urn, a foil dinner set in ivory, marble clock with bronze statues, a beautiful pair of plate glass mirrors in brass frames, silver and gold jewel case, pair of large vases, very valuable panel pictures, silver fruit dishes, gold bracelets, silver spoons initialed, fish knives and forks in silver and ivory, boquet holders, brackets, mats, cushions, pure China flower pot, card receiver, silver card case, sugar bowl and cream jug in silver, perfume cases, plush brackets with old China facings, fruit spoons, perfume bottles, magazines of art, fancy work from lady friends, of rare beauty, plush work -boxes, alarm clock, etc., etc. ga tr Perth Notes. The daily average of letters taken from the street boxes in Stratford. is two hu—litreetrs. A. Beaney and Joh- n Strath - dee, of Downie, had several -sheep wor- ried. by dogs last week. ' —The Mitchell Board of Works is p'utting the streets, sidewalks and erossings in a thorough state of repair. ' —At tbe sale of Messrs. Roach and Bergin, Halbert, the auctioneer, T. King, sold $1,700 worth of stuff in four ishnu°p—uprTser.heat the Royal Hotel, on Monday, Gunpowder Plot will be kept memory at Palmerston this year by a Nov. 6th. —Mrs. Harper Whetstone, of Mu - tore, died recently, after only a few days' illness, leaving_ two little babes rotherless. —Mr. Wra. Robinson, of Fullerton, recently purohased a six months' old urham bull from Mr. W. McPherson, f Logan, for 180. —Mr. A. P. Bowes, dentist, Mitchell, either lost or bad. stolen from him a des. . posit receipt on the Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, for $600. —Over $30 were realized at an even- ing entertainment at Avonbank for the benefit of the Downie plowing match association. . —Mr. W. R. Marshall, of Stratford, has thirty hands employed in his fruit evaporating - establishment. He uses about 200 bushels of apples daily. —A, vicious cow loose on the street in St. Mares the other day, knocked down Mrs. A. McIntyre, and threw her into - • billga.me," by which McLeod was short19 the ditch. Fortunately she escaped victimized out of $555 in cash. McLeod t without much injury. now wants the police to help him catch —Bishop Carman, D. D., lectured in the rascal, toad get back his money. —Some time ago, a man named Brosseau, a resident of Montreal, left for Michigan to work for a contractor there. He wrote several letters to his family atter he arrived, and seemed to be get - Listowel last week, taking for his sub- ject, "The British Constitution." The lecture was highly instructive and en- tertaining. —Mr. W. B. Fotheringbam, of the 8th concession of Blanshard, sold his team ticg on well. A few days ago, a knock of heavy draught Clyde horses the other was heard at the door of the house where day to Mr. Wm. West, of Michigan, for $500. —Mr. Robert Bell, of Elma, near Trowbridge, has sold his •farm (100 acres). to Mr. Geo. Roberts, of Logan, . for $6,000 cash: Mr. Bell intends to retire from farming in the. meantime. —A few nights ago the barn and con- tents of Mr. Christian Strickert, situate on lot 21, coecession 10, Logan, were destroyed by fire. Insured. for $600 in the Perth Mutual. —The congregation of St. Andrew's church, Stratfor'll, have unanimously agreed to extend a call to Rev. E. W. Penton, of Bradford, as successor to Rev. Mr. Waits. . —Mr. J. W. Sperling has recovered $40 from the Grand Trunk for the damage he sustained by his wagon being destro3.ed ab the crossing on Queen street, Listowel, a few weeks ago. the family lived, and on opening it Mrs. Brosseau was astonished to behold her husband. He apparently did not recog- nize his family, and his conduct gener- ally Was such as to seriously alarm them. A physician was at once sent for, and upon examining the man found a ccptused wound on his left breast and the mark of a blow on his head. His appetite is good, but he seems to have - lost all reasoning power, speaks only in monosyllables, and gives no account of himself. The whole affair is a mystery. —While Mr. 5. Kains, of London,. was scuffling with a gentleman' fnend the other evening he felti a sudden pricking sensation on the inside of hie leg, but took no further heed of the matter until the next day, when, to use his own words, he thought he was going to have a paralytic stroke." He kept up, how -- ever, until evening, although suffering at intervals from a peculiar faintness or dizziness, and after getting home the pain became so intense that he request- ed Mrs. Kains to call a doctor. At this time the peculiar pricking feeling had gone to the other side of the limb, and on examination by himself and wife, the point -of something sharp was felt protruding through the flesh. Mrs. Kains applied her teeth to this and to their astonishment ertracted stall sized needle, which had evidently worked it way straight through the leg in twenty- four hours. —On Thursday evening, last week, the Pacific Express upon the G-reat Western Division of the Grand Trunk Railway was boarded as it was leaving the depot at Welkerville for Windsor by a gang of crooks, who evidently intended to go through the passengers, and who consisted of five or six, some of them al- most boys. They entered the train, and the first person they met was 0.B. Cur, tis, a Customs officer. One of the gang seized him by the lappel of his coat, as the officer thinks, to get at his breast pocket, but seeing the officer's badge he let go again. The gang then pushed past Curtis, and met a farmer front White Oak, Mich., named A. C. Hays ner, and one of them relieved him of s. wallet containing $11 and a baggage check. Mr. Heyner felt the man's hand in his pocket, and immediately discov- ered his loss, when he accused the matt of the theft. An alarm was raised, and Officer Curtis had the doors of the cars —Mr. John G. Tremaine, for several years engaged in the mercantile business in Lietowel, died a few days ago in his 39th year. He had been ill for several months. —Mr. Wm. White, son of Mr. Robert White, sen., of St. Marys, who has been home from Australia, on a visit for the last few weeks, started oh his return to the antipodes last week. —Mr. Woo Herbert Harvey, son of Moses Harvey, Esq., Treasurer of Elms, has been re -appointed Princi- pal of Hampstead School, North East - hope, for the ensuing year, at a salary of $500. —The directors of the Carthage Cheese and Butter Manufacturing COM - pally ,closed the factory on the 21st ult. The company propose building an addi- tion to their factory. —Mr. J. G. Milne, who returned to Palmerston from the Northwest a week or two back, left again with his family on the 18th ult., for the new home he has provided for them in the Prairie Province. —The Mitchell Horticultural Sbciety have a surplus on bend o1543.92. This is accounted for from the fact that not SO many prizes were taken this year as .formerly, owing to the smallness of the show. —Mr. James Bellantyne, B. A., of Stratford, was the other day, . un- animously elected President of the Literary Society of Knox College, Toron- to. The position is a highly important one. 1