HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-10-27, Page 71882 OUSEa 'lees former - nil of Com_ Coranterciat MOUNTED. Exchange Sold.. NOTES 11 a Rates. Seeiseit t par at all Commerce. se Deposita ges. Prietor, TY STORE. pie of Seaforth. pened a Branch. ae Weir's otel., Seafortht wool& rade. Thostock .kat school sup- nlin wools, top,. music, all new rgely and in the try kw.. UR, .Park .nagele VACERCY. t.z.1 41:ONG awn Stock,, Fir. and ia proper - :able toms. be Loan So- 'wham- ot Form rst-Claat r Sale. per eCilk& Lmabipc Ticket& t'a Ettore, Melia " 645 Lan,Surgeon and ▪ Offioe Andres"- • set,secorrd door 842. ?hysioian, Sur - °linty of Ifurons r street north,. Schoen. ' , Graduate of, au, Surgeon ands and Residence.. is- Brick Houma 496 LD. C. Tie- . P. and S., One R. C. S., Eden: en, England, for 714 Mega of Dental in titer rooms Lire, Whitney's - ted and satis. derate. *.ithout in t, Dentist, bee be business a • remoired ta titehell, where ,-extraeted with nitrous oxidertfea from a a,oxpenses. m NTIST - I - ivna Oollegej D. S. ;e he is able toi eistry suitable Speeialty.i de Gas givel '=Ut reet, Seaforth.;, D. Saw:. CADEra aht,T1-1, oppo, Hotel, on 'T.111;i,SD.1Y "irate (Aide Gaa ;1eut1i. This otaa artwright sinca nee been one of rovince. Pa- alhale the gas :tett in a min- t disagreeable env to th incase ttt.jun 'paid ▪ Teeth in- - 730-52' LLS. no since intro- ouitkr s:.ateret oreat 'ads- - .1 retail and ii e t thank ttronatte, which . We are weII a flour from the tient a, Jr aiu take: rode con toners, rice,. With ble to pay good er oath other in market. Wet horn Seaforth ;A:where. Flour, t constantly OL quantity of tire riEct co. 771 • (..)croBER 27 18 News items. 2. professor Schmidt says h� has dia- .:10,meg anothercomet four degrees from elte great comet. —Chicago has a pOptilati i of 600,- 00, with 8,500 grinning dome and caly 280 churehes. --Gabel Hobbs, of LincolInton, Ne - committed stiiicide the other elay on account of the death of a mule, ,es which he was exceicling fond. —Mr. Henry Craig, of ilsa Craig, obi ped 800 head of extra 11 e steers to Liverpool last week, the a imals aver- aging 1,400 lbs. each. Th4re were 52 vas of cattle from that Btation last -week for the old country. —Dr. Wilson, V. S., remo ed a large 'tumor from the eyelid of • horse be. longing to Mr. Chas. Heid4, of Soutli. old, in London on Mo day. The *operation was a Most delica e one, and wag very suecessfully perfor ed. --Last Friday evening John A. •Cockrell, managing editor of the Post. Despatch, St. Louis, shot and killed Col. A. W. Flaybeck, a prominent law- yer and well known politician of that city. . Flaybeck died in three minutes after being shot. No arrest —Na,nees mentioned for the four vacant teenatorships : John McDonald, late M. P. for Glengarry; 4'ohn Mae. -epee Q. fi.; Dr. Sullivan, OJ Kingston; Walter Shanly, C. E.; D. Ford Jones, X. P.; Col. Gzowski ; Jame Turner, of Hamilton ; Col. Gravedy l4ayor of Co- bourg, and Dr. Grant, Otta a. — The inhabitants of Sitka, are dying by scores with blaCk measles. Captain Pearson, of the United States steamer Waohnsett," turned a deaf ear to the appeals of the people for help, and took his ship and mediCal officers away to 'Wrangle Island, leaving a lieu- tenant of marines and. guard Without raedicine. His coarse has Veen a dis- grace to the American Navy. —Oa Friday of lasteveek near Bran- don, Manitoba, two brothers . named Magwood, were driviree a heifer, when the younger suggested tying the elder to the animal with a rope, Scarcely bad they started when the beast ran, and the boy fell and scream:led for help. This only frightened the heifer, and it was sorae time before the 4tiimal was stopped, when the boy Was released bleeding and. torn, and died in half an hour. . —Major, the evangelist. daring a revival at Alexandria, Texwa, prayed for divine punishment on the disturber of the meeting. and immediately a man • dropped dead. The follewing night Penn made a similar petition, and a young lady at once upset aijtrn.p and was burned to death, inime ately after- wards a tornad blew over the Gospel Tent and fataliy injured a young lady . and hurt many others, causiag a fearful panic. The tent was flooded with water to the depth of two feet. —The London Advertiser says: The growth of the Salvation Ar y in that • city has probably exceeded the expecte- lions of its most sanguine Hands. Be. - ginning with a very small nucleus, in the course of a few month it has at- tained an importance among the religi- :ous agencies of -the city thiat promises very gratifying results, and has already accomplished much good in the direc- tion in which its Work is specially directed. - —Two years ago aealthy man vie• named 'Wage, whose wif was in a burning hotel in Oshkosh Wisconsin, offered any person $5,000 if be would reseuelher dead or alive. At great peril of his life the assistant engineer of the fire department brought. down her dead body. After the fun al was over Mr. Pia.ge refused to pay the reward, but the Supreme Court ha ordered. its payment because the fire an's official duty did not compel him 1 to risk his own life to rescue others. I 1 —One of the most noted women in New York jdurnalism is iMies Middy Morgan, who does all the 4attle reports for four New York papers, among them the Tribune and Times. . ahe has ac- - quired a land of knowle ge of cattle and horses, both on the fa m and turf, which may be envied by the most ex- perienced male sportsman.Her jour- nalistic career dates from an interview with Horace Greeley, wjhose rather jocose allusion to the nee4 of a repor- ter of ca.ttle sales was turn a to earnest amount. —A boy named Henry Einermann, 14 years old, born in London, Eagland, of German parents, and w o was brought to Canada in 1881. made »is escape re- cently from the Boys' .Efo e, Galt, and has not since been he rd of. His mother has come to Cart da with her whole family, and is an ous . to learn of his whereabouts. She describes the boy as a bright-looking,hie eyed, fair- li haired little fellow, speaking both Eng- lish and Gerrnasi fluently, the former with the London accent. Any news that may lead. to his recovery ehould be com- municated. to Mr. J. A. Oitnniers, the German consul, Toronto. —The ravages of diphtheria at Chat- ham, Virginia„ are dreadful, and becom- ing more alarming daily. It is esti- mated. that 200 deaths have occurred, guanine of every ten fain4ies have lost from one to five children. Twenty-one deaths occurred in four 1 milies. Four graveyards in one neigh orhood have from 18 to 20 new graves each. One school lost 20 pupils. On unday three persons were lying dead i one house. Most of those who di have black vomit, arla B01316 are cove ed with run- ning sores. The doctors are unable' to account for the terrible fatality. It ap- pears something like scar et fever and diphtheria conabmed. T d sysberas of those who recover are ba ly shattered. —At the Northurobeiland Assizes on Monday the young woman Wright was convicted of ma slaughter at Brighton and was sen enced by Mr. Justice Osier to six mo ths' imprison- ment. It will be rernern1iered that the accused and a lady friend were sole occupants of Miss Wright's residence, which is situated in a sepluded part of the village of Brighton. I About eleven o'clock on the fatal niOit they heard orae one walking armind the house, tryieg the back door, and then stopping • in front of the window. The accused, who had been 'darnel by raidnight prowlers a few nights p evionsly, then fired a revolver through the slats of the venetian blind, unfortunately with fatal results. —Complaints of excessive freight rates on the Canada acific Railway continue. A merchant ho •purchased wheat at Portage la Prairie co plains that the Canada Pacific Railway charged $67.50 per car frpm that point to St. -Vincent, a distatine of 120 miles. The cost from St. Vince4 to Minne- apolis; about 450 miles}, over the St. sd , THE HURON EXPOgITOIt Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba T way vies triply $56 per car. inforthemt states that he is u with several farmers who have their Manitoba farms and gon flo Static% rather than pay the e charges Of the Canada Paci It takes, in some instanceseth two bushels of grain to pa transportation of a third bush market. Rail. same a inted Id out to the bitant way. rice of or the the The mg ol Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting. thorough knowledge of the nat which govern the operations tion and nutrition, and by a ca plication of the line properties selected tacos, Mr. Epps has our breakfaat tables with a d flavored beverage'which may many heavy dootors' bills. It i judicioui use of such articles of a constitution may be wadual up nntil strong euough to yes' tendeney to disease. Hundred tle maladies are floating ar ready to attack whereve is a' weak point. We ma many, a fatal abaft by keeping well -fortified with pure blo properly nourished frame."—C vice tiazette.-1 Made simply ing water or milk. Sold packets and tins (-a. pound and latielled—"Janies Epps & CQ. pathio Chemists, London, Eng makers of Epps'a Chocolate' Ee afternoon use. 736-52 Holloway's Ointment an In all outward complaints a de effort should be made to at one4e these annoying infirmies, and tablishing a cure. he ieir remedies diecoveted by Prefesso loway will satisfactorily accompl desirable result, without any b dangers or drawbacks which att old method of treating ailcerat flanimations, scrofulous affectio scorbutic a,nnoyandes. . The /no invalids may use both the ointm pills with the utmost safety with certain success, provided a moderate a is bestowed on their accompan rections. Both -the preparations heal and purify. The one assi other one most materially in cures, and renewing strength by exhausted nature just where sh &Lich auccour. 0 1 raTy lav: gfte5p: ful ofwded oll r 1Cviately ave u8, by the iet that y built t every sub - there edBtoaeuperee elves and a 8er h boll- 1yundin , o) cameo - Also nee for perate emove of es- rkable Hol- sh this those nd the ye in- s and t timid nt and le a Given Away. We cannot help noticing the offer made to all invalids and by DiaKing's New Discovery 1 sumption. You are requested t E. Hickson & Cco's Drug St get a trial bottle free of coh.it, if suffering with pconsum tion, i coughs, colds, asthma, bro ohit fever, loss of voice, hoarsen ss, affection of the throat or lungs. positively cure you. 772.52.6 Worthy of Prarise. As a rule we do not rec patent medicine, but wher we one that is really a publi b and does positively cure, t en sider it our duty to impart tha mation to all. Electric Bit most truly a valuable medLci will surely cure biliousness, fa ague, stomach, liver and kidn plaints, even where all other • fail. We know wherof we spe can freely recommend them —Exch.—Sold at 50 cents a b E. Hickson LI Co. 772.52.6 A Certain Remedy for This is the universal testim expressed by every one who Putnam's Corn Extractor,T in Canada have used it with g results, and if you will take th to ask any druggist he will give names of many persons of your tanoe who have been radieally -the worst kind of corns. ; Sol where. Safe, sure, painless, a table in composition. Tier it. fails. 762.52.c MONTrkEAL, Deo. 26th, 1880. Medicine Company, Gents quested by Miss Sarah Fordha form you that your treatment tape worm has proved a great success. In five hours after she had taken the medicine the worm passed arve with head complete, measuring 2 The medicine caused no pain easiness. You may reat assur will never cease to recomme treatment whenever the op offers. Yocrs, J. L. FLYNN, boilez Square, Montreal. tention ing di - soothe, te the ecting • elpin g needs liberal offerers r Con - call at re, and ou are severe s, hay or any It will / cases of oostiveness, it never produces griping pains in the bdominal region, or weakens the bowel likes violent pur- gative. It invigor tes the system through the medium of the incteased digestive and, assimilative activity which it promotes, and is , also a most di ll s ases of the blood, efficient remedy for lney complaints, scrofulous and a female weakness, dms., &o. Price, $1. Ve Discovery etable • Sample Bottle, 10 Is. Ask for Nor- throp & Lyman's and pyspeptie Curert The wrapper bears a fac-simile of1 their -signature. Sold by Lumsden &!Wilson'Seaforth. 750 52-o — . .Iucklen's Arica Salve. The best salve irk t1le world for Cuts, )r Brui4s, Sores; Ulelei , Salt Rheum, Fever Sores), Tetter, happed Sands, Chilblains, Corns, an all Skin Erup- tions, and positively Uures Piles. It is gua4nteecl to give perfect satisfaction, or Money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson le Co. 772-52 , naraend now of efactor, e con- infor- ers are. e, and., er and y com- emedies k, and to all. ttle by Corns. ny and as used ousands atifying trouble you the cquain- ured of every - d vege- It never 1 Smith am re - to in - of the 11 A Reliable Witnes Mr. WhYte, late proprieto Mansion Saloon, King Street, writes as follows about Dr. Stomach and Constipation: used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bi nearly two years, and 1 believ the best medicine in the world not be without it for anything. induced scores of people to try when taken according to dir have never known it tofail. I Bitters the "Doctor." It has been my faraily doctor ever si used it, and will continue to b as it acts the same as hit strongly advise all my friends public generally, who suffer fr affections of the stomach, bow or blood, !such - dyspe digestion, liver complaint ache, dizziness, costiveness, ties of the blood, rheumatism, gia, etc, to buy a bottle of the and I am certain that no one having done so. I do not thin any medicine in the whole wo to Dr. Carson's Stomach and tion Bitters." (Signed.) JAS Sold in large bottles at Sp cen druggists. a feet. or un- d- that I d your ortnnity 0 Chae • In the present month of October Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters should be takien to purify the blood and fortify the system against - the severe changes of our Canadian winter. It improyesi the circulation and.eures dyspepsia, , billionsness and sick headache. In large bottles at 50 cents'. Sold by all druggists. After roany years of patient investi- gation,"Dr. Van Buren, of Germany, finally succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure that would permanently relieve all cases of Kidney Disease. Be sure and ask yonr druggist for Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Care. 770.52.1 Delays are dangerous, particularly in Kidney Diseases, so take at once Dr. Van Buren'SKidney Cure, and obtain relief from all your sufferings. Your druggist keeps it. 770.52.1 • Samson lost his strength with his hair. Thousands of men , and women loose their beauty with theirs, and very large numbers restore-. the ravages of timeiby using the famous Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle, 770.52.1. Cingalese. A name well known in connection with the Hair Renewer, whidh restores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per bottle. 770.52.1. Fariners before buying your reaper -and mower oil ask for and. procure a saahple of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum; and is guaran- teed Ito give good satisfaction. 753-52 Now that the reaping and mowing semen is coining on, farmers should remember that that i"Klaiser" Machine Oil is:the best reaper and mower oil in tle market. For sale by all dealers. 753 Teabprry. The elegant little plated screw top on "Teaoerry" makes it the cheapest,tmost .perfect and most Recherche of all toilet exquisites. Get a 5 cent sam' ple. 751.1, of the Toronto, Carson's "I have ters for it to be Iwould I have it, and ctions I call the ertainly ce I first as long erto. I a,nd the m any ls, liver • in- head- impuri- neural- Doctor," ill regret there is Id equal onstipa- WHYTE. s by all A Prolific Solarce of isease. A trifling indiscretion ip die may lay the foundation of confirmed i yspepsia, and there is no.fact in Medi science ,more positively ascertained or more au- thoritatively asserted than th t dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of •odily ills, eot the least of which is 'cont mination of the blood and the maladies of which . that is the direct consequen e. Their original cause is, however, t i °roughly eradicated from the system b • Northrop dr Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, a medicine hich only requires regularity and pers stence in its nse to cure dyspepsia and he many ills that arise from it. No • eleterious mineral ingredient is omits ned in it, • and thoughits aotion, is thorough in MONEY. ONEY TO LOAN.—TO loan, private funds, in arge or small surrid for a period of three to seven years on first-clasifatm security, with in- terestIat 7 per cent. per annuin. Apply ap THE EXPOSITOR Office, SelfOrth. 1762 MONEY TO LOAN—I am prepared tell ,lend ;money at loweet rates of interest, payable yearly. Principal at the end of terns. Private Fuode. SAS. n. BENSON. 726 1 AUCTIONEERS. T p. BRINE, Lioenced Auctioneer for the - t, • 0o-unty of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County, All orders left at the En. POST OE Ofdce will be promptlyattended to. — TI -1 M GI- cs D. Di\T Ia I • N.— FALL, 1882. 1 eceived and Opened up the Contents of 30 Cases of Old Country Goods. 1 IN,PECTIO,N INVITED. A.1‘.‘trIsCol\T, C- R. ICOOPER, Brussels, County Anatieneer. • gales of all descriptions promptly at- tended in any part of the county on reasenable term. Orders left at the office of the Hutton Muni Mon, oa addressed to Brussels, will timely° prem t attention. 1 A DELGATTY, Licensed Anetioneer for the 4 -do. I County of Huron. Sales of all descriptions premptly attended to on reasonable ternun Ad- dress Walton P, o. or Lot 14, Concession 14, MoKillop. 774 THE F:?.D MILL. TH term fener large been now dein busi or to Mill in the Town of Seaforth known as he Red Mill, will he sold cheap and on easy , as the proprietor has got the Manitoba ' here is in connection with the Mill a grain sterehouse. I The mill has recently t.horoughly overhauled and repaired, and is n first-c,ass working order, and capable of a large and profltp.ble gristing and flouring ess. Apply to theIproprietor, WM. SCLATER, A. STRONG, Seaforth. 744 • AT THE "PADLOCK," BRUSSLS. SHELF AND HAVY HARDWARE. SEAFORTH PLANING MfLL, SAH,DOORAN_BLIND FACTORY' rrH subacriberbegoleave to thank hisnumeron -Atm tomer enbr the liberal patronage extended to him s race commencing business in Seaforth,and trust hat he may be favored with a continuance of th same., Pa iesintendingto buildwonld do well to give him callous he will continue to keep ou hand large stock of all kinds sf Dr Pine LumPer, Sashes, Doors, binds and Mpuldings Shingles ath, thc. ge eelsoonfident of gtvingsatisfactiontothose who uay favour him with theirpatronage,as non! but tl st-claesworkmen p re eraployed ' Pa tionlar attention' paid to Custopa Planins 20[ JOHN R. BROADFOOT.. ck's Magnetic Medicine ERVE AND BRAIN FOOD -2,-. 4' --.. , "<... ..... : .....1... ..,----P- .. #1 ..--- ( ORE) TRADC MARK. ( AFTER. ) A Cure guaranteed. FOR OLD AND YOHIf 0, RALE AND VENIALE. Is a lure. prompt and effectual remeda for Ner- vouspess in allots stages, Weak Memory, Loss of 13 aid Power, Sexual P ostration, Night Sweats, S eruatorrhocea,Semh al Weakn ess, Let] corrh aea, B rrenncss, and Gener 1 Loss of Power. It re- p irs nervous waste, ejuvenerates the jaded in- tdllect, strengthens the enfeebled brain, and re- stores surprising tone and vigor to the exhaust- ed genemtive organs in either sex, tr'' With each order for r watvir packages, accompanied with $5, we will send our written guarantee to refutid the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. It is the cheapest and best medi- cine in the market. Full partieulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to mail fi ee to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 50 meta per box,or 12 boxes for sp, or will be mailed free of poatage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE 0o., Windsor, 00. Sold in Seaforth by J. S. ROBERTS, and all druggists elsewhere. 733-50 IMMENSE STOOK OF NEW GOODS. PLATFORM SCALES -500, 1,000, 1,200, 1,500 pounds, at low price. BARB WIRE FENCING—Pest in the market --four point barb and two point barb. 1 . NAILS—Another car load -10 tons—direct from the factory. WINDOW GLASS—English Smithwick—elearer, tougher, and worth 0 C/ 15 to 20 pperceee.nt. more than the German glass, usually sold by dealers at about the same ri OUR SPECIALTIES—Cutlery and Guns. MURPHY ESTATE.' EXTENSIVE AUCTION SAL AT Lot 18, in the 5th concession of I4an, County of Perth, on Tuesday, the 31st Day of October, 182, At 11 a. no, precisely, by Mr. W. R. Davis, ne- tioneer, of Farm Stock and Implements, H use - hold Firniture, Piano, Fire Proof Safe, S ore- hause in Mitchell, Sawmill on 18tb Cone .on, Ehna ; `limber and Timber Contracts and nds in Logan and Rime, Lot 23. lst Con., Contracts, ; L ts 7,8 and 30, 18th Concession, Elnaa ; Lots la d 2, in 17th Concession, Elms, and Lot 21, 13th ou cession Elmo For full particulars see posters, or apply ta the Auctioneer, at Mitched, or to the undersigned. MoCAUGHEY & HOLMES TED, ; SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 776-2Seaforth, October 14tb, 1 :o2. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR THE SEAFORTH HICH SCHOOL THE Entrance Examination for admission of -1- Candidates to the Seaforth 'High School'will he held in the Public School building, Seaforth, on Wednesday and Thursday, December 20th and 21st. Intending candidatea should send their names to the undersigned not later than November 15th, J. C. ILIRSTONE, Head Master Seaforth High School. 776 tmJ JAMES DREWE, Brussels. KENDALL'S ,PAVIN CURE 1 It cures Spavins, Splints, Curbs, Ring Bones and all simi- lar blemishes, and removes the bunch 1 without blistering. For man it is now known to be one of the best, if not the best, liniment ever discovered, We feel positive that every man an have perfect success in every case if he will only use good common sense in applying -KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, and persevere in bad cases of long standing. Read below the experience of others: FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. • Dr. B; J. Kendall & Co.—Gents: I had a very valuable Hambletonian colt which I prized very highly; he had a large bone spavin on one joint, and a smaller one on the other, which made him very lame; I had him under the charge of two veterinary surgeons, which failed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determined at once to try it, and got our druggists here to send fqr it; they or- dered three bottles; I took them all, and thought I would give it a thorough trial; I nsed it according to directions, and by the fourth day the 9olt ceased to be lame', and the lumps had entirely disappeared. I used but one hottle, and the colt'a limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the State. He is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of nsy neighbors have the remaining two bottles, who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. WM. ELLIOTT, rrOWN CLERK and Treasurer: Office—North- east*corner of Market House. Office hours - 2:30 till 7 p. m, • 747 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE 1 • ONEONTA, New York, Jan.. 6th, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall 8,6 Co., of Enosburg Falls, Vermont, made a contract with the publishers of the Press for a half column advertise- ment for one year setting forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the same time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying subscribers to the Press as a premium. About the time the advertisement first appeared in this paper Mr. P. G. Scher- rnerhorn, who resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. He read the advertise- ment and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although his friends laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and com- menced using it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and he informed Us this Week that it effected such a complete cure that an expek horseman, Who examined the animal recently could find no trace of the spavin or thf3 place where it had been located. Mr. Schermerhorn has since secured a copy of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highlyi and would be loth to pall with it at sib y price, provided he could not obtain another copy. So much for advertising reliable articles. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURF1 Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions i as it does not blister, yet it is penetratingi and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to re- MOVJ3 any bony growth or any other enlargement if used for several days, anch as spavins, splints, curbs* , calldus, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge- ments of the joints or limbs; or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used. for man or beast. It is now known to be the best lini- ment for man over used, acting mild and. yet certain in its effects. It is used full • strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles or $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be Bent to any address' on receipt of price by the proprietors. 748 52 DR. B. J. 'KENDALL & CO., Enosburg FalIs, Vermont. Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG BY mural observation, we find all land specnIa- do' tors have a clear head, and wateh the upe ahd dowes of property, thus making large fortnnee. But the whole secret is, they keep the system in a a healthy condition by the nse of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MEDICINE. We can safely say that hundreds come to us for the great lung and blood purifier before going West. Read the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if it were necessary. "I certify that I was troubled with catarrh in the head. gatbering of phlegm in the throat, choking and coughing at night for years, so I could not sleep; often troubled with dull, lifeless feelings, pains in the chest and back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried the PRIDE OF THE TALLEY, and am now able to do my work after seven year's siclmees." Mrs. James hi oNeil, 202 Simooe Street, London, Ont. The above statement of my wife'e is correct. James McNeiL For sale by all drriggists in Seaforth. • 745-52 NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES ESTALISHED 1874. ELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaints, -Lti General and Ne vous Debility, Rheumetism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprains, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against impotition, for they will do their East Toronto. , work weAll.arortarmANe che,4QueenapatanysptriEceas. E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Seasforth. 753-52 'A S il3iridJt3 aap `0ITM pagJ-ea mod 0 aeo IMPORTANT NOTICES. -p AM FOR SERVICE.—Mr. John Hannah will keep for service at Lot 16, Concession 2, Tuckersmith, a. pure bred Southdown Ram dur- ing the season. Teams—VI pet ewe. 774-4 TnLACKSMITH'S APPRENTICE WANTED.— Wanted, immediately, an appreotioe with a good morecharacter, to serve at the blacksmith - Ing betimes& Apply to R. R. DOUGLAS, Blyth, 776 W ANTED -A second class male teacher for " Schcol Sectron No. 14, Stanley. Duties to commence nu the ftrd of January, 1883. Personal applicatioas prefetred. JOHN MoDOUGALL, Brumfield. 77414 * WANTED AT ONO—Ten (10) toatmakers and five (5) panto and vest makers._ The highest wages will be paid and permanent em- ployment guaranteed. Ayply to D. CAMPBELL, Merchant Tailor, Winnipeg, Manitoba- 774 3 IQUFFALO ROBE LOST.—The person Who "1-• took from Turner's Hotel, Brucefield, dur- ing the week of the Weitena Fair, an unlined. Buffalo Robe, and left another in its place, would greatly oblige the undersigned bo return- ing- it and getting Ins own. R. 3. TURNER- . 776-3 NTOTICE TO SHEEP BREEDERS.—The un- deisigned will take in a limited rnamber of ewes on the farm of Hugh Love Sr., near Rilir Green, to be seined by their Imported Shropshire Down Ram. Ternts : $2 per ewe, payable when the sheep are taken away. Good pasture, andall reasonable care taken to insure the ewes being in lamb. LOVE &COOPER. 776.6 FOR 8ALE OR TO RENT. -1 comfortable house with two acres of land with a fine or- chard and barn thereon ; there is also a good well with a pump. It is situated on the 2no Conces sion of McKillop, part of Let 28; within two miles of Seaforth. For Further pa ticulars apply to the proprietor, JOHN CUTHILL, Winthrop P. O. 776x4 BUFFALO ROBE LOST —The person who took bora Morgan's Hotel, Bayfield, on show day, a Buffalo Robe, nolined, dark color, would ineetly oblige the nndersigued by returning hat once to ALEXANDER SPARES, Lot 12, Bann - son Line, Stanley. 776x4 CASH FOR APPLES.—Wanted, any quantitn of Apples, delivered at _drying estabbsiament of D. D. Wilaon & Co-, for avhich I will pay from 30e to nee per bushel cash. For particulars quire at D. D.Rose's Grocery, or A.Schmidtonan- ager evaporatory establishment, Seaforth. 776-2 1 IR. A. PROUDFOOT, L. C. P. and S. A. and Q. Lecturer on diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat, Bishop's Collene, Montreal; Oculfst and Aurist to the Westerhe'llospital ; Oculist and Aurist to the Montreal Dispensary; Oculist and Aurist to the Infants' Home, wid be atCLINTON, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY morning, the 25th, 26th, and 2,th October, where he can be consulted professionally by any persons haying diseases or operations upon the i'ore, Ear or Throat. '776. riONTRACT FOR TEAMING AND CHOP- PING.—lat, 750 cords Of dry cord wood to be teamed from 9th concession Hulled to works in Seafortb, distance 10 ranee, at $1.40 per cord; will be let in four parts. 21111,100 cords to be teamed from Walton, same price. 3rn, 400 cords, frorn 1 mil s west of Wintbrop, rim 900. 4th1 Chopping and drawing tiraber on 20 acres, on farm of Mr. George Sproat, Tuckeramith; will be Jet if necemary in two parts; cordwood to be delivered at works in Seaforth, and elm logs a Kole & Mustard's mill, Egmondville. Cordwood $1 50 per cord delivered, and logs at price which may be agreed on. Apply to Grey, Young * Sperling, Seaforth. 776-4 1. r AliKBT GARDEN FARM F011 SAT.E.—For eale, part of La No. 6, O011COBBlOR 1st, Form I lett, containing 25 acres, 22 of which is under , cultivation and the balance wood. There len nol good frame house with a stone cellar and Iolanda- •‘*" tion, also a wood shed - and three wells. Also good frame barns and stables. This land is all • planted with the ohoiceet varieties -of fnait trees and bushes. Also a greenhouse 16 by 45 feet. > This place has been used as a market garden for • the past 8 years, and a large and profitable husi- nsnowily. The proprietor intends babeenndssr r on oo' ndgto Manitobaandodetseor:inv4ed 0 to s(11 For further particulars apply on the prennees or to Seaforth P.O. ALNB 0 Composed largely Of powdered Mica or sin- less, is the BEST andCHEAPESTlub ca- r, in theworld—the BEST because ltd es not gum, but forms.a highly polished ur- face over the axle, reducing friction and lightenIngthe draft; the CH EAP ES be- cause It costs NO MORE than Inf rior brands, rmd one box will do the wor of +two of any other make. AHEWRFS as ell or Harvesters, Min Gearing, Threshing Ma- chines, Corn -Planters, Carriages. Bug les, etc., as for Wagons. CUARANTEEf to contain IMO Petroleum. Soldby all deap.ers. wOillFnu mliedtree.PoaCke Pocket lopedia of Things Wh. ort Kno MICAMANUFACTURINGC 228 Hudson St., New York. Cleveland,A:). and Chicago, SAMUEL. ROCE RS & CO. Toronto,Ont. Sor-Agents for the Dominion. R. N. BRETT, SEAFORTH, Wholesaleand RetailDealer fti LEATI1131R and SHOE FINDINGS of Every DescriptioP. None but the Very Beat Stook kept. Terms moderate. A Trial Ea aliened. All orders by DAV or otherwite promptly filled. 40e B. N. BREMT LE CREDIT FONCIR THIS new Company, formed for the purtiolee of haveeting Enoch Capital in Canada, hi ROM prepazed to advance money on the most 'adorable terms on good landed securities. M P. HUES, Agent for Connty of Enron, Seaforth. 699 $66 a week in your own town. Terms mid $5 outfit free. Address H. Ramo= * Co., Portland, Maine. 748x52 $ 10 A WEEK. $12 a day at home eaeily made • h.' Costly outfit free. Address TRUE & CO., Augosta, Maine. 748x52. (1rANCERY NOTICE to CreditormAl George Whithaan, Deceased.—Petranant to an order of the High Court of justice the creditors of Geo. Wbitetean, late of the township of McKillop, lh the County of Huron, who died in or about the month of December, 1876, aro on or before the Twenty-eighth day of October, 1882, to send bar post prepaid to Messrs. McCaughey & Holmested, Solicitors, Seaforth, their Christian and sur- names, addresses and desoription, the full par- ticulars of their olaims, a statement of their ac- counts and the.nature of the securities if any) held by them, or In default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded trona: the benefit of the -said order. Every creditor holding any security's to produce the same before the Registrar of the Queen's Beneh Division of the said Court mow Referee at his chambers in Osgoode Hall, in the city of Toronto, on the Tenth day of November, 1882, at eleven o'clock in tho forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudication on the claims.: Dated the 29th day of September, 1882, R. Pt STEPBENS. 775 2 TN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, Chancery Division.—Pursuant to an order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, made in the matter of the estate of Henry Morley, deceased, and in a cause Morley against Morley. The creditors of Henry Morley, late of the village Of ,Belgrave, in the County of Huron, who died in or about the month of March, 1882, are on or be- fore the 6th day of November, 1882, to send hy post, prepaid, to B. L. Donn, Of Goderich, tbe Solicitor of the Plaintiff, Sarah Morten, the ad- rainistratrix of the deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securitie.s (11 any) held by them or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said order. Every creditor holding any eccurity is to produce the same before _Inest my chambers, at the Court Bonse, in the town of Cloderich, in the County of Huron, on the 14th day of Novem- ber, 1882, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudication on the claims. Dated, this 4th day of October, A.. D. 1:42. S. MALCOMSON, Master, at Goderich. 7744 DUNCAN & DUNCAN'S Grocery Department, We are now giving this department special attention. We have HOW on hand as fine a stock of Teas as ever came into Seaforth. This is an ac- knoWledged. fact by competent and ex- perienced judges. Those Teas are im- ported. direct from London, England. We have also just received a choice lot of Raisins and Currants, (new fruit.) We keep the purest of Vinegars for pickling purposes, also Fine Spices of all kinds. In fact, our dock all through this department will be found pure, clean and fresh, and to those who favor us with their patronage we are confi- dent of giving entire ss.tisfaction. spection solicited. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. k