HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-10-13, Page 11882.
i€ . begins busines8
sucoees. ` Re is a
young man, and
t upon cous ✓ten-
trth, of the L€,te.
r, while riding one
field on Saturday
his horse's head,.
;oiler bones was-
Mra.. McCord o
13sbo€ne, way- at.
re cellar atepa at.
1, and falling into
• received severe'
3 Revision of the
o be- held on the
than frl appeals
list of this nnnz-
ie Reformers and
leDonald, of lot 2,
Lip of Aahfield,sold
, to nor. hilexander
neighbor, for the
100. This is a good
r'. of Clinton, has -
tzer'a farm of 80_
recession of Goder=
term of nine years.
• year is a very
Frter takes possess
Conservative As-
rave leasedrooms
nd intend having
and farnished,and
tetirigs during the
-regular meeting
first Friday of each.
he report of the
for Ontario, Huron •
t than any other
nee, the amount,
reing nearly three
f• iddlestex ranks
eek a mag was al-
to' a store at Bay
he house hearing
enquired who waati
xio answer she got
a sound of the' first
out in a Jewry..
Cf*-ner, of Tacker
were deStr-ayed by
ago, has already
new barn to be
ce old Ione. Mr.
• will build the
A. Cautelon the
v Era says that the
at town intend to -
that shy be cal
carriage. The priu:-
rs to be 'worked is
of one ctf the mem
ontrbut',e= from one-
ided upon, to go
respected resident
aborne, has passed
tichard Fisher died.
E; concession 2,on
h ult. Deceased
re. England, in the
95, and emigrated
Igo, settling on. the
has resided ever
eaceable and good
ned a large circle
learn of the unex-
J- H. Drost, teach-
it a friend'sresi-
on Thursday of last
er after a brief M-
I an unusually pro -
gave evidence of a.
his death will be
a. large number of
• Drost had been
a, school in Turn -
at assumed charge,
rrrespondent of the
Hunter, the clerk
rly a teacher in Lon-
tf having had among
ho are now engaged
iciness. These are
sora of the London.
prietor of the 'Ot-
t), proprietor of the
the city editor of
e• Mr. Guy McGee..
for the encourage -
allenge was sent by -
ye those in. Goderich
n Thursday, Sept.
ge was accepted, and
resalting in a vie-
ich rinks. 1Ieesrs..
Tames. McNari( play-
and son cf Dol --
tit of 63 to 4* and
and E. Vanvery,
tg their opp . nents,.
in and A. Co an, by
klimyille peop]Te have
oyauces from night-
ightfes- A few evenings
g chickens,the pro -
ro-Keay, were killed, and
o the garden. Mr. -
lar was entered and
erves, etc., removed
arrayed on a board,
Le doubt, partook of
Other depredations
ar have recently been
erns village.
eek an old man and:
unmistakable evir-
nd who seemed to
-ther-- freely, were
inton. Daring tue•
arched: in by -Con-
a charge of being
€erly, and brought
rho fined them each
woman gave her-
and the man as
old. The woman was .
arrested,: and $125
was found on her
4 silk handkerchief,
ae gold watch and
d. that she came into
t honestly, and ae
Lee to the contrary
to her.
it the revision of the
rich Township:, the
to have 30 voters
of which number
hey applied to have
ich number 35 were
€a Conservatives- apo
on, and both were
lied to have 5 struck
wed. The revision
[ear gain of 46 votes
It would be perfect -
he assessor of the
Is now offering
Special Inducements
New Fall Goods,
lade Cloths,.
-Aster Cloths,
Black Cashmeres,
Dress Goods,
Sash Ribbons
&c , &c.
See our Winceys at 5c, 8c, 10c and
121e,; the best in the trade for
the money.
Good Brown Tolland at 10c per
Splendid Canton Flannels di 10c
and 121c per yard.
Extra value in Table Linen tot- 20c
per yard.
All Wool Flannels and Tweeds
very cheap.
Dress Goods, Shawls, Mantles and
Millinery at prices to suit eaery-
Some $10,000 worth of Regina lots
have been sold at .Ottawa at $250
each. ' ,
—There are seven church edifices
belonging to Protestant denominations
for sale at Ottawa:
-The temperance workers in the
west end of Toronto, have decided to
erect a $1,000' hall. - -
—A charter for the construction of a
street railway between Berlin and
Waterloo has been applied for. -
-One quarter of an acre on the farm
of Mr. G. Beaubier, of Winona, yielded
5,000 quarts Of blackberries, which were
sold for $906, 1
-Rev. lir: Smith, of Guelph, has re-
ceived a call from St. Andrews Presby-
terian Church, St: John, New Bruns-
wick. 1
—Sir Charles Tapper left Ottaw:
last Friday night on a tour of inspec
tion of the
Railway is
Prince Ed
ly large th
to be very low. -
-Ernest Andres, a German, sue•
the Coaticooke Beet Root Sugar Co. fo
breach of contract, laying his damages
at $19,000: 1 .
—Latest developments in the ex
amination; of the books of the lot:
City Treasurer of London, show
deficit of at least $90,000.
—A few Monreal .merchants hay:
paid off a balanc of $13,500 due on th,
Mackay Deaf an Dumb Institute, an
it is now free of debt.
—A company pany has been formed. i
Montreal to manufacture carriag
leather, a new industry in Canada. I
will commence work with 50 men nes
Those who- give us a call will]
our Prices right g FOR GASH, and
will receive the full benefit of the Cash
Grocery Department.
works on the Canada Pacifi
crops in Nova Scotia an
yard Island being exceeding
s season, prices are expecte:
ti!ill' fit
We are now giving this department
special attention. We have now on
hand as fine a stock of Teas as ever
came into Seaforth.. This is an ac-
knowledged fact by competent and ex-
periencecd judges. These Teas are im-
ported direct from London, England.
We have also just received a choice lot
of Raisins and Currants, (new: fruit.)
We keep the purest of Vinegars for
pickling purposes, also Fine Spices of
kinds. In fact, our stock all though
this department will be found pure,
clean and fresh, and to those who favor
lit with their patronage we are confi-
dent of giving entire satisfaction.
Vector' solicited.
—Mr. James Gilmour, an ex-warde
that the Asia had been granted' a certi-
ficate, but the document itself was
returned to the Inspector and merely
detained by him, but not revoked. This
exonerates the Collector Rf Customs
from the charge of negligence.
—At, the examination of- two lumber
merchants at St. Johns, Quebec, upon
a charge of forgery, a remarkable piece
of evidence was given. A clerk in the
employ of one of the accused, swore
that he forged the notes without the
knowledge of his employe's partner,
who presented them to the bank in
good faith.
—At the: Brantford fair while the
horses were speeding in the ring, the
mare Fanny West and the; horse Ab-
dallah were going in oppos to directions -
and through a mishap came in contact
with each other, the shaft ¢f A.bdallah's
sulky piercing the breast opthe mare,
and killing her. She wa' ` owned by
Mr. Wm. Mitchell, of Ble eim.
—Roger; Smith, one of ' he oldest of
London's •residents,_died tit his resi-
dence, corner of Waterlog and King
streets, on Saturday, having reached
the age of 78 years. - He settled in Lon-
don previous to the rebellion in 1837,
and was an employee of Mr. Carling,
one of the first grain huyere in that sec-
—Charles Fallon, of Moptreal,several
weeks ago was seized with 'the hallucin-
ation that be must eat nothing. Medi-
cal and religious advisers failed to shake
his resolve. After 30 days'' of complete
fasting he decided to return to the or-
dinary and natural method of sustain-
ing life, and is now eating - like other
—The barn of Mr. John Markham, of
Dereham, was visited by' -thieves' on
Monday night, who stole thirty bags of
wheat that bad been prepared for draw-
ing to market. So coolly did they go
about their work that 'they actually
TOBER 13, 1882.
his heed and neck. The reg
that some of the cordso were
and the spine received a seriou
so much so that Mr. Dorman
in a helpless condition ever sir
:no hopes are entertained of his recov-
{McIJEAN BROS., Publishers.
tia.50 a Year, in Advance.
alt was Creek, also all the Syndicate sections
broken, on either side of the track west to
shock, Thunder Creek, are sold to the Duke
ias lain of Mapchester's or 'other corporations,
ce, and or reserved by the Syndicate them-
selves These speculating corporations
now centrol every odd -numbered sec-
tion within the wheat growing region,
of Middlesex, shipped six car loads o
cattle last' week to the foreign market
from Dorchester Station, valued a
$10,000. I 1
—The export of wood and bolts fro
Wallaceburg thief season is somethin:
enormous. The value of the bolts ex
ported the past three months is ove
$50,000, and the wood $30,000.
-Twelye hundred dollars worth of
Canadian butter has been seized a
Malone, N. Y., by custom officers of th
United States, for not being entered fo
duty. -
—Last fall Mr. John Hillgartner, o
the 15th cjoncession of Carrick, sowe
two bushejls of Fultz wheat, from whic
he reaped 88 bushels, a product of ove
50 bushels to the acre.
—The late census shows that ahil:
there are in Manitoba 11,503 English,
9,949 French, 8,652 Germans, 773 Ic+
landers, 6,,767 Indians, and 10,173 Irish,
the Scotch head the list of numbers
with 16,560.
Sergi. Jolt, atm of the Hon. H.
Joly, is winner _ of the Governme
prize, haying excelled in the greateE
number cf athletic sports in cottnectio
with the Royal Military College, Kin
—The watches and jewellery stoleh
from the residence of 1,1r. Ruddy, of
Uxbridge, were found a few days ago in
the grass north of the town, where it 4s
supposed the thief dropped them in t
, —A 1 year old boy named Sillilye
was run ver and killed Tuesday mors
ing by a locomotive, near the Gram
Trunk round house at Toronto. H
severed from his body. T-
gathering chips.
Mr. Mowat has appoint
head wa
boy was
Tuesday the 24th inst., to receive the
deputations from . the Evangelic
Churches in Ontario, with reference to
introducing the: Bible into the public
schools of Ontario.
—Mr. Jas. Fox ag>ad 91, a veteran pf
the British army, who was imprison-
ed nine yeas in France as a prisoner
of war, died -suddenly at Montreal
Wednesday of last week, with grief,
day Mb:the burial of his aged wife.
—Tit medical faculty of McG
College, Montreal, held their fiftieth a
niversary in the Windsors Hotel, Mo
treat; w sere a dinner was served to
large number. ` Lieut. Governor Ro
tale, himself aigraduate of the echo
was prepent.
—A joint stock company has be
organized in London for the purpose_
carrying on the extensive brewing a
malting business of Messrs. Carling
Co. The capital of the dompany h
been fixed at $200,000 in 2,000 shares
$100 eac.
—The judges on poultry at the L •
don Fair disqualified an exhibitor
inserting (by sewing it on) extrane
matter in the comb of a Hamburg fo
The piepe was ingeniously attached
the comb, in order t¢ give the four
handsome appearance.
—Two of the children of Willi:
Hare, Westminster, experimented w
gunpowder during the absence of th
father, by placing a quantity in t
cook - stove. The experiment pro
most disastrous to the face of - one b
and it hi thought he will lose his e
—Mrs."Delong, of Ameliasburg, co
ty of Prince Edward, celebrated her
hundred and seventh birthday
Saturday. She came to town, had
photograph taken, and gave copies
her movements and is in full possess
of all her faculties.
Pickering College, died on the 4th i
relativep living in Zorra) and a yo
man of the most brilliant talents
highest promise. He graduated in 1
at Toronto University, " being a g
medaliet in classics. .
—The report containing the evide
vivors of the Asia disaster, will prob
the present style of boats used in
senger traffic. At the inqueet be
the coroner evidence was taken show
of -
n -
b -
as -
i —The "threshold of iCantada " as the
Itsland Of Anticosti has been called, has
after long litigation amOng the parties
holding shares in the Island,been order-
ed by Judge Ronthier, at Murray Bay,
to be mild at auction. The proceeda
are to be paid into court, and will then
be divided among the proprietors in
proportion to their shares, this being
the only way to arrive•at a just
of the property. The Island is
'ed to contain 2,460,000 acree.
—A patriotic Scotchman, of
seeing on the stieet two stalw
leers of the 5th Fnsileers att
attired in the full Hight
tame fof that corps, inyite
into his house to partake of
glass. , In the course of
tion lie inquiled what par
" Land o' cakes " they had hai
One can readily imagine the
rt mem-
a social
of the
ed from.
ang his
pride endured when he was nformed
that one was•an Irishman, and the other
a cockney from London. -
—The remarks of Judge Galt in his
addreas to the jury at the !Carleton
Assizes the other day, are Lof great
interest. The suit was one involving
the qnestion of a husband's] liability for
debts incurred by his wifee and the
learned judge held that a ivo au had
no authority in law to pledge er hus-
bandti credit, and that if a btiiiness
man trusted a married woma he did it
at his own risk. It was fart er held
d to in-
tkat the husband was not bon
form any one that he had forlahlden his'
Wife tb pledge his credit.
—A very uarrow escape fro what at
one tittle threatened to be a isastrous
took the hopper off thet fanning mill fire, ogcurred in Durham last eek. A
and fed their horses with barley in it large woodshed and outbuilding attach-
ren play-
and in a
as in a
near the
s portion
to an alarming extent. So much of it 'of the lower town might have succumb -
is done between the ports Of New York ed to the flames.
and Liverpool, that professional —A.. painful occurrence is reported
gamblers are taking to these routes in from Simooe, whereby the life of a
preference to the Mississippi steamers. child was lost. It appears from the
—The Montreal police are searching evidehce that the clerk ofett drug store
for a cabnian employed by yoang girl, supplied a preparation of opium and
who arrived from the country and ipecaCuanha, and the mother, under the
impression that it was only ipecactianha,
which she had ordered, administered
two doses, which caused death. The
cororler's jury recommended' an amend-
ment of the Pharmacy Act, SO that
only legally qualified druggists be al-
lowea to dispense poisonons drugs.
while they loaded the wheat on the
—Complaint is being made through
the local press that gambling by pools,
Napoleon, draw poker, Vingt-un, and
other nice. little games of chance, is
being carried on upon ocean steamers
ed to the reBidence of Mr. A..
'burst into flames. Some ghil
ing with matches in the
ignited a large pile of shavings,
moment the whole building
blaze. Fortunately it was
river,, or else the whole busine
wanted to go to Hochelaga.
her a different route, and -
rived at a lonely part of' t
stopped the calaand made t
him her parecoutadning $4
he attempted a criminal a
his victim. He then dew
and drove eff.
—The liepgetables at the
He took
hen he ar-
e road he
e girl give -
,after which
sault upon'
d the girl,
first exhibi-
tion of the East Muskoka Agricultural
Society, held last week at Huntsville;
are said to have surpassed anything
Been at the Industrial Fair. In a
majority of the other departmepts the
show did not equal anticipations, and
the attendance of visitors was not large,
but the directors were encouraged by
the results and will make greater efforts
next year;
—A terrible accident eccurred at.
Longford mills, near Orillia, on Satur-
day. The four boilers at the mill ex-
ploded, blowing off the ;toof, demolish-
ing the biiilding, instantly killing two
employees. Several othees are seriously
injured. - This mill wits' thoroughly
repaired last spring, but the boilers -were ,
old ones. At the inquest it was found
out that the accident wee the result of
gross carelessness.
—Bishdp Walsh, of Lendon, who has
juet returned from a visit to Ireland,
last Sunday referred to the Irish ques-
tion. He denounced in ecathing terms
the agrarian crimes, bat quoted statis-
tics to show that there was! less crime
in Ireland proportionately than in Eng-
land, Scbtland, and 7ales. While
opposing the disintegration 'of the Em-
pire, the Bishop favored home rule
for Ireland similar to that enjoyed by
—Geol.& Johnson, an old man 77
years of age, residing at phinguacousy,
six milek from Brampton, county of
Peel, was burnt to derh on Friday
night of last week. A I detpliPeet and
set fire to articles in 1 his room, the
flames spreading rapidly. Before hie
sistey, who was his honeekeeper, could
summon assistance, the •bouse was en;
tirely on fire, and when neighbors did
arrive it was impossible to save the ad
—The Dominion Government has re-
solved to construct a neet line of tele,
graph on the Canada Paoific Railroad
with the'present Government line at
Humboldt, which runs. to Battleford
and Edneonton. The Old line between
Humboldt and Selkirk, IrOnning north
of Lake Manitoba, will be, aba,ndonedr
It is also intended next peason to lay a,
cable under Lake Superibr. oonnecting
with the Ohtario telegraplrfsystem.
—On Saturday afternoon a three-
year-oldr daughter of Mr. John B.
Murphy, of London, narrowly escaped
being killed. She fell mit of a second
story window to the &wiling and thence
to the street below. Her fatter, who
was standing in the shop door at the
time,- picked her np and carried her
into the house for dead. She shottly
recovered conscionsnese, however, and
with the exception of a gut upon her
face, is none the worse for her fall.
— A probably fatal accident occurred
in the neighborhood of Springbank,
near Ldndon, a few dar ago. .Mr.
Dennis Dorman, a youn and highly
respected farmer, climbed into his hay
loft to throw down some provender to
the stock. He had on anl old pair . of
;slippers, too large for him, at the time,
and in ' coming down the ladder he
staimbled and fell to the ground floor
g ,head firit, striking on thei back part of
—A. child of Mr. Henry 'Robinson, of
Peterborough, met its de th by a very
sad accident a few days ag
morning a bath was being pr
the ChM, which was abopt
chiid for a few moments to
cold water, and she fell off o
means got off the. chair on
was Placed and accidentally f
hot liva.ter and Was terrib
Medical attendance was' i
summoned, and every effprt
to alleviate the child's suff
save her life, but she died
twelve hours after the aceid
—Captain Scott, R.N., wh
ed the Asia investigatiom wil
his report to, the Governmen
ately. In an interview it
representative the COm
presSed amazement at t
state of affairs disclosed a
of the disaster was the forhe
WhiCh kept the Asia on her
until she sank. He also i
pared for
ho left the
get some
hy some
hich she
„ll into the
y scalded.
was made
rings and
in about
k,t occur-
conduct -
not make
a Globe
loner ex-
e investi-
f the gale,
earn -ends
stances a
these burnings may have been effected
in order to have this boss removed from
the control of the farm, had a more
lenient one put in his place. Dotiquette
has been remanded to Sandwich gaol to
await his trial.
Perth Items.
Steps are being taken 'for the pur-
Of which Regina is the centre, with the
pose of organizing a bee -keepers' asso-
exception of a few sections which were
chance. The setttler, instead of get- ciation in Listowel.
—Rev, Mr. Spence, who has occupied
secured by Canadians by a mere
ting the land at $2.50 per acre, now has the Canada Methodistietilpit for the past
to pay five or six times that amount. three months in St. Marys, has gone to
—Henry Gould, of Petry Harbor, was -Victoria College.
drowned on the 4th inst., while at- —Mr. Walter Thompson, of Mitchell,
tempting to kill a large brown bear, has purchased a mill in Woodstock,
assisted by the crew of the tug Su- and intends putting it in operation at
perior. It seems the bear was once.
swimrping in the Sound, just opposite —Mr. T. E. Hay, of Thstowel, sold by
Kilbear Point, when the tug gave chase. public auction the other day, a farm of
Gould, who was on shore, also pureued fifty acres, in Wallace, to Mr. Conrad
in a punt and came alongside the tug. Fisher for 2,400.
He topk in with him two of the crew. —A stkoessful social was held at Ful -
The tlaree men then gave chase to the. larton village recently for the benefit of
bear. Upon coming tot close quatters, the Methodist Sabbath school. Over
the bear turned on there and attaoked $25 were realized.
companions then left the boat and swam'
for the tug, leaving Gould to battle
alone vidth bruin. In the struggleothe
'bear got into the boat and struck Gould
with his paw, knocking him into ; the
water. Gould swam a few strokes', and
then Rank.
grosa case of overloading w ich came
under his personal observation, 150
passengers crowding on a boat licensed
to carry only 40 passengees. ; He advo-
ca.te6 the building of stauncher craft
and an examination for officers of the
lake vessels.
—At the regular meetieg of the Lon-
don Division Grange, held ha that city
on -Saturday last the principal matter
of public ' interest discussed was the
Assessment Laws. The according
te, a circular issued, is to -get them so
amended that money -lenders and others
with large monies, etc., shall
proPortion of the taxes, aad.
who, by 'good buildings, fen
and ornamental trees, improte the ap-
pay a just
hat those
es, shade
petulance of the countra,
subiect to a higher rate of ta
thc'eie whose farms are eq
but are lazy or indifferent to
improvements. It is the ob
all not be
ation than
ally good,
make like
ect of the
'Grange organization to have his subject
brought before the Provincial Legisla-
ture at its next session.
advanced in years, and with
the uttered shabby gentili
into the Hamilton city clerk'
other morning, looking for
and a free pass to Toronto.
ed the clerk to distinctly
that he was a gentleman.
name was J.11. Mahon, once
in England and a Chancery
He would walk to Toronto o
all used up from inflamm
matism, eaused by sleeping
course he had rich relations n England
and some parts of Canada. ' He had
some friends, barristers in Toronto, who
would see that he was properly cared
for u n til remittances arriaed from home.
He slept all night on the; shore of the
Dundee Marsh.
—The manner in whieh the Syndi-
cate disposed of their lands between
the boundary of Manitoba and the
third principal meridian, is causing
much dissatisfaction at Winnipeg. By
their new map it appease that 33 square
miles in the vicinity of Regina, and an
equal area in the vicinity of Moose Jaw
the air of
y, walked
office the
he Mayor
e said his
a barrister
ane man.
ly he was
ory rhea -
out. Of
—4 pork case of some ihterest was
tried 'at the late assizes in Torontg. It
appears that Mr. Thompson, Ipork
dealer in Toronto, entered into a con-
tract with Messrs. Madden & Walker,
of Kincardine to be suPplied by them
with 2;700 sides' of poek. The p,700
sidee of pork were supplied and ipaid
for, but it was afterwards disco ered
that in what is technically calle the
"pocket," of each side, two or hrea,
pounds of salt were hidden. Pla'ntiff
claims that about 4,000 Pounds of salt;
worth about half a cent a pound, ana
worth nothing to him, was sold td him
at the rate of ten cents a pound. .11 He
sought therefore to recover opo, 0 t qf
which he considered he had beeti
swindled. He Was awatded something
like $240. I
—Hon. E. B. Wood, Chief Justipe of
Manitoba, was attacked by paralysia
while sitting on the bench at Winnipe
on Saturday, and died in a few hours
His Lordship was speaking, and it wa
noticed his voice was gradually becomr
ing Weaker, and finally he fell backward
on his chair. A gentleman present
rushed to his aid, and medical assist;
ance was called in. He was reneoved
in a carriage to his residence, but it
beil his third attack. he never rallied •
and died ea above stated. Mr. Wood
was in his sixty-second year. For nianY
years he occupied a prominent position
in ans,dian politics, and was at one
time Provincial Treasurer. He had and Britton, 11 and o esixteenth. The
-The fall wheat in the surrounding
country has not made i much advance ceded to at once t y the employers.
this year owing to the extremely dry
weather. There is a wide acreage
sown. I , Winnipeg, and thoroughly saturated the
trated the roof of Holy Trinity Church,
—The recent heavy rains have pene-
i iterior of the organ, rendering it tem-
-Ilea. R. Williams, of Mitchell, who
was absent for some months for the p rarily useless.
benefit of his health, has returned oofpethneedBaantk oBfeMgionnat.reaAl
to his regular Sabbath work in the Can- is —sh"ort13,atgteonebye
p rtable building is to be utilized pend-
-ma W. A. McDonald, late book-
keeper tor the firm of McDonald, Mc- t re. -
—At the sale of Gladstone lots at
Pherson et Co., in Stratford, was the
acgregor & Co.'s new salerooms, in
other day presented yvith a valuable
innipeg, a few evenings ago, forty -
gold watch, chain and. locket, by the
ght lots were sold at an average of
firm and employees. Mr. McDonald
2.50 each.
resigned his place in otder to become a
—It is said. that Sitting Bull draws
student at the Agricultural College,
hisky rations for himself and three
ives, and all lais wives get is what is
—Mr. John Kelly, jr. of North East -
hope, was well repaid Ifor taking sheep ft in the jug after the old man has
nted five minutes for the last drop.
to the Provincial eahibition at Kings-
ton. He took first honors for shearling —The salary of the Methodist Super -
ram ; first and second ', for two ewes of tendent of Missions in the Northwest
two sheers ; first and third for shearling as been placed at $2,000. There are
ewes ; first, second and fourth for ewe urteen more missionaries in the
lambs ; and silver meaal for the finest orthwest ani Manitoba this year than
pen of Let:tasters—several head, ere employed last year,
The Dominion Express Company,
—On Wednesday evening, the 27th of —
September, Margaret Robertson, wife of e stock of which has all been taken,
Miltker Harti Esq., Q. E., died at her p, is now in operation on the Canada
residence in St. Maryh Mr. Hart Was aeilic railway, from Winnipeg to
far away in the Northwest prosecuting egina. A daily mail has also been
his I work as a land 'surveyor, and his tablished between the same two
latel wife passed avtay without the oints.
soleran satisfaction ofdt last farewell. —The Gateway Express, of Emerson,
She was only thirty-two years of age. ys : Richard Maloney, of Seaforth,
--A number of the Elms cheese fez- nt., was found loitering around a hay
tories which sold theii August make at tack in the vicinity - of the CitrIley
onse, and was put in - the cooler by
the , last semi-monthly fair, shipped. to
thel purchaser, T. Be.11antyne, Esq., a +Thief Sturdy, on Sunday evening. He
fewldays ago, R. Cleland, for Elmbank, *al in a pretty bad condition, and is
J. Brishin, for Molesworth, 11i cents ; —Water at Regina, the new capital of
got i lli- cents ; W. liiartin, lli cents : tinder the care of Dr. Cameron.
he Northwest, has to be hauled nearly
wo miles, and costs twenty-five cents a
bucket. This is enough to discourage
the citizens of that place from using the
tuff at all. This consideration alone
* hould have a serious effect on the
rcispective suckers who are expected to
ite at the town lots at the bone pile.
man wretch throttled. and beat her so
over the face and head that at this
writing she presents a shocking specta-
cle, and. is in a very dangerous condi-
gen. Constable Davis is deserving of
all praise for the speedy capture of the
ruffian, as he had him in the lock-up
within four hours after the outrage. A
bench of magistrates tried the case at
the bedside of the unfortunate woman,
on Tuesday, and, as she was able to
identify the monster, he was inamedi-
ately sent off to Goderich for trial. It
will naturally be asked what became of
Mts. Gillespie during the dreadful strug-
gleobut it appears she was so frightened
when the scoundrel seized and threw
Mrs. Heffron, that she cleared off to the
village, and left the poor woman to her,
Manitoba Notes.
It is contemplated shortly to erect
a new Rornan Catholic church at Point
—The carpenters ana joiners of Win-
nipeg intend to strike for higher wages
if a demand for $4 per day is not ac-
beep Chief Justice of Manitoba since
1874. He was born near the village of
Fort Erie, in the county of Welland,
—11n reference to the working of the
Salvation Army in Toronto, the Globe
of Saturday says : "Colosseum Hall, on
.Alice Street, was crowded last eVening
at t e Salvation Army meeting. ' The
pro edings were enlivening, ana con-
sisted of singing and. brief stirring ad-
drespes by the officers and recent
recruits. Among those who related their
experience were aboat a dozen wo-
men and girls, who bore testimony to
theleenefit they had received front join-
ing the army. If the proceedinge are
lively, bordering almost on boisterous -
nese, at times, theY are character-
ized by thorough earnestnesse 'and
doubtless many have already been
benefitted who were placed beyoad the
pale of ordinary church going influence.
A clergyman present bore testimony to
the beneficial results of the work
of the Salvation Army in Carlisle
and'other cities in England and Scot-
—James Reddock, a somewhat eccen-
tric farmer bachelor, died at Gay River,
N. S., recently, leaving a will, in which
he disposed of his property and effects.
The executors of the will held ap auc-
tion sale to dispose of stock, farming
utensils, etc., etc. Among other things
sold - was a couple of barrels of buck-
wheat. The purchaser of one barrel
disputed the measureinent of its con-
tents, and the buckwheat was measur-
ed. In the middle of the barrel was
found a small tin ikettle, which, qn
beieg Opened, was found to contain the
sum of $184 in cash. It need
be said that the purchaser felt
what chagrined that he had objec
some -
ted to
his bargain. The dipcovery, however,
lead to a careful sear h of the premises,
which resulted in fin ing about
dred dollars in an oldi teapot, and
siderable sum in a baiiket in the
wit some onions. Over three handred
dol ars was found banked away this
Pec liar fashion. After paying Some
small bequests about eight hundred
dollars will be left of his property, which
is bequeathed to the Presbyterian
Chinch of Canada and the Halifax
Prtitestant Orphans' laome. actuated the party who took it, to do
hurl -
a con-
anntunt received fo these sales was
ove $11.000.
—l -Mr. E. Nicholson, a Thorndale
bla' kpmith, met witlii an accident lately
ch nearly resulte in the loss of an
eye, It appears he was engaged in
welding iron, and. the piece which was
held by the tongs slipped out and flew
um! striking him on the eye and burn-
inglhim severely. His medical adviser
no* thinks the eye may be saved
thcaigh the case was apparently hope-
--A young man named Lockhart, the
sou of a respectable gitixen of Palmer-
stou, while in a drunken frenzy a few
days ago, threw a stone and struck the
hotel proprietor on ' the head because
he , refused him any more liquor,
and afterwards kicked in the door.
On Thursday he , was tried for
drqnken and disorderly conduct, and.
for assault, and was find $10 and costs,
$12.50 in all. He wait again committed
forl trial on the charge of house -break-
ing. His brother, who made an assault
on the constable, waafined $7 and costs.
A pretty expensive spree.
—Mr. , Adam Kay, of Stratford, a
carpenter by trade (Who was on his way
to Spanish River to build some cottages
for an American lumber company), took
pa:Seaga on the Asialat Owen Sound.
Nething having been. heard, of him since,
it is reasonable to coaclude that he must
halve gone down with the vessel. Mr.
Nay leaves a widOw and family to
mOurn his untimely end. On leis am-
riVal in Canada from Scotland, Mr.
Kay worked for some years in Toronto
and earned distinctiOn as one of the
most useful memberaof the fire brigade.
On removing to Stratford he found
plenty of work at his trade and was
highly esteemed by, leis fellow work-
i—One evening lately r. . H. Wood -
le , Mitchell road, was counting over
so e bills at homet amounting to $50.
A ter placing them in his pocket -book,
hei read the newspaper for some time,
forgetting about his pocket -book. Next
day, having had reason to use his
rabney, he could not find it. A few
mbrnings afterwards the pocket -book,
mlnus the money, was returned by
sltpping it into the toom beneath the
window, the benevolent motive which
11U tible of any value
to saturated with cbal oil were also
ly Witla the intention that they should
catch fire. A warrant against Oscar
Dotiquette, a workman on the farm,
was taken out, and his house searched.
A number of boxes of matches, labeled
in the same manner, and made by the
same man, were found, also a lot of
cotton of the same texture and appear-
ance as that found under the barns.
Vie only reason alleged for Douquette
doing such things as he is charged with
is that the present head farmer is aaid
to be hard on his men, audit is thought
terions burning of barns on the
ex county. He f
atches with the
er nearly all of
nd amongst near
Walkerville, in
und small ;, boxes
heads burnt off
he buildings, and
y everything comb-
. Bunches of cot -
this, being, that it contained some re-
ceipts and other papers of no use to
anyone but Mr. Woodley. Mr. Wood-
ley's house is close to the road, and
his actions on the evening in question
could have been noticed by a shrewd
,—The Blythe Review, of last week,
has the following a—It appears that
Mrs. Heffrop, an aged and respectable
widow lady and a reeident of our village
fin the past sixteen years, was in com-
pany with Mrs. Gillespie, returning
home on the gravel road, after a fruit-
less search for their cows, on the even-
ing of Monday last, when they met a
notorious ruffian named Higgison, who
seized Mrs. Heffron. and most shock-
ingly bruised her. He threw her on
the road, dragged her to the fence, and.
tried to drag her over. livery time the
poor woman sholited murder, the inhu-
—The Free Press says that the
alaries of the postoffice clerks in Win-
ipeg are to be increased at the rate of
om twenty-five to forty per cent.
his, if true, will enable the aforesaid
Side's to get rid of that dejected,
iharacterized them, and lift them to a
adaverous look which has so long
latate of affluence just like the rest of our
—The Winnipeg Free Press says :—
r. I. H. Brook, late of this city but
ow of Moose Jaw, arrived from the
test last evening. He brought with
im a couple of samples of potatoes
rown on his farm which would be a
urce of delight to the Irish heart.
ne of the vegetables weighed 30 ounces
nd the other 24 ounces. They are
omely to look upon, and very corpti.
ent. - Mr. Brock says he has about a
housand bushels of potatoes, including
tnany even bigger than those be
brought in. They were planted on the
tith of June.
—According to ata interview with
flier Walsh, of the Canadian North-
west Mounted Police, publiehed in the
Brooklyn Eagle, the most extensive
ica deposits in the world have been
ound on the White Earth River, lying
in the Northwest territory of the
bominion, immediately north of Mon-
tana. According, to the reports, the
wealth to be found in the mica mounds
xceeds that of' the California gold
ines, but they will be worked by cor-
orations, not by individuals. As the
Would be miner will have to pass
through the reservations of Piegans,
Blackfeet, Crews and British Blood
ndians, he will run the risk of losing
is scalp. before he reaches the new
I —At the Judges Court, for the cor-
rection of the voters' list of the town-
ship of Morris, held on Friday last, the
Reformers had 62 appeals, and they
ucceeded in getting 1i names put on
nd 28 struck off; and 7 changed. The
lonservatives had 30 appeals, and they
ad 3 names put on and 3 struck off.
he Reform gain in this townehip is,
herefore, 33. In Howlett, the Refor-
era put on 18 and. struck off 5, and the
oiaservatives put on 18 and struck off 3.
—Mrs. Alex. Cameron, of the boun-
dary line between Kinloss and Wawa, -
nosh, met with a very painful accident,
on Sunday tut, while returning from
Church. After entering her own gate,
and while in the act of tying the mare
;the fence, a little colt dashed between
he buggy and the fence, and getting fast
tn the lines threw Mrs. Cameron to the
ground. At this moment the mare
etarted off, Mrs. Cameron being dragged
a considerable distance before she could
get loose from the horse. Though Mrs.
Cameron was seriousiy injured, no bones
'were broken. Before the animal could
a stopped the buggy was smashed, the
orse also receiving several outs and.