HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-10-06, Page 71889' H Use MT premises fanner. BanofC- r the C oMMercial f8t. - S DISCOUNTED, etig►x Exchange and Sold. ItE NOTES haonabla Rates lateral $semi ea ;ble.. at par at ant nk of Commerce. red sea perish* an Mortgages. AMy Proprietor. O1. 1. ARETY STORE. tee: people of Seaforth have opened a Brandi opposite Weir's Hotele tent of Seafortie, would, their trade. Theatock ler books, sohoof sup. odes Berlin wools, toy$, sheet music, all new bu=y largely and in the. to sell vary los. WEIR, rth and Parkhill, Manager. tFORTH LAND AGENCY. S `f' 1t N First -Class Stock, Piz* .ponies, and is prepers ziet favorable terms.. of the best Loan So - and Purchase of Farm First -Class m for Sales. at six per teal. 4eat. ion Steamship Tickets iorrieon`s Store, Mani rise GAT,. ,...hysician,Surge¢n an4 rthOnt, Office sparest - rich Street,eecond door- Bls. 342 , 0. M.. Phyeioian,. Sur- or the: Coanty Of Huron. a Jarvis street north,.• ti Public School. 0- M-, Graduate of Physician, Surgeon and. t.. Office and Residence, rest, first Brick House- inreh. 496. DENTIST.. loyal College of Dental Office in the rooms Derbyshire,: Whitney's performed and saris- ages -Moderate. acted eyeshot/1 Ivan, e. it-- . RYSHIRE, Dentist, has. :chased the business of illoch, and removed to Bleck, Mitchell, where Teeth extracted with her and nitrons- oxide malty. Parties from a heir train expenses 72q :5T [, DENTIST, aIist and College tR.C.D.S. experience he is able to- e in Dentistry suitable a teeth a Specialty. ecus Oxide Gas gives. rroderate. Main Street, Seaforth.. [HT L. D. S. e at his office,' CADEY'S 'll., SLAFORTH, oppa Commercial Hotel,: ore ,DAY and THURSDAY eek. Nitrate Oxide Gas cation of teeth. This gee' k Dr. Cartwright since he having been one of Ito this province. Pa - stet/ may inhale the gag th extracted in a min- f, without disagreeable siring new teeth please tticular attention Baia ivies teeth. Teeth in - est. • 730-52 1-1 MILLS. .mate that since intro-- di ntro-di grinding systeln it has given great saes-- .entire Iocal retail and and we de sire to thank iberal patronage, which creased We are Wel first-class flour from the epe to merit a cot tin Our flour also take=- iilfpirig trade cus • milers, With - to at good prices. 11 to be ableto pay good endeavor With others. ners' grain market. We are.fully learn Seaforth: ,.s r e.ili.i�gre.lsewhere.:�lou , land salt constantly oa Also a quantity of live DGILvm & CO. 771 OCTOBER 6, 1882. News Items. N Matthew Conley, of Claremont, few Eampshire, aged. 14, committed jaidde#iy shooting himself, because he Ceene reproved by bis mother. —,Stephen E. Day, - of Mount Holly, Ohio, aged 70, eeereted the savings of s ifetill e,$7g,° ° in a tin box in his house. During the absence of hineself and wife unhnown person stole the box. --_Mr. Gladstone reiterates the de- ,ojaration that he is unable to interfere with the operations of 'Mormon mis- elonarieli in England, as he presumes 'their converts go with them willingly. • _.-Mr. Thomas Guerin, C. F., has re- -turned with an engineering party,, from :ea Ioring Water gen River, connecting Isles Manitoba4` and Winnipeg.. He finds that by a slight improvement it .can be rendered navigable for vessels ,wing 5_feet of water. —The delegates of the Gerluan tem- perance societies assembled in conven- tion, and have resolved to join with the Teti©nal Temperance League of En- gland in a common effort to- propagate Ana foster temperance sentiments and legislation in both countries. —The entire press congratulates prince Bismarck on the 20th anniver- sary of nniversary•of his entrance into the Prussian Ministry. The opposition journals, while condemning Prince Bismarck's tome policy, warmly refer to the ser- vices he has rendered the nation. —Mr. Law, Surveyor, who has been sub dividing west, of the Moose Moun- tains, some days since met with a serious loss through prairie fires. Of his entire outfit nothing was saved but his ponies. He and his mensaved .themselves with difficulty. He reports extensive fires throughout the west. —A demented daughter of James Cleveland, of Nashville, Tennessee, poisoned a whole family of six persons, except her mother, - on Wednesday night by putting strychnine" in the coffee. Cleveland died, and one of the daughters is in a precarious condition. The poisoner wandered off, and it is supposed has committed suicide. —A few days ago Mr. Jas. Sperling, -of Blanshard, was drying a load of wheat to St. Marys, when he met with an accident at the railway crossing just •outside the corporation limits. One of the axles of his wagon broke when he WAS on the crossing, and he had just time to unhitch his horses and get them away from the wagon when the: train made a complete wreek of his load. He borrowed a wagon, picked up the ecattered,bags and continued on his way. —A young lad by the name of Hugo' was convicted of stealing money from Mrs Thos. McDonald's office till in Mitchell the other day, and was made to:refund $15 that he admitted having to en at various times. His practice wait to loiter about the store till he saw the office left for a momentor two by the book-keeper, when he would slip in and grab a dollar or two. The last time he went too high, $6, and that created a suspicion which led to his ex- - posurd. —George Howard and John Keely, cattle: owners, had a dispute about the division of stock near Trinidad. It was agreed to settle the matter by a battle between six picked men from each party. The men arranged themselves on horseback, 50 feet apart, and at a signal from their employers the fight began. At the first fire four men were killed, and the Howard party, excepting their employer, fled. Keely then pro- posed that Howard and himself should fight it cut. Howard declined, and an equitable exchange of the cattle was _was made. Collingwood Schreiber, Chief En- gineer of Government railways, has re- turned to Winnipeg froma trip to the end of the Canada Pacific Railroad, west. He went a distance of 444 miles, within eight miles of Old Wives Lake. Bereports the work much heavier than he expected. The line is substantially built and the grading well raised. - Of the Thunder Bay division he states that a great portion of it was in fair condi- tion, bat sixteen or twenty mi?ea was not. He was certain passenger traffic would not be allowed over it. The con- tractors were not authorized to run freight at present, though he under- stood they were doing so to some -ex- tent. —Early Sunday morning, while a train near Lancaster, Kentucky, con- veying a portion of Sell Brothers show, was coming around a curve, a car from some unknown cause jumped the track, and with 15 others lolled down an em- bankment. The cars were loaded prin- cipally with the baggage of the company, the tableaux wagon, the ` electric light machine and a cage containing a tiger. Two attaches of the circus and a boy. who was stealing a ride, were „killed. Three men weie probably fatalry, and seven or eight others more or less seriously injured. The cage containing the tiger burst open and the animal es- caped, creating a consternation. At daylight the tiger crept back into the prison and was secured. The electric light and tableaux wagons were destroy- ed. The track was torn up for about 104 yards, and the cars were piled in a confused mass. The engine with three •oars was uninjured. llpps's Cocoa; Grateful and Comforting.—"By a thorough knowledge of the natural 1.we. which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a'areful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save ua : many heavy doctors'by the bills. Its judiciouo use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around ns ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." --Civil Ser- vice_ Gazette. Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold only in jiaclrt ,ts and tins ( pound. and pound,) .abeed—"James Epps & Co., homoeo- patliio Chemists, London, Eng."—Also "makers of Eppa's; Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 736-52 - Holloway's Pills. Invalids distracted by indigestion and discouraged in their search for its reme- dy, should make trials of this never faking medicine. A lady, long a martyr to dyspeptic tortures, writes that Hol- loway's Pills made her feel as if a bur- den had been taken off her. Her spirits, THE �T.TROi11 El(POSYTOFt formerly low, have greatly improved ; her capricious appetite has given place to healthy hunger; her dull, sick head- ache has departed, and gradually so marvellous a change has been effected that he is altogether a new creature and again fit for her duties. These pills 'may be administered with safety to the moat delicate. They never act harshly, nor do they ever induce weak- ness r they rightly direct deranged, and control excessive action. 774 52 { It Stands the Test of Time. Time tries all things, and few are the customs, habits or adjuncts of life that are Dept swept away before its remorse- less march.—Remedy after remedy- for corna!has been introduced, tested and fonnwanting. Putnam's Painless Cornait+xtractor alone holds undisturbed sway, gathering new strength as years roll on, and holding it with the power that Merit alone can give. - Take no substitute. Putnam's Painless Corn - E!a..trea for never fails to make atoomplete cure. Sold everywhere. 762-52.1. Free of Charge. All persons suffering from; Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, or any affection of the throat and Longa, are requested to pall at E. Hickson & Co.'s Drug Store and 'get a trial bottle of Dr. Ring's New Discovery for Cc nsuinption, free of charge, which will convince them of its wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early. 772-52-3. Not to be 'Deceived. In these times of quack medicine ad- vertisements everywhere it : is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters we can vouch for as being a true ` and re- liable, remedy, and one that will do as recpmmended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints, dis- eases:•of the Kidneys and urinary difii- culties. We know,whereof we speak, and can readily say give them a trial. Sold at 50 cents a bottle by E, Hickson & Co.' 772 52 3 The prescription of a skill al physi- cian, find composed of vegeta le drugs of great remedial power, Dr. t Carson's* Stomach and Constipation. Bitters purify' the blood, give tone and vi ;or to the system, cures Dyspesia and Indi- gestio when all other Medicines fail. Have you tried it ? Sold} by druggists, 50 ce 'ts a bottle 4 Mr. Wm. Ransom, of SSoutl Norwick, says For sixteen years I suffred from Biliousness, never had any m dicine do me any permanent good lentil recom- mended by our druggists, ff..Wesley Fish dz Co., Otterville) to try Dr. Car- son's Stomach and Constipation Bit- ters, which have done me snore _good than any medicine -I have ever taken. I would, with the utmost confidence, recommend them to all suffering from Biliousness, inc. Sold by all druggists at 50 (lents a bottle. The safest, best and cheapest medi- cine in the world is Dr. Carson's Stom- ach and Constipation Bitters. =,Sold in large bottles at 80 cents by all druggists. Bucklen'd Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, 'Ulcers, Salt! Rheum, Fever ,Sores, Tetter, Chapped r Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, 'p.nd positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaotion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. 772-52'. The Smith Medicine Co: Gentlemen,—I have much pleasure in testifying to the efficacy of Dr. mithls German Worm Remedy. I found it to operate successfully after only two doses. Have tried ether remedies with the same child without success. Yonas truly, W. T. Hewn 128 Amherst Street, Montreal. 754-52-2w Chapter of Accede ts. Surrounded as we are bystructive agents, artificial as.well as naural, the chapter of accidents necessarily occupies a large space in the record of physical suffering. But for the kind providence that in a measnre shields mankind from the consequences of t eir own neglect, recklessness and -brut lity, this chapter wontld be much longer. than it is. Still the number of hum n beings bruised, distorted, mutilated and des- troyed`every y r, by fortnito a causes is immense. nfortunately t e last is greatly augmented by unskilful treat- ment.' Limbsarelopped off, lameness, distortion superinduced and perpetuat- ed, and unutterable pain and sorrow in- flicted, in thousands of cases where the application of the proper remedy would have prevented such lamentable conse- gnences. "But," exclaims the exper- ienced reader, "what is t1 a proper remedy ? Every surgeon has his pet theory; his peculiar style of practice. The faculty disagree—who then is to be trusted ?" We answer, let th perpon- derance of testimony decide he ques- tion. That perponderanoe is in favor of Holloway's Ointment as th best and safest ` dressing for wound , bruises, burns, scalds, and every_ species of ex- ternal injuries to which humanity is liable. ' We have examined this subject in two lights, the light of unquestion- able evidence from foreign sources, and the ligat of personal experience. We find that during the campaign of the Crimea, both in stationary ho!pitals ,at Gallipoli and Scutari, and in the am- bulances at the seat of war, the Oint- ment was used with the happiest effect for sabre cats, bayonet punctures, and gunshot wounds. This is history. The French and English surgeons admit the fact, and the governments of both na- tions have, we understand, authorized the pnrchase'of large quantities ofthe preparation for -army purposes. But in addition to the proof derived from abroad, we have the testimony of our own senses. We know that it rapidly relieves the agony of contus- ions, cuts, dislocations, fractures, and other injuries of the fleshy fibre, bgnea, muscles, and integuments, allays the immediate inflammation, and prevents the fever, which under ordinary treat- ment so frequently supervenes. It h'as also been applied in this region, with striking benefit, in cases of stiff joints and similar affections. Our purpose in this article is to touch especially upon its unparalleled use- fglnese in cases of injury arising from accidental causes, and to recommend that it' be kept constantly on hand wherever accidents of this kind are to be apprehended. No western settlers, no traveller by Land or water, no rail- road station, no steamboat's .inedioine chest, no family household should be without it.—Buff lo- Commercial Ad- vertiser. 774 52.1m A Prolific Source of Disease. A trifling indiscretion in diet may lay the foundation of confirmed dyspeplia, and there is no fact in medical soie ce more positively ascertained or more au- thoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of bodily ills, not the least of which is gontaminat4on of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direct consegiienoe. s Their original cause is, however, thoroughly eradicated from the system by Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, a medicine whish only requires regularity and persistence lin its use to cure -dyspepsia and the many ills that arise from it.- No deleterious mineral ingredient is contained in it, and though its aotion is thorough ' in cases of costiveness, it never produces griping:pains in the abdominal region, or weakens the bowels like a violent pur- gative.: It invigorates the system through the medium of the incieafled digestive and assimilative activity which it promotes, and is also a meat efficient remedy for kidney complaints, scrofulous and all disteasee of the blood, female weakness, &c., &o. Prise, $1. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Nipr- throp &-Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a fac-simile of their signature. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforh, 750 52 - After rrany years of patient inveti- gation, Dr. Van Buren, of Germany, Really succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure that would permanently relievetall cases of Kidney Disease. Be sure and ask your druggist for Dr. Van Bureai's Kidney Care. 770.52.1 Delays are dangerous, particularly in Kidney Diseases, so take at once Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, and obtain relief from all your sufferings. Your druggist keeps it. 770.52.1 t� Samson lost his strength with its hair. Thousands of men and wongen loose their beauty with, theirs, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time by using the f ous Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold a50 cents er bottle. 770.52.1. Cingalese. A name well known lin connection with the Hair Renewer, which restores grey hair to its - natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 150 cents or bottle. 770.52.1. Farmers, before buying your reaper and mower oil ask for and procures a sample of "Kaiser" Mechine Oil. Its is warranted not to gum, and is gnaren- teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52 . C Now that the reaping, and mowirog season is coming - on, farmers ahonld remember that that "Keiser" Mach•` e Oil is'the best reaper 4nd mower pil in the Ips rket. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 ` Teaberry. The elegant little plated screw top en "Teaberry" makes it the oheapest,mest perfect :and most Recherche of all toilet eiquis4e6. Get a 5' gent sample. 751. i m F `SuaHJ1Onl[ NOSNHO2 1.1 0 0 Z co m m -r m > > Z x 0 m .� rn M m 2 yn O y rn • m _� m m � m 1 1 0 m .0 z 0 to (14 0 CD td CD CD CD CD rn C 2 m z 0T jjHjj ri d Fd m td 0 H d 0 2 m m coZ v 2 - o cn2. m 0 7J co v m m SO S.NIVd •Ci►31. 31114M' 11O12l3df S z South Bend Chi1ed Plow 1 L g bneral-purpose, two -horse pie*, both right and left, with Wood or Iron Beam,with or without Wheel.orJointer, with Chilled or Steel Shares. The best plow in America. We guarantee every mold- . board to be Chilledd.o 0 nl>y Branches--Indh'!n- spolls, Ind. Coluffii `u8, O. Harrlaburr, PaL P. - Nashvllle. Tena. Hi i- waUkee, 'W is. Dallas **- Tweak rTexas, Auburn. Main Frederick, Md. Elmira,► B. Yr Ask your dealer, or send a postal to the com- pany for description and .rice of the South Bend Plow. g0. LTH BENDTILLED PLOW CO, South Bend, Ind. P1 C WS, T'LOWS, At O. C. Willson's Agricultural Implement _ I Emporiums Seaforth No cheap, inferior goods kept in stt,-cl. None but genuine: plows from re- liable inakers. The following are the ;rinds: on hand : south Bend Chilled Plows, Oliver No. 40 Chilled Plows; Brantford No. 10 Chilled Plows, Massey's No. 13 Steel Plows, Franciatown No. 13 teel Plows, Watson's No. 40. Chilled Plows, and other general purpose plows. Alt kinds of plow points, sole shoes and plow castings. A fall stock of sewing ma,2hines. 0. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. ess • 3H.1 J0 NOIS M 0 Gd Z!: 0 Rio 0 0 0 CD Circular Saw, Main Street, n 'p> r fr> d H 0 0 0 d IOJTM pac[sea mod 0 0 C giddy' ufopauxy Tsaa 0 eele 0 "NIL DESPERA !- • TRADE MARK. op , To - _GNY 3 Jfli3±VM c3N i OiVO 'WM. ELLIOTT, MOWN CLERK and Treasurer. Office—North- east corner of Market House. Office hours - 2:30 till 7 p. m. 747 cee co 0 Before Taking THE GREAT ENGLISH REB vous Debility and al] Nervom chiding Spermatorrhea, Semina] results of Self-abnse, indieor G :AY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE only remedy which has ever been manently cure Palpitation and o of the Heart, Ooneumptlon ie its Rushing of blood to the head stomach, Indigestion, Lose of Me energy, Bashfulness, Desire for e position to labor on account of vi vereal Lassitude, Pain in thebad vision., Premature old age, sot. in our pamphlet, which we send on rebeipt of a three sent stamp. i:now field by all Druggists at $) or 6 for $5, or will be sent free receipt of Money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE I ALL STAMPED AND INSPECTED. O 1 /Y2 I/ to m 0 r CO C m m, A cn 0 1 2 • r - n O z 0 m 0 S ADE MARK. er Ti [EDY for Ner- Affections, in- weakner s, ect., tien, do., if This is the nown to per - her affeetione earlier stages, wind in the mory, Want of litude, Indite eaknr-aP, Uni- , dimness of all particulars eonrely sealed The Specific r pack ay ailon 769-52 • 0., Toronto. Mack's Magnetic NERVE AND BRAII 7 [edicine FOOD ORE) TRADE MARK. A Cure Guaranteed. Felt OLD AND YOUNG, MALE AND FE3,AT,E. I Is a sure. prompt and effectual remedy for Ner- vousness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Sperrnatorrhoaea,Seminal Weakness Leucorrhaea, Barrenness, and General Loss of [ower. It re- pairsjnervous waste, reuvenerates the jadedin- tellst, strengthens the enfeebled brain, and re- store. surprising tone and vigor to the exhaust- ed in iter sex. `With ednerative organs either each; order for rweeve packag , accompanied with ;$5, we will send our writte guarantee to refund the moneyif the treatment does not effect a care. It is the cheapest nd best medi- cine in the market. Full pa ionlars in our pamihlet,•which we desire to ail free to any address. Mask's Magnetic M 'cine is sold by Druggists at 50 cents per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of posta a on receipt of money by addressing MACK' MAGNETIC MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Skold in Seaforth by Ji. S. ROBERTS, and all drngtgists elsewhere. 733-50 ( AFTER. London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH— Express Mai1. Ezpres�r A.M. P. M. P. M London, depart 7 40 2 20 6 25 Centialia . 8 40 8 25 7 28 Exeter 1 8 52 S 88 740 Hensall ..▪ . 9 05 8 52 ' 7 68 Eippen 9 11 8 67 7 59 Brncefield .. 1 9 21 4 07 8 08 Clinton ; 9 89 4 23 8 25 Loneesboro.. 4 9 68 4 41 8 45 , 1#lyth 10 06 4 50 8 62 B.Igrave 10 24 6 06 9 09 Wingham, arrive 10 45 5 26 9 26 Gone Sonrn— Mail. Express. Etprese A. M. P. M P. ,M. Wingham, depart7 00 2 57 6 20 Belgrave 17 18 8 15 6 88 Blyth 7 85 8 28 6 55 Londesboro744 888 7 04 Clinton 8 02 8 5 '7 24 Brnoefleld. 4 8 20 4 07 7 48 Kippers 8 80 4 15 7 59 Henson 4 8 8 4 20 806 Exeter.14 a 8 52g 4 82 825 Centralia ; 9 02 4 42 8 42 London, arrive ,10 05 5 85 10 10 Grand Trunk Railwi , y: Traineleave Seaforth and Clinton Statione as follows: GOING .WEST— SEAFOnTR. CLINTON. Express 2.36 P. M. 2:40 P. M. Expross 8: to P. M. 9:00 P. M. Mixed Train7:10 A. M. 8:90 A. M. Mixed Train.......6:60 P. M. 6:4g0 P. M. GOING EAST— SEAPOBTH, CLINTON. Express ... 8.20A M. 8:00 A. M. Expreee Train1:10 P. M. 12:45 P. M. Mixed Train......4:50 P. M. 4:15 P. M. Mixed Train... .10:40 A. M. 10:00 A. M. Toronto, Grey and Bruce. GOING EAST— A. M. P. M. Teeswater 616 810 Wroxeter. - 5 42 8 44 Gorrie 5 47 8 50 Fordwich 5 57 4 02 Harriston 6 I6 4 25 Orangeville - .. , 8 08 8 50 Toronto ..10 85 9 25 GOING WEST— A.M. P. M. Toronto 7 85 4 35 Orangeville ..........10 10 7 20 Harriston 12 55 9 15 Fordwich ..... 1 22 9 83 Gone 1 34 9 43 Wroxeter 1 41. 9 48 Teeswater . 2 2 10 15 STOCK FO1 SERVICE. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK.— The undersigned will keep during the present season on Lot 28, Concession 3, Bay, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. A limited number of pigs will be served. Terms•—$1 per sow, with the privilege of re- turning if necessary. GILBERT Dice. 754 TeULL FOR SERVICE. — Robert McMichael will keep for the improvement of stock during the present season, on Lot 3, Concession 3, Hullett, a Thoroughbred Durham Bull. Only a limited number of cows will be taken. Terms.— $1. payable at the time of service, with the -pri- vilege of returning if necessary. Roesler Mc - 7 52 MONEY. ONEY•TO LOAN.—To loan, private funds, in large or small sums for a period of three to seven years on first-class farm security, with in- terest at 7 per cent. per annum. Apply at Tax EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 762 MONEY TO LOAN --I am prepared to lend money at lowest rates of interest, payable yearly. Principal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAS. 11. BENSON. 726 AUCTIONEERS- etP. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales attended in ell parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex- resITo Office will be promptlyattendedto. et R. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. • Sales of all descriptions promptly at- tended in any part of the county on reasonable terms. Orders left at the office of the HURON ExPosIToR, or addressed to Brussels, will receive prompt attention. HILLS GREEN CIDER MILL. JOHN TROYER wishes to inform his customers and the public generally, that on account of the scarcity of apples this season, he will only ran his Cider Mill every other day until farther no- tice. Parties bringing their apples on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY of eaeh week can have their eider home with them. A good article guaranteed and charges moderate, as usual. 770-4 JOHN TROYER. THE RED MILL. THE Mill in the Town et Seaforth known sa d the Re Mill, will be sold cheap and on easy terms, as the proprietor has got the Manitoba fever. There is in connection with- the Mill a large grain storehouse. The mill has recently been thoroughly overhauled and repaired, and is now in first-class working order, and capable doing a large and profitable gristing and flourink business. Apply to the proprietor, WM. SOLATBR, or to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 744 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTOR' THE subsoriberbegs leave to thank hie mamma nn customers for the liberalpatronage extended to himsinoe commencing bus.:aess in Seaforth,snd trusts hat he may be favored with a ooatinnanoe of the same. Partiesintending to build wonld dowel I to -give him a call,as he will continue to keep on hand . liege stook of all kinds of Dry Pine Lumber, Sashes, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, &c. Hefeehseonfideet of g°vingsatisfaetiontothose favour withtheir at ono e whomayfav n p r 8 ,asnotu but first-ciaesworkmenereemployed. Particulai attention plied to Custom Planing 20L JOHN A. BROADFOOT. — 'I 11 0- 0 L _T3 E '- I T 0 INT.--- . FALL, 1882. • D 1 1 Z /to Received and Opened up the Contents of , 30 Cases of Old Country Goods. INSPECTION INVITED. JAM 1EsorTT, RECEIVED AT M. MORRiSON'S A Large Stock Qf Fresh New Season TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASS- WARE, GENERAL GROCERIES AND SPICES, All of which I am offering at reduced_prices. Also FLOUR, FEED and PROVISIONS at bottom prices. Goods deliv red free. Re- member the place, Strong' Block, Main Street, Seaforth. M. MORRISON. JAMES DREWE, IRONMONGER, At the fl. Padlock," Brussels. GOOD GUNS. CHEAP GUNS. SEE OUR GUNS. $25. NOTE THE PRICES.—$4, $5, $6, $8, $10, $12, $14, $1=6, $18, $20, $22 and Muzzle -Loading, Breech -Loading, Single Barrel, Double Barrel Guns and. Winchester Repeating Ries. CHE.231=1 .MPSF Job Lot Table Lamps, all Sizes, Handsome Patterns, at TWENTY - WE PER CENT. REDUCTION. JAMES DREWE, Brussels. .A.111=LTN7M3D . '13IS WEMIC -AT DUNCAN & DUNCAN'S GROCERY DEPARTMENT. TEAS, TEAS, TEAS AT ALL PRICES, IMPORTED DIRECT FROM LONDON, ENGLAND. TEN POUNDS GRANULATED SUGAR FOR ONE DOLLAR Don't Fail to Give U8 a Call. It Will Pay You to Inspect our Stock and Prices. DUNCAN & DUNCAN. THE CHEAP GROCERY. F - HUGH ROBB.AI, oR�Y SEs gas a nice new lot of Fresh (Groceries of all kinds, and he makes Teas and Sugars a speciality, and can furnish the best valve in the market. DRIED MEATS.—As usual all kinds of Cured Meats constantly on hand. HONEY.— This year's Honey, strained and in the comb, just in. From his own hives, and ;warranted pure. THE DYSPEPSIA.—He also keeps Dr. Sings Epeci$c, 'sure cure for Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Remember the place, Stark's Block, Seaforth.. - HUGH ROBB, Main Street, Seaforth.