HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-09-29, Page 71__ __ i�___. -_ 7 - ---A i � _ a jorm&7- %nL of Cont- , 0arcit SCOUT. L Ba0hai sola. NOTES to Bates. al Securllles ILt par at,alt Commere e.. ss Pepe& tw ttg888. lws ex•. _ . DKI ETY STORE. - oople of Saiderth: opened a Branch. pica Weir's Hotel, Seatorth, would trade. Thastock oks, school sup- Gerlia wools, toys music, all new argely and in the .fry, low. ELR, .nd Pas kh, .t. I )'anagen. 4TH AGENCY .`SONG :lass Stack, Mr4 t, and ie preyar- arable tormar,> Best Lona Be- arehase of Drat - ' rst-Mss ar'ale.. iiia ge* cemw a&xnshlpz Tickets >nla Stor&,.Vair U5 - €`an,Sargeon and . -it. € ffice.and,resi- :rest, aecand door on Phygials F, Saud-. County of Huron.. rig Street noon, . is School. 5f.,. Gradnata: of -fan, Surgeousnd : w and Resident e,; rat Brick House . 496 "T T- `' L N T 16 T. college of Dental e ilt elle rooms •shire, Whitney's tined and satis- loderate. i svlth0aet:1Pae-j:aa 1P,.E, Dentist, leas- t the business of and removed is F Mitcheb, where th extracted with: ` l nitrous axitta Parties from a ill ex. ell es 1q p s . 7... s �r .e W W%W09 and College D. S. - I he is able to= . entistry suitable h a Specialty.. vide Gas given. ate. ' Street, Seaforth> L. D. Ss r - office, CADEY'. '•�Fa&Tu, oppo . rcial Hotel, oir lid, T1IUR.SjYAY 'urate Oxide Gases i teeth. Thi- o a E;artN�rlght since, �1n3 hcen one of provia Pa- fv zrlllale the gay, acted in a min- -out disagreeable LL tlew te,.th pleases attention paid cTh. Teeth in- . r3k 5 :ILLS. sat 'Since intro- rladin- ♦1'�tez hell ',:,treat satis- 1,:eal retail and _/ t• dr sire to thank tsatrona&e, whIeh l We ere well "s+ flour frc,Iti the Merit a csltitin flai-lr also Mkes trade cu3-uniers, id pricer. With �Ialzle to pay good vor with others Ain warket. erre - learn Seaforth 1:1ewhere. Flour, It constantly on; quantity of live VIE & C0_.. 8: #t �#�►e noLbtM n....r..,J...- _.. ..,... .....�..o _ --- W oo .., was"Nua, 9-L, i 94. bample,bottle, tel cents. Ask X , r '15, ; , blia deparrtizieiite of that city, say$ Knees o old ve yon a point or two in Northrop cot Lyman's ! Vegetable D �• . 1'e - mason .+ The early rook -wrestler covery and Dys a tic Care. The wD - ; ,` - ==green harass suffer most from ganghs Z sI �tds, and while being acclimated malooson �t inoredulous, and then, as he r bear_ s a ac -bpi' p lie of their signature. . It oures- Spavins, %ve artiaalar attention. One tri become ccvinced,.thunder-struck. Ver -Sold b all medicine dealers. 750-52, i _ I For man itis l ow r'� y of six or seven mAes is all they likely hie put in the rest of the day on y: - i. Splints, Curbs, Ring I ; 1 the r e edge of suspense, waiting for . Farmers before buying your reaper ! known to be longi of �` - .. � 10 I called upon to do at :first. They � g P - , �� � L � ! - Joe the soft flesh which they bring his bos to come around and lecture him and mower oil ask for and prooare a Bones and all 'simi- L j � - ` y gradually, incivility sample of "Kaiser" M�hine Oil. It 'a the best, if not the Q _--. I _ Z from the country, and areon his S PAVE R i bant up into round hard serviceable warranted not to gum, ' and is guars - lar; blemishes and ;, M -- . _' " - m�, From six months to a year is- EPPS'S Cocoa. teed`to- to -give good satisfaction. 753-52 i beat, liniment ewer I . . etre g g mired in this process, and they are (ilratefgl and Comforting, -`By .,_s removes the bench j ; . '#hen able to do the regular work of five thorough' knowledge of the natural l .we Now that ' the reaping and mowing j l discovered. i I a every two days• g farmers shoo d without blistering, i i #yip which govern the operations of season is coming r+n, )� i y - l _ -Five to sic years -generally unfits tion and nutrition and b a careful as. remember that that "wiser" Machin e _ - ��LL� � �e thein for further service on the cars and plication of the. finepropertiesyacr of �ypl Oil is the best reaper and mower QQ _' ! ' the are then sold to farmers, or for in the market. Fora a by all dealex`p. . 71 y n the ooantr at rices selected cocoa, Mr. ,Epps has provided I We feel positive that e*ry man can h e perfect auaaess in every ca�e if he � tither work i y', f our bra$faet tables with a delicately 7i,3 52 it n from X40 to $60. As with all y 4 will only nae good commoni sense in appl ng KENDALL'S BPAVIN IIRi. ' ran l flavors" beverage, which ,gay save us Teaberr i and persevere in bad eases; of long stand.iig. Read below the ex Oce of i t hciraes, which travel entirely on .pave- many levy doctors' bills.. It is by the y� - others : I meats, their feet and legs are the first The elegant little plated screw top on j' s' judioiaup.use of such -articles of that =, FROM COL. L. FOSTER. H ' ve out, but it often happens that Teaberry makes it the oheapest,mo�t Received and Opened tip the Cchntents of 6 t41. a conaiitution >tinay'` be gradually built they return to country roads and up trot :L strong ensu h to resist eve perfect and most Recherche of all toilet Your7asTowia, Ohio, May 10, X880': farm work thea almost completely re- g *y egquiaites. Get a Dent sampit Dr. B. J. Bendall & Co. '' (lents : I had , very valuable Hambletoni n colt . tender y to disease. Hundreds of sob - rover, and sometimes find their way ,tie maladies are 'floating around 'us 751. . . ; which I prized very highly he had a. la" `e bone spavin on one joint, and a k to the very stable in which they I smaller one on the other, wlLich made hi very .lame; I had him under l,the' 30 Cases of Ola i Country C7 ods. }lac . ready f to attack wherever there th were condemned• is a beak point. We may escape charge of two veterinary surgeons, which if fled to care him. I was odeay . =�Good.drivng has mach to do with y P reading the advertisement o1 Kendall's Spa n Cure in the Chicagq Egpesa I many fatal abaft by keeping curselves determined at once to tr it and of our d ata here to send for it ; ,hep ior- ten h of time which a horse` will 0. y g ; ggi the,well f rtified with are blood and a8 last, and it frequently is the case that a ro rl� nourished P O dared three bottles; I.took Bern all, and t , ought I would give it a t 'oroi.gh 1 list's will thrive better by a change of p. pe ,Y a frame. Civil Ser- Q y the fourth da the colt a ase to 1 IV P E C i° 1 O 11t ! N V 1 T E . vice gazette. Made simply with boil- trial ; I used it according tq directions, enc stable, although -subject to the same P y J be lame, and the lamps hadl entirely disapp , ared. I used butt one bottle, _ ndi. he . kind of treatment. The old stage rule Ing - water or milk. Sold only in 0 c lt's limbs are as free from ' umps and as s', ooth as any horse in the Staa,te. e i packet@ and tins (J pound and pound,.) is entirely cured. The car ' was ao remark, ble that I let two of my neighbors I t for feeding used to be 100 pounds of 13beLe - James•E a & Co., tloma3o- Q heal to each horse per week, but thea is pP „ O p hsve the remaining two bot 'le', who are i]q using it. Vero respeIotfnlly, �{i i T. �• -�- 1& ���'� S �i �' R T H -. pathic ; (1hemists, London En Also f !, mow considered too large a quantity. ► , 8'• - FOSTER. I ; i , a• ears of close observation m,kerw ''f Epps's Chocolate Essence forI Af„er many y f ; afternoon use. 736-52 p t .annd careful experiment by Mr. James L 0 � KENDAL, S WIN C R I Cunningham, who has icliarge of the - - 1 The prescription of a skillful physi- x m ' ON oxTe,1`Tew York Jan. th, 1x81: t R E C E I E D A T South Bclaton-Company's horses, and to '•ran, and composed of vegetable drugs fl Z . 1Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall'. Co., of Enosb rg Fa Is, V�rmi nt, I whom in a very large measure their fine of great remedial power, Dr. Carson's' C the amount of meal -0 - triads a contract with tho g bliahera of the �Press for a half column ad�bertiae- �ndition is due, l ereduoed, until now each Stomach and Constipation Bitters Z intent for oris year setting forth the merits of Eendall's Spavin ore. Ata the bas beenla g y r purify he blood, give tone and vigor to C m .%!� shine time we secured from the firm a qac tity of books, e titled�r. K ndall's Iowe 0 _ 0 horse received, on an. average, only nine the s tem cures s C ' y D e ala and Inde T` eatiae on the Horse and is Diseases, wl�ch we are Kevin to advance pa ing pounds per day, or aigt three Donde y p P N f $E P p y` P gestiou when all other "medicines fail. Z H '•t1 M silbocribers to the Press as premium. ' filer week. Tina is fed three times each Have you tried it ? Sold b dru ists, y 50 cents a bottle. y gg o 1Abont the time the adver'iaement first a peered in this pa�ier Mr- P. G�, Sc er- tla , maxed with twelve pounds of y � � � � ' D erborn, who resides near Colliers bad a s avined horse: Hb read the adveriiise- A Lar a Stock of +resh New Season chopped hay,and the necessary quantity � Mr. �Ym. Ransom, of South Norwick, � � Z f the remedy, than h his fri naa g oz Water, i�Io other foal is even thein_ �j r' r''" •r�•- eat and concluded to tee the efficacy' y,1 g sees t when the are Doff ,giver feed f ' says: For sixteen yeam'l suffered from tai r- � - 0 1 ughed at his credulity. lie bought a bott; a of Kendall's Sp vin Cure acid com- P y Bilioustness, never had any medicine do anted using it on the hot a in accordant with the direatio a, and he i for>iaed . when they are given a mash made of me anT' permanent sod until recom- ►•-� as this week that ft effects such a comple a core that an eg art horaemn,Iho KERY ELAS .shorts and ground oats. Loose hay is p g 1 H N TEAS, SUCAF QC mended by our druggists, J. Wesley fn Q T� = examined the animal recent y could find no trace of the spavi or the places wh!,ere i only fed when they are unable to work, 1 Fish & Co., Otterville) to try Dr. Car: 21 M 0 VL Z _ - it had been located. Mr. chermerhorn 1 as since secured a copy of Kend ll's RE ENE 'AL CR�CERIES The hay used for cat feed is mixed in son's tbmach and Constipation' Bit 7 C7 n "� I Treatise on the Horse and ,is Diseases,whi h he prizes very ighly and Dal be WA ! G equal parte of coarse and fine, of good tare, h ch kava done me more sod N1�1 lath to art with it at an rine, provided could not- obtaizi another copy. 1` So nalit ,Eastern referred. The man- g -W P y P AND iPICES,q y P' P than y medicine I have ever- taken. - m ((miueh for advertising reliable articles. i � , Kers, which are of iron, are kept can I I wool''4,' with the utmost confidence, Q . - r I � : and sweet, all uneaten food been re -i i recamn�nd them to all saffering,fram yW K E N DA ILPS S P VIN C �J R E I g p rn Ji All of which I am off ria at reduced prices. i moved as soon as the horse has finished ! Biliousness, &a. Sold by all 'druggists - m_ �l I his meal,, and not left to sour. Also FLOUR, FEEDand PROVISIONS t at 50 cents a bottle.> -4 Z 04 =Kendall's_Spavin Care is are in its effects, mild in its a tions as it does !ot =•Great care is taken in watering, and trj bottom prices. Good.a delivered free. R The; safest, best and cheapest medi- 2 v m blister, yet it is penetrating land powerful to reach any deep sated pain or tq' re- , in snaaruer six quarts of sat meal is min- Rl move any bony growth or :L y other enlargnent if need for several daps ' such as member the place, Strong's Block, Mai cine in the world is Dr. Carson s Stom• -p = .� ' ' : , •ed withever eighty gallons of water, ach aqd Constipation Bitters, Sold in r-• Street Seafarth. _ y g y g , C!� - " m .� r7 s 6avins, splints, curbs, call,)us, sprains, swe ling', any lame esu and all.enli ge- ( t which is given them in the stables. lar a }�''ottles at 80 cents b all druggists. . 0 iients of the joints or limbg, or rhenmatist in man and for any pnrpos for i When a horse comes in from a trip ; g 1' y gb _ D s' i1�0;R R1SO he is allowed just � � "� W .+. which. a liniment is need for man or beast.,]': It is now known to be the best �ine- waren and sweaty, J Buckler's Arnica Salve. >� O -n I P m z mlent for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain -in its effects. It is used full . enough water to cool his mouth he is Th best salve in the world for Cute " 0 � stirength with perfect safety at all seasons o' the year. j I - then permitted to cool off,. and finally c ' �2. i Send address for Tllastrated Circular wh h we think gives, positive pr :of o its :yen all he wishes to drink. Mater is Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Balt P�heum, y "� `-1 virtues. No remed leas ever met with snGunqualified success to our kn wle°ge, FevevSores, Tetter Chapped Hands S given to them in small. - quantities ° I PP PD M fo>r beast as well as man. i ! `' 6 Ghilb ins, Corns, and all Skin Ern 1' + ' lay men who are stationed for that pur- i . CD Z CD Z O - t Price 81 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.:!Ali Druggists have it ox can get i for se at different, points on the route. tiona,� nd positively cures Piles. It i9 n Q J JAMES E.S DRE Mr E I RO N M O' 4G ER, P gnats teed to give perfect satisfaction, (p a i � you., or it will be sent to any address on re eipt of price by ties proprietors. � s =,11p to within a few years it was the } of ma ey refunded, Price 25 cents per 9 748.52 DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enoaburg Valls, Vermont. il custom of this company to keep a piece boa.�ar sale b E. Hickson & Co. ► s Of mineral salt in each manger, and ! y n Q n ! I . 1 1 i ! fl I'll also to mea fine Balt with the feed. This 772-5 .n H m C 1 .l�.t the �f Padlek,s Btu 'segs. i�. ♦ _ 3 '' l� -created an nunatu:nal thirst, more water the Smith Medicine Co. p �00 .ASR= 'S IS -«% E - , was drank than necessary, and the ie- �. � '0 6'R suit was frequent eases of'ol o. Now a i - Ge tlemen,-I have much pleasure m M .til I ri1 I i I - a of in to the efficacy of Dr. "N i ' ; small handful once a week, with a little in t y g y C Cn F !, j —` - 1 :: d aides of Smits German Worth Remedy. I i11 i .� Q ! ATS' i sprinkled on the bottom an foune it `to operate snccesafull after 9 _ M . the box in which the feed is mixed, is , P y , G a.11 only two doses. Have tried other P• fn '� �' all that is given, and colic is no longer y P K * { 1 remedies with the same child without ! i /� GOOD GUNS. CHEAP G' UNS. SEE UR GUNS. of common occurrence. + { _ . D U M C A! N & D U N C �1 N S =For trualrs and heavy teams in and € suttees.. Yours truly, W. T. HAaT, 128 D ¢, _, W . about Basten, horses which weigh from Arnhpist Street, Montreal. 754-52-2w H -i R I . til 1,300 to 1,400 pounds stand the work CD H beat, and those from Vermont, Canada - VegBd Clergyman. rn m L ,n Z . ,�, and New York, having generally abort Even the patience o[ Job would be- �7 IYIOlE THE PRICES. ---$4, $5, $:; $8, $10, X12, $14, $1G $I8, $20, $22 ancd o GROCERY DEPARTMENT. X25. bodies, short lege and hatter feet than come exhaus ed were he a preacher and 0 � I.0 1 H V. Western horses, are most profitable. endeavoring to interest his audience T �p V �-• _ 1 _ - They are bought usually not under six while they were keeping up. an inces- P V 0 .---- yeara eld, and with. proper treatment sant apughiiig, making it impossible for p O > ' Mwvxle-Loading, .Breedt-Lo' adingl ,Single _B, rrel .�42LbI Such him to be heard. Yet how very easy '� C 'ci C rr^^ ^ last from eight to ten years, c r r.. --� V, AT ALL P R � C' E S I i g O ,TEAS TEA6 TEAS , horses as hese bring from $20f1 to $50U, can all this be avoided by simply using ,� r CD i : r ' abetter price than a year ago, and in Dr. $ing s New Discovery foxConaump6 (CD �I I Barrel Guns and Z7L Geste' ri eat2 C�' Rules. gaol demand. In feeding, from eight tion, Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles �••� h - to twelve quarts of oats and coni, in given `away at E. Hickson &Co.'s Drug > a . al quantities, the latter generally Store. 772-.52.2,_ a C IMPORTED DIRECT FROM;- LONDON, EN LAND. . q I fel . Cracked, are given each day with what O coarse ha the will eat. Cat feed is The New Story. O I(�''H;-P + L.A1�,/LS� y y used by some owners, but it is not Con- Not; a tale of failure or disappoint- Z �7 - i I sidered the beat for the work, the meat ; nit the old story of the victim t- M TEN POUNDS GRANULATED NULATED _SUGAR FOR `ONE DOLLAR stables are located in most instances a caustic applications and the evils at- - a I - considerable. distance from where, they tending their use; but the new story of i . i Job Lot Table Lamps, all Size, Handsome Patteriip, at TWENTY- _. are used, it is the common practice to suooess of freedom from pain and copse - feed in the streets at noon. This plan gnently absence of spots left in the flesh. NIL DESPERAN DU BVI. „ FIVE PER CENT. REDUCTION. I necessitates the removal of the bridle, Patnam's Painless Corn Extractor gives TRADE MARK. ai TRADE MAIRK. , and as the practice results in frequent inspiration for happier reports, and suf- w & Ikon t Fail to G�z e Us a G`cz.11. It ill Pay You, to I71.spect our the s illirx of lar a ferers from corns need not hesitate to -- _ �^ 41 runawa s and also g m 'tock and 'rices. g truck- everywhere b druggists � I JAMES I1EVB Bgussels.- ome of the trn try _ Sold ever e y g f the rain s y 6'i portions o grain, y t i; � men omit the noon feeding, making 'ap and dealers in medicine. N. C. Polson DNCAN &�UNCAN. the narxtity at night an,�. morning. The & Co., Proprietors, Kingston, Ontario. kr14 o7 cc - ". q London, Huro and Bruce practice has proved to be very success- 762-52-L1 o ° rz:(bract NOB.xs-- Exp ase. lAi1, Ezprass. F. fol, the horses. keeping in good con- ,y _ I A . P, M. P. m. ditiau anal well able to do their work. After many years of patient `biveati- Before Taldn .. LJ p ' ►� After T i i L, London, depart...... 4t1 220 925 "Horse of sod sire and quality are Kation, Dr, Van Buren; of Germany, , Centralia ......... s`4o 8 21; 728 g fivall succeeded in erfectin a 1�idne 'i'HE GREAT ENGLISH I8E9dEDe for filer- �Ol�th �� Chilled []�O I used by the express companies, the ' P y vows Debility and all Nervone Affectionin- t r Exeter °' 852 8.88 79 _ A3amtz Com any having a very fine Cure that would permanently relieve all eluding Spermawrrhea, seminal weaknefe, Oct., 1 • Heneall ;•: ..., 9 G6 8 62 768 p `g from 1000 to cases of Kidney Disease. Be sa`re and results of Self-abuse, indisoretian, &o.; iF e" ° ! d eneral-pp ose,two-horse ploww{{, both right andleft, Kipper ,. 9 11 8 67 7 ii9 stock of eighty weighing Ir with orwithdut'WheelorJointer Brucefteld�... 9 21 4 07' 808 4 They are purchased 'ask your druggist for Dr. Van Buren's Gjt&Y'8 SPECIFIC MEDICINE. This ie'the i with oodor gn.Beam, , 1, _00 pound y P only remedy whish has eber den known to -per" with Chilled or i teel Shares. The be$t Plow in America. Clinton..... 9119- 428 8 26 When from four to seven years old. Kidney Cure. 770.52.1 manenny cure Palpitation nd other affections O Londesboro.,, ' • . 9 68 4 41 8'52 Twelve uarts of cracked earn and oats, (( of the Beart, Consumption in its earlier stages, We rd Blyth, ....., .10 06 4 GO $ 62 q Dela s are dun eroua articalarl iII Rnshln of blood to the head wind in the B�lgrsve .... .....10 24 6 '06 (}9 II the proportion of Dna fifth sono to y g , p Y g every mold- . Wingsm, arrive ..:.10 45 6'25 925 - Kidne Diseases so take at one Dr. stomach, Indigestion, Dosis of Memory, Want of board to be W four-fifths oats, with plenty of the best Y energy,�Basbfulness, Desire for solunde, Indis- thouroughly cloixa� SOUTH— xiii. Express. Expze$t . ualzty of hey, constitutes a day's food, Van Buren's Kidney Gare, and obtain position to labor on account of weakness, Y1ni- Chilled. H M q tells from sill Our sufferings. Your ` versaILaceitnde, Pain in. the back, dimnes' o1 i A. M. P. M P. 120 which iii varied twice & week with a � Y g lBranches•-Indian- � I Wingham, depart , . 7 00 2 67 820 ked corn. drug ist keeps- it. 770.52.1 vision, Premature old age, act. Fall panic larQ g ole Ind. Columbn�+ Beigrave ............. 718 8 '•-6 688 mash of bran., oats and araC in our pamphlet, which we send securely e�aled P s. �ak your �ealer, Or N � , - kept in their p O. Harrisb Penn. r • •.......... Beddln Of rye straw 18 p on receipt of a three Dent stamp. The 6Peeifto a='gr - - -T= - � ae�d a postaltothecam- Blyth.,., 7 Sb 8 28 6 Sb 4 Londesboro 744 888 704 g Sa eon lost his strength With his is now sold by all DrnggisCs at $1 per paaiiage, Nashville Tenn, Mil- . s all the time, and in every respect vvankeel, Wis. Dallas, _ _ _ _ Pang for deaerllbtion and � Clinton...... . 8 02 8 54 724 stall hair. Thousands of men and omen or 6 for $5, or will be sent free by mail on _ _price Of the South Bend are carefully attended. They are Teras. Anbarn. Maine. - Snliky P1oW. Brucefield..,. .820 4 '07 7 59 they y t receipt of Money. b addre Qing 769=52 j gl en „ 8 80 4 15 769 loose- their beauty with theirs, and very p y y 4 . Frederick. Md. Elmit'a, i pp • * • • " remarkably free from sickness, not even large numbers restore the ravages of - THE GRAY MEDIgINE CO„ Toropito. MST, Euchd", Wis. - � H eter.ngall ..,.., 886 4 2a 8 06 a single ossa of colic occurring in three S UTH BEND CikILLED PLOP 04. South Bend, Ind. O Exeter .. 8 52 4 82 825 yearn. 'Bucket,' who was purchased at time by using the famous Cingalese SEAFORTH PL ' ING MILLI r�-r Centxalla..,, ..... 9 02 4 42 8 42 sura old has ,leen in oon'tant ase Hair Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per �; j i O Us London, arrive ....ao.06 6 86 l0 10 three y bottle. 770.2.1. PLOT PQ�%►Sa for twenty-two years, and is still One of G - j SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACT6RY , q n grand Trunk: Railway{ the finest and best horses in the stable. _ Trainaleave8eaforth and Clinton Stations as Cii1galeae. A name well known in --'-11 I s - ,, connection with the $air Renewer, HEsnbacriberbeggleavetothankhisnnneroo� O�,]�� ons Agxicultuxa �mpLexnent follows -The Parkhill- Gazette says . There TIE for the liberal patronage eztendied to QQ which restores grey hair to its natural Cl solea Wnaz^ SEeFosxs. Cnrxfiox. is a little woman on the 14th concession s few weeks use. Sold at 50 himsince commencing b4baess in Seafort? ,and I c W Ezpresa..,., 2.16 P. M. 2.45 P.M. color by trusge s a Qhee may be favored with . ooatinnauce E� porlum, - Seaf orth■ O of McGillivray, who can beat a good cente> per bottle. 770.52.1, oft Eapreas..... 8.42 P. X. 9:00 P.M. man. men in the harvest field. She Partiesintendingtobuil wonlddowell to. give "� Mixed Train TIO A.M, 8:00 A. M. y e a whole him a call as he will contiilne to keep on ha d e j Mixed Train....... M, &80 P. M. followed the reaping machin + No cheap, inferior goads kept in at,, None bat genuine plows from re- i 4ozxa BAST— sEegoBTa. CLrvxoa- with three The Elements _ of Bone, Brain, da slid ke t right along wi large stook of allkinds of ; liable makers. The foll wing are the binds on hand : South •Bend Chilled Express Tea .8:20 F M, 2:4 A P. 9, P g ..ae fast and as much as and Muscle, Dr kPine Lumber, Sasha&, Doors, s Oliver No, 40 Chip ed Plows, Brantfdrd No. 10 Chilled Plows, Masaey's ( Express Train...,.1:10 P. M. 12:45 P. le• men, binding as a y , Plow , t did " Are derived from the blood, which is Blinds and MQ ldin s bh2 les Watson's No. 40 Chilled Mixed Train., 4.54 P. D. 4.16 P. X they u, 9 � i No. 13 Steel Plows, Fra ciatown No. 13� Steel Plows, � � Mined Train.., .Ia:4o A. M. _ 10:00 A. M. -The Toronto Mail has the fellow- the grand natural source of vital energy Lath dcc. ! . Plows, and other general urpose plows.' All kinds of plo* points, sole shoes • i et off " those flags, will yon ?" and the motor of the bodily organs. _ ilastisfeetionto hose and low castings. A ful stock of sewin machines. Grey and Bruce. Toronto, mg,. G g Hefeelsconfident of g.,v ug fi . P , shouted --one of the men engaged ih pull- When the circulation becomes impover- who myfavourhim withtheirpstronage,ashone '- Gozxa EAST— A. F. h q g bntflret-claseWorkmen9reemployed. i' ! r yi • Teeswater..................... 6 16 810 . ing down the pavement on the east side, fished in consequence of weak digestion �I • �ILL�O , ►�eafOrth. i of Toronto atr9et to a gentleman in and imperfect asaimulation of the food, ,Particular psid to CnstomPlt�nint ( Wroxeter ••-••• 'S S .. 5 47 fl broadcloth, who had stepped wide from which should _enrich it, every bodily 20[ JOHN H. BROADF00 c3orrle . ... 4 so fancbionflus end the System rows T• _ I Fordw'cl' ,•..•.. •• . 657 425 the plank for pedestrians, and stood g + y g 1 (� Harris villa ."...... 6 08 4 50 watching the workman's operations. feeble and disordered. When the blood. i rangeville. '"' . 8 a8 6 b0 THE RED MIL ► W ,,,,..:...... ;ml and re- becomes im ore, either from the de- Toronto' """' l0 85 9 The gentleman smiled grimly, P—• THE CHEAP GROCERY. ' marked that he fancied he .had a right velopment of inherited seeds of disease, _ c erg WEST- A• - P. 86 b bile or other E x ill iFl the Town of Seaforth kno as II M i fist°eta.•.., ,,,.,.•.• ? 85 4 36 contamination b H Dd J stung©vibe....... • ... , l0 10 720 W� as interested its y , , - to look at the .a , he {, stone- causes, serious maladies surely ' follow. ,het Red Mill, will be fold cheap and on a easy . _ r . f . •.............••....• in it. V4Th at do you know about Harriatou' ........ 12 66 9 y n_ A hi hl accredited_ remedy for these terms, as the proprietor' has got the Manitoba ; I Fordwieh... -. - •' • • • ` . • + • •, • = 1 ' rn:ison ? eu. Hired the war_kman,'co g y fever. !there is in connection with the Mill a {LL C}orrie.. 1 ` ` e than evils is Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable large grain storehouse. The mill has recently HILLSi� GREEN CIDER M 'Wroxeter .................... 1 41 9 48 temptuously. A great deal mor Teesiwater....................,. ` 25 Io lb o was the e:ntleman'sre reply- Discovery and Dyspeptic cure, which been thproughly overhauled and repaired, end i8 HUGH ROBB, SEAFORST1E- .y - y u,myman, g P now in first-class workingorder, and capable of smile," exclaimed the eradicates impurities of the blood and •n a large and profit=ale ;risting and flouring - JOHN TiyAYEB wishes ll inform his account s Rle'll,, I should am doing g ) and the public generally, that on aunt f P. BRINE, Lieeneed Auctioneer for the hen he fertilizes it by promoting digestion and- businea . Apply to the proprietor, ivy. Sci aTsx, , L I` the scarce of sppies4196 season, he WM y �• fellow wi,h a coarse laugh,-andbt 7 Groceries of all kinds, and be makes, Teas and County of H'nron wales attended in s>,li assimilation. Moreover, this fine alteri or to A �sTxo a, seaforthy Has a nice new lot of Fresh G his Cider Mill every other day until further n arts of the County. All orders leets, thaEze• ordered -with an oath, the gentleman to - tomachie exerts a specific i Sugars a speciality, and `can furnish the best volae in tfi�e markets DRIED tics. Parties brie�iiq their apples , posrroa CMee will be promptlyattensledtp• walk on a,�d mind his own business, sties and s P a week in your o��'n town- Terms and $5 S g P pier liealthfull . stimn- 8 Co. EATS. -As usual all °nds of Cured Meats constantly on; hand. HONEY.- WEDNESDAY end FRIDAY of esTeh wee I `` Do you know action upon the li , y 66 outfit free. Address H. HALLETT 11x1 ' have their cider home with them.. A good exti which he presently did. y est in. From his own hives, and �+ ran to a erforman a of its Maine• 748252 Thia ears Honey, strai ed and in the comb, j amnteed and charges moderste, se nsnal, s R. COOPER, Brnsseis, Connty moony at,- who that gentleman is ? caked a repot- luting that o r; p Portland, y EP 'IA.—He also keeps r. Kings Specific, a JOHN TROYE, C. salsa of all descriptions promptly at,- - y p. � warranted pure. THE DYSP S P ter who had ov rheard the conversation. seer ties dot when inactive,anc expel- he Ince Sta k'a Block 770-4 tended is env part of ilia county on reasonallia s "Naw!" zPell lin bile from the blood. It likewise W�. ELUOTTI sure cure for Dyspepsia 'and Indigestion. Remember t , 1'Iaw . was the gruff reply. , g E A WEER. $12 a day at home easily mi terms. Orders left at the since of the Hugon I'll — is the Hon. Alex pox eases di tic and depnrent'proper- a N CLERK and Treasurer: Office—North- Seaforth. e7 2 Costly outfit free. �ddress'!'$vs . & co., EoszTOB, or addressed to Brussels, will receive j tell you that - �48x52.i prompt , Mackenzie, the ex -premier of Canada. ties lof a high order, rendering the kid T east corner of Marl~et House. Office hpu HIGH R�OBB, Main Street, Seaforth. Augusta, Maine. tomo ,attention, ,, The in in our ob was a Heys active and healthy, and expelling 2.so tilt 7 P. m, 7 - terest he took y ] 1 - . _ I - : � , _ , I _ 1 - • I 1 - '