HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-09-29, Page 6e 6 tHE 1-11.1i3.011 Et.0k) •ITOIL esn1111Mnee " Prise List &Worth Show. Heave DRAUGHT SAM. -- Brood mare, 1st and 2d john Rattenberry ; Brood mare and foal,let Dixon & Innes, 2d John Malone, 3d. John McMillan; CSISIXIMi heavy draught foal, 1st John McMillan, 2d. S. Lynch, 3d John Mo- ; three year old filly, John No - Milian -; two year old gelding, John Malone; two year old filly, let Wm. Finlayson, 2d John Malone; one year old filly, 1st Alex Forsyth, 2d John Mo - Millan, 3a John Malone; Draught team, let John McMillan, 2d Mrs. Healy Chesney, imported heavy draught foal, let Dickson & Innes, 2d Alex. Forsythe. • Aniticumuiteo 011 GENERAL PURPOSE Honses.—Brood mare, it Hugh Ches; ney. 2d Alex. McEwen, 3d Wm. Dale; Brood mare and foal, lst John McMil- lan, 2c1 Hugh McGregor, 3rd Robt. Mar- tin foal, let Hugh McGregor, 2d Alexander Sproat, 3d Robert Martin; three year old. gelding, let and 2d John Shipley, 3d James Murray; three year old. filly, let Win. Dale, 2d John McGregor, 3d. WM. Cooper; two year old gelding, let Wm. Ireland, 2d Wm. Chesney, 3d John Stafford ; two year old filly, let John McKay, 2d Christopher Dale, 3d John Fowler; year old gelding, let Alex. Sproat, 2d Geo. Walker, 3d not known; one year old filly, let John Avery, 2d Wm. Dale, 3d Herbert Oriole; one year old entire colt, 1st Jas. McIntosh, 2d Richard Anderson; general purpose team, let Jas. White, 2d John Thorp, ad R McLaughlin. CARRIAGE HORBES.—Brood mare with foal, let Alex. Davidson, 2d John Mc - Nevin, 3d. not known; foal, let Thos. Kidd., 2d John McNevin, 3d Alexander Davidson; two year•old filly, let John Avery, 2d C. R. Cooper;.one year old filly, let John Avery'carriage horses, let Jas. Vanstone, 2d Jas. Elliott; single driver, let R. L. Sharp, 2d Thos. Berry, 3d. Robt. McLeod, grit colt,Thos. Kidd. THOROUGHBRED DURHAM CATTLE.— COW, let Jas. Dickson, 2d Geo. Sproat, 3d Jas. Dickson ; two year old heifer, let Jas. Dickson, 2d and 3d A. Elooat ; yearling heifer, let and 2nd Jas. Dick- son, 3d Geo. Sproat.; heifer calf, let Wm. Cooper, 2nd Jas. Dickson; bull calf, 1st Thos. Govenlock, 2d A. Elcoat, 3d las. Dickson; bull under two years old, John Torrance;, herd, consisting of four females and a bull, 1st Jas. Dick- son, 2c1 A. Elcoa,t. GRADE CATTLE. — COW, must have calved since last show, 1st S. Carno- ohm; 2nd Jas. Dickson, 3d David Campbell--; two year old heifer, let G. E. Creswell, 2nd David Campbell, 3d Geo. Sproat, yearling heifer, let Jas. Dickson, 2d G. E. Cresswell, 3d Jas. Dic.keen ; heifer calf, 1st Jas. Dickson, 2d Geo, Spepat, 3d G. E. Cresswell; steer two yet* old, let and 2d Jas. Dickson, 3dillnavid Campbell, steer one year old., let Jas. Carnes:sham, 2d David. Campbell; fat ox or steer, let and 2nd. Thomas Govenlook, 3d. Jas. Landesborough ; fat cow or heifer, 1st and. 2t1 Jas., Dickson, 3d David Campbell; best pair of shipping steers, let Thomas Govenlock, 2d and 3d Jas. Londesborough. LETIZESTER SHEEP.— Aged ram, 1st H. Snell & Sons, 2d Wm. Penhale, 3d S. Smillie, shearling ram, let H. Snell & Sons, 2d Wm. Penhale, 3d Robt. charters; ram lamb, 1st Wm. Pen - lisle, 2d W. O. Winter, 3d H. Snell & Sons; pair ewes, let H. Snell & Sons, 2d Wm. Penhale, 3d Peter McTavish; pair shearlings, let H. Snell & Sons, 2d Wm. Penhale; pair ewe lambs, let Wm. Penhale, al and 3d W. O. White. COTSWOLDS.—Aged ram, H. Snell & SORB- ehearling ram, H. Snell & Sons; ram lamb, let H. Snell & Sons, 2d Jas. Diokson ; pair of ewes, let H. Snell & Sons, 2d Jas. Dickson; pair ahearling ewes, Jas. Diokson. BOUTHDOWNS. -Aged Tara, John Han- nah; ram lamb, let G. E. Creasman, 2d Joseph Atkinson, 3d G. E. Cresswell; pair of ewes, let, 2d and 3d G. E. Cress- well; pair shearling ewes, let G. E. Cresswell, 2d Joseph Atkinson, 3d John Hannah; pair ewe lambs, let John Hannah, 2d G. E. Cromwell; pair of Southdown shep, let G. E. Cromwell, 2d SOB, Atkinson, 3d John Hannah; pair fine wooled sheep any breed, let G.. E. Creasman, 2d, Jos. Atkinson, 3d John Hannah. SUFFOLK. Pies. -.-Aged sow, Wm. Stew- art; sow, littered in 1882, let, " 2c1 and 3d., Wm. Stewart. BERKSHIRE rms.—Aged boar, let and 3d Robt. Govenlock; boar, littered in 1882, 1st, Richard McGee, 2nd John Avery, 3d Robt. Govenlock; Sow, let Wm. Stewart, 2d Robt. Govenlock, Wm. Stewart. s POULTRY.— Dark Brahmas, let Win. Grieve, 3d J. W. Elder, Light Brahmas, Win. Grieve;. Plymouth Rooks, let Wm. Grieve, 2d John Hannah; Black Polands, Dr. Scott; Polands, any other kind, let 3. W. Elder, 2d Wm. Grieve; Hamburgs, lse and 2d Wm. Grieve • Cochins, let and 2d Wm. Grieve, Black Spanish, let Wm. Grieve, 2d. Dr. Scott; game fowls, let Wm. Grieve, 3d G. E. Cresswell; Aylesbury ducks, G. E. Cresswell;, Muscovy ducks, let Wm. Grieve, 2d John Beatty; Pekin ducks, let Wm. Grieve, 3d John Cowan; geese,. 3. Scott; turkeys, let Ed. Sperling, 2d Wm. Grieve. CHICKENS.—Light Brahmas, let and 3d Dr. Scott; Grey Dorkings, Wm. Grieve ; Plymouth Rooks, let L. Thorne, 3d Win. Grieve, 3d Dr. Scott; Black Polands, let and 3d Dr. Scott; Cochins, let John Cowan, 2d Dr. Scott; Ham. burgs, Wm. Grieve; Black Spanish. let Andrew Calder, 2d not known; Aylesbury ducks, G. E. Cresswell; Pekin ducks, let John Cowan, 3d Wm. Grieve; turkeys, Joseph Ward. Ineeeneitee.—Single top buggy, Hess Haberer ; iron beam plow, Thomas Henry; stubble plow, Monro & Hogan; gang plow, Thos. Henry; pair iron har- rows, let and 2nd Alex. Stewart; horse hay rake, A. Campbell; fanning mill, McTaggart & co.; single reaper, Mal - heron & Co.; grain seed drill, A. M. Campbell ; churn, — Thackaberry ; wooden pump, let Jno. Ross,2d N. (Muff; iron pump, Wm.. Robertson; set horse ehoes, 1st Munro ISs Hogan, 2d M. e. GRAIN AND -SEEDS. -Two bushels fall wheat, let Robt. Govenlock, 3d Jas. Scott, 3d Jas. Dickson; two bushels Spring wheanlat Jas. Dickson, 3d Thos. Nott, ad Robt. Armstrong;. two bushels a -rowed barley, Jas. Dickson; two bushels large oats, let Jas: Dickson, 2d John Stafford, two bushels large peas, Thos. Nott ; two bushels small peas,lst Robt. Charters, 2d Jas. Dickson; one bushel tiraothy seed, 1st Alex. Mc - wen, 3d Jae, Dickson; half bushel flax seed, Wm. Ireland; barrel mer- 1 chants' flonr,jelmMoNevin ; collection of grain, 50 hails of each, with stravie to be attached, the full length, Wm -- Murray ; two 1 bnshels spring wheat, seed to have been purchased from Wm. - Rohl% James Kerr; two bushels oats seed to have been purchased from Wm. Rehill, James Kerr ; two bushels red winter wheat, let Jas. Scott, 2d Wm. Ireland, 3d Go. Sproat. Hoelectreeir ALI PRODUCTS. — Whiter apples, let Js.1 Dickson, 2d G. E. Cresswell; fal apples, let JUL Dick- son, 3d Jas. L dsborough ; collection of winter apples, lst Jas. Dickson 2d Robt. Govenlock I; plate Rhode Island Greenings, let il. E. Cresswell, 2d not know; plate Northern Spies, let Charles Rutledge, 3d Wm. Ireland; plate of 10 Pokbero Russets, let Jas. Kerr, 3d Mrs.hick ; plate of 10 Spitz- jiil3 enbergs, let ugh Chesney, 2d Herbert Crich; plate f 110 Baldwins, G. E. Cresswell,2d SiLandsborough; plate of 10 Westfield seek -no -furthers, let S. Lands. borough, 3d Herbert Crich; plate of 10 snow apples, ' let G. E. Cresswell, 2d WM. Chesney ; plate of 10 Gravensteine, let John Hannah„ -2d. Hugh Chesney; plate of 10 rea' Astracans, let James Dickson, 3d Jas.Landsborough ; plate of 10 Porters, lst1Jas. Dickson, 2d John Hannah; plate qf 10 King of Tomp- kins, let Jas. DiCkson, 2d Robert Leatherland ; 'plete of 10 Alexanders, let Robt. Charters, 2d Jas. Cameron; plate of 10-Duehess of ' Oldenburg, let Robt. Govenlech, 2d S. Landsboro ; plate of 10 Ben Davis, let Wm. Ches- ney, 3d Chas. Routledge; plate of 1.0 Wagner, let jag'. Dickson, 2d James Scott.; plate 0 zo Golden Russet, Jas. Cameron; plate .of 10 St. Lawrence, let S. Landsboro, 24 Win. Chesney; plate of 10 Maiden's Mesh, let Hugh Ches- ney, 3d Jas. DiOkson. Peeits.—TwO varieties winter pears, let Jas. Dicksen, 2d Jas. Landsboro ; two varieties fell pears, jas.Dickson, 2d J. G. Wilson; plate of Flemish beauty, let S. Landeboro, 3d Robt. Govenlock; plate of Duchess Arigouleme, John G. Wilson; plate of Bourra Clairgeon, Andrew Tyernian ; plate of Grey Doy- enne, let Jas. Diekson, 2d John G. Wil- son • plate of Clapp's Favorite, let Jno. G. *ilson, 2d Robert Govenlock; plate of Bartlett, let G,E. Cresswell, 2d Alex. MoE wen; best collection of pears, 1st Hugh Chesney 3d John McMillan. GRAPES, &c.—Plate of Hartford Pro- lific, John Walker; plate of Concord, let John Walker, 24 Chas. Lawrie; Plate of ,Rodgets No. 19, -let Jas. Lang, 2d John Walker ; plate of Rodgers No. 4, Jas. Lang; plate of any other varie- ty, let, Robtl. Leatherland ; 3d John Walker; quantity of grape, let John Walken2d Joseph Bulger; plate of crabs, let Jas. Landsboro, 2d Hugh Chesney; canned fruits, D. Hogan. GARDEN VE6ETABLES. — Early TOBO potatoes, let Robt. Campbell, 2d Robt. McLean; peerl'ese potatoes, Jas. Lands - borough; earl* variety potatoes, 1st Jas. Landsboeough, 3d Jas. Scott; late variety potatoes, 1st John Walker, 2d Jas. Kerr; late potatoes, Jas., Lands - borough ; sugar cane, Allan Hobson; winter ciibbage, ' let not known, 2d A.Hobson ; blood beets, let Allan Hob- son, 3d Thome 'Hill; long maugolds, let John Rattnberry, 2d John G.. Wil- son; Globe m rigolds, let Geo. Plewie, 2d Robt. Chartere • Swede turnips, let Hugh McGregor, lid.. Jas. G. Chesney; early horn cari,ots, 1st Chas. Lowrie, 3d S. LandeberOugh ,• long orange or red carrots, let IWIm. Murray, 3d. John Cameron; white 1 Belgian carrots, let Hugh Chesney' 2d ate. Dickson; In. than corn, let Jo1n- Walker, 2d Win. Murray; water elons, Jas. Lands - borough; mvisk, melons, 1st WM. Murray, 3d JiMel Lantiaborough ; four heads oanliflowelalet W.H. McCracken, 2d Allan 'Hob n ; red onions, let W.H. McCracken, 2i Robt. Leatherland ; peck of white cr yellow onions, let W. H. McCrackenj 2d Mrs. Black ; peck of tomatoes, let Thee. Hill, 2d Allan Hob- son ; six bun° es of celery, W. H. Mo- Cracken ; thre4 citrons, let John Han- nah, 2d Robt. Campbell; six parsnips, let Jacob McGee, 3d W. H. McCracken; collection of vegetables, let W. H. Mc- Cracken, 2d Allan Hobson • six main. moth mangolds, Thos. Hill; six large red mangolds, jas. Dickson; six yellow mangolds, Hugh Chesney. DMRY PRODUCf.—Forty lbs. butter, sufficiently salted' for table use, 1st John Hannah, 3dJoseph Bulger, 3d Thos. Yellow; firkin of butter, 1st John S. Brown, 2d Wm. Finlayson, 3d Robert Martin • 20 lbs. el butter, fit for table use, Win. Fialayson : cheese, factory made, let John Murray, 3d Samuel Laird ; cheese, Private make, Mrs. Thos. McMichael; cured side of ham, Hugh Robb; loaf harae-made bread, to be raised by hop Yeaet, let John MoNevin, 3d J. A. Clin' e qd Thos. Henry; loaf home-made hread, salt rising, let Allan Hobson, 2d Alex. McEwen, 3d Mrs. John Wise; laOney in comb, let John Rattenberry, 24 Wm. Murray, 3d Hugh Robb: honey in jar, let Wm. Arm- strong, 2d Hugh Rob; collection home made wine, let Allan Hobson, 2d Joseph Bulger. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. — Woven home-made quilt, let Alei. MoE wen, 2d Andrew Calder ; ten yards domestic cloth, 1st Miss Nash, 2d Mrs. Thos. McMichael; pair home-made blankets, let Miss Mary McEwen, 3d Mrs. John Wise; ten yards of linsey woolsey, 1st Mrs. Thos. McMichael; ten yards satinett, Robt. Campbell • woolen yarn, M let ary MoE wen ,2d H.McKay ; all wool -cloth, Hugh :ilcKay ; factory tweeds, let and 2d, A. G. VanEgmond ; factory flannel, let and 21 A. G. Van Egrnoud ; factory made blankets, A. G. Van Eg- reoncl, 2d Chas- Lowrie ; best set single harness, let and 24 Geo. E. Henderson; doable team harness, Geo. E. Hender- son_ ; pair lady's boots, Justus Roeding ; pair gent's boots, Justus Roeding ; sew, mg machine, 'Singer Manufacturing Co.; collection of musical instruments, let and 2d, Wede Eros.; set of parlor furniture, 1st and 3d M. Robertson; set of bedroom ferniture, let and 2d M. Robertson; stuffed birds, let John Walker, 3d Elniira Staphf ; half dozen bricks, let John Sproat, 2d John Carter; qollection of tile, John Carter. FINE ARTS.— Painting in oil, Miss Maggie JarnieSon ; crayon sketching, lst. Miss Maggie Jamieson, 2d G. W. Gee; collection of photographs, Wade Brothers. ' FLOWERS.—SiK varieties of Astors, let Dr. Campbell, 3d John McDowell; six varieties of Phloxes, 1st Andrew Goven- lock, 2d Dr. Oolemen ; six varieties of Verbenas, let'Dr. Campbell, 2d Mrs. Rudolph; six ;varieties Petunias, let Mrs. Rudolph, ad not known; six varie- ties of Fuchsiaei 1st Mrs. Rudolph, 2nd Dr. Coleman; six varieties of Gladiolas, I .1st John Beattie, 2d Mrs. Redolph ; specimen writing, Miss J. Marti; col- lection of roses, let Allan Hobson; six varieties of pansies, let John Walker, 2d Wm. Murray; six varieties ef dah- lias, 1st Mrs. Rudolph, 2d John Peattie; collection of annuals, let Dr. Campbell, 2d John Beattie • everlasting flowers, Allan Hobeon ; hair flowers, Mrs. John Henderson. Danes' WORE.—Patched quilt, let Mary McEwen, 2d Susan Payne, 34 J. C. Laidlaw • raised quilt, let Robt. Martin, 3d W. H. McCracken; tatting, let Mrs. Rudolph, 2d Mrs. John Hen- derson; crochet work, 1st Mts. Ru- dolph, 3d Miss McDonald, 3d Susan Payne; embroidery in -silk, velvet or satin, 1st Mrs. ,,Rudolph, 2d Mrs. D. Hogan; embroidery in..nuslin, list Mrs. Rudolph, 3d Mrs. Thos. McMichael, 3d W. H. McCracken • embroidery ila crape or chenille, let Mri:e D. Hogan, 24 Mrs. Rudolph; embroidery in worsted, let Mrs. Rudolph,' 3d Susan reline, 34 Mrs. D. Hogan '; braiding. let Mary McEwen, 2d Mrs. Rudolph, §4 Airs. John Wise; fancy. knitting, i4 Mrs. John Henderson, 2d Susan Pa he, 3d Mrs. Thomas McMichael ; pair oollen socks, let Miss Nash,2d Mary MnEwen ; ii pair ' woollen stockings andlI mitts, let Mary. McEwen, 2d Miss taphf ; pair woollen gloves, W. H. MoCeacken ; gents' fine shirt; let Miss Nash, od Miss Staphf, 3d Mary McEwen • wax fruit, - Mrs.A. Calder; lace work, McEwen; guipure work, Mrs. Rudolph IBerlin wool. work, let Mrs. Rudolph, Id Mrs. D. Hogan; feather flowers, lst Mrs. , Thos. McMiahael, 2d Mrs. Jelin Hen- derson ; flower °wreath, let Ms Mc- Donald, 3d Misfit Staphf ; she i work, l Mrs. James Scott; rag mat o. carpet, 1st Mary McEwen, 2d -Robt. C mpbell, 3d Thos. Henry; log cabin q ilt, let . Mary MoE wen, 2d Mrs. R. (ray, 3d Miss Nash; knitted quilt, let MM. John ., Henderson, 3d Mrs. R. Gray, qd Miss Mustard; collection ladies' wortg, Mary MoE wen; Gordon braid crochet work, Mrs. John Wise; crochet work ill wool, Dr. Coleman; Berlinlwool wreath, Mrs. John Henderson; old man and Woman, John Beattie ; ' feather wree.tlil, Miss Staphf ; child's crochet hood, Mrs. J. A. Cline; crochet jacket and hood, J. G. Wilson; rag carpet, Susan Pyne. , JUDGES. 11' HEAVY HORSES. — John MeMann, Seaforth; Joint Nott, Brussels, and Hugh Love, Sr., Hills Green. I LIGHT HoRSES. — David McIntosh, Bruoefield ; Jas: Bailie, Goderiah, and John Deans, Paris. ' CATTLE.—S. Walker, BrIiitifielS ; W. J. Hingston, Morris, and Robert rown, Gray. SHEEP. -- Geo. McKay, Wingham ; Robt. Meed, Auburn; H. Cheelney, Jr. Seaforth. , Pies. — Wm. Armstrong, Hullett ; John Govier, Hullett ; Jas. 'Lands - borough, Tuokeramith. POULTRY.--JaMO8 Addison, GOderich; A. Burritt, Mitchell; Thos. M. parting, Clinton. i I Glum, SEEDS, &c.—Wrn. McConnell, Tuckeremith ; W. C. CharterieHensall ; T. 0. Kemp, Seafortli,and Robt 'Hunt, Kippen. . 1 HORICULTURAL PRODUCTS.—Joim Al- lison, Usborne ; John Russe1,Go4erich ; John Stewart and John Skilinet, Mit- chell. 1 11 DAIRY PRODUCE.—W111. Scott,'Bruce- field ; and Edward Cash and D. D. Rose, Seaforth. DOESIC MANUFACTURES. -- John May, Mitchell; John Petrie and Win. Armstrong, Hullett ; and win. Thorne, Mitchell. • I FINE ARTS.—M. P. Hayes and F. Holmestead, Beaforth.- LADIES' WOR.K.—Mrs. Wm. McColl- , nell, Tuckeremith, Mrs. Jas, Lowrie, Seaforth; Mrs. Henry Dui:0=re, Tuckerimith. I IMPLEMENTS.—Thos. Mellis, Kippen ; Thos. Hill,Egmandville ; John homp- son, McKillop. - FLOWS PLOWS! —AT THE— HURON FO-UNDRY, SEAFORTH. I have on hand a large assortpient of PLOWS fitted with harden steel boards, which for quality of lit 1 and hardness of temper, cannot be ilarpass- ed in Canada. Come and see der i! C31-.A.1•T GI- P'14 - It is a -real 'gem, and for quality and price cannot be beat. We give special attention to PLOW POINTS, using only hard, stleing iron, and warrant them to wear with any plow point made. We also make GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS AND LAND ROLLERS. - Special attention given to all repair work. Reapers and Mowers repaired with neatness and despatch, and at lowest living profits. I have also made arrangements with L. D. Sawyer & Co., of Hamilton, to keep a full lino of re- pairs for all machines sold byhem. Good Reliable Agents Warted. THOMAS HENDRY, Seaforth. HOTEL FOR SAL!E. THE undersigned offers for sale, on easy terms, the FRAME HOTEL and premiss in the Village of Einburn. The stand is a go one for business, being the only one in the plac and in a first-class localit y. Mr. Brownlee, the en er pee- prietor, did a very profitable businese: here for several years. The furniture will beysold with the hotel, if wanted, and immediate irsession given. A LSO, AN IMPROVED FARM -7' being Lot 18, Concession 3, Hallett. 100 acres, mostly cleared and cultivated, With dwell- ing and barns thereon. This land is : of good quality, and situated near Clinton. Etiey terms given. !, A LO, TWO STORY BuicK l• DWELLING, on Huron Steeet, Clin- ton, next west of Dr. Appleton's residence, here- tofore occupied by J. Upshall, V. S. Late, terms. Apply to W. W. BARRAN. Clinton. 769 LE CREDIT FONCIER THIS new Company, formed for the purpose of inveeting French Capital in Canada is now prepared to advance money on the most avorable terms on good landed seeurities. M P. 'YES, Agent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 699 LEGAL. GAIMOW & PBOUDFOOT, Barristees,13 tiers, Goderich, Ontano.-3. T. row Wm. rondfootr, OAR:MON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barrlitort• %-e Molioltore in Chancery, ito.. Goderioli Ont.. M. C. Cameron, Q.0., Philip Holt, M. G. Csm- 08 8A-Tr1:1:1W.O.LaME, Solicitor in Chancery. Commis oner IER, Barrister and Attorny at for tilting affidavits in the Province of Mani ba. Soliottor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wing am. Private funds to loan at 61 to 61 per cent. 88 MEiER & LACKIN SON, Barristers, eec., ALL Block, Wingham. Solicitors for the Dank of Hamilton. pOmmissioners for taking affida- vits in Manitoba. Private funds to loan at 6 per cent. I Lucknow office every Wednesday. H. W. C. Alarm. E. Ii. DloKINsON. 738 JAMES H. BENSON, /JAW, Chancery and Conveyancing. Money to Teoan at loivest rates of Interest, and charges low. Farms for Sale. Money invested for private individuals upon first-class mortgage security witho t charge tc them. Office Seaforth, Out. Will cif e at Hensall, next door to Office, Hotel, every ednesday. 789 MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, _ Soot's Block, Main Street, Seafiirth. 1:!ffitOtTOBEI fcr the Consolidated B of e -e Canada and the Canadian Bank of Co 1. eras in Seaforth. Far* and Town and Village Property b nght and seld. Mobley (private fiends) loaned on mortga e se- curities, atreasonable rates of interest. Chrgei modeeate Money invested for private persons upon the best iiortgage securities, without any expense to the le der. S. G. oCAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLME§TED EGYPT THE SEAT OF WAR. Meliis to the Fr Read to Slay the Enemy. PLOWS!,PLOW T. ,DIELLIS, again to the froet with a large took of Plows and Gang Plows for the bene- fit of his many customers. All those in n ed of Chilkd Plows, ,q'histle Plows, Sod Plows, Gdneral Purp se Plowsi Plows of all shapes, and atilrices to milt the times. A full stook of Gang lows and Iron Harrows on band. Plow (meting's for the el ssey Ng. 13., Oliver's Chilled Plow, Fees- wateri Plow, Munro Plow, Francistown Plow, Bell 8 Son's Plow. and Seegmiller Flew. 40ast- ings f r all thelabove mentioned plows in took Repaij1ng of all kinds done with neatnes and despa h. A large stook of gate and barn hlhges on ha d. Bore° shoeing and repairing doin. in first -cease style. Small profits and quick re tuna Is my motto. Give me a trial. Remembe that I am bound to do business. A call solicited from all. leook out for the sign. , THOMAS MELLIS, Kippen. WHITNEY BLOCK SEAFORTH STOVE "OD PIV iMPORIUM STILL ' TAKES THE LEAD. THEICOOKiSTOYE DEPARTMENT - S NOW full. All the newest styles fitted with tile latest finprovements for baking, economy of fuel &c. Over thirty different patter: s to choos from at prices that cannot be undersold. PIARLOR STOVES I pthis department we have the largest vasiety oier offered In Seaforth, both in Parlor Heaters and Parlor ;Cooks. -Our Farm Parlor, Parlor Cook, New Aurora double heater &c. can- not bel equalled for beauty and usefulness. Our i LittleiGiant double heater is a wonder. T o or more eooms can be heated with this stove, hich takes less fuel than any other stove made. Call, see wed be convinced. , COAL t,i0VE DEPARTMENT! • TN tis line "The Royal" takes the lead w ere- -L ever shown. It gives more heat with less coal than any ether stove, and is no sooner seen than !lappreciated. Twelve different sty es to choole from. A complete stock of stoves a vays irleteceived a large variety of lamps, amp .nterne, &c., good material and n west goodo nJhu i ld p at t e ns Bet qualities of coal oils, Canadian and A sari - can, aind in cutlery and nickel goods we ha e an exteneive and varied assortment of both English and Almericare manufacture. All orders for jobbing work promptly at nded to an4 satisfaction guaranteed. A call respeetfully solicited. Come and se us _ and s4ve money. F WHITNEY BROIS. 0§eat Auction Salle —OF— THCAOUGHBR D —AND— IMPROVED STOCK. STI- ANNUAL SALE IUNDEit THE AUSPICES OF THE ' • HURON LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION I —ON— _ WEDNESDAY, OCT. IS, '82, d following day, if necessary, at the •TOWN OF CLINTON, : Huron County, Ontario, Canada. Horhes, Bulls, Cows, }lei/Errs, Sheep and Swine, all frcm the bpst herds in Canada, and thepro- partie ars. ale will commence at 13 o' lock perty f well- own breeders. See catalogrie for noon,`. TER S.—Six months' credit will be giverte with in erest at the rate of 7 per sent, per annum, On fu nishing security satisfactory to the seller.) Entri s will be received by the Secretary until he morning of the sale, but all catalogue stocklwiil be offered for sale first. Catalogues can be procured on application to the President, e ere al y or any of the Pirectors. The Secretary will l at Battenberry's Hotel, Clinton, on the evenin,k previous to, and the mornh.g of the sale, tie receive entries. It is expected that re- duce4 eailway fares will be given on the Grand Trunki and Cheat Western Railways, both of whichstines enter the town. JAME§ BIGGINS, Pllntqii, President; 51. Y. McLEAN, SeafOrth, Secret ; JOSEPH Pl. BRINE, Seaforth, Urine* _ D CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor -Its • !and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail pronspr ly att4ded to. P. S. CAMPBELL, Mitobele THE CENTRAL GROCI;RY. LAIDLAW FAIRLEY, Proprietors Of the Central Grocery, Seaforth, have, without exception, the LARGEST and Best SELECTED took of Goods in the County. If you doubt it, just call and see us, and vo w be pleased to show you our IMMENSE Stock, and CONVINCE you that what we say is TRUTH, irid nothing but the truth. We also state that we give the best VALUE for the citoney of any house in the tral.e. We sell all our goods on 9ieir OWN MERITS, and GUARANTEE . satisfactiqn.in EVERY case. Our stoc of Teas, as usual, is well assorted, and prices low. Our Teas have all been boihght 'since the abolition of the duty, and buyers noliv have Teas at least ten cent per pound cheaper than they were. All we ask frqm purchasers is to give us al all, and we will satisfy them that we can i and do selil the best quality of groceri a at prices as low as they pay for inferior .. goods in other houses. ' No gifts requir4d to sell our goods. I 3 OUR CROCKERY AND GLAS WARE. I Must be s en to be appreciated. The 4ock is carefully bought and well assorted. Granite Ulea Sets (44 pieces), from $2 land upward, Printed Ware in Dinner and Tea ets- at wholesale prices. China T a Sets from $5 to 120. Inspection , I is, portion arly requested in this departrnenti 1 FLopR, FEED AND PROVISIONS ALWAYS: ON HAND. 1 , Our 'stock of Turnip Seed, as fo erly, is from the olid and reliable firm of Q J. A. Bruce & Co., of Hamilton, which is sufficient guarantee for their quality. FREE DELIVERY. LAIDLAW1 (St FAIRLE., , Seaforth. WHAT PEi0PLE SAY. There is no Medicine Made so Safe and Reliable for Coughs and Colds as GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR. (31110NDVILLE, May 9th, 1882. Mesas. Lumsden & Wilson.—The Glycerated Balsam ofi Fir I bought of you I must Emphatically affirm is the best medkoine for a cough and cold I have ever taken, during the course of my life; no th ing, to equal it has ever crossed my lips. I had a Mvere cough and cold which hed weakened me down' very much and de- prived m ' of rest during the night. I lave only used one-fifth of the bottle, and am now ,erfectly cured. l' DAVID DUNCAN. SEAFORTH May 29th, 1882. . ?dosses. Lumsden & Wilson.—Gentlemen : The Cough Idedicine " Glycer- ated Esteem of Fir," I have much plea are in stating worke a wonderful cure with me. I I had such a distressing con h I could not sleep at nights; less than half a bolls gave me relief. MRS. C. JOHNSON. SEAFORTH,, May 11th, 1882. Mess s. Lumsden & Wilson.—Gentiemen : The " Glycereted Balsam of Fir" I got fron4 you proved to be the best ough medicine I e4 had in my life.- f never hadi anything to equal it. I wasrVstressed by a very bad cough, which had hung on elor about three weeks,.p venting my sleeping 1 at nights. I only used one- hird of the bottle, and am now completely cured. ANGUS McDERMID. The sibove are not far-fetched testimonials, but only three out of scores that .1 have been received from people in our own neighborhood, whe can, without much inconvent nee, be consulted. GLYCERA.TED BALSAM OF FIR is prepared and sold LTYMSDEN & WILSON, Scotts- Block Seaforth. D. D. ROSE, GROC NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, SEAFORTH, In returni g thanks to his 2:iumerous onstomers for the ve y liberal share of patronage bestowed upon him during the past, :and being determined to keep up the reputation he has acquired for fair' dealing and eying the best value, would , I say. that Ile has received another auppl7 of ' those fine Teats i at 50c, 90o and 65c . I per tioun, which gave end' go:id satisfaction, both in quality and price, and I! 1 • I would inyite all those who have not already, bought any of thlose Teas to give me a trial, and compare them with teas bought at any other honeie:at from 5c to 10o , % 1 per:pouna more. My B oak of Teas in Blacks, Greens and Japans, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Rice, Ta complete, 100S, Sago, Pure Spices, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes, fkc., is at all times and my extensive business, tOgetlaer with light expenses, enables me to place My prices:at a much lower figure than the same gods are sold at by others. NO BOGUS DISCOUNTS. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. D. p. ROSE. THE TRUE NATIONAL POLICY. 11300TS AND SI-14ES FOR1 ALL. WILLIS, THE Is e place fer Boots and 5hoes. a O'ecif that the public are satisfied 1`, hieTrices the lowest. SHOEMAKER, The constant rush to his store is t at his goods are the best and 1 MY PLATFORM IS TO OIVE SATISFACTION. By close attention to the wants of cu4oraers, by promptitede in fill- ing ;their orders, by fair dealing, conyinced that honeety is the best poliry, national or individual, I have the honor to be; your obedient serrt, Is,p. I, Cady's Block, Opposite Com*ercial Hotel, Seaforth. ROBERT WILLIS. EPTUNIB$R 29, 1882. mi.A.RavEms, BANKING HOUSE SEAFORTH. OFFICE—In the premises former- ly occupied by the Bani. of Com- merce, and wider the Commerciat Hotel, Akan Street. • NOTES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED. English and PorAign Exchange Purchased and Sold.. FARMERS'SALE NOTES Purchased at Reasonable Bates. Money Lent on Collateral Securities - Drafts Issued, payable at par at Branches of the Bank of Commerce. INTEREST Allowed on Deposits - Money to Loan on Mortgages. • M. P: IIEJ9, Manager and Proprietor. NEW Eb300k, STATIONERY & VARIETY STORE. IWOULD announce to the people ieof Seaforth and vicinity that L have openled a Branch Store in Campbell's Block, oepoeice Veir's Hotel, and being a former resident of 13 forth, would respectfully ask a share of their trtk . The stock eonsists of school and other books, school eup- plies, stationery, fancy goods Berlin wools, toys and novelties of all kinds, sheet music, all new and well assorted. As we buy largely and in the best markets -we are able to sell very low. ALEXAND.E1? W.EIR, Seaforth and I Parkha MISS. SHANNON; Man e. INSURANCE ALONZO IS AGENT and Life d to take Also oieties. Also and Village A 1330ottoto Agent cFricE Street, - THE SE AFORT Ali_l_D LAND ST for several First -Class .Insurance Companies, an risks on the most favoreb Agent for several of the boa Agent for the Sale and Pure Property. , : . CENCY. ONG Stook, Pert is pines - e terms. Loan So. . ase of Farm -Class Bale. per cent hip Tiokets. Store, Main 646 Vumber of Fir# Improved Farms for to Loan at Six • interest. for the sale of Ocean Steam I --Over M. Morrison's Seaforth. MEDICAL. T G "edassent cos f SCOTT, M. D. etc, Physic's. Presbyterianot hsideeltlfSGveo: Inn: Cc h.' Ont.Sr e 'Surgeon and Ian is e 43° eog ini 1dd juidego door TT L. 1,. geon Office directly vIncoz, ia. D., C. M.. Pb ste.,Coroner for the Co and Residence, on Jarvis opposite Seaforth Public S sician, Bur - nty of Huron. treat north, hool. VerMIRANOVER, VT Acconceieur, North east of M.D.,0. M.. McGill University, Physioia . Seaforth,Ont. Office a,. side Goderich Street, first the Methodist Church. Graduate of , Surgeon and d Residuum, Brick House . 496 N.E. , SURGEON GRi Sirgeons, lately Block. All operations faction N. B.—Teeth by the -IST. ge of Dental the rooms Whitney's and satis- thou/pain Mit ErfaCI-IINT; DENT . UATE of the Royal Coll Canada. Office i occupied by H. Derbys I carefully performed guaranteed. Charges Moderate. extracted ur mos st saissessirss Is.- . TT DERBYSHIRE s. 4- 3- • purchased th; I i I a.. ,.. Mr. McCulloch, and Switzer's Block, Mi. he will always be found. Teeth e the use of ce.oroform, ether and , gas. Gold fillings a specialty. P distance will be allowed their train ixpenses. Dentist, has business of removed te hell, where trusted with, Irons oxide les from a 722 IDMI\TITISTI1— D. Faculty HAViNG Make and lasting. Chlorolorm, raV' Officein "Y. TIST, College he is able to - suitable - a Specialty. e Gas given. . 9E11 et, Seaforth.. D. S., ce, CADEY'S oppoe I Hotel, on: THURSDAY Oxide Gee This gas sinco been one of Pa- the gas - in a min- disagreeable teeth please tention paid . Teeth in- 730-52 LS. since intro- ding system great sa,tis- retail and sire to thank onage, Which We are well our from the a contin- also takes cusm loers, prices. With to pay good With others market. We Seaforth Flour, constantly on - of live s & CO. 771 WATSON, DE Gold Medalist atld Gold Medalist R. C. many years' experience all operations in Dentestry Preserving teeth ' Ether or Nitrous Oxi Charges Moderat Meyer's Block, Main Str C. CARTWRIGHT, , et t adminietered has been 1866 with the first tients and have ute or effects call on to the serted "WE ' e clueing in our faction farmer* our cuetomers of late arranged preseu itope uance well a n and we these ajivantages prices tIor to makp would prices phis null few, sand 4 sakes f T. 0, _ STRATFORD WILL be at his o BLOCK, Skis IORTII, e sae the Commere t iieee WEDNESDAY and I of each week. Niti-t.te in the extraction of teth. admmestered by Dr. Cartwright perfect success, he having to introduce it into this pfovince. baying teeth extracted may inhale eight or ten teeth extracted a minute and a half, without from it. Parties desiring ne eVednesdays. Par tieular a regulation of children's teat -• from one to a full set. f .. I 1SEAFORTH MI Ire are pleased to intimate tha the roils aiid Irish gn mills here, our flour has give throughout OUr entire lo fel exchange trade, and we d for their liberal pat has materially increased to manufasture first-class new crop, and to merit f past patronaee Our floor or g our outside shipping trade are able to s II at good we hope to be able grain, and shall endeavor &worth the farmers' grain dvise them to carefully learn season b. fore selling elsewhere. fine barrel and land salt business prices. Also a quantity r land purposes. A. W. OGILVIX KEMP, Manager. _ 0 The Boston I of the horses s public departni "Green hors sad colds, and receive partici' a day of six or are called 11P° Jose the soft from the con builb up into stdmais. Fro required in eh. then able to d trips every two "Five to S them for furth they are then. other -work i. ranging from 6 horses which merits, their fe to give out, bu when they ret farm work the cover, and so back to the vi were condemn "Goa drivi the length of t last,.and it fre horse will thri stable, althone, kind of treat for fe.eding use meal to each 110V7 considere After many ye and careful ex Cunningham, South. Boston whom in aver' -condition is d has beenlerciel horse receivIcl, pounds per da per week. Th day, mixed -chopped hay,a of water. No except when ti when they are shorts and gro only fed when The hay used equal parts of quality, Baste gene, which ar and sweet, B.B. moved as soon his meal, and. "Great care in SlaMmer six -ed with every which is given When a horse warmand ewe enough water then permitte given all he also given to t by men wheat pose at differe "Up to with custom of this of mineral sal also to mix -created an was drank tha suit was frequ mall handful sprinkled on the box in whi all that is give of common "For trucks about Boston, 1,800 to 1,400 best, and'thee and New Yor bodies, short I Western hors They are bon years old, and last from eig horses as thee a better price good demand. to twelve guar equal quantiti -cracked, are gi coarse hay the used by some sidered the be stables are lee .considerable are 'used, it is feed in the stir: *ecessitates th and as the pr runaways and portions of the men omit the the quantity a 'practice has pr ml, the horses dition and we "Horses of lused by the !Alums Comp stock of eighty 1,400 pounds. when from fo Twelve quarts in the proporti four-fifths oats quality of bay, which is varied mash of bran, Bedding of rye stalls all the t' they are caref remarkably Ir a single ease o years. 'Rock three years old for twenty-tw the finest and —The Par is a, little worn of McGillivra many men in followed the r day, and kept HUM, binding they did." —The lug: '"Get off shouted one ing down the of Toronto broadcloth, w the plank f watching th The gentIema narked that to look at the in it. "Wb masonry?" temptuously. you,my man,' ",Wed, I she. fellow with a ordered with walk on an which he pre who that gen ter who had Naw I" wa I'll tell y Mackenzie, The interest