HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-09-08, Page 8.
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- � I I ; ! � i SEPTEMBER 1, 1882. .. -
. i 11 . I � - rr=r TJTMAX V7 --w,,_Qo-rnTt, I I __ I
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. .
- - . I r —_ r I . . - year,—Misseg Etta cations making �oroe shoes '. I . , an. votes placed on the assessment roll oil by thi)'"Ressor as follows --From the ashamed hen they view the position
I �rought into American territory all higher thin last . I age of 5 to 16, 568 ; from the age of 7 in which the school house is located.
attle are dutiable. I paid s5.88 on my Daucan. and Maggie Wilson left on other waggon oVpenterB were,- wo, leg either side of politics. I have been ss- I - low flat, stands a dingy low build.
fpoll tX10010tot rr , sessor now for the last five years, and I to 131 531 ; from the age of 16 to 21, 318 ; In 06
. r h " beach, *nd in (one instance men ing in which the youth, of the sectiola
�, ow,.and freight $20. In Ontario- she Wednesday to attend the Brantford at t eir , 417. Miss Broadfoot, teacher, _
' ands Young Ladies' College a busily engaged erectin g an g ma. don't want to be charged with wrong total, 1 for several years have been educated
I ss worth 650, so you sea Bhe at .—The booth wer. I o. 6, f urDished a register of the pupils .
le nearly 680 here. Ido not grudge privilege on Fairview Park for the day teurhouse,whil shoemakers, V�a 01 ma- doing, even by Mr. Jackson, when I N ttended school during the two We wonder if they would-vyorship in such .
]DISTRICT MATTERS. the money, as Iwas asked $50 to 055 of the races -was parchased by Mr. kers and other trades we-#Je� similarly kilow I am guiltless.—JAs. BONTHRON who a vacation which showed an abuildin ours a week?
— or Bio Assessor for the Township of Hay. .. *eeks in the -they to do so the present unsightly
SEAFOATH MILLS.—We are plemed to scrubs that were unfit to bread from. John Carroll for $21.—Mr. Morton, represented in the prbeeBBiow. This'paxt MARKETS.—NeW wheat, 90o to �1.00; average bf 18. Mr. Adam Case ten. Had
- intimate that since, Introducing the rous and n horses the Clydesdale is not a who -has been a resident of this town of the days proceedings, like the rest, � a n e. wa to a more re. -
' car old, 61 05 to 01.10 ; borley1rom. 45c to dered his resignation as teacher in No. pile would oo giv y
high grinding system in our mills here our flour favorite here, as he is 'too hea�� and for many- years, having, purchased an was well desigred and.admirably- - - sp,ectitble looking building.
ur on- ' P to to 650; oats, 40c -to 45c. 1, which was accepted, and Mr. Woods � Now that
has given great satisfaction; throughout o clumsy in Bt in � an asher in Stratford, re - ried out. The ,I procession rew t a teacher to times are good what could be done to.
tire local retail and farmors'exdhaXV trade, and a sleigh, and is too heavy to intere hall when all werecritertained THE Civic HOLIDAY.—OUr citizens was empowered to procure I do mending the present state of
we desirs to thr-Ir our customen for their liberal work on soft' I and. A- good compact moved to that plac with his family the town L ided to hold the civic holiday fill the vacancy until the end of the war
patronage, which of late h" materWrincreased. horse of 1,200- to .1,300 pounds, with this week.—We are lad to learn that at luncli as the 1 estaof the Cow.n. have dee . affairs? Don't all speak atoncoI I
1911 . Mr. McKay, of No. 4 asked leave
We are, well arranged to manufacture first-al"s good feet and,gooa walkin qualities, --is Mr. John Dicksolin, of' MoKillOP', was 16 THE BA*D r COMPETITION. - on Wednesday, the 13th inat., when all year tlire4 nionthB to attend
9 'Otrher very 'interesting f buoiness will be closed for the of absence for i .
Aour from the present now nop, and hope to not so d by his fan as An - feature of Places 0 � Grey.
merit a continuance of wit Patronage. Our the best. But there is no use in bring- seriously inj our the Normal School 1 at Toronto, which
- . , , teur day. I
. ger than from five to eight was at first though , and he will e day's proceedings was the Am People doing business in ted, COUNCIL DOINGS. —At the last regular , ;
. �
ffour also takes well aFaced our outside Shipping Ing YOuu � 11 - ' This took ac�e i the town will please bear this in mind. was granted, and the Board accep ,
11 0
trade customers, andwe: we able to sell at good years old, and even.. good twelve year be around again.—The, many friends of Band bouteat - his brother William to fill tbiB vacancy, meeting of the Grey township coun,
With these advautages we hope to be old& may dovery',well. Dealers- here- Mr. Robert Scott, of - Roxboro will Skating Rinkand wasliate, ed to by h OUR MML.—We notice that the Hen Ar il -
= pay good prices for grain, r and shall on. he is again so large doncotirse of deeply intereSted" gall Milloare running a large trade in provided he get a permit from the In- a communicatiori was read from r. f
deavor-with others to mukke Seaforth- the farmers' , never have such in stock, as you never regret to learn that Bpe?tor. The account of John Sprost, Hiram White, Concord, asking the
groin market'r We would adylse, them to care. find one over eight, even though all the seriously indisposied as to be confined spectators. There were fou band 3 an. gristing., Thus early in the season they.
fUny learn Sealorth priess al, ming from far and near. As the senior for his half of the fence between Council to dig a ditch on the road at
this seagou before natural marks denote him to be four- tobishouse.—Buyer are already scour. tered for competition, viz : Exeter, are co r
selling elsewhere. Flour,. mJ11 feed, fine barrel - hipment, Blyth, Brussels and MitCiLell., I'lach farmers' time is so valuable this Beason his property and the school grounds at Lot 25, concemians 11 and 12. Messrs.
and land salt constantly on hand at business teen I ' As to sheep, same robust grade irig the country for v pples for 6 ' a place No. 11, amounting to 07.22, was paid. Strachan. - and Hislop, reported having
. prices. "o a quantity of live ashes for land ewes and a good ram would be worth but find them a pre ity scarce cammo-- band played two selections. The first , of theyear, they like to go to nt of th effected a settlement with the Brussels .
purposes. A. W. OGiLvm & Co. T. 0. KAMP, bringing, if you can,get a park - enclosed Aity.—A number A the -Oddfellows prize, 650, was awarded to -Brussels, un. where they are Sure of getting their The treasurer gave a stateme - . 'arding the Land -Improve. I
Manager. 770-1 to run the inower over it when went to Mitchell n Wednesday ta' der the leadership - s grists home with them, and owing to a finance, showing that it would requir Council reg
" done $2,568 to pay the teachers an care m nt Fund, Brussels agreeing to areer
DExoCRAT6 WHEAT,We have much so as ay, and the t 6 e, $30, to a large local trade an gris ing .
sure� in calling the attention of our f riands to the pro-6upine grass heads out. This attend the funeral of the late John K see nd pri here they slwa�s find our milla with taking of schools for the last half year. �100 as their share. of said fund. A .
plea . abominable grass - is the only enemy Mulhe,,ron, of that town, who died -of Mitchell. Mr. 0. T"Pele, of the-Sey nth
-'h—evariptv which bids fair tobeeomethe .- I A a -fnain un and ready to work and cause and he had been informed by the coun re'$olution was passed approving of the,
9 1
leading wheat for this country. It was introduced Bheep have to contend with ; and it is enlargement or the hearb after a long usileers,Lontion, acted as Ju 160, GPAA - a 'ttlement. In response to a request - IS ew
by Mr. Win. Weld two years ago, and all who such a pest when -thick that -aevws fflness.—', The Seaf maxksmen have performed his onei ous dutias with the no delay. oil that the interest accruing from th q I - NJ
. I Nu In- T"'nA,h ra rAf. to sinking fund would be one per cent les W Mr. T. Cardiff Mr. Hislop was i�n_ New
have purchased it are more than satisfied with the grass,, would be an appropriate name. each taken good positions amd won utmost impartiality and to he evident I 1J.01-TulknX.— W V J b
I results. We have not heard one single complaint 7 � — . *zes at the Dom nion Rifle Match, Bati8f&CtiOU Of all. - I chronicle this week, after a lingering than formerly, so that we wouldreceiv structedto attend to the digging of a,
about this wheat; everyone who purchased it p1d —Mr. Harris, This closed the public j?roceelingS illness. the death of Mrs. Wilson,. wife from $150 so $200 less from that soure ditch at lot 10, concession 13. It was �
I from Messrs. Pierce, Weld & Co,, of London, is A COMPLIMENT TO A SEAFORTIF CRicic. now in progresBAt 0 ,taws. ( ow Hall, annually, M6vedbyMr. Woods, BE- resolved that the money received' from
loud in prwaes of the same. 'We would hen ETER.—In reporting & match whic . h re. foi the past eight y axa assi3tant in the of the day, and many of the visitors soon of Wm. Wilson, Esq., of Will . ;
remark that in every instance where one farmer dently took place 'between the Mount law office of Mess . McCaughey & after took their departure by train, and London Road, which ac3urred on Salo. conded by Mr. MtknBon, that th3 the Land Improvement Fund be appre. �:
in a neighborhood has tried this wheat he has in. bath last. Deceased was widely known treasurer be authorized to apply to th 3 priated to the purchasing off Railway .
been able to dispose of his entire prop at homa Forest and Listowel Cricket clubs the Holmostead, of this town, left on Wed- the shades- of evening spe ily set i
at fiearly twice the price of any other wheat. we Examiner of the former towa thus re. nesday for the old country.' He intends Dancing, and other amusements, Ow- in this neighborhood, . having settled council for the sum as 02,750, to b debentures and that the Reeve and
have no hesitation in recommending this , whelt fors to one of our Soaforth players:— taking up his permanent abode in ever, were kept up for houri i after this, here when the country was new and raised by assessment for school pu - Treasurer be authorized to purchase
to every farmer in Canada, and in th . at a as possible.
= a very When it'was dio'covered- that Mr. Cam- London. We wish Mr. Harris a safe and the young folks, especial.y-, wh( had wild, and was very highly respected by poses for'tbe current year — Carrie ' . said debentures as favorably
few dollars laid out for this variety a 11 f her Moved by Mr. Woods, seconded by M . In the matter of J. Green's application
profitable inveatment. See advertisement in eron of Seaforth, acknowledged to be and pleasant voyage across the Atlantic gathered together to have a goo day, all who e joyed the. pleasure o
another column. 7704 , the best all-round player in this section slid hope he may long live to enjoy the Seemed bound to make tb.4� most f it. acquaintance, and it was those who Plewes, that this board do now adjour to have ditch dug a.t lot 22, con6esEliou
' . I her most to meet again in school house No. 8 i 10, referred to a, previous meeting, the �
NOTICE.—All parties indebted to me of Ontario, was on hand to play with pleasures and comforts of his native The entire proceedings passed over knew her best who esteemec able the village of Egmondville, at 2 o'clob ' application was not entertained. I
for gravel, or in any other way, are requepted to - home.—We have been requested to without ajar or unpleEisant accurro ince, for her very many kind and ami The I
Listowel, -a majority of the Mount For for [the purpose of re-en-agi g Reeve was authorized to employ I
settle the same on or before the 20t1i of Sep- , t players objected to the arrangement, st%to that the ladies ,of the Canada and the success of the demonsta ition qualities, She was exceedingly wrsPt P. in., . r7 . an
tember, and all parties to whom I am indebted es chers and other business — Caxfie( .
must send in their accounts for payment before but being there they were prevailed .Methodist Church intend giving their certainly reflects the greatest credit in and attached to her' family which ' tea engineer to examine Government drain, I
that date. Until the above date I will be at . the 'an ' at GEo. SPROAT, Secretary Public School concession 1:6, and ascertain 'Which
upon to go on with.the match, and, the annual dinner on th f.%ir day, of which upon those who had m age ent was larg6, ,and for many years pa
th& commercial Hotel, Seaforth. ALxxANDE& result showed that they had reason to further notice will I e given n�ext week. of the affair. In fact th � Win ham scarcely even for& day left her home Board. I would be mG3t beneficial to the rate- .
D*vmso,,�. 770-2 object to the importation of an outsider —Mr. James Beattio �, one of our oldest Tournament Will long be ' mera ered and family. Yet this attachment, as Brussels. . I payers interested, new side drains or I
THE FIRST OF THE SRASOX.—Mr' by the Liat6wel 3lub, Cameron having grain merchants, has recently made with pleasure lo� those wh - - witn seed we have already hinted, did not in the . the cleaning out of the old drain, and
HiramDeagon, of the People's Restaurant, Sea- ' I . and ics.—The Cat- report at the next meeting. The fol.
forth, is daily receiving the moat delicious oysters, scored more runs in the first innings by considerable improv)mentson his stbre so well as those who - took . grt * the least estrange her from her friends ada Methodist congregation held their lo!wJ!ng estimates were handed in from
fresh and good. For sale in bulk or by the can, five than &�l the others put together, house, and. the addi ional facilities he -demonstration. � � acquaintances, or prevent her from Sunday School pic-nic in Hingi- school truste6s for the current ye -sr :
or served up by the plate on the premises. Just and his fiu6 bowling was mainly i nistru. now has for unloadii ig grain will be a I L - . Bharing the warmest friendship and annual I I
try them once and you will be sure to return for mental in kedping our score down. great convenience, si id will effect & Con- L . Blyth. . hospitality to all who came her way, ton's, grove, on- Monday last. The day School section No. 1, $375, section No. I L
more. 770-2 1 � but on the contrary served only to was very fine, and a pleasant afterupc n 2,; $325, ,section No. 3, $360, section No, I . I
- ' .
� - siderable saving of time to those who , MARKETS. — The followitg are the . J "I
To P1J_1ZEL BREAD MAKERS.—In etrengthen that spirit of kindness and was spent. 4,� $275, section No. 5, $280, section No.
oral' I BARx BuRxn'D.—A barn on s, farm be- dispose of their pro� nee to him.—O ur market quotations for Ilyth; Fall I
to give equal advaztage to all I shall make, a —St. John's Church- congregation 6,16315, section No. 7, 0675, section No. I
special artiale- of flour for those ,who comppte for ,I longing to Mr. Thomas Govenlock on merchants aie now busily engaged wheat 95c to $1 ; spring, $11 to 81.05 - friendship which ever characterized her . . . - :::
L I '
the bread prizes at the Ag4culturalShows. Flour i the gravel road about ihree miles north taking in and marking their new fall peas, 65c to 65c ; oats, 38c ;I buttel, 15� life. The funeral cortege which left her held their an-nu.%l thanksgiving servi a 8,:$285, 'section No. 10, - $271, Union
. lor sale at the Big Mills. T. 0. IiEup. 770 2 of Sesforth � was completely destroyed I I , late residence on Tuesday was very large, and Sunday School pie-nie on edne '- school section No. 4, Grey and Wallace, -
The 1 pr4
goods. They are receiving immense to 16c; egos, 18c. e ed
. . ' . 7 I - testifying to the respect and esteem in day last. - sermon waE Me y 6172 and debenture. A .By-law was
Comm ' a.—To arrive. this week at by fire on Wednesday evening last. The stocks and making every preparation HAUVEST.—Many of the arm6is in . -of Blyth, a d rea,d and passed levying one mill on the
Duncan & Duncan's Grocery Department, Teas building contained about one bl4ndrea fo' &big season's trade, and we do not this peighborhood are ab � t through wbi h I
r - 0 she was held. Her husband and the Rev. Mr. Henderson
of all prices, imported direct from England. ' 'was con� ! I family have the sincere sympathy of the pie-nic was hold in Mr. Armstron 's dollar for township rate and one -halt
I)ou!t fail to I give us a c&ll, it will psf you. Dus- tons of hay,i the whole of which anticipate that they will be disappoint- with the harvest. They p o ounce the
*AN&Du,,,ioA,,�c. 770-1 . sumea. The premises were unoccupied ed . I he I the community in their Bad bereave- grove. It was largely attended, a d Mill on the dollar for railway rate for
,, as Seaforth still leads the county in crops on the whole to - be above t " .
TEN CASES OF SILVER PLATED WARE i and the origin of the lire, is unknown, the way of large atocks,: ol;eap goods averag�o yield. Messrs. Me innoll and ment. th,) clay being fine, all enjoyed them- the current year. After passing a num.
I - - 1,17 ber of accoupts. the council adjoumed
opened out this week at M. R. COUNTER'S Jewenery " but it is supposed that tramps -had taken and f air desling'generaUy.—Miss Alice McMillan are au k on the � . - selves immense ,. .
. . - 0 ain at 0 Hu I I ett. LocALITIEs.—The 33rd Battalion and until the 29th inst. I
Emporium. Price, lower than ever. - Everything � up lodgings in the place for the hight, Boloth, of Belleville, arrived in Seaforth market, but grairL thus fwax comes in �
I .
from a. nut -cracker to a tea set. 770 and that while smoking had set fire to on Thursday eveniac' of last week for somewhat slowly. . I OuR.TAxEs.—At the last meeting of our town band go into camp at . LoudQn --
- W&NTED.—A good, general servant. the hay in the building. There is no thepurpose of atten ing school at the _CAICKET.—W6 understand, hat there �Hullett Council the rate of assessment next Tuesday.—All. arrangements f 9"r 13:ay.
Apply to Was. A. H. 1'RRL,LXD, Bank House, be- insurance-, a,nd the lose to Mr. Goven- -Poplars for the. ensu ng year. We are is another cricket match b t e the fixed for the current year was : For the Caledonian games to take pla.08 FARM SOLD.—Mr. Thomas Pieroy bag
tween the hours of 2 and 4 in the afternoon or look will be considerable. The reffec- pleased to know il at this school is Oppo4ition and Ministerial , teams on county purposes, I mill and seven -tenths next Thursday are completed, and i'if sold his farm, lot 20, North Bouudaxy,
6andTintheevening. 770 tion of the fire was distinctly visible in continually increasii ig in popularity.— the tapis. The friendly . ainer in of a mill on the dollar, and for township the day proves fine the committee ek- Hay, to Mr. Jacob Moir, of Stanley, for .
BOOIXSAND SHOES. --Geo. Good, of the town for several hours, and Some feared Miss Maggie"smi 11 es one mill on the dollar exclus- pect the best *gathering the society h4s the sum of $5,500 cash. The farm con. I
Seaforth. Boot 9 tore,is making things lively in the th, of Mr. which the two parties meet and con- PurPOe ,
Boot and Shoe line. His big stock and low prices � I that it was' caused by the burning of Andrew Smith, of E,:,)=, left on tend for the honor o c is r Bally ive of the school rate. ever had.—The gentlemen from' `Dun- " ts � ins 98 acres, of which 90 acres are
draw the crowd. 770 Mr. Andrew G-ovenlock's mills as the a visit to her brothei - in St. Paul city commendable. L y . FARm BOUGHT.—Mr. Gilbert Mo. das and Montreal were in' town On under cultivation. Mr. Piercy intends -
flame seemed too large to emanate on Thursday. -She t xpects o be absent THE MANLY ART.— I hich Michael, Jr., has purchased the farm of Wednesday last, with a view of neg)- re � moving to Michigan.
— hs.—Mr., . . Van- will prove an intereati I Vera Mr. L ;
STOCK LssocumoN. A from an ordinary building. Fortunately, two or three mont U tisting for the Ronald foundry, for to. e
HuRox Lr,vr., !g affe-Ir"nito . Bands, on the 4th concession, 2HE FIRE INSURANCE ComPANY.—At a
- meeting of the officers, directors and however, those conjectures were ground-' Egmond of the Seaforth 'Woolen Mills of the "Manly Art of Self. lf�nc ," is for 55,500. The iarm contains 100 purpose of manufacturing reapers a4d recent meeting of the'Directors of the
� I
il -binders. NO 14'a Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
others interested in the Huron Live less., 3g ,�e Pr, and is a good property. This mowers, including self
. I is making a large exhibit of his wares to occur sometime dur ,e 1� � y I
Stock Association has been called at at the Toronto Industrial Exhibition, week. The contestants are coupe of farm adjoins the McMichael homestead, definite arrangements were arrived ait. h6ld at Zurich, a number of applies.
MaLarea's Hotel, Clinton, on Tuesday LOCAL BRiEFs.—Mr. John Thorp, of anfthus far has been awarded four old soldiers, and are no i ovice3 in which Mr. McMichael now works. AT WINGHAM.—A gooclly number p"f tions. for changes and notifications of '
next at 2 Oclock p. m., for the purpose Tuckersmith, has sold 581 worth of silver medals. handling the gloves. ! NEw* BARNS.—Messrs. William Me-- our townspeople attended the &unive*- alterations made in buildings, were.re.
of making arrangements for the annual eggs Bince tl!ie first of February, besides I : . I . .01 THAT BY-LAw.—The voti g -on the Michael, Edward Hinchley and John sary of the opening of the Winghaln ceived and filed. Some ninety -three -
Fall Sale. It is to be hoped that as what he used in his own household.�� fire protection by -la too plact i on Wilson, on the town line, Hullett, have waterworks on Friday last, and enjoy�d applications for membership were so-
' -
rasny as possible of those interested Mr. John Cameron, of the Mill Road,1 The Wingham Tournarnent. , W 'BE, w a very pleasant afternoon. Brusse�'
Thursday last. The r Ult showed it each erected Splendid, large new bank 13 cepted. , The names of the following
will be present. Tuckersmith,.sowed five acres of fall ' The Firemeu'a DemonEtration and -to have been defeatei by one of a barns this Beason, and all have them band also was present, and acquitted parties who bad neglected -to pay their
. . � .
wheat ow Friday last, the Ist inst. Tournament hold -in Wingliam on Fri- majority, but this one havi g beer dis. well filled with grain. All these are themselves to the satisfaction of the assessments ware ordered to be struck
THE SP,AFoRTH RA.cEs.—The races on This is the earliest seeding on record. day last, the lot inst., was grand Buc- allowed on accout of being incormotly within. a mile of each other. preT,ty Wingham citizens, and farnished them from the books, and their insurance
the Fairview Driving Park in this town —Mr. J. M.'McGregor intends prosecut- cess. There were four Brasi Bands and .crossed, the returning o cer -co I nee. good for one settlement. good music during. the day, but who" cancelled, viz,: Samuel Montgomery,
will take place on Tuesday next. There ing the corporation of � Mitchell for six visiting Fire Brigadee present, to- quently gave the casting vo e in favo.r FARM SoLD.—Mr. Lionel Butt, of the the bands present assembled in the John Armstrong, Gao. Brooks and John
axe several good purses for competition, damages which he su ' stained by the gether with a large concoun ie of visitors of tho by-law. The measur has been 12th concession, has sold his farm of 63 rink to compete for the prizes offered Ross. The Secretary was, on motion, ,,_
and we understand that several good runni g away of his horse as meritioned from the: neighboring towns and sur- met �hroughout with strenuou . acres to Mr. W. J. Hamilton. for the by the town, objection was raised by instructed to notify Mr. James Fansoa
s op 3081- . .
I horses from a distance have been en- a week.—Mr. John MoMann,, of this rounding 'couniry. The mart little tion Py some of the citizens in out ying sum O� 01,600. . . the other bands present, viz., Mitch6ll, to pay the clainas the Company have .
tered, and quite a number are already town has. a fine heavy draught mare for town wore a genni ppear- districts, and not a little arr usemei �t is VOTARs' LiST COURT.—A voters' list Exeter and Blyth, that if Brussels b d against him forthwith, and in the event --
. . �
' 0 It is fully anticipated- which he refused $240 a few days ago. ance and looked its best. The streets oc=d by the dete ' Led ins aner . pete, that the form, 3r 0
In trainin a here. I court, to hear the appeals against the Was allowed tO,cOM f his neglecting or refusing to doso, to
that this will be the beat day's sport —110nr Boys" wish us to return their, were handsomely decorated with beauti, in si its list for this year, will be held at Londes- would all compete under protest, as the take the necessary legal steps to collect
that. has been in the county for" some sincere thanks to their old and mind- ful arches, some of which were oi moot boro, on the 11th inst., at 10 a. in. Brussels band was a military band, the amount
vali4ity., The latest report 3 from the . - due by him, and also to�
years, and we have no doubt but a large ful friend Mr. N. Cosens, of Tucker. elegant design and workmanship, sur- seat of w6r have a tendenc3 to Gioi firm DICATH.—Mla. Archer,relict of the they being attached to the 33rd b&tts I- csrr . out to the best'i dvantage the suit
y 01a
orowd of people will be in attendance. Smith, for the gift -of s basketful of Passing in.- beauty many that we have this: � eport- late Hugh Archer, of the 5th conces. ion, and were not entitled to cc : t - di -
r . I . mPe �e at presen pen ing against Mr. N.
The trackis. in Splendid order, and delicious eating apples.�Au American seen erected in our large cities on im- 1: in an amateur band competition' aid Diechert. The following resolution.
I oion, died on Tuesday last, at the* ad- �
everything bids fair for a big day. buyer recently offered Mr. John Thorp portaut occasions, while flags, and i - - . Hills Green, - I vanced age of 83 years. Deceased had were backed tip in their protest by tv ro was carried unanimously: Moved by -
� I '
of Tackerbmith, 5450 for his magnifi- streamers bf the most gorgeons colors, S! - , i only been ailing for about three months, out of three of the committee
O�D OUT AND GOING AWAY.--Xr. * Of ma: 1- .Hugh Love, Sr., seconded by Elenry
THE EGMONDVILLF, MILLS. — Messrs. cent team of Wellington horses. � He were everywhere visible. 1rhe arrange. . ',
James McLeod, formerly postmaBtek at general infirmity being the trouble. agement. But, through the iriftnen e ftleyrock, 46 That having heard with .
Kyle & Mustard, of the Egmondville refused the tempting offer, and he in. ments of the commi! itee fo� the enter- Hill' . s Green, has sold his bouse'aild lot She was one' of the earliest settlers, oI several bf the citizens 'of Wingha muc
Mill1s, now ha,ve two sets of rollers in- �euds fitting them up for the approach, taiumen� t of the via, tore and conduct- I having come here over forty years ago, and to their credit, the committ 4'
to Mr. Thomas Hudson, fo - the abi� of -8 Dierstein, late Secretary and Managing -
stead of Stones in operation in their ing Embibitions.—Mr. John Garrow, of i6g of the contests i 6ppearg'd to be very $150, Mr. McLeod inteni a ram 4 . and had an extended circle of acquairt. agreed to leave the decision of de Director of this Company, the Beard ot '.
,ing ,
mill. These rollers are now generally i McK.illop, left here on Monday last, to. 4omplete, at least our Soaforth boys to Manitoba about the - fi: -at of Tilext tances, and was a member of the.Prasby, ground of objections to Professor To 1, Directors duly sympathize with the 1�
used in all the lairgest and best mills, pursue his medical studi,es at Detroit are loud in their praises of i Chief Man- i teriair -church. Her remains will be of London, who was to Rot aas jud '
th. - He has a son rei iding on a ! - widow and family in their bereave.
and are a great improvement on the old Medical College. At thd close of this 4el and -his men for the*"le and im. Mon buried in the Clinton cemetery this This gentleman at once decided th t ment, and that Mr. Dierstein7s name ;
. farm near Brandon, and he goes to h . ,
system. With them the Egmondville session be will be a fall. fledged medico, pArtial manner in which th'by dischsrg. - vo (Friday) afternoon, at 2 p. in, the grounds of objection were unfou -
! with him. Mr. McLeod is an ,old man .. ',T'��' wi e ong remembered in connection '
Mill can now turn out flour to rival the and will pursue the practise of his pro- qd their duties. I 1 , . ed. Each band played two selectio, , ith the Company,
� � . I . I I to go to a new country, but I e is I 10 . . wi as he was one of .
very best manufactured on the con. ; fession in,some of the smart and rising 1 THE HOSE ]REEL R&6E.- 11 He StaILley. and the first prize—$50—was award the originators—its first Secretary and '
tinent: They have alrbady ship a . I plucky, and will, we hope,� qlo,�velL re th( n Managing —and did much for
' 3 ped towns on the other siae of the Hues.— One of the princi al fe4tures of the
a - is an ;ld resident, of Hill's Green � �In_a THE RATE.—At the last meeting of " to Brussels infants, as they we -Director
considerable quantity and have order Mr- Daley has sold his house and lot i 11, days' arnuBemento 1?vss the Hose Reel wbili) his many friends herb will r Bg ret the Cour-cil the rate of taxation for this called by some of their opponents, &I d its increase and progress, and that the
on hand sufficient to keep their nail EgmOndville-to Mr. R. Stong, of Bruce- Race, in which oix companies competed. 8 h ,6 y , ,8 no
. ' his depaxture, they will all join wi us year, was fixed as follows: For justly too, as twelve members O11t.Of tl Le Seeretary i er b in tr ted to send %
employed for some time, but they wi field.—Mr. Thomis Downey has sold a The race consisted (if fifteen in,, from ' co"unt y eighteen were all under 21 years- Some copy of this resolution to the widow
still continue to do gristing and custo two year old 'colt, sired by Old Clear each company rulan', I ng three hundred in wishing himself and Mrs. McLeod purposes one mill and three quarters of the members of the Mitchell band mid family of the late Mr. Dieratein.11'
health and prosperity in 'their new .on the dollar, and for township pur-
work as formerly. The enterprise , Grit, to -Mr. Blair, post -master of yards with hose reel, laying 300 feet of l t
f : hom 6. - I poses two mills on he dollar. This said that if they had known they had The next meeting of the Board will be
these gentlemen is c ' ommendable aill Stratford, for.the sum of S225.—At a hose, connecting to hydrant, attaching LoCALITIES.—Mr. Sohn Tmoyer,'o this rate will raise forbounty purposes 63,111 to- compete against the Brussels band held in Zurich, on the first Saturday in,
' I
will Secure the - in success. - f ull meeting of the Dir,ectors of the branch, and", getting a Btrei.Lm of water place, has the second crop of new and for township purposes 03,500. . they would not have put in appearano . ' October. . I
i7 ___ I McKillop Insurance Company held on through. the�hose. The pri�es were, ist potatoes this year ready for use. . ar-- The decision of the judge, which ga4e . - —
SEA-YoRTa TAIM,NT ABROAD. — T �e Monday last Awas resolved that the a Silver Tru�upet, ve lue $3� ; 2nd, a Sil- vestina is about completed in this general satisfaction to the audienc3, —The Wingbam cricketers visited
Pueblo (ColorAb), Chieftain,.&ugust - rateof assessment for the current year ver Tru W"pet, value, 1 .20. Thefoll i 0 . Tue-kersmith. showedthat the fears of the former London on Saturday last for the pur.
says: Mr. Cromwell, the famous paint r' be 7 per cent. on the premium notes. is & list 'of the com oting co Owing neighborhood, and a good many of our
. mpanies; farmers.are busy plowing for fall w JLeat, AROTiE(ER FARM PURCHASED. — Mr. band were well founded. POSE) Of Playing a match with the Pick.
of landscapes in water and oil, is In t e This will'pay all losses and expenses the order in which hey r n, together John Cameron of the Mill Roadi Tdck- wicks of that town. The rain - interfer-
� for the 3 ear thus far, and leave a our- with the- time each tad6: 1 i 0 of which there will be a la:ge b.rE adth Blueva.le. �
city stopping with Col. 0, H. P. Baxt'r. �i smith, has purchased from Mr. William ed with play and prevented the match
His home is at present in -Canada, ancl plus of about 41,500,. .The rate last ' Exeter, 1 minute 30 seconds; Kincar- sown. — Spring wheat around here McCas, his farm on the 14th concess- WHEiT.—Mr. W. Smith threshed oi t
trips L year was 10 per cent.—The base -ball dine, 1 m inute 15 Sesforth, 1 yields well. Mr. Coleman had 125 t being finished. As far as ,,the match
he is on one of his periodical in ion of McKillop, paving therefor the 600 bushels of .faU wheat, and mar y
I ! bushels from 5 acres. Barley also 5ields went the Winghain players ave a good -
Search of scenery. Mr. Cresswell is a match here- on Saturday between the minute 1Q Beconcia, Listovrel, no time - cont 9
I . I ; well, but is very dark in, color. Fall sum of $1,000. The farm ains 88 others have like ,quantities. But Mr. account of themselves. Messrs. Baird. -
patleman who has made a name in art, Exeter and. Seaforth Clubs had to be given, as fithey failed to make proper wheat is a very good yield, and oats are acres and is all bush land. Mr. Cam- John Diment heads the list, having I 0 and Broadfoot, of Bracefield, playecl -
und is the holder of a gold medal won stopped before completed on account connection; Harriston, no time. given, am extra crop. Apples are very scarc- eron will get a lot of valuable timber Off acres which promises to yield him 1,5(,0 with the Wingham team.
- The Seaforth club were �,or the sa e reason � Mitchell r e. r bushels.
, ait Paris. He is visiting Mr. Thatcher of the rain. . I 1 Minute —M .r John Dinsdale, f Stanley, . it which he expecte will pay the pu - I —Rev. Mr. Baugh intends to com.
and other citizens,. and yesterday called ahead when play stopped. —. While 18 seconds. It will thus be seen that . chase money, and he will have the land DOTs.—F. Patterson obta
at the studio of Joseph Hitchins. We assisting' to unload anew Safe at Coun. Seaforth won first ph, thresl�ed on the farm Of 9r. 'Francis ined secGild mence a four days' meeting at the
' ter's jewelry F3 . tore o I u Monday last, Mr. second. ' - - ze and Kincardine Coleman, Parr Line, on Si ,turd&y last, to the good. We hope big expectations money at quoits in Winghain on Frids-Y Methodist church, Brucefield, the latter
- I
Understand his criticisms upon that I 100 bushels of fall wheat i i the hort will be, more than realized. I last, and James Mitchell secured thii d paxt of the month. This congregation,
gentleman's work, while given sparingl3� �Dseph Abell got bis foot pretty badly After the time was aun 1 COUNCIL MEETING.—The Con oney.—Mr. George Eyve
9 - , . minced by the space of 50 minutes, and tie straw was ncil met in 1, of Toront:), which has not been very large for Soma
were such as to indicate his high appre- Jammed.- The safe, which is a very Judges, Ch . . on the 30th ult. at Brucefield. All the bdriea his youngest child, aged eig4t time, is improving, and a-nder his mia-
. ef Dyer of Exeter, presented handle. The
ciationof Mr Hitchins as one of the large one, slipped as it was being slid io the Chief of the" Seaforth Brigade, v - ory lo ; ng and difficult to members 'present. Moved . by Mr. months, here on Tuesday last.—Jam4s istrations a greator interest is bein- -
moat able landscape paiuters in Amer— from the. wagon, and the plank fell a large nd beautiful bouquet of grain was fed by Mr. Nclson , Storey, Sprokt, seconded by Mr. Mandell, that McCracken and W. Jones, of this place .
I andwas threshed at one run without , - taken in chu'reh matters than hats'
ica. striking TiTr� Abell on the foot as above flowers. It was whispq d around. 8 the following amounts be levied to have left for the Harriston High Schoo I. been manifested for some time pre-
� stated. He will be a cripple for Bome, that the -Jolly old Chief " ad brought topping. j The machine was driven by meet the expenditure" for the current They are both studious and clever a ld . I
Es.—Messrs. (lays.—As we predicted last week the this magni ficent and sweet 1 scented or- Mr'. Diusdale's ateamer. - I - viously.
� year, for county purposes :—The sum of - will do well.�Mr. - Joseph Leach is7t '—Miss Docking, daughter of Mr. R.
James Horton, of Hibbert, and Thomas Seafortb Firemen came out first at the nament t ' decorate the x�bw trunipet . $3,330 requiring a r ate of one an d fif ty-six present rustioming in Manitobs.—Mi. Docking., of Holmesville, came home . ,_
Dickson., of McKillop, arrived home Wingham tournamebt and returned the which he oped to take hol�e with him, . HenBall. . � one hundredth mills on the dollar for Newcombe, land agent, Turtle MOUIL. t W�o weeks since from Mitchell, com-
from the Old Country on`S&turday last. proud bearers of the silver trurapet.. but as 11, t I e best- laid sche� � aes gang aft CHURCH OPENING.—Tbe new tho- township purposes; the sum of �3,0�0 re. tain, was the gueSt of T. Farrow M. P., plaining. of being unwell,- no .serious �
They brought with them. -one two-year- T4e boys are highly elated over their aglee," be was unfortunate;in this res- dist cturob, Hensall, will b a opene I and quiringaratoofoneandfour hundredth for a few days. He was on a holiday dears we're entertained. of her -recovery
- 0
- :
old and-,. three yearling stallions and a success as they have g6od cause to be. poet, and � racefully ielded to theinevi- dedicated on Sabbath Sept. 24th. ' The mills on the dollar for Schools ; the trip.—Forestry is booming in this place. until Monday last, w I
with a C
breading mare and foal. They axe all —The first team of the Seaforth Cricket table, anI lignit � � hen it was found
� ' . y � peculiar to Rev. John Wakefield, chairman' of the sum of 52,750 requiring the. rate of one The Court here has -now a membersh� "' . she could not recover. and she quietly
�� good animals. They bad a pretty rough Club go to London to -morrow to play a himself, � I indly yielded it up to' fulfil Goderich District, will .. preach ir . the and thirty-four one hundredths on the of seventy and Bitill they come. pused away on the afternoon of that
. z' I
- passage, but gob them all lauded here match with a London club.—We have the mission for whi(h it was intended, mornillg at 10:30, and in'tlie eveniog at dollar, for Union School, No. 1, Me_ UNDESIRABLE.—This villagg P098688(s day, having been unCOUBoious ,all the
- i
in sa,fety, although two of the colts were on hand an interesting letter from Mr. only with a different destination. The 6:30. The Rev. Hugh Cilmeron, will Killop ; the sum of $126 requiring a rate Some objects which would not fail to ii; .
I . on
. . L ,h in the afterno Itt 2:20 sea —
pretty badly -used' up when thev took Samuel Hicks which we -Bhall publish first priz a silver cup, for'a 200 yards preav ti ae of her illness.
. Un,fo � m! A, of one mill on the dollar for railway - grabify and please the heart of an 0 r The Algoma Pioneer of the ist inab
thein off the cars, and for some da,ys next week. ' Mr. Hicks has "squatted" race for e�'iremen in rm. was also collection will be taken I after each purposes; interest and sinkhag fund. the says : His Lordship the Bishop of Algo. � '
were in a critical condition, but we are on a claim about ten miles north of won by Mil. Robe- . l Wilde. Contiguous to the cheese faq-
� it Abram I of the Sea. service on behalf of the tr '4 fund. The sum -of t9OO requiring a rate of forty- 6, which axe ma hada fair taste of our- bush roads, '
. P tory isa, collection of swin
glad to learn that they are now 01 Q'Appelle on the Touchwood Triail.— forth Brig4de. I opening tea meeting will be held th fol- four o of a mill on the here fed duriag the Summer montlis,, last Sunday morning, when he was met
g 3 ile hundredths t'
-right. Owinc, to the carelessness of the Sevenky� tickets were Sol the i � THE OR ROCESSIo owinat Monday evenin dollar, and that the Clerk draft a By- 13 from that d' by our reporter, covered with mud and
� C'> d at : � AND I . X. 11 0 9, � September and when -the wind blow
railway hands in shunting trains at Sea,forth Station for the excursion to , Next in order alter tbal Firemons' 25th. The meeting will bg addrassed law in accordance with the above, and rection the effluvium and stench is un- attempting to reach Victoria Aline, -
Stratford, the horses rec"eived some Port Stanley on Tuesday last. The Race was the Trades' Procession. This by several miui�ters, and t liere will be submir, the same at the next meeting bearable, and the - olfaotory nerves ate
pretty rougli treatment there which did ca-rs wereyery much crowded, but the was a mos � � attractiv 9 and m1agnificently music, instrumental and vocal. Tea twenty ,two miles fron, the Sault.
. . of the Council.—C&rried. Mr. Sarnuel shocked thereat. Rather drain the When last seen the Bishop was 2trug. --
them more haam tham all the rest of weather was cool and pleasant, and, . arrauged Off air. First in ]Order came will be served from 5 tb 7 r. m. I Carnochan was appointed collector for whey into the river than have such a .
� In . � gling with his horse and t - to
� the- voyage. The offending parbv was, the excursionists had a good ti e.—On ` the various Bands, and then the repre- THE HAT VOTERS' Lis r AND MR. the current year at a salary of $90. ur midat; but the few do' ry)[119 - get
I - I . - nuisance in o . I
mire seven
. . 9 —I hLappened to There was granted in charity to Mrs. lars are too much to lose—henoe co -- miles from his appointment, which he,
. however, reported, and no doutt will be Monday last --�bhe -Junior Beaver La., sentativeg " f the diffe renttraoes in town, JACKSON.—MR. EDITOR, his buck -board out of -the
properly dealt with as his carelessness Crosse Club of'-tbis town visited di � the �_
� nton and these were follo wed by' the Several be in HeDsall the other evening—on McNamara,iMrs. Callaghan and Nicb- tinuance of thii pest producing ranch .
I 'lag before midT .
deserves. . . and played :a friendly. match with a Fire Brigkdes in f ul I uni form, while the business. I went into Rob . Bonth '_ Is olas Price $5 each. Thos. Downev7s —Then there i d . was hopeful of reach I
. rou � 8 the mill pond, und night.
a. -team composed of players from the -naembers of the vari@usl- professions, the store, and he told me :that G3orge account for lumber, amounting to �4�._ the waters of which lie sunken logo the t —The other day a rather painful
STOCK IN- THE NORTH WEST.—Nlr. D. . first and secoud.tw6Jve8 of that club. town officials, visit rs, a-nd. otherri, in Jackson had been in to Be') him that 50 was pasSed for payment, when the teen years ago. In the lo, v inishap occurred on the farm of ,)!&.
b, and werefol. afternoon, and apologized for having Council adjourned to meet again- at water season the breeze from this bod 7 George Anderson, of Kintore. While,
McPhail, formerly of Mitchell., writes to The result of the match was three games carriages, came in nex came in fif
the Recorder - "Stock in Dakota are to one in favor of Seaforth. Time, 17, lowed" . I I �
Not permitted to run at large without a 40, 20 and 19 minutes.—The ,by a huge multitude of the great appealed against his, Bon hLron's, vote. - D aily's Hotel, Egamondville, on Satur- of water is far from pleasant, but it wi I Wm. Johnston was leading a cow .
harder in ebarg I trophies unwashed. The procession, which was He thought he was the assl3or for the day, the 30th of September, at the be allowed to continue until the useful through one of the fields by means of a
e, and until one can get I won by the Seaforth. Fire Brigade at over a mile in length, marched through township of Hay, and was 1',oing t t hour of one o'clock, p. In. -
a park fenced -with barbed wire, no otie the Wing"ham. tournament have been the principal stroots of the town. One and cast -bis vote. , ry ness of saw mills in this locality is gon I rope attached to its horns, the animal .
01-11 attend to Picketing out more than. a He also said that SCHOOL BOARD.=A meeting of th e and the succeeding generation -mayell- attacked him iii a ferocious manner, I
displayed for several days in the win- of the moot' attractive features of the the assess� 30 im. a cgrreat Public School Board was held on the joy the pure breeze wanting the esseucE. throwinghim against a atump.1 Dir I 4 I
�" . 4. � or had dom
couple of cows and a, team, as all have dow of Robertson's hardware store, - procession was, tb at e representatives. inj ury as regards the voters) ist. Noi v Mr. 2nd inst., in School House, No. 4, at 2 —The c9metery is in a bad state Of Anderson, feeling uneasy at the length I
to be watered and." at night brought Und been greatly admired by all w 8 � I
" ho of the several trade were actively eu- Edito I think my vote i a good a
3 .
, , - tn
I 'Llhe
�11 I 8
e of the ever necessary -have Been them. , The rate of ' Mr. P. M. All the members present except repair, iout the dead don't know and of time he was gone, went out jad
. ' '
her th: q J ohs engqr, Mr. McGregor. The Secretbxy pre. the living don't care. It will therefor� found him in an: unconscious state. On
Good grade cows of good ment 'in this town for the present year had their fires, anv, is, and fall para- Mr, J' kson or any other an in the Bented etu.rns . . . I
smudge fire. assess- gaged in their occupa;ions. Blacksmiths Jackst'n's, and an-oi, i n1 ,�o 0
"I ,10
� 3 . P , Bruce th I examination he was found to be badly
arigged up n a waggon, and township of Hay or anywh re else, to Clerk showing the number of children time they held the trusteeship, havt gored and bruised. Mr. Johnston is te.
Tailking qualities, are what should be has been fixed by the -Council at 18 phernalia. r from the Townshi continue as it iB.—Men who
)Drought; and be it understood that if mi -Rs on the Edollar.aThis is one mill men were busily em I loyed at their avo- prove that I used any infl � nee tc get in the Township of school ag
. - � ; � I 08, as taken passed into higher spheres must fee�
I ; . .� , . I . . covering as rapidly as possible. -
�� � 7 � ; I
� I : !
I I I I t I .. � .
I -
L -V -
The NeN
: -
I r% I
I �
. - _____ -7--_ _� __ .
- - _:_
E K.—
. cession 9, Eae. V
May, 2 ,yearling . -, I ' 6
are all red, the 2 ste
small star oil foreh
cerning theny will -be
.LN _____ -
are left in my Im
t on. If not pal , 1W
handed into the court
Aactioneer. Harptc
changed for r. fart
smith, Stanley or Hu
12 Thr,aberry, coift&
I;Z,d. For Furtb,erpax
Land Agent, Seatorthil
I= -a limited ,qu
able) FA "- WREA
He has -tborougldY t
Ngij, y r,
. I ,c2mmend W
is now threshed; the
a -ad it weigbs 63 POUT
� - ,
%J uIldersigned in -
' '
I red
August, -A Bmslls red
giving =111-- She
bag gua a ,small P! .
Any Wormation tba
. .
this gnimsii will be. *
. . ,b
F,WI.N.(+, Seaforth,
_V rent his Farm, I
Etanley, being partf
acres ,of which abou
- -
I down wit1h
water,e(l; well Maki
purposes.;gf)W ban
never failiwr sprh)',�
- I
good orchard. It is
field, 10 Uffles fron,
Clinton, For 1:irth4
MILLS, Coll_;i-&-nce
� F 0 -R '-sAL"hi
Fruit Evaporat
fa;heap and upon 4eal
buildings have beel
anner for the �c �
atin:� blusiDess, and
Drde.r,, and a fille Pf,�
B,kt as Nv� S. Rob�r_t
the firin of D. D. NN'
D1011toll, '.NTA0rtl1J,V�e-'
inallently, tile vrc.vi
bxtihies�, of aaid finvi
particulars Avith mg
the und,ersibm,jd� I
� - I __ - - : I
and -in agood statf. -
rode �af board Itfuc
'witk cedar -and laar�
lkouse, and a,aood 11
Itatl) 0 bytxfVet
�_W� fruit trees.
vith grwais. There I
AA101ce water in the
situated 2 -miles fv,
,Qmy & Bmee i
and 11 nalles from
6a theGreat WeRt
. t0,nhVr(Ai%scboolf
1169 �=sby e balaw
Cheap. ApAy onv