HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-09-08, Page 7HOUSE. 4e2ni.ves former- -13"1, V cont. thtt Comm -mita DISCOUNTED ign EXChartgae.` )ad Soid. LE NOTES Suable Rates. ,tertai Securities le at par at all k of Commerce, on Deposals tgages. LY E ropriotor. RIETY STORE. is people of Seaforth aye opened a Branca epteite Weir's Hotei, t ot Seatorth, would eir trade. The stock books, school Sap - se Berlin wools, toys - sheet "'nisi°, all new ny largely sad in the. - sell very law.. ETA and Parkhill. Manager. FORTEE LAIIU AGENCY.. !-ES Ti -t 0 N G ':-iret-Class- Stock, Fire ?Aniec, and is prelate- t&VOtabie terms. .the beat Loan Sa. and Purchase at Fame ffirgt-ClaS8 111,8 for Sale. at Six per cent est. an Steamship Ticket rrieon's Store„Matn 64fe DATe ,Physieian,Surgeon and. rea oat. Wiest and reel- rieh Street, second door the 3. M.. Physiedare Sur - or the County of -Karefl. street north,. a Public Sehool. Graduate of Phy sielan, Surgeon and L. Office andResideneea, reet, first liriek ,areh. 49t C÷CITINT, DENTIST. Royal College of Dental - Office in the room . Derbyshire, Whitney's - F performed and eatls- erges Moderate. meted without oaf ee eifesme..E, Dentist,. bas 1 -chased the business of Ulloch, and removed to Block, setehea, where t Teeth extracted with. her and nitroue oxide Partiea from a their train, expenses 7? -1 ESTRiY- if, DENTIST, dalist and College St Re C. D. S. experience he is able to n Dentistry suitable teeth a Specialty. trous Oxide Gas giveu. t, Main Street, Seaforth. .-11-1T, L. D. S., r'FORD, be at his office, CAM'S SelaFORTH, oppo- Commerckt1 Hotel, on SD-A,Y and THURSDAY veek. Nitrate Oxide Gast raction of teeth. This gaa by Dr. Cartwright since, sa he having been one of e -into-this province. Pa -- acted may inhale the gas- eth extracted in a min- alf, without disagreeable desirineee new teeth please uticular. attention paid airen's teeth,. Teeth in - 1 set. 73U-5:4 WET! Kg WHEAT grown in ty W. Wela two years- ago) be hardiest, most pr )(Ince Lea_ grown,and not aabtect ge, from e5 to 50 hishels ioriably the best wheat in mid secure Democrat aura and order early. -r-y, imported etock,S3-per erna grown, pure stook, sd ten bushel lots, $1per hand : -Egyptian, Fultz, - '&e. Prices on applicatiofl. a fine stook el Orchard 'ease, Meadow Fisene, Red t pastures. Circular with aationa VELD & CO., Illerehants, London, one. • pTEMBER 8, 1882. News Items. The lete ex -Governor 0. C. Wash - burn's will disposes of property worth tft,500,000- --It is estimated that the total yield of hops in New York State will not be over 93,000 bales. —Ths belle of Newport is a young ellewYork widow who has ninety-one ,atieeeent dresses. —The funeral at Dublin of, Kirkham, -the Fenian, took place last week. Ten -thousand people accompanied the re - veins to the depot. --Gen. McClellan, with 100,000 other lateens, is expeoted to attend the re- union of the Army of Virginia, at Park - burg. on September 12, —Rev. Mr. Talmage is having einem- enercottage built at Bay Shore, Long It is uuderstood that Mr. Tal- \ :nephew agreed to visit the beach once a day and smile the sharks away. —Frictions of a penny have never been paid by the Bank of England in distributing the dividends on the nation- al debt, said the accumulation of the unpaid fraotions amount to £143.00. _The first 200 foot span of • the Northern Pacific bridge at Bismark, Dakota,was finished last Saturday,week. The bridge, when completed, will be 300 feet long and 75 feet above the river. It has solid granite piers. —Forty deaths are reported, caused by inundation of Ben Ficklin, near Galveston, Texas. The country pre- sents a spectacle which beggars des- cription. Houses, _horses, cattle and clothing are piled up in heaps at every stela —The Agricultural College at Heno- ver, New Hampshire,will admit women pupils at its next term, who will be given a special course of attidv, includ- ing butter and cheese making and dairying in all it branches. —In the last article penned by Dr. Holland he said that he believed it to be demonstrably true that, of all the advantages which COnles to any young man, that of poverty is the greatest. But no young man has ever yet been satisfied with the'dernonstration. —The sudden rise in the Rio Grande river carried away part of the Inter- natianal and. greet Northern railway and part of the Mexican National bridges. preventing rail communication with Mexico for several days; the damage is not necessarily detrimental to traffic. —Viscount Downe, who accompanied the Duke of Connaught to Egypt, is only 27 years old, and an enthusiastic fighter. The Queen, it is said, is quite proud of him. He served on General Marshall's staff in Zululand, and did all he could to get an appointment during the Afglaan campaign. —While working as a blacksmith, the Rev. B. Hurst, who lately died in Eng- land, studied the languages in all his spare time, writing the conjugations of Latin, Greek, and French verbs on the flame stone of his forge. Besides these tongues, he studied Hebrew, Arabic, Sanskrit, and Syraic. —The Erie Elevator at Buffalo was destroyed by fire which was originated by an explosion, the OallS8 of which is unknown, on the night of the 24th ult. Five men were killed, and one fatally injured. There were 300,000 bushels of wheat and oats in the building, all destroyed, besides a large quantity of lumber. —Mr. Thomas Low. Stratford, and Mr. A. G. Campbell, Molesworth, (bro- ther of Mr. David Campbell, Stratford), two septuagenarians, returned. the other day *after a tour of a few weeks in Scot- land, which they enjoyed immenseiy. While in Edinburgh Mr. Campbell spent .several days with his old frieed, Mr. Kennedy, the Scottish vocalist and his family, who made many kind en- quiriea after Stratford. friends. THE HURON X OSITOR, _ up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us, ready to attack wherever there is a week point. We may escape many a ftttal shaft by keeping curselves, well forttfied with pure blood anda, properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser -1 vice t-lazette. Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold only in' packets apalins (i pound and pound,) libelled -,"James Epps 8c -Co., horneeo- pathio (ihemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon;use. 736-52 The prescription of a IskillfuI physi-. oian, and'oomposed of vegetable drugs of great remedial power, Dr. Carson's, Stomach ' and Constipation Bittere purify the bloodegive one and. vigor tO the system, cures Dyspepsia, and Indit gestion when all other medicines fail: Have you tried it? Sold by druggists, 50 cents 8, bottle. Mr. Wm. Ransom, of South Norevick, says: Fop sixteen years I suffered from Biliousness, never had any -medicine do me any pennanent good until recom- mended by our druggists, J. Wesley Fish & Cp., Otterville) to try Dr. Cate son's Stomach. and Constipation Biti• tors, whiO have done me more good than anyd medicine I have ever taken. won14, with the utmost confidence, recommend them to all suffering from Biliousness, dai. Sold by all druggists at 50 cents a bottle. The safest, best and cheapest medi- cine in the world is Dr. Carson's Stom- ach and iConstipation Bitters. Sold in large bottles at 80 Cents by all druggists. , I Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, -Ulcers, Salt R-heum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Rands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price_25 cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Co. 714-52 —The fall session of the Ontario Deaf Mute Institute, Belleville, opens on the 13th of September, on which day an officer of the institute will leave Strat- -ford by the afternoon train, in charge of pupils. The energetic principal, Mr: R. -Mathison, will be at the St. James hotel, Toronto, from 10 a.m., on the 13th, and at the union station from 11 till 6 p.m., and will be glad to meet the parents or friends of pupils there. —In the county of Perth there are 11,057 working horses: 2,481 breeding mares and 3,405 unbroken horses. Thoroughbred. cattle there are 659; working oxen 223 ; milch cows 23,625; store cattle, over two years, 10,966; other cattle, 28,779; total cows, all breeds, 23,820; total cattle all elm ses and breeds, 01,179. Sheep of eery kind, 74 524. Piga 25,664; turk ys, 9.503; geese, 23,434; other foevls, 53,- 452. —Mr. John Livingston, sr., brother of the late Dr. Liviagston, returned to Listowel a couple of weeks ago, from an extended visit to the Old Country. On his -way to London be visited his niece— a daughter of his distin4uished brother —who residee near Kendall, in the north of ,England. During his stay in the Englieh Metropolis, he visited the torah of his brother in Westminster Abbey, aud on leaving, returned to Scotland. --A fire broke out on River -street, Paris, about midnight on. the 25th ult., in the brick store owned. by E. Randall and occueied by John Finlayson, dry - goods. The whole stock was totally destroyed. Loss, $8,000; insured for $5,000. Fears were expressed that the east side of the principal street would be destroyed, but on account of the good supply of water and efficient work of the firemen, the fire was got under control. The origin of the fire is un- known. —.A train on the Toledo, Cincinnati, & St. Louis road, filled with excursion:- ists en route to the temperance meeting, was stopped last Sunday by armed men, who boarded the locomotive, beat the engineer and conductor, and. robbed the passengers of several hundred dollars. There were live or six desperadoes in the perty. They flung one passenger from the platform. The conductor was need up trying to arrest one of the roughs. All escaped except Larry King, a notorious character, who was secured when the train reached Toledo. • A Remarkable Escape. Mrs. George C. Cleake, of Port Dal- housie, Ontario, states that she had been confiued to her room for a long time with that dreadful disease, Con- sumption.. The doctors sailehe could not esca,.pe an early grave, but fortun- ately she began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, andlini a short time was completely cured. Doubtieg ones, please write A0s., Clarke, and be convinced. Treal bottles free at Hickson & Co.'s Dreg Store. !Large size $1.00. 714.52.3 D.K. "Who's the Best Physician. The Ione that does most to relieve suffering humanity of the thousand and one ills, that befall them, is certainly the best of all physicians. Electric Bitters are daLy doing this, curing where all other remedies failed. As a spring tonic and blood purifier they have no equal. They positively cure liver aid kidney complaints. In the strongest sense of the term, they are the best and cheapest physician known. — Daily Times Sold by E. Hickson & Co.; 50 cents 714' 52.3.e.s I • *naith Again. Eyery day we receive testimonials from well known Montrealers, testify- ing to the wonderful merits of Dr. Smith's Great German Worm Remedy. The latest comes to -day, Nov. 24th, from Mr. J. 0. Darois, No. 19, St. MarysiStreet, who says, Ms child, etix years Old, passed an immense nunaber of small seat or pin worms, and large sterna& worms, with only a few dories. For sr4 by all druggists at, 25 ce ts. Use ne other. 754-52 Hoarseness and failure of voice from congeetou of the vocal cords, follicular disease of the fences, or minister's sore throatare often the results of bronchial troublPs, extending up to the trachea laryn#,affecting the whole mucous tact of the;air passage. These diseases ,are the outcome or expresision of nerve de- bility land blood impoverishment from overworking the system, and excessive use of the organs involved. Here con- stitutional treatment is required to restore nutrition and nerve power, and Wheeler's Phosphates and • Calisaya has been successfully used by singers and public speakers. 747-26 Pain and Suffering Discovery and Dyspeptic cure, which eradicates impurities of the blood and fertilizes it by promoting digestion and assimilation. Moreover; this fine alter- ative and stometchio exerts a specific action upon the liver,healthfully stimu- lating that organ to a performance of its secretive duty when inactive,and expel- ling bite from the blood. -It likewise possesses diuretic and deputtent proper- ties of a high order, rendering the kid- neys active and healthy, and expelling from the system the acrid elements which produce rheumatic pain. Price $1. Sample bottle, ten cents. Ask for Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Die- coveryeand Dyspeptic Cure. The wrap- per bears a fac•sititilie of theft signature. Sold by all medicine dealers. 750-52.1) Fanners before buying your reaper and mower oil ask for and procure a sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is gnaren- teed to give good satisfaetion. 753-52 Now,that the reaping and mowing season, is coming on, farmers shonld remerdber that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best reaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 Teaberry. The elegant little plated screw top on "Teaberry" makes it the cheapest,rnost perfect and most Recherche of all toilet exquiriites. Get a 5 cent saMple. 751. THE RED MILL., THE Mill la the Town of Seaforth known as -I- the Red Mill, will be sold cheap and on eaey terms, as the proprietor has got the Manitoba fever. There is in conneetion ivith the Mill a largagrain storehouse. The mill has recently been thoroughly overhauled -and repaired, and is now in' first-class working order, and capable of doing 4 large and profitablestristing and flouring business. Apply to the prollietor, Wm. SOLATER, or to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 744 PADLOCK' IB the common lot of all. Our earliest days give manifest proof of this, and we are never long permitted to forget it. If COMB'should in your case be the thorn in the flesh, go at once and buy a bottle of Putman's Painless Corn Extractor, and be surprised at the rapidity, the freedom from pain and the success which. marks its work. Sold every- where. N. C. Poleon & Co., proprietors, Kington. 762-524 After many yeers of patient inveeti- gatioh, Dr. Van Buren, of G-ermauy; filially succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure that would permanently relieve all case e of Kidney Disease. Be surd and ask your druggist for Dr. Van Buren's Kideey Cure. 770.52.1 Delays are dangerous, particulerly in Kidigey Diseases, so take at once! Dr. -Van Turen's Kidney Care, and obtain relieF from all your sufferings. Your druggist keeps it. 770.52.1 Semson lost his strength with his hair li Thousands of men and women loose their beauty with theirs, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time by using the famous Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 50 cent ti per botte. 770.52.1. Cingalese. A name well known in connection with the Hair Renewer, whi0a restores grey hair to its natural colcir by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per bottle. 770.52.1. • Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and- Comforting.--i'By s thorough knowledge of the natural 1 awe which govern the operations of diges- tion and. nutrition, and by a careful 'ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our brealtfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may ssve us many heavy d.oe,tors' bills. It is op the judicious use of such 'articles of diet that .a constitution may be gradually built Th,e Elements of Bone, Brain, Are derived from the blood, which is the' grand natural source of vital energy and the motor of the bodily organs. When the circulation becomes impover- ished in consequence of weak digestion and imperfect assimulation of the food, which should enrich it, every bodily fpiection flags, and the system grows feeble and. disordered. When the blood beciomes impure, either from the de- velepment of inherited seeds of disease, its contamination by bile or other oxalises, serious maladies surely follow. A highly accredited remedy for these .evils is Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable and. Muscle, C/) pa) 0 CD m9 < tlj • Pt). ••< > rn (6- ° 0 r- O )-1 DC 9 rn 0 rn t;• Mack's Magnetic NERVE AND BR M dicine IN F OD eete- et -e. BEFORE) 'MADE WIdiAK. ( i. A Cure Gua ariteie FOR OLD AND YOUNG, MALE AND &VALE. Is a sure, prompt And effectual rem vcusness in all its Aagee, Weal,. Memo Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Ni Spermatorrhoosa,SetninalWeakness, Barrenness, and General LOSS of Po pairs nervous waSte, rejuvenerates 11 FTER.) y for Ner- y, Loss of ht Sweats, =whose, er. It ro- e Jaded in- tellect, strengthens the enfeebled briin, and re- stores surprising tone and Ivigor to t e exhaust- ed generative organs in ether sex. SO" Wi!h each order for TWELVE paoktges, a .companied with $5, we will send our Men g arantee to refund the moneyj if the trea.tinen does inot effect a cure. It is the chest est and best medi- cine in the mark t. Ful partie i ars in our pamphlet, which w desire o mail irce -to iny address. Mack's - Magnetie Medicine is told by Druggists at 50 Cents perbox,Sr 1 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of plostage in receipt of money by addressinr MACK'S GNETIC MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ott. Sold in Seaforth by J. S. ROBERTO, and all ruggist elsewhere. 733-50 London.,Huron. and niele. • Mau k34are8i. P.M PM. - 7 0 22 25 8438 2i 28 8t2 g8; 40 9t5 85.68 91 85 59 91 40 08 9j9 42 25 g8 4, 4 45 10i116 '46'52 104 09 10 45 925 , VI _Apr as. E press GOIFiG NORTE— fE1Pr03. A. B W ili i 31VM a01}l3dr1S London, depart... Centralia, Exeter Hensall . . Kippen Brucetleld Clinton Londeeboro. Blyth Balgrave Winghem, arrive GOING SOUTH - a3NiOlVO 6 2 A. M Wingham, depart 4... 7 7 . 7 6 44 Belgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton Brncelleld Kippen Herman Exeter. Centralia London, arrive s 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 12 5 8 5 oi 5 P. 25 81 82 88 85 4 7 4 15 4 0 42 42 Grand 1 run Traineleave Seaforth a follows: GOING WEST— IFIAFO Express - 2.76 Express 8:42 Mixed Train......7:10- Mixed Train.5:50 GOING FART— BEAY Express .... Express Train4.1:10 Mixed Train14:60 Mixed Train... 10:40 E13..lSVid "NIL DESPERANDUM." TRADE MARK. Before Taking • M. 6 20 6 88 6 65 7 04 7 24 7 43 7 69 8 06 8 25 8 42 5 1.010 :Rall"a I d Clint° s Ste ionsas t • CLIN ON. • . - 2:40 . M. •98.0000 A•M.d. I M. . M. 6:30 P. M. TH. CLINTON. M. 8:00 A.. M. .M. 2:45 P.M. M. 4:15 P. M. . M. 10:00 A. M. Toronto, Ciref and ruce. GOING EAST— A M. P. M. Teeswater 16 8 10 Wroxeter 42 844 Gorrie 47 8 60 FordwichI• 57 4 02 Harriston • 16 4 25 Orangeville I 08 6 60 Toronto .1 35 9 25 GOING WEST— I A M. P. M. Toronto 1 85 4 35 Orangeville j,is 10 7 20 Harriston 1 65 9 15 Fordwich 22 9 88 Gots ie 84 I 9 43 Wroxeter 41 9 48 Teesweter 1. 25 10 15 ,s KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! It cures Spaying Splints, Curbs, Ring Bones and all simi- lar blemishes, and removes the bunch 1 without blistering. e3 TRADE MARK. • te 0 il....) e,d5 r. c, 0 :.., 0 After Taking. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for Ner- -a- voile Debility and all Nervous Affections, in- cluding Sperroatorrhea, Seminal weaknef s, ecta results of Self-abuse, indiscretion, &o., is GlIA.Y'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. This is the only remedy which has ever been known to per- manently cure Palpitation and other affections of -the Heart, Coesumption in its earlier stages, Rushing of blood to the head, wind in the stomach, indigestion, Loess of Memory, Want of energy, Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, Indis- position to labor on account of weaknriss, uni- versal Laeaande, Pain in the back, dimnesa of vision, Premature old age, ect. • Full particulars in our pamPh et, which we send eecurely sealed ; on receipt of a three cent stamp. The Specific) is now sold b all Druggists at, $1 per package, or 6 for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of Morley, by addressing 769-52 THE ORAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. • Composed largely c glass, isthe 8 EST r, in theworid--tea not gum, buti forms face over thei axIe tightening le dr'a cause It cos a NO brands, and one b two of any other or Harvesters, Mill chines, corn -Plante s, etc., as for -Wagon contain f40 PetrbIl u our Pocket ()JO) Knowing maned fre po MICAMANIIII!A 228 liudso' 1St. Cleveland, iD.lan SAMUEL.. ROGERS & SW -Agents for t dere EAP ST hly p ucl n e CH RE t III do . An 'Ing, 'I arria U A R . Sold ick of 1.11cs, or Isin- es nubrica- ause it does lished sur - friction and APEST be- an Inferior the work of swers as well hreshing Ma- es, Buggies, NTEED to y all dealers. Things Worth For man it is xt.ow known to be on of the best, if not the best, liniment ever discovered. We feel positive diat every man -1-‘ca."7. ha:--per-Tect success in every case i he will only use good cohamon sense in applying -KENDALL'S SPAVIN CU E, and persevere in bed oases of long standing. Read below the experienc of others: FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. -YotiNeaToWN, Ohio, May -10, 188 . Dr. B. J. Kendall dc Co.—Gents: I had a very valuable Hanabletonian colt which I prized very highly; he had a large bone spavin on one joint, a d a smaller one on the other, which made him very lame; I had him under the charge of two veterinary surgeons, which failed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Expres . I determined at once to try it, and got our druggists here to send for it; the or- dered three bottles; I took them all, and thought I would give it a thor ugh trial; I used it according to directions, and. by the fourth day the colt ceas d to be lame, ,and the lumps, had entirely disappeared. I need but one bottle, an the colt's lim s are as free from lumps -and as srnooth as any horse in the State. He ia entirely cured. The care was so remarkable that I let two ot my neigh ors have the emaining two -bottles, who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTER.1 - KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall & Co., Of Euosburg Falle,yerinont, , made a contract with the publishers of the Press for a half column advertise- ment for one year setting forth the roerits of KendalPs Spavin Cure. ,At tbe same time we secured from the firm a, quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kenall's Treatise n the Horse and his Diseases, -which we are giving to a-d-vance p ying 1 -subscribes to the Press as a p ettli11133. About he time the advertis ment first appeared inhhis paper Mr. P. G. Scher- rnerhorn,I who resides near Co liers bad a spavined horse. He read the adve tise- ment au concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although his fr ends laughed .ilt hie credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and omt menced sing it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and he info reed us this w ek that it effected siob a complete cure that an expert horseman, who examine the animal recently ould find no trace of the spavin or the place vhere it had be n located. Mr. Soliermcrhorn has since secured a copy of Ken all's Treatise n the Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly and would be loth to p rt with Wet any.prine, provided. he could not obtain another copy So much fo advertising reliable erlieles. MOGI York. ago, 111. oro to,Ont. *KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! WILL YOU - EXCHANOE a ease of Dyspepsia or Biliousness for 75 cents? It is awfully unwise to agonize un4 derthemany ailments arising from Dyspepsia, In -digestion, Disordered Stomach and Liver, when tbis offer is made to you in. your own home in all sincerity, with an absolute Certainty of curing you. . ZOPESA from Brazil) cures Dyspepsia and Biliousness. .A. single dose relieves; a sample bottle convinces • a 75 cent bottle cures. It acts directly upon the Stomach,Liver, and Kidneys. Cleansing, Correcting, Reg- ulating, Zopesa gives energy, and vim to the Brain, Nerve.' and. Muscle, simply by work- ing wonders upon the Diges- tion, and giving ac'Avity to the Live. Cut this out, tale it to any dealer in medicines, and get at least one 75 cent bottle of Zopcsa,tuad tell your neighbor how it acts. It is= -warranted D to cure ssDepsia and Bil. tousness. Kend. Ps Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it do4s not blister, et it is penetrating aid powerful to reach any deep seated pain or o re, - move an bony growth or eny other enlargement if used for several days, 8 oh as spavins, splints, curbs, callou , sprains, swellings, any lameness and alj en argot ments o the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpo e for which a liniment is used for man or -beast. It is now known to be the bee lini- ment fo man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. It is us d full strengt s with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send daress for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to our know edge, for bees as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for yon, or t will 'be sent to any ddress on receipt of price by the proprietors. 718 52 DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Fella Vermont. Dr.,. Ring's Specific. r A. SURE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA; NOT FOR 1)NY ' OTHER DISEASE. A large number have already tried it and in no ease has it been known to fail. All those afflicted with this dis- tressing disease would do well to give it a trial. For sale by HUGH ROBB, SEAFORTH. LE CREDIT FONCIER ONEY. ONEY TO LOAN.—To loan, va e funds, in - large or small sums for a eriod of three to seven years on first- lass farm curit vrith in- terest at 7 per cont. per ennem. Ap ly at TUE EXPOSITOR' Oftlef, S aforta l 762 ONE. TO ILO —I all p,epaned to lend 'L money at lo est retes of1 mterest, payable yearly. Prinoipal at the, end o terra. Private Funds. JAS. II. BENSON. 726 A.IJOiTIONEE T P. BBI, ticenced An u • County • 1 Huron. Sales parts et the ounty. All orde POSIT011 e will be prompt]. T HIS new Conopany, formed for the purpose of inve Ain g French Capital in Canada, is now preps: ed to ,advaace money on the most favorable terms on good landed seeurities. M P. HATES, Agent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 699 _ s. tioneer for the attended in all s left st the Ex. attendedto. • R. COO ER, 13rassels, Co • Sales o description tended in an part of the count terms. Ord rs left at thti (Mee EXPOSITOR, r addreesed to Bras prompt atte tion. nty Auctioneer. promptly at- pn reasonable of the HURON eels, will receive SEAFOR HORSE I ORNER 1--) door t Ont. All d of the dom NFIRMARY. •f Jarvis and' Gode i the Presbyte ian seases of Hor •es, ca sticated ani als, su- at the infir ary or else) 'here notice. Charges • Moderate. Veterinary Surgeon. P S.— Veterinary MedieWes kei t cons R. R SEAF RTH, Wholealle and Retail D aler i SHOE FINDINGS Ever None but the Very B st St moderate. A Trial e olio ted. or otherwiee promptly 5, led. eae c=4 t•••• hi O GROCERIES, , P-1 E-1 The best place in N ch Streets,- next hurch, Seaforth, tleesheep, or any cessfully treated on the shortest JAS. W. ELDER, large stock of antly on hand. TT, THE PEOPLE'S STORE. MORRISON, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, LEATHER and Description. ek kept. Terms 11 order by mat R. N. BRETT OA. ID —DEALER IN— CROCKERY, bLASSWARE, FLOUR AND FE PROVISIONS HAMS AND BACON, SEEDS, &C n . DS. CAMPBELL, P ovine al Land Surveyoz -Li • and Civil Enginee . Ord rs by mail promP t ly attended te. D. 8. CAMPBELL, Miteheli $66 a week in your ( ven to outfit free. Address gortland, Maine. $0/74• -) I WEEK. $12 day a 1 4'd Costly outfit fr e. A Augusta, Maine. ___________ __ __ ED, 2 Seaforth to deal at. A choice assortme t of FAMILY GROCERIES. Teas from 25c to 75c per pound. Sugars -9, ke ‘et 10, 11 and 12 pounds for $1.00. A full supply of Crockery and. Gllass- ware at BOTTOM PRICES. Flour and Feed at Mill Prices. Provisions c:) always on hand. e4e.' d* - BAYLIS' Staflard BTaill po L 0 of Crown Aneher Nowmt Nowa Geire without the a.bove Trade Mark. lare ZuraKe and better suitel to this3 Cli=ate than any impo:'d .togools. Held, in stock by all first-class liardwaremen and Dealers in Carriage Supplies. rNUFACTURED BY pe. M. MORRISON, n. Terms and $5 Hamatrr & Co., 748x52 home easily made dress TRUE & Co., 748x52. South Bend Chilled Plomi I A general-purpose,twoftorseplow,both right and Oft, with Wood or Iron Beam,with or without Wheel orjointer, with Chilled or Steel Shares. The best Plow in Arneriea. We ouevrautee every mold- board to be -1 thouro ug htvl Chilled. , Branehes--Indian.-, spoils, Ind. Oillsimbias, 0. Harrisburg, Penn. . lIasbvllle, Telin. Mil- waukee, Wt Dallas, Few, Aubitru. Maine. Frederick. Md. Elmira, N.Y. Euelaire, Wis. Ask ye= dealer: or • send a postal tothe com- - pany for <leseritticin and price of the South Bend gdulk Plow, SOUTH BEND CHILLED PLO* CO., South Bend, Ind. BAYLIS' MANUFING CO.3 1101\1-1-2-01R, PLOW PILAOWS, , At 0. C. Willson's Agricultural Impletne t Emporium, Seaforth. STOCK FOR, SERVICE. TMPROVE YOUR STOCK.— The undersigned will keep. during the present season on Lot 28, ,Concession 3, Bay, a Thoroteghbred Berkshire Boar. A limited number of pis will be served. Terms—$1 per sow, with the privilege of re- turning if necessary.' GILBERT DIM. 754 -DULL FOR SERVICE — Robert, McMichael mill keep for the improvement of stock during the present season, on Lot 3, Concession 3, Hullett, a, Thoroughbred Durham Bull. Only a limited number of cows will be taken. Terms.— $1, payable at the time of service, with the pri- vilege of returuing if necessary. Roma Mc - MICHAEL. 752 No cheap, inferior goods kept in stock. None but genuine plows Irons) re- liable makers. The following are the kinds on band: South 13end Chilled Plows, Oliver No. 40 Chilled Plows, Brantford. No. 10 Chilled Plows; aseey's No. 13 Steel Plows, Frandstown No. 13 Steel Plows, Watson's No. 40 Chilled Plows, and other general purpose plows. All kinds of plow points, Bele shoes and plow castings. A fullistock of sewing machines. 0. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. THE CHEAP GROCERY. '5 to 49Aper day at home. Samples worth Ines Address STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. 748x52 NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CURtiTIVE APPiIANCES ESTABLISHED 1874. , 'RELIEVES AND ctitEs Spinai Contnlaints, "" General and 1, e. Vous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout, Nervousnese, Liver' _ Kidney, Lsing, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia- Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis Atthma, Sciatlea, Sprains, Consumption, Sleei:lessness, Cohb, Imligestion. Ask for Norman's Electric Belt,, and von will be safe against impodtion, for they will do their work well and are cheap at any price. A. NORMAN-, 4 Queen St East, Toronto. E. HICKSON & CO Agents, Seaforth, 753-52 HUGH ROBB, SEAFORTH, Has a nice new lot of Fresh Groceries of all kinds, and he makes Teas and. Sugars a speciality, and can furnieh the best value in the market. DRIED MEATS.—As usual all kinds of Cured Meats constantly on hand.ONEY.— E This year's Honey, syained and. in the comb, just in. Ftt,rom his own i ives, auddi warranted pure. THE DYSPEPSIA.—He also keeps r. g sure cure for Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Remember the place, Stark'S Block, HUGH ROBB, Main Street, Sea orth. Trade 3fark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG 10tY casual observatien, we find all land opecuda- -" tors have a clear head, and watch the ups sad dowes of property, thus making large- fortunes. But the wbole secret is, they keep the System in a a healthy condition by the use of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY' MEDICINE. We can eafely say that hunC.reds cense to nit for the great lung and- blood purifier before going West. Read the following statement. We could give thousands of the sarae kind if it werenecessary. "1 certify that I was troubled with catarrh in the head, gatherirg of Thlegm in the throat, choking and coughing at night for years, so I eould not sleep; often troubled with dull, lifeless feelings, pains in the chest and back. After g:vir g larnaireds of dollars to doctors, and giving tip all bores, I tried the PRIDE OF THR VALLEY, and ETII now able to do my work after SCYCH year's siekrete.” Mrs. James MeNeil, 252 Simeee Shut, Ltradoo, Ont. The above ataternent of my wife's is c.orreet. James McNcil. For sale by all druggists in Seaforth. 745-62 D Kin 's pecific, a, I ELLIOTT W . Seaforth. a a a 741 rpOWN CLERK and TTEILSIITOr. Oflice—Notthe -1- east corner of Market House, (Office houra-e- ! 2130 till 7 p. m.