HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-08-11, Page 4- �? I � � - I - - -, - --- M1 -- �--*11�r � r- - r- ­ � -*V �`. �A. E� ­- - - R I i - I '. � I . i . I . - . I I I - � � . J M i . I 41 I � . . � it , , 1 1 � , — � "" ; . � 4 . i . 1� . � . ; � ' . i � . ­ . . THE HURON EXPUSI 17ORM , 1. I I AuGUST 1 1 - - - -� - I : — . - - - - - � - 1 1891.- . I ' i I — � . ; NOW � .. i I 0 1 - 100 — . . - . � I � l I . - 4 . � - I . 4 -- - . NEW A-D,VERTISE21E'XTS. worth a month's - purchase. 'If notfor- American capital, but it in none the ians,ao not maintain some sort of law of the B�Fltfob- Army. Oar loss was marks were loudly cheered an4 ere& a cenar. wh 1 . �-----, - I I . en finished he.vq li- � mal 4eposeafrom th ould they finally withi rh le essi � 44 ,l . ly . a CalipbatQ by less an enterprise -which is calculated au&brder, and sh' � .small—four killed and less than thirty a very favo b impr on. I l farin buildings which for c I � " JWThe figare between tbaparenthetis after; . - I i I � . - - . . . 011v - each.11ne, denotes thbpsge of the paper, onwhich, decree of the Al Azhar Mosque in draw, no one can foresee the horrors wounded. he only officer killed was . I i and appearance is second to no . . -1 i . to be of vast benefit to Canada in the ' � " it � . i L ,"%a the, admtbenxent wJU ; - I . ob would be enacted, as the worst Lieutenant Nyse, of the 60th Rifles, a 1 1 township. Mr. Goo. X,cf4 14L � be founa. . whi I I . . � I . 1�iro, as is threatened in the event of #evelopment of : her resources. It is olamses of t a 66maple 64 . . Closing, Sale—E. Mc.FauL-(1) I C1 he population would be free promising young officer, who is highly Huron Notes. lso improved hi VOW . I . - . I I toi vn cl grave's � I ' -- Fly Paper—E. Hickson & Co. (5) 1 t e landing of Turkish troops in Egypt, �beiefore an enterprise in which: Ca L ,us- to do as they cho�.e. . al Allison. After Mr. E. 1 F. Moore, ex- ei�k bsy erecting a large driving house I I 1. I Boots, and Shoes—G. Good. (5) 11 Or other aote of hostility by him against diane, especially Canadian capitalists, - MORE CMNAR ImN. — The Chinese, the object so glit had been attialned the and treasuiter of Goderich, left for C�i- 'an extensive stable. Mr. Geo. IF , I 1. Auction Sale—W. R. Squier l agents are buyng Crown lands inl troops withid ew in perfect order, bring- ca9p last 1"ek. His tamily will YO- has erected a :One new a L . - .(5) I ' Arabi'Pasba, he would be exposed to 4hould take an interest.' We wish the . bar Important—Dr. McCulloch.L (5) 1 j - - British Columbia, with a view 6 the ing with the all oar dead and won . main in Gbderich for the preEfe it. premises. Oil Z . 1 I.,, mineut risk of, assassination in bis ' . nd- . .. � 'beat of a It rgp number of families ed and a i;umber of prisoners. The 1, - New Goods—Duncan & Duncan. (8 . Chamber of Commerce of Duluth every settle —Councillor Vanstone, of Brussels, —On Sunday last the widow of 44 L Wanted—Mrs. T., Goderioh. L(5) 0 1 palace. Such is the diffion'It success in the undertaking 'which it is for agricultural I es. This action enemy's lost; is reported at 300. From has purchased a mill in Arkai Aas and late Roger Slatter I . � , I . . L . y, M-aitlan (8) position in which Sultan Abdul Hamid iryin is, regarded with there in he fall. - d I Parlor Concert—St. Thomas Chnrc g to inaugurate,, being fully con- disfavor by the information qained there is no doubt purposes removing sion, Goderich town -ship, pg�4 V - The Poplars --Misses R. & B. people. Fepaot" . that Arabi will make a firm. sta has been a resident -'of Brussels f(r a, " � I �- is� placed by the demand of the British vinced that the work if executed would rid at He at the good old age of 82 years, 74 , I . I .11 .� - I TELEGRAPH ST iims.— A threatened Abdbkir. A ieport has gained credit many years. Slattery was almost the last o .*- --- � - Government. It is not likely he wi lJe of very great benefit to the whole strike,of all the I elegilaph operateire of that a British force has been landed at —The contract for the Englis 2 earliest Pioneer$ of this conntV f'1% I . - - . . - NZ tfjoU t4VP00*tL4,f c�mply with that demand if assured of -I'Torth . west, but especially to the Canal. the I Church rectory it Clinton has oQen 10'i- here about 52 years 990. Liz' MON I , Western Uniou. Telegraph Com- Ismailia to 'protect the canal. De - Z l I # - t4e,support of Russia. On their part � . pany, has been L postponed for the s . The building is to be of brick, and tb 9 those who have rece ,"I . � � : patches from Constantinople announce i T . . lian part of it. ; present. The operators at,Denver have that an traetpriceis 01,595. It ii to to Section beyond'the ntly died WRL . . . — -- , I Ille Russians have-not forgotten that by - . .1 : - agreement will probably be ar- 'On s1lottedJotir -4 -- the intervention : gone out on strik , and are Supported by' rived at between the Porte and Eng-- completed by October the Ist.. I . . . SOON - of England their � Farming in the Northwest'. .' the Brotherhood of Ti.legraphers, num- land, and that a military co fivention on —111r. S. Rickaby, postm, aster years, she was a native bf lielat-al SEAFORTH t was admired and respected W . .,FRIDAy,AUg.11,1k82., vip'torious armies were stopped at the It appears that farming in the North-, bering 18,000 members. clearly defined lines will be entered into. Glonarm, is the hap .ther of h 8 knew her. . by all V4 . I � . . I Py fa . � — very gates of Constantinople, tes, and probably also in the; AN AUTUMN TOUR.— The President A later despa�ch, however, states that third'set of twine in six years. A most —Mr. H. Duncan, brother of 44 . ' I � efficient postmaster, surely. SO. Says late James Dunead with Ifi-s ... . fall of Pleyn 1. ved a st) The War in Egypt. has recei -oDgly worded invita- the,British Government has presented . ; I a, it the late war, and Canadian Northwest, is exposed to risks. t. . : I ion, signed by some of the most an ultimatum and that in the event of the Goderich Star. 4 . . L Symington, has returned fro* Q* . The British government are Pro-� nearly all'the fruits of their victory from the climate,which forming in On. � —M. C. CamerA,'Esq., M. P. for land In &4 . I prominent business Men of Chicago anX its non-accentance by Turiey, Lord after an absen Redating the war in Egypt with vigor J 7enched from their grasp. ' , no -is happily free from. Alatenum.' leading cit 0. Idwa, Minn 4een instructed to with- West Huron, has generously donated I ce Of many 'Veav, I . Tke Rus- - tA ' izens esota and Dufferin has to visit his �old home in - West - -J Wisconsin, invitill the sum of $10 towards the I ands of n WAV46 L and determination. Every "day frosh, 1411 Government will be more or less her of the St. Paul Pioneer Press Says : * E .1 g him to visit their . draw from Cowitantinople, and Admiral oah. Mr. Diinean h ' '14 1 . . " A - I arge proportion of the wheat 0 1 the East Wawanosh Agricultural- So- e '19 silccWea. - L I itates during the autumn, assuring Iiim, Seymout wil revent the Turkish con- stablishing a flouri troops and supplies of material of War � fh�n human if tbeyr� do not now seek to ,a d - r 8 - . - ;. of a most cordial welcome.. tingent fro n ing. Lieutenant ciety. 1.0].!tg blasiness Z. are bf4ug sent out from England to the reyenge'on England the. abrogaiion of crop of Minnesota and Dakota was ruin- �p —R f BrusselE A-ild- Scotia, and o if he No* , ; I ; AMERICANS IMPRISONED IN IRELAND.— Vyae bled to death, as the arteries were ev. J. C. Sanderson, o I live to en oy the fruits of 8 � . I ed last fall, while in stack, by the long- The report of the, Secretary - of State, severed ' has baken charge of the Benm Iler eir - I . j bi labor it MeditcTraD6an, and in less than a week the treaty of San Stepha6o, by foment- continued and heavy mins. The des. � I many years. - I- . . i I by the Shot which 6truck him cuit of the Ing a war be . 0 the United States Con- His comrad _Methodist Episcopal Church, :from to -day some 20,000 prime troaps, tween'Grelt Britain and truction of more or less wheat in this presented t . le arried back his boy; —Mr. Andrew Currie, Sr., Of 2ni. , . 0 � I way is a common experience of nearly gress, states thai only three regular under a tromIndous fire, two, wounded as Rev. J. P.- Morilcia, who was recent] ,sels, has been visiting Berlin for ,tba ' abundantly -supplied with munitions Turkey. On the 1'er band- the British I . L . . appointed, was unable . to fill th charg of . ry fall, and has usually been attrib. American citizeno, MoSweeny, Gan m were able to use rifles covering purpose of having a cancer extrae war, will be at the disposal of the Government cannoi permit a Turkish 'Y' and Slattery, arei imprisoned in. Ire. !,their retreat. I The ground -was strewn on account of ill health. I W [ , uted to ca,relesa or un8kilful stacking. land ' from his lip. We understand the ,D1), I �. . These havb, 1W —At a e owich. oration has been British commander, and ready to On- army to land in Egypt 1 without first - been offered their 1 ith the rifles and accoutrements of I � But last fall.'s experience proved that conditi u of their c , .�- - Company performed S.M. . , � dertakea for -ward movement against rn�'krng sure that it will ot array itself the best built stacks are not imperv, . liberty on OmiDg to ,the enemy. hen the British fired Mutual Fire Insurance , Mr, f ally, and the patient is doing gs Vd, ' I - America, but theE e terms - have been from both Bid of the Canal the enemy Mark Casse a, of - East Wawauosh, pre - We Wish L . iih the Egyptians� agaiqat the British. 01 . I sonted a 01 im. for $25, for a heifer -him 1 ,upied. by wi E; to the constant beatiDg of heavy as could be. expected. theentreriched position oce rs � i daily rains f�r - a period of sixanceessive refuso-d. - I fell into conf0ion, which was greatly - killed by Ii tning, which was enter speedy -and complete recovery. . Arabi Bey and his Egyptians. General A few days will Probably determibe RAILWAY AcciDivNT.—A heavily lad d when the Rifles opened -fire. —A man named Postlethwaite, reQ. � I I : weeks. But as a matter of fact, com. freigb t train in decending a Sir Garnet Wolseley, the- officer wh t course the Forte,will -take; but p Ateep One man of the 38th was shot through tained and rdered to be paid. . . to I aratively fe0v farmers are experts in I Ing, in Morris was arrested in W,- . — I I L ; th grade at Oil City, Pa. I - Mr. ry Anderson, formerly 0-' ham on Saturday, 29th ult., and I trQ whom the chief command of the e�e is -no doubt the, situation at stacking, and a great,delal of wheat is I on Friday, the cheek, but went on fiahting as if 4 . got beyond the control of the brake- hotbing had happened to him. Stanley, bu more recently oil B,rnc( � . . British forces has been entrusted,is now prepent is critical. , It ip needless to spoiled while in stack, as the result of - man and jumped he track.* The per- I . . I - Mines, left Blyth on 'bafore T. Holmes and F. Audersoii, I - ?u,r ordinary fall rains. Perhaps there ; Neither dead nor prisoners were left Monday, With E Esqrs., J. Ps, on a charge of s on his way to Alexandria, and on his discuss what England'sefiances would is -no one thing more vividly illustra- manent way for a distance of two miles a enemy's hands.. The' prisoners car load of stock ,for the northwest 623 from Mr. F. Naylor, of tft-14 I . be in a war with Turk ' I . was torn up, and the tralin letely where he p�rposes residing in f . East Wt. comp uture, wanosh, at Wiley's h-otel, Whitechumli, arrival a forward movement will no . . ey, -backed ,by tive of the Bb.iftless,naode.and careless �nrethlaurprised at the kindly treatment having secured some 700 acres C f land- , . I . wrecked. There ­Nvere a number Of they receive He was committed for trial, being Wt . - doubt at once begin. The reconnais. Russia, till first it is certain there is to Methods of western agriculture than . . from the -]E�ritish I . the fact that nearly every,year ni miners on the trdiA at the timp of the i to Goderich gaol. week �y I "'Such a war. We hope the I . —We are -sorry to learn that the wife . . Banco in force made last I contingency : 'U'Ons 'accident,,many of whom, together with ' I TUESDAY. I of Mr. Donald McDonald, of the tenth —The quarterly meeting f . - of' bushels of wheat are damaged or ' 1 . . General Alison, shows that ArAi *ill notL arise, but if it did . arise We totally. destroyed, . thase'w,orking tb' train were either 7 The figbt Of Saturday lasti has not concession, Tuckeramith, roe, ived grave circuit, Methodist Ch I I after the crop -has ! killed or seriou . .i . very severe inibry by falling w 0 the . . tinjured. been renewed. There is no mediate ile S arch of &,: Psalia's position, though strong a id ,would not even then despair of the Bud. been harvested, because our western far. : I 0 (A ada, was held at- the brick church (M , . likely to be vigorously defended, is. n' t cesEi of the British arms. Th . ' ; Mors have:aa yet disdainedto employ any . -- necessity for it on our part, a d Arabi's ting up a rain barrels, few da s ago. I L 0 e danger,*e . ; — . Sabbath, 30bh ult.- The church i4 � ' , , . existirig, or to invent any new contri- ;: . THE EGYP!TIAN- WAR. men dare not iattempt if. The lines We truE.t she will Soon -recover. ge � too Strong to be forced by British troops. believe will be beat averted by prompt . - , forced by ours6lves have be —A. M. Ross, M. P. P. f(.-) this villa., was paifited a short t-u3je . I � L i , I Vance for patting their Stacks under ; — . . , e re-occu- c West ago. With'the improvements of Ild General Wolseley Seems determined and'vigorous action � .. � 7 uron, has generously presented the I . ' � Of the'Brilish army . cover. Even Snob. a. disastrous expert- FRIDAY. pied bythe E&ptians, who Ave bad H fall and of this spring, the metho" . - I I ' last year does not seem . has �een Make short work of Arabi; and ulnle s in Egypt, under the � commanc of Sir eri 1E as that of .. Alarm caused in Alexan. all their time tkken up in bi irying the Lucknow Caledonian Society with ten of this vicinity have a very -neat .&Rd . I' I � ' i dria bv rumors Of 11,11 intended massac" dead who fell in the oncount 3r at Na- dollars towards the prize list of the ap. trammelled by orders from the Gove4- Garnet Wolseley. , ; I t7bave resulted in any improvement. ; -. Ile I I . comfortable sanctuary. : I i � proaching games, which take r I I - : — of Christians by nativea in the and ballah Junction. Of these t] iere were lace on —A horse belonging to ,MT,jgVa,, . . Mont in England forbidding a rapid a4l, ; , ! I I . After the crop has Survived, if any : of� a proposed attack by Ar city at least 300. In the first fin 3 of en- the 13tb of September. . - . . � . part of it Shall survive, all. the perils. I abi from Yonng�, of Auburn, ran a -way with % . ,Without. To meet the first the pat o trenchments' were found- tw3lve dead —Mr. J. W. Smaill, formerly of thi vance, will no doubt do so. He is ro- T�ie Red River and Lake incident to its growth and hS 13 r' Is Is buggy Containiug� Mrs. and Miss.yctwy � ported as'�ayirig that he fully expects the i , . I what is left must still depend fo , �have been ordered to increase their rebels, in the second Dine, an . a very CoUnty'UOW Of Crystal CiLty, Manitoba, and in turning the corper of the bs.j I Snperior Canal Project. it ! ( dle L � , � Ifiance of - ,'v ves have been � � is on the upward m profes- line gravel road the buggy 'was upd. campaign will be over by the mid � . safety on the precarious c . 1911&ace, and the nati' much larger number further on. arch in his L ; I warned to remain in their houses at � The latest despatches from Sion. 'Holiaslately been appo-111 ted a completely demoli . I 01 � 'The Duluth Chamber of Commerce tinuous fine weather,from harvest time : - i Constana shing it and seriboy September. It is to be hoped tha; . the time fixed Commissioner in the'Courts � t has '9sueA an, invitation to the com.- - tii� it is marketed." ' for the uprising' of the injuring both ladies. We arei g1m to !. I I . For tinoplb pre�ent,a very hopeful aspect of Province, by Justice Wood and asso- learn that the injured ladiej , ra b the latter the troor s have been 11 d affairs at the Cl nference. At to -d 8 . the General will not be hindered by the mercial .associations of the United ' From the foregcing, which is'intend. c 0 7 - I pidly - 1 . - . . : ciates. . L � Imperial Government from car out and every precaution �ake-,,�Ijeto Sitting the ' Turkish repre entatives recovering from the effects of the RMi. ryin"g States and Canada to Send dele. ed;as a warning to the farmers of Min- enable the troops epe. —During one of the late ex remely � , . � out. his programme. The situation is gate$ to I . � t I im. he, announced tbe;� Porte's acceptance f dent. The horse received a bad out a Convention' to be held - Be 0 botdays,X! -Edwards, of Bayfield, I I neSota and Dakota to prepare for the native troops and police, upon T _ tiona of the identical note re. On the bin4 Iog. - becoming mqIore complicated -day by at Duluth on the � . fidelitynot the sli htest, reli'an ho the condi while wo g at 'Mr. G. Elliott's, new . 4 . I 15th instant inevitable, it appears that these regions e an garding Tarkish. intervention't and the I� E —On Monday, the 31st tdt., the . . day, owing to the jealousy of tbi9 he question of uniting the ' , are un C16se ury c il_ formation - olt an'internation � house in Goderich township, received a Bushert Hotel at Fordwich was 4 1 to consider t are favoured every fall with some S" ance, and anv atte e i al police for slight sunstroke, which- laid Id i , . Im up covered to be on fire. The slarm wig n a' . atte pt it a demonstra- the protection of the Suez Canal. He for a Short time, but he is now about . ix , other powers of England, and ,thing Red Iti . ver of the North by a canal with weeks -of heavy rain; As the summer - tion in Arabi's favc r will be st brnly re- also informed L' ord Dufferin tbat " ae- . quickly given, and although -the ft . . pres � 4 � made considerable headway. befbre b, ut rapid and decisive success on h4 Lake Superior, and to inaugurate Such in & Northwest does not Comm 86d. A force, compbsed of the 38th cordance with his: demand Arabi w1lould """ � I - ence - part can now avert danger, and perhaps meas"res therefor as. may be deemed 'till. three weeks and.60th Regiments, made an extensive be proclaimed ' -rebel. This concilia- —Mr. Archibald McKay, formerly Of being discovered, yet with the asifi� - � : I - Ora month later than - I . i all Goderich, has opened a law � I disaster- If grigland rapidly -make a-avisabl redonnaissance of Arabi's position, yes- tory acti altan O'F'P'9 in ance of about thirty willing men tU . L 0. In their paper of invitation in Southern Ontario or Now York terday, and found the camp almost was probably hastened by the Ahnouncell, a man of igood flames were extinguished and I t -he I I - herself mistress of the Situation in the C I hamber -has e L ' ; , on on the part of the S Emerson. As he -is L � wbodied a statement Sta�te, it follows that this season in abanAoned, vidett . ability, we have no doubt but I e will . ' . : I . . - Egypt,, by the defeat and dispersal , 1 ; Q - wb erved. - A Britisl I � y of of Eb- alleged facts of the case, �s only being ob- me'ut that Russian troops had been, propert saved. The damages will be I . , - licho, that portion of the continent must be B force has occupied ordered to prepare to embark for Con-' succeed in solving knotty, and doubtf al a.bo . I : ut one hundred dollars, which vZ - Arabi Pasb a's. army, there will be no Af xeflip�ble I the town of Suez 4 time to prevent its Btantinople immediatel� on war break. questions of legality for the residents Of be covered by insurance in the Stand, . L I more heard of colmplic . � I 90 to show that the project of �very brief duration., As to the burning by the . . the new Province. . L ations with Rus,- is quite -feasible. Vortymiles of canal, I 9,vptians, who fle4 ing out between ,'England ana Turkey. ard, of Hamilton. Y. -5 ' b diDgg oar -troops. This Two Turkish Commissioners sail im- tly —Mr. Jos. Goldthorpe, who recently Bia or Tarke I Accomplished faoits we special evil agains'- which the Pioneer upon, the Ian —Mr. Wesicy Johngtsn, who r con axe told, with Slight improvement pre' 4' not one� has called forth an?tber burst of indig . - -mediately for A-lexandria, and it i to 1, has purchased another hundred acres ig . so warns its readers, it is went from. Howick to Mani will -be respected, ana as 'England has Of existing waterways, will connect the' against which farmers ca 'a. had a "streak of luck." It is r orted . i . � .1 nation from De Lesseps, who loudly hoped that Arabi's trodps will submit Colborne, has now quite, as good a farm - -1 protests against tbA' act of war an d. that a railway, station is to be no ulterior designs on Egypt, a settle- Red �ti.ver with Lake Superior. The without considerable expense to Dervish Pasha on' his arrival. At . ut UP -as even the ordinary N-ox'wester, ana . ; . L . Mont of, the whole question will be. lift on the proposed canal will be less labor. Owing to and flagraDt breach of t�e neutrality of the - Alexandria, matters rem uiet very close to his farm, and 5 V1 age 113 one of the best in this count . i the scarcity of lumber canal as he co �y. It is & easily and rapidly arrived at. ' I usid - s it.. - The �ritisli pending Sir Garnet Wolseley's arrival. starting which already has its post fine block of 300 acres, nearly 175 ,01 L But if' than.tbat I of either th f e Erie Or Welland in the Northwest, and the high price VicO-Consul at Port Said not having re- Her Majesty has! personally made en- office on his property. . which are cleared I . ceived a satisfactoi 3, reply from thj3 i quiries after tb6 Sick and ,wound I L, and the. balance well � there should be further delay ,or lur-11, canals, and the cost of the work. much chaVged for it, barns after the —Mr. T. Weddup, of , Goderich, the timbered. There are plenty of RU& I L ed other- clay shot a monster crane, Which Ontario Governor, has bliUlEd down the Britisb: soldiers. Arabi has brought up troops ther diplomacy, or if unhappily British -less. , The, Red River and its connect- fasbion, c�apable of taking in the whole opportunities in Ontaxio, and we were arM8L Should meet with such a cheek as' , 'flag over the Vice-C)-usulate there. 14' from Kafr-el-V ar to repair and measured 51 feet in length, aid the glad to notice that the various lana * . W I I � ing ws�terwaYs furnish 4,000 miles of - crop, are, out of the q'uestion. Not one the Conference yest rday the Russian strengthen his � entrenchments. Same from tip to , tip of wings. The ,gency companies - are making effo* took place in the -late war in South, navigable 'waters, on which more than' farmer in fifty could afford to build representative favo He bird lip a attracted much attentic n, be- a . L - I . �d Turkish inter. still appears to hope for success, and is b* Africa and Afghanistan,.. the conse-� thirty �teamers carrying Passengers and them. *�'OutiOu in Egypt first, the Powers in. keeping up co ; oth here and in the old world to ! Thatching the, stacks. of wheat ing one of the largest ever shot iii that Ontario farms before the public. � 01munication with the i . . tervening only on ber failure to restore*, Porte. One of his couriers has been vicinity. � - quences may be Most serious. A great freight' are already- employed. The re. and; othe Mr. W . � I - hr grain properly is nearly as order, and the Geri aan and A —The friends of Mr. Wm. McKay, a — �y . 'war may be brought on in which Eng-, i . as�adors expres 3ed concurrence in - .'H. Murne , of Goderich, - ! giou tributary to the Red River and the difficult, owing to the Scarcity of labor Amb ustrian! intercepted and lihis despatches taken former resident of Wingham, will be � tended the annual meeting of the land will have, not Arabi Pasha alone � lake and river k, from him. The ,First Battalion of the and Black Chapter of B.A. Royal I 5 I - System therewith con- and -its expense. - It will only remain, this view. Lord Dt fferin insisted upon Black Watch (4�nd Highlanders) left pleased to learn of his success in se - to; contend with, but Russis and Turkey 1 nected is acknowledged to be one of the we Turkey accepting Eagland's terms be- last. evening by curing an important and responsible lack Knights of Ireland, which w,m L Ty I Whole world, em- s.uppose, for the Northwest farmers 00 8 in Egypt. train for JL.jon- itroffice of the Cen- eld in Orangeville on July 26-27. Mr. also. The Egyptian'Gordian knot `M� I most fertile � in the � . fore she landed tr I situation in the audi I to do as some of the farmers of Eng- don, on their way to Egypt. A great urney Was the only representative i U DAY. crowd witnessed their departure. Th , Cisco. om Huron, Perth and Bruce. Amo,ig I - ry climate . General All 'a We congratulate him.! . - still be out by the sword ; it cannot bracing as it! does the valley of the Red land have done in their wate SAT #al Pacific Railway iii San Frat � i , ison , . - . J iL, somewhat in the band played "Auld Lang Syne." Great he Sir Knight officers for the ensumg . now be untied by diplomacy without River 1-�Oln its souroo in the United viz., provide themselves with rick dark as to Arab —Rev. Robt. McCosh and wife, iof ' I serious damage to, British pre I - - movements. it is enthusia,sm. was inanifested. I car we find several from thi§ county: the East. Stige in States to Lake Winnipeg, the basin of covers of tarred canvas. But this, &ISO, now thought that hE �18 ma;king frequent I WEDNESDAY. - Bayfield, are Spending a month's holi- ssociate Deputy Grand Master, W. ff. England haxing begun the that lak'a, and the Valleys of the Assini- Will ibe costly. On the whole it seems demonstrations in order to cover his � I day in Chicago. The change -from Marney; Grand Lecturer, J. B. E& � L � -liebr, an hap s every indication that the quiet retirement in the little I eside Ward; Grand- Pursuivant, G. Hawkim, ,chewan , the greater thatifarmerB who leave Ontario and go strategic point half Way between Cairo Conference will- conclude its sittings, hamlet L to the bustle and energy of the L .). war must carry it through. to success, boine and Saskal; retreat; upon Tel -el ortant There i no matter at what cost. Should she part of which is unequalled as a wheat to Set 6 e for the present, tbis, week. The Porte great metropolis of the west i o � ' ort Albert . on Grand Committee, W, i tl on tb bare prairies of Winne- and Ismailia, whereL be is throwing u w H n , &&gill, Blyth ; Hen - Empire in Asia would gro P has accepted the: international super- doubt be agreeable for a few days, - � ry erkins, Gorrij. fail to do so, her � : winq region. The rapid settlement Sota a,nd Dakota have, many difficul- heavy earth works, �nd apparent] " I —The many friends of the Rev. Mr. . : . i ' tends m ki the Suez Canal on condition —The town of Nelson elected itik first I - cnIties to contend with .Petermined taDd, . be lost. of the X, orthwest both in the States and a Ing a - 13 y "' * �ision of . . . We have referred above to the danger Can ' . , from the cold This is an iniportant� po . nt, as ib c th at the p6riod o ' supervision if, lim. Council Boaxd last week, . Ong Williamson, the respected pastor of the ad ' makes it ce ,rtain that there and Stormy 'nature of I I ,OM- ft and aptist Chin 1. I . I the climate, mands the source o: ited. It is believed that on Thi those honored with a sea mb of Wingharn of a war between England on the one would be . :irsday's t tbereon are I , will re- - abundance of business to be which not only greatly interfere with water canal, and al f supply of the fresh SittihgS notificati n will be given that J. H. Ruddell, formerly of Londesboro, gret tolearn of his severe illness. He ' y, supported by Russia I Suez Canal, and is 8 the railway and Arabi Pasha will at once be proclaimed and Thos. Johnson, formerly of Varna. has been ill most of the time since bg side, and Turke d L done o the canal from the -beginning; their. comfort, but tep'd seriously to t e nearest suitable left home on his vacation trip, and tile � I Soo 0 : i atter citv . . . a . —Veterinary. Surgeon'B O'Neil no better. We trust, howe I ,h as grain a Sti,atford contemporary who says Ing rumor that Convention with Enaland. Russia has . ver that the hea,vy and bulky freight, sue its. i We agree with From the I Omes the alarm- o Egypti under the Military especially in the Northwest. test accounts received state that beis as well as by Arabi Pasha an the while t er c eapness w th which diminish their prof Oint for a ba rebel. The Turkish force win then Egyptians, on the other. The 'danger p, erations on Cairo. proceed t I . Huronites come to the front every time, I th European quarter and n verend gentleman will s -massed 200,00 . . soon be fully - bais bee d a general European Vol en]3- ro stored to health again, and ,return td is by no means vision-axy. The latest and farin produce generally, can be car- that 'there is no better country than n fired, an 0 troops in the Cancasus, Shaw, of London, assisted by . massacre. has com . . and as the Czar, it is reported, is bent ary Surgeon Miller, of Hensall, ren me cad. There is a L news. to hand states that the British kied by water, as compared with rail- Onta-ilio, and that those who leave it to I L ,Oved b P flock stronger than ever, both ways strong probability, however, tha upon war in order, to divert the atten- a cancerous tumor from a'three year P lysically and spiritually, to do the Government "has instructed Lord , mp-kes it also certain that there seek for a better are likely to di t this tion of the Nihilists some fears are en- old colt, the property of Mr. S. Des- Master's work. . isap- report1will fortunately prove incorrect. tertained of 'a deliberate i i , of Stanley. *The- thmor Duffierin, the British Ambassador at would � e no danger hereafter of the pointed. The Ontario farmer who is DeLessepa continue his erratic � , Constandnople,topresent an ultima- business falling off 'in consequ . I and ripping up tum, to the . Porte demand t 6 gainst Eng im 4 is f . . gentlemen euce Of well off'should let well alone, and s ay seriBel sp protests old quarrels between Russia and the weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz., and the an —A number of Wingham " se' , land',, qrming w I I ing that the increa d railway competition. � - . . hat they detiominate "The . There where be is. action, which he ass ' Porte. Arabi yesterday made an ad- now rapidly recovering, . . I � e ts is a breach of . yl - —The Huron Record complains of .sportingtourone daylast week. The ; vancetowards Alexandria, but with Bawson Part " left that town on L& Sultan at once declare Ara,bi Pasha a is there ity that the . --- the neutrality of the 1 -Canal. The key. drew in consequence of an onfilading the scarcity -of houses in the tow n of � . — . n6te of the Porte's Fjl i int wprk, uTfess it should prove on closer I News of the'.*Weelk. ci6UFJ conduct fire from a British iror company i co po ed of es A. rebel, and accept the proposals for jq 1 i and evasive replies 1111" -clad. He ap- C 8 M 8 M, ars. . I . de- 4 lintonj and says that houses that D awson, Wm. Al. McClymont, W4ttie . action in Egypt, and if the Porte fail examin*tion to be of an exceedingl CO'LLAPSED.—Tbo Central Railroad mands has been tto England's - pearsto have or glib up heavy rain. would rebt.forfrom. 65 to $8 per month S- Oan, W. E. Groves, W. Loatit, W. I y . souoded. It now has foreements from 0 afr-el-Dwar, and may would be readily taken up, and U14 , . . to comply Lord Dufferin would -be rell costly c I freight house at Albany, 200 by 400 feet the effrontery to laxe that the- pro- �axacter, would, be a paying one. . ded a in siie, tumbled down Thursday. . . p9ssibly premedit te a NcGregor and T. Beitz. They drove ' " . I a � - . .. i capital tc Southampton, where they had pre - troops in Egypt would be opposed:' by: underta�eu by capitalists, if not at fever now exist at Br Pon his cond ct after -Turkish British position fr�rn another quarter, invested than mortgages are doing just called, and th landing of Turkish As such'there is little- doubt it will be Clamation-of Arab a rebel must de I It n attack upon the afford a better intere"t on the Epmri,,Nric. — Fifty cases of yellow Pend u � ownsville, Texas, troops have Ian I 1� yesterday's movement being merely to now. I ; . viously ebartered a boat, and started .. . a."' To this den�and thd' once, at Ino distant day. i and the number is increasing rapidly. i I gypt. This is divert attention fr' for Manitoulin Island. They expect to the Englisl in ded E . 9m, bi . a real* object. —On Saturday last Mr. George Sel- be away about two weeks � I , direct defiance 6f Eugland's Oft' At Suez complete �rovisioti -9th concespion, Tu ker- I a INFAMOUS PLOT.—It is rumored that repeated demands, a against a lery, of 'the and mill I Porte replied by its usual request for 1 IU Ca�,,.,&d the project of the' -Duluth I . d unless a more I I i there -exists a Secret. oi ganization in Ire- conciliatory tone is a opted speedil een ma e, and no Smith, an old man aged 73 Yeal"f3i met and hunting. time for consideration. The British com water famine has b a sr end most of the time shooting, . I -, Merital men seems to have at- land having for its in2noediate object the coiffict lietween A miral y a fear need be felt upon that Score. It is with a severe' and painful acei Government, however, it is believed, � tracted &t little a . Seymour's ent. —A serious accident h led to Mr. . � - A I I . ftention, and we fear depositio,nL of the Queen.-, .fie*e't and the Turkis transp reported that the 13ritish have oc pied While riding in a light wagon he was Y1 A e will be peremptory, and insist on an Will n obtain much support from DL$TUCTIVE WATERSpO I UT orts con- Ismailia, on the Suez Canal, buctu )Ung, of the 8th cone Pp n ' , . .—A water- taining the Tarkish contingent is , the thrown out backwards, and in the fall ' ession of �Colll immediate anLSWer. , spout -in Ohio swept away 18 miles of minent. I im- report has not been! confirmed. bc rne, on the 27th .ult., while he and - _ . I he c . . . hi 3 brother were driving toone of their Should this policy lcanadi4 S. yet it should not be so. the Oh'i'p Central Railroii'd track, and On Sunday mornin . THURSDVY. rapidly, considering his advanced age. . an I if buil, all Cairo . broke his collar bone. He is improving .M ort distance I ,en no Such greater idvkntage to Canada than to loss�is estimated at half a million. streets in great excitement, congr obtained ; but if time be giv I . - The moved. -Crowds rushed about the �Tbe submission of the -Porte to the —A horse belonging f fai- s. When only a sb be adhered to a fa May be T t, would be of far didothdr very serious damage was ; . ata. British demands i complete. Yester ,o Mr. Henry from their gate, one of the whiffietrge result need be looked for. - Under tiny 'the Unit ad States. Four -f . IMPORTING A PLAGUE.— Over fifty . lating e , .8 - Brandon, of Belgrave, became fright- books came off and the tongue fell circumstances it will be bard for the I . ifths at least . � ach other and Shouting with day a draft of th� proposed Military ened at a baby carriage being wheeled down, starting the horses. They h � unganan peasaitts, late importations jo '. The cause was the arrival of a Convention between England and Tur- along the sidewalk while* he was tied to not run far, when they were turmed of the 'territory served by it would 1, y &a I I I Sultan to comply with the British de- be Canadian. The traffic i to the, Connellsville coke region, Peun- boy of seventeen, Midshipman De - key was submitted and approved b a post at McKinnon's' store' in BI th. into the fence, the pole running into mand, beca I it wonld sylvailia'are lying at the I county alms. Chair. He was conv I e y . 1. ase any hostile act on his create wpuld find its way to the sea by housepick withh3curvy or, blackleg fev . eyed in a clos i Lord Dufferin. The Turkish contingent He knocked down a Veranda post and th � ground. The sudden jerk .threw I p - 'extremely Canadia� wat . ers, and would b r er. carriage, through whose blinds could of5,000men will land A oukir Succeeded in Makin a total wreck of � th 3m. both out, Mr falling on ax -t against Arabi� would be elp INDIAN CATTLE STEA-T,E�m--The Crow just ba distin near b' L 9 . Young � to guished the blue and gold where the principal fighting will� be the vehicle before being caught. hij i shoulder, the fall completely stm- ndia4's have been Stealing' cattle at of a British officer's uniform. - The done, and where they will be at the ' —Mr. Charles Schmidt, the new and nii ig him. Medical aid -was at once -unpopular with the Sultan's Moham- build upithe Canadian tow . . I L - I ns and ,cities Fort Keogh, Montana. A recent col- thousands of native's who surrounded mercy of the British Commander --popular proprietor of the Exchange su, nmoned and his injuries attended to. . medan subjects. The Mohammedans by whic4 it Would pass. It would en- lision between them and: the cow-boy0, the carriage would have it that. it was should any signs of treachery be de-'- am 12 He is now in a fair way,of.recovery. Of I Africa and all Western Asia, regard large and develop, as nothing else resulted in Hotel, Wingh , is determi ea, to I Arabi as a ch L � could loss of We on both Admiral Seymour who had been cap- tected. The draft of the proclamatibri. have the house in ship-Bliape. He has - . Mr. A. M. Polley, of Goderich, Im ampion of Islam against db, our,'splendid System of internal Sides . S1 '. tared by Arabi Pasha, and made the declaring Arabi a rebel has also been lately ha,d it papered and kalsoinlined purchased a wire grain binder from . .� Ui I) FOR DAMAGES. --:41 brakema" ng with their criies of "The Sultan presented to the Ambassadors. It de- throughout, and its now able to ac rall Job - l � . - n Wat the: Infidel, and the doctors of the navigatiqn, and -would probably more the 'no-nnati Southei�n Railway refus- istictorions I The dels have been clares all his officers rebels, and gives mo(late th son, of Ayr, and set it at � .. � IL � - . - --colored wife e traveling public in first- work in a field of all wheat on his farm * Mohammedan law, even in Constanti. than double the b U-18iness done of a clerg - driven off I" The youngster enjoyed the, the E gyptian time to lay down their class Style. . i ' on the- .ed to allow the , Inople itself I openly question the right Wellandt and St. Lawrence canals. ma y "; f 11 r ri, , 1; I I I I It k ,ig )4U-11 , i I �: �il ti r co I I I I �c , I i �n I I ,� 1� 'I I b t � 9P I I r � ;,4' ki ; I � It li I I I I ,�' � h P I4 . I they dAcovered that h 3 wa I � n conned ion handled the grain was very satisfactory, They saythat "if Arabi received an order for freigl�t and Perhaps even for n. 000 as -an apology, 9 & beardless but make a wonderful impres way, was hold in the Canada Metho,4 list thrown to one Side as the maeldne . rode on another line, but ,sued the ob- disappointment, when on his alighting Kaliph to England's supremacy cannot with the late Miss Elizabeth Strong- each sheaf being -tightl b d . of the Sultan to, proclaim Arabi a rebel. -.Finally i . t would afford a Competing lin n t6 ride in the ladies, car. They scene immensely, and still more their arms. This abject submission of the A memorial service i' last week. The 'Manner in which it ' ' passe. e jectiDg company, and have received � $- boy in a round jacket I and not, the im- the Iffohammedaii world and restore Church at Fordwich on Sabbath even- y can and from Constantinople to lay down his gers, to �he Canadian Pacific R4ilwa , CETEWAYO'S VISIT. 9 Cetowa3 o portant capture they' passed. Nearly 12 acres were bound ill . y —Ki a arms he would be justMed in disre- And would to a great extent destroy th and his nine followers, who have just made. 'Jhought had been, British prestige in the East to its former ing, 30th ult. MisB Strangway was a one day. Geod work was also done on - xarding it, because the orders of Allah clos I e arrived in � standard. Osman ey, who remained teacher in the Sabbath School, and w 9. 0 Monopoly nOwi Possessed by the' � � England, betw en Cape Ma- � MONDA�. , . aa a tell acre field belonging to W. E. are to defend the territo— -f T -I i " I d i � Q"V-n A Orin I lo� aJ to the Khediv;�, has escaned , a IvTnouth c ni from loved and esteemed I- -11 ,,- , market for but( ing in CUSAA go V1. � or an these reasons we think, � � he urst serious eng g6M611t on l ro and States th t Arabi is fo ly W V OrM6Q Urace, though the character of the - of 19cal, ah , rtifying an acquadntance with her 4 � . . ss - The church grain made the job much more diffl- I against the attacks i pounds of beef. Catewayo expresses a between the British t6ops an4 Arabi Nefi a, the junctioin I there were - and encroachments the project should receiv,e WarM6r sup. confident hope of ia of the Suez, IS- was crowded'to excess. I 1� resto tion Ao his occ6rred on Saturdi�,.' A reconnais- mailia and Cairo railway, near Z . --The enterprising farmers on - I T-aillefer t of uubehaverB." If the S n h thronei r -- I . a azig, 1 cult. The machine keeps two ni I Ultan, in obedi- port, by Ca ac lans and by the Canadian - made from Alexandria .- 9 I - buh y stacking the bundles. . - between C, ence to the comm, ' press f �ori of Elast — i ngth for the . testing Wawanosh are still further im`Prov�-ng --Mr. A.- Woodman, D. D. H. C. R., 136 to _S40 J . purpo of determining any advance on Cairo. " 'In a speech do- their already fin f rm propertie auds of the British ispecially the Liberal portion of A TERRIBLE STATE OF AFFAIRS iN stre - iia with the evident intent of con issue such an order, it may cost PERu.—Lima advices Sta,t that bands Ara S. a with the assistance of several rn�mbers` - R. Niehol, . hi's exact positio and Strength.' livered at the. Lord M` or's banquet learn that Mr. Walper McGowan's e fro 410 per 1b him iti--than it has hitherto received, and of Montmeras are committ, 0 a I both his crown and bis life. lEcis Mo. with this'pup I port no feeling of national in h The' troops behaved th 'a co ay rn Godericb,Ma - , . h%Mlnedan subjects I would r I atrocities in the neighborhool of Lima. �,- olness yesterday Mr. Gladstone announced new residence is fast approac,Wi4g c M- nchester and LondeS- egard him jealousy 8 The victims are principally Peruvians, and. courage that woul have delighted that England was not warring upon the pletion. Mr. McGowan is one f th boro courts, organized a court of the Roberts 1, se 11ould be permitted to inter. the heart of Wellj�gt'n. The action, people of Egypt, but against a tykanny enterprising men who a, 5 Ile It! Canadian Order of Foresters at BeU- L ,one load aB & traitor to Islam, and under such fere.' Tho project May be American, and consequently the Chilians make but which was gallantl wayl t e miller, on Monday night of last week. � Compton, y and successfully which oppressed them. England went vantage of modern improveme - Circt"nstancea his We' -would not be and carri little effort to suppress:the robLyars. fought, brought forth x�umerous uts. Ele There was formerly& Tent of Maeas- About 4e. I . deeds into the fight with � clean hands and intends having the whole of his resi- � i elld out on American soil with . Anareb' continues wberever the Cbil- of bravery which redou a c be but it fell through. The Court I I ! � � : I These re- dence heated from a furnace in . : T - - i d to th, redit with no secret intentions. city trade,, I 1, I t a � p ! i . . : � I I I : "' � s with 27 charter members, wid 965,each. � � the st � � � � . � I i . . ; I � . I � I I I � I � . - : i . . . I i a ! I . � . i I . � ' , � � —h - , � V " 11