HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-08-04, Page 74, 1882. Is, HOUSE ). HOUSE. FORTH, premises former - the Bank of Com= ler the Comnterciai treet. OIStOUNTED. ereillen Exchartge- 1 and. Sold,. ;ALE NOTES leasonable Rate& w ilitterrat leecartties Fable. at par at all anslr of COleartneree. iswert oft IlIaesieriatts non Mortgages. Proprietor. EAFORTH. ettary,1882, we change& taring flour at oar Sea. AND GRADING ra buying our familY or aepon getting a funt-claa a TED ladies- and pronounce& *T” BY ALL. *3Y -change, work. We- i Wanted, good Trete:Ivrea er which good prices wia LE Sr CS. T. O./MMU', Manager. LAB ACENCY. S it 0 NG Brat -Clam Stock, Fira apanisaasied a prener- bet, favorable- teem& - : of the best Loan So- earsd Purchase of Far3. lon-st-Class rm$ for Sale. aL Six per nem. rest. eau Steamehip Ticketa norrisoes Store, Main 646 D MILL of Seaferth known aa sold cheap and on. eay - has got the Manitoba etion ivith the Mill it The. mill has encently led and repaired; and is - e order, and capable of >le gristing aad flouring eoprietore WIC SOLA.TRK., 744 .CAL. ePhrefolaxisfiliargeon an& ath, Ont. Office and raid - rich Steeet,tetend. deer !ch. 84 p C.M.. Phyeleisai, Ser- er the County of Huron. � Jarvis _street north, a Public Scheel-. e ,0. M. Graduate- ot IPhysielan, Surgeon and e Office andReaidenae, root, firat Brick Houser nroh. 496: krasluate of McGill Col- a:it-late of the Royal Cob, nburglx, mad hide ffonae rt Hospital, Effinburghe 686-52 DE N T 1ST. 4ya.1 College of Dental Office in the- rooms .Derbyshire, Whitney's 'performed and setts - 8s Moderate. et441 wheuneraira -lase . YSII: RE, Dentist, hao hased the business of eeh, end removed to lock, Mitchell, where Teeth extracted with and nitrous oxide Ity. Partiea from a ir train expenses 72 DENTIST, -ist and College R. G. D. S. erienee he is able to in Dentistry suitable teeth a Specialty. us Oxide Gas given. aerate. 51A1 alti Street,. Seaforth. L. D. S., RD, t his office, CADEY'S SEAFORTH, oppo- mercial Hotel, oil en and THURSDAY - Nitrate Oxide Gas of teeth. Thee gas Yr. Cartwright since a.ving beeu one of is province. Pae d may inhere the gas extracted M a rain- Ithout disagreeable -mg- new teeth pleaese- ular attention paid 'a teeth. Teeth in - 730 -52' pacific. ; NOT FOB ANY M. already tried it been known to with this dis- c, well to give it HUGH ROBB, a Au' Gun 4, 1882. 1/1111111 THZ EXPOSITuR. frEe Ransom Sinners. In a little village in Virginia there lived a family named Ransom. They Iowa not very pious people, and never -went to church. Once, however, dur- ing a revival, the family were prevailed -upon to attend preaching. When they made their reluotafltL and tardy appose- - rum the aervicea had just begun, asid when they had. scarcely taken their seats the minister gave out the &et -hymn, reading it thus: "Return; ye ransom sinners, borne. "All right 1" cried the head of the *Ransoms, getting up in a rage, clapping his hat on his head. "Come along, old woman and gals, we'll go home feet enough, and everybody in the old church knows we didn't Want to come." • The Wild Beast Trade. The market price of a menagerie animal of any kind varies from time to time, like that of other -merchandise, according to the demand and supply. A writer stated recently that zebras are sold at a little over $2,000 a pair, gnus at about $800 a pair, while rhi- noceroses cost some $6,000 per pair, and tigers about $h500 each. A ehort time ago, however, and perhaps now, a very good "uneducated" tiger could be bought in Lender, for from $500 to $800. The same beast, the moment he -takes kindly to learning, and promises to be eparieg of his !keepers, doubles and -trebles in value.There is no telling what we weuld be worth should he -show further' signs of intellect or good morals, but he is like a human being in this respect --the more he knows, the more it will pay to give for him. The sanie rule applies to the entire list, froni elephants to Ea011keyS, SG that no pre- cise idea can; be given of the probable cost of a menagerie. -Se Nicholas. News Items- -The gete money at the Trades' de- monstration in the park at Toronto on the 22nd ult., amounted to $786. -Great_ exeitement prevails at Jones- boro.' Ill., on account of the failure of B. A. Willard, banker, for about $500,- 000. The failure affects almost every one, including country officials, fanners, business mem widows and orphans.' It is attributed to speculations in wheat, com, and cotton options. -The Erie County Pa. Almshouee, containing same hundreds of paupers lunatics, narrowly escaped destruction' on Friday through an insane inrciate tampering with the gas machinery. The poor fellow was himself alniost blown to atoms. _ -Two Central Prison convicts named Moorehead and Holmes attempted to escape from the brick yard on Sunday afternoon. They were both captured by the guards before they had put two miles between themselves and the pris- on. Moorehead is from Hamilton and Holmes from London. The former is a bad character, and with four or live other convicts formed a ring to break from the prison. -The Princess of Wales does not let her charitable heart grow cold and ex- clusive on Sundays. On a recent Sem day she and her daughters attended the Children's flower service at Berkley chapel, Mayfair, and then, laden with flowers and fruit, she went to the chil- dren's hospital and distributed her gifts among the patients. -At a meeting of the members of Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Toronto, held on Sunday evening after service, it was resolved, to invite the Rev. Dr. Thomas, of Philadelphia, to the pester - ate of the church. Dr. Thomas is,' a Welshman by birth, but has resided for 13 years in the states,during the greater part of which time he has been pastor of the church he aontenaplates leav- ing. -John Church Hamilton, last surviv- ing son of Alexander Hamilton, died at Long Branch N. J. on the morning of the 2h July, aged 90 years. He edited his father's wenn in seven volumes, and. ale° cornpiledH an elaborate work in sev- erse volumes entitled "History of the Republic of the United States, as traced in the Writings of Alexander Hamilton and his contemporaries." He was a graduate of Columbia, college, practised law for a number of year& and was an aide on the staff of Gen. Harrison in the war of 1812. -A colmed barber in St. Paul, Min- nesota, is enjoying the sweets of ac- complished revenge. The proprietor of a saloon had given orders that no negro shouldbe entertained therein. On one of the recent hot days the saloon -keeper entered the colored man's crowded shop and. patiently awaited his turn. At last going foiward eagerly in response to the welcome of 'Next l" he was turned •aside by the negro with the remark: "Yer can't be shaved in dis 'ere shop. Yer don't want my trade and I don't want yours." -The Bishop of Moosonie, whose residence is at Moose Factory, on the shores of Eludeon Bay, has arrived at Montreal from, England after an absence of eighteen months. While in Eng- land he eucceeded in raising $40,000 towards extending missions to the na- tives of his diooese, whiGh is 1,200 miles long and the same number of miles broad, There are four great tribes of Indians in the territory, spiritually pre- sided over by the Bishop, and these people have made considerable ad- vances under the teachings of mission- aries of the Church of England in civilization and Christianity. The ven- erable Bislem has been thirty years in the Hudson Bay Territory. The dif- ficulty of getting to hie Episcopal seat will be understood when it is stated that 500 miles of the latter part of the jatinaey must be made in a canoe. The isolation from all means of communica- tion is Bo great that a mail from Can- ada and. the outside world generally only reaches the settlement three times a year. One ship per annum arriveg at Moose Factory from Liverpool with supplies for the Hudson Bay Company's Stations. -Elow certain dry goods obtain their names. Many1 kinds of dry geode pos- sess names whose origin is of much in- terest. An Iduglish authority states that damask le so named from the city of Damascus: !satin from Zaytown in China ; oalioo from Calicut, and muslin from Mosul. Buckram derived its narae f rom Bokhara, ; fustian cornea from Fostat, a city of the Middle Ages, from which the modern Cairo is de- scended. Taffeta and Tabby from a street in Bagdad. Cambric is trona Cerebral. Gaeze has its name from _ Gaza: baize from Bajae ; dimity from Damietta, and jeans from Jaen. Drug - get is derived from a city in Ireland, Drogheda. Duck, from which Tucker - street in Bristol is named, cornea from Torque, in Normandy. Diaper is not from D'Ypres, but from the Greek dictspron, figured. Velvet is from the Italian veltute, woolly. Shawl is the Sanserit sala, floor, for shawls were first used as carpets and tapestry. Bandanna is from an Indian word, meaning to bind or tie, because they are tied in knots before dyeing. Chintz comes from the Hindoo word chett. Delaine is the French for "of wool." Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting. -"By thorough knowledge of the natural', .we which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flevored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the Dr. Wheeler's Elixir of Phosphates judicious use of such articles of diet that and Calisaya supplies a much needed a constitution may be gradually built want among invalids of a safe combine - up until strong euough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are &jilting around -us requires regularity and persistence its tute to mire d.yspepsia and the many ilis thatarise from it. No deleterious mineral Ingredient is contained in it, and though its action is thorough in cases of costiveneea, it never produces griping pains in the abdominal region, or weakens the bowels like a violent pur- gative. It invigorates the system through the medium of the increased digestive and assimilative activity which it promotes, and is also a most efficient remedy for kidney complaints, scrofulous and all diseases of the blood; female weakness, &c., dec. Price, $1. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Nor- throp & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a fac-simile of their signature. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson'Seaforth. 750 52-c ready to attack 'wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser- vice etazette. Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold only in packets and tins a pound and pound,) labelled, -"James Epps & Co., homceo- pathio Chemists, London, Eng." -Also makers df Epps's Checolate Essence for afternoon use. 736-52 Imitators vs. Substitutors. Good points are worth- remernbering, for the reason that they assist us in avoiding many discomforts, and protect us against the cupidity of overreaching people. When you learn from friends that Putnam's Corn Extractor is safe, prompt and effectual, don't allow drug- gists to palm off a worthless and per- haps poisonous substitute. His object is quite patent. He wishes to make a feve cents difference between a good ar- tiele and a cheap imitation or substitute. Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sold every- where. 76252D Do Your Children Have fits od convulsions, grind their teeth, pick their nose, have a bad breath, or a changeable appetite? Are they restless or feverish at night If so, ask your druggist for Dr. Smith's German Worm Remedy; take 110 other ; it only costs • 25 cents. Is simple, safe and pleasant to take. If there are no worms, it removes the slime and bile that breeds them, tones. up the system, and will save many a, doctor's bill. A word to the wise, etc. Thousands of testimonials. Sold by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth, Ont. 754.52 Nine Physicians Outdone. It is generally considered a pretty difficult task to outdo a physician, but the following will conclusively prove where nine were completely outdone. Mrs. Helen Pharviz, 331 Dayton street, Chicago, Ill., was treated for Consump- tion by nine physicians and all pro- nounced her case incurable. Seven .bottles 'of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption completely cured her. Doubting ones, please drop her a postal. and convince yourselves. Trial bottles free at Hickson & Coda drug store. Laege Lize, $1. 714.52.4.e.x. Not to be Deceived. Ile these times of quack medicine adVertisearen he everywhere it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of prelate and which really ' does as recommended. Electric Bitters- we can vouch for as being a true and re- liable remedy, and one that will do as recommended. They invariably mire Stomach and Liver Complaints, Dis- eases of the Kidneys and Urinary diffi- culties. We know whereof we speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at 50 cents a bottle, by E. Hickson & Co. 71/.52.4 E. B. • Holloway's Pills. Bilious complaints and irregularities of the system, produced by redundancy of vitiated bile, can always be corrected by a. few doses of these inestimable Pills, which are everywhere admired for their rare combination of mildness, and power; for though they conquer with ease and rapidity the most obstin- ate disease, they never weaken the stomach or necessitate any interruption of ordinary dnties or amusements, On the contrary, they increase the appe- tite, strengthen the organs of digestion, give increased energy and life to the animal functions, and fit both hand and brain for fresh exertion& The sick and enfeebled- may by *a single trial speedily discover what a happy revolution these Pills have the power to effect in the human system. 712 ' Through the present month of July the Stomach arid Bowels are very liable to become deranged. The proper preventative is Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters, for by their use the Digestive Organs are invigorat- ed, the Bowels kept regular, and the blood rendered pure and cool. Sold in large bottles at 50 cents by all Drug- gists. J. S. Roberts, Agent for Sea - forth. 750-52. There would be little, if any, sickness during the months of july and August,if every one would use Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters, as they prevent and cure all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels. Sold in large bottles at 50 cents by all Druggiets. J. S. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth. 750-5e. Those affected with weak Lungs, Sluggish Liver, or derangement of the kidneys, should procure a package of Dr. Carson's Liver and Lung Com- pound. It is a valuable collection of Roots, Herbs and Barks, and its results are wonderful. For sale by all Drugistt. J. B. Roberts, Agent for Sediorth. 750 50. A Prolific Source of Disease. A trifling indiscretion in diet mayday the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and there is no fact in medieal science more positively ascertained or more au- thoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of bodily ills,' not the least of which is contamination of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direct consequence. Their original cause is, however, thoroughly eradicated from the system by Northrop At Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and DyBpeptic Cure, a medicine which only Niacle M gnetic Medicine , . _ . NER •E A D 13RAIN FOOD -nes4, -4 es.!--lAr ...-- %I 1 SE oirt4 TpilAIDE MARK. ( .AFTIEPt.) Is a sure, p ompt and effectual remedy for Ner- vouSness he 11 itsages, Weak Memory, 1.40 a 10 , Brain Powe , Sex 1 Prostration, Night Sweats, Sperrnatorr ocea,8 „minal Weakness, and Genera/ Loss of PO er. It repairs nervous waste, R.eja- venerates ti e Jaded intellect, Strengthens the en- fee*d brai , and estores surprising tone and vigor to the exha ted generatiye organs. ' The experience f tho ands proves it an invaluable rem dy. •e m ome is pleasant to the !nate, and In no e and wider no circumstances can it do hprm. I1 anh ho X contains sufficient for two weekn medi tion, thus being much cheaper than edieine sold -and while it is the much better. Full particulars in ts, which we desire to mail free to Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold at 50 tents per box, or 12 boxes for mailed free of postage on reoPipt of addreesing MACK'S MAGNETIC Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth EATS, land all druggists elsewhere. i • 733-00 Ass any pther cheaest it i our famph1 any ddress. by Irngg1gt $5 will h tion of restorative agents. that may -be vete y by taken for a prolonged periotd in all forms ME ICINE of debility, without over stimulating or by J S. Re depressing the organism. It maintains constant impulse on nntrition that secures the repairs of wasted tissues, and creates a uniform supply of nerve force to tide the worn-out frame over 'attacks of extreme depression. Over- worked men and women will find its. sustaining power of great value. 747.26, Travellers will find the best remedy for Sea Sickness in Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry. While for iSick Stomech and diseases brought on by change of water, diet, etc. and for Cholera Morbus, Colic, Dysentery, and Canker of the Stomach and Bowels, nothing acts more in harmony with nature to effect a cure. 739 A Remarkable Case. W. A. Edgers, of Frankville, suffered from a disease of the Liver and Kidneys, that brought him so low that his life was despaired of; he lay for ten and thirteen cleys Without an operation of the bowels ; after taking one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters he was enabled to leave his bed and drive out, three bottles more completed a cure, and he says -that he is now a, better man than he has been for twenty years. 739 ! It has been remarked that the quota- tion, "it is better to give than td re- ceive," applies to m.edicine kicks and advice, but thie rale don't apply to Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Those who receive that, get a reliable and. infallible remedy for Cholera Nor - bus, Colic, Dysentery, Canker of the Stomach and Bowels, and all Summer qomplaints of Infa,nts or Adults.' 739 The fruitful season of the year is pro. lific with many forn6s of Bowel Com- plaints, such as Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Melbas, Cholera infa.n- tum, &c., as a safe guard and positive cure for those distressing and often sudden and dangerous attacks nothing can surpass that old and reliable medi- cine' Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. 739 • Bucklen's -Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Moors, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tiens, and positively cures Piles. It is gearanteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Co., 714-52 • A Clergyrasafs Testiraony. W. E. Gifford, Pastor Methodist Epiecopal Church, Bothwell, was for two years a sufferer with Dyspepsia in it worst form, until as he states "life became an actual burden." Three bdttles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him,and he tells us in a recent letter thattle considers it the best family medicine now before the country for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint 739 As a speedy cure for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,. Diarrhcea, Colic, Ceamps, Sick Stomach, Canker of the Stomach and Bowels, and all lorms of Stammer Complaints, there is no rem- edy more reliable than Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Dealers who sell it and. those who buy it are on mutual grounds in confidence of its merits. 739 Now that the reaping and mowing season is coming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best. reaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 Farmers before buying your reaper and mower oil ask for and procure a sample -of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teed_to give good satisfaction. 753-52 Teaberry. ;A REWARD -Of one dozen "Tea - berry"' to any one sending the best four line rhyme on "Teaberry," the remark- able little gem for the Teeth and Breath. Ask your druggist for ad- dress. "Teaberry" -whitens the teeth like chastened pearls. A 5 cent sample Beetles it. 751 MIS.111.11111.11111.111111101MINME111111110 CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. PAPST, THE JEWELLER, Is offering Seventy -Five Clocks of last year's designs -all genuine American Clocks -for the next Thirty Days. '11 be sold at cost figures. All who are in want of a Clock should not miss thisi chance. Come and see them. C. L. PAPST, VyATOHMAKER,JEWELLER AND ENGRAVER, SIGN OF THE BIG CLOCK C4th, 1,Jon, on, Huron and Bruce. au' 0 NOR E- i Expres4 Mail. Express. . ' - 1 A. M. 1 P.M. P.M. Lo done apart , 7 40 2 20 ' 6 25 Ce tialiii 4. 8 40 8 26 7 28 , E eter --[ • 8 52 8 88 7 40 H nsalf .1. .. .1. .,. 9 05 852 758 lei pen.4 S.... 9 11 '8 57 7 59 Br cefiehl I 921 407 808 Cli ton.4 1 989 423 825 L nrles L o 9 58 4 41 845 B1 th.. :', ........,10 06 4 60 8 52 . Wi glutei, arrIve10 45 5 25 9 25 B4 grave .10 24 5 06 9 09 Got G SO'CIIIF- 1 ' Mail. Exprese. Exprese 1 A. M. P.M Wi glint:1i, deparn.... 7 00 2 57 Be grave` ^ 7 18 815 Bl_ 01 ' ! 785 828 Lonclesbe t ....IS-- 7 44 8 88 Clinton. e. ..... %,. ...8 02 854 Brticeffeld. .4.. *8 20 4 07 e! Kippen ... ! ...•....w.,. 8 80 4 15 Efensall..!. ..... 4... 8 86 4 20 Exeter. '1 8 62 4 82 n'ee Ceptralise • es. 9 02 4 42 London, arrive.4...10 05 5 85 P. M.. -6 20 6 88 6 65 7 04 7 24 7 48 7 59 8 06 8 25 8 42 10 10 i • Grand Trunk Ra11way4 Trainelerive Seafetrth and Clinton Stationeas follows: GOING WEST,- SEAPORTS!. Carr:Prow. Express , i 20 6 P. M. 2:40 P. M. Express 8:42 P. M. 9:00 P. M. Mixed Trein.....:;7:10 A. M. 8:00 A. M. Mixed Train... - • t 5:50 P. M. 630 P. M. G0iN0 EART— BEAFoRTR. OLINT0N. Exprees . :8.20A M. Express Train1110 P. M. Mixed Train4:50 P. M. Mixed Train... .10:40 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 12:45 P. M. 4:15 P. M. 10:00 A. M. Toronto...Grey and Bruce. GOING EAST- A. M. P. M. Tesswater 6 15 8 10 Wroxeter 542 344 Gorrie 547 850 - Fordwich , 6 57 4 02 Harriston, 6 16 4 25 Orangeville .. ........ 8 08 6 50 Toronto ,10 85 9 25 GOING' WEST-, A. M. P. M. Tomato7 85 435 Orangeville ., .10 10 7 20 Harristene . - ......... s ........12 65 9 15 Fordwich1 22 9 83 Grin ie 1 84 9 43 le, roxeter ......... ...... ...e1 41 948 Teeswater 2 25 10 15 i composedl glass, is the B r, in. thew° not gum, bu face over th lightening t (cause it cos brands, and two of any or Harveste chines, Corn etc., as for contain RIO CSrs Our Poe Knowing mall MICA M 228 H Clevela SAMUEL- R Sor A gely of powdered/410a ortsin- ES T drad.CH EA P EST lubrica, 1d -the BEST because it does iorEaS a•highly•pcillshed sur- axitivreducingfriction and e draft 'the CHEAPEST be- e NQ: MORE than .inferior one :e.kax will dothe work of her.inake. Answers as well 311-111•Gearing, Threshing Ala- Plantirs, Carriages, Buggies, Vagor_s: ,CU A.R ANT EED to °trot bum. Sold by all dealers. et CI loped& of' Things, Worth d ire NUFACTURING CO. dson St., New York. d. 0.1 and Chicago, Ill. CEOS & CO. Toronto,Ont. ents for the Dominion. MONEY. ONEY TO LOAN -To loan, private funds, in large or 3mall Sums for a period of three to seven years on first-cfass farm security, with „in- terest at 7 per ,*nt. per annum. Apply at TDB EXPOSITOR °flan, Seaforth. 762 MONEYTO LOM-1 am prepared to lend -A- money at loweat rates of interest, payable yearly. Prineipal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. 726 AUCTIONEERS. ^ eiP. BRINE, Licenoed Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in all POSITOR Office will b promptlyattendedto. parts of the Counterizi All orders leftat theEx. R. COOPER, BrUseels, County Auctioneer. • Sales of all descriptions promptly at- tended hi any part of the county on reasonable terms. Orders left at the office of the HURON Eitrostroe, or addreseed to Brussels, will 'receive prompt attention. SEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. CORNER of ....anis Mid Goderich Streets. next door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dise es of Horses, cattle, sheep, or eny of the doinesti ated animals, successfully treated at the infirma or elsewhere on the shortest notice. Char es moderate. Jas. W. ELDER, Veterinary Su eon. P. S. -A. large stock of -Veterinary Med eines kept constantly on hand. R. Wholesale and SHOE FIN None but th moderate. AT or otherwile pr 45e BRETT, SEAFORTH, etailDealer in LEATHER and INGS of Every Description. Ve Best Stook kept. Terme n Jaa o &cited. All orders by nutV mptl filled. B. N. BRETT D8.CAMP • and Civil ly attended to. ELL,provincial Land Surveyot ngintier. Orden by mail prompt D. EL CAMPBELL. sfireesli ag a week n yourown town. Terms and $5 "" outfit f ee. ddress H. Harzert & Co., Portland, Maine. 748x52 $179 A WEE.. $12a day at home easily made. Costly utfit hfee. Address TRUE & Co., Augeste, Main 748x52 7 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE it 'cures etie Splint, Curbe,Iting. Bones and all siTni: - lax blemishes, and removes the bunch eneete without blistering, irramorrairminrourl - For man it is now known to be ne o the best, *f not the best, iinibaent ever discovere a. We feel positive that every elan can have perfect success in eve y case if he will only use good common sense' in applying KENDALL'S sra-vi CUBE, an rpse:rsevere in bad cases of loog standing. Real below the experienceE, of FRC1M COL. L. T. FOSTER. YOUN GSTOWN, May 110, 1880. Dr- B. J. Kendall & Co. -Gents: r had a very valuable Hamblet nian, colt which I prized very higblkyi ; he bad a large bort spavin on one j int, and a smaller ene on the -other, which made h ine very lame; 1 had him ixxIr the charge of two veterinary sergeons, whicl i failed to cure him. I wa4 one day readingthe advertisement ef Kendall's Sp twin Chre in the Chicago E press. r determined at once to try it, and got our druggists bere to Bend for it ; they or- dered three bottles; I took them all, and thought I would give it al therough trial; r used it according te directions, and by thefourth day the colt' ceased to be larpe, and the lumps Lad eatirely disappeared. I used but one bottl , amithe colt'slimbs are as freetfrom lumps and as sm ooth es. any horse in the tate; He is entirely cured. The car Wes so remarkable that- I let two of my eighbers have the remaining two bo ties, who are now usingii Very respeatf y,1L. T. -,FOSTER. 11 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE I ONEoNTet, New "Fork, Ian. 6th,. 881. Early last summer Meeerlt:13. J. -Kendall & Co.,'of Etiosburg Falls, Vermont, dverti:se the e-Otying iclier- d rtise- s f :ends nd eom- nfcrmed. an, -who ce where onidlbe pyi. So made a contract with the ublishers of the Prete for a half column ment for one year setting: orth the merits of Kendallis Spavin Cure same time we secured from the firm a gnantity of hooka entitled Dr. Treatise 011 the Horse and Diseases, which we. are giving to advan subscribers to the Press as • premiam. About the time the adver isement first appeared in this paper Mr. P. merhorn, who resides near Sellers had a spavined horse. 'Reread the merit and concluded to test the efficacy of the 'remedy, although h laugbed at his credulity. 'a bought a bottle of Kendall's ft avin Cure meneed using it on the honk) in accordance with the directiens, and he us this week that it effected 3ach a complete care that an ezpert horse examined the animal recentlynould ficid no trace of the spavin or the pi: it had been located. Mr. Schermerhorn has since' se cured -a copy of Treatise on the Horse and his,Diseases. ,which he prizes very Bigh/y and loth ta part with it at any price, provided he °veld not obtain, another c much for advertising relia,ble-exticlest KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE AI • Kenditll's Spavin Cure is eure in its effects, mild in it ELCifiena as it doini not blisten'yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to re- move any bony growth or ealy otter enlargement if used far severer days ST ch as spavinsesplints, curbs, millets, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all en arge- ments 0 the joints or limbs or rheumatism in man and for any purpoise for which a liniment is used for man or beast. It he now knows n to be -the ment foreman ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effecira It is real fulr strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send. address for Illustrated Circular which we teoink gives positive pr f d its- virtnes. No remedy has ever metiwith such unqualified success totour hnowle dge, for beast as well as man. ; Price per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or CS5U get it for you, or it. will be sent to any address on receipt of prme by the proprietors. 748-52 DR. B. J. KENDALL.& CO.„Enosburg FallseVermerxt. 11011.•••• ! See the great DUNHAM PIANO before buying. These raagnificent Pianos have been used for 50 years in nearly all countries, and are still ranked aMoiag the best Pianos in the world. ORGANS. -The "Excelsior Gegen" is now acknowledged by the best musicians tobe the leading Organ n Canada. Pianos and Organsof other makers supplied. Send for Catalogues. "Ci• SCOTT BROTHERS, Seaforth, Onta THE PEOPLE'S STORE M.. MORRISON, MAIN STREET, SEAFOR -DEALER IN- CERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE FLOUR AND F PROVISIONS HAMS AND BACON ,SEEDS, &C. gr4 zzt The best place in Seaforth to deal at. A choice assortme FAMILY GROCERIES. Teas from 25c to 750 per pound. Sugar 10, 11 and 12 pounds for $1.00. A full supply of Crockery and G t _41 ware at BOTTOM `PRICES. Flour and Teed at Ddill Prices. Provi ,e,hdl always on hand. - M. MORRISON, H 4.. P`=1- ID] Ot4 —9, ass4- tzZi ion WALL PAPER, WINDOW PAPER, FIGURED BLINDS LARGE ASSORTMENT AT THE LOWEST PRIG 5. C. W. PAPST, Main Street, Seaforth. • WILL YOU, EXCHANGE a, case of - Dyspepsia or Biliousness for 75 cents? It is awfully unwise to, agonize lin- derthemany ailments arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion* Disordered St omachand Liver, when this offer is made to you in your own home in all sincerity, vvith an absolute certainty of curing you. ZOPESA (from Brazil) cures Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A. single dose relieves; a sampl,. bottle convinces; a 75 cent bottle cureS• It acts directly upon the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Cleansing, Correcting, Reg- ulating, Zopesa. gives energy and. vim to -the Brain, Nerve, and Muecle, simply by work- ing wonders upon the Diges- tion, and giving activity.' to the Liver. Cut this out, take it to any dealer in medicines and get at least.one 75 cenebottle of Zopcsa, and tell your neighbor how it acts. It is warranted to cure 13yspepsfa and BU tOusness. BAYLIS' Sta0arL Brand re. L Of Crown St AnhOr CHARGE YIBNIsllEs None &mire without th; aove Trade Mark. More DuraVe and better suited to +lb nzna,to thtn. any ht.Tollted, vols. Held in '-stock by all first -lass Hardwarenten and Dealerssin. Carriage Supplies. P.IANUFA-GTURED BY BAYLIS' RAMPING :CO STOCK FOR SERVICE. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. -The undersigned -L. will keep during the present season on Lot 28, Concession 3, Bay, a Thoreughbred Berkshire Bear. A limited number of pigs -will be served. Terms -$1 per sow, with the pri'viiense of re- terning if necessary,. 75e BULL FOR, SERVICE, - Robert. MeMichael will keep for the improvement of stock during the present season on Lot 3, Concession 3, Mullett, a. Thoroughbred Durham Bull. Only a. limited number of cows will be taken. Terms. - $1, payable at the time of service, with the pri- vilege of retnruing if neceseary. IternaT MC- 3rIJCIIAE1. 752 $5. to$20 per day anhome. Samples worth - • $5 free. Address SIMON & Co., Pert:land, Maine. 748x52 • NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES ESTABLISHED lig4. ELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaints, -AA" General and Neow Debit ity,Rheumatism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Seiatica, Sprains, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion. Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against impcsition, for they will do their work well and are cheap at any price. A. .NORMA.N, 4 queen St East, Toronto. E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Seaforth. 753-52. Trade .J.Tarrk Registered. ANOTHER CREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG 10InY casual obaervation, we find all land specula- -As' tors have a clear head, and watth the ups ahd downs of property, thus making large fortunee. But the whole eecret is, they keep the system in a a healthy condition by the nee of TEE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MEDICINE. We tan eafely say that hundreds come to as for the great ltmg and blood purifier before going Wt. Read the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if it were neceseary. "j certify that I was troubled with catarrh in the head gathering of phlegm in the throat, choking and coughing at night for years, so I could not sleep; often troubled with dull, lifeless feelings, pains in the cheat and back. After givirg inirdrede of dollars to doctors, and giving up ell hopes, I tried. the PRIDE OF THE VALLEY, and am now able to do roy work after seven year's sickness." laza. James McNeil, 202 Simeoe Street, London, Ont. The above statement of rnj wife's is correct. James McNeiL Fcr sale jy all druggists in Seaforth. 7454;2 WM. ELLIOTT, TOWN CK' LERand Treasurer. Office -North- east corner ef Market Ilouse. Office hours-, 2:30 till 7 p. m. 743