HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-07-28, Page 8i
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I � .. � I a � I THE HURON'i EXPOSITOR. - . JULY 28 I
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.. � - I I 1� � - I , Northwest before his return.-Sev- death. He had only been dead a few , During the month of June Messrs. H ' - Leitch. The
� -
I .
I r I . I
t - . - 6
I . �r - , - . -
_ � W�
� � ; 1��- Z ; 2 - 4, eral of the farmers in this vicinity co�a_ - . artley and siderable advantage to him in condt 'et� the miserable theft. It is to be : ioped
� ;: � i� � � z
. Z., L. I . hours when first discovered, and had 4,()09- postal cards were disposed Presbytery adjourned at noon to meet ing his business in this section of ihe that he may catch them and deal with
. I � t -, 'Purou (fty,001HOT ,
. 1. .
. � � I I menced to harvest their fall- wheat on been see4 in -the district aeverai times of at the Clinton post office. - in Melville Church, Brussela, on Tues. oonatr . �
! r
I � � thorn as they deserve.
I i -K I , p __. - __
: I - I - Tuesday laSt.-Mr. W,n. Govoulock by the i�eighbors. Mr. Blair was 47 091 Tuesday afternoon, ,while lying -day, September 19th, at 1.30 p. ra. -My �xchie Scott, the Brussels -Mr. Cla pert -on, of Shakespeare, . 4
I i � � P I
- ,� - : -
. I I .
. . I � I I
It Z.. z I - returned from Manitoba last week. He years and six months of age. He was asleep, Mrs. W. H, Hine was poisoned — , athlete, competed in the a orimr .
I - �:�� � � � - I
� L �� I - DISTRIOT MATTERS.. - dispcs a Milwau ee has a fast trotting horse. In
I )� � � �' p _. . edof his intarea4 in his canvas the seemid son of Wm. Blair, Esq., Sr., on the hand by the bite . - B:ur' I of the stable he has a well W*
� .
- ''r , S - I � .of a large on Notes, Caledonian games on Thursday of I &at h telt
! , - z 4 - I � ' .
� t I, I
. 11, I � E!Olt GMLS-1
. I I 9 i d a week, and proved his ability to down feet of water in it. The trotter bro'k,B. .
, :3 A GOOD CEWR-,E Vanted, hotel at Flat Cieek to Mr. ,Runciman. of Stanley. He was married to a daugh- spider. The hand svv-elle up con ider- Clinton has selected Tbursday, the
r�. � � il.
I . . 1% Pon, Manitoba, four He intendsgoing back after hirvest.- ter of Robert Bell, . 'by 3d of Augast, as the Civic holiday and L
. , j immediately, to.gio to Emer
�, t e
. , I Esq., Sr., of Tacker. ably, but the swelling was reduced first-class athletes.: He took first in loose the other clay, and in ramp ", -
. �_�;` � , fmt-clasff servant girls for general work. Wages, Mr. L - S. Willson, brother of Mr. 0. C. B"mith. He bad been a resident of an application of 4iniment.-All parties the Mayor has issued his proclam'atioii � I
� v t k .
� :,f , I mp
� A into.
I- � �. $14 per mouth with a chance of a raise. Fare the following: standing,high ju - 4 around, managed to go backwardi
I C,� t ... Willson has been in town for several 'Stan1sy for over 30 years, and was well interested should, reme berthatThurB- to that effect. - i i .feet 10 inches; running high jump, 5 the, well. Do- a he won I his
� . � �_ 1. -1 will be advanced If desired. Apply to ALv,xAz%-Dxit W
. . � :. . ' � t U12t;
; �� I - .
I I .. DA1v=ox,, at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. days. Mr, Willson spent the winter known and highly respected in the day next, -the 3rd of �Ugusb, is Clin- -The Clinton authorities have order, feet 5 inches ; vaulting, 0 Feet 7 inch as; -hind-feet caught in the Curb * -
: � , � rin
I . i . ; I .. five-
- .
- . __ 3ftN WAxTzD.Fi,ve or six -good men and spring in Winnippg working St his neighborhood. - He was an industrious, ton's civiq -holiday. -Dr. Dowsley's runningho step, 41 feet, 8 inches; feet below the surface, hi
.� Z.. , 4 9 fore legs �oa
Z ed the billiard rooms and shooting
� ; I I . rRpreventi
I -. toworkinharveeb, to whom thah4he8twages trade as a carpe M o and gallery in that town to be closed ,at 7 standin" 10 feet 3 inches; stand- the surface a4d his shoulde
. ,nter. Ele Bays good quiet, obliging rawa, 'and was universal- horse ran away a few vening
. I i a ag g Jumpy 11
. lf�x . Ins, 8 � J d He -4,
1 :. '. ki - to AmDRaw � mechanics have no difficulty in secar. ly respected arid trusted by all wh buggy,but o'clock. I I I ing hop step, 31 feet 2 inches ; secdn him getting through. W
: - will be paid. Apply immediately i
( � I'll . 0 d splinters of the I did � as b -Ought 1,
. � I I - � 9-; -, � Youxo,'%Vilson&Young'a:gtore,Seaforth. 764: : ing steady employment at �3 to 03.50 know him, as his probity was above �Ji do any farther seri6aB dama,ge.-79 a i, -L in 21 pound shot, 33 feet ; second in 56 to land again after Six '
, "I . i -
� I - ,; � � - i ; C)
7 i . � , � ;"" - , WAxTED,An experienced -Mr. McDonald, whose farm adj 141� hourg. labWof - -
� __ . � girl, SO per day, but there are a great many Suspicion. -Prior to the loss which he Wednesday, while a bo named GeOkge the village of Auburn, recently Bold` 1k pound shot, 23 feet 10 inches -, second several. men, and altho erably
: � . .1 I . JI �
- .
I , � � i : I - general servant. Apply at once. Xxs. JosE:PH . . ugh conaid
. ,,, �
- I ... i � poor ones who offer the' hu Bean, was tossing the caber, 34 feet 10, inches �. bruised and scratched, will not be MU&
, - . ir services and sustained, and which, unfortunately, Bean, son of Mr. Jo
11. I . . saw- four 0
: ... J McCoy, Egmonclyille. 764 - year old 'olt for the sum of 11
. � �. - ..
I __1, � 11 ; . it is those mostly who complain of dethroned his reason, no Bus ioion was ing a board in the fou dry, it sliPrOd- 0210. � 1 third in light shot, 39, feet 6 inch a ; the worse. He cannot now be either .
� F
r � .1 I t I . P : I ' .1
e I : ' - I WnmiayDox.-Iri the 11 scarcity of work. Mr. Willson . Com- ever entertained that oint Oi - Smlo -third in hitch -and -kick, 8 feet. Mr. coaxed or bullied to go ne tlaat ]
� :. 1; Alexandria" anything was and the saw took off ,e first j -The Willson Block in Wingh ar �4
� � . ins. bitterlv of the manner in which wrong. Rio sad fate has cast a gloom his index finger. -M a.! Walter Cook, Of has been purchased by Mr. W. T. Bray, , Scott is in Buffalo this week Attend � rig well. i
I - - i f match, at Wimbledon, Sergeant wil- P111 . . ' i
l I � � - t, .M J the Pacific Railway Company treat the over the'whole neighborhood, and much - Princess Street, has al cactus now in druggist of that town for the sum of games In 81tys :_ . i
� i t u of this town, made 25 points out of that city. At Milwaukee he -An Eh-na correspondent
. - i I I % I i
� 4
7 . I .1 i. . i
i i
- �� �; ;; �_ a possible 35 at the 500 -yard range; at people of that country, and says the Sympathy ia'felt for his wife, his aged bloom, on which tire 160 flowers. -At a 1,000. took all the games against the no, -;ed "A 4ign of good times in Elms, i
i � I' I . $ 1 is th6
: ;� i; I . i
; I I" only.way a person can get served- is by father, aAd other relatives ard mem. Ineetin E. W. Johnston. large number of far i
� I , . �t . ! -the 600 -yard range he made 29 points g of the Directois of the Hallett -Mr. Bathaw, of the 2nd concession mers raising their J
r �
� I . .i
� � - 11 tipping 11 the employees liberall , Sul bers of his famil . He leaves a family B Itural So'ciety, held this J -The Clinton New Era, of last week barns or adding. new ones. i
y I .
I .
. I- I
I I ; I of a, Possible, 35, making a total at the C) y - ranch Agricu i
�i I - - �. . y of Howick, has f 11 wheat, the stalks o 1L)gging I
; � ., � i 013
, F.1 � that all from the station masters down of five children, the eldest of whom is week, it was decided ito hold the' fall which meaBure 5&1 feet in length, and bees' are prevalent in the 1 art of �
. I lo
c '. ), - I ,two r1m,ges Of 51 points out of a possible i says; Sunday last being the fou.-th I
L -1
� ower 3
. .- I - . to the yard m .p �
, , . - �, 70 and. standing second highest on the en are aWOU&Me' to tbis about 18.years of age. He was in com- show at Clinton, on Tuosday and Wed- the heads over 4 inches in length. anniversary -of Rev. Mr. Stewart's, c)n- �
. � - .
I � - - 7 - I the township, generally followed by a
I I; I.. I
. f -L .
: - T. i- influence.-Mr.John Daley, of Egmond- f,srtable circumstances, and he leaves nesda ,the -19th and 20th September.
- ;_ .� list. In, ihe "Alfred" match, which . y -Mr Andrew Carrie, of Brussels,J nection with Willis Church, he ml Ae tripping of the light fantastic toe in the i
I - - 1; . . I
. I � �
� . -
� . I t. - ville, complains bitterly and with good his family well provided for. -On 11 casion IV I) I
- .. Uh Snider Rifles at 200 . - 9 gi 9 evening, F me r begi n ng t
� . � .
� - 11 was shot wi Monday Messrs. W. H. Grant and has a Scotch thistle in his garden whichi special refere I ce to the oc ar rs a e D i o be -
. -
� � .- - .
: I'll . rea I ;
I . - I -kneeling1position, Thomas Challoner ; of Strathroy, measures 5 feet ,8 'inches in length.' his congregation a brief outline of .
E, I � son, of boys and young men who go
__ � yards, in a standing or � - , 1 1he awakened to the fact that cheese mak. .
I 1�_ -
� .
� - 11 . he made 24 points, the bigheat on the to the Egmondville 'mill pond to bathe. Brussels. passed through town I on -bicycles, on different duties* a faitbf al minister I ad iDg does pay -after all.' The Unusual I
. t, hat ,bein - ' They cross hi's property and- maliciously OuR Good for Andrew. He is a Sootchman., . .
. 7 9 29. This is pretty good at to discharge, and doubtless surprising .
. I. ATHLETE. -Archibald Scott. - their way to Wingham. The distance every inch of him. I prices thus far have. added n6w
� destroy his crops. � I 1 iftmes i
I shooting. He has been successful i . This -annoyance he from Strathroy- to Clinto� - a direct -Mr. A. Waddell late Deputy Clerk MIL12Y
I � , in tended t4e Caledonian games at Buf- -, in as to the amount of time yea y to the roll of patrons of cheese fac bori I
T � �
.. I V is determined to p I 68. I
�. ut a stop to and line, is- nearly - .
41 , . O=Yiug off several good prizes and will fAlo last -week and carried off a number 60 milei, a�d this they of the Crown, in Huron, has been ap- consumed in making pastoral visits, (�c- The old women are beginning ;O get
,I I . Offers a rewRrd of $5 for such informa- . 1 '" ,. . . i
.. . 7 xnake considerably more than his ex- of first piizes. � . Over six hours. ted assessor and collector at Bran, es the �
.. I
� , : . little Mr. Stewart and wife left this week Ion rich and purchasing for themseiv
- t 1, � tion as win lead to the detection and Between Exeter and CIA oin a visit to the former's mother, who �
� i ponses, besides the honor and glory, and HARvES.T.-The hay crop has been I _t6n they Non, Manitoba, at a salary of 0100 per awa,'on account"Of the high plice of
� . I �. . conviction of the perpetrators of these only dismounted
; 20111 . bides at Lachate, near Montreal, a�d eggs.
- �t'i i ethiug else. . well saved, and has not been better in . oqce, and then, month. I .
- - 3IF .- depredations. . It would be well for all "to smile" at Brucefield.- �
R . - ' this section for years. Wheat hairvest It was -The timber left from.the old Mait. expect to begone about 6 weeks. D#r- -The Mitchell Recorder Says:-
�i 01.
� 11 � ' interested to be more careful in future basjuBt commenced and promises a � I the land Bridge at Goderi 1h, was sold on Ing I "During the -past week a couple of
I i:i -Mr. WiUia:m Mar. --made to
I � -1 I A NEw MAcHmE. else they Will get- themselves - into � Last week reference w a his absence Prof. Gregg, of Knox
, ray, the veteran thresher, r4urn good crop. ; possession of a Couple Df old relies by Saturday in 47 par(ols, and realized . I
;k h! - ed College, Toronto, will fill his pulpit. I strange chaps have been througj� the
k , i_ . trot amed Brown a party in town. Mrs. 9
� t I ;� i� Irom, Stratford on Wednesday ,_ Able.L-A courtesan n ' ' '
. , evening wh 'a town with her CHURCH CLOSFD.-The members of �hos. Cooper, over $200. Nearly t( n tons of iron of. -Cats do not monopolize the Bons of neighborhood in the capacity f
-, .... - .
__ t 7 1 0 has infested thi � . 0), ash4
- ". any has a couple of bowls that have fored r dal
i 1, with a splendid new Separator Thresh. the Epis(')opal Methodist Church have were withdraw 1. location among the lower agirrials. , A Ing machine pedlers. A f I
. .. - � - s for the past two I ew
� .1�
� � I y ago
.. �
� I � 7 � i''i ing, mach -me said horse -power- which seen fit t9' close their church for the been in the family for over 200 years,' -Last week as Fr Adie, eldest son of farmer in the township of C61borne : - - .
�_:�� they fell in with Mr. George 8
�_ � y6ara,^left on Monday last for. Brussels 'o an�mer
; .7. i, - expres . i-, pres i I
'- , io vvas manufactured sly for him 0 ent.. I The Rev. Mr. Sanderson and with the exception bf being colored I
I - -- �` il . r a y- of Hibbert, and induced him to
I 1, from which place she took a ticket Edward Johnston, Esq., Howick, was contly purchased Oung pig five weE ks ta aa
� A 7 1)y the well and favorably known firm '
i � lr,f. moved f;:bjh Brussels this week. by age, are as good as bier. They are driving a cow and a calf home, the cow old and carried it home some miles ii b6 Agency for the machine. Drawing from
i, ,; i: , 11. -of McDonald, McPherson & Co., of Winnipeg. She will be quite an acqui- ]ELAIINES'S FOR M,041TOBA.-MesBra. made very light, Yet ap�ear strong. turned on him and hooked Ifim severel sack at a late hour. The little porl'er-- their pockets a book of printed forms ta ' �
- ,_ , . f , �i I I .
� ,* I sition to th,e population of that ,ambiti- . � I y
�� � �1 Stratford. Mr. Murray is one of the Newton & Dennis on Tuesday last sent I � .
- � : ": A, :- ! before he could be r8scued. was put in a pen five feet high, and t Lie take his order for a nun�ber of machines
� - ., ous city.-Messm. J. C. Hoffman, I
- . -A , .1 oldest,if notthe Oldest thresher in the Portage.; ja es two double sets and two single sets of HensaU. I
- -
- I I I I -
� : 1". m McEwi Mr. Wm. McFailatie, of the Bay- farmer sought his slee . as he thought, he Signed his name ia .
� - . - ng, Scaforth, . . _ping cha b :
. county, ha,�ing been engaged in the c&rriac,e'- harness, made to order, to INTERESTING ITEMS----1Wo h%ve had field Road, Stanley, who recently re- Early in the morning the purc7ha;r two or three places. The same even- I
, i 1�-� and A. W. Bleasdell, Hamilton, 0 1 t" �
. . were ,
i f, -, lusiness for 32 years, and in all that parties in Winnipeg. They were rub- delightful harvest weather lately, so turned from Manitoba, has taken up went to look a I P .
j- jr, registered at the Hotel Brunswick in I at his young pig, "an strange cha, a were in Du,b
7 c I ! ing -the- i . lin - .
. - I , - ever d one Season, and �
I - __ P . -1. I time has n ' misse ber mounted -and were a very fine lot. that farmers are nearly through with land there and purpo;es removing when it was gone. He was wondering if t ae trying to sell Mr. Summer's notes to :
I .. f Winnipeg on Saturday last.L�A co ing S I
. � 1_- � - at
. ,�_ he never was better prepared to gi �
3' "� - - I hen, word outs. ;
. -, T_�-�-. ve This is tke Second order they have their hay crop, and are now busy out- the lease of his present place expires. animal had not been stolen, w the amount of 0200 or thereab .
� , - of good gravel is being laid C, L
- '
. � . I I X , satisfaction tot his patrons than he is n .Main filled thiq summer for the same city. ting wbea,t whioli is 4 splendid crop,
- . � street by Mr. John MeMann, the con. -The many frie 41da of Rev. Mr. was sent him that the active little Failing in Dublin, they tried at the
' "
. � ': .
. I � ,�, -! � , thia season. In addition to this new traotor.-In accordance with a requi. BAND TouRNAMENT.-The 3.3rd Bat- both in, quantity andl -quality.-The Pritchard, pastor ot the Ma-neheSter grunter had turned up at his owm ho 6, bank iii Mitchell, with no better Sac.
. f.� I el - i
i I i,� 11 zaachme which will be worke Be and are making arrangements raspberry grounds are now becoming Presbyterian church,;! will be glad to having evidently helped himself out of Coss. The swindle has -
I � - d by hor talion B i
-, . �. �, Bition of -the ratepayers the Mayor has worried Mr.
I . : . � i..
t . . :7, � I a e
� . power, he has procured a new and 'm- decided to proclaim Tuesday, the 15 bh to have wband tournament in Brussels quite a place of resort, and as a conae- learn th t h has so f6r recovered from his pen and found his way back by I- Summer so much that his mind has
. ! � z�� � - . � �
� 14, � � .
` -i� � proved and powerf ul steam engine with i about the*middle of August. A good quenbe our merchants are selling large his recent illness, as � L given w �
- . . to be abl to at- stinct. ay under the pressure, and be
- , . proximo, aWa' public holiday._. What .0 I
2 . Z; which to run his steam thresher. Mr. pri -list is being prepared and will quantiti ' -B�utter and eaa :
, � zo es of Sugar. .
. � the programme for the day will 008 tend to:. his . -
� " U[ -pastoral duties once is in a very precarious mental e
� i. I N, be we �_ oudition
� a I
�. . . I 0 1
� _.R'� do not know,� but it is most li k-ely every hav Lu prices are e I i Perth Items. -of .the fraud-ule '
urray's enterprise deserves and win shortly be out. Already several bands come freely into market� for which hi h more. I i What has become
� I �- - 1� receive ample encouragnient. , He nt
� ; 1: I � own e expressed their. intention, of bein paid.�Messral Jackson Bros. -The Ronaldiounlry whistle, after I notes is rot known.,, ;
� . i. neither sparestrouble nor expense to person will go off on his or her present. The home band will not com�_ I shipped a large lot of butter this week. ' Asphalt pave' 43'. � I .
� - . T menbR ar ��being laid -
� I .t � hook as incli a long rest was sound d on Mondi
I . . t�� nation may dictate. -Mi. I
� . i
7 - give 6ee for any of the prizes. tratford, replacing the old plank. i . .
Z I A i. ov, P The firsi I They take in an immense quantity of last week, and gre tly rejoiced t 0 1
. I hispatrous satisfaction, and they Thomas G IT Of in S
P '
. . . . ,I r enlock Bbipped a fine herd be -T4e Stratford Council have made!'& Notes.
� I- '- We hope ! to Mr. Ronald *
� � - -
I � seem to appreciate his efforts. prize is likely to be about $60' or NO. it. -At a meeting of tihe Ro'd-erville hearts of the Brusselites. Manitoba
I I - , I. he may live to superintend of grass fatted steers from this at they may have a �ood attend- congregation on Tuesday, the 25th inst., has the expectation o,� building three' I t4e Winnipeg is
i -, A il his tbresh- at'on We hope' grant bf $200 to their town band for
�, � , '! i; . on Wednesday. -A magnificent young ; . . or � said .to be erectiDg
It .. F -
� i 1 .1 13m business: for at feast 32 more years. r Z curre t half year. � .
- - � lng� a unaniMO-US Call Was "hundreds of palatial reside
Z .� " ance. . ly�,,ve�.to Rev. R. four engines as soon as men can be rices", a -ad
� .
. I 1. t
� . 1... I . n
Z Z ,7: - h P " - r. W. Honey, of Mitchell, shipp�d any number of -1magn'
� trotting mare is offered for sale in this 0
t , - il . TuE CALEDONIAN GA�Izs.-Brussels Thynne, late of Bever OPO the gaged to go on with the work. i
-4 1 - issue. She pr MiBes faa"r to make .
. I I , t", THOROUGHBRED STOCIC.-At a meet- one
. a I
z : � . expects to have a gala day on the 14th reverend gentleman will his way. pea to I
of the best o , Bee ,noth r two car loads of fine hq,r
I - : 51' f �Jhe many fleet -Mrs. Strong, widow of the late ! mansions.",
I . �, ing trotters -
. , i�l ors of -the
- - '. - I 4i� ?'j . of the, officers and direct sired by that highly famea horse I' Old of September, when the annual games clear to accept the cail.-We under-. John Strong, of Gorrie., met with an Manit ba the other day. . -Large quantities of wheat are now
. -
7 . . I � -i I i Huron Live Stock Association, held at. . of the Caledonian Soc' tv will be held Btand the Episcopal blethodists have unfortunate ru _T ree Mitchell Sunday Schools
�, �
� -
i ; -�. Cl� Clear Grit 1) and she can be purch I ie., uawa accident last being marketed at Emerson, coming in
Z i deter- unite In an excursion to Goderich 0 -
� - t ased y
. - Clinton., on Tuesday last, it was in Victoria Square. The - following purchased Mr. C. W. Charters' present weak, by which her buggy was badly , - froin the back Settlements.
-k li�i � .
� � �. .�� cheap, as her owner has gone to Mani. . .
I rnined to continue the annual sailes rida� - The pre.
: 141 i �, i I ' well-known Athletes and'dancers will residence for a parsonage.1 -This will broken and herself seriously injured, ' ., 28th inat., that being the civ 0 , �
I . T Besides being fast she i 5 vailing price is 85 cents per bushel.
�. , ' toba. I
I .
; � 7 1. � TheL Sale this year will be, held about 8 an ex- take party' viz.: Donald Dinnie, D. C. - make the third denominational parson- Although confined to her bed for a few holid4 in the town. , . --The
; _114 t� cellent dri�er. Some of our horse Ross n I E m erson baseball 'club -
� -1 the 20th of October; if the directors re, � I -Mr. John Kinkhead had his hand -
� �
. I � it Age in our village,viz.: Preisbyterian,Caa- . . I
. i _ ' E. W. Johnston, A. Scott, A. A. I days she has mow recovered. is now thoroughly organized and. is
. -r, i � gement in the - fanciers should See her. -The ther. . - I . - I
. z . 1. � I . and M. McDonald, A. Woods, Messrs. 4da Methodist and Episcopal Metho- severely crushed by a falling timber I
I � il mometer registered 92 in the shade III I , -The following is -a statement of the prepared to tackle anything in Mani.
� � I � -� wa,y of entries. It would be well if all . � S`bar4 raising on the f Smit I
; I fi - afternoon, and 90 7 .
. i Matheaon� Henderson, Robertson, Me- dist. We ought to good people. estimated expenditurq' for the Clinton 7th concession of M ornington, a few toba, Northern Minnesota or Dakota-
� � � this town on Tuesday be arm of Mr.
; J � those who, intend entering stock for the Kenzie, arid other notables. The pro- � .., . - I
� �� hool Board for th' crr s ago. . 0
. , � A sale would communicate with the See- � gramme will be varied and inter"eaUng. - Presbytery of Maitland. .
� � ,� in the same place on Wednesday af ter- Public Sc -A branch of the Ontario Bank 'is
. : . � � I noon. Ja . year: .-Teachers, 1�3,035; firewoocl,$150; about tobe opened in Emerson, with
I : � - rotary not later than the firat of Sep- at about hot enough for com- . -Xiss Jennie Knox and Miss X i
� �
� -W. I , il : I This Presbytery met in Knox Church, apparatus, $20; fu ture, $50; r . agg' 3 H. G. Evans, late of the Mercharit,s
I I - �Ii �. fort.-Waterman's Comedy Compan ' .
I � . I i tiamber, and let him know of the pro- I y . Blyth. Kineardine, on Tuesday, July 11th, at and incident ePs"ra P. Barbour, of St. Marys, were suc. -Bank, Toronto, as mana
. - .
. � 11 .1 will give 11 the Shaugbaun " in Cardno's s,$250 ecretary, $50; i -
� �: 0 rul
� P bable number of animals they will have . ;_ . u cessfal in obtaining second Oasis . ger.
. I 11, hall this evening. VNIFORTUNATIC.—Word was ree 2.30 p. m. There was a large atten- Spector, �50 ; caretak�
� . to enter., This would be & great as- The play and com- jr 0210. -Henry-Simpson while drunk, fell
� .. P � *
1� I .1
E � . . ,� - I i pany ire ently dance of ministers arid elders. Re * I teacher's certificates at the last session' out of his bed at Flat Creek into ,six
7 1 I � - sistauc well spoken of, and there will received bera that a half-sectrion claim v. J. -A young son of Mr. James Shaw, of Toronto Nor -
� . : I 1: , .- . e ta the directors. in ultimately no doubt, be I L a g i L. Murray was Appointed Moderator for drover of Wingha,m,- is lviiig dangerous inches of
. ,I "
: I .. � ncei as we 1. I -
I . . - A., determining the advisability of incur- . ood audie taken up by Mr. McQuarrie, (son of Mr. -- Water, aad was drowned. It
� : I oi -Mr. D. K. Clarke has resigned. his is not
: I � . I r, If
-1 �i �, rin Hugh McQuarrie) in Manitoba, a d for very safe to get drunk at Flat
. , n her's re�ddende. His ill-
, � [ i . -_ � � 9 the expense and risk necessary to have had a' sort of holiday in the show . the next six � months, Rev. Charles ly ill at his fat position as third'master in the Strat, Cr . �
� il I I - I busines had been -through going -into ford High School, and succeeds his
� - b� I
.; I get lap amother sale. a for' some time. -Mr. R. L. which he h, ad refused $3,000, Cameron thanked the brethren who had ness was brought on eek
. It - L f I . We hope that all C " jumped " during his absence in an r .
i t i Sharp has _ endered assistance in �-, supplying his the water to bathe when in a heated '
� t , fi '! stock breeders wh n luded arrangements with -Manitoba is to be honored with I ts
I ; 0 ha,ve animals to sell co brother in the Literary Institute, Woo
�_ - - "i Dr. Colemano the,owner of the 'hotel other part of the Province. pulpit during his recent illness. The condition. The doctors have no hope o first circus. The bircus "Royal and
I - i K_�: I
; , . Will encourage the objects of the So. . f
� i ,
3 . w i:;
I X - a t to continue on in that hostelry, an meeting session 0 1 stock. I-
I . - E� . �
. I I 4Aety, by giving it their assistance. d ha -B' ; FIRE PROTgCTION.-A public f Eadies congregation, through his recovery. English Menagerie," is to show at Win.
� �
. � , -
� . , �, . its representative elder, Asked whether -A cow belonging to -Mr. James Shoebottom, of Kirktou nipeg on
�2, F- 1: taken a new lease of it. -The beautiful called by the Reeve was hold on Mon. . "Wm. Roddick, the 31st of July, and on the
; From information alread obtained, we who has been running a hotel withou 3'
., T
� -
I __. . ... y
I shower of Thursday morning freshened evening,in the Watson Han, to consid it was competent for th�m to hold a of Brassels, got a pretty stiff dos 11st, 2ad and 3rd of August, and at
i-- i k , expect there will be a large number of er . . P e the '
!, -
I :q F� 2 e F
,� m very good animals offered at the nex things u osphere protec. joint m eting with Blidevale session, A Q a license, was lately fined $45, with $'
1 _ 1 I-: - t P and purihed the atm, the beat means to adopt for fire - other d yi- James Sbr �tton had a pail of costs. All the liquor found on th4 � Emerson on the 4th. �
- I � i pr I amazingl .-A team of the Seaforth tion- It was unanimously decided to and &so, in what ma,nneil the business Paris green, with which he intended i I -After-the Istof August Gripwill be
. : � sale. � y
- I
;� , , I . I Lacrosse Club go to St. Marys to transacted was to be minulted. A com- dosing place was destroyed.
. i I i; 1 -day submit -a I?y-law to the rate Ayers for 11 P
� - � potato bugs, al d the pail was i blished Simultaneously in Toronto,
I I . P
I I I MANUITACTORIES.- A meeting of the to Play 0, match with the club of that permisBi I
. . I f, f,; on to purchase a steam fire mittee composed of the Moderator and left at the Revere Hoijse pump, when -Mr. John A. King, of Downie, ha a1ud Winnipeg. The. contents of the
. ! , .
. �_ . �t . . : I I .
. . � �; � an
. . �: . �
I t� business men,.pf the town was "held on town. -In the Pacing race at Cleve. engine. , Revda. Messrs. Sutherland, Leask and the cow came along ' d downed the three large orchards, and generally ha� V Finnipeg edition will have a special ap-
� . . - �i
i I _4 1, - ') a son A NARRow� ESCAPE -A son of Mr. JaB. . McRae, with Elders Wilson, Morrison contents.
I I � r ., Monday evening last for the purpose of land, on Wednesday, 11 Fuller, of - I She still lives. I a surplus of 200 barrels of Apples f , I
I i P i0ation to the affairs in the .,North -
i , arcely hav
� I I : i , I I consulting as to the advisability of old 11 Clear Grit," won the1rst heat in Wilson, aged about two years, had a and Strachan, was appointed to 'pre- -Wesley Yoe, of Brussels, arrived sale. This year he will se Vi est.
'�, � adopting some means whereby the ex- 2.171. This is the fastest time made very narrow escape from bein killed pare an answer and report to next home from Manitoba enough for his own use.
� 1, on Thursday of
� � I �� � z. t"'I tensiv _ 9 regular -The Manitobans are getting thaw.
� . �� .a buildings and promises On North by any horse that ever went from Can- recently. The little f Meeting ,Of Prosbytery. The last week, and gives a no 0 -Mr. Wm. Stewart, of the Ist con - e, I out ndw. On Monday last the
: � I . 5;-
� �, ., 11 01 .
� i �� .. ellow was playing Commissioners who had attended the of the Prairie Pro glowi a count .
I . �-; Main street, formerly used by Mr. ,ada. Faller was bought a year ago off in the shed, when, a large - crosa-cut Vince. cession -of Elma, has sold his farm 0
. I . I I I " He intends t ermometer registered 104 0 in the
i ik
I . - r�;, late meetinc, of the Gen (oral Assembly goiDa back sho 100 acres, with crop, stock and i ple a
� . 'Ii �: Adam Gray,can beutilized so as to a farm near Paris, in the county of saw, hanging up, was blown down, the I o r3 rtly. ' He Bays John
I f ; ade, and 149 0 in the sun, but
T r il benefit the town. The idea is, we Brant, for 0300. 'There are four -of "Old teath catching him on the head. Sin. in Stl Johns, New Brunswick, reported Leckie has been offered $20,000 for a monts, to Mr. Wra. Herd, a gen In pftaps it is with the .heat as
J I !
; :� their diligence, and means were taken piece of land he had recently taken up, .
I ; ki bolieve,, if it can be carried out, to . Clear Grit's" Colts entered for the gularly enough, the only injuries he newly out from Scotland, for th a
, . I i, . i
� , t I I 17 a Ui 3 A n to meet their travelling ekponses. The but refused the offer. i " I of $5,000 cash. � ith the cold, they d l
: f r , form a joint stock company, purchase Buffalo meeting of the Gr rid Ciro t sui t i ed � calp .
I I . . ;, -1 i were some severe a I �
t � I i - -The boat race between F orey and
I the property and set up some sort of next week. -A young lad named Wm. wounds. ' resignation pf Rev. T. W. Wilkins was -Mr. Abraham ' The funeral of the late Wilson Ken]
L Smith, of Goder
I P A .'OEwen, for $250 a side,with a -
' 1, . f�,' � manufacturing establishment. All at - then taken np, and after a resolution ich, has returned home after Bove - dy, who was run over and killed at a� parse of
� . I � _1 Scott got his hand badly cut by coming A SAD END. An inquest was held ral ne .
� .
� �7. .
. � . � I �
r . the Meeting seemed favorable to the in contact with ' ot,� last Mond' had been read from the Belg- railway crossing near St. Marys.& few!, 8 100 added, took place on the Lake of the
I I : I, a Saw, in Broadfo ay, evening, over a Sudden I rave con- weeks sojourning in the Cana-
; �
I - � iq i, a I age on,F.IidL6.y I
. _aSto
, I 0 death which occurred in our vi gregation expreasina, its v' days ago, was the largest �ever Been i
. , - � chome, and a committee consisting of cabinet fact ry a few days ago. Rage. A 0 , ery unwilling than and American Northwest. 'V loods, at Rat Port
. - F I .
t , � t, � He 4 a, id was won by Forey. The course
� , 'essrs. Thos. Kidd, J. H. Broodfoot, R. � thereia, - the . resignation" saw a gre at n a In ber of. settlers fro that vicinity. The proeeksion extende�
I 1. 1, M concurrence
. man named Linkleader, with one hand, I In, thii - -L
� � W&
. !, I � - ; -Mon and M. Y. McLe , with I - was on nioti(Yu accepted in accordance locality all doing distance of a mile and a half. ; - 8 five miles, two miles and a half and
r f I i, Com an Hibbert. who was soliciting help last week, and, well. Mr. -Thomas a
� I , I ; . power to add to their nu ith Mr. Wilkinal desire. - Mr. Leask Elliott, formerly of Gdderich township, i r�turn, andthe time was 46.39.
� mber, waig stopped,at night with a man named W I -That fine host � Iry ia Mitchell', the,
I .
t i f . I appointed to co-operaiet with the tow I DisposED.-Mr. James Pardon has French, Who lives in a' sh'auty near was appointed to declare ;the loongrega- has five four -horse te�ms breaking up Hick'o House, is be'9ing renovated fromi -Theladies of the Canada Metho. : � ,
I I - I . '
� . 11 disposed of the remaining 50 acres of the salt w6rks, being the victim, on tiou vacaut on July 2 ; . di3t Church, Brandon, have formed
. ,council in Becuring the nece I 3rd' Mr. Hartle land; some 500 or 600�
I - rl f '. t y acres of which garret to cellar. The walls are bein
� - . formation and maturrin- a scheme . I to be Moderator ad interkn- In the L tbemselvt3s into a La Aid
9 81'a'ry In- his farm to Mr. Wm. Henry, for the Sunday they tri into tile he will turn upside down this Season. , all kalsomined, and the wood -work Society,
7 T�e following are the officers elected *
I - I 0 sum of 02,550, being $50 more than he ad' to , got evenilig a public conference was Mr. Smith looks hear�y, as though he painted, grained and varnished, which dies'
- " , -which May ultimately re � taverns but' failed. On Monday lie ea,t
I .
( * .- M sult in &cc0m' - realized for the other half which Mr. a he ty breakfast with Frenuh, and audiencl e assembled had done very. well hi - reatly improves its appearance. a. ,T. Lawson, Piesident; Mrs. : I
: I � I � plishinal the desired end. hold, the large - inself. 9 e, Vice -Pr T.
� � - Swa,n purchased last winter.- The 50 Iretib onti in about halt an hour - McQaarrie, -MiBS Susan Weir,daughter of Mr. -Mr. Win. Packham, of Downie, esident; Mrs. Hannah,
; - -� � . then being addressed by MessrB L
I - .
� I . � � . acres purchased by Mr. Henry contai ,
;, LOCAL 11 French followed him, and found him Brown, Davidson,' Wilkins and Jones. James Weir, formerlyof the township weighed on the Stratford market scales Secretary, and Mrs. Will ,j. White,
- - 41f BRTEFS.-We notice that Mr. all the buildings and orchard, and is dying in front of the Shant I ad, Rev. T. T. of Hay, died at her father's residence in Treasurer. A large working committee
. I
; I �T_ J. G. Schmidt, wh6 has been a residen considera , he ran for Business being resumi a few days ago, six of the finest two
� � . � i" t
I . I .. , ;! of this town for Several years has leased bly the cheapest . . help and when he retur y , Johnston tendered his !resignation of the townehip of War ' k, on the 18th year old cattle ever brought to that W168 Also appointed. -
.� I . 1. PuXKEyz--The epidemic known as n a Molesworth, stating that he was Com- I inst, af ter a wic -The newly elected council of Bran -
1. 4 _ , � , � . f y I .
� I . � a store in the neighbouring town o . ur were of th n illneF48 4 six weeks, of market. Their average weight was aop were sworn in on tbe 3rd inst.,
is made its appearance in ion that he- died of apoplexy, bkought - t , Lecount of beart disease. Miss 'Weir was w bs. They were sold at 51 cents A.
. I I Listowel, and it,.tends going the pinkeye h, was dead. The j polled to take ,this a sp on ;
� . z . ell 1,0001
L, I . into the this vicinity, and a number of horses. spinal disease and seek h I ' 11der'nan Winter swearing in .Me-yor
I T . dry goods business there. 0. Schmidt u by. drinking. The two men had ealth in per. known as a teacher in the count of per pound. �
� f . have been badly affected with it. Mr. 0 � Daly, an honor to be envied as that of
. . I y -
I I . procure f ect rest and a change of climate, it Huron, and up to the'time of her' last lace as h ving admini
�i I I is a firat�class man in every respect, and Duncan McKellar lost very fine two ing before breakf &st.� On to vroceed to the illness,was engaged in this profession in follows: Elma,atNewry,onWedues. f
� I . I . I . I we have great pleasure in . epmmendina yea,r old colt with it abouat d a bottle of whiskey that morn- being his intenti -The fall shows will take p It Stored the oath to th,a
, I ' -
.� el . rid we � - t Kayor of the city. The rnayor
� 4. � � i a week a-, Southern States. The t'resbytery ex- the county of Lambton' day, October 4th; Logan
i i him to the people of Listow' , a . 0 i . .
- 'r , I-ne, � pressed deep sympathy ' u. swore in the aldermen,
� � 1:1 have no doubt he will do w M - James Horton's,stalli6ii ,Weloo " - , at Bornholm, th
- I . P - ell there.- is dangerou.sly ill, with an attack of the Clinton. with Mr. John- -The excursion -train which left October 4th; Mitchell, at Mitchell,! atoncesetto work on the arduous
, :i =,A ,ventleman who has been & resident ' ston in his affliction and I released him ��'Teeswater on the T1 routo, Grey & September 14th and 15th,- � ir
� t. I [FROM THE NEW ERA.] 0 � I I
I .k same malady, bu,t wd hope he may ro- from I North task.
, t i A of Huron for over forty years Says. that I cover very shortly. . STEAz TimicSIIERS, - A meeting of �his charge, appointing Rev. D. B. Bruce Railway, last Wednesday, drop- � Perth, at Stratford, September 21 and �
- . . _g never - . . - McRae to declare the 0 gregation va- ped a car by an accident a few I . . .-The
. during 9,11 that time has � he seen � parti team threshing ma. miles' 22. - I flrht Meeting of the new city
. I I
�, I 11 I 4, - es owning a . . - .
�' . - � . . saahl good crops of -'hay, fall wheat, oats, cant on the first Sabbath, O� Angu council Of Brandon was held on Thurs.
� I � I chinos in this neighborhood, was held I . at and north of Wraxoter. e connecting A couple of runaways occurred last
, . I
I I : - ) � aud barlov ma there axe this year.�-Rusi- - Tuckersmith. also to act as Moderatdr ad interim. rope failed to 11 - - Marys, resulting in as many daY evening of last w The
I �, - at Swarts'Hotel," on Friday, when it The Presbytery then adj�urned to meet engine- for soin ring Ze bell on the week in St. sa'aries of officers eek.
- ;i. y� -. ness in town has been somewhat dull - FABm SOLD. -Mr. Tbomp�s Leitch, of was decided that a uniform charge of are -as follows - ci by .
. �. I
. I - , �� �, o reason, and the car accidents. In the first instance, Mrs;
1. , I next morning at 9 o'clock. On Wed. was not � clerk, $1,200 ;
p rniss�d till the train had passed chamberlain 84 1
. ! I'l . � Oddy's little son had hi3 ankle badly . 00 ; as-
, i : M during the past week on account of 1 Tuckersmith, has sold his farm on the $12 per day" be made for threBbing dur. nesd sei or aud.collector c
,*, �,
i�.: I b . 0
" � farmers being so busy with ha,rvest' I 4th concessiop, L. R. S., to Mrs. Chas. ing ay morning the, CO'urt be' ny miles on its journey. HappiJ bruised The other was Caused by $1,200 ;
I , f: � the present season. They claim I Ing as- ma - orabined,
- '�
I i� � . y ch �
� I 1�� I I, but every person is expecting bus' Carter, of Hunett for tbia sum of 52,500. sembled and constituted ','in the usual but three oi four excursionists were - f of police and heal
. ,� Mr. Weir's horse getting frightened and
: 1� " t y that this price is only a fair renaunerm- in th inspector,
I t� i � way, a committee was struck to araw the unfortunate car. $9 ; cit engineer, $150 per month;
� ,I times as- soon as the present bountifal The farm cqutains 50 acr6s, and is tion for -their i estment, and that t run * ith the bread wagon, I
g away w y
'. uv he �
. '' crops are harvested. -Mr. John D. cheap enougla at the price named. We amount of - up suitable minutes withil reference to -One day last week a couple of men tfr,IWneir beind badly hurt. . as istant constable
, - i m .
. I I �i work done makes it 0 060 per month.
- � I .
� . - Sills has -secured a good Situation as believe Mrs. Carter intends going much the removal of Revds. J. P. Taylor, T. belonging to - Brusselsi named James -A few da a ago, while two of; the D( nald Campbell was appointed assis.
; �,�,-. � - to cheaper than threshing by horse ,
1 '. .
�� � - 1. � book-kooper and shipping cler� with a I reside on it. W. Wilkins . and T. T. Johnston. An and Connors, went with Robert Dick. Misses Carr Y tant constable,Mr, F, G_ A.11enderson,
: i � . � 1, large furni I MORE GOOD HoitsEs. power. .1 1. extract of the minu e on, of Ellice, were driving or I
. . 'T9 tIlre manufacturing * firm in I -Last week Mr. SAD &CCIDENT.—One day last week a . . t ' from the son in Grey, to assist in catebina John along the Street in , Stratford, their city Solicit , and Messrs. Poudier, & -
zl : - �-, Toronto. His new emplo era will f:111d I Alex.. Forsytbe, of Tuckersmith, sold- � Synod's commission in t e Lucknow Campbe Brownl6e cityen ineers. 1
. 1�j
i I I r 1.1
� �17_ I .9 �
P v y I son of Mr. Ji. L. -Sheppard, watchman 11's horses. In walkinglebind horse took fright and apset tlib bug v. �_Therep are now -2.3 000,000 feet of
I W � . . _� him & first-class and thoroug,bly reliable two mares to Xr. Bissett, of -Exeter, -for at the foun�lry, met with a sad acci case was read, but being deemed im- one of thern Mr. James received a severe The ladies were considerably in 'g
. .
- I - , mall, for -the position, Ile intends re- perfectlit was resolved to instruct the jured. Pine logs in the Red 0 Pi,vpr, floating
. 4 " I the sum of $545. These animals were dent while -he was visiting some friends . kiok on the bead which knocked him Mr. M. O'Farrell volunteered to drive do n to Winnipeg; th3
�� I
� . � movingials; faMilY to t1wat e I sold at the sa ' I clerk t6 ask the convener .of the com. senseless. He was brought to the vil. them horn , but they had n Come from
7 -ity shortly. - me time as the 4120 Mon- near Exete�. In the orchard the young mission' for the findings - ot gone far Ot .
i . I I tioned lasb e e y
� Z -There -is a disreputable house in the k- Mr. Forsythe left on sprouts n the exact lage by Mr. Dickson, a er Tail, Clear Water and.LRed Like
� . w o � coming through the ground had ad is doing as when the horse set off "at a high speed, Ri ers. There
k .
, I �
I , a
� � - -
� � �4 sonth-west part of the town *hie,L, the Thursday last for Scotland tor the pur- been Cut off with a scythe, leaving the , words of the motions as p ssed. well as could be expected. Had the � and again the occu In , have been 86 many logs
� � . . . The congregation of Kin-oss, in P -a ts 'were thrown in I .
. .
I upon the hard road. The injuries na a 'stop to steam
� I 11 ' that of St. Andrew's Chur,1h, Lucknow, bility have been killed on the igatioa. between P mbiniand rgo,
� 1, - - . authorities should "root " out. The pose of importhig more horses When sharp points sticking up, and while he - and also horse been shod he would in all proba u he river as to put
� , 14 inhabitants of the neighborhood ar I he returns we may expect to 8
� . �i 0 e �
t �, 0 Some- was playing in one of thE, trees he fell e
� i . i� thing pretty go ,asked for Moderations i Sustained this time were of a a - - - Fa
: I "I campla-iniug loudly of the nuisance.- 0 od. We wis bin2 a- down, when one of these points entered ' nature. i ! erlOus an fears are entertained for the safety .
� ; . I I
q � c
1. calling ministo �
. . I � . �
7 . I 'i� - 1 lia best yed ' View to Spot of he bridge at Emera
. .
_. I ' the right eye, wlt� asr's were -One night last week some parties
Mr. John P. Gibson,'w,ibh hip. family, I Pleasant and safe journey Anc rs, which r - � Ile I
I � ,-i I on 'when the
. left for his new hoine in Iowa oil Monday I Of good luck ii� his and completely destro 7 -Sam Roe from 1 Milvertou �
. '
� . I the drIve reaches that
� - , , venture. , I acceded to., Knox Churc , Lucknov�, entered Trick's Mill in Clinton, and got arraigned before -a Stratford magistrate Poi 'it. T
, .1 � " � th4 sight, althoug was ME in body of
I , . e
- . I
I � la-st.-Dr. Vercoe�, of Seafortb , and Dr: 1, ,?, - - h the eye -ball did not -pr sented a resolution of the congre. awaywithtwo Backsof flour. ast w his is the largest drive of logs
� I �'i � . ; appear to be injured. The little fellow, A son eek,for beating his wife. For
� � , :
� I . lhlrlburt, of Brucefield, lef ban Frida3 . 1�-ippen. ! gation promising Rev. D. Cameron a of Mr. Wm. Herbison, hearin
. �_ � ev4 r brought to that c
- K i, wb6 is only 10 years of agi, bore his 9 ,sixteen long years he"has subjected her tin e. . ity at one
j . ". ,i il- . . a noise
11 Inst for a * ple of weeks' recreation on THE L.&TE salary of $750 per' annum as their about 3 a. m. got uptlanj saw a
� - . 1�� o 1. cou" SY,Er,1_,- BLAIR painful injur'y bravely. I .
. - � i , � .-We an. ome.men �to the most cruel treatment. ,
; , �, -�q throwing a Back over- the fence; inthe I is oovered with wounds and bruises i � eal estate
I tL upper pastQx. ThePresbyt y recommended - Her,body
Z u i- .� r- lakes. -Wo axe glad to learn., nounced I.aqt week the melaupboly in- BRIEFS.—On ThurBda evening three er I in- innipeg, not
; .i .� seems to 0
z � y Mr. Cameron to vac Ontiuue firm
2, � If, r I ate th manse and morning it was f d that the sack had � ' '
� � . ; - t Ron � 0 ---
,I - , the 02.t mea--' mill in this town. 1 Blair I r) ertainly th
; " I mall girls: were passing a herd of allow the Kinloss congrog4tion to take come untied, aoldln a '
� I that Mr. Walter Thompson intends re. 1 tolligence -that the body of Mr. Skeen a �� flicted by -this savaue. We are c in withstanding the fact
I I 1� �.
- . . 0 e in I I late of S4uley, near t4is Place, about fifteen urchins, when the latter the robbers had !not in faver of lynch i t sales are dull. The Free Press of
� � . �_` � cts to have the machinery in � was found iu a , Possession on January latil, 1883. The decided to take it law" but bad the a rbce
�, I ` - -some offe * no further, but gener- People Of Milvei ton treated him to a W 11nesday nig
f, C xip� wOr-d'a in the township made a rush by, usin at date Ba3 6: "Mr. John Wolf -on
. . �: I I 1 of In 11111ve Finance Committee presented its re- ously -denoted it to Mr. Herbison, The coat of tar and feathers, and then rid-
- ;T� mill ready for op6r9tiou by the, , 0
� t, . - , he 1 f Yar outb, and was brought'to FLip- remarks. Qaick as thought one of the port. The following ding com- tracks of the horses were followed as den him on a rail beyond the bounds lit of last week sold to
. ! .
- - i be an � the arincring *tt re appointed I
� I time the now crop comas in. This wil I � pen on Wednapday of last week. The girls turned, and dealt the Youth 'n ddfellows the east half of Mc.
- � excellent thing fol ' i rst 11" far as the Stanley boundary, but '�
, iscovered by a farmer cuff on the ear. . the year: V":
4 - 1� town as , body was fi for De
- � I il c 4 . - . d Campt, there lost sight of. . were of the township in which he lives we fee�, for $15,246.
- -Frora a small pa'_'tc1'i` ' Tiln'aaec"ieweMessrs. Illartley (convener), I Ott and Princess Streets, 66 by 99 -
. � k - w the establishment has been badly missed I n am e ell, in his woods. Xr. in his g&rded Mr. J. Allanson i7eadized should have felt no regret.
, c � since it was Closed up. -M'. John ' W. C. Charter,,;, of Hansall, had gone to this year 035 from the sale ek fined and bound ever to keep the peace and Ballailtv 6
. ". " � r .-McQuarrie, ,Leask and Grant, with . 1119 also , sold the
� I ; -The Listowel Banner of last we He W&s east half of Lot 9, corner of Princess
� , n
- I - . 6 � - -WOPPer and family int - of Peall their Preabytery Home Mis- says: Mr. J. G. Schmidt, who has been towards his wife in the sum of 61 - Streets, 66 by 99 for
t, - , ; � Mr. E Idere ; ,
This last lot WaS excavated
Z . end -rem, oving to � look for Mr. 131 iir, and bring him home -alone.- D. A. Forrester, who has a sions, D. Cameron, o ener, c. connec e a dry goods house in -On the night of I Monday, the -the purC
-i : 441. . - Stratford this we�k,, where they will; ard had just g)t to the neighborhoo� couple of hu 000- 81&500.
, ,
: 1. .
I i , I ndred acres of flax to pull
- , � I; ; i i heroafter reside. - Several loads of , when he heard of the affair. Quarrie, Leask and Grant 10th .
. - �. . and
I I . wit their the town of haser agreed to pay the
� - V � - , -_ He at this year, expects to begin work on it in eaforth for a number of inst., some villains toke-u
�- I r � gio , RoErs (c 0
; - ,� I �
; . - V&ssed through town on Tu i - usand 0 BP of the Bame
� I ,�.t_ Reli on- Years, has rented the brick store ad- small trees, which p one tho
- ,cheese from the Kinburn cheese factory ? once- identified' the body, and took it about two weeks time; it IS a good crop vener), Jones, Brown, C. Cameron and Mr. Johnston ) amounting to
� ,,; . Elders; 8
� . . I
I �
I I � I 11Q00- .
b eaday for e,ean, I it %a interred- in Rodger. but a little late. -It is reported that a joining Mr. Livingstone's drug store, on Stewart, of Blaushard, planted in � __________� I
� , shipment f '9 c'm � :
ry 11 ursdal - . Wallace Street, and lately oc�apied by a hedge row. They did not content --A
-11r. C. '� Anderson, with their Elders; Temper had
__11 rom the station, ' ; I Ime ete .7 following. large serpent, (varying in size accordi 1
1, was
I I �, sy. to the party telling the story) with "r'OuS accident occurred at Kin.
- 't � -Bethune, the efficient and 'obliging I Mr. Blair ient to the London A. 119 Mce, Sutherland, (convener) Hamilton, Mr. J. G. Tremain, and will open out a themselves with pulli up the trees, ardine on Tuesday morning, which re.
I f Station aclent here has gone on a,
I .
C T; W� 11 I Davidson and McFarlane,lwith their I 9
L est. I sti with them. The ult'd in the death of Archibald Gillies
t"M early in -June and escaped frona seven horns on' its back, has been seen Elders. Arrangements for the Confer. crockery, about the Ist of August next. a ti In t
earned ha
L� ` �'Oli "I at in tution,011 le first of July, a, large stock of dry goods, groceries and but carried them ofr n 0
li Ut naployed on the public works. While'
I 'Other Principal Points Of att action in in which he W . erperience &rd of fif w i
tr L ty dollars for in- he men wer� moving the
, - announced, the topic for discussion, viz.: dry goods line, and his ability to speak formation that will lead to the convic- lorward it was accidentally thrown
exPect' to -visit Winnipeg and all the was wandering lakound in the Section, seen it are strictly temperate, we ac . ptible. Mr. Ste
d in Gibbings' � pond ; as all who have onee at next regular meeting were then Mr. Schmidt's long in the offers a rew
daY to the Narthw Ere I C a Os contem.
� � I , IS "covered until his oept their -statements without doubt. pile driver
L , I - . Pastoral Visitation, to be introdaced by. the German language, will be of con- tion of the parties who
7 I �
j 11 I I � - � . I had a hand in over, hilling Gillies in,stantly. ,
� .- . I - I
; 1. I . . I I .
. � . I I 11 �
* .
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Dress Goo
� Marked � .
Dress Goo .
mark -ed �
Dress - Go(
marked i
Striped Mi,
quarked t
P,rill.ts Sol,,'
. I
-7 .1 :
,wark-ed �
Ginghams .
marked i
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E. 11
I 1
J.'43. ROBEI
friends, custom
ally" that dur
North-west his
. the managem4
thoroughly co
. whom all,can x
dence, and lie I
��� the liberal P
Bince starting I
Feels Better
Toronto, Se
an he a,
back; he coub
weeks at a tin
second Pad nc
i Ile says that 1
has for ten y
F. X. Rosv� I
Druggist ' �
. , Seat(
I Given,
Toronto, N
. ULM `VGry an, a.
. left ki . . . . . . 7 I �
blood through '
to 4143 hourl�lyr 1
the hemmorri
. about ag,Mn, bn
dtM heavy pA:
back, wh)ch I �
saw your Rid-,
tried one, atd;
list of thbee
beneficial a I
. 'Yours tr�lyr
J. S.. Robe' S, ,
Guellpb, Xa�
—In reply to y
that I called n
tioned, and bot I
Ridney Pad �
Permanent our
Of Boma thre
Bpectfully yow
131 the Guelph
B. -Roberts, D,d