HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-07-28, Page 728, 1892s HOUS-E. CYRTH. promises foment -- Ass Bank of Cows. !et* the Commercial red. LS DISCOUNTER. Teigu Exchange L and Solet. LALE NOTES- assonable Bates. Materiel Securities: 'able, at par at all ankof Coral:Snare% raved on Deposits k OH Mortgages. M Proprietor. ;EAFORTH. suar3S 18n, we changed acturing flour at our Seas- ; AND GRADING Mr& re buying our farnily or upon getting a first-clasa- TED r ladies and pronourteed irt" BY ALL. €r exchange work. We - Wanted, good Treadwell ler whictegoocl prices wilt & CO. T. O. KEMP, Manager. AFORTH LAD AGENCY. STUONG, Firat-Clasa Stock, Firs mpaniea, aus. is preper. aorit favorable terms. of the beat Loan So - Le and Purchase of Fano -Firgt-ClaSs? num for S4ic. a at Six per. veva . teteat. Gotta Steamahip Tiekete Morrison's Store, Mein 846 D MILL a of Settiorth k-newn e sold cheap and on, easy er has got the Manitoba. rection with the mill a The relit laas recently stied and repaired, and is ng order, and, capable of able gristing and flouring- -prokrietor, WM. &LATER, h. 744 tICA L. ka,PhysiolseaSurgeon and. fertlaOnt. Office -and rest- seri& Street,settond door • areh. 842- ›., C. NI...Physician, Sur - for the- COunty ot Huron. on Jarais street north,. oth Publie Sehool. M. Graduate of • .y, Phyrribian, Surgeon an it Offitse and Residena e, 5treetetIrst Brick Hoe se • ,'"harela. 496 G• radnikte of Cob- loentiate of the Royal Cots slinbargh, end late Routes rart Roepital,Edinbarebe 686-52 DENTIST. [ Ro-yalAtollege of Dental, Office- la the room Derbyshire, Whitney's ly performed and satia- Sarges Moderate. ,eeseeted without pa its Sten -Wee . RBYSIIIRE, Dentist, has Erchased the husiness ot ulloch, and removed to Block, Mitchell, where reeth extracted with titer and nitrous oxide ecialty. Parties from a their train expenses in DENTIST, rdahst and College ist R. C. D. S. I experience he is able to ns in Dentistry suitable 'rise. teeth a Specialty. itroirs- Oxide Gas git en. Moderate. 9CM t.cMalta Street, Seaforth. r..11-11"1 L. D. S., [:he at his, otlice, CADEY'S JTh SEAFORTH, vivo - Commercial Hotel, on. .8.1.sAY and THURSDAY Seek. Nitrate Oxide Gas ruction of teeth. This gag- s 1,.t Dr. Cartwright since as he having been one of into tine province. Pa- 1,ated may inhale the gaS/ red' extracted in a mins all, without disagreeable desiring new teeth please 'ardente: attention Paid lren's teeth. Teeth in- set. 730-52 s Specio. PEEsIk; NOT FOR ANY - — ace a ,ready tried it it beenL irmawn ta icted with thie dise 4d do well t� give it by HUGH ROBB, XULY 28s 1882. ON EXPOSITOR. C, 7 • isTeliv'S Items. Mrs. Scoville denies she pi4 arsenic in the bouquet sent to Gniteau. She says she did not want Guiteau to feseape the gallows by such means, and! Its would not have taken poison if he ge. come seriously affected. Then 03- _ scesses or incipient sores form upon their tissue, which rapidly develop into the fatal tubercles of , consumption Which eat into and destroy the lungs. Tho would knowingly incur such peril as this'? The surest means of averting ould • —A brother of Seth Green, the well.it is Northrop & Lyman's Emulsion of known pisciculturist, on Tuesday de- lposited 50,000 of the fry of the Califor- nia mountain trout in Greenwood Lake, -Neve Jersey, and its tributaries., The fry were hatched at the State hatchery, .at Caledonia, —The longest line offence'in the world will be the wire fence extending :from the Indian Territory west across the Texas Pan -handle and 35 .miles -into New Mexico. Eighty-five miles of this fence is already under contract. Its course will be in the line of the Canadian River, and its purpose , is to, Atop the drift of the Northern tatt1e.1 It is a bold enterprise, and it is behoved will pay a large percentage on the in- vestment. The fence will be over 200 miles long. —Dr. J. G. Holland's family has been at Bonnie Castle, Alexandria Bay, since, May. Their seven cottages will preD- ably be occupied this season. One of; the- daughters has recently been ried, and his only son, a graduate of Yale, is engaged to Miss Deshler. of -Columbia, Ohio, the daughter of one of the wealthy citizens of that place wha las made his summer home at the Creasman house for many years. She is one of the acknowledged belles of the St. Lawrence. , —A story of heartless betrayal and; desertion of a young Erigliah imniigrantl- woman cornea from Winnipeg. , The unfoitunate young woman, trusting in her betrayer, was foolish enoogh to make the journey from that eity to, Toronto, there to await his arriiral and the performance of the nuptial core-. monies. She was sent back by Toronto ladies who becarcie acquainted with the case, and has now had the base deceiver' -arrested on a capias for breach Of pro, mise. This is bat another illustrationi elle urgent necessity for the passage -of a bill similar to that which was in troduced by Mr. Charlton, M. P., at the last session of Parlia.roent, making -seduction a criminal offence with heavy penalties attached. 1 —The Head Master of the Barrie -Collegiate Institute, having diecovered that some of the examination papers had. been purloined from the expeess package addressed. to Rev. T. McKee, the School Inspector for the county of Simcoe, he went to Toronto and induce - ed the Minister of Education to iBBne fresh papers for the two institutes where the students were suspected of • having obtained illicit possession of the examination papers. - Hon. Mr. Crooks was interviewed aud .the following in- formation obtained: It appears that some candidates at the Collingwood High School induced • a young lad of abont 15 years of age, the sen of the County Inspector, to abstract from the parcel sent by express to his father, as he event home with it, such of the ex- amination questions as were oontained in the package addressed to him. This was at once discovered by his father, and his son gave him such information that the Education Department has been able to prevent any of the candi- dates at the present examinations snaking any improper use of them, and such of the intending eandidatee who had an opportunity of seeing the papers were not only refused admission to the examinations, but are under arreet by the County Attorney under the di- rections of the Minister of Education, the intention being to make an example of them, which will probably have the effect of stamping out any attempts of this nature. Baby' A young ch cartilaginous, thing tied up a ought to be iyi the air and str crawling on t tively injario we know, wit all the sooner titude ; but b and however s may be„ he elegant. Let soon as he fin self cautionsand stan side of a box, e I do so ; t only safe and natural proce First StepsL id's bones are 'soft and lid keeping a poor little ainst a chair, when it g on its back kicking ngthening its limbs, or e nursery floor, is posi- s and sinful. It is done • the view of tqchieg it o maintain the erect at- nt legs may be Lae result, trong a bent -legged inan ^ertamly does hot look the child creep, then, as Es th t he can p 11 him- • by the is is the s. Soon atter this he I will, if encouraged, ven- ture upon what pk4rants call the first step. Let him creep, and when he walks and falls laugh at him; unless you went to make the child an idiot, do not rush to pull him up. Children are not at all brittle, and. they ought to learn at a very early. age:to depend upon the strength nature hese endowed them with. Somenurses tie a band. around a poor child's waist, and then ehove him kicking rand sprawling on before them, during which time the child looks es graceful as the golden lamb which hosiers hang out as a sign. The practice is most injurious. Epps's Cocoa. Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, a pulmonic which at the same time checks the progress of throat and lung irritation, and gives strength to those debilitated by a cough. Sold by all druggists. 710 Warnings. Lung disease and rheumatism are perhaps the most obstinate maladies with which medical. skill does batt]e-. The latter, if less dangerous, is the more inveterate of the two. Both make their approaches gradually and are her heralded by symptoms which ought to warn the sufferer of the ap- proach. As soon as a cold or the first rheumatic twinge is felt, they who can be advised for their own good will try Dr. Thomas' EclectriaOil, which gives a quietus to both these complaints, even in advanced stages, but the early use of which inwardly and outwardly is specially to be recommend, as all diseases are most successfully combat- ted in their infancy.. Piles, neuralgic pain, stiffness of the jeints, inflamma- tion, hurts, tumore, and the various diseases and injuries -of the equine race aad cattle are among the evils overcome by this leading remedy. Sold by med- icine dealers everywhere. Prepared only by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont._ Through the present month of July the Stomach and Bowels are very liable to become deranged. The proper preventative is Dr. - Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters, for by their use the Digestive Organs are invigorat- ed, the Bowels kept 'regular, and the blood rendered pure and cool. Sold in large bottles at 50 cents by all Drug- gists. J. S. Roberts, Agent for Sea- fcrth. 750 52. Thera would be little, if any, sickness during the months of July -and August,if every one would use Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters, as they prevent and cure all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels. Sold in 1a1ge bottles at 50 cents by all Druggists. 1. S. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth. 750-5's. Those affected with weak Lungs, Sluggish Liver, or derangement of the kidneys, should procure a package of Dr. Carson's Liver .and Lang Com- pound. It is a valuable collection of Roots, Herbs and Barks, and its results are wonderful. For sale by all Drugists. J. S. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth. 750-50. • N at One of Our Peculiarities. So-called respectable • people would hesitate considerably before pilfering your pockets in a crowded thorough- fare. That would be too too. The same discrimination is not indicated by the eo called respectable drnggist when that wonderful corn cure, Putnam's 1 Corn Extractor .is asked for. He will pilfer our pockets in the moat genteel+ manner by substituting cheap and dan- gerous substitutes for the geenine Put-. nam's Corn Extractor. Watch for these gentlemen, and take none other than Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sold. by druggists everywhere. 762-52-e. Have fits or convulsions, grind their teeth, pick their nose, have a bad+ breath, or a changeable appetite ? Are they restless or feverish at night? If so, ask your druggist for Dr. Smith's German Worm Remedy ; take no other; it only costs 25 cents. Is', simple, safe and pleasant to take. ID there are no worms, it removes the, slime and bile that breeds them, tones: up the system, and will save many a. doctor's bill. A word to the wise, ete.4 Thousands of testimonials. Sold by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth, Ont. 754 52 Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Abscesses, Erysipelas, Piles.— Un-; varying success attends all who treat these diseases according to the simple printed directions wrapped around each pot and box. They are invaluable to the young and timid, whose bashful: nem sometimes endangere life.. Though apparently local, diseases of this nature are essentially blood, diseases,'but a little attention, moderate perseverenc-e, and trifling expense will enable the most diffident to conduct any case to 4 happy issue without exposing secret in- • firrciities to any one. The OintmenV checks the local inflammation and al- leviates the throbbing pains. These di- rections also clearly point out when and how Holloway's Pills are to be taken, that their purifying and regulating powers may assist by adjusting and strengthening the constitution. 712 i Grateful and Comforting.—"By thorough knowledge of the natural 1 'we which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected coeoa, Mr. Epps has provided • our breal;fast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save ns many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to Iesist every tendency te disease. Hundreds et sub- tle • malaches are floating around us ready to attack wherever there 18 a weak point. • We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly neurished frame."—Civil Ser- vice G-azette. Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold only in packets and tins ( pound and potuld,) labelled—"James Epps & Co., homeeo- pathio Chemiats, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 736-52 its, contamination by bile or other cani3es, serious maladies surely follow. A highly accredited remedy for these -evils is Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic cure, -which eradicates impurities of the blood and fertilizes it by promoting digestion and ,assimilation. Moreover, this fine alter- atiVe and stomachic exetts a specific action upon the liver,healthfully stimu- aating-that organ to a performance of its secretive duty when inactive,and expel - 'ling bile from the blood. It likewise possesses diuretic and depurent presser - ties of a high order, rendering the kid- neys active and healthy, and expelling from the system the acrid elements which produce rheumatic pain. price Sample bottle, ten cents. Aek for 1Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Die- inovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrap- per Wars a fac similie Of tbeia signature: Sold by all medicine dealers. 750-52-b Sidney Complaint. The ''secretion from the kidney' is often loaded with foreign and peison- oils matter, a thick brichdust like aiedi- Iment or a mucous collection terms. Th Kidneys Kidneys are often inflamed and s congested, causing pain and weakness ,in the back and many distressing sym- ptoms. Diabetis, Brighte Disease, DrOpsy, and all Urinary -Complaints are promptly cured by that grand com- bination of diuretics, alterative tonics, &c., Burdock Blood Bitters. 739 Vow It Works. I That purifying and healing proper- ! ties of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry impart a healthy tone to :the diseased mucous surfaces of' the Stomach and Bowels. Its cooling, soothing properties counteract •pain, its antiseptic properties correct canker and . foul humor, and its tonic astringent nature corrects all eshaustive . dis- eharges—snch as Dysentery, Diarrlicea, i Cholera Morbuseand Summer Com- plaints generally. 739 • A Word of Caution., .Beware of Opiaaes and powerful as- tringent drugs in the treatment of Bowel Complaints, they may hill the pain and check diarrhoea, eta., but are liable to produce inflammation. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is guaranteed safe and reliable even for infants, and is a specific for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Colic, Acute, or Chronic Diarrhcea and Sunamer Com- p!aints generally. 739 Do Your Children The Progress of a Cough. The follescing may be indicated as the progress of a cough in the absence of an efficient check of the lung -destroy- ing malady: First, a cold is contract- ed, the throat becomes inflamed ,and the irrita.t.on causes a spasmodic con- traction and dilation of the lungs, ac- companied With a dull or rattling sound in the throat. This daily increases in violence, and as it does, 0 avates the bronchial irritation until the tinge be - A Remarkable Escape. Mrs. George C. Clarke, of Port Dal- housie, Ontario, states that she had been confined to her room for a long time with that dreadful disease, Con- sumption. The doctors said she could not escape at. early grave, but fortun- ately she began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, andgin short fame was completely , cure4. Doubting ones, please Write • Mrs. Clarke, and be convinced. Trial bottles free at Hickson & Co.'s Druu Store. Large size $1.00. 714,52.3 n. K. • Who's the Best Physician. The one that does most to relieve suffering humanity of the thousand and. one ills that befall them, is certainly the beat of all physicians. Electric Bitters are daily doing this, curing where all other remedies failed. As a spring tonic and blood purifier they have no equal. They positively cure liver and kidney complaints. In the strongest sense of the term, they are the -best and cheapest physician known. — Daily Times. Sold by E. Hickson & Co.; 510 cents. 714.52.3.E.e. , Dyspepsia Is the' most common bf all diseases, and under ordinary drug treatment the most difficult to cue, it is a chronic weakness of the stonliach with indiges- tion. The sensitive 4nucous membrane coatiug the stomach becomes irritated, and nearly all that 9nters the stomach continues to add fuellito the fire. Heart- burn and Sour Eruhions, Belching of Wind, Nausea, Headache, Variable Appetite, Costive Bowels, etc., are its prominent symptoms, Burdock Blood Bitters is a positive cure for this miser- able disease. 739 . Robert A. Wilson,- Dispensing Chemist, Brockville, says under date of June 5th, 1882: "I have not the slightest hesitation in saying that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild. Strawberry has given my customers more satisfac- tion than any medicine in iny store for the Cure of Summer Complaints, Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Pain in the Stomach, Sea Sickness, Piles, etc. You can use my name, etc." 739 J. B. Bond, Druggist, &c., Schom- berg, writes, "I have sold medicines for over twenty years, and no medicine could give better satiefaction than your Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry." This medicine is the old reli- able cure for Cholera Morbus, Dysen- tery, and all Simmer Col3aeu.ints. 739 The Elements of Bone, Brain, and Muscle, Are derived from the blood, which is the grand natural source of vital energy and the motor of the bodily organs. When the circulation becomes impover- ished in consequence of Weak digestion and imperfect assimulation of the fora, which should enrich it, every hod4y function flags, and the system _grows feeble and disordered. When the blood becomes impure, either from the de- velopment of inherited seeds of disease, A Certain Remedy for Corns. This is the universal testimony and expressed by every one who has used Putnam's Corn Extractor. Thousands in Canada have used it with gratifying results, and if you will take the trouble to eta any druggist he will give you the names of many persons of your aeqnain- tame who have been radically cured. of the worst kind of corns. Sold every- where. Safe, sure, painless, and vege- table in composition. Try it. It never fails. 762.52.c Macles KagnetiC Medicine NEttvE AND BRAIN FOOD NA% ille , -e.... t aeFoRe ) T ADE MARK. - ( AFTER.) Sa a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Ner- vousness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Sexiaal Prostration, Night Sweats, Spermatontocea, eminal Weakness, and General Lose of Power. t repriirs nervous waste, Rein - venerates the jad d intellect, Strengthens the en- feebled bruin, an4 restores surprising tone and vigor to the exha sted generative organs. The experience of tho sands proves it an invaluable remedy. The me4lictne is pleasant to the taste, and in no case anI under no circumstances can it do harm. Each box contains sufficient for two weelee medication, thus being much cheaper than any other medic* sold—and while it is the cheapest it is mush better. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to mail free to any address. Mank's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 50 cents per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mail'pd free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE Co., indsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by J. S. RoBERTS and all druggists elsewhere. 733-60 London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NOILTD— Expreos. • A.M. London, doper 7 40 Centralia . 8 40 Exeter et . . 852 Hensall .. .. is.... 9 05 Kippen 9 11 Brimfield .. 9 21 Clinton 9 89 Lon deeboro. 9 58 Blyth 10 06 Belgesie 10 24 Wingham, arrive 10 45 GOING BOOTH— Mail. Very many constitutions are broken by acute diseases. After typhoid, scarletina, measles, small pox, diph- theria we have emaciation, prostration of vital force and partial suspension of the functions of nutrition. Recovery is protracted and '-wearisome, and, as results of systemic impoverishment, the frame is often permanently impaired by kidney troubles, lung diseases, en- larged glands, ulcers of flesh and bone, and failure of nerve power to run the machinery of the body. After every case of fever Wheeler's Phosphates and Calisaya ehould be used to restore nu- trition and arrest destructive tissue waste. 747.26 Now that the reaping and mowing season is coming on, farmers should remember that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best reaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 Farmers before buying your reaper and mossier oil ask for and procure a sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teekto give good satisfaction. 753-52 Mail. Erpress. P. M. P.M. 220 625 8.6 728 838 740 852 758 857 759. 407 808 428 825 441 845 450 852 506 909 525 925 Express. Express A.M.• P.M Wingham, dep rt.... 700 2 57 Belgrave 7 18 8 16 Blyth ... 7 85 8 28 Londesboro... 7 44 9 38 Cilnton 80'2 854 . . 8 20 4 07 K liven . 6110 415 Hensel' 8 86 4 20 Exeter. 8 52 4 82 Oen tra lia 9 02 4 42 London, arriv .10 05 5 85 P. M. • - 6 20 6 88 6 55 7 04 7 24 7 43 7 59 8 06 825 8 42 10 10 Grand, Trunk Railway TrainaleaveSeatorth and Clinton Stationsas follows: GOING WEST— SEAFORTII. Express 2-16 P. M. Expreso Pen P. M. Mixed Train.. ...7:10 A.M. Mixed Train.. P.M. GOING EAST-- SEAFORTIL. Express 8.21A.. M. Express Train ....1:10 P. M. Mixed Train......4:50 P. M. Mixed Trein... .10:40 A. M. CLINTON. 2:40 P. M. 9:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. 6:30 P. M. CLINToN. 8:60 A.M. 12:45 P. M. 4:16 P. M. 10:00 A. M. - Toront?, Grey and Bruce. Gonna EAST— I A. M. P. M. Teeswater. I 5 18 8 10 Wroxeter 5 42 3 44 Gorrie 5 47 8 50 Fordwich 5 57 4 02 Harriston 6 16 4 25 Orangeville. 8 08 6 50 Toronto .10 35 9 25 Teaberry. A REWARD -0f one dozen "Teas berry" to any One sending the best four line rhyme on "Teaberry," the remark- able little gem for the Teeth and Breath. Ask your druggist for ad- dress. "Tealerry" whitens the teeth like chaetened pearls. A 5 cent sample settles it. 751 GoING WEST- -Toronto Orangeville Harriston Fordwich Gore ie roxeter Teeswater "MAGICIAN." DAVIDSON'S Celebrated Trotting Stallion, "Magician," will stand for tfie service of mares for the season of 1882 at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Parties from a distance sending their mares will be furnished with good pasturage and water at reasonable rates. Pedigiee furnish- ed on application. A. DAVIDSON. • 748 LE CREDIT • FONol ER THIS new Company, formed for the purpose of J- hay ecting Free eh Capital in Canada, is now preps: ed to advance money on the most favorable term a on good landed securities. M P. HAYES, Agent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 699 A. M. 785 ..1010 12 85 122 134 141 - 948 225 10 15 P. M. 4 35 7 20 9 15 988 9 48 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! It cares Spavins, Splints, Curbs, Ring Bones and all simi- lar blemishes, and removes the bunch without blistering. For mai it is now known to be one o the best, if not the .best, liniment ever ci iscovered. We feel positive that every man can have pe1rfect succese will only use good common sense in applying -KENDALL'S and. persevere in bad cases of long standing. Read below others in eve SPA the ex • FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, May Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co.—Gen• ts: I had a very valuable Hanablet which I prized very highly •, he bad a large bone spavin on one j smaller One on the other, which made him very lathe; I had him charge of two veterinary suroeons, which failed to • care him. I- wa reading the advertisement ef kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago determined at once to try it, and got our druggists here to send for it dered three bottles; I took them all, and thought I would give it trial; 1 used it according to directions, and by the fourth day the col be lame, and the lumps had entirely disappeared. I used but one bott colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of m3 have the remaining two bottles, who are now using it. Very respect FOSTER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUREI case if he N CURE, erience of 0, 1880. nian colt int, and a nder the one day xnress. (they or- • thorough ceased to e, and the tate. He neighbors ally, L. T. ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall & Co., of Euosburg Fans made a contract with the publishers of the Press for a half coluinn ment for one year setting forth the merits of KendalPs Spavin Cu SAM° time we secured from the firm a- quantity of books, entitled Dr Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to adva supremi 1881. Vermont, advertise - e. At the Kendall'e nee paying bscribers to the Press as a um. About the time the advertisement first appeared in this paper Mr. 14.0-. Scher- merhorn, who resides near Colliers bad a spavined horse. Reread th ment and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Our menced using it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and us this week that it effected such a complete cure that an expert hors examined. the animal recently could find no trace of the spavrn or the it had been located. Mr. Schermerhorn has since secured a copy Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly a loth to part with it at any price, provided he could not obtain anothe much for advertising reliable articles. advertise - his friends and com- e informed sman, who lace where f Rend alPs d would be copy. So 11 KENDALL'S . SPAVIN CURE _Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated p move any bony growth or any other enlargement if used for several d spavins, splints, curbs; callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any which a liniment is used. for man or beast. It is now known to be t ment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. It strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. 1 it does not in or to re- ys, such as 11 enlarge- urpose for e best is used full 1, Send address for Illusttated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such urknalified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the propri 748-52 DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Falls, an get it for tors. Vermont. Composed iafrgeiy of powdered Mica or Isin- glass, isthe B ST and CH EAP ESTlubrica- tor, in theworld—the BEST because itdoes not gum, bu forms a highly polished sur- face over th axle, reducing friction and lighteningt edraft; the CHEAPEST bc- tcause it cos s NO MORE than Inferior brands, and one box will do the work of two of any o her make. Answers as well or ilarvesterS, Mill Gearing, Threshing Ma - pines, Corn- lanters, Carriages, Buggies, etc., as for Vagons. GUARANTEED to contain MO etroieum. Soldby alldealers. itE' Our Poe et Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing plan d free. MICA IM NUFACTURINGCO. 220 H dson St., New York. Cievela d, 0. and Chicago, HI. SAMUEL- R s CERS dc.CO.Toronto,Ont. Sol"..A ents for the Dominion. MONEY. Ael ONEY TO LOAN. ----To loan, private funds, in large or small sums for a period of three to seven years oi first-class farm sectirity, with in- terest at 7 per cent. per annum. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 762 MONEY TO LOAN -1 ani prepared to lend money at lowest rates of interest, payable yearly. PrincOal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. 726 T P. BEI " • County parts ,of the Posrroa Offic p R. COOP %---1• Sales of tended in any terms. Orde: ExPosiTon, prompt attent IICTIONEERS. E, Licenced Auctioneer for the I Huron. Sales attended in all aunty. All orders left at the Ex. will be promptly attended to . R, Brenta, County Auctioneer. all descriptions promptly at - part of the county on reasonable s left at the office of the HURON addressed to Brussels, will receive 011. SEAFORT HORSE INFIRMARY. PORNER of Jarvis and Goderich Streets. next •--/ door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle; sheep, or any of the domesticated animals, successfully treated at the infirm ry or elsewhere on the shortest notice. Cha3rges moderate. JAS. W. ELDER, Veterinary Si irgeon. P. S.—A large stock of Veterinart-Mdllicines kept constantly on hand. R Wholesale ar • SHOE F None but moderate. or otherwire 400 N. BRETT, SEAPORTS, d Retail Dealer in LEATHER and DINGS of Eyery Description. he Very Best Stook kept. Term Trial elicited. All orders by mail romptly filled. R. N. BRETT CARD DB. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyoi • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt ly attended tb. D. S. CAMPBELL. Nrit/hell $66 aafleiVeVolAir dodAr-nesstoHwn. . Terms and o Portland, Maine. 748x52 $17 Cs' A WEEK. 812 a day at home easily made. h.' Costlit- outfit free. Address TRUE & Go., Augusta, Maine. 748x52 See the great DUNHAM PIANO before buying. These magm have been used for 50 yearslii nearly all countries, and are still ra the best Pianos in the world. ORGANS.—The "Excelsior Or acknowledged by the best musicians to be the leading Organ n Can and Organs of other makers supplied. Send for Catalogues. wiLL YOU- EXCHANGE a case of Dyspepsia 01' Biliousness for 75 cents? is mull:illy' lanwise to agonize 11.11.■ derthemany ailments arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, 3Disordered Stomach and Liver, when this offer is Made to you in your own. home in all sincerity, with an absolute certainty of curing you. ZOPESA (from Brazil) cures Dyspepsia and Biliousness. .A., single dose relieves; sample bottle convinces; a, 75 cent bottle cures. It acts 4irectly upon the Stomach, Liver, and Iiid-leys. Cleansing, Correcting, Reg- ulating, Zopesa gives energy and vin t to the Brati, Nerve, and Muscle, simply by work- ing wonders upon the Diges- tion, and g3ving activity to the Liver. Cut this out, take it to any dealer in nicuicines and get at least one 75 cent? bottle of Zo and tell your neighbor bowit acts. It is warro.ated` to cure Dyspepsia m111,130.. -tMusness. cent Pianos -ked among an" is ISOW cla. Pianos SCOTT BROTHERS, Seaforth, Olntari�. 1:1:1 k4 tal C.0 le; —DEALER IN— THE PEOPLE'S STORE. L6S7170111" M. MORR !SON, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH , 4a. o GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, E-4 tQ PBOVISIONS HAMS AND BACON, SEEDS, &C'. c4.1 The best place in Seaforth to deal at. A choice asortment of W FAMILY GROCERIES. Teas from 25c to 75c per pound..Sugars-9, L_,21 10, 11 and 12 pounds for $1.00. A full supply of Crockery and Glass- *, I= ware at BOTTOMPRICES. Flour and Feed at Mill Prices. Provisions C) N„.., always. on hand. M. MORRISON, FLOUR AND FEED, t?,, BAYLIS' sealilks Stalidard Brag ro L 0 of Crown & Anchor ChRilthGE None Cseretne wilhout the atove Trade Mark. More rrarable and better suitel to thi3 - Climate than any imported goods. Held in stoek by all first-class Itardwaremen .ca Dealers in Carriage Supplies. WALL PAPER, WINDOW PAPER, I FIGURED BLIDS. LARGE ASSORTMENT AT THE LOWEST FIRICES. C. W. PAPST, Main Street, Seaforth. s MANUFACTURED BY BAYLIS' MANUF'ING CO STOCK FOR SERVICE. JMPROVE YOUR STOCK.— The undersigned will keep during the present season on Lot 28, Concession 3, Bay, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. A limited number of pigs will be served. Terms-en:1 per sow, with the privilege of re- turning if necessary. GILBERT DICK. 754 BULL FOR SERVICE. — Robert McMichael will keep for the improvement of stock during the present season, on Lot 3, CORCeSsiOn 3, Hullett, a Thoroughbred Durham Bull. Only a limited number of cows will he taken.- Terms. - 81. payable at the time of service, with the pri- vilege of retueuing- if- necessary. ROBOT Me - MICHAEL. 752 $5 to ei-1 per day at homm e. Saples worth S2,5 free. Address STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. 748x52 NOR MAN'S ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES ESTABLISHED 1874. pELIEVES AND CURES Spinal. Complaints, -1-1) General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout, reTervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints Neuralgia. Bronchitis, Incipient Parals-sis .athma'Sciatica, Sprains, Consumption, SleerAesslieSS, Colds, Indigestion. Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against hnpositiOn, for they will do their work well and are ebeap at any price. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St East, Toronto. E. HICKSON Ss Co , Agent-, Seeforth. 753-52 Trade .Jfark Registered. ANOTHER CREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG B) Y casual observation we find all land, apecula- tors have a clearheo.d, and watch the ups ahd tlowns of property, thus making large forttmes. But the whole secret is, they keep thesystem in a a healthy condition by the use of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MEDICINE. We can solely say that hundreds ceme to as for the great lung and blood purifier befere going West. Read the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if it were necessary. "1 cert that I was troubled with catarrh in the head, gathering of phlegm In the throat, choking and coughing at night for years, so I could not sleep ; often troabled with dull,lifeless feelings, pains in the chest and beck. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried the PPIDE OF VIE VALLEY, and am now able to do my work after seven year's sickness." Mrs. James McNeil, 202 81mcoe Street, London, Ont. The above statement of my wife's, 18 correct. Ames McNeil. For sole by 911 druggists in Seaforth. 745-52 tIL •'WM. ELLIOTT, TOWN CLERK and Treasurer. °Mee—North- eaet mesterei Market House. Oce hours - 2:30 t::: 7 p m. 747 s-22