HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-07-28, Page 3JUL 28.1882. mderstanding COUNTER, NO POPULAR JEWELER, FORTH, ONT. of toy numerous custimero y place of husineea Seaforth k on ray aegartare for Portaea is. not the ease. The basinoosi aa usual either by myeelf or person. , [be kept as complete as ever, anti teh, Week and Jeeelry repshig to by a first-elass workman, aut Will be gmarenteed to give eatia. NIEIVILBER antis of my GREAT Maw ALE. Parties wishing key.. a should take advantage of the s now offered. ally in receipt of New Goode. s and eevreit designs and novels lind. e of a the liberal patronage hither - R. COUNTER. HOUSE THOROUGHLY [ USING THE ENGE HEATER HICKOR Y or T HOME STOVES. ta the best known improve - !tying fuel and labor of any TS in this market r AND SEE THEM AT KIDDISI MAIN ST. SEAFORTH. ERAFOB7H SAI AGENCY_ fht. N. WATSON, ?ire, Marine, Life and Ac- . Insurance Agent, Convey - Appraiser, Etc., ST.1 SEAFORTH. 4 LY FIRST-CLASS, 'ing companies represented. All kinds eted at lowest current rates on all eperty. Special attention devoted to Insurances effected on farm the "Gore District,of Galt,establishe is, at from .62,1 to 1 per cent., cult ars, Cheaper than any mutual eom- iistence. The following companies ,- viz.: London & Lancashire, England; •tigland ; Scottish Imperial, Scotland 'rrca, Toronto,. Royal Canadian, Mon- , District, Galt; Canadian Fire a- PaiIton.; Alliance, Hamilton; Toronto Toronto ; Travellers, Life and Acei- gel, Conn. Agent for the .Canada loan and Savings Company, Toronto. e pd at if per cent. on real estate. Agent Line Steamship Company, sailin,w ork- and Glasgow. First Cabia, Second Cabin $40 ; Steerage, $28,_ eta issued good for 12 months. in Street, Seaforth. Office, Cainp opposite the Mansion HoteL rstrAL & BLACK. pRia.cenomi ..ER MAKERS* seribtre have bought the Toole an& business lately carried on by the. Get 'ciry and Manufacturing Company, Air! i„ an experience of over eight ..yearelA- ire now prepared to carryon theta, 411Chi3a. L entrusted to us will receive prenlPt First- class work guaranteed. of Boilers made and repaialt dre and Sheet Iron Work, time st Ns. Fans made and old onee repaired t notice, audit prices that defy RYSTAL BirAnirt Box 103, Goderiglet Royal Hotel- GAEAticHAEL'Sj ORTH,. ONTARIO. :JAMES WEIR iiform Ida old friends and the traVer ablic that having purchased this nevi thous hotel building, he has thoroult ea and re -fitted. it from top to I"' is now one of the most corafortsg. ient hotels in the connty. By 14144, ) the wants of his customers he 1101N" ;hare of public patronage. Tlie toast_ _ furnished and well heated. Thal* suppliedi.vith the best, and au 0. id trust worthy hostler will away& ce. Good sample rooms far Ceralnet- a- the "Royal Hotel," corner of Mehl .1h Streets, Seaforth. JAMES- WEIR, Proprietor. JULY 28, 1882. 4 4.. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 3 The Ideal Young Girl. A Wawa -plat* rung $114 ; deeidely-rare young girl; Swat home at night, Do what is right, Help bar mother young girl ; Amatfer of fact young girl Ao extra poetical, Allti-seeithetted, Care notion' s for novel young girl. A minns her bogs young girl; A show all her brains young girl ; With au unpowiered face, One that don't lace, • A dress for her health young giri. Au up in the morning young girl; .& help in ihe wash young girl One -that can rub, Notafraid of the tub, And trollop her sleeve young girl. A plat modest young girl ; A alteet and pure young girl, An upright, ambitious, Lev*, delicious, A pride of`the home young girl. A rouriably scarce young girl; stag much wanted young girl; A trait Ostlan, Too titter Paregon, The kind that I like young girl. Gaieties. A lady advertises for a person who jg in the habit of serenading her to stand nearer the house, so that she can 14fil----4Whliain. atis the difference between the sun said •a bootblack? The sun shines fornothing, hut the bootblack shines tor_flyeeotionegnte- iad y—"Oh, Aunty, did you see that man stare at you? How rude. tie men are!" Aunt—"Oh, they are getting much better ,now, my dear. Why, ten years ago they used actually to come up and, talk to me; now. they °11-1YAl®kI gentleman saw an old Highlan.d- er one day fishing with a bent pin. He Did. to the man : "Fish will never 'be caught with that." "Ah, they will," the man replied, "if they only take it into their heads. = —Young man, don't pay the minister over po. You will need all your cur- rency the first time Annie puts her dimpled. arms around yrair 12 -inch neck an tries to trade off two kisses for a spring bonnet. —The Rector (to Irish plasterer on ladder pointing a wall) : "That mor- tar must have been very -bad. Pat, with a,. grin "Pala, ye can't expect the likes o' good Roman cimint t stick to a Protestant church, sorr 1" —"Why, dinna ye get married, Jock?" inquired the beadle's wife of the parish simpleton. "They say I'm daft,' was the reply, "but I'm no sael daft as that." —A fellow fished a rich old gentle- man out of a mill -pond, and refused the offer of twenty-five cents from the rescued miser. "0h1 that's too much!' exclaimed he. " 'Taint worth it and he handed back twenty-one cents, saying osInely, as he_ po4keted four cents, "That's about right." —"Let us play we were' married," said little Edith, "and I Will bring m dolly and arty, 'See baby, papal "Yee I' replied Johnny ; "and I will soar, 'don't bother me, now. I want 0, loo through the paper." Children hien grange ideas of grown folk's ways, now don't they?" —Ile was making a call and, they were talking of literature. "The Pil grim's Progress," she xemarked, "al ways seems to me painful. Of course yo are familiar with Bunyan ?" He sai he had one on each foot, and they both ered him a good deal. —In a small German town an inn keeper, to get rid of a peddler's impor tunities, bought an almanac from him and putting it in his pocket, left th inn, his wife then corning in to tak his place. The -woman was then pn suaded to buy an almanac, not knowin that her husband had one alread The husband shortly returning and -di -covering the trick sent his porter to th railway station after the peddler with message that he wished to see_him on business. "Oh, yes," said the peddler, "I know he wants one of my almanacs,. but I really can't miss my train fair that. Yon can give me a quarter and take the almanac to him." The porter paid the money and carried. the third almanac to the innkeeper. Tableau ! time going around the ring go around the inside half of B and that B return- ed the'Compliment to A in the same manner simply be• cause the outside of one described a larger circle than the inside of the other. In other words a man or horse in describing any circle goes around one- half of himself. 5. The man goes around the squir- rel. It is just like a, wheel within a wheel. Z. The man don't,go around the squir- rel. I have tried it and had I got around the squirrel I would have shot it. • 7. If there was no tree there and the squirrel was running around in a circle on the ground and the man was going in a larger circle I should say ' that the men.went around the squirrel. . But when you put a tree there it is differ- ent. The man doesn't go around the squirrel ot the tree. 1 8. The man doesn't go around the squirrel any more than the l: squirrel goes around the man. I 9. Of course the man doesn't go around the squirrel. If I am standing on the nigh side of a horse and start to walk around him, and the horse keeps turning as I go, I aan on the nigh side all the time, am I not/ And' I don't go around him if I am on the nigh side all the time do I? The case is precisely similar to this of the squirrel on a tree. —Buffalo Express, " Na Trust .Ye." Two centuries ago, in the Highlands of Scotland, to ask for a receipt, or a promissory note, was thought an insult; It would have been resented as quickly as if one had said, "I doubt 'your hon- or." If parties had business matters to transact, they stepped into the • air, fixed their eyes upon the heavens, and each repeated his , obligation, with no mortal witness. A mark wast hen carved on some rock or tree near' by as a remembrance of the compact. Such a thing as breach of contract was rarely met with, so highly did the people regard their honor. When the march of improvement brought the new mode of doing busi- ness, they were often Veined by these innovations. An anecdote, is handed down of a• farmer who had been to the Lowlands and learned worldly wis- dom. . On returning to his natiye parish he had need of some money, and made bold to ask a loan from a gentleman of means named Stewart. This was kindly granted, and Mr., S. counted out the gold. Drawing Him Out. A baentieman travelling by steamer from Liverpool to London, sat by an old gentlemen who would not talk, bit only answered his inquirieaby nods er shakes of the head. When they went down to dinner, he determined to male hira speak if possible ; so he procee - ed: "You're going to London, I en pose ?" "I shall be happy to meet you ther where are your quarters ?" There was no repelling -this, so ijis friend with the energy of despair, kite out LI I g g -g -going to D -D- - Doctor Br-Br-Brewester to be c -c -cured of this sl -sl -slight impediment in my sp-sp-speeoh 2' At this instant a little white falce whichhad not appeared before, popped out from one of the berths and strubk in: "Th.th-ththat's the m -m -m -man wh- wh.who c c -c -o -cured me 1" The Squirrel Problem. "A squirrel is up the ,ree and a men ou the ground with a gun is trying Ito shoot it ; but the squirrel persiste ili keeping on the opposite side of t e tree from the man. The man w ka clear around the tree to the place of starting, the squirrel going about he same direction and keeping the tree 11 the time between itself and the IL n. Now the problem is, Has the man b en around the squirrel?' He has b en around the tree with the squirrel on it, but, has he been around the elk - rel I' The Express invited answers to t is problem and received twenty-seven, of Which fifteen say yes, the man does so go arm/ea the squirrel, and twelve ay no, he dues not.. A few have sent tus their reasons, and two send figures e- monstrating thaproblera. The follow ng answers are printed : 1. Of coarse the man cams around he squirrel. He goes around the tree and everything on it. 2. Should the squirrel have the Btlart ani of the opinion the man around it. 3. Not by it darn sight does the hn er walk around the sqnirrel. 4. The man does not go around squirrel. Might as well claim that having a horse attached to A and other to B each describing the same circle—the horse at A would, at every • This done the farmer wro,e a receipt and offered Mr. S. "What is this man ?" cried Mr. S., eyeing the slip of paper. 1 "It is a receipt, sir, binding me to give ye back yer gold at the right time," re- plied Sandy. "Binding ye? Well, my man, if ye canna trust yerself, I'm sure I'll na trust ye? Ye canna hae my gold," and gathering it up . he put it back in hie desk and turned his key upon it. • "But, sir, I might die," replied the canny Sootchioan, bringing up an ar- gument in favor of his new wisdom, "and perhaps my sons might refuse ye ; but the bit of paper would compel them." doors with a view to good ventilation, and plan and draw your plan until you can see no chance for improvement ; then lay it away for a while, when with your head clear and undisturbed yon can see defects if they exist. - When you feel entirely satisfied,it may be well to submit it to the criti- cism of the professional builder, con- sider his objections, if he offer any, and do not commence building until every detail is settled. This may seem irk- some, but how much better to wait a little and have the new house some- thing near as perfect as our fond an- ticipation has pictured it. • Manitoba Notes. The thermometer registered 90 in the shade at Emerson ou the 8th inst. Pretty warm. —The first load of hay of this season's growth made its appearance in Emer- son market on the 7th inst. - —A, L. McMillan, long and favorably known in Guelph as chief of police, has been appointed chief of police at Bran- don. —There are- now twenty-two clerks employed in the Winnipeg post -office, besides five letter carriers. Two more clerks are on the way out, and more nave been asked for. —The customs returns from Emer- son for the quarter ending June 30th, show the total imports to have been $227,055, and amount of duty collected, $38,551.12. —The Blood. Indians are reported to have created quite a little excitement at Fort Walsh recently. A party of 150 warriors rode through the street, fired their guns, and compelled the residents to seek cover. —The Rev. • Professor McLaren, of Toro*o, Convener of the General Assembly's Foreign Mission Committee, preached in the Presbyterian Church, High Bluff, last Sabbath, to a large con- gregation. - —A contract has, it is said-, been made by the Canada Pacific Railway Company with the Dominion Express Company, which was recently organiz- ed, with George 11. Kirkpatrick, M. P., as prbsident, for occupation of its line. —The portrait of Chief Justice Wood was unveiled in the COurt House, Win• nipeg, on -Friday. His Lordship was pxesented with- an address by the mem- bers of the legal profession, to which he made a 'suitable response. Lieut. enant-Governor Cauchon presided. "Compel them to sustain . a dead father's honor 1" • cried the Celt. "They'll need compelling to do right, if this is the road ye're leading them. Ye can gang -elsewhere for money ; but you'll find name in the parish that'll put more faith in a bit o' paper than a neighbor's word o' honor and his fear o' God." One'for the Dell ! • About thirty years ago the cause of temperance had but little headway in Scotland, more espeoiallt in the mild districts, where excess did not exhibit its frail characteristics so often as wit- nessed in the large cities and towns. In Mnthill, Perthshire, there . lived at the period spoken of two individuals, who held opinions of their own upon every public question that transpired. One of them was the Rev. Mr. W—, the. parish minister, a portly, good living man, whose voice gave forth no uncettain sound. The other, Wm. S—, was in contrast, base and small, who had, when a student, got cracked upon- a point of theology, which, not- withstanding his brilliant scholarship, prevented him from entering the min- istry, and was, as years rolled past, called by the familiar name of "Daft Willie." oes nt- he by an - One day the two met, and- as Willie was fond of snuff he took out his box to give the minister a pinch. The reverend gentleman then asked Willie what he thought of the temperance agi- tation. "Weel, minister, what d'ye think o't yerfier?" "What I think of it, Willie, is this— that its -the work of the devil !" Willie put his box in his pocket, and slapping his thigh with his hand, said, with glee, "Minister, I never kent o' the deil daeiu' SO much good !" • Change of Business. SEAFORTH FOUNDRY. WAVING purchased ir4m Nopper Bros. their 1-1- interest in the foundry, we willetill continue to keep on hand at the ld stand,' Main Street, Seafenth, a full assortme t of --The south-western branch of the Canadian Pacifio Railway will, it is fully' expected, be completed for 100 miles in time to take the crop of this year. It has finally been decided to run the line through Morris. —It is stated that Mrs. Lincoln's estate, not reckoning apparel and per- sonal effects, is $74,0o0, all in United States bonds. Her wedding ring was found the day after her deathe'and will be paced on her finger. It is inscribed: "A. L. to Mary, November- 4., 1842. Love is eternal." Arrangements for the funeral are very elaborate. Business will probably be suspended during the services. —The Portage la Prairie Review says: In this town there are 47,500 worth of billiard and pool tables, and. it is esti- mated that on these tables $23,400 are squandered annually. Placing the. popnlation, floating and standing, at 4,000 this would be $5.85 per head, and still there are some people who will kick harder than a mule if they are asked to give fifty cents for some chari- table purpose. About $2,500 of the above sum finds its way into the town exchequer. —A. Manitoba paper says : Last spring,when Miss Whitney was engaged in Winnipeg with the Holman Opera Company, a young quill -driver, of that city: got " mashed ' on her. On her return to that oity with the Boston Comic Opera, he renewed his atten- tions and confided his love and his fears to a male member of the staff. The gentleman said b.e would do all he Could for him, but as he was mar- ried'to the lady himself be couldn't see exactly how it would work. The abash- ed quill -driver fled, and sat round the stove at home looking so sad and bad generally that his mother greased him all over in the belief that he was going to have the measles. —The other day in 6-13, a man from Pilot Mound, who was riding a pony noticed a large brown bear amongst the low bushes on the prairie, and re- turning to a house, the traveller in: formed the occupant of • hie diacovery. The farmer turned out -with his gun and the horseman tin-dertook to drive up the game. The bear took enother view of the matter, and making a few active bounds he caught the pony by thei tail and held on. The pony gallop. ed, the man shouted and perhaps swore, and the farmer with his gun kept well out bf the way. The horseman now declares that the next time he finds a bear he will not attempt to capture it by a cavalry charge. —A heavy thunder -storm, accom- panied by the usual elementary powers, passed over Portage la Prairie on Saturday, the 8th inst. The thunder at times was terrific, and the lightning exceedingly vivid, and _the clouds pour- ed forth torrents , of rain. During the storm a fierce flash of lightning struck the earth about two miles and a half east of the Portage, and killed four head of cattle which were grazing in the vicinity. S. R. Marlatt's dwelling house, a short distance west of the ralway depot, was also struck with lightning, bat no damage was done other than the demolition of a chim- ney. --The Portage Trihnnesays : An acci- dent attended with very sorrowful sur- roundings took place on the steamer Alpha on her upward trip on Monday last, about 20 miles west of this place. It .appears that an Englishman named Ralston, with his wife and a family of eight children, were' proceeding to set- tle in their new hems near Doyle's Landing, taking with them a number of cattle, implements, etc. About 8 p.m., two of his sons, the one named. George, about twelve years of age, went to look after the cattle, and that is the last . known of George. It is not known whether he got off the boat at the next Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Scut- flers, Gvttingj Boxes, &c,, And all ether Implements in our line. We have also made arrangements with Thomson & Wil- liams, of Stratford, to ke p a full line of repairs for all machines sold by them. The New House. The first thing necessary after decid- ing on material and location, is the number of rooms that are indispensable; then think how many shall be on the firstItoor, and the purposes to which they are to be devoted- Don't be afraid of an extended frent ; inake as many rooms have a pleasant outlook as poeuible, especially have your farm house kitchen cheerful ; so planned that you may see something besides the barnyard and woodpile. Many hours are necessarily passed there and it should not he the moat forlorn place in the house. Give much thought to its arrangement ; have the pantry, cellar and wood house as accessible as pos- Bible ; with water handy ; the dining - room close by ; and the greatest prob- lem of the new house is solved. Have one nice, airy bedroom conveniently situated dawnstaiis, even if you prefer to sleep upstairs. It is indispensable in case of sickness in the family. When you have provided fur these rooms and placed them in a proper form to facil- - FARMERS ! We are making a firat-cIas Land Roller, equal to the best in the market, which will be sold cheap. It will pay you to examine them before buying elsewhere. Having eecured the swims of MR. E. SAUN- DERS, late of Toronto! who bas held leading positions in some of the best establishments in the country, and is t °roughly experienced, we will be prepared to do Threphing Machines, agricultural implements to Engine and Mill Wor promptly and neatly don, anteed. Give us a trial. T. FOSTER & E. SAUNDERS, • 11 kinds of repairing of eapers, Mowers and all Special attention given Repairieg of all kinds a, and satisfaction guar - SON, Proprietors. Foreman. THOMS MELLIS 11(1 P PEN. FAIR WARNING •TO FARMERS. VARMERS wanting Reaping Machines and Mowing Machines repaired with new burn - billing and repairing done, now is the time to fetch them along to T. Mollie. Having long ex- perience In this line of trade, be /eels aoyfident of giving satisfacren to all work intrusted to him. Parties wanting castings and 'repairs for BE apers and Mowers manufactured by the Inger- soll Manufacturing Company, will find them -at my shop.- Now is the time to send in for these repaiis before the bully time commences. THRESHING MACHINE CYLINDERS Respiked with the pest of iron. GIVE ME A TRIAL. Remember that I an always on hand ready for business. Look out fo'r the sign. tate your werk, consider the claims of wooding place and was left, or fell sitting -morn, parlor, eto., if yon have overboard, as it was sometime after - room for them. One can live without a parlor, but a kitchen we must have. If you pat your "stove out" in the sum - met., bear this in mind in your planning that this removal to save heat from the house does not double yqur steps. Give as much space as possible to each sleeping room ; see that closets are se- cured for each ; arrange windows and 761 THOMAS MELLIS, Kippen. KI D'S EMPORIUM. MIC)UIVIMER GOODS. • As we have done ne of the largest Spring and Summer trades since the House was opened, we now offer the whole of our stock, suitable for the, hot Beason, at a great sacriltloe. All the latest novelties in Buntings, Nun's Veilings, Grenadines, Cashmer�BeigeB, Lustres, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Satin Stripe Crapes, Piques, jLinene and Muslin& See my range of Black Cashmeres —the finest line ever siown in town. Black Silks for dress andentantle. Black Moire Silk for dress and mantle. See my new make of Crape Cloth, the nicest materiel for mourning. ImportanIt. Notice. Millinery Department. The sales of this d1epartment for this season have more than doubly su ass - d ed. our expectations, a we now offer the balance of our Stammer Bati and Parasols at a great re nation. Those requiring silk goods in this line ca albuuey. Bonnets at a great sac lice. Call early that you may secure the_best them at the price of c tton. Large assortment of Sailor and Sun Hats on liand. • I have the sole and exclusive Agency for the Celebrated • wards when he was missed. Mr. Ral- ston is almost, satisfied he remembers seeing the boy after leaving the last stopping before missed, and if this be the case he is, of course, drowned. The father returned to this place and was prosecuting enquiries for a couple of days, but found no tidings of the missing son. 4is WHITE SE For this part of and will not be White Machine my office here. JAMES INC MACHINE, TWEEDS AND READY-MADE CLOTH1N Those requiring a good, stylish suit should see my stock. Splendid value in Light and Dark Tweed Suits and Worsted Suits. Summer Underclothing— All grades at close prices. White Vests—new and stylish. Hats and Caps—A large assortment, very good value, in the newest styles. Boots and ShOes at prices that defy competition. All leading novelties in Ladies', Mime' and Children's Slippers and Prnnellas—all sizes and prices. he County of Huron responsible for any nless sold by me or at WATSON —DEALER IN— Sewing Machites, Knitting I/a- cid/nes Attachments, NEEDLES MAIN ST FORBE OILS, &C. ET, SEAFORTH. LIVERY AND— NO TROUBLE 'KO SHOW GOODS. - tarCorner of Main end Market Sti eds. SALE TABLES, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. A RTHIIR FORBI eryman, keeps t and the best driving Neat and Nobby C for -table Robes, and on hand. A very handsome horses. Day and night call Good driving hors REMEMBER T Willson's Agrioultut 689 5, the old established Liv- e best and most stylish rigs horses in the business. tiers, handsome and earn- est and saf horses always amily sleigh for one or two promptly attended to. s bought and sold. tPI&OE — Opposite 0. 0 81 Wereroome, Seaforth. ARTHUR FORBES. THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth. DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE YOUR SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SAS1I,000RA1ND BLIND FACTORY Measure For a Pair of Those Splendid CASH FOR WOOL. The Highest Price Paid for Good Clean Wool at the SEAFORTH 'WOOLLEN MILLS. A Large Stock of all Kinds of WOOLLEN GOODS On Hand for Sale or Trade. FELMINTC1---T CA.T..3P OR IIF POOTS —NDE AT THE— SEAFORTH BOOT & SHOE STORE. THE subecriberbe sleeve to thank hiennmerou -3- onetomers for the iberelpatronage extended to him since oommen�ing business in Seaforth,and trade hat he may be favored with a continuants of the same. . Partiesintending o build wonld do wel 1 to give him a aall,as he will oontinne to keep on hand 6 large litook of all ki de ef Dry Pine LvAn,ber, Sashes, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings; Shingles, Lath, &c. Heieelaoonfident if geringsatisfaetiontothoss who msyfavourhin with their pstronage,a • none but first-classworkinens reemployed. Particular attentlion paid to Custom Planing 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GEORGE GOCID, Main Str e CARDING, SPINNING, MANUFAC- TURING, &C., FOR FARMERS A. SPECIALTY,. 755-8 A. G. VANEGMOYD. THE OLD AND POPULAR SHOE STORE, Main Street, Seaforth. As I am contemplating a change in my business, I have de- emed to REDUCE MY PRESENT EXTENSIVE STOCKnd am prepared to offer goods at prices which , a CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE, for CASH only. IZy stock consists} of a large and varied assortment of Ladies' Button and Balmoral Boots, Button and Tie Shoes and Slippers, Prniaella and Prnnella Foxed Goods. Also in large sizes—Carpet, Leather, and all kind0 of Fancy Slippers, Men's Calf Boots, Bahnor Alexis, But* and Tie Shoes—sewed, pegged and rivetted— jn Calf, Brit Cordon= Cloth Top and Canvas Shoes. Also Whi Canvas Rubber Soles for Lacrosse and Shingling. Men's Toil Slippers cheap and handsome. In Children's Boots and Slippe I have an immense variety, which I ani BOUND TO CLEAR OUT at from TEN' CENTS pr pair upwards. t 11 • NOW IS TIE CHANCE FOR READY -MONEY CUSTOMERSI This Sale is GENUINE. I Will do What I say. Ij You D t Believe it, Just Try Me. JOHN McINTYRE, Seaforth. E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. 4 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, - - $6,000,000. Beat, - - - 1,400,000. President, Hon. Wm. McMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to reeeive deposits, on which interest s .snowed on the most favorable terms. Drafty on all the principal towns and -cities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on tne United States, benght and sold. Office —Firet door South of the Commercial Hotel. 639 A E. IRELA.19, Manager. KILLORAN & RYAN ARE NOW SELLING OFF THEIR IMMENSE STO K OF GROC41ES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, VIZ. Teas, Sugars—all ins, Currants, Spic Best Brands of Cig tarBELL'S MILLS, KIPPEN.-UI 1nalities__Coffee_Greefl, Roasted and Ground-- Roe,nds,Rais- es—Whole and Gtound—Canned Goods of all s, American and Canadian Coal Oil, &c. 7 JOHN McNEV1N, Proprietor of these well known and popular mills, has now got everything in first-class working order, and is prepared to turn out an article of FAMILY FLOUR which cannot be ex- celled by any mill in the country. ROCKERY DEPARTMENT. Our Crockery Department is filled with the Largest and Cheapest Stock of Goods in Seaforth, or any other Town West of Toronto, FLOUR AND FEED DEPARTMENT. - Our Flour and Feed Department is always stocked with the best Goods in the market. GRISTING DONE WHILE THE PAIITT WAITS FOR IT. Flour exchanged for wheat. Chopping of every description promptly attended to. Flour and Bran always on Hand, and sold. at the lowest market prices. Remember the popular mills. JOHN McNEVIN, KipPen. EGG EMPORIUM. THE Subscriber hereby Menke his numerous customers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage durina the past 7 yearsomd hopes by strict integrity find close attention to business to merit their confidence and trade is the future. Having greatli enlarged his prem- ises during the winter, he is now prepared to pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRIOE For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporium, IAA. IN STREET, SEAFORTEI. Wanted by the subscriber, 25 tone of good dry clean wheat draw. LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. Our Liquors are widely known, and we guarantee them to speak or them- selves. The Celebrated MARSALA Sacramental Wine always on hand. Uri We must trouble all those indebted to us:to'call at once and settle up. KILLORAN & RYAN. D. D. WILSON PT.TRINTIT'LTELM_ J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. I am determined to Clear Out my Entire Stock of Furniture regard- less of Cost. rpHOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to sower. fain prices before purotiasing elsewhere. 1 glib a largs discount to those playing cash, es. pecially to ne wly married eouplee,, I am still selling six highly finished ehaira for $2. I also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest in the market; warranted perfectlywsreroonmoiir dlieyeeso. tly opposite TIT. R. Counter's Mammoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth, JOHN PORTER. Es6st Side. EYE, EAR AND THROAT 1 DR. GEORGE S. RYERSON, L. 110. P., L. B.C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- firmary, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to the Institutions for the Blind, Brantford, and /or the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, Ont, Late Clini- cal Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospi- tal, Moorfields, and Central Throat and Ear 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFOB,D7 On the Last SATURDAY in EACIII 708 CAPTAIN .EIRANT. THE YOUNG- TROTTING STAL- MOIL CAPTAIN BRANT, A Grandson of Old Clear Grit, and -f -from the celebrated Harper stock on the Dam's side, will stand for the improvement of stock at his own stable in Seaforth during the p esent season. For Inriher particulars apply to •Tons WARD, Pro- plietor. • 752. 2,000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE, Suitable for Board, Wire, or Straight Rad Fences. One mile and a quarter west of Winthrop.' ALSO RAIL TIMBER By the Acre or by the Thousand. W, CGOUWLOCX. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAPORTS, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED