HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-07-21, Page 7- - - , �v 121, 198Z . �_ '-w-m..., - i I . � _* IrN� . !i r1wUSEW DRITH. � ,- rrmnises fwww- the Bani. Of COM- 'rer a &a commm-iar � - - rmf VC11 I I .LS D LISCOUNTEDIF . � �. iraignmxdharW& L and Bola. I I . I -ALE KOTES . I I ,waueble, Ratea. - ollatera'.1 Aecur-ittes Z . . Fable at par at all Walt of Commerce. I �-Wed *I* IDepenift �7 I . '_A_7_T _-M Sj' I 'r Praprieq. � — 11 ,us ,1862', was changed sotaing four at our Sea. � AND GRADING �VEX. 1� �ra buSing our family or t upon getting a 9L -q -01s,88 a ladies an -1 PrOxxonuced NT- BY ACL. 11 9 7 � ur excharge work-, We . � � , Wanted, good Treadwell - ,for whiotL good prices , will � . -M & Go. i . p . T. 0. ]�—_Emp, xazi4ger. � . � 4 UF ORT -n � . � A LAND AGENCY. � . . o � I I . ,I. STILON I � . � . 61, First -Class Stock,, Fir� umpanios, and is prepar-. Most is-vorable terms. 3 of the beat Loan So- � de ar.d Purchase of Faris � ,af First -Class r .arm9for Sa,16. - - - .'erest. Jeena, 2.1sainshIV Tickets. � - Nom,ison's Store,,Xain � I - � - 646 --- I " D MILL. Nzi, of -Seatorth known as be sold cheap and ou easy tor has got the Manitoba, tueetion with the Afill a The mill has recently �auled and repaired, and is ' _,�n %, order, and capable Gi � eg-risting and flouring U pruprh4or,Wbf. SOL-&TZf4 rth. 744 ! w__ — 9- - . � ­ — — � DICAL. k . , &C, Phy8ician,gurgeon an& sfortb4ftt- Office and resi- :�derlch Strect,seco4d door hurch. . fts I . __�, -ir 1 -A .D.,C.X..P,bL,,yF,I0i&*n, 8a,r- ar for the County of 9 H, - nrono � �, on ,Jarvia street uortbL*. orth Public school. I.D,,G. X., Graduater of ity, Physician,.Surgeon sCn4I ,Gnt, GMce andResidenerei- � Strarat,firat Brick House , church� 496 1 1 � o - � " - 4,fraduate: of McGill Goi� - - I I , � * tiatoot thuRoyalCol. - It.n Edinburgh, end late House, klhaart . Rospital.. EVb h& � rl . � 1. .5 '. - __ - - _ - - __ __T_C3K3V11,*_T? � I ; Z H DENTIST. . . . � � . . . Ve ItOVal Collefre of Dental 4a. bfRea in"the rooms J1. Durlyyshire, �Vhitney's- - I . I � . 'ullyperfo=ed and satis- -Charges Moderate. I Xtracted! without Pain I ,?*1Leei#,--. . . - � I GIRBYSIIME, Dentist, has. Z ; 1,urch,med the business of 'eCtilloch,wid, removed to, ' r , s Block, )Iitchell, where md. Teeth extracted with , I- other and nitrous oxide, specialty. Parties from a, c.1 their train expenses. 7?2 . � . �TST!__EPV_y__ � � . . I A .kft. DENTtSTy Efedalist and College , �U,Iist R. C. D� S. . . . - : I ' ,r,5'experience he is able to pions in Dentistr.y suitable Irving teeth a Specialty. .1-Nitrutizi Uxide Gas given. r - I . . .g 2Yoderat6, '", I : I !�)ck, 1�daill Street, Seaforth. � � 13GHT. L. D., S -s' . I ITFORD, I ,L be at his office, CADEY'S , ULOCK, 8ZAF0,RTH, oppo- the Commercial Ijotel,. on NEK)AY and TH!,'f P.SD&Y , 4 week. Nitm,te Uxide Gasf -',.tr - actioa of teeth. ThL11 gas 4 ky -Dr. CartwrIght since Pce.ss, he having b�eu one of � it into tl--is proviace. pa- Naractud way filliale the gas , L. teeth extracted in a, mill- , x half, withotit disaggreeabla ' ' �V.,; desiring new teA please � : Particular atLentioll paid �J . ffldre-a�s teeth. Teeth in� : ! - till SeL 730-52 � L9,S spoeffic. . . )_YaRE1%U; NOT rGR .&'-qT � - R PTSEASE�. - I r have alrimdy tried it is it been known, to filicted- with this, dis- vo-uld do well to give it ,&.by HUGH ROBB� . . - � I *4 � � V %J JA - - -.7 __ I __ - ­ ­ - -1 I i � -7 ­ ��­." I — ; - I I . . � I � �1 - - "!!T, I : il I - I . WILL YOU . I . 1� _._; . ­­ � Medicine SPAVIN CURE11 — o -anter with a Star Fish. and, cattle are among the evils overcome * tion with this symptom there is nausea Mack's Magnetic KENDALL'S _. I -An nno I I � I ,� i � EXCHANOt .:-i . I taip- of a, Spanish brig spun �� this leading remedy. Sold by med, 'ooaiting of the tongue, sick hesdaahe, - I - .. I � . The OR - I . - I . I � � . . - , , pon li time.,, ioine dealers everywhere. .. Prepaied, impurity of the breath, pains through N ERVE AN D BRAIN POOD I � . a c"e of - �_, __� a fo 0 Ing yar I I � I I ;� �. .. I 1h 11 2 n 11 once u, I ...- . ��i 0 - only by Northrop- & ,Lyma,n, Toronto, the right side and shoulder blade,,dys- , - ]Dp ­:. ; , f was an -offfoer on shipboard .4/ I � ... . pepsla or' 0. ... . I I . - Before I pepsia and constipatiou. These and � , I 13111ousuess ­ � 1. . er; not a wrecker, but% a Ont- I . � I ,/v It cures Spav* - ­....— - - � . - - I I ins, I - � - _.T. i wwa a, div, I other concomitants of liver complaint � _4 P . For na�n it is now for 7,5 cents? ­ I M I .. ]�� � . - - . I I diver, and a --hard business it was. . I 1-1 I Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I c d by the use of - -'7_-- 1 - i . I � .. it is awfully - . i I .re,w1or6d off the Mexican and Pan- . i . Splints, Curbs, Ring . ­ . � Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis-' i k known to be one o � : ­­ cossts, principally on the Pacific The best Salve in the world for Cuts, I AA, J � Of unwise to ­ L' . � am I 'Cure, which is 1, � I F I I : - k� - Pgonizo un- . -& loovery and Dyspeptic � I �_�; I 1i � TVKENDAIM, 0 I .1-1 I --Ulcers, Salt Rheum, ; � . ! `,, _k . . I . .aide. Sometimes we worked alone, but Bruises, Sores, f scrofula, eryBipelas, ; VF _U � Bones and all simi- ...the best, if not the 4 L ftany,on shares, and sometimes on Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped flands, : also an eradicant o % BeFORE ) -�4RADX MARK. �Ar-��F_R.) I PAVIN CURE clerthemany I � . I ,gener . salt rheum, ulcers, cancers, hurnours, s A ­UN ailments- . Z_ ar pay. We went to the grounds Chilblains, Corus,-and all .Skin Eru�- Is a sure, prom t and effectual remedy for Ner- lar blemishes,,_ ___ __ : best, liriment ever . � i : - : � . I . .- - legal 'J female weakness, jaundice and lumba- vousness in a ; stages, Weak Memory, Loss of I - I : . arising from a ', 1. . I i � i an ailing vessels, then took to. tions, and. positively cures Piles. It is Brain P .1, . e = � I the smallboats and covered as much 'guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction go- It tones the Btoinacb,-rouses ,the ower, Se u Prostration, Night Sweats, � y S e 8:i a,, I. -I-1 .1 �. ­ I . - , liver, and after relieving them, causes Sperms rrhoo3a'seminal. Weakness, and General removes the bu nch discover a. i estion, �. I -.:.. I I as possible. 'Each man was or money refunded. Price 25 centf, per Loss of Powur. It repairs nervous waste, Rejn- . � � : � I -trouni . lular . I -_ - For box. For sale by E. Hickson & 0 the bowels thereafter to become reg 110liens the on- -isor ered 1; : venerates the J ed intellect, Strei - . PrOT1 vnith & basket and knife C rrl.�, without blistering. �� - - q I .1 ided � I I 1: Stomachand .,. j . . High professional sanction has been feebled brain, d restores sikprising tone and — - . - � .- � I ,Aarks? Yes, but its a poor defence, pany. 714-52 � I - I - - I . , I . i - � Recorded to it; and its claims to public vigor �o the exh usted generative organs. , The I ­ Livery when A' - _- 4 , . � 0— I . ; - I I - ; se it is almost impossible to swing rperience of th usandsprovos i . - , : - r . . . I becau . I .e justified by anipla e e) . — this ,bffer 18 . . vi- , , ;., I arm with any force under water. Through the present month of july 1 confidence ar remedy. Them dicine Is pleasant, to the taste, -y case if he ;�. _� . . I .Our � ic6, $1.00. Sample bottle, We feel positive that every man can have perfect succe-98 in evei. vaade to you - I . I . . - � I � ikhe best,�eft-POuds a short spear. When the Stomach and Bowels are very , dence. Pr and in no case ai d under no circumstances cap it � LL'S SPX�v,IN CURE, - � � 10 cents. Ask for Northrop & Lyman'k; do harm. Each box contains sufficient for two win only use good common sense in applying KENDA_ in your own . I . I . ach, the grounds'you strip, catch liable to become deranged. The proper . . rienr,e of . 1. � �� you, re I Vegetable Discovery - and Dyspeptic week's medicatl i, thus being much cheaper than and persevere in bad cases of long standing. Read below the expe, horne in all. .1 . feet:in a big sinker, take the bas- preventativeis Dr. Carson's Stomach . ' e any other medic e sold' -and while It is the 0 -n c erity, I . I ,� I ' Cure. The wrapper boars a fac-simil cheapest it is much better. Full paxticulars in others : I i s i I ,Tour has a rope fo . ket that, r hoisting, drop and Constipation Bitt f by their . elf at the or [or of their sigpature. Sold in Seaforth our pamphlets,, vhich we desire to mail free to FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER-, with au abSolUtO Certaint-V 'Of ,� �- I I and soon find yours � I use the Digestive Organ�' are invigorat- � I . . I - . I I *Ver� -52& any address. M Ws,magn6tio Medicine is sold I . UNGSTOWN, Ohio, Ma 10, 1880, � - I . I ' e I bottom., Then your business is to knock ed; the Bowels kept re ular, and the by � Lum8den & Wilson. 750 by Druggists at 0 cents per box, or 12 boxes for I I YO curing you. � � " " I I � 1 6 able Hamb etonian colit ZOPESA (from Prazil) cu.reS � ­ . p ge on r�ceipt of Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co. -Gents : I had a very valu - r � _% . . sing MACK'S MAGNETIC 1 a Dyspepsia and Bil as MaIly oysters off as yon can and ile blood rendered pure aild cool. Sold An Important Oruissiol). $5, or will be m led free of posts joint, anc iousness. A - into the bai3keb before you lose in large bottles at 50 cents by all Drug. . money by ad#es which I prized very highly; he ha,41 a large boue spavin on one . _�, �­ � � �,. Z 71 them Imple I . s a terrible strain, but I gists. J. S. Roberts, Agent for Sea- I Sir L. Tilley in his return in refer- MEDICINE Co.,i Windsor, Ont. Sold in Scaforth 30 I I I I aller one on the other, which made him very, lame; I had him under the Single dose relieves * a s,,c � na. IV i ' byJ.S. ROBXi�s, andall druggists elsewhere. SM one day I boftle Convinces; a 75 cent- .1� . - . staladit,in those days Bix min- forth 7§0.52. 1 . ence to tall chimneys omitted to men- 1 733-80 charge of two veterinary surgeons, which failed to cure him. I v�as I .1 � ; - . ,Our . 1, Chicago Express. I bottle cures. , cou P � * . � and I have known men that ' There would be little, if any, sicknegs tion a very important industry, and one reading, the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the I I - � '! I I the i I , . utes, . . it; -they or- . It acts direct'lly upon J Muld stay down ten ; but it's slare death during the months of,Tuly and August,if, which has not only given employment . I determined at once to try it, and got our druggists here to send forl h Stomach, Liv-er, o�nd Kldney& � . un. If the ground is well ' to many hands, but has through the I ould give it a thorOU17 �. . - � I . every one would use- Dr, Carson's T dered three bottles; I took them all, and thought I w 0 ­ . in the long r , 0 0 � c It: ceased to Clear . n1g, Reg- � . � - I ty- or more Stomach and Constipation Bitters, as influence of the -N. P. relieved thou- ding to diree - Z � L � Z . " �A& I nd the ulatin4g, Zopesa gives energy Stocked, you call get twen I > trial; I used it accor tions, and by the fourth clay the c ising, Correcti al luck. When the they prevent and cure all derangements sands from physical suffering. We A� be lame, and the lumps bad entirely disappeared. I used but one b tle, a . ',- -_ , - . - . shell t . LIJ . MW 0 y horse in t State. He and y1in to th,a krahn, Nerve, . - � I , � - - . task is, full it is banled up, and after of the $tomacb and Bowels. Sold in refor to that great remedy for .corns, C, , I AdFp�-,A r colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as an sele,q siwArAy by -%vorh- � I �i - � . et i . s and Nu � � Corn Extractor. i W Ina f ray neighbor ; I � come -up for your wind,.down you I pLrge bottles at 50 cents by all. Druggists. Putnam's PaiDless . � is entirely cured. The care was so remarkabl n the Diges- . y 04. Sure, safe, and painless. Sir Leonard Jj . . who are now using it. Very respec tfullyl L. T. ing wouders upo . . I . go again, the sinher havina been hanl- . J. S. Roberts, Ageat' for Seaforth.. I I 0 have the remain! ing two bottles, - tion, and giving activity to � I 1 4; . 0 . - � I . � 0 . ; . I . . � ' � . MaY exclaim, "Canada for Canadians," . . 0 FOSTER. 1 - ', o Liver. . � I M I ed up by a small cord for the purpose, to�5�,. . 0 0 1 ; I tL � I . I I � I — ny � I � L I p Cut tl-.is ,oull It was - one of these trips that I ran . but we most em ba,tically exclaim, 0 , ! .,q take it to a .- - . 04 pq - � loul,Df the animal that gave me a last- Those affected with weak Lungs, " "PUtD&M'S Painless Corn Extractor for I I . . -CUR I 1 ealer in medicines,, and get � I � ile ,w&n I say Sluggish Liver, or derangement of the 1 corns.". Sold every where. 762-52-11' I KENDALL'S SPAVIN d - I �. �- ing fright. You'll sm � : cent bottle of � 1 . . -11ah, but that's kidneys, should procure a package of I - I — � t ONEONTA, -New York, Jan. 6 h, 1881. -,It J.east one 75 �i-hbor . . � that, it 'was ony a star 7 first trip Dr. Carson's Liver and Lung Corn- Now that the reaping and mowing � qz* I 0 Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall & Co., of Enosburg F s, Vermont, Z,apc,s?,,a_-idtC1 I your ne , I t,11 it really was. I made In, . . -I- :: � � . a�c*s. ][,- is warran-ted ; . ,4;� 4 . -am n advertise-" how it L . I I , �� * � W 11 on, farmers should 4 (,�J made a contract with the publishers of the Press for & half col Is I a and .Bil. 1 4 that day all right, but. on strikilag the pound. It is a valuable collection of season is co I 9 �4 ,Z t-� - "of Kendall's Spavin C,ire. At the to cure JL,)ySPeP I I . ' " remember that that "Kaiser" Machine ..-,) * sr- 6_�, year setting forth the merits � w : I bottom Qn the second trip I s%w a big Roots, Herbs and -Barks, and its results 9"4 , tl- ,-Z. - merit for one , latitled. Dr. Kendall's SOUSlaess. I �� ., I , I �: shadow over me, and something moved are wonderful. For sale by all Drugist3. Oil is the best reaper and mower oil I Z:� - same time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, e d-�ance paying ----- ­ — I It-, -_ � It was only a J. S.. Roberts, Agent for S ,aforth. in the market. For sale by all dealers. S11 C_), tk ZQ Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, -which we are giving to a , . - ­ - � - 0 -, I - i �_. _ r . � along like a huge bird. 4 M subscribers to the Press as a premium. ,.31'; I fish, one of the big sting rays that 750-50., 753-52 - _ � i , . i - devii : Farmers before. buying your reaper ,- J t ­s . About the time the advertisement first,appeared in this paper Mr� P. G. Scher 5 17 - I I I � - . grow about twentv feet wide in that 1734 i He read �he advertise- � � t . t' FQ . . � Scrofula is a depraved condition Of�, and mower oil ask for and procure a Z2 -t <:�,4 ,�� merhorn, who resides near Colliers bad a spaviried horse. YLIS 1. colintry,blat it gave me the shakes, �, �, " BA . the syBtem. often hereditary, and char- chine Oil. It is merit and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, althoudh his friends � � B%Mple of "Kaiser" Ma � rth' ess. When I went down for � Kendall's Spavin Cure and cona- � . oil I -'j C-*- . t-�_ . � ,7".:,.(3.1 . . neve . acterized by the indolent tumors ted not to gum, and is guar&n- ,5 14� laughed at his credulity. Ile bouglat a bottle of 1% f% . the third. time thel water was nearly ' warran CJ , 01 -nee -with the directions, and he informed -11 I � andular affections, bad blood and a; �eod to give good satisfaction. 753-52 �� F� 4 � . menced using it on the horse in accorda I seman, who Staflaud Bland - sixty, feet deep over a coral botto condition of vrtality that tends towards" � . , ,n expert h& P, '­ I I went clown, with a rush, and landing I �� Cit. I*t us this week that it effected such a complete cure that a ' M 11-4 . -naal recently could -find no trace of the spavin or th6 place where . . on the edge of a big bunch of coral, consumption, which is really scrofula 11 Teaberry. 9 1; F� I examined the ani ' 11's 0 (_rown & Anchor � . I ; of the lungs. Burdock Blood Bitters � :=.. � I r it had been located. Mr. Schermerhorn has since secured a cop�� of Keuda , . I swunlo off into a kind of a basin. The A REWARD -Of one dozen "Tea-,' Co I cl� e FO L I , 14 � M , , , cure scrofulous dise m N , � ,Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly �nd would b .A - - basket went a -bead of me, and as I I berry" to any one i3ending the best four 0 P-4 . i another copy. So ,n 1, . ng off to reach the bottom some i to an abscess, by purifying the blood,- � M g� (Z� <�, -loth to part with it at any price, provided he could not obtail: i t . 18WIL � (�.� � - I . 11 . . !_ line rbyme on 'IT - ,§ - I correcting the secretions and giving a. 3: M i -much for advertishaor reliable articles. i -oun� I t . - 0 � -is I ?1� all a] i able little gem for the Teeth anc . � ,P* I 0 V - - � thiWseemed to spring up , eaberry," the remark- . . � M"HIM "R - �, me, and I was in the arms of some I healthy tone to each organ. 739 ' ;l3reath. Ask your druggist for ad- Z �L tZ, �i I I I � -1, I — k (A tzz. I � . - ; kinaof monster that coiled about me. - dress. "Teaberry" whitens the teeth ;4 4" - ;� 03 K 'NDALL'S SPAVIN CURE I ,e _rade YRr'k. - I . ' waved its arms over my head, and The indications of the approaching like chastened pearls. A 5 cent sample 0 M �d � � . ild in its actions 48 it does n..,Ot None Gtnuir -without t'lle al)ove TL �_ I I 8 and legs. I season seem to -threaten an unusual- > Kendall's Sp�vin Cure is sure in its effects, In. � � . � , Bettles it. 751 2 Q � deep seated �ain or to re- � . ; I twisted about Lny body, arm Q td blister yet it i penetrating and powerfnl to reach any 1� - I -.1 . amount of the various forms of bowel . �� %50 eral days, such YcTe 1,'U-rab_"3 azd bette-r SI -1; ed tO illill - _. � . � I tried to scream, forgettiDg that I was mw� ;S t�j I other enlargement if used for sev as -- � It Complaints. - :0 move any bOnYgrowth or tLny 'i i : Our readers would do . 0) .1111t 11 � in the water, and lost my wind. Q4 ins, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge- Climate than anY ; -0ted 900ds- i well to supply themselves with some 03 spavins, splints, curbs, callous, spra � � . J SECURE THE SHADOW. 00 "w �\— . .i 11 ; iust as if a plant had sprouted un- . .-) man. and for, an� purpose for ,n�t-:-I- -n 11a-rflNVaremc7j 0 -11 � WaE reliable reniedy like Doctor Fowler's X ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in old in stock by all f a . � , - I der me and thrown its vines and ten- Extract of Wild Strawberry, as a safe -e, 0 - t� M which a linim t is used for man or beast. It is now know" to be�the best liali- 11 and 1)e.alers in'Carriage SUPPlies. 3 � � X -, : drila abOnt rae. There were thousands mild. wad yet certain in its effects. Xt'lB used full . I " attacks of cholt,r� -I M ::� ment for man ever used, acting _, . . I ofthern coiling and writhing, and I guard acainst sudden - ��- ,.�� 1*� � I -1 � ! � I 0 f the year. - i I dysentery, &a., thO NDHEW.CALDER X 0 strength with perfect safety at all seasons o .-, 11 , morbus, colic, . A I gives positilTe proof of its - I., thought I had landed in 9, nest of sea - I;. � . I unless promptly treated are often sud' M td �d 1�1 �(:i to Send addres'3 for Illustrated Circular which, we think I . � I I gave the signal as soon as I . . whedge, I i I snakes. denly fatal. 739 PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPHEB, begs to ., virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to o�r kno BAYLIS' MANU R NIG CO,j __,� i THE . - could, and -made a break upward, part state that he has returnLd home Irom Da- i;� � � Q4 for beast as w4l as man. i I � I i I . I � I 0 __ . - kota,and is convinced that "There's no place Q) 11'�- . I -02�TrTTZ,=-, ,_A_T_J_ I I . I . -ae, wbile the I,- I Druggists have it ot can get it for i JVJ 1, � I d � I could see, was dropplug to 13leeding of the Lnngs. - 6., 4g i - I # , of the creature clinging to Y like home," dud he intends to remain at home, - �4 ;a * Pr* e $1 per!, bottle, or six bottles for $5. Al r) I and will henceforth give his entire personal at- � I by the pr �letor& . ; � rest, you, fir it will be sent to any address on receipt of price . . - Op . I ,� . doing 3 �� Q - i _____.__________ ,--- : 1-1 I .1 pieces, They hauled me into the boat Bo'wman-ville, Ont., Nov. 8, 1872. t ention to his business. His faWitiOo for NI). Z � , . 32, Q., ;� Z M 748-52 i DR. B. J. K-ENDALL & CO., Enosburg Fall�, Vermont. �__ :: I I � wheri I reached tile surface, and pull- Messrs. Seth W. Fowle & Sons, Bos- good woi,k are unexcelled, and lee can guarantee cl� M C�) i - - I 11 I : : - ; I I -1 satistaction. come one, come all, and briug � Z%_ ;ZT4 I i i _� - � I � i - , 7,�, ed the main Part Of the animal from ton: Gentlemen -1 have been troubled and friends,- -and secure the Iq C -1,I). . - ; , your relations M I 1 �4 r. I � �, I � � � - me. It was oval, about three feet Z zl"� 4,; Ar 4 �__ I . with bleedingof the luncysforalon� shadow ere' the substance fades. I can accom. i � 0 9 M Qz� i .f. I - can send �you on your way "I Z . a I - .1 . !-,,I � -_ - I seemed to modateyou till, and Q ,g I I I - . - � -1 . - d the five arms time. About two years ago I took f� rejoicing. inst try me and prove me, Charges C-4 C.Z. 1i Z W% i . �-,!i - � � ,. across, an I - 1. � I ­� I . Of - co 11 Q ,�� Fz� \C- go i�,� I �- _. . - , . divide into thousands of others. severe cold which made my lungs vei.y moderate. Remember the place-SeoWs Bleck, k -Z. Z�, , . - �n U) � �!!, - 1. " V__Z� - :_ I -4 -.Zl I : 0. I . I . .� I se i there waan't any real danger, e bottle of Wis- main Street,Seaforbh. C13 .1 . = C� I � - ; . cour - sore, but after using on t�. E�­ I . 11 ; - f - � I I � . �� �m 1 . M M � ­_ - - butthofright Agave me lasted Jor I tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry the 'pain, �s ,3. M_ I ,jjill __ __ _... -, I , '. I . � . 762 ANDREW CALDER. - M ,,�, 0� ,�6 = i V110 1� - .� � I -..- ,_ I I months. The starfish is Corn , � [4 .1, Z - . 'no" I and cough disappeared and have not - I .1 I 1-i — 0 cz . I � ii� , -, � I - M I ._!� Z STOCK FOR SERVICE. ' . 't -A � - � . 6nough and known - as the basket -fish i troubled me since. I believe the Bal- - __ I �� �q CM. Ir i Cl) ... . 1,� . - I L ' ____1117, cirr � -1 -" i rf" _1 ­ 1. Wo e and " �%J_, , -0-7 - _ �_Z � In .ej .,- . and it generally grows t or three I sana is the best ' edicine in us i ��- (Z) lzl� ;;,L -1 . . - I 0 _J Em E-( I Z5 i IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. -Tie undersigned L-� �, V � 0 ? -, I I feet aoross. I probably landed on top I well worth the price asked for it. ? " CZ �d : � -_- .."M � �-_ - z . . . - (M a-" < Lu . - ,_ will keep during ne present season on Lot " L I - - . -on -Berkshire ­_­, V) T-i� - 0: I ch at that time was I k- Fifty cents r1t - i F, oncession 3, Bay, a Thol ghbred . tZ, . � 28, C � � A � - . - - - - 11 W1. , -nd 81 a bottle. Sold by dealers gon � ..� 1"� . . Boar. A limited number of pigs i ­ . UJ ege of re- � _h i I . -Rlper sow wittii the privil � e - i i3 that 'was - � - L > "' P�� - 4 e,- Ja will be served. of that one, whi I YOUTA truly, Jesse Bur a M Qr3 �� M Z 0 the largest I had ever seela. I aft . 1: Z?�,\ i Terms* . ­ . g� . . erally. 710 -' I ' G11 III � 7 $ ward saw the body of oL cess,ary. LBE T DICH. 754 L . �. _. . I . � on 11;� M ca Fr turning if ne _� � � shed ashore on the Isthmus that 4' W �Z b� �t 2 D - I- a. — . __._______________________ _ I - wa , 04 1 ,:.3 tion of manhood I , , :3 = � NIC'Michael. I � must have had a spiead of thirty-five After the culmina V -V A - �� W C,a p, M (Z %X . L" ; ULL FOR SERVICE - P,01)crt . " . .� I If I i t_:�. %Q 0 B will keep for the improvement of sto,k � I � I ,--" a [.� � it � 1_�_ ­ , , I during the present seasoil, or -1 . 11 6 1 �__ ��_ L I . i Lot .3, Conces-iOl � 11 . �A" t�j 0;) : 1 3, Ilullett, a Thorougrlibrol Durb -T _� . - - �u Qb . i CL �., a 7 -, feet. Their power of graspiDg is con- at foity, the prime of life begins to de- i I �,, ... M 2 M I sideraUe, but touch them in a certain cline into old age. The activity of the I ; _q � mu Bull. Only � .- . I � �� = taken. Terms.- - ,t ,- .) i -umber of cow.s,�v'.11 be i . 4 way and they throw off their armE;- digeStive apparatus, which at first was I P I limited n 9 ' - - - 11 ..,.� -i( - � . -1 . in a regular shower and are soon re- sufficient not only -to provide for tla ;E CQ = $1, payable at the time oi­-n _% Avith the 11ri _. __ Z ; I , C_��. ��* 0 z,jar:y. 11013F -HT MC- S;,t body." ' "I U M (!�, � - U :� . - , teri 61 I (Zi � � vilege of returidn- if liece 1. I _. - ducea: to an oval � daily waste, but to add now ma M2 . 1� 1. AIMIARL. 752 1 11 I . I V (4 M f"ZI Q�b, ,,-. I -11 . - I - � �Q I COD - � . ­ I later on is only able to giapply the daily I I 11 -0 < :�,%6.t� �,,- --t En . . I I � i - . 1 3:1 rn . = per day at biline. Samples Nvorth - _� -1 I Epps's 00coa. waste, and at last is too imperfect to . �20 1� �i 11 M . M Z I I � $5 tO $ -$5 frLe. Address SMSO�Z & CO -1 . . --- -i � .. � J � i maizatain the balance and imstain the I - Icent Pianos 1, .0 �1 9 - CS4. ortland, I aine. _8\ - _. - I C, - � d Comforting. -"By -A - — . . See the great DUNHAM PIANO before buying. These magnif 7 4 .'0 ­. - - Grateful an 9 . ki Q . ranked among � -11 frame in its existing entirety. At thl' ­ � ___ - (it, �4 3. years in nearly an countries, and are still �. - . I thorough knowledge of the natural 1.wa . I - ) . ZZq *1i have been used for 50 I---- - I � ­�Vu - � . period, when the expenditure is greater � C�o Drgal�a" is now - I - . which govern, the operations of dio,es- . ���� C, -Z. M I est Pia6s in the world. ORGANS. -The ,1 Excelsior 4 , -_ �� . _. � than the income, Wheeler's Phosphates ;Zq the b - I I I - . the leading Organ n Cq'nada. Pianos . - . _. -i. tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- -"> acknowledged by the best musicians -to be ::-- � - . I � -1 and Clisaya, by augmentir.g nerve force "N., 'e-) � . . . � . . -ofthe fine -properties of well . � Qll;�D _ 'a �, Send foi Catalogues. i . - - . $ plication � ,,rid 111applyiDg ready-made tissue. Ole- . 1 1 C M _� and Organs of other makers supplied. . i a , I J .-Z� I .1 provided M � 4 1 1 1 � select deocoa,11'r.-Epps bai IZO ;3 - - �_ �� e - ments, will have a tendency to prOIODg M q) .�� ntario. .r,.S - I �_,. our breakfast tables with a delicately life. 747-26 � I - Q) GO C14 ROTHERS, Seafortb, "I, � - a, . � t � �i ,� �, . (Z) ,�Q. q �, flavoredbeveTage, which may save Us . � .- - �_ - 0 lt� . � —4 :;� �_ 4 133any, heavy doctors', bills. Itisby th Gres HouseholdMedicine ranks amongst ��_ (Z) : - � - , 1, �e — . - Q4 11 The Docto Is Secret. � TH's � . -i - - I - r I the leading necessaries of life. These I%- 1_Q _� judlCiOUZ use of such articles of diet that . fy the Blood, and act most power- � . _1 - - - , � r I , ow developments w411 mous riiis puri — . � — .- - :3 11 __ Aab- , '*_� - J - __ I �, -9 "� I e4l_" , D I Ind ; 11) 0 . I( � . 5 &I I , ;�4 1 ;�? Z� P. i ��4_ . �, , I t , O—q, i I I I i dually built Frobably no n on - the Li�er, Stomach, . - 1. ­._ ' - Z� . � a cougtitution inay be gra fully, vet soothimgly, . XONEV I - ,,�. ; y more surprise the public, than to learn lKifteis and Boweis, giving tone, energy and - . I I �� 1111 p until irt-roligy enough to 7 esist -ever of certain leading -vigor to these great main springs of iife. They —_ __ __ I NORMAN'S - " -i 1-sease. the secret of i3uccess . -,. tandep cy to d i Hundreds of sub- mended as a rever-failing MONEY T0 LOAN. -To losn, private funds, in � ;�­, , 1' - I � I physicians. When they have a difficult are. confideritly recom . small sums fo; 9. period of three to . T i � large a r � ; � i tie maladies are floating f around us remedy in all cases Nvhere the constitution, from . ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES .. case of throat or lung disease that n first-cl�ss farm security, with in- I � there whatever cause, has become impaired or wealfen- seven years ( . . - � j- ­ . !eady' to in all ail- terest at 7 percent. per annum. Apply at Tim t� 7 ., - � -A attack -wherever . ­ - is a ,weak point. We may escape . baffles tbeirscientific skill, they pre- ed. Theyare wonderfully efficacious I? aforth. 762 E-4 _1� I q!� E STABLISHED 1874. 2 L� i - - __; -es; and fts EX 081TOR OffiCe, So . .' +­ . -Kin I New Discovery for mentH incidental to Females of all ar pe — . I �t . �­ ! ;1, T 1, 13 . I � - ; I .. I many a fatal abaft by keeping cilrselves SUL V . el t, a General Famil) Medicine, are unsurpame . __ L I .� . lood and i Consumption, Couahs and Colds, hav- - MONET TO LOAN -I am prepared to lend Q� "4 ELIEVES AN_ZD CURES Spinal culliplaints, - ZD . ' Ll . well fortified with pure b DreBeription bottle, moneyl at lowest rates of interest, payable r;Z, 6,, RGencral and Nei-vt)us I)cMility Rheumatism, � properly nourished fra 'e -"-Civil Ser- ing it disguised in a I L . PrWeipal at bhe end of term. Private ?-� idne- ' 11� "t My: I 11 -yearly. , Go -tit Ne,-vou-,ness, Liver, K y, Lung, Throat, -111 1 - . 5 � c st compiaints, Nieuralf, a. Brolichit's, _ a nambs 411 ' I alid '_ he . � vice Gazette.L made simply with boil- with their own directions ari i i & T Funds. JA�. H. BENSON. 726 1 . I in attached. The patient is cured HIT I i 1 �44 Ine ing water or milk. Sold only , Em . :'IQ E �ORTH, �� 'Iplent Pftraly.,jiS, A$t11.UJ;J, Seiatiea, SpMil'S, L , ; a packets and tins (JpouDd and pound,) they get the credit. ­ Pribune. Tr�ial= — AUCTIONEERS. M. -MORRISON, MAIN STREETs 3 A I 4. , ConsUMLption, Sleep]CSFJJt:'Z:_, 'Colt'19, ludigeStio'-" honaceo- bottles free at Hickson & Co.'s Drug � I------- _._______ *� I Ask for Norman�-, Electric l3eits, and you will be I& rties are known I 11 labelled-'Jaines Epps & Co., 7 ts searchiDg and healing prope . __BRINE, Licauced Auctioneer for L1143 4� - I 1_-q safe against imposition, for they wih do their L I Seaforth. Large size $ 1.714.62 d. For the cure of bad legs, j��. C� I . �111 r, pathio 0 ,herialsts, London, Brig - '-Also Store, throughout tho worl . , Sales attendled in all I . i 6� work well and am cheap at aiiy price. � bad breastR, old Wounds, sores and ulcers, it is . County of Huron. Q) i i. -I I oucen'St, East Toronto. makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for 2 D. 11. If effectuably rubbed on I parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex- A. NORMAN, 4 , ii . an infallible rernedy.' k� I � '-� E. HICKSON, & Co ,-Ai.,(_-!�t,,, Seafort . 7�553-512 aftemooli use. 736-52 1 - the neck and che6tv as salt into I'leat, ib cures poSITOR OfflCe will be promptly attended to. Pq � � _� L L A Word of caution. SoreThroat, Diphtl�eria,Bronehitis,Cougbs, Colds, __ I S_:� ­­ � � . . Asthma. For Glandular swellings, Ab- C.R. COO-3ER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. tQ . i ,It! , -_ - L, The Progress of a Coligh. � ere an and even umatism, and I - I As is 1asually the case wh Gout, Rhe piomptly at- - 1* -q - . ,w_.� - � sceEses, PileB, Fistula6, Sales (f all descriptions I .1 _.� - indicated as. article Of true merit has attained ---. a every kind of skin dir,ease, it has never been tended in ar v part Of the county on reasonable �h 1 C!� _-(� � - . �,,,, The follo,wing May be nt are manu- ers left at the offico of the HuRoN RE, FLOUR AND FEED - � I- I -­ lls and Giutme ` GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWA ) I . I ­ " the progress of a cough in the absence World wide reputation by its wonderful knowntofail. TheFi terms. Ord �'A I t� ,-,.'I I I 1�,_., ;_ '. . 3 oxford Strect,Loindon,and ar Q) � � _,�_,?�­_ ,e I B I _.;�� . , � faeturedonlystUil, EXPOSITOR, or addressed to Brassels, will receive I . � I I I . I -Of an efficient -check of the lui�g-defArOY- results, as the celebrated Electric B'It- P4 i I 6�d . --- _14 sold by all Vendors of mecticines tbroughoutthe 1. L prompt atteution. � ,�� __ _ .. - :, - certain unprincipled use in al- -1 : 11 -- � 11 ing malady, First, a cold is contract ters have done, Civilized World; with directions for E . ) - - � I . chasers should __� — .1 ed, the throat becomes inflanaed and parties have endeavored to imitate most every lauguaLye. K�9'Plly i 1___q ,� look to the label on the pots aDd boxes. If the SEAFOR H HORSE INFIRMARY. 0� I L&C. .11 V-11 - spasmodic Con- them, and expect to induce an unsus- address is not 633, Oxford Street , London, the.y - �� 1PROVISIONS HAMS AND BACON, SEEDS I tZI __,U - .. - tbeirritaVala causes a I .. .. .. . Ili. Z traction and dilation of the lungs, a1-- pecting public to purchase their fraudu- - 712-52. i � .­, . " I ). .I.- , ­', - ­ %. � .. spurious. I - L- .. ;­ . — CORNER )f Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next 1-1) � .:L -, . ."....... �_. th a dull or rAttlirig sound lent wares. Ask your druggist for the are Seaforth, ,.wl . , ­ , n M! -_ -,. companied wi 0 r' - - - door tc the 13xesbyterian Church, Q) - - -� � -...-.,,.I, "6,. 1 , . . p, or any . .- ­ "6, in the throat. This daily increases in genuine Electric Bitters, that are guar- Ont. All diseases, of Horses, cattle, sbee �� L 11� .:�. - - -.- violence, and as it does, aggravates the anteed to cure, and take no other. Sold . . of the domc�st-icate:d animals, successfully treate — I �­-r - . 11 ­­ a P., � . _,�� �, . - .__`.---",.,_ --,,- - 1 552 ., at hary or elsewhere on the shortest I � - --- . - .2. I I bronchial irritation until lungs Ile, --kBon & Co .at 50c. 714-f - �� the infiri :It . ; ��.' the by E. Hi I I .. " notice. )arges moderate, JAS. W. ELDER, N � ::Z� _::­ '1� I I 3 . 4 , ).-A large stock of � I-- - I I come seriously affected. Then ab� 2. E B. : I .1 I Veterinary Surgeon. P. E Z-4 . I I vl� scesses or incipient sores form UPOU � . veterinarylledicines kept constantly on hand. §4 !Z�J ., their tissue which rapidly develop into The best evidences of the superior , ______ _y_ � e in Seaforth to deal at. A choice a�Bortmeaat I of " . � I Fowler's Ex- . " The best plac I . I ' hes of oonsumptiO4 Merit and virtues of Dr. 96 1, � -91 1-d - I ,� ,_ ­_ -1 - , ­_ the f atal tubert - I MAGICIAN. �_� �� I - I ,_,� FAMILY GROCERIES. Teas from 25 e.r pound.! Sugars ' . -which eat into and destroy the lungs. tract of Wild Strawberry for the cure pf � ly of Crockery!, and Glass- -_ Ir �', --'.--,,,,-,, - sm for $1.00. A full supl? �_� � Who would knowiDgly incur such peril summer complaints, is that its popu- Q; 10, 11 and 12 pounds i_-1.11 I - . _ V�� ­ I &VIDS N'S elebrated Trotting Stanion, 1'rices.� .Provisions (Z) �. . I - as this? The surest means of averting ularity. and d-ernanc aw DIEM . �� ware -at BOTTOM PRICES. Flour andFeedatMiUl I I is greatest where it - as cian ,"will stand for the service of . tZ, � � - '12 - I - it is Northrop & Lyman's Emulsion of has been ion 739 ,, mares for e season of 1882 at the Coamercial N hand. � I - r_.( - geit known. , 1; �__ . always.0p . I I Parties from a distaretv sending I - - I Hotel, Seaf rth. �� . I ! �s ' Cod Liver Oil and HypophospbiteB of I their mares will be f urnishbd with good pasturage I I I - "I h- N I t_!�, egistered. . Lime: and Soda, a pulmonic which at N. C. - Polson & Co., druggists, &6-, I k and water at reasonable rates. Fedipeefornis . . Trade -1fark R . . - the progress Of XiDgStOn,"expreBs themselves as �ur- � ed on application. A. DAVIDSON. 743 :PA ! I S6N * I the same time cbeclis 11 s — I I I M. MORRI I ,4 i I I don, and gives prised t the sale of Burdock Bl6od T I I � . ANOTHER CREAT BOOM, IN WINNIPED throat and lung iLrrita a . . ?.X 1. W . i — . 0 1 � ", Ts %A � — I strength to those debilitated by a cough. Bitters in that locality, where patent loe . 1; . LE C IEDIT FONCIER 1. 1, C tion, we find all land F-peenl7n- Sold by all dru medicines are hard to introduce, but, say Oq 11 .. . I - -asnal obFe,rvw I ,ggists. 710 __:­�� I I Wt head, and imtch the ups and I L - -hus meking large fortunes. __� they, "the groBs last ordered a few clays � P nei company,formed for thepurposeof . ors )lave it eltal � coiliposed largely of ow(ieredMIc,q,orIsIn­ THIS ng French capital in Canada, is now I dow]38 Of property, t I since, will convince you that the de, inveb . Y Warnings. glass, Isthe BEST and C ii EAP EST lubriCa- prepai . ed advance mone,v on the most favorable i . I � But the whole ace -ret is, they kc-ep the systcm ins i ( tby conetition by the D se of Tlit PRIDE L�madisease and rheumatism are mand is good, and L that it is giving sat- Itor, in the world -the B EST becailse It does terms on good landed se&tarities. M P. HATES, . a be%] - . . - 'YMEDICINE. We can f,afely ZD mers." 739. . - Agent foy County of Huron, Seaforth. 699 1 OF THE, VALLE I e most obstin&te maladies isfaction to our Cu9to Inot gum,but forms a hll;hly polished sur I � as fo � the great- lung . perhaps th . - I say that hujidreds c -me to r . - vit4 which medical skill does battle. - . . I face over the axle, reducIng friction and — - I and blood PnTifier beforegoirg.'%Cht- Itead the ' . " � The nearer We follow L nature in Lth6 eCHEAPESTbe- I . . - w(,� couj,i give t)ious=ds . following statement- , � dangerous, is the lighteningthe draft; th R.. N. BRETT, . WINDOW PAPER' I of the same ILind if it were neet-,s - ' The' latter, if less treatment of disease the more succbsg- -(Cause it costs NO MORE than Inferior � - � : - I ?arv. "-I oertffy more inveterate of the two. Both I I - . I . ,, ; that I wa,j trcubled with catarrh in the head, make their approaches gradually and fnI we are. Dr. Fowler's Extract-. Of brands, and one box will do the work of - SEAFORTH, . . . g,lhe of phlegm in the throat, choking and . "' � - g n g -p; 1 4 natnre's specific for k & n other make. AnsNvel,s as well , . I I uld mot slec . are her heralded by symptoms which Wild Strawberry i wo o a � � . bi,g at night, for Tests, so I Co . Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Colic and , or Harvesters, 31LU Geaxlng, TlireshlD 9311 a, Wholesale and,RetailDeaier in LEATHER and . : � tToubled with dull, hfelcss feelings. PRins ILL ought to warn the sufferer of the ,Buggies, SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. � . often. fter givirg hundreds -of ELp_ It chines, Corn -Planters, C,,iri-lacres, the chest anel back. .A 1� . i a all forms of Summer Complaints. None but the VeryBest Stock kept. Terino 1 . u D& dollars todoctors, and givil)g up all bopes, I tri&k proach. As soon as a cold or the first . etc., as for Wagons. CUARANTEED to FIGURED BL . rheumatic twinge is felt, theY who ca . n speedily-cureq Canker in the stomach NO Pe-roleum. Soldby alldealers. moderate. ATrialFolietted. Allorderllby=0 � I . � - the PRM19 OF THE VALLEY, ana: am now able to . I � t, � 0 1 r bowels, and is safe for infants as contain . qLijigs )Vorrth or otherwite promptly filled. ! . I do my work after st-ven Tear's Ackneps." Xrs- ' 1. for their own good will t �aff- Our Pocket Cyclopedia of I B. N. BRIZUT - � 'M o"ei -t, Lciadon, -Unt. be advisoc ry 490 i ; jwn-_q _N .1, 202 Simeoe Stree . ! ; . . , , Dr T -well as adults. 739 Kwwing mailed free. i � . I fita.tf of W.'L ,%if(218 iA cory-C.. . homas' Eclectric Oil, which gives - I � - — . I The abo-,T _Ment -by a' et -h these complaints, I 0 A.. 1R.' I D . I I jameg McNeil. For sale 11 ftuggisN in I � a qui us to bet Yel-Idw as a Guinea. ! MICA MANUFACTURING COG Seaforth. 745_'.�), 1 stages,but the early ESTI PRIOESS . even in advaucec t�. I * 228 HudsonSt., New V6rk. LARGE ASSORTMENT AT THE LOW f uselof which inwardly au& outwardly The Complexion, in a case of .-un- ago, Ill. � CAMPPELL,Pmvincial Likud Surveyet . . - � cleveltind, 0. and Chic. D. Ind 'aivil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt - 2 . - � , � L - : t 10TTy is � ecially to be recommend, as 101 L checked liver complaint, culminating � . I L . 11P 6AMUEL. ROCERS & CO. Toronto,Ont ly attends I tO. � __ WM. ELL. diseases are most successfully combat- in jaundice, is literally 11 as yellow as a SorAgents for'theDominlon. _ ::] D. S. CAATPBFLL.. f4itnt-11 : . I � I _. -Y CLERK and Treasurer. Office-WOrt'll- tedin their infancy. Piles, neuralgic guinea." It has this appearance be- I t . � . . . Tow'\ erk,fMarRetllouse. OfflCehOurs- - 'L -_ � 1 ,, xu "D A pgT Xf in Street t Seafortb. 2.,�,, ""c'�'lm 17 * paia stiffness of the joints, inflamma- cause the bile, which enables' the - A WEEK $12 a day athome e,1Jly made. (Zgg a week in your 0,%N,n town. Ternisand$5 f � 0 ,,;'�l 7 1 .. ii), 74 ) . . outfit free. Address H. H-uLxTT ,Y, Co., 0 3 r tion,,. 1-a-urts, tumors.. and the various bowels W act, is directed from its pro- ' 7 Costly outfit free. Address TRUE & CO., 4 I .. I Q i I 748x52 - I . . � I 748x52 Portland, Maine. . i . � �&S�a,SeEl alld in3uries of the equine race per course into the blood. In connec.. Augasta, Maine. � ; I � I . � I I . - I - I � � � I . i . I I - . � I . . - , . I I . __ . I � � . . .- I � � I . 11 - I . � . � � I . � I . - ; I I . � . . . . I . � i � . - , - I '. , � . ­ _ ... . I � I -1-1- � � ­ � � , . : . . . . I ­ . � � , - , I ; I . I - , , � 1. I � __: .. . I I I - � . . 7. 1 . . . . 1. I c I ; � � I �� - . I � . I . . . t . , � : ! - i � - ­__ - � ------- - ___ A_ . I- : ___ ­_ _. ­­___ I- _. -.- _­__ -i _________ _ __ ___ _...._____­ ­ --:. _-_____­___ _­ - __ � I . -1 _� . . 1. I J . � A