The Huron Expositor, 1882-07-14, Page 7HOUSE.
erdees Amer
e Rank of Com -
r the Commercial
alga Exchange
and Sala.
sonable Rates.
uterai Securities
ble at par at
nk of Comramrce.
reel tut Deposits
en Mortgages.
ry, 1882, we changed
tas.ring flour at our Sea.
buying our family or
pon getting a.funt-olase
adies and pronottuoed
r» BY ALL.
exchange work. We
Wanted, good Treadwell
t which good prices will
& CO.
Iret-Class Stook, Fire
)anies, road la prepar-
et fe.vorable terms.
f the best Loan. So.
rreil*nrchaso of Farm
First -Class
ra8 for Sale.
att Six per cella
Eteamehip Tickets;
carbon's Stores Meth
af Seaforth known as
old cheap and on eaey
has got the Manitoba
tion with the Mill a
he mill has recently
id and repaired, and -is
order, and capable of
e gristing and flouring
oerietor, VS. Smarm;
Physidan,Stirgeon and
the Ont. 0111aeandreid-
tch Street,seeond door
C. M.. Physician, Sur -
the Contityof Huron.
Jarvis street north,
Publie School.
e0. M.. Graduate of
Physioisn.„ Surge° n and
Office andResiddiens,
rt, first Brick Houle.
trch. 496
induate tMcGill Col -
fiesta of: the Rota Gine
brirgharaird late—House
[t Hospital, Edinburgh:
-aI College of Dental
Office in the rooms
erhyshire, Whitney's,
rformed and setts.
-es Moderate.
lett withuutpulte
SH!RE, Dentist, has -
aged the business of
h, and removed to-
ck, Mitchell, where
Teeth extracted with
arul nitrouS oxide;
ty. Pardee from a.
r train expenses. 7?2
ist and College
ed. GDS.
erience he is able to
•'n Dentistry suitable
teeth a Specialty.
; s Oxide Gas given.
airs Street, Seaforth.
T, 1. D. Si,
t his office, CADEY'S
minercial Hotel, on
. Nitrate Oxide Gas
on of teeth. This gas
Yr, Cartwright since
having been one of
this province. Pa-
d may inhale the gas
extracted in a min -
without disagreeable
Mg new teeth please
'tiler attention paid
's teeth: Teeth in -
T3( -52
pecifi c.
SIA ; NOT eon AN
already tried it
been known to -
with thie dist
do wen ta give it
tivix 14, 1882.
reateSt News itTOteS.
--Five persons who took refuge under
a tree during a storm near Havana were
killed by lightning.
—A tract of land in Virginia haft
been purchased by a society for pro-
-meting emigration from Hungary.
—Mike Mykens, a Deliver newsboy,
as made a fortune of $50,000 selling
papers and blackening boots.
—Another outrage attributed to
Fenians has occurred in Dublin, an ar-
tisan being found murdered in the
—A wholesale poisoning of dogs took
place at Hoboken., New Jersey, last
'week. Two of the dogs poisoned were
valued at $850.
—In coneequencie of fresh attacks
upon the Jews the Austrian Govern-
ment has sent troops to Upper Hum
gary to protect them.
—Reports from Southern Manitoba
say that the crops are looking exceed-
ingly well. A recent spell of ram a has
given them a splendid start.
—The assessors' roll of Portage ' la
Prairie having been examined and re-
etised, it is found that the assessment of
the town amounts to $7,500,000. Last
-year it was only $800,000.
—A steamer with 500 passengers
aboard was sunk he a collision on the
river at Mingo Junction, Ohio, on Tneii-
day. It ia thought from one to tWo
hundred lives were lost.
—Lady Mary Campbell, sister of the
Marquis of Lorne, and. Rev. Carr Glyn,
were united in matrimony at Kensing-
ton on Tuesday in presence of a dis-
tinguished company.
--There is a railway blockade at
Winnipeg and merchants and manu-
facturers are shaking the dust of the
city off their feet because they cannot
get their goods and maclainery delivered
- in time.
—There is at Frederick, Maryland, a
sensation over the marriage of Emile
• Burgy, a Frenchman, Professor of
dilusic in the Frederick Female Sem-
inary, and. finely educated, to a mulatto
girl, who has been a domestic in some
of the leading families,
—A number of the recently arrived.
Jews who had gone to work on the
railway Whitemouth, Manitoba,
were set upon and ferociously beaten by
a band of men who had formerly been
employed at the work at which the
Jews were engaged.
— The famous deal in June wheat at
St. Louis was foreclosed on Saturday,
creating a sensation never equalled on
'Change. There was a shortage of
7,250,000 bushels, for which the clique
emended settlement at $1.40.
—John Riordan and Geo.Barber have
been in Ottawa, to interview the Govern
rrient relative to the lease of water
power for the new writing -paper mill at
Cornwall, -which it is expected will be
in active operation in a couple of
—Mrs. Langtry has eclipsed even
Bernhardt, not alone in success, but in
magnificence. After her recent en-
gagement in Glasgow, where even the
"Sant Market" was deserted when she
promenaded or drove through the city,
the fair lady had to attend a dinner
partyon Sunday evening in London.
Sunday travelling is somewhat restrict-
ed in Scotland, and to fulfil her dinner
engagement Mrs. Langtry_ hired a
special train, at a cost of 4625; and, as
the lady modestly admits, she has only
been on the stage about eight months.
—About 200 ladies assembled in
Knox Church, Toronto, on Tuesday
afternoon of last week to meet
Mist, Mary Rodger; one of
the missionaries of the Presby-
terian Church in Canada at Indor,
Central India. Miss Rodger has been
in India nine years, laboring part of the
time in the northwest provinces and for
• the remainder in Indere. Many cur-
ious and valuable articles were exhibit-
ed. to the ladies by Miss Rodger, such
as nose rings, bells worn in the toes,
beads made from a species of nut, and
handsome pieces of embroidery worked
by men.
—Manitou, Colorado was visited. by a
terrible waterspout on Saturday. The
water came down from the mountains
through canons, forming a wall eight
feet high, and sweeping everything be-
fore it. During the day several parties
of exeursionists went up the canons.
It is feared several perished. An omni-
bus filled with passengers was swept
from the streets and dashed high on
the rocks. The occupants were slight-
ly injured. Horses and cattle were
swept away. Hailstones measuring
thirteen inohes. fell, breaking windows
and destroying shrubbery. The total
loss will be $75,000. -
—The Advertiser says :—Within a
radius of a hundred miles of this city
there are scores of places where Lon -
dollen would be glad to pass their sum-
mer vacation, if thembut knew of the
advantages of the places, and were cer-
tain that accommodation could be
found for them. Why is it that far -
mere in romantic localities, hotel
keepers in the vicinity of trout streams,
and person e willing to receive boarders
in quiet. leafy villages, do not make
more effort, tc bring before the public
the advattages of their respective lo-
ealities ? A judicious investment in
this way would bring in a heavy re-
—A Hartford man, who was broken
down in health, but had plenty of
money, settled in southern California.
Be is now the owner of two splendid
farms, one of 600 acres aud, the other
of 3,000, and his health is in perfect
condition. In his orthards there are 26
varieties of appple trees, 27 varieties of
grapes, 1,000 pear trees, eimbracing 16
varieties; 7 varieties of peaches, 350
olive trees, 350 Japanese persimmons, 7
varietiee of pomegranates, 9 varieties of
figs, 10 acres of English walnuts, be-
sides pecan and filbert trees. He has
also 47 varieties of- roses and 17 mag-
nolia trees. He would plant his whole
land in grapes and raisins for table use
if he could get help to pick them when
ripe. Farm laborers are in great de-
xnand there. He thinks there is no
place like sonthern California.
—The following list of horrors oc-
curred in Michigan on the night of
June 30. Some parties in the village of
Allegan built a bonfire to celebrate
their joy at the hanging of Guiteau.
They had a pile of boxes, over which
was poured thirty gallons of gasoline.
When it was ignited a terrible explosion
took place, shattering the glass of five
• store fronts and, doing other damage to
property. Mat. Willis, who caused the
fire, and three boys named Batt, Wag-
ner and Nicholas, were severely burned,
and Robert Delano was cut deeply in
the loin. At Dorn Saturday morning, ,
-a man named Glosick was instantly
killed by getting, caught on a revoteing
shaft in Newman's mill, his body being
terribly mangled. An old man nettled
Benton, of Monterey, fell dead at the -
supper table Friday night, and the
seine evening serteral boys at An Sable
were playing with blank cartridges and
pistols. One fired his at a six year old
boy named Frank Mead, who said,
"That one bit me," and fell. By some
mistake a loaded, cartridge had been
placed in the pistol and the ball enter-
ed the lad's hotly near the heart, killing
him almost imitantly.
—A numbet of railway accidents
• were repore4 on Dominion Dins,.
Among others we find the following
A brakeman named Bolton, on the
Northern Railway, near Parkdale,
while attendini& to the brakes, slipPed,
and his legas caught and crushed
almost to a jelly. He was also inter-
nally injured. -F -A brakeman, on the
Midland Road, named Ellis, was run
over on Saturday by a train at Carnp-
bellford station, and had his right oath
and-shouldei cat off. He still lives. --
John Blinco was knocked down and.
run over by a Credit Valley Railway
train on Saturday, at Elora, cutting off
his arm midway between the wrist and -
elbow. The doctors made a second
amputation, and the sufferer is now ao-
ittg well.—R. Moore, a brakesman on
the Grand Trunk Railway, fell betweeh
the cars at Onondaga, on Saturday, Etna
received serious ittary on elle body, and
had both legs out off above the knees.
Be was brought to Brantford, and
medical aid procured, but he expired on
Sunday morning.,
Epps's Cocoa.
Grateful and Comforting.—"By
thorough knowledge of the natural 1 .we
which govern the operations of digest
tion and nutrition, and by a cereful
plication of the fine properties of well
selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided
our breakfast tables with a delicately
flavored beverage, which may save •us
many heavy doctors' bale. It is by the
judicioue use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built
up until strong euough to resist ever'
tendency to disease. Hundreds of subt
tle maladies are floating around us
ready to attack wherever there
is a weak point. We may escape
many a fatal sbaft by keeping curselves
well fortified with pure blood and a
properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser-
vice idazette. • Made simply with boil-
ing water or milk. Sold only in
packets and tins ( pound and pound,)
labelled—"James Epps & Co.'1-tomceoi
pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also
makers of Epps'* Chocolate Essence for
afternoon use. 736-52
The Progress of a Cough. 1
The following may be indicated as
the progress of a ough in the absence',
of an efficient cheek of the lung-destroyi
ing malady: First, a cold is contractt
ed, the throat, becomes inflamed and
the irritation causes a spasmodic con-
traction and dilation of the lungs, am
cornpanied with a dull or rattling sound
in the throat. This daily increases in
violence, and as it does, aggravates the
bronchial irritation until the lungs be-
come seriously affected. Then alti
scesses or inciPient sores form upon
their tissue, which rapidly develop into
the fatal tubercles of consumption
which eat into and destroy the lungs.
Who would knowingly incur such peril
as this? The surest means of averting
it is Northrom& Lyman's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites
Lime and Soda, a pulmonic which at
the same time checks the progress oi
throat and lung , irritetion, and gives
strength to those debilitated by a cough
Sold by all draggiets. 710
Dn.' Smith's ;German Worm
• Reneedy.
'Removes stomach and Seat Wousas
from adult or chi11, and as a cure for
Costiveness, Bili usness, Indigestion,
Sour or Weak Sto3nch, it is unexcelled
removing all impurities from the -
stomach and keepiiig the bowels regnla.m.
Pat up in package t at 25 cents. Sold
by Druggists and country storekeepers
generally. If your druggist does not
keep it, Use No Other, but send to our
nearest office, or ask your druggist to
obtain it for you. Sent post paid with
full directions for using, on receipt of
price. Smith I Medicine Company, 663
Craig Street, --Moe treal. Sold by J. S.1
Roberts, Seaforth,iOnt. 754 52
Not One a Our Peculiarities.
So-called respectable people would
hesitate considerably before pilfering
your pockets in a crowded thorough-
fare, That Wealdbe too too. The
same discrimination is not indicated by
the Ho -called respectable druggist when
that wonderful oorn cure, Putnam's
Corn Extractor is asked for. He will
pilfer our pockets in the most genteel'
manner by substituting cheap and dan-
gerous substitutes for the genuine Put-
nam's Corn Extractor. Watch for
these gentlemen, and take none other
than Putnands1 Corn Extractor. Sold
by druggists ev r rent -here. 762-52-e
I '
A Case of wenty-five Yearst
• Standing. ,
From the venerable Archdeacon Scott,
D.D., of Durham, P. Q. "The man
who has experiermed in himself a great
blessing, if he possesses any generous
sentiment, cannot but feel sincere gra-
titude to the agent through whom he
has been benefitted. * * I am an in-
veterate dyspeptie of more than twenty-
five years standing. * * I have been
so wonderfully benefitted in three short
weeks during whit* I have used the
Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely per.
myself of -the reality. People,
who have known me are astonished at -
the change. I am widely known, and
can but recommend to others that
which has done so much for me."i
Sold by all druggiets. 710 '
i '
A Prolific Source of Disease.
A ,triflingindiseretion in diet may lay'
the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia,
and there ie no fact in medieal science
more positively ascertained or more au-
thoritatively asserted than that dyspep-
sia is the parent of a host of bodily
not the least of which is contasnination
of the blood and the maladies of •which
that is the direct consequence. Their
original cause ie, however, thoroughly
eradicated from the system by Northrop
& Lyrnan's Vegetable Discovery and
Dyspeptic Curega medicine which only
requires regulanty and persistence in
its use to cum dyepepsia and the many
ills that arise from it. No deleterious
mineral ingredient is contained in it,
and though its 'action is thorough in
cases of costiveness, it never pioduces
griping pains in the abdominal region,
or weakens the bowels like a violent pur-
gative. It invigorates the system
through the medium of the ineteased
digestive and assimilative rietivity
which it promotes, and is also a Most
efficient remedy for kidney' complaints,
scrofulous and all diseases of the blood,
female weakness, &c., &e. Pride, $1.
Sample Bottle, 10.eents. Ask fon Nor-
throp & Lymards Vegetable Discovery
and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper
bears a fac-simile of their sigiaature.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson'Seaforth.
750 52-c
Biliousness. r
A furred tongue, bad taste , in the
mouth, nausea vometin,g, variable ap-
petite, alternate diarrahcea and gostive-
nem faintness, weariness, yellow cast
of eyes and comatenance, indicates ser-
ious biliary trouble. Jaundice is a
dangerous disease, it is an overflow of
bad bile in the circulation, any ot these
symptoms should be remedied. Without
delay, and Burdock Blood Bidet% is the
remedy upon which you may 'surely
rely. 739
T e wiiet Strawberry plant potsesses
rare irtne as e cleansing, coolieg, as-
tring nt, anteseptic, and healing med-
icine and when combined with other
valu hie vegetable extracts, aainDr.
Fow er's Extract of Wild Stra berry,
it is n unfailing remedy in all:Bowel
oom laints. 739
D vy & Claik, Druggists, Reiafrew,
writs us June 3rd: "We have sold
Fowl :r'a Extract of Wild Straatberry
for a number of years, and find ngthing
equa to it, for the purpose for which
it is esigned." Dr. Fowler's Ektract
of Wild Strawberry cures all forms of
Bowel complaints incident to Summer
and Fall. 739
Th firm of J. 64 S. McEachen, Doug-
las, rites us June 1st, saying : "There
is no another preparation we can
reco emend with so much eOnfidei3ee as
Bard ck Blood 13itters as, it invariably
gives the best of satisfaction." Bardock
Bloo Bitters cures all diseartes of
Mao , Liver and Kidneys. 730
As a remedy for Sea Sickness, for any
irrita ion of the stomach and bowels,
for c nker of the stomach and mouth,
for les and Ihemorrage, and for -all
Varie les of b_owel complaints, Dr.
row r's wild Strawberry is natnre's
true pecific. 739
- W. 31. Crooker, Druggist, of Water -
down under date of June lst, writes
that "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strastberry cannot be surpassed, when
all ot er remedies fail them it comes
to the rescue, and I find the sales large
and increasing." Wild Strawberry
positively cures all Bowel complaints.
Through the present month of July
the Stomach and bowels are very
liable to t mime deranged. The proper
preventative is Dr. Carson's Stomach
and Constipation Bitters, for by their
use the Digestive Organs are invigoratg
ed, the Bowels kept regular, and the
blood rendered pure and cool. Sold
in large bottles at 50 cents by all Drug-
gists. J. S. Roberts, Agent for Sea -
forth. 750-52. ,
There would be little, if any, sickness
during the months of July and Augusaif
every one would M30 Dr. Carson's
Stom.a.cla and Constipation Bitters, as
they prevent and cure all derangemehts
of the Stomach and Bowels. 5o1d in alai
large bottles at 50 cents by all Druggists., re'l
J. S. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth. m
of medicinal vane, and reeort to physi-
ological, rational medication. No mat-
ter what disease has emaciated and de-
bilitated the body, restoring nutrition is
the only means of cure, and we have in
Wheeler's Phosphates and. •Calisaya
elements of nerve force and tissue res-
toratives that will benefit any form of
debility, no matter what the cause.
Mack'sMagnetic Medicine
Is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Ner-
vousness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of
Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, NightSweats,
Spermatorrhocea,Seminal Weakness, and -General
Loss of Power. -It repairs nervous waste, Reju-
venerates the jaded intellect, Strengthens the en-
feebled brain, and restores surprising tone and
vigor to the exhausted generative organs. The
experience of thousands proves it an invaluable
remedy. The medicine is pleasant to the taste,
and in no case and under no circumstances can it
do harm. Each box contains sufficient for , two
week's medication, thus being much cheaper than
any other medicine Bold—and while it is the
cheapest it is much better: Full particulars in
our pamphlets, which we desire to mail free to
any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold
by Druggists at 50 cents per box, or 12 boxes for
$5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of
money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC
MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth
by J. S. ROBERTS, and all druggists elsewhere.
• 733-50
Those affected. with weak Lungs,
Sluggish Liver, or derangement of the
kidneys, should procure a package of
Dr. Carson's Liver and Lung Com-
pound. It it a valuable collection. of
Roots, Herbetend Barks, and its results
are wonderful. For sale by all Drugista
J. S. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth.
Snatched from the Grave.
Mrs. Helen Pharviz, No. 331 Dayton
Street, Chicago, Ill., is now in her . 68th
year, and states that she has suffered
with consumption for about ten years,
was treated by nine physicians, all of
them pronouncing her , case hopeless.
She had given tia all hopes of ever
recovering. Seven bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption com-
pletely cured her. Doubting ones,please
drop her a postal and satisfy your-
selves. Trial bottles free at E. Hick-
son & Co,'s Drug Store. Large size one
dollar. 714-52-1 D. K.
Never Give Up.
If you are suffering with low and
depressed spirits, loss of appetite, gen-
eral debility, disordered blood, weak
constitution. headache, or any disease
of a bilious nature, by all means pro-
cure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You
will be surprised to see the improve-
ment that will follow; you will be in-
spired with new life; strength, and
activity will return; pain and misery
will cease, and henceforth you will
rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitten.
Sold at 50 cents a bottle by E. Hickson
& Co. 714-52-1 E. 13.'
. Now that the reaping and mowing
Beason is coming on, farmers should
remember that that "Kaiser" Machine
Oil is the best reaper and. mower oil
in the market. For sale by all dealers.
Farmers before buying your reaper
and mower oil aek for and procure a
sample of "Kaiser" Illaehine Oil. It is
warranted not to gum, and is guaran-
teedito give good satisfaction. 753-52
Teaberry. •
A REWARD—Of one doen "Tea -
berry" to any one sending the best four
line rhyme on nTeaberry," the remark-
able little gem for the Teeth and.
Breath. Ask your druggiet for ad-
drees. "Teaberry" whitens, the teeth
like chastened pearls. A 5 tent sample
settles it. 751
N6EN INVALIDS come to tinderstandi
that in all diseases, whether acute or
chronic, inflammation or fever, the aim
of treatment is to promote constructive
work or repair of tissue "and arrest ex-
cessive waste, they will stop bolting
pretentious specifics and curealls devoid
• kj nee""
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MONEY TO LOAN—I am prepared to lend
money at lowest rates of interest, payable
yearly. Principal at the end of term. Private
Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. 726
"' P. BRINE, Lieeneed Auctioneer for the
" • County of ' Huron. Sales attended Tn all
parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex-
posiTon Office will be promptlyattended to .
C: R. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer.
• Sales of all descriptions promptly at-
tended in any part of the county on reakonable
terms. Orders left at the office of the !HURON
ExPosiron, or addressed to Brussels, will receive
prompt attention.
CORNER of Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next
door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth,
Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, or any
of the domesticated animals, successfully treated
at the infirmary or elsewhere on the shortest
notice. Charges moderate. JAS. W. ELDER,
Veterinary Surgeon. P. S.—A large stock of
Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on hand.
DAVIDSON'S Celebrated Trotting Stallion,
-IL' "Magician," will stand for the service of
Mares for the season of 1882 at the Commercial
Hotel, Seaforth. Parties from a distance sending
their mares will be furnished with good pasturage
an d water at reasonable rates. Pedigree furnish-
ed on application. •A. DAVID
SqN.• 743
MEM new Company, formed for the Purpose of
investing French Capital in Canada, is now
prepared to advance money on the most favorable
terms on good landed seourities. M P. HAYES,
Agent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 699
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LEATEItIll and
' SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description.
None but the Very Best Stock kept. Terms
moderate. A Trial Bolicited. All order, by mall
or otherwise promptly filled.
S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyot
• and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt
17 attended to.
D. 8. CAMPBELL, 51.11:13611
:Eno. moor
It cures Spavins,
Splints, Curbs, Ring
Bones and all simi-
lar blemishes, and
removes the bunch
without blietering.
For man it is now
known to be one o
the best, if not the
best, liniment ever
We feel positive tha
will only nee good cora
and persevere in bad ri
Dr. B. J. Kendall &
which I prized very hig
smaller one on the other
charge of two veterina
reading the advertiseme
determined at once to tr
dered three bottles; I to
trial; I need it accordin
be lame, and the
colt's limbs are as free fr
is entirely cured. The
have the remaining two
• every man can have perfect success in every case if he
on sense in applying -KENDALL'S SpAVIN CURE,
ses Tof long standing. Read below the experience of
YOUN GSTOWN, Ohio, gay 40, 1880.
o.—Gents : I had a very valuable Ha bletonian colt
ly ; he had a large bc1ote spavin on o e joint, and a
wh ch made him very Tame; I had im under the
sur eons, which failed to cure him. I Was one day
t ofKendall's Spavin Cure in the Chica o Express. 1 p
it, nd got our druggists here to send or it; they or -
k tljem all, and thought I would give it a thorough
to iirections, and by the fourth day the colt ceased to
ad entirely disappeared. I used. but one bottle, and the
m lamps and as smooth as any horse in the State. He
tire Was so 'remarkable that I let two of my neighbors
ottles, who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T.
ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881.
Early last summer life srs. B. J. Kendall & Co., of Euosburg galls, Vermont,
made a contract with tie: publishers of the Press for a half coluiran advertise-
ment for one year settii g forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin 'Cure. At the
Treatise on the Horse an. his Diseases, which we are giving to dvance paying
same time we secured 'rim the firm a quantity of books, entitle Dr. Kendall's
subscribers to the Press s a nreminm. •
About the time the ad ertidement first appeared in this paper Itrr. P. G. Scher-
merhorn, who resides ne r Colliers bad a spavined horse. Reread the advertise-
ment and concluded.' to est the efficacy of the remedy, althongh his friends
laughed. at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and com-
menced using it on the orse in accordance with the directions, and he informed
us this week that it effec ed such a complete cure that an expert •horseman, who
examined the animal rec: I tly could find no trace of the spavin or itlie place where
it had been Merited. Mr Schermerhorn has since secured a copy of Kendall's
Treatise on the Horse an his Diseases,which he prizes very highly and would be
loth to part with it at an prig°, provided he could. not obtain another copy. So
much for advertising reli ble artioles.
Kendall's Spavin Cure E3 Stl*e in its effects, mild in its action o as it does not
blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seateci pain or to re-
move any bony growth or; may other enlargement if used for several days, such as
spavins, splints, curbs, canons, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge-
ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatisin in man and. for any purpose for
which a liniment is used for roan or beast. It is now known to be the best lini-
ment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. , It is used full
strength wi h perfect safety at all seasons of the year.
Send add °Bs for Must ated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its
virtues. N remedy.ha,s ever not with such unqualified success to eur knowledge,
for beast as well as man.
Price $1 er bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it �r can get it for
you, or it will be sent to any address on reoeipt of price by the proprietors.
748-52 DR. B. J- KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Falls, Vermont.
See the great DUNH M ItIANO before buying. These magaificent Pianos
have been need for 50 years in nearly all countries, and are still ranked among
the best Pianos in the world. ORGANS.—The "Excelsior Oegen" is now
acknowledgtel by the best musicians to be the leading Organ n Canada.. Pianos
and Organs of other makers supplied. Send for Catalogues.
SCOTT BROTHERS, Seaforth, Ontario.
The best place in Seaforth to deal at. A. choice assor meat of
W FAMILY G-ROCERIES. Teas from 25c to 75c per pound. Sugars -9,
Ldl 10, 11 and 12 pounds for $1.00. A full supply of Crockery and. Glass-
ware at BOTTOM PRICES: Flour and Feed at Mill Prices. Provisions
Net always on hand.
a ease of
Dyspepsia or
for 75cents?
it is awfully
unwise to
agonize un.
arising from
Stomach and
Liver, when
this offer is
made to you
in your own
home iu all
• sincerity,
with an absolute certainty of
curing you.
ZOPESA (from Brazil) cures
Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A,
single close relieves; a sample
bottle convInces; a 75 cent
bottle cures.
It acts directly upon the
Stomach,Liver, and Kidneys.
Cleansing, Correcting, Reg-
ulating, Zopesa gives energy
and vim to the Brain, Nerve,
and Muscle, simply by work-
ing wonders upon the Diges-
and giving activity to
tb e .Liver.
Cut this out, take it to any
dealer in medicines and get
at least one 75 cent' bottle of
Zcpesa, and tell your neighbor
how it acts. It i warranted
to cure Dyspepsf.1.,^ and 131.1.
Maud Brad
Po LA r 0 - of Crown & Anchor
None Genuine without the above Trade Mark.
More rurab:e and belter suited to thi.1
Climate than any irarorted goods.
Held in stock by all first-class Hardwaremen
and Dealers in Carriage Supplies.
TMPROVE YOUR STOCK.— The undersigned
will keep during the present season on Lot
28, Concession 3, Bay, a Thoroughbred Berkshire
Boar. A limited number of pigs -will be served.
Terms— 81 per sow, with the privilege of re-
turning if necessary. GILBERT DICK. 754
T3IPROVE YOUR STOCK.—The undersigned
-I" will keep on his farm, 2m1 Concession, H. R.
S., Tuckersmith, near Egmondville, a thorough-
bred bull, half Ayrshire and half Durham, from
the well known herd of M. MoTaggart, Esq.,
Clinton, Terms—SI 50 per cow, with the privi-
lege of returning if necessary. JOHN -MORELAND
N. B.—There are still a few who have not yet
paid for last years service.—These would oblige by
doing so at once and saving further trouble. 748
to $20 per day at home. Samples worth
$5 free. Address STINSON & Ce.,
Portiend, Maine. 748x52
RELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaints,
General and Nei vous Debility, Rheumatism,
.110.,_ Kidney , Throat
M. MORRISON, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTHI and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. Bronchitis,
GoutIncipient ParalyservousnessLiver, Long ,
is, Asthma Sciatica Sprains,
* Consumption, Sleeplesenees, 'Colds, Iniligestien.
bee Ask for Norman's Electric Belt-, and pin will be
safe ag.ainst imposition, for they will do their
work well and are cheap at any price.
A. NOBMAN, 4 Queen St East, Toronto.
E. HICKSON 4, Co , Agent-, Seaforth. 753-52
.74 fT7L ZrO
012 CT OY
C. . PAPST, Main Street,
Trade _Mark 1?egistcreci„
BY. casual observation, we find all land specula-
tors have a clear head, and watch the rips ahd
downs of property, thus making large fortunes.
But the whole secret is, they keep the system in a
a healthy condition by the nee of TEE PRIDE
say that hundreds ceme to us for the great lung
and blood purifier before going West. Read. the
following statement. We could give thousands
of the same kind if it were neceseary. certify
that I was troubled with catarrh in the head,
gathering of phlegm in the throat, choking and
coughing at night for years. so I rould not sleep;
often troubled with dull, lifeleas feelings, pains in
the chest and back. _Alter givirg hundreds of
dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried
the PRIDE or TRE VALLEY, and am now able to
do my -work after seven year's sicknees." ales.
James McNeil, 202 Sirocr#e Street, London, Ont.
The above statement of my wife k is correct..
James McNeil. For sale by all druggists in
TOWN CLERK" and Treasurer. Office—North-
-I- east corner of Market Hese. Office boars -
2:30 till 7 p. m. •147