HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-07-07, Page 7IVY 7, 1882.
premi'm former -
the Bani. qf Cora -
der the Commercial
oroign Exchange
d and SoIdt.
Reasonable Rates.
aelltateral Securities
arable at par at all
Bank of Coramerce.
awed oak Deposit*
in on Mortgages.
E.11-_-Y`M Sir
4 Proprietor.
imam 18811,_ we changed
facturiag on at our Sea.
,ra buying our fanni,y or
upon getting first -titan
x ladies and pronouueed
ir crabwise work. We
Wanted, good Treadwell
for which good prime will
i O. KEMP, 31Tanager.
S T It 0 NG
Firet-Claea Stock, Fire
npauies, and is previa.
Loet favorable turas.
. of the best Loan Se-
e sad Pureleasa of Farm
f First-Ciass
rme for Sale.
at Six per cent
:eau Fteamehip Ticket
Itorrieon's Store, Main
of Seaforth known as
hold cheap and oa eaay
r has got the Manitoba
!ction with the Mill a
The milt has recently
led a,ud iepaired and is
re order, and capable of
;le griating arid flouring
oroarietor, Wat. SCIJATH,
L. 744
Physician,Surgeon Ind
mai., Ont. Office and:reef-
aich Street,second door
reh. 342
11.. Physician, Sar-
orthe Conntyof -aurora.
a Jarvis street north,
h. Public School.
••,C. M.. Graditate of
, Physician, Sargeortand
Ofitee and Resichiffee,
reet, first Briek H0/80-
inrch. 496
araduate IdeGill
ntits of the Royel`Co1.
inhuzgh,aud late House
lioapital, Edinburgh:
;leyai College of entai
Office tit the (mine
:Derbyshire, Vlaittney's
; performed and I, eatisa
raes Moderate.
ected withoutereite
‘c, it•*.
Dentis has
iha.sed the business of
loch, and removed to
UOCLf.61itchell, where
E teeth extracted with
er and nitrous oxide
Ialty. Parties from a
ciar train expensea
diet and College
R. C. D.„ S.
perience he is able to
in Dentietry suitable
- teeth a Specialt:
?lei Oxide Gas given.
lain Street,. Seaforth.
at his office, CADEY'S-
K, SE:a FORTH, oppo-
orninercial Hotel, en
t`e-er and THURSDAY
e. Nitrate Oxide Gas
eel' of teeth. This gas
.Dr. Cartwright since
lee having been one a
'this proeirtee. Pa -
may inhale the gas
extraeted hi a min -
without. disagreeable
;ring new teeth please
e•ular attention paid.
ee; teeth. Teeth hi-
e 730-5e
3peei fi o.
•'S•rA ; NOT FOR ./.N4fr
e already tried it
;been RHOW/1 t0
" -
d with this dis-
do well to give it
frULY 7., 1882. 6
News items.
—After living a bachelor's life for 96
eta Henry Jewett, of Coffee county,
Georgia, has just married a girl of 16.
—Henry Grabert Redcliffe, sole sur-
vivor of the party who accompanied Dr.'
. Hayes, died on Friday, 22nd ult., aged
—Ainry in Chicago awarded clam-
or; of $15,000 to William J. Connell
or being put off a Pennsylvania, train
last year because he held a coupon
tioket issued by the Wabash road.
—Lightning demolished the marble
statue on the confederate monument at
Columbia, Sodth Carolina, which was
-chiselled 'in Italy at a cost of over
—illy dear," Mrs. Carlyle once said
eto a friend, "never marry a literary
mate" And on another occasion her
words were, “I married for. ambition
and I have been wretched."
—The Alumni association of Cornell
university take strong ground against
She admission of women to that insti-
tution and may eventually succeed in
clbsine its door against them.
—The city of Brooklyn recovered a
verdict for $250,000 in a civil suit
-against Alderman H. 0. Jones, charged --
with being implicated in the frauds ot
Stuart, formerly Secretary of the Board
of Education.
—Charles Noise, of Kentucky, has
two daughters and a son, all born the'
aurae day, who are now thirteen years
old, and stout and healthy. The boy
has red hair, one of the girls light brown
hair and the other jet black.
—The Portage, Westbourne and
Northwestern Railway Company have
decided to increase the height of the
toad bed from twenty to twenty-foui
inches above the level of the prairie as
demanded by the bonus by-law.
—Sixteen fat bulls, worth $85 per
head, were shipped from Cincinnati to
Jersey City without an attendant, and
consequently received no care on the
voyage. Three were found dead when
the car was opened, and three more ex-
pired when released.
—Within a few weeks thirty Hun-
garians and Poles, suffering from the•
-worst form of scurvy, were admitted to
the hospital at Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
The disease is ascribed to the almost
&elusive use of salt meat by imported
At a circus the other evening at
Cazanovi, the trapeze broke. Orrin
Herbrtick and Lewis Thonaa perform-
ing thereon fell to tbe ground. The
former was killed and the latter was
badly injured'.
—A Montreal youth of 17, eloped a,
few days ago with a young girl of 14,
the daughter of a wealthy farmer. The
fugitives were arrested at Newport,
serose the line, and sent home. A
couple of days afterwards they again
disappeared, and up to a late hour
maid mit be discovered.
—Albert Carmichael, a member of
the senior clam in Union College,
Sehnectady, was drowned Friday even-
ing, 22nd ult.'while Oil:liming in the
Mohawk, justbefore 'the time he was
to have delivered the valedictory ora-
tion at the anniversary of the Acielphie
•—The dry goods store of Messrs.
Alexander & Bryce, on Main street,
Winnipeg, is now lighted with the Wes-
ton electric light. It is said that this
light shows the colors of all fabrics as
clearly as the light of the sun. Other
eatablishments in the city are going to
follow suit.
*—The insurance companies holding
risks on the Knappen House, Winni-
peg, recently destroyed by fire, have re-
fused to pay the insurance because gas.
alinewas used in lighting the hotel.
The result of the suit which has been
eutered to enforce payment will be
- awaited with interest.
woman entered a railroad car at
Remington, Illinois, carrying a big
basket. The conductor told her that it
must go among the baggage. She re-
plied that if he took it away she would
hold him strictly 'accountable for the
contents. When he found that it held
triplet babies only a month old he
ceased objection,
—Lee Peon, renowned for his fabu-
lous wealth, was buried the other day
in San Francisco in the midst of a din
that riveilled a Fourth of July. celebra-
tion. He was president of one of the
six companies. He owed an immense
plantation in China, stocked with two
thousand slaves, three wives and seven
children. Foon was the richest heathen
in America.
--The wickedest woman in England,
Jane Johnson, aged 84, has been con-
verted. She has been in Leeds prison
240 times and nearly as many times in
*other gaols. She is now preaching in
Hull. Miss Johnston's repentance can-
not be called even "eleventh hour ;"
it VAS about five minutes to
twelve with this sinful old salrnander.
But then, it's never too late to mend.
—A photograph of a unique charac-
ter was taken on Sunday, June 4, at
the Marble palace at Potsdam., near
Berlin. The principal figures in it are
the Einperor William, the Crown
prince, Prince William, and the infant
prince yet unebrietened, whom the im-
perial great grandfather proudly bore in
his arms. The photograph thim pre-
sents the first four generations of the
new imperial house of Germany in a
single living group.
--Isaac Holden, who at the age of
75 is a member of the British House of
Commons, is au exanaple of physical
and mental vigor continued to old age.
Since he has been seventy he has built
himself a palace which cost £100,000.
He gave a feast to his family on one of
his recent birthdays, and when they
came to the table his daughters found
in each of their napkins a check for
--The duke of Westminster, the
richest of England's nobles, is shortly
to be married to a sister of Mr. Caven-
dish who married the Duke's daughter
some four and a half years ago. By
the duke's new marriage he will thus
be brother -in -lave to his own daughter,
and son-in-law and uncle to his iitile
grandson. The duke is 56 years old mad.
Miss Cavendish is a young lady.
—A young man of wealthy London
parentage came to America to See the
Centennial exhibition of 1876. Al-
though provided abundantly with
money by his father, he lived so riot-
ously that he wanted more, and to get
it he went into a scheme -of forgery.
His trial and conviction did not bring
out his real name, and going to the
Moyamensing prison for five years
he wrote home that he had
stamted on a slow tour around the
world, and so might not be heard of in
• t• -••••.i.,••••••-•—•-
.-•••••,..-•,•••-••••••i. • .c
. • -""-•-•' •
a long time. His recent death divulg-
ed the facts.
Ebps's C000a,.
Grateful and Comforting.—"13y s
thoroughknowledge of the natural 1 .we
which govern the operations of diges-
tion and nutrition, and by a careful" ap-
plication of the tine properties of well
selected. cocoa, Mr. Epp; has provided
our breakfast tables with a delicately
fliaered beverage, which may save us
many heavy doctors' Wife. It is by the
judicious use of such artieles'of diet that
a constitution may i be gradually built
up until etrong euough to tesist every
terideacy to disease. Hundreds of sub-
tle maladies aro floating around us
ready to attack wherever there
is a' weak point. We may esoepe
many a fatal -shaft by keeping curselves
well fortified with pure blood and a
properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser-
vice Gazette. Made simply with boil-
ing water or milk. Sold only in
Packets and tins (i pound and pound,)
labelled—"James Epps & CO., 1-tomcere
pathic .Chemists, Londoe, Eng."—Also
makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for
afternoon use. 736-52 I
Emaciated, 'laggard 'Victinas
Of a cough recover health, spirts and
flesh, if they are beteensible enough to
adopt a reniedy which the popular
voice, backed by professional opinion,
pronounces reliable. Tranquility to in-
flamed and harassed lungs, vigor tode-
pleted and emaciated frames, quietude
and strength. to an nnrestful,and debil-
itated nervous system, are -among the
physical benefits conferred by that Su-
preme pulmonic invigorant, Northrop
& Lyman's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
and. Hypctphosphites of Lirae and Soda,
a chemical combination of the finest
lung specific known to the pharma,-
copceia with tonics and blood depur-
mats of the first order. Phosphorus,
lime and soda co-operate with and ren-
der the Cod Liver Oil of this prepara-
tion trebly effective. Sold by all drug-
gists. Prepared oily by Northrop &
Lyman, Toronto. 710-52
Unspeakable Tortures
Are experienced by the neuralgic, and
these beset them upon the slightest oc-
casion, particularly when they catch e
trifling cold. Until the 'attack passes
off they are racked with pain and ren-
dered sleepless and miserable. Their
sufferings are, however, altogether un-
necessary, for that pain soothing speci-
fic, Thomas' Eclectric, Oil subdues the
intlanamation and tranquilizes the tor-
tured nerves in an inconceivably short
space of time. This inexpensive, econ-
omic and effective preparation, which,
unlike other oils, loses nothing by evap-
oration when applied outwardly, is also
taken invtardly as a medicine. Used
In both ways, it is a superlatively fine
remedy fOr rheumatism, lameness, kid-
ney troubles, piles, coughs, colds,
bruises, burns, scalds, corns and other
physibal ailments. Elderly people who
suffer from sore or weak backs, should
by all Means use it. Sold. by all medie
eine dealers. Prepared only by Nor-
throp & Lyman, Toronto, Ont. 710-52
Mil 1 ons Given Away.:
Millions of bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption', Loughs,
and Colds, have been given away as
trial bottles of the large size. This
enormous outlay would be disastrous to
the Proprietors, were it not for the rare
merits possessed by this wonderful
medicine. ,Call at E. Hickson, & Co.'s
drugstore, and get a trial bottle free,and
try fgt. yourself. It never fails to cure.
Never Give Up.
If you are suffering with low and de-
pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general
debility, disordered blood, weak con-
stitntion, headache, or any disease of a
billions nate e, by all means procure a
bottle of Electric Bitters.1, Yea will be
surprised to see the rapid improvement
that will follow; you will be inspired
with new life; strength and activity
will return; pain and misery will cease,
and henceforth you will rejoice in the
praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty
cents a bottle by E. Hickson & Co.
Owing to the Manufacturers
of certificates of marvellous cures being
very busy on the Bamboozelum and
Jingo° preparations, none of their .pro-
ductions will appear , in these para-
graphs. If invalids can be indu6ed to
give up their "bitters" and other rub-
bish, that punish the stoniach, induce
fatty degeneration and lead to chronic
inebriety, and use medicinal agents of
known value as in Wheeler's Phosphates
and Calisaya, they will have a_ reason-
able chance of substantial improvement
without risk of mischievous results.
Montreal Pickings.
We eel' the attention of our readers
to the advertisement in another column
of the Smith Medicine Corapany. We
are certain that thousands of mothers
will hail with joy the advent of such a
company. Their worm medicines has
been tested and found as described, a,
great boon to suffering humanity. In
the case of the tapeworm we have been
shown one measuring 80 feet, one of, 32
feet and one 14 feet, which have been
passed; from the bowels of three differ-
ent individuals after taking a few doses
of Dr. Smith's German Worm Remedy.
'Thousands of testimoniads are in pos-
session of these gentlemen showing
clearly that their worm medicines are
all thatthey claim them to be.—ilion-
treal Post. Sold by J, S. Roberts, Sea -
forth, Ont. 754-52
` Changeable Weather
Is tryilig to the system, rendering it
more liable to disease. As a preven-
tiveof Sickness use Dr. Carson's
Storth and Constipation Bitters.
They purify the blood, care all Bilious
Stomach and Liver disorders, and give
tone and strength to the system. Price
50 cents. For sale by all druggists. J.
S. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth. 750-52
4 Holloway's Pills.
When inclement weather checks to
a considerable extent the action of the
skin, an alterative is required to com-
pensate the body by means of other
channels. Holloway's Pips can be con-
fidently recommended as the easiest,
surest; safest means of attaining this
desirable end without weakening the
most delicate or incommoding the most
feeble. When -from frequently recur-
ring chills or te inhalation of impure
air the blood becomes foul and the
secretions vitiated, these Pills present, a
ready and efficient means of cleansing
the former and correcting the latteF.
By this salutary proceeding disease is
arrested at its Outset, its pains and in-
conveniences averted, and the- nervous
structures saved, from the depressing
effects entailed upon them by an ill-
: ness.
Sick Headache,
Neuralgia, Dyepepsia and Constipation
relieved and cured, by the use of Dr:
Carson's Stomach and Constipation
Bitters. Try them. They are safe
and effectual. Sold by all druggists.
J. 5. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth.750 52
The Exemption
Of several individuals from Typhoid
_Fever, wnich recently prevailed very
largely in a Western town, was direct-
ly traced to the fact that they maintain-
ed an excellerlt state of health by the
use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Con-
stipation Bitters. This medicine is
purely, vegetable, non-alcoholic, and
imay be had of alIdruggists. Price 50
cents. J. S. Roberts, Agent for Sea -
forth. 750-52
The Elements • of Bone, Brain,
and Muscle,
Are derived from the blood, which is
the grand natural source of vital energy
land the tnotor of the bodily organs.
When the circulation becomes impover-
iished in consequence of weak digestion
4and imperfect assimulation of the food,
which should enrich it, every bodily
function flags, and the system grows
feeble and disordered. When the blood
becomes impure, either from the de-
velopment of inherited seeds of disease,
its contamination by bile or other
,causes, serious maladies surely follow.
A. highly accredited remedy for these
evils is Northrop & Lihnan's Vegetable
+Discovery and. DysiAptic cure, which
'eradicates impurities qf the blood and
fertilizes it by premotilng digestion and
assimilation. Mereover, this fine alter-
ative and stomachic exerts a specific
action updn the liver,healthfully Atirau-
lath:1g that organ to a performance of its
'secretive duty when inaotive,and expel -
fling bile from the blood. It likewise
'possesses diuretie and depurent proper-
ties of a high order, rendering the kid-
neys active and healthy, and expelling
from the system the acrid elements
which produce rheumatic pain. Price
41. Sample bottle, ten cents. Ask for
Northrop & Lyfnan's Vegetable Dis-
covery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrap-
per bears a fae-statilie of their signature.
Sold by all medicine dealers. 750-52•13
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for Cats,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Come, and all Skin ' Erup-
tions, and positively cures Piles. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
br money refunded. Price 25 cents per
1Dox. For sale by E. Hickson & Cord-
Pany. 714-52
! Now that the , reaping and mowing
season is coming on, farmers should
remember that that "Kaiser" Machine
Oil is the best reaper and mower oil
in the market. For sale by all dealers.
Farmers before buying your reaper
and mower oil ask for .and procure a
sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is
warranted not to gum, and is guaran-
teed to give good ,satisfaction. 753-52
Mack's Magnetic Medicine
Is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Ner-
vousness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of
Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats,
Spermatorrhoma,Seminal Weakness, and General
Loss of Power. It repairs nervous waste, Reja-
venerates the jaded intellect, Strengths ria the en-
feebled brain, and restores surprising tone and
vigor to the exhausted ge ierative organs. The
experience of thousands p oves it an invaluable
remedy. The medicine is pleasant to the taste,
and in no case and under io circumstances can it
do barna Each box cent ins sufficient for two
week's medication, thus b ing much cheaper than
any other medicine sold and while it • is the
cheapest it is much bette . Fufl particulars in
our pamphlets, which we esire to Mail free to
any address. Mack's Mae, etie Medicine is sold
by Druggists at 60 cents er box, or 12 boxes for
$5, or will be mailed free postage on receipt of
money by addressing i ACK'S MAGNETIC
MEDICINE Co., Windsor Ont. Sold in Seaforth
by J. S. ROBERTS, and all -druggists elsewhere.
A REWARD—Of one dozen "Tea -
berry" to any one sending the :best four •
line rhyme on "T,eaberry," the remark-
able little gem for the Teeth and
Breath. Ask your druggist for ad- '
dress. "Teaberry" whitens the teeth
like chastened pearls. A 5 cent sample
settles it. 751
-I- Periodical PillseiThis invaluable medicinele
unfailing in the cure of all those painful and
dangerous diseases to which the female constitu-
tion is subject. It 4deratee all excese and re-
Moveall obstructions, and a' speedy Imre may
be relied on. To married ladies _it ie peculiarly
euited. It will, in a short time, hringon the
inontlhy period with regularity. These pills
ahotild not be taken by females daring the first
three months of Pregtaacy, as they are sure to
bring on Miscarriege,i but at any other time they
are safe. In all easel of Nervone and Spinal AI -
ections , Pains iu the:back and limbs, fatigue on
slight exertion, palptation of the heart, hear-
teriee and whites, thee pills will effect a cure
when another means bave failed; and, although
it powerful remedy, d not contain iron, calomel,
antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each
Oackage, which should be carefully preserved.
Job Moses, New York,' Solo Proprietor. $1 and
12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrop &
Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agente for the
Dominion, will -insure a bottle containing over
60 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by
E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsden
& Wilson. 644-52
MONEY TO LOAN—I am prepared to lend
money at loweet rates of interest, payable
yearly. Principal at the end of term. Private
Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. ' 726
P. BRINE, Lieotnoed Auctioneer for le
• County of Retro . Sales attended in II
parts of the County. All orders left at the Ei-
ebsraoa Office *ell be promptlyattendedto.
(1, . R. COOPER, Bruteels, County Auctioneer.
LI.. Sales of all d seriptions promptly at-
tended in any part of the county on reasone,ble
terms. Orders left at the office of the Hunan
EXPOSITOR, or addressed to Brussels, will receive
prompt attention.
(0.0RNER of Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next
door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth,
Ont. All diseases of lIerses, cattle, sheep, or any
oe the domesticated animals, succeesfully treated
at the infirmary or elsewhere on the shortest
notice. Charges moderate. JAS. W. ELDER,
Veterinary Surgeon. T. S.—A large - stock of
VeterinaryMedicines kept constantly on hand.
1-1 AVIDS ON 'S Celebrated Trotting Stallion,
"Magician," will stand for the service of
Mares for the season of 1882 at the Commercial
Seaforth. Parties from & distance sending
their mares will be famished with good paetarage
an d water at reasonable rates. Pedigree Er -apish -
ed -on. application.
SON. 743
THIS new Company, formed for the pnrpose of
investing French Capital in Canada, is now
prepared to advance money on the most favorable
terraa on good landed Heourities. MP. HAYES,
+art for Cennty of Huron, Seefortla. 699
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LEATHER and
SHOE FINDINGSof Every Description.
None but the Volry Best Stock kept. Termr
moderate. A Trial t elicited. All orders by roiel
or otherwi re promptly filled.
13. N. BRETT
CO 0
;i Pe441
c%) q
Ce:t. cgg t7g {
C* ere '''hft2
cee's' Me,
eee ee. eee
(sz .t
T•1.. Cts .•
CO I...4 ‘`J t•Z.
,ez.ittl (A.
co eZI•teel
}at- oe
eSts 'att
0 0 ee.
It cures S mins,
Splints, Carb , Ring
Bones andi al' simi-
lar blemiches, and
removes the bunch
without bl stering.
We feel p
will oedy tise
and persevere
others :
Por man
kno wn to
it is nOW
be one o
thei best, it not the
beet, liniment ever
ositive that every man can have perfect success in every iase if he
good common sense in applying KENDALL'S *PAVE CURE,
ip bad cases of long standing. Read below the exptience of
Dr. B. J K
which 1 prize
smaller one o
charge of two
reading the a
determined a
dered three b
trial; I used
be lame, and
colt's limbe a
is entirely cu
have tbe rem
YOUNGSToWN, Ohio; May i
ndavery highly ; he had a large bone ll & Co.—Gents: I had a very valuable Hambletospavin on one joint, and a
the other, which made hiai very lame; I had him, utider the
veterinary surgeons, which failed. to cure him. I was one day
vertisement of Kendall's Spievin Cure in the Chieago Express.
once to try it, and got our druggiste here to send. for it they or-
ttles ; I took them all, and ,thought I would giVe it a thorough
t according to directions,Ind by the fourth day, the colt ceased to
he lumps had entirely disappeared. I used but one bottle, and the
as free from lumps and. as smooth as any horse in the State. He
ed. The cure was so remarkable that I let two 'of my neighbors
ining two bottles, who are now using it. Very respectfaly, L. T.
ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 881.
Early lard simmer Messre. B. J. Kendall & Co., of Enosburg Falls, ermont,
made a contract with the publishers of the Press for a half edlapan dvertise-
ment for one year setting forth the me/Its of KendalPs Spaviti CureL At the
same time we secured from the firm a qutentity of books, entitled Dr. endall's
Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving te advanre paying
subscriber* to the Press as a premium.
About the time the advertisement first appeared in this paper:Mr. P. Scher-
merhorn, who' resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. He read the advertise-
ment and eoneluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although leis friends
laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavia Cure land com-
menced us4ig it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and he ;informed
us this week that it effected. such a complete cure that an expert horseMan, who
examined the animal recently could find no trace of the spavin or the place where
it had beea looated. Mr. Schermerhorn has since secured a copy of Kendall's
Treatise oa the Horse and his Diseases,Which he prizes very highly andiwould be
loth to part with it at any price, provided be could not obtain another dopy. So
much for advertising reliable articles.
Kenaairs Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it does not
blister, yet it 4 penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated path or to re-
move anybon growth or any other enlargement if used for several days, such as
spavins, splint, curbs, callous, sprains, swelling*, any lameness and ali enlarge-
ments of the j ints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any /*pose for
which a lieiment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the'best lini-
ment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. It is used full
strength withI erfect safety at all seasons of the year.
Send addres for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive p oof of its
virtues. No r medy has ever met with such unqualified success to our k owledge,
for beast aft w ll as man. i -
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for
you, or it Will e sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors.
748 52 DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosbnrg Falls, Vermont:
T1118 Great Household Mci icine ranks amongst
the leading necessaries of life. These fa-
mous Pills purify the Blood, and act most power-
fully, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach,
Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and
vigor to these great main spfrthgs of life. They
are confideetly recommende as a r ever -failing
remedy in all cases where tile constitution, from
whatever cause, has become impaired or weaken-
ed. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ail -
merits incidental to Females of all apes; and he
a General Family Medicine, re unsurpassed.
Its searching and healing properties' are known
throughout the world. For the cure of bad legs,
bad breasts, old wounds, sores and nleers, it is
an infallible remedy. If e actuary rubbed on
the neck and chest, as salt into most, it cures
Sore Throat, Diphtheria,Bro • chitis,Conghs,Colds,
and even Asthma. For Glandular swellings, Ate.
acesses, Piles, Fistulas, Gon , Rheumatism, and
every kind of skin disease, it has never been
known to fail. The Pille and Ointment are mann.
featured only at 638,0xford
sold by all Vendors of Medic
Civilized World ; with direct
most every language.
look to the label on the pots
address is not 583, Oxford 13
are spurious.
.7° A WEEK. e12 a day
4-* Costly outfit free. A
Augusta, Maine.
reet,London,and are
nes throeghout the
one for use in al -
Purchasers should
and boxes. If the
reet, London, they
t home easily made.
dress TauE & Co.,
$66 a
onwtefietkfrileey o uite dodarne st
Portland, Maine.
wn. Terms and $5
DS. CAMPBELL, ProVi al 4 Land Stirveyet
• and Civil Engineer.. Or erieby mail prompt
ly attended to.
D. S. CA PRIFL, Editehell
„. •
See the gr at DUNHAM PIANO before buying. These magnifice t Pianos
have been use. for 50 years in nearly all countries, and are still rank a among
the best Plan s in the world. ORGANS.—The "Excelsior Organ' is now
acknowledged y the best musicians to be the leading Organ n CanadaJ Pianos
and Organs of ther makers supplied. Send for Catalogues.
SCOTT BROTHERS Seaforth Ont4rio.
rz4 The
10, 11 arid
el ware at BO
'Nee always on h nd.
"r2 • .v
f4, • 6 ;
-„„ -
a ease of
Dyspepsia, or
for 7$ cents?
It is awfully
unwise to
agonize un-
derthe many
- arising from
Indig estion
D is o rd ere
Liver, when
this offer is
made to you
in Tour own
home in all
with an absolute certainty of
Cilrirteeir you.
ZOPESA. (from Brazil) cures
Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A
single dose relieves; a sample
bottle convinces; a 75 cent
bottle cures.
It acts directly upon. the
Stomach, Liver, and Kid -n
Cansing, Correcting, Reg-
ulating, Zopesa gives energy
and vim to the Brain, Nerve,
and Muscle, simply by work-..
in wonders upon the piges-
tion, and giving activity to
the Liver.
Cut this out, take it to any
dealer in medicines„ a•nd get
at least one 75 cent bottle of
Zopfana, and. tell -spur neighbor
how it acts. It is warranted
to cure Dyspepsira a.ud
After Tp.
- vow= Debility andall Nervous Affections, in -
'eluding 5 perrnetcrrhea, Seminal weaknef e, set.,
reeults of Self-abuse, indiecretian, /Sco.,. is
G11,1713 SPECIFIC MEDIME. This is the
only remedy which has ever been known to per-
manently cure Palpitation and other affections
of the Heart, Consumption in its earlier keeps,
Rushing of blood to the -head, wind in the
stomach, Indigestion, Loss of Memory, Want of
energy, Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, Indis-
position to labor on account of weaknese,
versal Lassitude, Pain in the bacFku,
Full pdirerntieetslare°1
vision, Premature old age, ect.
in our pamphletIw hieh we fiend securely sealed
on receipt of a three cent stamp. The Specific
is now sold by all Druggists at $1 per package,
or 6 for $5, or will be sent free by mail on
receipt of Money, by adtirensieg
TMPROVE YOUR STOCK.— The und▪ ersigned
will keep during the present season on Lot
28, Concession 3, Pay, a Thoroughbred Berkshire
Boar. A limited number of pigs will be served.
Terms. -$1 per sow, with the privilege of re-
turuing if necessary. ,GrananT DICE. 754
TIMPROVE YOtlt STOCK.—The undersigned
- , will keep on his farnf, 2n1 ConceseionaH. R.
S., Tuekersmith, near EgmOndvine,, a thorough-
bred bull, half Ayrshire and half Durham, from
the well known herd of M. MoTaggart, Esq.,
Clinton. Tarns—Sr 50 per cow, with the privi-
lege of returning if necetsary Jona Monneaten.
N. B.—There are still a few who have not yet
paid for last years service.—These wouldoblige by
doingso at once and saving eurther trouble. 748
a to $20 per day at home. Samples worth
$5 free. Address STINSON & 00,
Portland, Maine. 748x52
RELIEVES AND CURES Spmal Complaints,
Gencral and Nervous Debility, P.hcumatiem,
Gout, Nervousnese, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat,
and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. Bronchitis,
Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprains,
Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion.
As' for Nornaan's Electric Beit, and you will be
safe against imposition, for they will do their
work well and are ebeap at any price.
A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St East, Toronto.
E. HICKSON &, Co , Agents, Seaforth. 753-52
est place in Seaforth to deal at. A choice assortmejnt of
ROCERIES. _Teas from 25c to 750 per pound. Sagas -9,
12 pounds for $1.00. A full supply of Crockery and lass -
TOM PRICES. Flour and Feed at Mill Prices. Prov'sions
zonczorcr I1TTVd YOLT
C. W. PAPST, Main Street, SeafOth.
• I - a
Trade Ifark Registered.
-py eamo obsermliffl
/n, we ud all land specula-
-L" tors have a clear head, and watch the ups and
downs al property, thus mailing large feetunee.
But the whole seeret is, they keep the system in a
a healthy condition t'by the use of THE PRIDE
Oh' TEE VALLEY MEDICINE. We can safely
say that hundreas cone to as for the great lung
and blood purifier before going West. Read the
following statement. We could give' thousands
of the same kind if it were necessary. "1 certify
that I was treubled milli catarrh in the head,
gatbeliDg ofeVegm in the tie eat, choking end
coughing at night for years, se 1 cOuiti not sleep;
often troubled with doll, lifeless feelings, pains in
the chest and batik. After giving hundreds of
dollars; to doctors, and giving up all hopes, 1 tried
the PRIDE or THE VALLEY, Said am now able to
ao ray work after raven year's sickneee." Mrs.
James McNeil, 202 Simeoe Street, London, Ont.
The above statement of my wife'e is cermet.
James.MeNtil. For sale by alt druggists in
Seaforth. 745-12
TOWN CLERK and Treasurer. Office—North-
eat ,:rirner of Market Hausit. Office hours -
2t30 t:.3 7 747