HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-07-07, Page 3� I . . I i - % �� I : � . .. . -w� I . I T . I I � �. I � 11 11 � , . I . . - �, --, 77��­`--I, '�'. - , � �' . � : I . I - - - -, - - - 11 . - - .. ­ ­� I I .�, I I � I 1. . A 1� - , I . I . 11 . - � - -. v.wl "I - � � . :-- 7- -1, ­ - I � - � -!-� - �­ ,,- I- . . . ,� I , � I I I . I �� I = - I . � � � , . w.. � I I I I - . � --- --- - - . . . . � - �. ­ , .." . � . . � � . . � � - 11 ­. . � . � � : I . I � . - - -� � �- I I i . 7 � - I , � - � I I . I ! - - � I � . I i ) I � . I . - ;' . . � - � � � - . - � - I - I I . 1 � I � I I I . - I I I I .1 - I . . I . - I ; JULY t,- 198:� 1 - i � . . I ; . - v 8 1 - I . - ­ -- JVL�l 72 - �- . - - � i I I . I --- ---ommmft . I I - - I I - -01 � � 1 -----------7 �- . I i 11 � V , � I understanding,, �- . j(From� DJ Y to D90Y.11 I tl�' dog. He is larger than the cat,&ud . I I I . I � I I � . =haps he will know oQmetWng that I i . . vawa�iaft CA: my how, war a WILY) I .. fW- 4- - _ V&WIthiathav 40'9'800t; am goodfor." So she said, "Please sir I . . - -. . - WVA,J",�rith a 81100 F smile, � am I good for anything." , � . ba -14 bad best her womAn's lot. . , - -14.t � "The VIDWS1 dorni ag on; The dog was more generous than the - - Tagid, , I pra,7 ? cat, and he did not mean to, hurt *- - ' d,b0WWiUyQlliVN - her, . - fln.." the t youldos mayneed? kat he put his paw upon he'ri ,and it -was � , 'Itow : - of F, -ow day to day.:: 11 SW . . k. OOUNTER -- I so heavy that it almost crushed her. � I-- I I I . � , - , 11 I he bad tuilned aside - Then he looked very wise and,said,,,No : . 3tyn"Zina'a , : me; . -- Inj�t4 rebuke it Be ed you're not gqod for anything," and began. - -- -Z - idenoe, . . . Wt10,,AoAbUu9 �s kin pr aw - . to gnaw a bone. _ I - MY POULAR JEWEL I I*lt , owlifeN ry. . ERS, I ow - � - I . I iies wi u i iy room.," .1 The little one was almost' disoourag- ""-S�0110000 'y' I I I � , ed, but she said to herself, III will try . ,Sb,e iiI4,tst firsts, lit is ri 1� I ----- � As& the'.at Wnbsncel a ood, so comes once more, and when the pig came she - - FORTH, ONT. - 1 My bleggiggslair fro day to day. asked very W*eeklyi -Will you Please tell . � me if I am good for anything." , ,,Wbeu olouds that Yen t he v eloome sun I - .1 L )on the dnor; ---- �� .. RIng Wa and dark a)ou The pig took her between his sharp I . Vbealjork I've none, wl on I 1readis scLkrc-e, teeth and then dropped her. -No, i Aua wantior, grows my, littz store, � - I I � � I of my numerous custa7,,z, � IsImoob know that like Aomf child you're not gocd for anything,"- be ,said, � , I . I ua� Ww wanden from th4 bid Ion wsy,-�� 'and � then went away. munching a , y place of buqi,ae,qs in seAteyth ja .on my depart -are for Poit, Inadthis higehasteniqg bend, . . potato. . , ,, 1. gWFe'mez1ght fron� da , to day." - I is not the. caae. , im It ; -11 did so hope that I might be good � I The baAjues, . . eith.0- by-miftif or I leg that cot a visor soi .1, . � for spmething," said the little one to E porsalx'� . ji(I sought my home,, vhei -e blessings raze - b6 kept as complete as ,70 . I herself very sadly. I -Te"IrY ripsiring A�M-(11-t ,browwas edwit-licare. h . By and by she was put into a dark tell, Glook 4nd' r, and ladalinywo been shoi remL down, �toby a fxrat-clasaworkra�ja aQ V, my brow was I 9'in the earth. t . . WHI be guar.mt--o.l to gi�e ' ,cfata"My ,"son well h3art," 01 . . � savis. I �sia, 0and trust as w 11 a % pray, 66It's all I am good for," she said to � I orn 'basket , d I rom. store,' 7 I . The wbile from 'Wket herself ,.I 'when the cat scratches me, �� . I belp the widow day to da7 r." � �— ; I the dog crushes me, and the pig will � , - 1 ---4- . : I � . - � � - � . not even eat we; it is all � am good.� MEMBER - I ThOughts to 1.�e Considered. for.,, I V � . 6 , � If you baxe a place of business, be - She lay therein' the darkness, and � . . , v G'RLrA'r Diam month Of ul� bund there when 'An, 6d- ' was'very lonely and sad. At last some. �A��E. Pa,x.ties wishing my- - Donot meddle -with a business you thing seem6d to say W her: � � �8 " L �e �J ould t0e, advantage ,of"& . kuownothing of, or other people's busi- ---66You must climb. The light is gooh s now off -red. � i . � n �ceipt of N -Lew Goods. now. t � ,ally i rL for a ' omething it you are not. I Climb and V au(i r-ewebt degigns and noveL i A M= of honor resiects his word as find, P . , I .. t�he light.' I ��nd. II& does his bond. I e ,ttle one climbed, and when she 6 � � of the liberal Ps'tranage hither. . '" I o-thhers when y u can, but never found the light &wonderful thing hap - Is solicited. � : Rel . I give wrtat you Cannot �fford because it pen6d to her. She became a beautif al f . - I I � - I I I igf&ghlonable. . � : � � I white lily. Some of tha leaves were 1. R. COUNTER. Learn to Bay no, Xo necessiby to twisted and dwarfed because the cat had 7 - - I - . ng it out dog-fa4hion, but say it scratched her and the dog had crushed .. --------------- i . - I � I . =y and respectfull . ! her, and the pig had bitten her, but the �(YROUGHLY � � -Use your owb brains rather '�� ROV'SES TH' than life sap that would have gone into them I I � � . I . . � � I % those of others. I - I , if they had been large and strong,, had I � . Learn to think! a#d a6t for Your- gone into tbe'blossom, and the lily was i f . I � ; � i ! . I self. � I . fair and perfect. ' I . - I �t Or USING THE I The difference between being perfect It. was Easter Sunday. They took � I I ' � sod ,,ionstantly tryjng� - tG .be 80, is the her to the ehurch and put her near the 4 1 -' tar, and she said to herself, "It seems I difference between a� angel in heaven &I � I I I � L I &nd a good mau'on ��eatth. t . I - .......... 0 � — I io Ti e that I was unhappy once, but I � � I . - � I L i am so happy now that I have forgotten . I - . I - I I . In a Matrimonial B -area -u. it.".1 w, "NGE HEATER ill want a rich wife.', � I � 1 $ . � Bnttons and 19ails of Leather. . I - . This was the introductory remark of � - � . L . a Iterald representative to an old gen- It occurred to some fertile mind two or . L - . . ; . deman who presided !over a newly -es- three years ago, that the refnse of sole UrCKOR, Y I leather might be utilized' for buttons W! - tablished matrimonial bureau in this . . I � . au& nails, and the manufacture of such, - . I city. The matrimonial bigh function- . , � 0 1 - W i r nails and buttons from such material, . . I I ary was & German � ith a brown wig, a I I 'i .L . I little tuft of gray, hair plastered over was entered upon in Provid6nce, Rhode . I I - Island. After 04 side of leather has - . I& bald forehead, innocent baby blue L L . k t, 14 L' I - ' been out int soles, a number of pieces � _ is, glowing red cheeks and a white, .0 I a-, Un- Of ; . I eve imperial of . , ME "OVES thick moustache, With are ief t -strips an inch or more in width. I . : - � . . wy color. Happy as he Only.a certain part of these, or those . equally sno - I - - I .. -L looked it was not matrimony, he con- COMIng n parts of the side , I i . I are used. The'sole leather clippings I fessed, that made him so -for he was, . : I . . - are pbtained from cutters of sole leather I � alas! a widower. I . . . I "What kind ?" he queried. in boot and shoe districts. Anyone who 7 1 1 1 : . . "I should like dhe , with S100,0DO31' has�tkavelled throngh Essex County, I ,the: besl- kno,wm im was the bold repl . . . . I V -prove- ; - Mas s., through Lynn, Salem, Peabody, , Y. . �ng fael &ad labor of a � I The old gentleman was very honest andi other towns, -could not escape the I I - n -y . I � I odor of� burni'leather,, mingled with .in thia market, I -stout it. A I . that of tanbark or tan ners' pickle. The : "A hundred thousand dollars 11 said . I I . � - he, speaking with a fanny German sole leather clippiDgs, as others, were i brogae, "is too much money. we used to furnish fires until the buttons of i baveu3 got many of that sort. You'd solid leather were inven ' ted. . a, better come down in your ifleas a little The leather nail or button is made -in I I bit." . Providence, Rhode Island, - to thenum- . 1��D SEE THEM AT I "What's the very best you can ber of tbirby or fifty thousand per day, � - do?" � according to design and finish. Every "Well, we have an o14 German button is subjectod to eight different . . : widow,who says sheis worth 850,000, processes. By mAchinery made for the - M"S MAIN ST- - , ally cross and ugly. I,M pnrpose the -nail or brad is firmly -at- , , but she is awf . � if -raid you. wouldn't like her." tached to the button. Another machine � . "Never mind about that. Has she turns this brad into an eye' ' when I I really got the 350"000 , ?` buttons are desired inabnad of nails. EAFORTIL - � TW4 conversation took place in the The nails and buttons are Made in � � various styles and colors, to harmonize - � . rear apartment of a barely furnished . - I - � . - � 9 with any covering. The fact that tb6 -empty -looking: finst floor in a side 57AFOBTH � -eet, bet*een the'Bowery an d. Broad- nail call be driven without breaking the , I str � . . way. brad and ' injury to its head is in its " Can you show me photographs of favor. Pullman cars, fine furultuto in NOE AGENCY some of your clients," Was asked. hotels and elsewhere, are decorated - I ' I with the leather button -or nail, -to the I "Yes ; but we always require a cash ; L � p&yment of 010 in advance before we exclusion of the, brass nail, which has It go into the 4.air."' . declined -fifty per cent. in price in. Con- � �. WM it 0 W, . 1)) IV, 1 OW24 "Audin.gase I arriage sequenceof the leather button com- I . C 'd kz I ; 'We eXPeot a percentage on the Petition- , I- 6 f .- Xa,n-ne, Life and Ac, � amount you get -may one and half to _, �: , 22 I Florida OraugeE;. L t�? 'Ir Cent- L :- I luremce -Agmt, Convey4 � D 8 ))is Oranges grow in the sun. All Florida L : . . busi4essi pay T1 . . , mazser., I Etc.., "In.'Europe splendidly. There are is a bed of white sand, 6uriched by - . fifty bureaus of this character in, Ber. phosphates. The' -so phosphaies are in ' � lin. In, London - iheirincipal firm i the shape of decayed aniq�al, matter. T,�., SEAFORTH. . - - 11 _ � the business has made ;eloo,(),00 out of The sand is speckled with I s oil , the I ,. tt a . I � .. i . it." 11 occupants of which have ditd and gone I I L . L L I I �. So an . . 'hat is the cohdit! . � � tfW to enrich the soil. - orsage-grove . . Ion of the matri- - . . . I monial market juist n6w ?11 I is set out in a sand bed, Fifty " are � � q . . 19 . Very good, in eea set to the acre, which gives each 'tree r 7 a � We've got a . ri .FtRST-CLASS, . I . ch. Californian w&nti to -marry a poor about 35 feet. - - Late orange raisers are I : MpanLjE-S.zepr1QSer 't Mo I Setting 35 trees to the acre. The treb ,() � .ted, Allkillft &I *thou #eyl. We haVe a � atloweat current r�tes oil aU clergyman who Baypp h won't tak commences to bear when eight years * , ! I e one - ,�. ]IerS L ,, Special: attention devoted to of 11is, parishia in !the country, and old, and keeps increasing, so far as any. i:- Insurances effecte- d on turn_ �Gore District- of Galt establigh- I has come to us to sap ly his neea of a one knows, forever. The, age of an I - I " c' ,6ftoI I -*L ­ e� I They con- m X4 to, I percent. cash wife. Oh., there are s ch cases -11 orancre tree is not known. ,, I I � � . 'knows how f heaper than any mutual' Corn- I "But there SreL OlLoe, tioUS ?" tinue to bear for no one.,' I m The- follow -lug .compaines : I I . , ' . Ion-. I saw trees 40 years old. They London&Laucashire'LEngland; . I "Of Course,; mo Inea Vant money I- � . , L d; Scottisli� Imperial, I Scotland -,- �- U " were 40 feet high, 18 faches t4rough, I -lots of money.,', " Foroata; Royal Canadian Moll, 46Aud the womeA P.1 and bore 10,000 oranges. C I" Hart, .- I . 0 ` �riet Galt,- " : ci of P&Iatka, told me �tbat he L sold . 7 L Canadian Fire & They are partioular. about t; ARiance Ha . ;ufflton; Toronto ; no.t .L Ho . � . ; they are gen an I do; Travellers, Life and Acci- - I that erally more xious U00 worth of oranges in one seaso - rom A)Tln- Agent'for the Canada I about getting. Mari iE)d than about tbfi one of those fine old trees. . An orange L wd Savin,", company, Toronto. money. Money or u4 -money, they- all I grove has to be Cultivated Constantly. 1 55 per cent. on, real estate. Agent want to get bus, It is harrowed and cow peas are sown 1 rl ":,teaM ban s.';'- ShLip Compan I - � _Y, sailing . R and Gtasgow. First. Cabin,. "Does the prevail�ng taste among in the spring. In th e- fall the cow, peas, . , id Cabill $40; Steerage, $2& 1 men run toward bl ndes or bran. are turned under to fertilize the soil. I Yed ,Ood for 12 months.. W. N. . ettes?" believe there are now orange trees reet,`Scaforth. office, Camp- I site the Mansion 11-otel. , "'Brunettes., I Bqould say. Most of enough in Florida, when f ally grown, to" - - - Our gentlemen consider blondes in- 'supply the world with oranges. Oranges - I - . I Bipla." � ' commence ripening in December, and * - - I "And the taste a ;; �g women 2" i I AL & BLACK, I ripen all along till March. It ,is a * - I - "Oh, they are no I 10 fanciful %bout - , delightful croop for a farmer -to raise, . I � ' � because he has plenty of time to harvest ,ACTICA-L �e,%Uty as the men ,are. All they want I I I � � t 18 a good husbani 9Fd just enough it- ' I'MAKERS . Inoney to deep the n' This is the way they barvbst oranges - a . lilicely.1, � I I � I- . - I "W,here do 0 arrange a meet. The oranges are cut off the tree with � .1 . . inc, 91) yo, I shears, and sorted by rolling them dawn . el. i . I ­ - . - "Ll ither here folle or after office a right angled triangle open at the , �s have bought the Toolor sild hours, or outside, '. the -parties prefer." bottom. The little ones go through the ffs, lately mrricd on by the, aod- - "And for the IC howlongean I ppening first; and the very largest ones I Manufacturing comp any, an& peelence of wirer eight years in keep p the search for a rich old roll clear to the end of the trough. I � 11 0 'Prepared to c I I ,Widow. 1) Then they are rolled up in paper, boxed � � � - arZy an the trade 1 9 . .. 4*For six months," . up andsont to New York, freight 50 4ed to us W41 -receive, prompt st . cents a box. A box holds � 0 to . . . , flase, W01, -k guaxanteed. I What nationa0ides do you find �hse a I ,from 10 � " Uors made and. reppired, also . matrimonialburfau t a most??Y 150 orange�. A tree will.bear from 200 �.Shoct iroix,,Nrori, &o.,, at rea- . : I - I "Americans, Etiglish and German. to 8,000 oranges. Trees pay from 05 to � nadeandold onesrepaikedOn You hard;y ever find an Irishman �200 #Lpiece annually. A. tree paving L ' $200 of course would be a phenomenal ,,, and x -t prices that defy cow- . go'n" to one -they all seem to arrange . their- own matches." The old' man tree, very old and splendidly cared for. IrAL & BLACK, added resignedly . 'It's economy, I Col ' Hart told me he realized OP5 from ' . " I Hox 103, Ge,derich- . Suppose; they warit t save the fee. - one tree. Groves produce f rona �50 to i---- . ---- . . I --- . - I . -New Yorkl:terald.. $500 an, acre,. according to age and culti- - -1 . �yal Hotel,,, - --- � vation. An orange grove of 20 acres � ,9;; 7 . will sell for $10,000. There is much �1 JARUICHAELIS�- I The Little Go:)d -for-Nothing. - I money made in th6 cultivation of , . I By Ev-k N1. TxppiNz. oranges, but much patience and skill, I �.Hl ONTARIO- � . "I do So hope 1: am going to be good are required. Many Northern men � for something," sEd d I he little one to have failed, because.they simply set out � - lierself. "Sometimes. it Seems to me the trees and then go away and leave ,1ES WEIR z that I sha,ll be, and tlLell I aM afraid I them. They have to be constantly at- , isoldfriellft imd the ti�avel- shall . I . � not.,' Perhaps the cat will ten 'Et -hwving Purchased this now ded to. They are not a Sure "bon- . 01 huildin4 be. hasthorough- know.11 anza," and really only t he patient, skil- ore-fitted it from top to bot- So when tlie c t the little on -e fulland painstaking get rich in their r p � C ma�ijcqa one of the r-qost coinfortable, said, "Flease, m.1 am I good for cultivation. �ls in the county. By strict auvthi ." t � . I ats -of his customem be, hoPeg 'J �ng Good, sweet oranges in Florida are imbha patronvLge�,. The rooms I 1he cat smelled aud turned her over worth fr6m $2 to 04 per hundred. Boy*8 4 and Nvell heated., The bar aws a little SPitefullv, all over Florida peddle small, delicious d with tb c bestl and an at- and said, ,,No,, you're not good for ani- oranges two for 5 - cents. The small, worthy hostler win, always be. _ �d sample roonis tor Connner- I thinoo," and began toplay with a dead sour Valenciennes Oranges, which sell in . lealf. I . Chicago thirteen for 25 cents, would Wyal Hotel " corrier of Main . By and by the dog came .along, and not be eaten in Florida. Some groves ' I � � � � - � i di ta, el�11 .a �Jfl- UPIRD i I I 11 I - me 1�1 Ito � A!n 14 I I I , �-- LO 1i be s, I 'Seaforth'. 733, the little one said to lierself, "I will ask in Florida, well kept up andL Well ferti. ILES WEIR, rroprietor, . � I . I - . � . - - - q . I . . . I ; . I I . I � . � .. - I I I -1 - I SIMI , � . I . �. . I # I I . q . . I .1 . . - I : I I I . I I . . I - . I � . . i -- - . I - -,m -*­-�­�­­ -Mmn,�o v— ­�­�—� w . . I ; � � I � , . I I . I � . : I . . ; I - . . . . � I . � I . , , � � I I ! � . - � � � . : � I . . I . i i -MXPOSIT I i � I : THE HURON lizea, produce largeii sweet oranges, which sell on the ground for, $4 100.. Change of Rusiness . . . per Such oranges would be sola for 57 in Chi- . I cago. The Mandarin 'oranges, a now - - � - - I -- - - f : - ; I I - J - � ­ �, variety'ln Florida, is 64e highest priced. - . , I They sie worth $6 per� 100 in Florida. ' , . � I . , They - ,are very sweet. They .are "Iled � the kid -glove orange, because a lady can H FOqNDRY. � peel them - without soiling her glove. I I . Theya grow on small trees, seldom pro- 1� . ducing over 200 to a, t so. The Tan, 4 . � I zarian orange is vroduc,ed by engrafting H AVING pnrchased from Nqplier�Ilros. theh the Mandarin on tthn . I native orange interest in the foundry, we w) 11 still continue tree. The fruit is abou the same. Both 0 keep on hand &t the old sLau , Main Street, come fronT dwarf trees - Orange trees Seafoith, a full assortment of , . . and pjaeapple plants c , n stand a good , frosto Freezing kills them, but a good. Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Scuf- frost is a benefit. ItkQls the insects. - I So the bast pineapple groves and orange flers, Cu'aing Boxes, &c,, groves in Florida are ai�ncr the- tropical . I . a belt. ' i I � N � . I - And all other Implements in our line. We have � "Cutting key Dog--. 'ho made arrangements with Tklomson a & Wil - .the The first.thini to be Idone is -to find -ful, Hams, of Stratford, to k p a I for alimaohinew sold by0them. line of repaire out where the jam occurred, -and then ? . to discover what is called the "key log," that is to say, the ilog which holds . FARMERS! the bkse of the jam. 4n old experienc- ed stieam driver is soon on the spot, for -- - the -news is soon car, ied up stream 'We are making a first-clais Land Boller, equal tc that there is a jam I below. E very the best In the market, which will be sold oheap, c minute' is of con seque7e, as logs are it wiii pay,you to examine then before buyinE - � coming down, and the am log is i4breasing elsewhere. � Having secured the services of - MR. E. SkUN, in streugth. The key beir)g found DEUS, late of Toronto, wbo bRo held leadivE -there is a cry, for volu4eers to out it. poBitiot)a in some of ,the best es �ablishmentB In Now,when you consider I that there are . the conntry, and iti thoroughly will be prepared to do all kinds experienced, w of -repairing o Bome,'hun3red big im er ormirg Threshing Moobines, Reapers, Nowers and &I .& dau�, and that tke in tant the key log ' Agricultural implemento. Special attention givei is cuf the whole fabric comes rushing to Engine and Mill Work. Repairing promptly and neatly doue, and so of all kind UPfaction guar . down., with a crash, you will see anteed. Give us a trial. that 'unless the axe -man gets instantly : , away he is crushed to. - death. There . T. FOSTER & SON, F roprietors. are usually in a -carnp,l plenty of men ; E, SAUND#,RS, Foreman. ready to volunteer; fo; I a man who cuts � IV' I � a key log is looked upon by the rest of the loggers just as, a s�ldier is by his TEAS. TEAS. TEAS regiment when he- has,done an act of r � . bravery. The man I saw out away a 'whole ' - . leg w�hich brought down the jam 0 1 of logs was a quiet young follow,: some I it is now universally admitted .MoOLEAN'S To% Store is -the cheapest . that AULT & place in 20 years of age. He stripped everything Sealorth to buy your teas, and it N0111 be oar aim . save his drawers ; a �,trong rope was to keep up this well-earned rep buyers and Grangers would do well itation. Large ' to inspect our placed under his arms, and the gang of -Teas before parehasing elsewhere. Aliberaldis- smart young fellows held the end. The count allowed to the trade. . man shook hands with his .comrades, and quietly walked out, on the, lo�, axe I in ba:xid. - I do not know how the, lo . I ggy' . cSUGARSI SUGARS road fone folt, but I never shall Jorget . my feelings. The man was quietly- - I walking to what.very likely might be . We are selling Sugars very low. * 'Having boukh his death. At any moment the jam -before the rise, we are in,& L cheaper than others buyin.- now. josition to fie ' might break of its own accord, and also if he cut the key log,- upless he instant- . ly got out of the way, he' would be . , crushed by the failing :timber. ,There . : was dead Silence while the keen axe . . TURNIP SEED. ' was dropped with skill and force on : the p;iae log. Now th 9" notch was near- : ly half through the log, one or two Having purchased from the most reliable see mote blows and a -crack was heard. growers, we will, be able to give, Le prblie entir The men got in all the:Bl4ck of the r ' ope satisfaction. I . -1L . that hold the axe-m%u ;' one more blow , . I --- and there was a crash like thunder, and . I down came the wall of timber, to all - I appearances on the ,a I to, e-mau. LiL-6 the A large consignment of Croclery, asacred wasswaie of all patterns, Plain an direct im Orts many others rnshed. . aul away Vecaj poor follow, but to my ar T -certainly at joy I Flaw tionsfromthe best European mi.rkets. st)ll as cheap as any house west ol Toronto. hi�a Aafe on tile bank, sadly We keep Flour and Feed, Wes wrn Corn, Bra bruised and bleeding from sundry andShoits. All goods delivered free of charg wounds but safe. . I ; I inside the corporation. . - I . I . - -.�-.Xr. Fairbanks, driv Of engine 22 AULT & McCLEAN, I Seaforth. on Ithe Canada Pacifiq lailw ay went - . 1, crazy near Brandon on' Saturday morn- I � I . in" , When t , aken to Winnipeg several -. Important . Notice po erful men had bard work in hold. i I I in him. He imagined wheels were ' 11 '� ru ning over � I his legs, �nd that he was i' . I beilng in other ways molested. . . I I - I . . . LMiss Nellie Holmes, who has been I have.fthe sole and exclusive Agenc., nths past the leadino 0 . soprano singer in the choir of Zion for the Celebrated . Church, was, on the e've of her depar- I I . � taie for her home in Clinton, Ojut., I � --I . mi ,de. the recipient of an expression of 1 - goi id.�will on the part of the aboir and a . WHITE SEWING MACHINE, fev r friends who presented her with a . � . . parse of $25. lJohn" . I I IdLong The weed is t hreat- ening much serious troub16 to farmers I p�art of the County of Huroi in New York State. It is utterly de- and will not be responsible for an, str4otive of the batter and milk from . I tho cows which feed upon it, and. - . White -Machine unless sold by me or a 46smells to heaven" wh6n one attempts - , . to harvest it out of theway. The seed my office here. is), 6 - fi,ne reddish, and ripens early, riltogether . and . the weed is one of the : - . . I most dangerous enemies to the dairy - I . interest that could be ims.giaed. I i JAMES I WATSON �-Niue million acres of land in the � -TuIrtle Mountain district of Dakota, re- P I ceptly. held by a handful of Chipp'owa . —DEALER IN— In4iaras, have been t'' d -t,o the . no thweStern 'settlers.he advance I guird of pioneers, have just returned an '� announce that t `1 ore must -be a Sewing Machines, EnWing. .&a M! take somewhere. .They are sure th4y encountered 9,000,000 Indians and - chine8, A tiachme nts, only found a handful of acres. It' a one � I - ' thing to turn an Indian reservation - - I . � over and another to hold it up on end. - NEEDLESs OIL I &01 � —A work train on the Manitoba line, � . . 'consistiDg of engine, caboose, and 22 1 � flat cars left the track near Atwater, ' Minte sot&, a few dav@ ago, while going : MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. - , . . . eight6en miles , an bou� r. The engine, - . I . caboose,,and five cars 'went down 11 FO R B E S' LIVERY twelve -foot embankment into a pool of . . � � -water. Anindescribable scene of con- - . fusion ensued. George Floody, engineer, - - 'and . I —AND— - Joe Doehl,.Andrew Johnson, S. �' . Thomson, Torison Burgland, Christian- I . . .- � sen Stifle, and John Holland were , hijieq. The Injured are James Wilson, . SAL E S TAB L IE S1 . C. Saunburg, ' H. Stausen. Peter Ross- - muss�n, and a firem6n* It is believed , - It that bt , bers are -under the cars in the pool, and search for the �bodies is pro, I - . MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. ' ceeding. I i I - . . —: Mrs. O'Reilly, head rurse at the I . Winniveg General Hospital, was found - dead in he'r bed on 'Tuesday morning .Aeryman, - � RTRUR FORBES, the old (stablishod keeps the beat and mast Liv - styllj4h rigs week. Oil Sunday. latit a lady ar. and the best driving horses in the basinesa. .la8t rived; in the city from, Montreal, and on - , Neat and Nobby eatters, handsome fortable Robes, and fast axid oat and com- horses always mon4iy she went to visit at the house o, hand. . of a Oiend who is a well known. citizen " A very hand some family sleigh for one or two -of Wfnnipeg. Having so -me messages . horses. . Day and night calls promptly aftended to. 'for Mrs- O'Reilly, she went on Tuesday - Good driving horses bought and sold, morning to the hospital to call on that REMEMBER THE PLACE — Opposite 0. 0 lady, but learned to heF great surprise . Willson,'s Agricultural Warerooms, 689 ARTHUR Seaforth. FORBES. that she was dead. The lady was Sub- . B6quently informed thaf a vial of poison ' � had been -found in the room, aud that I SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, , there were strong suspicions of the case , being, one of suicide. 1�. —L.- ady Grevy,'who. is the wife A the SASHlDOORAND BLIN)FACTORV heact of 1be French `nation, was once employed by him as wdomestic. There, - are t Iwo stories. One is that she was : . " . - . . subscriberbego leave to thl nk his numerou his cook, the other that she used to, THE - customers for the liberal patrox age extended t4o look after his linen ; and both are cor- I himitince bornmencing business .n BeaforLh,SnA recb. Before she went into his service _trustakatbe maybe.favared wit i a oontinuam ' she was a poor workwoman at Nancy � of the same. - I - FartieBintendiug to build wont I dowel Ito givo wher� she toiled hard and earned very him a call,as he will continue to " eep on hand a little.- In those unhappy days she little large stock of all kinds of � drea�aed that the time would come Dry Pine Lumber, ) Doors, when' she would enjoy the splendors of * Blind8 and Houldi'vs, ShingW, I a royal palace, and sit in state to re- Lath, &c. � ceive- such sovereigas as from time to 1 HefeelveonAdint of gllvings att sfactiont ot boll time pay the capital a visit. It is hard- who mayfavourhim. with theirpstronage,as nomw ly necessary to state that the ladies of but first,clansworkmens reemployed. - Parisian society have not yet recogniz- Particular attention paid to Custom Planlul ed Mme. Gravy. . I . I I � � i . � . � I . - . . 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. I I � T . - I . . . . . . .. � � . x I I : I . i . I i � � I � I I . . . � � o � . - - � I . # , L I I I o . , ­- -4NNF1PF--- 7, : � I � I - . � - 1� I I 11 � � - . � . - -, - � � , . . . . I � - - -- ­ -I ��--­-- ­­­ -- I . - � . � j, - . . .- -1. : . . � . , . !I . I . I I I - I i. - - - I -- - - f : - ; I I - J - � ­ �, - � - � -1 . �, - Z - , - I I � ! . . ; 1 . . - I I I 11 � 1. - - - - I—- .. - I 11-11- --,-�,-.4-�-,--,,-,.,-..,--�1-11.--"�-,--,.,--,�I .I,--,-- I " I 0 f 8 . , . � @ I I t 11 d e d . n 8 M )R . a, � i . . . & - I . � - . r—­ .----�---�-�---------,,�X,�----,�- -r----1---- - i . I . . I . I - - - -k- " -t'- --- — -. . - — ­- -­— . ­ — - - - - � ­­ ­­­ -i-- , I 0 . . . I . . . �' OLIN - ON OABINET OOMPANY, � � � - . � . 1� I - - : I I , . I � .. � . I I i I I i . I � I . I I . i In order to 64t our incre,�sing trade, we have bought the factory lat�ly oc- . I cupied by W. Bi, C�ich, and after getting it under way are prepared to 3�anu- I ­ I I . I I � . I I I . I I i i I - EVERYT�ING IN THE FURNITURE I UINE) I : I . I I I I . - From the cheap�st to the best sets, with the latest styles and No 1 finish and I workmanship .. I � . I . . T � � � , I I � I . .1 . � � . ORDERED W !RK A SPECIALTY; AND SATISFACTIOR GUARANTEED. i : � ! � . - i i i . I . � I : .- t — I ! . I I ! I i . . .-& :�q ID Is IR rr A,- Ir J1 W� CA- - . , � I - I � . � I . I i . J We have ad�o a0ded this bri anch to our business, and in it at all ti les will � be fonnd everythin � to meet the requirements of all. . . 9 I � . � I : - I$ � � I . . . � I � I . . A HA141JSOME HEARSE KEPT FOR HIRE I . � I 'we By strict at�entlion to business and an eye to appommodate and ple4 set , hope to merit the cdnfidence-'of �11. . ­ . � i I I � - . . - . ' -GEORGE DIEHL & CO.1 � I � - I � . I I . � 3 2915 V-70TORIA ST., CLINT.PY. I , ! I � I I I . . . I -- Z.-" - I I � I � . � . MAT I PEOPLE SAYE 'i� I : i . 4 t , I 11 I i I . I i 4 I . I � . i ; I , i I 2 . � � � ! I ' ` Th,ere i8 1no 'Aledicine Alade so Safe dnd Beliable for Coug4sand ' � i . i . � I 2 i I : I I � i Colb as G0C.9RA-T-9D bALSAM 01P FIR. il . � J i i i I i 1 : i I I I � I — I . � T ; .: I � i ! i. f � . � i - z t : � EGMONDVILL , May 9th, 1882. � Messrs. LUmBd 3n & Wilson'.—Tbe Glycerated Balsam of Fir 1, bough; of you I Must Emp I icaly affirm is the best medicine for a cough and cold I have ever taken, during VLO course of my life; nothing to equal it has ever crossed 1�y lips. I had a severe c oug iL and cold which had weakened medown very much )&nd de- prived me of rest dgring the night. - I have only -used one-fifth of the, bo le, aind am now perfectly cared. I ' DAVID DUNCIAN. q 1. -j -- � . I I . . � I I I � SEAFORTH, May 2�th, 188'2. Messrs. Lumadtan & Wilson.—G6ntlemen: The Cough Medicine, 11 Glycer- , _ . 3am of I - ", I -worked a wondorf�ul cure ated Bal. _r " I have much pleasure in stating - with me. I hail Su h a distressing cough I could . not sleep at ni l6m than I I , , 1 ! MRS. C.gntll� half a bottle gave e relief. Jo� NOOK. . i !I ; i � i I I SEAFORTH, May 11th, 11882. Messrs. Lumsden & Wilsom—Gentlemen: The 11 Glycerated Balsam of Fir" I got from you pr4ed to be the best cough medicine I ever had in my life. I � never had anythiDg to equal it,. I I was distressedt by a very bad cough, wb ich had hung on me for ab ,�, ut three Weeks, preventing- iny sleeping at nigh - te. I only used one-third (if the bottle, and am now completely cured. I ANGUS MoDERM1.D. - � I I ' � The above �re iiot far-fetched tetatimonials, but only three out of sc+s that I I I have been recei�ed �rora people in ou'r own neighborhood, who ,can, withoot much , � � i � i - . inconvenience e c6nsulted. GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR is Irepited L � I . I � I . and sold by I . I . I I I � � . . � I I I - LUM DV,N- & WILSON, Scott's Block, �eaforth. i � I I ­- -1 -- I THE As I I to and B�afi and Pru: and all Alexis, .' Calff Bu Canvas.] Slippers I liave w r at from . � NOW 11 I I . This �1� You I i � ; 7 . : ; i . . ­ � i ARE NOW . GROI Teas, Su ins, Cnrrann :7i Best Brands of Our Goods in Our Flour the market. : � .- Oar Idquo selves. The C . . - 1WWera i . i LD AND, POPULAR -- SHOE STORL . I -- I i I . i Main �,treet., Seaforths I ; ! . I I ! I ; I . f � I ! – I . . �. � � I . . . - i � J - contemplating a change in my budueM, I have de- Dtfff MY PRESENT EXTE i NSiVE � , am repared to Qffer. goods t noes which ­ , mud -­.' CA +d PLEASE, for a SW 'I M, FAIL on � -t .t of a largeand varied &�W- briment ot Ladies a .Boots, Button and Tie Shoes and Slippersi Praw � r� " Goods. Also in large sizes—Carpet, Lea , Foxed i of- Fancy Slippers, Men's CaU Boots, Balmoral : ' I ' �n and Tj� Shoes—sewed, pegged 'and riveited— raonau Cloth Top and Ciuvad Shoes., Also Ch I i r Soles for I Lacrosse and Shingling. Men's Toilet I pand. haudsom�e. In Children's Boots and Ellippeis. �ne.use variety, which I ana'BOUND TO CLEAR OUT I CENTS per pair upwards. . T � � 0 � I : - E � . - . -----Irl i I I i I i � I I . �E CHANCE FOR, RUDY-M OINEY CUSTOMERS. 11 ig GELMNE. I Will,do Whait I say. 1JI f . n't Believe itl JU8t Try k6. - t I : I JOHN McINTYRE, Seaforth. 4' - S : 7 . . . ' . R , 8 LLING !, OFF THEIR WMENSE STOC� OF I "i oE IES OF EVERY DESORIPTION1 VIZ.: I. . , . ' ' I al alities—Coffee—Green, Roasted mid Ground—Rice, Rais- , uned Goods of all XiE ds, the )Pii—Whole and Giound—Ca I cig, as, American and Canadian Coal Oil, &c. , , . : I - . . I � 011OCKERY D9PARTMENT. y D 3paxtment is filled with the Largest and Clieapeat.0tock of h, o- - any other Town West of Toronto, � I T - I � i - 1 1 1 � I I " � . T . . DUR AND FIEEDDEPARTMENT8, .� � � � I . � i ad I eed Depextment is always, stocked with the beat Goo& in i . I . i - . Z . 3 � I . LIQUOR DEPARTMENTs . I . � axe widely known, and we guarastee them to speak for them- ebre ted MARSALA Sacramentaftwe always on hand I i � at trouble all those indebted to no to can at. once asamadi settle up. .1 � - I . i N. * I KILLORAN & Ry , " ­­­ I., .J� - � � - - ­ -, - . - -� � - - ­ — � --- ­ ­ ---- - , ,-­ , .;. � � � , ­­ ­—­ -1------ ­­­­­­-­­­­­-. ------- 3 – . 1L. . I . - The Higbest Price Paid for Go9d Clean Wool at the - SEAFGHTH WOOLLIN - MILLSt - A Large Stock of all Kinds of WOOLLEN GOOPS - . - On Hand for Sale or Trade. I � CARDINC, SPINNINC, MANUFAC- - I TURINCI &C., � FOR FARMERS A. SPECIALTY. 755-8 ' A. G. VAJY.9GM0XD. . THE � CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. . - . . .. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. . I I , Paid up capical, - - $6,000,0400. - #eon, - - - . . - .1,400,000,. , . . � . I -1 . Pke8ident, Hon. Wm., McMast�r. . � . . . . - . SEAFORTH BRANCH. - The 86'idorth Branchof this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest 8 allowed on the most favorable terms. . Drafts on all the principal towns and cities In Canada, on Great Britain, and on tne UniW States, bought andsoia. Offtoe-First door South of the Com3nordal Hotel. 689 A. H. IRELAND, Mwiager. � UP-BELUS MILLS, KIPPEN.1EM . . . JOHN MoNEVIN, Proprietor of these well knownand popular mills, has now got * everything- in -first-class working order, and is prepared to turn: out an article of FAMILY FLOUR which cannot be ex- certed by any mill in the country. . . . GRISTIN.-G DoNim Wgm-E T.uE P.i-RTY WAITS A4 IT. . Flour exchanged for wheat. Chopping of every description promptly attended to. Flour and Bran always on Hand and sold at the lowest market pric�s. Rem9mber the popular mills. a JOHN McNEYIN, Rippen. . - —/-- EGG EMPORIUMS . . . TRY- .Subscriber hereby thanks his numsMus cusitomers (merchants ind others) for theft liberal p*troA46 durins the peAt 7 years, siat . hopes by strict integrity vod- eloite attention to business to merit -thelveonfidence and trade I'a the future. 'Having #xestly enlaxgad his prm- tees durtag the winter, he Is now prepared topt-T I - I THE HIGHEST OASH.PRIOE -) For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporium, I I . ILA IN STRIEW, BEAFADWXH. Wanted iy the subsoriber.25 tons,01 good 4ry clean wheat straw. - . . D. D. WILSON - - . . . : F T- T 1; IP INT r: r T -T T t I a-' d. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. I am daermived to Clear Out my Entir� Stock of Furniture regard- le.g8 of Cost. . I qM08Z IN WANT,* it will psy them to War. .L t%X ww can before purvbAsbqg, elsewhere. I 6 IM 'hoj a give a rge sopunt to t se '�&Iinj oasfi, es. pod&Uy to n5W1yj06W16d OUVIU. I am 6011 selling six highly Anlebed chairs for 02. I also _keep KnowltoWs Spring Bed) the bs4t� an.4 ab-oapeat in the market; Warranted perfectly,noilwess. W'*ft]WMS dilectly opposit's M. R. conuter's X-Minoth Jewelry Store, Main Str,661t, SWorth, . I East Side. � � . -- so I- JOHN :9-. -ROBTER. �# - I ­ �,,�-, 1-1 . - � - -�,-?-� I . --- 91 - AN I EYE 'MR rr- 6 - - MAT I ­ ­,;�4 ­ - ,,,, I DR. IEO�M S. 9YERSON1 I � L. It. 0. P., L. R. G. 8. ,E., Lecturer on the 'Eye Far and Throat, Vinity Madioa,l College, Toren - to, and Surgeon to- the Mercer Eyeand Ear In- firmary, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to the Blind, Brantford, andfor the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville Ont. Late Clini- I eal Awsistaut Royal Landon 0�hthalrnlis Ho i tal, Woorfields, and Ce�ntrsl Thr4ast and Yal; Hospital. 1 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. - . May be oonsulted at the . ALBIONHOTEL, STRATFORDi On the Last WLTURDAY In RACIER MONTU. 708 CAPTAlk 13RAim-r. THEJOUNG, TROTTING STAL- LION, CAPTAIN BRANT, �. A Grandson of Old Clear Gr4, and from the celebratedUarper stock on the Da&-', side, Will stand. for the improvement of stock at his own stable in Seaforth during the piesent, season. For further particulars spPlY to JOHN WARD, 1�`zo- prietor, 752. .2,000 OEDAR POSTS � FOR SALE� I I Suitable for Boaxd, Wire, or Straight Rail Fences. One mile and a quarter West Of Winthrop. . � . I ALSO RAIL TIMBER By the Acre or by the Thousand. - W. C. GOUIRLOCK. -- MARRIAGE LIOENSIES . ISSUED AT THE HURON f.XPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFOATIR, ONTARiO- . . . . . I I I NO WITNESSES REQUIRED I . I . - ­ - - , �, I - ? jf:�'r, - I� ,