HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-06-30, Page 8.
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I 0 ye," Several Wher horses in town are says: IIWWIe .in Brandon the other Hullett. Deoessed raided in the tained , that Mr. Dunop was the indi. walked home One night after nint
afflicted with the same disease.—The ' hborh n, and had vidual I who had take i his horse, im'. o'clock. The first cow I bought cost mi
Iturn (&XV001tic , , day'I met James Watson on Ithe train n f Bralm�pto -
Of "'
Y nZ
I � first excursion of the season passed up on his way, to Xt-.)ose I p hert a visit for a short mediately despatched i � cc notable with about #30, and that was a lot of mon83
, � aw River Cross- )oil
- __
� ' to Goderith from Stratford on Tuesday ing. where he looks forward .to a great me�� 6 a week before her death . a warrant for his arrer, b, bat when the in those days, but after a while they gol
DISTRICT MATTERS. last. The excursion was gotten up un- harvest some day. I also met John She sustained a stroke* of paralysis, and consta�le arrived he fo Ind diat he was cheaper, and could ba had for $10 sn�
� is victim from the re- $15. We soon managed to get oxen
- . . . . I I der the auspices of the Episcopal Sab- Lyons and R. Wright. They both look m second one a few days since, which unablel to take h L� before I
You cAw save � raouiy by dealing at bath Schools along the route. Quite a well and are doing well. Brandon is a resulted -in her death, although medical sistande offered. The ieo nd tf'me the but I guess it was 'tan years
i number got on at this stationi There "wonderful place, bu4 things are pretty n�
th68eaorth Boot and Shoo Store- Large quan- -_ � . assistance was called in. Her remains cousta�le Made his apPea auce, he had was able to get a team of horses, on(
titles of new� goods tecalve.d this weak, consistikig were thirteen cars all crammed -fitll.— flat and everyone is wanting to Bell both were iaken to Brampton for interment, an assistant, but whe 1 il'is M. saw horse cost me two good cows, and 1. had
in paA of Ladles' French Kid Buttoned; Ladies' The entrance examine,tionaLfor the Sea- town and farming property, and there on Friday afternoon. . them dOMiDg, he decan,pe(. through the horses as soon as anyone in the town.
Polished Calf, Battened;:Xisses' Polishelealf;
0hildren't Fnuch Kid " WoUding shoes ia forth High School -commenced yeater- are evidently'ba�few who want to buy, � I - woods �t a furious ta , tie constable ship." -
. .
great variety. Geulw hj4t wid Heavy On-wor day and will be concluded to -day. There especially -at the prices asked. The : Exeter. puri,u g after bim vig nly, but drop- 11 What could then ?"
azu, r�ise
show at low Friew. Boost sud shoes me& to . c
virder and satisfaction gonsuleed. Repairing is a largenumber of expectant pupils "City," inmy opinion is a huge swin- THE VoTE.—Exeter ana Stephen, the ping t( o far back in e ,rear, he was 11 Not very I on oA anything. The
. - .
done. GRoaax GOOD, Se4forsh Boot aud Shoo trying their luck.—The Court of Rovi- ale. The he &Be to his utter woods appeared to b� so close that
� � re has been, I be 'eve, ten two Municipalities divorced from old obli& to give up t e �
Store. 7W - I sion for the town of Seaforth closed on times more money sunk here than ever South Huron, and married to young disapp )intment . and agrin. Things things did not thrive, well at all,
I I . 9 i
PINK m_Hwksows gpizootic Pow- I Tuesdaynight. There were very few was inside, and they are still I outting up North. Middlesex, by the Gerrymander- becom, ng very hot, W liam took his Coald'nb raise fall wheat, for it would
.deristhebeat preparation known for changes made in the assesomer.t, and buildings, and some very good ones, but ing Bill, gave a good account of them. depart re for the St es, the asylum rust in spite of anything. PotatoeE
. .
thU dreadful dbew In Horses. Pro- none worthy of note. —The children, in basiness-is greatly over -done. The peo- selvesioualociion day. InExeterthere for law, breakers.. i � were the only things that did anything
L . I I :
� pared by E� HICKSON I & Co., Druggists, connection with the Presbyterian Sab- ple used I ' come from long distanoes were 270 votes polled, of which 117 i C
. Q i � 8 like well, and I tell you what, living
SeaforM 760 .. . . I
I I bath'School in this town will have back for a' lie', but the trai�s now go were for Mr. Coughlin, the Conserva- i Usbornie. was pretty tough. In - Goderich salt
I 0 ' UPP 8 I I
� i '
. I I their -annual pie-nic in Mr. Case's grove right through, amd every one, is over- tive candidate, and 99 for Mr. Shipley, THx NoTn-.—T�e f i win . - was $10 a barrel, and they would'nt
. i
THE PUBLIC. *IrooL.—The examina- to.morrow. Strawberries and cream loaded with passengers and freight, all the Reform candidate, thus making ment O � f the votes polle for the r speo- sell it for anything but cash, but we
tions in. the Seaforth Public school will be in order and there will*be heaps goi . ag Up to the end of the liale. There Exeter's Conservative majority 72, in- tive candidates in th . To was i of had to have it sometimes and were glad
will commence on Monday next -and of fan besides for the little folks.—Mr. is just a rush from the statio * up town, stead of 115, as at the election in 1878. Vaborne at the recent ection : to get it even at that price. The peo-
will be continued during the week. The Andrew Hally has taken a Situation in and from the .town to the at tion. To At that election there - were 299 vot - L ! G at. Trow. ple in the village—Godefich—were very
. - es I
examinations will be' in the following . - !
-a wholesale housd in Winuir-og. Since give you Some idea of the costlof living polled' of which 92 were given to Mr. Ward No. I ........ 4 46 glad to get our iiisple. sugar atici molas-
. order ;, Monday, fo.renc-::?n Miss Ed. leaving here he has travelled over a con. here, I may state that hamw are 18u Cminer"on and 207 to Mr. Porter. Ste- 2 98 sea, and would' always take it as cash
Waro No. 3 ........ 49 at a -shilling a lb or quart.
warXs room, and Miss Killoran's in the siderable part of the Province and has per pound; bacon 16c; 6qs 25c a phenhas done equally well. Inthis Wad 0 78
afternoon ; Tuesday, Miss Kate been a good distance west, and he is dozen; oai� 75c per bushel i potatoes township there were 667 votes polled, i -Did wild animals or the Indiana
Cowan's; Wednesday, Miss A. Cow- not much in love with the country -and OIL per bushel, and apples �1210 per of which 316 went for Mr.,Shipley a i 9 271 trouble you much."
i ad 1 269
an's; Thursday, Miss Anderson's, and advises- all who are doing well in bats- pound. Oken are worth from: *125 to 321 for Mr. Coughlin, thus giving the : ,I The wolves ., used to hill off the
I i sheep, pigsan&O'sIves, and cause us a
Friday Mr. Cameronts. We are request- rio to stay here.—We have been shown 0250; horses from 0130 to $�50, and Reform candidate a ma, ority— of 25 Aj
ed by the teachers and Trustees to urge i M' ority for Trow 2 cousiderable loss, but the Indiana were
� a number of stalks of fall wheat taken cows from $70 to $85. A horse that votes, notwithstanding the fact that The following is a ste tement of the
upon parents the very great desirability at random from a field on the farm of would cost 8200 in Ontario -0 uld sell Mr. Coitighlin is a resident of the town- - vote polled in 1878 : I � very quiet. and peaceable, and were
� -
1. of having all the pupils at school On Mr. A. Davidson, adjoining the town, for 0250 here. There is as M'Och Stock Ship, and at one time represented it in I I � moLe religious in their ways st that
. :
Monday,,. and to 46e that they are kept which is Said to average nearly seven in Brandon as you would -see altogether ' !he County Council, while his opponent . time than we we're."
- i I � Ward No. 1 ........ 56 � 100
at, school regularly throughout the week, feet in length. In both fields the grain at the London show, or Perhaps more is comparatively unknown. In 1878 Ward No. 2 ........ 96 83 11 The places arouncl were pretty
. . .
also to have them return with , equal * as thick as it can stand, but if they were all turned out. 1, Lots -of the number of votes polled in Stephen 42 [ 90 . small at that time."
promptitude on the lollowing Monday, I is growing 761 49
1 . in some places it is considerably lodged. , people hive gone west and got disgust- were 631,. or 38 less than those polled at I � I I Deed they were. Londoa hadn't a
� 0,_ � 2
as promotions will then be'made for the It it matures properly it will avdrage ed, and coae back here and I Bold out the last election. Of these 352 were � 7' sidewalk in it that I know of. Goder.
. a .70 27
; 1 270 ich was very small- and existed mainly
next school term. The school will be over 50 bushels per acre. This is for ['4whate*er prices they could get. given for Cameron and 279 for Porter, ; 1 9 1
� —_
. dismissed for the summer holidays on ahead even Of M&UdOba.—Mr. R. Tay- John S, Roberts left here on Thursday leaving Cameron's majority 73. There � on tbef flats across the river. Clinton
I Majority for Porter 2
Monday night, July 10, and -will re -open lor, an old Seaforth boy who is at pro- for the west. The place he 'lintended were just 6 fewer Reform votes polled 7 � had a siDgle tavern some yean after,
on the lat September,,. - - sent engaged in the mercantile business locating on at Flat Creek did iiot prove at this 'election than at the previous ore The following is a statement of the
. - . � � which was all that composed it. Times
majorit1lies'polled throughout the South
in Port Is Prairie, is now visiting as good a h expected, and helis going and 42 more votes polled. for Coughlin . I
age . a e J were tough in those days, and no mis-
: Riding �f Perth :
STn-L AxoTHEit.-Our citizens goner. friends in this vicinity. -Dr. Hamniffill, further west to try his fortune' 1, like than w ere polled for Porter. Thia is a take; a fellow might earn a little by
ally were much surprised and grieved of Now Baltimore, Michigan, 6, former tb I a appearance of the country' around very good sb�owillg for the township of St. I arys ...... � ... Trow. I � Guest.
If I - working around at odd jobs, but he had
on Friday morning last, on hearing of wielder of the birch in* this county, and here. very much. The crops look well Stephen, and the Reformers of that Dow e .......... .. 0 i - often to wait a year or a year-and-ei
; 9 �
the death of Mrs. John MGIntYre,Of this a native of Hallett, was in town! on although there has been very little rain, township have good canse to be proud Full ton ........ .. _5 � - half before he got his pay, and we weie
. . Hibu A ....... � -
tawn,which had taken place the previous Saturday. The doctor, we are glad to and every person is wishing for it. The of it. It was not their fault that their '), i - mighty glad to get it then. I of ten
Usbo no .... .. :.*.,.:: I'� I
night. Mrs. McIntyre had been ill for loam, b as a large and profitable irac- land arouna here is held at from $?,000 oandi'date was nOt elected. The fol- 4- i 2q think of the old times and what we had
about, two wool m-. Keuralgia, in the tioe. While here he purchased from to 43,500 per quarter section, and it ...is lowing is a statement of the fall vote � to put up with, and how very hard we
� Mitchell ............. +- ' 6
limbs wassupposed to be the principal his- father the old - homestead farm stated that . many of the present owners polled in the Riding of North Middle- 2)9 � 80 had to work, but we seemed inat as
cause. of her complaint, and although situated near Kinburn, and paid for it of far '
� � m1ands paid as high asthis for thein, sex : i ;30 happy and contented as if we had
she saffered severely,.she was not con- the a � .
, am of $6,000 cash. -Mr. Charles but they will have to come down. On : Coughlin. Shipley. . plenty and easier times," and the old
sidered by her physician to be in a Moran, now of Atlanta, Georgia, is at all my travels I -have not met a Single Exeter ................ ...... Majority for Trow 179
1 � 171 99 man resumed his pipe, while it was
dangerous condition. � Indeed Only a present spending his holidays in town. buyer, or ope.that seems to have any . .......... 4U7 136 . @ evident that his mind was meditating
few hours befor6l her death she He likes the South ver well, but _- Stephen ........ ... ...... .. 321 346 lEowich..
i I y says intention of investing in property of McGillivary ................ 262 356 on,the past, not the presenti
was. visited by the doctor, who before it is pretty hot, and it has* made him a this kind. The land boom 'has com- East wiliiams .............. it,q BRIE.Ps.-Crops are looking splendid. ' Although over 80 years of age Mr.
I . 2" 0
leaving reported hier as getting along good deal t�hiuuer in person than he pletely collTsed, and -land speculAions i West Williams .... ........ 164 198 Fall wheat promises a g 0 yie , U
very nicely. Shortly after his de- . . � - Ailsa Craig ...... .......... 33 100 remar a y 0 ear into ect,
parture, however, She too used to be. He i'tetid-o returning in- are flat flat, sad will be flatter !yet, - � I Luomn..._ , ...... .... ...... 107 - 28 hay will be Lahort and many farmers and can call up the circumstances' of
an unex- about a month.-Mis' Mi Thompson, have got to have a look around' Winni- have sown Millet and Hudgarian to his early life with a freshness that is
se i I Parkhill ........ .... ...... 87 1 120 � -
I . . J
. pected and unaccountable- turn for the who has been staying 11 own so the peg yet. Perhaps I will find things 11 — — make up for the deficiency in hay.- surprising. Hard work and hardships
worse, and des its all medical skill Totat ...... ........ .... 1741 " '
P guest of Mrs. Robert Fisher for over a more active and lively there." i 1632 The following is the result of a monthly have left their traces on him, yet he is
could do, she passed away about two year, lef t for her home in Kingston, on * - , - I � . I Majority for Coughlin, iog. . . I
. - examination of the- pu ils of School a somewhat active man for his age. He
. i 6,
. . - Aiit metic-lat M
. bours thereafter. She was of a quiet, Tuesday last. -Mr. John McMillan . 'Tuckeramith. : . � WestWawauosh. Section No. 16: 1 . can boast of wh*at very few in this
retiring dn-position, -and made few M. P., will have as fellow travellers in A ,WOLVERINE. -A wolverie was MONT . H'S MIND. I - On Friday last, A_ Pope, 2d A. Mur�&y,3d E. Fisher, neighborhood cau, that is, of having
friends,. bat those who know her the crossing the Atlantic, Lieutenant -Gov- seen on the larm of Mr. John' Sproat , June 23rd, the Months' Mind for the 4th A. Farrel, 5 th J. Ba idwin and E. over 53 years of unbroken wedded life
maost intimately esteemed her the MOst enor Robinam, of Ontario, and several jr., on Monday. Mr. Sproat j Farrel. . Mrs. Ross, though well up in '
- I In W$s Pass- late Rev. Father MoGauran, late parish , ".._. � Ing vigorous R ,years, be
bighly. She was one�of those who' had other titled notables. 'Mr. Gratis ing through an open field in' which priest of St. Patrick's Chdroh in Que- 1 Bay-field� ad acti*e. They have"
to be most intimately known to be Williamson, formerly of thiii town, but were some clumps of bushes,-, and he bec I five children living, a b:oat of great grand
properly appreciated ; and to her own now of -Grand Forkaj- Dakota, is said came quite close to the brute befor , was celebrated in St. Augustine's , ACCIDENT.- While iss McKenzie,�' children, and three gtoat-great grand
he other. The';
wife and a loving, kind and patient I � r ving along the children, and. still bid fair to live for a
a Church,, Wswanosh. Rev. Father . and Miss Wallis were di- I
family she was a true � and affectionate to have made a lot of money specula. either noticed t animal
I ting in real estate during the past d ob . I O'Connor, of Wawanosh, was celebrant
mother. She leaves behind her di a Seem in any hurry to get out of with Rev. Father McGrath, of Wawa , Bayfield Road, the horse became un- a good while yet. i I
mourn her irreparable lbas a, lar to year. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan were the way, and Mr. Sproat being unarm- nuab, as. deacon, Rev. Father Cummins, manageable and thre ( th young ladies - I - I
into the ditch. We Ilensall.
ge Sojourning in Washington when last- ed, whistled as loud as he co'uld-:to Scare of Mount CarmeliftaL sub -deacon. Rev. I -
family of small, children, the youngest heard from. ,They are expected home it, and this had the desired effect, for it Father Watter - slight bruises are the ord ( injuries sus- BiaErs. -Road work ha now the order
a, parish'priest of Goder- tained, although they mi'7ht have ,been of the day, and � gravel ig5goiug on thick
of whora was born � only about two about the 10th prox.-The intermedi-' jumped intoi a clump of bush a 01086 ich a �
weeks previous to her death. We need not ate'examina�tion for school teaohersy �, ad nephew of decoaBed,aad Father killed. - 'the
may that we deeply sympathize with by and has ilob been seen since,41though Sho&, of Sesforth, assisted. � . We congratulate , In on their and fast. Huron is n6ted for its excel -
certificates opens here on Monday next. it . I - At the escape.
was vigorously searched f4 sever- conclusion of the Mass, Father O'Con - —_ I I lent ro&Jo, and this pait. we think in
Mr. McIntyre in his dark hour, as few -The Fire and Water Committee Of al days. It is not often that Animals Of nor deliv ered the funeral oration'. - _F A I particular. -The Rev. Mr. Taylor, late
he has Sustained. The funeral took Masan. Robertson & Co., 500 feet of in this araiice I . . Ja,mestown.
can comprehend the extent of the, loss the town council have- ordered from this character make their appe - ; --------------- * . . . . of Lucknow, preached in Rodgerville
place on Sunday aftbrucion. The inter civilized country. 4
- new rubber hose for the use of the I I Wroxeter. SUDDEN DEATIErS.-Tho wife of Mr. and Hensall last Sabbath,The Rev.
ment was made in the Maitland Bank fire .department' — . . Robert McDonald, Of he1 Boundary Mr. Johnston, of Aib% Craig, on Sun -
Cemetery. The funeral procession was slifficient . This will make a Clinton. BETTER STiLL.-Mr. Sebastian HUP- Line, Howick and Gre , ,was found day,last exchanged PUIPito with the
one of the. largest, that ever took place Supply of first class -hose to . (PROM TnE NEW EPA.] fer, concession C, lob 34, Taraberry, dead in bed on the morni ag of Tuesday Rev. E. J. Robertson.�-LWe notice our
� . .reaoh'from the hydrants to the utter. . A GooD GRIT. -Last week Mr. W. W. has barley which measured on the 23rd last. She had been F uffering from respected townsman, Mr. John Petty,
in this town. The procession was head- most limits of' the town.-MeBors. ult., 34 inches in length, and was n - .
e � the members of !the Masonic and Broadfoot & Box are doing an immense Farran vote4 in West Bruce, North, at that time in r,he shot blad Ok heart disease for some ' t'me.-Agues, has lately been improving the appear-
- Is ti eir � ej of Mr. John once of his residence, by giving it a good
. � orlim n organiza ons, of both business in th - tory, which East and Soilth Huron. . e- Can aged nine years, d 0
� . cabinet fac CAMP MEATING.-It is intended to any one get over that. ang" cession, Grey, cost of paint,'and adding a nice verau-
of which institutions Mr. McIntyre . is is a regular hive . of industry. The THE NEw STATION. -The work on the - " A.ruistrong, of the "t c ,
an honored membar'�- al died on Sunday after an ill. da. -Mrs. Mathew Clark, wife of Mr.
� . bulk of their out -put goes to Manitoba. hold a meeting shortly to con 'der the deviation is almost finished, the station evenin � I
- I * __ advisability of'having 16 camp meeting, hav ' ness of a few days. i Mathew Clark, of Tuckeramith, left
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell, of Wing. iug been brought down and set up - i I . v isit her relatives
LOCAL BumFs.-A grey horse belong. ham were in town on. Sunday and underMethodist au;pioes, at Holmes- on the now site. The workman are � , here a few days ago to
ing to John Ward's livery, and which Ville. if held it will likely be, daring busy taking up the old track. Walton.�, in Scotland. We wish her a safe trip.
Monday last. -Mr. Arthur Forbes has . . '
, the month of August; WELL DoNic. -We hav several time -Woud is coming into market freely
. at one time had some fame as a, trotter, one of his beat horses laid up with OBITulsy.-Diied in this village, on a ,,.-
died of inflammation on Tuesday 'night. THREsHixo MACRINEs.-Messr . Glas- noticed the creditable effmts of young The crops in this neighborhood give
Pink Eye. It is very bad. -Mr. John P . Monday, 26th inst., Adolph H. Vogt, � 0
-Several, horses ore likely to jo from Meyer, Second Son of 'L. Meyer, Esq.j gow McPherson& Co. this week' receiv- aged seventeen years and three months. ladies ia the piecing f intricate quilt promise 'of an abundant harvest.-
;� a0v 'bserved as
: .
here to -morrow to the Wingham. - races. of Harpurhey, has ad an order from Manitoba, for, no IeEs We are sorry t6 be obliged to chronicle patchwork, but we h e ,lately heard of Dominion day will "be 0 a
-Messm. Kyle, and Mustard, of the appointment in the Immigration De. than twelve bf their cele I brated :thresh. the death of Adolph Vogt, which sad one who takes her place � in the very public holiday.-Bu6iness is brisk in
In front rank Mrs. JohniHewitt of this the village for this time of year. - On
Egmondville maills, are having a set of partment at Winnipeg, and likes his ers. This fir � have the honor of having event occurred, on Monday morning, *
grin L ith instead position and is hiahly pleased with the Seat the first thresher into Manitoba, after a Icing and painful illness. The Place lately completed quilt which Wednesday the friends -of Rev. R.
rollersputinfor i ding wi
Of StOnes'L They are doing a good busi- ,a which gave shch excellent sati' contains 5,616 pieces. -
city and coantry.-Several of our citi- Ofaction funeral took place on the following P usidering, that Redmond, late of Kirkton, on the cc.
nesa, and this Will improve their facili. . that numbers of others have yearly the patient and industrio a maker is 61 casiOu of his visit home with his bride,
ties, Mr. Alex. Love has been appoint. - zens won and lost considerable qums of followed it. . Wednesday, and was largely attended. yeara of age, this is cer�. I . enjoyed a pleasant picnic to Grand
money betting on the elections. Bet. ' I The funeral service was' delivered by - a y a praise -
ad agent in Seaforth and NeRiflop, for ting is neither more nor less than 'a - A- BIG BET. -'Charlie Howion, of the Rev. %George Brown. worthy effort, the equal ! f which' we Bend. We understand the Rev. gentle -
Prof M50oun's work on thogreat North. species of genteel gambling, is injurious Wingham, well known in this! town, 6—' have yet to hear of. , man leaves the end of this week for his
west' I I -RETURNED.- Air. J new field of labor at tMarthavill
,by Frindpal Grant. The book is of to those -engaging in it,-aud is becom- won considerable money over tie elec- I ohh Hewitt, of e, near
verygreat interest and the excellent tions, . one of Iiis wagers being With W � - Brussels. Walton, returned on Fridii,y last from a Petrolia. We *ish fii
ing entire.Ly too previlent, especially. I ' . � im success. - lffr,� -
-maps: which accompany it are alone among respectable and reputable. peo: J. McCutche�n, $100 to 81,000, that the TirE SUBSCRIBER has Made arrange. , visit to' Dakota. Mr. lHewitt spent Win. Hendrie, who left here some time
worth nearly the price asked for the ple. This sort of thing Should be left- gov rnme t . 0 ments to have a limited number of farm laborers most of his time in Hate4inson County, ago for the North-west, has just return-
Is 11 * uld be sustained by a ftLd servant' girls sent on to Bruss,As as they can I
book. 'We have no doubt but Mr. Love to the low'e'r strata of sooieby.-The Majority of 60. Mae. must have been be got. Paiiies wishing to engage them should south Dakota. He was &eatly pleased ed to our -village. Mr. Hendrie, in com-
will get a good number of subscribers. - demand for barbed' wire is unabated, guaging Ontario feeling by a Manitoba correspond at once with the subsoriber, stating with what he Saw of the 0 � ountry. Crops Mon. with many others, is not very
Mx.JameE Dickson. of Tuckersmilh, standard, when he allowed such big wages they!will pay and how 1�ng they Nvill en- of all kinds were consider4bly more ad- highly pleased with the far-famed"west,
has, also received a gold modal Diploma and scarcely a farm in this section of odds. : i gage. Oharges for the same will be reasonable. vanced than here,.and . . and thinks more of Ontario than ever,
country can now be seen that has not I Addrem, C. R. Coopxa, Brussels P. 0. 760-2 arO giviog, pro.
for oata and peas exhibited at the Paris THs LATE R. H. CAI,i,.-T�e; mise of a Splendid ' I a is & and Hensall in particular. This is the
. a piece of barbed wire fence on it. direct THE BALL.—On Friday, June 23rd, � Yield. I The Ian, -
Exposition in 1878. These grains took Farmers say it makes a good and. cheap e of Harry -Call's death was the rolling -prairie, fine and do. There is spirit we like to see in our young men.
-Mr.Saun-ders,foreman in Messrs. bursting of a L blood vessel. After his Beavers of Kincardine on the- no wood except along the river banks. .
first prizes, at the Proviucial Exhibition fence. caus the Clipper Base Ball Club played the
. in Canada, the prow death his Is I Owl' Prairie grass dried is mt ch used for
ous y"ar- It is Foster & Son's found!�._is a first-class .to. employer, Mr. W. F. ground and def Perth Items.
tn th H als eated them in a Score of fuel; it burns well and 'gives out con -
mechanic., Some days ago the large �Ijuxton, (formerly of the.- EXPOSITOR) 26 to 9. '-The Brussels Lacrosse Club It costs the town of Listowol 63
stand so well when Competing with the printing press in THE, EXPOSITOR office very kindly Ii &do all arrangements and played two games at Luckn6w on siderable heat. Mr. Win. Rands, Who per day to water the stre6ts. .
general productions of the world.-, Jar. got out of kilter. lk,jB a very compli- paid all the expenses of his burial. His I removed from Grey to PhAt part Of -A grand union picnic will be held
- William Fowler, of the Huron Rdad, _ _ fellow -typos in tile Free Presi Office Thursday. last. Lucknow woa both Dakota about a year ago, has a fine
cated piece of nk".1iiiiery, and the last games. � in the woods near Kirkton on Domin-
Tackersmith, arTived home from-, Dak �, raised, a parse of $100 for his wi * farm and is doing we'll. Ele has Sixty ion Day. 6
I 0- time it went akkh* a In- achinist whose on fe, and MILLS LEASED .-Vaustone Brothers .
ta an Monday last. He has been ab- special bu i �, I '#to to attend to Such Ms. the Ciint' ians in Winnipeg also' i raisod have re-leaBed the balance of their acres tinder or ready for oi )ps already. -Prof. Jones, of Seaforth, is starting
Sent since the 15th of Maroh.-There is chines ha � brought from Toronto. a I subscription in her behalf. : �of their fl6uring : a class forthe purpose of teaching
s,good Supply of cordwood, and a lot of Hearing . Saunders' good name as 2 . mill to Messrs. Hawke & Hembley, of Pioneer Life in :01tiron.
hay being brought into market just, now. an expert workman we re - . Stamley. � A Now Era Reporter ha Vi g a lei vocal. music in Mitchell,
' t Stratford, who take possession on the - half hour, last weeki inoon sure -The Odd Fellows of Mitchell in.
-esors. Wm. M. Gray, Robert Jamie- him try his hand at it this time. He A SucG.ESS6L ExMBIT.-Ia 1878 the 3rd of July. They are practical 'iewed Mr. tend holding a picnic in Matheson's
-M solved tole .
oon and T. W. Duncan intend starting was not long in finding out just list Dominion of ,Canada F-ent a quantity of Donald Ross, of Clinton, and the fol- grove on Dominion Day. -
for the old Count' - w millers and come well recommended .
,- � . lowing ipteresting partica, arg concern - 6
11 I
ry on the 15th of next the defect was and remedied it very cereals to the' Paris Exposition,: which Vanstone'Brothers return. to the saw . -The ulpit of the Primitive M tho.
month., They wi�511 all combine busi P
in Huron, were elicited: ch inMitchell was occupied
-were awarded a gold med&L Amo g mill, andmill continue on -the market 6, I behove you were
ne88 skilfully and expeditiously, although . a ing Pionper life dist chur
with pleasure.�-Mr. John. P. Gibson he had not any previous experience the exhibit was a quantity of ispriag buyiDg grains. 41 � ab�ut the first by Mrs. Woodger on - Sabbath evening
Settler in Stanley, Mr. Rossi" said the last. .
haa puarchased a- fa`�rm of 160 acres in with such machines. It is a most con.' wheat raised by Mr. James Cowie, of LOCALITIEs.-J. H. Angus, formerly reporter.
Iowa and intends removing there L with venient thing to have a mechanic a the Sauble. Line, Stanley, who last of Brussels, has taken up a section of -Six buyers were present. at thr, last
his family shortly. There are ach
I 100 acres as this in town. -Mrs. A. W. Bleasdell week received a beautifully engraved land near Fort Ellice, Manitoba. I I I wag the first. settle'r, " Said Mr. cheese fair in Listowel. Some 1,200
under crop, and the Place is within 'is it present spending a few weeks with certificate from the Secretary ,of the He Ross, with an emp
easy reach of the -county town. speaks hi g*hly of that part of the coun- basis th4t showed he boxes of June cheese were 'offered for
' -
paid �20 per acre for it. He He her parentg- and friends in this town I Canadian Commission setting forth the try.-Heaers. Jackson & Halliday, lost felt the honor attached td his claim. sale, and nearly all bought lip at lol
bought it previous to removing to Winnipeg f&cts above seated, and' Mr. Cowie, who a valuable young mare last week. " In 1831 a number of � I
when on his way home f ' M - . - . g e con a..
-To-morro-w being Ir anitoba. where Mr. Bleasdell intends going into had forgotteii . all bout -the L�aatter, Word has been teceived that Mr. Goo. by the Canada Company in cutting open -The carner
- , Donition Day all business. -A special v - a I . . est, thd London Road Stone of the German'
places in County Council is bei � or's blaze. In May of the ext ye '
the stores and other huBi4ss meeting of the jastly fools p&ud at his success. ' English, who is out in the Northw It followi 9 the Survey- Lutheran church, at Wartburg, was
town will be closed and tho people wil . ag held in Goder- : is very sick. -A. J. McColl, barrister, settled on Jots 22 and 23, Of L ar I laid on Sunday, 18tb. inst., by Rev. W.
- be going: in fGr-anjc� I ich to -day. The business of councillors I Hullett. ! of Winnipeg, is in town on a visit. . I the 1st con- J. ]Kaiser, assisted by other reverend
- Upshall ,has :�_ , cession 4 and cut the first gentlemen.
. * Stick of timber.that was cu � for cultiva. -The Mayor of Listowel, Mr. T. E.
lerich, and take it off the contrac- disposed of his hotel property it Kin- j
-The midsummer examinations in the Goc e At SOLD OUT. -Mr. John
ving lifel and leisure. is to inspect the new iron ;bridg � A Stanley,
Common school will commence on Mon. t , '. Hibbert.
day next, and will be continued , ors' hands if the work has been satis. burn to .Ar. Robert Hawthorne, who HEAVY . STORM.— 0 " . tion in the township. MY ife came on Hay, in company with Mr. W. C. Kidd
factorily comPlet6d.-Mr. Matthew has taken posseission. i a Saturday, the the next year. Of courso i we boug'ht started a few days ago - for Manitoba, f
I 24th inst., a terrific Storm of wind and our land from the Cauadi
throughout the week. Parents should Dorsey returned to Colokado on Tues- SICKNEss-�Several of ,the members Co pany; withacarload of 1orses. Mr.George
encourage, the teachers and children by day last. . .. . . rain, accompanied by thunder --and whenwewere working o
. He IS going into the In a n of Rev. Mr! Hanailtou's family, at , M 5
business apain h I �I g r lightning, passed over Pleasant Valley they paid ug one-third in money, and fanning mills for the useof farmers in
attending and seeing for themselves , .�Afr. Jo n R Ina I tile road, Wiles also took his departure with 13
how- things axe getting a ay, of Londesboro, are laid up sick, and also and vicinity blOWiDg. down fences and the other two-thirds went
1� sloug.-Mr. the 2 ad concession of Tuc, me of Rev. 114r. Longt,6
Edward Com kersmith, has so ad'B children ; m the price the Prairie Province.
be'r, of Harpurhey, has left with us a Sam Of Spriag wheat we belive all 4 are out of danger; -The first meeting of the newly or.
f pie levelling fall wheat. It is feared that of our land." . .
Shown, iiB the 1rat new peas of the growing on his farm w , how- tha fall wheat, which is particularly "Did settlers come in. fad fterthat?" ganized association for the cultivation
Season,. T � heyweregrown in hisg&r- and 1. hich for length ever. I - I a
� . heavy, will be considerably injured, as " Oh, dear, no. They came in very of morals and intellect,was held in I
stroingth surpasses anything PIC'Nic.-The annual picnic of the
dell ftnd.ara full, size, and in good order; have seen this v ar. we it is laid so flat that in many instances slowly for several years. i
0 our . boro MeAhodist Church SabbiaLli, I Neighbors Listowel on Monday evening last'week. .
for table use.-Boxoa filled with delici- feet in length and i It is over f Lonaes it will scarcely resume its usual and were very few d, and it
a heading out nicely. Sohool will be held on Saturday next, indee as a good There was a 'Large attendance. I
� f efore there was anyt a I and prosper,: gentlemen,,there is always
ails Strawberries are now being . tempt- Mr. Ramsay has 11 acres of this magni- on the farm of Mr. Granger, 12bli con- proper attitude, being le t in a condi- . while b ing like i Go on
ingly displayed in the shop, windows. ficent cro - tion favorable for rusting and unfavor- settlement." i r
These h:ave . p.-Tbe annual ftLil show of - I cession. The school has held its" Picnic able for filling an 0 � room for improvement in that direc- E
tiu- the appetite, but also o u tural d ma'turing. The loss -Times were prett I
the effect of not only whet. the Tackersmith Branch Agrid I on the Ist o� July for a number of I y hard then, were tion.
0 . f reminding Society wilt be held t C sustained no doabt will be considerable, they not?"
. I t .
-pid speedina of- i . � . -A very Successful picnic was held s
Peckple of the ra bis year in -Sea. years. 0
0 time, as l forth on Thursd%y and Friday, the 21st PRFSENTATIbN._ D-ECAM ED�—On the evening of the " Indeed they were. .
it does not seem long since this fruit was -i On Taesday ev , I can't begin to Monday, 19th inst., at Kinkora, for the I
i � and �2'ad of Sept'm be)r.-On 'and after the 13da iust.$ ealng, 24th inat.a horse was taken out of a tell you how hard they really were ; it benefit of the new Catholic Church. 1
1 - after service in thq Bil)le hotel Btabl e� in Zurich in such a elan- would take me too IoDg to t;1I you all The gold watch was won by Mss E, b
i,n marke I t last season. -The Grand Wor- Monday next aie'zinorhing mixed train Christian Church, on the 106h cOnces- destine manner as to lead the owner to the hardships we had to put I up with.
. r_
, of Logan ;
ated it for *� his own pecuniary beiiefit. could got it at Waterloo i or London, and the silver trowel by Rev. J -O'Neil.
. Paul's Church, its place, due to leave Seaforth at 7.10 Mountain and presented her with a In a very short time the 1bulprit, Wm. sometimes not nearer
Gato, will preaGbL in St Flour was �ery scarce.
thy Chaplain of the Grand MasonicLodl.o,le going west, drie at 9.10 a. Va., will be 3an- Sion of Hallett, the members of the suspect that the party.had appropri PrindibM, of Logan. The gold.
Of Ontario, Rev. H. W. Davies, of I To called, and a special train will run ia congregation waited upon Miss Annie Sometimes we cane was won'by Mr. Jones
Clinton, 04 Sunday next, at 4 0,010ek, a a. M., arriving at Goderich at 9 a. M. beautiful .
Sermon for the esp'eoial benefit of the . ,silver cruet stand, in recogul- Danlop, of the 11th concession, was dis- tfiau Detroit. Those three articles cleared over 6800. 1
the Members of the order i tion of her services as organist in that Covered, and the indications were snf- Malay and many's the day �_Ive walked -Rev. Daniel Allen, the former a
, The broth. F -Rom THE NoRTH WEST. - W6 have church, acoonipanied by a highl' into
Y Com- ficientl obvions t;O' i
roll Of Clinton and from the neighbor- been permit Alondon, to do a httle� � business or esteemed pastor of the, North Easthope 9
� i y warrant one in Saying marketing. ' tie 'v Ita -
il I
' BE
I 'Je h p
0 f 13
oif TI.:r'.1
ei 1 1
0 ted to Make the following Plimentary"address. We used to th ir � ik. nothing Presbyterian congregation, assisted liis
ill' t0was Will attend the, service in a extracts from a private letter written by SUDDEN DEXTH.-Ou Friday morning that the horse� had not been taken " ofwalking down one day w th a pretty . er- t
I I vices
" Hard- but is now travelling in _g back t next, 8,nd ' connected with the communion
body appearing in full xegalia.-Mri 9, gentleman who belones to Seaforth suspected, but merely for the purpose big load and comir successor, Rev Mr. Stewart, in the a
Thoa. Lapalieva trotting colt last an aged lady named Brown died of & ride, &a it Was found 'on -the 14th often the wife or I wo on - b
'tvare Billie," is laid up 'with the " Pink Is r Manitoba. The suddenly at the residence.of Mi.An- concession "Wit,11 I walk to 'the last Sabbath in May, and on the v
tter is dated DoWinton, June 22. 'He saddle and bridle still Goderich and back, 35 mileO a day, evening of the following Tuesday a .
_ thony Taylor, on the Ilth concession of attached. The owner having ascer- carrying he& 11 d
. . . : w ivy loads of I �kl and I large deputation of the 0ongregation fi
� I ti U
. I ,
Lk6_ I . t
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. . -
JUNIR 30., 1882.
" -
I .
I. I
Wemnmltig of Dress Goods below -
Cost. .
� 7 - I
Remnants of Black and Colored
Rmnnants of Printg, Gingharm,
-C &C.,
U I etonne87 .
RennanI8 of Mantle Cloths—very
; cheap.
- -
� I
� I
- einnanM of Shirtings, Ticking*, __
, Ducks and Denims.
'�,Renmant.g of TABLE LINENS—
1 big reductions. �
iRemnanta qJ Towelling8 at cost
t I .
. �
I price.
. I -
lRemnants of Line'ns, Huslins and __
1 cottam.
$ .
,200 remnants of Tweed, aU length.s,
� � will be sold at yowr - own prices.
�Slpecial bargains i,h Gloves and '
, R08iery. I -
Duncan & Duncan,
; � Direct Importers, Seafarth.
. . .
� . -
i .
Met at the manse and presented the.
reverend and venerable gentleman with
0, kindly worded, friendly andaffection-'
. .
ate address, accompanied with. a well-
#11od parse. This venerable minister
was the first pastor of the North East -
hope congreg'ation, cominig when the,
township was now, some 44 years - ago,
And continuing N) minister to their spir- -
#ual wants for 37 years. .
� —Two accidents happened at a barn
taising near Wartburg a few days ago. ,
Ezekiel Miller received a iseve .
� re spram
in the ankle joint, and John Varner, of
South Easthope had his head gashed '
by a falling rafter. The xaisiug_, was -
on the farm of Mr. S. Henry, where two
bank barns were raised.
—.During the furious Storm on San_
d-sy evening, 18th in8t.1 the fences and
� -
crops were levelled for miles S'lLong the,
route west of St. Mary's. At Fish
Creek grade, near Granton -the fury of
the hurricane was such that it levelled
no fewer than one hundred trees. I
Some of the largeattrees in the forest
were snapped like a pipe stem.
: —The debenture debt of Stratford is
013,000; Ustowol, 171,462; Mitchell,
$87,497. The townships that have is.
sued debentures are, Ellice, *25,650;. ;
Logan, $11.,150; Mornington, #40,000; 1
Elms, $34,000; and Wallace, $31 3,000.
Last year Stratford spent for education -
ad purposes, 813,515; Mitchell, 13,750, 1
slid Listowel, 63,700. The debenture,
debt of the county is 8254-X5. �
!� —A fire broke oat in the rear of Col.
lison's Hotel, Mitchell, on Thuradsy
afternoon last week, and before its pro -
gen - could be arrested over $5,000 -
worth of property was destro, L
I yed. The
hotel Is a complete wreck, and the- - --
0 ! shies ana sheds were burned to the
g4ound. Several adjoining baildingo, �
iii�cluding the A.dvocate office, Ste;��,;��-
Mill and Dorman's woollen factory,were
I ,
a4ved ORIYL by -the greatest exettion . -
oiit the part of the firemen and others.
�—Iu & list of statisties.for Perth, we I
fi nA that Blanshard, Downie and Full-
aiton paid their taxes promptly. North
ast ope usually the "banner town-. �
sfi* in Prompt payment, was retamed
a � ollar'
� short. Elma, Hibbert and . I
Ellice were the heaviest defaulters.
E-Ims, heads the list with cattlelp 5,580;
V,ornington ha� mosf sheep, 5,259 - also .
mpst hogs, 1,577; BlanBhard, ho'nes,
1 �W- It is noticeable that while Strat-
-O�d is assessed for 369 dogs and Logan
.,Or 380, North Easthope has only 10.
� �
i I
�_On Saturday evening Mr. Ohver
Kott, Mrs. Mott, Mrs. John Siewart,
id, her daughte
L14 .r, Miss Sarah Jane
itowart, all of tile 6th con. of Tyeadin-
ga, were going home from the city of
��ndon ina large farm wagon drawn .
4 a spirited team, as they neared the I
a lw&y crossing a traia approached, I
1�d the horses broke fr,)M the control .
f �Mott, and wheelitig suddenly around , I
Urted down the road. All the occa. �
ants of the wagon were throwaviolent. ,I
Y to the groun ' I
' d. Mr. Mott had his. i
a�k badly bruised; Mrs. Mott had � I
o�h arms and her left collar bone frac-
=; Mrs. Stewart received severe in- - I
iDjuries ; Miss S towaxt fell on her
e�d, and was picked up unconscious,
11 So remained for over two hours. i
e horses in the meantime rushed - I
lo'wn the street, colliding with another
eirla. In their course they ran over a I
o� named Clarke, but he escaped with - I I
efY little injury. All the injured are
oing well, with the exception of Mim .
tOwArt, whose recovery is doubtfal. � I
JZ mi 31SZ
I ____ �
.Mvinanm I
Rewmanis 4
I �
f Remnants �
ReIrmants �
- B�mnants 1
Re?7z,nants A .
tRemnants �
� Beynnants �
Remnant's ��
. -
Remnants- ��
I �
. I
Remnants �
Remnants �_
Gents 3
Of all description .
at the 14
Cotton and MeA
Remember th
Partinent is well
Tweeds, InSh _,I)
. Ll
,& ,
e'vewthing B UIL
season. .
04ue look ffilrol
ConyinCed that on
HOIX86 in the trad
10 L I
I . 11
11 . 0. #
I # 4 - #A