HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-06-30, Page 7Tut 30-w 2.
the- premises ,former -
y the Ewa of Com-
nder the Commercial
Foreign Etrehalve
ed and Sok/.
Reasonable Rates..
Collateral Securities
:ayable at par at 41.1
rBank of Commerce.
Rowed ort Deposits
/2L12. on Mortgagee-.
nd Proprietor.
[- •
Alruary, 1882, wa Changed
rifacturing flour at our Sea -
!iera buying our family or
id upou getting first-clage
irt ladies and prelim:mead
et= exchange work. We
Wanted, good. Treadwell
r, for which good prices win
triE ta CO.
T. 0.gRitiP, Manager.
St TIC 0 N
Firet-elme Stock, Firs
orapaniea, and le amepar-
most favorable turas.
U a tr-str- best Loan So-
als atd Purchase of Fans
rims for Sale.
a at 8ix per eels*
)oesai fiteamehip Ticket*.
Morrison's Store, Meta
al of Seaforth known aa
sold cheap and on may
or has got the Manitoba,
aeetion with the Mill a
The mill tae recently
niled and repaired, and ia
ng order, and capable of
abie gristing and flouring
proprietor, War. SCLATER,
aAb.r. Physician, Surgeon,
Office, Dr. Campbell's,
trGrand Trunk Railway
, or day promptly attend -
to, Phygieian,Surgeon ftnd
forthaOnt, Offieeandreel-
derich Street,second door
web. 842
Do., a. Ai_ Physician, Stir -
for the County -of Huron.
OR Jarvis street north,
rth Public School.
D.O. M., Graduate of
Physieiart,Surgeon and
at. Office and Reeidene
3.treat, first Brie& House
3hiirch. 496
Graduate of McGill Col-
ieentiate of the Royal Col.
clinburgh, and It Rouge
nart Efogpital, Edinburgh,:
Peva College of Dental
- OfficeiIL the rootni
. Derbyshire, Whitney's
ly performed and satis-
=gee Moderate-.
acted. without pain
RI -SHIRE, Dentist, has
rehased the .business ot
loth, and removed to
Bjoek.Atitctieu, where
Veetti extracted with
her and nitrous oxide
deity. Pa.rtiee from a
, heir train expenses. 73:2
&list and College
R. C. D. S.
-xperienee he is able to
3 irt Dentistry suitable
teeth a Specialty.
oue Oxide Gas given.
Mai. Street, Seaforth.
T, L. D. SP I
e at his office, CADS
Commercial Hotel, on
ek. Nitrate Oxide Ga3
'etion of teeth. This gas
Dr _Cartwright since
, he having been one of
o this province. Pa -
ted nuta- 'allele the gas
extracted in a. min-
, mithont disagreeable-
-4ring- new teeth please
ieular attention paid
_eies teeth. Teeth in -
q'titt ; NOT Yon ANY`
ve already tried it
been known to
ed with thia dis-
do well to give it
titrNE 30,‘ 1882.
ShrOpshIreta and. Merinos.
I was myth interested in the- letter of
tan Mex. Hewitt, in your issue of Jan -
ago $461 in relation to the Merino
&leapt etc1 onlywishthat he had
explained himself a little more fully
and continued his figures a little far-
ther, and not stopped when he had
given the wool side of the question; for
please remember that farmers keep
sheep for their increase as well as their
wool, and up one, (unless he is com-
pelled, to), would think of keeping a
fieek of sheep until they were three or
tour years old for the wool alone. Mr.
Hewitt says that he thinks that Mr.
Moore can readily see that in case the
breeders generally should practise the
cross -bred theory, the distinct qualities
of the differentYbreeds would be destroy-
ed. That I helieve to be true. . But I
do not undetstand Mr. Moore to ad-
vocate, ft croes-bred theory at all. A
cross -bred animal is an animal whose
parents were both thoroughbred, but of
alfferent breeds; and I object to the
term when the parent on one side is at
the beet only a grade of some particular -
breed. Of the nearly two millions of
fine wool sheep that are to -day in the
State of Michigan there are but a few
hundred that have a pedigree that can
• be traced through even two generations
and have a right to be called American
Merinos. The proper term is graded
up, not cross -bred. Mr. Moore does not
claim that the mothers of his fine
sheep that he sent to Detroit were
thoroughbred. Merinos, but were fine
wool ewes. Mr. Hewitt says that no
ordinary breeder can establish a true
medium, between the long wools and
the Merino. All this I believe, and will
go fArther an,d say that no ordinary
breeder ever established any distinct
breed of eheep. The good qualities of
alt the vations breeds, of not only sheep
but horses and cattle, have been estab-
lished by scientific. experts in the busi-
In answer to the assertion that cros-
sing may work well for a short time,
but cannot last, I wish to call his atten-
tion to the fact that the good qualities
of the American Merino are bat the re-
sult of judictious crossing in the hands
of expert breeders. The beautiful Ox-
ford Downs are but a cross between the
pure bred Cotswold ram and the pure
bred Hampshire Down ewe. Also other
popular breeds, of the present day, that
I will not take time to mention, were
produced by cross breeding. Mr.
Hewitt says that it is the practice gen-
erally with farmers not, to sell their
young sheep for nauttorn, but to keep
them until they are three or four years
old. I believe that statement
to be true, at least in Mr. Hew-
itt's neighborhood.. It used. to be in
mine. I lased to practise keeping sheep
until three or more years of age, not
from choice or economy, but for the
reasonithat 1 hs.d a breed of sheep that
it took that many years to get into
ehape BO that I could sell them. The
majority of farmers own small farms
and find it nest to impossible to keep
the increase of their flocks from year to
year, and could not do so -vvithont in-
clining a large outlay for food, which
would seriously reduce the profits, and know that Electric iiitters are the only
result in more failures than successes. sure remedy. They are the best and
Ira regard to the figures that Hewitt purest medicine in the world, and only
produces, I offer me objection so far as cost fifty cents. Sold by E. Hickson tr
he went, (exeept if he means that he Co. 714.52d
used Shropshires for long wools, he has
the average of fleece very light when A G-eneral Stampede.
he place:hie estimate at five pounds Never was such a rush made for any
per head). But admitting his figures to drugstore as is now at E. Hickson &
be correct, I desire to add the value of Co.'s for a trial bottle of Dr. King's
lambs, and. a.ssurne the flocks to consist New Discovery for Consumption,Coughs
wholly of ewes. Taking the. general and Colds. All persons afflicted with
average of the increase of Merinos and Aithnaa, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Se -
flavored beverage, which may save tis
many heavy doctote' bills. It is by the
judicione use of such articles of diet that
a constitutien may be gradually built
up until strong enough to iesist every
tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub-
tle maladies are floating around us
ready to attack 'Wherever there
is a weak point. We may escape
many a, fatal shaft by keeping curselves
well fortified with pure blood and a
properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser-
vice Gazette. Made simply with boil-
ing water or milk. Sold only in
packets and tins ( pound and pound,)
lebelled-"James Epps &- Co., Homceo-
pathie Chemiste, Louden, Eng." -Also
makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for
afternoon use. 736-52
Emaciated, Haggard. Victims
Of a cough recover health, spirts and
"flesh, if they are but sensible enough to
'Adopt a remedy whi;lt the popular
voice, backed by prof ssional opinion,
pronounces reliable. Tranquility to in-
flamed and harassed lungs, vigor to de-
pleted and emaciated frames, quietude
and strength to an unrestful and debil-
itated nervous system, are among the
physitoal benefits conferred by that su-
preme ptilimonic invigorant, Northrop
& Lyman's. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda,
a chemical dombinationl of the finest
lung speCific known tb the phallus-
copceia with tonics and blood depur-
cuts of the first ordef. Phosphorus,
lime and soda co-operate with and ren-
der the CO Liver Oil of this prepara-
tion trebly effective. Sold by all drug-
gists. Prepared only --oy Northrop &
Lyman, Toronto. 710452
Unspeakable Tortures
Are experienced by the neuralgic, and
these beset them upon the slightest oc-
casiori, particularly when they catch a
trifling oold. Until the attack passes
off they are racked with pain and ren-
dered sleepless and miserable. Their
sufferings are, however, altogether un-
necessary, for that pain soothing speci-
fic, Thomas' Eclectrio Oil subdues the
inflammation and tranquilizes the tor-
tured nerves in an incOnceivably short
space of time. This inexpensive, econ-
omic and effective preparation, which,
unlike other oils, loses nothing by evap-
oration when applied otitwardly, is also
taken inwardly as a medicine. Used
in both ways, it is a superlatively fine
remedy for rheumatisma lameness, kid-
ney troubles, piles, coughs, colds,
bruises, burns, scalds, darns- -and other
physical ailments. Elderly people who
suffer from sore or weak backs, should
by all means use it. Sold by all medi-
cine dealers. Prepared only by Nor-
throp & Lyman, Toronto, Ont. 710-52
True to Her Trust.
Too much cannot be said of the ever -
faithful wife and mother, constantly
watching and caring for her dear ones,
never neglecting a single duty in their
behalf. When they are assailed by dis-
ease, and. the system should have a
thorough cleansing, the stomach and
bowels regulated, blood purified, ma-
larial poison exte tminated, she must
Shropshires, there is as much certainty
of the Shropshires producing and rads-
ing 150 per cent. of lambs as there is of
Merinos producing 75 per. cent. My
own Shropshires have averaged 172 per
' Cent. for the last four years. At those
figureS, which I believe to be as near
vere Coughs, or any affection of the
Throat and Lungs, can get a trial bottle
of this great remedy free, by calling at
the above drug store. 714.52.4
Changeable Weather
Is trying to the system, rendering It
the faets as can well be arrived at, the
more liable to disease. As a preven-
increase in the fine -wooled flock would
be 45 lambs, which would bring inive of Sickness use Dr. Carson's
average years, when six months old, $2 Stomach and Constfpation Bitters
They purify the blood, cure all Bilious
per head, making the sum of $90. The
wool, at MrHewitt's estimation, Stomach and Liver disorders, and give
to 157.50 ; total
tone and strength to the system. Price
summate 1produce of
fine wools for one year 24750. The
50 cents. For sale.by all druggists. J.
S. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth. 750-52
wool of the long wools, according:to Mr.
Hewitt, would amount to $70. The
lambs of that class of ewes have brought Sick Headache,
$4 and upwards per head, when sx / Neuralgia, Dyspepsia and Constipation,
months old for several years; but relieved and cured by the use of Dr.
counting it $4 per head, it would
amount to $240, making the -produce
for one year 5310; adding the interest en
'the $80 that the Merinos cost more
than the long wools, would. make a
balance in favor of the long wools of
$67.30, (providing Mr. Hewitt had al-
lowed them to breed). I do not wish
to be understood as offering these esti-
mates as my own, except so far as the
production of lambs is concerned,
and the price, which the markets
for the past few years has proved to be
correct. But facts are better than esti-
mates,:so I will state a few: In October,
1879, a dealer in my county pnrohased
in the vicinity of Jatkson, Michigan,
five carloads of what we call Miohigan
Merino ewes. They were sold to the
-farmers in my county ; two of my neigh-
bors bought 100 of them for $3.25 per
head, and divided them, each taking 50.
Otte used a pure bred Shropshire Down
ram, the other a pure bred Merino; both
were wintered on the same kind of food
and had the same shelter. The flock
where the Shropshire ram was used pro-
duced 49 lambs that sold on the 22nd of
July for $4.20 per bead; the flock upon
which the Merino ram was used pro-
duced 36 lambs that sold in September
for $2.10 per head, making the product
of the flock where the Merino ram was
used, in lambs, $65.60, and where the
Shropshire ram was used $205.80. The
ewes in bathes:ie.: commenced drop-
ping their larab4the middle of March.
Another neighltor sold 41 lambs
raised from 28_ fine wool ewes for
$6.25 per head. They were sired by a
pure bred Shropshire Down ram and
dropped in April, 1881. But I have
said enough to prove that -we of New
York caia make more clean cash by
using a Shropshire ram on fine wool
ewes than we can bypontinuing to breed
from fine wool rams; and Mr. Moore's
cross shows that Michigan breeders can
do as much there.
Doc. &ULM
Epps's Cocoa.
Grateful and Comforting. -"By s
thorough knowledge of the natural 1 Ave
which govern the operations of diges-
tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap-
plication of the fine propertied of well
selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided
uur breakfast tables with a delicately 1
Carson's Stomach and Constipation
Bitters. Try them. They are safe
and effectual. Sold by all druggists,
J. S. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth.750-52
The. Exemption
Of several individuals from Typhoid
Fever, wnich recently prevailed very
largely in a Western town, was direct-
ly traced to the fact that they maintain-
ed an excellent state of health by the
use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Con-
stipation Bitters. This medicine is
purely vegetable, non-alcoholic, and
may be had of all druggists. Price 50
cents. J. S. Roberts, Agent for Sea -
forth. 750-52
Holloway's Ointment and
This Ointment affords the shortest
safest, and easiest path to soundness in
all kinds of skin diseases, scrofulous af-
fections, scorbutic maladies, ulcera-
tions, eruptions, and inflammations.
There is nothing deleterious in the
composition of Holloway's Ointment,
but on the contrary, its ingredients
possess the most soothing, purifying,
and strengthening qualities, so that it
can be used with perfect safety by per-
sons of all ages. The delicate skin of
infantS is not irritated by its applica-
tionaand it is equally adapted for sub-
duing the tedious ulcerations attacking
the aged. In all constitutional, chronic,
and. complex affections, Holloway's
Pills should be taken whilst his Oint-
ment is being used, in order that all
baneful matter may be expelled from
the system. 710
Wistar's Balsam of Wild
From the Kingston, Ont., Daily
Whig: This old medicine, the ever -
effective healer of ills that flesh is heir
to, is still before the public in its full
favor. It started on its career- of mer-
cy (for a good medicine is a merciful
agent), forty years _ago, and is to -day
sought after by the children of the men
who first sought out its virtue and
established its name. Were it not for
its merits it would long since have
died and left no sign, like _many a one
popular curative has done even in the
last five years. Wistar's Balsam of
Wild Cherry is no artificial, deleterious
componnd, certain to afford temporary
relief only by cutting its way by power-
ful agents through vitality, yet leaving
7.,vorao injmy behind it. It is a vege-
table, and by natUral remedies works
off complaints from a slight cold to a
threatening consumption. Fifty cents
and $1 a bottle. Sold by dealers gen-
orally, 710
Montreal Pickings.
We call the attention of our readers
to the advertisement in another column
of the Smith Medicine Company. We
are certain that thousands of mothers
tvill hail with joy the advent of such a
company. Their worm medicines has
been tested and found as described, a
great boon to suffering humanity. In
the Case of the tapeworm we have been
shodin one measuring 80 feet, one of 32
feet and one 14 feet, which have been
passed from the bowels of three differ-
ent individuals after taking a few doses
Of Dr. Smith's German Worm Remedy.
Thousands of testimonials are in pos-
if:lesion of these kentlemen showing
clearly that their worm medicines are
all that they claim them to be.-/lion-
treal Post. Sold biJ, S. Roberts, Sea -
forth, Ont. 754-521
• Yellow as a Guinea.
The complexion, n a case of un-
checked liver complaint, culminating
in jaundice, is literally "as yellow as a
guinea." It has this appearance be-
cause the bile, which enables the
bowels to act, is directed from its pro-
per eourse into the blood. In connec-
tion with this symptom there is nausea,
coating of the tongue, sick headache,
, impurity of the breath, pains through
the right side and Bhotilder blade, dys-
pepsia and constipation. These and
ether concomitants of liver complaint
are completely removed by the use of
Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis-
covery and Dyspeptic Cure, which is
also an eradicant of scrofula, erysipelas,
• salt rheum, ulcers, cancers, humours,
female weakness, jaundice and lumba-
go. It tones the stomach, rouses the
liver, and after relieving them, causes
the bowels thereafter to become regular.
High professional sanction has been
accorded to it; and its claims to public
confidence are justified by ample evi-
dence. Price, $1.00. Sample bottle,
10 cents. Ask for Northrop & Lyman's
Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic
Cure. The wrapper bears a facsimile
of their signature. Sold in Seaforth
by Lumsden it Wilson. 750-52a
It is Not What You Eat,
But what you digest, that maintains
the nutrition of the body. There may
be Dyspepsia without apparent stomach
troubles, as those pallid, ancemic cases
with general debility and want of nerve_
power are positive evidence of systematic
impoverishment from failure of the
Digestive Apparatus to convert food
6nough into blood to supply the wants of
the body. Here Wheeler's Phosphates
and Calisays, is -indicated to restore the
Digestive Tripod -the stomach, liver
and pancreas -to their normal working
power. 747-26
Among the Most Prevalent
fatal and sudden attacks of diseases,
are those incident to the Summer and
Fall, such as cholera morbus, bilious
tolio, diarrhcea, dysentery, etc., that
often prove fatal in a few hours. That
ever reliable rem.edy Dr. Fowler's. Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry, should be at
hand, for use in emergency. 739
If Mothers
and nurses would cease giving opiates
in the guise of Paregoric and Cordials,
and for children teething and subject to
bowel complaints, give instead Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,
the lives of many infants might be
saved that are s crificed to deadly
drugs. 739
An Honest Medicine
is the noblest work of man, and we can
fassure our readers that Dr. Fowlei°s
Extract of Wild Strawberry is not only
tenable, but is almost infallible to cure
Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, panker of
the Stomach and bowels, and the vari-
-ous Summer Complaints, whose attacks
are often sudden and fatal. 739
I. F. Smith,
Druggist of Dunville, under date of
June lst, writes of Dr. Fowler's Extract
Of Wild Strawberry". "ft sells inamen-
sely in fact has the largest sale during
the summer of any patent medicine in
stock," and adds that he can heartily
recommend it to the public. The above
named remedy is nature's grand cure
for Cholera, Dysentery and all summer
complainta. 739
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup-
tions, and positively cures Piles. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by E. Hickson & Com -
rimy. 714-52
, Now that the reaping and mowieg
Season is coming on, farmers should
remember that that "Kaiser" Machine
Oil is the best reaper and mower oil
in the market. For sale by all dealers.
Farmers before buying your reaper
and mower oil ask for and procure , a
ample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. Itis
Warranted not to gum, and is guaran-
teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52:
A REWARD -Of one dozen "Tea -
berry" to any one sending the best fonr
line rhyme on "Teaberry," the remark-
able little gem for the Teeth and
!Breath. Ask your druggist for ad -
'dress. "Teaberry" whitens the teeth
kike chastened pearls. A 5 cent sample
settles it. 751
AVIDS ON 'S Celebrated Trotting Stallion,
"Magician," will stand for the serviceof
mares for the season of 1882 at tho Com merdial
Agotel, Seaforth. Parties from a distanee sending
their' mares will 'be furnished with good pasturage
an d water at reasonable rates. Pedigree fornieh-
ed en application. A. DAVID
SON.. 1 740
THIS new Company, formed for the purpose of
invebting French Capital in Canada, is now
prepar ed t o advance money on the most favorable
terms on good landed securities. M P. HAYES,
'Agent for County of Enron, Seaforth. 699
Pairiodioal invaluable medicineis
unfailing.% the cure of al those painful and
dangerous diseases to which the female constitu-
tion IHsubleot. It Moderates all excess and re-
moves all obstructions, and a speedy euro may
be relied on. To married ladies it i peouliarly
suited. It will, in a abort time, bring on the
montlhy period with regularity. These pills
should not be taken by females during the first
three months ef Pregranoy, as they are sure to
bring on Miecarriege, but at any other time they
are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Af-
fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on
slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hys-
terics and whites, these pills will effect a cure
when allother means have failed; and, although
a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calor:eel,
antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each
package, which should be carefully pre4erved.
Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and
124 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop &
Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for the
Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over
50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by
E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsden
& Wilson. 694-62
MONEY TO LOAN -1 BM prepared to lend
money at lowest rates of interest, payable
yearly. Principal at the end of term. Private
Fan& JAS. 11. BENSON. 726
_T P. BRINE, Lioenoed Auctioneer for the
u • County of Huron. Sales attended in all
parts of the County. All orders left at theEx.
POBITOR Office will be promptlyattended to .
CB. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer.
• Sales of all descriptions promptly at-
tended in any part of the county on reasonable
terms. Orders left at the office of the HURON
EXPOSITOR, or addressed to Brussels, will receive
prompt attention.
CORNER of Jarvis and Goderich Streets. next
door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth,
Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, or Any
of the domesticated animals, successflOy treated
at the infirmary or elsewhere on the shortest
notice. Charges moderate. JAS. W. ELDER,
Veterinary Surgeon. P. S. --A large stock of
Veterinary Medicines kept constantly ou hand.
n' 0
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C9e° i•Z1
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• t•+,
It cures ppavins,
Splints, Cuilbs, Ring
Bones and all
lar blemi+s, and
removes the bunch
without blistering.
For man it is now
known to be one o
the best, if not the
best, liniment ever
, -
We feel positive that every man can have perfect success in every case if he
will only nee good common sense in applying ITTINDALL'S SPAVI CUE,
others: ,
oandpsefsevlre in i bad oases of long standing. Read below the exprie
. - YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, May 1, 1880.
Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co. -Gents :1 had a very valuable Hamblet nian colt
which I pried very highly; he had a large bone spavin on one jo nt, and a
smaller one on the other, whieh made him very lame; I had him ii der the
charge of tWo veterinary surgeons; which failed to cure him. I wa one day
reading the adver isement of Kendalt's Spavin Oure in the Chicago E press. I
determined at one to try it, and got our druggists here to send. for it;,they or-
dered three bottles; I took them all, and thought I would give it althorough
trial; I used it aecording to directions, and by the fourth day the colt ' ceased to
be lame, and the lamps had entirely disappeared. I used but one bottl , and the'
colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the tate. He
is entirely Oared. ; The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors
have the remaining two bottles, who are now using it. Very respectf lly, L. T.
• 1
ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881.
Early -last simmer Messrs. B. J. Kendall dc Co., of Euosburg Falls, Vermont,
made a contract with the publishers of the Press for a half column !advertise-
ment for ono year setting forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the
same timee secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled. Dr. Kendall's
Treatise on ihe Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to advaree pitying
subscribers o the Press as a premium. t
About the time the advertisement first appearedt:in this paper Mr. P. G. Scher-
merhorn who resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. He read theadvertise-
ment and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although Itis friends
laughed at his ored.ulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and tcom-
menced using it en the horse in accordance with the directions, and heinformed
us this week thatit effected such a complete cure that_ an expert horse an, who
examined the. aninaal recently could find no trace of the spavin or the &ice where
it had been locat d. Mr. Schermerhorn has since secured a copy ofiKendall's
Treatiee on the Eorse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly en4 would. be
loth to part with it at any price, provided he could not obtain another opy. So
much for advertising reliable articles.
Kendall's pavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as ilt does not
blister, yet ii is penetrating and powerfnl to reach any deep seated paiiji or to re-
move any b ny growth or mny other enlargement if used for several d.a s, such as
spavins, spliots, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and a 1 enlarge-
ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in ipan . and. for any p rpose for
which a lininaent,is used for man or beast. It is now known to be th best lini-
ment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. It i used full
strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year.
Send addr ss fOr Illustrated huller which we think gives positive proof of its
virtues. No remedy has ever Met with such unqualified success to our know1edge,
for beast as ell as man.
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or cafi get it for
you, or it will be eent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietOrs. .
74852 DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO:, Enosburg Falls, Vitrmont.
Mack's Magnetic Medicine
IS a sure. prompt and effectual reined v for Ner-
vousness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of
Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats,
Spermatorrhocea,Seminal Weakness, and General
Loss of Power. It repairs nervous waste, Raja --
venerates the jaded intellect, Strengthens the en-
feebled brain, and restores surprising tone and
vigor to the exhausted generative organs. The
experience of thousands proves it an invaluable
remedy. The medicine is pleasant to the taste,
and in no case and under no circumstances can it
do harm. Each box contains sufficient for two
week's medication, thus being much cheaper than
any other medicine sold -and while it is the
cheapest it is much better. Full particulars in
our pamphlets, which we desire to mail free to
any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold
by Druggists at 50 cents per box, or 12 boxes for
$5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of
money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC
MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth
by J. S. ROBERTS, and all druggists elsewhere.
ic: t
Before Takipg
After Taking,
-L- vons Deeility.and all Nervous Affections, in-
cluding Spermatorrhea, Seminal weakneF s, ect.,
results of Self-abuse, indiscretien, &c.,
only remedy which has ever been known to per-
manently cure Palpitation and ozher affections
of the Heart, Consumption in its earlier stages,
Rushing ot blood to the head, wind in the
stomach, indigestion, Loss of Memory, Want of
energy, Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, India
position to labor pn account of we akneee,
versalLassitude,Palflifl the back, dimness of
vision, Premature old age, ect. Full particulare
in our pamphlet, which we send securely sealed
on receipt of a three cent stamp. The Specifie
is now sold by all Druggists at $1 per package,
or 6 for $5, or will be sent free by mail on
•receipt of Money,by addressing dt39
will. you
a ease of
Dyspepsia or
or 75 cents?
It is awftilly
unwise to
agonize un -
;ler the many
arising from
Stomach and
iver, when
this offer 18
made to you
4rt your own
home in all
virith an absolute certainty of
curing you.
ZOPESA (from Brazil) cures
Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A.
single dose relieves; a sample
bottle convinces; a 75 cent
bottle cures.
It acts directly upon the
Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys.
Cleansing, Correcting, Reg-
ulating, Zopesa gives energy
and vim to the Brain, Nerve,
and Muscle, simply by work-
ing wonders upon the Diges-
tion, and giving, 'activity to
the Liver.
Cut this out, take it to any
dealer in medicines and. get
at least one 75 eent*bottle of
Zu pesa, and tellyour neighbor
how it acts. It is warranted.
to cure Dyspepsia and
L. R. 0.1?., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye
Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron-
to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and. Ear In.
firmar-y, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to the
Institutions for the Blind. Brantford, and for
the Deaf and Dumb. -Belleville, Ont. Late Clint -
cal AFsistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospi-
tal, Moorfielda, and Central Throat and Ear
May be consulted at the
On the Lust SATIT.11110.111:r In EA CIE
Wholesale and RetailDealer in "GRATH= and
SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description.
None but the Very Beet Stook kept. Terme
moderate. A Trial olicited. All orders by malf
or otherwise promptly filled.
4D1' 17. N. BBruTT
See the great DTJNHAM PIANO before buying. These naagniic nt Pianos
have been used. for 50 years in nearly all countries, and are still rank d among
the best Pianos in the world. ORGANS. -The ‘, Excelsior Organ" is now
acknowledged by the best musicians to be the leading Organ n Canadsl Pianos
and Organs of other makers supplied. Send for Catalogues.
SCOTT, BROTHERS, Seaforth, Ontario.
A- will keep d
28, Concession 3
Boar. A Ulnae
Terms -1 per
turning if neces.
locuLLs FOR 8
'ALP keep dnrin
provement of s
H. R. S., a thor
to which a limit
mated. This b
trom tbe herd of
He also keeps hi
bred bull, so tha
Terms: -For eit
sured providing
required. APPL
'TOCK.- The undersigned
ring the present season on Lot
Bay, a Thoroughbred Berkshire
nuMber of pigs will be served.
sow, With the privilege of re-
ary. GILBERT DICK. 754
RViCE.-The undersigned will
the resent season, for the int -
oak, on Lot St, Concession 8,
ugh redBates Bulll one year old,
d nnhibor of cows will be ad -
as purchased this season
ames Walker of Caledonia.
er two year old thorough -
ere ean have their choice.
11, 82 per cow, and calf as -
w is returned to the bull as
LCOAT. 757-4
er D
he -c
A- will keep on
S., Tuckersmith
bred bull, half A
the well known
Clinton. Terms
lege of returning if nE
N. B. -There are s
paid for last years sen
doing so at once and
his f
TOCK. -The` undersigned
, 2nd Concession, H. R.
Egmondville a thorough -
e and half Durham, from
of M. MoTaggart, Esq.,
0 per cow, with she privi-
cessary. JOHN 110DELAND.
All a few who have not yet
rice. -These would oblige by
eying further trouble. 748
ay at home. Samples worth
ee. Address STINSON & Co.,
5 to $2145erf
Portland, Maine' I
1 I
.. General an
Gout, Nervousn
and. Chest Con
Incipient Para]
Consumption, S eepl
Ask for Norma 's El
safe against inipositi
work well and are eb
IA Misunderstanding.
A great many of my numerous en
derstand that my place of business i
to be closed up on my departnre for
Prairie. Such is not the efise. T
will be carried on as usual either
some competent person.
The stock will be kept as complete
all kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewe
will be attended to by a first-class 'WCI
work and gooda will be guaranteed 1
faction as usual.
tomers nn-
Seaforth is
Portage la
e business
y myself or
s ever, and
ry repairing
Annan, ana
give satis-
This is the last month of my GRE T DIS -
Parties Wishing any- 1
gthp liSneAshiLoEn l'il take advantage of the !
engdiianNbrIarYgains now offered.
I am continually in receipt of ew Goods, ,
The latest st3les and neweEt design and novel- I
tiesAaclownatyinsuoann he : no d.
f the
liberal patro age hither- '
to extended me is solicited.
Suitable fel- Board, Wire, or Straight
URATIVE APPLIANCES Rail Fences. One mile and a I
quarter west of Wintheop.
1 Ne
ISHED 1874.
URES Spinal Complaints,
vim Debility, Rheumatism,
iver, Kidney, Lung, Throat,
ts, Neuralgia, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Sciatica, Sprains,
ssness, Colds, Indigestion.
etrie Belts, and you will be
n, for they will do their
ap at any price.
LAN, 4 Queen St East, Toronto
& C4 , Agents, Seaforth. 753-52
t7 (.--) A. WEEb
Costly o tfit
Augusta, Maine.
gg a week yo
outfit fr e.
Portland, Main
a day at home easily made.
ree. Address TRUE (t 00.,
r own town. Terms and 85
ddress 11.HaLLETT & Co.,
By the Acre or by the Thousand.
_Trade Mark Registered.
listY casual observation, we find all land specula-
tors have a clear head, and -watch the ups ahd
downs of property, thus making large fortunes.
But the whole secret is, they keep the system in a
a healthy condition by the use of THE PRIDE
say that hundreds corae to us Inc thegreat lung
and blood purifier before going West. Read the
following statement. We could give thousands
of the same kind if it were necessary. "I certify
that I was troubled with catarrh in the head,
gathering of phlegm in the throat, choking and
coughing at night for years, so 1 conid not sleep
often troubled with -dull, lifeless fbelings, pains in
the chest and hick. After giving hundreds of
dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried
the PRIDE OF THE VALLEY, and am now able to
do my work after seven yeafs sickness." Mrs.
James McNeil, 202 Simcoe Street, London, Ont.
The above statement of my wife's is correct,
James McNeil. For sale by all .druggists in
Seaforth. 745-52
TOWN CLERK and Treasurer. Office -North-
'. mat corner (d Market House. Office hour --
2:30 till 7 p. ru. 747
itcomposed largely of powdered Mica or Isln-1
gins's, is the B EST and CHEAPESTlubriCa-,
, or, In th.e. world -the BEST because it. does.
not gum, but forms a highly polished sur-:
face over the axle„ reducing friction atd
lightening' the draft ; the CHEAPgST lY!-
c:..use It costs NO MORE than inferio;-,
brands, and one box will do the work cc
two of any other make. Answers as wei
or Harvesters, Mill Gearing. '1 hreshing Ma-
chines, Corn -Planters, Carriages, Buggies,
et.:., as for Wagons. CUA R AN TEED le
contain NO Petroleum. Sold -by all dealerh.
lPoariikedet ft;:yecel.opeilict, 0' Things worth
228 Hudson St., New York.
Cleveland, 0. and Chicago, ill.
SAMUEL. ROCERS dc -CO. Toronto,Ont.
sot" Agents for the Dominion.