HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-06-23, Page 8I
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by tWelve 0'4elock the streets had re- played on'; each side, Varn� reosiving paid. Moved by Mr. McGee, seconded town, an d caWd in the services of a phy. � and finally up, ,st the buggy in the � to. his parents, who have the most sin,, .
, .,
. q
__ Pon expos"tot samedth,jir usual quiet. On the fol- two whitewashes and Hills dreen one. b Mr. Daymond, that the � account of sician. An examination quiQkly show. ditch. Mr.. �.,�derson received some ce I re sympathy of allin their sad- loss., . �i
y . V i
. -IOWiDg d Ay, Of course, when the real � At the end of the game'the �Core stood John Sproat, sr., lor fencing �b No. 11, ad that lie was suffering from empyema, severe kuo" As about the head, and . j
- � state c,d affairs throughout -the Do- 17 to 21 in favor of Hills Gr�en, which lie over' till next meeting. 1 Carried. an affection of the lung@, and arrange. Mrs. Aude I
DISTRIOT MAT%TARS. miniO-,d was ascertaine&, the Grits were is counted pretty good co dering the Mr. -D. A. McDonald, teacher No. 2, Monte made for him to undergo an bruised. Imn -and child ,were -o#ghtly Manitoba Notes. .
i Nelson -Ville has ,decided to drop the i
. nsi . ..,
r Somfjwhat disappointed: and the Tories amount of practise they, had, as they tendered his resignation as t&o&r of operatiob. On Friday last his strength 7L'ASk week the dead body of i an in- f1ville," and will in f atnre be known I I
. . a - d* saidsehool, Said resignation totake allowed the operation to be performed, faut ' I . as 11
PuRsx LOST.—Lost in Seaforth, either we?�,e equally elit�d, an it was not ,played the, first game if the ,,season on about two weeks old, was foiind in Nelson- - I
' 1
WO,O, 4
in Caiduo.'s Hall or between the Hall and the di.fficult to dii-tinguish one from the' May 24tb. I I i effect at theivacation. Moved by Mr. which consisted in temoving from his I the 113 near Grand Bend- in the I —The coolies between Huron Cit
Qaeen,g Hotel, on the evening of the 18th of ( I 11 ' an y 1,
ither- by the� appearance of their vis- i ----I Manson, Seconded by Mr.. McGee, that right lung about two quarts of a reddish I f ,e�nship of Stephen. Constake -Gi d Pembina have been bridged by the I
. .Tuue,, a sraill s%tchel containing a leather parse, ' ! 0 11,
in which was� a sum of money, a filk Poelket sage, but -this will'all wear 6ff -in a day i 1�rjbbert. '� �
I the resignation of Mr. McDonald be not watery E ubstanoe. After the operation *who was.iuformed of the matter, noti- Pembina authorities. An all road I
handkerchief and some other "c'es. The or two, and people will come back to -GOOD PRICES. - Mr. Malcoim Lamond accepted.—Carried. Six tenders were had been successf ally performed, tb ,j fied Coroner Hyndman, of Exeter, but route connec.ts Pembina &,ad Emer-sou
finder wRI be suitably rewarded on leaviaR theL ordinary every day life and feeling. some. time . a * it was decided to wait instructions from now. . i
imm.e tit THx XxxosiToR Offict, Sestorth. 759. . ago sold a fine p i of steers received for: eavetroughing, as adver- patient r pidly rallied, and we ,
, r) Are . I
- ; weighing 2,980 pounds, to Pridham, tised for. - Moved by Mr. McGee, see- pleased to say is in a fair way of —The Winnipeg. R�egatta Committee .
. - ! I � - I alti- the County Attorney as to �what steps I
-XG -&Lig.—Campbell & Sn-juh LOCAL BmFs.—TAere will be an open for 6J cents per pound; and.- Mr. John ded by Mr. Manson, that the tender of mate.rec every. to take. - It is a supposed ease of foul have decided to grant Walilace Ross � I
have marked down the prices of theirDreas 1.4,60dS . I . I
to nearly one half in order to ale meeting of Huron Lodge', - G&d Tom. Stewart sold an aged cow last week to Bissett Bros., of Exeter, be, sooepted.— , $1,000 for a rowing exhibition on the I
&r Out I xU the I . - play, as a stick with bloody marks on it � I
summerstook. -Figaredandplamilustres. forloc, plers, on this',Friday evening, in the Mr. Heal, for the handso a sum of Carried, There being only one tender C�eneli sessimis of tJ-,,o Peace. waa found near the spot. �8th inst. .His tr'Ziner, -Kennedy, will .
� . I �
� .
worth 18c,; fancy dreos goodifor 10c, w,,orth 18o,. 4odge room, cornmencing at 8 o'clock'. � $77-50. ' T . for fedeing it was IsLid over' Moved by Ourt was opene,' -On Wednesday evening of last row against him. I
an wool buntings for 15c, worth 25c; 'Ame -bunt, , ! . I A at Goderich �
inggforl5cj, worth !�5c; fancy ehe,,jrs torl5c, .There will be addresses, readings, reci- BACK FIiox M.kNIT013A.-4dter a two Mr. Manson, Seconded by Mr. Wood I week, Mrs. Spence, Mrs. Wm. Spence, 1 -The infant chil4 of Mr. and Mrs. I
� , by His Hunor Judge Tc,ffis, on Tuesday
worth 25o. All other goods in proportion. tations, mnsic, &c. All are cordiall weeks sojourn in the Lone iLand, Mr. that the. Treasurer be a6thori2ed to Master James Spence and bab' were Paterson, of Winnipeg, hud a naxrow, , I
. y of last ,% eek, with a V iry light calander, y -
ampa&m. & SmTai 759 it d. Tber6 will be no Do"Id M6 Lachlin has ret4ned home, apply to the township council for the ' tke con- out for a drive, and when returning escape on Monday afternoon, by failing �
�nvi a - entrance fee . the only crivainal oP,sas beint,
WiLsoN & YouxG receivei't this leharged. -Messrs. Alex., Wilson and looking no'ne the worse for is trip. Mr. intereit . Cr home on turning the corner just east of down stairs. The child received some I
week . . � accrued from the 'school fund spirazy charge or- fjrs�ce VS. Johnston et f I
e . i
I 1. I severe internal injurie* i
direct from Euglanit a fin assort,ment of Dinner ,John A. Wilson, left this week for the MeLachlin was not suffidie tly delight- upto the Ist of July, .1882. -Carried. a and he larcr,ay case sent up b Ethel, the horse became unmanageable, s, but it is hoped �
. u
sets, Tea sets and.Toilet sets. Diruer sets for Old Country. They sail from Qaebec ad with the country to inve t any of his Moved by Mr. Daymond I Seconded by- Mayor. Mr. J,oh' �y the turned too short, upset the carriaae and it will finally recovar. . .
I $14, and up; Tea gets for $2.5(j, &R4 up; Tailet ! a Butler was chosen I '
seets for $1.25, and up. 759 on Saturday. The former goes with s'arPlus money. '. Mr. Wood, that the boara C now ad- foreman. ' threw the occupants out. Wit'hn the ; -R. Watson, a leading citizen of .
F.Lis Honor in addressing the 1 � ..
STRAWBERRIES 1 STR ANRZ " the Wimbledon team, and the latja�r RuSTICATIZiG.-Mr. A. D. Nasmith, of journ to meet agkin in the West End Jury ref )r'.,od to the conspiracy case, exception of a few bruises and a severe i'ortage la Prairie, has been unani-
. RRIES I —If ' . -
� you want fine, fresh berrie & leave your orders L)r pleasare and- the benefit of nis Exeter, formerly teacher, of Schoot , School House, on the 2nd o. September, -which h,j said was n peculiar one and shaking all escaped unhurt. The horse Mously,chosen by th4j Convention at
early at D.�D. RosE's, when plied health. We wish them both a pleasant Section No. 5, is now rustic ting among .at 2 p. m. -Carried. EO. SPROAT, the fir -,6t of the kind coming under his Uinnedosa to be t1re Liberal candidate .
i .
I ,3�on. can be gap became entangled in the buggy and fell I
- i Secretary P. S. B. ; I noti receiving some slight scratches. Itwas at the approachin election forM&r.
I by i theboxor case at thA, loweet remunerative visit and a safe -return. They expect to his many friends and acq intances fu I rie. To prevent unjust and unneces.
p4ces. 759 be away between two and three months. Pleasant lale. He Was at',endiug -the - . . 9
THREE RAGS Tur "\ p 'SUED, the best -M � Medical S�hool at Toronto during the .1 . 7 88;ey LtrCuble to parties charged, the a miracle they 0 escaped so well. quette. ..
� -
rs. Lourisburv, wife of Mr., John . Xorris. J`Ormer law allowing cases of this -Duncan Mobonald. it will be re- . -Postmaster LeNvis sent thirty.six
-rarieties, of Swedes rece ived to -day at WnBON & Lounsbury, mot with a very painful ac- last -3essioil, and has - successfully ass- 0 ok S of mail matter west from Emar-
YoxsxWs. 759 � � ' ! P . A FixE REsrDENcE.-Th� brick work nature to go directly before �a, grand mefnbered, murdered Roderick Munr 6 'so, .
- � - �;ou by stage Monday morning.
I cident on : Saturday last. She .was ad his examination for M. P. Before of Mr. W. jewitt's house I is fast a,p- jury hal been changed, and the charge at Port Albert about five yearsago and The
� WELL DaNE.- . Air. pto,bt, Char�ers, of WaWng on the Sidewalk, which was practising Mr. Nasmith i4tends visit. proaching -completion, ana is greatly In 1 amount of mail froing. to I
1 was no -v r required to be investigated by a was sentenced to be hanged, but after- . i, Southern
the -Mill Road, Tuokersmith, sent 9, wet, when she slipped and fall, fractur- in, Scotland, and spending,1 sbme ti VaRitoba 4 rapial'y increasing. More .
� 0 OBP I Me / adding to, the appearance 6f his farm. magistrite, who if he Saw fit might wards the sentence commuted to im- I A
is - . M -will have to be -
peas grown on h' . ail accommodation
saimple, of white ' ing her tb�igh. Being a lady well up in in the h itals there. - It It naturally attracts a 'considerable send it ;o the grand jury. The offence prisonment for life. He entered King- . '��
. T
I - .
. farm, to the P nis Exposition .held in years it will likely be some time before � i amount of inspection and general view- , procured. 3
, T of the conspiracy was one at common ston prison four years a -go the 6th of 1
18-78. He had nearly forgotten ail about she recovers. - On Sunday evening .� I Brucefleld. ; I . E. Biscoby, ex-conduat6r on the 0
I I ing._ The house, together with the law, and might be either an agreement this month, but,has now been pardon. I - �
the matter u Atil Tuesday last, when on last a very heavy wind and rain Storm, ,NEw SciLEs.-Mr. R. J. Tarner has other arrangements is in full blast' to do an unlawful act, or.to do a lawfal ad - i Northern Railway, near Toronto, and X
goiag to the post office he was handed a Passed 0 . * out as his health was such as to I
ver the western part of this had erecte-4 near his hotat al set of new being prepaxed for the grand celebration act by udlawfl,il means. *In the present make it probable that he will die in a ' 'f ... t"' 15, Canada Pacific Railway
I paper parcel, and unrolling it he 'fow. nd county. Several of the streets in Goder- weigh scales, which will be! a great con- in the fall. Query -Who will be the case the complainant had entered into short time. His father had been cit- I east, was murder,ed at Rat Portage on 11.
- i . I Sunday. Biscoby and his wife are re.
that it oonlmdned an artistically execnt- ich were -flooded with water, and the venience to farmers -and �thers who bridesmaid') a recognizance to lay his charge before culating a petition to have him pardon.
-,ad parchment, informing hail stones which fell were of immense may wish to weigh stock or produce. I ported to have drank heavily, and sus -
him that ,he' . ANNIVFRSARY.—The anniversary held the grar d jury, and it was now their ad, or the term shortened, but the piciou rests oi� her.
had been, awarded the G()Id Medal size. -A large number of our citizens These scales were purchas6d from the �Pat Ebenezer, is said to be - 'one of the duty to -. nvesti'gate tile matter, taking paper had not been forwarded when the -The -fire [ alarm system has been
.1 I went to the station on Monday last .to firm of Messrs. Wm. A Co., most successful, ever held in that the evid 3nee as submitted to them by young man arrived home. . .
Diploma for the beat sample of white - - Robe rtson
t 11 . completed at! Winnipeg, and thirty
-peas Bho,wn at the Exposition held in ,get a sight of the Hon. -Edward Blake Seaforth, and are from M ver,y beat church. .The -weather was pleasant, the Crown Athorney. - I
� Paris,lj'ranoe, some four years ago. passing up to Goderich, The Hon. manufacturer and th , boxes are now in operation. The bri- �
i .Zouglly reliable. and the roads good, consequently the The j. sy then retirad under charge of
We: '4eg to; -congratulate our gentleman alighted- on the platform and NEw MILL. -Mr. dam I Smi�h, of attendance was very large, especially Constab a Gill'of Exeter, and the Court P s. ; gade'has three steam fire engines, and - I
� � . I
was introduced to several who present -1 Berne, intonds erecting a ' v Abating on 8abbath evening, t a church being adjourn(d until 4 o'clock p. In. At that . Mr. John Barnes of St. Marys, had �
friend *ap�u the high distinction his . riei . b When the water works are complatecl
1--rod-lacts have achieved abroad, ad themselves. About 30 accompanie& , and gristftig mill on Marks' lots fat the crimmed full, many having to stand � . the department win comp&re
I hour a I urthet adjournment was had new potatoes on the Ist of June. ; favorably. -_ ,
him to Goderich.-The dispute between Bracefieldi8tation. M�nArenowlbusily outside during most of the evening. The until W dnesday morning. -About sixty cows were pounaed in �ith eastern cities. - -
. . -
FoRnESTRY. - a High Court of the Sir John and May Queen, two horses employed �exoavating the foundation. proceeds amoanted to about $50. - I I . WEDNESDAY, June 14. Stratford last week by tha � Grand -The Manitoba Southo.3st6rn Rail-
-,Camadian Ord of Forresters .met at which trotted here on the 24th of May, A better place for a �aill could sqarcely PRESENTATION.—OU . Trunk aathorities. : way Company have again ap
I . Thursday even. The Coart oipened at the appointed - � plied to the ,
- Guelph on the 13th inst. Mr. R. X. has been decided by the committee 'of be selected. It is not only'conVenient ing, of last week, a number of the hour, and the Grand Jury having pre- -Mr. Alex. Brown o Manitoba Legislature for, and will
I f Avonton, has '
probably receive, a .now charter. The
I . Brett who atterided as &delegate from management. A protest was lodged to the railway, but Brucefield'is in the frieudgin connection with the Primi- sented a true bill a ainst Peter Dren- rented the grass in 'the new park at ,
the Court of 'this town informs us that against the horse for -being over --age,and Contra of one of t � 9 � I ople of Manitoba, however, realize
0 he beat griliin growing tive Methodist Church. drove to Wing- nan, ohs rged *ith the larceny of a rug Stratford. He purposes m4hing a Pe
the three principal officers, viz.: Messrs, on dine enquiry the committee ascertain- districts in the D ' ' I . that their only hope of obtainin coin.
- were re-elected . ominion' This mill ham and called at the residence of Mr. he was, laced bn trial, having' elected' sheep pasture of it. 9 �..
� Lang, Lindy and -Green ad that the protest was sustained, will be a great benefit to th' village and Fratwe115 Rev. R. Weatherill and wife's to be tri d by Jury. From the evidence -The golden wedding of Mr.'and ppting lines of railway in Manitoba i,% I
ad to the �offices of High Chief Ranger, and they have consequently awarded a boon to ene farming Comm by a cb&Dg,3 in the Dominion Govern-
S_eoreta,ry and , � reasurer, reepectively the first money to Mather's "May surro d * I , . nity which present home, and made the Rev. gen- it appeais that Drennan did not at. Mrs. Gustave Smitb, of Mitchell, will I I
. . an I, .Mr. Smith is thoroughly tleman tbe'recipient of a purse contain- tempb to retaft! the article- but banded be celebrated in the town -ball in that 11�ant- i .
Mr. Peter Rol4b, of - Clinton, had the Queen." This is the same -promising practical U, who unders ands. every iog about $30. A very suitable address it over on a sekrch warran'� and Judge place on Frilay evening, 30thinst.' tL-Parties who have race I visited
. � young Mare .1 : nt
h6nor of: MI hief Ranger conferred that won the 3 year old branch of the business, and M withal 'a was prepared and read by Rev. J. Mark- Toms' holding that the felonious intent -Mr. Widdes Jackson, near T . ,, of Flat Cre k- give � .
ra race last year at Clinton . . "Irow v - vicinity
upon him. nt were about 70 dale- .-Mr. R. L. most reliable and trust - *ortby man, ham. and the presentation was made bad not been 'roved, directed the bridge.,is buildinga bank barn,65 by .�ry unsatisfactory accounts' of the
,W 0 r Sharp has purchasF)d another magnifi- and will do a goo . P . jury 0 1 1
1 quit the prisoner, which they did. 100 feet, and when finished will be one sPa`t8 Of morality at that point. ,
ving mare. She'is four years people are fortunate in the I first pla ce, erill- rasode an excbllen't reply, thanking The appeal �ases of 11annah vs. Met- of the most .complete barns in North � Wll"ky is sold openly and above.
gates prese represented the orde d business "here. The *by Miss Olver, after which Mr. Weath- to Re
as being in a &4.rishing -condition., and Cent dri i
numbering over: 2100 members, and 72 oldandiswell bred on both sides',and in having a mill erected in their midst, the donors for their bandsome present, rison, and Yates vs. Schwartz, were Perth- board, and - the presence of a
11 I
courts, 6� which' 2 were adiled last year. - can do her mile in about three M inuteo, and in the SeConj place in having Be, and the ki.nd wishes with which it was again travers6d until the December -At the raising of Mr. John Thomp- g i ,at number of woman, of questionable
The next -meeting of the High Cour although she'has never been trained. good a man totan it. . i ; . -
t i ! accompanied. After parta1ing of ro. sessions,- � son's barn in Fullarton, a few daya ago, Saracter adds greatly to the con equent
will be held . at Gananoque on the 2-nd Dick is always bound to! have the very t I fresbments the party start�d for their The Grand Jury after examining the a brace fell from one -,of the beam's and � d�gradation. sshould
Tuesday in'June, 1883.. best that can be got in the way ob he' . , The authorities
. . . roe Brussels. 1 several homes, the evening having been struck Philip Cornish on the eye, inflict- tq
- flesh, and when be sees what he wants I � . M I witnesse 3 and 4idence -in - the conspir. - kO some steps to remedy the evil com.
I FOR Sxi�-3 Southdown Rain Lambs enjoyably spent by all. Re R. Weath- acy charse of 0, race vs. F. W. John- ing-quite a gash. p�ainad of.-
oney -won't stand in his way.-A"r- M. - x . .
AccuzuTE--Our esteemed4own con- In from Imported Stock on both sides ;Lnd larnbed in erill and wife leaves for thei new home ston, E. 'J'ampion and John McCarthy, . -Mr. Moran, Inspector of Public 17A large staff of workman are now
temporary in its last issue gave what Morrison has had the front of his store February. alsb 6 rarn lambs, fir,st yoss frorn im- in Walkerton about the 4t i . of Jaly. returned no bi I 1. ib u Et I confirming the - . a Ployad at A. McKayl,s mamm, otli saw
I ' 4newly painted, and the ' . .1t portedSouthdownRarn For pargiculars apply Rev. . . Schools in South Pertli, having resigned, In
purported to. be a report of the various - . improv Mel I Mr.. -Joues is appointed as Mr. Mr. Alexander has been appointed mill, at Winnipeg making improv V,
, gives it a neat and atbra3tl'Ve a p with card for itnswer to C. R. COOPER, Brus,,els opinion (f the* kagistrates who sat- on to .a. ri i
political meetings, held in ,t-h,is Riding P. 0. 75E�2 J! Markham's colleague for he ansuing the case ELt first. succeed him. Mr. Alexander is well Ments to the build'in'o and placing i.n fl
during the previous week. -7 e, received fr( r: . 7 C5 .
ance.- W, have Vr ' . -
The .so. Robert Gov n THE IMPORTED TILOTTII-46 STALLION, year- I On Tharsda�, the Grand Jury handed known -having served in that capacity new-naachinery. Amang the latter is & . 01
- curaev of this a lock, of MeKillop, s�voical MAGUIAN, will stand lor the balanop of the season i . in their presentment and were 'dis- before for a number of.years. .
- report may be Jadged I i la�rge planing machine, as it is the in.
from the following -quotations, which stalks of fall wheat of the �q_eneca for a limited number of mar6s at the Teoumgeh . Beechwo.od. I tention of this firm
. . .
. variety, which averaged 4 feet 10 inches House, Bruesdis, from Thursd charged after �vhich the court adjourn. -On Wednesday last week a child . to go into the
;� Wa give as a sample of the whole. Of . - I day noon eachl week. For Te ay n on until Fri- A COXTROYZRSY.—We�'hava' received a I ad. ' I anufacture of every description of
the Hen�all meeting it.is said: "Mr. in length, and are. nicely headed out d Pedigree I belonging to Mr- James Shearer, of 1:
" " i lumber, and to establish in '
with. splendid, long, firm heads. Mr. seebills. ALf X. DAVIDSON, Pro )rietor. 7P9.2 COMmunication fromMr. - P. DeCante- I Stratford, about four years old, *bile , connection I
' 'MoLean then appeared with his . �141
� Ion, which is in r6ply to''anoiber which I with their mill a sash and door factory. �
Speech Goven�lock has 20 acres of this grain REMOvEDL-Mr. A. W. Taie and Mrs. IIiiron Notes. climbinv on a fence, f6ll off, and a 'rail -
� - � i ,
"when- he tried to crugh,li. arguments and the stalks menti I Thos.. English and family left for Maoi. appeared in the Seaforth Sun. This The fralnewdrk of t' falling on her injared bar So a I -Mr Morton, of the Morton Dairy
"raised by Mr. --Jackson, but all in oned are a fair . ,be new Gorrie everely � _.
toba on Thiarsday,,,via the Grand Trunk commuDication vVas Bent to th that she died shortly �f ter the accident. Farming .
.." 'In -view of the fact that Mr. It bids f+ir to . n iE up add the building will soon i 'Company, of Montreal, has
"vair sample of the whole.. a Sun statio inview the establishment of au im.
Railway. and its publication was refused, hence befinished. -the con'tract is in the The M-Achell temperance society I
McLean preceded Mr. Jackson, it would P . S' been for -warded to us for publi - - men
. give a yield of over 20 bushels at acre. A SAD PnocEssioN.-Tbe 'funeral of � ca- hands of Mr. Hood, of Wroxeter. . n-
o I so dairy in Manitoba.
- -t for him the three children .of Mr . tion. Upon mature consideration we -Mr. J. A.'MoMichael, son of the Ing last week. There was a good and in�i 135,000 acres of land, divided -into
have been somewhat diffictil -A man named Cali " ban, who resided I it ha held its,fregular meeting onTuesday eve It will take
to lilcruih" the "arguments" of that on the south Bide of T Duncan
' the railway track, Taylor, of Grey, which passod throagh well rendered programme. The ' farm -a numbering a � little, more than. �
gentleman. Again, as to the Drys. Was taken to Goderich 04, Saturday Brussels op have decided to keep clear from the late Dr. Mcidibbael, left Gorrie last . mem- I
. co controverHy entirely. It should never wee Scotland, to put- bers appear to be failing in ' their . d 2QO. T n is to the north, of
dale meeting, it ia said: night and rifined in jail as a danger. , Monday last,!. was the k for Edin6urgh, uty he locatio' ��
"D. D. Wil " ; , Tortle Mountain., at W.
I largest tba,., ; have commenced, and h i -
- f was ever , aving comme in the way -of paying dues, conS6 , bite
. ised, 150 carriages. fn qu6ntly Lake. Mr. Morton has already- sent
The procession -compr d it Should certainly not be cotitinuqd, -Rev. Isaac, Barr, fornierly pastor of the society is hampered i w
"son also spoke,well, but his argument ons lunatic. He -was seriously given to .Seen inihis part. ne. sue his medical stadies., - Water
"when compared with that of Mr. intemperance, which is supposed to be e n its ork. .
. the main cau' ACCIDENT'! - P. Murphy, !of Morris, as it is impossible that good -Dr. Hamilton, late of Stratford, has . forward larue
"Hay -8 were useless." When we say So of his present mental ' can result the Engl sh church, at Wi6gham. has 11 . quantities of Supplies,
, i
- condition. He has a wife -and five fell off the steps at the Que�n,s Hotel from it, and if not checked, a very great finally located �n the Qu,'Appelle Valley lopated at Newry, for the practise of his _InLachinery and stock. He -Will. start
that'Mr. Wilson was not at the Drys- small children, who are left utterly un- on Tuesday'evening last, and broke his deal of ill feeling 'may be *engendered. , region, baving dhosen a place nor�h if rrofession. The Dr. disposed' of his thie farm with 3,000 heifers and other
dale meeting and was not nearer it than provided for. -,Mr. John P. Gibson re. arm above tilhe elbow. The fracture was Ther 'a is no question of principle at , the Weed Hills. - practice at Stratford some time ag e vi d
Seaforth, it will be seen the ,o 8t6ek. Each farm will b pro de �
-reporter's turned from Manitoba last week. We dressed by Dr. McFadden. 1� -Murphy stake; and the origin of the! matter -The Londe roug4 Creatnerv,sit . with the intention of removing to ttle with thirty cows. Buildings will be
sen�ae of truth is its litaited as his 0
__ do not know whether he intends going was under the influence of li being of a purely private natur4, it is of ated on ;_ - Northwest, but subsequently och 'ged erooted and everything Put in shape to
knowledge of English grammar. ,4uor. the farm Mr. Thamas Irwi , an
back or not. -Thera w . ere A BoGus BILL. -Two prominent I no interest -whatever to the pu�lic. The ir, the townHhio his mind. I . . be4efit the tenants. Timber for the
Buough-said. Some . 13 , of Hullott, is now i .
voters went from Saaforth on Tuesday citizens, Tqry and Grit, mad� 9, beat thing they can do is to ELhake hands fall working or4l er, and is li -The friends on the 9th . buildings
. 1. bet of kely to do'a COUCeBS1012, . . .will be taken from the region
I 05 each onthe majorit I and become good friends. If they will large bus � Fallarton,1 met at Mr. James Hicks' on The 'whole, .
. last to vote for Df . Sloan in va i y inj Brussels. his Season. . I
Er-EcTiow :D.Ay IN SM!LFORTH.-Al- r1o" The moneyiwas given to the thi take our advice they will not have to �nass t of the Turtle Mountains. .
rd party g' Tuesday eVeni�g of last week, and pre. syStem of the farm is to be traversed .
� parts of East Hurou.-Mr. JameStaird -Mr. lGeor 6 ing, of East Wawa- ft
I though there. was, much interest mani- who left Egmondville a few weeks ago as stake holder. At the close of the live many months to- becom-3. c4nvinced nosh, map with a painful accident on sented their miqjf3ter, Rev. W. Booth, by,' a two -foot narrow-gauge railroad,
fasted in the elections on Tuesday last - d_wen' poll the won the bet, and w thatthey have taken the wi�est and Wedues with a well-filled purse and a neatly that will connect all ofthem by means.
an t to Manitoba with Mr. Hicks TOTY best course. -ED. ExPOSITOR. . I - of 1 last week. lie was orded address, expressiv
by our townspeople, there was not much lianded the, stake, b�t to bil surprisaes holding of which all the milk produ'
and party has returned home. - He , - L cow, 1!wlien the animal struck w a of their kind oad can be
� .
excitement. Business was dull, and went as far� West as Brandon, the bill put'up by the Grit iwas of . . I hi i. Christian' regards, prior to his leaving ,delivered daily at a central point on the
and : a m on, ibe eyd' with her horn. It .- .
. i � feared h(. will 1168C for his new charge. C�nadq. Pacific Road. The works will
. most of thedahabitaxAs of both sexes leaming that all the surveyed land def unct bank, which caused sbme sharp 131yth. . the eye. -
Were wither talking of or thinking about West of 1hat point- -had been ,taken up, talking between the two hett�rs. ' -Mr. John Oodbolb, of the 10th' con -The Elms Cheese and Butter be! Conducted .
PERSONAL. -Mr. Thomas 'White, of . I - � on &large scale. The. �
polities. Earlyin the forenoon many hesoldhisoYen and returned home. MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. -.6a Satur- Morpeth, au� old resident of Bly th, paid cession ,f Usb�rhe, had a valuable Manufacturing Company sold to Mr. S. sAerne hag already attracted attention, ..
WILIO had votes in other Ridings and .Mr. Hicks, and Mr. Baird, jr., pushed � day afternogn last a most r4elanchbly our village a visit this week. � brood miare kIlled P. Hubbard,of Str%t Mr. Morton having received 260 appli-
; � by, lightning on ford, the balance -
Counties staxted off to poll theirVotes on west wit accident ooqurred in the stables of Dab - Thursda* of their make for May, c ca(ions from farmers. -
in thece places. Some 13 went to East tinap) h ,the intention of 11 squat- Pic-Nic.-A. union Sabba�b School . , evening of last week. It was onsisting of 247 1
C, -Pon land if they could not get n no and
Huron to: vote for Dr. - Sloan, -and sev u can Taylor, �township of Grey,� by which. Pic-nic will be held in Manobeiter to. I insured I the ,U3borne and Hibbert boxes, and got for the same i* �- -A heavy robbery occurred at the.
or- 1 F . � nd. This is Mi' -
ayior, agdd respecti . -A few days,sipce, w idered a, good sale at this season of bbigan Central Depot about four
-ile Hugh Ro);b returned from Manitoba on V�e�ly eight, on account of the extensive ',r,par,- ; o'ellock Tuesduy morning, a drover -
al went to vote for Mr. Farrow, wh -Suit- them. -Mr. Robert T - (Friday.) Expectitions & -e high
. any surveyed lots to three children, Dougal, Andrew and day, Blutua ire InguraDC8_ Company Seven eighth cents per pou
six and four years, met thei 0 . hile alad nam- cOns I I
not a.few went to West H ' area and Saturday. He was west as far as - r deatbs by d Case was wotking with a wool picker the year. . I
_ tions that fire in progress to Mike the 9 . � named Donald McCaskill b-ei,n i ved -
ation,having, it appears clinabed . in the Exeter w ollen mill, r -A young man named James Blair, of $1,180. He had .g relie
S()Me to South Perth, and several to Brandon. He sold his cargo of pork in suffoc' ) Success of this 'new venture in Ithe pie- be acei- .
. I ly �aught,bi Sion of Elma, was
losed during the day, much to -the an- and becoming fastened on thle outside. nic line shpersede any previous at. chineryi 1 Befor'e A at Listowel before Jus-
oth - or -places. The hotels were kOPt- Winnipeg and made well out of into an oat bin, the lid closind On them from the 16th conces just come from
01 it. -Pr. dental fingers in the ma-
Ryersod, the eye and ea'r doctor, will be tempt. I be could extricate tried last we _ G14dstone, Manitoba, mud waa on-hia
I n - - The telegraph them the� were badly jammed. tice Draper for assaulting Mr. Chas. Iret twa men who gave their names as
at the Windsor Hotel, Stratford, o t to St. Thomas. In Chioa o he -
-noyauce of the drouthy'�- ones. At - wav
When thahired Mau opened �t to feed Ti3E ELECTIONS. . 9
about five o'clock the quiet ,of the day the h6raes with oats he foi�nd I . -Mr. James �able, of Auburn, has a , Mc)ienzie, sr, a neighbor of his. The James A!Ian. and S�
Saturday, June 24. -Me. John McMil- , them office was crowded on Tuesdp,y evening .1 .
984VO Place to Uneasiness and expec- lan, M. P. for: South Hu dead. The 'accident is a mos!t terrible filly from!"Whalitilh Wanied," on' Court imposed a fine of $5 and costs a I hu Boquet. They- -
r ten, left here ' last, pending -the result of th� elections. I a year 8 claimed also to be cattle deale I
t&uoy� Thefil at retams received were 4 one, and thq Sympathy of the entire ,The anxious lookin . -old that vyeighs a Slight hint to Mr. Blair that he rs, - and
from Seaforth, which. gave Mr. Mo. . yesterday on � visit .to Scotland. He g faces vihich were 11,010 pounds, and Mr. should .
sails from Now York ' S. Scott, bf the gaine neighborhood, haer regulate his Said they were on their way t
on Saturday. Community #8 extended to Mr ", and Mrs. here and there noticed, exhibited the conduct Somewhat better Th sy took the same .e"t 0 Canada' [
Millan a majority of ten. This Was a "a Taylor. . I � � � *
- expects to be absent about two months. ' . I keen interest that had been manifested a colt froL Ba�dle's "Banker," seven in the future. . - ' bound train, ,
Rl�GGLE--The electil,on clay i -While Mr. Michael Elford, of U r,m,in1iDg wi rouchout ,I
0 '
I "I in .the contest by all. Thetr�,3portsfrom I d and weighs s- thf journey. u
. Brussels passed off very quietly on Tues- East Huron were from s borne, was assisting at. a When th
surprisatomQat p6ople. The Couser- It is a -bout 37 years since be -left the old TIIE ST months and ten - lays ol :th McCaskill th
vatives were counting on a majority of land and he will see many great change . i . a' trai arrived
30 here, -while -the R6formers �expected both in 13 day. Each P_ ome unaccount- barn raising at.Datroit McCaskill tookout
the people, and things since he left. arty worked bar for their able reason delayed, and it Wig not till -We underst,and tba4t the Rev. J. on the premises of Mr. WM. Roweliff.e, I his pocket
- . �
vote -would be about even.. The His constituents of South Huron will candidate, and. at the close o the Poll late in the evening that any . W. Butcher, has "had charge of of the St. Mary's Roal, he met with & book to apeommodste thern, with a
I I small favor,
Sort of a Crediton 'circuit fo! the Past few years, rious accident.. Mr. R. Hunt and while he ha,&; it in hiEt
- . tood in division 1, F�rroww. 57, reliable or authenti6 report was obtain- . .
eramith, giving Mr. McIffill ' 8 8 . &U 50; in number 2, and who was i was using a -_ -_
next returns received were from Tuck- join with us in wishing fiim bon voyage the. vote a r n.0 rather se
� an tb6 -Several hot a are now in training on, SIO, 1 52, ad, when it was found that Farrow had for ierly 'pastor of the blacksmith's sledge on a hand Allan isn&tChed ft� and ran away. .
splendid majority of 214. About -this Fairview Park for the Wilac, Sloan 40; rdaking a majority� for at- been after a hard brush by Dr. bloan, I � The other I
time I ,ham races F Bible Christian 6'l.urch,'at Exeter was beam at the top of the building, when man f`011OWed suit, and waa
arge numbers of people came row c I
which take plti,ce on the first of Jul of 19, with three spoiled allots -for superanni!iated sit I he reo'ent meeti g of -Boon lost shyllt of. The Canadian re. I
majority. Sloan,*s major- : I andle, and falling potted his loss to
.ntry to hear the The ne ' Y*- Sloan. *The Official n1ajoriti s in East ity in Blyth is 5. � ian confTrence. Mr. Elford, who wa' though search was made no true of the�
:docking in.from the con elected by 43 � it slipped off at the b rj�
w fence at the school grou Is. . the Bible Christ' npon the head of the' police, bat &I-
, .
. n HiVon by municipalities are: li� � _� -Mr. I.I. B. Weir standing on the ground, caused his - I
news, and as -soon as the returns .com- has been completed. The improve- . i - � . I . , , agent for Elliott rol Urs could be found. - .
19 MoRced -cominig in by telegraph, the 'ments make the'-Wrounds look cousider FARROW. ': SLOAN. i & Co., of London, from �riday, the 2nd eeth to come together with such force
- , -
aftice Was besieged - by an - im- 'ably better. -the entrance examina- Brus3els .................... 19 ........... ; ..... 0 Clinton. inst., to hursddy, 8th idst.. disposed of that the upper jaw was badl broken. -Wednesday morning about 2 ovelock
mense, concourse of people. The side- tion to the So will Blyth.. [FROM TH�E: NEw FRAJ - to th� following gen y a .
O.. .. .. T.. Bindeis -A tradesman of St. Marys ' a bard- Ge D. H. Connell,
walls-, and the -street in f rent of the tel- .%forth High School Will- '' ..... f; I five Cord ,I - i t - 9L illain entered the residence of - Mrs.
' take place , in Seaforth on Thurs" lbam ................... 24. ...... 0 HAND BROKEN. -On Thursday even. tlemen:_iReed Bros., Mullett ; Wm., working, steady man- . Woodstock, N. B., no-
. egrapli. office was blocked with one solid next. Intending applicants should day Wroxeter ................... o . - 7. *.-!`-' ..... 20 1 jag last while playing Badle, Hu4lett;llex., I humbug into languag -put the N.'P.
Q be Turnberry .................. 0--* ...... pl... ..21 Campbell,ffullett; ga all can und doubt with- the illteutiOla of robbery. �
mass of peoplefor several hours. As on hand by half -past eight on tile me Grev:, ........ ; ............ O..,.... '. I John Irwin (son of Mr. R. Irwin) bad Stand. He s%ys: "I have 53 per w " Ec climbed up on the verandah by the,
. rn- Mo- , 100 m that entered the bed-
� r�l ..................... 9 .......... .... 0 : n I had three years
the returns were, received they - Wra. Wei� Goder cl� Tp., and John ,ek lai der, and f ro
were ing in question .-Those who may want 0 : his left band broken by a blo' from a � Churchill '4 more wages now tha
announced to the wsitincll H wick..* ....... I, ............ 158 .. ... ........ 0 lacrosse stick. �v 0 odeii Tp.; , . to I
. Multitude, bargains in the f uraiture line should , - — . -Daridg the he vy p to.rm which pro- � 9-90, and yet, while I live as bconomi room whe Miss -Kate Connell and Mrs.
. 1 205 i - Bubk were sleeping, He attempted to.,.
and each announcement was greeted bear in mind Mr. J. P. Brine's auction 1 146 1 WESTJ Informa- vailed on Thursd�a of is, week, Messrs. Cally as ever, I am not able to,
.with cheers by -the respectiv live as : chloroform them, and they were nearly ...
, a sides, just Sale at the Commercial Hotel to -mor- Majority f6r Farrow 59. 1: : I tion has been received of the! unexpect- Samwell 4 Pickir 's b?Olick in Exeter well with that advance as I did before. : under its influence when Mrs. Connell
I i . �
ac it Suited their Niews. The informa , . , �
: r
- row afternoon .-There was quite 'a .— . i ad death of the wife of Mr. &vid Shop- was strup� by lightning, �and five wood-. Then I could afford roasts and "steak,
-tioa obtained, however, was exceeding- severefrostlon Tuesday night last,but we Tuckersmith. I pard, formerly of Goderich I township an oraai:a6ntB ware knocked off t now I have to buy boili wa aroused by their heavy breathing, I
ly -�as&tisfactoory. It was I I I which occurred near Birtle,':N.W. T' I of the building. "'.Vo further he top time, as it is cheaper ng beef All ,the an entered the room. The In
tardy in have not heard of any barm being, done. O-DI'TUARY.-Many of 0 ! ; damege - I have nA been im I ediately fled. iscreant
coming forward, and the retu I i b a ur rea,ders will i on the 31st of May, of puerpieral fever, was done,'owing.rio doubt to the top I able to buy a now suit of The bedclothes- u
t:� rns� given -A gentleman from Goderich left here regret to lear of ihe de i � of clothos, and
wel7e very incomplete and con-trad . t:� ath Of Miss I after an illness of 9 days. ' I have had only one i we're found saturated with chloroform.
. -Y z on Tuesday morning at nine o'clock and Janet Doig, second daught ' 13 .
iCtOr, - Deceased the wall hAving been covered with zi c, 1 n three years2l I
aud although the -'�elegraph office w _' at , of JOh" ; was very much thought of, an d was the n � i T'Ihl6re is no clue to I .
as drove to TtYuja's. School house, in the Doig, &q., the Perpetrator. �
c k- ,Tf this township. i,ch the electrid I fluid appears On Monday of last '
Townsbip of MOrris, 8 miles north' of . ave P9tssed. I week, Mr. Robt. i ion of th&
hapt open untit nearly twelve o'clo , � 1 This a%d,l youngest daughter of Mr. Jas. Cluff, to 11 � I - ! uring Weduesday's sess
aud Alt. Cull did av' event took place on. Thursda" ! I Lochbead, son of Mr. William. Loch. !
. erYthing in his Bras' �ce of the brot 9 now of Seaforth, formerly of IV I Cs��Ida Methodist Co �
pawer to procure the d- sels, and got back here in time for -at the reside hIrmornin . cKillop. -The fiiends aiid ac4uaintances of I head. -beputy-Reeve of Elma, and w � I aference at pre-
wired informa- the express train goincr Wes of the I NARRow ESCAPE.- ho - se�t held in Toronto, in ans,ivar t,)� .
0 t, Makin& deceased in � hu ay mor- Thomas Leisbmin,'whoi taught school I is at the present time at home on a visit I
� e) the township of i Howick- ; ning last a man in clon T sd I
. .- t" question. 11 Who have died during ' I
� ,
ith a severe,' thq year?" the follow - names ,Were I
-ain6d in one of the hotel stables in,town had regret to bear he i A in a very low state - accident He"was working with a team rei�lortpd -Edgertou Ing
ti an,14e ,definite State of parties was the distance of 50 miles in less than 5 iarge of a stallion in Ethel fO;,r a humber'of years, will I from Manitoba,
not Miss Doi� b9d been keeping house for ' met w
asz,ert - The arraugements at hours, and got back to- tr'oderich in her brother for some tiine, I She bad I a slightly unpleasant encounter with of health' at P�e enb. He w � 0 11yerson I
head cruarters Seemed to be of the time to vote there -.for Mr.. Cameron. always be ant to I of horses', which ran away, and threw ; , LL.D.,
and most -unsatisfactory kind, He was driv,91a by a,n en6husiastic Grit person, but about six months R I I ,in the winter and remailned ' him out of the wagon. ; rs in the ministry, sad 78
go she ' broke awav from him, and did its beat 0 On fallinLg, he : ye rs of age; Lachlan Taylor, D.D.,
! - thereuatil� about'a week ago, when Btruck his head against a post, and w '
lo not know; from this tOwn.-On Tuesday last Mi-. became afflicted with what w4s SuPPos- i to bite the man, driving him into a co he I as ' for y- wo vears in the -
BRt WhQ is to blame we c I
an a most robust an4 healthy i the brute. While leading :it out, it Manitoba i fifiVsix �ea
. � . ministry, and 66
r- returned home tc his� father's near rendered insensible for several hours. ' yefqrs of age; Thomas McMullen, in the
About eleven o'clock it wats learned J.'S. Porter voted in ,Stratford, Clinton ed to be dyspepsia, and she adnally � nor in his eiforts to avoid it. The ani- I 1 71" t
He also intended voting lost strength and wasted awOY until at i mal then reared and struck 11�lyth,hnalhas Scarcely lef b his bed I His life was at that time despaired of, 78t� year of his age, and forty-fifth of
'with some: degaree of certainty that Mr. and Seaforth. ,1gr
XaAlfllari7s 'luajority in the South in Mitchell, but as time and the train length She w�s confined to he' I him with - since. ; I � i . i
I ! I
, � �� bed and I its front foot, tearing the man's vest ! re- hisl MiDi8try; Philip J. Robji
Ridi-111wasat least 600,and that Mr., will not �mit for any man, not'even to finally the Spirit took -The new Iron Bridg but he is now in a very fair way of I . -
. Cameron was elected in the Wes4, Mr. permit -him to record a Grit vote, he its der arture to I from.top to bottom, but just at the mo- I in I P which iq be- covery. ; mi�iB.ter; Richarcl Potter, in n, an old
9 --rected over the Ma4land River at -Mr. Yo'ung,of the Stratford Beacon, I I
_Farrow in the E ast and Mr. TrQw in Him who gaVe it. The doctors did not'! ment the man caugbt the halter and 1 G . ,year If his age and twentv the 52nd
I was prevented doing, so. -Mr. J. P. seem to undardand her coml) � I oder'ich, ill, it ,is exp�eted, be com. a terrible berea-votneiit on� : hisiministr
laint, but ; brought it 'under subjection. � . I . ;, '
. pleted by Dominion Da' , and will be . Tuesday evening last week. Hia ,little i Of 4ge, and upward Of fifty years in the '
S noose berries of it is supposed to be some Sort Of an in- � James Seymoie, 84 yeam,
South Perth. Upon -procuring thi� in- Brine has the the bo� SUCCES�FUL OPERATI I met with 'y fourth of
formation, Mr. McMillan, in response. the season. Some of L' ! ION. - About a taken over�from the co
to repeated calls, made a short address them are nearly internal growth. She was a ost esti- week sin6a Mr. Jas. Gallaghe Jormer h ; nt�actors by the son, a bright boy of about a year and a ; Mi4istry - Almon Lyons,'alter a brief
and wab'b loved by of the 8th con. of G-Oderich Itownshi'
the, sagemblage, in which he express - Sparliog-returned home from Manitoba all who knew her. Her parents and im, preVants this ;
to, . Mr. F. G. mable young lady, IV council w 1� will m(et oil the call of the ! half old, was 'Missed by his parents, pertod of'seven years in the
as big as the average Plum I
0 �
. o �f noth , I -
tursday. i returned from Fargo, Dakota th 3 H*y BawtOnheimer, 54 Yearmsinof age,
,ed his- pride and Satisfaction with the on Tb Will I and was found a few Minutes later in a istry ;
large majority that had been acco' � I- I friends will have the sincerest �ympathy , acutely from what was , Buffering form an . er il!1
, rded t(resting feature of , cistern, into which he had fallen, it , ancli twenty
L I _six in ,the ministry; Ed- - -
him, and thanked his. friends fo of all in this gown in their ber�avement. ' Supposed to be their Firat bf Jul�, celebration. I having been inadvertently left in an un. 1' ward Morrow, in
r the - ( , quick consumption. When he was put -As Rev. Mi. Andersbn, of Wing- safe condition the 42nd year of his
s be- - 1419 r done � -
half. After giving him thre I Public Schooi Boat& was hel . . - ham, with Wife and child. were driving I by parents, frienda, and ph-isioians, who ; age, and ten years in the ministry;
exertions they had put forth in hi' Hills Green. SciEiooL BQARD.-A meew of the I on the train at F& go, he had the plea . Everything was I
flA&.- - -_ ' a-
� 1� -,
-, � -
� -
)� i� I
a 6
no, I I
; I
I 1�
ta I
. I
left for their homes. n 1 45 years of age, and
a cheers, BASE BALL. -On Saturday last a day last at Kke's hotel at 2 P.M. All ,' not live until -be reached home. ham one gathered round as soon a ' I
most of the people. . d on Satur- � Sant assurance given him that he would from Whit�echureh to Wing , David Williams,
� .
frie dly 9&me of base ball was played On L a the sad news ' fif an Years in the ministry. Numer- I
I -
During the w the member y� day last wdek, andwhen coming down was known, and used 0 the means ! ous, testimonies were borne by several
8 present. The r4inutes of i his arrival at Clinton be was too weak a bill a an�p on the
. PaB . hole evening everything here between the'Varns club and the last meeting were read and confirmed. ' hoddb&ck broke, usual to restore drowning persons. �14
,g7 � -V . � but � min�sters to th I
� .
SP -d Off quietly and Pleaftntly,'and boys. of this place. Be. an icniDgs were Several. aceounts Were presefited and I to Proceed home, and be accordingly causing the'; buggy to run against the without success. for I . - 0 zeal, the fidelity, and
i remained at the house of a friend in ife was extinct 'the � success Which Characterized the .
. I L L horse's leg4� which commienoed to kick Being an only child t1k blow is a "a on; I - I
- I � I . . I I � - M1I#8trY Of their departed breften.
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