The Huron Expositor, 1882-06-23, Page 7FE 23, 1882. SIEMPAS' HOUSE ORTH. 05 premises former theBank of Corn- ier the Commera4 tree.. IS' DISCOUNTED. 'reign Exchange i and Sold. ;ALE NOTES -eskoonsuie_ Rates, 'Material Securities 'Fable. at par at all tank of Coramereet "weal Ont Deposit* n Mortgages, rl Proprietor. EAFORTI-1. ruary, 1882, we changed "adoring fforir at our Sea- t AND GRADING ['FOWL al buying our family or upon getting a first-clase TED /tidies arid pronounced IT' BY ALL.. r exchange work- We Wanted, good Tree -dwell or which good prices will X tr. CO„ T. G. KEMP, Manager. ORTH LAND AGENCY. STRONG First-Clasa Stock, Fir. apaniea, and is prepare ost, favorable terms. ot the beat Loan, So. and Purohase of Farm Firgt-CiCt88 rng for Sale. at Six per eels: .1eNt• eln Steamship Tickets, Iorrison'e Store,kain D MILL of Seaforth known as ,..a/d cheap and on easy has got the Manitoba ...ton with the Mill a the mill has recently td and repaired, and is circler. and capable of ie gristing and flouring :foarietor, W. SeeArsa, 744 DA T 4„ N, Physician, Sur on, Alice, Dr. Camp II's, ;rand Trunk Railway !day promptly attend. 724 Physieian,Surgeon anal . Ont. Office and reale ieh Street,second door Oa. 842 ,C. M.. Physician, Bur- n. the Countyof Huron. Jarvia street north, ,PublieSehool. „O. M.. Graduate of Physioian., Surgeon and Offlce and Residena e„ cat, first 11riek House reh. 498 &nate cafrdoajli Cola Mate of that Royal Col - burgh, and /ate House Hospital, Edinburgh; (24-i ENT' T. yai College of D ntal Office in the r ores erbyshirea Whalley's erforrned and satis- es Moderate. 1 tett without -oat* SHIRE, Dentist, has sod the business of h, and removed to ck, Mitchell, where reeth extracted with• and nitrous oxide tY. Radial from a r train expenses. 732 TIR;Y"- ENTIST, at and College rience he is able to Dentistry suitable eth a Speciatty. e Oxide Gas given. crate. l&Al Street, Seaforth4. L. D. .S.,„ ND, his office, CADEYS ' SKAYORTII, oppo-- ayeacial Hotel, on and THURSDAY Nitrate Oxide Gas n of teeth. This gas : Cartwright since facing been one of hii Province. Pa - may inhale the gas traded in a min- thout disagreeable- , new teeth please lar attention paid teeth. Teeth in - 730 -52 .. NOT Fee ANY E. eady tried it 11 known. to - with this dim. Well to give it UGH ROBJ3, mot 23, 1882. News Items. There has been much rejoicing in 'Germany over the birth of a son to the . Prince and Princess William of Prussia. 'The Want is a greab-grandson of the -German Emperor, and of Queen Vic- toria. —Hair dressing has come to be a eimple matter now that all false hair is dispensed with. Simple styles prevail for the back hair, such as small knobs and coils, while the front hair covers the forehead with rings and short curls and gives the low, broad Greek brow. . —The most talked of matrimonial engagement of the season in Washing- ton is that of Archibald Forbes, the gutted English war correspondent. to Miss Lulu Meigs, the only unmarried daughter of the recently retired quarter - roaster. general. Mr. Forbes is a mar- tial looking f tllowt with auburn hair, keeu grey eytei and. a deal of dash about him, and hislatilanced is tall and sten- der, with anburn hair, and brown eyes. —When the Duke and Douches& of Albany left Wincleor, while they were still within the private grounds, the bridegroom's three brothers and Prin- ems Louise and Princess Beatrice ran across a part of the lawn enclosed with. in a bend of the drive, each armed with a number of old shoes, with which they pelted the "happy pair." The Duke of Albany returned the fire from tile oar- riage • with the ammunition supplied by tie friendly assailants, causing the heartiest laughter by a well -directed shot at the Duke of Edinburgh. —A very remarkable wedding took place last week at West Chester, pear Philadelphia. The bridegroom. was Rev. Dr. Spear. Reis 70 years of age and nearly blind, the result of studious habits and has been an inmate of the old man's horae for the past four years. Miss Thomas, the bride, who belongs to an excellent family in West Chester, is •possessed of considerable wealth, and is twenty years the junior of her husband of threescore and ten. —A London paper tells how, when a certain dean of Chester was all ready to perform a marriage between persons ',id high standing, the bride was very tete. When she reached the alter, to the question, "Wilt thou take this man!" She replied in most distinct tones, "I will not." On retiring with the dean to the vestry she explained that her late arrival was not her fault, and that the bridegroom had accosted her on her arrival at the church with : "G --d cleen you, if this is the way you begin you'll ` Elia it's to your cost when you're my wife." So she decided to renaain single. —A French lady recently died at the TaJvariced age of 90. Her will contain- ed this provision: "1 leave to my phy- sician, whose enlightened care and wise prescriptions have made Me live so long, all that is contained in the old oaken chest in my boudoir. The key of the chest will be found under the mattress of my bed." The heirs were tench disturbed, for they foresaw a materiel diminution of their share of the property. The fortunate and ex- pectant physician at length arrived.. The notary delivered to him the key of the cheat It was opened and found to contain 'solely all the drugs and potions, still intact, which the worthy physician had given his patient for 20 years back. —Queen Victoria has again bestowed upon her 'Scottish subjects a signal token of favor. When she and Princess Beatrice left Windsor for the north week before last, the public was rigidly excluded from witnessing their depart- ure, and no demonstrations were allow- ed at any stations along the route in England. But when the train reached Perth at 9 a. m., her majesty received. the welcome of the provest and sheriffs, and excepted a large basket of flowers, while the public were permitted to throng about the station and coaches at will. And during the remainder of the 'journey on Scottish soil the restrictions iinposed in England were not applied. • Epps's Cocoa: Grateful and Comforting.—"By thorough knowledge of the natural 1 .ws which govern the operations.of diges- tion and nutrition and by a careful ap- plication of the gne properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctoro' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every terideecy to disease. Hundreds of aub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point, We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood_ and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Made simply with boil- ing watet or milk. Sold only in packets. and tins a pound and pound,) la.belled—"James Epps & Co., liomceo- pathic Cheraists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 736-52 • Emaciated, Haggard Victims Of a, cough recover health, spirts and flesh, if they are but sensible enough to adopt- a remedy which the popular voice, backed by professional opinion, pronounces reliable. Tranquility to in. and harassed lungs, vigor to de- pleted and emaciated frames, quietude and strength to an marestful and debil- itated nervous system, are among the physical benefits conferred by that But prenae pulmonic invigorant, Northrop & Lyinan's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, a chemical combination of the finest lung specific known to the pharma- copoeia with &Mies and blood depur- ents of the first order. Phosphorua, lircie and soda co-operate with and ren- der the Cod -Liver Oil of this prepara- tion trebly effective. Sold by all drug- gists. Prepared only by Northrop & Lyman, Tomato. 710-52 Unspeakable Tortures Are experienced by the neuralgic, and these beset them -upon the slightest oc- casion, particularly when they catch a trifling cold. Until the attack passes off they -axe racked with pain and ren- dered sleepless and. misera,ble. Their sufferings are, however, altogether un- necessary, for that pain soothing speci- fic, Thomas' Eclectrie Oil subdues the inflammation and tranquilizes the tor - •ted nerves in an ineonceivably short apace of time. This inexpensive, econ- era° and effeetive preparation, which, unlike other oils, loses nothing by evap- oration when -applied outwardly, is also taken inwardlY as a medieine. Used in both ways, it is a superlatively fine remedy for rheumatism, lameness, kids THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 'ley troubles, piles, coughs,' cold, bruises, burns, scalde, corns and other physical sib:rents. Elderly people who suffer from sore or weak backs, should by all means use it. Sold by all medi- cine dealers. Prepared only by Nor- throp & Lyman, Toronto, Ont. 710-5t2 A. Vexed Clergyman. Even the patience of Job would be- come exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest his audi- ence vhile they were keeping up an in- cessant coughing, making it impossible for hint to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Trial' bottles given away at E. Hickson & Co.'s Deng Store. 714.52b Changeable Weather Is trying th the system, rendering it more liable to disease. As a preven- tive of Sickness use Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipatien Bitters', They purify the blood, cure all Biliouit Stomach and Liver disorders, and give tone and strength to the syStem. Pricq 50 cents. For Bale by all druggists. J. S. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth. 750-52 Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia and Constipation, relieved and cured by the Use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. Try them. They are said and effectual. Sold by all druggists. j. 5. Roberts, Agent for Seaforth, 750-52, Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, or any affection of the throat and lungs, are reqtieated to call at E.': Hickson & Co.'s Drugstore and get at trial bottle of Dr. King's NewDiscoveryi for Consumption, free of charge, which will convince them of its wonderful metits and show what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early. 714-52c Do Not be Deceived. In these times of quack medicine ad- ? vertisements everywhere, it is tiely gratifying to find one remedy thai is worthy of praise, and which really does. as recommended. Electric Bitters, we can vouch for as being a true and re- liable remedy, and one that will do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints, Dis- eases of the Kidneys and Urinary Diffi- culties. We know whereof we speak, and can readily say, give them a triai. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by E. Hick- son & Co. 714.52.3 Bad Blood. The blood is the true essence of vitality, without pure blood there can be no healthy action in the aystem. Boils, blotches, pimples and the vari- ous blemishes of the skin are only symp- tomatic of bad blood that needs purifying at its fountain head, to ren- der its tributaries pure. Burdock Blood Bitters effectually cleanse the blood from all humors, obtains a healthy action of the liver, bowels, kid- neys, skin, etc., and strengthening while it regulates and purifies. 739 There is no More wholesome or delicious fruit on earth than the Wild Strawberry, andthere is no more effectual remedy for Cholera, Dysentery, Cramps and other summer complaints of infants or adults, than Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry. 739 Mr. R. W. Carmichael Chemist and Druggist of Belleville, under date of May 31st, 1882, writes as follows :--"Your Burdock Blood Bitters hay e steady sale, are patronized by the best families here and. surrounding country, and all attest to its virtues with unqualified satisfaction. 739 Never be Without It. Tourists and all who are subjected to a change of climate, water, diet, &c., should never be without Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild:Strawberry, the infalli- ble remedy for all Summer com- plaints. .739 The Well Known drug firna of N. C. Pelson (it Co., of Kingston, writes that Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of wild Strawberry has long been considered the best remedy for summer complaints in the naarket, and adds that their customers speak in the highest terms of its merits: Wild Strawberry is the best known remedy for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and all Bowel Complaints. 739 For Weal -mess and General Debility. From Ithiel Pease, of North Sears- mont, Maine. "It gives me very great pleasure to inform you of the benefit received from the use of Peruvian Syrup in my own family. My wife -for the past ten years, has been in feeble ,health—very much debilitated getter - ally. Last spring she concluded to try a bottle of Peruvian Syrup, and was so well pleased with the result, she con- tinued its .use until 3 or 4 bottles had been used, and she is DOW in better health then at any time for ten years, and has inereased in weight from 110 pounds to 126/. I have employed phy- sicians, and used a great variety of -pa- tent Medicines to the extent of hundreds ° of dollars, and I know she received more benefit from the Peruvian Syrup than all the rest together. My sales of the Syriap are very large and constantly increasing and I do not hesitate to recommend and even warrent it to give satisfac- tion." Sold. by all druggists. 710 AProlinc Source of Disease. A trifling indiscretion in diet may lay. the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and there is no fact in mediae' science more positively ascertained or more an- thoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of e host of bodily ills, rot the least Of whiAla is contamination of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direct consequence. Their original cause is, however, thoroughly eradicated from the system by Northrep & Lynaan's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, a medicine which only requires regularity and persistence in its use to cure dyspepsia. and the many ills that arise from it. No deleterious mineral ingredient is contained in it, and though its action is thorough in cases of costiveness, it 'never produces griping pains in the abdominal region, or weakens the bowels like a violent par-. gative. It 4rtigorates the -system through the medium of the inoteased digestive and assimilative activity which it prombtes, and is also a meet efficient remedy for kidney complaints, scrofulous and all diseases of the blood, female weaknless, &o., dto. Price'$1, Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Nor- throp & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptia Cure. The wrapper bears a fac-simile of their signature. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson Seaforth. '750 52-o Ho119way's Pills. Liver, Lunge, and Kidneys.—Most diseases of these depurative organs arise from obstructions, over the re- moval of whichthese pills exercise the most perfect control. A course of _there is strongly reeoramended for such chronic affections as liver enlargements, congestion of the lungs, torpidity of the kidneys, andiother functional disorders which cause Much present suffering, and if neglected lay the foundation of organic disease. Holloway's Pills are specially adapted for the young and delicate; their gentle and purifying action ranks them abcoie all other medi- cines. In indigestion, nervous affec- tions, gout, and rheumatism these pills have' achieved feir themselves universal fame. They expel all impurities from the blood, and thus restore cheerfulness and vigor. 710 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cats, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Some, Tatter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, and positiiiely 'cures Piles. It is guaranteed tie give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cent, per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Com- pany. 714-52 Now that the reaping and mowing season is coming on, farmers should remenaber that that "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the best taaper and mower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. 753-52 • Farmers before buying your reaper and mower oil pelt for and procure a sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teedito give good satisfaction. 753-52 Teaberry. Mary—Who ha,d that little lamb Had Teeth as White as snow; She always brushed them twice a day Rith "Teaberry" you know. 751 THE'GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job MOSE1E3 -1- Periodical Pills --This invaluable medicine's unfailing in the euro of all thoee painful and dangerous diseagee to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To married ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the montlhy period with regularity. These pills should not be taken by females during the first three months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring,on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all oases of Nervous and Spinal Af- fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hys- t6ics and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have -failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directiona in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and 1 2a cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 60 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and L6n4m4ss5de2 n & Wilson. Re • C.) c•Z c) rfei%'%d t.44 ct eC?a 1./1 R Ca NCI Vim 11 I " .2 0 co ° trd g C4 3 mQ.4r.r?ts 7 Fi`• t..= • aml 93 co o M • • tf) co --t TO bzj coc-e 4=.• co .1 et. ire Cse ca. e• tat. te. te• t9e 'ett, iate.4 te te. Ft, Qiitg eale "•••••1 ea. "MAGICIAN." Dix.vms ON'S Celebrated Trotting Stallion, "Magician," will stand for the service of mares for the seasen of 1882 at the Commei cial Hotel, Seaforth. Partieli from a distance sending their mares will be furnikhed with good pastuiage ai d water at reasonable I rates. Pedigiee fernish- e on application. A. DAVID S CON. 743 - LE CREDIT, FONCIER 1 THIS new Company, formed for the purpoee of -1- inve bting French Cipital in Canada, 16 now .prepaied to advance money on the moat favorable terms on good landed securities. M P. HAYES, Arnt for County of Hoon, Seaforth. 699 7 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE I It cures Spavins, Splints, Curbs, Ring Bones and all simi- lar blemishes, and removes the bunch w- ithout blistering. ENDALIS SPAVIN URE We feel positive that every m will only use good coramon sense and persevere in bad cases of lo ethers: Lea, s=1=le.ie For man it is now known to be one o the best, if not the best, liniment ever discovered.• a can h ve perfect success in every case if he in applying -KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, - g standing. Read below the experience of FROM COL. L. Jr. FOSTER. Dr. B. J. Kendall dr Co.—Gents I had aY° sreII rNyO SvTaOl Wu Na b, Oe oa, n aMbai ye t 100n , a1880n0 .0 t which I prized very highly; he h I a large bone spavin ou one jpint, and a smaller one on the other, which m de birnl very lame; I had bird under the charge of two veterinary surgeons, which ai1ed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determined at once to try it, and got our dr iggists here to send for it; they or- dered three bottles; I took them a I, and thought I would give it a thorough trial; I used it according to directi ns, and y the fourth day the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps had entirel disapp ared. I used but one bottle, and the colt's limbs are. as free from lumps nd as s ooth as any horse in the State. He is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles, wh are DO FOSTER. using it. Very respectfully, L. T. 4 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE 1 ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. B. j. Kendall & Co., of Euosburg Falls, Vermont, made a ()entrant with the pnblishere of the Press for a half column advertise- ment for one year setting forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the same time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying subscribers to the Press as a premiutn. Aboutthe time the advertisement` first appeared in this paper Mr. P. G. Scher- nierhorn, who resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. He read the advertise- ment and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although his friends laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure ani eceri- menced using it on the horse in accOrclance tvith the directions, and he informed, us this week that it effected such a eomplets cure that an expert horseman, who examined the animal recently could find no trace of the spavin or the place where it had been located. Mr. Schermeatorn has since secured a copy of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his DiseaSes,which he prizes very highly and would be loth to part with it at any price, pro's ided he could not obtain another copy. So much for advertising. reliable article. KENDALL'S 1SPAVIN CURE 1 Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to re- move any bony growth or eny other enlargement if used for several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, Sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge- ments of the joints or limbs, or grheumatismi in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used. for man or beast. It is now known to be the best lini- ment for man ever used, acting mild and yetcertain in its effects. It is used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives, positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever ma with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. 748.52 DR. B. j. -KENDALL' & CO., Enosburg Falls, Vetmont. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT PROPRIETORS. See the great DUNHAM PIANO have been used for 50 years in nearly the best Pianos dia the world. OR acknowledged by the best musicians t and Organs of other makers supplied. SCOTT. BRO before buying. These magnificent Pianos ll countries, and are still ranked among ANS. -,—The 4‘ Excelsior Organ" is now be the leading Organ n Canada. Pianos Send for Catalogues. TIERS, Seaforth Ontario. PURE AT E1 HIC DRUGS SON & NONE BUT PUR PHYSICIANS' PRESC COMP ARTICLES KEPT. IFTIONS ACCURATELY UNDED. PRIVATE RECIPES CAREFULLY PREPARE -6 AT HICKSON'S. DRUG EMPORIUM. STOCK FOR SERVICE. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK.— The undersigned . will keep during the present season on Lot 28, Concession 3, Hay, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. A limited nunaber of pigs will be served. Terms—$1 per sow, with the privilege of re- turning if necessary. Gnu= DICK. 7.54 BULLS FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep during the present season'for the im- provement of stock, on Lot 35, Concession 3, 11. R. S., a thoroughbred Bates Bull, one year old, to which a limited number of cows will be ad- mitted. This bull was purchased this season from the herd of Mr. James Walker of Caledonia. He also keeps his former two year eld thorough- baed bull, so that farmers can have phpir choice. Terms :—For either null, 8.2 per cow'and calf as- sured providing the cow is returned to the bull as reqaired. APPLETON ELCOAT. 767-4 TMPROVE YOUR STOCK.—The undersigned "a" will keep on his huen, 2nd Concession, H. R. 8., Tuckersmith, near Egmondville, a thorough- bred bull, half Ayrshir9 and half Durham, from the well known herd of M. MoTaggart, Esq., ' Clinton. Terms -81.50 per cow, with the privi- lege of feturning if necessary. JOIIN MODELAND. N. B.—There are still a few who have not • yet paid for last years service,—These would oblige by - ,doing so at once and saying further trouble. 748 BULLS FOR SERVIOE.—The undersigned will keep on his premiees, Lot 11; Concession 13, Grey, during the present season, that well known Thoroughbred Bull, "Count Lieley,'.1 two years old. .Terms. -81- per cow for the season, with the privilege cf returning if necessary. He will also keep at his 1 place in Rrussels, the Thoroughbred bull "Balrinton Hero," a year old. Terms made krown on application. This is one of the best animals in the country. JOHN KNECHTEL. N. B.—For sale a thoroughbred Poland China Boar, two years old. Can be seen at Brussels, and will be- sold cheap.. 756-4 NORMAN'S 'ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES ESTABLISHED 1874. RELIEVES AND CURES Spinal Complaints, General and Nei vous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Compiaints, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprains, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion. Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against inipbsition, for they will do their work well and are cheap at any price. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St. East, Toronto. E. HICKSON & Co., Agents, Seaforth. 753-e2 0 A WEEK. 812 a day at home easily made. Costly outfit free. Address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine. 748x52. $66 outfit week in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit free. Address H.11.4aearr & Co., Portland, Maine. 748x52 BLACKSMITH WANTED.Wanted immediate- ly; a good general blacksmith. - A suitable man will receive best wages and a steady job. Apply to THOMAS HILL, Egmondville. 754 MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED MONEY. MONE TO LOAN—I am prepared to lend -LTA- mo ey at lowest rates of interest, payable yearly. P • cipal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. 728 AUCTI0NEER8. T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer /or the_ • Count.y of Huron. Saks attended in all parts of the Connty. AII orderieleft at the Ei• nosiron Oxce will be proraptlyattendedto. CR. COOPER, Brussels, Coruaty Amitioneer, `--'• Sales I of all descriptions promptly at- tended in tanT part of the e,onnty on reasonable terms. Oadere left at the office Of the EtURoN EXPOSITOR, or addressed to Brussels, will receive prompt attention. SEAFORTH -HORSE INFIRMARY. ocRNRiI of Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door te the Presbyterian Church, Seafortb, Ont. All liseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, or any of the domesticated animals, succe$sfully treated at the infirinary or elsewhere- on tho shortest notice. charges moderate. JAS. W. ELDER, Veterinary i Surgeon. P. S.—A large stock of Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on hand. $5 to 20 per day at home. Samples worth $5 free. Address STINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. 748x52 Mack' g Magnetic Medicine NERVE AND BRAIN FOOD aeleroRE )l— Tramaie an ARK. (AFTER.) Is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Ner- vousness in ell its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Spermatorrhocea,Seminal Weakness, and General Loss of Power. It repairs nervous Waste, Rejtt- venerates the jadedintellect, Strengthens the en- feebled brain, and restores surprising tone and vigor to the exhausted generative organs. The experience of thousands preves it afa invaluable remedy. The medicine is.pleasant to the taste, and in no case and under no circumstances can it do harm. Each box contains sufficient for two week's medication, thus being much Cheaper than any other medicine eold—and while it is the cheapest it is much better. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to maii free to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggiste at 50 cents per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE Po., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by J. S. ROBERTS, and all druggists elsewhere.. 733-60 "NIL' DESPERANDUM." TRADEMARK. cZ • c.. r• c-. • CP) .)„.1 co After T THE GREAT ENGLISH RElefEEY for Ner- vous Debility and all Nervons Affeetions, in- cluding Sperm atorrhea, Seminal weakneF s, ect., results of Self-abuse, indiscretion, &ea is GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. This is the only remedy which has ever been known to per- manently cure Palpitation and other affections of the Heart, Consumption in its earlier stages, Rushing of blood to the head, wind in the stomach, lndigeation, Loss of Memory, Want of energy, Bashfulness, Dedire for solitUde, Indis- position to labor on account of weakness, Uni- versal Lassitude, Pain in the back, dimness of vision, Premature old age, ed. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we aend securely sealed on receipt ole three cent stamp. Tile Specific is now sold by all Druggists at $/ per package, or 6 for $5, or will be sent free IV mail on receipt of Money, by addressing d89 THE GRAY MEDICINE CO„ Toronto, . WILL YOU1 Iderthem EXCHANGE a ease of Dyspepsia or B11/011131143$s friPai=4; unwise to agonize n ailment arising fro Dyspepsia,, Indigestion, Disordered Stomachand 'Liver, when this offer is in your ow made to yo home in a I sineerit with an absolute' certainty olf curing you. ZOPESA (from Brazil) -cure Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A single dose relieves; a, sample bottle convinces; a 75 cent bot: acts laeecures. ldirectly upon the _ Stomach, Liver, ivcero,rarnecdtiKingd:ineeygs: c ulating, Zopesa gives energy and vim to the brain, Nerve and Muscle, simply by work Ing wonders upon the Diges tion, and giving activity t the Liver. ) Cut this out, take it to an dealer in Met -nein C2 , and get at least one 75 cent'bottle of Zti k000:cenusaers,esaeupdytseplelpy:taur annettighBbno: how it acts. it is warranted EYE, EAR AND- THROAT f DR. GEORGE S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. B.C. S. E., Leetnrer on the By Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toren to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- firmaxy, Consulting Oculist and. /lutist to tla Institutions for the Blind, Brantford, and fo the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, Ont. Late Clini cal Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Heald Htaol,F3pMitaolo.rfields, and -Central Throat and Ear 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, On the Last SATURDAY in EAcro itIONTlit. . 703 *11 On 07. 3 CLI HOLLOWAY'S PILLS THIS Great Household Medicine ranis amongst -a- the leading necessaries of life. These fa- mous Pills purify the Blood, and act most power- fully, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to theme great 'main springs of life. They are confidently recommended as a never, failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weaken- ed. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ail- mente incidental to Females of all ages; and as a General Family Medicine, are unsurpassed. ODLOWAY'S OINTMENT Its marching and healing properties are known throughout the world. For the cure of bad legs, bad breasts, ol4 wounds, sores and ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures S ore Throat, Diplatheria,Bronchi tis, Con ghs, Cold s, and even Asthma. For Glandular swellings, Ab- scesses, Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of skin disease, ib has never been known to fail. The pine and Ointment aro manu- factured only at 588,0xford Street,London,and are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with directions for use in al- most every language. 1:allearchasere should look to the label on the pots and boxes. If the address is not 583, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 712-52. NEW GOODS. SPRING SUITINGS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. A Large instalment Just Received At W. Campbell's CLOTHING EfrORIUM, SEAFORTH , THE NE WEST DESIGNS IN HATS, SILK SQUARES AND CUTS' FURNISHINGS. CALL AND SEE THIS CHOICE LOT W CAMPBELL. D-S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyot -11-'• and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt ly attended to. D. S. CAMPBELL, Kitchen tie.; r araa, a! I17EMICN TI -115 PAPER. R BRETT SEAFORTH, Wholesale and RetailDealer in LEATHER wad SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stock kept. Terme moderate. A Trial F °Baited. 1.11 orders by mail or otherwiee promptly filled, eee U. N. 1311TITT Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG -Ely casual observation, we find all land specula- tors have a clear head, and watch the ups alad downs of property, thtis making large fortunes. But the whole secret is, they keen the system in a a healthy condition by the tt se of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MEDICINE. We can safely say that hundreds Curne to US for the great lung and blood purifier before going Weet. Read the following statement. We could give thousands of the same kind if it were necessary. "I certify that I was troubled with catarrh in the head, gathering of phlegia in the throat, choking and coughing at night for years, so I could not sleep ; Often troubled with dull, lifeless feeliegs, pains in the chest and back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried the PRIDE Or TDB VALLEY) and am now able to do my work after seven year's sicknees." MTS. James McNeil, 202 elimcoe Street, Deaden, Ont. The above statement of my 11711Csel is cornet. James McNeil. For sale by all druagists in Seaforth. 745-52 WM. ELLIOTT, TOWN CLERK and Treasurer. Mee—North- -1- east comer of Market Huse. Office hour -- 2:30 till 7 p. m. 747 Composed I a TOY Of powdertditlica or Isin- glasS, isthe 13 EST andc-HEAPESTlubriaa. tor, in the world—the BEST because itdoes not gum, but forms a highly pollshed sur, - face over the axle, reducing friction nal lightening the draft; the CHEAPEST b ,cause it costa NO MORE than inferior brands, and one box will do the work od Itwo of any other make. Amwers C.Svrer:i ffor Harvesters, 31111 -Gearing, Threshing chilies, Corn -Planters, carriages, Buggies" et -C., as fOr Wagons. CUARANTEED tc contain. NG Petroleum. $01d. by alldealers. ia.fritr' OUT Pocket Cyclopedia of Things Worthj KitOW172g mailed free. MICA MANUFACTURING CO. 228 Hudson St., New York. , Cleveland, 0. and Chicago, 111, SAMUEL. ROCE RS & CO. Toronto,Ont, Sol' Agents for the Dominion.