HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-06-09, Page 7rrH1S Great Househ d Medicine ranks amongst the leading news aries of life. These fa- mous Pills purify the load, and act most power- fully, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomaela Kidneys and Bowels giving tones energy and vigor .to these great 0 ain springs of life. They are confldentlyrecoi.e. ended as a never -failing remedy in all cases w ere the conetitution,irom whatever cause, has be ome impaired or weakea- ed. They are wend ally efficacious in all all. ments incidental to F males of all ages; end as a General Family Medirne, are unsarpasSed. 1 HOLLOWAYS OINTMENT' JUNE3 R4 lelefErReEr 1/41C1 HOUSE, APORTHe al`the tardenieet fortnere by the Batik qf aom. VAIdefr theCOMMercial IS Street. illliS DISCOUNTED. FOrtelalle Pezollangsi Wed and Sold, ErSALE NOTEa at. Reasonable- Rates. , tleillsetenal genial/lane payable at _par at all beBank of °misname. Allowed on Deposits 1. ; Leen �n Mortgages. 11 ediNe-7- M L. and Proprietor. SEAFORTHL • ifFebruary,1882, we cbag manufacturing flour at our ThFGAND GRAMM BUTE& tomer& buying our fatally oe ipeud upon getting a fireteclent !ESTED lomni ladies and Pronounced LENTBY ALL. se our exchange work. we rally. Wamted, good Treadmill mat, for whichgood prices will MeV= & CO. T. 0. re-refP, Menem: SEAFORTH AND LAND AGENCY.. ON.G. • merat l'irst-Clasa Stook, HIM ere Compaides,itnd it PrePitt01 .theTROst favorableforms. Tenet ot the hest Lean So* re Saleeted Parches" of Parst tee • Of Find -alai estyra for Sale. Amin at Six pee eclat fate -west. d ocean. Eteamehip Tiekett rierrisonts Store, Main eta ?ED MILL. !own of Seaforth nown aa ill be sold cheap an on easy rietor has got the Manitoba !onneotiou with t Mill a se. The mill ha. . recently :allured and repairOcl, and is nixing order, and ettpabie of ofitabiegristing rine Souring the proeriator, Wee Screeren, „forth. 744 EDICAL. Sureoft Ir. Office, Dr. Camp near Grand Trunk Railer* ght or day promptly attni T24 eels, PhysideseSurgeorrartd 3eaforth,0nt. Office eared- anderieh street, eecourl Ofc.61 ettureta Stfa' t.D., C. M.. Phyeleian, mat for the Oonntstof Xenon, to, on Jarvis street nettle, afortle Palle School. M.Deete. Ma Graduate of ratty, Physieiarafentgeonand h,Oret. Mee end Resideness h Street, firat Brtek XiOnSft At Churoh. 496 DN. Graduate of MG OOP sideeotiate of the Rey's' t3e2s genbtirgh, sad late- Bout leetert eresplaarellnenrida 686-52- Cra-CfiZT; 14 DENTIST. te Royal College of Dental de. Office in the rooms 11. Derbyshire, Whitney's fully perfornaed and sat's- Charges Moderate. Xtrateted without natilt • lARRYSeeIRE, Dentist, has prerchasedthe business ot teOulloch, and removed to .11iocks Mitchel, where d- Teeth extracted with L ether and nitreaa mid* ,speciaity. Partieg from a ed their trainexpenSee. 122 --"ES711.R0 PN DENTIST, 'Ude/jet arid College tlist R. G. D. S. re' experience he is able to gone in Dentistry suitable Mpg teeth Et Specialty& Nitrous Oxide Gas Wen. Moderate. 9,1&2 .ek, Main Street, Seaforth. 1G} -(T, - L. D. Sot TFORD, be at his office. CADEYS lLOGre, SgeFORTH, opPe- he- Commercial Hotel, on tESDAY and THURSDAY week, Nitrate Oxide Gaa .traetien of teeth.. This gas by Dr. oartwaget since- 6ess. he hoeing been one of a ;ale nee presince. ra- aeeted may inhale the eats teeth extrateted in a mote half, without disagreeabl�. desiring new teeth please Pattieular attetition paid idrenateeth. Teeth in -- • set .730-52 ra Specific. "SPEPSIA Nee OR isir TAISEASE. LEhtWe already tried it it been known, to fitted with this dill- -aid do well to give it [ by HUGH BOBO,- Ind ffl gallon& tteni8. mean in New York has just, cut of a /lett and gives •as his reason for doing so that his. fellow ten.; ante made so much. noise , stealing each otheeit coal and kindling every night that he coti1l. not sleep. which hait secured a nennopely of the railros,dbtisinessofNew I leundiand for 45 years, will build a rail.' read across the island, which, it is said, will reduce the sea voyage to 1,700 mitesand shorten the time between New 'York and London by 49 hours. s --Last Sunday at a meeting in the iblic room at St. Octave, Quebec, the r gave way and about 200 people *ere thrown from the second flat. A man named Fortin in the lower flat was crushed so badlY that he died at seven o',clock. He was married, but had no children. Two- other persons were slightly injured. '-On Sunday morning, 28th ult., as the employees of the American circus, Which exhibited at St. Catharines Oil Saturday, were loading the property of thacircus on.the cars, one of their men left four horses standing upon the track for a few MiLititelli, when an etigine which was shunting in the yard name along, ran. over and killed the four, • horses. -In the list of arrivals at Winnipeg hotels one day recently, the following widely distant places were represented, Leeds, England, Chicago, Denver, Am- herst N.8., Montreal, New York, Brock- ville, OttawasToronto Milwaukee, Sar. nia Sydney, Halifax:Kingston, Wood- stock, London, Ont,Liverpool Eng.,: Emerson, Nelsonville, Goderich, List() well, Ont., Lisburn, Ireland, & Stephen, N. B. St Paul, Glasgow, Scotland. Stoves that Burn Hay. But few people ever saw or know any- thing about them. Many settlers stick to the old way, going 15 or 20 miles for halts cord of wood, which costs $2.50, hauling the same home, sawing, split- ting, carrying it into the house and turning ; then in two or three weeks, de -the same thing over again. The • hauling of the wood is worth more than the price, of it. Then, too, there is a risk of being caught in a blizzard. The truth is, farmers might just as well throw away their sewhig machines and cling to the old needle, as to continue to use the old wood stove. Even if -the wood and the ha,uliug of ft cost nothing, farmers had then better burn hay; for it makes a better fire with less atten- tion, and will heat up a much larger spice. A prairie stove must be set so as to have a good. draft, a staek of straw or worthless hay be placed near thes door instead of a wood pile, and six cylinders made of sheet iron, two feet long and fifteen inches in diameter, and then sprung so- as to be thirteen inches one way and seventeen the other, in order to more nearly correspond with the shape of the fire -box in the hay stove. These cylinders can be filled with hey as easily as au armful of wood can be packed up and put into a wood stove. One cylinder of hay, put into a stove at six o'clock at night, lasted four hours, and warmed. two rooms; b -at -when cooking, is being done, about two cylinders of hay'per hour will be needed. Nice, ehoice hay will burn and make a good fire, but it is not necessary to burn hay fit for stock. Straw will make a hot fire. Even' straw -threshers are run by burning straw. aid, dried prairie grass: make an excellent fire. -A /elm Oa - "Bill Arp " on Bees. Thefoiowing contribution to apioul- tura literature,, is taken from the Southern Cultivator: 'When I hear the bora blowing and the tin pans beating, and the belle ring- ing,' know what is the matter, and BO drop everything and go to the house to hive the bees. It is, a wonder that all this fuss don't driefe . them clean away, 1)14 it don't seem to affect 'em one way or anobbier. If they have made up their minds to go, they, are going, and vicaverea. I've saved every swarm this spring witlavery little trouble. We don't run much soience on bees at my house -haven't got time. These fancy hives are all right, I reckon, for educat- ed bees with an educated manager to watch 'ern and lcok after 'em every day, • but they don't suit me nor my old fashioned bees, and I don't want to be bothered. with the little insects very much. Nevertheless, we are educated to some extent, and. don't use the old hollow gum like our fathers did. I make a plain box gum with an up- stairs, and a little door on a hinge to the second floor, and I put a little box with- a glass front. in there, and it is no trouble to take it out when they fill it with honey. I make no moveable frames. My hives are open at the bottom, and set upon little bits of iron or big nails, or even little rooks at the ,corners, so there is no crack or joint for the iiaoth to lay in. In winter I let the hive down on the plank to keep the cold out. I have had very good luck this way and not much trouble. Bees - are very much like the human family. The queen is the head of the house, and has power and authority, and fares sumptuously every day; but like all great potentates she lives shut up in her palace and has a guard to protect her, and hardly eller gets out to enjoy the sunshine or the flowers. Sorter like the King or the Queen or the Czar, or even the President, for somebody is always on the lookout to shoot 'em for something or for nothing, and it don't matter which. Then there are the big, fat, lazy drones, that lie around iand eat and sleep, and have to be supported, and don't dos lick of work; and I we can pick out just such folks in this sub- leonary world, who don't contribute a thing to the public good, and never earn an honest dollar, but are always foraging on somebody, swindling, gam- bling or speculating, and when they get ready to the they can't recall a single benefit they have conferred upon man- kind. Then there are working bees that gather all the honey and make all the comb, fill all the little cells and store it away for the winter, and they are never idle, and what they work for they will defend and protect. Just so with the le.boring chimes, who toil and sweat in the field aid workshop, and in the mines, whose constant labor sup- ports and sustains the world -who live hard and humble, and see their earn- inga go into the coffers of the drones and speculators, but still work on for more. The working bees tolerate their drones for s. time and support 'em, and put 'ern out of the way for another set of the same sort. Folks don't do that, • • , - hut ± tenant* sure they oughtent `to. The hooka tell us that - the dilliginit labor of one. luau o&n Aleeently support eight people --provide 'em with- good food SIA4 comfortahle.clothing, and it -is alorteitlate thitig that it is so, for tbey have it to do, and more too, for those who -actually work have to keep nit the nabobs who don't, and supply 'em With finery and foolishness. My native American bees do' n't seem to like these fancybees, for some of 'em left 'em last spring, and those that didn't got eat up by .moths. most all these new things have to be nursed up, and dandled u and fondled up, and made fine and slink, and then they are put off on the' fancy folks at 1anoy prices, and 'ever and anon a foolish man, like myself, gets taken in." Eppa's Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting. --"By s thorough knowledge of the natural ',FM% which govern the operations of chges. tion and nutrition, and by a candid ap- plication of the fine properties of !well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has proVided our breakfast tables with a delicately ' flavored beverage, which /nay save us many heavy doctors' bine. It is byl the judicious use of such articles of diet !that a eonstitution may be gradually built up Until strong enough to eesist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of 'sub- tle, maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is ,a weak point. We may escape many a fatal abaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." -Civil 'Ser- vice Gazette. Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold only, in packets and tins a pound and pound,) lebelled-"James Epps & Co., orno3o- pathio Chemists, London, Eng." --Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 736-52 I • - Emaciated, Haggard Victims Of a cough recover health, spirts and Rosh, if they are but sensible enough to adopt a remedy which the popular voice, backed by professional opinion, pronounces reliable. Tranquility to in- flamed and -harassed lungs, vigor to de- pleted. and emaciated frames, quietude ald strength to an unrettful and debil- itated nervone system, akke among the physical benefits tnconferredlli by that e su- pree pilmonic invigora t, Northrop & Lyman's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, a °heroical combination of the finest lung specific known -to the pharina- copceia with tonics and blood depur: ente of the first order. Phosphorus, lime and weds co-operate with and ren- der the Cod Liver Oil of this prepara- tion trebly effective. Sold by all drug- gists. Prepared only by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto. 710-52 Yellow as a Guinea. The complexion, in a case of un- checked liver complaint, culminating in jaundice, is literally "as yellow as a guinea." It has this appearance be- cause the bile, which enables the bowels to act, is directed from its pro- per course into the blood. La connec- tion with this.symptom there is nausea, coating of the tongue, sick headache, impurity of the breath, pains through the right side and shoulder blade, dys- pepsia and constipation. These and other coneomitants of liver_ eamplaint are completely removed by the use of Northrop 86 Lyman's Vegetable Dis- covery and Dyspeptic Cure; which is also an eradicant of scrofula, erysipelas, salt rheum, ulcers, cancers, humours, female weakness, jaundice- and lumba- go. It tones the stomach, rouses the liver, and after raieving them, causes the bowel& thereafter to become regular. High professional sanction has been accorded to it; and its claims to public confidence are justified. by ample evi- dence. Price, 61.00. Sample bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a lac -simile of their signature. Sold ha Seaforth by Lurnsden. & Wilson. 750-52a Farmers and Mechanics. Ifyou wish to avoid great danger and trouble, besides a no small bill of ex- pense, at this season of the year, you should take prompt steps to keep disease from your household. The system should be cleansed, blood purified, stomach and bowels regulated, and pre- vent and cure diseases arising from Spring malaria. We know of nothing that will so perfectly and surely do this as Electric Bitters, aud at the trifling cot of fifty cents a bottle. -Exch. -Sold by E. Hickson Ili Co. 714-52.1. Free of Cost. All persons wishing to test the merits of a great remedy -one that will posi- tively cure Consumption, Coughs,Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs -are requested to call at E. Hickson & Company's Dreg Store and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptionefree ,of cost; which will show you what a regular size bottle will do. 714-52a Montreal Pickings. W. T. Hart, Esq., 128 Amherst street, Montreal, in speaking of Dr. Smith's Great German Worm Remedy, says he found it to operate successfullir after only two doses, and he had tried other Remedies with the same child without euccess. Charles Blaise, 384 Plessis street, says: If you want the best Worm medicine, get Dr. Smith's. It perform- ed miracles in my family. Mrs. Shirlow, 130 Nazareth street, says it acted like a charm on her little boy, and she woald not be without it. Dr. Smith's German Worm Remedy removes stomach and seat or pin worms from child or adult, without the use of other medicine. Price 25 cents, Sold by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth, Ont. 754-52 Holloway's Pills. The diseases common to our rigorous climate which endanger the constitu- tion will always exist, though many may be mitigated and their effects re- moved by timely aid appropriately ap- plied. Holloway's Pills are acknowl- edged far and wide to be the most ef - fective purifier of the blood, the most certain regulator of disordered organs, and the safest and surest aperient that can be prescribed. This medicine is applicable to all alikeeyonng or old, robust or delicate; it increases the ap- petite and regulates the bowels. After the disorder is subdued occasional doses of these Pills will prevent any relapse, and moreover secure ro te _ THE RIAU* El:P=710R. and intentify the good results which flow from perfeot tufty and regular- itY. 710 It is Well El:10WD.. To careful observer* that the injudicioue use of strychnine is as mischievous in many of its ultimate effecte as whisky and opium. By protracted over -stimu- lation of the nerve centres organic changes are induced which arrest the nutrition of the gengliicand excite a morbid irritability that becomes chronic andmay be trensmitted to offspring. Where increased fonotnal sotivity is wanted Wheeler's Phosphates and Calisaya supplies the elements of nerve nutrition. 747-26 Buoklen's Arnida Salve. The best 13a1ve in [the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulbers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give ierfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 centper box. For sale by E. Hickson (it Com- pany. 714-52 In the pring Of the year almost every one requires a good Blood Purifier, more .especially in the month of May. We would earnest- ly advise our readers to try Dr. Carson's Stomach and Consti ation Bitters. A few dOseswill soon cio nvince you that it is the best remedy ktown for affections of the Stomach, B *els, Liver and Kidneys. In large bottles at 50 cents. J. S. Roberts, agent. Seaforth. 750 52 To Pt4-trent Fevers, bilioue Colds and Ague; to tone up the system and purify the blood try a cottrse of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. In large bottles at 50 cents. J. S. Roberts, agent, Seaforth. 750-52 The Gran.a. Outlets Of disease from the system are the Skin, the, Bowels and the Kidneys. Burdock Blood Bitters is the most safe, • pleasant and. effectual purifier and health restoring tonic in the world. Trial bottles 10 centsi . 739 The OnlY Safe And effectual medieine that acts at once upon the Bowel, Liver, Skin and. Kidneys, while it cleanses the Blood and strengthens the ystem,fis Burdock Blood Bitters, the gr at Vegetable Ren- ovating Tonic. Sample bottles 10 cents. 739 All Forms Of Female Weakness, Suppression, Ir- regularities and Painful Periods are effectually remedied by the great regu- lating system renovator, Burdock Blood Bitters, Sample bottles 10 cents. 739 Would Yale Avoid. The Biliary complaints incidental to spring and summer? Cleanse the system with Burdock Blood Bitters. It regulates the Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood, and is the purest tonic in the world. Trial bottles 10 cents. 739 Ague And all Malarial Wad Biliary com- plaints are most proniptly cured by the great blood cleansing, liver regulating tonic, Burdock Blood Bitters. It acts on the Bowels, Liver, Kidneys' and Blood. Trial bottle 10 cents. 739 What Physician Was ever known to possess an infalli- ble cure for headache? Burdock Blood Bitters do more than the (lec- tors. If you are skeptical try it and be convinced. Trial bottle only 10 oents. 739. - "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the standard for quality, warranted not to clog or gum. Ask your dealer for it. Manu- factured by Clarke &I Huggart, Wood- stock, Ont. 753-52 A trial of "Kaiser" Machine Oil will convince you that it is the best oil in the market. Sold by dealers. Manu- factured by Clarke & Huggart, Wood- stock, Ont. 753-52 Teaberry. - Mary -Who had that little lamb Had Teeth as white es snow; She always brushed them twice a day With "Teaberry" yoti -know. 751 THE GREAT FEMALE RiMEDY.--job Moses -1- Periodical Pills -This invaluable raedieinels unfailing in the cure of ail those painful and dangerous diaeastes to which the female conatitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, and la, speedy cure may be relied on. To married ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a shore time, bring on the montlhy period with regularity. These pills should not be taken by females during the first three months of Pregrancy, its they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but leitny other time they are safe. In till cases of Ne ous and Spinal Afs feetionss Pains in the back d limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation 'of the heart, hys- terics and whites, these effect a cure when another means have f ed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be tarefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and 12e cents for postage enclesed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sbld in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsden & Wilson. 644-52 MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN --I an prepared to lend money at lowest rates t of interest, payable yearly. Principal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. . 726 AUCTIONEERS. i T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the " • County of Huron. Sales attended -in all POSITOR Office will be proin tlyattendedto. Parts of the County. All lam left at the Ext i CR. COOPER, Brussels, ounty Auctioneer. -• Sales of all descripti ns promptly at- tended in any part of the , co . ty on reasonable terms. Orders left at the Witte uf the Honor; EXPOSITOR, or addressed to Brussels, will receive peompt attention. SEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. elORNER of Jarvis and Godexich Streets, next e-/ door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, or any of the domesticated animals, successfully treated at the infirmary or elsewhere on the shortest notice. • , Charges moderate.! JAS. W. EIatElt, Veterinary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterinary Medicines _love constantly on hand. $5 to $20 per day at home. Sampl7e4s8wxo57 $5 free. Addkess STINSON &Portland, Maine. • RELIABLE Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure; Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure; Fellows' Syr•up ..of the .Hypophosphitee ; Kennedy's Medical Discovery; - Green's August Flower, German Syrup and Ague Conquerer ; Smith's German Worm Remedy Wad Hamburg Tea; St. Jacob's Oil and Hamburg Drops; Quinine Wine and Wheeler's Eliter of Phosphates; Burdock, Hop and Electric Bitters; Enos' Fruit Salt and Zopesa ; Gray's Specific Medicine and Vitaline ; Mrs. Allen* Ayer's, and other Hair Restoratives Canadian Liquid, Batchelor's and other Hair Dyes; Kendall's Spavin Cure and Dick's Medicines; Glycerated Baisam of Fir. The above and. all other patent or proprietary medicines of any repute, constantly on hand at • LUMSDEN & WILSON'S, SCOTT'S BLOCK, SEAPORTS. • T T_T I.. PACTS_ THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BITY YOUR • • GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS, FISH, &C., IS AIT M. MOARISON'S'. To make room for my steadily growing business, I have leased. and fitted up the adjoining shop for a Flour, Feed and Seed Store, and intend keeping con- stantly on hand BRAN, SHORTS, OATS, PEAS, CHOP, SEED, GRAINS of all kinds, HAMS and BACON. - Opening out this week a large stook of CROCKERY AND GLASS- WARE of all kinds, which was bought for clash, and will guarantee to give you a:s good. value in this department as any other. house in the County. We are now selling best stone Tea Sets, of 44 pieces, for $2.50 • best handled teas for 61.10 per dozen; best Stone Bedroom Sets, nine pieces, for $2.25; and all other Crockery and GlassWare equally clleap. Also on hand.a large stook of TEAS, Which I am selling iat reduced prices. Call and see me, and you will make money by it. • • M. MORRIS() - South Side Main treet, Seaforth. PURE DRUGS AT E., HICKSON & C 0 ' S NONE BUT PURE ARTICLES KEPT. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS ACbURATELY COMPOUNDED. RIVATE RECIPES CAREFULLY PREPARED AT HICKSON'S DRUG EMPORIUM. a f4 11:= C=t cid CC CO FEED 1,464ty% O 9 IT, D P-4 0 (1. 0 Is's" co C/2 1 - See the great DUNHAM PIANO before buying. These Magnificent Pianos have been used for 50 years in nearly all comi4ries, and. are still ranked among the best Pianos in the world. ORGANS. -1 -The " Excelsior Organ" is now acknowledged by the best musicians to be the leading Organ n [Canada. Pianos and Organs of other makers supplied. Send Or Catalogues. SCOTT BROTHE13.8 Seaforth Ontario. NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CURATIY APPLIANCES ESTABLISHED 1874. • ELIEVES AND CURES I Spinal Complaints, -K-1) General and Net vous Debilit3-, Rheumatism, Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, eprains, Consumption, Sleeplessness, 'Cords, Indigestion. Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against imposition, for ;they will do their work well and are cheap ai'any price. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St. East, Toronto. E. HICKSON & Co., Agents, Seaforth. 753-52 S/9 A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily made. • A-1 Costly outfit free. Address TRUE it CO-; Augusta, Maine. 748x52 Sag a week in your own town. Terms and $5 "" outfit free. Address II. H.teeerr es Co., Portland, Maine 748x52 STOCK FOR 113ERVICE. .11113 28, Co Boar. Ter turni OVE YOUR STOCK1- The undersigned 11 keep during tbe pr sent season on Lot cession 3, B ay, a ThOroughbred Berkshire -51 A limited number olthe privilege of re - pigs will be served. per sow, with g if necessary. GILBERT DICR. 754 'EMP OVE YOUR STOCII.-The undersigned wi I keep on his farm, 2 d Concession, li. R. S., Tu kersmith, near Egm ndville, a thorough- bred b 11, half Ayrshire and ia1i Durisins, from the we I known herd of 3 . 3IoTaggart, Esq., Clinto Terms -$I 50 per dow, with the privi- lege of returning if necessar31. JOHN MORELAND. N .-There are still a few who have not yet paid 1last years service.- hese would oblige by doing . at once and saving urther trouble. 748 10eUL k Grey, know Z's vitht will al Thoro Terms of the BLACKSMITHWANTED.-Wanted immediate- Kew sely, a good general blacksmith. A suitable N. B man will receive hest wages and a steady job. -Boar, t --Apply to TII0mAs HILL, EgmoUdville. 764 and wi FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will ep on his premises, Lbt 11; Concession 13, during the present season, that well Thoroughbred Bull, "Count Licley," two d. Terms. ---$1 per cow for the seasoh, e privilege ef returning"' necessary. He keep at his place in Brussels, the hbred hull "Barnitoe Hero," a year old. ade k. own on-applieation. This is one - animals in the country. JOHN TEL. For sale a thoroughbred Poland China o years old. Can ho seen at Brussels, be sold cheap. 756-4 NEW GOODS. SPRING SUITINGS IN EN*SESS, VARIETY. A Large Insitalrnent Just Received , At W.1 Campbell's CLOTHING EMPORIUM SEArORTH THE NE, ST DESIGNS IN HATS, SILK IQUARES AND CENTS' F7NISHINGS. CALL AND S E THIS CHOICE LOT W. CAMPBELL. . EYE, EAR AND. THROAT 1 DR. CEO GE S. RYERSONt' L. B. C. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Throat, T laity Medical College, Toron- to,; and Surgeon to the Mercer Bye and Sar In- firmary, Constiltin Oculist and Aurist to the Institutions for th Blind. Brentford, zed for sthe Deaf and Duni, Belleville, Ont. La tie Clint - cal Aseistant Royal ondon Ophthalenie Plospi- Htaolgp, Mit:1661(1s, an Central Throat and Ear • 1317 .CIIHRCH STREET, TORONTO. May be consulted at the ' ALBION H TEL, STRATFORD, TURDsl.lir in E./ CU MONTI!. 708 Serial -ass .A.I-1EiAD.. BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOW & SONS. THE subscribers ke this opportunity of re- turning thanks o the inhabitants of Brussels ahd vicinity for pa4 patronage, and beg to state that having made s eral improvements in their kiln and mode ofburning, they are now in a better .position than ever before to supply the public with first-clasS lime. _ This being the eighth season of our busines dealings in Brussels,' and having given uuqualifie _ the spot -Brussels Lime Works. ii ed satisfa,ction so fat the public can rely on rese ceiving good treatm nt and a first-class article from us. First-clasallime at 15 cents. Remember 650-24 On the Last fit TOWN & SONS. R N daikrof or sS cents? -Ise- to ertitemany ailitrextts -11/1"0132 4"45f ePalas, ndigestion, isordered Stomachand Liver, when this offer is de to you your own home in all sincerity, wlth- -an abarolute certainty of curing you. ZOPESA. (from Brazil) cures Dyspepsia and Eiliousness. A. single dose relieves; a sample bottle convinces; a 75 cent bottle .cures. It acts directly u_pon the Stomach,Liver,,and KAbieys. Cleansing, Correcting, Beg- ulating, Zopesa, gives energy and vim to the Brain, Nerve and Muscle, simply by work- ing wonders upon the Diges- tion, and giving activity to the Lifer. Cut this out,. take it to any dealer in medicines- and get at least one 75 cent' bottle of Zopesa, and tell your neighbor how it acts. It is warranted to cure Dyspepsia and iOusness. Mack's Magnetic Medicine NERVE AND BRAIN FOOD coEfone) Tyre DC MARK. ( AFTER.) Is a sure. prompt and effectual remedy for Ner- veusness in all its stages, Week Memory-, LOSS of Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Spermatorrhoces,,Semine al Weakness, and General Loss of Power. It repairs nervous waste, Reit- venerates the jaded intellect, Strengthens the en- feebled brain, and restores surprising tone and vigor to the exhausted geneeative organs. The experience of thousands proves it an invaluable remedy. The medicine is pleasant to the taste, and in no case and =dee no circumstances can it do harms. Each box contains sufficient for two week's medication, thus being much cheaper than ny other medicine sold -and while it is the heapest it is much better. Full particulars in ur pamphlets, which we desire to mail free to ny address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 50 cents per box or 12 boxes for e5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC 3IEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by J. S. ItoBBSTB, and all druggists elsewhere. 738-80 a BRETT, e OATH, a Wholesale and BetaDealer in LEATHER and, SHOE FINDIN of Every Description. None but the 'Pei Best Stock kept. Tema moderate. A Trial F. bitted. All orders by ma or °them/ re prompt y toe R. N. BRETT Its searching and hei.thg properties are known throughout the world. For the euro of bad legs, .1 bad breasts, old woun 8, sows and ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. 6 If effectually rubbed ori the neck and cheat, as salt into meat; it cures Sore Throat, Diphtberi ,BronchitueConghs,Colds, and even Asthma. Fo Glandular swellings, Ab- scesses, Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of skin dis ase, it has never been known to fail. The Pi e and Ointment are mann- factured only at 563,0x ord Street,London,and are sold by all Vendors of edicines throughout tbe Civilized World; with irectiorts for use in al- most every language. ifstPurchasefs should look to the label on the pots and boxes. If the address is not 588, Oxfo d Street, London, they s are spurione. 712-52. " NIL DESPERANDUM." TRADE MARK. *3 TRADE MARK., 11) .4) • klz1 Z.. O .4 " Before Tailing After Taking. efellE GREAT ENGLISH 'REMEDY for Ners vons Debility and all Nervone Affections, ins cl n din 0 Sperro atorrhea, Semin al weakliest s, eote results . of Self-abuse indieeratien, ete., is GetAY'S SPECIFIO This le the ouly remedy which has ever been !mown to per. manently Imre Palpitation and other affections , of the Heart, Coneutaption in its earlier stages, Rushing 01 blood to the head, 'wind ale stomach, Indigestion, Lose of Memory, Want of energy, Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, Indies position to labor on account of weakness, Unis venal Lassitude, Pain in the bleak, dimness of Premature old age, ect. Foil particulars in our pemphlet, which we send securely sealed on receipt of a three cent stamp. The Swine Is now gold by all Druggists at $1 per package), or 6 for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt Money, by addressing tS89 tHE GRAY MEDICINE CO., toronte. e.Nk 3IANUFACTURED IN TORONTO. A Permanent, sure cure for Diseases, Dis- orders and Ailments of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Secretive System, or attendant coin - plaints. Pamphlets and testimonials can be obtained from druggists free. Prices -Child's Pad, 51.50, (cures bed-wetting.) Regular Pad, $2. Special Pad for chronic diseases, $3. Sold b3 S. Roberte,Sealorth; Wm. M.Robertson, Wroxeter ; R. N. Thurtell, Teeswater ; W. T. Bray, eVingham ; John S. Tennant, M. D., Lucie - now; Watts &Co ,Clinton; Lawrasou & Hamilton, Blyth; G. H. Hewson, Bayfield; S. A. Hodge, Mitchell ; Josheph Kidd & Son, Dublin; The Central Drug -Store, Exeter ; H. R. Jackson, Hensall ;Mrs. John McIntosh, Brucefield: Robt, Mellis, Kippen ; S. Fraleigh, St, Marys, and J. A. Gailick, Brussels. 737 _ _ :76 ,k) .11 eez -.ate . • .- Trade Meek Regi8tered. ANOTHER CREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG - RY casnalobservatM ion, e find all specula- -es' tors have a clear hea , and watch the ups ahd dow-ns of property, them eking large fortunee. But the -whole secret is, t ey keep the system in a a healtby conditioia byt e n se of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MED CINE. We can eafely say that hundreds came t4 us for the great lung and blood purifier befor going West. Read the following statement. Wi could give- thousands t of the same kind if it war necessary. "I certify that I was troubled with catarrh in the heed, z et -re P • iaraidan • KG., At "'IA 'a ri =NM= ti--) .0 -r-c: fL51 < a w .0L: 1 9 ,Im,../21111 ti: sii.a3.47. n"C":•Somicih...:: i z 11 -, , „. : 4C1 ;2:117:: te:1"alib -10{)-2:1. Li:itcicc PolECt;:..1. Veil (?:7.21/4:4, - <4 = Z '2 C.1 .4,,,,,k, Er" , -.u.' z .--: < cri i „, Z < ic-"" Qs/ - X te- T 1- eaF f -c „...e.i : ... .4_ i 0 Z 0 Z -•••I Z IL Z. gathering of phlegm in t o throat, ehoking and "IVIAGICIAN." s. so I cored not sleep; feless feelings, pains in er giving hundreds of ng up all hope's. I tried , and am now able to ear's sicknees." Mrs. e Street, London, Ont. corighing at night for y often troubled with dull, the cheat and back. Ai dollars to doctors, and gi the PRIDE dP PRE VA T,LV do my work _after seven James McNeil 202 Sim The above statement of my • wile'Is correct. James McNeil. For sale by all druggists in Seaforth. . 745-52' TOWNWtir CLERK and Tr. urer. Office -North- east corner of Market House. Office hours - 747 2:39 till 7 p. m. LVIDS ON'S Celebrated Trotting Stallion, - ‘Idegician," will stand for the service of MUM for the session of 1882 at the Commercial. Hotel, Seaforth. Parties from a distance sen4ing 1 their mares wile be furnished with good pasturage and water at reasonable rates. Pedigiee fernish- A. DAVID 743 ed on_ap,plication. SON. ' CA1R.D.. D S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Lied Surveyor . -and CivliZngineere Orders hyniailprompt ly attendee to. D. 8. CAMPBELL, Uitettell • 1 4