HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-06-02, Page 8� ! I
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F �. f ;, 1 city. His right,. hand firmly grasped a ing of the nominations' and the counting of suooesc-The Court of Aeviision held, the 000ntry began to gather into o . ar park to witness them play with the three entries, "Brown Dick" belong. �,
�h I 1: L I
11� �
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�, N . or, and on nining his person it of the ballots iu.the event of an election its first sittings on Mon4ay last, and little village to celebrate the Qqeenis "Clippers" of this village. This boing iDg to C. Kenny, 11 Sleepy Jones" o -
T. H i � . 0 t, .
i I � . .
i I" I - � 11an Ortroftor W 11 ...
I -T . . was found t,h *% unfortunate young being held. -A new bakery has been after goiog about half through the birthday. The sports and games the first game for the home team this ed by J. Knox, and I I Dick " owned by
U - i i ;� � I .
:11 were
4 I � L . ..... I - I -�.L
- .- .1 man had deliberately out his throat opened in one of the stores in Carmich- appeals adjourned until the 14th inst., commenced at 10.30 a. In., a little nervous C. Howson. In the first heat 11 Dick it
I . season, the boys felt
zi I ! - and cdosed --
;� I 111
� DISTRIOT MATTERS. from ear to ear. The gash: was a ael's blook.-A few moiAbs ago Biro. to enable the proper notice to be, given about 6 o'clock in the af ternoon. From playiDg with a practised team -,but wi�h showed a disposit on to be unruly, and I
,.i- i F � *
it. - � � . fearful one, ima death must have resultr Charles Carter sold her farm in Hul- to some 4, the parties. - the list of prizes sud-distances given it the success of . yore to- stimulate theO could notbe got down to* work. The
L 1. ., i . .
� - . : w -- , first - money was won by Mr. Kenny's. -
. r -Non(m.-All, those holding tickets ed in & very fe ' seconds'. Deceased is a lebb with the intention of remoi�iug to � I
. i 0 , will be seen that we have athletes here they entered upod the,ga�ne and see I
L - the Northwest. Her Son 'went to that . Brucefteld. who will soon, be able to c sy victory. The score at . horse, which proved to be one of the, ,-�.
I . .1 yonngmanof about 32yearsof age,lately � -th`.1 ,
� 11or the Cimpan am&, wM pkew beer in wind . ornpete wi ed* an ea
I : . --
, �
I i , I I . that the dnving tam plue in, Mr. Thoraw married. - - For ueaxly 14 years he country in the spring for the pur Be of AxoTmla G60D - HORSE SOLD. the athletic -youths of some of close being 14 to 20, with one inninis prettiest trotters ever seen on the � �
i 01
t . ' hsl4mut to I �
. I Middla tbo'Keebaulse'Lu"ate on -Mr. . ut L
�!' � I' . . served as A� bai-tender in the employ of Securing land. He went a oonsiTer iieighboring villages. F ting hea 7y to' spare in favor of Brussels. Tl�e race course. Mr. ]Knox's horse took .
� . � Tumifty.1me-6th. TIM MU QU be opm hmm able Peter Moqregor. has Sold his� imported 0 . W. JL
L . 4 o7olook P. IL UutH 8 6'dO$k P- X., dUrft Air. r3atmiel Grigg of this city, during distancewestof Brandon,. -but did not b to Mr. Stewart, of East stone-Ist, . Carter, 2od, Jas. Car- game wag,well played and without second money. - :
i sy mare �
I� � . i Wil- . I
I wt1oh tbw dakets mn be pmunL � I which time he always conducted him- I, 1. ;
� see anything to Suit him. He returned ter, 3rd, James. Johnston. Putti ig unpleasant jar. T. Brown, of Ki - - THE CONCERT ill; TRZ F,vENrNG, L ,
E� isms, for hesumof $1000. She is � UA 8 � .
I : I N]M DZSrZRANDUU, even it YOU have Self in-LAMaliner creditable to himself home a few days)ago, and Mrs. Carter -Splendid i1nal. and we congratulatoe' hbavy hammer-lst, James Carter, 2nd, oLrdine acted as umpire. I under the a pice ofithe Philharmonic.
� - ,
- r� F � "
i - I -
, � agh medialho witUat suacem and satisfactory to his e loyer. Some now intends purchasing another farm James McDonald, 3ra, James John- "TER DINNER I Society., was an immense success, every -1
: i triedevm OUM 00 mp
1� � I Mr. Stew t on his purchase. - I
1'. t� . ataiyow&W Balmin of Fie' h" oursd Junk anah time ago it ar '
I :, : . � L '*hich
, . - y, I
I ZT - - s Said . that deceased in this count is jenerally ad- I . stou. Tossing the caber -W. J. Cart�r, The programme of games andsports chair in the hall being occupied. The
�;,� caga. 6ft V* t"Monlab M LUNSDZX 4 W=- I --- 0--
I .
. L" L I became - violently enamored of a mitted by all s�nsibIe people to be the . . ; 2nd, James Johnston, 3rd, James Car- was entered upon and carried throl h singing of Mis' .
. -1 soirs. 71*1 �� � . Dash,W004. . i3f 8 Reidy, of Simeoe, was, L
. . - young a I � ter. Standinglong jump-ist, W. J. to a succesaf al issue. It would be _
V I lady 6f 1 tRi city,. Not being garden of Canada th6 great Northwest I much admired, and brought forth ro.
i - . . QM WANUND.�-WMW a � good ser- - I Conservative Conven- COWTRAUT.-We understand that Mr. Carter, 12 ft.; 2nd, James Jolinston. 11 possible to comment on the varjo a peated encore8. The Philharmonic So-
, :. I ,ant girl. Wag" $6 per mouth. Apply to Successful in his suit at the time, he not excluded. -A �
: I I Julius Thou, one of the !wagon makers ta
.� I I RAWR TMOXMN, HUrOU BOS4 ]WOKU10P. 156 became -very much depressed, and Some tion, for the South Riding of Huron,has of Our village has received[ a, contract to f b. 10J in.; 3rd, JsmetB Carter, I I f b - 1 sports, suffice it to say Brussels is . ciety, under the d.irectorsbip of Mr. I
� WESTmw SExD CoRx, Hung"n, of his people 1eared lest his reason been called to'meet at the Queen's H in. Three qdick W. 1J. in a foremost p`o8ition as regards YOU4g Blackstone, sang their pieces very well .
i I I . O' build twenty-five wag' L JUMPS -18t, r .
r, ; .. XMet, BaokVhftt,� &C., &t M0R]UW1J'8LSeed8t,pre should suffer. ; H followed he object tel, Seafoi Monday next. -A ons:for Mr. James I .
; ! e t. rth, on Pickard, -the enterprising mere,hant of Carter, 32 ft. 10 -in.; 2nd, James -Johp. attletes who will show their powers �t while Air. Morgan sang 11 The British L
� , sesfi)rth. 756-2 of his affection's to Kingston, Where she meeting of the members of the Seaforth - ston. 31 ft. 5in.; 3rd, Jamek Carter, 29 no distant day against professionalS. Lion " with good taste. A piano solo
� � . . 4 Exeter. We understand that Mr. ft. 10. I
1 "2 � I I FOR good fresh turnip Seed. go to- m. :finally consented to max - him. Fire Brigade will be held on Monday
; .M - ry . Pickard intends to ship the wagons to Standing hop, step and jump�- The following prize list, with distances, by Mrs. Newton was well rendered, Lag � -
: I Nowusox's Seed Store, Sesforth. 756-2 .. -
: ii I Although married fully six� months, yet evening next at the usual hour. Ist, W. J, Carter, 31 ft. 3 in.; 2nd, J4S will be au index of the work done and also were- the accompaniments played
i . - I - - ; . I . - . I the Northwest ; they will be good ones.
! i Mr. Andrews never appeared the same - I r .t
�L I We have two wagon and ,carriage shops Carter, 29 M 2 in.; 3rd, Wm. Browh, the'successful competitors :-Boy's race by the Same ladN, and a violin solo, - ,
- I 2
11 :. .L J30UTII HuRo.N- LicENsE FUND.-Tbe In. an he formerly was, and of late his MCKMOP. I � . 28 ft. 91 in. Running long jump-lat, under 10 years -1st L. Ruttel, X- � inca'r. with:piano accompaniment by Mr. an(i -
I � . k total amount. for distribution from the friends have been quite anxious ab ' in Dashwood, and both are firat-claps T I .
f . I out NEw PROPRIEToR.-Mr. Richard Spar- and t I -� ames Carter,18 ft. 5 in.; 2ad, W. J. dine, 2nd, L. Jackson, 3rd, T.R0 s, 4th. Mrs. Blackstone, comprised those who -
L , L I
. � . urn 'out equally as good work "
. L -. �, I e as itein district of
I � . Liquor License Fund for the District Of him. An inquest was not deemed ling h 'now taken possession of theL can be got: in the wef as Carter 17 ft. 11 in., 3rd, James John N. Chapman. Boy's race on er �5 took part in the programme. Misg
.. I%, South Huron, amounts to 03,435.' Th necessary, as his friends felt satisfied �McKillop Hotel, recently purchased by Ontario i ston 1,7 ft. 1 in. * years- iing 2nd 1 Wm. Reidy's singiDg abilities are so -well
. F4 - . Government's share is 6866.66, and We that the rash a 6t was committed while Mr. James MoGonigle. . .. i P Running hop, at p Ist, W. Browt I .
: Wynn, 3rd, W. Bird. Half mil'4 ' known that they require no word -of
; � . - I -and jump-lst, James Carter, 38 ft. 8 e ace-�--
. ['I balance is distributed among the muni. labo QuREx's; BIRTHDAT.-The anniversary
- .1 rill Under 1 a fit. of temporary in- RETURNING.- Mr. John Govenlock of tile bii;h of our sover"eign in.; 2nd,W.J.Carter, 36 ft. 2 in.; 3 d J
. E I - lot, G. Currie, 2nd, J. W, Shaw. I lQ0 praise from us. ' Her rendering of
I � . 7 1 1 r L
� - Standing rrie, 2nd, At. "The Last Rose Of Summer" and
: � . . i son -of' Mr. Andrew Govenlock, Of Q -een, w 's celebrated in Dashwood in ' I
cipalities as follows: Beaforth,$890.19 ; sanity lady the �JS
: ) Johnston, 33 ft. 11 in. �i h yard foot race-Ist, A. Cu
. I �. Exeter, $554.69, Stephen, 0353.09; 1 . U. a
I . '
4 I
; I ' I -ith, #160.49 ; LOCAL BRIEF$'. -Mr. Th' WiIithrop, , who went South for the 0. The dky ope'ned with the -lot, W. J. Carter, 4 ft. 7 i .; Armstrong. Old man's raoce-lA, W. -Sweet By -and Bye " were 'excellent, z
3 i� Hay, U24.69 ;. - Tuckersba grand styl' jump ..
: ;1 Omag Jordan, benefit of his health a coupleilof month .2nd, John Sillers and Jas. Carter, 3 it. Smith, 2nd, W. Xnecbtel. Running and fullily brought out the power and .
7 � �. Stanley, 0128.39; Bayfield, #128.39; 8 boomingof,eaunon sod closed with a m,g;, 10 in. R- ,
� : plasterer, who left here fot, Winnipeg ago,� is now on his road home,
� ;
. ; and his nificent unning high jump-Ist, W � .
f - ' display of fireworks at night. At I .. hop, step and jump -lot, D. Ross, 40 fi. sweeti,ei,s of this accomplished young L
- -
� �. , - Usborne, 096.28; Goderich Township, about three months a&O, returned home health, we are pleased to earn,.- is a very early hour crowds began to arrive am.
�i 1 1 J. Carter, 2nd, John Sillers and J 6 6 in., 2nd, W. F. Scott, 39 f t, 3 in., 3rd, lady's voice. The Philharmonic So.
� . $32.10. In addition to this R small sum on Saturday last. He thinks he can,do materially improved. A. Currie, 38 ft. 11 in - Running long
� � . ' from the dountr Carter. Three legged raoe=113t, M. I ,ad of
: I � ciety hLaVe every reason to feel pro
L -y ,
3 ', and Soo
� - I � has been retained for a second distiibu- better here than there, and does not, BRicy, YARDS. -Ther' I u the streets Reid and Wm. Douglas, 2nd, Jas urrie, 18 ft. 6 in.; 2nd, I the success that attended their efforts
� � � L . tion. - � a are two brick were line I �- jump-Itit, A. C
. di with people, allLd people, too, ter and W. J. Carter, 3rd, John Sille a
�: . . Ca
� ; -1 I intend going back. -We regret to learn yards in f all operation now at Winthrop- - D. Ross. 18 ft.; 3rd, Geo, Currie, 17 ft. I o Wednesday evening last. I
� I 4 -
: I - tba A every creed and nation lity. On the -
� - t Mr. Robert Campbell, for many and both are doing a good buginess TG and R William- 11 8 in- RuuDina bi h' iumn-Ut G
-t 1�1 . I �, -W, 9',.,.,.,.-,,-P.,-,.,-rP],.4,,11..;. . I 0-1 I I V0 -n1+;" T r. V�TIDIPTU^�-�n
. . Is years foreman of Trm EXPOSITOR Office, . U010 lone clay 8 PrOOOeail go passed off . '. F;- C61" 0 . P3 1 . . . I
letter addressed to Mr. -Robert Laidlaw . � one is owned by Mr. John Carter, and very quietly, although to, Oards evenin Carter, 7 ft. 7 in.; 2nd, W. J. CarteJ, Currie, 5 ft. 4 in.; W. Scott, 5 ft. 3 in., I The proceedings of the day terminat.
, I has been laid -up in Winnipeg for several the other by Mr. Reilly. - and A. Currie, 5 ft. 3 in. Standing high ed with a display of fireworks, which I
Secretary of the celebration ittee, 9 7 ft. 4 in.; James Johnston, 7 ft. 1 iii.
Comm some who! had imbibed a little too 1, .
, .
I weeks with rheumatic lever. He is ACCIDENT. On the eveniDg of the Half ruile race -1st, K. McKenzie, 2na, jump-Ist, W. Scott, 4 ft.' 8 in.; 2nd, were much admired. In the course of �
has been handed us for publication. It I �- t:) strongly tried to "kick u � a row," but I �
now recovering. -Air. L. McFaul, Prin- 24th of May, as Mr. Menzies and Mr. p James McArthur, 3rd, Jno, Harpilto4. J. Ballantyne, 4 ft. I in.; A. Currie, 4 the display one or two rockets went off
speaks for itself, Alrd is as follows:- we are gla4 to say that non e of those J. Carte
DEAn Sut,-! noticed in the Seaforth cipal of the Public .School, has pur. Peter Ross, of McKillop, were on their belonged to the immediate a 100 yard foot race-lst, W. I f t. Vaulting -J. Ballautyne. 8 ft, 6 in. prematurely, breaking a large light in - .
ExPo'siToR a challenge to trot - my` colt chased.the building lot on Goderich way home from Seaforth, the king Dashwood; We give belowv'c'n'tyo, 2rid, K. McKenzie, 3rd, James Carte�. Standing lor-g jump-ist, W. Scott, 9 one of the stores of Smith's Block. . � .
(Bahy,) with a younger colt, also that I. street, opposite the residence of Mr. J. bolt came out of the buggy and the those who , a list of Old man's race -Chas. McDonald. 2nd ft. 6 in.; 2od, J Ballantyne, 9 ft.6. in.; Taking it all through, the Committee. I 1. I
Duncan, from Mr. McDermid, of Ear- � obtained prizes 'a the vari.
wanted to gain notoriety for myself and occupants were thrown out. Mr. I D. McDougall, .3rd, Rod.. McLeod, 3rd, A. Currie, 8 ft. 7 in. Three quicks who had charge of the a-rrangements,
purbey, �nd paid therefor the sum of ous, games � &c. : Man a running hop, Boy's race, under 15 years-Ist, Oj . are to be congratulatedon tb no e �
- colt, by simply askin: the reason why 311000. Menzies was stunned,and remained un- Step and jump -lot, George 'Hertzel ; j bn -lot 3�. Ballantybe, 29 ft. -10 in.; W. a a a So #
9 The lot 6ontains one acre, and conscious for some time, but is now all McFadzean, 2nd, Alex.. McDougall',' - "
barred my colt from your three- � 2ad,- Christopher Witzel. Men's stand. 3r,i, I Scott: 29 It. 5 in.; A. Currie, 28 it. 6 ful manner in which all the deta, s Of - 10
year-old. colt race, my colt being that . . . Timothy Nolan. -
YOU I is one of the most 'eligible building sitei3 right 'again; while Mr. Ross had his Ing one JPmp-1st, Mr. Weir; 2nd, � - in. ,V3tanding hop, step and jump-lst, the day's enjoyment were worked out.-
- -
age. - Which you acknowledged you in town. Mr. McFaul intends erecting face pretty badly smashed, and Was - George Hertzel. Men Is ru n . i J. BallaotyDe, 28 ft. 8 in.; W. Scott, 28 Record. . . .
. upon it a handsome residence Mr. a- ing one Kippen. ft. 6 in.; A. Currie, 27 ft. 3 in. Hurdle
did. Now, I can assure you it was not *- otherwise braised but not seriously jump-Ist,1 Mr. Weir; 2odo Mr. Robin. .
. 4 Edward McNamara, well known in injured. � 1.
. with a,m'ew of acquiring for eitber my- this section, arrived in Quebec from I son. Patting shoulder stone-ist, Wm. A FREAic OF N&TURE.-Robert Kettle' race-Ist, G. Currie, 2nd, J. Ballan.- -During the progress of the races in
self or colt, notoriety.i My object being CANCER RZKOVED.-Dr. Scott, of Sea- Green; 2nd, Mr. Robinson. High leap of the London Road, near Ki�pen,' li�; tyne. Putting 21 lb. shot-lat,G. Per- Clinton on Wednesday of last week, one . .
- I - . .
Toronto on the morning of Friday last forth, and Dr. Stewart, of Brucefield, a ewe which gave birth to twin lambs rie, 34 ft. 3 in.; W. beott, 32 ft. 10 in. of the sulke3 s ran close up to the fence ,;
ly to test my colt with others of his with a large raft of square timber. last Sa with pole -let, Mr. Weir; 211d, J. Hart- -�
ttirday performed the operation. leib I I � I
' - M ar 1,
I .
- - Robinson; 2d.-Chrit,to, her Witzel. Old P q . ,
age. Neither did I give a ,challenge t3 This is the first raft that reached Que- Of removing a cancer from the hand Of I I on the 9th of April, and on the 9th of The Wingha Cornet Band rived near the judge's stand, and a Man Was
any colt. You are aware that last year Men's Race 200 yards-Ist, Mr. May gave birth to two more. They ar' about 11 a.m., and under the leader- badly s ueezed between the fence sod, � I
, p - all living and doing well. ship of F. Billingsley. discours I -
at the Clinton races I entered my colt bed -this season. -Messrs. Chearipy and Mr. W.M. Poll�xd, at Winthrop. The I men's race -1st, Angus McCormack; , . i ed sweet the wbeel, and the n - .
� .
Donovan arrived home from Winn' successfully perform' 2fid J. McIsaac. Boy's . �race-lot, J. I ; music during the day. The number of out, but escaped with a few bruises. -A
against, your colts three and four years 'Peg operation wasyery
. I
- old,. mine. being Only two. Am I askin on Monday. They had been out with a ed, and Mr. Pollard is doing well. He Kralft; 2ad, W. Holt, Three legged . Gorrie. I players _was not large yet the tausic much more serious accident happened
9 car load of oxen and intended taking has been incapacitated for work for a lied was of a high order and. very to Mr. Hutton's mare and her .
anything'bnt Justica' to enter my colt LoALITIES.-W. H. Clegg returne4 Supp I
. I them to Brandon, but gpt a good offer- year past. � � & McIsaac; 2ad, driver.
-with thowof his. own, age on . _ � - from Detroit last week. -Our ente L Satisfactory to the peopleof Brussels. In the tbird heat when the mare was �
forth Park this year. � However, as you for the whole lot in Winnipeg and let . *- � Wild & Magel. Trotting race, open to
I I -f-,l,.,, ,, _AT.. v ,a 6 .-IC . ,rrlikll . horses o ned within Liar rnil�g # prising townsman, J. R. Williams bai; The Balloon Asc;nsious did not come "within fiftv vards of the grapa uia,nA ^" '
-, � . haveaentmea eballnge through the - V, 4 . . . . k, ng a0com- - VA� V. . W I I �
� bad a very tasty fence built in front 0 off. he President, John Alexander, the lastrtiand., she Stumbled- and fell, I
- panied Mr. John Beattie'- : Dashwood I lot, John Ellis ; 2nd, Fred
.� oommittee of the 8eaforth Dr` * to Manitoba POLITICAL , MEETINGS. - We are r6.. Cook. I ! I his residence. -Mr. James Leech left had gone to a great deal- of trouble to rolliDg completely over her" rider. A. . . "
1v1ug last week. Mr. Hugh Robb has also quejAed to state that Messrs. Trow and. ,
Park., 1, in self-defeno'ei will accept said I � 0 . for Manitoba last week. -The Metho- secure. two for the occasion, but they large crowd immediately congregated- -
, I
I . . -
I �
. . challenge, provided vbu will name the gone on a business mission to Brandon. Ballinlyne, and others, will address- ; Zurich. dists of this place have planted nice both unfortunately caught fire while around when it was ascertained that
. . �
f I , . -Referring to our new townsman the meetings .of the electors of the township I
� colt. The colt to lie no Older ihan being inflated. both front legs of the mare were broken. - .
. ,, _ trees in fiont of their church, and
. Too BAD. -'Owners of peach Orchards -
I . -Brussels Post- says: The Seaforth of Hibbert at the following places: At I he church grounds. -Several per� made te reset the
�� TnIne, bred in this county, sod owned als? The finaucigA returns show that all An attempt was
; I in this neigborbood declare that the- 111 t
. people will find Mr. Good a first class Dublin, on Monday, at 7:30 p. - in.. at � � expenses had been met, which was all broken bones, but on the arrival of the-
. IF, by any member of your committee. The . 7 peach crop is entirely destroyed by the sono have planted trees in front of theik � I
Z F race to take place 'on the Goderich citizen and a thorough business man in the town hill, Staffa, on -Tuesdav, at 2 0 1 places this- spring, which, if not destroy- that was intended, as the entrance to owner it was deemed advisable to shoot
11 every respect. -Mr. A. Smitb.of Exeter, o'clock p. m., and at the school ed, will greatly add to the att 0 In animal. The rider, William �
r late fr ' stil. �
� track on the first of September, as you h;use in es was only k. trifle, and no ad- the poor
.� Clay County, Kansas, an SCARLET Vzvmt.-Scarleb fever still racti n� the ga .
I requested, for the sui4 of thirty dollars, d father .of Mr. Section No. 4, on the Same day :At 4 . of our beautiful little village.- Ur . � Mission fee was charged to the park'. Barnes, was, . very fortunately, not I
. �
. Providing the Woodst�ck colt races are T. A. Smith, of this- town, is spending & 6'olobk p. In. It is expected tbat';each rages here, and there have been in all 8:amuel Gilmore left Gorrie a Short time The committee of management worked seriously injured. He �' got off with a . I
� not held that w , 1 few days in Beafortb. Mr. Smith -is an of I nine deaths, mostly all small children. I well and di I'
eek, so, the Tu�sday these , meetings will be argely A good man, - ago intending to go to Manitoba and o I d everything in their power sprained back and some slight cutg, ;
i old Huronite. - having resided in the attended.' ,yare still seriously ill to �
" �
. I of the following w ek. Should you I � I DENT.,�-Late on the -night of the his wa call to see friends in Miohigsu f make the Sports a success. Ten about the head-. . I
township of Usborne for over twenty Acci Y Fie was removed to .
- - itions, name ; . - .. �
� � agree to the cond-i years. Al� i � 24th, Hiram Bradley, who was for the but he was so delighted with the ap o clook saw our streets quiet and our his home at Wingham, and it is expect,,' '.
L your colt by the 29th inst., and I will 'gut five years ago he sold his i . Hullett. sitors away to their homes. . ed he will be all righ � �
. time acting pearance of the part, of Michigan h V' � �
-sit the thirty dollars with the farm in tfist taymobip and removed HAPPENINGS. -A team of horses be- -88 hostler at the Huron 't again in a few � .1
I .- depo ho visited, that h6 bought� a farm ther6 �- days. During the alarm incident to- , I
West. � Hotel,receiyed severe injuries while I
Editor of TnE ExposiToR, you doing the . - - � �.
- -
i I lie now has a farm.of 640 acres, longing to Mr. T Mao Moon, ran away harnessing a horse, being knocked down and gave up the idea of going to Mani! Queen's Birthday in O' on- this accident, a.rush --- me I
I Same. Yours truly, t �os. TiPLING. and likes We country and is doing well., � one day I . I lint was made by LBO �, -
I When he le�t Kansas, two weeks so ast week and slightly injured' and tramped severely about the head toba.-Fenwick's sale, held in Gorn . I occupants of the grand stand, and, in -1
- - 4
I - -0, the driver.' Mr. L. Melville, Jr., has and shoulde on Tuesday, the 30th ult., brr,ulgbt out The morning that ushered in the jumping down, Master Fred Price, son - I
t the clover and, fall wheat were out in erected & - rs. Ib was feared that - he
E TnE UNITED STA I CiBous. � Wed- new store at Bandon. -The a large crowd. ' : 64th anniversary of Britain's Queen, of Mr. George Price, fell and
bloom, and overthing looked most prom- had received internal injuries, but he is Some of the horses ex- broke * I ,
� nesday last was a ig day in town. ' many friends'of Mr. Joseph Howson, of getting . hibited were first-class animals, and opened bright and clear, the air, -though his left arm between the wrist and el -
t l ising.-Hay was Sold in town on T around again.
i - � . es I
� Thbre Is nothing that can draw a crowd - �
t � . day last forl ' this township, will regret to learn that som6what cool for the time of year, was bow.
I Uk6 a circus. and menagerie, not even fourteen dollars per ton'a -, he Ho,usB STOLEN. -Mr. Henry Bossen, would have done credit to a more pret I
: . Don't forget� to remem is seriously ill. - Mr. John Mason berry. of the Bauble L t�ntious place than Gorrie. The mos much to be preferred to the sweltering -One of the best horse buyem that
her the: garden has sold to Mr. Thomas Dustow, of , togethe ine, had a mare C
� the tempting wares a�nd equally tempt. . heat of the same day last year. ,lin.. visits this section is Mr. Frank Thom. , FLI
I - party and promenade Concert L to I r� with a saddle and bridle re- attractive part of this day's proceeding L flags 'p. i-
. 1 .
I .
t - : ing prices of our merchants. The . be Belmore, SnL importea heavy draug ton h%d donned its holiday attire I �
: given at the residene lit moved from the stable I was the horse racing. There was sn"In. son. of Mansfield, Ohio. He has good I i
; ix of the Ilurou .-
morning opened with a drizzling e of Mr. F. Holme- ye lin� colt for the sum of 8600. -The good trotting clone. A horse called b floated from all the principal buildings judgment in purchasing d doub I I I
,. I sted, on Thursday- even Hotel some time on the evehiug of the an t egg
- . rain,, which coutinue�. throughont the iag next. -On 'meeting of the ehareholders -of - 24th, -and though searched for most some "Long John," and others Johq. in town, and every one Seemed deter- does well wheu selling - Residing not a ' I--
I . forenoon. But -despite this drawback., Sunday last as Mr. H. Becord, of the the -Hull6tt Batter Fao A.," obtained the first prize. The first mined to have a pleasant time of it. great distance fr . , I
' '
I firm of Secord, Cosens & Co., lutaber c � tory or diligentl3r could not be found until .0-ri. name given is very appropriately ap. Early i Om him is a Certain �
. the streets were with'p reamery, v0ill be held on the day afternoon, when it was �brought om- for ,convenience, we -
, alive eople from dealers of Godericb, and well known in 9 . to n the morning crowds of our person, wb - . 1.
� &1I sections of the Surrounding country this town, was on his way to Winnipeg th inst., for the purpose'of electing Zurich, having been f d nearr Lum. plied, but why the second was given I country friends commenced to pour in, shall call -Tones. Now, when Jones . I
,� .
.long before 9 o'clock, %ud the crowd con- , 'Directors and appointiDg a salesman.- oun shall not tell -as I do not know. and thet morning trains also furnished saw the excellent Pgrobases his friend . ! .
e . tinued to increase until noon. The a collision took place between the train Mr. Archer bas -sold li�s farm of 80 ley* It spPears to have been' taken . their quota of visitors from the a.djoin- Thompson was making in Canada he . i
. on which he was riding away more for the pari�ose of Securing � �
. "Grand Trocession," ��mB the first at- and another acres on the Base Line, to Messrs. Win. � � I t �
� train on the Manitoba road and he was a nde home -thin anything else, but Stanley. I ing towns. . rashly concluded that he bad i I
I I as good I
I tAction'ef the day., The tents had - brown from one end of the caboose Tiplady and D. Cornish.for 341000 cash, be found he will -TF The proceedings-, commenced with a judgment an(! could bay horses to as
t should the culprit IN ,RESTING STATISTICS. -The follow . 1. -
been pitched on the ciricket ground in to taking possessi�li next October. . procession of Foresters, headed by the good advantage as his friend. and he 1 �
a 1 the other and his should r blader broken Mr. doubtless pay dearly for hisride. Ing interesting statistics from the t . i ,
. _ L
. i the eastern part of t6 town, and the 6 - Tiplady has now a farm of 180 acres, Goderich baud. After the pro Solon accordingly hied himself to this county 1 � -
. . -We are glad to lear A SWINDLZIR SWINDLED.- t Roll of this year, are kindly � ;
. n that Mr. James a,ud Mr. Coi I Mr. Daniel Be8sm6n I �
� I ,
, procession started from there and fol- ,ni 145. - Winegardner, who left here rather un- furnished us by Mr. George Stewart,I 'the brethren of Clinton entertain d the for the purpose of operating bi.s plans ,
Nichol, of XcKillop, who1as been laid ---J� )0
- ! I
I lowed Goderich Street to the Prasby- � - visitors to a luncheon in the For ters' His first visit was 11aade to the farm oi �
: terian Church, then ' to the market, UP for Some time with A severe attack ceremoniously a few days ago for parts township clerk. There are in the H 8 -
06 0 , Tuck-ersinith. all. hor� speeches were ma ol at Mr. A. Innes, Stanley, where he pur. �
I and thenr along Mark t Street to Mai f illnegsj§ recoveriDg.-Main street unknown,much to the -regret of. his township 2,306 residents, of whom 597. cl :-
. GOOD WoRiK.-One day last week creditors a are between the ages of 5 and 16 ; 351 the con usiou of the repast. The chased a fine mare at 32i 0. payin 915 1
! 1, i. more evenly watered this -year � MOng whom are several -of athletic sports were hold at the back of 9 �
I and up Main back to I G.oderich Street. 1,000 bricks, were made in the Short our Zurich merchants has turned up in between 7 and 13, and 276 between 16 as a deposit, but after he bad left there
] and the dust better kept down than I � the foundry. and the various races re- he, for some reason, rued his bar
I it consisted Of two hands of music, the ever before. It would 'be - advisable, I Space of 25 minutes, in the brick yard Detroit. It appears that he b84 been and 21. There are 42,699 acres assess- -gain,
. I menagerie wagons,th6 circus Derformers however, for the.-'-' I of Mr. John Sproat, with -his new brick depositing money to the amduat of $60 ed, of which 31,186 are cleared. The sulted as follows: and concluded to forfeit his $15. He
I on horse back, aud 4her attractions. Street inspector to is w oseph then hired a' livery rig, drove around
� . take &look around some of theother machine. 'This machine orking in the Lansing National tauk-,when assessedvalue of the real propertyof One Hundred Yard Race-ist i
. .
While the prozession 1was passing along promment, streets. splenlidly, and gives good satisfaction. be was imposed upon by a sharper who the township is given at 81,671,474, Wheatley, 2d Thom" Henderson, 3d for six days, and never secured a horse., I .
; Main Street, the wall�s on both sides of We notice that AU4 Charles Scott. . -
. - some of,them are!,being used as lumber WATERsvmum N6TEs.-No celebration gave him a bogus certificate of deposit. the personality at $78,990, There are, He next went down to Mr. John Ship- -
I - . the street were pacNed with a hying and wood, yards; here on the 24th. Citizens vacated He then complained to the police, who '5,966 acres of fall wheat, and * , 6,737 Two Hundred Yard Rat" ,e-lst Joseph ley's, W-tere he bought ,
4- �men and &c., which does not a spanking team
mass composed of iaen, wc . the streets early to attend the sports gave him their services withwhat acres plowed. The Wheatley, 2d Charles Scott, 3d Thomas at $460, paid for them a-nd took them
I I - add any -to their appearance or .the suo- re are 3,955 horned �
. -
. , �
t beauty ofthe town. -On Saturds, last ould. suggest 955 hogs and Henderson. --
I childrerk, of 0 ages, , sizes, ranks end elsewhere -Great changes, have taken cess. is not "own. We w cattle; 8,691 sheep; away, after purobasing a saddle for 85; .
. complexions. The,performanice8, both Y place her ux ing opera Three legged Rae ' 1st Henderson & While riding them to Goderich he ap-
t �'. in the afternoon an evening, were Mr. Wm. Soole, ,while carelessly hand- e lately in b ild ii tions, that if recovered it might be' remitted 1,238 horses. During the year there '3- �
� i . � The woollen* factory, which has been � Barr 2d Wheatley, & Scott, 3d Brow'n & 'peared to arrive at the conclusion that - I
; . � , n an ling a revolver, the weapon exploded, to some of his Borrowing friends here. have been 42 births and 26 deaths, buti .
� 71argely attended, th large pavillion and the hall, entered used So long in. that capacity, has been shouts. the number of marriages is not gi Floody. . � he had bought them L . I 11
being crowded, especi ally in the after - his mouth and Ivan. ' too high, and he ;
f f his neck. 6 &to J Boys' Race Under 16 -1st Alfred sold them to Mr. James �r
I .. - lodged in the back oi converted into a priv residence by a THE QuzF.x's BiRTHDAY.-The 24th COUNCIL 'DoiNGs,-The Stanley Conn
I -1 � noon. The menagerie was not very ex- T A. Elliott, �
. 1. . z . ball has not yet been extracted, but his retired farmer. -The old cheese factory was spent here with the usual demon. oil met as a Court of Revision, at ,thel Thomas, 2d Walter Pridham, 3d Wm. who, in turn, resold them to Mr. -
i tensive or varied, but! the animals' are buildings have been sold to Messrs. Kean. i i
- I 1 4
1 w
I - all, well kept and sleek looking. The medical attendants. have good . hopes of - stration, though the ardour of the en- township hall, Varna, on Saturday Shipley for $30 less than he bad just - �-!
. �i
. I .; . - his recovery. -Mr. Tho Plewes and Townsend, who are at joyment was somewhat dampe4ed by last- All the members were present. After dinner the sports were resumed sold them for. - Hsvi�g the saddle ort - I
0=118 performance on the whole, was, Mao MoNanglit, I- i
. I I . who bas b ' present tearing them down for the pur. the presence of the scarlet fever in & The' on the grounds of the Driving Park. his hands, Jones s0d it for 75c. When I
; fully ahead of anything we ha � e8i) employed as book keeper re were, however, no _ appeals ;
I I I pose of changing them into dwelling, good many homes, and � from the The first was a half mile race, re I he had -�
t ! Seafor ve "' " for Messrs. Killoran & Ryan for several . I � f act against the assessment, and, conse- t It- last seen , taken a through tickett
th. The trapeze performances . . �
is final do arture fro � � ze, for Ohio, and by this time will doubt- i
i - years, took h; p hanses.-Mr. McKay, teacher here, as. ing in Charles 01�ott taking firs �-,
, i and the horsemanship' being particular 1# si�ted in the lacrosse match at Sea- that before 10 O'clock the death4nell quently, the Clerk should have follow, "i
:, ! , . had sounded' twice for two children 0 ed the precedent of other dignitarie opkinson second, and John less conclude that - as a - I
� town on Monday last. , James Ef
� ly good. In circus performances as in He goes f 91 - horse buyer he
1, 1 Rapid City, where bio to forth, on the 24th. -Miss Ellen 'Dale, the village. NevertheleB � � Brown third. The fiorse races . : ,
i .,;
I almost everything else. thqre has been brother David is 8,1 a goodly higher in authority, Such as sheriffs,! were is not a success. .�. I
- i
11 : - .a marked improvement during the past rapidly becoming a -'bloated'eapitalist I .i' an insane lady -from Hallett, has been eompany witnessed the spoits of the &c., and presented the anembers of bhe: then called on, the first being the coun.: -The largest sale of fat cattlewhich . �, I
( � -. few years. Feats that at one time, it That a similax fate awaits Tom is the wandering around this motion for some day. , The chief enjoyment of the fore. Court with a pair of white gloves each. ty trot. F - or this race there were i five has probably ever taken place in this �� �
, *
. time past, taking - shelter around School entries, but one of the horses was section Of country. was held at Listowel .1�
I wish of hispoiany friends bere.-While noon was gazing at the grotesque dbar. The fact of their being no appeals fr a n .
� I thought of,would be considered absolute- on his recent trip to the Georgian houses, &o. - This state of affairs should acters that presented themselves for the assessment of this year, ape OM dr w I, leaving D. Bisse V i-21
: . ly impossible, are now accomplished Bay aks I . tt's 11 Honest on the 26th ult. Not only was the sale
: with apparent ease, and one is led to' - Mr. Andrew be shape of Indian war. � Jobn."IJ. C. Martin's 11 Little Polly," the largest in extent, but the quality of V �
. Mr. Thomas Kidd met not be, and if her parents cannot afford exhibition in t volumes for the good judgment and in. k,
. -1
I : - ' Green., at one time man to send her to an insane asylum, the riors, Zulus, A. Smith's 11 Goderich Chief," and A. the cattle was also m rk,edl -
&ger of the etc. The afternoon pge. tegrity of the Assessor, and i alik 1 ,71
wonder what there is that b,,an in- Royal Canadian Bank here. 8 8 Knox's �I Sleepy Jones 'I to start. Mr. The majority of the a y superior. ,-.,?z
I va - � wi
L L I Council should take steps to have it Seated a riety of amusements a old creditable to him and to the Council cattle were from 1 11.7�
genui ot accom. R if only prop. - Mr. Green done immediately. Knox's bor -
. 0 � 19 . took first money in �.�
erly applied. 1. .-6 Performance was a passenger on the ill fated steamer , . � each one suited his or her taste, Some which have for so many years retained se r8e the townsbips of Elms : P ,
, I . � _ . �
thrL oughout was good, at1d -there was I - preferring to witness the feats of p4y- him in their service. The Court ad- beats, 11 Honest John" cap'tur- and Wallace, and were bought -up foc- J �i
. "Manitoulin," which was, recently burn, straight, I Howick, Minta I , 1i
nothing Said or done that could offend 5d but he escaped without injury, ab. Brussels. - oical p ower, while others more musical. journed- to meet on the last Friday in .ed the second prize, and a, Goderiich i
� � 1,
ec" 1 : the 011 Country market. The stock 1�. �
I " e third, The run for first and 1
. ��
I the most sensitive. The; entire manage- though he lost bistravelling F3*tohel and, , BRIEFS. -The Bishop of Huron ad- ly inclined, engaged in the mazy dance, June, at 6 o'clock p. In., and general Chief" th � was purchased by Mr. Jones, of Logan, :, 1;
other effe�,ts.-Afr. Ge second places in this race was well con- and shipped on the following day,. Mr. z:�
ment is composed of men who are . orge Walker, of ministered the rite of confirmation to, prolooging their holiday considerably township business was proceeded with . ?-, 1 .
I tested. � i � I
ainxious to please the public, and, in, Tuckersmith, is ,now sufficiently re. 73 candidates in St. John's beyond the limits of the '24th. The by the* Council. After ordering - the I Jolly, from- the township of Elma, sold - I-)
. Church, on I ,
aoe for colts of four years old two bead �-11
. doing so appear to avoid giving cause covered to -be ablel.h sit up moot of the Sunday last. He preached an able day being cool all spent a most enjoy- payment of a couple of accounts, con- Ther I weighing 2.830 pounds, for
; . �,
and under was next called, and, 'this which he received 8155.65 - : �
� day and go around the hoube. He is, sermon I rom the 16th verse of the 50a .1 Z
for complaint to any. able time. siderable, time was taken up in discus- James Da -
I u- ,
- 1 . however. very Stiff yet and under the. chapter of St. Matthew. The congrega- -*-- . � sing the amounts necessary to be ex. also proved to be a capital trial of skill brook. of the same townshir. two head I i.
� I
favorable circul�,Itauces it 'will he tion was very large. -The fire compan Walton. � for first place. The horses starting - of 2,730 pounds, for $156.97 - I
most Y I- pended on the different roads and the ; George, �It
. .. :
. were out with their steamer for practise FOR Tim WES' repairing of culverts, but before an de. ,, J. .
I - A MELANCHOLY ArrAiR. - Much slar- some weeks before h4 i� wholly recover . T. -Mr. John! Hewitt, Y were 11 Tontine," owned by J. Beacom, Sangster, four bead, 5 060 pounds, for 11
y evening finite decision was arrived at, a motion - . �
- prise was felthere an Thursday evening , ed -from his recent �evero accident.- on Moods, last. D Walton, starts on a tour to Dakota and Red Cloud." by Thomas Tiplin ' I four bead, 5 580 i.
by, , g.and 8302.60; A. Burnett I
of last weel- when the news arrived - uring "Young Gold Dust," T. Haines. -pounds, for 8 . I i.
go . I �
I - that Mr. Odell Andrews, son of Mr. The many friends of Mr. Robert Lain practise the large suction hose broke off probably. Manitoba next week. Mr to adjournuntil the 30th of Jane next, 334.80; W. Barnett,'one , ;
formerly of Tuckersmir,b, who left early OlOse'tO the couplifig. In order to be Hewitt has- a son in the lormer place' at 2 o'clock, was made by Mr. Torrance, The first prize went to 11 Tontine,7 he head, 1,460 pounds, I .�-J
. n three straight beats.! 4i or $83.95 ; : W. w-.
. seconded by Mr. Douglas and carried. I Red Burnett, seven additional bea,d, 10,935 . ;
,Tahn Andrews of this town, had com- -in the spring with', his family to settle ready for immediate use one section was and several other friends whom he Ia. n I winning i - I
I Cloud" was second in 'three heats, the -4
imitted Suicide. The statement was at on land in. the vicinity of Brandon, will taken out, 'and the broken on'p expressed tends to visit. If the country pleases A petition was presented by Mr. Cam- -pounds, for $683.43; J. �
ft -rat doubted by most of those who Cowan, twelve - ,I
be pleased to ]ear � other horse was entirely over -matched. head, 16,910 pou do, for $1,014.60; 1 -,
eron, but as the Council had adjourned, r . n
I 0 that be has now got to Montreal for. repairs. -The concert him he will probably sell out , here and The running race h4d three Starters, Thomas -Preston, two head, 2,670 lbs., I
hmew b-im, but Subsequent even to prov- comfortably located, has put in a good on Tuesday last, given under the &us. em:lgr ite to the great lone laud. We its consideration was deferred uatil-the ,1 Sunrise," ow A
- I I
ed that it was onky too true. The Lon- breadth of crop and is well pleased with . pio,ea of the choir of the Canada Metho. trust, however, that the country wonit next meeting. . ned by W. Barnes; for5160.20; J.-McClory, W&llace,two, -
.- :�
don. Advertiser of Friday gi s the fol- his land,. and is! satisfipcl with the dist Church, was well attended, and the suit him, as *e don't want to lose any . "Calico," owned hy J. Anderson, and head, 2,650 pounds, for $145.75; H.5 I
e M !, f, I 0 11 Little. Maggio," by Mr. Hutton, of � Cum,nings, molt's - :
Be ia
I Wallace, two head, 2,440 pounds for-
-dy was found lying in a pool of known as I Pink Eye." None of them would have liked very much ba"d the- created in this village on the 23rd inst,, birthday was heralded by the booming after a hard tussle all the way round $144 � i
man's bo S Be readers of the EXPOSITOR in this section' ILLICIT STILL. -Quite a nsation Was The 64th anniversary of our Qaeen's oue, and was won by -Little Maggie," 3,070 pounds, for $184.20; W. Hunt,
"Wednesday, a little after 8 p. m., a and mules are laid up with the di ea worth, two head,
lo,wing pa-rtioulars of the sad affalir : cOuntrY.-Som ot r. Wilso, I horses programme was well carried out. The more E;u'h good citizens as Mr. Hewitt. The 24th in Brussels. Witigham. The first heat was a good
blood on the 8th Concession of South are dangerously affected, but the dis-, Editor of that paper secured the nomi. over the discovery of an illicit still in .40; E. Ellis Wallace, three head, .
� 0 _J 13 8 of anvils. The Lno.rDing broke clear and with -Sunrise, 11 In the second heat, 13,900 pounds, for'$209; W. � 1
1 - Dorchester, near Sch ol House No. 7., ease causes him much inconvenience nation for South Huron. -Mr. W. Bate- W. obn ton' shop. Deted- calm and- the da 1. Quennelli , ivf-
y throughout was one aftergoing about half way I I
. situated a short distance from Belmont. andtrouble. It is supposed they caught -man,late in'tbe employ of F. C. �ive Cavan, of 0 around the .
. -`
The; first intimation was giV d, collector o - ' Mint(), three head; 4,040 pounds, for 4. I- -
- i
If of the - finest. Flags. bunting, fire- track the first time, 11 Little Maggie " ,8240; W. Knigbt, four head, 6,260 lbs., �
; , .
- �
� .en to the the infectipia somewhere in the vicinity Rogers, and nowof BlindRiver,Algoms, Inland Revenue, and D. Scott, of Brus- crackers, etc., with a crowd of sight. sprained her ankle in a sudden tarn, ,for $315.60 ; 0"
authorities at Belmont bya, woman who of Listowell, as it was tile teams on that was in town thia week on his wedding solo, License Inspector were the parties �J. Logan,' one head, 1,305 - 1�
lfi I seers gave unmistakable evidences that and, although the rider tried h4rdl to Pounds, for ,574; -: L�
. happened to, notice the man as she pass- route that � rst became affected. -The tour. -Quite a -n`umber from Brussels 'that made the discovery. The still had the 24th of May had arrived. J. Hegroth, threer
. 7i
ed him on the road. She reported him Court of lRevision met- on T catch .up, he,waa the last to' cross the head, 4,040 Pounds, foi 0242.40 ; J. � - --� �
i ag looking and acting in a strange man uosday slid vicinity went to see the circus at been conducted by one George Smith, QUOIT 31ATCH. � - 4 -
I i I . evening last, and after oon8i . line, Mr. Barnies' horse beiu'-g first. The Backer, one bead, , I -tl"
dering Seaforth on Wednesday last. -Lot 5,, in - .and was in operation over two mouth$. A very exciting game was played on third - �,
I ner as he walked along the road ; that several appeals adjourned for two WeekS.L �eat a good start was effected. 081.75 ; B. 1,675 pounds, for �.,
the 11th Concession of Gre I known as He was fined $100 and one mouth in the flats in which ten competitors took 11 Sun . � . ��
Y F .1 OPPer, one bead, 1,285 lbS.V 1�1
I . �
. . le -
I he had a Strange e,pression, and big There are no appeals of a y importa, ce the Johnsto f I was sold by auction Goderich jail. Smith is a very quiet, part. This iihowA that the quoit pitch- and it seemed to be a difficult matter to head, $8,270 Pounds, for $1,384.20; .T. . -
. D a u arm . rise " soon got the lead, however, for $51.40 ; J. M & A Clim' & Co., 29 -
I . i eyes looked wild. Another person ar-' against the aSS98SMent this year. -Mr. at the Tecumseh House on Friday -last, inoffdneive young masn, and was res. ers in this Section have not lost zeat in keep up to his p e. - o ;
. - riving shortly after announced the fact John Logan has been laid up for' several and after a Re Little Maggie 11 C. Ste . -
- i that a raan was lying in a pool of keen competition was knock- P wart, Morningtoo, two head, 2,680- . -
b=&U, but had boon led into the the game. After a hard struggle, F. tried it bravely, though. and kept neck .1
- I L�lood days With a Severe attack of erysipelas ed down to J. T. Dickson for 45,365. y the intrigues of a mean pounds, for $158; J. Burnett, Elms, .1-�
a 4
f on the roadside, Several of the Belmont in .the face He is still confined tobed. Mr. C. R. Cooper was auctioneer.- u dr A a Patterson, of Bluevale, won lot, R. and neck for a short time, finally giv. eight head, 1,135 pounds, for $722.59 ; -
. people al once hastened' W ' Boo u el li ng i the vicinity of Bel.: Piercie, 2nd and R. Work 3rd. . .� ; I
, II,
I C� i
I tbb scene, -Mr. Ja . Ing out, and the rider was making A 40hu Shearer,
" J
I C mes Dickson, Registrar, who The'fine rain of Wednesday has made Wave, who alse was the person that in6 BASE BALL. struggle for second place when the so. 'for 1305.20; George Mayberry, .Seven -
I and ell wiping the blood from his face ha,s be I --four head 5,170 pounds,
I . � -
't; en appointed Returning Officer the crops look well in this section. -The form�d on him. The "Beaver" club of Kincardine, cident happened. The first money went !head, 9,395 pounds, f0i $57,7.70'- J.
I- at Once recognized the well known fea- for So th Huron, has selected Seafoith - political contest in East Huron goes THE TwriNTY-FouRma.- About nin came down on the early train and at 10 to 11 Sunrise," aeoplid to 11 Calico.,,
- " tures of Mr. 0. Andrews, late of tlag as theu e I Vill
-- Mayberry, eight head, 1(),500 pounds �
i . . - most -central point for the hold- bravely on, each pafty being sanguine O'clock in the morning the people from O'clock a large crowd asseMbled at the In the race open to all there were for $6U.12. - �
- � �
. 3
1 . . :� ,
. � - ; � J
6 - ,
L . - 1J
3-0,�,, . -1,
p I
-N U -N
I E.
. i U 141..
IT. 19. RU,
friends, cue
I ally, t4at �I
. .N�Orth-west�,
the manaf
whom -all �c�
dence, and
of the Rber
since Aarti.T
Feels Bel
. Tortto,
. . , I y
Gentl en --
three years i
and he had�
back; he cc
wee" at a,
second Pad
He says th. al
has for ten
DruggiBt, Se
. ,G,V
Ukan very w,
left kidney,:
. bloodthrolag
doctors gave.
to die hourly
the hemmol
I about again,
du -11 heavy F
back, which ,
� saw your Ri
tried one, an(
list of thiou
beneficial, a
Yours traly, 4
J. S. Roberts,
� Fe3nal
Guelph, M -E
-In reply to 1
that I ,-Aaed I
tioned, and bo,
Kidney Pad
Permanent jeu �
of swome tt- �
813ppewetffully ,
,of the f4un, )
S. � I �]
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