HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-06-02, Page 79 1882 HOUSE TH remises f�rm6P- BcnofComs Commerciat DISCOUNTEIL Urn Exchanger ,Solci. NOTE.- inable Ratee. ileral Severities ..er at par at all of Gomm.erce. it on Deposita Mottgagetr. MSip- raprietor. A FORTH. a NO ,esese, we changed ring flout at our Seer ND GRADING ruing our family or n getting& fast-elaaa a l hieb, good prieetria tea and pronounced "BY ALL. echo -lige work. We anted, good Treadwell 1 CD. 0. KEMP, Manager. rORTE LAN MENCY. rr it 0 N G rid -Claim Stock, Firs tniee, and le preper. t favorable teems. the beet Loan So - ed Patches. of Earls First -Class zs for Sale. t Six per eesia amnattip Tleketai rxison's Store,Medu Sid ) MILL Seaforth known ti cheap and on eija haa got the Mataitc ion with the MilijI Te reit has reeei4ly I and repaired, =Idle :eder. and capable of gel:ling and flouring erietor, W21. Seenrea, 744 AL. Physician, S • et n, dice, Dr. Gam t •nre, and Trunk Railway lay promptly attend - 72 Phypichea,Surgeon and h,cent. Office andresi- Streetorecond dove 842 J. M.. Physician, Sure r the Colin tyof Huron. Jar -vie street north, Public School, C. M.. Graduate of Myelelan,STIrgem and and Reeidence, at. first Brick House rch. 496 e dutte tef McGill eloi- elate et the Royal-COI- bergh, and late Hooke ; aoepitad, Ediriburgla W-52 3-C+IINT* e LENTIT. eyed College of Dental :Office in the rooms Fierbysli ire, Whitney's performe& and antis - es Moderite. Feted witiinueriaint ; tee • YSHIRE, Dentist, has based the business of loch, and removed to ;lock,' Mitchell, where reetit extracted with er and nitrous oxide Partlei from a wit- train expenses 722 .871:2Y" DENTIST, that and College R. C. D. S. eperience he is able to in Dentistry suitable teeth a Specialty. ;tate Oxide Gas given. foderate. 'Main Street, Seaforth. [IT,. L. D. S.f tat his office, CADRY'S- K, SiF0aTM oppo- "len-anemia! Hotel, on DAY and THURSDAY ek. Nitrate -Oxide Gas -:tioe of teethe -This gag : Dr Cartwright since , he having been one of to this prance. Fa- ted may inhale the gas 4 extracted in a, min- ', without, disagreeable Siring new teeth please ticulae attention paid met- teeth. Teeth is - Z305 Specific. Elsie; NOT TOR ANT :EASE. ve already tried it • been kaoWn to ted with this ala- i do well to give it e HUGH ROBB. \‘‘', r, - %Tyra 21 1882. Goats in New York. "Goats is a valuable property here- _ abouta,” sAid an old Gowanus 'long- Shoreman. "I don't know what the poor old women would do without 'ern. A spry young nanny, when she is teethe' Well, will give one quart of milk twice a day. Good, rich milk,too. It tuakes splendid coffee, One half of them byes playin' around the dock there is been taised on nannies' . milk. Their own natural mothers can't 'stand to work hard and give their children the proper, Amount of milk;,and, besides goats' milk is better nor their own. There is ,A difference in goats' milk, owin' pretty much to whet they eat. The poor up around Harlem can't afford mach, and them goats has to live on a* few old tipster cans and sardine boxes, while these here goats about Gowanus and South Brooklyn eats theatre advertise- ments and show bills the whole winter, and anybody what knows anything about goats knows that makes a differ- •ence in their milk." 1 HURON EXPOSITOR. How to Sleep Well. No healthful sleep comes except that whiCh follows voluntary or involuntary action of the muscles of. the body. Pedestrians fall into a sound, deep sleep as soon as put to bed, at the _ap- pointed time for relit, This is the sleep from. voluntary muscular exercise. A person in good health sits around the house all day; an invalid may all day sit and lune and lie doWn from morn- ing till :night without sleeping; and both the!healthy man and the invalid, in the course of the evening, witi be- come sleepy, and fall into sound re- pose, the result of the weariness which involuntary motion brings about; for the various organs of the body, the heart, the liver, the stomach, the eye- lids, wortile steadily every day. The in- tsiitines re as ceaseless in their motion as the waves of the ocean; ad these latter are always dashing towards the shores; se -too is the great visceral machine y working, working, working, pushing he waves of the body down- ward an outward from the first breath of existence to the last gasp of life. There is net a movement of the sys- tem, voluntary or involuntary, exter- nal or interual, which does not require power to cause it. When that power is, to a certain extent, exhausted; in- stinct brings on the sensation of sleepi- ness, which ie the result of exhausted power, intended by. nature to secure that cessation from activity which gives time for xeoUperation, very much as a man who runs for a while stops and rests, so as to get stronger to rim again. We get up in the morning with a cer- tain ambut of reserved or accumulated strength; in the course of the day that strength becomes expended to the point necessary for. the commencement of a new supply, which comes from rest, the rest from sleep. Opium narcotics, .all forms of a•riodynes, cause sleep artifi- cially by compelling rest. A horse may be tied so that he can not move • he -is compelled to be atrest ; it is not the rest of tiredness, hence it is un- natural. Anodynes, in a sense, tie a man down; they take away his power of motion, they compel a rest, but it is not the rest which is the result of used - up strength, hence it is an artificial rest causing an artificial sleep. Sleep which is not natural cannot be healthful ; hence the truth of the first utterances of this chapter- healthful sleep comes from the expenditure of the strength of the body in various forms of exercise - Hall's Journal of Health. How to be Handsome. Most 'people would like to be hand- -some. Nobody denies the 'great power which any person may have who has a handsome face and attracts you by good looks even before a word has been spoken. And we see all sorts of devices in men and women to improve their looks. Now, all cannot bale good features - they are as God. made them -but al- most any one can look well, especially with good health. It is hard to give iades in a very short space, but in brief these will do. Keep clean -wash freely. All the skin wants is leave to act freely, and it takes care of itself. Its thousands of -air-holes must not be -closed. - Eat regularly and eat enough -not -too much. The stomach can no more work all the time, night and day, than a home. It must have -regulae work and rest. Good teeth are a help to good looks. Brush them with a soft brush,especially at night. Go to bed with cleansed teeth. Of course to have white teeth it is need- ful to let tobacco alone. All women know that. Washes for the teeth should be very simple. Acid may whiten the teeth, but it takes off the enamel and injures them. Sleep in a cool room, in pure air. No one can have a clean skin who breathes bad air. But more than all, in order to look well, wake up mind and soul. When -the mind is awake, the dull, sleepy look -passes away from the eyes. I do not know that the brain expands, but it seems so. Think, and read, not trashy novels, „ but books and papers that have something in them. Men say they cannot afford books, and sometimes do not even pay for a newspaper. In that case it does them little good, they feel so mean while read- ing them. But men can afford what they choose. If all the money spent in self-indulgence, in hurtful indulgence, was spent in books and papers for self- improvement, we should see a change. 3ten would grow handsome, and women too. The soul would Rhine out through the eyes. We were not meant to be animals. Let us have books and read them, and sermons and heed thein. Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting. -"By thorough lenotvleolge of the naturall ays -which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us inanyheavy cloe•torS' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to a esist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal abaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." -e -Civil• Ser- vice as ate. Made simply with boil- ingG water or milk. Sold only in 1,1ackets and tins (4 pound and pound,) hbelled-"James Epps & Co., Itomceo- panic Chemists, London, Eng." -Also makers of Eppe'sChoeoltite Essence for afternoon use. 73642 Unspeakable Tortures Are experienced by the neuralgic, and these beset them upon the slightest oc- casion, particularly when they catchra trifling cold. Until' the attack passes off they are racked -with pain and ran. &red sleeplees and miserable. Their sufferings are, however, altogether un. necessary, for that pain soothing speci- fic, Thomas' Eclectric Oil subdues the inflammation and tranquilizes the tor- tured nerves in an- inconceivably short space of time. This -inexpensive, econ- omic and effective preparation, which, unlike other oils, loses nothing by.evap. oration when applied outwardly, is also taken inwardly as a medicine. Used in both ways, it is a superlatively fine remedy for rheumatism, lameness, kid- ney troubles, piles, ceughs, colds, bruises, burns, scalds, Corns and other physical ailments. Elderly people wh suffer from sore or weak backs, • should by all means use it. Sold by all medit- eine dealers. Prepared only by Nor. tlarop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont. 710 52 A Prolific Source of Disease. A trifling indiscretion in diet inay lay the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, an,d there is no fact in medical science more positively ascertained or more au- thoritatively -asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of bodily ills, not the least of which is contamination of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direct Consequence. Their original cause is, however, thoroughly eradicated from the system by Northrop &Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, a medicine which only - requires regularity and persistence in its use to cure dyspepsia and the many ills that arise from it. No 'deleterious mineral ingredient is contained in it, and though its action- is , thorough in eases pf costiveness, it never produces griping pains in the abdominal region, or weakens the bowels like a violent pur- gative. It invigorates the system through the medium of the incteased digestive and assimilative activity which it promotes, and is also a most efficient remedy for kidney complaints, scrofulous and all diseases of the blood, female weakness, &c., &c. Price, $1. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Nor- throp & Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and. Dyspeptic ure. The • wrapper bears a ,fac-slittile. of their signature. Sold by Luta, sden .(k, Wilson, Seaforth. 750-52-c Consumption Cured. From Andrew Archer, of Fairfield, Maine. .'Seeing numerous certificates in the Maine Farmer, endorsing the Great Lung Remedy, Wistar's• Balsam of Wild Cherry, I take great pleasure in giving publicity to the great cure it accomplished in my family in the year 1856. During the summer of that year my son, Henry A. Archer, now post- master of this place, was attacked with spitting of blood, cough, weakness of lungs, and general debility, so much so that our family physician declared him to have a 'seated consumption.' He was under medical treatm.ent for a number of months, but received no benefit. At length, from the solicita- tion of himself and others, I was in- duced to purchase one bottle of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which bane. fittedhim so much I obtained another, which in a short time restored him to his usual health. I can safely recom- mend this remedy to others in like con- • dition, for it is, I think, all it pur- ports to be -The Great Lung Remedy for the Times! The above statement, gentlemen, is my voluntary offering to you in favor of your Balsam, and it is at your disposal." Fifty cente and $1 a bottle. Sold by dealers generally. 710. Worthy of Praise. As a rule we do not recommend pa- tent medicines, but when we know of one that really is a public benefactor, and does positively cure, then we con- sider it our duty to impart the infor- mation to all. Electric Bitters are truly a most valuable medicine, and will surely cure Billiousness, Fever and Ague, Stomach, Liver, and Kidney Complaints, even where all other rube - dies fail. We know whereof we speak, ana can freely recommend them to all. -Exch. Sold at 50 cents a bottle by E. Hickson & Company.. 714.52.6 Given Away. We can not help noticing the liberal offer made to all invalids and sufferers by Dr. King's New Drscovery for Con- sumption. You are requested to call at E. Hickson ct Co.'s Drug Store, and get a trial bottle free of cost, if you are suffering with Consumption, Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Hoarseness, or any affection of the Throat or Lungs. , It will positively cure you. 714.52f The Meaning. of Nerve Prostration and general debility in over- worked men and women is siniply a I failure of fuel to run the machinery of the body. in health -the digestive ap- paratus is designed to prepare sufficient food to repair, and fdrce to Work the viktl organs at a uniform expense of "edergy. When consumption exceeds , supply the reserve is drawn on, and 'the body wastes and weakens. Here is indicated the use of Dr. Wheeler's Elixir of Phosphates and Callisaya; to I maintain balance' of loss and gain. 747-26 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ' The best Salve in the world for Cats, 1Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, ; Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cent e per box. For sale by E. Hickson de Com- pany. 714-52 a, Holloway's Ointment and Pills. $elf Help. -Prior to the discovery Of these remedies an easy, ready and re- iliable remedy for outward disfigurations and inward complications was, practie ..cally speaking, unknown. No one need 'now be at a loss if they should unfor- tunately suffer from ulcers, sores, to - more, boils, bruises, sprains, &c. En- veloping Holloway's medicines are very !intelligible printed directions for using them, which should be attentively studied and immediately followed by all who! resort to his treatment. Sooner or later the sufferer will assuredly triumph over the worst diseases. This search - hag Ointmentidisperses all those ma- lignant hunaos which aggravate die. etses of the skin, prevent the cicatriza- tion of ulcers, land excite inflammatory tendencies in the system. 739 In the Spring . Of the year al oat every one requires a t good Blood P rifler, more especially in the month of. ay. We would earnest- ly advise our ieaders to try Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. A few doses will soon convince you that it is the best re edy known for affectiona of the Seomach, Bowels, Liver and Kidneys. In arge bottles at' 50 cents. J.' S. Roberts, agent. Seaforth. 750-52 an.y Suteer . "From supposeI Organic diseases of the heart,vehen the trouble is only an irregu- larity in the Circulation of the vital fluids, which 'Burdock Blood Bitters will promptly !remedy. 739- - The Attention Of thinking mien hie:lolled to Dr. Wheel- er's Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya 'on its scienti4 merits. It is the out -- come of manylyears' careful investiga- tion of the chemistry and medicinal properties of Fhosphorus and its com- pounds, and ersistent use of it will demonstrate tl at it is undeniably the best oombinati n of these agents of nu- trition in exis ence. It is everywhere prescribed in al forms of debility, and in Inebriate Asylums is the standard peeve restorative in Chronic Alcoholism and the Opium, Habit. 747-26 , 1 , T46 Prevent Fevers, Bilionsl Colds and Ague; to tone up the sysem and purify -the blood try a course of1 _Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. In large bottles at 50 ceihts. j. S. Roberts, agent, Seaforth. 750.52 • Montkeal Pickings. . While waitink for a car we called at the Smith Medicine Co.'s office, 663 Craig street, and find it a place -well 'worth a visit. While there a Mr. John Reynolds, livin4 at 102 Canal Street, canie in with; a monster tape worm some 45 feet i4 length, which be had expelled the dai, before, after taking Dr. Smith's Great 1German Remedy7-and be spoke of it in terms of the highest praise, having tried numberlese other remedies and d4ctors without success. We were also, shown eleven large stomach worms1 removed from a little child of pa.trie Smith's living at 96 Chenneville str et, with one dose of the Remedy. Thy have thousands of testimonials, anli before our car came along we were 'fully convinced of the wonderful merits of Dr. Smith's Great German WorM Rem ed y. -Montreal Star. Sold by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth, Ont. 754-52 "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the standard for quality, warranted not to clog or gum. Ask yowl dealer for it. Manu- factured by Clarke & Hnggart, Wood- stock, Out. 751-52. A trial (if "K4iser" Machine Oil will convince you that it is the best oil in the market. Sold by ,dealers- • Manu- factured by Claike &Etuggart, Wood- stock, Ont. 753i-52 # Teaberry. Mary -Who had that little lamb Had Teeth as white as snow; She always brushed them twice a day 'With "Teaberry".you know, 751 THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. -Job Moses Periodkoal Pills -This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu • tion is subject. It roderatee all excess arid re- moves all obstracti me and a speedy care may be relied on. To married ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a abort time, bring on the montlhy period with regularity. These pills should not be takenV females during the first three months Pre ream-, as they are sine to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cas4is of Nervous and Spinal Af- fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on • slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hys- terics and whites, these pills will effect a cure when allother nteane have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain ircin, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preAerved. Job Moses, New York, Solo Proprietor. $1 and 14 cents fur postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over BO pills by rettuat snail. aela in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsden it Wilson. 644-52 Trade Mark Registered. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG pv casual observation, we find all land specula- ." tore have a clear head, and watch the ups slid dowes of property, thus making large fortunes. lint the whole tiecret is,they keep the system in a a healthy condition by the use of -TEE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MEDICINE. We can safely say that hunereas curue to us for tho great lung and blood purifier before going West. Read the following stateinent; We could give thousands of the same Iind it it wore necessary. "I certify that I was troubled with catarrh in the ho -td, gathering of phlegm in the throat, choking and coughing at night for years, so I could not sleep; Often troubled with dull, lifeless feelings, pains in the chest and. back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried the PRIDE OF THE VALLE ', and arn now able to do my work after seven leer's alekrieFs." Mrs. James McNeil, 202 bi.moop Street, London, Ont. The above statement of by wife's is correct. James McNeil. For sale by all druggists in eaforth. 1 745-2 MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN -I 'am prepared to lend Money at lowest rates of interest, payable yearly. Principal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. 728. AUCTIONEERS. *T" P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parte of the County. All orders left at the Ex- eostroe Office will be promptlyettenden to. CR. COOPER, Brussels, 'tJounty Auctioneer. •Sales of all description e promptly at- tended In any part of the county on reasonable terms. Orders left at, the office of the HUBoN ExnosiTon, or addressed to Brussels, .will receive prompt attention. STOCK FOR SERVICE. TMPROVE YOUR STOCK, The undersigned -11.- will keep during the present season on Lot 28, Concession 3, Hay, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. A limited number of pigs will he served. Terins.--$l per sow, with the privilege of re- turning if necessary. GILBERT Dies., 754 T MPROVE YOUR STOCK. -The undersigned • will keep on his farm, 2nd 'Concession, H. Pe S., Tuckersmith, near Egmondville, a thorough- bred bull, half Ayrshire and half Durham, from the well known herd of M. MoTaggart,-Esq., Clinton. Terms -$1 50 per cow, with the privi- lege of returning if necessary. Jolts- MODELAND. N B -There are still a few who have not yet paid for last years service. --These would oblige by doing so at once -and saving further- trouble 74$ KEikiDALL:S SF'AVIN It cures Spavins, Splints, Curbs, Ring Bones and all siini- lar blemishesiind • removes the buxich without blisterink. CURE! For man it is now known to be one of the best, if not the best, liniment ever discovered. - We feel positive that every man can have perfect success in every case if he will only use good common sense in applying WfilNDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, and persevere in1 bad vases of long standing. Read below the experience of others: FROM COL L. T. FOTER. Dr. B. JKend . 11 dc Co. -Gents : I had a very valuable Hardblet YOthiGSTOWN, Ohio, May 100n,ial1188tlt which I prizsd v ry Ilighly ; he had a large bone spavin on one joint, and a smaller one oh the other, which made him very lame; I had him under the charge of two veterivary surgeons, which failed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determined at once to try it, and got our druggists here to send for it; they or- dered th.repbottles ; I took them all, and thought I would give it a thorough trial; I used it according to directions, and by the fourth -day the colt ceased to the be lame, colt's limbs are a free from lumps and as emooth as any horse in the State. He fil and the amps Lad entirely disappeared. I used but one bottle, and. is entirely cured. 'The care was so -remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remainhfug two bottles, who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! • ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early last suimluer Messrs. B. J. Kendall di- Co., of Euosburg Falls, Vermont, made a contract ith the publishers of the Press for a half column advertise- ment for one year setting forth the merits of Kendall's f,4pavin Cure. At the same time we seoiired from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying subscribers to the Press as a premium. About the time the advertisement first appeared in this paper Mr. P. G. Scher- inerhorn, who resides near Colliers had a, spavined horse. He read the advertise- mentand concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, • although his friends laughed at his creitility. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin -Cure ani com- menced using it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and he informed spa -vie or the place where us this week thatqlt effected such a complete cure that an expert horseman, who examined the anial recently could find DO trace of the it had been located. Mr. Schernaerhoru has since secured a copy of Kendall's -Treatise on the Hbrse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly and would be loth to part with it at any price, provided he could not obtain another copy. So much for advertising reliable articles. • 'KENDALL'S .SPAVIN CURE! Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to re. move any bony growth or any other enlargement if used for several days, such as spavina, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any htmeneSs andall enlarge- ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best lini- ment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. It is used fall strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive prOof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified sueress to -our knowledge,. for beast Ns well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. 748 52 DR. B. J. RF,NDALL & CO., Enosburg Fails, Vermont. - M MIMS. 1:14 r2= • c*4 ‹c IAA r•-` 0 0 2 ,E; FT) cr- D 21J 0 0 1/4-a (1) MUM See the great DUNHAM PIANO before buying. These magnificent Pianos have been used for 50 years in nearly all countries, and are still ranked among the best Pianos in the world. ORGANS. -The "Excelsior Organ" is now acknowledged lay the best musicians to he the leading Organ n Canada. Pianos and Organs of other makers supplied. Send for Catalogues. SCOTT BROTHERS, Seaforth, Ontario. =LOS. al , OC1-54. 0=232* teezeassereti NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CpRATIVE APPLIANCES ESTABLISHED 1874: RELIEVES A1,1) CURES 'Spinal Complaints, General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout, Nervousnesit, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Throat, and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprains, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, _Indigestion Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against impoeition, for they will do their work well and are cheap at any price. A. NORMAN, 4 Queen St East, Toronto: E. HICKSON & Co , Agents, Seaforth. '753-52 WM. ELLIOTT, TOWN CLERK and Treasurer. ' Office -North- -L east corner of Market' House. Office hours - 2:30 till 7 p. m. 747 ' SEAFORD) RASE 10FIRMARY. CORNER of _Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next •--1 door to thp Presbyterian Church„ eaforth, OiTt. All diseases of Homo, cattle, sheep, or any of the domesticated animals, successfully treated at the infirmary er elsewhere on the shortest notice Charges moderate JAS. W. ELDER, Veterinary Surgeon P 8.-A large stock of Veterinary Medicines kept conetaittly on hand. $5 to $20 "ex. day at home. Samples worth 85 free. .Address STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. 748x52 04 7 iT) A Wt•.:EE. Ft12 a day at home easily made. --I Costly outfit free. Address TRUE a CO., Augusta, Maine. 1 748x52 Bg a week in your own town. Terms and i.51-1 outfit free. Address H ItALLETT & Co., Portland, Maine. 748x52 s. CAMPBELL, Provincisl Land Surveyet -Li • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mailpromyt ly attelatied to. D. S. cAltIPBELL, inc Teal 7 NEW GOC:.)S. SPRING SU IT I NGS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. A Large Instalment Just Received At Campbell's CLOTH EMP3fIUM,SEAFORTH THE NEWEST DESI6NS IN HATS, SEL( SQUARES AND CENTS1 FURNISHINGS. CALL AND SEE THIS CHOICE LOT W. CAMPBELL. EYE, AR MID Ti.ROAT ! DR. GEORGE1S. RYERSON, L. R.O. P., .R.C. S. Id., Lecturer, on the Eye Ear and Th oat, Trinity Melleal College, Toren - to, and Surgeon to the Menet Eyesai I teerin- firmary, Ooiaulting Oculist and Aurisb to the Institutions for the Blind. Brantford, and for the Deaf and Dumb. Belleville, Oat. Late Clint - cal Apsistan Royal London 0 ph ',halm lc Ho teal- Htaol,spNiftaol.orfie ds, and Central Threat end Ear • nu CH RCH STREE,T, TOROIITO. ey be consulted at the ALBIO1 [HOTEL, STIIATFORD,• On the 1:41. SATIIRD.11.11t in. ICA CM MONTT& 703 S'TIIi4_A_ I ---I BRUSELS LIME WORKS. . *OWN & SONS - T ---e. t • THE subs ribers take this opportunity of J -re- turning thanks to the inha,bitants of Brussels and Vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state that havingi made several unprovi nients in their kiln and m de of burning, they see now in a better posit on than ever befdre to supply the public with rst-c ass lime. This being the eighth season of our business dealings in Brussels, and having given unqualifi- ed satisfacti n so far, the public can rely on re- ceiving goo. treatment and a first-class article from us: F rst-class lime at 15 cents: Remember the spot -B ussels Lime Works. - 650-24 1 TOWN & SONS. R. N. BRETT, SEAFORTH, Wholesale and RetailDealer in rigATrom, and SHOE kINDINGS of Every Description. None buti the Very Best -Stock kept. Terra/ moderate. Trial Solicited. All orders by mai or othervri Ire promptly filled. . -11R -,.rr 0 JOHNSON BROTHERS, Main Street, co 7Q4. The bet wire in the market. agffUlrg .11LE r -s4 4a. CO To >7'4. aol CO C't 4▪ a; Cm. C' NOO1CIVci 8 A_ „ * (FROM . The New Compound, -its wondeiful affinity to the Digestive elyparatu, and the Liver, increasing the dissolv-- ing juices,,relieving almost instantly the dreadful results of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. and the TORPID LIV makes.Zopesa an every day neces- sifiltaot in n-etgen ver y 7tuliyause;d' speedily in LW,- iousness, Costiveness, Headache, Sia ffea,dache, Distress after Eating, Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Want of App etite'Want of Energy, Law Spirits, Foul StomaCh., It invigor- ates the Liver, carries off all sulThis bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this out and take it to you/. Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample, or% a large bottle for 75 cents, and tell ,wour neighbor about it. Mack s magnetic Medicine NERVE AND BRAIN FOOD ' •••• 'tee " iEIEFORE) TIRADE MARK. API-ER.3? Is a sure. prompt and effectual remedy . for Ner- veueness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Spennatorrhocea,Seminal Weakness, aml General Loss of Power It repairs nervous waste, Ri-ju- venerates the jaded intellect, Strengthens the en- feebled bridle and restores surprising tone and vieor to the exhausted generative organs. The experience of thousands proves it an invaluable' remedy. The medicine is pleasant to the taste, and in no ease and .under no circumstances can it do harm. Each box contains sufficient for two week's medication, thus being much cheaper than any other medicine seld-and while it, is the cheapest it is much better. Full particulars in our r amphlets, which we desire to mail free to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 50 cents per box'or 12 boxes for or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S M.A.-GNETK,' MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Sea-forth J. S. ROBERTS, and all druggists elsewhere. 733-50 "NIL DESPERANDUM." TRADE MARK. co e. TRADE MARK,. ce ea •lke', .1 „e es: ... eQ te to tit -, on":eo•nee_ , le -..,..„1,.,.., Before Takia,s,, , '1:1 „.....,ts , After T THE GREAT E'NGLISH REMEDY for Mr- -1- cORS1.10)i),ity and all Nervous Affections, in. eluding Spermatorthea, Seminal weeknefe, ed., results of Seleabuee, indiscretien, &c„ is or.axis SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Thie is the only remedy which has ever been known to per- manently cure Palpitation and other- affections of the Heart, Consumption in its earlier stages, Rushing of blood to the head, -wind in the stomach, Indigestion, Loss of Memory, Want of energy, Bashfulness, Desire for solitude, India. position to labor an aecoatit of -we allow, Uni- versal Lassitude, Pain in the back, dimness of vision, Premature old age, eat. Full particulars in ourpamphlet, 'which we send securely seaded on receipt of a three cent stamp.' The Specific is now sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 for $5, er will be eent free by mail on * receipt of Money, by addressing ei89 • THE gRAY ITEM= Ca., Toronto J. S. P RTER SEAFORTH ! I am det Mined to Clear Out my - Entire Stock of Furniture regard- less of Cost. rrsosE I WANT, it will pay tjhem to ascer. 'f ROSE priees before purchasing elsewhere. I give s large discount to those paying cash, es- pecially to n wl-i married couples. lam still elling six highly finistiod chain; for $2. I alsoJ keep Knowiton's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest in the market; warranted perfectly noiseless. WsrerooreS directly opposite H. B. Counter's Mammoth I welry Store, Main Stileet, Seaforth, East Side. 1 62,5 rOHN S. PORTER. MANUACTCRED IN TORONTO. A Permanent, sure cure for DiAtases, Dis- orders and Ailments of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Secretive Syetem, or attendant com- plaints. Pamphlets and testimonialo can be obtained from druggists free. PT ices-Chiid'a Pad, $1.50, (cures bed-wetting.) Regular Pad, tf2. Special Pad for chronic diseaece, $3. Sold In 4, Robertg,Seafortb; Win. M. Robertson, ' Wr. xeter ; B. N. Thurtell, Tees -aster; W. T. Bray, Wiugham ; John -8..:Tennant, M. D.; Luck- ' now; Watts &Co , Clinton; LIVA-T3S00 Hamilton, Blyth; G. H. Hewson, Bayfield; S. A. Hodge, Mitchell; Josheph Kidd & Son, Dublin ; The Central Drug Store, Exeter; II. eR. Jackson, Henea.11; Mrs. John Mautosh, atere:d ,1 Main Kippen ; S. Fraleigh, St. _Melee and .J. A. Gailiek, Brussels. 727 1.:j re, • t,N - - • : se ea...e., ...-1 T• ,,,,. ft- Li . .... ? ::1 ..C.1.5.1- 1 e e - 1-3 r •-•-t •••:4 CC • Cri 0 eff - < 7 < Z ° 43 MOM W LX4 r"e'•:•' Z 9 7 < o CrIr =Oa 4"t.Pril •It "MAGICIAN. IS " DAVIDSO'N'S Celebrated Trottirag Stallion, -1-0 "Magician," will stand for the servibe mares, for the season of 1882 at the Com mercisl Hotel, Seaforth. Parti til from a distance sending their mares -will be furnished -with good pasturage and water at reasonable rates. Pedigree furnish- ed on application.. A. DAVID SON. 743 a 4 73 • , re • f -i ;-; !•i i .1 tt • ;- 4.14 t 1.1 4-1