HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-06-02, Page 4F0 — ? f r - i t� L - . � i � 1, L I- , I * k M , I . c�p � i � . I .; I � - 4 I I- . � ; � I I � � : i - I . - . . - � ��-Aw . I . I I � I . � . I 11 � I I . � � . I : . ; L . � a � . � 1. � . z F . I � � I - r . � . � L . ! I : � I . I ; I � f � � ; . i : i I I , . I I - - I � . � � : . I . . . - . . � I . I r ; � I 7 I . i I � � I . � I . .1 � I . � � . % . I � � � � � I I I ; I I I I . . i �, �T, . i : . � . . � �, � � I ! I . r I i � k I : . � : i I . -1 - t : ; ; L � . � , �t - � � i — I . ! I t T hL ! ! I . i - 1 , . . I I - � I -� I � I . I - . , i - , � I I 1. I I . �- � . i , ; I . I i ; i - � � i I . � - � i -0 I i . I . , I ! - 4 � . . I . . I : I ! I � -. I 9 . 1. � : . i . I i : I � .­ . , ! I . � . Z � �, . � I . I N - I - � . I - I � � I : I I If. I - . I . i . I i . I : * I I. . � I � � - i � - I I , , : . ; ­ - � . � I I - I . ; . I !? i i I . ; . � -E HURON EXPO ff . ! I i I - , -, � 4 - i TH - . . SITOR � - I— I JulfrL. 188241 I �- � � - ------- -- -- �- - lum"MMENUM I , - -- - . - ��� I I I . :E . . - - - — - � . — -- - .. � I � I I . L � i I I � � I � i . . � - � i I . . . - � � . � NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ' William XeCraneyol an old time Pa,rlia- ous, evil and disgrace of using the Chris. Dillon anaDavitt have virtually� su. gatesanswered to their names. The He said the Riding bad beeL �so fright. er of the Liberal party of 0� uAda, and "I'll-, . � I -- S . . � � 'i, - . . - - mentarian, haa,.b4�en chosen as the tian church as a medium for %the en- perseded Mr. Parnell in the le�aderohip probationers were continued on trial, fully gerrymandered a#to inake it &I -:I we pledge ourselves to qm ev%,ry legiti- � �i' � I I . XWThe f1gure between the par eintkewes after . I I � Of the Irish party. Rev. W. S. Jamie-s'od was recommended most impossible for a man $0 tell where mate effort at the coming ele6,tion to *'F ea& line, denotes the pap of the paper on wh tab - Reform candidate f4r Halton, and Mr. oonragement of �ambling and .,bribery. O`vzi%LoADiNo.-The is standars.1 old ,,� the adnrUsement wid be found. owner o6f sies.m. to attend college, W. B. Caylerl was re. he in located. He hoped that the 20th; make old Huron-th" ' . I I - R. M. Wells as th4i Reform candidate Nogoodcausecan prosperwl�en sup- er has been fined heavily at orcester, ceivedon trial. A ne* circuit was of June would teach the ireoent Gov-: Iteform county -Ise Now Goods --Duncan & Duncan. (5) ' I 0 1 1 for East Bruce in place of Mr. *essner, ported by such questionable meins, and Massachusetts, for overloading his formed'to be called the Riversdale Cir- ernment that they could n4t trifle with �� fast supporters of iberalism, to �, Boots and Shoes -George Good. (5) ' the first selected, who declinest for pri. the sooner church officers an � . ize ' *th lose onit. Whiteohurch is to be added to the lib�erties of the peop . . The Re. � strengthen the hands I our houore%�. �- .�. . 1` Bufla for Service -J. Kneebtel. (5) d members vessel, c&u9inR her to caps wI 0 ��,� i � - ., Of life. I . I 1 - - Notioe-W. L. Onimette. (5) L Tate r6asons, to sta�od.-�-Hon. i William come to see this, and realize the oppro- e ,Tzvnsn S Belgrave circuit. Rev. W. MsDoixagh distribution Bill was one the most: leader in th� next -P- ament of ,th,w . 'L UFFERING. - Th( i osed in the 1 Dominion, - Fiarn to Rent -L. McFaul. (5) )1 Russo- was appointed on the Stationing Com- detestable measures ever I notwithstanding the iniqui- I I - McDougall has been interviewed on the bridni they are inflicting upon the cause Jev�i�h persecution wave has mo- tous tri I Girf`Wauteil-R. Thompson. (8) t i I . I ved mittee. Messrs. Sturgeon, Fisher and Canadian or and otherParl ent. He 9 gerrymandering -of osr I - - I Y- hat *wou'lld make it Political issues .of theds He is going they profess to serve, the bott�r. it will from Russia to Turkey. The Sultan is Pollock go as representatives to the said it was a BiR t county. Kirried by a stanaing vot.e. ! . -1 Notice -P. J. Shea- (8) � . I . now persecuting the Hebrews to the gederal conference. Total number of possible for th6 minority of I the people THE CLOSE. : - � I House Wanted -L Thorne. (5) to retire from PO itical life" for the - be for all concerned. . . :� .1 - 4 full extiU6 of h* -, " members in the district, 3j435 ; to rule the majority. He 1, hoped that Hearty cheers having been given for !' : ; Cough Remedy -Lumsden & Wilson (8) present, and says 1 he is in full sym- .� ---- � � . . � . i ; . If I IS P wer, reached Eng. number of removals during the past whoever was the nominee of 'this Con- era and - - � GoLD.-Report. hav the candidate, the Liber2d lead 11 Corn -M. Morrison.. (8) I "(I I : . , . - patby with the Re orm - part§ on the TaE real estate "boom" ia.Manitobs laud of the disc( very of vast quanti- year, 415. The most of these went to vention every voter in South Huron the Queen, the delegates separate(i An Seeda-M. Morrison. (8) . . d I ' � to have completely collapsed for ties of gold on the Gold Co I I -� ..... Boundary Award, ,Streams Bill and seems aot; it being the Northwest and Daknta. wou d go to the polls and support him, went back to their respective munici- -- I � , I , — -1 _ � &WW Von ­* 4111)00itjor Gerrymandering qiiestiobs.aiid b0P6B the present at least, and the occupation siated that the roads and the city I L - rolling up such a majority as had never palities to flght with redoubled energy . -� - i SOU .1 .� � -the precious 1 The th Huron Convention. . , I streets are %-glitter with � - &mt e * the Government will be defeated, as he of the auctioneers and land agents �,Vho been heard of in Huron before. One he great battle of Liberalism. I . . I , metal. ! . � thin g to be accomplished in this election � I . E L t i � i " ; , aVe � i I � I considers they h dealt unjustly with reaped such -a golden harveB a few MR1s. LANoTity.-Amaziag 'accounts (Frqln the London Advertiser.) wits to show that Ontario could give a - I ­- I I SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, J - Ontario. He also condemns the North. mouths ago, is evidentty, gont. & come of the success of Mrs. Langtry, An immens� gathering of Li large Reform majority. He begged to . Huron Notes. 4 ' - - � une 2,1882. ; L I . berals . — iunipeg papers, w 10 wo mo� a ago who plays to ' I west and Railwav,policy of the Govern. es, an rom. t e now y constituted Riding of I 0 r. cMillii, who - The 'Wiugham'Lacrosse Club bs&t ; � 1 -- %-w . . escorted to the theatre b hu'ndreds of was a most fit and proper man to rd- Le -Kincardine Club in a match ir,L ' I t� . -flAm(,Dg a y South Huron assembled in the Town t ment. Straws show �ovy the wind blows, were literally filled withi I d- I �.�, Campaign Notes. I I people, who wait to the Riding in Parliament. I Wingh;,in a few d�Lvs ag I � i see her ,enter he Hall, Clinton on Friday last. , Enthu- present _ go in three 3 . - vertisements of real-estate saless; do not carridge. . ': I . . . . � I .,. During the past weel; Ron. Mr. Blake and floneit William ,to by no means � �, I siasm, and.., unanimity per�aded the MR. M'LEAN � traight games. - .- .� Is& delivered addresses in Brampton, , an insignificant steaw in the political contain, one such advertisement now, . THE DERi3y. - The great !English 'ejuiire Convention. The delegates w49 pleased with the representative I Mr. Alex. McKenzie, late of -Listo- 0 . : 0 . heir choice of a strong and - - - I Hamilton and Toronto. rib He possesses! about as f good a and the paper town bapines ema t race, the Derby,.'was ran last Wedues- �luuited in t 1 character of the Convention. He said wel, it going into the merchant tailor- . Sir John Mae- I I . I day, and Was won that as so many had asked him to allow ing business in Wroxeter on & large � scent as the next!, man, and w be thoroughly squelche . g : 8 Of- worthy candidate, Mr. John McMillan, donald . has addressed - meatings in : . &I ays dt Th eaction Westmiuistar's chestnut filly, "Shot- Reeve of Hallett, due of the most suo- his name to go before the Poovention Cale. � - likes to be on the' wi which was foreseen by most ensible over,'i who was in he could not courteoinsly de&ipe to do' -The village of Lakelet has at length � ' Inniug side if Poo- not b� any means a cessful and intelligent � . Napanee and Toronto. -Hon. D. A. . . farmers -,._ � � I - on. Mr. Nowat delivered an set in, a d Spec- first favorite in the 'Huron. lie has long been associated 60- It enti 4y in the I , '. sible.-H and thinking people has set in, a Macdonald, ex-Lieutenaht Governor of . - 0 i betting. It is sel- He placed himse . ot a resident doctor, in the person of - - l ' I I , race. on ad would ' . R. R. Berry, M. D . , who has east hig . , is the other day, in z i prominently with municipal affairs, and hands of the Convention, able speech at Orill ulatora are now more anxious to uiload dom the favorite who wins that!, ' I . I . Ontario, and brother of the late John , i I � � w 'Manitoba dirt" han they were 9i few GRANDi�' TRuNic as a representative in .this respect he heartily abide by their deci ion. (Ap. �ot in that enterprising village., -4t . � � I � ' I Sandfield Macdonald is the Reform can- hich he defended at considerable , ; RAILWAY.—The result of Vanderbilt has a record that cannot but secure to plause.) Mr. McLean con Inded by The post office at Goshen, in the -. . - length the position taken by his. Gov- months ago to become possesBed ot it. and Gowengs vi . t to London, tn land - reading a letter which heJha received, t1ow-Dship, of Stanley, has been closed. I didate, for Glengarry. 'Mr. Macdonald ' . 'I I g P him the entire confidence and Support I � represented this co ernment on the Boundary Award and 'But there is this difference, that they has been that ti;e amEdgamatel ran 0 e electorate. The general seuti- as Secretary of the Reform sa ,cis ion . a er mai e 0 ay e wi reach. 1. natituency for eight. I . I I 'I � , een years in succession previous to big Streams Bill. The "Little Premier," , found. it much easier to load up, than,. Trunk and Gieat Western ALilwaYs meat of the.Convention was that South of Centrq Huron, from Si Richard t ose who formerly �Iwent up to Gos- . . 11 . . . . - as the Conservatives delight to call Ahey now find it to got rid of at lany. will continue their friendly telations Huron should signalize the coming con_ � Cartwright, expressing I is siucere I en." - I � I with American lines. The proposed tbanka to his friends in I he Centre -Mr. A. Scott, the Brussels athlete, I I elevation to the Gubernatorial chair of . I I thil g approaohiDg the prices they'Vaid. basis of representati ` test by giving the most loyal support to Riding, especially those of Seaforth, went to Dundas on the Twenty-fourth � . � Ontario, and, he will be elected again.- 'him, is a match --for 1, the best of them, ' 11 . on on 'the new the candidate, and. that all honorable either in P&rlia' i � We have it from good anthorityllthat Board- is one-third Great Wes era and Hallett, MoKillop and To 3kersmith, and competed in the games and a I I ment! or on the stumpf . I means should be adopted to further the . ports. Mr. Jag. Bethune, Q. C., one of the most I . two-thirds Grand Trunk-direct9ra. for the warm and cordial suppr,rt they He acquittod himself well, as he 1, I nd there are few pol I itical leaders who many of the real estate operators,., and interests of the greatLiberal party avid alwayx I I � able chancery lawyers and most clever a . � - ev : EGYPT. -Aff airs in Egypt �re in 9, it principles, as avowed by the Hon. hadalways extended to him in the does. � can Show a better record for. rectitude en business men, who, a few months _ ' ­; � , men of Canada, has been Bel . � � I state of Complete anarchy, causing the ]WO past, and assuring them that he could -In a base ball match recently play- .� . : ected as the I - ago wore dward Blake. Though a Reform 11 I nment._ r: way to greatest alarm. The Kbedive gas been . never forget the mano6r iii which they e4 at Brandon -the names of Vanstone, I Reform Candidate for' ,Stormont. Al. and honost and good gover . . considered on 9; f ai ' majority of about 700 has be - I � I � er. care though now a resident of Toronto Mr. Daring his speech in the Amphitheatre becoming millionaires, are now So compelled to bow to the will Of the fully concentruted in the Riding by the '. I I I bad come forward -to the rescue in 1878. I . McKay, and 1. nation, and has very ,reluctattly re- Redistribution Bill, yet it is anticipated The latter also assigned the reasons . ith, all Brussels boys, fic'Ured prom- - Ai*� Bethune -is a native of the constituency. in Toronto, the other nigkt, Sir John 'loaded down and hamperedwith lanc S�l I . . 0 - .- I I placed Arabi Bey as Minister of War. that the premence of such a mass of which actuated him in Severing his iiiently on the winning side. --1 I - I � . -1 '� ' -Things are . becoming red hot in On- -was asked by a person in the audience, , ed property, that if a revival 'Of the The present Conservatives lament the Liberalism will tend to magnetize both connection With the Riding. In respeow I -Mr. Thomas Trick, of' the. Bay- *1, . 66 11 tario� IRS' Mr. Mowat's Gerryman. boom" does not very soon take place, absence of Lord Beacousfield Who they ' the'Gerrymander, he hoped that the fi'ld concession, Godericla Township, ome places the battle rages "What about I I I theEastand West Ridiags. In both to ". � . - d r?" His reply was: 1*0h, he's' -too so that they can be relieved from some say would certainly have se z8 both these places, a strong fight is latin coming vote would i teach the present 19ist week sold a colt not yet two vesrs go fiercely that business is almost on. e i ' 9 - I . e . . small potatoes for me I" Just-- so. of their burdens, they will be practical. ends ofthe Suez canal before nt. M - made, and the prospects grow daily -Government that honesty is tl� best Old, to Mr. W. Pearson, of Stanley, for . - , - Mr. Christopher -- I Gambetta points to the possi - � ly rained, and their gulden prpspects Englani1iinder a fat �ilitY Of more encouraging. policy in political as well as oth e � er mat- t#e sum- of $164. � � Had the "big ]Premier" thought he , are Cat)ine WKS. , . �. I Bunting, the Managing Director of the p - ,- . I -- t Swal- PRELIMINARIES. '-Mr. Foster of the "Old Curiosi 7) made any I capital out of th Cyprus, MR. 31. d. CAMERON, M. P., ; ty I could ha�e 0 The opening session was held at 11 Book and Stationery Store, -in Clinton, Mai,! Printing Company, ha's been sel- i . e will not be nearly so bright " those lowing Egypt as she did - 'onservative candidate, to I i - 1,1 I 8 8 disposed of his stock to - Mr. Chris- � ected as the C "little. Premier's" so-called gerryman- who adhered to their 19 itimate occupa- Said he bad cast his lob in with -W6 t ba ,9 - a.m. Mr. George Anderson..of �tauley, der, the potatoes tiona., There is, also, even in this Pro A Farmer's Opinion. President of the Refurin Association of Huron, believing that Riding -could, ., n : to)her Dickson, who is in the same . - oppose -Hou. Edward Blake in -West Would have' boo - vince, a very perceptible , ent of To the Editor of the South Huron, as formerly - constituted, ,With unanimity, zeal and firmness, be hi ,e of business. . � Durham. Mr. B71n:tiDg is said to be a plenty large enough, to tempt his pal abatem Huron.&'xpos or. wag called to the chair. Dri. Hurlburb, carried in the'interests of -the Liberal - ate, but under the circumstances big, the Manitoba fever. Many, who a few DEAR SIR, -Like many of m fellow I The Messrs. Ransford have a �)5 . good canvas:,er but a poor speaker, ; I - I of Brucefield, was appointed Secretary I party; therefore he was not a candi- - .. while Mr. R18-kaia such a good speaker I appetite was Somewhat fastidious. -it Months ago, were wild to go to the countrymen I am a farmer whb voted of the Convention. date before this Convention. He de. ac �e field of fall Wheat adjoining the t to Nu of Clinton, wEich, from presen't - On tb� Conservative ticket for t,6 firab iired to express his unfeigned gratitude . . that he d ' is Said that Manitoba will return a - Northwest, -and were willtng to make time in '78, trusting to the N. P.'to de- On motion, Messrs. Dr. Harlburt, W. I " appearances gives promi oes not need to canvas. -Mr. . l . i M. Gray, J. Hannah and Dr. Buchan. to the remnant of what was once South T Be of a yield Of James, Somerville, of the Dundas Ban- majority of Reform supporters to the almost any Baer , ifice providing, they liver me from the grasp of th � hard nan were appointed a, Committee on Huron assembled before him. �' Though at least 40 bushels per acre. it Wag . i - could get awax, have now calmed times. I must confess that t ' Well salted this spring. - ner, is, the Reform nominee for North next Parliament. It- should do so if it . e was Credentials. The full list of delegates, South Huron was now a Safe -The blacksmith shop -and grounds . . (31 with great reluctance that I overed 6onstituency, the members Of the past , Brant. and Mr. James Innes, of the does not want to be manacled for 'the down, and are thankful that ircum- according to reports handed in, was as - ' - . . my connection with the Raform party, followg: should not rest upon their oars, but poll in Kinburn, iu the township of Hui-, . �-X . ' � - stances compelle(l them to remai t � t, ��! BPe -and I in a and naturally sought to j,ustify my ac. lett, and formerly owned and occupied -.-- Guelph Mercury, is the Reform candi- cial benefit --of tbo Syndicate . LIST OF DELEGATES. every available vote, and those who I 1� English dukes and :16kds. Wooden home. There are, also, not a few, who tion by seeking the 8 * ' . bylMr. Roberp Grieve, will be sola b N �f date for South Wellinkt-on. They are . . prings of returning Hallett - John Sprung, Gabriel were prepared to do a') Should go into auo y ��! , ' foolishly sacrificed -their propbrty here prosperity in the N. P. For thi 3 pur- 'the adjoining Ridings betweeu!now and I tion, at Upshalrs hotel, in that -vil-- both good men and are sure of election. men could represent it as efficiently as l Sprung, Robt. Robertson, A. McDonald, lage, on the 24th of June. !b . . pose I kept a memoranda of most of John Petre, Robert McMichael, jr., the 20th June, and . We are, glad, to see that the just claims the late members did. We notice that and rushed off to the now country, ap- my purch- . do all they could to -Mr. James Davidson, of Howick, 'P111. ��-� i parently expecting ,that whea Hoes, sales, etc. Aa'tb4 result Angus MoDermid, Josiah Irviue,;�oha insure the return of the Libor 10, candi. who, a couple of weeks ago, buried his -t . dates. . -- I .. of so many newspaper men 'are being two of them are trying to get 'back my experience I may state tha, while Warwick, John Watt, Goo. Allen, John He expressed unbounded con- . . recognized by Iteformers at this elec. ag ,aftj, but if their con4ituelats are wise reached there they would find gold ly- the price 'of Rrain has been increased, fidence in the leadership of the Hon. only son, is intending to give up the # - . McGregor, David Jackson, W. Cunning -'J � & I - 'iness of the farm and retire to the -91, ing around on the prairie,and could have the price of every requisite- for t ie p,ko- Edward Blake, and looked hopefully b ' I * i . � i � 1� tiou.-As a con Biderable number of our they will leave them at home. i duction of grain has a Bo i eas ham, James Campbell, James Snell, . qunje�'t little village of Fordwich to .. I . . I - - . � retinue of Bervants to pick it up for Chas. McIntosh, Thos. Corbett, James forward to the result of this c - , r readers are now interested in North I I I greater ratio. The farmer b, �MP""' br a'tli, leisurely the rest of his days. V111 I as , �o pay Reynolds, James Tremain, Thos. Moon, (Applause.) He intended to otand"or - m I . Middlesex, a sort of a step -brother rels:, Degrading tjie.,Church. t iem, who would now gladly return to these increased prices, �ui Where is his Robt. Scott, A. Woodman, John Lee, fall by West H-uron. He thanked 'the , -Mr. W. S. Walker, of Montreal-, last . . � tionobip existing between Huron and . Mr. Guest was in town tD-day. He t ieir'old and. comfortable homes it they quid pro quo? "Oh." Bay the ories, A. J. McDonald. 1 bonvention for having riominaied him, week disposed of the farm known as lot - I - . "we admit that you have to pay little 6. Maitland co'noession, Goderich town- � that constituency, we may say that Mr. is working hard and feerls confident of C)uld do so, but who through their in. L MoKillop-Jas. Kerr, Jag. Scott, An- but for at least five years he would now I I more on most articles, hot the you sh" to Mr. John Hunter, of the same ... . . carrying South.Perth. I While here -he saoue folly will hereafter be ford'ed to get . drew Govenlock, Wm. Cash, Jag. Mc- � bid South Huron farewell. 01 I L. E. Shipley has been chosen as the ha;uded 010 tb Mr. Livingstone _ for the more owing to, the N. P. or all Dowell, Wm. Archibald,Alex. Murchie, MR. 3eMILLAN I . t 4ship,on private terms. �� I . . � ugh. Church of England bazaar, being 05 � forts you have to sell", I, never -Mr. James Dickson, Registrar, of . . Reform candiaate to oppose Mr. Co endure all the hardships, discom'' hJ this Alex. Kerr, ed the nomination, but z� . ' Robt. Govenlock, Robt. accept - t I e than Mr. Trow gave. ' at thinking as 'on' Goderich, has been appoi ' - hn. He is a local man and is thorough. mOr I . sod privations of pioneer lite. There statement witho of i�arkelg tirely in the hands of the Coilvention. utail Return- � : - . - . celebratud saying concerning th I McMillan, Thos. Govenlock, Wm. He expected that the Reformer's of the .ing Officer for the SO -4th Riding, Mr. .", 111. ly, co4- etent and very .popular. We The above is from the Mitchell Ad- a�e, too, -we fcax, not a few who, al- man,who, during big 0 Sick Grieve, John McDonnell, John Mo. I Ben. Wilson,of Wingham, for the West, - "I � - i a than . t. �� i i onvalescent prom. Ounty would turn out with in�r � Too I tl�ough still in possession of 'their Elxoy, John Aitcheson, John Aitcheson, c learn from tho Riding that the contest Ste Of last Week. The gentlem all i enadea substituted an oak ' and Mr. James Perkins, of Gorrie, for I - : I . . -, en at or Ben.; John Wilson, John Grieve, Alex. Ordinary strenith and energy on ac- i spect serious- big birchen one, jand � count of the ruthless manner . the East Riding. . i. whose liberality is commended is the ,, , straightw jun., M. Murdie, Goo. Black, - is likely to be close, with a fair pro h � at- Kerr, i4 which , ly!mes and business here, have � P � L � 4 for the 4� ns�luwative candidate crippled themselves by their iqveSt. tributed his rej36vory. to.a oba Mr.Henry Beadle, of Auburn, in M election of the riglik, man. -At CO -for South , . a oba i . . ge Of John Hogg. did county lines aria associatigus had A I r th& township of Rullett, arrived home -:� I walking Sticks. Every intelligent far W been set aside by the Gerrymander. In fr � . � . ments in.the Northwest, and ha, � Ilay-D. McColl, N. Shirray, . . � I his meetings in thd township of 'Us. Perth, and Mr. Trow is h ve as- .- - � , � -is opponent. mer knows that the N. P. has ha - - oln Scotiland with two- fine heavy = 1 . borne, during the present week, Mr. For the credit of the l� church named, gained burdens which will re4uire no more to do with inor � 11 Chapman, A. McE wen, Win. -'Charters, 'tpeepting the nomination, he claimed 11 I easino, tb( price dralught stallions. The ocean passage �� years ' n Me the Support of the electors as cue who ;�; Trow was well. received, and his meet n of hard and w Wm. Buchanan, D. Urquhart, A - I ��: I . . . we si. cerely hope that �the above refer- .1 . eary toil here to of grain than the; Newf6uUL]od cod- Ewen, M. Zeller, Win. Hill, Dr. Biu,ah- was firmly attached to the grand old was very rough, and the trip took about - , I 16 days. - a �, jugs we � . wipe off. While all this will h I ve a fish with the cleve'opmeutof the.11[orth- anan, A Surarus, J. B. Geiger, Wm. - re well attended. i I � ! i i rl psity and -, i . authonzedL by any west. On the oq,Dtrary the ,opia-ation . opposed to 'he corrupt -Last week Mr. James Fair, tl�,e . -� � We look to ancehaB not been . 4 p nciples of the Libe our friends in Usborne p,iving Mr. Trow person connected with it. A more de. mDBt injurious effect L both upon this of the wheat tax has thrown our mar. McKie, G. Merrier, D. Spenser, Robt. ,B rongly wall- known miller and stock feed � . . , . I . Provinoe and the Northwest, it is . Turnbull, D. Hostettler, Jag. Holden, pLtIoes of the present Ac�imini trati er of C 1. a majority thisAime. There are some grading pogiti - well kets below those of: Buffalo a . 'O" Clin on, sold 26 head of Cattle to 31-r. e - L � on to place the Christian ; ad Chicago, A. MeTaggert. � It said if the Convention! dec ded - in � t L . ..: . t 1 . , , I a�l"ff' our. r( r. XcLean, with wiom he . � 0 ' of ;,he moat enthusiastip wad hard work- ch,urd;h in, could scarcely be imagined. at the "boom" has come so soon to while under the old revenue t Seaforth-Thos.Coventry, A D. Wil. 16 0 �f M W. McLean, which averaged 1,300 lbs. I . 5 mar . � . a end before more -became ongal kets were invariably above those of each. T -41 ing Reformers iLn. the Dominion,in that To make it the suppli � fed in son, Wm. Ballantyne, Edward Cash bad fought side by'side in!, ma y a ho'b ,C L his is a good average for y6ang tk .... ant for chaxiV is . L 0 . . AV - Chicago by an average of 6 or 7 cents contest, he would turn' in hear ii ttle., . _ i township, and they have been e' t p uncertain and treacherous waters of W.,M. Gray, M. Y. McLean, H. Cam.' k � ducated bad- ough, but to make it a� medium I I per bushel. ; ; *. I I y and : -. : Clinton contains a . I I Most op 3ou a Ion. e progress o e qrth- ! grove, . 8 � 4 era is ablever - .e forbribezy is infinitely worse. Here, then, are two questions 1 Beformere would not be alone in this smart People, among th I in a good. school, and must now giv '- eron, Robt. Lumaden, H. J. Cos ort hi �ed i Ould Chia. Lowrie, A. Young, W. N. Wat- f - wast, will probably, be slower in the like to ask my i follow fa I who son. � . I�h YOu-n Miss, who, a few mouilis ago, ; such an account of themselves as Will people would have thought a good deal ' . � � t; as he felt confider t that there be Creditable to their early training.- more of hot' fature on account of the many calam- baveijotyetmade�up their min 13 to Tackersmitli-Wm. WeMarray, Wm. wiere many Conservativesbonest enough made 77 button holes in lo hours. Last h Mr. Guest and Mr. Trow vot-e- against the-IGOvernment : week she discounted this by making 86 . - . . ' . � .. -o%, exercising � 11 Dr. Sloan's prospects in Ea' . iti )a and disappointment,; which 1�jave Ireland, John Sproat Alex. Charles. : button holes in the same ti � � st Huron axe had they refrained f - , �� repudiate the infamous Gerrymau, been caused -by the der. I ime. � - ro 1. Do you honestly ihin'k th�e- N. P. worth, Peter McTavish, Samuel Lands- I i - I I I � . TIE TOTE. i -,�'Mr- George Hyslop. Marble cutter, � . *daily brightening, and he is receiving theirliberality in this ma ner at the "boom," but the has raised the price of what you have borough, Nathaniel Cousins, John HS11- I . � 1 ; . I I � T t . ' or . - e I I . formerly of Goderich, died nf small pox � - . 11, S&m. iMessrs.. McDonald, Gray apa Dr. � -1 - i I be fully accounted � for by bad at Chicago recently. L i The structur6 will be reaxed upon a cricips in ae I His widowed - most flattering promises of support from pres, i t time, and if the members of the country will be none the worse f that to sell ? Can not' any such inoreas Lah,James Lang, Wal.-MoRijis unexpected sources ,Messrs. James church named have the Slightest spirit I . I Smilie, Alex. Monteith, Wm. Mo. Stewart were .appointed scratineers, . ;� Dickson, Goderiob ; B. Will � more sure and certain Europe and subsequently by tha in- mother lives in . GoderiCh, and passed I - , foundation, and . Cas, David Manton, Wm. Sproat, An- a d upon counting the bal ots, parted . � 4 8011, Wing- about I them or if they ar � I . . created cons . through a heavy bereavement in th,o I I I - i o imbued even umption in various quarters drew Archibald, D. Walker, John Han. � t at the vote stood as follows: r. � ham, and James Perkins, Gorrie, have in the' , those who do hereafter go to possess owing to a.gene . � � C� 1088� of another son last year. I , smallest degree. 'With, the prin. al return of prog- nah. . illan, 67; Mr. McLean, 48. - i . - - I- LL . . been appointed Returning Officerg for , hich�the Christian faith is th land will bo of a more suitable PeritY ? � . � -One day last week a young horse, -#� - cipleslupon w I . I Stanley -Dr, Hurlburt, Malcolm Me- Mr. McLean-, In 86 Capital speech,' 4 -�� ­ - I i � - h actor,, and 2. Does not your daily experience tell 3riven by Mr. J. Kidd, Jr., ran away in - � I . i the South, West sod Emt Ridinge of based 1 will, consequently - Ewen, A Rdss, Thog. Fraser, Jae. No. Moved that the nomination of r'. Mo' G& erich, and despite the strength and - 1; f A I � they will spurn _ with contempt 0 ,. be you that what yod have to buy is dearer Dermid, Geoi Forest, Jag. Wanless, J. � I I ch better adapted for the life bZfore . . Millan be made unanimous by a stand- skil [ of that gentleman, Made things -. this county, respectively. . Better ap. all auch gifts given ag thesel have been. m in * and Seems to be - constantly increa 3ing ? B. S � 1, pointm.ents could not be desired. They It it; I ell known, and the above par&- th than the class which has been Even those articles not directly affect. ecord, John Manson. Juhn Wal. in,g vote. To this propossi the neeting pr , ty lively durin the race. The ! - , I are all thoroughly reliable men, and the graph fully justi draw . ker, Jag. Dan -by; Angus Murray, Allen cordially assented, and the re:OlutiOu bue' 9 . I u there by's desire to make for. ed by the N. P. have advanced in price Douglas, E. Westlake, Arch. Campbell, . w4s g c [ieers, . . i - fies tii6 statement that . because tbegeneral increase in the cof't carried amid .ringin 9 y, a new one, was somewhat dam- I Reformers may, rest assured that they these gifts are not -made from principle, tu aeq. without e'arning them. of Jiving � John Horner. . SPEECH BY THE CAND] 3D I age , but can easily be repaired. � � I wwmnwww� reacts upon everthing and ATE, . he following parties from i I - . Bay on, Mr. McMillan ithanked , ihe delegates tow left Brussels last week � will receive every justice at their hands. or but of . I field -John Eason, Jas.Thoms* . ship of Grey the L i - . sympathy for or with a desire T THE South Perth Reform Con- causes producers of such articles �o in- Jag. McDonald, Fred Wood. sinceiely for the position in wbi they for t . ; � . Religion, but . e, .ay At 12 o'clock. the Convention adjourn- had placed him and for the mark of MC(�utcheon, i -It is stated that Mr. Andre* Mon- to assist the cause of crease their price in order that th 'r m he Northwest: Wm. Elliott, Win. teith, Treasurer of the county of Perth I � vention last -week, Mr. James Trow in have an average percentage of gain. . I t simpl-� that the dono�s� . ed for one hour. - Wm. Campbell, Donald - , nee . and A, life long Conservative and for . themselves with , msf ingratiate hfi speech made the following refer Now, Sir; I believe that every thi king copfidence which it implied' - If chosen cLauchlin, Win. and John Robb, J. - . �� I farmer who reads these two questions Proceedings w, -,re , resumed at. one sai their representative, as he felt con-� rerar, T. Stewart, Marsden and j&s. T �� . the' members of the to the Hou. Alexander Mackenzie I I . 9 : " . Q . - I morlyParliamentary representative, is ' ' A o'clock. Two of th6 delegates from fi4ent with the result of th con est, bo� Smi and Robt. . I I favore I church or denomination, and ' , , and &nswers'them sincerely wil' feel Division No. 3, Hall Farquair. - I few days before the close of the sea ett, being absent, w6uld represent. them fait ally for the! - 'k" I . to o2pose Mr. Hess . Sion that he owes no gratitude to the 'Go,v. - C)ne day last week while 9, coly .1. I I I -on in the North Secure ,theirvoteS at .the approaching he felt Messrs. A. Watt and J. Fowler werme n t five years, and leave record of belo, iging to Mr. John McDonnel, of - I grieved beyond measure on listen. erminent on account of the N. P. I On `- - Riding,. Mr. Mon teith takes'ex0ption electiol�n. It is not 3reditable to the in , added to the list. 0 - to the policy I � I to the heartless taunt't the Contrary he will arrive at this broad - . w I ich he would not be asl Amei [. He� Exe, er, was istanding upon the railway ` . of the Government ot, the oandilates to even attempt to practis' o which that OFFICERS ELECTED. t'�, ub . It I I . e conclusion, "It has undo , r in. said there had been inaugurated by the Oros ing in that town, it Was struck by . ; � gentleman had been Subjected bySirJohn. The following officerB were then elect. at part I ve to m. �f Boundary Award, the Strev,ras Bill and- this s: ecies of bribery,a4d it -is much less creased the cost of what I ha Be _V in power a By te legis- the �Ocomotive of the northern bound ' I- I " . buy ; ed for the Association : President, pre - r � � . �­-, the Gerrymander. Mr. Mackenzie had requested by mo- it has (relativelv to the A lation so- bad t&4 it IL and throw 9 I We do ,aot kriow creditq�bleto merican mar- L . would be hard to, t�ai n several feet - into th6 . N . whether Mr. Robert Jones, whowsek in. izILtio"13 to tion that a certain portion of the town. _kets) decreased'thff cost of what I bav Humphrey Snell, of Aullett; Vice -Pres. fida another such speciinen in thel air. "ihe�auimal died in a,bout f1vo Aegrade the noble otif o ident, Goo. Anderson,, of St' I . tending to run on the sa . . , institution by ship of Stofield) gerrymandered from to "el.1-7) I . auleY; See- world. He condemned the Gerrymau.� min tes after the collision took Place. I - � I m6 ticket, is acceptIngbribes. Although the church . I do not propose in tbis letter to"' deal rotary, Dr. Hurlburt, bf Brucefield. det in vigorous terms, pointing out- as� .A. very pleasing Ceremony of Chang - still in the field, but sho - : Ei Bt York, be returned to him. 'Sir Mr. Snell thanked the Convention for on . 1 - � with the other issues before the' p of its most flagrant foatur3s uld he with' doesnot require the Buppo# -of-any ' bli,, the honorable positio� to - which they fa : t tb at in eig the ing: the name of Miss Mary Ann Robb, draw, Mr. Monteith will surely b J Join would not comply; did not eVen but, Sir, I would like to say one word had elected him, lit constituenciel alone of Morris, to Mrs. McKenn-y was per- . e elect- such frail and disreputable props, there and promised to per. noc less than 5,500 of a Refdrm - . ed. If Mr. Monteith runs the Reform-, is enti�ely too mu � de., gn to answeri but voted it down at before I close this letter, concernin the majority formed in the Methodist Church, Brus- . . r . I want to re ind 2I ch of this bort of Boundary Awa d, form the duties of the office to the best had been concentrated or 1-1hived He Bel , ion the Qu% I ers will support him. It is somewhat g Prac ise i t on e -by the brute majority,at big back, the faxmers that this territory (9 o! his ability. . � u's Birthday. - Beside, -3 ---- thin ' ti d n its name and pre- oo#tended that Sir Job a(cepted! the wedding party a numb --- 7 c I u h d � . 4 � )y for its benefit; whereas the miles) was awarded to Or tario e p.-essure toro were present,r-, Rev. W. Baugh, of 7 significant and very encouraging ta -see aun�a,b ex] libiting throughout a spirit of bitter square- 1000 Moved by Mr. Greyl of Seaforth, sec- th counsels or -yielded -to 11 � -er of specta- I . . I an, mosity. . It touched his heart fai by a properly and legally constituted COM- onded by Dr. Buchanan, of Hay, that � . .. � ouch old Conservative otand-bys as aid is �ought and accepted b . of lolitical gamesters from all p rts of! W�i , tied the -nuptial knot. � i y those the present local organizations existing ; I I ­ - Messrs. Jones and -Monteith kicking up I ! m(re than the loss of Eastbope. After miasion,and I want f arther to state haw th,6 country. How as it that Sir! - Ar. X. M. poilley, 01 whoste too peuuriou.41 and ms)an to . . in the various municipali I'S . Goderich, has tw I the repudiation of this award - ties be confirm- John gerrymandered nt io, a id lef pu�,,, hasec :� i P I . ­ ! �� t c, I from Joseph Fisher, the im- 0 L re of ' i 18 10109 ed by this AssociationA Carried. -. .sh& the goods with erVice to %he to affect my material prosperit all the other Province nut C 2 The porter, a magnificent CLI ; I their heels in this way and coming., out give their due all big years of faithful s at 8 - I Country this was the treatment �fr- adm- y. - It is che' yd-esdale stai- I'', , honestly in th int-orests of their Pro- which t On motion, Mr. Wm. Cash wait aD- reason was not far to seek. � ,� i a good Providenc�' has entrusted itted on all hands that the timber, . � ,11 t is I ecause lion, said to be the finest I vince. We glory i� their PlUok.-SOMLe _ I - . Mackenzie received from . the - present to make no mention of minerals, I ads . pointed chairman of �he McKillop or- he feared the voice of the ftee DE o ,,,,lit animal ever -, ; them, lor the support of hiscauge. All I I . ple of br intothat section. Us color -is , . ; � - of failing etc., is worth $125,000,000. Under the Ithe - bla ', and it certainly. will I * : ,hose lotteries, drawings, bogus elec- h*th. I . Tuckeramith. I � prove a . i of our Conservative contemporaries f pa�ty in powerin his hours � gUnization, and Mr. John Hannah for Ontario. After discussini I 3ound : -1 . - Seem jealous, lest ` he P i I I Award this would belong exclusiv( ly to I arY Award at length, he, referred to the gre � s;cquisition to the Stock of this it b6fOrMera Steal tio � . . . . THE XOMIX.kTIONS. . - -0 ' ' 4s and bazaars, gottou up � in tbg . . Ontario, and the annualreven able, economical and pr ti6al' � ! -- - no ar181Dg ac , � manner county. The. price paid was $1,400. : i -1 . : from it * John McMillan, Reeve of Hallett- in which the Government ' On ario is - Z from them the N. r- They base their nam� e �f religion and for the avowed � I would be used in Ordario , of -�V,e re glad to announce that W. . � ./f,r By John Hannah, of Tuckeramith. a - �- I i 1 News of the Week. local purpose8. The repudiation of the . d B. � ickson, of ,Garrow & Proudfoot's .. I grounds for fear on Mr. Blake's address Purpose of supporting 1 Gosp - I I at ;present Administere Y H(u. Mr. the greater portion of which we publi ' el ordin- - �PAIN.-Spain has determined to send Award means, therefore, the curtailing M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth-By Rob. Wwat and big colleagues, and �o the I& I 'Office, Goderich, and son of Mr. . . I I sh- ances, sre wrong and actually immoral ironclads t of the Lo ert Govenlock, of McKillop. fact that Out ; ed last week, We do most sincerely in their effect an i o Montevideo to demand cal Government�s power to M. C. Cameron, M, P.. --By, George amlon ario, sband3 foremoSt RO eIrt Dickson. *of Grey, passe - I'll, d example, and in- satisfaction for the ill-treatment assist railways, public instituti . k the Provinces of t d his . . ' of. a ons, POZ ast, Of Stanley. h DOD LiUiOn. sec9nd intermediate examination be- 11 , i sympathize with them, as the N. P'. is stead ojf benefitting the Church, degrade Spaniatd. ' I � schools, etc. It means that yead, by � 116-11pointed to the Striking o�tr� t b?- foro 0e Ontario Law Society in a high- I the 0131Y plank they have left in their it ' � I . DEAD. -The ,death is announced � in earthe vast revenues derived I - D. Wilson, OfSesforth-By Thos. twq�en the conditi 11 tan,o ly cir0ditable naanner, ,keeping well to � and impair its influen I y s derived rnm A . I on n . ' Shatteredplatform, and theyare Stak- nesg for good.. Ghur�'e and useful. England of J. N..Darby, founder of the this district will be scattered over the Co,v antry, of Seaforth., . . and the Province of Q e!nj. E[e thefJront. I ,or mot known as -The wide Domirdon,atyd that in consequ nco of Brn�efield-By Win. fait that the time bad - bes should be coammunity- 1E r. Stewart, Z .. ingtheirall Upon it. As matters, 11 Bal. antyne, ot Seafortli. * when --�71n] Manday afternoon of last week, I - . are Supported by the spontaneous offerings Plymouth Brethren. on the farmers of Ontario will be - On ;ario's rights should be r6gpect d and Mr., , V . B- Elwood, youngest Sou of . . � I d of thos6 who belong to them, DAVITT.—It ig 1. thr9wn the burden of supportirg _ . . I I ' . now ShaPil I ig, however, they have 900 - and when prObable that Davitt the Win. Gray, of Seafort,h-By Andrew pro %cted. He condemned 'the orth veni.jArchdescon Elwood, � � I ' died, f ter a short illness. Drs. Taylor � grotundstofeal7thatit will not safely those other outside in' . or- GoNenlock, of XcKillo�. ) Of God,erich, � fineuces have to Will inaugurate a land agitation in local institutions of the country. I land policy of the presg . a carrYthem, Over the turbid stream.' - England; and in such event, it is tot mers would do well to ponder ver�this MR. GRAY � =, On account of the unfair treat- and, $1jannion -pronounced � . , fact before voting for th stat�d that he had no intention of be. me� i I . 6 con - It be resorted to, it is manifest that there improb 0 . . . . - 13 ect- f the cis . �, - L co ng a can � , I - w . . � �in the organ- prison. - Yours truly, did'a,te, bdt thanked those ed, as compared with mou polii its and young m*en well known and having 9. - i will founder in -the middle, and the is something lacking, not able that he will be sent back to e Govern ent, ilt to Which the settlers ibi ' gestj�u 0 the brain. Deceased was a , . , I Reformer8L Wilfpiok UP; t.ho few � b had nominated him . scatter- izaition �tself or in the object it ,is de- SENTENCED .-Albert Young, for w it A TUCKERSMITH FARMER. M. BPetators. After touebi g b iefly largol circle,of friends. . jl l . I � . ri - - DR.STEWART ri Ing a Tuckersmith, May 31st, 1882. upon other questions of toe d � ': 5 led SPlinters and re-moael them into a, signed to promote, but in the promo. ,letter � to the Queen's Secretary, . . Lyj he -On Tuesday evening of last week ---. I I . . : begged leave to resigni as he had no thalaked the Convention for�the omin- . new and,more inob N. p., one whic � � threatening Her Majesty,s life, has — ? - -- � � .1 . . J when most Of the members attending � " h tei-s. Every good oitilzen, therefore; been. I ( ' degi�e to engage in a contest. He pre� atioln, and resumed his seat 11 am. - Methodist district meeting i I I will be pi � sentenced to b,en years, penal forr I WAU but the *,bloated every man or woman who values Gos- servitude, .-The regular m )eting in connection , to work in the riinks. pia�l se. . d ap the I n Clin- - I mono]p1isw,w,1*z­,%r9 now rolling in with the Canada Methodist Churc � - ton, )jad departed f . pel ordinances an THE IRI` of D. D. WIL90-N . or sapper,it was . � I - - I - .0 7 � 1 , � I- 0 i;r I - , - I , � i - - I #r-, I , ` - F f - � � i. , -- � - - - - - , -- i - � I - - , - � - - � � I - , I� , - � - - - , , , , , I I T?Iir' . !�' - � , lil , li I - - I � - I ;. I 'I 't , 'r, 11ft * � 91 '4"I , 01asMI!, a a I 11 I ( t i I- I I I I � I I y! I I ­ , - I I I - �1 - , 'ff �-- t- E . I '1I 1 �i n � � 4 - � -1 ­ - I - 1� I I - I � - I - I . � ,� - � I'l � 13 0 1 'i - -� � I .1 I - w. , 11 �-­ X . v � 1�e e� ,�f �, '? . I I � I , i 1w '- . I i li, I � I ar oil t �� I i t) �� � f � 10, - I , iw4U r t Are F- f 9 0 I - , h - - d cherishes Christian SH PARTY. -The' World's the Goderich District me& in Olin I � A 13TIRRING RZPOLU�Px. discOvered by a couple remaining that - . ' wealth It theexpense of poor but more prin � London Special to on did not wish to permit big name to Ao oved by D. D. Wilson - socom led by ,& " diples, should set illeir f&c' says :-In Spite of Tuesday and Wednesday of last Z I atilall hand -valise had been' car- - es most ek. bekre the Convention aa a C&Ddi DAM Dr. Buchanan, and resolvedil Thi 6t this ; caried I I dly and, firmly ag&inr.t the 1 L � off by some one in mistake. � - .- Mr. decide , Ota Rev. J. Harris was eleoted Secretary. Ile was glad to see so large a gathering A, , honest and industrious P6OPle - many denials, there cannot be an i' d - I Convention heartily approVes of the 'There .4 � - � IIJ �w - �-I� I griev- of doubt about the faC6 that Messrs. TWbuty-four ministers and sixteen 4ele. of the electors of South Huron present. conduct of Hon. E"dward Bls�ke a lead- the . I - I - I � ; I . � was nothing singular in this, but . � i I �. .. : � i . I -- � . . ; � . � � I i I I fa,cb th&t it contained about $700, - . I I i� � i ; I . - s 11. ; - I ! ! I : � : - I . L I . - I I i - I � � . L - I � I �i I � , . ­ , . . � � i - � , - . � I � 1: . I: . � I ,;]v1 J, ': . . , � 109� I I — . . � A � I WaS VU - . whom. . ; . SoMew . . and UA - abouts , anxieti :: � , -Ti 11 . �� wemarh I - - - � Councii the 6t1k for the I tribute� - for Jun I woreml . � -­ -- de � lay" t-1 � -Not I . - 4 Gam� tte: � . - - - ation of I , . ­ west ._0 33ell, J6 I . . F. Ton ,and R., Huron-, ---on. � - �Of! Mr.. badly is � Messrs. . . , - Mill. I was beix , ran in fy her just badly.. . -Tbf elected men"S �c 'Glinu I Mr. Jail and Mr': - Fresider elected f was elee, I —A fe 'Thomas; Exeter r I working witha � 'pears ti hand slil with We of his fi . cut almu. - -At a : Ing Coml � byterian tion, wbi , sed : Mi edbvDr thanis ol -Congregal �0 , and axe � - XdCutch those bea pulpit.- pl. Chairmw -The be in a -v -were ealb night, wU4 members steamer Doan's t 400 -yards, first strok WaBPRS8il � ininutes.. -11afor, . ton I& -at w 1dr. Robez " Ceased wi -a former i ried -a dau son, of tht . time he 08 subsequen where his 1. ent. Hie 1 . large, hea - fortuna;tel tiMeS drsi brings ",c i - Winnipeg, -Mr. T Brick Yar, -who has I maskin bi � g - rast 20 -yet . : , Ing Naln , Last year 1, . which he , . price . . . . . *6 he inteU4 � kilu ,of tl sold to Mn - who inten' I near the Q . I I -One W bers Of ti - clar's and, . � �o the . ngbam.. - Frank Bu leader, and gant famill pressing'd is held by I tion as a n - wish that I - cision. a , completely -feeling Mai I handsome ' sake of his . ' � to withdZal , � � -A few, . and Mra. � . much Aurpi I . ed by a la�j ple of the 4 The mvlauj , I w ­ b . things of � I. . . justice bad:, � a very Ae . spent by i evening Mr the recipier. the respect: I are held., . panied, � r J -A man been a ref,ic Years, comi - taking a & pearil the A volved in being unab are now dn� to his Hie. 1 Paris green- � Water, PaL i3ervices of were IS3 e C, �emetics adz tunate ma dose, it waf. . his life. H after t,alung . -One da, , received ir fact that- J . Andrew B killed by a Deceased . way to SU I ness. He v telegraph i quently .m * services. f , one end'of . the other—f north to -son . I . , � I � a