HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-06-02, Page 2• 2 40..s44"' THE HURON 14o6ITOR. JUNE 2, 1882. ON THE NINE -MILE CHAPTER IV.-=,0011tiillIad; "Suppose I wuz to ask one o' the Whiteside girls r he. suggested ; "they aro party,: and smart too." aOh yea, and they'll eve a kiss for the askin' to you or the uext one that comes aloxig." ['I don't like that," says Charley, very sternallotie o' your fast flirts fur me ! That'savhat I use' to like about you, Janey. Every fellow hed to keep his distance. Now the I3iscoe girls are ef a very proper kind. Wouder how it would do fur me to apply there la' 'Jenny ia eugaged to Roland Selph ; an' as fur Leila, elle wouldn't wipe her shoes on a Western wheat farmer." - "An' es to Polly Ann Carpenter ?"' "She is a waster. abe eau throw out with a, tea-epoon faster than a manican bring In with a, shovel." deolaie, Jeuey," mid Chailey, seeminquite injured, it looks es if yore don't weeit me ter git a wife. You try to set me ageu every girl on the perarer. Tears like you can't bear to give me up to anybody else." "You are -quite, mistaken, Mr. Winn," cries poor Jitney, her voice rain' higher with every word-qztite inistahen, I do ashore yoa.: I've no objection to your havin' forty wiveii. You might go to Utah an' join the Mormons; theu you • coald try all kinds, you know -he !ha he/ ha!" When I heard this wild laughint I knew it wuz time to walk in with the camphor bottle m hand. •"I think you hed better make your- self scarce," says 1 to Cglialey Winn, with a very iiperieh look. Piekin.' eap his hat, he sneaked oat o' the room, an' out o' Janey Burridge's life. 4' I may test as well meutiou that it witzitt six months efore he wuz married 'to Ma- he:1y Thing. V. -UNEXPECTED THINGS HAPPEN TO JANEY. Janey didn't seem ter git any better as the days passed on. She took no intrust in anything in the heavens above nor in the earth beneath. Tile doctor said he couldn't do no more fur her, au' except to make het pretty deef , all the quineen sae took diciu't have a mite of effect. Seein' her so dwindlin' pinina / set my wits ter work. Tue • ought ter have somethin' to en- gage her time an' her mind. An' Little Mary Jane's idea as to the knittant machine wuz fur frona bein' a iejadish- na one. How to git the pm chate•money wuz the trouble. The thought come to me that Lex Farley alight jet as well as not help in the matter; so I wrote him a letter on my own book, as the B ayin' is, an' preseuted the case. By. the next Saturday came an answer sayin' he would be proud, ter git the machine out an' out tor Janey, bet fur Inc to say nothin' about it tail it had arrove. In the same mail wuz a letter ter rne from poor little Elick, aesayin' thusly: "DRAn AUNT FONIE,-Psilass swore off till he gits J ariey's machixie. I. am a- helpin' him, an' Leman' the photo- graphira bueiness very fast. Give ney respex ter Janey. I am very sorry that she got hurt. Yours truely, E. FARLEY." "Seems to me you're gittin' a lot o' letters," says Eben when he handed 'em to me; but I only smiled mysterious, an' said not a word. I never had seen Janey so low as she wuz the day before Thanksgivina I wuz bustlin' round preparint fur mei' day's dinner, but she barely raised her eyelids from her cheeks"What hey I ter be thankfel fur?" she would say when I would try to hearten her up somewhat. Before night, however, janey took back them words o' hers; fur old Mr. Thing, passin' by on his way from town, stopped with a box oaten the ex- press office directed to "Miss Janey Burridge." Fur roe !" cries Jamey, very inbredu- lous, but her eyes sparklin' as I hadn't seen 'ern since her accident. We all assembled while Jed knocked off the wooden ' alats, an' untied the strings; far be the hurry what it may, the man wuz that careful that out a string he would not. An' lo an' behold! there wuz the prettiest kaittinarnachine ever made, with a card: Compliments and Respects of Alecander Farley • to Miss *Taney Burridge. Jamey wuz pleased enough ter cry, an' I don't believe she slept a wink that night far longin' ter try her hand on -the little beauty. The aunts didn't lose no time in °amain' over to the house as soon as they got wind o' Janey's pre- sent. An' sister Charity, who under- stood- how to work machines, offered to stay a week, if need be, to put Janey in the way o' runitin' hers; which showed she wuzn't a. bad kind o' WOH1a11, in spite o' bein' so aggressive in the way o' From that time janey's health an' spirits -improved considerable. She tarried out mittens an' socks very fast; an' the very heat pair wuz sent as a present to Lex Farley. As far me, seein' how Well my idea, had worked, an' though riot as a rule approviir of ridiut a horse to death, still I thought, while his hand was in, Lex might as Welt as not lay up more tree - sures in heaven. So I ue au' wrote an- other letter, sayin' that it Janey had a wheel -cheer, it would. be the greatest ehing iu the world fur her to 'ease her pain, an' enable her ter git about. No answer came to this; but I waited patient, thinkint somethin' might CQMO of it. An thee did. Christmas had come, an' ave all had bundled up in a, big wagon, an' gone over ter Amos Burridge's to dinner - except, of couree, poor Janey, who wuz left iu the charge of one o' the neigh- bors' claildree, little Sally Wysnicker, with a nice' dinner ready cooked for tem, and set out in the dresser. The day wore along as them family spreads usually do, an' about four ot -clock we abated fur home. Now it's a very curious thing, but aa we reached the corner o' Mr. Burridge's wheat field, I had. the most flutterhf sensation erbout the heart, es if somethin' wuz a-goin' ter happen. Itwouldn't , hey surprised me a mite ter 'iley found the house burnt up, fur I felt the same way twice previous in /35y life -once pre. cedin' to one Jersey cow bein' gored, an' agie before my partner wuz taken with the dropsy that carried him off. How- soroever, ther' wuz the bouse safe an' sound ; aa' es we neared the gate, the wind bore the Bound of laughin' to our vars. Yery curious, we hurried on; but afore we get boy, all dre --a-sheathe aHowdy, Jectl how Christmas Of course the sIim, throw the Jamey wuz the wonder There she a-sittin' up 1 cheer, es throne. to the door, out broke la sed up, clean as olean, an' t tie top of his voice, F�nie! howdy, Uncle en! Christmas gift! , E it w ong Ind lie 's pa. Lex Failey. Bat f all waz ter see Jamey. uz, bright ant smiling,' an' the finest kind o' wheeled roud es if she wuz •on! a I Wall, we wuk all a talkin' together pelt; au' Jed he welcomed rty, an' told him be mut If at home far es long es er stay. An' you never se Las Eliek Farley. From ntankerous limb that uld abide, be wuz , a chap, modest en' oblig n' a-hangin' on eveiy spoke. - ould do ter git him tsr is pa, when he got a chan e with me. "You see he ey would be so set agen him ld want ter hey him ttr• ethina but I told him ter ' faee the music. When Le the hall door here, an' °kin' so White an' quiet, as be dead, the child hu datan't go a step lurthe d hien inside the room, a cry. Janey turned h an' seen hint a-standi how she didn't seem a bit 'URA,' says she, very ge come here;' an' when wuz in mall she put her arms around allo !" I ever do tha "Yes," he kind o' med. Au' I suppo body he _Bed hina sonce his moth r died. An' t at she should do it whp, lay there a• wreck through hie mit. chief! I tel you, Aunt Fonie, she is a angel." It hed no 'er ocleurred ter me ter loo on Janey Bu ridge in that light, as yo ain't apt to hink of a angel bale' strong n' biiilt for labor ruttier roun' an' single% but I wuz Le, ugh doi er st a, miritit It wuz made d, aia' stuffed with hair, ings an' covered with rep, fine es a coffin. cos a sight o' money," siliok. An' of course bearded man we see r fatalkin' so kindly ter fur quite a Lex real he make himee would like t a boy so change bein' a 'wild, e nobody hardly c quiet, nice little in' in his ways, word that Jitney "lt *az all I cane," said fur a word thought Jai that she we rested or so be a man, a we got insi see Janey.1 if she reigh heck as 'if h -Bet, I push he begun te head quick, ther.' Som surprised. him an' kis ed him." - *ed, • janey Berridge didn't !" said, etrokire his bear Wive, "she kissed hi e it's the first time, an . as a heifer, than a-4in' glad ter hey her, even th ket a little a After sup the cheer, na of cherry-wo an' set on sp an' it wuz es "It must ' says Jed,. "A naatter Farley ; ."ba dou't ever money."; 'True, Le kind; "you anything wh go by." I waz a. lit le speakira fea n' L but he spoke out Jed, I haven t te thing stronge th come in an t, Id11 to Janey, I mad instant that f ;th would pay al the put her up a ham ef she lived, hat her, au' try t maL tion es I coel arm sure,' say 11 Farley appreshiatle be stretched the Wan- ' 80. I . Burridge examined o' fi you tad ty dollars." says Lei know, -Uncle Jed,[ it difficult to mak ," says the old man, very re smart enough ter- do •n yOu give the enemy the _ set more val e on alone than o ei chine or the heel in our blood er b Forty year go, first settled h form tames meetba' at P came in an' t "The Yaho "That wuz early settlers. o' the herdes from Tonnes wuz dead -set came a-whoo in' inter Pepp our meetint wolfe, which the folks, an' ter death, • '.In them hated to give it wuz a heap now; you co a bit a gallon 1 Everybody druuk it. It wuz handed around ter women an' races once old Mrs. barrel that she ped- " keert at this plain - x mighttake offense ; aite manful: "Uncle hed a drop of any - n tea sence my hot e what hed happened up my mind that poor girl wuz gone, I funeral expenses, an' some monument; an' I would come to see e suoh poor reparag Jed, "that Jamey will your lettin' the drink ter the •knittinanase cheer. You see, it runi gret on temperance. Iwhen the Burridgee re, One of our first , per4 z teigit up a temperance ppe town. The Yahooe led ter put a stop to it." .8? An' who Were they?" the,. name we give the They wut mostly riffraff sort, who hed drifted here ee n Keutucky, They agen temperance. They in' an' a-ridin' an' a-yell- rtown on the occasion of In' they hed caught a wild hey turned loose among eatly skeered the women • lays even. the preachers up the'r whiskey. Well, purer article than you git ld buy it by the barrel at children. At! the Wysnicker had a dled out by the deinkaan' they said she made enorigh ter buy a handsome family Bible." I wieh they would give us a purer article of whieke3 in these days," said Mr. Farley.• , "Lex -Lex Fa ley, don't say that !" cried Janey, leani ' forard, an' speakin' with such entreaty as I never heerd 'from mortal lips. "You have g ne without it," she says, "from sorro v an pity -fur me, an' you can keep on ii the good course fur love -fur love of God. Listen to me, Lex. You wuz p eased with my thanks when I told you how the knittuf-ma- chine had corofor ed me an' give me a new start in life an' you Smiled an' almost cried too when 1 toldyou ter - day of the rest yoar beautifulicheer give to my poor tired body. Think, -think what it will be wliefl you can bring the gifts of a good an'I manly life ter the Lord, an' receive is thanks, an' know His joy over the one sinner that re- pents Oh, Lex, don't give me more than you give to your Maker I" It cametike a bhunder-clap. I never would 'a believed Janey Burridge could have spoken so beautiful. • We wuz all moved beyond epbech. But, after a little, Lex Farley says: won't forgit your words, Janey. God bless you fur them !" Jed rose up n' passed his hands acrost his eyes. 'My friends," said he, "it is Christmas iight. Let us unite in prayer." An' 'medal' roilind Janeya cheer, we prayed in silence, an' sornethin' seem- ed ter whispettht a good new year wuz a-dawnin' far us all. Well, well, jLe Farley wnz in no hurry to git itWay An' one day he ask- ed our Taney to narry him. "He says, Aunt Fonie," said Janey to me, "that I cab help him -I, -a, poor lame creature that never expeoted to be of use or pl asure ter any livin' soul." "He loves you, ear," I said, pattin' her dark head. "I can hardly- 4eheve it," she said, in a falterin' way. In"lie sari so many stka,nge things, Au t Fonie : that to be with me helps An' heartens him; that be wants, nothWeetter than to work for me all his ds • that he wants me only to give him 1 rey hear -not my labor au' service, ut, my he rt." "!Ther's rather h litio sweet ha life As love'e young ream," 1 says 1, quotin' ent of a 'poetri book. "Don't you thi k," says he, very timid. -"that folks will say lie wanted me from pity, an' hat I took him from •pride?" "Fools may," ea a I, very decisive. The end of it wuz that she put him off six mouths, du in' whici time he wuz as sober se a hose, ant then she married him. They went tet St. Louis ter live, an' he got a run o' fashionable customers. au' soon we heard of 'ern as •surprising prosperous. A icouple 'o years later her pa am' me went ter visit - 'em; fur I hed got ruttier tired o' bein' a boarler, an' hed married! Jed Bur- ridge. That wuz a visit! They hed tree rooms leadin! out o' the photo- graph gallery -an apartment they call- ed it -an' a servant to do the work, in' a little maid to 'tend the door. Lex Farley was the proudest, happiest man ia the State. For Janey-bless her !- with a long trailed gown on,l her face pale and pretty, her hair cur in' on her forehead, walked to meet u, • with a snow-white baby caddlin' in aer arms. Thermometer. Pantall�ons. ed scold- Hoffenstein was busily eng ing Hermon for not poliahirig a lot of (Lap jewelry there was in the show case, when a stoop-shouldere4 country- man entered the store and inquired: "Have yon got any good jean pants here?" c "Certainly my frent," replied Hoffen- steiu, " we makes a specialty .if goods in doteline, und ve defy competitioe. If ve sell anything und you don't like it, yOu gets yptir money back or. sonieding else in exchange, you know.. Vas ou a far- mer? " • "Yes, sir, I live up on Red River." "Veil den, you heed a bair of bents like dese, "said Hoffenstein; pulling out a skyblue pair from a pile of Clothing on 'the Counter. " Dey vas de genervine doe- skin, aud will last de whole year oud, you know. " . The countryman took the pantaloons to the light, examined the te tare of the cloth, and then shaking his had know- ingly, said: . t There's too much cotton in them; the3 will 'shrink. " "Of course, my front, dey vill shrink, but vait und I dells you someding. • If a l man vat owns a bank or keeps a store comes here, I don't sell him dem kind of bents. Vy ? Because dey, vas made exbressly for defaming pissrless. Dey vas de dermometer pants, und a blessing to every farmer vat years a bair of dem. Do you kuow my frent, dose pants will dell you exact13 vat de vedder will be. Yen it was going to be vet und cold dose pants will begin to shrink up and ven it was going to be dry und worn dey comes right down you kn w. Dree years ago I Fells a heir uf dem, to a man vat vas name Vilkins, und efer since den he makes good crops yen de order beople don't make • Boding, because he alwaya knows by his dermometer pants vat de vedder vill be. Alder avile de beople in de neighborhood. fir ds out de segret uf Vilkins success und at de be- ginning uf de Wanting season, you know, (ley comes for dirty miles aroend, und if dey see Vilkins' bents jcrawling up his legs dey holds off und vaits for a change, but if his bents vas down dey goes rights back home; and put in de crop. Dink uf it, my frent. Mit de dermometet bents you can dell exactly yea to put in cabbage seed, mid blant corn dwice as 1 better as mit any almanac, besides von 1 de vedder gets so cold and vet dot de bants goes up under your rms, you can sew buttons on de front und veer . dem as a vest." • When Hoffenstein finished his -yarn concerning the pantaloons the country- man smiled, and turning abrnbtly on his •heel, left the store. 1 "Did you see de say dot an acted, Herman? "said Hoffenstein, ngrily. ; "Yes, sir," replied the clerk. Velait shust shows dot de more yen try to belp some beoples along, . de more 3 ou don't get any tenksfor ' it." -New Orleans Times The Dog, the 1Raven and the Mutton. A dog, finding a joint of nantton ap- parently unguarded by a negligent raven, stretched hirise1f before it with an air of intense sa isfactiou. "Ah said, he, alternately smiling and stoppiag up th4 smiles with meat, , "this is an instrum ut of salvation to my stomach - an I instrument upon which I love to perf arm." "I beg your pard n," said the bird. "It was placed the e specially for me, by one whose right to so °envoy it is beyond question, h having legally ac- quired it by choppi g it - off the original owner." "I detect no flaw n your abstract of title;" replied the dog. "All seems quite regular; but must not provoke a breach of the peaae by, lightly relin- quishing whet I mil ht feel it my duty to resume by-violen e. I must have time to consider; a d in /he meantime I will dine." Thereupon he lei urely consumed the property in dispu e, shut his eyes, yawned, turned upn his back, thrust out his legs diverge tly, and died. For the meat had been 4arefully poisoned - a fact of which the 1 raven as guiltily conscious. Theta 're. several things mightier than brute force. The Scrofulous Sores, he most indolent Tumor, and the mo t foul -Meer known, may be cured by th combiued use of Biudock Blood B tters and Burdock Healing Ointment. Ask yetir druggist for these infallible r medies. 739 orst No Can enjoy health w stipation of the B ga.tives always do Blood Bitters is nat It regulates, purifie the system. Trial 739 erson • ile suffering Con- wels. Harsh pur- harm. I Burdock re's owe Cathartic. and strengthens bottles 10 cents. Do No Take •Stich vile trash as heap Whisky Bit- ters and stimulants that onlylpander to a depraved appetit . Burdock Blood Bitters is a pure 'egetable 'medicine, not a drink. It cletases the blood and builds up the syste Sa.mple bottles 10 cents. 739 REAL ESTATE FOli SALE. VARM FOR :BALE. -For Selo I or w -ae °bungee& (ors term tether in eflaKille Saw* or gulleft, Lot No. 35,, 12, luilst*Ig, eoitaining 60 acres g land. For nut herpartionlars apply to Land Agent,8ssio!th. a•Altlit IN woisim FOR SALE. - le the west half of Lot 12, Co cessi let, containing tO xeres, 38 of wh ch ai woll tenoee and under, good cultivati I be ox - 4 Tucker- oneesaion d timber • STRoNG, "8 or sale, n 3, Ifni - doe red, n. The ir house r. This d 5 from ches and prietor is mises or 741 balance hi wlelleimbered. There and good orchard, anto plenty o farm is within 7 milee of fielder Clinton, and is convenient t schools. It ,will be sold cheap as bound for Maeitobe. Apply on t to Clinton P, 0. SIDNEY MOR s a wat ha chu he pr e pr ON. VARM FOR SALE -North half o -L. SIMI '2, East Wawanosh contai 50 tic, es Cleared aid in a good sta. There are 14 acres of StiMinerfallo There is a large frame barn with neath, a log dwelling and a small one and a quarter miles from the chester. Soil is geod clay ioam farm., aod will be sold cheap, If the 10th of March it will be rent TON, Blyth. lot 28, minces- . ling 1.00 acres, e ofci Itivation. ready for crop. tabliik under - It is 'W• age of Man - This is a choice et s Id before . . Heeite- 741 FARM FOR SALE -For sale, Iot. 24 sion 1, Huron Road, Tucker. mith, ing 100 acres, of which about e0 toms ed, in a, splendid state of culta undcrdrained. There is a goo first-clase out -buildings, two orch a,tio bri rds a , conces- - centain re clear - and all k house, Id plenty of, good water. This farm is si;uatcc on the Huron Road, about half way between()) nton and eeaforth, and is one of the choiceEt iarn s on the Huron tract. 'twill be sold chea the preniises or to Seaforth P. Cif EsEE\-1" p. 4ppIY on . as. GEO. 740 FARM FOR SALE -Farm in Tockers seld-For sale, Lot 2, Concision 1 Road Survey, Tuch ersmitheconta ning 1 76 of which are cleared and in a good cultivatir, and all underdrained. Th is well timbered with lutrdwo.'d I 'Tiler acres of fell wheat and, 30 act es fall plOw is a stone house, go d 'frame barn wit underneath, mid other good eut-bluedit good wells and feeuntr ()mania [Is wi miles of Seaforth on the Grend Trunk anti five from ilensall on the Great Schools awl Churches quitenonvenient. sold cheap Appl3 to Chisethurst P. )0 the predieses. Mits. A. YULE. ith for Huron '00 acres, state of balance are 18 d. There stabling gs . Three hin eight Railway, WePtern. Will be , er on 733 FARM FOR SALE -Lot No. 7, in the 41.11 Con- cession, 11. 11. S., of Tuckersinithe 100 acres, the estate of the late Jams Chesney 90 acres cies.) ed and under otilti‘ation, balahee timinred with beech maple 61n, eta. Good brick house If storeys high, 26b 86. Frameburn and cow stable on stone ioundation, also- franni stable, and goud orchard. The lot is well wthetredewelt fenced and is in a good state of celtiva; ion. Eor partieulaes apply on the premise, or to tlie un- dersigned. • MoJAU GREY in •HOLMESTED, Solicitors. Seafurth. 1 7104 1 FOR, SALE -A story and a half I houee on the coiner of John and High street, cOntaining every convenience for family 'tee, h one of timeliest central localities of the town as regards churches, niarkets, schools and bnsiioilp centres. Hard and soft water on the premises A .fine lawn with choice shrubbery, the wholel enclosed by a handsome wire fence. A so bani with stablino for cow and horses. Fo _further particulars apply to W. S. ROBERTS( N, Sea - forth. • 720 VARIL FOR SALE -For sale, the WOh half of -u the not half of Lot 2, Concession , Morris, containing 15 acres, 35 are cleared and i a good state of cultivation. The bush is wEll timbered with good hardwood, good frame barn and two good log stables, also a log dwelling h use. A. good yeting orchid eith a choice % arifey of fruit trees. Good well. Suw mill and school within one- quarter of a Mile. Two and a hall miles from the village of Blyth, and ane -quarter oe a 1 ile from the Wiegham gravel road. This propeitjy will be sold cheap as the proprietor is goiug to ianitoba in the spring. -Apply to AUGUST KRUSE oil the place, or to C. HAMILTON at Blyth. c 784 QPLENDID FARM Felt SALE --For sale Lot 27, Concession 6, Hay, containing 400 acres -nearly all cleared, well fenced, nudedrained, free from stumps and ilea high state 011 cultiva- tion generally. r here are about 16 acrc of fall wheat and about 40 acres fall plowed. IA frame house, two good frame berm, frame stJ1lc and other good outhuildinen3; plenty of water and a good orchard ; also alnut 160 rods thorn hedging. It is within 4 miles of Nil pen and about some distance to Monsen), and c nvenient to churches, schools and post office. "his is a splendid farm, and will be sold chea and on easy terms, as the proprietor wishes t . retire. Apply on the preedsee or to Mille Gre n P. 0. JAMES HOULDEN, Proprietor. 1 737 'ARM IN TIICKERSMITH FOR SALE - For Sale Lot 28, Co cession 8, L. R. S., Tacker - smith, eontainiug 100 acres, about 80 p1 which are cleared and in a fitst-class state of c tivatiou, arid nearly all underdramed. The billance is timbeied with hardwood. Thine is a g od brick house with a spleodid cellar, and fixate: ss frame barns, stables andi outbn 'dings. A larg orchard. of hrst-class fruicb trees, and plenty 1 water Thole is about 121) roes of board feta& s within 2 miles of Br ucefield on the Great i West rn and 6 miles from Beafoith n t o Grand grank, wilai gravel roads lending • to each p ace. There are 17 acres of fall wait at. lilts is as good and ounty of et terms. .ALEX. 724 comfortable a faun as there is iri the Huron,. and will oe sold cheap and on ea Apply on the premises or to Brucefield P. LIVIN (*STONE. VARM IN Hee LETT FOR SALE. ;--,For sale Lut 2, Con ession l3, Flullett edntaining 150 acres, about 125 acres cleared; in go d culti- vatiou well fenced and well underlirain . The balance is well tinibered wita hardwood. There is a good frame lekrn and other frame . uildiugs, an two comfortable . ewelling houses also a bearing orchard of choice fruit trees. ' here are tWo good wells and a never failing sprii g creek running through the farm. It is withi 1 7 mi;es of In useels on the Great Western Rain •ay and ten frem Seaforth on the Grand Trui k, with good gravel roads to each place; and . arches, schools and post Office convenient. Ter ins easy, RS the en oprietor wishes .to retire from arming. Fur further parti ul rs appiy to the p oprietor on the premises are° _Earle& P. 0. VILLIAU DUNLOP. ,r 735 '4., t f —4— ARM FOR SALE. - For Sale, Lot e• c ncession 13, Hallett, containing 150 acres, albout 120 cleared, under -drained, well fenced and ii a good state of cultivatiou ; . the balance is well timber- ed with first-class bindweed. There is a good frame house and good -Jog house; and t ee good frame barns, one of which has stone stabling underneath, and other good outbuilding.. There is a large orchard of firet-class fruit trees and two never failing sprieg wells, also a creek running through the farm. It is within 12 miles of Sea - forth on the Grand .Trunk Railway, t le same distanceirom Clioton,iuid is within five miles of the village of Loedesborough on the Great Western Railway; it is within a mile of school and post office. Possession at any time It is one of the best farms in Hul ett, and wil be sold on easy terms. Apply at TUE EX10EITO Office, eeafor.11 '• to the proprietor on the peen ises, or to Ha,r1oele P. O. ALEX. WATT, SR. 754 MELLVI LE'S . IiULLETT._ THE undersigned having procured a f ret-elass praetioal miller, and -having his fin] in the very best order, is now prepared to do GRISTING AND CHOPA on the shortest mitice and -on reasonabl terms. They guarantee a first-class article of licit r. . All kinds of Mill and Feed Offa , con- stantly on hand THOMAS KI DD, SEAFORTH. HEAT YOUR HOUSES THOROUORLY SPRING AND SUMMER IMPORTATIONS COMPLETE. I hate great pleasure in announcing to the people of both own and country, that my ttock is now complete. In DRESS GOODS will be Jouid all the lead- ing novelties of the season at the very lowest prices. I draw p rtieular attention to my Nun's Veiling in Cream, Sky, Pink, Fawns, Greys and Black. Silk and Wool Brocade in Black -elegant for polonaises or conibining With any black goods -40c a yard. A line of French all -wool Serge Suiting, With colored Span- ish lace goods to trim. French Beiges in all shades -extra va tie. The popular Cashmere still retains a firm hold on the public taste for a fa hionable and ser- viceable material. I show some in Navy,,Seal, Myrtle, cirenat Grey, etc., at 25o, 500 and 70c. Examine them close -splendid width and qualit . - For low priced gonds, Colored -Lustros is one of the leading materials this season. In these goods thenewest shades at different prices, withaace pattern to, combine. In very low-priced goods I show special lines. Fine Russel Cor at 800. yard. A . line of snowflakes, very serviceable, 10c a yard. .Something niceStied Mo- hair' at laic a yard. MOURNING AND BLACK G ODS. All Wool Bunting, Nun's Veilings, Merinoes, Empress C ape Cloths, Cash - merge, Serges, etc., at much less than regular prices. Black Granadiens, Iron Franie Grenadiens, and Black Scotch Grenadiens. Pourt Auld's Celebrated Crapes and Rain Proof Crapes at different pries. SILK AN? SATIN DE- PARTMENTe---Remarkable and interesting inducements. Blitelt Satins at 750, 85c, $1, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 per yard. In these goods I defy coMpetition: Black Lace, Striped Satin Brocade -a lovely material. Black Mire and Brocade Stripes. COLORED DRESS SILKS. -I show the choicest products of the French Markets. One leading line at $1.13 per yard; fur widt color and purity of quality: it has no equal. Rich Black Silks, Rich Black Groskiraina, Rich Satin DeLyons. Any lady requiring trimmings of any kind, either fo Mantles, Dresses or Millinery Tiimmings, would do well to call on us, for a mo ment of these goods was never sho en by any house. In LA thing -in Rich Spanish, Black and Cream, different widths Russian Edelweis, Maltese, etc. Something altogether ne mantle trimming, Lace and Chenille combined. Very Ric e complete assort - ES. I have every - Extra value in for dress and Black Beaded Passamenteries. IN FRINGES -The novelty of the season, in Rich Chinelle and Grass combined. Colored Sae, Colored Satins and Moir shades. I carry this season, as usual, the largest assortneen meets said frogs of every kind. Parasols -A monster stoc fancy -Special value. PRINTS -500 pieces of the meet cho the 'leading European manufacturers, at five per ceneless prices. s in the different of! mantle orn a- , both 'plain and ce patterns from than cash house MILLINERY I - • MILLI P3Y 1 I have 130 need to advertise, as my opening this season es a4shed its suc- cess, as we then showed the most choice French and Americaul patterns at much LESS THAN HALF THE. PRICES of other houses. We have the workers, we have the styles, we have the stock, and we take pleasure in trimming nice fashionable articles from the, very lowest figures, to suit both town and country customers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Everything in Sunshades and Sailors - some very choice. r- READY-iAADE CLOTHING AND CENTS' FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT Thoroughly Assorted. Hats and Caps, all styles and prices. very large stock of English and French Worsted and Canadian Tweeds; ch4iicei patterns and qualities at the right mices. Any one requiring these geode it will pay them to give us a call. Our Boot and Shoe Department is well assorted. Groceries -Oa hand will be found everything required in a first-class grocery. Oar asuel lines in Teas, secured duty free. Wines and Liquors -Fresh and pure, at lowest prices. Ales , and Porters our own bottling, and all imported goods constantly kept. My sys-1 tern of doing business -Oily one price, five per cent. discount for, cash atrictly ' adhered to. THOMAS KIDD, te-Corner of Main and Market Stied& Seaforth. RELIABLE MEDICINES. DY USING- THE CHALLENGE HEATER ErcicaRY or RADIANT HOME STOVES. They have the best known improve- ments for saving fuel and labor of any similar stoves in this market. • CALL AND -SEE THEM AT JOHN KIDD'S, MAIN ST. SEAFORTH. SE AFOBIll • GINSURANCE A ENCY WM. N. WATSON, 1 - General Fire, _Marin, Life and Ac- cident Insurance Agent, Convey- ancer, Appraiser, Etc., MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. ONLY FIRST-CLASS, prompt paying companies represented. All kinde of risks effected at lowest current rates on all kinds of property. Special -attention devoted to elqiee insurance. Insurances effected on farm property in the "Gore District," of Galneetablish- over 43 years, at from .621 to 1 per cent., cash, for three years Cheaper than Any mutual com- pany in existence. The following corup-anies represented, viz.: London Lancashire, England; Northern, Englend ; Scottish Imperial, Scotland; British America, Toronto ; 'Royal Canadian, Men- treal ; Gore District, Galt ; Canadian Fire di Marine, Hamilton; Affiance; Hamilton; Toronto Life, (Life), Toronto ; Travellers, Life mid Acei- dent, Hartford, Como Agent for the Canada Permanent 1 oan and:Savings Company, Toronto. Money loaned at 6 per centon real estate. Agent for the State Line eteamship Company, 'ailing between New York and GLe.sgow. First Cabin, e60 to 75;eSecond Cabin 510; Steerage, 526. Return tickets issued good for 12 months. W. N. WATSON, Main- Street, Seaforth. Office, Camp- bell's Block, opposite the Mension Hotel. MANITOBA Parties wishing to invest money in GOOD. RELIABLE TOWN OR FARM M Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure; Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic PROPERTY IN -ANITOBA Cure; Fellows' Syrup of the Hypophosphites ; Kennedy's Medical Discovery; Green's August Flower,German Syrup and Ague Conqueror; Smith's German Worm RernedY and Hamburg Tea; St. Jacob's Oil and liamburg Drops; Quiuine Wine and Wheeler's Elixer of Phosphates; Burdock, Hop and Electric Bitters; Enos' Fruit Salt and Zopesa ; Gray's Specific Medicine and Vitaline ; Mrs. Allen's, Ayer's, and other Hair Restoratives : Canadian Liquitd, Batchelor's and other Hair Dyes; Kendall's Spavin Cure and Dick's Medicines ; Glycerated. Balsam of Fir. The above and all other patent or proprietary medicines of any repute, constantly on hand at LUMSDEN & WILSON'S, SCOTT'S BLOCK, SEAFORTk. A_ 0 '17 1CT A D E' A 0 U7 _ THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUY Y UR GROCERIES, CROCKERY, SEEDS FISH &C., They solicit the patronage of the Fariners of Hullett and neighboring toamships, ntl can ! guarantee them the fullest satisfaction. ANGUS McKA.RRALL, Pro rietor. 2,000 CEDAR PO TS Fog SALE, Suitable for Board, Wire, or 5 raight FLOUR, FEED, OIS AT M. ,M RRISON'S. . To make room for my steadily groVving business, I have, leased and fitted up I the adjoining shop for a Flour, Feed and, Seed Store, and intend keeping, con- • stantly on hand BRAN, SHORTS, OATS, PEAS, CHOP, SEED, GRAINS of -all kinds, HAMS and BACON. Opening out this week a large stock of CROCKERY AND GLASS- WARE of all kinds, which was bought for cash, and. will guarantee to give you Rail Fences. One mile anifi a as good value in this department as any other house in the Cou ty. We are quarter ,west of Winthropi • $1.10 per dozen; best Stone Bedroom Sets, nine pieces, for $2.25 eland all other now selling best stone Tea Sete, of 44 pieces, for $2.5�; best ha died teas for , Crockery and Glassware equally cheap. Also on hand. a large stotk' of TAS, which I am selling at reduced prices. Celli and see me, and y u will make ALSO RAIL TIM• B R money by it. M. MORRISON, South Side Main Street, Seaforth. By the Acre, or by the Th nsand. Vit C. GOUI LOCK. And not desiring to incur the trouble and expense of visiting the Prairie Province, should call upon or com- municate with the undersigned, who is agent for the well and favorably known firm of J. M. MACGREGOR & CO., WINNIPEG. This firm have a thorclugh knowledge of the country, and the best and most profitable investments, and only first- class property will be recommended, so that, through their agency, investments can be more safely made by people in Ontario than were teey even to visit the country- themselves. All applica- tions made to the uudersigned will be promptly attended. to. Charges mod- erate. 1 IL Y. JlicLEAN, Seaforth. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL BOILER IVIAKERS. 'Pm Snbscribers have bought the Tools and Boiler Business lately carried on by the God- erieli Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experiencieof over tight yeare in that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade in all its blanche& Any work entrueted to us will receive prompt attention. nes t -class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, elm Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, etc., at rea- sonable rates. New Salt Pans made,and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy Com- petition. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, 686-52 Box 103, Godericli. The Royal Hotel, • (LATE CARMICHAEL'S) SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. JAMES WEIR -pEEGs to inform his old friends and the t ten el - ling public that having purchased this »ew and commodious hotel bulletin:, he has thorough- ly re -furnished and re -fitted it from top to bot- tom, and it is now one of the most comfortable and convenient hotels in the county. By strict attention to the wants of his customers he hope; to merit a share of public patronage. The rooms are all well furnished and well heuted. The bar will be kept supplied with -the best, and an ate tentative and trust worthy hoetler will always be in attendance. Good sample rooms for Commer- cial Travellers. • Remember the "Royal Hotel," corner of Main and Goderich Streets, Seaforth. 7ss JAMES WEIR, Proprietor; • Mr. Min nett boy, 4 Wel belie green; Fled alway He made in An' now I laste, That boy's, It's 'Nora 11 Who seems The two ar4 Site',, a del eyes Thee twirl sure The net oi Though she trate, An' ber ble.e An' in tratii Forte be me Sure I'd ni; him, But 1leallel That eleglat -eight - An' as qui5. beard ii Tike a Int round An'. beheld He'd his sa kiee. • Well, I 4-461 says 11 "ow what I hollered; Ye just Ual An' lot 3•4 Ick An' spo.ke "Yon know 11 they we An' thin N411 A sound tear : "-Ole plime, It's my 1 right. But I tried That two bade An' I nivel Nowyou, - They ran. An' have ttnick But, ilia& elf, Be nut love' A slip agingly) actly." hear you bad teal -Say Bay, you 'Pooh, joke; 'ti spoke.' -It aWhat the tea' "Dress of a brig -936 water in' -4S I bring i last nig every bl The nex by elippi said, 4T sermons —One huinilia comes a e to his fr in his et was ad waters o use?' he watere! _4.ye box," is girl who 'That don't go —Ed was tell' bitter th Garrick, of bitter —Ale &walla plop:um made in follows a. false —An nian 80,1 VOtteWlei Pm ridi spouded -when r -wedd . poses must v. must fo he goes.' be site going to -At Scotlat offered t total ab fok the I were VI award since di —An St. Law " •Clare gulf co Canada, He elate ing the beantifu ravish° marked women land h happily at that room, the solo exclaim your tailor Enian : Franc' An travelle saving of the might The every all the he is ap and bu live on to be in eeparsb places most gi tiers ju more, e visitor tires an nothing or izae