HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-05-19, Page 7� __ . I.. I I --- -- : - -- -.------------- ____.. . � � - �
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� MAY 19l, 1 4 . I � I - i
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- 1, � . � THE HURON EXPOSIT04V i � 7
1&1_?j12\.&:WJ:ER4Sy . �_ . I - � ]&.&y 19, t882. , . I 0 1 ! � � - I i � I
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KING Ho __ I News Items. . I
� I I &�le capital, and it is their intention to and for about six weeks my frfends ex I MONEY. . � I
, .
I use- __ . I . nee an experimental brewery, pected I might (lie any day, havil ' . '
- 7 ur. Sohn I Avonton . I ISEEDS I
0� . � McKellar, of start at o SEE'DS I SEEDS 143 .
I -SEAF0RTm I - - ' Ug en LOAN prepared to lend - . � i . -- -
� a- . � - . Iracceeds Mr. James W&tt as travellQ probably ial Philadelphia. They are tireiy aispairod of my recovery. Al . I
. __� .: I ' f interest, p&yable - � I : 11 . �
� I � - Manchester, this time I road tfie advertisement ani I � - -
� , 11
I I __ Went in Perth for the Ayr agrigultural from Prefton, near of ternL Private - � - i . � .
. .
F,in -the premiB,u ... 11 where they own their own brew- cdrtiftoates'of �tbe Wild Cherry ][Jalsam . ! � � I I I
- I t I � I . . r 726 1 - �
. � . vj�rks. - �-1, , . . � ;
,ft � 1, I I -
u &A fomw - . . houses.. Said one of their 13umber: and was ind' . -11 . .--- .
pied 4- i k-, BanI. of 0014� - I .,-The bride at a Bay City,(Ki6higan) I uced to try it my�iislf-.,31 - . _�,
, and _ : Weiaing woulasubmit to kisses only on "We haye taste,! your lager, and, while have taken R le bottles, and fr i I AUCTIONEERS. FIELD - AND CARDEN SEEDS OF ALL V031 ANDIVARIETIES, I _e
I under A,-, ,00y4Me7.Cj4 I � v Om. thf __ — .. — __ . , --- — i . A . I - � � I
' � t 00&tion that they were paid for at adually I -1. .. 11
_ lirig that it is light and pleasant commenceme0t I have been gr P BRI ' I
. admitt
I ,
� .1 . I I J. 0 ant N�,D, lAdenced Auctioneer for the : I . . �
.Hain, Street. .1 I ,one(l.ollgreacb. They sold readily at to the taste;'it is nbt equally go refresh-. recovering. My cough has now endr6- � y oil Huron. . Sales attended Ill all , ,
. I 1 .
T, . -N UdT OPE-NtED 0 11
� ____� . - . . tbat ing norao wbolesomeas the beer brewed lyceased. Ihave regained my flesh All orders left st the Eit- AT THE, EW SEED"STORE, J U� BY -�-
- - ' I price, and $192 was realized forp, -parts of the bounty. .& &L ta.
� � ;
I - I I � �
1AN BILLS DISCDUNTED,� .. �_.� . Irom h - If the American people call and -strength, and am � fdellin2t:' quit I- V - 091TOIR Ofacel will be promptlyaaendedto4 - . . �, .
. . , -
� I � I `* ",
. � - . . i 'r , I :: �
- - � 17- .
- be perOP9 ea -to fairly test English well. I.attribute. the cure to 6� Wis - ; 4�'.t /� 7,
� I .
� ., - Obfilt'hy",9, Waynesburg and Washington suli� . X,
I tr-md F-0mign - made beer,.tbey would acquire' such I . C.R. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. 0 , C - _W 3: Za T" PC. 3 0 MT , 41, -Ili J,
4 r � 1:. . -
� , i uiroaaof Pennsylvania has alady, a tir's Balsam of Wild Cherry, as I Sales of all descriptfons promptly at- 1-1 .
archased BX4D.haaJW. , - I _iav . � I
arid y � -that they would drink notb- take fended in anv part of the county on reasonable
6GICL . � ; liking for it
I I . �. t fis Belle Braden, for treasurer. She . u no othe� medicine since I com-i ; � I
_� . I-, I V. I . 'I
- -, � &a just been elect. -d to this. office for Ing else. It is both refreshing and menced taking that," Very respectful- I terms. Orders left at the office of the HuRoN P �
�" - b . L
- - � ExposiToR, or addressed toBvissels, will receive IN HIS STORE NEXT D60R TO HIS I44PLE,UENT rE MPORIUM.
7 , .1 I 9 ibe time, She acts also as stimulating, and people who partake of ly yours, Mrs. Mila S. Smith. � I � i
I :
IERSISALE NOTIRS, I - second . Pay- it rarely drink spirituous liquors. The I prompt attention. . � i . �
rchased at Re4sonabir. Rat.. . I hiki )g regula�r journeys over � � L - ; - .
� I - - � cLaster, ma 1 . I I
I I - ; � I
i .
I i
z . _. I he road in the "pay car." beer can be sold for �2 per barrel and 3 Gentlemen � Mrs. ftith gives me thel' -- ill __� ______ ____ -, - , , � — . I i , ( ", -
� P : i � PEAS! P ! d Yeed, Peas,Barley, ., . 1
� I WO I
�_ealan Ce-Hateral se en Queen Victoria entered Lon &Utg:the glass, and it will be found foreg Cate of the efficacy O Corn, etc., a,t No. o, Storehouse. Prices i ; -
I ,�Qrlab. : - :-Wh
. - oing cer a, �
� I
. I .
� i ��J_ I
I - I don as a bride she wore a white bonnet, quite as good as the imported article. your medicine in her case. She is an Moderate. J,O,. BUM& 740 ,;
. I I '7 I i - ite;Russian" and f- 1,
Issued, payable at .-Par �, At home," he added, -and took th,3 - . All the NewVarie'A,ips of Seed Grsin, includi cr the 11 Wh ,
� Vhich ,conformed with tLe' Parisian "the brewers are 'acquaintance i of mine, , �
k OR 602n at ad, . 19 : I i . . 4tn W k Austrian " 0 ite Russian " Spring Wheat. -
�Ies;of the Bau. nierce. . style of the day. To every new daugh- f airly, paid as a rule. The men are re- Balsam on the strength 6f - my certifi- FOR SALE. -A number of horses ranging in I ats,-eLost Nation 11 and 11 W : �
I .
, ,price from $40 and upwards, also one cutter Good Seed Peas and Barley. Best quality of Clov r and Timothy,", aud all kinds
. ter4n�law ,she has 'presented a fac- liable, and remain with the firtu for cate, which she saw in the papers. Her - . . ------- ______
MST Ats - with'pole and s�Mts and 1 demoemt wagon nearly of Garden Seeds. Turnip, Mangold and Carrot S ed, and everytbing belonging
4 . - 1. -
Z I I Simile of this white bonnet, and the, many Years. Their pay is from 25 story is literally true. Yours truly, IVY' n Will be.�old cheap. WADE BRos. 736 -r-n S �A� -.1
� . - I ,� piece of headgear has been worn, by ew. � to the business. Also, a fall stock of FLOUR and FEED, including Oil Cake, - 4
' '
uney to Loan on Uortgam � I- � ! . sbillings to 50 shillings a_week, and the H. Jones. 1 Fifty cents and $1 a bottle. 0 ures. Al , 0 _r_J
. I M� TO RENT -To rent, cheap, a number Ground aud Unground Land Plaster, Bone Dust and Artificial Man
� I i men get their own drinks., which is no Sold by deilem generally,. 710 (FA031 MAUL.)
. � ff,ery one of them upon their entrance Roo kinds of Implements and Sewin- Machines as u ual at the Agt cultural Im-
- .
� I - . . I to the metropolis. .Thegrotesquenpas small item to an Encylishman who likes - of rooms in ScoLt's Block, Setiforth. Rooms . 0 - i
� L _E I 0 . . I
_I .,e . Main Street, Seaforth. I
A _,T MR . "
� � I be lancied, and it is sad -his beer. " almost any size or shape desired can be bad. plement Emporium, - � The New Compound, its wonderful
_F)_ _ _ - ,f ,style way I I Holloway's Ointment and Pills- App'ly to McCaughey & Holmested, or to thp � I -atui
. L _ 41 . - : a
� � - M3 L%, . I . � : I ffinity to t7w Digestive Appai
. .
--- &t afl the:daugb ters in.] aw b ave looked � proprietor. ROBRuT SCOTT. , 742 : I
I tau - Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Though - I
- as widows riding in fan - I�Pps's cocoa. , 0 - '-- -_ . I I .1 and the Liver, increasing the dissolv-
nagdr and propridor.. - I as miserable - oral I the former disease re6orselessly 9A- � I (). C. WILLSON I . . . ,reiievhia almost instantiv
---____ I . ession whou obligedSo don the un- Grateful and Comforting.-, 'By ,% ARM HAND WANTED- Wanted iinmedia- 7 � . a . vng juices, -
___� roe . tacks persons of all Rges, and the latter F tely, a firs�Lclass man to take the manage- i �
� the, dreadfptl, results of Dyspepsia,
� 11 L L - - - - . 9=ing bonnet. � , *1 thorough knowledge of . tb e natural I .wE, � ruthlessly Seleets its victims fiora the nient of 9. farm. 'A single man preferred, The I - - � � � : - .- I I
'. - Y SEAFORTK which govern the operatio' ! -ndigestion. and the TORPID LIV-
� , widow in ns of diges. highestwages ' aid. Apply to L. 1URYER, Sea- , i T .
, �._A young, rich, and pretty weak and delicate, the perseveriDg use P
l- . " I � I 11
I - forth. . 741 1 . Eli, makes Zopeia an every day neces- - -
_I. I London, with plenty of animal spirits tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap. of these refnealies, will infallibly cure 11 _11 I i i ( eity in every house.
� - imainwantofsome innocent amuse- plication of the fine properties Of w"ll both complaints. After the affected ! i
Ist dky ofFe1kruary, 1&92, We -,;. 6 HO! � FOR MA ITOBA* ' '
ent, bit on the original plan of in- selected cocoa, Mr. Epps bm provide . � It acts gen tly and speedi7v in Bil-
Chan", . .� M d parts, have boon diligently fomented EYE,'EAR Ar"M T H "fit 0 A T I I i - . I . I . I
. I .. ... " ! I Zous7zes's sick
wdelf ""ufvctu1:'n9 flour at our 8j16. - vur breakfast tables with I , Costiveness, Headache, v
.� -.1 he I scribing her name in the books of a a delicately with hot brine, and the Bkin'tbor6ughly I - ! i � ! �
� - . �
; ai
I fl4,ored beverage, which may fi,%ve us dried, Holloway's Ointment must be i i i . __
- I GRINDING AND GRADING "I 09,trimonial agency as a wealthy but DR. CEORCE S. RYERSON, � I I I 1 B-cadacke, Distress after E ing.
- SYSTM , � . te for ma-trimc . R 0 - 11 i Wind on the Stomac7i, Heartburn,
� blind caudida my The I many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the rubbed in firmly and evenly for a feW L. . . P ��. P. 8. E., Lecturer on the Eye � I � I
� I �
i all enst(mer,q b - . mumberof,suitorswas legion, and the I judicious use of such articles of diet that minutes twice. a day, arid his. Pills Bar and T"hLro. + Pa ins in, t,he Side and B,ack, TVjutt 0J
� at, Trinit yMedicil College, Toron- i !
� I
- -11TID9 onr faraily, � n- ow amused berself to her printed 'direc. to, and Surgeo� to the Mercer Eye and Ear In . .1 , I 11p .e, TVdnt of Einergy, Low
- can depeLd upon gfitting a r,rst. ft . charming wid' a constitution may be gradually built ta-keen according to the I � Ho ROBBJ S"EA ORTH it 'petit
Ii. as been I claw . �� � . p until strong euough to _?esist every firmary, Consu�tfng Oc ulist and Aurist to th* I . � I I i - I
�i Mart's content. . . 0 i
� , Some came in shabby "I tions wrappedi pound each box of big ivigor-
. � I Institutions fov the Bli nd. Drantfoi d, and for Spirits, Ff out Stomach. Itt i7 '
I tendeDOY to disease. Hundkeds of sub- medicine. Both Ointment .aqdi Pills Is now prepared to furnish parbi 'a with the very best CURED .
,I . clotbes, some stretched tbemRelves at � es going to Manito .
� -TEER,TED, ,_ ' the Deaf and Duiab, Bell eville, 04&. Late Clini.
� � - . ates th, Liv6r, cm rie8 off all suTplus
I � . - . tie - maladies are floating around us are . I cal Apsistant Rb Al Lond on Ophrbalwic 11ohpi- , MEATS of every description, including Pork an, I Beef Hams, Bacon, Spice le . - .
'_ ' ; I'll ----- frat length on the sofa and made them accompanied by instructioiis de- J, tal, moorfle, Y . ' d bile, regulates the, Bowels,- and gives
� "es' SUCI Pr011outioad l ds, hnd Central Throat and Ear'
.' cur t, wn laC -
11 . "I'll selves qujite at home, but spoke in tones ready to attack. wherever there signed for the public at large, and no 11 H Rolls, Lard, &c. Any arnoant still ou hand, but ,,,oiug very fast. Those who
i,QELLEb4T- BY ALL. I I � of the deepest affection. Theebarraiug is a weak point. We mz�y escape invalid,who attentively reads them ' ospital. 1� I have purchased this meat state that it is the best ,vhioh has ever been placed on, tone to the whole 8y8tem.
; :� . '
� . V . I � -t this Dut and take it to your
. - � - many a fatal abaft by keeping curselves can now be at any loss bow to docto' ' 317 C I I �
-w: dow was, however, soon obliged,to HURCk STREET, TORONTO. the Winnipeg market. - Orders promptly filled. 1 7 , Ov
. .11 like our exeiia,age work V1 r I I I 1--? I i Druggist and get a IAO cent Sample, or
. . wa eut the j.ake short, for one of her suitors, I
�iz g'af rally- W well fortified with pure blood and a himsel�succbssfully. 710 i . .,
ur.tW, good,� Treadwag , - I May be consulted at the � - 1. I
[1rff 'iUleat, fc,ruhich good pilces _ after annexing a pair of ca-url lesticksain- properly no' ; . . I — . I I a 7ar�qe bottle, for 75 cents, and tell
� va -1 urisbed frame." -Civil Ber- --- __;_ I
� I : i .
. i . I
- I - troduced a bunch of long fingi-rs into vice tlazette. Made simply with boil- ' . In the Spring I ; ALBION OTEL, STRATFORD I Z � 11jur neighbor about it.
;� W. OGILVIE & Co. , . .. J I I � i
I .- 1. i . 1� ' i -
� .her pocket and abstracted her purse, ng water or milk. Sold only i I I
. 11 9 � I
� T� O� KEMP, BlanaW, . 11 . " Of tbe year almost every one requires a On the Last KATUH)DALY in ]EACH I - Y ,,, :P i
� - acket8 and tins (�, pound and pound,) Illy in RIONTH. I i
� v . � . - The records of the grain shipments p, " - good Blood Purifier, more especia : 708 i I : SEAFORTH HOESE .INFIRMARY.
I � , .- from New York still show a lack of I:Lbelled - ,Tames Epps & Co., , �H omeeo- ! � I - I . . i . . �
� THE IS the Wouth of May. We would eiLrnest- f � I
EAFORTH -alar Grocery Store, in Stark's Bloch, is in � full blast as . '
- . I . C 0 KNER of JanIsand: Goderich8treets, ne.�,t
. - 1. _Lj]L� - .A - 1-3: - EL i P,1 . __ D - I I
I I American registered ships. Darivig the pathic Chemists, London, Bing." -Also ly advise 0 ! Remember th& Pop
I month of April the exports were 1. 320,- ma- . kers of Epps'80hocolate Essencefor ur readers to try Dr. Carson's ,S r -C 1: - I usual. The best place to purchase Fresh Groceries chear. door to the Prcsl�yterian Church, Seaforth,
XCE AIND LA , afternoon use. "1316-52 I � Stomach and Constipation Bitte s. A i I I Ont. AM di,eases of Iforse,;, cattle,slicc-P, or am,
I . .
� . i
� � . . I —.--- . � soon convin e- ; I of the domesticated R'nimals, success ,f Lilly treated
� . 393 bushels of wheat:. 555,858 bushelslof few doses will c You,11hatit BRUSSE�,S LIME WORKS. HUGH ROBB, Soaforth..
� � corn, and 194,075 buffiels of rye Thi the b6st remedy known for affections I at the infirmary cr clsewbere on the shorte4
. . . . . . . . is is � ; .
� ^ - I .1 curying was done by fifty live Brit tish, I Yellow as a Guinea. I i I - . .
_\�T'ZO Srr.UON%x ' 3 1 1 .! . - _. notice. Changes moderate. JAS. W. ELDFIL,
. of tbe Scomaph, Bowels, Liver and Tal W'N & SONS. .
� venBelo-ian,seven French, eleven Ger- The complexion, in a case � 0 41 Veterhiar . con.
'for several Firat-mxs s 0 . I of Un- y Surg P� S,. -,-A large ldoeh �of
� so . i E_�,� W -r.%, �t . IWQ. "d P ;-. = � �
� Kidueys. In largo bottles at 50cerits. ", - z 1.ii� i - . Veterinary3ledichies lzept eonstantly on hand.
. , L� �
puaran o cL �oakl Fla I n checked liver complaint, culminating ubscri ets take this opportunity of re- r -,., .= V3 60 ir- W 0 �
I e �mps,aie_%, six& Is, prep&16 � I .. - man,thrpe Danish, and two Italia J.'S. Roberts, agent.ESeaforth. 750-52 1HE s i ;:�,� -( I cl CS � ZA I _J ___
. � � turn iii(f th nks to the inhabitants of Brussels � Q 0 � = , () �
I 0 4J 0 4,J = I'll I � I
. ' '
aka 6n, the mOsat favorable t.arm,. steamers,one British and onePortuguese in jtLundice, ig-literally 11 as yellow as a ------------- 4� ." - - .N 4� J�,�, 0 � $
U I I and ,,icinity fo, past patronage, And beg, to state 1 Pw'�L=4 N " a 0 '20 per day at home. Sample -4 worth
. .P.4 _ . t .. U :0 - to
guinea." ill 0
i'lor8everal Of the bast Loan &,, I " F4 4 0 N F ., , $1 ��5 free. Address STINSON Z. CO.,
. I � Ing In 666 sewr ,!, - . 11
. ship, two Italian and on8 Portuguese It has this appearance be- To 11revent I I that hav* ELI improv, meDts in their f., - -W A 0) 7J - U Cs � I . .
� , , i,,4 ' � : I I I e I - 148N.�"�21
ItfortheSaleaLd nish brig cause the bile,- which enables the a e I -illi and niodeof burnirg, they ate now in a I " Ic 0-4 fW . �* 0 Pordaiid, Maine. J
� bark, and one Spa -not au 1, re P 0
. Purchase of puft . X"��_ . *�. I ..d _J
J F v rs, Bilious I Orlds and Acme , to - SZ C3 P1 ;,, 11
. . . 1. n better positi than ever before, to supply the :,� k = Cd (5 (�! g Do .. f
-Property. American B'hip among them. The ship- bowels to act, is directed from its pro- 01 . r1'_-1;'1__Z11L_1 , -i Z "
, 4 1
- ,_ __ IFF i ..
a up the systoniland purif the blood ; public with I - , t - -
� . ton 5, 1 1 a . ;, s ! - - 11,
� , y ,� t-1class lime at 13 cc its, casl t 0 = cl Q "I ;, %4 = - 0 1
1 1 to the blood. In- connec- -1 ; 15 c ats deliyered. . , " t�_ . . , � , :Z - $72 A W�F,EK. -,�12 a day at lionic ca,ily inad - ' *
� 7
... ments for the first four months Of the per course in 3 arson's Stomach the kiii , A --===4 I Ili (64 0 0 - 0 �. 4A i Costly outfit free. -Address Titui� All- Cop
mbe: � year have been 6,697.998 bushels of tion with thi,3 symptom. there 113nausea, try,a course of ! Di,. C This being tl e. eighth season of our business i- I . in P � 'd �h " .Z- -Augaata. Maine. 748x,-'2
r of F _C L_ .- +;, 0 - i� I .-
. ,:� ') P-4 0 - WZ, . 0 .
� - � irst lass I and Constipation 1 Bitters. In farge I 0.9 . 0 , 0
I I . �, - an relN rJ 1, 0 .Pq 1!!w I . ;* C., (V,, .,4
. ii 1p far, the public c, . , oi . Q L =
i - . impuriLy of the breabla, pairis .through I 'r� A - ;:, ..'-�' .C4
wheat, 4,223,088 bushels of corn, and cQaihig of the toDgue,sick headaehe,' denling-t; in BrIlMels, and having given uuqLialifi- *11-y- '4 0 _" � �... . . �4 --- ,4 _____ -
wored Pgmynsfor Sale. bottles at 50 cents.4. S. Roberts, agent, ed satisf actio i re- ! �z�411 - Z X , � a week in your own town. Urms ane, ��35
� 1 484,238 busbels of rye, or a total of 11,- . Q 0 , Z ,14 . � $66
. Seaforth. 750-52 , - ceiving good trll�atnient and a fhst-cla�ss article . 11Z7M I .. � ( U outfit free, AddrCRS 11. 11ALLE17 & 00.,
� 405,324 bu shel s of grai n � Dv-ri-Dg the therightBide and shoulder blade, dys- - . from us. Firs��61ass linie at 15 cents. licinember I. -%7-_� -H ;4 � Portland Maine. 70x.5*2
,, to 1,01M Xxt 81jX; peir O'Cat , t I I 0 :� 3
� ! same period in 1881 the exports were, I pepsio, and constipation. These and Me&cines the spot-Bru.q�els Lime Work% ,:Ualz=4 � ;� 0 1.
I � . . m
. later -eat. I : -
'. "
le 21,272,548 bushels of grain. I I Other concomitants of liver complaint 650-24 1: i TOWN & SONS. I I-, -� ; �g , LLIOTTs,
sa,leof Ocean ,QIte&mE[htpTl0k*W.. �,., 9 * — I , 0 11;q WM. E
. -
I I i . - . " , x;
, I _L e- I Taken into the St6mach in concentrat . I I _Zl� I '. - = (n CLERK and Treasurer. Office-�,N-orth-
- � . ast week the railway officials � are oonapletely removed by the use of ed form suoh as Pills and Powders, are I V_�_50_ 1.,; = 6 -
� i, I I : 4-1 � TOWN
`Gver X. b1forrison's Store, � ceived notice to cancel all special trai4B Northrop & Lyman's *Vegetable Dis- i R . P4 . B R L- T To I -4-i gzmzo .o: I A I 0 112Q cwst conier of Marl,et House. office'hwirs-
Pith. � - . most njuri;6us. � The great substitute . I I 'I- it� I' %I.. . .0 0 -9-0 111
Manitoba, but on covery an . i (I-- . iN -1 I 1,1 . %-I . 2:30 till 7 1). in. 747
, for one week, for PY d Dyspeptic Cure, which is � SEAFORTH, Z *-)
.- � - I for these n iuseous little Calomel pills is I � 11 ___ ---,------ - , - __
______ __ __ , . � . �] �,-2;� � � - - _ __ . i. , ", 11, - �:: o -
- Tuesday, a number in t4e vicinity of als'O R.0 eradicant of scrofula, erysipelas, Dr. Carson'B Stomach and Constipation � Wholesale and �ebail Dea;cr in L11., . A I --"- I " t ,�� 1.4 ___
, !ATHIMB and � — 11 =I- 'I 0 - f, 1, , A i -
- � salt rheum, ulcers, cancers, hurnours, I .11 _h,_,
- RED MILL. . Liatowel,who had sent their freight 1 r;;�-:_,C,1V_1 � A _i;l - ;d v;, �__ — L:' �- 5 .:
;a Bitters. They cleanse the bowels, ' SHOD FIX t DINGS of Every PeEicription. ; I -�_-_� - I �_ � - 4Z�r�il
I � .. .. ,�. > rt .
� ahead nearly three weeks before, and female weakness, *aunaice and lumba- ::4�_ : I - 0 , G-� -I L_ 1:1 .J .-
- - J stimulate the Liver and Kidlley�, and i None bnt the Very Beat Stock, kept. Termir I ,.--- I I 11 t�j ;: , )�=,i-; -, - *.: .J I.: -:
- __ i � % - i -A ,5 C', C-:t�;,y ,
�M the Town of Senfort- . � which was detained at St. Paul, took go. It tones the stomach, rouses the - I' moderate. A Tr!ial Solicited. All ordereb - I I Q60 ... 3% __ i , V 0-4 J -.� .'�' i- �,
- h known W � i cnre all stomach disorders, such as Dy- M10) I t� A C) . 'd :4 ( .. , - 112 J ,� b = �_ ,-->
I Mill, will be sold cheap and o I 11 40, 4) n ,-- , 3
n ft" the regular train on the Great Westatu liver, and after relievJng them., cau y I � � , 4 Z 1,1 I
F ses spopsia. and Ipffigestion. In large or otherrime promptly Riled. .,_:Z-Z2j� -4 , Cd W ,� - 1;, rA g Q 1, i 1:�tknl C, CID r .i
ie pro-prietor has �ot the Maiaitoi* - I .�_ ..A I') �' Z STI. 0
� m I svt! : t R. N. 1"aF.T'r � , - 2 .0 ,-I id If . Q - , �7 -) I-. E: (I U) Z :)
Ze i Railwa , and were destined to reach the bowels thereafter to become regular P4 ;�4 � k .;!�_ , 0 01 <
sin connection with the 2M. & � IL� A..�__ C;:� L. � ,�
y . - bottles at 50 cents. J. S. Roberts I 11 1; .J. R_,1;2:114! "
- ) _____. - . ;1 : W - � w I -.-- -
--,..= I . I C;; L��-- �J MEN , W I- co - 0 -
It Tehouse, The n1iH has recendy , the Prairie Province, Government or- High professional sanction has been .acent, Seaforth. 750 52 . I I 0 � 'I . i t - = L, C - Z " -
� � I - Cc; � i3 .", , I P , V,m �; ;Z; L" ,-� 6f
,ghly overhauled and repaired, audit, ders to the contrary. .The following arei accorded to it ; and its claims to public ' . -:- ,��Ijt r_1 - _�) ��
I 11 0 '_ v I �, � . 11 . g,l I I" = n 0 -,-.,' -
rder, and capabler � -0 I 0 ;�, . .
-C 2SS workiurr o . .- " _Ji Q � " . C� � I - < CE9 `- ,.I:,-. 1:, j �; 9 ..: J ( � f --
of idence are justified by ataple evi- . � = 5�.r �
- the names of those who took their de- conif A C.ommon, , Z ,.&A 1� g I .1 ,,fl , W CfD 0=. �,,, . V-- -
e and profitai�ie mting and flouring, I " Ca g , � . -jf C: IL a
. ir . jit!'.-�r&-i , w _. .. - < r -
I parture: James, Samuel and William dduce. Price, 41.00. Sample bottle I 0 ,-� _J . i t .Z; - � en - <r-
Lpilly to the pro,, il--t0r, WM. SMAXIA, . , An( 'often fatal, disease is Jaundice. UJ I > )�_ . 0 � - 4) A Q ,
, -I
. . d � C !:,I < Z Qu U) 0 _;� CC
Q -NU,. Seaforth. - X61.1vany, Molesworth ; Wm. Me. 10 cents. Ask for Northrop & Lyman's 0 '�04 r- Pd 5 - � W. = .. Z 6 0
, 744 . Reaulate the action of the Liver, and � 0 C4 1 Z F 5 ,t$ ;o -j n 1k. "J OF ;Z <
� : , .
I Donaaa and Wm. McIn tosb,Moles worth, C) , 0 C) , �A -- ,.4 -,:; == Ic C -111%* < QaM6 1- 1- �
7777-7- : - Vogetable Discovery and Dyspeptic In . � ! .11 ;.4
_ ___ 11 - .� -10 . - - jrjtK�j�* r- W , in - - -:
. ,
I 11 cleanse the blood with Burdock Blood . � . r- �, f -5.--. . C3 ,� r, , tr, �-4 = , '4 .A CL3 < i- a F_ < �
George Coates, Mrs. Coates, Thomas J. Cure. The wrapper bears a fac-sindle "*- I ,,,,�Z, Z) -6 ;- - d 0 1 i[l, ,.. F,,,4 M W Q, ,,-; <;,� ill
MEDIC 1. Bitters, and the worst case may be -J , ',,�i� CS - 0 � 111 , I I Q � - - - 4
I 0 I (:) *.. A ; P � - M w Is;= C5 = � OLL-" -
I � Sold in Segforth M,__W4 , 4- _ I *"' :,_ R CZ V.d , = ,:�� 00 CD _J 0 Q ,C_ -
I - Gibson,,Mrs. Gibson, Annie, Isabella, of, their signature. 4 _ _ P, I . Q
"I . speedily cured. 739 1 0 - _% I i , i,-� _ __ , 9 ca ,.,. 1� ._WF_ . a.
'S M DMN Lizzie, Agnes, Thomas, Robert Maggie, b� Lumsden & Wilson. 750-52% o , I t 19 'k I . �, -� -Z C3 :1 ,_
� CAN Pf ` S - 0 V 0-, 'A
- % 11 , �� -D -
0 �J - 0
urcoll,,- ; I - �- ; , -
Ot�cj, i '11� ; � 0 ; - " --,,, a
- , _ician ; (3 - r 4) - ,ifto- t3 " - - -
.coucheur. Dr. Ciamp re 'Kary,and Alexandrina Gibson, John Ery'sipel as, 0 * "U< ;:� ;�' 0 k; Pq '!J k r- 'I A F W , " ED Ld
� - I A I , o �. r'_1 ,#., P 0 %a < = Z 11 = 9
. I Unspeakable Tortu�ves I I 0 _J - ,W Z
Kennedy, John Broateb, sr., John Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Eruptions, and I ,_ rZ14
, South, near Gr=4 Trunk Rail . - , �",_, 3 7, _;, Q cc W :5 0: R
. I 1 $ t4 - , - 't) 0 '", 0. ,=1 iL
a 7 4 .e. I Z <
. . )...4 11i
. . , � . � - .. .--- .F.4 0 � P 40 =
culls -,t night or day: mpt t= . tr- - r , �
,pro ly . Broatch, jr., James and Mrs. Broatcb,- A�e_ experienced by the neuralgic, and all diseases of the skin and blood are -I — - - I I " ,-, Wr ;� P 0 Q 6= � CD �t �: (r 8
� �1
- (-4 1 r--; C., W R, W4 -, ,�
7ZA4 I . - . d - ,�,, 4 " 4 -
� 1-9 -ese beset them upon the slightest oc- promptly cured by Burdock Bl6ocl Bit- Q�4 -.-A k . , , . . I ,..,, 0 0 �:
� .. _� I .1 � 1-1 r , - 4.0 a Z
is � Z , Pq I Y_
- Rachel and Mac, ie Broatch, William th I .,. . i;�i 0 � 0 X � ,-� , -1 ,a U.
�TT, 11A. D. &a, PhyAclan,Surgeon =a - . and Alexander Bond, a -ad Wni. Norris. ca,sion, particularly when they catch a ters. It purges � all foul humors from CIO � �_ I 10 ;.4 1� 44 I 11 , ? On A � Z Z = 14
0) dp-- 1� - r4 g <� - 2 2
,- 0 - 4 � ----- -
C4 I 0 tri -, E: Id .
ioueur, Sesforth, ont. offtee and, --red- .1 All were destined for Brandon, with the trifling cold. Until the attack passes the system, imparting strength and �, I � - 0 � � . f ZZ ,0 I-" ..a * ;41
� aide of Goderich S u . CYQ � 1.01 .`4 A . tr .
treat, second ,dow M � - P4 ta. M - W 1.4 or, .
� ouald who goes to off they are racked with pain and ren- vigor at the same time. - 739 1 1 GO - - E-4 ,, a i-4 " V� ".1 1�'i ;, - r,4! STOCK FOR SERVICE. �
exception of Wm. McD Qo
- rQ � t .. .,,��i,�
N2 OD . I 4.
5yterian Charch. . . . . . . I � :0 cle, .4 to j . 6i
__ 0 -_ - "h � Cl Y .
-, � stonewall. , 1 01A �� C-1 - . I �
, I . *4
7 __
. __
^ 5. 1 � ,
lia*E, M. D., C. W.. Firysioisn' stm. . d6red, sleepless and miserable. Their r 11:1�4 1 IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. -The undersigned
. -One of the daualiters of Meer sufferings are, however, alto y I
I n � gether un- Are ou a Ma:rtyr I I .
A-0-,Zoroner for the County of Huron. . It . vill keep on his farin, 2nd. ConcesBion,41. R.
M _*
necessary for that pain soothing speci- To headache? 'Suffer no longer. '! k% I Tnekdrsraith, near Egmondville, a thoryugh-
Residence, on .T&rvim street uo-A-mb, Goolam Baba, Nawab of Surat, is abont A � I S.,
. . tobe married at Surat. Acorrespond- as'Ecleotric Oil subdues the remed is found. in Burdock -Blood cc C�, I I
Offite SeskforthPublio School - - fie, Thom �A. �, KENDALL'S SPAVIN OUR I t"� I bred bull, half Ayrsbire and hall Durham, from
______ — y - " � ;3 I — , � thowel] 'known herd of M. MoTaggart, Zwl.,
- ent of the Bombay Samachar writes inflammution and tranqu'ilizes the tor- Bitters. .It regulates the bowels, � ft Q, - i . I -
- nate of .. � I Clinton. Terms$I-50percow, with flie priv:
iOVER,M.D_C. W.. Grad � V..a. ; .
11 Univer3ity, Physici&n, grirgeon"t , from Surat that the procession which tured perwa in an inconceivably short cleanses the system, allays nervous ir- .-* �4 g'. I I � lege,of returning If necessary. Joll-N 31ODFLAND.
4OW4 � carried the bride's dowry to ,the bride- space of ,time. This inexpensive, econ- ritatrion and restores health and vigor. ;:m Q, . . I I : N 13-Tbere are still a few who have not vct
7 'ReSfOrth,.Ont. ()ffi,cs, curl Regi Q �.4 ! .
Gode'rieh Stre&t. jarst Brick HOUN __ 11 groom's house is worthy J'� -t � , . I I I I pai,i for ]ast years service. -These Nvouldoblige'by
I Of special omic and effective preparation, which, Sample bottle 10 cents. 739 +_ =� 1 it cures Spavini,
J1 4roh. 4H . � I � For i nan it is-nowi doing so at once and saving f urtber troubje. 748
gethodit-t Ch mention. A number of elePb ants, unlike other oils, loBes nothing by evap- d
� - . I
- ,�4�, -:� ';I.- , I . i
� -1 . . I I
� Cb � � -
(','Hl,N-SCrN, Gradnata &f McGill G& . horses, carriages, and palkees led the oration wben-applied outwardly, is also "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the standard I- ;!�, !� i Splints, Curbs, Ring' . I As MAGICIAN."
E procession. After Ithern came a number taken inwardly - as a medicine. Used for quality, warranted not to clog or '4 �� . 9 known to bov one of j
�Ortrenl, Licentiate of the Royal ow. � - I -1 . $:�, �_ I " f! ( .
14cians, Edinburgh, and late ID, . �of female servants, all in snow white - Q \ _; I KENBALE i
, ltm in both ways, it is a superlatively fine gum. Ask your dealer 'for it. Manu- C_ Bones and all simi- . ATIDSON'S/ Celebrafed Trotting StRIliral,
. Craiglocklisrt Hospltal, EdinburSU olothes,eachbearina in her hand a cove k-. g t -d I nQt the D
I . . t) r- remedy for rheumatism, lameness, kid- factured by Clarke & Huggart, Wood- I'Z� _� � the be4t, if "Magician," will stand for the service of
Vale, Ont. M-62 - 1�_ - F PAVIN CUR -
- , C4 -1 mares for the season of 188
- �edtray. About fifty youths followed with ney troubles, _' piles, coughs, colds, stock, Ont. 753:52 � ,-t lz- 4 1 - 2 at the Com mercial �
. - ------- ---- , , . � . 1� 00 �4 * lar blemishes, and __ . st, 11 ITotel,Seaforth. Paitirsfrcmadistarcesending
1 C4� .
� . rose water decanters of silver on silver bruises, burns, scalds, corns and other be niment ever
I . R! Q�l : I � theIrmares wiil be furnisbed vith good pabtarage
... ! I
:B_(TGK3-:E3\_T;. ! nalvers. Then came 500 coolies, some physical ailments. Elderly people who A trial of "Kaiser" Machine Oil will "i lr� Z_t . bunch i � and water at reasonable xr.tes. Pedhaeo fnrn-Uh-
I 4 �
; i with magnificent bedsteads, with cur- 1 -9 4) - C -f. > I" Oiscov�'red. I ed on application. A. DAVID
- ,suffer from sore or weak backs, should convince you that it is the best. oil in ;�. I � � 1. ON. I . 748
IlEON DENTI ' � - M , . � S
IS To � I t9ans, pillows, &c. ; 9therB with swirigs, by all means use ib. Sold by fz311 Inedi. the market. Sold by dealers. Mann- z, 3 Q . i
�, 4 : without blistering. I �-4- -
: __ 8 _� q) 0) I � i
� pboards of various �. fQ. __ ___ - - , .
. , cine dealers. Prepared only -by, Nor. factured by Clarke & Huggart, Wood- . F4 - - - . I I .--..
�� 0 �_ �
LF - V., - - - . I I
- of the Royal College of Dental- �, tables, and, in throp & Lyman, Toronto, Onb. 71052 stock, Ont. 753-52 1 4 (Z 11 , , i
" . -dftignS, sofas, chairs,,. . _. I _ __ - L I I
a -Z, Canada. (h � 00 ,:�, (:i � - :
I Rea in the roonmas short, all the pmraphern4ia-of a modern *_ i _� � (OZ. X I I I . .�
dud by 11. Derbyshire, Whitney'& ' . - ��- C. Q - We feel positive that every man can have p rfect succeFs in ov�ry case if he
� � ehable Fact. �� . -
; t. , I .
.. house. These were follo,�iod by sEveuty- True to Her Trus A R . � - Z�S will only use good coulmo _URE I '-
I . I r__ ,_ _.. n sense in applying jiENLI)ALL'S SP01N C I
--- , . Are women, each -- carryi�g a tray of Too much cannot be said. of the ever- It is ail establisbed fact that Haig- ct M W 11.4- I
pus.-Carefutly performed and siatig- � � �� . and persevere, in bad cases of long* standing. Read below the xperience of N , N 4
111teed. Charges Moderate. I I sweetmeats. One hundred inen with faithful wife �ud mother, constantly yard's Pectoral Balsam is the best cure --c , 6� (M . .or,
. . I c others: -i _,_____ . . I 't �
I ,cooking utensili. brought up the rear. '_ � Q4 � I I A ,; vlt�,-. -
: I I I for coughs, colds, sore throat, asthma 1� trax� I I
watching and car' - :�4 � - : I
'- .
,eeth extracV,<k withollinsil-K : � Some of these Men carried on their ing for her dear ones, croup, bronchitis, and all troubles aris, �__ �. , � FROM COL. L. T.'F STER. I :
. . �
- Xt.la'.Icz�m#�,,-14.. never neglecting a single duty in 'their R C (Z.� �,Q .
, IZI* . You�iGSTOWTX, Ohio, M y 10, 1880.
z heads basket loadErof lanips,wa]l ah ad.6% behalf. When they are assailed by dis. ing from neglected colds. Price 25 . Z;� - Q�� I
I , , , I
I . �� F, t� M
� H DERBYSHIRE, Dentist, US . I chandeliers, &q. In fact, it was a ease, and the system should have a cents. 739 . I .. �Z QZ Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co. -Gents: I had a vefy valuable,Hamb. etonian colt'
purcha-se(Ithe businesa of I,- ! larexhibition of domestio* goods. i 0 1i 11 lz� JP which I prized very highly; he ha(1 a large bone spavin. on one joint, and a ' NOR MAN'S
, ccu regu . C 9 I
31r. N ll-.�ch, and removed to� thorough cleansing, the . stomach and I . .95 1 �rj .
M� A large number of spectators. lined. the bowels regulated blood' puri Teaberry. I Z Q � smaller one on the othor, which made him very lame; I bad him under the I ELECTRIC CUPIATIVEAPPUANCES
. Switzer's Block, Mitchell, whAve, � - fled, ma.- t_J 1`�
be found � streets to witness the procession. I Mary -Who had'that t�- - charge of two veterinaiy surgeons, which failed to cure him. I was one day 1 -
Teeth extracted witb� larial poiso e&rminated, she m -little lamb ?;jI '-' " tZJ ��
st , C.� . ELSTABLISHED -1874.
�0 forru,ether and nitrous oxld& - u , 0 tz�j (Z' �
� , � -The Sebringville correspoudentof kiic),�v ti3at n Had T 4 beth as white as snow ; - . - reading the advertise*at of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Exprem I RELIEVES AND CT'RES Sl)'Dal CO)"Phlbi-,
�� Electric Bitters axe the only X C)
She al-wD4'ys brushed them twice a day � . determ,ined at once to try it, and got our druggists liere to Bend for it; they or- . General and No, vous Debility, Ilbeuinatis,n,
a specialty. Parties from a ! the Stratford Beacon says: It will ber sure remedy. They are the best an � bZ1 90
, !il-la"llowe -1 their train expenses, 7,r- � A 0 '. � tD
It, : 1 fifty years in July since the Kastners, With 1,Teaborry" you know. 751 Q - der three bottles; I took them all, and thougHt I would give it a thorough c,out, Ncrvctisnes,�, Liver, Lting, llliro,�t,
I I I purest medicine in the world, and only *11 00 �� . I I
, -
- - - - - t i cost fiftv cents. � - lz! :;� , ::� -) I tria ; I -used it according to directions, and by the fourth day the colt ceased to and Chest Complaints, .NT11ir"Iellykia. Broncbj,.w�
Knerahers, Paul , Goettlers and others t�i � ...
. Sold by E. Hickson k ' Cb 11� ��Id Q�!q Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, f-pran,
I r
11 ; settlea in this GRt, AT FrskALE REDIE L,Y.-Job Moses I M. . .
�tT=LSr.rTZ,-y_ , - , � district. Of the origilial Co. 7-11.52d T"Ll Q t1ql ��, be I me- and the lumps had entirely disappeared. I used but one bottle, and the Con,.4nniption, SleepIcsFness, Colds, lndigcstlw�i.
'� settlers only Mr. Paulis, now 84 years . — Perio0cal Pills -This invaluable medioineis td '
. I ,Z� ,z,. a: col 's li!bB are as free from lumps and as smooth as any 'horse in ti e State. He Asli for Norman's Electric Belts, and pAi'Wil! t,e
K � unfailing n the cure of all those painful and �4. � 1�. ('b I .
,- �t Go, C,.J safe against hnpo�-Aion, for they vill (if) ih, r
I old, Mr. Peter " Kastner, 73 -years, and A Cleneral Stampeae. .Q is t��tirely cured. The care was so remarkable t at I let two of y ne ghbors �
- . r, 6iseapes to which the female constitu QIQ elicap at any price.
3 Of tion is snb&em It moderates all excess and re ,Z- C* CA C113 bavebbb remaining tw6 bottle;, who sj�e now usi ig it. Very resp fully, L. T.
IV, DENTI-SIP - -- - - well ond are
M45 =k I 1. Mrs. Kaercher' 81 years old,, besides . 0 ,_ worli
I � `t� '
, . Never was such a rush made for any o7t - � 1 -it, Tcrtr.',I).
� � . ! . ).� a., Q Q�j POSTER. I A. N ORMAN, 4 Queen St, La
� � . some that were' mere children at that moves all Obsbriic&ions, and a speedy cure may �Zr 4M 0 1 , Ag,eilt,, Se"Iforth. 153 * 2 -
X01d MEdalist and Col -16P . drugstore as is now at E. Hickson & be relied on. To married ladies it is peculiarly QQ % �� � -4 . ! U. IIICKSOX-&�C()
. f � � ,--Q (b . —
(d _Medalist R.. C� D. S. I time, are now laft. Wetbinktheavent Co.'sfor atrial bottle of Dr.King'R suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the �Ii 04 i - I --- I
� I I shouldbecelebratedin some suitable I ::� M '
I — I p tie ' "� C1_4
Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs mont3hy , exiod with regularity. The pills t7d ,Z:) � <Q�. All&
� - i � �4 -.�� � KENDALL'S SPAVIIN" CUM 1
. way. How would a monster picnic, to not betaken by females during the fast - CID __ .
k�all�- N-cars'experience he is ikbla t& ; _� I �. and Colds. All persons afflicted with '11""' . . %_ 4 -
- , __ i ure to PZl P Cb Z � ;
t . . three months of Pregranev, as they are P ;� ONEONTA Now York, Jan. 6 1, 18K.
- � I � .
Al op I � I �, be held in their honor, do ? The first GF) c� ��o 0 f
I CrAtions in DentLstry suitabler � : Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Se-. bring on Miscarriage, buCat any other time they � I
I Pre!�,ervitv, teeth a Specialty. . - � day of July (Dominion Day) l5eing in � I . i Early last summer *essrs. B. J. Kendall & Co., of Euosburg Falls, Vermont, I . .
- � vere Coughs, or any affection, of the are safe. in Hil casea'of Nervous and Spinal Al- Q_ �s
Ether or _Nit'rous Owiide Gas given,- i the same. month and near ihe anniver fectionB, Pains in tho back and limbs, fatigneon ! made a contract with the publishers of the PresF6 for a half column advertise-
� .
I 0
- .
� i I sexy of their arrival here, would be a Tbroat and Lungs, can get a trial bottle light exerti,on, palpitatiou of the heart, bys- I �4 Z:� t� '. or one year setting forth th6 merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure, At the ..� .
. e� - - ment f ID I .� �
. , . �
�Iarges Moderate. " of this great remedy free, by calling at 8 PD 11� , - . I . . I
�� � ... : ]no tories and whitss, these pills will effect a cure 1-1 " �, sarn -, "'5-t, � CC I
- st suitable time for such a celebra- . _�, a time we secured from the firm a quantity pf boohs, entitled Dr. KeDd&ll'g :.�.'i - . . .
. . . V " ,�- -
- � the above drugstore..' 714.52.4 - " when allotber ineans have failed; and, although 1i i- - �Q t*. I e___,_�o'l �
� I I tion. The parties &11 came from the I a powerful remedy, do not oont&M** iron, calomel, ! 5 .,t ;�,l Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which e are giving to ad rance payin - ,--
ei er'-� Bbich, Main Street, Seaforth. . � ! I . . W . I ii"t, I
� ;,..- -
..... - ,
village of Detweiler, in Elsace, Six- � 1� subscribers to the Pr ' . "
� antiranny or any thing hurbful tothe constitution. I ;�, __ ess as a premium. I - ".-tBleti.
� I -
�_ I The Only' Source Full dir(etion; in the pampblet around each 1� GO C.) .,
I .
- -
4WRIGHTt-L. D. S1.1 �Ien families left the place --on the same 11 1:1 . . About the time the advertisement first appearEd in tbis pE4per Mr. P. G. Scher-
- Of nerve force in the system is the packfige, which should be carefully pre3erved. clt- C� C.. .��_*_�_,%TV!;!F
, I , '74._ .
11 I
� � I � .4 �_ - - _.
,;,- � - �,
- day for America. They sailed from 1� -11 C� merhorn,-who resides car Colliers bad a, spavined horse. 11e read the advertise- " , -1;1__
� . jot) hiop,m, Now York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and C... q - 1
7 ,
i � �
JYTRA TFORD, I � .. Havre on April 2nd and landed at New pl�iosphorus in cur food combined with 12J cconts f,,r postage enclosed to Northrop & CD ;� C� *1 ment and concluded td test the efficacy of th a remedy, although his friend8
� I � (D Q ��- - I - . ft.
, I . ; lime and iron ,%s phosphates. When Lymfin,Toyonto, Ont., general agents for the C-11 laughed at his credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin C re and com W � I
, �
-, W11,L be at 1�,& office, CADETS York on May 2nd. A part of the If Dominion, will insure a bottle containiDg over - lzl�. 11_� ., N . 1��
. families sailed for Baltimore, the pas- I I .N� - - ,f, 2
RLO-K, S-1- I oppo- � � , thero is a deficient supply�of these ele- mencecl using it on the horse in accordanc(-- with the directicns, and he informed I ,_ - I, , R ,
;AFORTT GO pills by return mail. . Sold in Seaforth by T, I N I
r! f4te . , I �_ ��, I I - -,,�,r;-�
the commercial Iffoiel,--on , ' OwAs, owing to feeble ;digestion and W _� us this week that it effbeted such a, complete cur that an expert horseman, who . ilx.
WEDN,.ESD, SI)Aly __ 11 sage to that place at that time being Z, E. Hicktion & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumaden ct, � -
kY and THUR � a failing off of & Wilson.. I I CD �� . -.-..; �� _P11-
- 1 -52 , a . -.�
Ir- of entch Nveck. Nitrate Oxide,031f . much lower than to New York. The "6 imil&tion, there iR 644 i C, . ; examined the animal recently could find Do trace of the spavin or the place wbere . ; � �ku. . __ �
. ,?-J� 2, � -,
I � - � � ' H n I fA_,� i
� �:: P Q . MINNIE
. YJ settled here had intended - 1 it had been located. Mr. Sebermerhoin has since secured a, cop of e da I's I . _ -
it, the extraction of teeth Thisg,a& families tbal vital energy arid a failure of the ilutri -1 cltl. y � I --- - .
i Qt� _�� . _
- nuit(�rea Ky Tyr Cartivright sinw ti6n of the tissues. 'Dr. Wheelers 1'rade .kark leegistered. I Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,which he, prizes very hiably ind would be � .
. I �
' I
�ivct sliv -e--�4, he having be . en ouO of I : to go to Ohio, but when they came to Cbmponnd Elixir of Phosphates and I C"117 I ;:� - V. . : loth to' part with it at any price, provided he could not obtain 9noth'er copy. So I , --- I V
trodlWe it int(> this province. Fa- . Buffalo they found the lake very rou-c1b, i �t cl � I I �
A-th cxtr�ctrd may inliale the gas I and being doubtless tired of the water agents in a . I P, 01.1 0 much for advertising roliable articles. I
t or tvn teeth extracted in, a n1in- . very acceptable form which speedily !t. ;:� . � A Permanent, sure care for Dis'eases, D;s-
I they crossed over into Camad a, and made casual observatinn, we find all land specula- ! � I n .
_,'i ( a, ia ,� � -
'tc'1111' I 11 withoutdi.9=_reeabl& es the balance of supply and waste By - 1Z t�i� i - ordr ' and Ailments of the Kidneys, Blaflder-%i�d
� . " I - their way to the village of Preston, B6111 tor.q have a elt:ar head, and watch the ups and ' - _. I- --- 1 14 1
� Parties desirin- new teatil pleas- I dowl-a of property, thas making large fortunes. I —I I __ K E IND A L US SPAVINN CUR I Uriijary Secretive System, or attendant ct)m-
� ,> I 'Where some of their countrvmen had I
I and restores the machinery of the body
_�day,,_ Ralticular attention paid '_ - - � 6 But the whole realret is, they keep tbe svBtem in a I i. pbleti and testhnonials t�an Ine
0)" (if ellihiren's teeth. Teeth. in- L I to its normal working power. 747-,',) - Rendall's Spavin Curle is sure in its effects, n� ild in A8 actions s it does not p)ai.')i-, Pam
L . * - ,
I yet it is p � -i, �
I � already settled. _*__ a healthy conditinn bythe use of TRE PRIDE 12,000 OEDAR POSTS blister, -nd powerful to reac i any deep seated obtainedfrom dru�_fs free. Pncie��Cbih'-;
F. toa full "et. 730-5a - -CastleGarden, the laudii)g place � � OF THE VALLE, Y ME DICINE. ,�Vc can safely i . .1
i . enetrating a ain or to re- -xviettim, ) Rt_t,..Lar Pad,
- - _____ ____ i t move any bony gvowth or b,nv otLier enlargement if um,fa for several ays, Snell as -
1, - - --:- - � __ __� . � - for emigrants at New York, --ist now is � A Case of Cons-m�aptioia. . I say that bun(Iret's eurAq to us for the great lung FOR SALE9 . Pad, :�l 50, (cures bed 1. - -
. . . - ' so'd
J � and blood pnr;flor beforegoiug West. Read the 11ous, sprains, swelliDge, any lamenessanil all onlargo. ;�'2. 8pecial Pad for 4chronic diseases, '--3.
�_ 'King's S ecific. -1 '1111doulatedly the most intereqting Bpot ' Chesterfield, N. H. ' March 2 ng staterlient. We ciluld gi�a tho-asands .
- P I � r 6. followi, I I spavins, splints, curbs, ca
I I Suitable for Board, Wire, or Straight I
on Sons: Gen- of the same hind it it were necessary. - I certify ' .; �
. Manhattan Island. On the 4th I Messrs. Seth W. Fowle &' . I ments of the Joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and. for an.%, purpo�,c, for,, bN J� M. IC*berto,.Se-,tf,)rtb;'xVni..Nl�Rt,beit-�cti�,
FGR DYSPEPSU; NO -1 FOR ANY - ,� . I th;it I was troubl-d with catarrh in the he.ad, Rail Fences. One mile and a I which a liniment is uged for man d -r bewit. It is 11ow hnovvn to be the best lini- 11 Wrrxcter ; R. 'N. Thurtell, Tcesxrat4�r ; W. '!%
I I 'last. no fewer than six steamers have n -11I feel in duty called upon P�� . I I I 'Bray, Win,01ani;Jijbn 1.3. Tennant, Al. D., Lv,:�-
- OTHER DISE;ALSE. - , - b r My testimony in gathering of eginin the throat, choking and quarter -west of Winthrop. ! meut for man overused, acting mild aud yet certain in its effects. [tiSUSedfull1l'
. M - tte ,,ughiag at night, for years, so I could not sleep;
. .- I come in with their living freig t, about v. lunta ily to give - . strength with perfect safety at all seaBous of the year. � now; Watts & Co , Clinton; Lawr'asoa& 31anilit, in,
. amber ha,ve aiready tried it I � �'; Six thousand in all. In the crowd were f�vor- of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of'Wild often troubled with dull, lifeless beLlings, pains in e pr � Blyth ; G, 11. Iltwson, Bayfleld ; S.'I� llod,ve,
- I
- . 36 party of stalwart qierry. I was takeD sick last October indreds of Send address for Illustrated Circular which wa tbink gives positi" -00f Of its I
use has it been, known t* r - - - - - - En-lish brewers, I the cheat and b4ok. Alter giving hr . i
I ; - dol'ars to doctorsi and giving up all hopes, I tried ivirtues. No remedy has ever met with Such unqaalffled success to oitr knowledge, 1� Mitchell; JoQheph Kidd ,& Son, Dublin - Tj,e
�-. i 7
. ose afilicted with thia diff- I f1ftY in number, who say they have wifb a lung complaint, accompanied th IPRMF OF THE VALLEY, and am now able to I AI�SO RAIL TIMBER L - - ,
- 4L - . . for beast as well as man. r Central Drug Store, Exeter; II. 91t. Jackson,
1-�, '
' Come over here to see if they cannot in- ry serious o my work aft 1 1
ase would do. well to.give it , __L ,�ith a ve . cough ; and ufter d 8 ' � or seven year's sickness." Mrs. I -
11 sale. by HUGH ROBB# � � � % troduce Anglo-American ale to take the having been treated a number of weeks James V. cNeil, 202 Simcoe Street, London, Ont. By the Acre or by the Thousand. Price$1 per bottle, or six bottles for �0. All Drnagints. have it 01 ,Cau get it for �; Hemsall; Mxs. John Mtlnt * osli, Brucefleld: Robt.
�.; I M Up The above statE � you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the prop ietors. I Mellig, Kippen; S. Fralei
I I Place Of the popular German -American by the best physicians,I-they gave 8 'nent of my ,Wife'e is correct. gh, St, Marys, and J.
, . ` -
. � � ., James MoNeil. ,For sale by all draZgists in 11�
�- - . I lager. They bring with them consider- I asanAzicurable case � dconsumptioll, Sesforth. 745652, W. C. GOUINLOCK. 718 52 DR. B. J. RENNI)ALL &.(,'O., Enofiburg F&Ib; Vermont. t A. Gailieb-, Bmssels. 37
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