HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-05-19, Page 6••••
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The Beginning of the End.
A correspondent writing from Win-
nipeg under date of May 501, says: I
have now been here about three weeks,
but have done nothing simply 'because
there is no real estate operations going
a on. As you have doubtless learned real
estate has been
- and a multiplicity of oth r things have
made it very quiet, such as the poor
railway accommndations. On account
of the great floods merchauts have been
unable to get any goods save very small
quantities by express, and everything is
very high -in feat there is a dearth of
supplies. There has. been the greatest
about this country that was ever cir-
culated before in twice the same time
about any place else. Cirpenters are
only getting $2 75 per dayand have to
pay $6 and 87 per week for their board.
Let me, however, say something about
At the present time land can scarcely
be given away unless it is well-known
city lots. Town or village property, is
looked upon with suspicion. There has
been so much sold that nothing can be
done with it. A goodly number of real
estate offices have been rented for bar-
ber shops, etc. Nearly all who have
retade money in real estate are at pre-
sent dropping into something else
or spending something that will
be hard for them to make again. The
present prospects are poor for another
boom. la fact I am sure there won't
be any healthy ones. When I struck
the city the second day there was a
Ross had these lots and a goodly num-
ber were for sale. The thing was puff-
ed, up and the new arrivals and some of
the olcl residents bit and are now sick.
smelter, FROM TORONTO,
lawyers, clerks, merchants, etc., were
saddled to the extent ot every cent they
had with them, and as in most cases
margins were only put up they have
lost It all. TOR days ago Main street
was as busy and as many people on it
as there is usually on King street, Tor-
onto. The people as they are coming
in are either going west or going back
to the south and east. It is almost irci-
Ostia. I don't exactly kaow what to do.
No lase going west as things are just as
bad as here. The only thing that I can
get at present is a -position on &survey,
$30 per month and board and the work
especially up here is dreadful. What
with flies, ponds to be waded through,
rein, etc., it is a question whether a per.
4n not used to work, could stand it. I
Aw see it would have been better to
have remained at home. M.
F ortunes In Trifles.
Of the patent articles which have
made their owners independent, some
of the most valuable are those which
any school boy might presumably have
invented, -only no school boy did so,and
the man who did is now reaping the re-
ward of his foresight. During the
summer months a favorite toy is that
known as the "return ball." It consists
simply of an ordinary rubber ball, to
whit:It ia attached a long piece of elastic.
The end of the elastic is held in the
hand or tied around the finger, and
when the ball is thrown, it goes far
enough to stretch the elastic to its ut-
most tention and then interns to the
hand as the effect of the recoil. The
little device is patented, and sells for
the small sum of 10 cents on the street,
and at a slight advance in the fashion-
able toy stores. It is found in the
hands of thousands of boys and girls
throughout the country, and -yields to
the holder of the patent an income
equal to that on a . capital of $500,000.
The rubber tip on the end of lead pent
oils is also secured by patent, and for
every tip used the rciartufanturers pay a
royalty to the inventor, which gives
him an independent income. The con-
sumption of these pencils is very great,
and the simple idea of tipping them
withrubber has placed the man who
originated it beyond the reach of need
in the future, so long as he clings to his
patent. Another very simple but very
valuable invention is the crammed paper
wrappers which obviate °the necessity
of using mucilage or paste to secure
papers for the naails. The patent is on
the application of the gam to the
wrappers and a royalty is paid to the
; inventor on every wrapper thus pre-
pared. As the number of wrappers
need daily in the forwarding of Mails
amounts to hundreds of thousands, the
income derived by the inventor from
his royalty will be seen to be a magnifi-
cent one. The gimlet•pointed screw
was patented in 1846. It is familiar to
everybody, and millions have been re-
alized from its 'manufacture, yet so
simple is the principle that the wonder
is that it was not thought out and ap•
plied almost as far back as the age of
One of the most valuable of the small
and simple inventions is that of the
patent shoe -tip. Every parent who has
to provide shoes for his children knows
to his cost that one great peculiarity of
the youth of the present age is a tend-
ency to wear off the toes of shoes. In
the case of the average boy, , and of the
average girl, too, the toe is the -first
part of the shoe to disappear. To pro-
vide against this, and equalize, as it
were. the wear and tear of either on the
feet in juveniles, an ingenious father,
who had suffered much in pocket at the
hands of boot and shoe dealers, in
-vented the shoe -tip and -;patented- the
t artiole. It consists simply of a small
cap of copper or other metal attached to
the boot or shoe. It is now in use in
a Overt, town and city of the land which
ia inhabited by the small boy, and the
value of the patent to the holder is fully
, 82,000,000.
I Probably the most valuable patent in,
the toy line ever taken out in this or
any other country is that whieh secures'i
the Plymptou roller skates to its holder.
The choleric old gentleman who itetsi
knocked about by a score of nrchias on
rbiters when walking up Fifth avenue
on a summer day, has but a faint idea
of the number of these articles in use
'throughout the world. The streets are
, fall of them, but thetse represent but a
amen quota of the vast number manu-
factured and sold. The idea upon
which the patent is issued is simply the
attachment of rollers upon skate plates,
aid on this patents have been secured
in England and in many of the South
4mer-tedziaa countries._ Skating on rollers
bears but a fahat resemblance to skating
ou ice,but it is exhilarating sporanever-
ne ess, and sprang at once into popu- Hullett.
larity with the young ''of both sexes. Caesar., MEETING. -A meeting of the
Joi Brazil and tropical countries where municipal council of the Township of
Hallett was held at Lan desboro on the
ice is unknown, and skatiat utiapossible
exeept upon artificially frozen ponds,
therollera were greeted as a veritable
godsend, and rinks with smooth earthen
floors sprang up like magic. The value
of the patent on the roller skates to its
holder is estimated at over $1,000,000,
and heexpended over $125,000 in legal
expenses alone to prevent the patent
from infringement in Ragland. The
dancing "Nigro, which can be seen in
any toy shop, and which is simply a
figure of• a Dinah or Jumbo balanced by
a wtre, which is moved rapidly up and
down by a system of clock work in the
box upon which it dances, provides an
income for its inventor of $30,000 a
year. The common needle threader, to
be found on sale at nearly every street
corner-, is worth $10,000 a yestr to the
mei who thought out the problem.
w ich might easily have been solved by
a boy of 10 years, only it was not. -.N.
Y Tints.;
School Reports.
t -The following is the result of a
written examination, held in School
Section No. 3, Tuckersmith, for the
rnenth of April. The papers were
taken from the school examiner. The
senior classes wrote on papers suitable
for "Entrance," and the third class on
promotion papers. Fifth Class, -
marks obtainable 600,-lst Sarah Sin-
clair 418, 2nd Wm. A. Cameron 371, 3rd
John Broadfoot 354, 4th Mary Ann
Munroe 346.. Fourth Class, -Annie
Campbell 360, Benjamin Smillie 270.
Senior Third, -marks obtainable 5704
-1st Ina B. Scott 435, 2nd Wm. Mc-
Leod 422, 3rd Danoan Cameron 406,4th
Jemiraa Munro 378. Junior Third, -
Marks obtEtinable 4b0, -George Mo-
Cartney 251, 2nd Andliew Scott 248, 3rd
Kezia Rouat 210, Oh Alfred Mor-
ton 200. Second claA-naarks obtain-
able 430, -Wm. Cooar 261,.Arthur E.
Mason 225, Emma Nevins 212, JarneS
MeTavish 200. First Classi-1st Maude
Mary Plumstead, 2nd Ricrard Smillie,
3rd dzias Sparks, 4th jtaggie Mc•
-The following report, 'lased on pro-
ficiency, punctuality and geed conduct,
shows the standing of the pnPils in No.
2, Hay, junior departmet/t : Senior
Second, -1st Albert Eacehtt 139, 2nd
John Whiteford 136, 3rd O'-eo. Golding
127, 4th Wm. Chapman 124, 5th Min-
nie Daw 122. Part Second,-lst Annie
Tayler 180, 2ad John Chapman 179, 3rd
John Campbell 167, 4th James Load.
man159, 5th Andrew Oke 152. Junior
Second,-4st Aggie Murray 220, 2nd
Jessie NOrthcott 217, 3rd Thomas
'Laing 200, 4th Nicol Shirray and
Francis Ching 199, 5th Alice Patterson
.-The following is the report of the
standing Of pupils in School Section -No.
4, Hullett, for the month of April, 1882,
based on proficiency and good conduct:
Fourth Class, 1st Ernest Farnham, 2nd
Jane Fairservioe, 3rd Jas. Grasby, 4th
Jane Harniltonst Senior Third Class,-
lat Gertrtide Farnham, 2nd James Mc-
Kerrall, 3rd Effie Tterman, 4th Matilda
Heaselwood. Junior Third Class,-alst
John Medd, ,2nd Thomas Grasby, 3r1
Mary WaVmouth, 4th Jas. Hesselwood.
Senior Se6nd Class,-lst Annie Ham-
ilton,•2nd Alice Carter, 3rd John Mann,
4th Wm. Fairservice. Junior Second
C1ass,-1fit Flora Fisher, 2nd John
Hunter, 3rd Nellie Medd, Junior Fist
Class,--ist Texas Livermore, 2nd Fred.
Livermore, 3rd Eliza Hesk. Junior
First Claes, lat Aggie Hamilton, 2nd
Joseph Mann.
-The following report, based on
proficiency, regular attendance and
good conduct, lahowa the correct stand-
ing of the pupils in:Union School Sec-
tion No. 1, Tarnberry and Howick, for
the month of April: Fourth Class, -
Hannah Palmer 215, Gharles Pope 207,
Harry Palmer 171, Mary Farrell 152,
Elizabeth Thomson 87, Sarah Stewart
81. Senior Third,-Aggie Miller 215,
Elizabeth Moffat 190, Alex. Hislop 170,
Christena Wright 97, Alex. Moffat 84,
Isabella McEwen 42. Junior Third, -
Sebastian Hapfer 192, Annie Hislop
150, Jas. Robertson 127, Robert G. Mof-
fitt 113, Margaret Sandersoia 97, James
Knox 82, Robert Stewart 53, George
Hockridge 28. Third No. 1, -Maggie
Knox 211,E. Hislop 159, John Dong.as
138, A. Knox. 117, H. Haines 109, C.
Haines 94, J. Davidson B. Seoond
Class, -James McEwen 113, S. Pope
98, Robert Rae 60, Isabella Wright 55,
J. Gillespie 48. First Cle.ss,-Wm.
Miller 62, wm. Wright 50, John Mo-
Glinn 37, Mary MoGlima 22. A num-
ber of pupils, from sioknesa and other
unavoidable causes, were absent during
the whole mouth; their na.m.es do not
appear in the report.
-The following report, based on pro-
ficiency, punctuality and good 'conduct,
shows the correct standing of the
peaPils in the Roxboro School, McKillop,
6th of May, 1882. All the members
present except J. Lasham. Minutes of
former meeting were read and confirm-
ed. Moved by J. Britton, peconded by
3. #owson, that by-law No. 3,1882, to
repeal by-law No. 5.1879, and to form
the township into one pound division,
now read, be passed -Carried. Moved
by J. Mason,- seconded by J. Britton;
that Mrs. Mowbray be paid $1.50 per
week for keeping Wm. McKenzie from
the time she took him, and that in the
absence of J. Lasham, that J. Howson
be appointed to look after the said.
McKenzie --Carried. Moved by J.
Mason, seconded by 3. Howson, that 3.
McMillan and J. Britton be authorized
to make arrangements for the support
of a child -Carried. Moved by J.
Britton, seconded by J. Mason, that
the Collector be refunded $3.75 taxes
overpaid to the Treasurer for 1881 -
Carried. A communication was read
from the Clerk of the town of Clinton,
asking this council fo repair concession
road from side roads 25 and 26 to the
Clinton cemetery. Moved by J. Brit-
ton, seconded by Jo Howson, that J.
Mason be appointed to examine said
road and report at next meeting of this
council -Carried. Moved by J.Howson,
seconded by J. Mason,that $30 be spent
on gravel hill, concession roads 8 and 9,
lot 18, and a culvert put in opposite lot
19; $20 in repairing concession roads
10 and 11, lots 1 and 2, and $36 on
Base Line, opposite concession 14; sixty
cords of gravel put on side roads 25 and
26, between Clinton and Londesboro,
and twenty cords on side roads 5 and. 6,
concession 5. The gravel on side
roads 25 and 26 to be let by J. Lasham
and J. Mason, that on side roads 5 and
six by J. Britton and J. McMillan, and
that the Treasurer pay for said work on
ht e orders of the respective councillors
when the work is completed -Carried.
-Moved by J. Britton., seconded by J.
flowson, that $400 be granted for re-
pairing roads and bridges through the
township during the present ear, viz:
a80 in road division No. 1, under the
direction of J. Britton; 880 in division
No. 2, under the direction of J. Mee
Millen ; $80 in division No. 3, under
the direction of 3. Mason; 880 in di-
vision No. 4, under the direction of
J. Lasham, and $80 in division No. 5,
under the direction of J. Howson, and
that the Treasurer pay the same on the
orders of the respective councillors -
Carried. Moved by J. Mason, seconded
by J. Howson, that the following per-
sons be paid 30 cents a !rod for wire
fencing wheu completed viz: John
Perket, on side roads 25 and 26, conces-
sion 2; Joseph Perket, on Side roads
25 and 26, conoession,2 ; Thomas Little,
on side roads 25 and 26, concession 14,
and George Clark, on side roads 5 and
6, concession 5 -Carried. Moved by
J. Britton, seconded by J. HOW801a,
that a by-law be prepared and passed,
- dividing the township into statute labor
road divisions, and also one for appoint-
ing pathmasters, fenceviewers and
poundkeepers for the present year -
Carried. The by-laws were then read
and passed. Moved by J. Howson,,
seconded by J. Britton, that the "Can-
ada thistle act" be printed on the back
of the pathmaster's lists, and an order
instructing and authorizing the path.
masters to enforce said act in their re•
spective road divisions -Carried. The
council then adjourned to meet again at
Londesboro, on the 26th of May, 1882,
the same day as the Court. of Revision.
F;17.5 Es.
for the month of April: Fifth Class,- P
lst, Hughill, 2nd Eliza Hays, 3rd can°
Ann Dodds, 4th Sophia Campbell. Peo
Fourth Class,-lst Maggie C. .Hays, tct "phi'
2nd Addie Dorrance, 3rd J. Scott, 4th et
Annie Dodds. Senior Third Class,h-
lat R. N. Hays, 2nd G. Dickson, 3rd te ea
W. Grieve, 4th Sarah Dorra.nce. Junior • cl)
Third -Class,-lot J. L. Brown, 2nd
Adeline Sperling, 3rd J. C*,: Dorra,nce, CD
4th W. W. leitcheson. Senior Second
Class,-lat Mary J. McClure, 2nd J. G. 'et5 itta
Neilanso3rd Bella. McClure and U.
Sperling, 4th Mary McMichael. Junior 1-3
Second Class,-lst Ellie ,Roberton, 2ndtot-0-
J. Brown, 3rd Aggie S. Grieve, 4th
G. Dickson. Senior Find Class, -let
G. R. McClure, 2nd R. Aitcheson, 3rd
rn pas
• CD
5 -r
CD ea
B. Dorrance, 4th Rachel Neilans. A
written examination took place in the
school at the end of the mouth, result-
ing as follows : Fifth Class, -Marks
obtainable 616, -Eliza Hays 397, J.
Hughill 384,. S. Dodds 377, Sophia
Campbell 319, Ann Dodds 302, Fourth
Class, -Marks obtainable 616, -Maggie
C. Hays 334, J. Scott 314, Addie Dor-
ranee 506. Senior Third Class, -Marks
obtainable 700, -Bella Dickson 438, R.
N. Hays 401, Willena McClure 395, J.
Raakin 391, W. Grieve 364, Sarah Dor-
ranee 359, A. Sowers 358, J. G. Walker
332, S. Dodds 257. Junior Third Class,
trle- .
Marks obtainable d50, -John C. Dor-
ranee 246, 3. L. Brown 208, Tilly
Story 202, R. Roberton 199, Adeline
Sperling 1'd5, Lizzie Neilans 191, A. S. rat'
Brown 173, W. W. Aitcheson 154. cp
Senior Seoond Class, -Marks obtain-
able 300, -Mary J. McClure 241, R.
Dorrance 225, Marion Black 216, A. te •
Sperling 213, W. McClure 210, Bella
McClure 187,.Mary McMichael 179, J.
G. Neilaus 172, C. Dodds 158, R. Mc-
31Lichael 80.
a'ABIlOW. & PROUDFOOT, Barrieteri, Solid-
‘-' • tors, &ea Goderich, Ontano.-J. T. Garrow.
-Wm.Prudfoot. 686
flAbiERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers,
•-•:i Solatitors in Chancery, &c.. Goderich. Ont.
M. C. Ciraeron, Q. C., Philtp Holt, M. G. Cam -
iron. 508
.0. MEYER, Barrister and Attorney at
aw, Solicitor in Chancery. Commissioner
for taki g affidavits in the Provinee of Manitoba.
$olioitol or the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham.
Private Ifund s to loan at 0 to(ii per cent. 638
MEYER &DICKINSON, Barristers, &c., Kent's
a -aa- Block, Wing,ham !Solicitors for the Bank
of Hami ton. Commissiohers fcir taking elide -
\its in anitoba. Private funds to loan at 6 per
cent. Iucknow office every Wednesday. II. W.
0. Mar*. E. L. DICKINSON. 738
LAW' Jhancry and Conveyanaing. -Money co
Loan at lowest rates of InterestIand charges
low. Farms for Sale. Money invested for private
individuals upon firet-class mortgage security
without charge ts them. Office, Seaforth, Ont.
Will be et Hensel, next door to Reynold'e Hotel,
every Wednesday. 739
Scott'Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
,OLICIITORS ler the Consolidated Bank of
'1/4-1 Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce
in Seaforth.
Farm and Town and Village Property bought
and sold.
Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se.
entities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges
Money invested for private persons upon the
best mortgage securities, without any expense to
the lender.
--e- enseaa`e.-
MAY 19, 1882.
Teas, Sugars -all qualities -Coffee -Greed, Roasted and Ground -Rice, Rais-
ins, Currants, Spices -Whole and Gi ound-Canned Goods of all Kinds, the
Best Brands of cigars, American and Canadian Coal Oil, dm
Our Crockery Department is filled wi h the Largest and Cheapest St
G-oods in. Seaforth, or any other Town 'West of Toronto,
., .
. -
Our Flour and Feed Department is always stocked ith the best GO
the market.
1 I
Our Liquors, are widely known, and we guarantee the u to speak for them-
selves. The Celobrated MARSALA Sacramental Wine a ways on hand.
We nanee trouble all those indebted to us to call t once and settle up.
ck of
ds in
Before Taking After Taking,
-2- VOUS Debility and ell la'ervous Affections, in-
cluding .Spertnatorrhea, Seminal weakme s, ect.,
resulte 61 Self-abuse, indiscretien, dee.,
only remedy Which ha N evt r been known to per-
manently cure Palpitation and other affections
of the Heart, Cocsumpticea in its ettrlier stages,
Entitling of blood to the head, wind in the
stomach, indigeetion, Lo as of Memory, Want of
energy, Bashfulness, Desike for solitude, indis-
position to labor on accomat of weaknese, Uni-
versal Lassitude, Pain in the back, dimness of
vieion, Premature old age, eat. Full particulars
in our pamphlet, which we Nend secarely sealed
, on receipt of a three cent etamp. The Specific
Is now sold by all Druggiste at .$1 per package,
or 6 for $5, or will be sent free by mail on
receipt of Money, by addreeeing d89
Mack's Magnetic Medicine
Is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Nu.
veusnesa in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of
Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats,
Spemiatorrhocea,Seminal Weakness, and General
Loss Of Power. It repairs nervous, waste, Rejoe
venerates the jaded intellect, Strengthens the en-
feebled brain, and restores surprising tone and
vigor to the exhausted eenerative organs. The
experience of thousands prOves it an invaluable
remedSe The medichie is pleasant to the taste,
end iu no case and under no circumstances can it
do harm. Each box contains sufficient for two
week's medication, thus being much eheaper than
any other medicine sold -and whilb it is the
eheapestit is much better. Full particulars in
our pamphlets, which we desire to mail free to
any addiess. Mack's Magnetic Mediliine is sold
by Druggiets at 50 cents per box, or 12 boxes for
$5, or Wp1 be mailed free of postage onreeeipt of
money by addressing MACK'S MAGNETIC
MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth
by J. S. ROBERTS, and all. druggist e elsewhere.
NOTICE. -A Court for- the Revision of the As-
seesment Roll of the Township of Tucker -
smith, vaill be held at Knox's Hotel. Harpurhey,
on Saturday, the 27th dtty of May,. 1882, corn-
meneing at 10 o'clock a m. All notibes of appeal
must be; lodeed with -the 01 rk not later than the
14th 'fleet of May. Wm. McCiaNNeta, Clerk. 763
1\T OTI E TO CREDITORS. - Ptuisuant to a
+1 Judgment of the High Court ,of Juetice,
ChenceayDivieion, mode in the matter of the
estate of Simon Powell, deceased, and in a cause
Thompnen vs. 'Coleman, the criditois of
Simon :Powell, late of the Town of Sea -
forth in the County ,of Huron, hotel keeper, who
died in or about the; month of August, 1818, are
on or before the 3rd day of June, 184, to sehd by
post prepaid to Mesers. Grifrow Proridfoot, of
the townatif Goderich, t o County of Huron,
the solid:tees of Defendant, the executors of
the deceased, their claristitth and surnames, ad-
dresses ind deseriktion, tile full particulars of
their claims, a statement Of their amulets, and
the natdre of theif security, (if any), held by
them ; or in default therecif they will be perempt-
orily exoluded from the benefit of the said Judg-
ment. Every creditor holding any security is to
prodeice the same bet ore me at my Chambers in
tbe Town of Goderich in the County of Huron,
on the 1 th day of Jane, 1882, at 11 o'clock in the
forenoo , being the time appointed for adjudica-
tion on lho cialine. Dated thie 4th day of May,
1882. 8. MALCOMSON, Master at Godetich.
McCAU HEY & HOLM,TED, Seaforth,
Plainti Solleitois. 753-3
/VI OR GAGE SALE - Mortgage sale of a
• -"-1- v luable Farni in the Township of Grey in
the Con ity of Huron.- Uuder and by virtue of a
power o sale contained in two mortgages, which
will be •reduced at tbe time of Sive, made by
James ohneton, taere will be sold by Public
Auction by C. R. Cooper, Auctioneer, at the
Tecums h Hotel in the village of Brussels, on
la iday, he 25th day of May, 1882, at 2 o'clock in
the afte noon, the following property. viz.: tot
tdNo. 6, i the llth concession of the Township of
Grey, e ntaining by ad -measurement 100 acres of
I land, be the same more or less; save .and except
p> one -hal acre on the sorttowest corner of s•ad
, lot. T- is property is situated abont two miles
' from th village of Bruesele, a station on the
We lin on, Grey & /Since Railway, furnishing
an eactl ent mai ket for the sale of farm produce.
biThe soil is a clay loam. About 80 acres are clear-
ed and i a good etitteof cultivation, the balance
is well. wooded with g. od hardwood timber.
There a e erected on the premises a log house
and a 1 rge frame barn with stone stables ander-
tineath, bath of which are in good repair. The
propert3 is watered by a creek which flows through
1. the rre ises. The fences'which are partly
board, re in a fair state of repair. Them is
Ialso on be premisea a taiga orchard. The farm
is conve iently Ejtaated as to churches, schools,
and is all ret•pects a very desirable property.
Title pe feet. TERMS OF SIE -Ten per cent.
Hpaid wit Ain one nionth ; and upon such payment
down at the time of f ale, and the balance to be
w, the par haser shall be entitled to a coravea ance
. and to e let into possession. The purcha-er at
I the tim of sale to sign an agreement for the
be put p subject to a reserved bid. The other
, bomplet on of the purchase: The property will
1 eonditio s will be made known on day of sale, or
t on appli ation to the Vendor's 'eolicitors. For
! further articulate apply to E. E. Wade, Esq.
f laartiste . Brnssels, to the Auctioneer, Brussels,
1 or to 0 •RROW & PROUDFOOT 'Vendor's
I eitors. Goderich, Apri114, 1E82. 750-5
THIS new Company, formed for the purpose of
inveeting French Capital in Canada, is now
prepaied to advance money on the most favorable
terms on good landed seeurities. M P. HAYES,
Agent 10/ &linty of Huron, Seaforth. 699
DS. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyos
• an40ivi1 Engineer. Orders ay mailproinpt 1
i ly attenbd to.
D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitehell
See thegreat DUNHAM PIANO before buying. The e naagnifieent Pianos
have been used /or 60 years in nearly all countries, and ar still, ranked among
the best Plantes in the world.ORGANS.-The " Exec sior Organ" is now
acknowledged by the best musicians t� be the leading Orga in Canada. Pianos
and Organs of other makers supPlied. Send for Catalogues
!SCOTT IIROTHERS:Seafo .01, Ontario,.
c o . s
; I -
Whitney's Block, Seaforth.
-Special Value in Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Prints, G-
Ducks,IDeniols, Oreii and White Cottons, T
and Prillings, g'weeds, Hats, 81
Unlbrellas, Szc.
righonis, Shir
"es, Collars ,
The Millinety Department will be open on and after
of April, with ah choice stock Of new goods for the seaso
cordially invited to inspect.
Groceries fresh, good arid cheap. Butter and eggs taken in exchange.
ATURDAX, the let
. The Ladies are
J. .211-c LOUGHLI Seatorth
TAILORESS WANTED. ---Wanted a first-class
-a- pant and veet maker, immediately. Apply
to GEO. TAYLOR, COIIStaHCO P. 0. ! 751
FOTEL FOR SALE. --In the village of Am-
-a berly, a first &ass country hotel, and la
acres of land ; good orchard and lonilttirags,slieds.
ice house, &e. Apply for particularto JAMES
STEELE, Proprietor, Amberly P. 0 , Ont. 751-4
BILL FOR'SA.LE -The undersigned. has for
sale on his premiaes, Lot 22, Conceseiou 9,3Ic-
Killop, two taoroughbeed Bulls, one tWo ysars
o d and the other one., Apply to SAM CEL SCAR-
LF,yr, Win th!op P. 0 : 750-.
BlaLL FOP, - SERI ICE-. - Robert .McMichael
, will keep for the improvement - of stock
during the present seisms, on Lot 3, Ceecession
3, Hullett, a Thorote haired Durham Bull. Only a
limited number of cows will be taken.' Terms. -
81. payable at the time of service, with Ithe pri-
vilege of returuing if necessary. Roma* Mc-
- 752
aaHOPS TO RENT. -To rent on easy terms, the
' blacksmith aud woodworking shops, and
private residence occupied by Mr. Wm. (a-assie. -
The residence is cot iforta.ble and commodious,
and the shops ere satiated in Market etreet, in
the town of Seaforth They are well located for
businese, and a good,, pushing man can do al rge
trade in them. For faultier particulars :apply to
Wm. N. Watson, Seaforth.
GOOD BULL--Joli Torrance, Lot 6; conces-
sion 13, Hullett will keep for tbe improve-
ment of stock duriest the present ceaspraa young
Thoroughbred DurhanaBull Only a; litnited
number of cows will be served. This bull was
bred by Mr. Appleto Elcoat, of Tudterstnitb,
and has takeo prizes wherever shown. :He is a
first-class animal. Tet ms $2 per cow, vit1i the
privilege of retnrning if necessary. Jona Tort-
RANCE, Proprietor. 750
FARM FOR SALE - -Lot No. 37, Cancea,ion 3,
L R. S., Tneketsmith, County of B uron,
containing 100 acres,65 clear of stumps,la acres of
good bush, 22 fierce seeded i down, and 2 ;acres of
good thriving orchard. bearing. The lariat is well
watered by a never failings well, good log- barn
45x30 ; frame stable 30x30; comfortable house.
It is situated 3 miles from Brucefield ttion, 6
miles from Seaforth, and 6 miles from linton ;
nood gravel roads to each of these plusses; con-
venient to church and schools. Possession will be
given at any time. For further partici:Liars ap-
ply to NOM.% WHITELY, Proprietor, on the premi-
se, or to Brueefield P. O. 1 749
AtlThe piibl
agrinNst-t;iving my
withont iny written or
has left my bed and boa
or provocation, and fro
responsible for any d
1D OATS - The
's-) hand at the Red M
of the celebrated Black
'shut Oats suitable for
large eupply on
come the first served.
wheat suitable for seed
c are hereby cautioned
wife credit in my name,
er and, content, as she
d without any just cause
n thee date I will not be
bts she may c ntract
fay 1 ownship, Anil 11,
indersigned has t ow on
I, Seaforth, a
ustrian and White Mus-
ed. There is not a very
harid, so the first
A' quaotity of spring
will be purchased. Wm.
FAR VI FOR SALE -Lot No. 30, coneees on 17,
To-wnship of Grey containing ]'CO rcres ;
25 cleared. a good frame 'dwelling honse 18_ 28,and
I otorrbigh, with a gopd stone cellar, and Lame
stable. There is sorn valuable timber in the-
bn th. This is the making of a geed fat*, and
will be sold cheap on reaeoneble ttrms. It is
situated one mile hom a school, 6 'mike from
Monckton, and 15 miles from Mitchell. Po- fall
pat ticulars ar ply to C. #A.NIILTON, Blyth Ont.
OFFICE -In* the premises former.
• ly occupied by the &mi. of Coln.
merce, and under the Commercial
Hotel, Main Street.
English and Fornign Exchange
Purchased and Sold.
Purchased at Reasonable Rates.
INOTICY Lent on Collateral Securities
Drafts Issued, payable at par at au
Branches of the Bank of Commerce.
INTEREST Allowed on Deposita
Money to Loan on Mortgagee.
M. P: 171 A_"1- M
_Manager and Proprietor.
ON the 21st day of Febriaary, 1882, we changea
our mode Li manufaetto ing flour at our Tea.
forth Millseto the
Henceforth all caste -rams bnying our family ne
pnetty flour can depend upon getting a first -alma
artiele. It has been
by several cf our tewn ladies and proneuficea
Fanners will like cur exchange work. We
solicit a trial grn rally. 'Wanted, good Tresalwell
or SAITI Chaff Wheat, for which good miees wa
be paid.
743-25 T. O. KEMP, Manager.
IS AGENT for several First -Claim Stock, Pin
and Life Insurance Companies, and is prem..
d to take risks dn the most favorable term.
Also Agent for several of the best Loan So.
Also Agent for the Sale and Pamlico° of Fame
and Village Property.
A Number of First -Class
- improved Farms for Sale.
$50,000 to Loan at Six per eclat
Agent for the sale of Ocean Steamship Tiellatth
OFFICE -"Over M. Morrieon'a Store, Man
Street, Seaforth. 645
THE Mill in the Town of Seaforth knoWn as
-2- the Bed 31111, will be sold cheap and on easy
terses, as the proprietor has got the Manitoba
fever. '3 here is in -connection-with the Mill
tare grain sa rehouse. The mill has recently
been thoroughly overhauled and repaired, Radii
now in first -c ass working order. and capable et
doing a huge and profitable gristing and flouting
business.; - Apply to the proerietor, Wm. SUM"
or to A. STRONG, Seaforth. 744
- I
DR JAAllTS H DUNCAN, Physician, Surgeon,
and Accoucheur. Office, Dr. Campbell's,
Main Street, South, neat -Grand Trunk Ra.ilwar
Station. All calls, night or day promptly attend.
ed to. 724
G. SCOTT, M. D. lit, PlayeichunSurgeonand
• Acconeheur, Seatorth, Ont. Office andeed•
dence south aide of Goderich Street, second dose
east of Presbyterian Church. 846
11L. VERCOE, M. D., C. IL:Phyaician, Stu.
• geon, etc.,Coroner for the County of Huroree
Chloe and Residence, on Jarvis street north,
directly opposite Seaforth Public School,
IL HANOVER, M.D., C. Ma Graduate, of
McGill University, PhysicianeSurgeon and
Accent:then?, Seafortii3Ont. -Office and Reeldensee
North side Goderich Street, first Brick House
east of the Methodiet Church. 4$6
1-1 R. HUTCHINSON, Graduate of McGill
lege, Montreal, Licentiate of the Roya100I•
lege of ,Phypicians, Fdinbnrgh, and late nous.
Surgeon of Craiglotakhatt Hospital, Edinburgh.;
Offiee-Bluevale, Ont. 06-59
M. IBTTGI-C31-I17;
GRADVATE of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeone, Canada. Office in the rooms
lately occupied by II. Derbyshire, Whitney's,
flcIteilkof.i guaranteed. Charges Moderate.
operations carefully performed and Betio -
N. ii. -Tec th extracted vrithournotn
br the not, )t anatmar .
14 DERBYSHIRE, Dentist, luta
L. purchased the business of
11r. McCulloch, and removed to
Switzer's Block, Mitchell, where
he will always be found. Teeth extracted with
the use of celoroform, ether and nitrous oxide
gas. Gold fillings a specialty. Parties from a
distance Will be allowe.1 their train expenses -72
Fatuity Geld Medalist and College
Gold Medalist R. C. D. S.
AV1NG many ,years' experience he is able to
make all operations in Dentistry suitable
and lasting. Preserving teeth a Specialty.
Chloroform, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas given.
ffa'z' Charges Moderate.
Office in Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
WILL be at his office, CADEY'S
'7 BLo K, SEAFORTII, oppo-
site the Commercial Hotel, OIL
of each week. Nitrate Oxide Gas
administered in the extraction of teeth. This gos
has been administered by Dr Cartwright since
1866 with perfect suc -cgs he having been one of
the flrst to introduce it into this province. Pa-
tients }raving teeth extracted may inhale the gas
and have eight or ten teeth extracted in a nrta-
ote or a minute and a half, without disagreeable
effects froin it. Parties desiring new teeth please
call on Wednesdays. Paatieular attention paid
to the regulation of children's teeth. Teeth m-
sserted from one to a full set.
br. King's SpeCif1C.
A large number have already tried it
and in no case has it been known :to
fail. All those afflicted with this dis-
tressing disease would do well to give it
THE BLAKE mILLsi FOR SALE -1.'4 r safe
-3- cbeap, the Blake Griatine- and ouring
The mill coign' s two run of St
good steam power and e arythitig in compl te and
firstaclass running order There is a lar anda
profitaIsle gristing and flouring- t.ade done at this
mill, as it is situated in the centre el one of the
hest and most prospcnous districts in anada
I31 connection with the ill there is about 4n acre
and a half of land. Als a good eatelling- house
ith a large stable and quarter Of an 4cre of
land. The two properti s will be eold together
or separately, and cheap, as the proprietor, wants
to go to- the North-west Apply on the patiniees
or to Blake I'. 0. ADAM Same 449
1- sale Lot 11, conces. ion 8, Tualsersmit a con-
taining 1,00 acres, 90 of 3, 'Nth are cleared. under -
drained, well fenced' an in a good state ofi culti-
vation. There is a hag and comfortable stone
house, first-class barns aid outbuildings, a large
orchard and three neve failing wells. Aso the
north hall of Lot 6, on t 81h concessions con-
taining -50 acres, all WC1,1 ilanbered. The 'above
farms will be sold together or separately. They
are sitnated within live Miles lot Seafotth, On the
Grand Trunk Railway, thid 31 from Kippen, on
fhe Great Western Raillvay. These farms will
be sold on reasonable and easy terms. Apply to
the proprietor on the premises, or- addrees E -
a trIal. For sale by HUGH ROBB*
rnonchtlie P. O. DAVID gOORR, Proprietor. 749 j SEAFORTH.
t ---Th
one 11014
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All were
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carried t
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five WOM
cooking u
Some of t
heads bas
regular ell
A large Ili
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-The: 1
the Stratl
settled in
settlers 0
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Mrs. Kat
some tha
tittle, are
.-! should be
way. u
be held i
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the Sallie
Bary Qf t
raost sui
tion. T
village or
teen fanii
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families .
sage to t
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families '
to go to I
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and hefts
they eros
their -tv.,‘
where so
already s_
for einigr
On Manh
inst. no f. -
come in
six thous
la party ei
Any in n
come ove
troduce .
place of t
lager. T