HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-05-19, Page 5= �� I . - IELW�W* - .- - r- : �-:---- - . . . . � � - . . .. I - � . I_— . I i - - i - - I � � -1 P . - .!- - . . , � - - I ­ � � I � , - � � - - --. � Z � - , � - � . I w I I � -, � . I �, . � � MAY '41 1-g- - ­- .% ,U: -1 ,, � ----­­----�� -.--1- I . , I . �-- . . . - � � � � 1* ftua, the i'adr �� I . at ,4 - 4-1P . I � � I � full wr� - - � , crop. ; Ato I . ; � Mg the winter 44t ot- - has Taaa Z . , I . 31M - . ,t- but th8 chief dar4a - t'V - -- - I Re . . . . . . . . I P thil : " by- Spring fbosts, .which - .- � 4 r of late,, have been v w -. � I . ,eTy t I .1 .. � Light $Oils, and well drall - I � . I presents a finer and moft - . nrance, than on inuck 'y' or , I - Ind. Early -sown grain - - ­ er promise 0171vol � . than that . . 1 - - worms, or insects, h scivrA.., - ave yet - I . r appearance. Perhaw . , - .. 4 * A - I .7 F. of the entire ao ft z Z . - res 9- 1-7 �� , � ..-I hed up, chiefl � %� . ly where I &,U,a - .� . � ... I A =eixtlY dr-Mued, or t1je is'' . . - �� ��� . . t sown too, late. 11 - -- �. . very. - imited area - 'of ryo is ft, . - , ­ ­ , - on dry land . lqkt: wl--, � . . . - X11 - .�- li� coladiti 4 - on of � t4e clover lift . ,.. t:., dedly, bad. Except on hl-, - P lk - I Ian I ds, it has. suffered igh � -- --. . .. I 11 heaving " by sprin exte . 145VVAT-� k . . . . . Ri - �rk, I I Z I q . ­ - ;8.. A larg,,& . . 9 %nd � . . . . . . . i . � , are;% will be ­., � ive stock of � PIG , ;11 ­ � .all kinds . 1% � � � are i,*�, ,�- �,t,,Z, .�,, , - i . ... 5, Condition, b%ViDg stood the - .'171 1 ... m. All classes are, free, fro,ra . . ;, : . I - I � P� b"'El", among whoin. i . 1�1 " has- prevailed to a li]ni. ' . i..,. - � I 11 :: ex, - �- ­ - -� ka hind quarter. EweF. -� ��- � I - inal1v ,prolific. a ..,have I . , � : I ' I � ', ,ere w�aa no I , ,lack o - " . . � P ,nd hay is n � � nter, a f fodder du , * ow gellin niv � l0eftlities for $10 per ton. 9 It. bughing begaa about � , I the lat mt It and seeding about the 15th. r , . - � ress had baeu made vith- both ft I- of the returns. st: I '-ht,',' � . , .rOsta and northerly wind, 1144 - � - - . 1 -ded vegetation. Fruit tt.". 4, � I , - I � I ft 5 little injured, and the ; . - very I 8� for. blossom a are good. pnik . I lere is enough wheat iu. . I -Ulmftl . [8,for home. consumptil - , , i D;1, 1 tut rag . - i'as- Considerable qna�ntitie# � have, been . I of- � pressed and. sb�lpped 5ftd- leserve of oats is ma � y, , oder4,tei , .. Z M8 -'Dy ffEt cattle, arei krl� , � � a remaim 1 left ma * ng are, laostljr� heii ,(,i ��� , I -deliver .1 There is a, fair supply . d � � , ` I � cattle'! , , . i . - meral Remarks: --pr, ' I �Xy ospects 40 ' w "Bees in, gaueral have wia&wnt -- .,y I , -The agricultural . interests 4t - I . t-awnship, (Elm,a). are in &� � condition." "Farnaers - pmqft. . 11.1 . res jmq - - " I � Tric'p-s for everythiog.), StFs..., � - praing their attention ch . i64 t4 - ' , itock.7' c M-MARYLS, GIN THE WHEAT SUPZL-Y.. . is appaxent, by the reportg, rte0q,,g . I � 41 I � I all sectians of the PrGvince" tn-a � 11 'ranaxies of farmers a . - I I .ro .well. .. 11%11 'i . ed of surplus wheat; wh,%t is i4 q I � . - � ... _ , is little more than Sufficient j - �Ik i the aeountrY until the� growmg� , ' I - � - is, ready far the market, I ht,ti I'll, - I � , 18612 a,bla to ascertain with MV.. .. c � �a of accuracy the quantit h T . y MI* - I ' - ,ra, but it cannat be large. 7 T� ; .Uea. m s-tored in Toronto warehouft- - flevators on the Ist of Ka,y, 33111% - , - ala of wheat and 6� IGO barrels of . �V as compared with 23OF ' 841 bn6ek- � ... 7 . ieat and 7,030 barrels of -flour , --- K � onding date, last year. ­ . � � .0 visible supply -of wheat in Oad�,- � , . - � .wad the United States on the 2% - �ril wfts 10,809,461 bushels,. u- . ared with 19.82G,8329 bushels at tha � � r 5poliding, dato 1 s+ . . ,a v year. - - � a receipt& of Hour at Cana,di&U AII& . 11.1 � ate& seaboard port3 of ship - - �a St I - � I - �� to, foreign markets. froM - Augua � � . 1641, to April 22ad, 18&9, *e&- - 14 , ­ 51 barrels of flour and 33,�961M �ls of wheat, as compared ,m.'* �� ' ,956 barrels of flour and 70,27,r I rtshel,3 of wheat for the, cone%. I 0- period of 1980 81. The elo t) _0,, _ 380-1 is accounted for by the "- i �ho U. S. harvest . . , � . for 18.80. VW � I ;� 130,GKOW bushels ia exoew - 4t I � wrvest of 1881. 1. I I I I " years'� Oro the U aited St" - he shortestpot record, per s^ . . i .1 stimates, based- on the trade iw. . �- I . I Show' that the export for * �� I �Year ending June 30th wiLl er, .,he export for the year 18804 by . A 60,00000 bushels. I U Odh*o ; I .,,. the supply of old -wheat in W .4 Btates on the Ist -July of " - ; will be 60�000,000 bushels less t6a, �, Jnly last year. Anotbor iw` . Ita Rt fact is, that the, prospect ht * ,owing crop is, only a slight. iik ment on last year's, with may I ,to ran. The ist of Aprill affi- - i for Ohio, Michigan, Indiana sad �. i,,, make these Sta�tes on exoeo of - . . 000 bushels over � ��but since that date severe iro*-'- - ­ - � I)revailed throughout Ohio, MAA , ate 0)uga haver been swarming ty I- � 7 . 0s, over portions of Illinois. -,. I , wheat crop of British India, bar- I - iin March or April, is expecte&tO - L -n out -put exceedina the crop d - - - I- - -, The recelpts at -Rombay. fw%, , 1' Ist to March 21st were %775i�- i � 618, against 1,70-1,981 bush -010 �� %ropcorresponding period lastyNZ ia edultir. it - �: , Australia is irr, , . 1, in one colony and only fair iu al- � t- , I I - -Gre&t Britain,. France, Rusidst- �.1119rallythroughout Europe, the: � acts ara praim[Ainz, � . � . � I . . - - �- Ma-aitoba Notes. 11 - . , ilam and Wallace Ross will ON: "I'lipe-11 July 3rd, -for the chi*.; - - tip Of t a world.. ' . � he Emerson deputation is said`fA I ibtained a.grant of $30,000'. frow , . - Warnment towards the rebui* - � the bridgp at that place. - ha Goverament has decided, A is Bftood not to dismiss Iffn Ifar- . s. Postmaster of Winnipog. It. - � Pud that it would be a, very uu- - � ;� Ir move iii that city, esp�cisuy ... - � in electio.a pand.ing. I - � 116, bridge& at ,VVinnipeg are noAf - a noir - , ; ered- beyond danger, and Ahsr�l " ' ,�,noftirthorinterruption to nl,"--� . � -. -Railway traffic has been rdl-:-.. - I It' ,lu every. direction. Throng ; is beiag rq9hed on the 94� Pi -All ­ - . �()V` that the blockade, his bsm'. -- - I - a , .at St. Vilacent. Five th0110" " I I � for TV!]'- � frei t cars � delivered . have to ba transferred� - .� - . . special* correapondeat of ths. I, -- now in the Northwest &SWO t1k - -. I eta -re of the Bow River distric& -�- . rt;�. 117th of April he was at ro- 't�-�,.� - � , -1 d, and describes. the ,eather S' -- q ­ ­. Ite aa being derightfal- The 10ilk '�-. is.."I'l- , 8>0W P, -i -v -7 - . .ar distriett he saYff- ­- * fertile, a,adgraiu­ana rooW , t"'gly , .11, �� :th "I "I . ere a hig - � ,h standard of Wk'-, 11 � Jt is estimated that there art -- I -- I I - I the Baw River district lgio ,. � . . I us -- I � � cattle av med. hy rauchm.ft', A! -I.'- �' tring the, comia.g - season tbel* �- I � ' $11­��.� - I AS many MG.re. There Is ­ I � . - � - . Uj­-- I . , , -- Mea of coal in this- distriot tbi � , I . - y is good., and t J i he, scener; M .. - . I ., - 'B. -Iv-, ig, towarda the mountaiul , & d r" �� -- -- its- greatest. present sad prQ4,5--­,. - . . j,�� I- . � �� town. . --� ­ - : ! . - � i I : I ,- I I I � . - I � = . �- . )uy 192 1.882. 1 ! I . � ��­ I ! � , I . I - - - Huron Notes. i -- —one day last week while Dr. Laing, � ,f Mrkton, was iu Usborne attending a . . Patient he was seriously injured. , It Ap�an 39r. Laing was putting the I .( IbIs et on his horse, when the animal 'iDok fright and kicked him twice on the I leg just below the knee, inflicting two � .Wry 'gerioull wounds'. � —one day last week as Mr. P. Scott . ,os assisting at a barn raising on the ­ Urni of Xr. A. McColl, Morris, he Slip. a and fell a distance of I0 or 12 feet, - Ix i his left wrist badly. He I vrwning , . - escaped very fortunately, as he might ka.ve been much more seriously in- jurea. ry Martin, � —,Mr. Hen I who recently I . - removed, from Goderich to Exeter, ro ceived a heavy blow on the bead from a b4)dstead which he was handling. 11 I - The blow happened to fall upon a spot . where a tumor had been out out., and it � * . wits feared that the consequences might -,be -serious- Weare,glad to hear that . -he. is not now much the worse for the I . I . Voident. " ' . _Mr. George Harris, . Sr., a woll- - known farmer in Turfiberry, intende re- ,- dixing, and has purchased a very desir. 9ble property adjacent to the village �6f iffroxeter, consisting of 'ten acres, a fid intends erecting thereon - a brick resi. I 4aence. Ile h-aB already commenced fencing and intends making other pleasing ornamentations and improve- wents. i —About two weeks ago Dr. McDon- � - agb I assisted by Dr.. Taylor, ef God6r. joh, performed Tracheotomy on a lit,fle ihild, of Mrs. Barkwell, of Colborne. w I ,he operation consisted of' inserting a ! I tdbe in, the, windpipe in a case of croup, where the breathing bad become ,Dbsf,ructed. The tube was allowed to -remain in for two weeks, and was i�e - ]ncyed last Monday. The patient .is doing very well. � —On Friday ni&t last week a man entered the barn of Mr. Tbomas Hamil- toll,,uf the township' of Colborne, near ,Carlow, and attempted to carry off some oats. Being aroused by the dog, one of the boys seized a rifle, went.out- . side, and told the man to "speed," which he refused. Levelling bis rifle R7 +e fired, and the man walked off quiot- � ly tow,ard's, the woods. . i —Mr. Alex. McIntosh, a Seaforth -boy, and who has be�n for the past year foreman -of the blacl4smith shop in con. nection with the Peegmillor Chilled FlGw Works, left on Wednesday last for Benton ffarbor, Michigan, whither he goes to take charge of the blacksmith shop in connection with the � Benton Harbor Plow Works, the American t- manufactory of the Sengmiller i Chilled Plow. � . —ADungannou correspondent rays: The Presbyterian Sabbath School was all.on Sab- bathlast, with an attendance of thirty- nine scholars, and a fair number of teachers. It is a pity that the good ,. people at the head of the Presbyteriau I � congregation here can't see to what ex - I tent they are Standing in their own 0 light by not erecting a new church in T this village. - I . —Mr. B. Tompkins, egg buyer for Mr. I)avid Milne, of Ethel, met with rather an unpleasant miSha,p some days ago.- He was opening a gate and to?k I the horse by the bead when it beca e I frightened and ran away, knocking bi down and the two wheels of the vehicle on the one Side passed over him. He i - I -was considerably bru'sed, but !act seri- pusly-injpred, and it is not stated" what' became of"' the hon fruit. —A, few evenings ago while sitting. �n h ng, Mr. W. L. Newton ' of Clinton, was overcome with dizzi- ness, which was quickly tollowed by blood spurting from his mouth. Me4i. w aid was at once called in, when examination indicated that be had �.y � . some means burst a blood vessel in his stomach. The accident, it was at first thought, wonld be quite serious, but we are pleased to learn. that he is now . able to get about the house, and soon ; exp6ets to be out again. ; � —Business promises to be lively at Port Albert during th�e coming summor. Mr. Lee, of Goderich, and others will I -buy bark and wood and- ship it from ,there, and trade in that line will �o doubt be . brisk. - Mr. Mahaffy has his first load of lumber for export laid down on the dock, and expects a vessel for it in a few days. He will no doubt i do a large business in lu�mber this sum- , mer. ! —There is a proposition on foot ir . I Gorrie to purchase one of the scows on -the -mi,ll pond amd by PI&CiD g a Binal � engine in it and making other changei convert it into a pleasure steamer - 'Several have expressed a willingness t( subscribe for stock in the venture. Toi steamers of this kind are not usua,113 very safe. A few years ago a most mel. .Ancholy catastrophe occurred in th( I town of Galt through the upsetting o, -one of these so-called patched up pleaH Ure steamers, and the Thames di8astei of a year ago, in London, should not bf 0 soon forgotten. The Gorrieites ha� I -better be caref al. Steam crafts are no! . safe play things. I I —Mr. James Davidson, one of tho ",* t Bottlers of Howick, followed hii only son, a young man, to the grave oi the 9th inst. It was one of the larges, funeralprocessions that ever went iDt( 'r . the village of Fordwich, numbering 6, teams. 'It was oBtimated that thero were in, the neighborhood 6f 500 peoph present. A very improssive diaeoursi was delivered on the occasion by Rev Xr. Muir, from these words: "For mi to live is Christ, and to die ds gain. . Deceased was a quiet, steady young mai and much respected - by all who linev I . I him. . —Qa.ite a large namber of cattle wai . shipped from Clinton station last weel for the old country market by Messrs Jones., of Logi�u, and McLean, of God erich. The f6l-lowiDg are - the names o -some of the parties from ' .whom thei 'were purchased and the weight of tb�4 . animals : R. Waites, Hallett, tw( steers, 3,310, onocow 1,450; Mr. Scott Rullett, one cow, 1,400; John Brown Hullett,'two, steers, 2,890; Elias Lear Mullett, seven cattle, 10,260; J. Elliott Hallett, two steers, 2,860; W. Ball . HuUett, ton cattle, 13,700; John Go . vier, Hullett, four, cattle, 5,500; 11 Radford., Hallett, five cattle, 6,210 ; J Campbell, Londesboro, one cow, 1,410 ,C. Lovett, Base L�ne, one bull, 1 , 45C John Reynolds. Hallett, two 18teerE I . weight 2 600 - John Sheppard" Goderiel tow � 11 7 I I uship, two steers and one cow 3,740, Sames Petty, Henss,11, one bul 2,320, and two heifers, 2,650. —A Gorrie auctioneer named Fev . vick has hit upon a novel expedien for getting a, crowd to his auction ssle He advertises a sale of horses, cattl( -1 � - . . . I . ­- . . - . . . I ­­ - - T .. - I - -, I &a., to . be held in that ViRage on the I Isocal Notices. ' . 30th inst., and offers the followincr Cl. r FAR=198, ATT,RNT10N I—Amber Sug& premiums to be competed for on the Cane seed at K. MonRlson's Seed Store. !758-2 Same day: Test of speed in horse 1 Boy WANTED.—A smart, inielligeril ring, to vehicle. bar nothing, a magnifi- boy, ,bont 14 years of age, to learn the drug an� cent set of track harness, valued at $40 ; Stationery business at LuMSDrN & WIL86N'S. W best pair matched carriage horses, 010; POTATOES. — The highest mgxkei host single driver, $10; beat Span of - -price �aid for good band picked Rose potatoes L general purpose horses, 88-, best saddle L D.. Ug HenBall. 753 horse, a Mexican Saddle, valued at 88.; IQUEURT, BRAN.—& large quantity of Vresb best groomed horse offered for saJ y . e, $5 . Grounil Bran on hand at $12 per ton. Also a second best, $3 ; beat bee! cow or lage stock of Shorts, Chop, Chicken reed, Oats, , 95; Vest milch cow, $3; best fifty Seed Peas and Corn. At the HF,NsALL WILLS. 730 - '& pound tub of butter, five poun( I caddie - WASHBURN MoEN, Galvanizdd steel Of tea. His ingenuity aud enterprise two barbed fencing wire. Priceredneed. Nowis thetimatobay.1 We have ten tons ordered. deserve success. He is almost equal to Only the Two Barbed kept at LJOHNSON BROS. 752 the great Coolican the Winnipeg BLAcKsmiTEi- Appnr,,NTICE WANTED.— PaPertown anctioneerl, who distributes immediately,& stout boy, who wants to learn champagne, cigars and fruit cake to the the blacksmithing and plow mtsking business. crowds who patronize his sale rooms Apply to MuNrto & HOGAN, Sesforth. 751 L each evening, as bait to tempt t . hem to . Tmg! TEAs—I have receiVed in Stock bite liberally. - .- . since the duty w as taken off, a large choice variety —The residence - of .Mr. Stephen of teas, and would Bay to housekeepers in want of a choice tea, or a low priced one, to call and see Kaing, concession -13, Howick, was oom. my stock. Our prices were low before but I am pletely destroyed by fire one day last now giving better value than ever. D. D. RoSE. week. The family were sea,tbd at din. SEED POTAT6ES.-- White Star,,new, nor when a peculiax noise whs hoard up - Beauty of Hebron, Early Ohio, Snow ,Flake, Bur stairs, and one of the number going to bank 8eedling and Early Rose. The above va. rieties are to be had at the CeE)tral Grocery and ascertain the cause, found the place Seed Store. LAIDLAW & FAIRLr,,Y, Sgafotth. filled with srooke and. fire, which had . ; 751-8 - I already gainea such a headway that it SAM FounD.—Found on the street was impossible to remain in the upper in Egmondville about the last of March, a parcel i rooms. - There being no hope of putting containinj a few yards of satin cloth. . The . out the flames, the family, assisted by owner can have the same on proving property and paying obarges on application to JOH14 MODE- Some of the near, neighbors, who had LAND, Tuckersmith. 76:4-4 � � , hurried to the Beene, quickly removed MILLINERY,AND FANcy GoODS.' — The the furniture and effects from the Misses Ball wish to inform the ladies of Hensall ground floor to a 11 place of safety, and and vicinity that they have opened out a now and then confined their- efforts to preventing full assoi tment of laLest W les in hats and bon - nets, both trimmed and untrimmed. Please call the fire from spreading.. to the barn anci and examine before purchasing elgewhere. R. outbuildings, in which they were sue - �& K. BALL, Hensall. 763 cessful. Therewas an insurance of $400 — - on the buildinj in the Saugeen Mutual . IMPORTANT NOTICES. Of Mount Foiest, which -will nearly -- �� - -- -.-- - - cover the lose. The fire is supposed to BLACK8MlT[1WA.NTED­W,nt,d immediate, have 6iiginated from defective a ly, a good - neral blacksmith. . A suitabl( man will reoe, ,e ve best wages and a :steady job, chimney. About -a year ago this Same Apply to THOMAS HILL, Eg-mondville'. 764 building caught fire while Some of the --- - -. . fainily w6 -re absent in the ,sugar bush, IMPROVE YOUR STOCK.- The undersig-n6 but the fire was discovered in. time to will keep during the present season on Lol be extinguished, before much damage 28, Conomion 3, Bay, a Thoroughbred Berksbin Boar. ,A limited num ber or pigs will be Served was done. � I - Terms* -$L per sow, with the privilege, of re , —Another vioneer has passed the turning ifnecessary. GiLBERTI)IM 7,13) 4 bourne in the� person of Mr. Samuel — L ONDON & LAN(IASHIRE FIRE INSUR Rumball, late of Clinton. Born in the ANCE COMPANY. -I hereby acknowled-( city of Norwich, Norfolk county, Eng- I the prompt settlement by the above company o - land, in 1823, he emigrated to, this iny claim for loss by fire on March 29th. I hav( country ten years later, residing with rp received a check for the full amount from Mr. W N. Watson, Seaforth, the Company's agent. � - his father, who had eome out a year I take pleasure in tendering my thanks, both t( before and had settled -on the Huron I the company* and their local agent. C. CT,AR)i 1 road, on the farm now occupied by Mr.- 8ON* 751-3 IT Thomas Potter, until. 1839. Daring ENDERS WANTED— The undersi-ned wil � the troublouB times of that day he . rec, ive Sealed tenders on beh%lf of th( served for some time as a voliiateer, Schnol Board, up till the 17th of June next, foi fencing in the scljool grounds at Nos 2, 3, 9, l( being Stationed'at Chatham. apd 11 ; a-nd also foe eavetroughilIg Nos. 13, 4,6 he bought of Mr. Wija. Jenkins a lot on -9 and 11. Samplesof trou,,hiug, both in galvan the 16th concession of Goderich town- izedironwid tin, Stating price per foot, to fie ship, which was then a perfect wilder- pany each tender. Yurtber i0orniatilon Wil -eomgiven if required by any of the trusteep- GEO ness, which he cleared and converted SPROAT, Secretary Public school Board. 754-4 into a valuable f arih- an d there resided . until about two years ago, when he ARM FOR SALE. -The subsciiber offers fo: F moved into Cli-nton. to reside. Al- Sale Lot 45, Concession 1, London Road Tucker8mith, within 2.1 mileS of the Town o: though a person, of strong constitution, Clinton, and 3J from Brucefield. This f&ru h-, had been ailina more or less for the contains 100 acres of choice bind. Well watem " past four years, during .. the last three by never failiDg sprinqs. No waste land. Good orchard and outbuildings. Wlil ba sold cithe: months being confined to bed, and suf- with or without the crop. Terms eagy. Fol fering, at times, the most acute pain. 0 fut tber particulars apply to. MRS. ELIZIBETB He had a very large circle of acquaint- GRANT, Clinton P. 0. � 754 I I I ances, as was testitied by his funeral on F ARM FOR SILE. -Forsale, Lot 9- concessioi Saturday. In politics he was a, Re- 18, Hullett, containing 150 acres, about IN 0 I foriner, and in religion a staunch mem- cleared, under -drained, well fenced and in a goo( ber of the Methodist church. He had -- state of cultivation; the balance is well timber ed with first-class hardwood. There is a a large family—seven teen —m ost . 'of ,goo( frame house and good log house ; and two goo( 0 them, however, dying quite young. His wife, six sons and one dau' liter frame barns, one of which has stone stablin� !inderneath, and other good outbuildings,' Therl 9 is a largge orchard of first-class fruit trees and tw( . survive him. . - - I . I never failing- spring wells, also'a creek ranninj 4 � ! through the farm. It is within 712 miles of Sea I forth on the Grand Trunk Rallway, the saru4 Births. distance from Clinton, and is within five unle6 o - JA.CKSON.—In Clinton,ou the 13th intt.,Ithe the village of Londesborough, on the ,Grea Wesitern Railway; it is urithiu a mile of a schoo � ; wife of Mr. John Jackson, of a son - BROWN.—Jn Stkplaton, on the 12th inqt.-, the and post office. POSSOSSion at any time. It i� one of the best farms in . HuDett, andwill be Sol( wife of Mr. ThomaB Brown, of a son. on easy terms. Apply at Timi Exi?osrroz Office i � .. . Seafor(h ; to the proprietor on the preinNes, a i Marriages. to Harlock P. 0. ALEX. WATT, SR. . 754 . -- . --- . WANLESS—MURRAY.—At the residence of the bride's mother, Vy Rev. Thomas G. Thomson, - THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY. on the 10th iwt.-, Mx. Thomas Wauless, of — Exeter, to- Jane. eldest daughter, of the late Robert Murray, of Hay, I - I BROWNLEE'S HOTEL, ALMA. COVE R—PLETOJI.—At Zurioh,on the 15th inst., — I by Rev. H. Dieriamm, Mr. Solomon Cover, of 1M WILL BE ,k FREE DA,NCE k- THFBrownlee's ,Hay,to MissElizaboth Pletch,ofNormanby. Hotel, Alma, on the 24th of May STOTHERS—DAVIDSON.—On the 3rd inst., at Dancing will commenc.-3 at I o'clock. Supper a I 0 the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. R. 8 o'clock P. M. Tickets for supper 50 cents pe W. Leitch, Mr. Stephen Stothers, of Clinton,' wiple. First-class music Nvill be in attendance to Misi Sarah E., second daughtei of Mr. 7S& -i � . Z GEO. BROWNLEE Robert Davidson, of Dungannon. . 1 : HOLLAND — McDONALD. — At the manse, � Brucefteld, on the I at inst., by Rev. Thomas . NOTICE I � G. Thomson, Mr. James Holland, son of Mr. . . � Thomas Holland, to Miss Catherine McDon- . . - ald, twin daughter of the late Sutherland Mc- I I Donald, Ei3q-., Mill Road, Brneefield. - - I � - Deaths. . � . � From this date no goods will bi SMART.—In ABhfield, on the 9th iust., Charles Smart,, aged 72 years. � I . charged, exchanged or let out on appro .M ItCHELL.—In Egmondv!Ue, on May 15t.h, Jas. I � � Mite -hell, aged 40 years. bation. All "counts not paid by �th, ELGIE.—In Tuckersmih, on the 14th inst., Mary : ; Esther, third daughter of Mr. Robert Elgie, first of June next, wilf be put in � othe � aged 18 yeats and 9 months. . . . I CRUICKSHANK—In Cliuton, on the 16th icAt., . Alexander George, son of Mr. 0. Cruickshank, hands for collection, unless otlierwis, . . I aged 18 years, 11 months and 20 days. . I I � " WA LKER.—On the Bayflold Road, Goderich arranged for. , Towniship, on the 12th inst., George A., son of . Mr. Robert Walker, 9 ged 22 years and 6 months. - MOFFATT.—In Tucker6mith, on the Ilth inst., COUNTER M. RN )� . David Moffatt, aged 69 years. . DICKSON.—In MoKill,op, on the 14th inst , John, . . . . Dickson, aged 62 years, father of Mr. Chris. . . SEAFORTH. Dickson, Clint4n. I - � - I THE MARKETS. - . . � � . - . SEAFORTH, May 18, 1882. , . I N. B. -Look otit for adv�drtisemen Fall Wheat per bushel .......... $1 28 to 1 30 1. . . Spri Ekg Wheat per bushel. —i 4. — ,. 1 28 to 1 32 of Auction Sale of Plated Ware, Clocks Oats per bushel ................ 0 41 to 0 48 . Peas per bushel . . ............. 0 70 to 0 75 Barley per bushel ............... 0 o to. 0 80 15 &c., ju future issue. I . - Butter, No. I ' loose ............ 0 to 0 17 . — . Butter, tub.. .. ..: ......... * .... 0 16 to 0 16 Eggs .. .. ...................... . 0 14 to 0 14 3 PLOWS 'a -- PLOWS Flour, per 100 lbs. ............. ,3 00 to 00 I Hay, DOW ....................... 12 00 to 12 00- Hides, per 100 lbs .. ........ * ... � 6 00 to 6 00 . I —AT THE— Sheepskins each ................. 0 75 to 1 50 ' . . Salt (retail) per barrel ............ I 1 00 0 70 H U RO N FoUNDRY Sait (wliol�salb) per b�sxrel ...... . Potatoes, 'per bushel ............ 0 70 io 0 75 � I 1 pe�-bag .................. 75 to I 00 'Clover SEAFORTH. -,Apples, Seed per bushel .......... 4 25 to 4 50 - 1 . Timothy Seed per bnahel ........ 2 00 to 3 50 .- I I . . I bav8 on hand a large assortment o - . � CLINTON, May 18 I88-2. , LPLOWS fitted with hardened ste( - ' I - FaUlVheat per bushel .......... $ 1129 to 1 30 boards, which for quality of steel an . . I Spring Wbent per bushel ........ I 3a to 1 32 � hardness of temper, cannot be surpass ' . Oats, per 1bushel .................. 0 41 to 0 42 ed in Canada. Come and see our Barley per bushel... a ...... * ..... 0 75 to� 0 80 Peas per, bushel ................. 0 70 to -0 76 GkA�MTG� T> -VT- Butter ............. I ........... -T -A0 .... . � .. ........... .... 0 14 to 0 14 Eggs.., - - ., Ray per ton .................... 14 00 to 14 00 . It is a real gem, and for quality an Potatoes, peK buahel ............ 0 65 to- 0 70 price cannot be beat. We give spe0i SheEpskins each ................ o 75 to I 00 Hides,per 100 1b3 .............. 5 00 to 6 00 attention to FLOW POINTS, usin . s . �. Only hard, strong iron, and warran . . 1: AUCTION SA:LE 'OF FURNITURE. . them to wear with any plow poin made. We also make . . . . Mrs. M.'Wnipson, has instrucied Mr, J. P. Brine . . GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTER to sell by Public Auction at ber residence, Goder- ich street, Seaforth, oil Saturday, June 3rd, 1882, . I AND LAND ROLLERS. ' at I o'clock P. AL, the following valutble liou§e- hold effectS, viz.: One rosewood piano, one half Z i .- . .Special attention given to all repai C� dozen hair cloth ebairs, one hair cloth sofa, one ,- I . work. Reapers and MowerS repaire hair cloth, art" chair, half dozen cane seated chairs, one cane seaWd rocking chair, one what- with neatness and despatch, and a not, tWO 101111ges, carpets, mirrors'ar,d croc'kery ; lowest living profits. I have'al86 mad four double bedsteads, two sirgle bedstea4ds, five arrangainelItS with T. D. Sa�vyet & Co waShstands, five ­drei:-Sing tables, one dining room . of Hamilton, to keep 6, full line of r( table, o ne kitchen table, half dozen kitchen chairs, rustic settee, tables, bracket, flower stand, pairs for all machines sold by them. &c.; two stovp-s� and pipes, and a host of other articlesbDo numerous to mer#ion. The whole 'Agent Wante A Goocl Reliable, . will positively be sold writhout reserve. TxRms— ' All sums of SiVand bnder, cash,' over that be THOMAS HENDRY, anjount §ix luonths' credit will given on fur- nisbing approved andorsed notes. J. P. RRI-N,E, . ­ 7 i Seaforth. Auctiont-er. 75N�5 ; . . W', . I � . � Z7 1 . � I I I . . . � . . . . I . � . .1-1. I . -- I . � � I . . I . I I I � -- - # A -7 - . . - - ; ­ ­ I " -- . I - I � I 0 i i i � : I ! ; � T 1 i � - . I M - HURON EXPOSITOR. � , .. 8 M' I T H , � . I I . I . , - I (SUOCESSORS TO SMITH & WEST.) I i I . I . i I ; I : � � I -- � � . . � � . I I - iI � i I � I THE CHEAP ONE PRICEICASH STORE, I., � ] . . c . I �. - . I I � � . . � I � I . I . I � . � I . � � � � � � . � I I � I - I RAVE THT BEST SELECTED AND CHEAPffST STOCK OF � I � � � . ! ( - .1 : 1. I i . DRY GOODSs- READY-MADE -.CLOTHING, HATS AND .�­ . � - . I . I - CAPS EVER OFFERED IN � SEAFORTH. I q � I � : . � - I i , i I I I;: . . � 1 1 . - - I � - :, I k - i . I Reasons Why,We Can Aff6rd to' Sell Cheap. i � I . . � . I . I I We buy our goods for CASH, making in disoounts enough to pay's large � : I � � . I 0 1 share of our running expenses. , ­ - � � I - � '­, . . . r - We sell for CASH ONLY, and are not compel;led to add . an ektra profit to I � : i I . I i balance bad debts. . I � . ! . . I We save the salary of a book-keeper that would be necessary if we did a � . � � I credit business. L � � . i . I --- - ' ' We Save lawyers' fees, livery bills, stationery� and postage, that are required � . . in dunning slow paying customers. I . I I ' . All the advantages we gain by this System ot doing business are offered to I Cash Customers, who are cordially invited to call and inspect goods and prices. � I � -- CAMPBELL & SMITHT Seaforth. '' . � . ------ I - ' .NEW M I LIL I N E RY GOOD'S � ! I � . I - I ­� I � : � ; I i JUST OPENED OUT AT . - . .1. I I . -1 . I S -. i � I 7 I I-1,0:F:FM.&31*-NT T=3-1:R.i0r.r1-1E31:ZS k I I � . I I � � : I - .. SEAFORTH.. I I 1- f", - I \ I � . � --, . . - I . i . : � I AN -Mi S (D TIT-TM.M. srT001K 1W , � i �1- . -, I �-,`, . � , � -- I � - GINCHAMS, MUSLIMS, PARASOLS, CORSETS, HOSE, CLOVES, &C. . � I I i 1, I I I . REMEMBER THE ONLY CHEAP, CASH STORV . . . � r I � . . CARON0118 I BILOCK. I HOFFMAN BROTHERS, Seaforth. � THE OLD AND POPULAR � SHOE STORE, � -, . ' -- Main Street, Sea'forth,, � . I As I am contemplating a change in my business, I have de- �cidedlto REDUCE MY PRESENT EXTENSIVE ST CK are . for CASH only. My NC; and I am prep ' d to offer goods at prices which CAON T FA I L TO PL,E! I . stock consists of a large and varie 880 In nt of Ladies' Button and Balmoral Boots, Button and Tie ShIloe and Slippers, Prunella and rrnnells Foxed Goods. Also in large sizes—Carpet, Leather, and aJ1 kinds of Fancy Slippers, Men's Calf Boots, Balmorals, , Alexis'L Button and Tie Shoes—eewed, pegged and rivetted—in Calf, Buif, Cordonan Cloth Top and Canvas Shoes. Also White Canvas Rubber Soles for LacroEse and Sbingling. Men's Toilet Slippers cheap and handsome. In Childy,en's Boots and Slipperg I have an immense variety, which I am BOUND TO CLEAR OUT - at from TEN CENTS per pair upwards., �� I I . . � . - L I . 11 I � � . � I : - ' NflW IS HIM NCE FOR READ -MONEY CBS OMERS � -.yt ­ � . - � - - I 11 -t�- �, I - � A ai �Z z . ..� � & T ­-­ ��Ll ­� - ,I' I I I I � ­ - 5 " - , 1 , : , - - - - ­ �� , I ­ . I � -V � P -� -i � - Z - .- . 9 . � . , - i ­ mi. . -­ I I L I I . . I - I L INERY. -MILLINERY MILLINERY, I �-­ � ! ­ . I - � . I I i I -1 - . ­ � . I ­ � . . � - . - � I - - ­ ­ ­ ; ­ li -1 I , , - . V , .f � � , . � ;. 0 ­� 4 t- 7 - . . f ­ - ; -� � i .1 — n M-- r V 11 I . IT I . t A , , I I ­ � . ­ � I ! . ' ' ' � � -- i Ile—% - I , � � I DUNCAN & DUNCAN %Q I -1 � � I . I � - ; . � � , -­ . . . t �­ I . 1. � �- L . ­ ­ MllHner5 Department will be found replete in all the Latest and Beat I .� -1 I . ­� � � .- 1� - I � -.: I � . . . 1% Novelties in I -, � � . . � I I . - . I . . . . �- ef­ , . � , I . ; . ­ - i I -.- ! � I I , BONNE S, HATS, FEATHERSy FLOWERS -i ORNAMENTS, RIBBONS � . - I . . I I - I . I I , . I � . AND LACES. - �1 - : � - I - I- - I � ­ I . I I I -i ­ . � . I I . . . . I , ­ ­ 1 1 ­ Sun Hats inL­0 tke flew Shapes, and at - Trices to Suit 'Everybody. -.,_ - � n�r ­- . .1 I . - �w , -- I . -A. - - % I - � I . . I � � � . I " . . I - PARMOLS, PARASOLS. � - ; � . � . � . I i � - � � i . �: Cotto' Parasols firom 3.5c up. . 4 . I � Bro 'an arasols '- m 80c up, . .[To . . Bilk Parasols -from $1.60 up. . I - Black Satin Lace Trimmings from $1.4.5. . . . See our Black Moire Satin Parasols, Silk Lace I - . . I Trimming t Goods West of � . I i � .: Toronto. - . . � . � � I . - i � � I : � . ! PRESS GOODSAND SILKS. .1 ­ � -- I I , I - We Jan s I afely say we. take the lead in this Department, both for Price ana . . . Quality. NUN'S VEILI'L,TGS and BUNTINGS in Black and all the leading I . I shades. Bee our stock of !CASHMERETTS, all colors, the cheapest and -most � I serviceable goods in the tr � ade. I � � - I . � L . _ � � . - . BLACK SILKS, N\ COLORED SIRS IN PLUM, PRUNE, I . I NAVY AND LIGHT SHADES. I � I . Som 3thing very nice in CHE C KED SILKS at 85c— wide widths, beautiful I - I patterns, and very cheap. , . I ; . � I I . . I I i I . I -- . I - I :El-&BIROIIDIEIRIES� . . : � ; � : �. I . . We carry an immense stock of Embroideries, which were imported direct, � i I and,will be found at pric 616 never before offered. Our 40o and 5oc goods are very 1� � . " handsome, and cannot b& bought elsewhere short of 55c and 70c. ..' I : - I . �Sins', 00 White G I . I I - Carpets, - - - , La . I . : � � . - -1 V, - . . I STAPLE DEP ARTMe ENT. - � I I � . I � 4 . I lines in Oxford and Cotton Shirtings, Dqcks, Denims, Ti-okings, Iles - I �tbnades. Grey Pottons at cost. Canadian, English and Americ4u Atons. Don't forget to inspect our stock of . � . . . . I . .1 Ge Curta.i,As, . - - - Curtain Dar"'sksl- . Creton.ne's, I I Pil.10,U) Cato", . I 1 Sh.mtings (Bleach -ed and Unbleached), I �. i Towels and Towelling, i I Table Dalnuoks, . . d .Yapkinq, &c., 1-c-, - � a : I I � : I � I ! � I I ; I I t I t . i . � I ; the manufacturers and marked close. i . . I As our abock-is large, bought direct from . ,� Thi8 Sale is GE SWINE. I Will I do What I say. If I i � I : � . You Don't Believe iti Ju8t'Try Afe. I I ir"You. rE quire Gloves anaHosiery, don't forget to call,as you can find every�- * I , . I . I � . � , : . � , - thing yea want both in price, color and style. Thousands of pairs to choose I � 1! JOHN MJNV�RE, Seadorth. . i i 4: � . � - 1, - f from. i I - : : 1, - i : - — .. I ,iv—z, � 31 0 I%T.— . . y �im i I ! � , , 11 I ; I ! � U�- . 4 ;1 , - I cc . ­-%�-V--. . i W : - - . � %�V .1 . I � � i . � . � i Z I I ­ . I )� .V � I X: I L � I TAILORI,NG AND FURNISHINGS. .. 4 . . a . I I '. . I ,� , i d a . I I . I - I . t ­ � . i )ON ��� . -i -- - - cage i �! ; I � i � . � ! ) -1� - ­ !-- - -- .. - . Z I if y:)u want a NORBY SUIT QF CLOTHES,call and ex- ... � - . � , , 1 < 2rT.-, " " 0- , , � i . : . , I , , , = -7, . , - -- - ...— �­ � I - and English), ��, . . �-. -- .. 0 � i M L --" - -- - ! � . i amine air stock. You pau find everything inVorsteds (French - i I i . - I I - . d ' I I Irish and Scotch Tweed�, Canadian Tweeds, Serges, &e. Oar hands are -worh-- � - - I 1 61 Good Value in Carpets, Laces, V(1%�itrtains, Damasks and ; � . : . ' . g I - - -all House Furnishing Goods � t the 11 Golden Lion." ing night and day, and t ade is booming. Our cutter guarantees a FIT, and ' I . 0 I . �- . . t I i I i i t I I i we guarantee to Ne you BEIrTER GOODS for LESS MONEY � . I I I T, . I �� I � I I ' " .1 I - . I Good Value in- Bhick Silks) Blad� Satins, B14ck- c4s,&- than yo have been payIng- . I I I . 4 - . . . � S1. � I . - . , i . meres, and all Dress MOO als - at the' "Golden ; . . - . i i . I - r Lion." . � t -- i . . I � i ' . i atest Styles in Felt and Straw Hats. A i � L< N I . t . � : . e I Good Value in Prints. Cottonsi' Tickiiigs, Sheehlzgs, . I - 4 . ; y . I . . ) � : . � � I � � � . .', 1 Linens at the "Golden Lion. , � - � I � � . � I I � . I t i Laxge Assortment of Shirts, Scarfs, Braces, Handkerchiefs and Furnishing , : I Good Value in' Tweeds, Worsted �octtings, Ties, Vollims y . Goods of every descripti I on. � � I ! - . I i : '['I &c., at the. 11 Golden Lion." � � - I � I I . � ,; � I * 7 I I . . - I I I . I ! 1 i I I i I I - ; I : I= , S 0 I'T. I M; .A. ]p 0 , al 1-1 , PUNOAN: & DUNOAN, SEAFORTHIC, -1 t, J.ZLM130 . . , Si 1P. I : - - � . - . '. . I I